HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/1972 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 --- ... k, , --- ~569 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION, FEBRUARY 1, 1972, CONTINUED _n_'____~----- -..----..-..... ,-.- - --- -- --- -- - -- '_'.h___'__------- ----,-----_._- - --.-'-" ., --- ,. _n_'__'.._-- ,,- ,-- ,.,- ' - -- ---- Equipment Storage Building (Cont.) $38,:i49.00 Charawell & Enger Const. Boland Construction Co. 42,953.00 ~xterior Restoration Pacifi~ Waterproofing & Restoration $l8,B40.00 :1 !I I: " ,: II, ;1 I, Electrical Delta Electric $20,254.00 , - Furniture ~epair Dean's Upholstery , S7,2:io.00 Ernies's Dpholstery A'lternate #1 8,000.00 6, 8:iO .00 Paul W. Palmer 5,0[J0.00 Boland Construction 4,9135.00 II Prior to the bid opening Roger Frenc~, City Engineer, ~eminded the bidders that tha bids would bnly be read tonight and would be awarded at the next council meeting, Feb. 15th. OLD BUSINESS The request by the medical building for a variance was again brought on thE! floor. Councilman Scheyer stated that under ~he ~oning code, the Medical Building is required ta provide 23 parking spaces for the amount of floor space in the new building. He stated that they would be unable to provide this and thus needed a variance~ The attorney for the abutting prope~ty oweers spoke strongly against the granti~ of the variance stating that ~it would seriously jepardize the property rights of his clients. He called the council's :¡ attention to Section 6.10 of the Zoning Ordinance reminding them that they must make findings under this !' section in order to grant a variance. After considerable discussion it was moved by Councilman Hoglund, seconded by Councilman Hufford to grant the variance. Motion carried. Mayor Steve set a public hearing for March 7th on a request for zoning amendment from Boland Canst. Ii i I, II ¡i II I: .. Ii " :1 '- :! i I I ,I Ii I ~ II Ii II , :1 tI Ii I' ,I I ,I ,I I! Ii I' i: II II I! ,¡ I' II ¡I !i Councilman Sahli said he would meet with people who are objecting to the IDcation of the Equipment Storage Building. An informal meeting time was set for February 3, at 7:30 P.M. in the council chambers, to discuss the problem further. All council members ánd any member of the public are invited. ' -Mayor Steve announced that the Civil Service Board is holding a public hearing on the case of John Doubek at the Courthouse, Feb. 'II at 9:30 A.M. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the council at this time, it was moved by Councilman Hoglund, seconded by Councilman Sch~yer that the meeting do now adjou Motion carried. AU est 0 ak-«~ a(21Ad.dÞJ Deputy City~lerk 6a! ~"- MAYOR MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION FEBRUARY 15, 1972 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this l~;th day of February, 1972, at 7:30 P.M., in the council chambers in City Hall. Mayor Steve presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and _members present were as follows: Mayor Steve, City Attorney Abraha~, Deputy City Clerk Pedersen, Councilmen §~~ä'M~ Hoglund, Judy, 'Camfield and S~hli. Councilman Schayer and Hufford ~b~ent. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION It was 'moved by Councilman Camfield, seconded by Councilman Judy -that the minutes of the previous sessiòn be dispensed with. Motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS I; :1 II II It " I I, Ii Ii II Ii , " The following petition was read: February 10, 1972 City Council Port Townsend, Wa. 98368 Gentlemen: We, the úndersigned, petition the City of Port and L streets because of inadequate lighting from J Townsend for a street light on th~ corner of Cherry to M Streets. George F. Anderson ~homas C. MulJedy rs. Lance Cubley- Donald W. Rosbach Gwen Rosbach Lee E. Lefler Judith C. Lefler /s/ 1/ J, !I I: II II 'I !! Ii 'I It~"-,-,~.;c':;';¡;",:",,,,>,- ~;"""'-¡~' '.:~""~""'.""'" "'-....- The Mayor referred this to the Street Light Committee. The Mayor announced that applications will be accepted for the Police Force. will be announcing the time and date of the examination. The Civil Service Board Mayor Steve announced that he appointed Leila G. ~arms to the Library-Board effective Dec. 31; 1971.for afiv8 year term. Mayor Steve announced a proposed sub-division ordinance has been presented to the City Council by the Planning Commission for study. - , I- .....-.--..:¡¡ --~--, ..." -,----~----_. -.... - - ~--~._---, ".. -~----,._-- 370 '------'-'--"----'------- mINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 15, 1972, CONTINUED --------- - ---- - PUBLIC HEARINGS 8 The hearing for the Donald W. Rosbach was openßd and the request was read again. Since there was no comment from the public, the hearing was closed. Councilman Camfield stated the Planning Commission reported favorably on the request and since it snvolved a matter of only three feet he, too, was in favor of granted the request. It was moved by Councilman Sahli, seconded by Councilman Judy that the request be granted under the provisions of Section 6.10 of the Zoninq Ordinance. motion carriød. The hearing for the alle.y vacation by Emil & Edna Nelson was opened and the request read again. Since ther was no comment from the audiance the hearing was closed. A recommendation from the Planning Commission was read. It recommended denying the rw:¡uest since it does not seem to be in the best interest