Juubp 26th, 1975
Present were: Wallin, Kilham, Scott, Nelson, and Ashwell
Minutes of the %rv's vious meeting were read and approved.
Correspondence From Fern Leopold of Skagit Valley college in regard to gift of
surplus books was read.
Mr. Ashwell, newly appointed Board member was greeted and presented copies of
policy statement, By-Laws and a copy of the LIBRARY TRUSTEE.
Mrs. Wallin read letter presented to the City Council in regard to the painting
and placement of signs to the Library.
The statistical report for the preceding month was given as well as the events
report by the librarian.
Mrs. Wallin reported on the meeting held by the Library Council in our meeting room
and asked that Mr. Kilham or Mr. Wallin, both members of the council might report
on the meeting.
• Vouchers were approved and signed.
It was decided that she should attend
Mrs. Waffin read letter re ardin Library Director's meeti. in Everett on July 17th
Mrs. Wa in reported that Re Ci�y Council had designated j000 from Revenue
sharing funds to the library for the purpose of purchasing the library shelving,
and that members of the council and the clerk - treasurer felt that the entire
project could be completed with an additional request from the Council by ordinance.
Under unfinished business, the board again discussed the policy statement and
the changes approved are at,:,ached herewith.
In all fairness to the newly appointed board member it was suggested by Mrs. Scott
that any further decisions to the policy in regard to changes should be left until
such a time as the new member had time to study the issues.
No other business was transacted and the meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 P.M.
Madge T1. Wallin, Librarian