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8-- 14--75
/R. Leckernby
0 Meeting of Fort 'Townsend Library 1�oard
July 31, 1975
The meeting was calle:.d to order at in the Library meeting room at �r3y p.m.
Present; Mr. Frank Kilham, Chairman
Mrs. Verna hinarsen
Mrs. J Scott
Mrs. Madge Wallin, Library Director
1,1inutes of P e #ious 1'•leeting 77tW
Minutes of th,,.,_
e June 26, 1.975, meeting wexe read and. approved.
1. Mrs. Wallin read tim correspondence and /report of the Washington Library
Association network Impementation Comr- dttee, relating to the Library Directors
. Meeting held in !verett on June 22, 1975.
2. Xrs. dallin read correspondence from the University of lashington Library,
Gifts and :exchanges Librarian, dated July 28, 1975, requesting librara.cs to set aside
and document historical children's literature for t-he University Library's use.
It was suggested the children's catalog; cards be reproduced for this purpose.
3. Mrs. Jdallin reviewed the curre.r.t bid from Timme:.man Co. for library shelving.
Librarian's Ike ort
i °irs. 'Wallin gave her Librarian's report.
Financial Report and AP roval of Lxpenditiares
isExpense vouchers were signed.
Unfinished Business
1. Policy Statement Addition: The proposed. addition to tho:. .Policy Statement
was discussed. After disru ssion, motion was made -.�y Rr. Asiriell that
the the proposed policy statement and gerieral library objectivf >s be
incorporated a.rito Board policy, substituting; the word "continued" for the
word "periodic" in paragraphs A and C. The motion passed unanimously.
2. Discussion of Weeding: There was some discussion of pro's and con's of removing
from the shelves technical books with outdated information.
page 4-H
3. Addendum: The previously approved addendum to Policy Statement,/ it was
re --read to check if there would be a conflict between the practices incorporated
of July 28
and the request /from the Universit,,,r of Waslington Library relating to children's
• literature. ho such conflict was noted.
3. Inventory: Mr;. Walling reported on progress of the inventory.
4. Rare ]Books Room: Means of assessing the value of materials ilow segregated
from general library circul;ition and designated as rare books w -.re di.acussed. It
was suggested .:), first step wo -:ld be a
from the catalog cards.
New Business
7..ir Ling of siic1i materials, to be
1. Mrs. Wallin reported on a aAOO donation from the "Eagles" to be used for
2. It was suggested Mr. Monte NicCoy, from the City Treasurers' office be engaged
to attend a Board meeting and di;.:cuss Budget planning.
Adjournment Fleeting was adjourned at 9.15 p.m.