Port Townsend Library
June 26, 2003 (revised)
Present: Co -Chair Kate Schumann, Larry Thomas, Bill Maxwell, Deb Carroll
Excused: Eileen Price
Staff: Linnea Patrick (director), Carol Costello (minutes)
Guests: Phyllis Schultz (Foundation); Karen Long (Friends); Julia Owens
Chair Kate Schumann called the meeting to order at 9:05 AM. The minutes from May 22nd were
approved as read.
Communications: none
Public comment: none
Director's report: Linnea shared several printouts from the American Library Association
concerning the recent Supreme Court action concerning the Children's Internet Protection Act.
The court ruled that in order to receive federal funding libraries must provide filtering on all
public use computers in the library. Linnea told the board that they will have some decisions to
make. A contract has been signed for the library to receive a -rate funding for computer
connections via K -20 network. Statewide database licensing makes the databases affordable for
the library. In the past 15 years Port Townsend Library has received about $1 million in funding
through LSTA grants. It would cost around $20,000 for software to let adults set their own
computer appointments and the ability to choose whether filtering would be turned off and on.
Bill proposed that the board write to Norm Dicks and our senators.
Friends: Karen reported that May was a good month for the Friends. The book sale raised
$1775.95. The garage sale raised $605.33. New memberships raised $540.00. In library sales
were $128.00. A total of $3049.78 was raised during May.
The nominating committee will present the following names to be voted on at the next annual
meeting to be held Friday, June 2761 at 6:30 PM.
President: Jody Glaubman
Vice President: Jacque McInwale
Treasurer: Geralyn Rackowski
Secretary: Barbara Dyer
Library volunteers will also be honored at the annual meeting, followed by a short business
The next regular meeting of the Friends will be July 96i, 4:30 PM, at Coldwell Banker.
Rocky Friedman from the Rose Theater has offered a benefit to the Friends for the movie "Stone
Reader." The movie will be shown in September.
Staff: Carol told the group about the Harry Potter Party held last Friday night, June 20'h from
11:30 PM until Saturday morning at 2 AM. "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" was
released at midnight. The group listened to the first four chapters of the book read aloud by Beth
deJarnette, Dahti Blanchard and Colin Foden. About 150 people attended the event.
"Catch a Dragon by the Tale" is the name of the summer reading club. So far about 75 children
have signed up since the program began on June 23rd.
Committee reports: none
Old Business: Director search. Larry handed out a written report (attached to minutes). There
were 55 applications. Fourteen of those have been asked to submit answers to four essay
questions. The applicants have been asked to submit answers to several essay questions and
return them to city hall postmarked on or before July 15`h. The board will read the responses and
applications. There will be a form to fill out for each applicant. The search team will then rank
the individuals, and the Port Townsend Library Advisory Board will recommend to the city
manager that the top three or four be invited for an in person evaluation. Biographies will be
available to the staff and news media (with the individual's permission). The committee is
working on interview questions.
Bill told the group that Larry has done a wonderful job as chair and organizer of the committee.
He also said that the committee has done a wonderful job.
Karen remarked that the entire group is comfortable with the fourteen individuals that have been
Bill moved to approve the revision of the Policy of Confidentiality of Library Transactions and
Patron Files. Bill moved to approve. Deb seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.
The group discussed the Port Townsend Library Advisory Board Bylaws. At the board's
suggestion, Linnea will eliminate "board committees" from the agenda. Bylaw changes will be
approved at the July meeting, after proposed revision is distributed to members.
New Business: Jefferson County Library has not been able to get enough information together to
study the option of contracting with the other CLAN libraries for service instead of continuing the
current consortium arrangement. They propose that the inter local agreement be renewed for this
next year. At this point the agreement is in the hands of the superintendents of the school
districts. Once they sign it, the agreement will be passed on to the city council.
The next meeting will be held July 24" at 9:00 AM. Adjourned 10.40 AM.