Port Townsend Library, Carnegie Room
June 23, 1997
Present: John Sullivan (President), Sarah Muirhead, Orabelle Connally, Jody Glaubman,
Bill Maxwell
Staff: Linnea Patrick (Director), Carol Costello (minutes)
Guests: Diane Thompson (City Council)
Approval of Minutes: Jody moved to approve the minutes from the April 28th meeting.
Unanimous approval.
Approval of Bills: In Linnea's absence Beverly Shelton and Carol Costello will prepare
the vouchers for the July 2 deadline. Jody moved to approve the bills. Unanimous
Communications: Invitations to the Will Conference, the Rural Library Conference, and
PNLA were received.
Public Comment: Diane commended Bill Maxwell on the nicely done Library
Development Plan presentation that he did before the City Council on May S.
Director's Report: (see attached) In May, during Linnea's absence, Carol Baker and
Carol Cahill did a presentation at the city department heads' meeting. They spoke about
research methods and what the library could provide for the various departments.
Friends of the Library: The Friends recently sent a letter to members in order to recruit
new members and to encourage present members to become more active in the
organization. They have received quite a few responses to the letter, most of them
containing dues payment. Two people are going to share the secretary's position. An
individual has expressed interest in becoming the treasurer. They are still looking for a
Foundation: The Foundation is still looking for possible authors to be part of a
presentation to introduce the Foundation to the community. Jody said that she will soon
be having contact with a person who works with boards and leads them step by step
through the initial processes. She will find out the cost involved.
Staff: Carol Cahill attended the Medical Library Association's annual meeting in Seattle.
Lynn Ring has recruited 3 new volunteers for the circulation desk and book processing.
Beth deJarnette went to a children's and young adult collection development meeting in
Everett. The summer reading program has approximately 130 children signed up for
"Wild About Books." Fifty children participated in the first craft day (ages 1 st through
4th grades), forty children were present at the story hour, and the young adult book
. discussion group will be meeting for the first time on July 7th. Beth has been meeting
with the Community Mobilization for Youth and has participated in the "Youth Services"
and the "Zero Tolerance" discussion groups.
Mamie Frederickson is writing the grant for new library technology. Chris Hansen, Ned
Schumann, Eric Frederickson, Ken Shelton, Nicholas Blanchard - Wright, Roger Harrison,
Meredith Wagner and Phyllis Marckworth are part of the committee helping her. The
technology grant would supply the library with seven micro computer networked stations.
On June 13th the staff moved the young adult collection and the new magazine shelves to
the Carnegie Room. Bob Little construction crew took apart a shelf in the basement at
city hall and brought it to the Carnegie Room on the same day. So far there has been no
bill from Little and Little.
Committee Reports:
The Budget Committee will meet on July 9th at 9 am in the library. Linnea suggested
that they study the Library Development Plan beforehand especially the 1998 timeline.
The city Capital Improvement Committee is recommending a supplemental budget request
for $711 to provide anti -slip coating to the tiles in the entry way of the library.
Mr. DeWitt has talked to Linnea regarding the donation of a 486 computer and a possible
donation of a 486 laptop to the library.
Building Committee: The committee has decided to move ahead on requesting funding
for building needs that the city Capital Facilities Study Committee has suggested. Sarah
t .'brary at a city council..Capital,f4dG lities..Study wQrkshop_on.Monday,,_...._ _.,_.... __..
will represent the li._.._
June 30, 7pm at the Pope Marine Building.
Personnel Committee: (see attached) Orabelle handed the agenda from the last
personnel committee meeting to the board. The board agreed that this is the right
direction for the committee to be going. Orabelle demonstrated the 1997 salary study by
the Washington State Library via a chart that she constructed. She also presented a
proposed salary schedule consistent with this study. From this information the committee
concluded and recommends that for 1998, Library Associates and Senior Library
Associates be given a 50 cents a hour increase, Department Managers be given a $2.50 an
hour increase, and the Library Director be given a $2.00 an hour increase in order for the
Port Townsend Library staff salaries be more equitable with other similar sized libraries
and with libraries within commuting distance from Port Townsend.
Linnea is considering upgrading one of the children's associate positions to a senior
associate position.
At their next meeting, the committee will be looking at possible ways for pages and library
assistants to attain step increases.
They will also look at the City of Port Townsend's Personnel Policy manual. Some
changes that have been made include increase in mileage allowance from .255 cents per
mile to 31 cents per mile. A mandatory travel per diem has also been instituted by the city
which may mean that the library will have to ask for supplemental funds by the end of the
The new policy for scheduling city cars has presented a problem for the library.
However, the library will continue to be able to use the van once a month for daycare
delivery of books.
Maximum accrual of sick leave also conflicts with the city personnel policy. The city will
need a memo from the board to resolve this.
Bill asked for a list of the library staff titles and hours worked per week:
Library Director -- 40 hours
2 Department Managers -- 35 hours each
2 Senior Library Associates -- 20 hours each
2 Library Associates -- 20 hours each
1 Library Associate -- 30 hours
4 Library Assistants (substitutes) average 11 hours total
3 Library Pages average 29 hours total
. 1 Custodian -- 19 hours
Community Relations: Bill Maxwell attended the May 5th meeting of the City Council
to-- present .the.Library..DevelopmentPlan . He also sent a copy of the Library Development. -
Plan to the Washington State Library per their request for input on a statewide library
plan. He asked to have results sent -after their meetings are finished.
Old Business
A Supplemental Budget Request has been asked for to cover entry way tiles with non
slip coating at a cost of $711. The coating has a five year warranty.
Linnea is working with Jim Newton from the police department and the city technology
team to find an answer for city technology support. Linnea would like to see the city
contract with Jefferson County in a way that would not duplicate efforts.
New Business
Linnea is looking at a custodial services proposal for 6 days/week service for slightly less
money than is being spent presently. Orabelle made a motion to approve contracting for
custodial services, Linnea will work on it. Unanimous approval.
F_ -I
John signed a cooperative use agreement on behalf of the board with King County
Library, North Olympic Library, Kitsap County Library, Jefferson County Library, and
Port Townsend Public Library.
At the present time, one half of Meredith Wagner's time at the Jefferson County Library is
taken up with CLAN. JCL Director Judy Gunter is proposing that CLAN hire a 20 - 24
hour per week employee to be the system administrator for Dynix. Linnea fears that most
times that the system would break down would be when that person is not there. She had
several other ideas. Maybe that person could be paid more and become Port Townsend
Library's network coordinator as well or maybe CLAN could contract with the county
computer maintenance department or another library, ex: Kitsap, for services. The board
agreed that they would like to see other avenues pursued.
Board member Jody Glaubman's term is up August 31st. She has decided not to stay on
for another term. Jody has represented young families. It was agreed that her
replacement should come from the same area.
Complaint Procedure:
If a patron wishes to make a complaint about library personnel (not the director),
he /she should write (preferred way) or call the director. If the complaint is about the
director, then the patron should write a letter to the board.
Meeting adjourned at 7:06 pm. 0