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('il;SENTT: T
a; ; "a
r'..:1i ''x,0711, t'iiAN'T
JULY 1 5 1970
Y,^ 1;:- C,, 'A • ',jjj
ACT - f1I Z,'a"i
lecti.ng was called to
ord.;,r by acting Clra.irperson .]Frank
'ii.nutes of the May 27, 1970, board !Yweting were read. and approved..
Hazel Lewis, Acting, Librarian., read tyre librar.l- rcnort on curre :tt facts,
proble,ns, and attitudes; temporary reco!rn' en(lat ions <tnd. solutions. Atta,chcd.
is a co,1l,leto re,)ort for .futher inforrnation.
Correspondence was rer',d and a•,iropriateeaction ta:Cen.
Chairperson's report Acting Chairperson l''rF:rn' : <i.lha"i gave a, report on the
advert i.sment for a new l.i.brariarr . There is a. new pro,ccedure for the votiche:rs
they wi.l 1. be :')re1.)a,r(,0 at city hall the board .meml rs sire exi)ccted to voi.ta them
before, they go to the city council for approval..
Old business The personnel pol'i.c.- was, amended and adopted. Al_ont:; with the
Per"sonaod.l. 'ol.icy each e:mploy'cc Should rcc:ie.vc the foll.o*fi -n- infornati.on uc;on
emploi ment. Expl.a:nati.on of a ";.I:<tt is ex ectcd from c:rnp l.oy( +:', c'e scri.'ption of skills
to be.Jearned, and A!ti.cs the: e:t,?:10 00 1,J 1.1 l)e expected to lae:rfor; °t, a 1-:i. st of
services the 1:1bra.ry l:>rovides (to be done by Ita.zol. I:.,ewis ), a brief hir,tory- of
th , l i brar,, (to 1,e done bl, I,lean.or Nelson), and cxt)l.anati.on of how the Iibra.ry
i.s fundod ( to be done by' Teresa Goldsmith),, the relation.shi l� of the ::libraxyr
to city r- ,.ovornmerit and }row it is governed, a statement of library gor.Js ;:rnd
objve iiv s (to be done by Frank i(il.hai'1). T1'Nis infor'!lat-ic-u will- he re.t.dy' by the
n('xt Irmee`.ti.nr .
New business r'r,zaz:i 'Cil- Iaram, acting Chairperson, read Vie statement of ter O.r: )tiion
It wos :roved and seconded that the termination be rati,fied.. It was a,.).larovc °d.
The BoarO ra,t:i.fi.od that the Library wi.l..l. be used for t et;an,v: or►ly duriinF, re,!u.l.Frr
working, fioors until., the neti., librarian is fAred. -
Ti:tc ;roc,�e:dure for handling a.ripl.i..c,',rtts for the.., en,, 1- l.1,ra.r.iaxi ,,ill be that each
boar(I -ttcrabe'r wi.i-1_ re;:.d the app7_ica.nts write thier co ::i:,lcnts then pass it on to
th.e no,,,,A board rne!Owr. .
1,Tcanor Nelson will. take the list of cr i tear . -i,a f'ro;:i each board mcrmN.,r and combine
these ex )cctat:i lns and dovel.op a gu do for i.:ntorv:i.ea,"ing.
Eleanor Nelson reported on the collection and. fount] several areas that our
is very wca.':. or non existing. !1t this point Frartl; '::i ).1ta.m read a - letter
from Dorothy" Do3':1 -e of the State Library, who is wi:l_li..ne; to ,ray us a, visit to
lael_p in weeding the col:lo..ction. The Pri.en,ds of the Library will 1,e ask to help
participate in u.n (�;,.ting the coll.ccti.on.
Open to ��ubl.i.c rneet -bj . Frank aCiltram, Acting
of file board osi.t:i n (sce, attached cony) ti
fol -Towed as the rc.,t of tlac meetin8 would be
+� refer to the tnj)c.
The library Board mecti.ng ."r;r.s dccl ;_�..rcd. cl.osc.d.
Chairperson, rc :.d the statement
ren. otAl__i.ned the proceedure to be
to >e recore.d. For futhor i.nforrn8:tion
at 1.0:30 p.. '1. on Jul,,' 1,1976
AAaoint Secty
Report from Hazel
Chairperson's report
Old business
Board meeting July 1, 1976
Personnel policy
A. distribute
B. arrange to facilitate folder for personnel
New business
Read statement (sequence of events). Ask for motion
to ratify- " 1 move that the foregoing statement be
entered in the record and that it be considered board
ratification of the decisions and the implementation of
decisions related to the matters to which said state-
ment Dertains .'�„
�z � l
,I Purcha�e of type �1 e.
Criteria for qualifications of new librarian
Procedure for handling applicants
Dorothy Doyle
0 ern meeting to u_p blic .
Read statement of board position
Outline procedure
Questions and answers