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The City Council of the City of Port T~wnsend met in special session this twenty-
eighth day of November 2005, at 6:3P p.m. in the Port Townsend temporary Council
Chambers in the Cedar Room of the [Waterman & Katz Building, Mayor Catharine
Robinson presiding. [
Council members present at roll call ~ere Frank Benskin, Freida Fenn, Kees Kolff,
Geoff Masci, Laurie Medlicott, Catharine Robinson, and Michelle Sandoval.
Staff members present were City Malnager David Timmons, City Attorney John
Watts, Long Range Planning Directolr Jeff Randall, Long Range Planner Judy
Surber, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy. ! Also present was contractor Paul Ingham of
Berryman & Henigar.
Senior Planner Judy Surber reviewe~ the packet material, including a review of the
process to date and addressing the wnresolved items from the November 17
t. I
mee Ing. i
After the presentation, she suggesteb taking up the tracked changes and then
tackling the three remaining main to~ics. She noted that many representatives were
in attendance from the Shoreline Adyisory Group, Planning Commission, Port,
Department of Ecology and staff. I
Public comment:
Jeffree Stewart, Department of Ecol~gy, noted that when the SMP draft comes to
the Department of Ecology, there ar$ provisions in the governing RCW and
supporting WACs that include solici*tion of public comment; he characterized it as
an iterative process and added that y"ater dependent and water oriented public uses
are of considerable concern and an~ part of the plan which comes forward as a
"place holder" may not pass muster. i
Gloria Bram supported the status qu' option. She stated that the Port has never
requested a mixed use facility to be onstructed anywhere on their property and new
City Council Special Meeting
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November 28, 2005
construction can in no way replace t e revenue currently received from RVs. If
new construction were done in the b ck 40, it would have to bring in $100,000 per
year if all RVs on the point were elim nated. She added that the parade ground has
been open space for 85-90% of its hi tory so not building there would preserve the
historic nature of Point Hudson. Sh$ stated that voting to remove RVs would be
very chauvinistic.
Dave King provided written comment;s. He reviewed two points with respect to the
SMP at Point Hudson; first to consid$r adding transient accommodations for the
hospital building and second, that th$re is no intrinsic value to a new mixed use
facility as it was just there as a way ~f eliminating some of the RVs. He suggested
returning to general language regarding bulk and dimension and keep it simple. A
single new facility including accomm$dations was proposed as an alternative to
RVs; quantification of this facility wa& tasked to the Planning Commission at
Council's instruction; as the draft is ~resented, the mixed-use facility would not be
compatible with the rest of Point Hu~son. He strongly urges the support of marine
trades there. I
Carol Hasse urged the Council to pr~serve the character of Point Hudson as a
scenic and charming area. Motel deyelopment, if the appearance would fit and it
would eliminate the financial need for RVs, could perhaps be justified but she is
loath to do that through the SMP. S~e hears constantly from customers and visitors
how special and unique the Point Hljdson marina is and she believes allowing other
uses would shift the ambience towar~ tourism and would take away the open vistas
that inspire us. Small scale and arti~an maritime trades can expand at Point Hudson
and Boat Haven; a motel works agairst that unless the scale fits in and it is tied to
the removal of RVs. I
Guy Hupy stated that the Shoreline Jj>.dvisory Group started with the best of
intentions to create a trade-off, but o~er the process of the development of the draft,
the intention was diluted until the trade off components went away entirely. Bulk and
scale were not addressed early on. e said that if this Council chooses to keep the
mixed-use facility (MUF) within the MP, they need to come up with a new
justification for the facility. One goo thing the RVs provided was to hold the space
open all this time; once new constru tion is erected, the context of the Coast Guard
buildings goes away forever. He b ,Iieves it is better not to do anything than to try
and fix a purported economic shortf~1I by building a hotel. Many economic issues
need to be looked at and no one ha~ seen numbers at that level. There will be
multiple opportunities in the future d~ring zoning and planning processes to work on
these issues when the information i~ in hand. He cautioned making any moves
without the proper documentation. !