of the city. Mr. Nelson was asked if the Planning Commission was informed of the reasons for his request and he stated they were not. It was requested that mr. Nelson resubmit his request with plans and the hearing will be continued at the next council meeting. I mayor Steve requested that the next council meeting be changed from March 7th to March 8th because of precinct caucus meetings required to be held the 7th. Councilman Camfield moved that the council meeting night remain unchanged. It was seconded by Hoglund. Motion carrieq. BID AWARD I The following low bids were recommended to EÐA for approval: Pacific Waterproofing & Restoration, Inc. Exterior-Restoration 118,840.00 Cotton Corporation Interior Restoration Equipment Storage Building- Structural Repairs 68,304,00 38,349.00 .1.,350.00 Delta Electric Electric~l System 20,254.00 Boland £onstruction Furniture Repair 4,985.00 e The Economic Development Administration has given verbal approval for accepting these bids and-a lQtter is in the mail confirming this. Councilman Sahli mv.ed that the bids be accepted. The City Attqrney cautioned that the city is -committed to the contractors once the bids are accepted if apptoval should fall through. Councilman Sahli amended his motion to include subject to the final approval of EDA. The motion was seconded by Councilman Judy. The City Engineer stated that the total project cost including sales tax is $158;424.50.' EDA asked that there be a reduction in scope of work and therefo~e,a requction i~ cos~. Mr. French s8ated that there will be changes in the contracts except for the Electrical, Structural and possibly th_e Furniture repairs. After the changes orders go through the construction costs _ill be slightly more than 1148,000.00. The question was called and the motion carried. - NEW BUSINESS I mayor Steve brought the Woodman Gulch Project on the floorJ. Councilman Judy atated that the city wishes to,increase the size of the water line in this area from 24" to 30" for approximately 3500 feet. He proposed we go ahead and hire an engineer to work up some figures and moved that Olympic Peninsula Enterprises be hired as engiaeer for the Woo~dman Gulch Project. Councilman Hoglund seconded the motion. Mr. French stated that Crown Zellerbach has offered to do the inspection work on the project to keep the coats down. The motton carried ORDINANCE NO. 1636 The following ordinance was presented: AN ORDINANCE VACATING EIGHTH STREET BETWEEN WILSON AND GISE, WILSON STREET BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH AND RESERVING EASEmENTS. THE 'CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Subject ot the reservations of easements thereín for construction and maintenance of water, sewer and other utility lines, that portion of Eighth Street lying between Wilson Street and Gise Street~ and that portion of Wilson Street lying between Seventh Street and ~ighth Street, be and they are hereby vacated. 8 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in _the form and manner required by law. Councilman Hoglund moved that the first reading be considered the second and the third reading b, by title only. It was seconded by Councilman Judy. The ordinance was read for the third time by title only. Itwas moved by Councilman Hoglund, seconded by Council Camfield-that the ordlnance do now pass. Motion carried.- . . The following resolution was presented: I RESOLUTION NO. 72-1 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING THE sum OF $700.00 FRom THE PURCHASE OF BOOKS APPROPRIATION TO THE TEmpORARY AND HOURLY WAGE APPROPRIATION IN THE 1972 BUDGET OF THE CITY LIBRARY FUND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DOES RESOLVE AS EOLLQWS: I That the sum of $700.00 is here and hereby transf8rred from the Pùrchase of Books:sppràpriation to ,the Temporary and Hourly Wage appropriation in the-1972 budget-of the City Library Fund, ánd the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are here and hereby authorized and directed to dra- warrants accordingly. mr. Frank milham, member of the Library Board, stated that the trial period of keeping the library open on S6turdays proved that there was a need to keep it open and this resolution œ8S to provide the ~ney for this. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund, seconded by Councilman Judy that the resolution be passed. Motion carried. l ;¡ I, Councilman Sahli stated that Tony Eronimo, who owns Block 62 in the Pettygroves-Addition next to the'prop08e City Equipment Building site, wishes to trade it for city owned property in Block 47 in the Littlefields Addn. Councilman Sahli suggested a fair appraisal be made of both pieces of property and a just trade made. He propos. trading either the upper half or the lower half of Block 47 for the Eronimo property and deweleping Block 62 into a playground. It was moved by Councilman Camfield, seconded by Councilman Hoglund that Councilman Sahli be authorized to proceed with the appraisal and negotiation. -Motion carried. 8- 'ì I, ,\' -. , I' 'I !I ~l "..,;~ '..;~ ir¡.IJ*.