0 Port Townsend Library, Carnegie Room
January 26,1998
Present: Orabelle Connally, Chris Johns, Sarah Muirhead
Excused: John Sullivan, Bill Maxwell
Static Linnea Patrick (Director), Carol Costello (minutes)
Guests: Forrest Rambo (City Council)
The meeting was called to order at 5:15. Orabelle Connally presided over the meeting as
John Sullivan was out of town. City Council member Forrest Rambo was introduced and
Approval of Minutes: Unanimous approval.
Approval of Bills: January's bills amounted to a large sum of money because of annual
CLAN maintenance costs and renewal of periodical subscriptions. The bills were paid late
this month as the city finance office was working on renumbering the accounting system.
No communication.
Public Comment: Forrest expressed his delight at being able to attend this meeting. He
was impressed by the 1997 budget being spent within $14.
Director's Report: See attached. Linnea was again asked at the city council retreat in
January about the possibility of combining the Port Townsend Public Library with the
Jefferson County Rural Library District. She explained that if that did happen, the Port
Townsend Library would have been $166,000 short of its 1997 budget. We already share
the best of what could happen by having the automated CLAN system that makes it
possible to share the collections of five libraries.
Friends of the Library: There will be a book sale on February 7th at the Port Townsend
Community Center. The Friends have paid the entire amount for a second order of library
cards. The Friends are planning to put Friends "advertising" stickers on the cards. Linnea
explained the cost of replacement cards for those who lose them and the library's policy
on who can get a library card. The Friends may not be offering Adventures in Learning
classes this spring..
Library Foundation: No report
Staff Report: Carol shared the children's staff report from the summer reading activities.
The total contacts for the summer reading program, including childcare participation
totalled 2,587. Carol Baker has just received anew order of travel books and animal
books. New maritime books are on order.
Chris explained the new Coaches Corner in the children's room which includes videos as
well as books donated by Jefferson County Community Network. The books and videos
are designed for adults who work with children. The collection includes items on child
abuse and neglect as well as sports.
Linnea mentioned that John Boles and Dee Pumplin have offered to make a donation
toward the beginning of a CD collection. The donation should probably be made through
the Foundation.
Budget Committee: During the library board/staff retreat on February 5, the library
portion of the councilmanic bond request will be worked on. The bond was passed at the
city council level in concept but the amount has not been funded yet. The library must
submit a work plan.
Cabling for the technology grant network by electricians Chris Hanson and Eric
Frederickson for the new technology will begin soon and the electrical upgrade will be
finished by the end of May.
Building Committee: Rearrangement and maintenance work on the building will be
discussed at the board/staff retreat on February 5.
Personnel Committee: Orabelle moved that the board approve the 1998 salary schedule
based on the 1997 schedule plus 3.2% COLA and confirm the change in staff job titles
and the placement of the Director on the schedule as approved by the Board in June 1997.
Unanimous approval.
At city hall, the library's permanent employees are being changed to salaried employees.
Substitutes will be changed to temporary employees. Pages are being kept at the 173 hour
schedule for accrual of vacation and sick leave.
Community Relations: Orabelle continues to go to the city council meetings to
represent the library. She said that the meetings have had a large number of citizens
attend the public comment portion, but few stay for the actual meetings. Forrest as chair
of the Government Operations committee mentioned that the agendas for future meetings
are being changed to make it easier for those who want to attend.
Old Business: The makeup up of the long range Facility /Space Needs committee will be
decided at the Board/Staff retreat.
Board/StaffRetreat: Linnea presented an agenda to the board.
Forrest asked about possible satellite locations for certain library collections. Some must
remain in the public library as set by grant conditions. The Young Adult collection is a
good candidate for a satellite location.
The group discussed possible uplink and downlink cable TV hookups and the library as an
46 economic development resource.
New Business: The date of the May board meeting will be Wednesday May 27th,
because of the Memorial Day holiday.
The next regular meeting of the board will be Monday, February 23rd.
The meeting adjourned at 6:40.