HomeMy WebLinkAbout032680.r Library liurard Muetint , [Ukrrcl, _'t), 1Jr,o alt board m(ermhcrs I i.t)rariart Bev I'aurl) ..arid .I ibrur.y udirPini.�Ar'ative as;s.istant Iluzel E �,,,•.��,. GETA eurployees tacorf,iit lti.chard r.(ric.l Crar•ui I.eand Mcetinc was c:ai led to order <aL 7:40 by Chairman Je4; se Farms Minutes of the February 27 m(:etinl; were read and appruved The librarian l.,ave hey, report (attached) Vouchtr•s were signed There were no cummunications Under old Business 1. CJbrarian Bev lamb rcporLed on the Trustee Workshop (booklet attached) 2. Ceti crppl.oyees gave their repurts a. CeorLja Richard's (attached) . GeorL;i j. also included a copy of the arts commission goals (attached) and reporLed that the arts; c:ornrn.issiun would like to Open cumrnunicationr.s with the library board for possible mutual concer-ns and effort:,; b. Carol. I.,e:and circulated a Word of Alouth article which out,l.ined the prof,'r•ess of Lhe Ski lls, Bank project and circulated Lhe f.i.rsL laid -out pales of ',ire; ❑Pagaz:Lne projecL • c. Bcuv I'amh reported or Davidja'`; "Appropriate Tcchrnolufly" cataloging, pr()Je(:t.. r (A-a `lJ. - n:sh i p of' the CLTA c:r.;p] uyr.e; ; to the 1. i.brar,y Wits again d L SQuSSed : J reported that CGUI emplyues' use of ~pave and telephone ca.l1..:, butt) i,rjcominl, and uutf.;uinl.', were an interruption to re:lular c:mpluycc L+.me :and that th(:ix ' in Lim- morn:inf,s was causin €; ,t corq�.C� ;`..iern 1) rob l..em. ice. I). boa t'P„ '}( ^r:; r?('rs r( „_...w'd CUrIUCr'rl �) (:1!:T,'1 Cnil))OVeCS' uSe of Space, +_1Pt ".1T UrU le. l: t.:rl. UII �.I. l )rrlr'V blldf.,l,: t,, and the relevance (if' L ':!::A :: vrc,rk t.c .1,< ('uric:ti(r I'A' !.,he 1 i.hr'ary Q. 1t was at.,', . ed. L' ...'_. 110 more ; ': 1 cr;.l'oyrses would be added to the c:urrunl_ nurnbCt d. ft was moved, seconded, anal carried that Lhe CL:TA positions be continued For the next two morjths, aft<,r, wiJej'P time their r'-luvanc<) to l.ibrax:y functi.ur, be rev.icwed, and that awing this time L sc, expe ;nditures of library funds and use of :;grace Cur the projects be severely restricted. e. Bev lamb pointed out that since the funds for advert!si-nt, which site had plann(: °d to alloc;.at.c to the magazine project had now bevo frozen she would lAke the board to propose al.tcrnative adverti.s.in €, pro,jcets for the allocated funds 4. further review of policy statements was postponed unt t the April mee ?t ry 1. The board members agreed to meet, a.., noon, building blur:c;ay, Ma ^'c: .. 31, ::o Luur' 'the r" Libr'ar'y 13OlWi MccLi.rT, Alar'ch 2b, C.t,,nt i ;ucrcl • �'. rt was se.il l;eyLed that, t..lie L: i ty Cui.in i 1. be Consulted about possible; procedures to tic: Lakon i.n r c:.i un: c to tl;