Port Townsend Library
January 24, 2000
Present: John Sullivan (President), Sarah Muirhead, Eileen Price, Kate Schumann,
Excused: Bill Maxwell
Staff: Linnea Patrick (Director), Carol Costello (minutes)
Guest: Allen Frank (city council)
President John Sullivan called the meeting to order at 5:22 PM. The minutes from the November
22, 1999 meeting were approved.
Communications: Linnea received word from a patron that the sign that identifies the artist of
the outside cat sculpture is missing.
Public Comment: Allen reported that the city has hired a city attorney.
Director's Report: In addition to the written report from Linnea, the board discussed the library
association meetings that Linnea will attend in the near future. Linnea also mentioned the leaks
on the south wall near the video /fiction section of the library.
Friends of the Library: The Friends are interested in appointing a liaison to the library board.
John will write a letter of invitation to them.
Library board members were urged to become members of The Friends.
It is now possible for businesses to join the Friends at a special rate. The Friends will publish a
copy of their business card in the newsletter.
The Friends have allowed $600 from their budget for library board trustees and Friends to attend
The Friends will sponsor an author program with Richard Glaubman during the spring.
Foundation: The Foundation is planning a musical event for the spring to raise funds for the
Polishuk Memorial Endowment. The next board meeting of the Foundation is scheduled for
February 16t'. The annual meeting is March 8a'.
Staff: Beth deJarnette, children's librarian will attend a children and violence workshop in Port
No committee reports.
New business: Bill Maxwell was unanimously elected chair of the library board for 2000. Sarah
Muirhead will serve as vice - chair.
The board discussed their by -laws and committees. They will consider rearrangement of
committees at the next meeting.
Linnea suggested that the retreat for this year be postponed until several city studies have been
completed and we are ready to proceed with the Development Plan for the next five years.
Sarah moved to postpone board attendance at city council meetings until deemed necessary.
Unanimous approval.
The next meeting of the board will be moved from March 27th to Monday, March 20th at 5:16
The meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.