September 15, 1988
Called to order 6:55 pm. Present: Sidle, Howard, Steurer, Kaiser,
Librarian Bev Lamb, City Council Karen Chang.
Proposed 1989 Budget:
Salaries to#:aa lower, benefits higher. Reasons: mandated benefit expenses,
Social Security rate up; earlier estimates were low. Also one part —time
person, Ball —time benefitst Carol Baird time decreased to 25 hours /week.
Overall, cutting back staff during construction period ahead.
Health benefits for all City employees are relatively high. Discussion
of system at Chimacum, and the State, of self— insurance, with cost
and benefits relative to hours of work.
Budget is 'best guess', because moving,."renting etc. costs not certain.
Budget total represents about 5% increase, comparable to City as whole.
A committee will be formed to find and select temporary quarters during
Asbestos removal, a big item will be necessary eventually in any scenario,
MOVED, seconded, passe
to adopt proposed budget as presented at this meeting,
Salary step system:
Discussion; includes provision that it be reviewed annually. Anne
reques *ed that a copy with cover letter accompany the Budget Request.
MOVED, seconded, passed to adopt the Step System.
Budget Request, Capital Expenditures, Library:
This covers total funding for the Library Expansion and Renovation.
. MOVED, seconded, passed to submit to City Council,
Architect Services, cost estimate submitted; over our budget figure.
Discussion. Methods of estimating. Architect's estimate does not
include surveys, soil testing.,permits.
Soil tests and contour surveying: NTI firm has offered to do work for a
basic $500 fee, for work up to a value of $1,000; work beyond that
value to be charged at a discount. Probable cost may run between
8560, : mdnd $1,000.
MOTION, moved, seconded, passed, to accept NTI offer of partial in --kind
services, at a cost considered reasonable by the Building Committee,
The Corner Lot: information that it has been offered to City for $45,Q00,
and that City has made that offer. Discussion as to possibilities
of City handling of the house and lot. Possibility of in —kind City
work on levelling, paving, etc.
Group will beet with Architect at City Hall at 9 :30 AM Sept. 22.
Next regular Board Meeting will be Sept. 26, 7:15 pm.
E. P. Kaiser