HomeMy WebLinkAbout032874Library Board of the Port Townsend Library ' March 2$, 1974 Meeting called to order by Chairman K11ham. Present, I- Iarmes, Bcheyera Ei.r�a.r. >en, Yearia.r�. and Librarian Wallin. And members of the public. of previous meeting roved. Minutes were read by Secretary Harmes and app Mr. Kilham read a letter to the county Commissioners asking them to deposit t11e City Treasrer and thanking them for the funds given. A letter was read from Mrs. 1911. 11. Lawn, Director of the Chim_icum school board stating her satisfaction jtirith the l ibra.ry collection. Mr. Kilham reported on scheduled vaorkshops and wou ld instruct mozurditainslin to at end. lie was also panning to attend the meetings on ti.is side of providing input from the but that it would be a tj;�o day workshop for the purpose of p . - g p library community for the considex�.tion of le�,:i:ala.ti.on. Chains; an Kilh,m also mentioned forthcoming WLA conference a.nd tru stee,$ a.rid friends Workshops sbheduled for a Saturday in Tit. Vernon also for the needed input. Mrs. Wallin reported on Lrigineer Roger French's cor.,r:�crAts regarding t specply tte ns for the planned ramp. She stated th.:�.t Councilman Cam-field rn had theksr)ec1srrlhad been nrov-id.ed,ded specs. She had not attended next Council meeting to lea Kilhmm asked her to check. -i.t out. e. Mrs. Wallin stated her concern about the light standard Mr. Ki.lham asked about f1. a,g pol t p.rk.ing space. She informed the board of the history of the taking up the much needed '- flag pole and the area, of concrete that had been cnnst�actedr a lve years ith any cc]ritrovergyte same. firs. Scllc'Yer stated that she did not vrant to be oome .:.;vo ved y tir:i.th the Uptoirn club, owners of the; pole. Pars. Wall-in felt that it served no purpose, it wa.s no l.onger used as a, light standard. Mr. Ki7.ham asked Per. Yeari.an to look into the matter. of The question of the extension of library hours as breurecent survv �r �nd�theeptablicsiscussic of the matte, r. The question had b posed desires should be cons i,der� - -�d. Mrs. Wallin stated that s1he would certa.-l.nly want jj'Zatever hours v;ere decided upon to be standardized, as people do riot seer, to remember a vz-xiety of opern..ng t:i.Taes. It was discus,3ed th,;,,t this should be done on a trial_ basis. Krs. Eire rsen also agreed on a standardizati �.,n of hours. Many people had expressed a desire to see the library opened at 1:00 P.M. Also some had expressed an early morning oper,�.r,t; at least once a. week. It was agreed to an extension of 8 hours. 0 -cning at 1:00 P.1".. instead of 2:00 and Wednesday mornings at 10:00 until 12:00. We alre dy conduc ted story hour at this ti.r,e and this would not 10 require more staff time. A discussion of the purchase of a cony macY:.ine ensued. An offer had been made by Xerox to supply a machine on a trial_ basis. Mr. Garred spoke from;, the audience regardinC, the Leader machine and spoke of the many ' - page ..?_ times they had had inquir_i.es regarding; reproducing book pages, and. their machine would not do this. He further explained the service charge; on the Leader machine. It was a lease basis based on volume. Mrs. Wallin had been called on by the salesman presenting the Xerox equipment and she ex-- pla.ined the program. The type of mach o of fered was a f_l.rst generation floor r_iodel that would regiz'.re considerable spa..ce, cAra wiring to accomodate and a fan would be running cooling. the equipment all. the time. We would be required to push the use of the machine just in order to keep the contract. This would take much sta:rf time, a,nd she felt that we were book oriented, not machine oriented, and although she would be ver -, much in favor of a type of machine th; -_t we had previously- had, she di_d not reccomend the use o:f the Xerox. Mrs. Wallin e)mlained the offer xn.ade b7,7 the 314 represente.t:ivel. Mr. Kilham instructed Mrs. Wallin to find. out more about the Apeco. He asked. Mr. Yearian to explore another suggested machine, and Pars. Scheyer suggested that we explore the possibi,.lity of a.ccyuir°i.ng a later model. Xerox.. Mrs. Scheyer reported on meet:i_ngs that she and 1'•:irs. rinarson and Krs. W° Illin had had, for the purpose of �,iorking out any differences and that she and lirs. Einarsen would again meet with Mrs. Wallin. Mrs. Wallin gave the librarian's report. Mrs. 7V!,-,,llin reported on a bill from the leader for ;;65.00 for survey sheets. Mir. Kilham said that he had ordered. them.. Mrs. Wallin asked what fund they could be paid f rom Her office supply fund had been