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HomeMy WebLinkAboutIndices and Ordinance 1 through 1699 (years 1889-1973)Riw *_��,- .,�_T,. rar--..�-..., .,..,.-. '. `�-r.�:,;:•�n�er`:;. i3r"i;��"�,..-. ..—.__.. ...._, .... .. ... „r,�.: :!_ a 'f .1 f� e p A/ 1 f, !/ / !� `�� �l f -� rr e�< Y/ tit [. rC ' 7-1 r y 7li.. d v2 L� ` ✓ FLe'� �/� { to 29 lf-! �•/,.� / - ! ,'- :<� � Jl•t (`) / r'-�; -ZC 'r, /. � /1' (!r eL r(` � lT. !'' .,t /l �� ... (�JJ,.t'-r!�%��/Je!( .�C. ' `I. i IX rell CL �A ._,_. � 'i`1r�LtQlccr; c''J��rJ1,r<c (c(�'. ', r / ' ,��Y' ' " - ... ✓..C.e�l .:�el, itfL.rrt(/ y�C/ ✓' �� 7G`//L- �� /�.• la ?�/riirl �l.'J.r:r.r .2:�0;; •+ fa 'j C - G Q(/ �,{_L},.L�l ;�'(r.�.l ,.i �f,t.Crr.Lt�-v t�•r, ((�R..!'jr�Y..,ir;re.%J;rfl (P�.f,� �i..r r �t V�.�'[%'1 f�Jar _-7 -r r,/i��G r-,.(U ,f GI,� -./�, t.r. _ �c-'/(�1.�+n'•jJ `+'l. ��.ii r ,i ,� r t c.c . :p %�� �-� ,/.. (J � �G''- 'r�r,• /�.....,s.r, �.?ptc�,r7C��rirl �� �r 3 j � :. ���. '-'d ii �t/�..,�i ���-(irr!•(L��o aT'.La���' J l.�i"rT/( . 1 �Nl LG•�." � 7l � r` / t�r'/J� � I (/x{cl4 �> rrr�.!�'G yJrtf, yF(c- �rrr!/�!! ?ret ��,csrGl k• / �, '� / �'1/e 'ji CC.( •+ /(i %ft 7ro ir+v7 3 rj4 it .��`: � �. r it � �� �� u,[� _J�..� u<4r c. r.� 7_c< �-' �t/}' �-•(. Ll.(.lU a.t/Tt J c�4/ •\ Sri d-.0 Z �ir(2t.[� �� • 7 l vl,�-. ,.-- Y�ry /i"f��-��[ LttCln.C� ��..ot.�[�Z,v J` � s � _ r/ �4._i_ti' 2 0.�, )r A�Yv/Cl L/ �'t'��Lf(!f([G! /'I7��lr!(/'/ �'tr/•Jrr -� /! .r• Jilr%f �[=.(i 2.'/� r(s�1CC�, WOO Ordinances #1681-1690 � 5 1650 }Amends 58 of Ord. 1110,E wa'er service (13 12) -• 1651 Adds 52.109 to Ord. 1625 1652 Appropriation (Special) 1653 Appropriation (Special) 1654 Appropriation (Special) 1655 Appropriation (Special) 1656 Amends 56 of Ord. 1138, (6.04) 1657 Amends S3 of Ord. 1508, -'-x., ? -,,j connections zoning (17.08) garbage collection rates sewer service rates (13.04) 183--2 (Port Townsend 7/80) 1658 Amends 58 of Ord. 1110, water service connections (13.12) 1659 Street vacation (Special) 1660 Tax levy for 1973 (Special) 1661 Budget for 1973 (Special) 1662 Salaries (Special), 1663 Appropriation (Special) 1664 Appropriation (Special) 1665 Appropriation (Special) 1666 Appropriation (Special) 1667 Amends 52 of Ord. 1642, license fees for vending machines (5.76) 1668 Medical insurance for city employees (2.60) 1669 Combines office of clerk and treasurer (2.06) 1670 Rezone (Special) 1671 Subdivisions (18.04--18.36, 18.40--18.52) 1672 Street vacation (Special) 1673 Employee vacation and sick leave (2.64) 1674 Appropriation (Special) 1675 Appropriation (Special) 1676 Repeals Ords. 1155, 1353 (Repealer) 1677 Street vacation (Special) 1678 Street vacation (Special) 1679 Authorizes land purchase for gravel pit (Special) � 1680 Amends Ord. 871 56, dance halls (Repealed by 1714) 1681 Amends Ord. 1635 515, gambling (9.02) 1682 Amends Ord. 1635 S517, 18, minor possession of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 1716) 1683 Federal shared revenue fund (3.04) 1684 Appropriation (Special) 1685 Amends Ord. 1668 S§l, 2, employee medical benefits (2.60) 1686 Adds 52.110 to Ord. 1625, zoning (17.16) 1687 Automotive body disposal charge (6.08) 1688 Appropriation (Special) 1689 Authorizes land purchase for public works building (Special) �1690 Cutting trees in street rights -of -way (12.10) 1691 Appropriation (Special) 1692 Animals (Repealed by 1969) 1693 Salaries (Special) 1694 1974 tax levy (Special) 1695 Appropriation (Special) 1696 Appropriation (Special) 1697 Appropriation (Special) 1698 Repeals Ords. 726, 816, 837, 876, 919, 1301, 14231 1588 (Repealer) 1699 Appropriation (Special) 1650 Amends 58 of (13.12) 1651 Adds 52.109 t 1652 Appropriation 1653 Appropriation 1654 Appropriation 1655 Appropriation 1656 Amends 56 of (6.04) 1657 Amends 53 of e`er service connections,l o Ord. 1625, zoning (17.08) (Special) (Special) (Special) (Special) Ord. 1138, garbage collection rates Ord. 1508, sewer service rates (13.04) 183-2 (Port Townsend 7/80) 1658 Amends 58 of Ord. 1110, water service connections (13.12) 1659 Street vacation (Special) 1660 Tax levy for 1973 (Special) 1661 Budget for 1973 (Special) 1662 Salaries (Special). 1663 Appropriation (special) 1664 Appropriation (Special) 1665 Appropriation (Special) 1666 Appropriation (Special) 1667 Amends S2 of Ord. 1642, license fees for vending machines (5.76) 1668 Medical insurance for city employees (2.60) 1669 Combines office of clerk and treasurer (2.06) 1670 Rezone (Special) 1671 Subdivisions (18.04--18.36, 18.40--18.52) 1672 Street vacation (Special) 1673 Employee vacation and sick leave (2.64) 1674 Appropriation (Special) 1675 Appropriation (Special) 1676 Repeals Ords. 1155, 1353 (Repealer) 1677 Street vacation (Special) 1678 Street vacation (Special) 1679 Authorizes land purchase for gravel pit (Special) 1680 Amends Ord. 871 56, dance halls (Repealed by 1714) 1681 Amends Ord. 1635 515, gambling (9.02) 1682 Amends Ord. 1635 9517, 18, minor possession of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 1716) 1683 Federal shared revenue fund (3.04) 1684 Appropriation (Special) 1685 Amends Ord. 1668 SS1, 2, employee medical benefits (2.60) 1686 Adds 52.110 to Ord. 1625, zoning (17.16) 1.687 Automotive body disposal charge (6.08) 1688 Appropriation (Special) 1689 Authorizes land purchase for public works building (Special) 1690 Cutting trees in street rights -of -way (12.10) _---i691 Appropriation (Special) 1692 Animals (Repealed by 1969) 1693 Salaries (Special) 1694 1974 tax levy (special) 1695 Appropriation (Special) 1696 Appropriation (Special) 1697 Appropriation (Special) 1698 Repeals Ords. 726, 816, 837, 876, 919, 1301, 1423, 1588 (Repealer) 1699 Appropriation (Special) WASHINGTON STATE ARCHIVES MICROFILM BUREAU MICROFILMED PUBLIC RECORDS GUIDE SHEET Name of Agency Title of Record Reel Number Start Number CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ORDINANCES f alrtllfa nl . irltslrn •�, Ine I�Ief11n;101 Date FEB. 20, 1878 End Number NO.1699 Date JAN. 2,1974 {Date Microfilmed 12-22-98 Document Count 2568 Camera FILEMASTER 1 Reduction Ratio 27:1 operator LOURDES ASPIRAS operation Time 5.75 Remarks Film Inspected Hy Date Inspection'Results WASHINGTON STATE ARCHIVES MICROFILM BUREAU MICROFILMED PUBLIC RECORDS GUIDE SHEET Name of Agency CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Title of Record ORDINANCES Reel Number #1 start Number NO.1 Dante FEB. 20, 1878 End Number Date `Date Microfilmed 12-22-98 Document Count Camera FILEMASTER 1. Reduction Ratio 27:1 Operator LOURDES ASPIRAS Operation Time Remarks Film Inspected By Date Inspection -Results it cp- Id AY Y: /tpa2�'7 716 z. of1. �� .. 7; r 13 , Gc; ; «• c(rrtJ �. 2. a Urc� 7ru. / 3 crl LG7 c4.2,6u, ('..N,A�U- •� �•G „ r %�O, , t� t,ucu.� ,tx«, c�!t��a o�- e.�^�crm,�:�ts,,,unwo V .'3'�° :, 'fin •� ,, r �, 1%, t ,� I,:/�-r ctrvv � ,(ic�� � .r �syv�n-+ryecucu-� ci�?� : • _ :,�\ �:;I �`yCt,ik .-, ,r.u:� fjr / S`S,'Cv ,y .'�'• U.��y�,r .;ru? _11wf c/crytQ r Y • �`� , � �• Z/ rGiiCLG va_�. 4u �Lx,c. t<,c./ i?'{ I�LiLLu�7G0'� ._ .:u� el �/ cF c �.a eozcl� L ri jr Ir •� ��� Via' � ,lJiip"i LL�f �lrti� �.Y�'7�-L7• 1 .. 3 �� t � � � / ii � � �.•��/.i'" :��L•LL Lc%•-., �':�7� LLL%'v�'"r,^�4Lc�.i:fOlr /'I��/ '��. fLLI � `-�?"• ,, r, v�� a �L�Lw� �' f(l'�C�(,'�L•�J-Lr-2�J �l.. r 0% a.- - �Ulv 0 C, IN CORRE-0 T I ON THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPHOTOGRAPHED TO ASSURE LEGIBILITY GAA-59 a00% 1J F'. ,r M �G� � t ���LGy_ G �%L�GG(rrG�f rr�� �%)/9-1►7( � �' /' •�---' �/ V�'-'•� �/%.,�'�f/ lV /✓I ��" �I.��II./.i � 1 �.rti/ �4 ij 4 4-L, .',. -671 ,-i{ /aC c.: i°,� , a Ali 12 - 22 i �ll.�-< G 2 3�H�.'+� - a LF :-• � : ��'-�L+->���-����- �- � -�-� � �t.�' � yr= � �o prM}Y,.= --- `:�3di➢�iSti;.��. __._ ' .. .-. 1. , Oki •/ i �1` /' �rt' �,�i "%) lip, -Lt 61, _ � / , . � �c � �l?X.GC!/ _ �"t'l: LI9 vt � 1,��..,...t �vL� ! L//�-��-` � `rtwa �-fj �1.�•uJ v2 7` 6 .. � ���..���� v� �"'l�/L"�G�vre-%� �, �-lf %���-ram •L �-/ �� --_(- . 2 / l,'�• i !I � i!/L�•ai.!_, �_c �/.Ls�f�ll._.r �`JI r� �1.��! !L (-JLci.. �j JJ.��-`-ram/ o•c. 'Y� 4 � � q s •�'.� � `��� e�.. Lr�T ._Gl � _�.,u.rcr ,,...;., „rr_re.: � ,� �r..c-�-�C�u.<.�} .� 6 �J . p !"+,r :�'17�d-=d-�� fi4f->�f(.>,t (�r�r%f. rc�,_ �uu•�C; 5=� i A n / ��/i �•qf �,/- � �f; �[(�, _ r T:�1� .. � ;>_., _ � �';'_;,:' � ��p/ � per• � �.�� =-� �'s / 2G� el aw f �� z4t f; '� / /f yn I:t-fs 2�.,}'5 'J+F :I•-..••���-••.Slr. "7:-? .^:. l�!///'�"'Y ,}/'� l��� // —! f.F `''1?:"�f��•�Y, ur�j r-3 Y LG(" /V �g � �Jl+ / +If,, �•' �..yy7•��•..'`�•. , •: ?T�'1x�.y'.". �AYry''��i.'�=,�"'�f�'`.': ���1 � •,.• �-1 ���i ar°��Wf" �'i/+..w;.•.L>..vii;:f+i::ti+w.M1.::.;m:...... ..: r,... , ... - ...3: o-:tl:i:.: ..--.... >..,S,w.� -. . +.�,,,r� 3,M� r c 24 S o g� � e1C �- 6� •mil/ e'��� ��� � � ��- _ J�� Gees• a-, d Y`�r 7��s-r�r \-•— -te r/ � � `-�—C A' j->'-�-���/ c�y..�ilu: c:•�%f-�,r���..:•e, 1. �2fL�,.,�!/ Gl/'-t�L� -v v�•-Gt� ,�Lv, . ��Go� �tiu—! GTc-�.�cwr�-1. " E ���-� � // '' / •mod i . rCl - hcal W\ "'llll �Iln Itlt p � Ordinuucc ?to. 817. nl SV�, rndhl>t Y Gi A=1 tlKDI tiANCI: tegulnlinu the tI OK14 Llreel {nterAcetlons It the Clly of fort 'fnwuserul. The Clty of furl Townsend does'ordsinrled tioe� follows: SrcrinIf I. That nil 'heels herrnRer Kra '. ull thef llcra�•eti pOf tlecs�n ew'lil!uthcra�ltrnCrrnt \ �+ that the four corners of the xkunrc 111.1"ad RI Llrillk such InleroKlian shall he nn n Icrcl. nr s of nttt a, 9bn; 5rc. t all orJlnsuceA or cput' onllunticcs in conRld herewith arr� ]I reby rcpealnl. That lids nnllunnco shall dae freiu tiNC. and be a farce frt lirnllun lhcdnle of lt11 I' ielnhcr 9, f8`1°• d4.ti • fnsscd the Cnmuil FcP ,�I.IlpredSQdclohcr n, Ism• 1!. 1.. I1111A1.R Jlln cif\, Alltsl: y?IITII, tltl. { Ilal. CART Cn99 Clefk. 1LeYLlllr IT. 1&P Rt+' Uslc of publlaltion, Ec{ x•nuam_ If - '--'.— Nottcli for Itlt11:.-•• `--- -� • 1a I _... ..... yf _ Or .41 DItUtNANCl: refatlrru !o'rewera ¢ad the I, t `��, cgqnnatra o teot u'• th C t of ,Pori 1 - ,.: , �ownittid. Sill}•.ih�. , �„ �. i Ya• ' - `^`JR7G�C/ '� The hlq of Port Tawnfe4d dp�f ordeln,w ' ,} .. Sse. n, Th¢¢�� �tt� �a�rreeCC�a 'fewei+plpea or dniaa 1 '-' ' hFr i9uailhFfeif'wit�fin'orthroh b thede . caller y .*.,[shall lx ao caodturlcd a¢ to'mnncct¢wlth as C - - {:°'-��emplq into the wale ofPttget,Soaad atapol i ...3 •, /J/✓� l - f jtrtUt eaeer {p¢ tth.rllge46¢a htdilid.. .. - O 1... a�• a ri•XRnla rn'aewe ItatIn' Ci I now•Mnelrue terde;�oandCwhreN ate not ads to -the �t��l�'Ihf$&tc'n(orml t11Cr 1iijut�ieumiwitht J ' ly ~"y an et�dlt4"yto;d oK1l••f o GG toaattliC. t n • "" lw d gsfnitu the�pa ¢aee herc»f. ,gpA. .Any 1%, mosltacling, rorilro111ng _ bMn�jiSSnny¢ew witq�lol¢tcaaoyoftliepro• [*o[ttrisPrylyytr�ple. a1[;tte deemect'guilt; .. -. ... ,of d mLdcmeandr, dnd' on ront•Ictioa thcrxot i :shall be fined fit all sum not lea than ten dol. Inns nor mare It.. Lilyy dollars, and ahaltahwbe ' ! sal icct.4 to•thc provbioas oTt]nlinance No. ur„ 1 ht *station to the nbntement of nnixne fi S0C•4. This ordinance ,hnit takeeflectand ` I iit larcc from and ttfla 6" days from its pub• .. ..tiotl.It r, I Paac-0ltic CoititdYihe odd day or SePlernher, proved the o4th dny of Septe0Ib t6ga• ",♦:!.z!L/ Gy vK/ (i �, `cl. ft I:. IUU ^S*ttfrClerk. .�ty,.?„t..s.►• +yla'yc{I ChdhPfPWlcation ocNy't F, Vciwi l I' ,r L• _i -��Ll�"�C.GL�<-GAL• ✓ / G� C� G l` L t.. �.-�" G It 19 ,L7 � -. �-�i �, emu' ��t�C� T `c � �� f�� �`a �=GC✓��! -r _r M_ ti AL A i Ordiu'afte , No. 811). W. defirilngt1ie dutica and fi.• to a the City 11cohl; to -ruCity aPort lows: ..;.,q stot Thit artherla., SC 410 be ix6fffoioAh. 'I C..IV inittee now orherealtrxtobeuppuluted by tire of SM" "Mil be his duty to etlatd meetings tp ors2hi committee, And report all anctiag thejkcaIth and general itsni. "'Viers o he .q d oon ft M.,��r a or cl vtd arl'oifo?(.1 Zw1htlaitt"I'he c %,V shall c9rue in Utc =1 Ihc I Ign% c It be hllid-t� cc ';lll and,racti. le. Ci a. son or to he r.- rl *.rose such there pcoti, To 'to" f I jj Ij Yfdtd for an token care of, And when 'nussfe or"A - Icahletol".." such rion. fr it h.., fealthoffictrtocausc 01 udd house to he safely I hi the . 11u. I., TIVt 11h, e1h.lou".11 .11*rl 11 place AI bc"%nc%he1%r(!v1ltcdpcmu or persons may where be fmml. and I. place . yell" 14%.0 - e11 ,than two fe". ".g.r I. T 'oV. rplace, _E. soasiogim notice tonil persons u! the Went orthe discase. SIW,4. Thatitahstlbtthtdlltyaitbe "'Afth CI e 'allre,rI., k d deaths reported to h?m by physicians all" other '". 8: lb physicians Italb, 0 E, .AcrVo 1 , A. . ni, d hnnd icx, race condition and mote or ae.f.. I g!;" 11 Ile the "Illy a, "It Health Orr -c om. inspect .'ect A dl nelm, lu"'ce when o`dn;c'pc1' 'd V11- Ic., .1i cm..V.f. 2.oL', 12ing 1. tic�ou, larycoudition ofthe city, sgc.& That Rahattilcthe duly a(the health Officer to make a written r, r, I 1cMK.C-,;oi c" 4u'L=, AM.. A lilt of H JS deaths Y,-rI'.Qa'1q the city relmried In hi1nafor .11 Ot itoP'N.Idl report, and a T1111th such recommendations as he may deem 'ople Sue 7 1 the Ift.1th Ofiteer hall Pm, receive for hl; j;�Zi'crit underthis ordinance the sum of three hundred dollars payable d in Addition r nurn., 'no"a 1.. t1lM:111hc . of five 11-11and each lulp��Ion.mad n,;E�e ,,. Any 'd. , e thereon 2'm ch in tion and report are ordered by the health Cool. Sue. 8. - That this u; take eflect oroI be 1 n fame from a.d nftcr five dnys from its puhl Ica. lion. Passed the Coutscil September :3, e8go. Aproved J;rptcru her i.j. I Attest:. , H.ItTIBDALS Dale Cit clerk. u[Publientlon bLtolmr i, i&)o. -ctl. , I f OLV -7f al/ i ails,?�` � l'�'�ri'u'.",ytiY4k�'e !r .;';'''�;''.•�i s` ` siAit orJli;nlice to`al et tiet"Oru`or rill oancoFo,•Uk4tOlXthtlikltq:ut'�gct.To'wuRendt i I�ylNt by thp: goltunou; tuUuc1E ;'.Cng 1�G''IDlal .. uvtepproledUYttAe;mayataultbitt.BYR""--,. jf! ' .,. - 'Th oIt''ell' ctro{r••��•:ean..•:,..t.i...:r„t. ! f is � �'Beo S�=Tfiot tntl�' at thacktVol Pott ) /++l.tut:(oltowo. !• Bba�-Tno-ttlt�kbf ' 4iut.:x ih�uotlo�atttal lha/ftrltnha,`IaW ;tbo'autvmbtlo axltnh torvld.�n the'al i"b1.1 •- .� i � ; � azRlmtouot•uo�gne �atA,Wne o! rAllxayae , • ! eel.Eulttltllettlljttrr =rlQetsity `lh8 dd- clty;sbslta�htntl4Ucr _ .'t ..._ ... .'.. � _ t tlhergt•rnilaay�Ilryual ynldarltkL prloxto the t. . "xtetlaeol.illlactilkraa;f od e7t rltld rytWK4q.asf ne�littliaaruu;nrno? t�:; ; , sp4961 t111"YNA,%A �tmltt�n'auyYhdeq hetull,end�ttlottotr: ::�.:: , t ' t� ..zr llttltail4;wd Rcni� ritli Letxltlitiii6tslbl"sn [ . �Idt1'thereuf".•bR,,�ll „I�tcoottb>Jng6kro Lttl I'll". ii . payatcgotto 'dlateneeatoutas[d_ah .ti•i I panx,ahflWscsllihn� ,. ,z. ,•;.,.,� ` Gi 'n, silai)otanptcdtb}';iit i q"'--' ,. ° •t. ;wL �turloat au4<awll swuan,tbtlYxdtt W'occo f ,° df' :plpnket� sh►(1;6e f'{Ila .. .. , C `• 'ti�'t . iv u tq tiu .ih s` . �'+ ttaez�stlnggryldq.Pf.fl Yauldtpalaunehc ,,r`Altptol`sA.pai'•7th i1 Daln:o, yu Ilc llriu 0i i 4' (� ti. �` FL �•M 1 `�i''�•iri..'.iyRrr�t ��I.4v't."• Yam. iir(f—r5-t7 I• — `y G�l� r,G �. eau/ To elf.c� �`� '`'-• 7�--ram" / p ;�,::..t.;�-T .�, �i • r�• • i:��:.. !, .•VI/"7��4�rV .(�(.�d—lr � �ll'f CJ ',r.'.'.. '� � -� tom' _; ... .. (�/%� •,,#. �, � -t.. i �� w I A-P. � �"-. t.;7. ..' m 4ow !,yE .. t)' .4C, . •'•ate'• •' r. �t ' r r • . " i•t`,) ./•,a,7'!:S•Tts'; �'','.`•I .•b'.�..' ,1.• :•f _a sl ff �. ' ,�• ..{, •w tj Nj c'i i?y �,�_�.1. 'A �-__.."'�!1�^o!+ti�."=.._.-�....tir. .+.�.fr,.s��- -- - - - � •, 7 `:�. ` •�?S'I+ k :�. _...__`_�. ( '+. ti"• ., 1, k�,:. •� `1i,4' E � of r' I -'� � �� � '..' iY•�' R it r';S 1`*r'-';.-'+.i • .` •4l ' , � �. ' 't�5:� -r_�ur �5.;�,v^%� ;f:'•N. r• •• '., � . f-. . -.. , ' t � '�•, n :'til,. .,,..,.. •a .f .it;Y �.P'�a }:.{�r�y L�����,'�,''�,".:�; '� •' :,�• 7•. ti. r _ .,lyi' ..'�•., ' �� ' •�:, `�_* �..�rF---iii •tw}'��'+'. w').1..�•��:`�'w :emu �, .•r�_' ref -�• •~• f' -�"'''�`ir'S ••+'+-�1+: •,Sr •.I :4c�'S�+ l�,r`?r•�y'''4 fi'7` ,�,{. t,..r r If, ,•,' �j:::. 'c' +may, : r• r ` r�r. • ::' % I j sir} ). t" :: ' •'`.7. ={• , . ;+� ;! `* ,I • �,?P;.. :kro: _� , _ 1_'y'' :T' •t, :-� ;: l:w � .k:.�i "r.•.;=�'r�.i.+r :j.:,... Y = : _ . .,r+ "-"''` :4=G+ ;.'t'• 4 ter` lw ir.r''A� ,)+b_'il• .. `� }:1, f ": i {.\. t �rT. •�!1 `r - '- \ ,- � r • •. rf,• � y�,�4�'r:^e.'; ��ii rY }'c�' '�,. .:t, c•'. ,: ;: ,L, ,5.,. ., e;ti�,Y. •r::: 5, :�:i•;� .y"'l�,!''-�'« 'r''71r+1-i•:'- rr. T, '», ••t.• ..:r, ry � •F. `�r�+7:� f .•ti.�"•=':y,,/ .;,:.iY:N:>.� :,j':1 _ ,a •41 h; i.cpyy,� .• •,, .,• 'J ,i•,yrr / le 17 — I`-. ... .. -.. .�.:�,' /rd,'LlL4Li-{Lc1.t j /����/ � C r—:.�..s� I- _ •. "2 ! %�^ �f� !it - 1 �/ /` �,�. % �— /J t • .: ^ :car c —"iW.YQ}. ._..._-7'`` �4 �- ,�'�. � Gar ic. ... .._.__..__:_.•_�.� `13�� vZ11, ._ _ .._._ �! ,�.a.�ccrtf war emu..�� /� D .. _. 3 r �% Ay . _..�_ 1 � : `�1:...►�.�� .!'0� ..0��1•�'t4.r1?J .. .•L. ►U,t,.•4c:L�7.... ` � f V . ��''�... '•~,�rw:������7; - %f 1, 4( �. - _ ,.-- �3 ^` 2./_Q-ic �fnt ftl +!� we �..._ j /()c..,c![ 4 < ' �� f-p-CG�a�C.c�_�,. ��T�r1• t.QC'. u' 'tit<.ct ��/`t"' i�'c7'- -•_ _t _• ... ......... ..... _.....-.- .�%.. 17/ ,..:,.. pry[ ... _` ...... - - - -......._._. . _I V - t IC l.-. _ VN..��1..-� �(rW:-•O "" F���y V. V � - f �r '�. :� . �: W�f,�= .1 "V 1. � �'"'Y�.+{��J �,✓`emu' ..'li�� �! ���, . _ j ` '6 7/ ! t _W .. ;' d - • ..-r�! _ 7 � i , • ' S • , E ~r _ � l�:''�•}6i •''�y'i �oo�r ii.� �V•--.....� _ ... _ .__ _.-_.. _. ..__ ... ___—_ _ _. �j} it r4�i1 ,S ���,tkiP �f f� ,��:7.-._' �} l"'----"' i _ �, l., _ _ � - 1 r,�,y a•�—il•,. � J ! .{; "•,``;J r y5S„�•! � ���?"h aria>r:A `S j:!ry,- e .�•-1, Y. ' '� �) h ! i � . � . -'''i. 'i' S� } �� (� • I - "�Vif �"�'�✓„>i•. w I ` 1 .5,. 1� s— _ ....... _ i t t , :. �f'• _ - Ik; , ..,:._• ._•.-__ ... � ' i� �.� ' � �(.•. .• :,; it 1 r , - Ali: `;.: , '•._ )_� . ._.�.'.._` ire-.��. �� .� � "� _..._-. - ._... _._ ,--_ .. ....._......... .... ..... ...... -.... .. `._ ._. ._ .. _. � i 1 .;q��fi°�,�tt� ;p. ra4, I�i4 ,�' �J St f -:• .,._..i " � {{j 1'�r 7 r`�i•J ��g"�'i`•e ��?z =4."-t"' t,'F .!'1,,.�^+�? �i�!l•� �,:� i ... ..__ t. ('._.. ._.. ., -._.. _ .__ ...._.__._ _ -_ .. i ._ :t �--�_ Ycy'j'M J , ,� '�� Y2T.4i:�k1'11: `'•�{:i.�y;hi �'J. . :. r, .. � '�� -- � — — - •.'_7`rl` 1 _ � ;.��• etsi 1 k�s � } j•r , . f f • 1 -==;,..•- :+--_ � •_,.---^_.__ _. . ,. •• l/ �'! / i�;/rt, r., t � ... _ i T�" ] �� 'a <_ "•�' � f t ,. .. _.. .. .� . , :f'' i f �:i: , , ,..� s ' , „ ^ram i, - t- 1 . Alt 3 r,.%'v--,.i _!e3�'�1]t �Z•.`",i'�.�.�. .�t�t r .-, .,_...._ .�r i:....,_..�. _._... _..,...._.,1..-.:.,...._... •....—__-..... _... ____.._ .__._....�._._._._..__�_..�—._...... _.�...:._.�. f''''ro* tf, `j �>Y 1 f �k ..:....,!•:..: �..',.,' - '�__ _ "____.._. _ ... ..... .. .... ,:'-'1 :::;' '.!•:. '',. ' . _', '' _ .,.._ ... _ ._._......_ L.., ..... �....... - 1 _ r.... tnu ,>.e . yr u! di.l tier _.. {j ttaYtlltc'l,1x �,: nee rn •�:u:in - 3 till,.1.11a, tu ,Ila"cklY i'':�t�'-•..r ': �:- .'...' ei'1'IIr tits' �.( 1'.,Il '1'"n,lu.en,l rnulpip lon Ieldmr3t+Glc ufnT ��'�rcttarrol�� ` •. •.: .. ••�:-.5.+.-.—.�....•+ .-..--.»...,.. Itf Inlawla i \t ao, i,y,tun +uert lof . III A i'eltt- _.—_�.___�_.__ _._...._.._.. . eta ah1111'nrta!l'unnxud, ».•�nn<lthe.�ntentt•hen••I�rn .L.�Y,.y,. 3. I n� vu'n1' i Ilup .1 lilll, ---•»,.:.-.1-,. ._,_,..,_:...:........ _. ... __ I t 1 c , p. > titr r , ict•, t C nn 1 Is i J'n ,I U, I• x r „ret, Inml lbc nop pu 1h f .Yn.h- 1 .i •'�: i 1 .' ,I. .; r----„-..,..... .r:.. 1,_..._.. _._ .. .. - .... ._._._ i___ ..: __._.-. 'lm inE; mnueal In lhcacl j'herlyo tfic, '1'Idul.lrrr,i Po; 1'aty Lrull�i'roar ,,, uun to he a ty of of .cr -... ` `--... ' ' ..•.._� F,:c�,t 'Ir ti, ordi'„0u•,. .Ilnil 10.ctellcct live d,n•a I1tI, d.He .1.- •:,.., •'.; :'.. c..:,. .. ti•--- --._ • n urtr nnu uw a I, r nnn l 1.1 trt 1 ) ! V t I e'tee I,1 I 11Y� Not, 4f rel pu Lllcniluu, )mw m. 14q, i . } .. bi LI.. •, i I 1 e , _ , . -' •--• 1 7 1 J 'i �•-.• t r i �:...._.._... � `,. , f' t 1 T � '� ^. k 1 II i.. � . r�}•M t fi4rt .r ._._:.. _ �, '-7rY'T�x 1, i 1 r ' 3 . ,.-._..� _:.7:. ......-... _., ._ _.. - _ _ , ' .•..,..,� a _....-- — ,_.... c t %. —..._ __ .,::^: ,•. • _ . __. _...._, a Yj.. r , ' ! f 775 47,E - I •l -- ............ ... .... ':'}.hi .0 t_ f ..-_,... -.. ,�� E r ti ly •. r _ _ _ _ _�"1 (lydLlnllce NO. Slll, ^!' :.i'�r An uu7ivancc creMfu•01ra lln .�,md llnt rn aving _ ' „f„�•:� !t;. ;. I::I ... 1 my the cs pt u•r t, ._ - .. .. nit -r.<w •li. nl t� Lnnrcncc .... . . ,izt An nnliunucc crrnthtg mt ns.ceaari elrcrr, tt ). J'' .. pny the rs xu.r of rrtaliu¢ And fi '•"'?"!� ' w%- slrc�t, iu the rity uE Purr 'fawn+enJ. L't`'`• .1,... '1'h❑ city o! I'vt19'un mead doers unlnh, na fat• f t t ocs an vlrccl, nun 11'neli[ny'1nn to Jr•a in the city of 1'nrt Towuaelnk. The city or I• Townsend 1 t of ail the lul. and �u rrt, .. .. 1a,vn: ' lmol lrunling on rllhrr ride of 'l'gle ?. '•;.1.; ::.�. ,;;'.':'i (wren lefCrnuu street "I'd 1•mctrnce >t arse nt�e , ':yu•^=.:^•.—•'_••-_�w" ^+i the city of 1'ult '1'uwlmrnd� be mtd the w n the .. - _...._ _ _ .. __- .._._... " = ' S1:cnua a 'Thal nll the lulu m• '' lntulfiunt[ng nn either idc of A11 ;`• -'"; ' h"reh • crenlal tut nsar.rntrnl aHsrrict !o P )' " ' •=-:t> hclwca-n tfnehhtgtmt and cOcrsun • .'. T., �. :'.. ' ' ."lo ea ,rose of y'.ending nud filling r Id 'CyIcr ar"er. ' . } ..tu1•�-.-..rS f-+-br--•:.-.i._,.....•_ _„ hc�rrrcn wtid et-01 and IIIAII t1"C *trot+. . _ .... ..... ._ .. _.. _ _ _ _ . cily of 1'att Cnwn.enc• re nn� herehycranlcdno ne,.eeaweut dk>ul do hum Ib <cpcn«e nF grnding pad ftlllglttg � „• ,� ,, I,y,• ti1•.c. +. 9'lt�n enHnnucr rhn11 UtCr elicct and _ _ .. • rtreet, he -ill R'A�1 ir1 u a fromand at Cr flee ISI )'^ t strect�. MUM lA'1• hr. •a:-r. ;'.'. i:,±' puhllptHun. .z�,«. •, o t'as.r11 the l'uuucil Jnnr :o, ,c:o. L,_,_ .- . .. -. _..-. _._. _ 'a•, +•.,di 21:' }a�'.` - A1Pnlvcd 111O"xr, tsgo. 1 A. Btt 11 N, .. _ _....___... .._.. ..._., .. .' SIX. a. 1'hix unl3nnn,.e +r _ - j*"1•"' dtde of lip finGllenUu once fire Is a'Yt�j, „r •y ,it `, ..,: .' \t n5n1, " 1'a.+cdtlir Council Juuc x,, t`kpA A1l[Ml: re J IC tiM 1. \llr $l11111, Lhr Clerk. .. . at, of Puhl1cA13mt,'Janey 1 �,.. __..... .-._..... .. Atl+•Unu C.\uv tirunl, City C1crl-. <:':.�1•.a;,`;.',.1.- : `i'.? IJrlltunuctl tio. 71}_. ."r ^•r�-••.-��. � All nrdluaure crenthlg all ncsesetnrnt,li *tr ill,, at frmu Wnlingtlmt3 t-jefrervi,�a the cih• oC !'art 'Ibwnecnd. rs i .;,._ The city of Port Tuwu:cnd dorx nut: i SI fronting That. t..11 like ilot, fl•n In Su' _ I rmm W-hhtglau to Iclfcrenn titrecl, u1 of Poft. Townsend, be and the sour al L irict rated nun . n ssruell nut for ' ... _.. . .-.-:•pj. ,.. .- -------' t<t�ensc of grading aml fll,nCr t1u'ue hclwcen Wa%ldnglo11 no - nk t J st', y' ••.. r'." +•.. ++ i' t. Sec. z. This onlinmter it it lAc r� >le f L force bout And tiannfler five 1. 1'lay, t a .f its Mica It. 1 nl �t.::pt- r1 Pnr•cd the Council Jtitle ro, rfup. t:A[1' 4\Iti1I, 111 (:I L•rl:. .. I 'iq • 7. }. ` • 4 Wr k eel , r if .yam'{'•., r ._ •-.- " ' - - . ,. ... .. ... . _ .. .. '" __... -- „(t Uepnruklc f` a.r..". ,: Ih dlunnt P Sa. SIII. :z t to j.nlrre«tt �:r�,�, - ' 1 •jf' All untimtnce ccenllflR :m u•,rsanrnl,1edl 1 �•'_ anNfn ny fol• •':.'. .,I � ....1 .r. .., pay the t+euae oft, ndhll; and fltfug .. .. .. .. .._ _.- __,_. ' �"�''late «• R'neldn •tun n Jcffarun drea•t : ,n,l'(intceU of �.„„•-,_,�-�.�.:......... ..... .. ,nrthc lii)' of 1'nit Ta,vnar«J, �.+. rlrr street. he• ::; .l.jt."',. : , .. -. — The cib• u! 1'mt Tonunrud doe. oulain as fuL +{, -[Ice rttmtr III t• ,I the enure Are r� Y;;.�.C:,. •.. SI'CTIUN 1. '1'hnl .11 the Iota :old poled• of ',. t rid toP 'lhe _-.. thAfrd huutlug oil diner kk of Xtndi-1, trert, dreel, 'IYre ler el, t'+' .:�',_.1 +..:,, ..... ' .'-•- _. _. rl we(•n 15'n>•hlu •t nml Irllrnon l,i« the !,.,;rf ncc simetn, ?`ir�r%r i1 d Porl '1'o,rnnrnd, S,r nod the,- svl—,fc net.. Ink; A. end y..'. ., cl toted nu Aaarusun•ul Ai.l rlct n d;ye 1-ill Its Ile to ,• the �'-t—�•s••^-:�. _._ ._..�,_._., ... _ axpe:u.r ut �rndUl�; :u«I filtiut: mould t�n( 1 � �. '. ,.�� end {Pnahln{;tml and ja•llneun .•..... ... - ... .•_. .... ._-_ ___a._.,. ._, : � , ti I. c i Ids and « It - lc — 'I Id . hUllN,. J.A� ,i:a. -,, ..' .:: "'... _•• .'.,...._ - ..- ....,. Le In f rlce from null nIh•relicelll})l lac.rf one the •�r`'`s.' of It. puhilcatton. t5-:'{y1. .•i 1'n l.r,I the CumKll J11M. ap 0.?,. .11rpro.ed Jmlr'.n, . . � �,' :�("> it _ -.- ... ... .. ,... -,., .lticc{: 1}t Avnr. .. ., .. ... ... _. _. ._ "_•___' , . 1 . 1 `1p j?..•... Ilnt. C,tt 1'tialn «. City lice k. __1.. �i_.. •'"si• --•x•. .,.-•r-3 .�_.._.._.___.. 1IMe W public; Nua,.il«er fL {F.f,. y: , _- __...- 5 2'1 'ill nee No. JII,. _I --! . _ ... .. __ .._. ..' --_.- . --•---'"---':^Y. _. ...._...,.. ' An uldlu;«rr crtnUll . 1 � � e- .. ... _._ _ Plcdhr rx reu+t of htn111", arvm ale l i I f t % . .:f.:. • ,. :';' ::,., . • YfT.' ,` - _._ ...._....__. _ �...7 Il a ly nflE'r,rt Tox•,Iarud�Jt _ _ i Ire �,ty nr !'ort "en,l«a niriii l .c f — ------ All - . ... ._ ...., , .: i ... � lill I Ot♦r,t .Ill Ila n In«dafroulln I'hnl All the Iota •nd q,:,rccls of . i' ' ,'�• 3 K ull cilllef of `5 alnhlupiml In rf{brnna xltecl, fa the city �" I own c uni Ile 1 df d lflr —11 me hr I -rented r �r«.cr or ,' wl 1".. 1 "Y We the e t uwrrn t,7a Id,q•1u11 fill't, 11 a (� lyn`Ccy nlrrrl, r •+-+ t '„�( r �t'v =. 'hfs nn11 uwrr shnl(rll Al:ct cticcl yr77 rae frnu, and ancr Lrc l51 11,,yn hots the •f 3lc puhllctlian. i " ,•::,•..;. Als.rdtheGnnlctl111111 ppmrrd JAur: .leyl 4 •?5•..,F�f (Aelt "In II, l'3tr Clet1:. Ilt,r� I:. � , I,- n . f , ' ,•._._,. . _ i VC .: F,S 1v s 4 {. � - !' � ll. a JZsr•y..r r l 1 I $ r. r _ .._._:.._ Ilrtllmtilet' NO.3111:1. .to ur.ihtall, • Mot un n.• xxmrut Hatri. t to i .., {ny the tt Pru.r nC hulLtit{: a nirlcn al" on I; '... •- " .. { r....-.•.�.- -.•..' �._.�^y loth ddcx u1 tt'nxhhl);u.n .tart 1. lfumve xUrcl, hi the rltc If hurl l - ..,�,�: _ {:. ! ':'•.' Tun a.rud. jjI I'he city nCl rort'1'uwn•rod.1", uidain a. Crd-I '.. ......_.. ... _ .-.,_. .. .. .. .. .... •. tun•+: "'.tiS. :,,__". .. j •.� :.. tinr�o� i. '1'h nl 'tll ltc L';+ and laic rrlc of �; t . .:'"`":-'"„"-''- - •">:�"' .•i rcrdfrrnu�lhtsinl alrcc•trlo y . i . j 1 • ,fPurl Tinynxend, Lc uud lhr x n n• mr ' ..1 '.'i" i, heirhy crrntrd nu n1,e,aueut di-trlct to r,.I,, th'. l . of 6uin 4 -deft!", u' c; - � •: L.,_ vud \t'nxlthtl;ton ,freer, (tom Ynylur .tact t. tirt od !lift. . xlmll to"c I, Crcl rwd I after' fire lr) dny. Ir.1 the r i t<• ::rF t •: t -. •• :: • ' dory of t, Patin adiuo• jtjl �o` `G 1'n�xrd the Cxnolcll June 17. 