Chris Grace stated that much of thejiProiect is predicated on the notion that there is a
need for Point Hudson to be econo ically independent. He stated that he has been
a commercial developer for years a d has been involved in many port and port
adjacent projects; he is not shy abo t making money or producing economically
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November 28, 2005
viable projects but he does not think here is anything here that supports that. Point
Hudson is a culturally significant part of the community. Point Hudson has an iconic
quality for the community and the ec nomic impact goes far beyond what happens
in the facility; what happens in the fu ure will have a dramatic impact on the
community and he asked the councitfirst do no harm to that end. He stated a
specific economic plan is absolutely ecessary and the loss of revenue from motor
homes is only part of the issue. The e is a need to see a complete business plan as
to how many marina facilities don't c rrently measure up. He does not see a hotel-
restaurant mixed use facility as bein economically viable as presented - no one will
want to come in for a speculative pr 'ect.
Barbara Marseille provided written ,aterial, stated she is speaking as a private
citizen. She stated the Council is de~tined to determine the future of the Point
Hudson area; staff has been workin hard to be cooperative and reach consensus.
A new permanent structure on the p rade ground would be inconsistent with the
overall historic character of Point Hu son and in this case, open space is just as
valuable as built space. She added t at the Port's economic reasoning seems vague
and insubstantial and action based ,n only the evidence presented by the Port is
irresponsible. I
Eric Toews, Cascadia Community Pllanning Services, on behalf of the Port. He
stated the Port's continued support ~fthe Planning Commission's draft including
provisions regarding mixed-use facili~ies at Point Hudson, which is a product of
thoughtful deliberation. The economic goals and objectives of the SMP are
achieved by a good compromise, re~oving 50% of the RVs and offsetting that
revenue through a mixed-use facilityf The Port continues to support this option,
recognizing that reasonable minds c' n differ. He urged the Council not to adopt an
option that fails to support marine tr des by precluding water related and water
dependent uses on the parade grou ds. The Port believes that water enjoyment
should also be allowed throughout a I of Point Hudson. The question posed in
today's staff memo is the wrong que tion; the question should be what allowance
should be made for new uses and dl:!velopment that could help offset income from
RVs and promote futures uses to re~lace RVs. Regarding the back 40 - we must
recognize that any shoreline MUF wp'uld occupy only a portion of that area.
Theoretically there are two areas, bl)t the development would occupy one acre or
less analogous to the defined area qn the parade grounds. Regarding the idea that
the historic context would be compr~mised, he offered that RVs have been there
longer than any other use and for only eight years has the parade ground been used
as a parade ground. Regarding the lidea that there can't be master planning without
economic analysis - economic planming for 35,000 square foot area would be costly
and unprecedented at this juncture. I
Scott Walker stated that the historiciuse of the Point Hudson parade ground has
been open space; sixteen years ag;' when he first became involved, Point Hudson
RVs were under discussion and we thought to be ugly, but he has come to realize
that RVs are not so different from w ter yachts and are just another way for people
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to see the world. It is not a bad use until we come up with a really fitting way to use
the parade grounds. He said his pr ference is to leave them there and leave the
parade grounds open until a good solution can be found.
Larry Crockett provided a GIS outlin of the back 40, noting he has indicated the
maximum space available for a building, the rest would be needed for parking, fire
lanes, overflow parking, etc. and probably about an acre would be available for
further development. He addresse~ a letter in the Council packet from David
Goldman, and said the letter contain~d many errors in regard to the financial
situa tion of the Port. He stated that although Mr. Goldman looked at revenues, he
did not look at the expense side of t e sheet. He added that most expenses are
dedicated and cannot be touched in luding airport revenues, and debt service. He
reiterated that one of the adopted gals of the joint resolution between the City and
Port regarding the Point Hudson ma ter plan is that Point Hudson must be
financially self-supporting. He state that the Port is committed to marine related
uses. He also stated he senses a fe or to create open space on a site which has
been developed for over 70 years. f all these types of water related use are
excluded from any part of Point Hud on, this flies in the face of the City's own zoning
and SMP and treads on the legal authority of the Port District and harbor
improvements. He added that not qnce in the entire process was a public comment
made that any should be left as ope~ space.
