Port Townsend Library
November 21, 2002
Present: Co- Presidents Kate Schumann and Eileen Price, Larry Thomas, Deb Carroll, Bill Maxwell
Staff: Linnea Patrick (director), Carol Costello (minutes)
Guests: Karen Long (Friends); Phyllis Schultz (Foundation); Julia Owens
President Kate Schumann called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM. Bill Maxwell asked for the minutes from
October 24th to be changed to reflect the correct spelling of his name.
Communication: Linnea was quoted in the November 20' 2002 issue of the Leader in an article about the rescue
of "Tiffany" off the beach between Chetzemoka Park and Fort Worden State Park.
Director's Report: Linnea reported that Little and Little has begun repairing the water damage to the building.
Friends: The Friends have installed a book shelf at Otter Crossing for sale of used books.
Plans for the Alternative Christmas project are underway. This year people can donate books to the library in
memory of or in honor of a loved one. One may indicate a particular topic for the book that he or she wishes to
The Friends will help to host the Holiday Party on December 19d' at the library.
Karen reported that income from membership dues is behind last year's level.
Foundation: Phyllis said that the executive board met last week. They will be sending a ballot for three new
board members to the foundation members this week. They are working on handbooks for each board member.
The capital endowment fund has begun with the donation from Norm Hefron's estate. Phyllis will draft a letter to
local attorneys about the library foundation.
Staff: Children's book illustrator Richard Jesse Watson will present a program at the library Saturday, November
23rd, in recognition of Children's Book Week.
Nicholas Kime will present a St. Nicholas Day program at the library on Thursday, December St".
Old Business: The City Council Community Development Committee recommended that the library budget for
2003 be approved as submitted in the Manager's Preliminary Budget.
Linnea told the board that the city is considering installation of a portable unit behind the fire station to be used as
storage for city departments. The library would be able to store seldom -used books there. Linnea said that this
would be short-term storage for the library, not a long -term remedy for the library's space needs.
The Council Community Development Committee is aware that the city's direction on certain library issues needs
to be resolved during the next several months before the search for a new library director begins:
• Space needs
• Sustainable funding
• • Relationship with Jefferson County Rural Library District
Linnea asked for 2004 -2006 budget ideas from the board. Kate was concerned about licensing fees for updates on
computer software. Linnea told her $10,000 is included in the materials line of the budget for software and
databases. Filtering and scheduling software would require supplemental budget requests. Linnea said that it
would be a good idea to reactivate the library technology committee to study this.
The K -20 network is running now which means that the library is indirectly receiving a -rate funding. Therefore
mandates of the Child Internet Protection Act must be followed. Form 479 has been submitted indicating that we
are working toward compliance. A public hearing on the library's internet policy must be held. Linnea will
announce the hearing to be held at the December library board meeting. Linnea thinks that in the future we may
need to collect parental permission for children to use the internet computers. Our 2002 -2005 technology plan
must be submitted to the State Library by the end of 2002.
The board discussed the patron information included on the receipts that are printed for patrons when they check
out a book and suggested we may want to remove patron names from them.
Director search: Linnea read a thank you note from a former candidate for the director's position indicating how
much she appreciated the interview process used in 1995.
Larry questioned whether the change in city government affects the authority that the library advisory board has
regarding the hiring of a director.
Linnea suggested a board /staff retreat to be held in January. The City Manager has offered to invite a
representative from the Association of Washington Cities to speak to the group about recruitment and interviews
as part of the meeting.
Linnea suggested that a tour of the city and a community reception, as done for recent city management
. interviewees, might be a nice thing to do for finalists in the search for a director.
The board discussed the search process for the director.
The board personnel committee may be reactivated. Members may include some or all of the advisory board,
staff, representatives from library support groups, and members of the community.
A board and staff retreat will be held in January. Linnea will set the date for a Friday the latter part of the month.
It may replace the January board meeting.
Karen suggested that the board pursue online information from the American Library Association, regarding the
interview process. Linnea mentioned that the ALA Journal and Library Hotline both include recruitment notices
and library management articles.
Linnea will prepare an agenda for the retreat. Phyllis will call Sue Sidle and ask her about the interview process
that she recently participated in for the hiring of the park ranger at Fort Worden State Park.
The next meeting of the advisory board will be Thursday, December 1.9"' at 9:00 AM.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM.
L. J