January 31, 1984
Present: Konrad Schwenke , John Marckwor th , Laurie Stewart, Cheryl Van
Dyke, Vicki Lea- Shelton, Beverly Lamb. Plus following visitors: Glenn
Ison, Verne Janes, Janis Hunt, Sue Sidle, Jean Camfield.
The meeting was called to order at 7.33 and the minutes were read and
approved. µ
Librarian`. Report -- attached
Vicki and Laurie will meet with Bev to work on a. LSC-A grant
Budget Committee:
Janis Hunt described the por -posed schedule to prepare for a
city--wide 5 year plan. A work: sheet is to be submitted by each
department by April 15. Qern Jones will meet with Board members to
discuss the guidelines.
Vouchers were signed.
Building committee:
The canopy is completed thanks to Johnson & Little for their goad
work and generous contribution.
A general cleaning and painting workshop is scheduled for March
16 through the l 9th .
New Business:
Cheryl VanDyke is new Board Chairman.
Vicki Lea-Shelton is interim Secretary.
The board adjourned into executive session'.