Mary Winters on behalf of the Port or Port Townsend stated her recollection of the
process was that both the SAG and planning Commission somewhat grudgingly
came to respect and acknowledge t~at RVs support marine trades and the
preservation of historic buildings as y"ell as economic viability of the Port. The
discussion moved from how to get ri~ of them to how can we make Point Hudson
work as a whole, while acknowledgirjrg that RVs are currently a critical component of
the whole picture. The Port has submitted economic information regarding the
income derived from RVs, which bri~g many people to she shoreline. Any provision
in the SMP that called for sunsetting! of RVs would be a big concern to the Port and
might become a challenge which th~ Port would undertake reluctantly. The Port
believes that there should be no prohibition of marine trades anywhere in Point
Hudson - that would be anathema t? the Comprehensive Scheme, Com Plan, etc.
Option 5 regarding reserving future ptions has attractiveness as it puts the issue off
to another day and it is always easy to ask for more information but on balance, the
Port agrees with the Department of cology that is makes the decision more difficult
in the future. The Port has produc d an economic sheet on what a hotel could
potentially bring in revenue which will be provided upon request.
Jim Pivarnik, Port Director, speakinJ as a citizen. He stated he came here 12 years
ago because of Point Hudson and t~e sail making class; things have stayed
constant in Point Hudson and what t has supported, including transient
accommodations, attorney offices, ow-makers, etc. Point Hudson has not had a
single direction and if it is homogeni~ed, it will take away from what Point Hudson
really is. He urged the Council not to regulate it to death.
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Dave Robison: NW Maritime Center He stated that the SAG Committee was trying
to accomplish a balance of uses at pbint Hudson, recognizing historic uses and uses
traditionally taking place on the east $ide of the marina. If non-water oriented uses
are allowed on the parade grounds, it would help the City in achieving its historic
goals and help the Port achieve a balance of revenues. An MUF on the parade
grounds would accomplish other impprtant objectives of the City. If RVs were
removed, there would be enhanced ~~bliC access, view corridors, ecological
restoration and revenue to the Port. ,Since that time the idea of allowing an MUF on
the back forty has come up. He sta~ed his concern is if that is closer to the
traditional marine trades, the haulou~ and Fleet Marine. He said if you look across
the state, when hotels or condos arel placed in close proximity to marine trades, the
trades lose. That is why the SAG tri~d to keep non-water oriented uses to the far
east, so when we look at Point Hudspn in the big picture, we must recognize the
balance of those uses and above all1 maintenance and protection of marine trades
businesses. i
Mayor Robinson declared a recess ~t 8:03 p.m. for the purpose of a break.
The meeting was reconvened at 8: 1[8 p.m.
Mayor Robinson requested that the touncil begin the discussion with the issues
regarding Point Hudson because so Imany people are here with an interest in the
discussion. [
Ms. Fenn stated for the record that ~he does not hold an interest in any business
inside Point Hudson. '
Ms. Fenn stated that she has a bias [in support of marine trades as Port Townsend is
on of the few communities which still has a working waterfront - others have been
gentrified and support uses that canioccur anywhere in an urban area. Our policy
says that we will make marine trade$ a priority, and she challenges the Council to
hold onto that. She stated she would not dream of removing the opportunity for
marine trades and water dependent iuses on the parade ground; she believes the
RVs have functioned in a positive w~y, holding the space open and she would like to
see it available for more general pu~lic use and some environmental restoration.
She stated there has been much co~sensus and the document is very close to a
work she is ready to support; her rerj1aining focus is preservation and support of the
working waterfront. I
Ms. Sandoval asked for an explanation of the term "unlisted non-water enjoyment
use." Ms. Surber stated that those /:Ire uses not specifically listed and could be
uses no one has thought of. I
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Ms. Sandoval asked if they are condi ional in regard to adaptive re-use but not new
construction. Ms. Surber referred b ck to the development regulation on page 58 of
Chapter 5, which says that develop ent must be water oriented. Since non-water
oriented use is not listed as a choice Ifor new development, there is an inconsistency.
Ms. Sandoval asked how the marketlvalue of an abandoned structure is determined
and where in the document abandonbd structures are contained besides in the
definitions. Ms. Surber stated that t~ey are primarily in over-water construction, i.e.
whether they should be removed if apandoned.
Ms. Surber also said that the definiti~n of market value is meant to be consistent
with other non-conforming uses, so t~at would typically be the value of the structure
itself. I
Mr. Timmons asked how that would ~elate to the demolition of historic structures.
