HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout19-001 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Settlement Agreement with Ferrellgas19-002 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign an Agreement with Honeywell- Building Solutions to Provide Mechanical Maintenance, Software and Hardware Support for the EBI System at the Mountain View Commons19-003 Adopting the City of Port Townsend Strategic Plan 2019-202219-004 Related to Personnel, Adopting Updated Accident Prevention Program19-005 Approving the City's 2019 Stategic Project Workplan19-006 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Local Union No. 589 of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters for General Government Employees Effective January 1, 2019 through December 31, 202119-007 Related to Personnel, Adopting Classification Schedules for Represented & Non-Represented Employees19-008 Amending the City's Stategic Project Workplan with Items from the 2018 Council Inbox19-009 Adopting the City of Port Townsend Share the Space Policy19-010 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute and Submit an Application for the Public Infrastructure Grant Funds for the 7th Street Corridor Construction19-011 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Grant Agreements for Discovery Road Project from Rainier to Sheridan Street and to Sign all Contracts for Planning Permitting and Design19-012 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Release of a Utility Easement in the Vacated 57th Street Between Grant Street and Sheridan Street19-013 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Partial Release of a Utility Easement in Vacated Wilson Street Between Discovery Road and 20th Street19-014 Approving the Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network Agreement and Authorizing the City Manager to Sign the Agreement19-015 Amending Exhibit E to the City Council Rules of Procedure19-016 Tasking the Ad Hoc Committee on Committees with Volunteer Appreciation19-017 Tasking the Arts Commission to Establish Guidlines and Make Recommendations for Funding Public Art Grants and to Educate the Public About the Funding Opportunities19-018 Amending Resolution 08-033 Relating to the Library Advisory Board19-019 Adopting the Government Relationship Contract - New City Manager Expectations19-020 Adopting the Recommendations of the Community Task Force Related to Recruitment of a New City Manager19-021 Adopting an Updated Salary Range for the City Manager Recruitment19-022 Authorizing the City Finance and Administrative Services Director to Sign a Contract with Peckham & McKenny, Inc. to Assit with the City Managers Recruitment Process19-023 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement for Services with the Port Townsend Main Street Program19-024 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement for Services with the Port Townsend Main Street Program19-025 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Vehicle Purchase Agreement with the State Department of Enterprise Services Through its Master Contract Usage Agreement19-026 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement with Terrapin Architecture, P.C. to Provide Project Managerment Assistance to Homeward Bound19-027 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Quit Claim Deed to Release Interest in Jefferson County Parcel Numbers 001034015 and 00103401719-028 Authorizing the Addition of a Full-Time Employee as an Administrative Support Specialist to Parks, Recreation, and Community Services in Anticipation of a Future Budget Amendment19-029 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Submit an Application to the Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) for Aid in Financing the Costs of Public Facilities Consisting of the 7th Street Corridor Construction19-030 Authorizing the City Manager to Bid and Sign all Contracts for Construction of the Complete Streets Projects Within the Aprroved Budget19-031 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Design Contract for Emergency Shoreline Repairs in Various Downtown Locations19-032 Amending the Name of the Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Board and Adding a Liaison to the Parks, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board19-033 Establishing a Parks, Recreation and Tree Advisory Board Liaison to Active Transportation Advisory Board19-034 Fixing the Time for Hearing on a Petition for a Street Vacation19-035 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Vehicle Purchase Agreement with the State Department of Enterprise Services Through its Master Contract Usage Agreement19-036 Amending the 15-year lease with the Port Townsend School District No. 50 for Mountain View and Terminating the Sublease with the Community Arts & Recreation Alliance19-037 Adopting the Port Townsend Public Library Sustainability Report and Implementing Option One to Ensure Financial Sustainability for the next Three to Five Years19-038 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute an Interlocal Agreement with Jefferson County for Prosecution Services19-039 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Murrey's Disposal Company, Inc. (D/B/A DM Disposal) For Solid Waste Services19-040 Declaring a 19.72 Acre Parcel Between Four Corners Road and Anderson Lake Road Surplus and Setting Sale Terms19-041 Authorizing Permitting and Design Contracts for the Sewer Outfall Project Within the Available Budget19-043 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute a Lease with US Bank National Association19-044 Allocating Additional Funding for the Mountain View Project and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Contract Change Orders Within the Approved Budget19-045 Authorizing Interlocal Agreement that Establishes the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization and Authorizes the City's Participation19-046 Authorizing Contract with Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. for a Wastewater Treatment Plant Condition Assessment Study19-047 Declaring the Intent on Formation of Local Improvement District No. 19-01 Improving Thayer Street and Setting a Public Hearing Date to Consider the Formation19-048 Declaring the Intent to Consider Formation of Local Improvement District No. 19-02, for