used heavily in the purchase of needed book jackets, catalog 07rds and many other supplies and she felt that she mi,;ht be running short before the end of the year. She said tY? ;:,t she mi r-ht ? a.vcs to transfer funds. Mr. Kilham asked if there S..a was a miscellaneous ftird. Not having such, it was a.grred thr,.t Vie bill would be paid from tl,,e Office supply fund. A discussion followed regarding the recent library survey sheets. Mrs. Cotton asked from the audience if the surveys would be available to the public, or if the results would be made public. Mrs. Wallin stated that she was gratified to know after perusing the returned surveys that most appeared very favorable to the library. Mr. Kilham said that the board had made a joint decision to not release material from the survey's. The time when this decision wa.s made was not stated. Mrs. Scheyer said that a committee had been formed to study then:, and that at this time we would. wait until the study was completed. �Trs. Wallin said that in all fairness to her she felt the results should be released and the facts revealed that the majority of persons felt that the library w-:,s satisfactory. She quoted a 107"Pr that had been comments written on one survey sheet that was very damaging. That it had been stated when the present libraian's tenure wr.,s up she should be replaced. She further stated th:..t a librar:i_an does not have tenure per se. And further that she titiroul.d not take stock in this tyre of remark anymore th,, .n she would in the ones that might have a derogatory statement about a board member either. 0 Mr. Yearian responded th;_t the survey should. be analysed and this woi,z.ld take time. Under new business copies of goals statements vrero provided. Kr. Kilham stated that if there was a. void in library service the vacuum would be. filled a.nc t' r; t we should assess ourselves to the problems if they existed. He read questions from a planning s,zrvey whicl'i would help to eva,.lu.a.te our library as of 4 , page -3- today. 40 Such questions were asked , "How do you cooperate with other libraries ?" Mrs. liallin explained the immediacies of coperation with other libraries. Much discussion followed re,=ard-i.ne, the questionaire. Mrs. !,.'allin talked about capt:ial outlay for accomplishing future F aa.ls, such as acquiring the property next door for future library exnansion. Other items, the acquis.iton ofthe needed libr�.a.ry shelving was brought up by the Librarian, also the availability of a scan line to expedite borrowing services. Mrs. Wallin reported on the the Resource Directory as a means of better cooperation with other libraries and, explained the present method of go:i.ng t} rough the State Librr_.ry vritki requests for ILL and then through PNBC. Mr. Kilhain asked about the heat in the downstairs meeting room arid. Airs. ,rallin said she would again contact Air. Kleman to check it out. Mr. Ki.lham was concerned, -in the event that the room be used for a children's library with roll- a-way shelves, and if it vrere used for th1 s, it worald be necessary to have con - tolled heat. This being the first time the ,librarian had heard of such a-n, some discussion followed. Mrs. Wallin said that she would hate to see the children segregated into the downstairs area. That this type of use would tned to fragment the purpose for which the room was designed and was now being; used, that of a multi - purpose room for all seL,pents of the community. the Mr. Yearian said thr:t he felt the room could. b > 1.;, c for such a children's area as tare school area in the rec center. Mrs. Scheyer felt in his way we could get more use out of the room. Mrs Wallin felt that the present plan of having children mixed vi.th the adult coraununity was a good plan, and 11r. Kilham agreed. Mrs. Wallin further stated the.t if the childrents books were to be placed in another area it would necessitate having a completely separate circulation desk and more staffing., and at the same tune we would lose something that the entire cor ;;munity has { aired. She said that marry organizations now use the room regularly and the room was tl:ie means of getting people into the libra= tr :, t heretofore had not been using the facl.li.ty. In this way the libr�::a.ry vrould benefit greatly in support from many di..ffering i.s,_ects of the coTI,,'aznity. No action vas taken. Mr. Kilham said that the Friends of the Library should be cant, :.tcted through tho Chairman Air. Craton and perhaps a member of the friends could be designated to be a representat :i.ve to the board meet :i_iigs. It was