Mr. Masci asked about the revenue ~' rojections the Port has made regarding location
of a hotel on Port property. Mary Winters provided a document, noting this is not an
economic analysis, but is based on t e Port's understanding of general hotel rates,
the size of restaurant that would fit, Elnd similar factors. She added that 6% is a
fairly typical rate for a percentage le~se. The document was entered into the
record, showing an estimate of abou~ $88,000 income for a percentage lease. She
also added that the size of the facilitt would be too big for the parade ground.
Larry Crocket also cautioned that th~ income estimate is really just an educated
guess; he stated the Port is not in thf hotel business and does not want to be in the
hotel business. I
Mr. Masci asked about the language! regarding incentive for MUF on the back 40;
Ms. Surber stated she believes that ~temmed from the Council discussion on
November 17 when it was suggeste~ that a smaller size more in keeping with the
surrounding buildings be proposed. :
Ms. Robinson stated that she has h~ard from the public and read a lot in this
document about supporting and pre$erving marine trades and that is her interest -
making sure that use is supported a~d encouraged and ensured to the greatest
extent possible. She asked how th~ document could be drafted to preserve the
parade grounds and back 40 for ma~ine trade use, acknowledging that there are
RVs currently on the parade ground land setting mixed use aside.
Ms. Surber stated that DR 5.13.4 wquld have to be revised to specify water
dependent and water related, not welter oriented uses.
Ms. Robinson agreed with Mr. Croc~ett that we are treading into territory that is not
ours to tread into. She agrees that ~ouncil's work is the uses, not micromanaging
or master planning. I
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Ms. Sandoval asked if there is any a ea that doesn't explicitly state we would allow
non-commercial water enjoyment us s in the maritime heritage corridor. Ms. Surber
stated that it is addressed for Point udson East; she said the maritime heritage
corridor is fine as written, and there i~ very little opportunity for public open space in
that area. i
Mrs. Medlicott asked for confirmatiorl that the parade grounds have only been open
space for eight years in the eXistenc;' of Point Hudson. Larry Crocket reviewed the
history of the facility which the Port g thered through research and photographic
evidence. The best they could asce ain was that there was an approximately 7-8
year period when there were no RVsl or buildings on the parade ground since the
facility was built in 1933. :
Mrs. Medlicott asked about the Rotaty trail; Mr. Crockett showed on the map where
the trail has been placed and noted ~hat the next phase of the project will be
historical interpretation signage. H~ added that every linear foot of Point Hudson
would be walkable. :
Ms. Robinson asked about the Marirla serving grocery/deli listed on the use table on
page 63, and if there is a size limitatibn on that type of facility.
Ms. Surber stated that is a remnant ~rom earlier drafts and she believes it refers to a
water-related use of a marina deli w~ich would be sized and designed for selling
types of merchandise a transient bo~ter would be using.
Ms. Fenn asked if there had been a1Y discussion about including the grocer/deli in
the 11,000 total square footage allowed for food service. Ms. Surber stated it was
specifically excluded because it is related to transient moorage. It would not have
any table seating. It does not appe~r that there are size limitations proscribed.
Mr. Masci asked about the provisionlfor public access which could involve setbacks
and buffers if the public access areal was adjacent to a residential use. He stated
that this would make some of the pr<[>perty unusable by the owners, in urban
Ms. Surber explained this would only apply to residential uses, not a market or a
restaurant or another public use. i
Ms. Sandoval stated she would like ~o see consensus on adding non-commercial
use to the language in Point HUdso~ east.
Ms. Robinson asked for an elaborati~:m of the language in 5.13.4. Ms. Surber noted
that in the errata sheet, suggested c~anges have been made to (a) to include water
dependent, water related, and non-qommercial water related uses. She added that
a new (b) could be added, specifically addressing commercial water enjoyment
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uses. She added that suggested lanhuage in (b) needs to be clarified as to where
commercial water-enjoyment use co;'d be located in Point Hudson east; there is at
least one new restaurant that could je located in that area, so the concern would be
where would it go.
Ms. Robinson stated a preference tolstrike "as part of a Mixed Use Facility" in
5.13.4(b) on the errata sheet; she wquld also like to have the deli/grocery square
footage included within the restaura~t total square footage.
