Port Townsend Library, Carnegie Room
July 1, 1998, Special meeting
Present: John Sullivan (President), Sarah Muirhead, Orabelle Connally, Bill Maxwell
Excused: Chris Johns
Staff: Linnea Patrick (Director)
Mayor Julie McCulloch and City Attorney Tim McMahan will be invited to the next
library board meeting on July 27, 1998, to discuss the Library Board's future.
Bill Maxwell will attend the Monday night City Council meeting to speak for the library's
1999 budget.
The library received $10,000 from the estate of Marie Jepson Ostrand. She was a member
of a long time Port Townsend book club. Bill moved to deposit the $10,000 in the Port
Townsend Library Foundation endowment fund. Unanimous approval.
Linnea reported on the City Council Retreat. The first three council work program
priorities are library related: 1) fund a networking system and internal MIS function, 2)
increase youth recreation programs, 3) expand citizen recreation opportunities. They
were concerned that we have an adequate amount in our building maintenance budget.
• Orabelle moved that Linnea's salary increase per staff salary schedule should be approved
by the board. Unanimous approval.
The meeting was adjourned at 1 pm.