1 :tort{! nt• 1„ ]`• . pl Ja M �— I Atle.t : ?lar ru. r III 111!LC lH1•artillr l'11; CIri L•. :,j:{ r. pndcntlota Y4 , ' 1 i r, _ ,fti•-: ;'t ;':: r ..; .., ;� en nrdinnttcc eatdriis] dng vutill g Precincts with• ' , oily of Pori'i'uwnxcud': a�l+l"t,.:`•"`_.' '"'.' �;1 the city of 11u1t TON•n,Ovi dov, urd;dn n+ fol• - .- ._. ...,'. ., ....._r- --_ ... —__. —... +:'•`y;fl,i: •. ".: �:..; a:rl-.;. .. !aryl:• gccrutti 1. 'I'hnl lhrsc he and hrrc6}• 1. c.tnl...: +-r"•'—•^dr ^-+•^.s ti,hcd within the city uC l'ult'1'ax•nyrud �•;;:j'-°'�^'r= "'""' "'.r 'i lou•!ug rnlln preeJurts, to -wit: '1'hnl nll that __.....,: .. _ '' .!• c•- ,1 n C x. 11 city hclug cool of '1•nylnr ,!reel -n" ' x� 5•$i ci .$'GS i '."lt'.!.. ""� nmlYrnuth of ]dnysnc�c street atoll wn,titluc• l"•7:>+ j1`^$ f;^'-"'""': "1 recluct \u, 1. 7•hnt nit lhnl lwrtluo of sold city _ 't "�}, :,t`•q vrf. fir! t •'�; :.,' . , Irrin{f went of Taylnr mat aoulh of Lnwreuce � `�`-�' .. . A•`' ° „i .:}':'i `: - xtrrrl, to said cif • x, If it Precinct `o. a. ..•w° .. ��� _ '1'hnl ull that Iwr�r,n t. ,it citypc ,lt a:,1 =rr.•^m •n`d ].ofruncr t.tract to the city loufl. ehniY con• .. .. .. .. .. ..._.. .. .... _. _. .._ T`'%'.. .-• �, alflnlu Prtcfnct tio. 3. i •-r-.• -'.- �`% yrc. �. 71m1 tttx onlinnncc .Cell to"e effort -" �' and ht a fur n• from and otter five I;1 d:p•. Ginn �k. i :.....::.•: ttrg,,, vt� 1 thr dnlr•of ita puhlirnilan. - .. ... _ ... .... ........_ ��� „yr�,+�:.�•t��< Posed thr Council tnc =i. 1P.p. ' .:. ..,. "•"'r Ary~�c . .telj;w-"1">.',;Wr�r; t, r; •,,. .� tmrrd Jmu s7, ibgo• ' J: fr: .;•��; ;~ �` is I\Inynl, {. ...... .. .. ... .. .. .. .... _ _.. .. .. .... ,_ ... ... _.__.... ____...... ... ial yell, l'lly Clert:. •f't' ,1': ,Dolt of putlicnlimr, July y, laM,. - Y t r _ r y ry R 1 le EC; 1u.80a, 1`Yy``:,.;` - ,_ ._ _. . LLC/� f�t� ram!{uc` �l <<-(•lc :� ��1 c .. F ... :.' m••ewne7lt'diatricLL e� :: ': � �� '1 -f I,..-• -: ll / Sri-c aldlagIn xiden•nik)u aW.»�+.a•-•ii4.�_..... -.. ... 4IV 1. in the c ly of ]'nrt • EI;.- - nd doce onlnhi nc Col. rr�•^-•^ -!•-• ^.. .-,- ,_ _,. .. . nt xlrcet•ig the a .' WWIId lilt aa111C nit .`.,..�. •� :..( ... � ._._ ,._ .. _ ._. .. .. .... .. ... .. _. _. .... _... _._.. _.....-_.- , m,1 d4stricl to lay iht- .rksnu IaU1 a)dca of '$"'7 .'�•-�ii, _rY.__,_ .,__... _. _.._....._.. ... .. .. omn Ty [ar street to � ._.,. -....: .. .. .. .. .... ... ..... ..... _..._... ...._. .._...._ ,. sho11 lnke C��cI and rtY � r }� Ir � r: htc (SI dnyn Iron[ the t �' 41i'' ��•.H r N •illy?:=�%1��� t otingpreclticia lrilh•°!_ � '� � 7•. � .. � ', _.. _..__ .. ._. ....- ._ _... _--.__.... ..._.. .. __ __.._._._ .5.. '� d does anlaln AS Cot. +.+:•.— •y...... _ ___._ ....... E .'1:. ;'r. • n d hmb). is cat 11- a rt TONllxend the Cal• ,ell: 3'hal at, thnl �• ' ; cnl of Tnyior wtrccl '4'�'i}x,, = n ' .. .. - � .•,� . ..G. L portion of said cll> • city Leing north of i*=;-lr.F.+:. .. .. I ^•rtt dly limit. .halt n r ehnll lokc fled y �'•4.'r7pt�. • r-:� f' j i e•r five(5) dnys Cram J. A. 1i1111S,. Mayor.• clerk.' � .r,in - ..... _ ...._.. .. _.. .. ._ ._ .. .. .. ._ _.... __ .... .._ , _ .. _.. ._ ... f t. — r ' '�.. i•..� •.�-�3 y'+.}. "1'.�:.vr•0�.3•Sk.�%��J['l )na'v.'JS. .__.._ - ' ..w . r�rt J!���..'�1•�iir!!.�M477�j; - 7�. � � - -. _;._ __ .. .. ._..._... ........ .. .... __.. .. .. ....... ..... ..... ... ._.. .. ._.._ _ ._i ..__.._ _. .._. � } : I {{ f 1 n t 7..`,c;r ��'Tti�.7re��.:llw,�l1 }k',�� k?l} ;t� jly���„ :J \ ... -. J� tI .•nr r{y}, ya.}1•� Y �P,'.; d' �"L i 1 .. 4.:.. 1 :r. ..Y. .._74��wf '2RlIT- i,.�n :Y:iij�_„ 2 .;>•.J3 ...1.. ...1.. _ _ _ c1�^' 15'�: .•i^ 4 .l .-•-r—;�^ .. :'( 1 . iti, 1 ; f,rr .�.A ,�q c. ,.,..• 4 f hhylll :ia','i-i;,'• '6 Urdbennce No.a07. ._..v_•-w—�' ....... .......... ..... 7;)it�':y,:.-':.t .-- ._ -. ,,,;� y�'��ti% .,. � .. \ ur UliplNA\CI{ fmhidd B+• the po,h •._ I t\ bln ceclriq tctekrN)�II nud t14e !�k•4�ciF".; _ .1 ?:. .y •y pates wELltln dlle Cily of E•url romnnend. •�1':":.'.,.;--t. ... .. .,._.- - .... The city of 'ur 7ownNem doer unlaln >: .•t.:.::,.+.: rcXiwr 3c rF1rocclncalht, ur)e"nernr _:.....___-_ ll ,adforluy an), lln ur coiIviacnutuuem +u1f •*'•=•"-:-•.-. °:• -_i-:-. i ,•.t" ..- --,h. Itc[rictclel3rn ppgortcle hmie auy street witraia the limit+ a it,. ch", . f �a,�:.`;;,,,', ,.., '�•---•'"..:-._.�:..:._.._..;_�-.�....«�_..._____._....... .... .. .,.: •.......:.... ..... .. 't' ..,-. ... _.. ....... .-. .. ._ _. ... - _. .. ..__. ...,... i � -—",."^•'� _.... .. .. ..._..—. hl:c. 2. That nu)' {{crnun rr I.c[non+ ciNin❑ ,aran h tiuwho nlmll vlulntc ally o! :u the ntNl 8ectimt M thlr oat .. .' -. ~;�':•��; vml+i,f w mn IK tit). of n I"Moutcuuar, aad up, jl N Ile led ally 11 %ic••,�.j °: •:F1. : .. hp .... ...-...._- ..-. ___�-. __ - CCC`ILIIgCreoF lt hll llir[Id 111 dn11'N, °�=' '-•, : t'. ':' '. 'til:c. 1. rI at this linthmnce +hall 1.1 ' ud be In farce fro' and after five (31 dn,• ��.:�',.:':. F.. 1 ....�._ .._..... ....... . .. ..... ... _ . _ ........., ,. _ .. ... - ,.. ... ....._ . e g [he date of itn p1161ientinu. , f`t....n-.-_. 1•n"cil the CnnneH31,13a3, 1 ' 25, 1ego, Ju{y S � M ItRL c4Rv tiillrll, C' erl:, Dale 1870. L•?. }•• :¢. , ,: .: of puhilcntiva, JuIIly Sn, '. •>':: .,.E ? - - - 1 .. IF f 1 , y .�_. _ ._.-.. U ....... ..... .. .. . _... ._ -. .44 jj _ ' r Mh :� �fa•'. .,ti,' � _`T!, .ut.-; `,N,, ��L'r�v tY .. 1• .'r'S"(' ! .. ,Y .t .. Orllhi Lice Yo. 07. . il11- - mac._:.._ ..: ...,...._. _....• .. '• .• ;:- .:. •, .. .. •.. _..:: 11 IIKl}IK:\N ll]'tfulhiddinl; nMi11S nrE I It E UH qCCII f, )CICIIIXyI l l,ldt ll' L'il}I lt' ,r1 Its.-Ithillf tlllc City- wll Vllncjii' .._....._..,,.,,•..:.-.,_._..:_._.-----`..._._...___.... ..,_-.. .. ._-_. p %ii n, Gl' :. .' 0.Hlfillw'It - ur euyn lr, nrlf 11 ....,..::.-...r_-..--_._.:.._'__.'__'_-......_,-...-_- ..._..._ .. ..-_._...� ntw�U��Il1 f1 IIIN Y alfnitelltjpi+nnet�rlcKetulnlLlpluil. - .,..,: :, .• •,, ., - ...__.....-.. �.. .. ,' , n, C! III 1 n lht fit) UI' 'ur! IV MIrC wll l 11 the _ . ... . _. .. __...- ,.•.,._•.-.,.._.:..:....._...__�.�_.,... _. .._. _ . .. _. -,_._ - ,.. ' _.... ..___„_ '7 Sue. �.f li'Ptult nuv pa,nu,ur pflEnn+. firm o, 1 ! lOml]UII NIIU Ellllll Vlulllte :lll ell IILC lllu• . ' _"'` '"•' • " ' '�'•.1'.•-.%�•-' :' '' ' i• \ M1 4 .f lif rEI 'C t1U11 of [IIIN [lilllnll lll" kila�ti Ill' f6ulit)• or III I.4ICIIII•HIIUr, tll,d 11......... tln ' t I .....:. .:. '. k�.... .:; �� - .,._.. .-. .._.... ... r « t u I.—t h Hhnli med lu nuy Euni not ea• lff11111K Utll•tllllllf'l•,1 dt;�0.1 ,. .... . ... .... ....... .._ _._._. .-__.._....�� . .. .. ... ... <,_. , 'N¢e. t. 'l'hnl IlEon'iun lff Shall UI{.f 'ITrct and 6e S,I fixef rrom nm n ' � � •r,'7 the dale of ilr publifntinn, l'arx\L the Coaucil J+9r :}. IWyL App—rd ply 4 i' 1 5)I,L lAH Y ti)11 TII, l`}I1' l}CYA, Untc �f pullllaatl�n, JHI}• 3n, I4 �,, jly3a-It 1 / Ar 'fir: -: • fS - i !-.!•..n_.�••T t L _ r : t� r � 9 _ __ _....... 1 F. ,,:4ir: ,,�ir•rl»s: L"; >�.f-Yh'3'�:��'i ;r:.::-.., `•,d � �. - - ih.7i '3. �•R 1. ,Mjf ( A:'.l .�4�:o�Hanwi3;+[sx f.a �.).�I ^-_'^_"... _ _ ;.•:: __...�; �`. '..__..�;..._ __ T. _ e ....::I.L✓��r_.�.�LC��..61�-c--C�-��_ Civ�!V��-•�"�'-L'(�l_`1J+_ l�'� / i. �.l. i < r-r._._-�ti � � .. .. .. .. ... .. r. '_'va:.::.�-� .lL'._. rl,r�-c-..._ �'L• l' 1 LC�L.C�(?L.l-_fJ,. L� % L �. �. •C.... r,L[-[-I�. . � � _ .. ... - _ _. e17, ....._ fWl dx.:��• ,.. , CY ^i- - _ - :� — , �_ _ rj/L�c�GC-CEO •[�%'' C� �EL-�U�'?/�- —•� _......._.......---...__. r ::✓�- _ . , ,a,v,•�•y...w+..•••.� w-w vaw,.,rvr-.r•w.-.-v ..-...,.:�..-...—_-._..--..-�_.__ . I �- - ;i - - `'' •' �_�l.iJ �'91 ��r_:i � t ac,t. � l,�i r, C t . . ' ...�-Y� {, _ .._...._ ' I?i .r. ... _ Ilt•dlwlllt't• \0.:{111. '. A.-oliu:met I-Mo, Itirctiun unc• : •.. I ca •r„ ntitlavl " u uldhmnrr b, i`••" •... r; u. Pf,S 114, 6niltd a ndt nr tl,e cc t u ' i :$:j✓.:-.'... •.t , : • . ,.'.' CI'q• ill Pn,t!`'C m•nnrnt�r� dI»I rlrli ui,r• i'. ORDINANCE NO 309. "- d„t r�l tt. ,'inullinn: ni,l,rna•,l J:,: It In In Oil, :_,..._, .. ... .� ' nn.• uY I In Ali ended c Clh• n !art tart n+cn l for bw,ru•rud tt a .I dun on! \h'I!c{ty tart t.. \ anrd[nnnrr nulburlEln,i the mnkln• f nn iof = ... .. .. ..._ ... ... --.. 'hnvn;l ._. -+ nddltlunnl nvunu! balwnnt the Illy 1'orl •''S • . HI:ct9»S e, •'<;. :.' .`_ I Tuwnset/d a nd l lio mogt tllympu. co �vuly. e.nlgnce nr t!w Po I, Tow'u•m14 11'atrI Ce., 'I']taf t•LThnl unc I q, of a'tliann ,;i .-^_--%•- --.....` ur lhr enuelNctlnu ohrutrr rvo•kn and NnPply-• lul(thr rlly wltb n•nler, nud dlmclln1,• tbu rlty :-- -... '. - .. '-^--y� .,ri .-.. ._ -.._. ._.. - kPpriaml J'u`Inty zl+INe9, IlI3 A111I Fn'•.,, t ,annlcu n I)•on nm,cc 'o. qtl, „r•. wN' 111K'I'.own•cud, npprurcJ •�- " '''-" i".; rierk to •Wll n p rlllcn cool ru•t therl•fure In ba•• half ul the tllS•. ... ., .'. '. ' he pntuc i:+ II —by' nmcudcd lu rend . In•,.lU. %'.`"'','• ,� .Y �._•�+, The city of Vert Tnu'neutd doer ordain na i1 __........ .-.. •• Fcc. r. h'hnl ltcrcallrr it nhnl! hr I, uul','^t, 9ecllm I.-Tb1rt w-brreu the 11 0l i'urt Il nay ,c•r,nu ur vNon+. lirin or a t13 •'�`..•� , '1'owu!•uud IHd ultSnremh0 A. 1). Ins? into iliru fort IL _ .. _ .. .. .. ... A Y` - . - -.-_.. -. - erect or enm•c to be ercctrd In, enu•c In bl V.I. f'am unc pines I x•r +, [j;�i ..: '''; - , " t1 culrr n iel ennlrnel I'M, 'L'nwvlend 11'nler Cu„ 1i nud under whlCh, ten- 9 r u, nr from nayy' other phu•c into tha• lr, 6ulldiut, ;, ¢(.:; ;.,:':, ,._•: - ,,,,^l.�k'•i:-=• j'}_,.� _' '••-;^'... tract the Hald ell) blade Iwcll to 100 nml non• Irnrte (er all will Cr that the Illy mM1 •regiI IN lur 1 1•,er, linablutt nuwcre nnl�r),rinkllug 61 gl. ._ tl• " `...`.� iu alter d"I'lleml, nay une,lru Illprkx unntlrcnd loop lint, Poly : Uvo 6Ul.forty-lty%ojv3f.ur, ., .-.-„ ' lNeln, nui! to pnv nnld w•atcr punlpnny theta. t ...... loin uumbcicd tarn 19I, four tl, xis In, tore al the Idlin+vint; Inlet. to irlt: Inv rnch h}•- drnnt p, f ! } III' AhK1; xfe fel. tut. ta•n izl. uu. ili Civil (F7 and the �' )nn lu by the nntor enulpnuY. under lbe dln`pllnu ul.Ihn clt)• the Num nt re reu Qo111rn- ... .. ,. _ .._.,� .ti .. _ and elt;lll (HI ,'••rk our huudnrl nnll'S fry n;ul feet ufbt«'k 1 "' . I" y�l:S.w:.,,i7 : ,.• '. .t,... nud q[ty ccuih urr Inunll, pnyablo tnuutbi)-, the cI IY to nud lhc• Inln nuudrered unc (u, lh rec , ncicn i71 In WIKk fifte•Ill (y,I, nu i ' �`"' ••'f=: E''. ,' a grcclnR lukp not Irrs IbunIq•and donor; and fur all {rater nicd by the city' h,r .. .. _ _' .--. -, oC Port Tnu'u+cud. ne -id tut. I (bins tlw oftitc original Iowa fu.l _ . ♦.,:e�•a;. °:.'. ''.. othrr nlrpnnu lu pay "old wxterenm{luny nt thu rote u�aernut}• fh•e eentf lllunland Iq,ou plot Purt 'ro,ruscnd. I'rowded, funcrcr�: V <Y" ' - '' `� 4':• Per 11,111, n, parnl,le Inpl11 11" y' .. Cu»nllnll C»LI I4CII :..'.',:'�., :•. .-.. ' •�...; r.•r_w dud n• hureaa the Nnnntulempua N'nter Cum•la�f:nti any. NIR 1'nrl '1'1111'i1Ft`IId 51'llipr ' ,Y 1,nlnt t for tha• rcmoi'nl e I Lldhl 11 raltl III • I,.'Iltlin 11tr I,II �i,,�,••;;, i ;� •:_1_ -I.: -': , nr 11t'M1 nl 111 L' Ca. IC �[ ouddrrntlnu [bat IIIccity P ,f' )dncC le II II aCC u»IHIdC of xnCll ltl ut rt'fuw•nreul� tnllt'ltiltl t ml[r•tCt i n r ll+Ji lid. • " 11rCHCrllled BnC, z, h'hnt thlx urdhmncC nhllt t .v.-...._......_ - .. _.-. ditiolf.1 I' 1)11I011n1 11 Ylr1t111a 1[{�. UJ pr[11 )'d[nill Per y I, A h, ?""'"" � �� .. __ - �-"'? .. ..... _ .. and be lu Corcc Irmo and alter fire Is, • , ,. ' Innnt taut extrud the time I f cuMI leftnu u1 IaId center wor"twplce meat II I nYluf the �' t 'Ileepll, cn on, d lhcCunucil Au •tut 1 I`17,. • 1 :i-'r--:'�--•• '* cnnatruOfnu l Ilrt IIIr1IItlin {mitt :tor., '"•d, t+n7, hu+, n reed to {und•h � Anti ,rl z 1� - Ii.'L. Tllllt.\ ;y,;:n (,•; - all nnlur nuivlCd b;•rn I'd clt)-fur other pnrpnaN other lklnu iha:o r . Atlrntc ' a:;zy, ;':}; ,':;j -•�7Q3 ::"tr,,,_� hlekrntll cnnllnrt nutbnrizn. the rlq•bl ur'n �j IIRI. C-\Itl' ti11ITIr, City Clerk. --•..--,.-•- a water (turn enld hydrnnlx fur at 23 eta., prr Ihuuhnnd ... _- ... _,f - .... .. ...-. note of Publirnllan, Au(p,Nl3, Itt[Jn. '� gnllrinn, nud all Ipdnutta u•rr oil ' _ _ _ - .... _ -' t�',% +":_.:. ,_:' • •��j,y,, ;.��I„�:_.. :.:�;y S prT mouth, Nut u•herenn lltc nnid Prtr- Poelilnn oL rnld'•1Io11ut OIY'»Iinle )Sntcr Cunl. .•-1'r.. ................_„_, _._,.... ,._.,.._.-_ __ -. '•:;,'.: ,,,ti , . :1 •, .I. -.'.'.-: Pony" 6nn been nrrrpled by t11c cltY conucll ut the CEIy IbrL Tunu>eud, - . ..., _, ..' .: -�' uI nud n cunttnat or ureouhince hereirlill. theretnru lh'I Carj•fiudlh ch>)'clerk nl rho of file It'•-. ..... _.-.. - .. - ..._- .... .. .. .. .... .. ..... ..-_.___... .. _.... _.-_.._�.. °w-r-,.•r.-^'(-;:"'- ,l?'r;"":'<'�`'' :' •.; cltpof fart'L'ntr[I•elhl bn Intl tm 3N nutlulrized dlrerled ( - iHlj<.;F.:..'• '' •' '' •'.. Intl to azrcute nu bphnit OF, ,tIIC Clly nt 1'nrt 'j'nw"wli11 M1 terl troll enutrnet .. .. .. ....... .."-+ � �' _ .. ._._ .-_...__.. ... _ _..-...__ ..�...i-•i;-�.y+.-^-_•-;•--' • � °'�>'t'It, • �-�-"''! " '"� mcco r mice Ihu111 111))'/nl,gN Witter f.uul)Inny" tll ncrnrch»tce n'Llh.nnbf n' oJtlnn Ira hereto corn -- - -•�-•" -. _. � .. .. •`" ... .... ... .. rho w»It1c11 A11y'�ah lAyc. t .. _._ ...._.__ .. _ __.._... ... .............. ,roved Jnly' aSth IhtMl. ;'�:: .'} •. •' ! te UL'I. GAar F)tlTll .. ..rl.-..... .. ...-_.:.' 'i City Clc Mayor. :f , ? ,. ....: Jv - ,.. .�3i'LIC't^.: jS:F:- _ ;:S•,^•" 1 ..�7.., . y..d, ..I �'.' --,�,•�'' _i:'Fli',?j1h1-j F t .•�.t _ I � "�_:lr -•..�-• _ ..._._ _... .. ..- ..__ .. .. lll'd}tlltllrl' \n, $fll. -. ;_ .._ _.. ..—. dreliuu mu•vl ufnnllu- y � -'_`._• nurr �o. �:r, rnlidc.l ••.tu untinuurc In 7cgu1ntl. i S : � � �-�' • � - � -• - the cu 1,tnu•linn al"I rrnnuni of bit diunrailhiu .. - ... .•„. _.. ...:} .. .,.._ ... .._,.... L__.:.:_. i• 309. , , rrtluLl Ihniln, lu1 the trtra cntiuu of liter hl ttic cu.• or r.rn 'ran n<rn aed Artiuinq puuinh- —•,..._,,.,._.,,-. �.�L,-.,_. __, _..... .. � ...:. .. _..-_. „-_..,, . _..._.. mrllt for iln rluh,f luny" nppr.,r:d nuunrr v 1 v ...... . _ - _ _ ._. .. ........ . .. .� - � .' � .. . ... .. ... ...._. } h�J.yvl nl'Itk ntnuuded utdhi,nlat• url I ,1'1 'I ncG , II n pY n• ! 1 mating of all :...............-....-....... ,e rlty df . .' .nth,,. is.,i4•,,i',iiy h• uF 1 (} va NateCoro. rend IYete taadd supply. .••_--•-- -'----_.-__.-._.___ .. -.. oth, Isle oily I'(� _ _ _.•......_.�I _.... _ _.__.. _. Tho/ .'flan 'unc.tls of uld unnrc kNproecd Jmlunrr' aa. rti:•r, .. 1. .'I 1�111'I.11It'lllatnFlnd.)111)Itll ) 1 '� yl't'Ir,ll[ nd lrl'4'dCl� }�1�,�) '' hoes ordeln ee ��..:_�^•.•-"'��__. _. ....... ... .. .. .. ' .. � ' ' • •., • r. .. _ --__ ..__. .,_a.. _ _ .. _ . r man Id la n.ul .)r a nu it au•itl IL 1 Ill' :hr n II ,.. �fit:c. 1. IThnl,hrlrAflr, It Irlid 4 ,. - _ _.. _ t ... .. _....._- ' , city of abre 4� ' ¢, ': 1 II 1 r u d fae nu)•lxsl bvcnllxt A. 1), d.;_ ..,' L.. _..W _ ....,..... ..... net rrltli Port ... '..' ...'. ... --_ __,,.. __ v,n ur 1mr•.anr, 1'nn . oq.,u,riun h, erec u• •m rc tl 6c ,:rtr ,^41a or f •mu.Uxr lake end rem• �,�... �. - rnurc to hrtrrnmccd from . nr {dna• la n, ar fraul nn •Glher pinee lulu Ihr ]imih hvl r-l[[[ � �};h ' ay r!q Ito for ,.-�^ ... (Th1^Yw':_...J_,.�'_.....__....:. :........ ... .. ... .. -.._ __ lG ntic]'du.7i�,cvl. any omxlnl hulldi ulr, to uir nlackx>Inn,ht'rr,l ti, (i1t11"rnr Id epr}nkllO[ mp�ny lhcra 7r •'�f ':f,'. .:. '. •, _.. ...... ...... .. )'I.tnl. {11, fn711'-� ,. .. ltrn f4A.Cnl)•lhtrcl(53+, n11v lapul„-d fl„+) m d _.._.. ...-,..> ..._-_.,. - .:• • txr: each 11 !LT (: A.;. j�......' ., IGtr nlnuhe,rd tan». font +a', d1 foi and rigid ' under Ile e. ym, onthly:th:! Illalc -IN (rl, Iul I urlexrlyraven'dbll,rkmP. ..... ,..._.. on�hnndn.S,hl,t)'nW, ltlrcntruaf,.Lttaowutt:L.te,., • .. --. i._......, _..� :,i•�: ,^ ••^,V„;G�y', e Ili'•;=",.0. [oily.h)• -+.1t�' f. . . 1a;n nodthc lnlx Unml+cn•d our ltl, thrr'c 1,). lire ntl: .•: .. rha.'chY'tor--»==••=-.-:••.�•--...._,... ... - .... - Sj1 and ,crcn 1 l in btlr-k lilh-.,ir ly,i, rtll iu the city :. . -. �y. Inpeny et the ; •mar :;�.... ,., - ; ° � •aad'6eltonr; ;!: t„`')• -,. ,. . - ... ..' .. ... of tart Tow n,atul, nr xnid lulr and hh•c1:x appear � .. -. �pml [hc {IIn1 nj ttic origiE ail �o)ru Ulmr coy' u!'I •.. .. ... _- ,. __,,; 5 ,'•i' '' `�.••. ^: ` 51'alet Co$• 5. ••'. ... .:... ... rd Il'etcrCO: ,.�• �.- � tt'Coxmrill� `�' {'5,.w.. . - . . - .. 1111n1111111 lnlltll'll IIn11'.1111NIIi1 p1 )It'r n11,,t1'I it Krnnt n pctrl,il li,r lhr ,cmarnl ul Ally uGl Ica � . .• bltiHitng honl nu4• plarealllliG lite lilnitr atlnrr .. '"`i "•" , y rl:ty (e�)eA. ...Ml,.'t�..�,`::•.i. hydraAR rcxcrihul tonIrincr uulnldc of ouch Mail'. ! tI ordhlnncc rhnil tol.c Xml vi pet.t nnp]etlo Mrv4, mnkinl1ff the /s i 'dY it he lu flu ce from and all f ( love cr uc U a y Erol the dale Gf ite puhllcnttou. r•,_„�„_.__.... .. 3 .._.._ _ ._—___ i•� i . -, y - }- [mm': ..... _ .., 'met hoede� , ,fin l - - ._ r thap'thwa li« 41 rttY to,ltae �' r, .... _. .._. _ .._ _ ... _ I'nxred the CGu11ci1 Aul;u,t t, esg,. Appn4l cd Au},'„rt 5. 1.. 9•tuu,u•S Ju. Ali - Mavor. ,µ } ...r.;-_ } , �'. ';,, ,. '_S CIa.)•Pet F(; '^7 l{"' '' ,,.._._�:..i-..._.._._. ..... _...,., ,.. i-.. 1)Itl. CityCILrl,. , to OT,,,, i`•').-'.,.",,"., �,s'.r :xl�is,•;.).� -, 'It 86.00pe4 _.. .._ ... ._._... ___ __ I)ald nlC.ARA'l1SM3tT). h11G, AgluIFyn, illg}•11 ......... ...... ..._•._ ._..__-.... :� e rldd pta j .. i,G -_ ._ .. .. _ __. .-. _ s=;;ta ,at r4tre99'CI �.'t,c1n"i _Y!• - { : ,-..e 't the M1 n Dohnlf of E 7. :' 5 : , Mayor • J .b .. w , WL ji it....... _ r _ .. ... . - - .. .. .. ... .. .. ..I .. .... __.. __..Y_... r t i a ' .i Ilp li uulPc Co 81'- .. ISR UI V.\NCl; er to nntcnd srdiuu uuc (q of 'fit tom• In dhuu5ru, vrc, aauithvl ' .\n nilntOta• t _ ,�."" _^' .. .''^"..•""_.."'.....-.' ilc tLlrl lFt'l of tLr Irta,;tticrt of hhe citydnf rl{mt -. ... .-. .... .. ... _ ... ........ .._ of 1'art'foa'nreud does nulaiu n� Ibi- � Fr:c-rlLrs l- '1'hnt ntvibn, and ill of (1 nllutUlcc '-^,�.. •.,,r••'.,ni `}}:'"•: �:1 '..' � and canq+ntsution, nud dcfininp the dntic.c nflhc ,,,,,,,•�,,,. ,,.y_.�.. '1'tcasntcr of 1hr dh• of I'ntt to»'n•ev d;' hr -:F ,;; .•.;,,,, mncvulnl to rend a - CIA ftiilotr.: yv _, �`�rLl�'+t: v,}�:"�. �, tiFCt1UY r. That the Oily 1'renrurer before fi ., , ' rttreu le and drlirrr a bond to 1hr city of Imrt ._;�;,,-, - �. '`' °�+"•"'t=i.i :L�.' - 'fatrnsrud it, ihr ante of fire thnuau,d Ifs,oun •..::3•;'.;: �.r) dtdlnre arhltrttn or tnarc aurrtic,, lobe a7+rrovet� R . rs 7:.,,�'�;i': ;: •. j - by ILc �lnl-nr, couLlitloncd thnl hr uail Iwillule- "" '"."-J u•rfurns 3,1.. dial- nv Trraxurcr, and .rill ac. -• *_ ...... .. . .. ... ....... ... ... . .. _..., . , . couut for real 11a5' orrr nit u1oltc5•x tilal utag hls Imude n* sUe trcnnnrcr, n'hidr k';' 'I' ! it' li'a.:; •'•<..'.i hood eludl he filed with the City "erk, .... ... .......... -'�- «:.,. eectlun one (1) MUrdbtmlcc No. .. . .,t/i:4g,: .J tot in hetehv repented. I . ?'. Y3r':{ ,-•EE six urtIln-it ILa s11a11 Inks cflia•t and 1 [corn rein alter her l5) toys'fi ntn the .. -. --. .-...�• ... .. ... .. ..... _...... .-.. ... _. . dole of itapuhl7cat7nm G ,d- - .... .. �++a 1-..:i ,•• Pas+al the Conueil .lupnnl 8• tlsp. ,\pprovrd A„g,Mli. IF90. .'•a z+. ^�"...;.. Attest: •„ Uet. C-�5tv ti5urn, L'lly Clerk, :�5��[S•,a", '•?: .: ': .��7)nte oCPubl(rntla,, Euguvt u, Ixpu: nngr J-Il h . ' •i r I raf•, - .t ,A" r , i! f 1 1 I S. "ry^' "e iwo' v ly or 'iug the hand Lim it dutiev -hall 1'. will faithfully and, Will. OLI. I that, MILY ......... ,A 77' . . ..... ..... ... ..... . ... .... . T' . . .......... .. . . . . . .. . . 1A if p!j, V. L UE � I "I , " " :i:" :. �­.­' , t '. . , 1. 1 _: � _7 .11 r • 01UPINAINCE ,ll, :III. iir 1•v .�..- .... J1 the iI - l:ul Ihr CttClerk,Inlf mwpru+'ll loll t leyo Idrtih•uf Purt'• " In oollunlu•a pnoltlllr ul iha lN41 [.lnr, lil,r :-:'.. •' S' I L reuw'nd. I. } of 1•olt 1-"IVn,l•,II ,I nl :r n(Inlll Io+rx: t , lrl.„III trir IUJhrny rl lnpnuy, ih ru an,1 `I ,IA 'ern' ,.. .. II, fol .. rm�l. -flat 1 •f Irl ,1 II�A r I• 11 1 I aI nl• 1 , Illn,l :• n 1, , It 1 ,let rxtle,?- •1 + C/rvl the cnmp,aA,+lion aflhr l'fl) 71, ltprr ' 3 xlutrlKlrrrnFlxr r!a,1kvrtntln l❑i fl), Hlyllut it,-�.'-' ., '. � Ararnlyerlf,`,vl d Iinrxof l lmallllrl atult 1r ' mm�thy'. pny'nhlr E ']'h:ll .. _.. .,, '/, .^ 1 Th,l'�I�yl•nf I'nrt Tu4cn.1•nd Il u.•n uo-foun n, F'k IJIr Coll tlrllr:ll 1 Ilrna r, .Iln]t Ile rrl . wA: Ilh . c 'fhn uw nu4 nl r r . , lllrltlll ;S •". '•:• _'. -'_.' hen nr;�ii III an"!a nnld frr.+shall br cullrcirrl mod pnid over to lLr I And Clq•Tcrnnlrrr ItaliVortLe in`•kClluvRln tlifilen� i.. I tnr lllrlprlA 41:r, THnt Illecily. ,•.••.."--.. •, 0x ,,Axon hmo �,..• .• .i. trnliunnrc No, h, , adillcd "dn " Atoicr li.lorr flit cam lalxnlim, of Ulr t'fh• I Clerk,•• and nnp:,u 1 nut nm n„ u•; A, Alu,ll the c l u 1 I t ,u .0 h 'I 'llr{I' lr¢ .111 d I,u d Ilgirn, `In lr h'R ntl nt her on�inn nrr, nr ill In f - urdlnmlcr+ In couNcl .1? . Ivf rl Ihr 1, . I7•,' 1 a iv m4 hu14i, uu,lw lln nhd n n•rnir nu electric ni ntrt ---- rn hrra•n'lth, pi,' hrtx•6p re• _ .. rn IIR'IU',11111 nn rEr,'It ,• IlNdur ,hull, nnI !u lever . 1, ,.., .,,. ,. : 1 ' .•. ; Rua .�. I'lrnl fill. onl0lnnee .hall Inks 1 h[' It rote, rnrry, Inluvport nud roe try flit 1cI,1 I11111 Iln+ven• _.,1••-•-..-:_....... - :. •, rtlrl) f(O,n ,Iltll Ilna'r" Rr'l' 1.5111[I r f ! Ill, [Inlr Uf t IIIIIInlffoll. ) r�h "' "" C'In I]Irt.•1111, of rr IIIIII Illllli I111! fIIIIUtt'1111; Atreet* w ithill live I'lle ul fort lot II"ool. VIA; t 1---•- y,:.: '. ;'{�.•-; Y'd .. '• ; ) .'. i Pnr,rdtpr Connell Aug It L1 9, Is..m. A►Pruvel .luy,•tnf 9, IF r y 1J6111•nt.rll vue,l from 4lnY Wlru! to y,111, on •nuh xln'rt Irum 11'nikur rt reel ..�,..r.+«,..._.I... _....�.,....�..__._.�s _ ,.. Altrhl• I1. t.. '1'illlt.\l.ti. - .. .. __'i ' }x�lo�unII O uiw) ntreel nllrl lln lJlllllr' I•Irr;'L 1 t y1" y fr I'Ilerxnn Hr•e1 to R'ell,, ....... f DUL CARY S vi'it'rl AInyor. 1 Pate f CiI Y c{eK. ._ .'i - uu er u•'h• 1.L t le 1, I t Ir 4sn l' pnrparr nud right Ill ,,loot rust nnit 4✓F^ :,....: o . , ". .; .11' :y..:.,•.-•-w-..... ._ _._...»-i... _:.: ._.-.,._-_-.i._..1+ f n pu . - ldlcntlou, ,iugurt nllrr�'It -" ' :__--�� '• ••. - - Iw 11 1 u I 1 Arl{I M f, et+ ! nr n••,nr rrrltriu•. III I n y . .. IIII Il o11111. !:IdV"lr(IrkF Ilnit III II'Ilnllrl',1 11 •'f•r•IM+r}' '+yi•R:. +, ,- "" • ,�,�_ J -��.. 1 "............ ... • .,..r "" Ill, Illy 1'11I111,ir'le,Axtray, 1."er Ind --." 1 �4.r,. •.,I, f .', . :' -Syr: " ' '-- -. ! nU•l•rollr•,I Ill Ilx MIIfII Xlrl'Ut r11IIu'rl}', [o'er old 11hUlg rfu11 i�.'-M I' ,•,•-.-..,_ 1�_.........._.....,.,. __, ^ ' _::.____:..".....:..._.....-.-. ...._. .. - ..- .. ... _-- lIhl'rl'IIt. I•If t.,:. , IIIIn Ithe Ill-It rl' '+ 'ill the 1 ,• t Ihr it • r 'Idh r nu Ir�rlrllclrel IIII ._........ i cnlvilany.L,111 hnrrIU,(, rjeht or, ' the ,mistrimthut of their rnl,l rand rull,rur,ul n douldc truck n raid Atn'rt+, (i m w onnntrnrt t,or nn dr+In+, on" tluro It or i[. uumc,xarx ur nx Iny' " !! fyir;:::' {la lust Ir,lck ,,,d forlhnt Ilnrploc lnny It, lodlltdcrltl\'tnflllL' IIII• of tllU 1'eioor of ,kilt , x�,•'.:%, !. J ,- .. .. Alrri`l9,xn llllll lr nt IIII)' 111111' III Ills fllllitl` 11 " „Sj..,.Y-i..•._....a,. .�,... _.,....�__. _-_ ...... .. ........•........., ..... _. -.. ..._..:.__I IUf11,1e IrIIL'klxl ll,ILvr:dltlm•krwillxllhltllll- y+ finny o,c1111Y the eenler it[ flit- Alreet. Sr 'I I n I • Ir• lot I I Attee rlliltl I3y pore :,,.;,,•,„.,.•..,:, .„_•--.:...__..+.-..,__.............-._-.,__ - -_, ...-.. .. .. _ .. - .. .... __ _ Nrn1ve'v, op111ad hyei cri rlC nud A'r l•r cl:- I :. .1 `�:'•-' 8uc. I. That tim itelt Mile Ple,q HO ltx!!n'nY ,1 [tI- . ✓;';,';,t."" ,.:_...++::.....« _..:•.: ... ..: _.... ... :y"�r, .i ..... ...... ....... .. .. .. .compnuy, Itvnuccexxorx and^1+nn' hrmhy' goolled the ri1,•llt to cutl,lnhll, a mode nud wnihtalu In will rlly', and Ilan, rile rlRht-of. hareB,brfurr. nruulyd. vet elcrtrtr. %Y•tem lilththl,: 6r r...{;__,•-._-'._..._.___........... .__.. ...... ............ ._..-._ .. .. ..---"'-..;, frllr lwwrr and nu'pn,or nrrrx<nrj Unu nud n,l,inirunuro of lt. anhl lael_ ^j". _ L;•:.;:: '' ._. "ti IVVIt• tlir rnihu,y xY,.LLm nud fur r thrr purpo,.r+ •;Hd -- •1It'" �' .. '.. ...'.` ': ". ,r..., nccr, ulnuc, ucnJhs nudnudrr •!nn•P,e,leA, umme." Ily nndn en if •, gels ll 't �, _.... _ ..... ........ ._ .. .. .. _ - ""'-'�'-y1 enit,l-on tr, I, npernly and 1n 11Fnlnii lllt sstrr,, i J, •J.. I lal.A, Ifslun•x, •up vnln Ind enttduitn, to Ile 11u1CA ullll lllllkr11711'tienV:l lion s ltel•e,nllrY Ile gI . i +•r.,..,.-..: .-.1 _......-..:.:,._Irylpaltnitdtt[n In rutdi bluto"It 1.1 to file lion- . • - :`�'::,: a catrirn eurrgy',. •1 I rr t o tit. r flu• ravilllrrrnrnGhlvrhn114vvncullaned I'• e • 11� null Art forth. n'• If f[i ndh•I r[n!I r [ hkn t "I I ly ] h, .1, " hdl] with nut la•n 111nn Ihhty pound rnlix ou An ld htreel x, N13111hr a 111—" to he IVlulrlo11 ._-.._ .. _ .. ... Inticnt ttinlcr f;nnp! roll of nultnbla +velght. and Ilia sl xnll xilret, to Le rue .1 uto• t- . f i,,,: .. j NIVIIIxI "'Ith Unl11r bll'ill'll teilll htl'VI loll {;II es llllll ,'hiller F •- :� •.. °y' ' . '. } '"' I I .+hall hr hlpl nu CII•II Rradu IV'It1, 1It,• "I" rzJ N11111 grltlll` uI IIII n,llloren, ill rear nud oll,y'h lllrolgt:lull In-rrwhhh it I.nlllhorleall 1 ill: , ) .I xrl Ilx III!I;0: l 11 tI1V AI, Ir ,Ilre ,'IA' Ilh?xel• 1 r'�%"• t .- , F 'rlllcle+, ,11111 Ills f1411 nl,d lrl'1` Ilutl' Uit 11'AI,•rn In ill 1 �s.,,.•,.c...,...,»_....._,-: _._,�_....'._.....__.-.: •,, ,,. t _-..._._ �,�' hln'nllx,cul\'rRn nu/ernAu-g[Ithorl'oul xlutll fur un,' loot ou I Iho uohldr lh,mnl onlu6ery W,lil frnn, 55-h4T I C�+. 1 ! :+ �r Aln,•t to JtVy rt nud uI teI time ,Bert nWII a,:+:wl::...,;..•�,�....'. :..A.,..",...., .. _.. .... ......... .. .. _ ,.. -. .•'k I eet IIe I Urlxl n'l'I IIIL' VIIIIrU •e xnld au,cis, nmE it xjull hr ut �:�; :.,'• ! .. .. _ - Idistll veal`Ywliaid,,trielsll rtnu nlnuR nil - . 1 Ina, ke Il la l;vlxl Cogdltlnn ,1 I rLlmlr nil In r• ,5.{;�%,":;;'' � 11f ur nllry, uc,n1'drd ll'� ` �oad "t-.,, '.. '..:..•t ", .. ... ... ....:....�i'�.. .t Itr,ll. n I Irl I ,fit-of-Ivn• urrr Ix un bedigh of right lu•, and npn,u bcl%v ilic -- iy �'-?•'- I ' 1 ' }S. 4i7ii the eu rolls e'hrn' ft Ir nut Pllerd Ile Idnhk,d, xiudI be tfticrt ulld 5� �•�F: a-,�,.