moved by P rs. Scheyer arid seconded by Mrs. E:i_r ;arsen th<:.,t Airs. I•JTal..lin contact; !ir. Craton. So ordered. Mr. Ki.lh,,m asked Mrs. ilarVes, Secretary of the Board to write sevoral letters. i'rs, i-larmes said that she had resigned as of the last meeting as secretary. Mr. Kilham was to have su plied a. 1 &st of those participants volunteeririg with the recent survey and he wished to leave them thanked, It ,,ioul.d be taken c�are of whin 't-he list was supplied. Mrs. Wallin reported on the donation of :many ,rears app. 50 years of single copies of National Geogrpahics being given to the Port Townsend School district. She also discussed a number- of condensed readers digest books she would like to donate L.] them to some agency or group. Mrs. Wallin stated thit I r. Charles Symons, State informational officer had c�-�.11.ed and inquired about the author night that he had heard we were plan;;it:g. He had i.nfoniied her t`T t there were 4 Wi.:: iin, i;on aut ior's livinFr. i.n the Port Townsend area,. Iqrs. 4,ra1.1in explained the definition of a ti^ :.s; i i ngtc:.i Aa.zthor, a >erson h, .v.i.ng lived in the State for some tir:_e, but she explained t'h�:,t our guest list was being fors ied from all those persons living in our area havi.nu had publi..sried. works and the list far exceeded 4. No one seemed to know where the info.rnn: -.tion to 1,11r. Sz; -coons hed corie unless it had been read in the Leader article regarding our planned openslouse. Tirs. U :1..lin was concerned that there be no info- mna.tion that would create a. misunderstanding of what our plans were. She had already received confirmation from 11 persons who would be attend-i.rig and she wFJ ,,s sure thhere were many more in t.',-.e area. to contact. At this time 11r. Garred .spoke from the audience th -�t there was a rfiriter�s club I-r. the area that could be contacted. lice said as someone who been involved with the wr-i.ti.n; world for many -ears, and his paper at the present time was prel,ari.ng an edition of such he would like to be able to help the li:'brarian, tho board a.nd the library in a fianc:i.al way with their plans for the Openliouse honor:i -ng t'ae wirter's of the area. It was agreed th- ,,.t t ii_s would be of help and appreciated and Iir. Garred would work i i.th the Librarian on the publicity for the event. Mr. Kilham stated that the general category in the ggenda would presrrit an op..,ortunity for audience participation later in the meeting. Mr. Kil_ham //X // asked if' the board and li.brc-rian i,.oul -d accept an invitation to meet with the Port Angeles librarian and board to discuss areas of mutual concern. It was agreed that we- would when a meet:i.ng date could be arranged. At this ti,,e iir. Kil.ham asked for any comi-aents from the audience. Rigs. Cotton spoke from the audience about an item in the paper concerning trespass, She stated that a few persons had contacted her and t:a.s�t they were under the irrr;ressi.on from the item that Mr. Wallin had taken the tape recorder. Mrs. Cotton felt that this should be clarified to the media. th �.t the v,,ord trespass should not be construed to give the impression that Mr. 'Wallin had anything to do with the taking of the tape recorder. At which point Mrs. Scheyr asked, "Does anyone know where . -1.t i..s ?" Mrs. Cotton again stated th - -,t this is what she was concerned about. Mr. Yearia.n asked if the tapes were missing. Mrs. Wallin s� ?,A.d that they were not. Mr. ,- 4al.lin stated that he `lad asked that the minutes of the previous meeting indicate th �,t he asked the Boo.rd for a letter of retraction regarding a letter he }dad received from Bo ,.rd Cha.-i imian Kilhem regard' Yig trespass, a carbon copy of w1-iich went to the City Attorney. He further stated that as long as his name was being ment..oned `,ere he would like to talk a little further. Ile said th .t he was glad th,:a.t tl -,e local, paper was repress nted today, th ..t it had. been ment -i,. ned here today that t1hey read arti.clos :in Olympia. from. our local paper. "It was brought up about this closed mecting you members had with YYY 101/1111 Madge, "he further stated. 14uch discussion followed 7e`a..rd:i_:i- aspects of Vie open mee;t_' :t law. 0 _4 ' 150 The chairman called for adjournment. Airs. Wallin stated that although we had discussed extension of the library hours it had not been decided when it would take �.f`fect. At wheich point it was agreed as soon as it could be pu.b:lishod in the paper On hours would be extended. The meeting then adjourned. r- I L Respectfully submitted, MadCe K. Wallin, Librarian