In response to Ms. Sandoval, Ms. SLjrber stated a note could be added to the use
table that unlisted non-water oriente~ use could be allowed in an adaptive re-use
with a conditional use permit. '
Mr. Fenn asked whether there is a p~rcentage cap on usage that can be non-water
related in Point Hudson east. Ms. ~andoval stated that adaptive re-use has
different percentages. Ms. Surber a~ded that adaptive re-use has specific
requirements, some of which are sp4cific to the buildings themselves.
Ms. Fenn asked what the current us$ of the main building is. Larry Crockett replied
it contains two restaurants, a meetin~ room and small offices. He listed the square
footage of each building. I
Mr. Benskin stated that the only way!to locate a new restaurant is in a new building;
. the only existing building that would possibly work would be the main building and in
that case, it would compete with the !restaurants already there and wipe out the
meeting room. The other existing bpildings are too small to locate a restaurant in.
Mr. Randall noted that custom arts alnd crafts and offices are adaptive re-uses now.
Restaurants in those buildings are a~sumed to be water-enjoyment and thus not
limited to the 30% rule. I
Mr. Masci asked if the deli/grocery C~Uld be located in the mixed-use facility. Ms.
Surber replied that it could. I
Ms. Sandoval asked about errata #111 and why there is now a broad category of
unlisted non-water enjoyment uses. I
Paul Ingham (Berryman & Henigar) $tated that those listed in the table continue to
be permitted if they meet the reqUire~ents of the adaptive re-use category. If they
do not show up in the table, they wo Id be required to go through a conditional use
permit process. He explained this w uld have the effect of striking an inconsistency
in the current SMP where some usef may be listed as both permitted outright and
permitted with a conditional use penpil.
Ms. Fenn stated that she believes thlis document really weakens the commitment to
focusing on water related uses at ptnt Hudson and leaves a much more wide open
City Council Special Meeting i Page 8 November 28, 2005
door than previous document. She aid this is quite a departure from prioritizing
water dependent and water related u es and is much more likely to allow non water
dependent businesses to com in; sh stated this does not fit the policies established
in the front part of the document. I
Ms. Surber noted that some of the p~oposed regulations were designed to promoted
historic preservation in buildings whi4h are thought to be restricted in their ability to
support water related uses; it was linked with the goal of retaining the character of
providing space for mixed uses. .
Motion: Mr. Benskin moved to adjoo/m after stating a plan about how to proceed
with this issue. Mr. Masci seconde~. Motion failed, 2-5, Benskin and Masci in
Motion: Ms. Sandoval moved that i1l1 #11 on the Exhibit #1 (Track Changes) staff
clarify that unlisted non-water enjoy~ent uses are intended to be included as
adaptive re-use where adaptive re-u$es is currently allowed. Mr. Kolff seconded.
The motion carried unanimously, 7-Q, by voice vote.
Motion: Mr. Kolff moved for approv~1 of#12 on Exhibit #1 (Artwork). Ms. Fenn
seconded. .
Mr. Masci stated he would prefer th~ all artwork be prohibited in Point Hudson as it
is incompatible with a marine districti Ms. Surber noted that the Port would also
have control of what is placed there llnd would be interested in making sure the
artwork did not interfere with day-to-~ay business.
Vote: motion carried, 5-2, by voice ~ote, Benskin and Masci opposed.
Motion: Mr. Masci moved that #14 ~e modified to begin "Drift cell is a term used to
describe geographical units...." Mr. iKolff seconded. Motion carried unanimously, 7-
0, by voice vote. '
Motion: Ms. Sandoval moved to aPRrove #22 (clarify interplay of CAO buffers and
the 200-foot setback. Mr. Kolff sectnded. Motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by
~~e~re. :
Motion: Ms. Sandoval moved to approve #23 (Archeology. Ms. Robinson
seconded. Motion carried, 6-1, by ~oice vote, Masci opposed.)
Motion: Ms. Sandoval moved for alproval of #1 in entirety, including the view
corridor map with arrows added for $aines, Walker and Scott Streets. Mr. Loff
seconded. Motion carried unanimO~sIY, 7-0, by voice vote.
