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Port Townsend Library Board
M June 27, 1974
Aiebting called to order by Chairman Kilham
Those present Members) Scheyer, Finarsen, Yearian, 7..I.br, +,riari v'a,117.n r�.ncJ_ rte ~2be rs of the
Chairman Kilham announced that v.Te would. go through the meeting and have a personnel
meeting aftcncrards . A documentary f ilrn was to be shown on TV on the Port Townsend
hospital and all present wanted to have the opportunity to view it.
Chairman called for the reading of minutes from the Aiarch meeting that }gad not been
read and Hrs. Wallin explained th:=.t she had not ha.d the oprortunity to recap them..
Minutes for the May 30th meeting were read and a, clarification regarding wording was
discussed. Namely, Airs. Scheyer stated in regard to Air. Abraham's sug ;est:i.on regarding
the sale of books, that a list of books to be sold would be provided at the time of
board action by resolutionp this to be prior to any sale of books,
Mrs. Scheyer further asked that the sketch provided b7 father Truitt for planned ramp
should be developed by the bidding contractors together with alternative plans that might
be suggested by bidders.
The minutes were glen approved as ameded.
Chairman Kilham asked for a budget run down at the next meeting, Airs. Wallin stated that
the printout now provided by City Hall in place of the previous balance sheets were on
• hand at each meeting.
Mrs. Scheyer asked about checking old books °vr4i .e proceeding with the inventory. Mrs.
Wallin said that she was having the staff make listings of any book that they mi;ht deem
questionable, such as too old, seldom used or needing repair, and from these lists she
would proceed with the standard practice of evaluating with the newly purcl,sed Fiction
and Standard Library catalogs.
Mrs. Fianapsen questioned why the book couldn't be handled at the time of inventory,
Just pulled from the shelves as they were handled. Mrs. Wallin explained that thAs
would be a. confusing and time consuming method as the only sure way of weeding a collection
was with the use of the catalogs. The work of the librarian, and would present problems
if each book were brought to her attention at the time and pulled off to be handled
again, or piled up in another area of the library. She felt the smoothest way to proceed
would be to complete the inventory, then she would check the lists as a separate operation
An books no longer listed in the catalog could be o 7ered to the resources of PNBC.
She was aware of Miss Lura Currier's concern in seldom react books being lost. Miss Carrier
had stated this enncern in detail at a meeting during WIA convention and again in Tacoma
at Rodeway Inn workshops. This was being brought to light when PNBC requested books
from librori.es listed in the Union catalogs and the answer would come back, "I -ias been
Mrs. Wallin felt that when we were throu§. iTl -th checking the collection Opt we should
consider first the need of our resource areas before considering books for sale for only
with this cooperation with other libraries could we be assured of conti.nuoust service to
the public through interlibrary Loan of the seldom read book.
Airs. Einarsen stated that she had spent considerable tine in the library checking the
books and she felt sure that 25 to 35 percent of the books could be weeded. Airs. Wallin
said that the lists being compiled that she had had tine to random sariple with the new
catalogs, had brought to her attention that many of our old books were still active in
the latest standard catalogs, and what might appc;ar Lo some that a book should be re-
moved was not 02 case with many of our old and seldom read books,
She stated such examples as so= boons had not been reprinted
. in 25 or thirty years but still appeared as standard collections for libraries in the
latesrcat,:aloZ editions. And only in this way could we be certain t zt we were not
violating our public trust.
The librarian Save her statisti.col. report.
Mr. Ywarian asked if we would be needing the addition to the card catalog if tire. would be
removing through the inventory many of the catalog; cards. Mrs. Wallin felt that the
removal of many cards would certainly take place, because the inventory was pointing; up
the fact that many of our books were being lost. Not retorned in circulation, missing
in inventory at the time Miss Rutledge had taken an inventory and other.
However, Firs. Wallin felt that there was need of many more analytical_ cards in the catalog
these were available preprinted from Gaylord and would vastly improve service if they
could be added, so at this time she could not say that there would not be a. need for the
planned addition.
Mrs. Wallin stated that she had received a new form fcomthe Library for The Blind and
asked Mr. Kilham. if In would give one to one of the library patrons that might not be
aware of the change.
Mr. Kilham read the goals statement that had been formulated and asked for approval.
In the discussion, Mrs. Wallin questioned the contractual agreement with the librarian.
And stated that this was not a policy kith other heads of departments such as the park
department. Hr. Kilham said that they were just goals to look at. Mrs. Eianarsen
moved that the sta.temtnt be accepted and it was seconded by Mrs. Scheyar, the motion
Under old business, Mrs. Scheyer stated that she had expected the exact wording Ong
of the addendum apixoved at the last meeting to appear in the minutes. Mrs. Wallin
stated that the addendum had not been restated and she did not have it available for
inclusion in the minutes„
Mr. Kilham stated that he was nutting it off until a later time for discussion and re-
Mrs. Wallin asked about funds 11AA 1QQ1 # #Q alocated to the library through the
Jefferson counter commissioners, and asked if this would alter the non resident fees.
She felt that this mi lobe looked upon as double taxation, Yr. Kilham stated that the
fetes would not be disedinued unless a question were raised. He further stated that the
funding was to avoid the need to raise the fans.
Chairman further stated that the State Auditor gave them the go ahead and that he, Mr.
Kilham felt that we should just let sleeping dogs lie.
The Chairman then asked the board members for approval to again a. sk the County Co.mnis.c:i_oners
to consider funding in the 1975 budget. He read the subject letter to the board.
Pairs. Einarsen stated that if we asked for :i ?000 and stated that we might do away with the
non resident fee we hopefully might receive 0500.
Pars. Wallin reported on a pilot program presented to her by Jenn Bryant, Director of Library
Services, Western Region.
The program would be for a six month period and the library iroul.d be prov :Lded VYith 50
selected 8man films to be used in an outreach prog,rrum. There world be no charge to the
u_, it
A projector wou_I.d necessar.11y be needed and one w',.s ava:i.labl.e Varough the agency.
A ,few new Lamm projectors, norrnal_ly selling for X249.00 were being offered to the
participants of the program for ;'99.00. They were the t;rpe practically- used for
charge out, simple enough for a child to operate and very sturdily constructed. Firs.
Wallin stated the.t she felt this a great op •ortui: ity to start an outreach program perhaps
at the nursing home with the },kelp of the Friends of the Library, and she had wanted to
introduce just such a p.rograzn to t ;n children. She ;: ad selected 25 film for children age
and :'S that would be intF,r. st.:i.rag to shutins and. had felt th.:.t a projector could bn Secured
with no problem vrith the f-i,1m rental budget, osp ec i,ally if z,e v,ere to have thc; use of
free: film. The program would be no obligation to the library and we do some i:iraes need an
projectors and she had told' IIrs . Bryant to ;:-cold a projector.
Yrs. Einarsen questioned if we shouldn't explore the punch se of a new sound $iron for use
for non sound films in pref rence t{) t,-ie $99.0 projector. Ilrj Kilhnm su <j7ested thy. {t
Hrs. Einarsen and Mrs. lZallin jet together on this.
Airs. Zlallin asked if anyone of the Board members ha-d requested revenue s-harinr, funds for
the Library. Mr. Kilham said that he had not. Mrs. Wallin stated her concern from having
read th.:t the funds had all been alloc,•�..ted and that it was too late to acgu:i.re the library
share, for the year 1975.
The meeting was adjourned, thr, publ-ic dismissed 1� IXXXI by Chairman Kilh am and the
Board and Librarian woa,-,ld go into a personnel me °ting.
Respectfully subr fitted,
Madge IATal.lin, Librarian