-,^ �,r-„: ,.. f Il pnckcd Aa nA n1 ul Joke Iho with the ••:.•: ,,: • ,..'•'.,: ..... . , . ... - I ... vidju n-VotIng lnF grn luglho r1y;111• , y l' tit Ill•Ilr ll,l'Ytrl•I'L d UIII 1 Wile%tmt,,o-ill •cnmpanYxt,all In>'I 1 • wIr•.n, 114elrtetikxoufwt[rresx uoti`n,drdn.'I' Tek i oil]. 1 +�'� ILV'tlti10 �� Ott°"„�'�' F <<«"I+„�'1'k,of x �<«I� ..�T�_....,:-_.-, .��.-._... _.: ...... ... ... .. AIIIIIIt1U] L,el 11'IIJ]IIII: 1111141t {ilV ,IIII for lllL•I tvilfill of Inch At reel inirrxcrlinu, nvd for1 Fi„:' '�''',':. L:.1j'��:"�"�"•': "•'•""r-" """""^-' -" -" - "- .. .. 111i yfnclllpir,l511y'Illx[l111llltell1l'kx nod tle,il And lit1 lllk lllln!t l'r11ANltllt, U(kIII•rlx, 14'llt•xllelllle'tl 11, 11�• r irill'k nlllll( be VIRIIkVII nollll hl•I I\L'Ctl f1tU ItIIIN r-•• �:: t"• , " - I fill hrtweell tlll'ftluit Irltekx, ofrRnirtx, AIIdIV1JPIi 5 IIIV 111 he lel'el ll'if 1, [Ill• Ln 1 •� � • : � ... , elllll vllll llr+, ]IIII!!kx ( le YIIJI: A,I11 plllllkx In Ill' IIIIII IL'1it;l ll IYI,U ' y, .. .-. _ ... .. _... - 1 ] withthe Ic right-ol•wu' .nud bl uc titled .luxe to It J" then,ll.iheuuGllc ,lIu u1.1lclodnt ,y..,...._-•. ,-.. .-... ____ _ '' [,I outer , U,e crml, flex med hu e,pull [,I °•:; : " : ' 1 .; - .. (,1 .; be 1o:.gllh la Ihr dlxtuner. loon hecrlcd wire w t_�. be, ka, la •' -'i .... :. ", � o.ed I:drr of the outer pll,h 91. 11, per- ntnl: nllt al rile Ire. ,u,.11pr of crhlelex l:rpt lu I .._.._.. ._ ... .._ ._... -... _. -._. tlnc. i. Pn1d 'Ihl•ny rhea he fllln4 rr :1.,. .nul +tndl uri ° r• ,, •; . • .. - i Poll,llfry}vent, pdr L,,•.ai. rn Inq. uulyl Ilud pent �d e"hrn cum doled L - running lit lenxt .frr. 7tt I our ra av n dn'1 h:na1. Po4euRrr Inn}' [,It re. i �r. (I'll cell to Illy afore of not exarcdluIt tyre 4I , ecrM for a coatuluol p ol.usc urrr tit, e„tlrc "".• - 1 i mutcor llrr It"t thereofIII h nx Inch grunted, or us'rnuy'pirt; hereof n•h[ch xueh pnhxungcr %4.:.�r..:c...,.-......_;_.. .. ..-:..:. _.'._.. ,:., ,., :. 1 E ._.. ..--, .-„ .- _... .. .. _.-. ... .. .. .. .. ...... ..:....:'• nuy denrnn tl. 1n _ - _ _ ' yam._•_..,. .: ,. ,•:'r; ,: r. ..1 � - � . ,. ...'r l:•: S�' • 3. ;1 lot `..7.�....'J"�i.',�_+ ''y" tr1 kt' : {. _ .!' ' ,k.t• ii iti` cry i'. l3• � c)� .1r:r. ;.• •� S ,f �q: 111{I)I\,1\ll. \11. ;;I I.nY.t,r II nl uuy Ihn1 uarr sold talltluty Gnln-I,' f :•fl p,�Y rate r1o. RBtr t:. -- .-......._.._. .......... ... ... ... .. ... it uy 7lhIH Ilt)rxlnutlt rhnuln'lthal nul„tnl i I. .lr � � ..mot , � •; ),l'�y, InR the. tontlxnxutiol[ nl fr Lu ordhmore raodci • In lh.• llrit l.lur I:L v I I tr r :t err nor luUl, n unlr trill llln fr xund w rfrnm lhut I ,e N r 11! boll It kll) of Ibrl Tnlrtl Mllld, r ' .Ill•r 1'�•,,,, „tr:l In•I, i I y ❑nrnuldaa aninln nr InF 1_ Irle Ibllltt uy ruinpnu), It. I r,qn- raw hoAl h•,, rat ih un'71 + e ,rune, rnl•r, nr .. , _ n,+Ica• n Inonrh L„• to rnu.trurl, upr! le. nn,l nurr El•,rdn track ur 1n1rtr. ntu� rIKLt of troy , -._:1�,�' ' eco .� ... - - .. .. - mnhnujtntn elect rlv ,trret rallou) nu•r, ll pem,l '�„ .o I, rlrrmdurrn to rnr6 rhnllNe• la nnid Nnul,•,; ^•� mpcusalinn ofthr City fOlt 1'annecnd xinll Irb lull¢ and neon, Crrinlu .trrrt• to lh:• rot,' rl nu1S brut lded 11u,I null nJlnny rnmpnn}- nhnll nut oar. per 'month. [rnY;'tbin �•,.... - ._ .. .. .- _ 1 Th" oily ,Of fort 'fan u.rmt die, old:nu , F' ' �x ' ll i Kllr dllaxm e�ltrhatu um bin,�A an mry ill �ln n: 4:1Y'• a+:r�,��Q_ :nl'tusntinnl3xcJ In arc 1 -^. ful7aitl'n: rl tl.ut hall rw•h !hly r"uthulou+l lunvm Iln� ,`�r,i;r -, I dnlTl N 1. That fr„I,I and nnrr hr , pp to Iieu nfnll free, end the L' the mn, f tld, nrdbuuu r, wu1 1• o I , nu' our dl.h a rf r ilnr4 nu kl II, 1 Id f „' k r I nCI I I cool end mod mror to the t'-•'. V ages G:r ro prllo'I rnllUnr4 nod rlNhl nl ttt try rmf.,I, Mthe rr- 11 of lifq'ymlrr, tit: Ilvlr [,our ]aeru lc Itnlhray _ u,c oflhr tll)•. .:, �.. ....-. .. .. ... -- .....-- ', Inblighrll gnulr• nl the porlluu of nnid nlrrrt nnl 1�..4✓r. jt,l G: ncc fio. , entllittf"All ;i r• nnp.tu�, Ile rurrl,n,w, mnl n„lu;,, xhrttl hnca __ chnuNr•+1, •1r lty !1, 3ntrr[rrc n+ illtle m pnrvlLlr �'rt.�•="�'rt 0 rnnl11ienxe uu of ihr Cll Ihr rh�h,�llgc,ulu�ft and ihr) 1❑V. III gnuur,I sorb l6u punntGr of core nrrr kt, rant ndhtily,l .r l,• or,ln[nuaa' nr hurt.. ) ••`"'."`w'•-'•... _'. •... ". nclle oral Ih rmt to rvnlrstm.i nod 411 nu L. rot xhnll Ih1• role 6r Ilnblr In It fur . ` .. ... _.. , _.... _ lull,, uudnl [In and n ,n rote nu rlrrhdr ntrr,•t r h errn•ith, ore hereby ref i Huy damage if nuly anal ulu Ly rcn,nn nl ::..,. • . j nJlu'Iq' uud ran circle I; nnrn:r 1.bull, nod W I 4.: rho 1101. stir pi Pny Ihr ex Pemu fhmrnl. "I I, I,cr'xltaII lake eRrl core)•, Inlunpurt cool runVy'Orlcltl and f,n,•rm yt:r. u, 'r,o,,II ,I of sold ndlnilyI .�rta.i' 2. •.,ct,�. id'niter flee Ly1 da)'x fm '+`��_`--...•... ... ....... __.. _ _.. ... -: __. cur. rlu•n'un, nrrr gad ❑nn>: the f"rioo'[nl: anal! bu rurrlud nu andcr the ru pervl•Inn of [nr ❑, r ,t`'�,t .... -.- rtr1•rl, n'IiLht thit I ul fort Totcn•rud, ,'It: I - ,,, en•t B, l.S,yo. r l Un neuron rtrrol from Clay ,nrrr to .Iont'n1 u 1 uunittry 1 .Irrolx f .11 , Ilcpx e - sinvii uu Jrtll•r•uu norm If It Walker ,rarer 1 who,u dot >• 11 xhnll 4n nt all Itrnur eLrn uut3tle,1 r•.�' �'Ifi rt. t., rntnats, f'Tt�_..._ _ ..... n,1eN)-In/ soar) torero; mul ul Ill, iurr ,tout bq xulJ ntllnn)' r ,upnuy', rod n11 rat her thur. _' Jnc�r. n h hl,perl nnbl rnlhvny nod l,l notice to ri.. yln m. a xilect lu 11'nn;r nlrrrt: io;;vthn l �y rnlltrn)'>•n lnplrlq' of all seeded rhlulI•,l r or rr• ° "'*'�...��rr••�� It ) it'It1. l ire l:rn'11091' nerd t to ........tram unI '•1;:f.', Xi •ht of w'nc tnu•kr afllln •, cool * v• • nudtwdwuu rnld rat n•agn all n 1•rr.n rp.a' nrh l=,, i pn or of 11, rl6 Ilx�ut [z,' • mnnnol r, and tr.::n bchtc , uditird • ld roll- I _. _ [�•71+, nuglav,' 1__,,.......,_.._. ,.,,._..... ..-. .... ._....- intmm�a.,W grlwkf till, nPplh+urr+ n• .rq . i I .�.t; b ;:: •y. __ "'''• , troy !all n'llldu 1 nmrnurtblu Ilmu j 1.-; -- for Ihe, onprll•te,,nfc tool rrau::lnlrnl opera Hal, w kc ouch chases, ur rrimir, pointed out iy t Y of it, cold rl n'ul rnlltcn}•, met uud ,doll„ •uhl raid non nJllen, nod u n Odllug to Jn no +rotor l �:;'';" :` : •fj''! ._`......�r,5�:. ..:.:..:...- :�,-.-...__ ant Nand ruu•c, shall pay and furlrll to wtid role . .. .. ... .....,. six. It he llh lltlLlur S':Iarlrir I:nlltrnyD.T., einll noon ihr rkcht nod ptl rllrcr In slicer to •Irwkr •tmh�rhltuuuL ur I ' Iola runt of tun ,ll ti•r• ,;: thu rnunlru rq tun nl eh,•h n:dd load nr rod Non ,to •nrh rs. A nr tta+ •:.,;'.1, • .i rlyndlf . .Lull it .hail gtu• lien ,br), n ._.._:...u...::•::,.:•a....:.:a_...-_.:__..... _... _....... ... _ .. .. .. t aunv 1, fort rn P)'I L' 1 -n fit u _ runxtnu•t n dmoblc mu k nluoc add •I n•e h, II nl uq of rtl r I any tlulu It or ilea lvvi aora or ti„hlli: an dr.lrr. w 1Icr t•c Il 11 1 '.� .1 _... _. d ,1a .lore❑ fir uir! ,avid-y ton of and for Ilnrt ,urumc Ing it, nr4 tcrx'6 I I'll ` tattoo-. and .hull out ji,! -Y mars thou hh, `•�.' xuPlrleutl1 Ut aloe xldv of the Ira R'r i,! ,III binrl,r it unc tdur lu ion: ,•yu,lruclluo of tha 1 �f �•`;1 ..::.:, ..«_..�,:-.R _._. ... .. ... ntnn•tI .0 toot if rat nu)-Iluu• lu Ihr lunar n _ 11 mblr lrnrk laid,, 11. nnid Irnrkw will nlebrtlll l- ••'- alias. 5 _ _ 1 _;'•ti • Inrll'nit'lllr!'thlll'rlllrr of l ill• nlrrrt :1:r' to. 'I'lle Pllrller,'e tort, d gld, lo-,v i,.......' feired upon olio roll N'llt• r n111 :IIII)' loco! Ills"11 loll' I `-� -,' + .. c a. I'h rat all sore on add ,seer culls n' E ,, nl it+boll nmuucurc n'nrk by ulrrtric mn[Ice place r:• 1,1::- n�rn null lrnllteny ntthunh!+'t y, ncc Rum ntlJ u Ire the pna,uce n[ into urdnmure. uud pun0 87:c. 1. 'I'hnt the Hell LUu• [acre III! Ionl l IV It Alb Ihr I•Nwv b, enwph'Iion, rued rungdru• raw � rnucara,ut, nod n,:•icn. n r rin- .uantl 7 II 1 Uri a'itlrhr also• muntn.... ... za111 door. ), ' tttnutrd the IINid lu cnu•trnct, upnrufr onil .r:,•, [f..t11 rnr, eon icrr.rdd rnua'ny xhnit br _':r ti ..•., , • .I _ nudumiu In add o1q-, nod uluug u11• rlglu•,:1 - ... pert Ifehtrd trhllr h, uv. t'•c`.M '•1: ten)' Wuclubrfnrr RtaulrJ, out al,•rlrle +y,i,•ii tntirr. iy!. In rnu nl curt hoc uud rr ntir3n • Eh.nhl ;-:;,li^ "i?`: .. .r. for purecn,ud lighlli!G hurpu•r. nrrr,-ran. Id' III 6 ................r.._.�.__:__.._._....__.._,_....... ..,_... .. .... .... the nprntttou nod utttiuu:umlrr if it, „1111 rl'�,r ... .. rro•hinglrl utolnlrretl Iuti,lmclawl le"�uriturl . irlr nd la'ny sy,ta•m nu11 Inc other pngnn'•.1 .11t nrtrne lu u, F:-• } 115'I't, rdnilg Ilrrn., 1111,I 11n1rt •I I•I-IIr1:f •,,, 11;., g""rl to onto' ll+,foe' n'1'[n In'frrre rllall 1^` ....:..'�:,.:::...'i__.._.._.._. ,__.:.._...-._..:.- .......... .......... ... for}'., costa cloy• n •utirr rlA[ti�ldhlucl�ilrmtnlw'.L lull troy mdinnura �'S?� nreuoca, n Iron , f nnid uA t , . .-._.' cn•at, rnualrue;6 oprr.,]r and nialnhtlu all ttiroa, .. ._ rhnil lnn�e[irr elli•r[wnduu•u.vdd ndlu'n}corn• ir,,; Iwnh. Pots+, Ilsluro., .upp,nln urd 4."1 dt.� bl p,mr troro it11:Hltt• fir any nod toll tIH111n NC hl' and it ,,,I rsl•ar:,lhn,r nrrr,anry or ..- ._._._.... .___.:: _:._-__.-....___:__... __ ... ... .__�� S .1 111 IuhlhlI•, tu.rlid huninc:n and to Ihr roes• ail . ..., ocy.allee of rlurlrlcni-ovrgy, ,u LJcvt lu tau ran !... ... __ rrld lib �Ir r,mgr�nyr�+,a or y{ n•n.uu ur for uccupntlun ` 6l trl'1Y Illl,l Iillry: 6y tlx•f of the vrglicenrr nl nay . dlllnux mul n j1lIrcmrnU In•relunHrr uu•hlimn-d I /;Ili .. boot nay rnu•1: Ihnt nvrnil tululer Ilunu nntl'uu- . .; .. - • :. ,I. um! art Inrt h. hnr. hn y , mil ,r b!r r 1 1 ) - ...»_-1 8r.o. , 'i'nr trn,•ka of cold hot I I I . htzl, It. sear ,IuJI n• II owed ti 51a u, LdJ u'I s uul Ic•x term 11drty pass, i;in4rr n,lln ,' - sly cnn,it n S sn[A cheer n, nod the rarer, to br tPhnrtull„ _ ( ti ,rr r ,--trnik a ,ran anid an•ete' _ :i �'•ru4y •, 1 1'. t.. nnl n, ,tl rnlrl n'rrIra t11 Il•tl Ion[ 111 1 _ I+a, tit, Inrut Nlnler guard roll of anlbtto' ,,-n . nmI n, ti ob,II,rt or loon:, r novel Ihrn:un Ilnt ihr _- lllc en l Ivnu, Il,1, all n I nlrr,:t• lu Lv Ihr .11d,r' l'nrx Imn)' In• nlnppr 7 rat only III I„11 a'In.1 Il NIIl 1 uudlr 'ncheh with sleet Iooguu.a uud chilled _. rut Inw, cre nitlI tit• fr'cn 11 .rags If Ica m! nod - 'dig" ' Im-ml; and shall be I'll,] I'll rein grudr. I, Ith rho rmd eunlc!1 r, ur sit ouy Isviol hanreun alrert III. I }..f JJ dx11nN Itrndu of all ,q sacra. arrest. nod alley. ....-,,._.._.._:...'.:__-`.,.,,... r.„. ._... i- ... .. .- u•rfrrliouxi-y'�.ts-r�r:.�:%a ,: .. .. Itnt g! l,I n III f1 t I, h r ed br 11,11 LI rough m'lr 'I I not""',, Ir.� h rl lu a II a,.1 I a hn .. qn ran bi permit the note nn,l en+y :.. nucr ,f exn•ud furtha full peruul of tiny year.; from Ise {:I s;{IF4: ful'and four tlun'u� �'nlrr. I[n� a uirrn r, eulrrrtn mu ern.,.. . , Jnta of till poaagu of fhb onllnnvre. ,,utirrn, nhl , u ;1 :1 ds,', ir,.:1 it tile ran the port of tnGl nditrn). E •V"._io ,r plltnkrd lnan'cru [ie toHv nod our sue lout uu �.. » - rumps y, or Il. rnrrrr.urx ur u•rEgna, ' tI.. ...I'l r thereat uu tool ury'•lreritfnnn tV nose S utrnn•e, corn ,lobo nod apernp: It+ nnid ndlu•It>' i, �' , rtrrv9 to.lulfcnun ntrev1. nndu[t Ir 11,•1—1t Irr,'1 : ahhlu the t�mur nuJ in lhu uuumrr heralu men• ..-.•-,.,.._..,.�._. _._____ _ _ r n lrul my rats vt to 110.tiu Areal, Ihr colors ' . .., .. :. -- hhill''u npnlg eu d nlrrlltx, and Il •, iPl i bu nl n11 ... _ f tinned. nhull. nl the 1 pliutl if Ihr r!q' 191u llcil, d .. .. ,r,rrk r, firfrhnla. of ldl Inn tly•nte ,mil Prl i•�`; Ihuc. mpl lu NonJ rood Ilan ran, repo r all par Ivgvr grlmiill HI lhir orilimml-e fur that 1.1tlou run 1 I r,l mid riulu��rP r��Y.lury ?ir _..-__. ...._ _ willilo sit 4nti'n)e IBut thero�dln taooln`rt lt- 'ice lh , r l n-Ilebe•, nu111IIc n nu•u but oca•,•tl thn nt11x n-hur,. -- ill ` I .-.' me , ra 1 r ttn out ,ueh for&l III, r .. it In out pnvrd ur I Ioukvd, anal! bu IIIIeO mnl i rinre,j bY' unllnnnre daly pn.,ed be thu rounnnli r Pnrkurl ,u As to make oho Homo keel ',itlt I he . rr shell. -' - exinlhlg grndcn thralrrcl u+lJulu ug lu: club -. Kl:cli.'I'IIU HCEt LInu l;Icrtrir r,;!I, ycuulpu-• uhtn4• . - ...-... - try xbull pay all repettrun ,rI fire puhitentlull uE •, . - - '{ ; art•, r. 1Vlwn w Id rldlirny ron.I'mil anon lay 1 ' ill anlittrWeu. h __ - their trnckn ou ,trert% viol grir,irJ, It I,hnll to utl) dr. r. IF. '1'hnt n, lhu nullnm of Inn eHy "Ell _ ''- .-i Iulctnncllullxu(ntn•utn d auk• t L lit trnel nllh . ____ .__ br mot crtnlly- pruutntrd 6y thu rnns[rw•Iluu nnJ . .. .' i phulkx Neel t•v Inruex �u u'idln, uud of nclr'Tr ' [ i upeurtinu o nnGl lone ul ndla•uy, niul It - - ihlrk❑ •rn I'M Ihu ti , ror aurfm-', ul tot • ,auk' 1 u t 11wi - .- -. .... k. ,._____,__a....._ I•hrdl he lurol nit6 [hu top ui the roll tfor the. �rrbP lrleclurrd . , flu: 6c,t inte7 cat n[ Ins oil)• rotor 1 •• -1 fall SYIdt 11 n( colon nlrrrt Ithrn of it,, uud rnrepee,,I Nx `nln.lhly. [t ix ht ' ? hurt 1 ren: la nv tnertf,•.r�cy and that tloln unli- the {oil nidtllnf toss Purhon of fhc "rlNhl-nL unhro moll go tutu rtireu tool cllrC! soon, II+ �. � ... ..-. _ �ll3 �ilrllr xlxf ^[ cur :.`mtrcloil .I ;tn ulltt lhllf t t nr�nntt lu F, 1 pt it 1 ;u r 1 pn tt ,• [ b l Idr 1 1 v t n 1 to • • .: . - t : ... - _._ {nu!klannit,lwlva pII 1,-dlrn into, lwi.cvurofile rm4n I r .. ... ... f 1'u,,, Il[y,u3ruaucil �Iu66•sat llInu llol!.Lp ,nnid nod .rl Int•,.1, IIr, 1 `IIt tr Ito t nbl i tort lacnrrl, tl. ---^' w . — ,.._ _........ .. .. rid nl 11 1pnu,krrlt I lllntblttl tbl tlltwt•,• Iluy ' t .. 1tlC t: � AtIx,L- nlll,thc rlKhbnf•+n,y, nu ll ile]ittrd •loss to .. ... Ism. l;euy Solt It, cll)'I:lerk. ,r -•r' " lean! of publi.-mictu Angmt I:., N.A. -. ..'. -.; - -. _ _ i till, roll, Ihu uutnhlu Idnuk to br Lot cord al the �+.~• ^•. onMrudgu, [hc crur. loco nnrd ❑r Lu nl unl !u I •r- lurl;1h lu ihr dl.,bulro (ruts la:evlud rq;;r In •:r a refs 1'.owor IlIt it,, so n, o. , rood l; hat cud udgr pr . �•_ y..� HM of the`fr .. ,-•.FY.- _ dr:o. :. .old I I,i ily I, f ro[ iu cool n•- 1 ` pill by r:Jd rnlllrny rump up, and aludl b1• .1 .... __ j....._..,_ , ........:.___^:_.J;,_,,...,'..-._:.._._.( .... ... -_ r`t ntll ui da fart! loft d� rzr���dlo u N),II ec+r:l. 1 pc hr u4 .. ouu n h 1 tole d , nq• r r¢ l - . rani lurti .n,fuul'mi Pnl.•,nN'ut•er ihr rtnin•� _...-...:. . .. Umy•duxllri GI,p u x ur 1 nb a In try ur tun•lu Kraut r, 111 l•Cl' f 15'Id911 IIL'll trot,+,'ilg , , ---- ------ 01,4111111 lit Nil. :1 1.". ORDINANCE. A.111g, I11etl1w eimins: of the Gunuuun cot,,,, .,t T­­eud. Poirk T—l—nd.l.- 1*11111 the igtifnr lit, or ti't. C I)' or 1.4. to n'I"lenjay at tile cily flail, lit the �ajd t:lty nt O"lit 1, 1." IT. 2. im e I. I". ­1 "allct. eon r Starlit, of ord m l"r— lit, the mote art, br,, ne That It". ortlim.ure Out il;I for ce Irce from And .11t,r ri" of IF pliblicallati. P—C11 tile Cottl3di August I,% 3?*' A1.11—td Aug-t j6. I o. It, L. TI 1111A t. DULGturdut rit, elty Clerk-. 'tV, I- jj "1 7 '77 7 ti;i I'll I it it it ve N, It I Ap t.h ,f tort 'I od. lwl H ,g t 1'. City Tl,e City .1 I.,-t L -v,,, -'I ,, A.I. Tl t I 1.� ah, m the A.All I'l, h,.T1 l T ;.Ny .t,!he City an, in I Od clip ,( 1..,t I t4l:c. I. 1,,old -01 wh,r "'dt—u— h1. (now.-cel.1J, ",Blum a'.o• ,yt u. d, I SXI3.TaI lhH mliomwhata5• t n force !rout nllrr lire 151 ds,Ir— t;mq.11 thr C—twil City Cl,,,L-. kAtWu &Ug1w I IKr,. nilgi-,.41 4`1 71 7 . . .. .. . . . . . . . 7 -Tv k; j A .7 7� AN Th, City Of I'mi. Town. Al!cy'O-N ', TlW 1111 lr,, in thc city or vot, T.o,o_o Jl- tlacm lllt�cfloll orth— e .- IsQlas Isla foor mrucrm or ilp. Inlersealoo Ile filiall J, Ilnil rdio ardlossuces l ,,,Illj ------------ j That thin urdhuln Anit d tv force front jold oIt, tio: -P i dot,, ofit. In It, C.11oc1l sivlten.1 is, 1, r Aplouvett tit-litcruber j:. IML — ------ ............ CARv 111d,, al,"trens ul" ---------------- ........ ....... jm 17 t r ! { t na.. . _....w.__....___.,.___.----___---..__...._ _ ,'pit_;;•„� .. .. �• - _.. 11 N 11H111\A:.'l'l; ra•1;111;Itit1 6• lllr {;raII111K 111 - nlrcct intClsu'tilmn ...... .. __ ,.r..--T_....., I '1'ou-u laud. in rile Ctry• of fort i i . " ___._Y,•—.•,...,-.......... _ �..... ._, ....._�-......... _. .. .. .- .... .._._..� 1 •1'Nt• a'i11' nI I�InI Tn N'IrrCII,I Ilol'Y I�Il ltllTn: ,Itlltll IIY t .• "'I �- ...- 1111 Ctl }f1� IK111'• . ,._..�• ' .7...__ µ_.-....�,. ._... _. .. __- .......... ........ . ... ...._ .._� a \IIIII It[II•Y �I'rtll Fl l;f ! '.�r1�' .. .'. , � ' 1'rt 11 uu• +qunm i NI 1 m t•n n Iratrl. _....,r-... -.. -. _...--_ ..._. ..,.._. - ... ._..__.'. ' W. n c t i ult n,d LlanCr, nr fort+ If t mTlln u r u um tl �lat I 'Itl j t ,'''!��::� _._._,......_..:..:......__._,..:..,-.. : Irra 1, t r vC ha•Icb' 4 1 I,nt IhiY oullun ncc ,.boll lake cfR•rt t` nn6 be jn filrcr firm ry ~� :'�.: •,`i.'•} and ntj, fire f5l dapn fmm nlr ofitY � : .•� ,, .,., ..___.'...:......«.. .. ....-... i 'rl,scll lllC lnt[IIC .',l lcnit , .., r App,o— ;:ri,tC 1,,TuInALi - .. -..... ,.., ...'_ • hltc.�l:)I,- rRL CA.1 S,Mll.r ul•r .Y.....::.:aa _:r....::�...�_..,...._�,.,-'�.-....... .....-+...._.. _'_. _ .. .... .. • � 1 ` c 11' m llcl • I/nt a 1 Iiallllnit, tirI1lSnll,ct ll. 1`ry€I j ' - t � �• 'li III' Iiil€4Y i - •..I],4 •e r I � t?; 1 L d � F r. f ,�.: M •��aS1'k�ii?'t.:, t. .I.� rLin ,J.+, _. s �`�� . ,.�' _ ;� . , _ ••�i : "".,S In .'_""""' . � ; XL � •.'i a 1 tlltUiNA N-cp rclntin belly d -. • 1,� wnalructlaut uucreol �uf „ Y Of I'orl -� � lh•dinput•o Nil. ; Townsend, - �7 U1gtl l'lA1l'1: dcfiuinF +!I ! 'fhc Clly of Port Toi•'nsr+ail stars nrdaiu nw ful• _ . ,._,,,;� j l� lug the clwtpc{Ixntinu t + lows: ' ()tracer. Thal all newcd bew'er-pilaw or dmins The efly of Part Tva,n+cod Qi1 t�';;'.,�. • t herealtereonIlinuctal uh�liu crrmirctglµ•tih nu�i , ]awn: 'r'•-- •'.. . , atnll he w cannel"' n I;In Bound at n pl,iut 4 - -�--«, .. 1:,,..i""•''"'""" empty e. hnn the waters o(1'ugtl I til•l•be a r, Thal lee' lmr of I .... --. ;..--• I >,l all be exnlilcio n nteuAlcr of 1 not llrnter the shore llnctl+lewer1ldpc +or drat ;'nitice now• orhereatter to be Esc ,. That ll b e .. .. .... .. - . ... et cts r., Alayor. nalr constructed, Rita which RrC ant et muforrn• tlnc.,, it idunil he 1114 daily to ity wilt the four olugsre UUll. shall he toatic to: of said coinnikttee, nlld Tel,art +1 g It l rumtil wle andrnulurot lu tllc rn``pllrcmcnt�ar, - ,i: the fort et bectlon' ay�l a g1ei41o[.tce 1.91hVn' _ . ,_....," _ . _. ! . all matters nfrretfug the hen i • t{a(uU y}rr ' ' larycorldillon of lllc city. twenty tlayo' fmm the p' . g _ .. _ Ere, Tint whenever a c. a•,=: :'i✓s: Else t. Any Person cnuwacthtg, amtrotll°g 4ariols, it within tttc city shall n :ne nwnlnK uuyne veer who vlolaiex nit abbe Vla• . <.�: •d '- . ••_ vibluub of lhld oWlunnalsltinll�uvic Inn Ilcrrt guilty _ .. - ..`....-.. lyd�e of the [Ienhh Ulllcer, 4 fortliwtih. \Yllell ware. Cxpcdh•n '^^`'--'-'"""""•"""""" "" of n utlsdcrnrnuor, - .. to cause Arch litfccicd urr!au o olaml to l I #wt hu10 , nod it '•1;::": tnr'tube irmost t+hnu ffl�, dollnrr nsnlrel all niwl�e . sue rctrtl to tl¢ pra"lolens of urdiunuce No. ill. _ ... . .......�..,J. '' tided far nnl7 taken care al. uusa fc or Gnprneticahie to teen p-•a lu rclatlou hi lltc uhatctneut of {ud+anccx. - - - R 5linll he the duly of the Beni j[ •j••' ,:' ,µ � - ' . - yl;c, (, TIJw mdinnncr xhldl take ep'rct mid house to he bit rely qunrnuti he In butt front and after five day. true+ tls !"+l" the expntbc of lhcucc+lpant of t tit-r llun. - ' " .1 where Illicit Infected pertwR or 'C'>T''��••�.._...., - i'mwc�llhr Colwcil the.r3d Any of 5eptn+l6er. &to. Leto Apprm•ed till' rath dry 11, h�'rlllll %I.s 1j I1t.• - l Ewn f ci ail to ]a r n •elimv I 5 t h c ) • t,vlemrc at or near .n ' 11 Actual to gglcr stall • n11 pen,'I Mayor, ? of the dlsense. .1-C-a. That it shall is the 11 '' ";'. '.•.. Citr t.'Irrk.. ucte-rt ()triter tokeep a register ofall `� +t '•:. %, .• ` '...:-_ _ S, 1) teafpuhlirnllaR Uct. 1, s"lto. .. .. ., Y� telwrtcd la ldm by physlclnns' g IR the accord rnx r. i nt den+e f [ 11t n t1 tiI:c. 5• Tint It bhnll lie act..• . I- • .. _ .._. _...... _ . ,. .. .. .. .. - .. to illslil'ct and mIlm, i. ...I InIttm when Us, tile rd to d,. tee. All causes of coatpinint u• taeondltioll ofthe city'. y,-k.. ^_�'r?:_•,...,..__....�_... _...... .... .... ... ..._.. ... .. .. .t. ._ .. ... -T. 6. That ll shall he lhr ORreer to snake written re))to t••-:jl,_. ,'•' ,,_ tqua rterly, containing a lust ci _ - _; .deaths xautting lu the city r 'h�'u :•: 5 i' the quartet ^ preceding sotto r suc11`Tmolustienlotlouo64iheI • ! -. _ . q Thnt the lfenith ()I..: .. _..—_ .... ..". ... --•� .. ... -'' for Ills samicesundcrthtbord •tint:•:, ! three hundred sIdlua di nti i 'y'?>'^ `.' , lnonlhly, and lu addltlou till i �..='F"'w, <�. c .. .. .... ........ . . ... .... ., ........-. _ ... _ .. .. -�.i .. ... .. ... ,. dollars f51 for melt tub rectiol '!•""":-'1•-.. -..-. .... - - - - ?: 1: thereon and to ally nuienlie, l[an and report are orslcred ey tulttee. Tlwttlilsordlunnce in tom froninud Rfterftre Ill w s .tlao ,:.,•....... - Ilea ...q..y,.,....,.. ,; i.......... _.... .... .... ... .. .... .... ...... .. ... ._ - � r'Aaproceyd 5rptcluberc jtt6• lDI:LCAtlr6atlT11 Cit i y - i f _ Unlc ofPublicautlasil octolle ) kJ y i r n 1y r i .l � of 'aewet-A .:elnllnte- hcreul the m Cily of. l Dirt - ..., _.._... ... - .. _ ` __ . _ .. i Ih'dEu fro So. Hl nx•nrcnd Boca enlnln nx fo1• l t .t "IMINA l:Cli dclinbq: thrdutiry awl I! .even aeMlPP pe dlnlna '--• t\ ,ug the Cuup,crrvglluu of thr city Ilc:dil+ mill" " ,I n11�IH+ ortUmaCh tht city -'. to mnucet with nud •' Thr Chy of Putt Towmcud does utdnllt na Id- limn: tnl ns. crxofl'u6e c t onnd,nl A {what -• -- 5nl"ru1X 1, 7h.t the ITenith'I icer nflheclly Ilnethin halltida. ,' arwcn, uexerPlPea ordnhta .boil be' oniclnn tnenlircr of the •11•nllh Cann mlltee n.,, or he... It,, lu he appnintrd by thr ._� ••y: ".'.; , ud whkhare not lh mnfonn• ._'.:....... h,¢ sedlon,aNn11 Ix Nude to- . -_. +tnyar. Hl:c. a, It shall he hla duly to ntlend m<clh+gu.`" .� .form to the te{q�ulrcmcnlxof{ _, rill; of, lhL�l1c 3a ee"ritil Is ofnnhl mnunillce,land rr{irl to ,.nld cuuunlpct• .111llattcr.nllccling the henith and gcnctnl nnnl- "• ._.. .. ___..._._...t._,._. l+e ptautL rt •'•.. -. -. on mnalnxling, conlro1101P, Alto riointcanny nflhc pro• - '. UtHi��:e.tdl(1'lu0. wlleuevar uca..-•nf .mull wz ors''•.,''` withinheel.Itnll Mtlle lhllll• IIU1v a . •, �� � � ., _ � � �'.�� � � .� - r +n+11K a11rtl1 h[defClCd Qttill)• lhenot .........:.... he 1 �ttic,q it nfml!'s kdw dot• lthie ti Dud an aonrldinu ..,..--`..... .. els a letnn ,1tu dn1• i\+mtq _...._. V. 1 nt rx +edicnt tool rncll'1cablc, lh' ... --. ... .. •'. rtot IiR •+nlinrn, and It atSnlmlx •' ,. nnllnanee No, tt+, d�n lh,.�fnClc un.c�n d;haAn u.Irl6elt+. +�,i .+cZle ➢{,a., h, 'en ' it -' -- - - - -`•••i �•^ r p y ni+�onx of !Ileulept of nulanneM. - - - r- -` - and .. .._ v , a•'I ur nml erre of. lid mn • ulanfe oriugnnef lcnLle lu rnnove Aueit, ll.hull +, finance xhnll uIeetfad d after Rr•e Anyx from its put,• ' •' Lethedutynflhe ❑ealt11 Officer to cnu:e said hnnec to hc.n(cly glmrnrlit—I fit lhwillh at "�"• .: 5cpleuthcr, - . -.. .. h feel o n�e ` ed c"alit rI1 o 2 or,", ` 61 th flid day of .1 .. ' )91ereSaucp f III311 t Septenthcr, BM.".`. '", ' - lwtn+(i'Ct!tlnllrlelilCr 1'Cnrtn111�11+1 lA KC nr+Iface. } yaf tit day lf.,t., TIhILV 4 IL;r :.. .. _.. ' . a tot, 'ruml- to ntl person. the locnlily _.,•___.,,-,_i.... .. .. , -., . rrk: •' - '.c... 'Imtll .hull 6r thr duly of SI 1 i T: lvu Oct: t, t£yo..' cell tt .. .. ,. -.' awl dearth r 011imr to keep n reginlcr ul n11 hlrfhA awl rntha •. ;°n'-. � .'� ,. . .. .. .,. �.,: .' , ', �,.',_.: __'._-..._... _.. .. .. _ i ra•wrte.lto ]umL•phyeicinns and other +cr.nua. / �,...�•;•�': ;�::; :;�, .'::-� : r J.......;.:.' -. .,,.,......-:...,. .:.._.., _.. .. ' .)rowing in the nconl ufdmthe the unlilc, nt1,,,e, � ... .rx, nmc nud untlunnllt' uccupatioll, vwiul it xhall be 1� Itcnllb 5c,, � �..�`-•:':'-;: ... `• `. i'hnt r-It [1Ricer o arpecl turd re por t + nith Cunt. .. .. _... t"�•'w• �'l "+?. + witlec. when itimmetwl lodn-b•Atilt munift• Ilse Inc -ndilinn ufthc ell>.•tl rcinting l0 Amll. .�.; ( .• l , , :. :.' .. ... .... � �;c. '} hat it ahnil 6e lhr duty of the Iicnrillt .. . .... - _- . ... " `. 1 ofotlmkettw illcn' ort tothrCtAll)•Coll I- ' IY.•W lind :. al n for ftl ritlntis }i' . ty' 4�,r cnanllcrilwtallithn� fUrr at[Cll refo11l1I1e11dntlmlM nA he "lay IICen1,roper. � \ ., flint the Health Officer shall, he ruceiv� kvhis services uudertlu+ordlnisucet . nt o ', tit. Ihrr uudrrd dMlnrA if lro) perm a tat able affivc I. li 1[ :�GY,r.. ,..-,.,',t,a _•.4.ti_,:, ,_,.._ ... .. ... - . �= :-5.,.-.' _r ,,,,,,; •: , :',.- .. ,,, . - monlhl •, m+d 3n nddil{ua thereto the iluu sn _•.. • dotlnra 1151 fir rnch in.pec"I I and reEmrt matte _ .. .. _ ... ' .... ,.. .- .. ....., ...._.- :; .. i l;';',;.',;S'.t �;�; ,::•1 ."',J..;. : ` . i : erann and to Any nuivuln, \rhea Anch InApec- IEun tau! relwrl me oOwd by the Ile ohis Cann M� • I` ... _ ..... .... ,_.... _ Ir1g e. 8, Thnt lids aallnauc'take eRtct and be t f �, • At Force from cold after Rve do •a from Its; publ Ico- I •+.+..� .�... .... s+� _ ._lY_ _ :_..: .. t(d r ... ... lion. _..... _._ xed �r Cominitie he. 1 ( pp Srptel rri,lt. et,. •CIIIDAJ,6' .. .. _ _ . _.. _ •'r 'D L'I. G1tY 6a11T11. - - ltinyor, o(l`ubhcntlun OUpbcr t,.lA.rl. ocU•Il .. ... - .._ — --^^•� y _ 77 ryes„ 't{+ .. .,5. 'l. .. :Yti, �{ 't ... •i`.•: ,.�..•�_,Ir.•'. ;:J; _. ? wr_ - 111 4'; Ordirianc© sactisill ll� Irv1I` ••L4 ';;';''•fii�.`'.. ;:. : amw;a, ,ie itl k ll,l •,l2PXh. lSo Sla, of lh8 �lt�l it 3• a -w . + F4.,'S";•"IIt•.'_'_.'....�__.,'-, __. '. _;. ,nulca 4 pa7lcd Ile the COlilnlllll C' ,, Ile At16 XIII 1NYV. l „rove,.' 1, the u1eF A . - - .... .... .. .�i,: .•'. o! 1'oit'l'utvnaaed (� And The C 711t 0 ` :�, .... .. ... ... .. ._ .... _ t .-•. '_.......a.,.-_. lute■, lira I-1'llat ecr, flea n( IladillRllt'0 \0. •' t�,` .. �.- ``' Ill' elty Ault b0.•-•' . 1 °1'.: '• �'" s..__._..=... .. re ell IIIlllllt'!• {151 n ..' ,' bi•U•Rr'1'l10 iraCb Of.. lntlf rM1 Y 3VIR IIIII/ Vn aWld ILrI'Otxj . w'n ..w...+,n....,..--. •'•-�•'::' _ 1,, f. _ :b'-',.:. •, .. •. '' lald 51'ILII IIUt IC7b thrill the Wit IIIIII C31 anbl 'I to Ng Rt1111I l)DS �) tuntllht .. _ _• �•� + .. .. .. .. ._.._ .... .. . '�!': •?