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. Port Townsend Public Library
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
January 27, 1.992
The meeting was. called -to order, at 7:35 p.m.
Present:,. Gwen Howard, Anne Steurer, Sue Sidle, Mike Mortenson, Lars
Watson, Cheryl Silverblatt, Carol Cahill, David Gee, Janet Mortenson.
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Minutes were approved.
LIBRARIAN. Budget update: The budget awaits year -end figures from the
Clerk Treasurer's office. Cheryl provided copies of the budget report.
Circulation: Circulation, has steadily increased by � 13% ; :over, the last: five
years. Carol added that there are more, good books.
Peramann_el: Kiesey. Strauchon was hired. Amy. ,works at least one Saturday
a month, and she fills in for other absent employees.
Civic a . tivities: Cheryl plans to work on the city's Manual of Personnel
Policies. The board approved of this, providing Cheryl can spare the time.
The work will be of benefit to . the library in the long run, especially in
view of the plans for library expansion.
FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY. The Friends board meeting was held this
morning. Jean Dunbar resigned because of her problem attending
meetings due to her husband's illness. The Friends will donate a book in
honor of her work for the Friends. There will be new officers in April.
Friends board meetings will be the fourth Mondays, at 10:30 a.m. The
Friends will put together a. budget.
Books on Tape. Phyllis Davidson gave a report on books on tape. The
Friends will buy a core collection of 30 basic books. Upon arrival of this
collection, sale of tapes will , begin. A committee , will be formed to
determine how to allocate Friends funds.
Adventures in Learning. Peg, Lewis' brochures on the series were
distributed.. ,
MemberaW Less than 200 members pay dues.
Tiles. $900 has been received so far from the sales.
Volunteers. There are 44 volunteers; they put in 2740 hours in 1991.
Newsletter. - A newsletter will be published in March. 'Mike suggested
sending copies` to nonmembers also.
PUBLIC COMMENT. David Gee attended the meeting but had no, comment:
COMMUNICATIONS. Pete. Kaiser sent a letter resigning as Minuting
Secretary. Gwen will ask John Clise to issue a proclamation praising Pete's
F -,
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contributions to the library. Kiese was suggested to replace him. Gwen
will ask Alta to find a volunteer. If no takers, an ad will be put in the
Leader. A motion to authorize funds for 'the Friends to buy: Fa gardening
book for Pete, and a letter of appreciation: to be written fro*, the Board, was
made, seconded, and. approved.
SIX -MONTH EVALUATION OF LIBRARIAN. A motion to make Cheryl the
permanent Director of the library was made, seconded, and approved.
MEETING ROOM POLICY. Anne submitted a draft policy. Uses such as Key
City Players' rehearsals; CPR classes;. retreats, and workshops for .very small
groups will not be allowed.. The intention of having the 'meeting room
serve a as ,, a large; :meeting ; space is, not; being served. Sue wanted the policy
to state that the library's functions have first priority. ;A meeting will be
held February, 4 at 9:,30 a.m. ' to discuss the policy.: She requested input
prior to the meeting. Mikei suggested :, charging a. fee for. use of the room
(less than $10) to defray heating and lighting costs. What other libraries
do will be researched. The county library, will charge for use, of their
meeting rooms.
DISPLAY POLICY. Sue submited a :draft policy.. Information for display in'
thee library. should be: dated and signed on the back by the submitter with
a phone number. The committee wants petitions to be allowed. The
librarian ; will have discretion. A' motion that no information is to be barred
was made, seconded, and approved. The statement will be entered ' in the
policy book.
STAFF ROOM PROJECT. Cheryl reported that bids have been received from
Richard Inman ($2000), Michael Hamilton', ($2124), and Doug Warren
($2300). Cheryl picked :Michael Hamilton. Painted cabinets and shelves
will be built, including space for Friends materials. This has already been
approved to be paid from the building fund.: Reorganization of the stafff,
room space will begin next week.
LIBRARIAN EXCHANGE PROPOSAL. Carol requested an exchange with is
librarian from England. Port Townsend will continue to pay Carol's salary,
and Vincent MacDonald will be paid by his library. A motion was made to
approve Carol's exchange. and leave of: :absence if -:the proper arrangements
can be made. Discussion: He has administrative experience. His library is
automated, He would .work the: same hours as Carol - -35 per `week. Carol
he will
work out
vacation time.
and approved.
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A motion to approve the exchange
A motion to reelect Gwen was made, seconded and'
COMMITTEE REORGANIZATION. Personnel committee. Lars reported that
changes have occurred. There are still issues to be solved. The
committee's role should, be
defined. It was decided that all present
committees are needed. Everyone should have an opportunity to be 'on'
every committee. N w committee
Mike (chairman), Anne
Sue (chairman), Mike
Lars (chairman), Sue
Community Relations
Anne (chairman), Lars
Ad Hoc .f—Q mitteea
Signs - keep
Automation. - keep:
Meeting Room - keep
Interiors - Should be
under Building. Cheryl is working on interior
LONG RANGE PLAN. The mission statment was discussed. A motion to
adopt the mission statement was made, seconded and approved. A motion
to adopt priorities for services was made, seconded, and approved. A
motion to adopt the 1 -5 year planning priorities was made, seconded, and
approved. Gwen suggested having a separate meeting to discuss
implementing the items. The meeting will be Monday, February 10 at 9:00
a.m. Cheryl's evaluation will be based on some of the items. Those items
will be discussed later.
BUDGET. Anne had no budget report.
BUILDING. Ralph Baum, the mechanical engineer studying the heating
problems, will call Mike. Next week John at Quimper Glass will put copper
stripping around the old entry door and add a weather -tight threshold.
Cost will be around $200.
salts j2f the T m rature ury The thermometer in the children's
room should be set way down to compensate for solar gain and heat from
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lights during the day, The mechanical engineer will make suggestion's;
such as a booster heater in the existing ductwork:with a wall thermostat
for the staff lounge and for the periodicals room. .
Gifts. Marge Abraham has money for a flagpole from a Polly Hunt
memorial. She and Donna Daubenberger will also donate two flowering
trees. A motion. to accept the trees was made,' seconded, and `approved:,
Gwen will call her.
Is g. Jim Eades (Hope Roofing) roofed the trash bin, a welcome volunteer
COMMUNITY RELATIONS... Tile sales -, tapes, questionnaires had already,
been , drscussed. Sue wilt write an official thank -you letter to Jean Dunbar.
PERSONNEL. Cheryl's evaluation was done. Lucille was thanked for typing
MISC. Copies of the state libraries RCW were distributed.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00.
Minutes were taken by Janet Mortenson, very temporary acting 'minutes