Board Meeting
September 26, 1974
Present: Mr. Frank Kilham, Chairman
Mrs. Verna Einarsen
Mxs. Leila Harms
Mrs. Madge Wallin, Administrator
The regular meeting of the Board of the Port Townsend Public Library was called
to order at 4 o'clock p.m.
Minutes of Previous Meetin
Minutes of the August 29, 1974, meeting were approved as read.
Letter re Resi nation
Mr. Kilham announced. that Mrs. Zelda Scheyer has declined to be renominated to
the Board, and read. a Letter to her, which the Board approved and will
sign individually, thanking her for her services,
Librarian's Report
The Librarian's statistical and financial report for the month of August was
Financial Report and. Approval of Expenditures
Expenditures were approved to be paid from the proper funds.
Correspondence and Communisations
1. Film Outreach Program: Mrs. Wallin read a communication dated
August 21, 1971, from Eastin- Phelan Distributing Corporation, Davenport, Iowa,
authorizing return of films received to date by the Library. She related a
phone call received from the firm's saleslady regarding the same subject. It
was agreed, that the films will be returned to the Company.
Report of Standing Committees
1. Rare Books Room: All of the books to be designated for the Rare Books Room
have now been placed there.
2. Inventory: The Inventory has shown many books to be "missing" from the
Library shelves -- withdrawn from the Library without having been checked ol.1t.
The next step in the Inventory is to contin-io checking cards in the permanent
inventory file against the shelves. It was suggested a request be placed in
the newspaper asking the community's help in securing "missing" books before
removing the cards from the inventory file.
Port Townsend Library Board. Meeting
September 26, 1971
Page Two
0 Unfinished Business
1, Budget: Mr. Kilham read a proposed letter written by him to ;Zayor
Joe Steve justifying our 1975 Budget request. It was approved by the Board.
2. Ramp: Mr. French had recommended an engineer who has completed specifica-
tions and plans for the proposed. ramp. These were eagerly received and will be
submitted. to contractors for bids.
3. Mrs. Wallin read a proposed letter to the City Council "opening the door "
for consideration of the Library's needs in distribution of future Revenue
Sharing Funds. The letter was approved for Mr. Kilham's signature.
4. Flagpole and Directional Signs: These are still awaiting action by the
Street Department.
5. Grounds Maintenanc,:.. Mr. Kilnam will attempt to ;et in touch with the
Park Department regarding their taking over maintenance of the Library grounds.
6. Inventory: The Mainstream Program cut -off date was September 15, but one
person will continue to work under the Library auspices to complete the Inventory.
7. Shelving: Mrs. Wallin will contact Mr. Timmerman regarding some shelving
to be completed to spend funds currently budgeted..
8. Job Description for Librarian and Staff: A separate meeting will be held
at 4 o'clock on October 24 to consider this matter.
9. Goals and Object.sres Statement from the North Olympic Library System was
touched on briefly.
10. Recreation Program: Mrs. Wallin read from a report on the recreation
program which was held at Grant Street School the past summer. It was agreed
the Library should support and cooperate with such a continuing program.
New Business
1. A meeting will be held October 2, of the Washington State Advisory Council
on Libraries, for further area planning on a local level.
2. The Annual Statistical Issue of the Washington State Libraa shows our
Library holds a good comparable position.
3. Th- 1W-5 Program was discussed. This is a program wi;ich provides good
rmisical performers for requesting organizations.
The meeting was adjoi.irned at 5:15.
Mrs. Madge