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Board of Trustees of the Port Townsend Public Library
10 The Board of Trustees of the Port Townsend Public Library met in regular session at 4:00
P.M. May 30th, 1974 in the meeting room of the Library.
Present were Chairman Kilham, Mrs. Scheyer, Mrs. Harmes, Mrs. Minarsen,
Mr. Yearian and Librarian 11allin,
Guest Clerk - Treasurer Monty McCoy and members of the audience.
Agenda was changed to allow for Clerk -- Treasurer Monty McCoy's presentation as invited guest
per previous meeting.
Mr. MCoy discussed in detail use of Funds from Current Expense or the General. Fund. He ex-
plained the mechanics on drawing; on reserve general funds. What budgeting was all about,
and just what program budgeting could do in establishing funds for projected use beyond the
limits of the annual opera.tang budget.
He explained that all monies not spent in a current budget went into a general fund and was no
longer the specific funds of any department.
When questioned by Mrs. Wallin, Librarian regarding the City Clerk's figures on her annual .
report to the State Library, which do reflect a balance on hand belonging to the library,
he stated that there was a real problem between the State Auditor's office and the State
Mrs. Wallin pursued the issue further by presenting past reports showing figures presented
by the Clerk's office contrary to Mr. McCoy's opinion that no record of funds existed.
Mr. Kilham further stated his concern when he brought out the fact that at one time a
$4000.00 emergency ordinance had been passed by the City Council to create a cushion until
taxes came in as the Library (so called ) Reserve had been depleted. the previous year in
balancing the approved library budget.
Considerable discussion followed regarding the library's use of funds fromthe )general fund
at which time Mr. McCoy stated that if the library did have a good track record in that
they had not expended all budgeted funds, fines, non - resident fees and such, and might ex-
pect that if an emergency ordinance were requested the Council might very well. look favor
ably at our present record.
Mr. Kilham stated that the library did have a good track record.
Mr. McCoy mentioned the Federal revenue sharing funds coming in again at the end of the
year and suggested that we might petition the Council for our share.
Mr. McCoy was thanked for his presentation and excused himself for the balance of the
Minutes from the previous meeting were read by the Librarian and approved.
Minutes from a special board meeting of May 9th were presented :end read by Mr. Kilham.
The chairman stated. that he was changing tide agenda and that the librarian's report would
come at the tail -end. of the meeting.
At this time the meeting moved to old business at which time Mrs. Scheyer presented an
addendum to a portion of page 4 of the policy statement regarding the weeding of the
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She stated th;ttt she had called City Attorney Glen Abraham regarding the legality of book
sales and Mr. Abraham told her th,,,.t it was al.1 right to sell.. library books provided that
prior to the sale of said books, the library board received a list of books to go on salve
1&and would approve such a last and .4 resolution to do so.
Mrs. Scheyer further stated thft should donated books come within such a list, they should
.first be offered returned to said donor as a courtesy.
Mrs. Scheyer stated that she felt a survey of the collection every 2 or 3 years would be in
order to determine the need of such disposition. of books.
At this time, Irene Alleger spore from the audience. Her question regarded the first sentence
to remain. Mrs. Cheyer read the following quote from the initial policy statment. Wage 4
Sec. 14. "Materials which are no longer useful_ in the light of stated objectives would be
systematically weeded according to accepted professional practices."
Mrs. Alleger's question was that it was her understanding that this is already being done
and covered in the policy already and this addendum appeared to be a repetition of the
stated practices of the policy.
Mrs. Scheyer stated that it would clarify the Board's position.
1Trs; Wallin stated at this time her concern that this proposed addendum seemed to be a con-
flict between work procedure and policy.
ConsiderF�ble discussion followed in relation to the present Board's desire to a clarification
of interpretation of the policy regarding weeding.
eMrs. Cotton asked from the audience about the legality of the sale of library books,.
Mrs. Scheyer said that City Attorney Abraham had indicated that it was ler;al to do so.
Mr. Wallin asked from the audience why they would want to sell Library books? Was it for the
benefit of collectors?
Mrs. Scheyer said that tris would be debated at the time such a List was presented.
Mr. Kilham stated at this time that they would entertain no more talk from. the audience.
Mrs. Wallin stated her concern regarding the vast difference in the addendum in relation to
the American Library Association. policy standard: x also in local library policy statements
that had all been used as guidelines in drawing up the adopted policy statement, and asked
that the Board to consider tabling the action until Mr. Kilham as WLA trustee Chairman
might have a chance to find out how this relates to policies of other libraries in the state.
Mrs. Wallin stated that she felt this addendum would be hindering the administrative responsibi14
ities of herself and other librarians to follow.
That this would be creating a duplication of work, as the shelf list and accession books are
a record of the library's holdings, withdrawals, etc.