`•� :- !' /Illt [Ile MI]{UInMIIR pY1lCIl 5,fill tliL'l•1 1 In tt - . .. . . .. . ... . .... ' •y-�`F'•.''•,w-•�•":'. ' LIla CIt)n(t 111 1'O\YllFl.'ulilr WlmC lbe, rnmplc11m1 Y •:wt'n,'.. ... a0r\Od1l0 • e:Wtretlnn of Wee Fenr /rum Ilia re1157'ey it- Omar enld llj; uI fail ._ .. tall .• `m': 2^"--•.._ -- e,dd 1leeaf In llC 011 >.Ilidl H:e1N•tcllh ile 1N anulnll 01.511111 . N,.:•, .. ,,., ., IBuldcrnlly lltale amid cuulNnn SIMI Claim 11 urcce i, rslr{ded thulblui G .. p �t{ [ 1, 1' i`l.'' _y •' ...-- 5, ,i !. ( ctq- laid - -^ I7ne DI rRlMAY 1e out lard avlett ), I RuldcrnllxPrnnd�dllx�llal� 1putd a ti-CM "hell �kl't^v•::'•:_' Raid tslltrny ^.... .. grnlo��tln,I nllalyN ---'- -.. ._ ._.... ........... . _. •..._:w. w..:. ..-.--_�•.. Iairi • ..: N-lllen 11t 1Vr{Rc,1 tU {,/Tx xn 111 l0 i , 44� +.•' 1 • �,' i. - i over IF net plat urea. land palm{ttha ern)' nod enfo Pnnx.igrnE full tied free Hoye ut 5wnerF in Wl1 lnwruW ._. .'--•, . ., ._ _ `. We - culcrrtx nAll'em7R tler5,aud Allill 4e pl,alkC' ffiu between the cells all far nuo. tout I'll . . • :. ?'Si?,''' i i - aide Ibrttv,f, ua 4uhlc)' stager attautW Jodu3emI Mrwl Wild anJctila2nu thrs eut(ro ' +. ;^^t^, •. t-, 2 tram ("Isle) Rlmet In Ilemon Rthlrl dlFlauca diml6 nail lira•ot nnd;.ald rnlhvely cam- Coll. . ' .._ ` •: '. TIiNlint all Lillie.' kuup IW 1;nnd rot if all llurtt•'llii of Xldd bULletx 14'n1'R All it - Tight lit . 4 . '•' �'• �'�-. :... '. ..( - alld /".'Call ,IUII ())' SiF tla111 TnndUalf, Yeeytl 111111e find lwitchax, null tllu Nl'mcc LC• \entth - _.. ....... .... ..._ _... . . • 1.� _,(; .':.:' ,,:..: ; • .' ticD` the mlllltu flll J And pac ed ietill , .......... .. pall •el Ill■ Ilia aMOV ICt'ui with .. .. ... ^.-. 1 i •; '; r� . { alld BM1'Cl tlU lie to 111like Brud43 ill lhu /cruet/ mljnluplg tb/ . _.._..-.__- a . ,_ .,^ ,1-.. _.,.. the exUlinR _: dl'nFeid the rouuett at ills Inv, ... ..... - _. .. -. ___ _ .. .., ....-._ �•_ ,_-,_. Alaptn5'rd Oct. 7lh INYe• ll. 1,. Tnuu 2.N. _ .._ ,. _._ _._. _... _._ .......... ...-.._.. :1n�ur. A'lclt _ ,..._...-._._ .. .._.._ 2uth 1["10. lia(o o(PuhllrnllWn l)ut • .. ..... .. . , .ram . • - •. : •. f{ 4 w: L, r. i i�'L 47 ..... ..... if do laowliiiio fro - I d 5 Mk. 13 ...... .. ........ obw ,,.gtog WWas und- ter hta Awk lid Mki It Lotj-2jjkii'thq�'fmt1r* 2-e .aide waro'And "..MUL6 APACC It is no-tafed or tvatMd,Vg11ealW tho smo'. Airottv th...... . NY - - - - - - - -- - 71" 77� :;z,t - ,•.....a: -I.... __._: -_ :. ilk .. .... _. AN trl w"Ierl C1i ti-YTI eawkr; wl'rxlrrl �teld �uf/Pmllm.oxcn:l l: Y } t - ... ", - •� '••r - 6, 1�„`vxCiry' al Poll TnwnnrnJ Jor� ' 's til:er lne• t. '1'lml ranter nlnr6 in t r ,l' •» : ; .. _ ... _ 1•nrt tell I't n di rl, hr me the Wit ix t ICl1dl'J IO n Alrcet IIrR whh nnid nhr.• enmc width nx ltW „-�"-. r : .- �T % � anid ytn•ct from the prcxenl ntxlcrt:� .?i' :< ' "� . • " - .._:1 1 f wid rtr i to the mraa-i" Iine, 4 ax .' :.:' . - � . ... .... .. . ... .. .... .. . . '. .. -.. .." .. ,y Iltc huhal Slates C:accrnment �.-'.;,, ....._ _.-_...�-.."..... ...'. narlhlrexSedy xlAe of 1`nrl Toleureu _ front or the 1?i!cubeix addition V, 1 ,.- .�'..:.. ;I ,.... _. '" •w 1 fle. Imt thin after Fnncclft e 1 wurcc frnln un:l naft(Icr e day. -o- G,. "••"7^... _..-- li Pessed the Council Novelnl,er inth •y'4 ;'>:, ' . ...._... _. _ .. . -._ _ Approved Snremlrer'),I, tflyo Inn. l., , Attest 1 1 t xr 5>uni, -'s'."L� l.'lly Cltrk . 1 err-.v},.� . ,: "•.? " r ^try: `' ¢ � - 'l_• 1. ^E,� ,,.,_. ?' , ,.. ..., ._ . _ .. ..__.._. ::f . ,. _._ kk Orlltnunpo \o• 7t'y . t,.1 .-�`t-r•.,t,—^"'-^ _ ,1 S U1MttN.\VCt?ly tot,Yi]Ie. NA, •, .'.�•,;•r •. ,' ........ _..___.... _ ."..., ..... - he 1.11w n Piuj Tnwnncl 1 donIFnu` laa et n .�•...,.. �'�'�..-�.r..._-..-,_-..., .._-_�.- fnl nail ;ex f>1 11 ;R7tT ri:,n.:--,". , 3 - � tihrrw� i. 'f hxi tVushin lmt xlrcrl, rt paTon'nsenJ, tic and the Ftmc' + t:;;,•.. 1, ova "1 •�..:':' +"t! .:.. _ .. .."r:- _. ... .... ... __.- h CxtenJt,� inn Jlreci Ihle with held. .,4r.i..,'+--`-•"-_Y •._..,. .....__ . - ".f, rlyw a nod the 9nmr width ne that ;ik�r,;}:;j '; S. I fii afenh xlretl to --ofmiehedfrom tit .-- - •'-^-1'y rcrlint,vA Srrminuttofxnid Unitetoth d . •„_,},- -1,--, ,--_...... d . neu rGt CYtahl-a t by the he hlli1CJ l" ey °` `63 •`) t ' i - • • "= hd Iilioart n to khe Cltytray, CPOrt Towu endllir' _._..._,..t . _ ... ..... .. .. .. _ . .. - t� .. ., j+ ` t of tile I:C. z -vital t i- rdinnncc lake Ctfrr • -}. }.+;:,, . ; : '. foree film mldlafler Ave duyr, froor a to •r �-,.::' . .. '' i �. -. _ - ..' '-•-:^i . � _. _. cd ll�c C,amdl �ocemhet la, try • s:r..>—;....,�., ...�.•.a.l .. , - . :h 1%ttpprore, l:occmhcr ar.. L..y; t .\llcxl: llL. 7IrsF1AI;: P:%^•.',:+. 1. . Dam tP' n>uru, A it Clet1.. tale of pu earl+. for. = . Md. ..firMl�ti � r" .}.. `�� rf. ._. - .. y, I. .. � .'' .,� 'a,•-„'1: ,y�} I 77 .•.•--_...^ I IhvlluuuceSn,il1�'1. s � ` HATISYIAM; ll'A'r lilt - .. '-�.••-- �nliiw'�:I[';iy;i�•r,��f;ilr�:�:ll�i�riilI.,., In Iit of - - '1'hc l'iiv ni Port nn'uRcm [uCF IndnlL n^I falinw:+. 1 .. ,: r �Il'1'I,ly 1. •I'lu,t ll'nlrr �,l trrl. 11 the L'ilp nrl .. .....� . ,-• Port Tua'u scneE, Lr and the xmur I. Ilrn'!ry. :-... .. • hn1111e111, ."A Urlha11a1111 WIt}I s,dll Fl lrrl, na hull' IlfCr :,. _. _..L�.•. -tip-•---.-"-'-'"_"-�""-"� "" � ... .. .. .. . -. �. .. � F:1 ill Fl rl'Cl 1 It to. oh... IIIfF 11111t1 rTllrtly kill ll• of Mid Flrccl r nn•nnder Ilnr, o. 1•FtnLil+Ilrll I,Y lIlC I'lflll'!I tiLi:r•: (:frt ['fnnll°tif anf Vry, nn tir • Il url ltwrr,lcllV +Isle of 1'nll Tnn'n«'tnl Lnl', I11 i rt I -.�...._.......-.r......,._..-__... __ . , ...._. ...._ __. - .. _,._•, ..! . .. .. 1 of Ihr 1'i II r F al dltinu I., t Ir I rt �. ^e L I I 1 l'fh' of I'url'1'nwnernd. .. 1 KIKC. :. Chn1 thi: ordlnnnrr m1;, rffrd 6e a linca' fnno and Mier fvr dm•F Polo itF pulr - .. , • I P,—M lht Council w,rn.A." I'll,, ... AllinnV • „ ' , f• • llal. llir(I. .. :• �. ��` 0. • I' �1 ji .._.... ..... wl_..._...__. i l/ 1--- _. ... I .. - _• , -'• IN 0KI)jNiNCI?t ItS`C];.�UI\f \t \KIII�(t. p r =. �_ .... .. ... .._ y.. _.,. .. .... ._... ... '- _ .. _ ... .. waH,,dy I. III,- nitnnder line un tivt1ro Parr 1' a,rclla d all. Ihrhit .. •, ,'.. .: .,,,. ,.', .. - . _ City If o hr'L'il a mt Cn.vunrm du a nn 1 I( -. V:«• ". :. .'.•, ;- _'_, _ .: ...... .. .. __ US .. �IYofp.rtSACTllTn—indTLrsld Wusl uhcIII 'e+I :, •. ,. . -�' \• .. ::i. ._.. _ ` _ `11rFMmeiF uw loen(ed, nn 1 [ha Fnm]III, I"' Ihnt pol 1.11 • �'�"�'�y �.�I�!+•"�^� - �� ' � �- �' � nfmiJ xlrce•t nlrendp r>tnhliehed from the at litlwrstartyE lrnhifrm1.n6nn of Kn[d Ftrrct to tllc mmn• IiCl c, (tCifltnl h}'ttrt 1,•Ilii[d 5(aitv(i01'- - ..,;/ - - --_.. . ,_ ,y ^._. :�. :+^; •:�.;, �•`'.'",••^ tlllll GILL allirry nil lh, n.,tll\,'G FICti,' 51dG f � � .. _ 1'on'Cowuscad hop. ht front of the 1•YFrnhrih nddilion to llhc CIII nfl'l'ownsnllf( ' ""•:;..'�""... ,� :;• .,.. IC lulu r ditlnn rin •rt rt 1 .. .... .-...� - . ::, -^.tom` '- it font 1r I ,Ili n• rune n Gt i- nudI •-• ^-••.•� _.:. ••. : r ...._ - .. _ -. _....._ ,,. , �IOhFttll thr CUI mil :,'n\'lnttlrr'R. I;Iv] Approved \Ot'rmbet }[' n t. l.. rmm�ls . �i ... �.. :..t...... _ ... _ .. _ ...... } . Ill[I. CAKC :iyy1"It.�A M_I •ur. ; t, .. .. _ .. Et GL U of •tl� Via,, c rt 611en .. ....._ .. .. .. _.- is 1 lu a r. .te i . e.1 f n•a i--: i. . I 3 � Tsf• }K,�+ti t .`fr,�h.�11(. �wr ...... } .i.:ts+'Gi'irF_Li... .I .: :. t ...'-'�.. f: " i - �r _ + _..� _.. _ __ _ ._. 'r�l'� �"�i`_�_..�+�,�'f"�n.1•,� .n t}. tea;.. •i z _.. Ihtlhlonco!In.:W_lt. flydinanceNo.It_!;. t f ''.. . UItIt NANC•I! 1!F,'A 111,hIIt�1:. I,.%1'1NC Ia9 , 1L` U]i 11IVA.CE t!\ ,:. It AI, t :J'.: :..• t �+'' -.. •t f rp�img'. ty jnaes for the yrni ,.a nfrand dcfi ring P—It M1,H, In llir Vfh of - flail t+ ,la o aMnle 1IFijl, fort Tou�nseul. 'I'ha• Sty a ]-,,itawn+end does m ! 'rhe Cily of furl Tu.rmrotl doe•, olJxin .a :1 111- lofI I of i , Thin the time for if.,. Ihnr [e ltrrrhy rdnhli,hed, It:fx'. `r ct ffnr the ya•nr�[:,]n by the 1 ! ;•a,p,:.. ._. ...I. ns htttdvaget drf trc I a surd uomrd and to hr in• a Port Tuwn u c land I 1 :', •. v. known fir Fmut Mittel in the City) of Pelt„ Cub• hereby c xtrndlvl Ill lilt rsl day of t Ton•nerudm , ld lhtemne it, hrrebyydeclered to be•, .- ,large trgt. a pnhlle atrrel, and lhnl the pnhlic do hove tbrl n1:e. o. ,'hot this onllnmtre tukrt • - - • " - 4 rice and full u•r at tilt mate as a thuroughlnre. iu furor floor and after five Jn n Innis live. r. Said l4oul ntrcet shnil be tine hundred - 'hqu rnuan. Y `.!•': :-:.;: nud hfculy(`ro)l'rt.idle, sldy(so '•ct each ��• "�'�!• " r Mdlc o rt ren rr nc, w t c i Hnc s recr ,des' - ZIF• 'nssrd lit 'onnrll Smcml,er 2S, I - •,,,-;,,;a,.,, ;_._..,.._. ... ill rs, Appl—ed, NUrt1f16tr 95, 1W ( to.wlt: itcgiuhig ill a vnint which Ir I tau AticNt• It. i•. TIII❑?. �, :'r •.; i;, , south tea, east un13 feet nud north.w rnsl ro, g a IIIIL CAN%' S -11, _. reel trnnt lbrinlcrrrrtluu of the renter 1111M Of. 4e GIt clrrL•. nn 11ut1Fon still Witter Mrrrts, In the clti of 1'W` hate of pu6lkof ton, Nov, 1O' I ..... ,�'._•..:.... ... .. Tmvusend, ns shown by the plot of Feld clt't ,.ty �• non• t.l tecnnl hi the olfire of lht, Anditor of a--- hC>�":r,.:. Person thrncr h1 a Mrnlghl line .. .. .. . . r.. and pntnhrl to said Water etrcel, month S ,,rent I .. ' . -. .• .. _. - - . _. ; %^�I;r.I(�•.• -; , loan hiterecctuln with the ennth boiti lu •of, a'if` +• , - j lttte Lilt of fort Tmvnvcud, sold bonndnr Inr, •y,t,,,..v,.., yy y wog lyl Ilne bdween srdinns lot (m nud fib '- : ... .. _.. .. ... .. d+['` t-•"•^'-� -" t tern h�l, b1 tatrnehlp thirty I,lol notth, rnngr �,';i •'•' - aa'.�'.y..», unr Ul west. ,F S•:': %` `'�" l:lte. ]. That It& ordi'muce talc e0'rrt and be ' _ _. _. _ I in force hum and after her r51 dnr, from it - Idler I -: .. _ .. ..-..-. ........ .•,,+»......:: a-- 1....._... patiou, t h ��.,':•, F'� ., i .. InaFeerJ No•�ctnihar r1i„s.r ls. lh•N. ; '� APprn Nil, i'..•!a .,-_. _ .:_ ..._... AlteM: II il. L.TlIl ElA 1•e x ..... ... .. - .. - „y.Mq,,k`i;+•t,..:IIRL C.cnv SWITI1, hlnyut. rr . elty Clcrk. nrI' '+ o. ,Jr�uX r•.J .J�':`Lr .-,• - i1 . _ _ it •-, .. _ .. , - ... ., .. la—oAs 'the e1xcld Motlion e monmcuiIn send. Mcity of1urt 'l.:,f-,�'+:•..:.:� • , own atn 101N or1 ll •wet.;! l�,., „ S ' - 6 ❑ - _ . _ .. .. .. _ . _ ... The city of Port P s• 1 1on•x: , - Sr:Crlon t. Thal [t Nba1I be the dots ` City liW'tllecq when lust-Ot l by Ih "-' ........., .'+" -': i Council, to mrrcctly lotatr tf�i exact ]• +`''' Jnnnorda1111'h0rf, POs , fon'Itsehf the Intersection of the center nc of t 1 tly .. • _ %�-•t[ �� i as Imiviiflnih per tin °Tor or onuacad, will list brdinl nee No. tl:. nr7 ulitnlxtInt, annUtc �,.,. 1 l t r • _ - • ,.. _ meats n1e611ehed try tlic cunuu[sslan np S:#h.t;�i1''•':,` 1-__,--,.,�- 1 4RUINANCI! CEt1.AT[NG AN Atitil.h5•'• - unda'r act of the Ie islah¢c of the Terr t R �l meal di teiY to pay the a:pence of I1aring ( _ Wnxhiuglvn app;uvny \ovember a tH7q or Innkln Taylor sitter[, for t Jl mall, thereof, Aev, a. That at the ,ohds of the puler fr�h tl'ntcr ftrccl R'naldu Stott sir,rt` - -• -'� � � ehnn I cetll nted In 1d elrreta stvue moon .✓•.. r..:..:' : i 1 g of .. _. .. +t—•r•'••^-ir•- ^:-•. -.-.-. i4 tx L'ityo fort Townsend lure orlon as fat. - - lcpa i _ _ grade of streela, or net He r eo axoprncitr y;.ty,'.;,, ,,•' : t Inw;coast 1• Tlmt fill tilt Iota and mMelaof rmd the exact Point c d of the hticrecctlou o i 'fti• ij,;r ,):,,^,•i }. ,;; r t it loud fruntimfCon Taylor street, between Water ,• _ -. ._ -„ ceul er Eine of said slrcets ehn11 6etrnnsfei f- + 1...;.-;.• 1'. ' i•:•--• _.._jli street and SVn+hhlgtun street, in the City of Port •--- - _ - - the monumcuta nud Srcurc]V marked fur ',•-•'��' ' • ;}i, -• Townsend• be nit the same ore hrreb • created rekreucc. fin assesvinetlt dislrirl for Cite Purpose of levying 31te. x. Thal an tilde: ppinu, iliustrntin �,?:.u7, �"_1 ^.;f.^; 4''' •. et nspecial tax snfficiwil to aylhecxpellacofAnv .• - •. ____ ' ,. location of Illnnmuente, slfal] be almleui, 4.=••�• _•• if1 or Imikin -id Tn � � will, the Ut ell nxa crtnmlent remld s;' �' ;5..:....,.�.,: •, 1 g p y fir -sheet Iron yl'nler -�•t' :• :`i;%"":'•; �':. +:. • .. f etr ct to W . gon elrrrl. .. - once. y P ter:; a as �`nAt �+ f�•f;�y'' �S�F,!.F I" •t a Site. r. That tills onllnnuca• s11a11 lot:c Hf-t -.• Snc. �. That if nut I>erson or persons —.ad- t�d he h force (rot o and n(lcr f ce days Crom the „,. -, . , otter, dretrvy or in au eGl .''"''�� • t,-,,',} --pill P -?S'• ... y Ywhtn 5 htterterr le of its nCot ncnu. xn of said a dl elll,d s, when so IacatdL ti i;-1i Pn sled the Council Nm•embrr rs, iFgl. lhry eh[Il be deemed ilCd Apprmel Nov ember;S, let.. - nud tl'wa muviclEun thcreo eholl t,wenu• vas Altcsl• Il.l,.'f IIIIIALS n fine Ia an puvi l li • Y soar It. leas lbnn five, -' j (]I!I' CANY ti?ItTlr, 1i'ayur. - stare that one In n, Dollars, ' f• n,-•�-,.. • --'-^ l'il • CIerL, f3ttc. g, That this onlhlance to@e tR-cl at f 14( U:de of publlcauuu, Nor. rl, IN`n• 'tt ry _ nforce frommtdnfier Eveda ahola its p s'�jy,•!;i:•'`jti`d - -�•- r`.•� Pasted Tile Calmed lyecenlber a, lv vo. •g,4..6::;'..{{]r� D7lr of publihEourl i • i , x j rn,1 i • � ". 1 �� 1 s"'.l•' _ nauCeYo.Sai: l Jr aster 'cr r•.rn rl r n' 'n r It IitiTAllLititl In t LAYING )a5, 11.h,r pa\'Illg ril)'Iavl'41ur the n'r:, 1' 1`,p tv aft' 1r prom alreet, 61 the City n! : ......... .. . .. - .., :Pratt I}I day ut \barb. '1'1rc C11)-.rl1'ort foa nrcnd d,a'. Quests re• rl Towusrnd lore urvtnin an ') i9- Imra: ,•�-�:� '�]leq- Sccnuv 1, '1' q L111, tit", • r : l�c6tthe �n,)m ul 1 r , nl there tt herebyd,uttr edcludt. d. r._ ._..... ... ' .. ... -. - -,trial.- laze. h•vird Ihr flu year r 1,3�I" the ll,y Cole'u'ril k .. .. ._ L..._..._.: rust a alreet nuard mW to hr: � ;Colt- dlh L'i4' n(Porl 'I'uu vnrnd bc, nud the s:uue h I , r street n the 61T, of Port hrrrI cxta•udnl to till' isldny of Slnrt•h, ,\. ❑. _ e rame�a herehrfdecartal lnbt ,hu'gC 1x91. nd that the'nf f[J.barethe ._ ,r:c.x. That lhl•'ordhnto,e WL.-r!1'111and br Ilihe same As a tharoughlale .,I ht fo,cc• hold sad suer five days h,m, Its I Illf onlstmet shall beone hundred .li{u rullAu. Pet wide slat➢ ill feet on each .... -.-._ .. ... - . ._ .-_. . -_ •tih- 1'nsecJ the Gnnmil Sovrudre r. ), 1+w,. me, whitb Ilse Is Aererlbed qx .. .. _.. tfUl AVPraced, KarrorLer as, It+y, Ileain{uR'st n itnlnt whleN It .\itrsl: It. 1,. 'h]III.M.S Ix.. 'S iicd and narlh 5gn. rare Son If R iha. Cngr ;:cn ru, \Inyor. +! ,mmilon of the center lhlu ofi:': _ . - .. Ile: City Chv 1. er.heets, In the city of Po� .. -1 llatn o11 1113c:,t lw', \al', a9, 1wro. n=9 . ' . • .. ..- ..._ Donn by the plat orssid Illy Y the office of she An for of lrf-3' li !! thence in A a1rnlRitl or ,--.... ........ . . .. .. ._. .. .. ..... .. -. .. I .. ..... _.- __.,h iJ vrck \3gler alreet, south 5yo, vilh the aonth. hound■ry of •arneead, sild boundary line webs srituI UAAnd fie r naNip� thirty 13A) notth, range ,iv ordinituce late cfrect sad be rd alter five 15) dgyv from its .._..._- .,. ._ ... .. .. .... _. - ... _�. nc,l 14a6auber ,9, lggar. it ; ti'1 tf. .. T[ItaAi.S' Js„ 4 ... 1. •',•. Tit.' 1cr1. net, ' y { , :1,ti. _ , Ilrvllnunrt• \a 3 1 t)HPINANCI; prnvLlh;, for \ ili•ntcrr nni prat rcllulr a menu atrrlUat the Ur .-r- - •. _-.•' .... - . .... ... • .'. xent'stt lmv or ntra•ela In Ilse City of Port The City offorl YmcnnCud dues ordain nc'futr .. ... ... .. - loam: •+ P+_•:N 3 u 1 : __•-. _ _._ .. .. -_.: _ SIa`Tton, I. 'fhnl Il xlugl Lc file dm _ ... . - . 9 of the ) "�""a'rt"'-'' l'Ity l:ngiuter, whery lust reeled 1w llre city ' ;'I+; b; y.•�-,,,`xr:'i: :•.�.G.' ... ._ Council. to mrrecll)• lucaie thr -get )•�?fir` `)�SCj'1'OIYhgCtl6;' i�eethe er*Cctfo.1 of the center tills of a Point reef a�}tLj�_..�....u_, ...; ... _. .... .. ._ .. .. .. .. _... 'Ity of Purl'I'ux'nrtud. frith true m"x_ ... _. .-. _.. �.1 c .�: _.. . ,. ..' nu lrnrnl as Vrr run t of the arlghlnl ton'nx IIll1AC! N0: 1te7x' s..11 the n11 ulnrulx bA"d ou file Inane: . i_:;.,.;, .: .' .. . _ nlenln eatnLlinLeJgb •the conuvi+a€oa ap�,ohlted 'CQ .CR3iATINO. AN'•ASSlitirr' - •' • -• • t "--' "' ``ulrr act of the Lrglni mere of Ute Ter,tory o - - t to paY file ea nee oC arts - nnLlogt.11 approecd Novrail Ix 151d f . ~ -Yy�- p for elreeltbe ullwldth lEv.5 :�':: ...... ,? , FII[, r. 11 at of the slats oflhe Inlrrx el to Waabiappton alreet .1. :'�'•`.. -_. „-„ n the center Ilse of bltrcls moue motto testa rt Towneead does ordain as fn!•*s;'+�-•^-•••"-^,�- l;rall laf rnitttrtanod pinccd ouc font trclorr the _ e t , or nx ncnr so na prncllrnblq ',' �. •4'"'' hnl, dl flit 9n- and pmcds of .' - Crtll the exnd pulse of the ttlleratctlml of qie - Tay for atreet;belw[eu•Water r• :. -. .. .._ hnlcrline of anid caccta shall be trnnrferrr,E la In tan at ten the: 4tyoCtbrl :.-d•�.•-r i•••; -- -. .. _... ugnq tcturcvmn .. .. ... ... ..''... _ g t emounme 1 d •1 Pled (al' re'l1e i •':: ,,• d the wme ate hereb crested ' "'l'., - rercrencv. n p iattict fortheputpuae o[ Ite�yyyv{{aff :,.•...:: 5ecc. ,i. Thal nn Index tau, i,hlntrntin. h . 15elrntb paY theeapeast oCtiav , a,s• ".: .. _ .. - ;orntlnn of manma[ntn• sbliil be t madr nndlfilcd .. .... ." .'• i .. ... .•.. - - aold'Tsylor alreeruin r .- ""• Ih the City Clrrl Aan penaalra•nt record of 113a sgtlun street. ..,.-.'6( :Water MOO. I Is oMinntree chA]t;tnke dfeel - al' UC,lc, That If qu)• pernoh or from aad aRer flit dayx Crow file ...... :. - - - In eg� alroy or ill ally rnnurter intarfrrle )% shall c whh - - Caiion:. I So sa Nf lnanwuenln, when o lacnlnl, he ur uuell Norttnher vc, IFq. • .. •ale It be drmned Rtull))• of a mialemennor, c-:nber a5, 1[qa. �! n' upml rnnrietlon thcrrof ahnil Ire unlnheJ - ',1I.1..TIIl11A1-S Ig:.- :.,,.;'r•u";_:_�_.". .......... ... .. ... ... .. .. .. b n}1 a fir Ally enm trot ILF9 t ._ ..-...._.... __. ___. ... ._..._ ant...:' _ , .. , :' A nyar. ; 'I-..• more than ooc Imrtllrld dollars. . han firr, Sac. 5. That Ihia ar16lnuce talc rER-ct sad he . • ' • .'. . r . - .. _. _ _ _.. _. ... [atiAin e from and ngcr fin. ve Jaye tram it. puLlb IIned the CnrWcll 1)cc<mLer x, Itiuo. w ��,�"C:. '.y�3`'• :iv :y;: •)�,i.. _ _ .. A}gtmaed, UutmLer �, 1a,w, 1t tri a 3 r. .. _... .._ 1 _.....` Cit ala •U i ,l, Date of mL • ,:-t�.� .,. ',..: .. ___ 1 tt11:1(inll, ..--4%raw.'.:....-..l�t�:,.._..._..:.-.._'__..-....,�_•__ .__._.... ,.-. __ .. .. .- .. _ ... ...... .. .. ....__. .. — .. . p/ at_ta- 1 r ,�xlai,�a>n .TI is. .s..s.. ..•.,1..ij` l� '�1't4r �� N•r::�i��fo7l�.sx.-�.:y,E �! ��,.tsr.:^.•� , _ . _ , ie . _-- . L,}rdltutitco Va. :1:1=• 01 or i 'A•"'• • • .' '.. 1 Rndr /1 w ONPIVANCIi establishing the t'le d•Yy1er •recta nod Flnple nveuur, . In the l'Vty of -n .'. .i ;,;;':-:'..".», ....--.., t:.. .,'•f prsultta street unJ Pirht sweet. 1errnscnd• 'art re, rudnlat ns Cob Clty of Purt TusrntttS doe• r • '- -:, '•-' ' _ r�' :"""'-- """ "' Tile . low": liYCTiOp u. Thal lilt geode al Tyler plreet nu0 hlnple nacnuc, float tm uorthal ,Ir t of 1hnnY- slo[Pot ''''�,::; �'• n .`" . sddStloniton het lit Ai."LPcliyI. 7, _.,I,�.•~:n'� gr�ves TOwnhenA shn1l heat the follnnlulc clevnlinuF the batuW pola t rstabhe8c tanrllyd At the • r.• "- "-- rbo,re fioyi, nPProval "Irrcl, ng feet ' north roll .olllh liar. of Clny wnth lines o tt• : ;. r„.t ,....:. -..1 ", '..: ;.i Above dntnm; at tilt north and Fl n Point SICC a( t.nWretlCe I.awrencc aired, tlr feet nbovt Jaluu°;north f �C;;;,;;,�.�,..., ::,_:y ;-� - ;1.,...:..' 95l (rtt nnilll of tLl! rinTltl nod "ireet, nr feel atwve daluul; lit the i 1ua feel slave ;"''1,r:•' E, wulh lines of GarficW "creel. the north and Fmt+h 111 ovc `�"'i;";i^`': .1 .• daluluc at nted ns•ruuG 3asfccllnlY nlreet, and of I-ca Irlrst ntrecl, q5 go• �'. • ,., - kb`$>�;,•,:..,iis0"` >,� �•:'.� h c ttatoul. at Ill, Fonllitre of too feel abovednhml. Slec. z. That the said oJI street Had Ttnpie m•enue, waste graded, hludl dellutr or Flopc (rum - IU li1C aide 111Cfea(h X - Ic'; r,;'•..?J r: ..:,. `,,:, ., 1 t'1 •,•,I Ilh ernlrll In ale CCIdeC hvelvr feet. tills ordinnu<r vhaR lnYe eReel 1!,3;{•,''i:>��`, ,i y;^;; - -.•.+-""•`^'�."'--..•?, '','�; "`,•;'•' •�: ..- '.'i'^'� '' .:'� "p:.; :•,. r- r : gnc, ], That sod be fu force Crom nod niter five days from the dale of Its pnl'IlMtlon. the Council tweenlher 1, uF9n. *i•� .p': '. ,. _._� I'nS"ed APP mva111rrcmbcrb [?9o• S Il6, 11. 1.. Tlllll.V, y,:..r•�;���;L',j' 1r.''t". }', ,.I. `: �,�! �; � ltrsL• t{a vtr. 1)InAI:An\' 5erir:l, .. y � � • ��"•-�'� airy 1)ec. S. IF. _ , -:g 1)nIe DC PnUlirntlnn, X. V 1,111 II II If ctl 10. JL': " ll nitli7hSM E goer roil nu.l .. ' �i"rnir ill hnJHtumts frnurnf cd. -`'";r ' .. hdnzicolhq; C'Igclur. svllhlu lhran . 1.a lit, lily a 1'ott'Cusv»send, tt'n•}, '1'br City of 1'nrl I'n+rn:,rud d,K SCCTII,V 1. 'rlml-Iscro d., rod. Ilquot.v, tvhcrceer a.vrd it this m•• he 1417:ea to mesa soil lnAnde +.pit t. '•^ ...-- Irnueulrvl end Tait It'll' , 1 ntauhrr shall locludethr pineal, tine. pronownn nhafl Include tilt Erm { ' til:�. z, 1•icensc far the sale ni liqunrn in quuotltics of .are it'll. itut•t ' nhnll bC huoo•n na n u•hoe>udt Iicrn • •' f rr the Hole of hrtuxlcntng ]fr um, : i or out pnl4aa mum or irxt, ellmll l,c wholesale mud eclat [leense. �''r ie link tic uorx'hy ti iw-nie un y t.I - •••• "; .. huudral,Eollnrs per))�rar. The licr•n sale o{ tuloxlc ling tiynnrs uy wMnL ^Intl s11n11 ,, nix I ..... red dollars et 3CC..I. No license to hell or clhlc icaibl{t,, llquuls Shull he gmilied l,. • _ ... -,...,.,.1-,4.., won .,.n r. I•nr nwl-n .11 -..--.._.•i _ _ram_ - ^1y—o 'l�^=_ - r•Ut`� r�c�= 71 77; .... ..•._....-..:..w+ .. _...- xrc rt(yugaa<Wartsni..,,.. "' etll•rxC»ipt Iron[ etttlnu. ml and tint . '(;'� not thanaelvn.••t Entercatcd with the np the business to be Call ducted under .,.,r • • -• �•—"-'"•-- - There must he fdtd wills the City Ch r a:lpt a( the City Trcawmr for the Rill a •�i the license fcr for the let,,, of one yc;tr innfer provided, before the fmouu: .`-`- :»•�:2. '..' 11cmie perrnit, SnC. 7• A licelthe In sell or dfsp-, icathIR hgllors fly wholesale shot[ not n or dfnlasc of latoxirnlhurlhtiars by +v mWit shall nnlhorize the bolder 11, hell by wholrsalr of retail, or to Hell WholehnlC anal �retni:. A license to sell i Inghguot's authorfzra the huldtrlism, tc-• - place only named Ill his rerm,1t. Lice-, are not trn+tareralik until per nissiou to the hnune f. fint granted by the City Cu _ npplicnlino to lie lusde in the mane+ s ,• .i pntt•hhd for sccnriuR license. ,Roc, N. iln nil apic11lrntfuoi fir, ficru} lignarn the records of ❑sr - - its A of the Conpol shall bc' Iccld m a, Ile afirumtive or tictimlive votcn of ale LNCCtnmr6 art lush application, . - -• - 81:C. 9. 'atsvilhalnuding that all aprl 1[cense to well lntoxicaling liquors u propetly pclitfotled lilt Conncil for suet ... __ �•,}.. ns here llq prm•Ided, the Council, in Its di tuny tefnsc to grnnt the ]iccnst pelhknc 111 tit clr oph: inn the apI lemIiI N nil tilt : •` 1 to hotel such license. or the place iv) license i.+to It,:ost:d 1-1a larslityin u of hduxfeallug liquors shmdd u, i'. lowed, Svc, 1n, Any person solfhsg or dl,l- ._ - :»t _• -, _�; tax renting,liquors within the CityoPn 3: send without be,ug Ilecnsed w twlo by r shall forench ofCcuse be subject to n ft •nmre thait one hundred dotture ttor .._ .- ..._... fftydollaro, ortu Gaprisount cal :lot e ' lhirq•slnyar ar both such flue nod bupri: 7.1 W. of tc[IDtltup so wiar tlileyd ganti in; InJ-VI- •nn It allem lloys aaucu;pio tgyl ul 2uhSMu pair •urpisAgdalgclndu6ue)o un{{5dl1asa3 Inllli)L, F� . mil III III lw_A u) ttonlrlI-1-1:0)ul A.,l)o ao ryluauw; .3laululds ,Sac Jn'?Su;Guadpjp •ioJ — "•" ` mty tlslundlo'moi t[ liq`old of vox'tst� -diup So )aucnutlgc� tinf�Aug o) lc[ddu In j>atui'+ltiu :., xl Ilcyv a]ttcutplo '141 ul Yntyloti '91 'a ;, •pain il] _ .. � ,' --:, Ua gscy a,uaall 11"llp wim., amSl al[1 Jo aloq.x alp .Yu;inp 'ylo` ate vonUll - - � `� �f pits aliy.n avtllla,li ali1 li0 In InrXll alp [I[ J.rlulj ��. _ ]acjd snnlupiyuo] l: ul 1!n :must ][p tJ]]1 j�lttlt :,310J 111 J30;41•,3]y a]Illtlqua .Cup;o ...mtalud all) aaplui x,'Jsmulplo nlgi Jo __ -� lmlulloili aip -pun 'uuntnl yntlrpl,cn tul ❑ac u7 -_ �.� a5u»� pa)nesa nail+cq nunln of urntau x1.7. _ ala •gtal�' _ i - - Lcp !ql puJ.uS,c'•i L'�d J^ Sp., I'l- , - : Ju j,s ay)lu <IJ)r. l+tie plll:ll,III is+blllt133 n[.L':( plC Ju :{sa[l aip 'Jn.>,ayx .iuntulpal ul - r • t 'pap:., rud a,,1lLuljll0 y[•:: 111 �..........1'rJ _ slams, atp lc,p pnc 13o Jljl Jo suunlaout ellp tlolq.n Sapmt a,IM11;l _-....�{.,)Q.,aJtl Is all[ [Ic gilx riptl[ •;Idtla nbr: ; pS:ipipt vcq ta1ultt •accaal} „ql nr ,Ju,:,,lai»: 1 •atp ' • a:lj ltlu3J S,:ai a[n, J,r l,ut: J.l InJ 111U1111a•I {I alp m uut ta. Gc pn:.x par , n•lll .tip Jn nnI{dli>> ! . I - •, s: St>,ut ntacp ]r .,onba augl:.)Iwpu •Jlc` , _ ,rq 'utgauy.c.)1 pr .q"tc ptlJ,u.uvl, pu,! � .- i in .tiji.Y Stll 7'•Iti ,;uS,J:rS .-ayt.iy + .xn ly u.—IWI .Vpl it Il Vt[1t 'rJ. :• n.i Yll l.un;; •; Jt;t It .i Iju:la,:;, I -yr: • l ... iil':,,tn •I,I1 :Jp;:u - �,11 �1, .'.nl' - �-tr �I,nyul•1;�.- of t!nu�'I .+.u.,: ,; .,tl J, i� •.l i.: nl•I I:.,:,;{ .,. rr[ I JL'.r:ay .: .. n•Ii.,'. ::l i ' .'[,mp7Jd`ulnt^t^I •r'tlw;.wl: ::..ur. ,.,S pm; ._. ILI 1 1'1113111 R1%udllll pliC atilt yJtic 1lS•�11n'•.Ccp Slltl;l Ylrlpaaaca tmi 711at1f 110�[3rtm:I oT 3o'.anllop,;uj{ ;;uyl ,Gal mle s3tgiop j i:prny aun nu{t ,lam � loa yJ auy c o, 1n,Igns J'f Jsuagn s;n:> pal 7nngv SJAI_ i •,ijs., plc: arl om pasnJ:; :tularl n pna, t ' �u.,nn.l- 13ud ))...Cll? -tip au;aa: •undr:l •ni Jn tv,rvorl,lp in `r.IpJ. I:u. aal iu� -u I p.r.nnS -p:.rq Tnl ppxnl, .:m,I,1; .'.uryt-lj':uta: µ alv. - mp gaul.x t.5tqu.rq c sI pa,n xl tit `l. a. n.»;[ iq?lc: a:Jl(.a l�iJr:•; ! Jyt :n'a,1:JJli ,laa< pull tit urrntad ]you ur .: lurJndAc Sqt ul.lmdl.:ugl tip Ir :nJ p,,:nnn„1 :+emu.=SIl .,tjt u:ci%n, b.n)v .irm l . '•i-•iu�fj,iJ:,p.jlr,c'(wrnn�ayl't)Ipl•`nirl ulJ:ay .off ,. u.,xl yJu• ioj pauur,� Jql p.'Ud, ;q ,d elarSo33 .i�r.;l ,1: ut .:ruby �utv.,L,nlul ❑.,. nl ,,. uJ'!I J lu't�: [•.i:c ur,:::;I vn;l ui'i`tllt a'.,t,.� •(�'n'fS • ' ;Utl'^,;rldu 1[ •.•i tin pJ,:u:,7 .>yl l V, ..;n,, atill:::n:t :n a.,17^ta:tlir ayl �nl, nt •l; i. p,;{ a4 ISu4+ li"W")a;, a, .nl al!t ;'• �:, ,.0 ay, ,•„n',Ij, u::r:-rc•,lui tttttt I n,.)..q :auw:m .tip,ul apeni aq tit u'et+:Ji; Aicl n'{1Jn,u�� •CP;1 -�ql .;, pJjssvi% 1•=9 `l � f1':' •ryt, tapmut r.t 1[nl-.ul::a.l nun ap p: t.,t•rcill l'ol air �Iq )yt tit ;va tJ,lj :a;. n:; ay: _:rut,li„tc „n:.tll;: ul I :je.,:v.,ut p:,. r+, ..