Motion: Mr. Kolff move to approve ~9 (Point Hudson) as written. Mrs. Medlicott
seconded. ,
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November 28, 2005
Ms. Sandoval stated she has questi ns and comments because the mixed-use
facility discussion has not taken plac and this would affect the restaurant clause.
Motion withdrawn by consensus.
Motion: Mr. Kolff moved to approve I items 2,3,4,5,6, 15, 16, 17, 19,20,21,24, and
25 from the "Tentative Approval" tab~ in the November 23 staff report. Ms.
Sandoval seconded. i
Mr. Masci asked about the differenc~ between conservancy and Natural (in regard to
designation of City owned blocks at '!Cah Tai. Staff noted that the Natural
designation is more limiting in use. i
Vote: motion carried, 5-2, Benskin ~nd Masci opposed.
Motion: Ms. Sandoval moved that ~nder 5. 13.4 d (Chapter 5, page 49) be stricken
and in its stead have language that ~lIows a mixed use facility as a CUP within the
long term objectives of the goals of !foint Hudson specifically the small scale nature
and compatible uses with the requir~ment of the removal of all RVs and a financial
plan or economic analysis be require,d as part of the CUP to demonstrate
replacement of revenues and that it ~s a viable economic project. Mr. Kolff
seconded. !
Mr. Masci stated that the language r~garding removal of RVs is harsh and punitive.
He would support Mr. King's proposed language submitted during public testimony
("Any restaurant associated with the !facility is subject to 3500 gross square foot
limitation. The design is compatible 'fith Point Hudson's scale and historic character.
Transient accommodations are allov.{ed as part of a shoreline mixed use facility
provided that non-water oriented usejs do not exceed 20% of the ground floor and
that the facility is compatible with adjlacent water-oriented and public access
improvements.") i
Motion to amend: Ms. Fenn moved to amend the motion, adding the last paragraph
from Mr. King's comments ("Any res~aurant associated with the facility is subject to
the 3500 gross square footage Iimit~tion, design is compatible with Point Hudson's
scale and historic character. Translf'int accommodations are allowed as part of a
shorelines mixed use facility provide~ that non-water oriented uses do not exceed
20% of the ground floor and that th~ facility is compatible with adjacent water-
oriented uses and public access im1rovements. ") Mr. Kolff seconded.
Mrs. Medlicolt stated she could sup~ort the motion if 20% were changed to 25%;
she is concerned that rules which ar~ too restrictive may make it impossible for for
something to succeed. i
Vote: motion failed, 3-4, Benskin, ~asci, Medlicott and Robinson opposed.
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City Council Special Meeting
November 28, 2005
The CO""" """med to d;,,",,;O" of the me;" mot;o"
Ms. Sandoval noted that she hates t~ rush the process when so many have worked
on it so long up to this point; she sta~d she feels some pressure to adopt, but
believes it needs to be considered c refully. She said she does understand the
economic reality and that she believ s that when the SAG left the discussion about a
mixed-use facility, there was a hook ~o removal of RVs. She wants to work together,
but having a hotel be the main goal qf this plan is off track; we need the economic
viability of marine trade jobs. She s~ated she wants to provide enough flexibility for
the Port to maintain economic vitality!, but the reason the MUF was proposed in the
first place was to get the RVs off the ~pit.
Mr. Masci questioned this logic, noti~g that it is because of the lengthy process and
participation that he feels comfortabl$ with adopting after some minor corrections
and editing. He said at this point th~ Council can spend another two years on this
or they can respect the work done byj subordinate committees and staff in putting
this all together. I
Mr. Kolff stated that the more he hears from the public, the less concerned he is
about having RVs on the parade gro~nds; to replace them with a large permanent
structure that will be irreversible oncE! it is there is causing grave concern for him.
He stated his higher priority is to hav~ the RVs removed from the spit and point so
that there will be availability for publiq access and parade ground potential.
Motion to amend: Mr. Kolff moved t~at an MUF be allowed on the back 40 in
exchange for removing the RV parki1g at the spit. Motion died for lack of a second.
Motion: Ms. Fenn moved that siting lof potential Mixed Use Facility be conditional
on the back 40 in exchange for remoyal of all RVs. Mr. Kolff seconded.
