Members Present: Cheryl Van Dyke, Vicki Lea - Shelton, Sue Sidle,
John Marchworth, Laurie Stewart
Librarian present: Bev Lamb
Guest: Carol Baird
Meeting called to order at 7:45pm.
Vouchers signed.
Librarian's report:
Washington Library Network Bev attended a meeting of library
directors on September 28 regarding small library accessibility to the
WLN if bill is authorized in legislature. There was an endorsement
from the large libraries that they would support an LSCA grant that
would enable small libraries to be online the WLN.
Authors & Publishers Tea The Friends of the Library sponsored
event was highly successful and it is hoped that it will be repeated
annually. It was noted that the time requirements on both Bev and
Sue were more excessive than expected.
Accessibility to handicapped The City has received announcement
that any department receiving Federal Revenue Sharing funds must comply
with the Federal regulations on handicapped accessibility. Library
Board meetings will be held upstairs to help comply. Cheryl & Bev will
represent the library on a city committee that will study building
compliance within the city offices and departments.
Computer Use has increased significantly in the last month.
A class for interested folks on data base management will be given
in November. The Comupter Committee is tentatively scheduled to meet
on Wednesday, November 7, 8am.
Building Committee Report:
The back lower door has been observed to be a potential hazzard
when the wind blows excessively. John Marchworth will look into
possibly remedies and report back. or fix it.
Shelving The Board authorized Laurie Stewart to review Pete
Raab's proposal with him and to spend up to $900 to rebuild periodical
shelving as Raab's bid proposed plus additional reinforcement.
Back Entry Plank Rob Marean replaced the rotted board .
Cornice Is to be painted and repaired by Tom Plut by end of
year to qualify for 1984 building maintenance & repair funds.
Ramp Painting It was determined that this project could wait
It until 1985 , and might be a potential project for the Friends of
the Library.
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• Flagpole Puget Power was unable to commit funds to such a
project at this time. John and Laurie were to determine safety of
the leaning flagpole after the meeting.
Book Sale Books:
Laurie Stewart agreed to oversee the task of removing the donated
books from the library and transporting them to the fairgrounds, monthly
or as needed, to prevent excessive storage problems at the library.
Carol Baird proposed a cooperative project be studied further and
pursued by the Port Townsend Library. The project would be a formal
contract with the Jefferson General Hospital for library service.
Such contract and service would benefit both institutions. All service and
costs to be assumed by the hospital.
Policies Revision:
Materials Selection Policies were distributed to board members
for them to study prior to the regular November board meeting.
Bev stated that staffing limitations had been at a critical state
recently. She felt that another similar series of events would precede
a reduction of hours open.
Cheryl reported that the Finance Committee had not released their
recommendations for the 1985 budget. It should be available by mid -
The Library Board will meet November 15 (Thursday) at 7:30pm to
review the budget.
Grants Workshop:
Bev and Sue will attend the LSCA grants workshop on November 9.
Meeting adjourned at 9:01pm.
The "Flagpole Committee" later reported that the existing flagpole
is usable, that the base for it need improving. It will be replaced
after Robert Jackson has painted it.
Vicki Lea - Shelton, Secretary
November Board Meeting: November 27, 7:30pm.