-n.:xl F' ^u•: ,: ;uu; .1p�,3ioqui .1 stu„l .i,l �IP>. o, .,'ll,:;.,t ,;t•.ap.r,.n (11 i[r:l aq] i.l .inn:nl .. tiil,:r,.,:ul lrr J-•rl- ;) 37I I;;.+ut J,c.•-,i11' -it*:1 �t.v116^ o;p�ai: ep :.,p;uil ay•{ Ju Slutnr'.' i:,:l I'll .'.l �xua,ly pn', .. qn:;, ;,.,:a::Ir-•. .,.(n: ••am-r:y agll u, lur�gd�Sc a;l: qa,, ;l n. u.,u:: •�on I :rJlu,crS aa,•,•• l.q l~+, I:c tie• ::u,.., :, .,t•[Il,�, , - a,ltan 'n.�]I lain totfi:.,oav n:, ai 11 { [ar w� i• .,I. ui pleat{ .,i ❑,:ti. [l ,.,n,ap n, ]l; •I p::c u•, •:u? I".,-. i.;;) :. .. _ ai]gi xal:aai{l pn, '.undn;enit,:Jl,n:ul ;;J. rl'n'.ri :,,l .:r;i^I+i ,{t7"{-.. J[r,: I+li l`.t .:, ;;tit i,,•. - a> 3tl,Iq Jn unitra..,J3ayl uolWta, Lana :a;+ul, I'll uogal•atulay :ycl. nqe, .i�g_ J:, .y11u; , ,;; etl 1. •':c.,.:.,,.':ra^{•I",:p::,:r: f r _ .c•y jl.>nuo•1 .iuJ alp icl[5'Wa :(:,J.,l ]vl:., , ilnll Jt ,I[, `:, S J i 't l'' 8 11,[nit IInu3S a : i l:t" ,;.in :;(i:;.,l .,,; -:+[1 '1; :I;il:l•,: : l .•,i3[ •:l: ;-, •'� ' ayl anp'luy uo+L+S Jql nuln_r'raal Ipn: ];irll; ;, ll':aM1�>:••:;\^' ->ll'iapncu]Jll:na:(•illlal]1`ll.11lt 4`11 :-,ltl,ll.,yl nulllpp,: ui - , ,.,: + ry :ir ,l, • .a[ :-1 , .,nnu 't � ' •r ,L'nl lil[Inn 11 i.,Jtl L'[Il `ll[1 i'r �nni,l., 1 •.' ,l. l[J [ Ir:n .., .n.t` _ u., . ,-.:,I�':ni• : e:.:,lyt:,:..`lat. n, „ l .y.•, ;:.G u ' , r ,� . ,.l ii"i-' ,1 •oar. ayi Jo .,uc 1" uo;;c;nle aql =t':1 -uut:a, LL 1]n l' .,f:U uCl :nin „It'•:,:': t,lr•1:).:;,;i l.,• t t p' Jo,uultci . r,Ij .:I tl:+t, n'u; :• �: 1 a 1 . � 1 sl III:[t, aJ.uaaq ,pn, [o {nu,l ayt uu .Jnaiu, 1 J•lu;J;u l;ul : •, :n:Jl adl I nJ-Cut.,l{7 n[.�i .. aril{,lln'.;tlJ al{7Jn.>Illi•n all3 nl rn,IIIU It,tJ.i,i� 'a:u. in{ {'I:L'13.Ipt}al[:ai tt;t•; S,:Ie.Yu; .,q.l. •_anbll ip:rtl :•. p•,,l ..... .. - pata-in.>.,S .iy nl atuc, ayl j[u gJca arl auo um= ayt'-;llcuad x,r gntJ, .j uI i,.. lop pox;•unq Jo -u.xo•1, tin.! Jo,1t3 aylol acd :iu;op rn SnJ jleq.' {iryc , ,:t1i F^n • -•p:^t 'otnpul 3a'pt,nlIliu:p uu,I. mo. iu'u—Ip„rl[ a, ,,,n, ui :rill 1":;J_ .,^I: •l:a • l ,, ".c; -' I •I07iti •inflllll .\[tl: 1)1 Valtbp . iilll•JI<O:nl Jn [ ' i -:, _ :rq _ :. ,;,;.ua. e: uuJ :: '.1 ;' :,;:�.•;E.1. to i.,la:.C;]ne.na111 • luaae yq i° II•" -mltlsq La.unag uoll IJn•;, r.::{J, > " dgin;ll,:.,,-tn:�',p :t,t.v.v-: c::[ ml aa,naJl} .;U\+ tlan. Jr. `-taolnt a,p i,y ,1 .uual:! lualag{ac mii l[m}z yin, tJI i[r:a,- 'a I11Ju13•,I '•n':aluul, t '„ '{ i,•.+, ••_ 1 ltj rrI p.>.[IJJtI aje .tn llt,ll a3Jlj.n aaal(t ay) InMln a:(, :.'t::,l: ,J I; yn,:. lg f:IJ1n` :.i:l\�\ill::,, \�• Itactual So Ui iayn{ nl nnR'IJv nappcy •::i•1' •OS d.11l ill[i),Ll� -aoJ vm).;Jad .rq; .nopc u], •pin, ad of pa, naalj �._ 1 I ]1L• Giunhg ; 111""olui a 1 % 'cSlClpul '" Sn Itlalllof of paYnlltl all [icrl:l -- •_ . - : j iri tunlul m'namoa+in wu[ pau{ 0\_'.1 •aaS f , ' ••� rr �� 'lam ._- , '11,• - .(n lina�, rah Il lfe nlluw rat Ira+lo{trrlhl rqr Sru xt[t A ~< u6an Intuxlrntiu t pn, me I` r ,,j�; —.^.._ ...... _ I Urlllunurc \n.:1:Ct, !i th ll to be n,dd, To naow lhl• prnou. fix• 1' .,5� Mddell by this xedloh to hiller Ill or slain ' ,I \ URUI\.\?Cb: �.,cu thy; and Lc, n•rn •ate•'. shunt the +lncr where IhploT+ nrr, V"n-1, In be % ode of + lrilwnn li•nuyulyd, r l.,n „ ,,,her ,ldd nhr+ll be snfclntl eromids for the reroca- - �• !'. _-� ... .. ial:,•iralln{t lfgltnr,rt'�1-1„ll,r r, e p:.,lr hnlil,,.t) +, r'.1 ,Ltt1' ai rneCr 1111- 'l u1 1•nu '1'au•unr nd, H•n4:, m+der Ihi+lru di uu,tca, by hull by Idtit- of I'on rutvu.c ,I d,w. ,a I tin a Ibl. nr h cxtt,,rnt t'uuwivgly sell, girl' or dlspnec _ f•, Ilnrr.- lily of Ftnlnxllntlirtg Ngnurs lu ran' trot inlux• .. .' _• '. .., .. r )' I A i Ills rr _. tint nnx ,, [it.r! ihr ounly (ntn.Jc,di» Ica eat l,crxan, I1 luau,[ m dram., r,l. r•h a , _. 4ynnl+. avhctcrrt' a+cat lu thin aditouc,• .hall sh:dl ti r.n duiug pay In the chr of 1'nrt Tnn•u- ';i l+a lake r to nu•;m and knrinde +ph boon,. viunu+, j. cud, nr u penalty, tfia• onto ui' oar hundred .lql• _- . .. .. _..__ Inn-Med and malt Ity , , I. ringulnr' lace for earn nlll•n+r, thu noose a, hr reen,e d t number nha❑ lurlude tisc plural, nsuS lha• avr�en. by dell ncl(au lu t!n• nnnrt •f lttr city, ran, lice "{ ._ I liar prnnuuns slutll iurinde the Inuiu hu•, inilevm the Laud o[ sut9t Nstunef shot! be < j~f jj de of i r. �. Lire nrr far Ilu' watt f salad raurg I Ilnhir ran an'h Ixnul f , all judgal"Itx ircoyed for - {•--•� u IdnR the Ifn . _ .._.. byuon ht gnmtuiSas nF .uac Ilan[ oar ^.dims cinlathm— I "Clik I. t ' i S le ■rm»e ttttwcen .. .. - tt,, rt I I in tale city of 9aI he ke of i ur n wtudrnrdc• 11 cru.y, Liv'cn,r. %I:c. of r hr c u ntinn nI,.. of he pen• •-��1 �._ fur the .unla•uf intuyicnlinR li,`ttuL In quanttUt•< •iUnun ul this nrdirinucc Utr Car lnunctl may; ! does grddu Rs [ol• -. _ _ - of uac gnlluu tuns or lt,g nhnll he I:non a ns in ndditinu In Ihr +rant[>• provided for. rcvol-e Y '._.,�...... %vilolc-ulc noel renal l ler, . I I Ihr hreuee grmurJ ha•rrlaftrr or heu'nnd<r. Or. :". 1 Ft.C. y. '1'tn Ilecn,c lu• fur Ihr it '' inlet• ` fore Hoch 'vl. dill" the prr•ou hntlihlu Ihr q(Tyler Mvttl Ald - ; seating lh oars Icy whnic.nlc ugly nhnll hr th«r I Ilcenxr prrut3t mn+t he uuufinl. rat Irnnt five dryx ''+,y thenyllncof Prsni„ _ •,_ ,.-•-_ IT.1 1, ell l�utlntxl,r'cnr. 1'hc licurr li+•li+rlttrl I¢•fu,v:u'tinn lha•n•ou, that the Ch}•Coutrdl lmx `'• neof Pirld rdtrtl, w•_ .___ ._— ale of hnnslr:llfug ?S+unrn br'»9rola•,nle xud tr mtdrr cnn,•Ldttulinn the rrvnexliulr of hla ilernn� lYe Cityy of lbtl ' ln[L+hail be six hmulr ud 0 I-ale b, .cl[ into.icatiug liqul+rv, :nut the cquxc [deer , follgwin[ eleerllllmr - ,� . ;:rc.;, Ur-ca•nne to xetl nT rli,pi+;r of Solna. for, tout 5f hr su lliarra he flnlli be Utnrd to op' 1-_�Y_ �'"�'•� dfshttl by ordlusnee Icntlug ]ignurs nhn❑be grnnlyd l�� sh.Y/rr, neittun to suld tee r,cnlimnc,forrlhe Midlim'se f LrIV r 667 taws[: Al the - ._ _ _ ... ., _"^'•t•T' ..-. pr, b+rl th qn— year•• our [note Ih:nl r+ne• •cal, �' drrhtreu « enh rat. Mt drrhu hrg rcvuhcd the T'. 'CIp(�slfet„, �ibe. of _ "' """"° '- ' err tlnlfl alter 1(Ic flllug .(the Petition f r ouch Ile •unn In .ell intn•ticntlnp Ihpwro Ihr: prison �. :?� Ihxunr, n- hctcnw(icf rcudllr,l, holding the ratan• I nut he• uulifinl lu wrilhrR. •..,r SIR S, .LII npPticnl�ats f s lice n>;r lu ,elf or r Ill ntivr wl, nWkattou the lnlvilcgc la sell j•��' '-ell+In,' • of inloctcnu,lg Iilp,urr .doll br In' per 1, l op,Icr .•oriel license• xhnll he al nu call. ' lion rcigge • Ihi the applicant, and lilcrl rviih Ulm I Tire, r3• lutwrrics, grucericr, bnrruont+, l'hy C7au kr and the ame marl hr ,cseun'd 1. lom,s, hon.rsnml nll,cr dp<rx R•llcr. Intadrat- . -•• �,,� Ihr Gnwc{I ntn rrguhrr uu'rting,nn� le refi•rnvi inylhluar, arc :mtlnrf— In he sold under lltls -y ;: •„f,a,7, to ilu•(wllre, Ictc I, and llcnI." t'nulnliltees l+t- nlhuuu-c, ar 1lrrttat�rr, by said Clty of EbH • ' tote the grnutiu(,•of license; null au liccune Ton',ucrrd, uutvl ,wl hr nlFtu to the pllblic (ur ' ,01 he grnulr+l ua t I Ihr next nr:brn neat eud• Ina• Plrrpo<c of [raffle in ch Ih1unn, d[hrr "" IT of the Ctnn+ell niter ite rrerpllon of Hle perlt• dircnfy nr lndirac4v, tot the days of n)•Rnrernl .� '' i' ~ lion [beret r. Hnid tratiliun l set forth tile xpecint rlertimr hAd wilhhr the Cify of fart slnd lmurr. il, Gtli of lbe crrwn or reoans d'Lt• Tun usa•nd. 'rhr proprietor ul'.n}• of the state. Ua'Icfar, Ihr chnrndcr of tic -ur,: dc.hrd, »•herb• w•hi dncce n•flo 6y hienrr]f or Ida agents, rohall cr Ihr irl, lesala• ,r rchnle-le rclali of I'll—. 6.Inle till. ned�nu, shall he xutJcd to pa •tit[ Irnliu Ih noes, noel the another of ihr ward n»d F11"I orouc 1lnitdlyd it T.rl, nr a Pennll))• rqr a0 ^t,S g 1 IalaR, the.+note lg6c rrr.rerrd in u dril aWon i„ Y., the —h oI—a Hoch r 1.le11 intoe, rued,.gt gL .- In the unu,a• of n;dd ell,•, noel sltretirs on the �.I?, < !• �- the cand locnttun dmtclr '1dace, so lUut Ihr • M.ta`tlln}'Ire Cllxlly ldelllifr•Il; the uac tilt rap• band nfnach nruprirtor shall be ❑nLle totltr deg 1111 fdlrnnt has "t sne6 pinre, at•nether ns narncr or. i m.uch lrondfurnilJadnnocntar'clrvcra.l agnhu' .f�"'•�-''I',y¢,- +ee, and the [store l»t nfgrltcdrat anw beta To 'I. Ida[ Cuc pasnllicx under 11dn sutlon. )•= -y� ` • ' ' dent of the l'hy of Iba Townsend, Sac.:,. Applicnlinns fur Iircn,c In sell hrtox- .;., SnG 6 TherC shall be filtvl rith sa ld prdtluu , Icnting ]iquurn tout , • vdts of nu'ners nr Ia•nwrs,`�� �C, 'y s Kra a baud, nnu,fug to the Clly of Pnrl'Cownncrtll, shalt ha• in suh,tmrt�nlly the lullnu'ing 'or n: - In 1lle penal Hunt of nnc lhmt+nud dollars, nignrd .trrr.rc.arrun e:ou by the pdillnacn Had uu l est Into[ Iwo xnrtSicn, '1'q the �Inynr nod Cannunu l'enutcil of hc;l'{ly' vudilimud Ihnt the nI pllife I lbrsnid Iteol.e of 1•ott Tnwn.end, Ll'ndn I .11 keep on ."leftyy lun—, and uili not xell 1 '1'Ita• »udrt a cill petV ill n•hn hu+.•turn, n "y, •-• !':1 Ihp,nrn to radon s, nn,'ill »01}•cnuytly wlih ihr '• - " - 'sidrnl of the City of i'lnt TuN»send, State of • pnwiNnr,s and «qufremnHUhl.+ Inds u.utcr, R'nnldngt n,, In+l pant. rcqursls n , '7„S"�`=' �'.?:^• noel will ring tit judgnlcule rreoacred ngalua i whnirsnle«lail,.r wludc,nlc linens+ to sett in- him frany rimntmnn of ll,e ulme, It Itlrul ni'_ l.dcalh liquors in Inc ----•------bard orxnid Irerrhytl,e nfidnIiL of the nn«lir; ntlnrhrd to I rite m,lc tlu• evct lutml— of the place r�•• f:, skid band that Ihty Are hq»s...nbkrs ill told tell- w1 eve the licru. r In to Ur n.rd, sn t11nt the sum+ •i,;i+ dents of the CJIy'of Port Theorem1. rand thathlantifcd 1, far ihr pcdod tone � ;liy`;'j ;yti they .—, m¢• Ilmuxmul dollars m'cr nod yea 1nnn11 hi• --•• dn}•nf —�, rMl •,anal the �, . _ - nlroee all debt x told IbIll titles, rxch,xice of prop• - — . t"' tram Iherr orate a htI IRr the i, eft)• ezdnpt Iron esecuHou, and that thcY are npplicxnl ie the .,rare or Ire+er of Iltc plot+: r•�' +�"'c trot lhttnseAra luterc.lyd with Ilrt npp5{cnrl In I .{fete the Sir nor+ nrr \u hr rotd,lml7intn.rr, 4i.y.�:` hudnrs t. to h c •d our r 'd 1 •a•r sr ,rtv I. n' l I curt nr Icnanr, uad the puHwk of . t . t.hc jtrn c t" Ir �ili -- ----._ ipt of Vito Cite +ter nil- r Cit' r Itetn•- t In n y Clc lha' a1�1 ]leant', Ica=r:wd Ihr nah,rc thcrrnll • i •'l "r>;' edpt of the Cltt• T,rnwtrtr fur the• fiill nutorul(of I n d Pur T.rcn.rnd.—•----, r5q � '.Y,� the lletw- fee f� thetrrrn of one year. adhere. Ott_ la .11atlel N f ... ._..._ .. ., .. _ uril., Poe Inn Mar luolltr prnvtdcl , +e ll re • • t �t . ' .... ............ ilrcuxr reruNp � bry1or n , 1'cUdu rat n cr.�co)t'. nl:lt> i'T ... I '1'u Ihr -1 Ile d t'nu ( Pori • Id, ' " '- ' -. � , 51:c. }. A license In sell ar lisp"+r or solos. Rlatr of tt': Adny,•tun• I— ... �' '-•;?• {Gnlhlk it,prnrs hp tvhnlcn;l nhnll n , t :udhoti:e i. ,the ---uf tlµ• building _ ♦I — '�"` r nut vcudr •. dr. i the lmlda•rlherrnf lonclihy rdnil. .L]ccuselosell ilq I t et bed it, the f,n'R.h,••eltlioa. ......__ .. ,._. or Minis,.c f tuthorire uK aelunrs h - wrreor t• hrn•Iq• give utr can+ern to the gnml0 of _ - '•'_" _•�_� i rends n-n11 nuthurirc the hntdarylhrrrnf to tl»: hccunc pelStimicdf tin naht pcli«ml. '•}�S+l i� nth by wI.Me-le ,r retail, ur to s41 hyttntn In it,lex- Mn'ri of I h:uc her rnnln srl m}-� .:' •t '?:`�-;' ha — . I t a totlhi.—dncof-- , ' inglill—l'stnnl hnrbaw tile Ill thcnlofrIll tli •• 1i. 'I•hh., till. pain to CAI `nlotiraL• ..._.. ........._..___ _.... .... ............ . . t I sit,. .. - p-lccgtlly unn ad le fir repot[ 1,icen.r pmgas iag ` ally f ..... lrr lh + onlinnnre .hill is .ub t r ::. t w, nrr ' are not irtux(cu161c until pcnuls4nu to trnnnfcy slannutle fit the fniL ,wing An'.- - . lltc `ante la i r(t grnnlyd { ,y i� c Ctly CoI,I� I. r; , To lflimn It yt:q't nlarrn' •'�•'' �•""'t npp lrn inn u +e [node u u n Itngn• ve br lhcne present, that the Ci«•nf f - ... .. . -. mrvid �1 fn as udu Ile rase. , s r - i r t r 1'utl Toicnsend. F1:uc d LYn-0Ih1 turf. T. { hr.t. flu 'It n( pgln [suns f. t hr ill r h .ell tla.'nnnF ----ln x91 by That, i her a to. __ _ ' • � -• . _ ... 'ntgxinehl 1lynorx ;ire ncuu1, of the nrx'rrd• - ( _ g 1 sold url' `dt:nmg Manor+ It It, t .'t 1 tile �'h '4•i fit. (^,cA.. •, - ragsuf llrr Couudl xhull be kept - a. to share' scriptim f Ihr place tout wool n. net a In the 'l - the nffnnaticr or ncgallve cols of olen't.—of pelifton) far the per(«I u( oac year lento the S' '. the Carmcil tot sorb u , ,licnlinu _ II _ _ ttliug Ihnf nl aPpliamt lire 1 -- — rat lu•Ithn nr day l . _.--..'....._.._._ __..._- ._ _. 9 � day of ----. a 'l hill the -_ _ -- Neener lu sell i,noxi�amg elf, ton)• ,rp'r raid-- by the nat'a'p[,iuce of l6 is liccune. _ In vl In - �riprrl�• petit r Ilse l�mmrii' r ran 1 t 1irc+nc, 1„ a 1lidgrd IrirI le rat iia— n,l , wtllr 1. till. . ... i .� x tree n prm'h rat, the tome , Ot lls t urea r fo s nnx o d. ran lrtance mu er is lie I t s { t� mty eclat+e k, Kr th the llau,r petitioned fur if �Ihetl9t•le tin meted. and that the .,or is naec till i1,Ihdr opinion Ihr nppllcnnt Sr m, unfit person suhjad to the nulJitions Su rcdd .r:tWau" pro. . y to hold ueh Iternnr, m the lace rt'he« such a•ldrA. ;�;,'� . ..•ii:- -. .. _ _. .. - ' - alas cal r+ anon r not ba a hSr im"I t»1lt nlflixr.Itti1CRYralltiC Iicenne is to be I teat Sr n Ilrcnlity in which uw We d t 1 iag Iirtuu I L 1- 1' i ,unsend Illts ran e 3 ti,:c. ra, .Lay per.rur .clan nr dirpm-tg of iu- _ __. �f r L 7 .. , ... .• ...-- -_. ._: toxrrrling liquma wfthhr ihr KCil)•o11•nti luu•m- IClly __,,1-:._,_,:.:: . ._ ..... .. - xend wigrout behtg-n•n.ed w todo Uy sold rit}•. nI I r:al..ta r "• -•- -�� - • —• - " _ xh all for enl•h olfrn st he snb�ct to n liar of twt l'hc r�•uu In annul has Ireen gnrnted ticenrr !+ 1` t mare llnb anc bumf cd r ollahl nor Icon Until In silt ienuactling liquor., under the proeisinns -- 'i�'�•� >' lldity'l., nr lmllh m dl fine 11.1rn,ut it"I"isgnmenl, j nrtlhtnnca irlmrelnf.rrt In rf vice,rnurt.. rothe . -..- . _. Iin•.,r pennEl po,tnl» , in n cmtepleuo»c pin c i' I::�`S`: ' • '•t•,,! �." -. -..... _ .. III 1111: [Welt r all L�,e rtenllxCti wltr Te sold - -- `r^ >.•--...,. _. , _. ... - ... ~.Ir - �r unrx arc nNd. dariq the whale or the lilac - t - or lr latch ru<hl lllpm,to ban Lct.1� litnl, --�--• j- y. Ill %116 All -ran lnnv bl u�ltllis liltli1'. dnn, .rpuufxh ldm rS • J all r fen tpscxetipitoult fu»y rcl„rio 7rl pl.y let 11 thla.rdhmucc shall make It e I-10 for -eh plrnrmaei.l or druggist to Rit rye. � I•RZ_i'y"��j_�_+[-�'�`-ti t i' t], -. 4yj"r_�t, � ,-r fart, _ _ .:..��_.,.,- _ tI I'h"�?�t'�&`k`ft.�fi?�ISvY�y.ti4•an,t ii'L lM+M'!T+'^" 1 __ .. ��5!.L �' 'o••i7 rY i - �� `I• tiF - _i'i.= .t-... .. . _ .. ter- "__. _.• nlav9tul fur ,•d rnti5c ar mrchnlllrnl Plu- an.lrl `c - •.Atrc ;�a:• :_ ,ort'A la auyy'rcpulnhlc nlydlunlu hlyd r•'°•'''it hiA writicll actli(S't14tolfiwfGll phnrnenri,t wn ^`•''��t'a�th the alheY 11.a11 nlrnir�l it to 6c uwrd (nr the thn ' r, and nothiaK octal for vonlflc j ',a.�,Mifinl Ina 41 d:M ae n..r.,t Air nns l _ wjllt the outer . ' or dRe11,',R5.1 lhn FPid """ ,' IA in hf llacl n Lncntal And h1r un u111� ,he, I,tu}w,we. .. _ - ,�iSBac. ,ix ,ean t�C auy nl of nl tar unl),t wtldNtncu*� . AetLoryl lirl, ,�u r Ccrlu[n1c or In Inny num...17 . rr ltlttnn (•'ICII LI t 't.�:l n'trt"tA etSAn t5 of IIdA nnihl;utre, w .. . vldnl In rr hadnF n IitcrlAB fur the r,•Ilc of ,•udl L1Hua1calk nit ' ;' ciuftL itnt�ing ]+ids'jldlun thrlcof, hcnnnhleeittu .. tile. Amnc WICA and pruldtieA• hnho+� I by Ilht• - .. ::=•` nnllnancr nl1,on auy other prmun ur eclllnF .' , ladenpnF Itrynore a•{lhaul n Ilccnu• -Site. is. the Cil)n� Cc}•u,,t 'S'urvi crud it,, ic4oct'- "+'.' �Anyv[o]nllnn of 1 dA nnnnd t'it 1. mntl ithclduty . .. !,:y of nort'fownncnA, ,.cnar All 1— . of inch Allonlrp In dilll. nll> `' LJ Aonw often d111g, Fuhlwt Vila a n1inlCulec arhrn lhr ... l IInnnlc id I,rueigh\ to his kuntvlcdNiievlalniimi of . :,'{Mt po114r nl(tccr knatringa lllltti'yi anlluance; mu{ Fla iu farnl ngnlnr•t f il e 'iolatar fhrmlf FhnIll 11be rcntm•aa5 (tout Ittsotlin'• Ih11Ort Or Ila•CILMI by lilt •\cit anon 1 i"I by fill. CS Nit. ' . .._•"'• f ... 1 Ordfnnnco ` 6 Ogl1l\AHCk: rl four(1, 11 if }.utinK i,rccl, \a. four Nl. In I •f. F'act 'fmrn..... City of J'ng iotvnscnd dues o: • .� `•'.I � 19 InwA: ,rcc •tilit't Lll>f 1. Ti10.14'UlinF1 '1'ulrlM[nd, he I, !'act II ' ci, of 1,aH hrrchy c<tnbilwhal, Tllnf',ti of 11Uc t Toll ' j i dnl Ur lhr C{t • of Poct ct of the city tiutftA n/ nn dcdieu held I') rlh dny of Octoh[r, t'rvr•. - -•_ •` r - � • 1 pneC mt lyhc n.tld . 2.'ic nt t.h lil:l'. a. 7'Ilnl lllla artfiveica lnkc rl iill•iL in talc[ Irotn null alter ffe[ ()) dn)'w tL • t 1 of Itn puhllcadnn. PnA Kell III a Call l I"her llCCCtllh[r i Apprue[il, nece•t; t99o. Ii. ).. TllllLt ' Attest: MO. Gat' "'Mil, LtS}- Cit)•Clerk. note of puhlicndmt. Pce. fu, Il4Jo.. "'�'. ,dl achnrt;e the duYks lmS!`+ l,e an0ielenl KlnundA fnr till, rr• ,•., - ' unliaance Ahnll '..'..�Lnaeal of �tid Allurnc)•fmm ills nRcc. The Civil, oC thn lduhk+no lrrlthW tilt. 19.' 1 and tlnru printL•j all line—surY lb�'•: •-anllnance, alYd Ue °ICrttllcrih�chunderlthVBt�,r :..:•..,.' ,rrnullr pctitiunin6 Ilewb nll Piwu Glrnl.h _ ... .. ......_..."--_ __ ��'�.~���, :4t'�.�unncemtdrltlmlih ' ,swan We 1nhvr lhiw aldtnluf irininFuthr. ill IIIC l of the tAille Mpy n r tc all The Coancfi um•t Pp "' .... . ..... .. ..... ............ ... Ilcrltwc permit. uvdre Ihlsordlnnnce. lylgc.; in, ThiA ordinance shnll un1 title llle d before file a:unc . v 11616-of nuylYnt It jmljt ��,'-' �nea Sulo eRcet hnl nll lfeenf•C isaiulaiticcf tAhntl '• LrnvlctlLtt l,: '.-K• . . .. . . .. ... .. .. .. . .. - .. _. _ _.._�-...•-_ ...,_...r:....;., J�;; .s mnlimlc mul he ill farce untSt jlalt F .. lhr terw Cor which 11,cy' a•erc nttttll olllhl� off Ai- .;=:';: t . . ... ........ ..... _.._-. _. ..._ .. ......_ ' • " ettpmv[NianA bclnllmoflleeto Er ttnllce,andllte tat• coolLdl nfny nl nny time tr•' ... ynch I ccnx, Id.nttosdcatee tclth the ., ,': .~'T,�' __. __.__...._ ,_ _- ,y� woke any of :-•}},,="`��'tt reef+iauyof (hlF ordlj.- `".d�>I.#il�r7tac.ft:.All tL•cA al"lt, cllnrgrA for flttusr,0.w ilnnlfce, • -._ ... ....._... Fs=t prodded 11r tills or ho Ahnl1 pnyf ten L ftj l a,Im to the Citylnfo the tKua•Lal ftuul o lllc mill. Ihcnro ninety, j ... ..... .. - ..- ..... .." F.•p pp[r 4'sM iF Btdetrcaen ,sad nlam the remn6littg per cent. to the galcral toad aC Chr nitynf 'Al. 'fhnt'llil. or P rtw . '-!.'I:j:,. ... _.. . .. .... ...... p. OlrllnntlCM 1 cued nm1�11e .. ..,... -i•?r yy''"'�anlih7>•tunianiniotit Rllllt~Le lorec l5uln nnJ Alter file tat 11:1y in Jnmtnry, A. day. L` ...... .. . .. ... . ...- . %i`33" of sold i thecmmcil Mcclilha ), t'�n. - .. . _... rorcd, nrtelnller i. ttitW, .,.... ._ . tl, t.. rnnlAt� dA „.A.1 .n4• PP�ucxt` t IPcur nisVCAat•+n ,. - - 1 ,!rn, ..•tr" )^:,r. .' C1l 1f �5 • 77L •, 7• tti'N' p1111hCP1 v - .. .... .. ... ,'1 _ _ ......, u may, t tF �. _ I P, j e. --------- — - Ordimilive No. 3:1161 ddhdq, N MzD1N,,kNCV _tablkhior Aid (4), IR IbI, City of A rAIRK purillvi; N, f 11 t T -0. it n),vii--� ity if i -i i- —Inin l., 161. 011 city r vpq hi�l, (ild Ole NORM 14 Trit all oftht, tenilmy ad. ­­7 . ...... "I (IM t on 1.0.! F., thslillpo'. 1 OIL tile J�fll dMY I.r Octoller, 169.. Coll% tlllc "re. I. TI , ot UNA ,ldmntwr I. . t A V&d "'Id k" lart In Co, - I.i. nad aft- fl- 1.�) d.3 ri drit� fitit lublication. Pa.1c,A tile C ...... it 0 Ati-t: DHI. CARV SiM I713, Mrlyw. . .... .... .... I 41v I)m w, uur, It,, II DAtc of 11.1 fit i� " I -------- --- It 41 77x= 77, -� ���''��,q`.o� i r+' � .t F ��• eta i I _ _ — i � 1 � t'� ------------- 'p!A tv A 1'0! - �L 14 Ar �'''����' '•� . J �• `N,11e-I/rdihlulce'No. liali. • � ' C OR nINANCit C CRIMrINAN Assl•'Ss- r`(r,;; .rv!^I •� ~-•',._ �1umnl dl-rict to (u,>>• the esneuw n! Krnding ( and buil'Irog nldewnikn nn both Idre of .tau ( _, _ street and l' eh ect, knaa lire nmlh lint of I+h st r ntrte[ prothaeed, to Elie snail title of liighlh ' '�''� %lrcet In the City of fort Tuwusend. ':i;+ ";,;: r4 • n Thr dlYof Purl Towmend .—I-daln ns rm. Nd. Lrtre: +N,+n•..-•-••-~._.�.�-�.,� .-.:..I 11;MAS I. Tlwt all Into nr pnrccls of land .. ...... fronting on ilher .Ida or Ann .,I,l C Atrr•cts, •y+"•!':' ! `• tram the north line of l+irst strrcl rahmd, 10 - "-••---..,:r lbe eonlh 1 me Air 111 •lit Atreel, let the Pity of Part . 'i},'��'•' • • t To,rnncud, Lr and t�+e aame In Ilenby cnnmd nit _ jyy,"`,• �i:` ,i . assessmcul dlstNct for tilt purism- of 1- -ing a q,eelol tax, AnRielent to pn times chat of rnd- " " -•-' ^-'i ..rr_..-......�............ p 1I,, ... n4i• -" ing and Ltdldingnaidetcnllr ml LAlR nldre of Ann ='r y[ �'c�' - •' -1 , , r and C slrerte, (rmn lriral strccl to lilghth 'I"et, 4T=•,j :'}.•:';. .'; 1 W snt4 xl'hat flat% �mdluance shall tale etfrcl rc '�'";ri ��'-� • - and Gc in fae frrmr nn !. 5,�^*�t, (.•.r tl slier fro dnya from the .. 1•newd the Council DCC. . .a, .. .. y a}, ts,n.- iµ:„. Alprorcti D<ccuslrer- y{7:,«'f .µl-- _ y • e% dtlrAL• I1. L. f TERA1,n„ •j " � WAY — Ale f W.-'Lu.= t _ _ ... •tt Cict k, .. ... _ + •'t-• [lof Ind I[rnClly tlon Oct, r„ tftp, d:1•p . -•1 ,,: • ' '!�' 'vim.. 'r:r. Y uy: l„ '•., 1. ,. !!�S�LIr.•. � i. l�lS ' . f q? t I +:• - - - Ort]innuee No. 1 ORD iNANCl: IISTAltl. _ gntde o[Ahn street front ca ` 5ecood street, and orc mlect fro In wnlh liueofl{Ighlh -reel, in Townsend. Tile City of Port Townsend do . .. ... .... low A: tircrloN 1 That the Krade oil be nt the following eic\mdonn nb ... the InlcrAccllon of the noHh Hoc praluced, oo feel; at south line I,, feet. ' ' Sac, o. That Elm grade of C • -( Else following e[ernUu In atg5'c north l! ue o C aeeondstrecl, rl a i r ' wuth line or Thint street, 116 fc soidh llneofl+ourth-nett, sal fc south line or Pifut Flrect, 11i( fr south line of Sisttt street, it. b' nouthlineof Sc-lith street, ala l .. south line of liighlh street, 903 'SHC. 3. Tlml tide ordlnance 1. in force kom and n ffer five dsy< cAllon. • Kaeeed the Council December Approved December 23. 1&p. Atle-: It. h. T DNL CAXr• SntITII, 777 City Clcrk. r' Date of puhlicatlon Dec. a;, IF.,, c v• u.,,uuu.... It ORDINANCE: nl•��1. .. .. ------A'and fixing the hood n the Cltj, sun ce -nr. The dity of i ors TovuFt i SECTION ,, That it ehnE! ay 811" mI, file of the Clty ,' Assu de enure elsnrge of and original street hnprovem m, or Anrveye and ennstnmtiou umy from line to line sits S.r, That he ebAll mn for I. %heel impprornnc works rrilhin t1,. c(ty, and file City Cn111self Walt prot - tsnlntioae -3 5ce' 3r That tie shall keI nW ermnnenl rtcord therm -I dais reinlhtg to Aurr memo and publle svnrks in t dex And arran¢e the sonic• • core And csnmlnnlloss All %hall be tim properly of t turned Deer in good mmlftt tits suceeswr In office. Sm. a. Thot lie shall it,, pcuac ali In-rrunente, tools ... cept At tlunlr7•, uecc-- the affairs of hie offlcc. S.C. S. That he shall nt to the Instructions of the Cr - - - -' not engng -d otherwise on r the ant dntie% na City Surveyor. ,ve 7, Tlmt the court .I t epor shop are and tilt nt the stun or Onc 9h,iui payyAhlc monthly. prc, S. That all ordis motes In Coufllcl licrewit And thin ordinance aLall force from and after five s lion. • - . Passed the Council Dea Approved December yo, Attest; 1 DNL CAXY 9JliTr1. Clly C1.1'. Dale orPnblica/lon ]ass'. nett No. 88G. eniiAT1NG'.AN A55Ng5• avtheespeni of grnding .1 on boll, sides of Aun 1•', ' am the north flue of Irlrel - - ' `• -•• •---^^• the ,Muth tine of.L'igLth :' `-•_-- Ilrtlinnueo No, 337. ..i •, � .� 'art Towneen,l., ++ N ORDINANCH Ii8TAD1,IS11INO Tilli ( - tusenddoes ordnfnhit fol- •-=--- - - 11grade of Ann street from Carleton Lane tI I fl rota in" unreels' of land 'Mop x eet, and ' Mvee vo Is, a 1 ,ern S d is n oCC tfr ❑n,r1 hie of Ann and C etrcdx, to xuutL T e of Iiiahth xlrrrl, In the CIO• of i'ott - I f l+list -tact ,roduca•d, fo Taira — Tile City of fort Tawnsrnd dais onlnin As !ot- h elreet, in the Cllyuf furl inn-s: ' �- • •" �_ '"';r Marne isliembycreAled an ' S,:cnug ,, 'That the grade of Ann street r tire Patptlst. or tee>•Inge bt•ol the foliowin Nevnqunx al.orc dalnnl: At •,•t,; to a the es nae oC rnd• g 1 • ' PY pt ¢- lhr later-cciloa of the uurlh line ul i+Irxl street. .. ....... .. .. ... rwni ' o0 holh Hden o(Ann ,nulurad, w feet; al .wuth line o r secuuti street, ' • . r rs[xl Ret to }yighlh'slrtel, t'.• r in fret. .,•pr..•:'u,n:^•. •.r_�.. .,... �. _. ..-. Site. a. 'rhrtt (hiee Rnule or C•strra•t short he At .linantx shalltake FRecC' j the rollowlnh evntbnts above damn; At the - - --y•�•?-�•r�ti ud atter'Sve days from tilt a uo th lines r Seroodntrcc6 Sla fret; nl north and i ,,.% .. ; ...+ ,rc. aJ� tSgo. , ..... . ;i. :.- rJ.. - ..,..Atli] south one o(Thinl strict, r)[. feel ; at north 99oo vmrth lineorEranrth xtrn 1, rat feet; nl emriL and 11. i.. TIIIIIA S.S IR.,t �•LC::=-` .oath linear pitth xtrech lFfi fret; ut north -^r^:`?s•, rr south fine of RIx2L Hrccl, am fern: nl north and 3 syor. 'Eft-i'�; - mutt) llucuf Seventh slicer, v.l fern; nl Furth and s" ' F •f'� +•xouth fine of liighth rlTeei, ao5 f-eI. !' _ . a;, tb'yo. daj•tl'.:. -", SRC, J• That lilt. ontlnau-, I. edict and by -;^n-.� l:.h cir'r`.,y •�:( `.?:.: ,.- ..,, - in roue front and utter five dnyx from it- pnhll- cntimc. 1'as etl the Cow,ch Dcemrw. eber a , ..-^ Appro,ed Ileceralrrr a; tf p. J Alte,t: lI. 1 TIIIIIAL., Drt. C.,aC ly Clerk yfnyo r. . ___..............._.... .._..... .. ._.... Ily irk. _ .. • Date of pubtic.4t, I)_. r„ rFyo, dr7•rt - :, 1 7 I'V it ^llydinnacr. No.:138. n •n fi nio �i r. Tilki U "rl i� .. .. .. ... .. ._...,. ' Y ONI h \C 1'I. N L I S. 1fi And Gxing the Ignut turd compcn,sliun o1 75•^' . ll Cll • Enrveyar. 1uThet or I Tini-si, I tuts firl. .-.. .... _ SCtStoS 1. That it shall be ,htdnty ur the �.1 .r• Cl lySun•crar of tile• L'lly of 1`orl Tatnncnd la ` assume omre charge or and supervixfun aver ..' ,.--•:--^-":'--'.... ,...... '... .'_ .. .. ... ...... rlght•lt street Unpnn•emtuty mid lily uthnntlers .. __. ltfvn v nd cot n,M un n+ the Couuci] .. j rt`• (corn time la little drfrCl. r 1 - •e; '.' : ;.' . 1 lc. 7, That hey al 111,11 a mlrt'en'K:nld hll inn -.,.:..._._..._.•.r:_r..-_.-..._+..__....... .:.._.,_. ..._r '�.... ... - r CCt e111 IlS n tl C ' the rvli lin thecth I nod nntlntlt the nameI. the fly Conndt with proper eslimnles and A. � •:_r ..;: r....,.y..