Port Townsend Library
November 22, 1999
Present: John Sullivan (President), Sarah Muirhead, Eileen Price, Kate Schumann,
Absent: Bill Maxwell
Staff: Beverly Shelton (Acting Director), Carol Costello (minutes)
President John Sullivan called the meeting to order at 5:20 PM. The minutes from the
October 25a' meeting were approved.
Director's Report: Acting Director Beverly Shelton explained the city's spending
freeze. In order to save money the library will not order any interlibrary loans from
libraries that charge, and one week of overdue notices will not be sent..
Friends of the Library: Kate reported that the Friends of the Library made about $1300
from their book sale in October. The Friends will have a table at the Alternative Holiday
Bazaar on December 4h.
Foundation: The Foundation will meet in December.
Staff: The Library's Holiday Fiesta for the public will be held on Friday, December 10th
at 6 PM, at the Community Center.
ProQuest, a periodical index is now available for home internet use with a CLAN card.
Old Business: Beverly explained the city budget enhancement process. Priorities for the
library are restoration of the book budget, two staff computers, and new shelving for
adult materials. The city's base budget will be looked at during the December 6th
meeting of the city council. Beverly will prepare an information sheet for the board
before the meeting.
The next library board meeting will be January 24, 2000, at 5:15 PM. The meeting was
adjourned at 6 PM.