MAY 27, 1986
Present: Bev Lamb, Ila Mikkelsen, Cheryl, Van Dyke, Sue Sidle,
Pete Kaiser
Librarian's Report:
Carol 6 Bev will be attending Techno -Fair in Olympia
.tune 5 6 6.
The new telephone system has been installed.
Old Business:
The Librry Imporvement Committee is screening the
28 architectural proposals submitted. We are hoping to narrow
the field down to 3 -5 firms for interviews.
Bev is working on the building program.
It was moved and passed that the board send a ltter
of appreciation to Mrs. Zaccardo. Cheryl will write the letter.
New Business:
Dennis Sullivan is resigning from the Board as of June 1.
There was a discussion concerning qualifications for
board members 6 of the need to keep board, staff, and volunteer
roles separate. It was proposed that the bylaws be amended
to include member qualifications and a statement dealing with
staff and volunteer eligibility for the board. Bev and Sue will
work out the statements and they will be sent out before the
next meeting.
Cheryl will talk to Brent about running an ad and
other publicity for the board vacancy.