Port Townsend Library
April 24, 2003
Present: Co- Presidents Kate Schumann and Eileen Price, Larry Thomas, Deb Carroll
Excused: Bill Maxwell
Staff: Linnea Patrick (director), Carol Costello (minutes)
Guests: Phyllis Schultz (Foundation); Freida Fenn (City Council); Karen Long (Friends); Julia Owens
President Kate Schumann called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM. Freida Fenn was introduced. Freida is
the new liaison from the City Council. She replaces Joe Finnic. Minutes from the March 27ffi meeting
were read. Larry suggested that the minutes be changed to reflect the fact that Kathy Meier did not attend
the meeting.
Communications: Karen Carr, President of the Friends of the Library e- mailed Linnea about the fact that
some of the Friends think that books are being stolen from the Friends' book sale shelf in the library.
No public comment
Director's report: Linnea reported that some members of the staff are part of the "walking wounded ".
Beth deJarnette recently broke her arm and was told by her doctor not to return to work for two weeks.
Several other members of the staff have had viruses. Substitute Shannon Porter has graciously worked as
many hours as she can. Shannon also works at the Jefferson County Library. Dahti Blanchard will be
replacing Library Assistant Beverly Moore for five months beginning May 1St, while Bev takes a leave of
IS All three library restroom drains were backed up last week. Linnea called in Brothers Plumbing to fix the
problem. They removed roots from the sewer line.
Friends: Karen mentioned that the library gardens are looking wonderful, thanks to the Friends
volunteers. The next Friends book sale will be Saturday, May 31St. The Friends will hold their annual
volunteer recognition event June 27th.
Foundation: No report
Board committees: No report
Old Business: Larry, chair of the director search committee, gave a report. The committee has received
nine written applications for the position. Four applicants are truly qualified. Those that qualify will then
be sent four essay questions. The application deadline is May 31st
Patriot Act: Linnea asked the board if they would want to have written information posted at the library
stating the library's position on the Patriot Act. Phyllis asked what significance the Patriot Act has for the
patron. Linnea answered by saying that the FBI can request patron records with a subpoena. Library staff
cannot tell the patron that the FBI has been here to request records. Linnea read from the Santa Cruz
Public Library' statement. Linnea will write a statement and bring it to the next board meeting for
Library Policy: The board reviewed and revised the Materials Selection Policy and the Resource Sharing
Deb will be out of town for the next board meeting.
The next regular meeting of the board will be May 22nd at 9:00 AM. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25