� ,. : .. .. uSfhh ize.J.Te6c s1111 f:ll an nisnat dr�uldlrFverk. in the ell>•� and ahnit in` ' yl.a..,-.:.,.:_:,.........:.�_.._........._.... _._,__..._.�......,,... - _.. __. dexnud ciao• tl >,� Ie for a-•tter refer i a tit ne ,u cit sa, t -"`• ¢-' ener And cxamhlstinn. All xuclr Collotold record xhall be tree prnperl)• nr the Nlv, nn horned nrer 11� y;oal vmhtlnu lg� file tiul-rcyon�el"or 1. to - _ h s xacccssor n SDicier. ri;t•:, i'e.,j iTl`nl Lc shut' h'rnivlli at his arcs a t l ns nr v, n a a I rntns ex• -.-:a�---=:.+--=.-:--._..•-,.:.-.:.-_-:..,_.,,....:L _. .. .... .. .. ._._._ .__ _. _. ial vlAlione 1, 11n P q •.- ; r-.'. - - tilt n8nlss �r hip+n(T:e i - - -i..•.,~�, 1 that In the lnslnu•[imrn of the CIlrl11 Cnun I,em,ll �n'�Icu y -. not tltgnGed olllenv Lr on city rvorE;sbnti all J - "t"" :'� attirc.y�tt•I'Irint ltt�re during rtttgor�b'furt n[ltting I dellver'n baud lo1[I c�Cll r•fvi•ort Tnwtlscadlln } yn -_1 the steno rive TL u a , l o tors, with I'vet or utetle,, to berr.lro lied by the Mayor, 1 1 I rc n -vr�, . - -., • _• coudltionn! that he u31� InilhfnAy pmfnrul 11iv .. -. .. dunes ns C;tS• Snn•cynr. - Sr,n.7. That the culnpnr �Ilm, of the, City; " i+rl Snneyo[ xhull be and lbu -nine Is ilereh>• fixed ` "�• at the awn of One ilnudred mid Filly Iluil ,-••- •... _ ... paYalAc mnnlhly. I t ...a. - Sl:c. F. That n1i mdimm�ceaor parts of urdl• � ; i ' • nto¢es to cmtpicl hcren•ilh trr hereby . _:,y......,,,,,,_,:.`.-'�, „•;_''•�._.:;•_ ..-._ .. .. ,- -__ and t In Grifiriftlice shall take effect nnl� Ue far Coree Crate, and amr fsa dayx fmul its phhlica.l time =1 P seed lire Canneit flecewhera.. txgt, I f .�.. _ ..... .... _ _ .. _ _. Approved December Jn, rrivn, :- - - . • t�. DIM CAn"Snt'C1Crk. - \f ym tttsC 1 fl . ff 1 of im c 1 op )any 1. IF.p, tl a,t lI yl.i ` t Dale S � 1 - •.kt�.tl.;)�k.,,;�-wt ,`rt 'vn,�v< t- - c rl[': I, N r:r+" `: C; �i: ;`f 3 �,+r•t 1:.�:+�a��t. .. _� ; . � . ,.. ,. --. �:.. •1 -' 1.�_. ., s .••ws' Ir s.'no-"i'kl."iE E.t�., r uw Cl;, _ _.-.:-._ •- - � Ilydinnncn�\u.-ISS11, -� .. _ ' ` \ ORlri i'fA`fCii IIIV I!)1;i(i TIM', PITS' OF _ �._..:.._,..._. ll PURDIM NC), teUo wnnh mutn),p„rtlnttink - the matubars of the City OjUo, to be sleeted to ' -ell. Tilt Cily or fart Towascrld data Drdaht aA GA - low,,! •, `l111` the wv r. 'runt lily of 5serPori 'f.n�n.end E ' - Fbnll be, and the intc i+ �ert�yy divided auto t -' " •' - "- het wort l4, k[IaN•rr nnrE ganlnT n+Ihc Pint, f. Sctoud•'fld rd, Fough aminud Fith word+, of lhr city of fort TOtM, ud. . -,.,..,,":.... ... ..........._ . Ss.c. s. flc tnsaid wnnls nr" mot +•boil he. boundnf and .feFerthed an 1ir11ows: , Runt SVnnl—All Ihr territory ithiLite lop- . S. loll, t Lnmn hiR de,crVbed hnutt dory llna.e r Id.t I' y _ _ . _ - -- nnJ dcnignnlei an the Firnl Wn[J, nwil: Porn• - -- �� mendng al n ],ohtt on 117a salt hrrn trooaelary• of i the Clt3'of 1bst Tonitscnd h1 1'att Toarn•cnd ;�:;. : v• -- , - IIA)' and upIw mit'rayior »tteel; thence ttnrih to — w •,.••;• and along rile center of Fail street to irrnukllu strecp throes east [along lite doter of Brno kill ' strctt In the tit ]Leila ht nnid yy boy: nud ihnrcr " •:!' '+ r Frulthwe»terly aloe the llvt at said cllygtnits to at F«rond \4'nnt—.Ul tl1elcrritory• within the fat• Inwtril; drsc 11-1 h...... yJinra strait Lr kuea+❑ sell desiYnalyd an the Sacnnd lynnl,t4wlt: Colt- meacing at a Iwirrt on the southern borntdnryy of I of 'I Jruwnaaud In l'nrl Sowuseud ktny i • - , utd City oppon ftt Tnyior st teat; thence earth to And ulonR the canter of said Flrccl to Frnnklhl; - lhetce wtst slung the center of Ilronklin to 'f"•' 'Tyler sheet; theree norti alongg flu center of ' Tyyicr nhcet lu ian•rencc ntrcet; thence nest •t the tenter of Lawrence street to SVniker - ^• slrctp Ihenee spent nlbnfl rite center of Wnit.•cr j . Ftrett to llte city limits m Ibrt Towusauf iwy; ' ' Ih CrIR IID[th[n alert)' nimlg ihC l.undnry lisle to ... -,.__ . place of beginning, Third Wall All the lercitory a ilhbt the fat. 1`, lowing rl<�cril,rd hoaudary IhtcF ;hall Gr known ns the Thlnl Wald, tonvllr Cam• ! rnenefngg yen point nthenorlisnst"ll lromry• Cily o! Ibrt Townstlot I. the WA hay opp so ;�;�=;' Franklin ntrcetIhcnce writ to the rN11 cr of •' �•:�--••=•_„,;: •:- - Franklin Asset,', and along the ceulrr of Krill --- _ Ftrcet. to T�'let 1 1 11; th sore t,.Mlcr ty ■ long the ir° ;',- center oAW1er 1lreal to IIIrnI Ftretl; l]e cutt went- erlyalougtht cealtr oC artld afrart inn -'• " --' - ' ' do Irttrn avanut; Weace north alon11o, he center of Son Jua1l de ]+uca avenue to 111e oly "I'll In "'.'.. the Strait+ofJ]hntenude Fuca; thence ca lerlYllmtg tilt bonudnryof qte cdy'ton Iwtnloplro,, a '--' .• - polar Wilson; thence Auulherly to place of begn• " ... ainR. Y, •"-_ Yourlh Ward. -AI] the ltmitory n•Ithht the !ol- ., tawhrggdescrlGrd boueulary lies ehdt Ile known and dr»i �'motel as the Yoliurlh SVnnl, to-w•11: 'y ComtuetclnR n[ a petal nn ❑m lwundnry tine of the Cily of l'orJ TowtrAWdJu I'nri Townsendl4y ; - "':.-'.- -`• - - -" it.dapypoosite Walker ntrcet; ttterlcenorth lonad - ----- - alongllirernler of 1Vaikerm"ll to T•nwrelre ','?•;'' i »beet; lheucc east nloltR the crater of l,aw• relf"Atmet to Tyier ntrcet; tlecnte uorthrrly a1mtR the seater of Tyier F(rtrt In Firnf trot; 4 "' `J: - _ thence He+trrly rtlnng the center aC t9rFti,lmcl :'' t• to San plan de Ill— nrenuc; thence anal truly j�.�'�,•:.. ,• _ ��ongtfrecraterorJunndeanen.-c�nttotht i '_ Iwuudnry Ilse in Pori Townsend- . nartheanfeH • [o dart of hegiuntnR. t YIRh VVnr�—A�1 rile territory ilhht lice fat• ! 'nuddowing dearlbed twundary Ilncn shalt he koon•n _ erignaled ws the FIRh SVnnl, lawn: All lire " r �'`; ttrrilnry wet of tins Jnan de I'- nvmuto and ' '' - .i i cool of flu arentcrn boundaries of lba City o! l'att 1150111. t " Sl:rrtuN 3. That the members of Couucll to be circled in each wnn1, ■t the gel• cral rily clecttoit !reach y>ear, arc nppnIllnne, --•• - as follgwa: Prmn the 7rirat Wanl, lwa U) it, al hrrn; from the Second 4Vnrd, one !q member; ' rod` ..'..,�.:. from the ThlM Wnnl,lwo f�l membrra; frraa the - .•,L,... Poarlh 44'nni, one Jl)JavmI,rr; front file YJlllr SVAtd, one (1) metnhcr, ..... -. -t, Sec. {. That tttlsonlinmire +hail net sitter lhr lemon of ntembern of Llte Clty Conseil unw decled ' '��' `'" hot ai the first R KK ennafu errernl electfoer httrallrr (or tnentbern of she l'Vly'Cmatcll, nrrrtdrrra to he c•Jeclnl stroll be erected Rom ' •� ` aanrJs where; a'acatt ry• or vnrnnNcn may txlnl to � `� Hush attic, nt fhe tln1n, lad nt nfi the eJecNons lheren Rer, mnnbrra oC the City l'mrnr-iI shall JR " � - - ' feeted fit sou Corintly with the - ;�,,, ! Itchrefrl'nude. ...;_...._.:,., .___.• ., rt. g. ThAt thin ardIlmnrt ,boll coke effect . ud Iry In torte fmm and otter fiat days from ttte dale orylF puhficnti1, - 1'nnsed the Coune3l . ,...- •::Appi—.1 Jan, q, 1691. - . "_- ';•': _. Attest.- 11. T., TII111A 1,%]n.. r T)RL CAUV F U,Tllt ayar, .. City k. Date orpnbu Jilin, ao, lfk. dm•rl . ... _ _O)911nnuec No. AN OI113L11,ANCIi • )']tOV[ er. L r. nn'I RutdinR rho r city of FArt Tow a send. flu City of Post Townsend r UtaA: t:ntttoS t. Tltnt the City . comsat[ mt ludebtedness (or nr7MheA, in the man aC oar .p1D}tot.+, 111[11131rC DE lice Cxlnll SMd city. - Slim, � Thal A.tid Indebledt - ppresent existlug inJtluerim cundnl by iht .(canre rim able tn3bt rt ono thouvor able to Gcnrrr % at tpp ycnrn f ben at". later Ill nl the talc o annunt, pn.•n hie non! -anon atlaclud for tnch inte��Ft )�n tl ter 111" unlnber at eacn w Ind to irhom mat n•ltan t SP.C. 6, That felt yenrs 4ccante der, it shah be l i cif to prosdle a afuking G 1 by flu citey +nclent and fond for I ittfi ! purpose of 1f t nlatolity. t "A'n Eat' thin anll. nud bs Reedayn llcalfol, F'as+c'd tilt Council Fcl Approved February an, AtleAt: Vr-1, CAr4CIlylClerk, Unit or pnblltnllon Fehr 21 ^I „7[ lance xs. age ' , .. _. .. _ •�, DIV3D[NO'TftH CITY OF '• d Into W■tdsaada1, canaing c air Council to be elected Co m ^~ OrAlI nnuce No. 31O. •7 '1-."Wrid don ordain ss fu1- . - ... ,.._ .. .... _ .� N O D[N l[ PROVIDING POR 1N- A crenanc nil l f coding the Gtdcateduensorthe ..... ... ........ .•... _._ .'.':� ! the city or. Port Tawnsrnd �, . � - � �' ,own: u City of 1'arl Townsend daex onlnln as fol. tame Ia hereby Jaded Into ■ndtlesl=nAted.ailthe Ilirst. nk and FIIh ward.,of,the r' __._•�_,_�.�., ..-, -.� --' t;ncTln;r 1. 'rhat the Cityof Port Townsend rnatrnct rtu ialchlednex+ fr strictlyDruniSlpnl it the i ' •: , .cad'+ • `: • ,. '. t t nu of oil. I I 1 c oust h �lollnt xi iuslinWe Of the a bfag6udeided ca f .. id ward+ aTei Apd slim be, ,..-,.:....�-. --.. - A"r• 11,ed as follows: the tcrrdforywlthia the tot• lines be kpown ' '' —� �'• n¢c. r. Tlnll said indehtednc+s, Inclndln !Lt 11rresent eirktin Indebtednna, as nlorexnitirr be otllne '-:4,• . � ."�. ouadary shall the Pint Wad, towll: Co.,. t on the Wathertl bounds of � �..,,...,...___... .,:- - - funded by the lseunnre ofnegotinble Wilds •' danominnliou of one Ihodxaud doll Mtn cacti Pay. able to bearcr twenty fount dote of issue, _ -,i... awnsepd .FY Tort Tawa.ryead 1'ayloc -' r' ... - - years uunu1n 1 neytb en Rcnll nni9unlljx (with emu�looa slred•'lhmce 1lnrth to ter oraMd 7{Rel to Nnllklhl along;tenter of Prauklio i l-_ .:..;,.• � �'�, • -" "'-'- each tuterext Payment. The lwndx nad each cmntewn sllnll be the DiMyar .. .... •- -'a;t , Iin1iQ Ia trial bay, and lhHtre • • , " er¢ . . noel nticsttrl Iq• tha Clty Clerk, t q thejlatofstid city limits to n ng4 ., :..:.: .;t' .••. ': ;, l �, .. .. - - ... _ _ 16y :;ac. J• Thnt told hoods sha11 b, soldby tine City Connell upon Filth tenon nud condittntu na - ...,.......:. _.„ '!, ...'-"%•. 11 the'terrihtry' within the fal• •mmdary Ilan Ile known ':' "" ' ' �. - - are moral mhnnlagc ouA to the Illy, sod tilt 33tro• �'�r slali the Small Ward,lo-wltt ptle. ceeJn xhnll tie -pp to the pn sTuent .. ' -Y.•. Col¢• t ontaesoulhert boundary of :� :.:u....... ...'-..-. cxixllng hldmcbtrduexa of the t•hall to the ad- lnalosefhwt sued. '-• _ __ „,• '�fFr ..'-�•^ wn■ead ltl PerlTowpRpd Jta y }�`' - •• ' •'' Six. 4Tmt 411. colsp]toons fat the Intcrest cot , for street; thence north to and of said street'. to Potakau;upon �Prt¢tllaao lno" ]Z•:---..-...., � �� � sold hands shall be considered for alljale(roan ■s rTre of it. ail all nTn the g re no" 4Mtk atea`[Abeeenta.of ;� ' - - l the City Treasurer, c lyy', mDl ar ten presented In the lily Treasurer, ro fond., are hi the treasury, be.l all ladone r �.'•'iY awtelrR.' NreaFI thence vita! ' ; .' • : " an, the Paine "Not pnid far the want of fandx/" and Or Ltwfem:otteetb WalkK �' •- rbIJ Cnllhnllx ahnil ltltTlaalr ]Ira, illltie5l of the _ "1" 1, slot[` the center of Walter. limits.ta Part Townsend t 8ayy� f�':^. ' _ _ - I pp .. Ny aio¢i.lhe bounllary line to :'.. ..1 - CIl l e purchnscriLett el all Let cexenitWefloethe o ....Ji._.,�:;. I the'trrrllm�'withln the fol• -" ' I I Y Itn+.anr, w1 sllnll trRlxl er Ilneell lu book kept for that pnrpuae, ill wldcL he -hall en- s[r ouaJ If." shall be kaowd the Third Ward lowitr• Con• r-COM. '' '• t :.-. terlbc uut»Ucr or each bond, the dot f e oIssue.._ nud to whoa, nud n1ten payable. .. ...... .. iii ton thenorthclalent boundary __.._ _ - - - -..._ a hltc 6,1 That ten y� rx before said boils shall becolue doe,i ttile dui afthe Cou10- Townsend In the b■yopDcrlle'" thenee'We■t' to the center of - shah Nino provlden dukfng fun<]frotn taxes collectnl and afoot the'anler oC'rald ell thence hortfu: )alo¢Rthe :...._-. .. ..-. ............... .. .. .... t -. •--- 1 by the oily, slfficlenl and to Le kept xnlely as a co n n t an a n Fnu1 for the pnrpas f liquid thrg x I I h d t -�. {� ,.. le lAFfntslreetftllenae,wtat-': - �. .: t ty. take to ofaaW'attelt b8■a•Jwu Lrne:nraorik ►batt eke -tenter : ' `'..�",•.... ..,... -.... .. Fnc.,5, That this nntinnace shrill e7eet�.'-. jtnc.rantair n ii cc five o er the I P o , arWae to the dty.IIniW de Fan'theaeeeaaterlYatonalinAjNj of the I op �r rcitnryl�gt 7ary r . .... I 1 AU alef Council 7.. TtrfPAtI,F .. - -- - 1. ce wmknl ,... rto Place of[a= -y.r.r. '-••-,••,• ..........:......__._.. ... .... _... .. .__.. __ .. .. .. ., . nt. r. .t r , i the ltrrltory`: wi111I the tot• rrfr bounda prleiewit he ![Dow¢ note of Publican n Fahntnry't7, i9gi. _ - a. eke '. YonttL(WaM,'„ to -Wit:•- w -- What i,e tke, bonadary one of y----` .. _ ansead is Pmtro].astmd 8a er"street• nitre Jo ' .. _... _ _ - .. _ .. uC.Walkec, L.k rely �tloaIt the'teater of IAW - ... _.. _ .. •— _._" "" . j%,5;•1 3 ler.atreetl• tkeace 'trorlhMy1 of Ijter artier bFlnt.atreet; .. .,._.-.-.•• -. _ .. .. - "--- - .. -... _, _ .. onF, lhe:eeatet o[Plnt atmt .. .FW,� s«?.i?';• sty artex: 1llettee-lqulkerty fJtda.Fncararende to I. - .. .. - .. .. • .... ._. Tt. the I'vrt:Torraarnd;aaY7 thence ke�ip themvulasitupintiFrithlnrhe- .... 7 7 ---- -- -lAce r - -.. ,. .. .. . .. Col• the] His NO be knows tFBtk the Ward; 1.:•: ,.- " - loW It: All the -Jasa�d a "e Pau ■reaae'and houadaifis brlkeC ity or Port' .'� ,. ,�. .' .. - • .. __'- ... .. - -. . -:.,,1 `suela"_Of .' .. .. .. ... .._ .. --' I' the the City "edn:each ward; At the'nrn. ." ....... _.... .. •. ... _.__ .. -.. _. .. .. ' s . . . nr ea�!k;rea the ■'lrat-ward two r ... .... - .. 1 .... ...... ... ..... _ %N.. �u U4 it) ■ill tiro(a mheti fmmas tile __. .. - . .. ... .. 1 .,,_ •�,- ;ti;•§ 11otNter).f]otgthePifth _- .. - ... ? ..__:.a.-i.:'"•,,Y [eordjp¢aalla8 uol'e!R¢tlhe aftblrCll�rpCoracl[aowele"ed - .... •, __.. .-'...` :.. ... � ... - _ . '�l L enaot(tk erah}lKtla¢•keld .l '.•.'_- : ... .. -. _ .. .-.^i�':; ,. .. ...... _ e CRxegenell, such ba elected from ",..._.. .. - .. .•. tiwOffs y ealal to iva i ' Al elecuotr■ - - ; .. _ . ,_ _ . .. . __ ..___ - - n y*1 dry Coundutltl1 shall be fly, MI6 eke aPDorllonmral In 1m11niacrt3ti11'tikee:rfed "I sad aatr fife dye "-- --• ; ;i "t -"yy: tram the cil Ja¢, 13169t; r ._-'..._ -. • ^F ..' ' " JL' it. •.'•ram} .. r. _... i _ _ r+fw•''t, u..,q I "t � _r,Pr, .,�;,."r.' - ..__ }.;s;� _ � .. ~ly`t,Y« .. `,s''. .f,,•`.., eat; r ;,•.,- .... ,.. - - . � . '\''':" �• / if rl_� � ���.-�,- /_fir-� � - UrQinuure \u. Ja 6` a>slssy., l: '\ I tnenl isirl,t o�i?„ to txlh nldrsold�Illnnu -.. . , lord bnildlnR s11 ewo I. o ,t1 jir �. ewc`l lu lhr city f '�lfVint lNr trc,t (roll, the„alree fIt �• , ,,,, ��4���-:•" •.. ful• The CtCRYof Pnrb7ao�n+rod d,xa ordain a+ •�Mrt .� :: 3 � '�Ut�n' 9'11nt n11 tnt� nr iuttrel+ of lrtud ! `' � .. -t L< tither xldr of 5ecnl d overt Iron thr �{:,. ,. ,.y...r•r•; and the 1 µ' "itVillr lhr.Is, ofisnrt Tnown+r ul j'or xnrne to hereto• crenled nu awe+intent d�strirt for ri ore oT lervlttgn speclnl Ixs sulllrin xldr She P e •i:^ t °'::�. :• - t the the aslxn'.ie oT gwditt and hulldhlg .:.? �'�•' .' [ . Wnll: oulloth s[dN of grrnnd street (corn Pawed }1 - •" T to ll nr agfor slrrel In sold cif}•- nk. = 1•u.\ Ci`ysi _„,.�.,..,}:'..•- *-••'•«•p[ ffi:c. c. gjwtlts anlhtn.c abaft tr. effect nod bein force fl....m ltd offer five tin}'• fnnn il+ Puh•t l lion: / �!•r�,r,'•''�. •�;,_�.,� _z e<I the Colth%,1, J,j .l')'- �pyrovnl Nurt6 s, 1+91 f•.a7.j,...t ; 1 ` ,1; i CA,,, KIIITII, 1i. - ... .. Mn'—r. C3tY C1crl•. ' •:%i����� .ay,. - - ,i''Mite of PubHrnlloa �lanlr,'"P• _ --,\�� � . 3 _ N '0)CUINA?lcl:. lSSiA73IA StTc TIIi: v.>,,.'..•; i;%::.� �' A rude orScrand street fratna sweet to ftor y d1:f�rCp^tr'•;. ..: Tµylor ntreerr 4n the d[ of Pori'(o ll C y,,,.zti.;,. ^' „ -.�.• City Port'fotvn5rndduct onfnin nefol• - .. . . That the gtnde nT Seroud sttctt ht of the foliowioe de It rnci -t th c'.1i •A flu tweet line of A street 63 feet : n .. _ . "nodwestlisle-,of it street, Ho feed nt Urc c el *. -•r'{fF"' _"'-' aillt we8l ilnes of linen of I) street, yx [vet; a '•acvlh:} •' ^ •t• =l' a ■nd west line-, offs evert, r7a feet ; nt .she cant-- T�,'S:r.,r•--,-"' and west lines of tl street, aca feel: et the east l.. .. ._"... . ''\SS::`_':•' ._`+...... �;..` 'InS wcni lhresof G erne[, :oo feet: .•.-- -- , for street, 1�6 feel, •.; •.,; ::. "•"• : t line of tl-, Tay .. .. 'Chnt thin anihtm,cr .boll tole clCrd e- r-.,,•.,,t,,,_�•-i._.... - - - and be In force fire dnys ntlrr the dole 'fit, \ -- - _ :_ l N y.r r t Pan. a aPl the Council :dareh 1 n. P An-td \luttll ). t¢41L 1 Itli.a .. - ... ... ...'. _.... .. f,•�;... .. :...._ ..-: Hest: •'� } .. ... ti 1T City ClerY. ..tL� bate of Poll, �Inrdr;, IS91- _ .. -- -. ._. ..... �!' f .._. -... ._. _ ._ . .. Via- . i _.._ ..- ---'- -• - - t tt; t ..mot,__. .. ..., ..��.;:• .... ..._..:__.... ;;�: k_y . .. - �(�-C-c�l�r.� ,�-v• -�� �///J�/)�/� r.-r._[� ,r.-t�-rr_c� ' % t7!�.�LCp - 7 ISA7It:G � AK AS of FrdiugR ad'"Ic .`.... - the expense .. ... ,... ... - � . ou batty ,aldH�o1 ;.trend �"=': �•r;%"r• .... -- , uIo,cetoslreeltotn tlC y of-vItt 1 Iola nr�ptttela of land .,�•„ ;�, � .,.. �jy .`��7 •• - JfSetnud+trcd.lrom the (.�,;,•...,,,.... ... .... ... .. .. !l�C:.D-r--[� (✓ %� l.. hz ra+t llue dcf,ttbrNTnylhe rt To.rnscn, e and the :�1::•;'<:' ., . •". .. .. ... .. - -.. _. _ _ __ ■n aaenment'11mrlct for ;r +pedal tax 511l6dcnt to i•.--.:. .. ... - ._.. _-:'.:: .. .. dime and hulidingaatdt• ,r.' l:rroad street from NN street n eald dry'• .. .._._... --. ... _ fLL � f.C�(_,/ �� .f/�• /1--�l,.a �`.�� her five d■ya fmm'it t..'rIBBAAS ?x.: .SC 77, esrAelastn.c Tan . reetfrom wstrett to IL or ,ty of Port Towfol nsend.'wr---. rn+end doe{t-Nat. an p - _ he grade of Seconddastreet yy a' i� 'uttdpaUon+■horc tpm ..•t...-w:k .. __............. .. _. .. _.�..,�. .. - _,.i s' nned 65 feel: at.the etmct.' a. feet; at the east. `a •� , street, tla fed; of the ewe strcc44a feet; at lht street; t7a fret; of the east st[ed; Too feet;{■t .the coal k, atreei(roo feet; al the met nrdinnneo-+halo lake eRcd "'� + � ' days vkncr the dale of its Pub- vi, 1 ?torch 3� t69L . .. � :' v.:` •':." i ,`{' �:; .. y, t°41f. L• TIP1tAL5 ]a :. it'��'�3'.� _... _, .. ..: _.. . , . .. ! '" 1 �;. i'*': s 43. 1 • il' t r� 3i:� t�;a Pu_.._.. 1. !i' . _ _,d ..� ..41 I .5 ud n ha,n+, ton l;lt� ul I'urt'I'�rlvn,und •ill, . :...: ,> 'rah lhl•alrlb d+v nl A prllr Wt, Frmlt 10'1'h 1 lf"It._ �• �•...-..+:..... ..+s...,.....r••'•. r+ - and n. 11•ur. I lo• rijfhl to e'unµ Turd, ,'I'erxin lin•l P .• hnrPnl', `Y`iE:: -- ......... ... ^- . - .- "L_ ,nminl11 un rincfnc xt n•ut rnihcny upon .e Ll' .hart. null nrrnar+tu (I'll I'll). of Rai '1'n u'n.; ..'ttC p.l•rot Tin l,._'• rd-ruil of ,d'da rEr,'ll, un'I [h'•.'.,JII'b r: :n �'I rl.l ,nid 'rcrt.' iV I .• r•1; •'1• . ' rl•u,l 1111'll•r it lIll by \'Irl ll.•,If 1 „' f.11lll+ of Ilr.11•' I'• f1V• n'It r n'Ii ll•,lt l.rh '1 ll lL ,': .•1 f'.1'�II,' I , '_r,•.:' ':I fC•I'le —�•.�_" IP,I'r,i'Y,Y.'`0 nrixnla rfl)', 1i t4f6'il Iliinhiarit rh lhl ,•�tl•tl'n^ al a••Ir nJ „7 •'I'I I.': •f'••"!r, .told:" ORDIS,SNC}: SO, In4 yrd mL•!v❑un.r•!I :uul os'•r ,l Lira It 1, -' i,l,tr Tatra 1111111U flHll`Illldrrr 1111'1+1''+ ....... lrrd to pu-+ao n. to 1,xrnu: t3ln ,nf,• 11nd r:,.c ' 1'a., Ian n(1',•11lr fr, alld L!,r 1„II. frrr [Iln1 ,•�Ihy .- Zhu. r.' 11.(111ln1',If.Sjrril, a1rL11N Ir([h,•IL'rlli•111 „htII,11 } Itliil<illl{II„Iltyl(�l 11L1•I1111i)toll,IICN1ipli 1l'L'1•j•'nl,+Nice_ ' I•' Ilnl:'n{ \1'nl1'f+ Ill III( I'r,lln, •'<llt'Ir[n 1l illl Ildillr'' '^"`" '-' "" '• '•Ill', Illllr`IIII" 11r1, \n, ;. I'J Of null 'illtlll llinl l•Itlllr of Il,n n•+IR,I,, ,1 (nitll'Lln,• In r,l4lxl r.,c[. nl'mrltli (full Rik Ul"lrl rl,l1'•J •. ,1]J•I .lr,l 1l,l. llt ld) Iltllr: kept III I:nnrl -�'rnll•IlJlnn:mll I')'vllll JII In llLt' rat• onli. 1 IA hnft'Inioflln' n'fnrn:•I Io, phh't! lnnlldnll. l•,hrrl In1111'»y nt'tf, 111'nll, ❑Inlq '• fnp.dr •npnn)'nll'I 1•} wI,) '•.. u:dl. nnnrl' I. n• fallnu'•, In-w•ItI nod to. r,'rhdU Vr+ulx ul Il• Ufl of } 1'nrl 'I'orl, l.17 th.•+n t.k +tu•e4'1 nrvu Plyd :•nid nradl'ra lluu - ^•'_...-_-... <... .... ... nlall:f.1 SCL: No. 1, Ill, '1'h„ City of furl Ton U.rud Burn . oW Ll:;hl nE a•np, nlrho,l,x nu'1 T11 Ile ILL-. uw! th 1. 1,0 hrnrr•rn tlu•rr.l+n'1 111, u.d LVIA rw ,In onflnn•v. pJ Ruh'nd +rrlinn /r,llnlr v; - •'��" i or plun6rd .Cult IIr 1{1lyd nu'1 pnr1, 1 .. ..hero II) n ik. ouvn 51l '_• it nutlhrd, •'I.q P1. •, 'I'hnt, whrn•a•, thu Ilonrd ni [•ountp. - uulkr ILn nn:nv forth w9th Nlr rn!-ilnd r.rnrL• of ''}� .. __ use Mµ., nftltll, rl'rlldnn�r Fpl I'. . ictl,Cnrrl•, 1'rrtnud>,$nu•cr u( .irf!!9'aull Cnuul ', NLte aL - _ Ut'l nibhl•the l'i •!I[n( }rr f .{n¢,rl Uu'• ih 11', l:n 1 Idyll- ` 11 r+ IIIll1 JII II I. 1:xr; Yl1 It lld tAulraxdlFlL�n 51'n.hlol:Uul, lun'v Loreto ore gnuthd to The. ]lot( 1.11r• I:Ivet'je )I'll)•rll r,wllljll,J1}', 11Y Hf:r. G.J i5'Leu .nid4 ndlnn}' al rare. .bull In)• Iheir truck<nu It, olr [II II. :: Crn ll e,� It xlllll) Ill , lrpuy' 11,1y lruwlll+om run+:nu't• op•❑Its 11In 1 luduhlh, nU eloclrir )' cur- c""O"null ❑,xlitna, a lrulthl+N 1. r nrum:l„ :r; xl[ hltte+crllunsn[:'trrc[•cfhw6' fr. .old (rook pf NI:' I,(I , rlre„t Adln'n)' In Ilu• of Pntt'I'oNnx•ud,"t��d.rrllon nponLu' rtvl tnnuuahl Inl olrrtrin note( nMllrnp I n'l[L ph\nkv U\vlvo Ru1hr._' ..alto and of A i'll nna 1" lun (h'1 'II u1•dfnn'n•1 So. old rat thrlRO' •rf Purt ,1l+rq relpnn rtn•et+q•IOlw.:dd runnt'ah1rL' ihv ...---:Vtldeku!•1.rllhnt •hr ulrur,Iur(urrn rely fdnrlk. Lhj•, 1r T'nr u.rud. 'all nt'llln �l..... ;;told IIL; .n,d xIn•al. ore pan' In-,u.kal Irlt ldu cur, ,hull Lr IOVI'I w'{lh III,. I'll, of tit,- Tull for t11e Iu Itlr 1 ),1•rlrlc hall �rny'rn.0 n-. itv ... poralo 11mile o! lhv CIt J' of Port 'Poa'usald.. It IIILE{Vt xnl'h h1i1'1'•l'rlJUr1 and (nr me 1Pr� 1 I r rxr"rn .I. uud u,,.ICh+, n fr::n •h:.r u�� rdn+ t11"rMnrv, b.II anlnhled by '.Dill rtt S" that from - lhv toll u•1'!th of that pnntun of lhu rIFLt rah ? 4`�•„- nu �, n• null ],Inlet llu nJ[ ulv4^rP vt r•rl tull!•l and nitur Hutt ,Lon of lhu P, of 1111V •tdl ._. - lrny nrrnplud Ly rnld ;netts lull tfen, Zuni ILL 4;i'•, .,,.,'. .. 11 /,rlll, rlinn4 null U, t',.,. n\1'I'„I Jlp'n(1'ory Ccr:nlu t ev[. In rli ti " nnury uud for n ,orind of lift' (2Uj uvlri. fhl+ It nil ufLrr rm••Dicn of ur"I A, 5s upr nr nllc}• t+ t vrkv t I. a xn11d h+t xuau !hd T l l.r.. •'. ..J.-..._ _..,. lu„n:l'urL of i'..rt 1'aw'n•.•xd dn•v Solt• F:I•ok 11 tw'1')' runt r:Iy. It" I.- 1' rrwnury ,toll urn LruN, xhui 3mv,, itlA Uri rlk'u,' . non pl'n1:rd .. ewllcller nml hlrlln Lh�o llflrinnlik+inlb �lllrnit `• .. nul.dn n'. . j SCr, I. 'I'IHI Am! nand lUr}• Aru hubby j;rnnn'4 Iho rlglu, Ilruu,u Lnild, F+, 'rrth jhr top n! th,• Tull,:, w1'i plwlt•]I N bN 11dd <'�'; �`• •' 1 xret'm, •h•Trll 1 Su, 1 (l7 of o•dJow„r 1 prh'IL Fu mul m and+lrnvt. nuul,. wtrrvt ,It Ivnp1111)lu•a'Rh tov ri:;nlohrnvnud tnln111Sod' 'x-_,, 5_.-_ _,- 1._. of theI•.'rr fuo u,rud, vu•' ,oll . ,,ii ,'ran o rJlRanl'r will Taal rap.>rnW t•Lrclrlr ulllwn)'and n❑ uivvlrlc motor ilnut uud to Tort (nut. t rt nnrl -...... �� rho+•Nr tlt Ctfl, filer oeetnLle ,ln nk lc La oe1'e loll i ..r efinnlbC hr Ir, \ .1h F,lnt Iluddtnhngr.•t s• 1'ettyI, mv, • rnaru}' fn:IFhllnpd pana.v,gure} ll ere.ult o)•rr rat tilt n111rr crier. rho I'rn.hhr, to bo tivell I, of d 'it', and haul..._jitf it q •ltn='nl�i�.l u:l,toll❑ uud nnmF Ilro Iniln" II: nln vtr III ihr, c t of !'u+t r•. ur[!et Icntlh M rhr I!•:uucn (non l'o" to ;4r-•j...._ v. In r•'.I t t'I rllrt. ol,VrAl l` It till nlnl ni•, In llll ,furl To. a.rmd,'ll: 1). Fir inlet (rnrn 1'I�I.0 to hnc,lv'I od,rr of if un h'rdunC, ru nv lr�r . �'g•_,.1,_ l•Jei•I rEe' .I r••,••." R.1Y x lfJu f."!E 1'll( 1'r+r7 '('Olt....•...I xirL'eL 104rIf.f:nnill nlCl'.1. I11 PL'L7L'rnl'1!'� 41h11-I <: prrnl li ittl`(rru j, l.\rt4,•n( e'1•n Y. I.UPt Il1nall rn• �_i:.•_'.'•:. j'Iv.l',f I11' •[Ills CinuluM'ltnni,cil .lprli -0th, I".Id, IIUII:1111 IrMituntil Ntmltr IO J+tln .jOYP ntM1Y , tihf. 7. rlLll l4'OY .h nl LP I'Mr Ly "I f,t raliwnc .•out 'nor, nn'1 .Hall hi II'lll ] r.! prnccd lry lla tun rnr.l r1 l tl, h, f,:'J. I'o ] P. rra'l n:r f.Fnn'x: flu,auloull. '. 1trAl:krn'A nadltlon; ran Han ]o'•A nlrc,lt lnllll� Flltcenth wb,uut iu yea flln;;n rtrrot !n t'ed•1 - pnrnlyd whra voin�gc(clt �,y rnnoiut: t Icu,t r_ i:•' Sf:cr 1. Tilo prlrlledo• 1 .: ! ono-i r,•ric,j lunlla xddltlun; nu r;w [Ilr{ru atrcrt frmn ann lllnrklNpm It Odlinroln P ^ .' fr'IIr thllh, n dn)•. Paris pn+,rugrr Il,•tr IJa ce- 'lulnvl to puyn!un'u! ant ustctdlu: Mlt (r' .. . :1 ";•'�' i 'r'Zw L.._, nln�IIo n+nl, hi•us lrer:rnr[Iv+In'n•Inbrinra min,l'i1 'I I cngdillnn 1o+lr at�r�t to rtrrot additlo ' i+Ins l,troeL fret H Won: hilt n ran ULr •U k 1 cnm.tnrnenn(;upnnx pn.,ngv l' r ;to! it lnr 1, iLn 'llln}tx .u.:: that Ih"lad fd pn rthn ra rt uurt wn:k un h "P .tn•ut to rho ra+t. Ifno of Innd orvned by JAlne. . .__. rnlnc, or ]Jue.of -111d ud'wn)• \r ilt hl .. . -. .. v + 1 stun ray n 1tLin r not lun.� +lruua nu tut ruuul rood knmen us rho s• y of xn'd city rarer n ly port thrrtn( lshp•h .old 'iy��''"'r of th'v' nrdlllilnl'u ,111,1 jlll•It fllU rllnll: u,IL,ioll of If rullntr rood Ler,din¢ Iinlll 71 r1x' r u••rnccr our• d••dlr Ll !, J'�xv !, l( f'dd rl'1 L'n.11 7n irtn 111J n[nI ,•11111 loin r . tiu'S orahnr/l onµ lluu of Lull 1, �I'l!, It full li llll'nIll, }. burr rplltr io T"\:,:. .'F,"'_"' 1 aloof hA loon the JnL' of lllr xtxiw'❑ II,7! I"'"'•n:' ouIna d 'JJUItAx yltmm�and lot ratvudon of told rand h, I' - ,."-�IIle pony rLn)1 rnn.'uw:ru,l slid III* rlty ,tool!chopFc Ihr urndo of Jln}•nfn;et ur ,,. ,.� unllunnnu and rf e�J.• Ihr npurm"'" Iscn'uf L• ihu' mR•nT } foe 8trrtitn a! Fllcn 11,nn n Pn{uL w'brn:.,ot lle11 Llno l.Irctnt Fialnca ! !.gnaw over whIN1 liAra:d lluc:L lv luld lost )L F1s7,..;,• , _' i :+a,=..--_-,.._... ..,:. al ih•• Coy nr 1•url J'.rnn, ,' vl:c. �. 'fool ( 7on+f neclinn b:u h1 trnok of null rnul- ntn} Wort Inter+rtt+Aald rerun4' raI1+1 7q IV - ". Shull aunt Ira lac. m»Ir.' Suet tllu proper 4arlHcr, nt Iiw on•u e, rnbn nr :, :; ..'-.,. u( unit nn:•n : ( Sn, ;B1 of Ile L'lty n( Pun n lr enorll !. "uti[n'If. I •'ran tr'A Arehnq fn Fnwler'A 1vu1r; nu Fuwtur'A 1'jrlc { -'- - .m v.r I't It, .old ❑ark n; trot].. null nrLl •f in4y ro nr .1'.Ilnnul'a am ANak tn'I'lev 11NI[ LIn, ltilrr. trlr, 7lnlhnn' r'nm uul ifs nYcnun from raid cnnntr rand I,, atrvot In axld Cuplal u'I'{LLn1v' Ln'e I'Jirk; ou �'h•lr xgr•r•t ( ') `' to conform to aarh r•hiurpu fill ..J, ^riulr, pro. ttult.,till 11011-v rnmpun)''hn:l lot .Ilcrnq.nrr null, to conv.rnvt, yI6I. In vdu Ialke Pnrx M ilPt• x[n'v r, an ,ILHda ��- . _• 1'bled .. _. umu:llyd to df,HITS l Le fr,,,i:. ur lh .rei,! !la•••"' ' . ttrMrfn%trrut nrlJn'ny lvl uud, �NtlrrL tv nta•v>; xtrrr,(, ru,d nu>;nliir•t:rul fr, n`I'" fr�r li louGcrdl'.nulca t!Inu our lunr.IL nu Hoy unnf ncru,a,verinlu .trc•Ix ll t11r 1,'It 1•Ju 1 (!'art :Mnpb ,(Tort t4 k'c rn Irrrt. and , PI -Ill rlm..t Ji H,ft for 11 Cntarrlpn IrreL h, w, da}•, hilt ehldl cJ4rh dry run:Jul,rrn.i\' Inn cr ltr ""'�T �: till cud"pn+•ed ny�thn.,ulmm�nt:nlnlr'I' ''` Foxe 11•t.r Ih'Ja, loon .",Lilt x,d 11; 'Cnpinln "1'thblAx' Laic Pork : touetim- lcitI ,tool irnr,: Turndlninhrt o}nnu L1olk uuttl ilv.. . ><S•;.