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0252 Forbidding Certain Vehicles Standing withing Certain Limits and providing Penalties
84- ,1 i� �CiLG-C/C1[�V ✓C�(�C✓ l/Ttr G// / �I V�'TUGLOi�cs(Ji .. lc. �l�-r.�J(/f�l�`-1,'`CLGLL.C�' ��•'.' �GLC2l�'�T !`�•GG;�iZQ�L�v,<<. J ' f / t-ll.% i--CJZG/��t;• l���LCLE�/'�G`u,LGL���f GAG (� LCr �t C�v "I'1'CeLLC_lL�,,li(��Q7 G�llt yV, /te • .. .. �,C� ��i�-c,c.�-�i -ct��c�� .Cf—r�LLL�' �,G��r��L-C/L� D�r A Al 11 d L;��./,4:�Lif :'Z c- •cam � . ��'..t_ Lc_ jGi!� r �-C.� `''�'I O�I..Lv G'{�L��%� C L- J`-: ( L iC_-L' L . t' L.l+r `,. t� � J�L I-' -r. t_ a✓ rL v ✓/l,.%L•L/fJ�'L !/C;'CG f � Gi l Cal ;lit urdlnduce.'torb!ddiug cortein vebl cice atandutg tr,it9iu coihit" I'M ifl t) aitj,, aE,. i'prt Zoicnsui�d; putty+rdciditig a : f � pclinity tcr.'vlolntion'thereof. Tho C(ty n[ Tort Towpeond iloce orda[n uefo11oi1eS':' 6t crio rl.' T:int{ aicrea[tar it ebnll'b'a imluirfitl`: for' nqy 'oRner'; ,, wanagar. or drii`or_'ofliiip'i xpresa bvagoti, Behli; cab, enrringc,-buggy pr'otbor �oliiclo: oil'. 6nbetl,,in trauaport3ng;property.>_or.per - 9ntlfl,for,ptty,.io,htzrinitiuiysuclti•ohillc t to etnotl'nE nnrr point otC_lYplC,t eticot, 3n ea3d-,oltyi-. bctw• 0i Elie,uoeterly ltiie of t7uinoy,,Oreot ntidlboikaetcrlpl!ndof Ttiylgr:: etroc % or' a,t any. -point, on inid' Taylor-•;fl[Fcot:•edl+t:ol,,etho: contec line tbercoi;',a id':j�etn`a`eti.lVuter''. eltcet� oiid •11'nehU�glonetFedtlu•erildcit3'•,"`'•.'; zeotion`Ilr-'Pbiit'eny;jiaraott.vslioabull ' yi�lnto 'aiiyof altc,proylsioue'of ilia prat ' -• . eeatloii oGtliii ordinauco riiili boi3eelned guilty of o inledtnopat Lr; a... v upon icon- victieti 'tiicraoik..iibnll Uo:°nge¢,in nny amp 'noL',osccoding, odor, lwu�ired dol- lare: �cctlon"III, JT atUua''or tlinance OWE intro cAcct and Lu »i lorco'ytrom and attar : •, Aye d6ye,from Its htibllcatlbn'!;' I Lear, d the council Swig.; lti,',IH3E1:.. Approved Atigue71889.1 Kvu14, . ::. moyee:.... Attcii' I1Ru Cs1tY 51H17! uuAi8t1 CtkY'Cluik: ,