Mrs. Medlicott asked if the bulk, size and dimension requirements could be altered
for a facility in that location. Ms. Fe~n stated the project would be required to go
through HPC review and other forms iof review that would limit the bulk and
dimension of any structure.
Ms. Surber noted that most preferred! removing the maximum bulk and dimension
requirements and going back to the ~esign language. Mr. Randall added that
amendments to the zoning code would be required if bulk and dimension were
proscribed. She also stated that a rrixed-use facility is not necessarily a single
structure. !
Mr. Masci stated he considers a ban ~n RVs aesthetic tyranny and that a goal to do
that flied in the face of fairness. I
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. Mr. Kolff stated he does not intend tJ,propose the banning of RVs, but is saying that
if the Port wants to put in a mixed-us facility, this is the way to do it.
Ms. Robinson stated that she wishe to support and encourage marine trades
existence and expansion in Point Hu~son; testimony is conflicting about whether a
mixed use facility on the back 40 or t~e parade ground would have more impact on
the marine trades. '
Vote on amendment: motion failed, ?-5, Fenn and Kolff in favor.
Mr. Benskin stated that location in th~ back 40 would be incompatible because of the
proximity to marine trades. '
Ms. Fenn stated her concern that wel are not addressing any measure to protect any
portion of the ground floor for potential water related or marine related uses and she
believes this is a clear message from the public. She stated that a portion of the
ground floor needs to be specified folr water oriented or related uses.
Amendment: Ms. Robinson propos,d an amendment to include the language in
Chapter 5, page 59, 4 (d) regarding Rercentage of square footage required for
various uses. Mr. Benskin second~d. Motion failed, 3-4, Medlicott, Robinson and
Sandoval in favor. :
Mr. Timmons stated his concern reg~rding having the discussion centered on how to
do a mixed-use facility rather than 01 whether a mixed-use facility should be
allowed. He noted the genesis of t~e MUF was as a carrot in exchange for removal
of RVs. He questions where is the ~usiness, plan or strategy to justify any of this;
he added that is seems that the motiyation would be on the part of the Port to pursue
modification of the plan. If Council cilccepts the current status of RVs then it would
be incumbent on the Port to apply fot a conditional use permit or other permit for a
new facility. i
Mr. Kolff stated the Council is going ~own a path trying to figure out how to
compensate what for what. He stat~d they appear to be going toward a
compromise that no one is going to I ke. He stated he will not support any Mixed
Use Facility and would rather keep t e status quo. Ms. Robinson concurred.
Ms. Fenn added that the issue belonps in a sub-area planning process.
Ms. Sandoval's motion was withdra~n by consensus.
Motion: Ms. Robinson moved to st,*e all references to the Mixed Use Facility
outside of the Maritime Heritage Corridor in Point Hudson from the SMP. Ms. Fenn
Ms. Robinson explained that this pre~erves the ability for the Landfall restaurant
City Council Special Meeting
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November 28, 2005
Ms. Fenn stated that there has been an attempt to come up with a compromise but it
is clear from pubic testimony that th compromise fell apart. She believes what is
really needed is a master planning p ocess for Point Hudson.
Ms. Sandoval asked if references to !MUFs are struck, is there some policy regarding
removal of RVs as an intention that tOUld allow the Port to come forward using that
restoration incentive. i
Ms. Surber referred to Chapter 5, p~' e 54, line 30, which contains a policy to
encourage removal of RVs by allowi g adaptive re-use and revisiting the financials
on a periodic basis. There is also di ection that says the RVs on the point can be
moved landward of Hudson Street f r the purpose of getting them off the point but
no more square foot of dedicated ar~' a and no more spaces can be created. She
also stated it would be helpful to c1ar fy if there is any type of new development that
would be allowed on the parade gro nds.
Vote: motion carried, 4-3, by voice yote, Benskin, Masci and Medlicott opposed.
Motion: Mr. Benskin moved to adjofrn. Mrs. Medlicott seconded. The motion
carried, 4-3, Kolff, Robinson and safrdoval opposed.
There being no further business, theimeeting was adjourned at 10:28 p.m.
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Pam Kolacy, CMC '
City Clerk
City Council Special Meeting
November 28,2005