Improving 7th Street and Setting a Public Hearing Date19-049 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Stipend Agreement for the City Manager Transition19-050 Tasking the City Council Transportation Committee19-051 Authorizing and Directing the CityManager to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement with MCS Counciling Group LLC for a Poilice Department Navigator19-052 Authorizing and Directing the City Council Finance and Budget Committee to Recommend Terms for Negotiating a New Collaboration Agreement for Mountain View Commons19-053 Authorizing and Directing the City Council Finance and Budget Committee to Study the Feasibility of a City Operated Golf Course19-054 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Negotiate and Agreement with Berk Consulting, Inc. for a Comprehensive Parks Study and to Draft an Interfund Loan Agreement19-055 Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with the PUD to Finance the Street Lights for Water Street and Jefferson Street Through a 15-Year Loan19-056 Approving the 2020-2025 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program and Authorizing the City Manager to Submit this to the State19-057 Appointing an Interim City Manager, Authorizing a Salary Adjustment, and Waiving the Residency Requirment19-058 Authorizing the City Manager to Award and Sign a Public Works Contract for the 2019 City Wide Striping19-059 Appointing Authorized Signature Authority for PublicDepository and Withdrawal Banking Services for the City of Port Townsend19-060 Establishing the City of Port Townsend Library Internet Policy19-061 Allocting Additional Funding for the Mountain View Project and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Contract Change Orders within the Approved Budget19-062 Authorizing the City Manager to Develop and Administer Internal Procedures Covering the Acceptance of Cedit/Debit Card Payment Solutions Oursuant to RCW 39.58.75019-063 Authorizing Certain Petty Cash Funds Established for Transacting City Business19-064 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Hanson Elcetric Networks for Hosting Telephone Service19-065 Calling for the United States to Negotiate the Worldwide Elimination of all Nuclear Weapons19-066 Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Submit a Petition to the Washington State Conservation Commission Requesting the City of Port Townsend be Included in the Jefferson County Conservation District19-067 Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execute an Employment Agreement with John Mauro to Serve as the City Manager for the City Of PortTownsend19-068 Canceling the Planned Public Hearing for Local Improvement District 19-01 for the Purpose of Improving Thayer Street19-069 Canceling the Planned Public Hearing for Local Improvement District 19-02 for the Purpose of Improving 7th Street19-070 Granting Final Approval to the Plat of Trail Crest, Division 119-071 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Professional Services Agreements with Epic Land Solutions and Itegra Realty Resources to Provide On-Call Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services19-072 Authorizing the City Manager to Award and Sign a Public Works Contract for the 2019 Sewer Maintenance Hole Preplacement Project19-073 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the City on Bike Automatic Counters for SR-20 (Sims Way)19-074 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign Professional Services Agreements with Appraisal Group of the Northwest and Integra Reality Resources to Provide on-Call Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services and Recinding Resolution 19-07119-075 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement and Other Purchase Documents with Robert and Kathleen Francis for the 9.42 Acres of Land Near City Lake19-076 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc. for the Purchase and Maintenance of a Portable Audio/Visual Recording System (Police Body Cameras)19-077 Accepting the Donation from the Estate of Karen Rachel McKee in the Amount of $40,000 for the Library Fund and $3,560 for the Library Collection and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute a Donation Agreement19-078 Supporting the Formation of a Washington State Arts Commission Certified Creative District19-079 Authorizing a Grant of $2,500 to United Good Neighbors to Support Programs for the Poor and Infirm19-080 Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Complete, Execute, and Submit Loan and Grant Applications for Funding the Final Design and Construction of the Sewer Outfall19-081 Tasking the Planning Commission with Reviewing Various Housing-Related Code Amendments19-082 Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execute an Employment Agreement Amendment with John Mauro19-083 Updating and Providing for Pool Fees19-084 Updating and Providing for Development Services Department Land Development Permit, Application and Appeals19-085 Establishing Finance and Budget Policy Guidelines and Repealing Resolution 18-03419-086 Amending the City’s Wastewater Plan by Replacing the Outfall Section of Chapter 7 of the Wastewater Comprehensive Plan and All of Chapter 8 of the Wastewater Facilities Plan with the 2019 Facility Plan Amendment for a New Off-Shore Outfall19-087 Declaring the Intent of the Port Townsend City Council to Adopt Legislation to Authorize a Sales and Use Tax for Affordable and Supportive Housing in Accordance with Substitute House Bill 1406 (Chapter 338, Laws of 2019)19-088 Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute Agreements for Services19-089 Approving 2020 Lodging Tax Expenditures and Authorizing the City Manager Execute Agreements for Services19-090 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with HDL Software LLC for the Purchase of Business & Licensing Software19-091 Amending Sections of the City’s Personnel Policy Manual to Comply with Current Rules, Regulations, and Practices19-092 Related to the 2020 Annual Update to the City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan19-093 Authorizing an Interfund Loan Related to the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan19-094 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the Mountain View Commons Community Recovery Center Partnership Agreement