�.'..,•, ".n uu4 nPproYr'1 L}' Ihr w.ry or the . alFLt+IU . ._ ,.:a.:1; ulid tnlrk mot n¢lu of u'ny rnniurm to tjtt Ge•+ K�••" 3,' r' .NJgnn(nth(la:N�, bt uuw.,l„d to Tuna ne follnlr,: HLd la. f 4n prlrllrGr, un4 cnu.trnel uml unllnialn i ml >'LId xtrvut• nit ueeo,sut,7 Nu lluho., rnrn"rat+, �� �����, InU,ishe.l ,,^, nuiv of rho pnrtluu nl xnld rat mtiv . �:';: , nrRllrn.. and ill mlm LnrrL}',r, fencr! npott add ;f Turk+ null nppJLmlr, l rco•n"ry fur the : ,.0 rLrLA:tl •n Il+tu Intorfon, n• tittle ux pn+ahh• 11tL ..,_._...-_^-.. f �.'!:;:'" I [ '', ' nlh l': r1Y unnl • nAj1I L'}+1'1llldhlU ll :hrtL L[ NIInL t"nellll'Ir L'I r'ITnlrk ( .ld.l rlonomlrnl n'en,t l,m of I• 1'nlll jdril:, ill b' Ii11d I I IIi ..---.-•--�•,tri Iho pv..a,r of enrx uror Ilv roil ndlu'rly,. ._ and I t„I a\'L'I,t AL11111 till! 1'IIY Ill] Ih111Et IV In (nil f ,.: .1 'tj (n run nlpl rnlllrn rlthln hh+rlS Ilnr• from �lur null rullon♦ arrr and uhnl;; n1J,1 alrcr,n ur rin }' f ` sup du,nJtkrs 1• lone naxlnln L)' mn.nn of o' I q;yi,;,:'.' . „'_ - , cull the l.luxn^uyot ell. t n„il r,llt+ur„ Av ! 1 o !om it..n•'.I. •_, LEnr i'�trir �:''r:� rLun KuN von pry Ole espclnn thercl,f. ..ithu .ulna In cuwpinllau and row Plclu ihu .un" wil6ln lwd TC LnnIrLA faun vl:r. flu t'I'Ln l:•It P. linr)a ray, rnuu•'u,y Shull Lofr itl liFhl and I Ilrc, In ,i I.o r .. ocr. 9. 'Phu cul3ru rolntrucl inn of Said ru l•' Om "' r 1 thurow- ... . •'l: an(d Ann•. ; 1 =er. a,' 7•no nRid lml l.luu lt.il4'nr (fun r•f ihatr nllhl rand r:rlNlr,:r ff4 y hall Lc uullcr xn v wl1 1 uC uv • n I vlltA•oun Mn]cla hurinll.r;., of r.ldd ril)'\chir•n y�+-^_::^••;••7r:-•::-.',^-i ro wrul„I . llbNl jiq xll uxpcnxl'e n( rhr rr J'71L•Iltru ll Irf th1A ! t ! to .Imnlrow n, roll+t .net n dnllblr• rnrn nlnuu n,n�l r' Aviv 1t .hull Lu rat u4 than. n'br11 nutlflcd !T j ardlu note. r 'E'hh al nu'(lulc ll nil it•>nrro..urx ur o•+lan. .n do. w ) •.. _ Sn,d ndlwu}3' cum poop lull rat All other tlnm. ti/ Tt ;:;' :, ..^f;r. 1. on!lunr'ne ,Snit hd<t rfYcrl rtnr( �• 1.r to f.. .In'. uud (nil rhr pnrpunc nut' lay itr lirl tau•:: 4 Ju,Ucnt hn1,1 uu711'ny nn,t Fn'I• natp'u W Tool rru Irnm ,toll. nftor Ilse do}'F pram thu rlydr nl lL. vulliclrerlp In unr lilt• 1 f rhr , nitirr n[ ,old it it In Rtr _ rafASar ruull'nnF of all unudr'I relralr+ nl 8s ill.,• ___.::. k'.?4: '^• palllitutlnn. + . I'llVnl'll Ills I:nII III!11 `t nlr'l RI, lwfd, trrrl. xo lint any Ilma rat,, n:a II �. donh!r ImA I, IMA, 11x -I'l tr1{l'J:A will ,rat'. I', ,... rllalt of w•n c, too 1:+ x7dlm:v nu,f uLrWnd s, null IIS"'ll rrJlly i'. llllllRnl +., 1'I 111II11':{1' r' Nrr lii it l' - i J 1'. `' i• r � I•rn Yl.'d .{prfl fitfl.15:11, +tl�l - IL 1,. 9'I rL131111111}'rat ICU 1 el,l„r of ll,r• rt:, rt. ":� a. hull hill rota, ran "old nl,u'1 N',tlllll ,1 Irll•nlln011' Illlll' IItIIJ.A all Il l tit I i : RIL1f r•.I ¢.. ?I nynr, - .1fll•+f: Il;i. f',I ItY H)11'rll, . ,n c" r:dhr+y lL +t1n 17 6" Irq t)urlrlr, rnntr.r " cluwar. nil rrP.l'. r, pota,u nut nmd cm Lilt- r. .-::.•-..:-•..-..:-.... .._ l:lt}' 1,'IUf4. I i IAIO rat n111dlCnllnll Atltll I1. 1V II 1 iroj'r!)rd pou'rl ,`:- L:11I,11,•1}. r •'[ ..,. —_. - Irr Inl.l tl �,.lu lu'1 1::( In da 11'llnwtt Food I .Curl IrfP'Ir ill .I1J111'ii}' ill'• ilnll � - :.,;+, • lntrd Tlw Ilrh 1,1n• P7ires itn]•va1}- ,•� ,1, �' ,1.+, p,ly dw ,1 inn fln)nul'n.> 1': r day for '.lwl. 'I, y of ru 1, =""..,.'•^"'' rr�� i - '' .- ' - ---- "-'"' runlhntlg, Lt, nurro-rnrN wd n•dcur. she h'•ro1,)- Cnliltcdl ltln Tito( try rrr'': t'urt, .rpr'rntc r,n,f ;'• . - _. ' ill''•" n ( flhurt nto il., a n; "urh rLAn:;o, nil Ir• pr,1r,•,.In1J1^Ir.Ltt tklr llr,`IIJs'+ ll:,tlrn 111 Ito bt:;,+..•, nt.l on, n Ill +nit illy' out n ou the r4 It ... .. rtly ronuril L,•ion• nccup>Lug wti jjw thou M !_.. ' O'np lu•Iefnbrl,n' Cnnitrd rat, l•irr•rir .)+b.hl '. lnr pow crnud ll+:.tutn Uurpo vurrrn•acp fur i, i-; andU•.I ,., • •11'r1A I I• I •nn.I I'LL'Irll .) It, >IIM •hnhrn; lc spy illIl,vn Iwo �.....•i. ._ .. .. 1'r"tl lit till- 1 Ill(.• (IiV ,Ilbl nirr•i. III IIIf Irl :I n 1, ., c'un4 • ,- n I i,[„' +er'tlf; '.n !3'nr In Ills r,111.1rn1•tiOn of - ,AI.. fill,' n w'n}• xy.hno, nml ur opv'r purpnv'. .. IL•• ..our, - • - ,, ' . .. ore:. nlnnl;, nrhl++null updrr,told +lri"'ta, tsny,. nvrunr+, nllry• cud nrrn, of Inld cl: c. Ind to It l'[.'I'l,r•I lli.lrtit-1, npl'nitr will I,., l 11al IIII L1 fir,. '.1. In•ta, 1nJC,,llr.nlruv, .4ij'jlnrl`:Ilt.l rnllll,lil+, IU D :_ err. 1:+. T,,o n-1 e'b':". Hurl rlgLly 1Jr.nUy m Tull a railw:cr con, p'Iuy ur+ pwn .. .._. , r. Ib,. naprr-,. r.n:r�Ell inn ItrIl rhr v ,nmp:l ,': •'ll""n Pj^li`il•: !,l•rl "Ill all or L - .IIF 1ln�Ur and polka Ill n`:C•4,'attnn, llrt"'„Ilti' ' Il••Itall,III.- m',111h,'I:,, 1!tu ar:•I ' II)' at yltiy' _ _ ni,- ,z F'• '. - iii nil :1Ulrr'rhrhdnp Wash! 6oxlur.• olol lollhl'roli- I veylmw•n!olurtrlr rui'rRp, rib}rrt to tht r•II, - ditluerx uud rrgalrnmvnt, hcrrJlwtltr ..-.-"_ 'e'S•. 11. All a r+ lilt nv'r t,,f.!r,llhn'+)• A"If IL:ILt 1 -1•U. 1 _ - , novel J.,u- r'I npd .ul rural. h'1 L,rnprrlp I••11-mho tire.:met rnl.nh ^i� yfC. 5. T1te trr'1'k,to[ n'1!d r..,in'np r,nu lr:]nl- , ..I nlfilv�,y, +.',Jd rlJ d:i a}• rollljnoly xI1.I ll rriny '} rlllll!L�Illfrl w1:11 Ilnt ll•A, Ijlnll III illy jl.......I ""- 'ol n•nl: l'n•.II!:. rat rat .•tj nllfl •1"tl(IIi+ 9 y,:. Ont'-•r ntil, nit rill. •fn`,'f+,[Illt Ilse rnrt'el fil t"• iE - 1`+I re• I'In •nitlr' 711 :I, rn ,l "LJr Ila I In: }' I:: 1 '1rR11• 11 •. ,.-.-.: ._ ;;C:._` .. .. -...'�� br'll'„rll•j11!'I., It !III! 1'MI Cl tel. III: o! YI.1'1 -,. way. .�,'.1't, \oih'1rSrnnhUl'rdlnthE+unAuxhru - .. .. ..'.... - - _ -ti+It tw. Mo• Tarr: en rofr,.,o r:d't rn, Inny nq•,Dn uc Ira ill Hool all tou1111Ro .w�, I_ ri '.. ( ., -- b}' tf"l.f111 er[ i(r .rf•I!IIIIfIrin.l ti( 'Ad fill tdln j • , •. .. .qu nn•v. •Irrrte :I• •1 nfflw A}•, ail I rmrvua Af the rtt•e lIf 1111,, of thulrta tnrydr•}•u:A ffl.: '- " "-- .. '--Y•`; or t-,ran n,y' utll•+ Illnl w0,11.1 IrndtC LIIL`III 1°v�""•-' , rIt, 11. Yn l'nrr•Lldl bra n jtoo'tj In _''� ,- tgmt un n•rr • In••nr till n } .. ._ I,rlkx a Ion n:dd xtneua. ajrnn nxlll alrrrtn tc�luu ;'��z '.�•-_, l:.:` •'y«r;::. i '.. .. .. •. '"•"�_�y_J ant In n•n n+to ulrvtruct or In,prdLl IuluN Ihrr; ran. lhl: tnppol 8na'�l-,,,....... '. .......__.. _:..... r .: '. _ ..._....,. ...._. '. .f�)'t, .�tlu s lot-1`t "!1'Ldf nl]wr polo( tchutl it land cchlnl., or ut tlw [n: , •.., r of ... ,:...... .. - - _ _. ._:.„ _ .rrA•ti`.'. -2 Iunalr ) PnLrt Balwrlul _ ,t. 1.,. ..._•�5'a , .aunt IA:er.•ncihllx, rn "''r7;[^": :�"::i-C�.^.r T"-^�. - :`,t•,r^_:'i:;,. r}rt•i ...., Awl n'hLrrn., Illr• IJII of 1'4r l '1'rrn nrtnld I11.1' ; - .. .. .. ..- .. nu I.I. d%it, Aar of Apnl, I+PI, Rauh ill TIII• llrltl Fitrltic lid IMN -Willay. It+ xunroarx x•"'"^"„"'^•'w.•`.r.v�,.,....,.,..w.,r...,,,........•. onp _` Z nud nerli,un. the rigqht to vun,h-urr, np.raA• uul .. _-_____._._ _.. _.. _ .)., :, II .,rt r., tip„-''!'• "'`'1 * �.•:, r{ mood flu tin rlrclrll: ntr,•rl hdhtu o nm a,lld �t['!•:u::,'I'- rill .:..a-r .• t, .I !nil of '' I In,✓/ ) I l:r1r ,.l,, •,! •,,: .., 1.1 - to 1.11 ....1..1"1 !,,: ItI• J, �L.� fUceh and nrvonr• IllIr ihr l']I))' of You 'I'nn u. J Itvh•'n, ore, tb.' .0 ,e:, t :l ,, pn ,. e u,( l rLrr D1 na blur :I" [t•11,11111'lrf nll.byl'Irlltr•11(1111•t1r1111R n1 ,1r.11- .. - +1,•iltr n'II.I„lab .,1!.r•'I I, It II,I•".i I.IIIr:ar n,• IfI•, ''t•'"'!,•'• tllbinc•t, I+ a •., -:.•I„ I.16. 1.1 Il,lhd,, un( a+.I:"etil Lhll, hnnC•• \ •. a.un( anb II a•lelcp .rAlnnuco Id cn:ur,t uI,•lat' uu,t •.I,,n t r l,rl,l " v ,I + na„ 1 ua lnll,Ia'+, Inx'I)I+tub Inr ••I.liar ••I„Ir rr „!: ..I,:.I. `'•,t•:r ., I uu lr u,)'r, Ir it+ •n I,I rnlltt'ue 1)IIIJ]\.111!1: \Il. :till ItI'l n•1c), lhlr„r;h oriel nt'I.1 tt'itlrll II , an:l•,. ` 1,1 .tr• ["II lhu n.n•,n,•r hI•reltt 1nr:1,1;u':crt} Itr tr! '1.4 1 •rr,nll 13'•• rn I t i•, 1nar', , t ,. r, Ile+, tin n. In J .II ,:a,l ,.,-t' 111I1, InI' I r!l)' , Illl`d i'u,t Tutt'"r "Jl EIl.,r All nntlI It4)'Rrn11t4: I: la'I'1l'it", Line face, :I�ex.•r:r of rohhir•:uul ill,. lull,U ',IL. tx}. I hr uP l,r rhklr:'• lQ rnll- ,.... .... .."_ : It,nr of 1rnMn In bI nBn•n ,I :JI Inr dent•, until I lion a[ + urtdrr pn,J Iry lrlr. Ihdlnnr • )Inpuu), Ih xaru•r.urn and Irntla, rnlvrn- n, I , Ile uI•+' lur th ,[ p, r Initt nni,l I . o �V. Stu of nrJf n+rlten R, n Itnnchl.n to cuu+tnu•1, uiwrato nud {� rnr,vl •. ul,d •Iw l La ill all f1pr, k,•Pt in tt "a to tld • o" J .old v trt ,uI ell -lone rs( rYn unit• ale lit loin tin C4rifln •tn'AI htilmn' nfrr. a Ion ; ",u1,1i1 n nnA nq air by •thl c• wpnlq and la ulq nrl ru., v,rno•d nrt,n notfnri:dhul• "!,.lot- 'ltn, n•II(nh 17r,11- lulu; all µnr.,n cnrinl a errant+it, 11. elfY1 u� i; t,Jl�h','r`1•l ,Ll,: r:l+ r:'tI ir•1 1.-1.o r,l tot .1"rn .befit ., ... _ Port '1'owllReud• of tau•, a unim noel .0 l:rho-, ,md ��eht. until rh tnrfrlt ltr la a 1,11 - •!. nu I , I it i, un,innn rP7}A tr, -. 'J'JM l;IIllf I'nll '1'nn l,rr ll A 1„t. 9 I,c,-rn ihr ra.:luxllrl ra itInl+•'• •"'ut" r . Vhlniu n, ...,• Iha.p�r�hr Nllnn'x; i - ,� rrr l'Iell krd +t1111i ho 11l1od n,l,l 1'n••1.rd •u re, :o duiirntlun .. :lur1 el.t'ati 1111 of sce. 1. T11n1, 1r)n•n,t., the Ito1lrrl n( (!nntitY; otnAr• t11c .n:nn h'r,•I tl'il ll ihu ; •aullult I;rur:r u( wl.r. iT•� •�'IIf.111t I,Inv }•+" IttTit.1In' d, "tilt rdlunncv • Cunt uti.nfouen of Jniti•rxnn C<nult • dne,rvt Politico• '. \tl,.hhl •ton. hn1•n hereto. urn ) I•le hilt R,rr•1 ud!nU1Uu; rho rich; •ll tcig1. l !n1u+ h Kmnlod to l'he. • E dr.c, n. \1'hnn dd a Ihl'n ).it ,'nett r 11n1n)•,I,n11 lltM'lu''• bout "� r r eua:Flmtl.k�i,.n ill .. 111{It I.ill* l:lcawrlre �U[Ihr ny anopnny. it. :no- l ^n •It11•I'tn,rke on :uee!r unl ern Jr, h <hnL':d eH .Ln•n lht+ .... .... .. n('hta ur'111 rer lrN+t^tpllt1i1 (I••rxtico ,1 1'"f + V � I -� ) Ila It u..rafe will na i a., n Ir•r1Ah1 a to Iurftrlll l,: li uer.t tialln a(,trre t, flunk It, rid trnrk ' ,'1:':• -•� 'It n11ht'n}' Ia the , k nnA pr 1u fn tdlUratb•tl. t 1 of}ort Imr (t1y tit,-g upunrI nud mn,'1,, tin nlrctrlc xtrrot rnUvnvl kith I, nj, rw hcet 1.I tuchr, lit ,ill fI o(.u, h 11 Hen7U Igny. 'aO upon Corlltw rtru,rd 1)•!taln enbl cnnuti• ntl""I r .. I thleknv+, .0 lhxt ,ho upper alrinrr of the plonk lht• dole td IIr.nlilt� :ri, .. .. .T. •.:, ctfortTnn'nlaud, ,; .old xtreah,nm uurc lurhvh•d ullhlu Ihn )'!•null by lcrrIt n'11 h I", It'll Ill OW ra❑fur rho P,,,'•d •lit• 'Ill Ito In f11U /,l•It,� Cnr•' h1U wlntll 'I +arch In h•P•r,a l:•n , ml fur Irnl. Il • 1,. TIlt15.\t: , J1l., aSN' it 111"0,ynnre •.- ih mhrre.%at It orrllelu N"'r, dd rl181thut nvl'i� .Y Chu talE n'h1:M ,rf that P++rtlun u! the right uE? •\hdl Vey", I I"t'.tlty"I'A I'r11 if tsal, In Pa •'utl+tntet, npnrnW nn,I otter that dnty of Ihn pi-aifn of Ihle mli. - 1 Nvty grenplcrl Ly !'q7d twrl.r lull tlu+. rind at -UI lur+t rut,[....... .tV •..i r�rr !^et rntla'll)" Invr, nnnry Wad (Itrn Purlud a( A(h' (CVS worn 'l7tµ all nlhrr reu,alul(h of an c'!I n, nnyR ur nth•)+. Itr,+r'• n_,t,,„�. .I UI elrcvla Ill IIt. 1Wll Llnr }tl.cltlu Itnlhl'nY vlihrynuly, lM nr- �gg1 2, lrnrka nlulllhu plmAwl null. het wren rho in•.,,us '1 a= f�. : j� C'MO a Will nnalpun, nhn❑ have Ihn nrlrllc,; I. ^' ndl+nud I (urea the n'I du+a on10a ar; end ll rind thCS' n[n hutch)' panllod ihlt till If. J •f7"Itrhna mrQ nluingn, till, �anuk+ In hr Irr'•1 - _"...__, 1 �° :;;;«. pill it and ICcnno In puuatTu rl, hnhxh hu,(tn wnh IhII Ur;, n! ihr rltll•, note pl:rila In ha bdd [ !I!) ill oJslfnu•!ru'' lorll;Unclu•o'Ith the tic b,nhrny uudwlrll lt••d ";;+'ik� loin noel aJi,Irnla uk'clrtn Rtn!ct nlNn'ny' null r+tl : rlu+n lit ihr r:Ill, the ill, I,Idr plank I.; h,'In,ly icd t`s'Itxmul,; atltirlud, "' alcrlNC Illalpt 111n11t 1tud In l'nR)', lryhxi'ntt olio ' - =y j rro+,lire 4, by ' - i i i•H. l'pti)r:nco, canrcy frol1f111 nud pnR.cugcrR. Ihcre,111 u1"T l al Ih1• uldrr Ill :�•, thv twv'1 PI hr ..,-. _ .. • I[Ir,Atro .mat Snhl, gild nlmlK Thu fullnu•luR Rt eti. In Ihn Cat))' of + , url lit Ir•vrp,h h' thu •I!,hu1.' • frr•bt Lit. rlyd y 9 rn1a111+M In nun- : lU[L'BOw➢r Nld, ale; l/n Flr IrWtt `Irnt c,Ira to ha .,!"A vdev,4 ihr ill11, 11•I'm t+ •u u, In :re! OIl'ef fie RC h•r[1�� aal. ••r1150nd ateetm N(Geenth etn!.t In 1'rhyl;rot•u1d1. ... V,the ln•a p•r,•m;r of v,dlirl,,.. -. .. p tared hY tiau; tin Flltewith xtnot Io ran Jnan alr•n , I{ hl:. ;• I,1 r dhve}•,hnp Lr k.•II t In r nil h'- •`I• :tit. IN nud wp• i[rscken'a nd ditiml: ill 8u1 Jue• rl[uat (tool I pn h" ay •, l4 A,Ihr n)' anm pwt`. r ud +f,ull by - . •1 . _n IMIkbe , .r 1 .__. Flllenath rllu.[ln Sun Uln,u rlrt'al In hell• rl.rrnlr,l It hen nwnlrh'Ir'1 In' Into ine tl I,•,1,I forulr rddlUuu; oa Fntl 1)1n1to 'lrec! Ifnnt snit !I ..-_._ (nnr rnlinan dap. P.,u'h P'L.una,:r nl•n nu tc. ', •;W"{r t t 1. . l rtcleta Annrh eon. 1In•d Iu Our ill ant r, :adlnc Ilvr (fr) - ... j'•'=•� c 61, r Jnau •tree[ to ltincktatou ntntrl lit 1Da11 Rrnnn ;: '1' I"'Y'I. I,II,., r:;. �• �, fora annicd nto ..dnlllnit; n■ llinck Htuu droaL lnrnl Hen Illr[u tout, fur a eont,uuum tu'11,I r thv r•utilir d , t• ,'in a Le Iludts '. .. •i'.`": `•.:. xn6l rtrlinoon, ur Iluc,nl •uhl nIl'rr ny t 11 I .>; a nlilVw V'lihht `. �`B}male oq llhc ctnnil)'lrnud lklann[Innlltlo unc• 1 .'.". u(,.rbl +•h3'nr,v onp hurt Ihrrru( whh�h as lJ pn+nat;u at-t his l a •,al;:rr earn• rl.,ln• In y•r, e to colt[ ixpoa 'Inuelonnithueomtty Lord Imdh,e nam Ilan• n.r,r, if 11nut timouftrr11,illndtrr![Yr�It �rt hlr P 'ttuGn archnrtl to fie anal lion of loud nn'ned ly j .... >hnll horn •ruu,l+urk•d IL+,rdd rdhrn) (''% ''-f•. n;x[eun If) "••"?lJnwnn 3humn and {ua uxteua4au ill rill. fond to I II ,•• panne • 1f 1'JI+ , f In th1! rlrp ,hall Chnnn,• 1 I; l I..w n Ihurun( b+,1110 -the Birnll. al Funn'6nm u n t t irgnnr,•mrr n'n)rh lW na,,f lr,Irk Is h,hl that It •:t'n+nue, S*.i,•;'trnck tit Mdd 1Su141.1f1u Flavtrlc ItnhnhtY cunt noY 1wO•Itttererete nrld ceunl>' raaq In Putt'- � r.hn11 uu�m n•u tint+ Wal:c tn,:n dm p'>pt•r '1V) of rmifuennp .`._'• k r.ul h'rU 11•r, lit it+urea otp,r aRr. rni.,, nr lurtnr ... ... .. .. . _.. _ _ _ pp •. ,Ir iler'a rrnlnr in Fn,vini a par , It Fuu•Ivr'" It, rn1,1 ulu•k nr 1rer1., x«a Wen• :.L m r ,r ,,. I�r. `' ':',.'" l•nnuof •1ut1tlwl; j ' e)I.It 1.111, Bloc. nvptiap fr, Bald anunp rood fo Pk•tr atn•et In la runl�n� of eo, 1,'-wince to,old c nrG•,,pro . .+ RItCCenxora' and .. aaIll C. 1perin'Ilhbala• LR}:u 1 Writ, ua Yle[r .1-f ['iJe,} lion rahl nd,trur rang„nIy «hx,l 1 n Lo ''�' �, :In a[Iiv Iuke Purl[ to) n r6 ntnval nil )Inplo luny a •`•_ 1 I rum Ilc,l la ilk+tllrh rite trerk, ur It, • W Ihi,; purele and xtrcet lit l,tipxr of met' awl nil Suit cr If reel (run, I for n Iuuhrr di•I,u1rn thnu unn hlnr.Et oil :1 n•n)• grer, upon IA(npl.•tract to Frrn ntrem, nod an Fern •front . 1 7 hui ,1u111 loth rhth"'i ^h In file CItY pl � (rm,n Bit t for Rim of to Ca l he rl till at MCI II1 +ill I ! 1' I' u wmfnnll l:ennn9 (-• - '�(,+n e'I'llA,nle• 1•nka 1'xrit; tncc thor u"It I the .nhl Irnr'; tut n nl>tn.I uL nnr hl+:i•It trot❑ ❑- trrl hy•tlix wrt J ._......-.+nhl u,u•k nud not nw,'rnnfunn pl tit, rr ..-._-.. _.... ..._ -G. )nr rb•I en and ulgl,tn to cnn,tnu•t and uullnb,lll. purlhdl d.•,Id ,theta y n+�una IM fellows; r, nnr xlirelIt E,,L IL['Wd61iJ Nt1'll itch, hlnmu b, RI b:hhrd :u1dr al Shc l rluhta ]rnrntoyAnn• xldelrxcka nud uplalaw I rLtL, rr)• for thel •hnucwl ,rl u•tu lnlrr tcr,n,lhtlo nil pn-,Ibis nm upon uu, 1...;.... : w IUt rite pn+•a:;o tit tune mrr In .ub! ndhrnP, .. ' .. , ` `xl .� i. cuuanaace tralk nompla[e, en}r nud oruu!nnlutl npcnuluu u1 ...-. Itud}It un n)•ebnitihr rlgbu llnbh•br It fur - ..'•,•„`«•fit." arty tiny fnnn nqq nid rnUtrnY Weer nud n1un1; nnlrl nlrec.n ur any rvlY dnwnKl r 1• way fn•udn by nvl,ua of fill I. ~.... ..�. Inlauro Wad unit Vnrilaa [hrrcoL rhnq'gea uorl ny lh,•e<p'aE,r.lhc,nuL 1 ,',I,;° ,':•)J P set. Y. 'rhat'Chn llnit Llur lama rir I:ndn'n)' tl:,, u. '[hn ,unite rin,.0 nctiun uL old roil. .. ... •anplrtu tiro urnu cool pnnY xhnll torte rite rigid and I'rlrth•c^ hr old tint,. ' . . tray , Ilnil l�.rur,der ihr, npr;,6iun u7 fhe J;n th gatn.ew. el lhl'1[ a,ld tuna r•r rnihrl:.' mLLp•v nil erect, nu•i alloy, ut •dd r1t)' srhA+r ..: .zr.• , ' IIN'nr COIrt Jinll)• In rnnr•tnret r111n11h11'1".11'k ,line•n:ll,1 nliet•t., If i r1111' tl nllrtl] b,• Ill all tune, ",Iiwn pul,llcroUan of thin > -' at' tin)' linty h of It+auceraxur. or o,rlea+ fn dr ._. nu.rl nu hen))• culnDwtY and ill idl It her ti lure to 11 t.kv elrved and 1 "xirp, and for the al 11.1.11 urns' hq' It• Ikl•t Irwa1 nutlet xnttl nllhe:Iy uu1 IUt'c uuI.., lit rmd ;�',}_, 'xu[IkluuTJ to ono .Ida of flux rtrnh'r rIf .nil' ) ..', j,...�,5• .cv daS'µ bolo thu Y rafhcuT c.nnpur)xrl n!1 ur':drd report, r( it. eft alrcvlR yo fhe, 1t tit etq• tllnn 11 [hit lglntp :1 rnun ut a'n y, Ire' k•, si llr.;;+,Ind nlrnunt unn .•._.--dnvhlr lulok la lnl., Iry anbl tnlrka trill w16• uU„n rrlrh n., outland ,:Jd udl a'......... ue,, p.uVT )1+7[: AJ,- ataut[ull • neon I •the keu[l.r at the . ..)• ..._._ ..... } I} tract. ,hn'1 a'u1,Ul n Iru.�Erl n,r roue nt,n rn A ' y.isl un an1. ru act u117true cola u•A out ly •n d r ulnuril- .. 1, Clt C rer. droll bn prnpeited by rlert rlc nlnh.r pun cr on� rr nn•I rt ur1. c:; 1n do -u olt7, u,I! c,:u"I Y Icrk, "' . 1.4 n-.,_,� _. chufrul)'• r:tr:•:ro�, ply : Iaa lull at to .nL[r;ly !:c..nni ffi:e.�. That Tho ltrlt'LUr }aeclne If,,l'mu)'E of lcc il'r dicta,., J:t'if 6,-,: dip „1 .•,h ea,npnay, Ile aurccxRnrn will unalen+, mohcrah? ..• Pdl'.rr or ur•a o•rl urn..'••u•'h hlma:•c, nr n•• •-•;li ... •noneil the rlant , c net tit ,rnun m d : I: - I .I,ur a t n flu, tmlfu1n011n xnld cltl' and n}nllh tlu• rh:hr +rf i ill '+, r , it :.rnun• , vP�I,I:; r r1 1Cu' d' - - - .--......... _....__ :,.�',. •,. :' 1rnY h,:rcinbafnrc Hnu,lud nu cic,!rla ,y rintn t ...: ):I .n'•,•;. n,r I::r r1n.I :,,, i•,ar ire pne'ur and IleiAlha parpu•ex ucece• r) her nrllr.,,'nn'I r',.dl 'W du ip, morn IL.m n,'n1 ..^^=--,�;:; •_-..-.._. thu it wri,fllm atilt n[n}ill )huuc, al ll, tnl,l elec• (( ..... ! ..t•r. G • n +IIy n' • I I •,. ill h• r,nrl tin hnu ill ) trla odht•ay xyrtm, nu•1 fur other purpnxro1 t❑ ...-.-.__ _ _ _ over. atnuK,nem,•purl undcrrai4 ttrrctn, an)'a, .7��•'!'':•• vrJx'p:,r• n•I rL•t71h lent ;,y ' nvvuurn, allc>"ntid nrenR ill raid cl: y, nud t•,; �.u•„n'n-1 1.: ,•,-ulr.tii .••.; rarup,u }•nr+ "1'"n .. �•.'~ `''1 �,'.C;. -•.. •.- .._.._ rrert, rnnatnua, n mil a 1n In1,11) ' o;,•!I11.m •h,; nL: r 1 - .. .. ...._ "�.''i%) 1 1l 11I 111ut1 h1t nud rlt'1 1!:r ,Ir.- .•11 r.11,t ll "� ! '1. ,i itlxutreR, Rnppmta ntnlnlh, 1In It a 1.1 „"ape u' -b.'d • •• •, p1•to u- •a r! r.Cu.Ir r nr _ ...._. 1118 hill asun vtxku all usonrntlunh ncr+++nrS• u..;:,t,.�Ii,.., ..,...,qr, ul;r1 !Su w':c, nY ur M"Y• - '••�'f>•• urnpprrtnlalril;li cold hurdreernnd 1oI I hrrnayj 1'•: )• ;tiP !•' vurnnce'of uluutrlr enuruy, althlcrl" In 11!e tuft-.11 ::'��. II. :, )' ,..rr, r,I„ ••t r'r •flu rtl: te: )' .h l:l dillonr lllal rrqufre mcuti I,u le "'U'r rgn orlon-. hn ! u.;ln cdaolt„ i1r a.h, - ',•"•' ' I: ul:rr:t Inttll�; urd rnI -u ill•: !la ell tin. IaLdntlll. KI-. i f. In 'rlr+ " 'Phe inmkatrf nnlA nu4u uy r•nuynny'� •nd lutux"... .•Id ,III xn.•r:uubm,r ••ha6 rr':U' �t..a,.,.Y " ahui7 hr 6dd'a•i:h not Ices than ih Frq' lEeld .., xJ u'rI: r•u ,:I: . tit ,tr,+) lnlenutunu :r:d ,' � .. .. ... .- ._ -. ... _...._ _ gtFit erndlntin •ILIA+t n•cix And the rnrv,,,L I) I,o t , ,• I u. , ml,.11n :,, ,., ,,,Ir1m th,•t' ,,.'.: • ri� ; ;•�• ' .;;: •r ,u•h r, o.Irl,••I,uu irI•[-ill .ell rnio-1 i ,�_''i};��,'(r,; �j . 1'1' 1 t, Sothl,: romb+Irc•1 In thi, ur•!In.r nru� 1 _ .- .. ___„_. ..r_. • - 71 IM • '. •b JI hen. 111•• ulirr; 7a rrh•u.,. ,:r11 ,n,1•r rlr ''^::�� "n:l, u,} i1+In II .h:1113' far tin)" nl,•t ell dnnILL." w._ by n•a••mI of uh orrnpn Un.r of 131., xdl'nrr+„In•el• • ,1: it )-. 1,)' (hr 1: luiirrn), ur ��� • +� hr r,•Inu:, of thl• na•ll„rµcn "I I ,hl,lr.r, y-� -. V .. 'rtr f•I InI Ial' I, •:.r rh --y",.,.---,T-.....:..._.�•.� •i. I } eel•• t}rr,l N'1111 I"Irlrr ln1'Itl ' ..,.. .-.:, ....-..- .nI:ou,ln nln 1, na'•.. ... .. ... - ..... _- .... ._..... ill • .. .: .: _ ... .1' .-... _.. .........- .... 1. In a11, I.I I'll,;[ ar Inl lnriel,l roll r„ILI .. lint ' � ,�[✓ �Ihu-ul•m,t'b„ !uppn l'luap point nhr.❑ 11 L „� .� •. r' � ! hall tar (uvrfrr: n!ih uu( n I ,rI'r of l + t In. •4 .,,'.,•.4• [ ) y--y . t�•,xr 'ty: y Y '.:;y (. '•,y ) I •ran•r r d ra•hd:la. nr'nl onp pnlh[ hataron � - -•... ... _ ,., �. '� n4•If :r�,A`s'.eff 'di�31'f,)+sr�3.41�t� ,t)� r`:1• r r v r r4 nilnn� )�iernnrtl, k 1 - 1r ' �_ � �''::,ity `r ix: `y H Il' .. Ylwi , !;. ♦t � _.�,. _ .. !� I . •�)..• f f].. �I!) %� _.. . �'� T.....;_._.._ I� ;T� .-.......... -, -.. .. _.. ... _. .. .. eta Y. - .. .. _ ..... �r}?•sue'{�w �•1 ^. i _r ,.. ":;"• • t`1'.• •�-1..;rJ "(c_ 1. rdi.:.-_GL.... ,c•, .. .. ... , fir. I � IN fi "�= .' � _ GYt flrd3unure �u. 1S1S+ _ 1;,. :ua Orillnutl F, •, ,r JllT Y OKUINA NCI'. LIC7:lgSt`f: root Act: l -._ •UtT �•o( FphiWouf Certututed, u+nit nr other fntn F• I '�", lk•txeut di+trier to ) t )) nod I _ alJcwcilkv nn both nIJ t!9 iCalin`` ilgK M¢ant^h illlI et UI ttli e e 51 nJ. )ty the rnal ling of 1 n01: + amn+dl.Y a thrte hands told ,�� ncknou street. in L, 1 F:• �:%_ ' - t- Ftrl11 (7) of ortllnapaee `S Use A rzi, - to \1•n ail, ",l •.= ehlrtylluee (..td1. a7pwuund di.ati ordxtn Ra gd• - _ .. '1'hr city of Port To, The City + ;.`'' �•. - u port SkCa¢9r. That aectlon lwo(xl of an ~"Y .'TT. K1a'TIUN [. ThRI 1 enlltla] At) oldtnante Oarentlnlf mtd Llreu• _ q( fm.UUK o" ril "I , dot lhtFRie of 9piriluan+• 1'e[atndrd, DIY ante 04- Gam eflc rn et llnr "If l• n rurrd - - .,,.... of )r Ciaal+fit(eeI. in ll t¢toairntin>;II-tPort Y wlnatnd r' C I'� 119 Nash„ beard the Fn,I L1mlU of the CUy tr• ncasm cut dislrkrl fm 5 •Ji"' -." •' Uttember 5, t°vry+, 6e' and the come H +rrrhY �`S:t 'l'y Ucc hd (nz sufficient ,t .....E ;- toy' n Fidc¢nik mt ha' 1 i -,:: ,;_,- y.,, �y `•; R .mended to read na IIUw"° Molt - _ .. he IrUm the cartlGle nl p 9ke. r• l.lcea+e for the sale of Into><Icatin; 110.uon lu rptantitin of 'it than nits hIt.IT�curc - '"i .: *',td than be known ■a a thole*ate tire.+e. ...� tit of Jncksun +•' ..j__, u Car hall Im k e of lntnxleaHflQ liquor. Ln ynomtli<. 1 .. ,ii3 5rc. a. That thie m Fhatl to -nnwn aF nretail( �.,;�- and be in force five(5) h, 4•: 7', r..'i*:.. ?'!''�' -h, dote of lnhllrntion. of F ht nuliir• ( _ `, + to 1'nvsal the l'ouneft . Ti1nl Fc[Ilon three (SV• I 1 ApUSUYvt] tit ty, + �. y, 5' i ":r.. , ( : l:L ^, 1. '''�,.' ante. •�... 1t. be. ntld the as nit is huehy Snt to rent as fol[nwu ._ Attt+u t "•':�'!''•'.: i' _ _ The llfcn+e ire far Ibe F to aC inloi• nt tv;, •,: - Sing 1 I y, + ' Cll CIcrL. "'j`r•`-:""'?" IcatinK lh ;lorx by wbolesnle o[d Loft tle�-� tl y1• "3,'-'••' -" lollan 4er ye r. The peenFe fee for H;c }:~� Unlc oT Mlblt:nHml. r, ;',,; •-; .. .,. - wke.f EnloaicntlnK lhpmear+y rttnkl mdy >•hnit to _ - _ -- �..,. :.:',., :::. .a r��Su1MCF Pr }' r nt FniA ordin• ._ �...... _`_.�i,:,.... T•bd mutt �A:Tj.., i, hkc. ]• t,e and the Fault is hcrsh am lot 'tvt, 1;:;_•,.- once No. Ub y applicnnlF Tnr j, w•c:r' W= Ucenae to*etT n�tlifon Re[gned 119xk11 Ctl1 Billow +nt. •.f;� ''' ^ Fhnll hrC y + and the Ile mnsi - �r-''"� .r., nndnted lth the nit clerk, ti _ _•_,.;^., ,. ..:{�', . '' �. It be presented to lhceounclt nt x R-o-e all,, .. ., .: . x.;-C•;..,�.:_- ;, and hr rdcrrt.l to the ]'nitre, ''•' ::';t1�., cen•Ilc condo .Ittilkeelae ahail tie Rsonicd trout+Ihle _...__,. _ .. .. .. ._ _.. .,... rill, nfart'.n��i1. 1 a5ald �.*,,...........,..-- rltf -it 1fla ;•': �'.r.. ! Inn aball act fo:Ut the name. lie_ appiyul Ile o tfore, It+e cl+aradtr. t . llccote deairc ,and ¢e t+here to 11 tt{eW+Cr1i' hu1h11nR . ; ip�^;V a,•.1 j;., � of to he u+ed, Fa that d tl tll ptle the n +Pl�t"nt ha+ tU - / •t .-,'f'F.'';,'., • . ;... IlYlacc �n tli�t tirttn the aupl�ennt eta 1 1 15•V',^,�; .: ;1: t.. ,... the SS ;rw•, .:`ii• real, tnto lhl+c Y• "'``' ... ..-.._..._ eS .:ttlt. 5. That Feettan _-co /7) of e to :ell • %'::'`- .. .'� ' of nett! No. u, he pad file Fame fF hcrthy e ed to rtn+ RF f41..,: tit. 7� A 1 tronv ar dh +e of Ouo:iwting H, u"'e by, whol .. .. _._ _ t+71 { r•}�ri� P;:; L� . � "�; -', tilt]] oat nntitotlic rile Holder thrreol to aeil b)' , 't'"''•t':"" ' retail , nl;d n liccu+e to tell or dispme of taros,- .. .t ..... .. �.. Irnti11K 15gnorxt+y tetnll FHnil not it retail tIt, 1 . ''✓>;,":;__;; N:• Im holder thereof to xell t, whulronlc, Afleenae o- r' Fell Nnoxient9lg 114notx nutlwNxe+ the hat _ ....._ va thereof to adl only in ere place deFlgnnlyd f-�' hi+pcnuit. ermindo tlouonsfcrii+e rvn,ot trait liLut .� �h'Q(llllllf .1e until P - ' tell by lilt CltyCaunclk on nhpllcatt. t.ndelu llte ■ N ORt)INANCTi Pr to l y t Hera n praelArtl for +tt-onng Ilcenas• to Ji t•ehicicF atnlldiHh ul q ? • �'•-';' -" l It city of Port Tosenseull. tu L` IS .uLl 5, Ali forma, oppkitntinns R++d }xsmifa *hall Lc mode to confunu to lilt prm i+tuna ut _., _ nhieh cer/nin rehicic.n y. .. ... ;, q, )t`=' '•'`:`" � '� " 5- Ihi., ordknoncr. n l+canll)• for the t•T. Y end l lie City of Poti'Conn :r?^•-7�.' SCC•!, Ail oewitu are he pnrla afordlnRucc•a "Cyy7,;:';„ a: -- ,ie In connin bercwLth ore Lerch d I.. nl. •• ~;,,} Imva: 1;•�.��;,;,i' " i lhlx ordulal¢e abaU to Jay, ter lhcl lord f N+ Fi it r I. That )trc: f ' r;:•�' ,.v .. from lmd after Lee (5!' y 4 y for nn}'.tvner, mnn.Re •••'• : +"""� puhlicattau' fit ;. !�q[. _ rC wngun,]tort', rnb. coot w? t'Sei .. pnaned the CouuCil Ap pl hide, enggaged In lrnn�, . '" '7 A,+ruceQ April to, 1fgi. .._.,.,Y,::, t• Fn+la for Fl. to penu+t+ „^�',, ;<. '•1 •' . kl• i1 I1. It,. Tf1111ALS Jk.. .4 -6 of a. oflhe street• . AtlCsl: }Inrur. , npn }• l; r: C;_.5--!.-'. i, nt 1)la. C.Sx•• Satza, anldC, a, I>t t hrrtiva „ 4'� +-' „t' City Clerk, (t;,�, • tire. z, 7 ]tot t,y of li+ Uale of Aptd lt, I891, _. .._ .. .. flaunt nlny aMntl "I"L .•'; - Id of Taylor and A'all" 7'`�c;, Il- atrcet nod \Panllinglon . pf+sl al tbnt(nrtluu 'It lh[LII Nl l tell lilt frntll t p o1kF nl let, and , i'S::',i'•.