Mrs. Scheyer stated that it need only be a sheet of paper and she referred to the concern of
a former board member in regard to a collection of 1.9th eentury French novels.
t this time Mr. Kilham stated that he felt what the librarian is asking here is before she
discards a book she should check ilith the board before it is done. He further st..ted th.,t
t.hF:y should remove the imnlicati.on that the librarian must check with the Board on what
books she would withdraw.
Mr. Kilham suggested that they table until the mext meeting. More discussion followed.
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. Wallin t`a ed. again that an orientation of the Board would clarify a great deal. in that
explanation of the procedure of the maintennnce of the shelf list catalog could be made.
presentation of a list
Mrs. Harmes asked if this would. be a great deal more work.
Mrs. ?Wallin stated that it is a duplication of effort.
Mrs. 1Tal.lin further stated that the addendum in re7ard to the rerjaoval of rare and old books
to the vault and rare book room was bringing policy into work procedure. She was concerned
as to the need for our policy statement in regards to the.di.spostion of the collection differ-
ing so greatly from other library policy statements.
Mrs. HarTnes iiwned:i.atel.y moved to accept the addendum as ,correctei,I. It was seconded by Mrs.
Scheyer and the motion was passed without rereading the addendum or specific corrections.
Under old business, Mrs. 11allin referred to call for bids for the ramp and strIed that she
discussed the amount required to calll for bids with Attorney Abraham and learned that if the
bid dial not exceed $5000.00 it would not be necessary to advertise for-bids.
She further stated tl,.a.t Mr. Abraham advised that they a. sk for 2 or 3 bids.
She had contacted Boland Construction and Jim Cotton of- Hadlock.
Mrs. Scheyer also mentioned possibility of Stapf Construction.
Mrs. Wallin would fol.loi�r up on these. -
.letter regarding the copy machine aras read and Mrs. Wallin stated that a representative would
Mr. Kil.ham asked Mr. Yearian about painting the flag pole and he said that it would be a. very
difficult prodedure to take it down to paint it.
Mrs. Wallin mentioned that she had a lead on another light .standard that we might be able to
Mrs. Wallin thanked the Board for their support for Open Mouse Author's night during NDAT.
She mentioned that the library was the recipient of a number of books from the authort..
Mrs. Scheyer;noved th :.t we make an annual affair of Author's Open House and give some thought to
entering a name in the Governor's contest for Washington Authors. So ordered.
Mrs. Ilarmes left at this time due' to`la. previougomittment.
Under new business, Mr. Kilham asked that a thank yu letter be written to the Leader for their
support of our Author's openhouse to be signed by the board and-librarian.
Mr. Kilha.m re-rid comments on specific goals for the future.
Mrs. Einarsen presented a paper at the request Ngardi ng a Victorian collection.
Airs. liTal.l.in stated that she had started such a' segregation when she became librarian and be-
Ofame aware of the many valuable and old rare books in the collection.
s. Scheyer moved. that Mrs. Binarsen work togethrr,,with Mrs. !,,Tall.in, on such a. project.
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Under old business, Mrs. Wallin presented 1 r. Tinunerman's breakdown bid for the balance
40 .
of standardized shelving.
Mrs. Wallin stated that she felt the climate was right to ask for the needed shelving aft<�r
hearing from Mr. McCoy.
Under new business.
Mrs. Wallin reported to the Board regarding the two Mainstrc-am positions given to the library.
Namely- Irene All-eger who was present and introduced to the board and Gayle Christiansen,
Together the library would realize 15 hours per clay for a, 6 months period.
"_rs. Wallin stated th t Mrs. Alleger would be contributing artic s to the riper as t' ne
perm -1 teed. �jJ
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Mrs. Scheyer spoke of the archi- tectural. sketch provided by Father Truitt for the proposed
ramp and the discussion fo111,orin.g indicated that the specifications would somewhat be left
to the contractor doing; the work so long as bids did not have to be called for.
Mrs. Wallin reported on gifts of books available from t he U. of try, Gifts and Exchange
Libr,a..rian Betty Shinn had mentioned to her at recent TVLA meeting.
Mrs. Einarsen spoke of her desire to acquire more new books.
Mrs. Wallin stated that she felt this was all the more reason to acquire the new shelving.
It was needed and. would open u.p the crowded areas of t1le; library. She .further stated th ..t
Mr.. Timmerman said he could hold the shelving for a time at the quoted price.
Before the board adjourned to the upstairs to have the li.br-a ian show them the specific areas
to be upgraded with standard shelving, airs. Wallin related tto their, th, -a.t the men's Garden
Club had again helped in weeding the grounds.
The Bills and Pa,-roll. were presented for approval.
The Board and Librarian then went upstairs to look at space for shelving and discuss same
A vote was then taken between the 4 remaining Board members reFa.rdinE; the request to Council
for acquisition of shelving.
Resu4s 2 to 2
Mrs. E narsen, 14,r. Kilham in favor
Mrs. Scheyer, Mr. Yearian opposed.
The meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Madge M-01r1allin, Librarian