HomeMy WebLinkAbout010207 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 2, 2007 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session the second day of January 2007, at 6:30 p.m. in the Port Townsend City Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Mark Welch presiding. ROLL CALL Council members present at roll call were Frank Benskin, Michelle Sandoval, Scott Walker and Mark Welch. Catharine Robinson and Laurie Medlicott arrived later. Geoff Masci was excused. Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, City Attorney John Watts, Public Works Director Ken Clow, City Engineer Dave Peterson, DSD Director Leonard Yarberry, Planning Director Rick Sepler, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy. Mayor Welch asked for a moment of silence to mark the death of former Council member Dan Harpole. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Mayor Welch proposed that the Peace Coalition presentation be moved forward in the agenda and placed immediately following general public comment. Mr. Walker suggested reversing Unfinished Business items A and B to dispense with the quicker item first. There were no objections to either change. PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Welch read proclamations of appreciation to ARC Architects (accepted by Dave Rutherford) and Dawson Construction (accepted by Ben Thompson) for their exceptional contributions to the City Hall Annex construction and Historic City Hall renovation. PUBLIC COMMENT (Consent and non-agenda items) There was no public comment. PORT TOWNSEND PEACE COALITION PRESENTATION Bob Schultz presented a petition to the Mayor and a sample resolution against the war in Iraq for the Council's consideration. Also speaking in favor of Council action on the resolution were Darleen Durfee, Liz Rivera Goldstein, Frank Hoffman, and Gerry Chawes. City Council Business Meeting Page 1 January 2, 2007 Written comments were submitted by Michele Bruns and Pete von Christierson. Catherine Robinson arrived at 6:58 p.m. Laurie Medlicott arrived at 7:01 p.m. Motion: Mr. Benskin moved to have a resolution prepared for Council's consideration at a future business meeting. Ms. Sandoval seconded. The motion carried, 5-1, by voice vote, MedJicott opposed. RECESS Mayor Welch declared a recess at 7:12 p.m. for the purpose of a break and allowing people to exit prior to the next agenda item. RECONVENE The meeting reconvened at 7:10 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Mr. Walker moved for approval of the foJ/owing items on the Consent Agenda. Ms. Robinson seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote. Approval of Bills. Claims and Warrants: Vouchers 99973 through 100204 in the amount of $591,038.12 Vouchers 100285 through 100296 in the amount of $1 ,614.36 Vouchers 1205061 through 1205069 in the amount of $116,814.85 Vouchers 1206061 through 1206062 in the amount of $97.09 Vouchers 1220061 through 1220069 in the amount of $93,501.27 Resolution 07-001, authorizing the City Manager to sign a grant agreement with the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board for the San Juan Avenue Sidewalk Project (Lopez Avenue to 47th Street) and to sign all necessary documents and contracts for the design and construction of this project. Resolution 07-002, authorizing the City Manager to sign a grant agreement with the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board for improvements to Sims Way (SR 20), from Howard Street to Thomas Street. Resolution 07-003, authorizing the City Manager to enter into an automation system service agreement with the Jefferson County Library. Resolution 07-005, fixing the time for hearing (February 20, 2007) on a petition for a street vacation. City Council Business Meeting Page 2 January 2, 2007 UNFINISHED BUSINESS UPPER SIMS WAY IMPROVEMENTS - UPDATE ON PROJECT STATUS AND NEXT STEPS IN THE PLANNING PROCESS Planning Director Rick Sepler gave a brief summary of revisions to the planning process for the Upper Sims Way improvements; he noted the Council would conduct a joint workshop with the Planning Commission on Jan. 4 and convene for a special meeting to take actions relating to the project. There was no public comment. ORDINANCE 2936 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTER 20.09 LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION AND APPEAL FEES, SECTION 20.09.010 FEES, SECTION 20.09.020 BUILDING, LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT FEES, SECTION 29.09.030 ENVIRONMENTAL AND DESIGN REVIEW FEES, SECTION 20.09.040 PUBLICATION AND NOTICE FEES, SECTION 29.09.060 OTHER CHARGES AND FEES, AND CHAPTER 3.36 PERMIT, APPLICATION AND APPEAL FEES, SECTION 3.36.010 FEES - GENERAL, SECTION 3.36.020 PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITY BILLING SERVICE FEES SCHEDULE RESOLUTION 06-037 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PROVIDING FOR LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION AND APPEAL FEES DSD Director Leonard Yarberry reviewed the packet materials, noting that Council had approved first reading of the ordinance on December 4, 2006. In response to questions, he noted the fee schedule is applied to new construction, not adaptive reuse. He stated that the intent is to capture through the fee schedule the cost of the City's actual work on each project. Public comment None Ms. Robinson moved for adoption of Ordinance 2936. Mrs. MedJicott seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by roJ/ caJ/ vote. City Council Business Meeting Page 3 January 2, 2007 Motion: Ms. Robinson moved for adoption of Resolution 06-037. Mr. Benskin seconded. Mr. Watts recommended that the effective date be designated as January 15, which would coincide with the ordinance adoption. There was no objection. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote. TAYLOR STREET/HALLER FOUNTAIN IMPROVEMENTS City Engineer David Peterson stated that staff is beginning work on 2007 capital projects. Work will start in two weeks on amphitheatre seating, benches, and sidewalks in front of Haller Fountain. After that, improvements at the corner of Water and Taylor Funds are scheduled partly to address ADA issues and partly to make this a more attractive and welcoming intersection. He noted there is money in the CIP to do the project and some building owners are also participating in the sidewalk improvements. He noted the wrong drawing had been included in the Council packet and showed the correct configuration. He stated that the Historic Preservation Committee has opposed a bulb out into Water Street but approved a bulb out into Taylor. The Fire Chief has examined the proposal and stated that this would not have a negative impact on building safety vehicles turning into the street. Considerable discussion ensued, including questions about how many business owners were involved in the design process; what the HPC's reasons were for opposing the bulb out into Water Street; history of the pergola; whether DASH was consulted about the design; how number of parking spaces will be affected (net loss of one); how bulb outs will facilitate traffic flow and pedestrian safety; and effect of the street light on the corner. Public comment None Motion: Mr. Benskin moved to approve the plan for Water and Taylor Street intersection and authorize the City Manager to sign aJ/ contracts and construction documents necessary to complete this work. Ms. Robinson seconded. There was further discussion, with several Council members expressing discomfort at approving the plan without further information. It was noted that a short delay wouldn't affect the cost savings of doing the project while equipment was already mobilized for the Fountain project. Motion: Mr. Welch moved to table to motion to the next regular business meeting. Ms. Robinson seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote. City Council Business Meeting Page 4 January 2, 2007 Council requested that staff ask a representative of the HPC to attend the next Council meeting to clarify their recommendation regarding the design possibly to comment on their approach to projects that affect the downtown streetscape. RECESS Mayor Welch declared a recess at 8:34 for the purpose of a break. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened at 8:45. NEW BUSINESS PTTV INTERIM STATION MANAGER - SCOPE OF SERVICE City Attorney John Watts reviewed the packet materials. He noted that when approval of the scope of work occurs, staff will immediately begin advertising and recruitment for the position, then work with the PEG Board to set up a review process. Public comment Bill Miller requested a copy of the scope of services document. Motion: Mr. Welch moved to approve the PTTV Interim Station Manager Scope of Service. Ms. Robinson seconded. Questions were raised about evaluation of the current interlocal agreement between the City and the School District for oversight of the station. Mr. Watts stated that the PEG Access Coordinating Committee will be discussing the possibility of reorganizing and evaluation of the interlocal could be part of that. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote. Resolution 07-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PROVIDING FOR COPYING CHARGES FOR PUBLIC RECORDS City Attorney John Watts reviewed the packet material. Public comment None City Council Business Meeting Page 5 January 2, 2007 Motion: Mrs. MedJicott moved for approval of Resolution 07-004 with designated effective date of January 15. Mr. Walker seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote. PRESIDING OFFICER'S REPORT APPOINTMENTS TO THE MAIN STREET HUD LOAN COMMITTEE Motion: Ms. Robinson moved to accept the Mayor's recommendation and appoint Jon Muroch and Mark Cole to the Main Street HUD Loan Committee. Motion carried unanimously, 6-0, by voice vote. COUNCIL RETREAT A retreat was tentatively set for Saturday, January 13, to be confirmed after all have had a chance to look at their calendars. In box items will be discussed at the retreat. COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS The Clerk will distribute a current list of assignments and meeting dates and request any comments from Council members regarding changes in Committee assignments andlor schedules. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT Mr. Timmons distributed e-mails regarding levels of service for the Parks and Police Departments. He also stated that the ending fund balance for 2006 would be approximately 3.4% ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m. Attest: n" '. /;7 (.----.[ ) ,i~{..cxr \LJtL. ( ,v.. 0~ 'n . i Pamela Kolacy, CMC City Clerk City Council Business Meeting Page 6 January 2, 2007