Fort Warden January 20, 1 ?86
Staff --Bev Lamb, Beth DeJar•ne t to , Eleanor Johnson, Carol Baird, Mar-n i e
Board - -- Cheryl Van Dyke, fete Kaiser, Laurie Stewart, Denny Sullivan,
Sue Sidle
Council Rep -- -I 1 a Mi kkel sen
Gall to order 10.00
Action items designated with #.
Budget summaries and background information on library personnel and
operations were reviewed. The request for a new staff position was
discussed along with budget revisions necessary to add this position
in 1986. Beth addressed the reasons for the need:
Children's circulation i s growing, an increasingly l arger
percentage of overall circulation yet no one staffs chidr•en's dept.
when Beth not there.
The page position has always been based in children's dept.
but since this position pays minimum wage, people get trained
downstairs and then move on to better paying positions upstairs or
There is a need for someone to help Beth with programs and to
relieve her of desk duties so she can per -form tasks in her job
* *Cheryl appointed a personnel subcommittee to meet and discuss -
several issues including salaries, raises, possible step raises,
evaluations, etc.
Committee members. Cheryl and Sue from Board/Carol and Beth from staff
* *Bev and Denny will develop a yearly calendar for board business.
Carol Baird reported on Inter - -library loans:
Use of the ILL system has decreased partly because we have had
better book budgets, partly because we are searching `7effco's
collection on a regular basis.
Discussion concerning ILL charges. Some systems charge us we
try to not go to them until absolutely necessary. Average charge is
$4.00 for those systems that do charge. We have budgetd $1000.00 in
this year's budget to cover costs of ILL & Dialog services.
*Denny Sullivan and Laurie Stewart were appointed as an ad hoc ILL
committee to review process & fees.
There will be a program in Olympia June b and 6 concerning technology
for small libraries. We will be allowed to send 2 representatives.
40 Bev reported on maintenance and cleaning:
There will be a list of daily, weekly, and quarterly chores
which are included under regular contract as well as a list of annual
jobs which are extra.
This year we will need to clean carpets and replace all
fluorescent tubes.
The need for a slab for the dumpster was discussed.
* *Laurie and Beth will see to padlocking it immediately.
The problems of working on 2 floors in 3 work rooms was discussed as
was the lack of private work space and designated work areas for staff
Beth reported on Children's Services:
Much of the year's activities was covered in handout in board
She discussed the need for someone to catalog and process new
books in a timely manner.
Carol discussed the Consumer Health Information Center:
The new shelves have been ordered and we have joined a medical
library periodical cooperative which means our periodical holdings
will be inluded in the microfiche.
We will performe Medline searches & coordinate research
efforts with the hospital library.
There was a general discussion of over-dues:
This is a costly program to run & there should be ways to
publicize costs of overdues to library.
Board should consider asking for a city ordinance against od's
in order to go after long term offenders.
Marnie indicated she had sent out about 60 od notices per week
or about 3,000 per year.
Adjourned for lunch.
1. Chairman- -- change to Chairperson
. Election -- Cheryl re- elected chairperson/secretary will be a
floating position /Sue will be Friends liaison/Cheryl will be council
3. Subcommittees--
Building--Laurie and pe to
Budget - -Sue and Denny
Personnel -- Cheryl and Sue
AdHoc poractices and procedures--- t)enny
Ad Hoc ILL -- Laurie and Denny
The board met in regular session & disussed the attached budget
revisions & new clerk position for children's dept. the budget
revisions & new positon were approved by a vote of 4. Denny abstained
from the discussion and voting due to apossible conflict of interest.
* *Bev will advertise and hire children's clerk.
Board agreed to pay up to $75.00 to have someone assemble the new
shelving in the children's and medical departments.
A policy concerning book donations was discussed. 50% or more of
books donated are not added to collection. There needs to be a form
developed to thank people for their donations and toexplaine our
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* *Bev and Sue will work on procedures for handling donated materials.
Library Improvement Committee:
Public meeting on the 3rd was discussed. Sue will obtain an
impartial moderator to run the meeting. There wll be information
sheets available atth library.
Building committee:
Laurie will examine shelves in about -to- become staff roam
decide if they can be removed.
There was a discussion concerning computer use and the
possibility of moving it downstairs temporari1yr. 'there needs to be a.
general review of computer use and policies.
* *Bev will report on this for Feb. meeting.
There was a discussion on passible value of material in vault.
* *Sue and Cheryl will browse through and report ack.
There was a discussion about the bock collection andassessment
tools. Bev will be doing an assessment this year and will report
Meeting adjourned 4:55 p.m.