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The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in workshop session the twenty-
third day of January 2007, at 6:30 p.m. in the Port Townsend City Council Chambers
of City Hall, Mayor Mark Welch presiding.
Council members present at roll call were Geoff Masci, Laurie Medlicott, Michelle
Sandoval, Scott Walker and Mark Welch. Frank Benskin and Catharine Robinson
were excused.
Two Planning Commissioners were also in attendance: George Randels and Julian
Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, City Attorney John
Watts, Planning Director Rick Sepler, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy.
John Owen of Makers provided the following documents:
Port Townsend Uptown Neighborhood Design Study Recommendations to Council
January 23, 2007
Uptown Neighborhood Design Study Proposal Evaluation Sheet - Jan. 9, 2007
Port Townsend Neighborhood Design Study Recommendations Work Sheet 1-23-07
Mr. Owen noted that one the themes that has come from the public process is that
the uptown area is well loved but fragile. He stated that results of a cursory analysis
show that the uptown area has sufficient parking by current use standards. Things
are not bad but there is not a large reservoir of unused parking. He stated that he
would recommend that the council begin with the recommendations to a) extend the
interim parking controls and b) form an ad hoc parking strategies committee to
address parking issues.
He stated that there is some worry about establishing a residential parking zone and
an overburden of regulations; he stated that the interests of the residents can be
Mr. Masci asked if the parking regulations would apply to all of the uptown
residential district or just the one block.
City Council Workshop
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January 23, 2007
Mr. Owen stated that this would apply to the C-1I1 zone only - mostly properties
directly along Lawrence and a jog to pick up some on Clay.
Mrs. Medlicott asked about the high rating for traffic calming on Lawrence; Mr. Owen
stated that traffic calming could be one through some street improvements that
would slow down traffic.
Mr. Sepler noted that although this is a C-III zone, staff is mindful of the impacts on
the residential areas just off the business district; perhaps providing employee
designated parking might be a solution. He stated staff has met three times with
property owners and they are interested in doing a "transportation management
plan" on their own.
In answer to a question from Mr. Walker, Mr. Owen noted that all the parking
proposals are not clearly written - basically, if parking is restricted then parking
structures will be necessary and this would be contrary to affordable housing goals
for instance. He stated this is a quandary and the end result is management
activities that don't require on site or parking facilities of any kind; keeping the
number of parking stalls we have but managing them better.
Ms. Sandoval noted that in the group discussions people were often at odds in their
thought process and came up with a give and take for every restriction. She heard
that parking was the biggest issue but no one had the perfect way to deal with it.
Mr. Owen stated that a lot of benefit can be gained from working on the first five or
six listed "measures to explore" in terms of traffic management.
In answer to Mrs. Medlicott's questions, Mr. Owen stated that traffic management
includes ways to prevent people from taking as many trips with cars; these can
include bicycle lockers, better land use planning, having services within the
neighborhood, and providing good walking surfaces.
Mr. Sepler noted that businesses seem to be interested and they find it is sometimes
fairly easy to deal with these impacts.
Mr. Owen noted that there is a recommendation for another ad hoc committee to
deal with height and bulk issues; this is primarily a regulatory issue dealing with
design guidelines and perhaps some new zoning standards.
He stated there was concern about the "tunnel effect" although he stated it is much
more serious if the height of buildings is equal to the width of streets; height is a
somewhat bigger issue in the Northwest because of the sun angles; although a 50
foot building on an 80 foot wide street does not cause him concern from a technical
standpoint, he said there is also a perceptual standpoint.
Mr. Owen noted that there is a need for more specificity and examples in the code
so that it is easier to deal with developments.
City Council Workshop
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January 23, 2007
Mr. Sepler noted that for each issue identified there is an existing "tool box." The
suggested ad hoc committee process would not have to be exhaustive and may
require just two or three meetings for each. He stated he would be meeting with the
Planning Commission and HPC Chairs and if Council so directs, ad hoc groups can
be created fairly quickly; the recommendations could come back through the
Planning Commission.
Mr. Masci stated that he would rather see ad hoc committees tasked with modifying
design guidelines so there is one set for downtown and one for uptown and then go
through a public process for more public comment. He added that he would like to
see participation from someone who represents drivers rather than cyclists and
pedestrians. He noted that with an aging population, a certain amount of traffic
simply must be planned for and dealt with.
Mr. Masci stated he is against any bulbouts whatsoever.
Mr. Owen stated they could probably solve some safety issues.
Mr. Sepler noted that bulbouts merit discussion but constitute a minor
recommendation and in terms of the proposed implementation schedule are way
down the list.
Ms. Sandoval stated that all the recommendations look pretty integrated; HPC has
already said that the "voluntary compliance" is an issue for them and teardowns are
another issue. Some of the recommendations are not on a specific work plan and
may need to be sent to specific committees. She added that it might save time to
have a policy instead of discussing every single bulbout that is proposed.
Public Works Director Ken Clow stated that there is no policy currently that says you
will or will not use bulbouts, but that it is a design tool that can be used.
The Council agreed to hear public comment even though none was scheduled for
the workshop meeting. Three citizens made brief comments, including concern over
the 50-foot building heights, need for design standards, and the desire to keep a
unique look to the neighborhood.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
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Pam Kolacy, CMC/
City Clerk
City Council Workshop
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January 23, 2007