¡"~',/ 8 I 1- 8 I 8 I I 8 -........, '- -";,- 37J mINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF FEBRUARY 15, 1972, CONTINUED ADJOURNmENT As there was no further business to come before the Judy, seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the meeting do at this time, it was moved by Councilman motion car'ried. (~ mA yoR ATTEST'~~~ Deputy City MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 7.1972 -Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 7th day of March 1972, at 7:3° p.m. in ~he council chambers in City Hall. Mayor Steve presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present wer~ as follows: Mayor Steve, City Attorney Abraham, Cfty Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Judy, 6amfield, Sahli, Hufford. Councilman Hoglund absent. MINUTES OF THE FREVIOUS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Camfield, seconded by Councilman Judy th~t the minuþes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried~ BILLS & CLAIMS The~following Bills & Claims were presented an9 acted upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-----------------------Vbucher No. WATER-SEWER FUND------------------=--------Voucher No, STREET FUND--------------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND-------------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND-------------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND----------------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF BUND--------------Voucher No. CITY HALL RESTORATION PROJECT #071100779--- 8861 through 8953__- $19,376.21 3469 through 3503 ---$ 5,9:27.64 2380 through 2413 ---$ 7,566.73 2175 through 2197 ---$ 3,0:32.00 2730 throug~ 2763 ---$ 1,8:33.78 1293 through 1304 ---$ 7'74.65 382 $ 341.25 $ 1,0,27.73 It was moved by Councilman Sahli, seconded by Councilman Camfield that the bills & claims be approved as read and the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of same. Motion carried. CillMMITTEE REPORTS ¡ Mayor Steve informed the council that he was going to add the Garbage Department to the Building Committee, and appoint Councilman Sahlie to the Finance Committee. Mayor Steve reported that he Bad an agreement that he would put off with the Union and Police Department. Mayor Steve announce! that he had received a letter from the Parks and Recreation Commission informing us that the Bell Tower had been placed on the Washington State register of Historic Places and also the grave of James G. Swan. Mayor Steve said that that~there was an item ~or an Historic Grant on City Hall that he woulg like to bring uy and asked the City Engineer to explain the grant to the council. Engineer French said that last year the former hayor was informed that there ~ight be a gra~t available to the city for $20,000.00, but the city woUld have the match the $20,000.00. H~ said that the first of the Month Mayor Steve had a call from Olympia that the grant of $20,000.00 was available if, the city had the matching funds, the Mayor, the President of the Historical Society and himself went to Olympia and met with a Mrs Betty Meyeþ and was informed that in order to obtain this grant of 20,000.00 it would be necessary to spend 40,000.00 and after the 40,000.00 was spent, it would be six or eight months after approval at Washington DC, we would receive the twenty thousand of our matching funds. Engr. French said he had a plan that he had made up that was in four phases, after explain~ng the four phases to the council on how it would work, he said the plan would require approval of the State Parks &: Recreatim Commission. Mayor Steve said that Mrs Meyers would like to know as soon as possible, if th~ city wanted the grant, if not they would sive it to someone else in the state, he said he would bring the subje,~t up again later in the meeting. ' COMMITTEE R$PORTS Mayor Steve Announced we now have the proposed sub division ordi~anc~, it was just received today, and would not take action until all has had a chance to study the ordinance. Mayor Steve informed the council that the EDÁ on the city hall project would not kick back any money to ~he city until fifty percent of the project or invoices were presented, in the meantime there would be around eighty thousand due to pay the contractors, he was informed by th~ engineer that there \vas around thirty two thousand in the fund so would be around a total of fifty thousand the city would have to dig up. Mayor Steve said that he might be able to borrow that amount intere.9t free, he would know in a day or so, so would hold off until the next meeting. Councilman Sanli reported on the trade deal with Mr Eronimo, they had been negotiating, at the present time it is ten lots for ten lots, that is the way it stands now, and thought it would go through. Councilman Judy reported on the meetings with the PU D on the proposed well in the Tri-City Area, saying there had been a Resolution drawn up, the PUD would like to have assurance from the city that they are interested so they can go ahead and drill the well. - Councilman Sahli commented that we are not obligated to take this well over unless it meets the citys approval and it has to be accepted to States Water Standam b~fore going into the city lines. Councilman Judy said that he had been told that the water could be put into th,~ city lines without additional ctj¡çmbme, filtering that it would be patible water going in to the line with out any addi ti on a1 cost. Engineer ,French asked the question, was he to assume in that statement,~~håtsw3tare"notienger discussing the dilution of their water and our water system and meet demands that it will be brought in and useablewithout dilution. Councilman Judy answer was yes, that it would be saleable water. i :