Port Townsend Library, Carnegie Room
September 8, 1997
Present: John Sullivan (President), Sarah Muirhead, Orabelle Connally
Excused: Bill Maxwell
Staff: Linnea Patrick (Director), Carol Costello (minutes)
The meeting was called to order at 5:21 pm. The order of business is to review the proposed
budget and make recommendations to the mayor and city council.
Linnea shared several items that she will include in the supplemental information she will give to
the mayor along with the proposed budget.
Typically, 24% of the library's budget is spent in the first two months of the year.
Linnea explained the 1998 budget worksheet.
The library is asking for $484,684.70 without the technology grant. If the library receives the
technology grant, $491,309.00 will be asked for. September 12, is the day the results of the grant
will be announced in Olympia, as well as the day our budget request is due. Mamie will notify
Linnea immediately so that the correct version of the budget can be turned in. The capital
facilities plan will add $151,870 to the money that the library will request in 1998.
Each city department has been asked to provide a 95% budget as well. In order to cut the
$17,000 - $19,000 that this would require, the library staff has suggested there be no replacement
book budget and that interlibrary loan requests be limited to two instead of three per person at
any one time.
Linnea is currently preparing 5 different budget spreadsheets based on receipt of grant and salary
market study -- or non - inclusion of either or both.
The board discussed the pros and cons of service cutbacks, new staff and market study increases.
The board decided that this budget represents the minimum for 1998 that the community asked
for during the writing of the Library Development Plan. Therefore, the board recommends all
budget requests as equal in priority as they have been set in the Library Development Plan.
Orabelle moved that the board approve the recommended 1998 budget that Linnea has prepared.
Unanimous approval.
The next regular board meeting will be September 22, 1998.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.