Port Townsend Library, Carnegie Room
April 28, 1997
Present: John Sullivan (President), Orabelle Connally, Jody Glaubman, Bill Maxwell,
Sarah Muirhead
Staff: Linnea Patrick (Director), Carol Costello (minutes)
Guests: Diane Thompson (City Council), Linda Atkins
Approval of Minutes: Orabelle Connally moved to approve the minutes of the March
24th meeting. Unanimous approval.
Approval of Bills: Because of a low fund balance at the city, the library is spending more
money than it has. Purchase of books and supplies will be postponed until May when
more tax money is expected to come in. It is impossible to avoid annual subscription
payments that come due in January. A $20,000 payment from the Jefferson General
Hospital and Jefferson County Historical Society grant will be coming in soon.
It was decided that in Linnea's absence, either Beverly Shelton or Carol Cahill will sign the
Bill Maxwell moved to approve the bills. Unanimous approval..
Communications: John shared a thank you note from Karen Carr, Friends of the Library
President, to all those who worked on the Library Development Plan.
He also shared materials sent to him announcing the Workshop In Library Leadership
(WILL) conference, which Beverly Shelton, a member of the Port Townsend Library
- Foundation, may be attending and which Board members are urged to attend.
John gave statewide plans for libraries for uns materials to Public Relations Committee
member Bill Maxwell. May 13th is the deadline for responses to the first of the forums.
Linnea received Sno -Isle Library's annual report.
An invitation for breakfast with the proposed sister city Japanese delegation was received.
Since Linnea will be out of town, John is planning to attend along with staff members Beth
deJarnette or Carol Cahill.
The Foundation received a charitable trust donation which the Board decided to discuss
during the Community Relations Committee Report later in the meeting.
Public Comment: Linda Atkins proposed an idea for a library quilt fundraiser that
would have quilted book spines embroidered with donors names. The quilt would hang in
the library. The board was interested if the Friends of the Library are willing to sell the
spaces on the quilt as a fundraising project.
Director's Report: (see attached) The board thought it would be a good idea to surplus
the extra shelving that is being stored in the back of the library and some miscellaneous
pieces of outdated computer equipment since there is an opportunity to do so at a June
28th surplus auction.
Friends of the Library: The friends annual meeting will be held on June 9th and they are
also planning a Library Development Plan publication party. Their budget policy awaits
approval at the next Friends Board meeting. The library board and staff think that this is a
good policy.
The final totals are not yet in for the recent rummage sale.
Gwen Howard and several members of the local Kiwanis have been sprucing up the
grounds of the library. Carol will send a thank you note on behalf of the Board. Their
plan is to do this each fall and spring. Linnea will ask the library custodian to do the
watering of the grounds in the future.
Library Foundation: John received a copy of their annual report. The Foundation is
still working on a fall author program to support the Foundation.
Staff: Carol shared that Mamie Frederickson, Carol Baker and Linnea recently attended
WLA (Washington Library Association) conference. Mamie presented a workshop
entitled "People to People in South Africa."
The Children's "Choir directed by Dahti Blanchard will be performing in the library on May
21 st with the Chuck Easton Quartet.
Carol gave new library bookmarks, which include the new damage charges for misused
materials, to the board.
Building Committee: Sarah attended the first meeting of the city capital facilities study
committee which includes the library, the police station and city hall. She gave everyone
present a copy of the library building repair study that was done in April. Sarah will be
attending the wrap up meetings on May 7 and 21. Linnea will attend the April 30 and
May 7 meetings.
Personnel Committee: Orabelle is waiting for the state study which will include 1997
statewide salary statistics.
Community Relations Committee: The library foundation received a donation from a
charitable trust that does not quite fit in with established guidelines. Linnea will write a
letter to the donor to explain the guidelines.
46 Orabelle moved that the board gratefully accept the plan for the fundraising quilt.
Unanimous approval. Orabelle will tell the Friends of the Library.
Bill will look at the statewide library forums information and route appropriate pages to
the members of the board.
Old Business: Linnea handed a Library Development Plan to each member of the board.
Bill will present the plan to the city council on May 5th. Orabelle and Linnea will be there
to answer questions.
New Business: Staff member Marnie Frederickson will chair a technology committee in
May to prepare the technology grant proposal that is due in July. This grant would enable
the library to purchase additional wiring and equipment for the forthcoming reassignment
of space.
The CLAN meeting on April 29th will address the current crisis that Quilcene and Brinnon
School libraries are facing. Each school needs to come up with an initial outlay of $6,000
and then be prepared to spend an additional $300 a month to support a new terminal
server that will replace the old multiplexers.
Port Townsend Library needs to be planning for its upgrade as the present "dumb"
terminals won't be working in 2 years. Will personal computers bought today be able to .
handle the PAC needs of tomorrow?
The board went into executive session at 6:55 pm and resumed the meeting to take the
following action:
Bill Maxwell moved that the board has received the year end review of job functions and
commends the librarian ( Linnea Patrick) for a job well done. Unanimous approval.
Orabelle Connally moved that Linnea be paid on the basis of the yearly salary of $46,000
from January 1 until December 31. Unanimous approval.
Her 1998 salary will be established related to the staff salary study to be done by June.
The next scheduled meeting of the board of directors will be June 23rd at 5:15 pm. The
meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.