Port Townsend Library
March 28, 2002
Present: Eileen Price, Bill Maxwell, Sarah Muirhead, Larry Thomas
Excused: Kate Schumann
Staff: Linnea Patrick (Director), Carol Costello (minutes)
Guests: Kees Kolff (Mayor), Karen Long (Friends), Julia Owens
The meeting was called to order by President Eileen Price at 9 AM. The minutes from February 28`' were
approved as read.
Introductions: Mayor Kees Kolff was introduced. He expressed appreciation to the library board
members and regrets the postponing of the annexation issue with the Jefferson County Rural Library.
Communications: Sarah spoke with a library volunteer that is helping with the indexing of the early
1900's issues of the Leader. The volunteer expressed concern that he felt that there aren't enough
computers in the library. Linnea's response was that there isn't any more space in this building that can
be devoted to computer use.
Linnea has had quite a few complaints from patrons regarding the odor in the library from patrons whose
lack of personal hygiene offends others.
Director's Report: Linnea summarized her trip to the Public Library Association (PLA) conference in
Phoenix Arizona. She reported that she has informed the city manager of her intention to retire in late
2003 or early 2004. She also announced that she will be away March 29th — April 3`d due to a death in her
• family.
Friends of the Library: Karen announced that the Friends annual meeting and volunteer recognition
would be held April 19'''. Volunteers contribute an average of 80 hours a week to library service.
The Friends will be working on library landscaping on March 300' from 9 AM until noon
The Friends recently purchased a laptop computer and digital projector for the staff to use for
The recent book sale netted approximately $1783. There are now 250 paid members.
Foundation: The Foundation has just given the library $300 for a new FAX machine and $200 for the
purchase of jazz CDs.
A representative from the Foundation is planning quarterly visits to the Library Board meetings.
Foundation board members will rotate attendance at Friends board meetings.
New officers: Peter Hiatt, President; Phyllis Schultz, Secretary; Beverly Shelton, Treasurer.
Staff: Carol reported that some staff members are still suffering from the air quality in the library
building. Various attempts to trace the source of the problem have not yielded an answer.
• The library will present "Taking Harry Seriously ", a discussion for ages 12 and older, on the meaning of
Joanne Rowling's Harry Potter series, at 6:30 on Wednesday evenings, April W, April 24th, May 8h, and
May 22nd. John Granger, local author, speaker and teacher of Latin, Greek and Logic will lead the
• discussions. The Friends of the Library will sponsor the program.
Old Business: Linnea showed a copy of a letter that she plans to deliver to an individual regarding lack of
personal hygiene and not following other rules of the library. A discussion followed. Several people
offered suggestions for what might be included in the letter.
It was suggested that upstairs "quiet space" be added to the rules for library behavior. Everyone agreed.
Linnea asked the board members to rank the unaccomplished objectives from the 1997 -2001 Library
Development Plan and after they had done so, she reported the results of the staff doing the same exercise
last Friday.
New Business: Sarah Muirhead will retire from the board May 31'. Board members were' reminded that
they may recruit applicants for her position.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM.