Pert T+��rneend'Lib►
Januarjr241 2002
Present: gill Maxwell, Sarah Muirhead, Kate Schumann, Laity Thomas, Eileen Price
Staff Linnea Patrick (Director), Carol Costello (mutes)
Gouts: David Timmons (City Manager), Julia. Owens
The meeting was called to order by President Bill Maxwell at 9:04 AM. The minutes from the December
G, 2001 were approved as read.
Communication: Bill received a letter from Jim Todd. He is appreciative of the new 'quiet zone" signs
that have been posted near the entrance to the second floor of the library.
Public Comment: Kate mentioned that several people have told her how much they appreciate the
additional open hours. Several people have also suggested to her that the staff should wear nametags.
Linnea will bring this up at the next staff meeting.
Director's Report: Linnea gave the library statistics from 2041 to the board. It was the highest
circulation ever. Reference question,numbers were down, the group discussed the possible reasons why.
David talked about the City Council Work Plan for 2002:'
David mentioned that council member Michele Sandoval has suggested a plan for "If Everyone in Port.
Townsend Read the Same Book." Perhaps the Friends of the Library could work on that as a project
during National Book Week or National Literacy Week.
Fr leads of the Library: Linnea attended the last meeting of the Friends. She reported that the Friends
have a generous budget this year. They will buy a laptop computer and projector, and will purchase 10 -
20 years worth of the Port Townsend Leader on microfilm for the library. The next book sale will be
Saturday March 2"'.
The Friends have been notified that they will have to pay, income tax on the money raised for the Once in
a Lifetime Book Boost. Linnea says there is sonic money left over in the account that could take care of
Foundation: The Foundation will hold its aimual mating on March 23rd. They have received $1300 for
the Polishuk Memorial Music Fund and $1700 for the Nom Hefron Memorial. The American flag from
Norm's memorial service has been donated to the library.. Once the lights to illuminate the flagpole have
been repaired, the flag will be flown there.
Staff: Carol told the board about the library "sleep-aveel that children's librarian Beth de;Jamette
organized several weeks ago. About 15 teenagers attei*ded. They talked about books and watched
movies until the wee hours in the library.
Literary volunteer ,Kim Clarke will begin directing the Library Children's Choir beginning next month.
Children seven and under are encouraged to attend.
Board committem.- No report
Old business: The board discussed the issue of susWoble fwWing for the library. David suggested that
the plan to annex the Port Townsend Public Library with Jelin County Rural Library District be
suspended until a time in the future when it ma be
l� Y permiveo as tie benefiCiil to all inVoived parties.
Sarah will write a letter of memorandum from the board to the city coune addressing this issue.
Library Development Plan: Currently the library is operating without a long -range plan. At the next
board meeting the members will finish studying the former plan. Linnea is not sure how much staff time
there will be to develop the new plan and how much time will have to come from outside resources. She
will examine the schedule and report to the board at the next meeting.
David reminded the board that e-mail between board members is public record. It is important to mark
draft documents -as "draft" since drafts are not included in public disclosure requirements.
Larry asked David about when the board could expect to have a liaison from the city council. He also
wondered about the code of ethics that has been recently written. David answered that the code of ethics
will be printed soon along with training and that the council is completing its assignments of members
to various boards and commissions.
New business: Linnea mentioned Governor Locke's proposal to eliminate the state library in Olympia.
Liinnea has written to Governor Locke and given copies of her letter to the board and to David. Linnea
suggested that the board write to local representatives. Larry will, write a letter on behalf of the library
Ele+ctipn of Board Officers: Kate Schumann and Eileen Price will share the office of president, Larry
Thomas will continue as vice - president. U =nimom apps (.
The next meeting of the board will be FeNvary 26h at 9 AM.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 AM.