46 Port Townsend Library, Carnegie Room
July 28, 1997
Present: John Sullivan (President), Sarah Muirhead, Orabelle Connally, Jody Glaubman,
Bill Maxwell
Staff: Linnea Patrick (Director), Carol Costello (minutes)
Guests: Jean Camfield (City Council)
Approval of Minutes: Corrections to the minutes of June 23, 1997; are as follows:
Personnel Committee report: After the word constructed add "She also presented a
proposed salary schedule consistent with this study." Correct the spelling of the word
per diem."
Approval of Bills: Linnea explained that at a recent city council meeting, for the second-
time this year, a funds transfer for the library was requested via a memo from Stacy
Thompson. Linnea knew nothing about the recent one. The first one occurred in
February with a payback in May, which included an interest charge of $543.92. The only -
way the library could recoup this would be from the book budget. In a conversation that
Linea had with Michael Hildt, he felt the interest charges were errors. Jean Camfield
stated that since this is inside current expense, there should be no interest. Linnea will
inform the board when a decision has been made.
• Communications: Linnea received a written complaint from a patron regarding library
hours not being sufficient. No suggestion about how to improve this was stated in the
complaint. Linnea will answer the patron and send along a copy of the Library
Development Plan timeline.
Director's Report: The technology grant proposal has been submitted. If the library
receives the grant, Eric Frederickson and Chris Hanson have volunteered parts and labor
for wiring and cabling the network installation. Roger Harrison, Phyllis Marckworth and
Nicholas Blanchard -Wright have volunteered to provide training. The total amount
requested from LSCA Title II funds is $55,606.36. Total project cost is $119,050.36.
Linnea has still not received a bill from Bob Little for the crew he provided to help move a
shelving unit from city hall to the library, so we are assuming it is a gift to the library.
The Board will need an extra meeting date in September to finalize budget requests and
set priorities. The meeting date will be September 8, 1997, at 5:15 pm in the library.
Friends of the Library: Jody reported that about 25 people attended the special meeting
on July 14. The Friends still don't have a president, but have decided to take one month
turns facilitating the meetings until a new president can be recruited.
Staff Report: Staff member Beth deJamette will be involved in four movement
workshops in August with the Boiler Room. Carol Baker has begun to catalog the
documents room materials and has found a wealth of useful information. The library has
received a donation of a 486 computer from Ted DeWitt. Carol Cahill and Carol Costello
have designed a "For Your Information" flyer to let patrons know when the library has
received new materials that may be of particular interest to them.
Building Committee: Linnea shared a copy of a decision tree adopted by the city council
regarding funding for capital facilities decisions.
Personnel Committee: Orabelle asked that a decision be made regarding the salary
schedule proposal presentation that she made at the last meeting. Orabelle and Linnea will
meet separately on this issue with Mayoi' Julie McCullough. Motion: Orabelle moved
that the proposed salary schedule (Draft 1k) for 1998, be used with beginning budget
negotiations. Unanimous approval. .Y
Orabelle has reviewed the new city personnel policy. The Board feels comfortable with
most of the policy except for sick leave accrual. The sick leave accrual discrepancy can
be taken care of with a memo from the board to the city. Linnea will write it for the next
board meeting. Linnea has no comment on the sabbatical situation. The board will decide
whether to remain consistent with the city policy on "Additional Discretionary Leave" for
Linnea or keep it as it exists.
Community Relations: Bill asked if anyone had any ideas about what the committee
should be working on. It was suggested that a confusing sign in front of the library be
changed. Perhaps the committee could work on a fresh look at the library district
question. Orabelle will give Bill information on the procedure. When finished this study
should be added to the Library Development Plan as an addendum.
The U. S. flag has been stolen 3 times within the last year. For the present time the library
will not spend the $125 for the replacement of the flag and halyard.
Old Business: Judy Gunter, director of Jefferson County Rural Library, has talked with
Linnea about hiring a part time system administrator for CLAN to replace Meredith
Wagner. CLAN would like to hire a system administrator for 20 hours a week, with an
additional 5 hours per week devoted strictly to JCRL. Port Townsend Library would need
to fund 33% of the cost which would be just under $4,000. Linnea feels this would be a
good solution.
New Business: Mayor Julie McCulloch has advertised fora board member replacement
for Jody Glaubman. Jody's term is up August 31, 1997, and she has sent in her letter of
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm. 0