Port Townsend Library, Camegie Room
August 26, 199 7:15 PM
Present: Jody Glaubman (President), Orabelle Connally, Gwen Howard, John Sullivan
Absent: Lee Tickell
Staff- Linnea Patrick (director), Carol Cahill Minutes: Sheila Avis
Guests: Mayor Julie McCulloch
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It was noted the statement in the first paragraph of July 22, 1996, minutes was incorrect — replace
"unrenewable due to completion of her length of service" with "due to her decision not to reapply." Orabelle
Connally made a motion to approve the minutes of the July meeting as amended. APPROVED.
It was determined John Sullivan will go to Linnea's office this week to sign vouchers. Gwen Howard stated
it is a main concern of the Board to oversee the finances of the Library, and she felt the Board should keep
informed. It was suggested that John or a Budget Committee representative report to the Board, also that
any unusual transactions be included in the Director's report, and that one more set of voucher sheets be
made for John for his report.
A checklist of proposed sessions for the 1997 WIL Conference in Spokane was received.
Mayor McCulloch said it had been rumored there were several people interested in filing the Library Board
vacancy, but she had received only one application. She asked, when talking to anyone interested, that
person be reminded to fill out an application. In the interest of choosing the right person, she requested the
option of receiving applications through September, unless something special comes up. It was suggested
anyone expressing interest be encouraged to attend the September 23 Library Board Meeting.
See attached report.
Gwen reported on the Fair booth and said that it had been manageable. Proceeds from the August 3rd
Annual Book Sale were estimated at approximately $600. It was reported that bags did not sell well, but
should sell at Christmas time.
No report -- will be meeting Wednesday.
Carol Cahill said work is progressing with the Library Development Committees. She reported problems with
the Dynix system, that Ameritech has announced it is pulling out of hardware support. She said those
systems may be in jeopardy. She told of delays in installing the Dynix systems at the Museum and Jefferson
General Hospital. Carol suggested a reason for increased circulation is ability to find materials with the
Dynix system and also their ability to process new, high demand books faster.
Linnea reported she turned in her 1997 budget material August 19.
It was noted that Board Member Lee Tickell had three consecutive Board absences and four public Board
meeting absences.
MOTION: Orabelle Connally made a motion to consider Lee Tickell's absence at this meeting unexcused.
Lee's attendance was verbally reported to Mayor McCulloch, who requested the Board write a memorandum •
to her outlining the details. Jody will attach a copy of the letter she wrote to Lee as well as a copy of the
Board attendance policy. Since Board appointments are made by the Mayor, Mayor McCulloch said she
would write Lee to inform him there is need for a full working Board, and ask him if he cares to resign.
Board members commended Lee's efforts while he was active on the Board, but acknowledged the need to
have a full board.
Linnea reported she had a bid for flashing repair on the overhang of the building which is apparently causing
leaking in the children's section of the Library. Hope Construction made the bid for $225, but Linnea stated
there is not money in the Building Maintenance budget to cover the repair.
Linnea also noted the bid for painting the Library had increased by $1,450 over what it was a year ago
(mostly labor costs). Gwen suggested talking to Ian Keith to get his recommendation of someone to seal
the stucco.
Linnea also said that she would ask Bob Little to look at the structural problem in the Library.
Orabelle stated she had done some research about the Library's status as a regular department and in
terms of City Management with the Code City Status the City is considering. She found no discrepancies in
the structure of the Library, but will be continuing her study.
Carol reported the Study Committees' desire to attend the meeting of the Coordinating Committee to present
their reports. John said Bill Barth had declined to participate, but was delighted to be asked. A Coordinating
Committee organizational meeting was set for September 16, 1996, 7 :00 p.m. Since the Board had difficulty
finding an appropriate organizational meeting date, they requested that Linnea attend on September 16th
rather than attend the City Council. Jody will send a letter to participants and Al be the Board _
representative on the Coordinating Committee.
Board Members were polled for their choices on the 1997 VVIL Conference.
The Board discussed a City revenue shortfall of $70,000 to $100,000 in retail sales taxes and anticipated
telephone tax increases in the 1996 budget. It was requested that each department consider 2 to 5 percent
cuts they might contribute from their 1996 budget. The Board carefully scrutinized their budget and labored
over their own potential shortfall_ They determined that making shifts in areas where it appeared there might
be some savings, they could possibly cover their own shortfall except for a potential $4,800 discrepancy in
salaries. After observing the Board's dilemma, Mayor McCulloch said she could see they were stretched
and suggested they nickel and dime whatever savings they could. She indicated the City's situation was not
so precarious as to attempt cutting personnel at this time. Some ideas were posed, and it was concluded
that everything should be considered.
NEXT REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, September 23, 1996, 7:15 p.m. — Carnegie Room