- };.-• i """._..... ... hereto apT lied. That ntq• ter- . ;,�.:+�:4.'•• + _.--''r••�- ... of the provhiouv tut dcnneek kginii o n4 a nti• d '%, ",'� •"" -' - � � • .. .. .. - U' rlclfon co Fhnll h•- ' � - •., ,.., .. •I �:� - .. .. .... - . _ m W:c, b. Allonliunu<a ;+ E.. -6" :;9 tldF onlinnum Fhnll taC r, pal licnlinnutr nvc lgln hlAUtat:Ap;il L, r..,., ••; .. .. SLnc of pa6licnlion .till f, S. _ , f �1S( t}} 11 I t V­ % -�A • tlo - - --------- V, nee No. 053.G.... ... ,jCf,N,1I111I '11,11 SALE NEW TO -DAY "titted .Outh dl of fart u. ;)to 0 I'M III) Iwo NO. 54 re No. three hUttlift' suit ,,a A W u�roveil D4C. 4. 1"• t. both .M­street, from twljscnd docisordain As All- -1.1; th—oil jill'.0f]-olk 't"11111b, till", it, t"rt, fi, the city. of II.Wr—nIctol, Ruse 00 er rig atillill.1.11- ....... The 'Ity of I.Ort . volva.'Clol 'l.cq -dahl as fol. hH.u.. .1"Ho'nal . c - owe: Iqlicii� within the �0=,.o, S,xnwt '. ThM .11 bitt, ., lu—cl. or N'ud of I I poll Townsend ed I " a - . Al and the same lsril�amv IK all r,thtrr 'I'le of jeffirAoll sttgl, by nun t c It Pon, t—t to the %,c.t I He followercs - vt'lotheenyorl'oft for the sale of lutoxicating its created nu wl ofincrellistione (s) flilloll h--hy I or 1,,,y -it- .1 It di,t—t (a, the �ju� I wkiijessle license. 1. cell- �e r Itpecial,t". "OM0,tit lo 1."v the -pc ,c of build- lotto 111jorg in tinallt 19 1 1 it, t,ic, rj,,n­ shal be Hawn as 6 retail le I Ic —It 1111l, of Pi mr-t to the -es fit orj vick—, 'toe't, In "'I'l city. lion three (31. or said orilra Scc. 2. That this o'di 0.11 take eff,,,l. t' Jd thelIlinte a hereby atu.n- 11 '"d b" to I!— live (51 'I"y' from ""I "It" the A' (1,11c Or 1,141.11,anot.. .afei for Lbe."le or Intax. le Ilas—I the Council Al"ll l5, Rg,. Alail 5, n M -holejusle only. than be- Appr—, I .o, it car. Thelictulie fee,lor the AItc1t; 11. 1.. TIJljlAI.j,S ].I,,CI Billion by iirtitil only hall he qillo, I— year.., Lit cb.,L. "'on r,,e Mite or vublymtioa, A I a it I,-, a�)i. d the all _.b � xulend- f-I as I n ai8ne,i by the earti, not.t. it, el ----- --- I.. ,,,a Pollee, a, Anil L forelbegnsatitair of net. il: ililI the ithal. a" &:."'orasshl e . (.5 the per- .d WLha_"'�"�r "IT r place where such license is said building orplaceivilly be rc Ilas t he . ia..-sa,a. of -aid ordin- Hd. A 1, Hy �.j ie.,nliquar. b r the holder older thereof to sell by ic to sell or dispose or intox- tettttl'ahittbaot authorise the i'ellby,wholesale. Alleenseto lkitions Rutbodites the holder v In- Ilia aceadearfusted In peris a. , tmnsfar. bintotrinisfarthe 'me as I ar "'. I �,. - 7 . _: vincillanapplicatlatimade -rded (Eirsecurtux license; OrtIllinwro No. 355. *:'application and, liernilts toll a to the: proflllbuia of ORDI%*,ILNCIJ VoRMI)DING, CIjRTA -6 velliel" st'lliding cerlaill f tit. 7 bunt6isand'ilaria p1­IbI;,K R It. 1'. E nth are 211, lir."I'ling 1.0). Maw the MbLo' force vi.lilt ... thereof. I air 11 he cft I furl To-I-0 does ­Wn — "(S) day..alter the late of Its y rm. SECT to "all April. w I, %- i. That bettoncr itqLpIl be unlawfill to y for xoty It -,, numingertirdlf,& I b,—, b 11-a all. lack, coh. cars age oggy or at mr -a- T hktc, enitng"I in trto"I lfnxcj�w!, F 7- el-W tt��:­ .)-or. oo. lot, !-i to permit w '. "loc to -i 'a April 11. 9 41 upwl 'y or bc end, -ccjA Ica litrebinfier s"c. '. 'I hat zoy.fth. ve, oc uJI). tio, oi tinned Inny awn 'If 1, all, of T"yl-I be 11yall Water _t ire �zw It. I,, -I'l city, .. .... ittion at Iifil •,trect not Hearer and cro�s �jlxtcrjl frct mill lbe skle witli, Weds herein ,rho 11,11 ial.te tiny of the of fill. ­11—n- Ouill he If it as d 'U,e fied kuRt5 I upon c vI,til th—of.h.11 be f ed I., low u:III 'not ex. it Six. I, All Or, tinn fill I"Ti.ofor'lluallce. c Iffid 1--lill h—by fitol I H far 4 —lillauct, MOM t.kc 'u"cit nod be I', cc ­n f­O, caul fti,r fivt(s)dny, otter the dole U it, --- -------------- WJ "LCoillelt April 15 '99, Applo—I April 5, "91. A TIMIA1.1 Untr. C,%nv S,i'1;11 'k. Mlleof lothil6tiolt Aptil 2,, ISIJ:. r". - 77. 7 F N;1�: 1 •' r lira . i. e . t .l`,,.,. Fr„,+ fs:_..e:,•c.-...-w.:-«,. L�;.�-•�,. !lj--�.�'i_�, � <:r_ <i+r/,-<s~.K��. — j ,,-,v/�sas�' tYLff',e"'9'`z!l— '1��;r'I `•�1 ..'C.s.rLCG___ /ViL �i�irt�;:,�'�:�=C�;.b.,.. ._,�=—�-•--•--r�.:�; •-✓ ll.l� ��%'� � a lh•tltunuf:u ;Iu. 73Cr9. ;'w?' ;i?>?', •. i EnlianIIODISAKCH FIXING Tf11{ Cosu'f •; ly: �. "l" - lt�oflhc Chlefuflhe Fire Deput'l ur Volt T,l u.ena. '' t .' "- - nc� dty of 1`url'Cow'nacnd docn urdnlu n. SLcrlos I. That the "Inv of the chit•rot Fire Ucpnrlmeul nflhe cith f t'ort To.ruv s('•T i U "" -' " -' ' ' / 7� "Ile will the Wile h, here fixed nt t les" ; .w�'3;;;.1. ,�• F•-C.+:_ �_ / <-.. L-'( ✓ un nlhun That this hat du 1h, lee cn�ch n d yt;4-^•,+r,,, ,., 5._s f 'C!�—Y, l�--a -[...c _.r,_�.'. -r �. �"t� 8(:c. .. I Thnt lhieor:.Y, fil�xhnll aft',` 'r1.,,;r.;;;.:'. .,r•-•-�� ., .. and b.f pa'i'ce fit, (5)doys tram and ollcr .men n h ea un. Ihtsc�t he C... alt1 (HlA rI1 nA, IP9r. • > ..,`=n,-`„'-w,... ..... .,1 :.:s'c-ti.... a...�-�rC .C� ... A : roves 1 Apol aA, qn. ,tom•..; ��...�:: «.= itllc�t: C1IA5. A. I)VIZI: 1 Erf )rt.CAnr Ssnn[, AW.19 \Ir. i c I Cl puhio erk. `_`4' �'-ci Z�T/.�---•-s_-.+i.-.• -- --�.0 : C"'•.�. i-.Y�L.-G.-C Dole n(ll:gtu� c� 7 - wl Ifi l7s;t 5.�,. 1' 1-A��/' -" '- '. _ + 'r _ _ ti OHI)] ANCri lrtXl\ri +""` �// --�: i• f�o( the ( f r.AI[5- o11ce of/.the(a 1. citSAy of 1'un A�' f�-~��•-•'�" •:: /�,� ' '�%• The dty of Port TocentenA dues arJnin ny fo1• I •e. �;l;,Y '�.^+.. r.�_ ::'''�� .. _ - Secr[os(.'fimtthe nnlnrS•nf the l.'hlef of Po-: -'-""' y"_,(,•r/i,��.(� (Sj Nee be nud the some ty tu'cnta lit. iq fxed nl 16c eum e [a dNlaza per' �c'y'.'., + _ �� vunalh (rum and q(irr thrM dny o�11gy (C,9r. ''� - '• til:c. I. That lhie onlhmuce leke lfect qn.l Ird f nHer hrc-!S) days From the dale ���•~.. . '�... �} li�,�l,.n Kam( .'.5;;. of tla publicnlion. '•+ "' !�" '� � lr ���'�- ' \, I'nsy Ml the ln(ul ell ApHI aA, iF)(, k _ } A lt[tc s`ivl Aprll :P, tEyt. CIIAfi, .\, pyt;g, Csul' 6ylriL Acting Jluyoq , C(t)• Clerk. '• ;f Z~ � Dote of 1'uhllculio(( Hoy (, ISy(, s OIL GE-1 Q-11"��. a'T _ t �' Urdinnuce.l'n. MM. •r111: coHrlis. a(f'aI in, of the cit ' Port 1'ou•nyend. )' of ns(oi• ' - / �''•'�'•� ���__ _ ,3::�?: - tinerrn(r t, Tilm (he yn(rtry of ilte 11-1lce orthe citr ort•ort T4o,Qht Cn ptniu of he qud Uef . :._.:a,._,,..,.._ ..._ ..... _ i__ _ ua(c to nereh))• iixrA nl oaluet (fin 1 .. nmulh for egcl[ and m•cry moutl[ fe orn n1(o 1 niter - thS +cet�laT of ��r�•. (&t[, �".^' , J' to eiE( jrul icniiu� fier fi.a fs) Anj yttr"mu the t ' the • uncn April aA, rnl'Cd%Jlril zf.17 , )till. tSq(. DnL CAHr Sar(ru. C Y�'},r.•:: �,i / - ... - -%// .---'I'r-- �• D„te orN �iiint n U AciigK 1In)'or, 6J6 .......... q ' oUlANANCH M\ING Tiff" COMMIN- _1 l"" fChief lif AN tite q),mitlet Y,ur ct, 11C, �14 c ty ofIlwe I Numl.'Cad flov,lDOt'laimila,nlot. SKMON 1. That lilt 1111jof lilt C111trottim I:ire Depilml .... t of lilt e ty of P., I a till t)jr �m:jje Is 11 elebl, fixed nt the, -m of men alid Y. l".. hile. " Tint .1iall lalt, efrect lit ill loice rj,e(5)do3,% from utill after the -ZZI 74, athl-' "'41' Intl Ill 11 Ill I Z.';iit Al.fil 2S. IF91. A. 'll! It. 11,11mi's CARy '111-tlt, PIyor, It Date of Pat li,lu' May R 131 -F'., NXING SALARY S' T ...... .. I chief tir i-clic, of the eit, of poll A: lie 1—.e a, f.l. e zninryl of theCif po. �L . ..... .. 'co). '— lit I 'je -1t, . ....... ill ..... . ... I all of..Ie Ill .... lei,) I ofita 11111.1i"'tion. it. Ap, 'kit JIM, C.R V. --IT C "KINtuyr. 7777t` 7. C.Ir Clerk.. j,lf it)? perk. 1. till If. CIC -ril'i C"I Police P1 "the cal"al"or fthecltya —77 Ti,t City-'url-',t- -'­ el utdikin a' (.t- I'Oh on v - a r I ii, eit�'- of 1-�'t —d at I month for ."'t —'r I ill toy orm, J17 I. -111i ',A "ll-11 I ur 11-l'. ..-"c rl.c. 7. That ti,?l, or, ill IlUce t.k, effi:'t aIaIl I J'o orce rz onanti aile, lvc 5) , a). fi, 0 a d' to". J5, 1991. A test: CII A' DN A [I ;.j. cl Rg 110yur. 7 city Clerkii I)-teoffilibileati-Ii ililly t' is". 1 7- ingKDMn Pcc 1Slrct�iott liVIDuYlhclCii�. "" 'fownwcFid t rthC pnrpose of mbmitlhl p qunlificd electors o(mid dlY the test city +'j'"�• 1':' 1)rElipoll L'C \U. t1(It=• - city borrowing («easy for ntddl3• 1 `talriwsee and fenuhtg lu negotiable bond 1 _ f 4 AtiU U1C(1. .•,:.y.': '. {ng ccrtnBt ntrcds In the ril5' ul' 1'ntl .. _. •fmrneeod,- drehtdng them putdie hl'luvnr� .. .. .. _. - . • •��;� fa nA ..- I �Ild tCCardFllrs Ill[ 'y" \ n¢nn Tlic ersacd -a1 lion of nh7e pmpc y of the Cllp o Port Mo'Yus bltatr [I lly the 1sFt wA1Gto the rats herec Jf .. nud Prurldntg Car nulpp ul, . t...j:•'•'; "``"""'"' cliv �nlpases, previous to the date beret The oily of lbrt'l'vn'ueend Boca ordain as fat• _ _ -- TLdI inn dollitm Thousand Six atuu8 It4a�'n'� j{ lnsvn:, Slzt , e dollnra; and "•`•yt'1,�4r-.". L',"" ---. Sneruty t, Thnt ill o[thc hcrciu«Ilrrnmul,l tYtt¢¢rsAs, The enure ezlFlin .(deb �e:<^j•+,+�"�.. ''"f slraets In lbe dt5'nf rmt 'fvsenseud be, uud the ' or every ctlarnder and Corot, of Ity Pfawnseud at the dote hereof, is T me berth} cxtcudnl lu n 4itrd Iluc t •ith _ .mul dMtnrw (fet.rzzt ;and i'�ricc, a,it Met ns nose I"a and the snau• trldpr ,li.. ) 'iµx;;-,••;'•,�:�••• ne void stlect—e nosy a+lnbli+h cd trait the-111 ll'«ttltr.As,The CItV Cotmdl oflhe Ci: `{.`"•'-'•+ - ! eriy Ihtr of \l9dcr street to the uarbnily lb,r of ` •.' •: , I nntl wln-ct, nud lhcuec bum tile c,7 • lhte 4i Tosvnnend deems It advlFabLe Shot Fa3d c y -._ [ : � � fur nlrldly nmvldpnl p�rlrosew, borrow ,f hr.,ut Mica to Lite hndwr lint hrrruller lu _ of AlRhlydve Thousand dollnn (193,00at y-.a."""'s"•"'� I be rntnbllnhrd in +ntd rlty, tn•n'It: Adminllb' sue ile uegolieb!e bonds tttercfore;and otter 1, Clallnm PITUI•[, Jnrt mil - \YFty rob, The wild Clty Connell hAv ' •r;, :; ., - atreel, M1inurne alrce4 S.1ndl.un `lt f�lir nitrrIn Ity to borrow will cum of mouep m ?i'' --'" _ ate set, Adnnls FU evl, T«plat attest,') sold bands without the Consent o<llrrc is Polk street, 1+ilhnnre Hired, llnrrisun 9tred, Vnu the' usliGnI erectors of mill city votl Ilucen ntnrol, Picrcc ntrcet, hcnhm ntrrd l.'nli[onu - eled�ou hdd for that puRwsr; therefore F - or tm as a Leg '"'' ' +treat, Cis+ atrrrl, lVniker ntrcet, Stott nllcct, � � � �- - - Y e or u The City ofP tT dd d i•r ;dj4�ati:,y.=-:.p.•-r... •._ .. Unties Fltcel t<tmrncy nitcc2. Ucculur eL rd, lne-r ?'.•. - Pcrrr attest, I:.nNltl 5%tCel, Colfnz 1AILet, Jnllll- SRl•TIDY 1. That ¢ Fped0.1 elecllon be r;r• I ... sou tiro[(, l;nu.t arse( and Gar��ad street. y 1 Fnkd dly on the a¢h dapp of June, t8800t, c 1 �!'n11 of the pact+n(snto ntne!s .n - -- n11the geuerrsl ell"lL [oars of _ the purpose of subnlllling to the gnallli y,,,•,,,,,t,,,,.,,. exlrndul bo;'ec❑ the soothed} III of lVnlrr o,. ° "' �irCd mtd northerly lino of Front street nud then ; t'rs therraC, f'r tlulr dTI" dlt n i 1 r yf'r.�; r-.f... .. to Iu1Gl tun bar Iluq hr, nud the saunc ice hcrehy gnesllou n ml to en y s Inl u dcchual public arras nud )tighsvnyw, nud riot "1 soot of Rigl"In vc 41Fp nd e"dit rn r • � -'^""" ••�:� -r:' ' the public do hnve itm flee and full I" of""! - tar elders} mwttdpal par loses, and negolinblc tmndw therefor; �n the.da . x,tp,yl5,l'." { puhhc lbnn "'1nres. •*; +`""` ' '- SIx. „ f]Ist llie Clly Fun'q•or be and ire is _ - _ _, of One Thousand dollars (r,,00} each, -+. 'LLT., = - - - •_ • ^ herehy�nst nreicd tv Inspire n map, mrrcdly dc•• ' ' '�",�:' - twentyyeanlrom date of Smue. and he g�; --�, of ... 1•�'_S, (crest front dale lot the rate ofniz(6) t"'�i` �.. I rn lib Otte n( Ntc i_th`aR1ac"1 Ir ltarithtln canter r n._'.- per mtnum. , 1 +•." 1 1 ti Imunilnr •nud lacalmn ngF[onl nl[cet ns located _. ' .. Szc. a. The dly Berk shall and he'. ks;: «:: ':. y ) roved .:.,y:., ., InMnteted, to give CReeu(15) days anti- ..... f and defined h • anurnIuce Kn. }c4, npp .. ;�. ;,r, •' Ilcn t 11t 111C:I0¢n1Nn 4g.tntl¢ and it > rr-`� 1ov at, eN•p, nud la file anld mop nr n du dicete '. ',i ;.- rim h.. tt '^'-(;•'• }- ✓t, thereof ht the arts[ofthe nuditornf jcli'enon _ . .c •,..w_......-.:.-_.... a..._.._ .._ Cat[ni), Nasliiuglnn. ng a Ic pnpen pu s u fit, and -^•t;p .� shyy' pprinllag far the dly of fort Tosv❑ j' tine. .I• Tbnt She L'it>' Surrcyor shots, before „{ puBllrntlan lu e¢ch Lssue of rtnld pnprr r't.'J': �t'•,1 - cold uvr;i la fih•d sith tktr Audlvr, ns pruvulrll said lint[, of sold spednt election to he y''P •"' n lu lbr r r lutg ardiml, copy of tnux to he co I lupin sold tune, this anl«mnce and null ... _ .- "-••--:=j• I e so�edu poi His ktercln �pmafdnd etl,[e hi �„V,•,,,........ ..... . .... .. r p c. , •i ;: t ahnll also spulfy the places other[ the onllnmlcaNu.txfi,dnlysigunLbythedfay'vr«nd ahallheheldinthesercnitvardaaflhc w`',.•' y., 3 ntlraled by the City Cicrl:. tine. �. 'i'hnt lhfl on{iut«tee shalt Inke effect the names of tlm inspectors, J«dgcs :w '' �ovj.;;i •: . ' . ap oititrd to hold the aims.' ^;;rr;.•.._,._._.. _. _ ... .. 1 ill he in Tarn• fis•c t5) days from and nncr llic • ' - «•� t ,yl'nc, J• The form of the ballots to h 'Isle ts ppublicnllnn. Pnssal the Couudl ]Iny ta, tPgi. Approved \lay t:1IMit .. .. ...__--.,,... .. - ._.. nitl mil otccircl�rtov ¢S«n,nAtoll b udtle �ii [ CHAS. A. fly].. . p ;..;.:;w..... __.. ,.,...._ ...•.. .. Attest: Acting linliieil)ouds lhrrelorel 1londs es. IIo - ..... I Dul"CARY SatIT11, ting Milyo r. :..'"t<,', The elector shall so prepnryc Fn{d I ' 't•��l City Clerk. slrikhlg therefrom the svoralw "Irouds rtr,('•:a. ' Unle of publy;ntimr, M1in y t.t. 1`'i[. - ,.v'.. .-. ^bonds no" wu thnl. /tic ternnlu{ng t, c'ti'"-•'_ ---- �..t. - saldbodhleshall ezpreFe hinvoteonmid sl:C.4• Tltefullowing plat —sole deal hr •a a • nls ns the lice ssh[tc lh ' +•77•-'�,�:� .. .....� - s;"' .. hcren provid'`'1 nilatl be held'nud Sh•_ s;_i. ..:... .. .. ... r tcrc n nautet arc uppo nte' the I olliccn to corldncl mid ruction, as folio Pr¢ST WARD. ,j�.rs,....; .__!_••_.. - Paling Qla C Cltp Itn�l• ]oldlgi re-A1 iTuckerandJsAt'nu11oL- ,'r.;'a�! Clerks -.-.. _....._-.,-�..-,-._... ,.... .. _ . .. .. ... .. ..� N I�Fhldorr and Joe Po fSHC ND PotlagPlacc-1(nl n boil WARD. lilig; south.•. ti•-+•;.', •• - .. ....-. _ ... ... Nnler and 1 illumre xlTeds. : •�; d i ..'. -. - _..... . - . .. .. .. lu.zector- ohn Payne. • c '' t:fi 1'' '.. ' r ur it Nil M1tcCnr • and N T olive p., lacrkn-IiA thud nud C S[ Penthtp: ;i•,s;1' {....f..•«;'.-<:.j r'.:{ .. ,_ ..� . ....... _ . .... .... - .. .... _ -, _ ..y—i- : TIII¢U rYA¢n. �•otitt place --Red licn'x Ilntl. �s t•..l i. �. - 7,..ra _. In'prda; lcllTmphe. .- .. r •cs—. A 1•luuuntr nud) ] W ' .];., ^•• .. f..-.... �—._ _.. ..-- ... .. .. .. ...- ... � .. .. _ -- ._. ."..,...• ~ilcrLs—C 1: Marren nud RaLl llllc,r POVRTII WARD. 1 l ... __ ._... _ .. ... .. - •''" _. ... Poll g p ace-•-rLrs; oou'I'a hultdini: Cs '(�•.;� : 1. ... ^• -;`j r:. Cinspeccttor J C hri,tinn. . Z . J p 4 l) andtl'. r••• t l .. i •s'd j udgew-Nei R[slro ■nd )i 3 _.1 ._. ..•., u... c __ 1 -• �Urr C"Calhonn andANDnals 1. �7 n1� - .. , .n�' I i - `+,'Sf'•, I, als .., .. ,. Or 111 I1 'Jli rrrru x•Aan, i.::. ... e n t l Y WIU1A'ARCiitl'RUVIIIjING FOR CALF; ol! Kit away �lalghc nmt I'owe�'';% <„:'.'"', t' a Inca I'uN•er h 11 eud•Eth rEc tilts t It it -- ^•� ' - ' _.. - - .- f,•ing n Sprdnt lttcctlon In the City of fort Contpat" . T.w1oicnd furtha{{,uepone of."t itthtg to the [neppeciLr-))as Delganllro.r. - '•�?^ •, o tµ1nLSGc1 ctc<t—nl cold city the tptcatiml oC raid J 1dKes- olio Wny and Jo�ln t Oekhnrl, ' Ni ail • barmwhlg mm�e • fur xtrlctl55• pwnid n\I I JJJJ o1•Il]nallee N0. 011iw - _-' _••'• • - pa�puecs and lasutog,% nor tinhlc Irululs lhott• sr cr15="1'hptl tl IxoMinnrtee tyke etTecl and he•- '.\11Cf; ILtiT1?NDINO ASD DI;1+iN• fur. 4 u force from and after five 7P11 KII ItANr Ttlt afixC lAtd Y¢hlnlloa of the talc• dole al ice mbllCnl[On. £ a aht filiCeljI ,, I lablil, WFIbw 1[A . . _ i i5I d¢yA from',- .lartrtrlug. Iltem I' gg • - " - able prupett)• of the Cily M fort Townncttd, nn I Pnsaed lhr City Council at regtdnr mect itq • nG for mopping and I-cconlhlg llm elmtru Iq• lice Ines nxscnsmnd mlE of sold city for 1 Juhe a, IByt. •• cl[v t(mriwseA, ptcvlorn to the dote hereof, le'Cnvt i rApprovcd Juuc a, IffZ/h t� 31dllons SI:tecn Thm"and $1. , lluuiln',I Loud .\Ilcsl; U. I,. TIILIIALS] R„ Yost TawnTeud day ordain an fu1•. Slzq•-f ve dullnrn; and -t Des, l'nar Sacral. 39o;r, }1 \l•llr<I a of ThC CIIt1 ra• 11 Nlllt1 ]1111Chit1111 eAe, •"'y'y'• 9'Itnl altoflhc LcrclnnRcr nano+l ,L� 1�((' l'ils•Clrrk. y lit heclty-oi fart TOWpscnd tie nlnllhc ttT afrvrry clwrnclernnJ form, of tU);Cit 'Vf-I'on batcofpublirolion Jnue4,IByt: L, �• reby ezlcudcd in a dlract 1]uc with , k., Tu. a c• d a he dntc lot of, la 1LLiirtcct Thou• -- - - - _ �)•. dolhtrstlfn,,xxt); as ltety loanted and lhtsnmc P9dll1 tt9u:ul:nA, Ttic Clty Conbcil of the Cll nfl-ort _ 1,nrenu"tfail", biishnl flnln tha sonlh• ,�S p y Tmvnnrud dcnnn It advl n+thle llmlenid clt xhnll, %sod motet nonhcN •line O( , - . i f gg nod lhrtltt frmn the nonthcrly late --, r ell nw Opal p rat I y oti p 1,D.11 Wert to ❑It bnttxrr line hcrcnheC to arm" na five Titouwnd dollar- (JsS,000); and Is- '' 1 . '-t+y.• fed hl cold cil}•, tawiL• Adudmlty nuelte acgotieble bmWn therefore; null'„-.-: au street, linilnnt Nieces, JnckAuu R9[eutnAs, The sa[d Clty L'ouuctl hnN no ntl• 1Im.' ,Ilrrel, 3tpttlxun xttcct, DuGtq• .. ... - iborll5• In borrow salA xum of Diane nod I.nuc .. Tn for larcct. T>>•lt:r street, ' raid lwu It u•Ithottt llm-.1hult of thrcc•ftllh, I. - n1N slRet, Y llntrim, BIrcCL Vmo ' ,;illoil tit cat, the t11unilfial elaclarn of cold ell •othl¢nt nu !,1•iam. street•llenDi. etrcat CnlhetI c11-1c'hcId for Witt. I vy's�: tu—rbre, ,'„• v street,' W'I .li aLrcel,5mtt nl¢rl, ,,. ,;• .. _ .. ., („ -. .. 't he l ty u fort ownetnt ace ordain a. foi• - - eel, Kearney elmcl, Decatur -tract, - I, IJVwln Alre<L Colfnz street, Julnt• •el Yta]a] •>aix lox r The a Npeainl e[ectlmt by held lit I:rpnl-teed and Garfield at...I - ii, , fl • mI ilia s/lh d„y of one, tti91, couxint it r��"f riije, 11 all o[the parts Of Id aired. s0 -_.. - ... •"" "' III Ilse KL'IIG nl •le tl 1 s' f l 11 '! lc, Inc �. 1 r ctlu W a n s.h n I etween lhC santhcrl • tine oC \Voter r the lo. —e of suLntll[Irig to the gnrtllfied leo- •'i'7>% uonherly ]ipc of l+ronistrvet nudtltcn ,ar line, lit, and the fiatnc me hereby .-.... i f air 18tcty Inn orl a .. . J - ... .... - urn lllcrro For 1 t R1 ctlon, - �;+•i;, 71t uenllnu aha cr sn nhll crow r,:bllc avedn mul Idghwaytt, riud Uut .._: _ ._ . _- ... .. ... i/ suit 8of 11y ul ni Tllousno l Dollars timle Its .In 1'm•e the free and full useofthc _ rmgh 6lrcs, _ . tar ntriclly unmidpnl pnr�tosce, and n,ue llz 4t ppiig5 - ncgotlnblc bonds thucfnr, utht dtuo]uhmtlou hat the Cllq 5ut4eyor be and he le ,••" _•„ • _. ,., ,. .._-•. rj_ . , ,- o(une'1'hou 1.•tutE doling P,a,aJ rack, GGG ff a atrucied to pttpriten slap, Correctly de• •- _"' hreldy enrslrom dritc of isette. mul1111a Kln• 1 slsuwiug the location 01 the nlieete n a n Ic ru con n . t O(atre�te, to ether vEth ri CORWI - -- y g screws from d l t 11 t C iz (6)per ce t r.nJ lornNon Of Nropt elttet ar located ,-.,, __„,". ... .. .._ ....--- " iuSto! ds,•th1cll}f,fl,enn'°nl',nnndlolioe thereby red byordlnnnce ;:o. y6, rippmra,l I (5) yA }' pnb- healiarl In 111C ,ttU¢Ylla'n LaAnl:ll and ill C IiYell- t,rindlofilenpWinnpornduplirnte lu Cnli, the tirern rubihhcd lu•and dohs-the•t� the uric-oftlm auditor of Jetferrou I I T - - --- -- vNlilu ttore. ... ... _.... .. .....,-. .. K1 e c l • rNntlnf,• Cur tilt city of Port owuacnd• h . f. •' 'that ttoe CII7• 3nnr)"or sllnli, before ! -- • _ IMu�tl�entlnn In cosh (esue of xmd Pnparm durluK is filed "'ID Ilse Audllor, m prav[dad of N ni led o o be b don id time, 'aid npml 1 a t et ticcdtug Seitoa copy at tntaao la he - > • lire a-`tl'dayoa[ Juuee, t i1r• and u(,hc q't'eltoniw ,• _ , _ •, r• ;:r nn Wald faa rtt ..,. ... ..'... "" .... t alvr n t plmhiat p,•thrs a Innnce Wad IwiA _._....�.. ,. , t c vn n n h re , t t I'll oat cn Su. }a5, duly s(gncd by the Ma)•or and shall also Parif•Ihe pi.xs where the dMtlou v the Ch)•Clerk. , shell Ire , Or t �hcj:o •ptat rsl j s of lit. lit and - 'l'hntthfn ordinpnct .boll lake effect '� the ton of the fuxperlare, udgen and darks .. .__.' ripirahncd to bald the mac, i rh five f la from and after iht .. .. ». _._.... .. .. - - "o: 3• The form of the ballot+ to he used [it h Dotl. 1 r c I said election .1 .11 be nn full—:. the ay x.,1 3iny Ix, 169r. ••shNl thcc ty of fun Tomnemul, for unndci- ed 3tnY u, 1691. _ .. . ... pal urymcen, borrow CNs,oro, mid l CIIAS. A. IFV I.9, ...',.... .._... ... ......... pp KV Ssunl, Acting 3l¢Yoe liable bonds therelurN i=."yeA. Donds un,^ - i,~I~.••;, 9'Iu• circtor nhnll no prepare s;dd ballul by Lit Clerk, alrilhtg therefrom the wools •Rl.m o •rx^ or pllbll:pl[tl11, 31nY 14, IF�p. .-.. -.. .. .. ._..• „Ii lld'no," si Shot Ih; rcnmluiagi�wiiimi oC - t In Io 1n tr 11' d rota it n sort, su t n i 1 cis , 'n I m c n .. ... _..-.. .. ,,_...�ul„•_- sac. a. 1Ytc fulluwiilK pintas ore. 0o, ntal In - '.•i ''.,. .,.,,,� 1 •v nl'• the place where the �cn'la 14111 -dare she 'VA mPl the uersmlx ._ Iarc11 IIa111Cd are ryppa eta, Ills Rxpeal 1't VliiccrA to C(Ald lat said cladiun, ns follon's: Voting piece -City llrill• i ' . _ Inspector-C]mgen It Jmtce. 1 JudRcs-\ It Tuckrrnud J A Vnullnkkelen. -. .- . - Ucrk,l-W li plddore n is Jowl+ord. .. f t ' 'Volin IAce- xid i bniWhlg, southeast culler Wmarunill+flhnuR- ..,-;... rid lectPlr-loh;�l'or•1 , n } rI}C z_: `. i•,•.',� ;, ,.... C1crlcn-17 Allluu cold L`Dl 7'cud gnat. . TlJIM, WARD. .�...,.,.. ,.' ,; Vothlg place -Red \fcn'x Ilnil. ....,;t° j}:..• : • { Inspector-11 II Turpltl, 5_.;:._'__'_. _. __.. __ _ _... _ ... .. `f,1Kaw (. i Wluuuncr l R Ir Whrrp'. h 1 cr iv- • .—n an H. a In as, _. j'•� f Y.UnTll \VAKD. ,""'mot-•1 r.t,�`�' - .. it irgl one-ylr'ICVnch'x d.Jlug. onocr of d t 1 rtven ltc, IKo. , m odor J CCht4tkmo. t i v'yt74 }. •l,fFa{!6t+ ,.' Judl - -•Wert RIa110p nod 1, ]) Snlllll, c I .— C1 K IEtoun and A W Dnvia. �i crks-RCCa i ��5 I ; K. 1,n s`x�;�`z}k tl t�i�te ., is _ .. _, .}•. `� v,,•,., _..-_ `'4 -- ,j 5•,iv 'z L/�+�'�r�: ~ !�• ' j. y 1 •.t1' b •�.�• - i.. lH.�,n ��'��.. :Y,. al _ .. • ` ofiI)IYAa CI{ AMlih lllSUnlinn oc��<� _ j1� of nu onllnnuue cut4ilicrity'ItFottTowll• - ,�_ � 119, In nrdltlunce dl•idhiR lbe nlealbclx (_. Fendi,gj, rdsand Ike I CovV°g ;a� •• i i - S of the City Cu+Tncil to he elected in ar'laill "" E The llty ut rett TowHilc ld tlneF ofdnitl P+ fol- �.� CIO -� I Tit n upll- �1'J fv �,J y t;wrnnr 1. That 'ect oil tern (el nT 1,muce No. 3w,•, ... .is i;.•,,,, . , Honer entitled, yst fl l'otl luNilFrlitt fine, aall Tulclt •�•Y; d1\ddlnR the cVt'ltuenl6,ty oT the Gt' 'I.-E:...-�r'e- �,`•„.;. nod nptlortlonluR tilc'aulc�n hereby .-M1" ... ,r. (eeted its cnc6 " be nud _ : robe r, nud 'hull he { 6rtlelide2 10 real' na {silo N'b: �`:,...,..:....i _ _ _ t:nt•. s, TIME acid Trnldn are. � (,'—• ar wllliln the Tol• i7—,... .. .. er .:.,�.-.---•` baTaoleki nud ""Fettled to f it tY .� Yr7,�-,• plrat lrnT,l. All the terrfloly'.ItIle );{•• , '• -" +"_.•�„� 1 rusting d�acrSbrd hollodary lit, en slltwwit Iculn - °n .y`... and drxl related ar the 11ret trnrd. "• - - .r �,"•�••;;� '----•.:. Ill 1'arl Ton'll"Cad :1-_.•______��. �. tucod'"'tit n point on the Fentttrn ' ,.it ' o[ - .• i:',c,' '_- :r`'...., tp +- � • ..... ' i the city If p1 Tutrnnend, .• bayaalntile�teusr�)ofnlictiiet�Iturf»icrencc ORDINANCE NO 366. s;;��,'=x,).'t'• i etreeq thence casttri • n1utlR rilIll e center of Ln,r• _, `•� rclucxltc,lurthcn1u�llSttile line of i.atll city ., :,•J9- .tu nrvliauu.'e nrtlq'lua, ruutlrntlut; Had thence Leather!•. }•-••'.�.ay prnntla:;tuPurt'f„u•u•aurl urlt Itetlnoy.rl,lu •• `'•• -t.-- • 1lnTlts to tle'on1hrnst rntuer of ealdyfcity Ilnttte, 'S• i„I11)•, II, n1,lV. a ut .lathe F. k'nlirf, Tile right., `"';•/, .:' lltcnce Ill %Il efipa PIn, of behid.uutcitLlrl lybe fol• nutcrrF. privhrric:, nud (nmeht•ur wrnuted to i All the tcrritle ;i:5t y W. P,cIlyorov, .tI mt Rudd nthnnsrn, II- 3 Hi Catw WIV,l. 3 L .,•S;, •,.,.,.r I nd ward, lu trEt Cam• �ri,(v W. kmppr, Cud Joint 6n;geu, Had their a,sl¢aF. t(t,nv •;��•', le,,ing,lc,cdbcd ilaondaryHer zhnll he rlort fa•'-c :_:.,:_.:_:.•-- -..: �. . nud dr.fguntcl nF the F�,y - nud Ihu right+, Hower+, privileges and fnln- :r',++?..;•. h qj "r`+ ehl'cFgrnuted In'I'Ito Ilcl! Line Iileetrbl hall s nlencill • at n port T oa'ltlr d, In rll Liu»n"wil of C n'ny Cumpnny, it. w��e�•rsurs reel nrsl1. !q ^"7 the city of 1•oti 'Cawrlor ,U to 11hcnKauattlice I llay colt, npPn'lle Taylor of ',sect. .'� rnrtala urdlnnuon' of lbu Oita' tit port '1'ou'u L' ,,,,,•,•.,i..__....-} _.. -fir and along tee ceuttr of Hall AMC, la Lillri,llee � soul, enthled its fellows: •'��:'%•.r, strrcl.ihencrwrslerly nlong1lijhvnce wntli,ilY .. OItl11SAI:CE NO. III. r{r4, rr,>. P.•..', � a r""k, street l0 'Walker street, - - _„� •',tn nrJlunure grnulhlg to P'. 11'. 1'ettygnlrc. moll the colter bf R'll Il. 111cacetin y tottil•. Nudist, fart Totr nnrnd 1WyS ' 'i'N�, Al Most Uadduuhrlusuu, II. lY. KFI-IIet Had Ri;i.,; ,t:• ,' 1 ::. Y ) John lingcn ruin their itvslgus, n frrulelilae to the boa»dur •line of saW city lu the }} eutt +bees to i it them and uudutnhl all elertrlr ufhcgh+nin'1 ltlle.. territory within the ful• ' '- -'•- at reel ruthrny lu tiro City of i'nrt'I'owusuud:' ThlTd word 1 limn Flmil be i'nnms ;. . . t.:�,:•'- .j-.„.. 1 lo,viag&%eribu16ou11ilnrY lu•,ril: Corn• r u1tU1\:ttiCF'tib.:lbl. `-•.+:'.: l nttd da•ssgnnli obit Pa ltilr lnorUtegxlem ti,jy o'.tit erdhieneu aranling to The Belt Um at n p lu the boy of ^•"cil+r filectrlc Jt+ghl'nr Company, !Is ynccca)nry nud �:•�� . , • ! cored° uC 1•mt 'town+end, l,t f,. •,' ";� nT}' nl t w city' .d•,w�',e.-r••7•--•-i••h_^.•.; ---�. :1�.�.4 n+elKus nlrnurhl•e to rnnslrnet, opernid nud.( vrie t to and ut '14"c' ecccnlcr of xn[ 1 sire" uio e; o111iub1t11 au electric street railway mar, npna, 'ti�i:"JY'"�'!• T't[rFllCCt, thenl'e nnitualy nLanRllte reel l� o� y_. along And "muss etirlula xlreets lu leis City of '^•c•^:'•`.:_4... ...:fat T)yyler'lt'eettui+irrt<trerlLthrnr,:,vcrtetly D7r1 ' '. 1•ort'1'on'Inrrml:' C+r.f, .', .;._...; :•'. :. I+lilt FlTfel to $all Jltx]I'lll• t•»Ca nrClln k.t I'llCt rl it Dll:.lFWi \O.:%I9. - »ottll along tee e'ater.of Sia Jllalt I' 'T••_''" •'Anontituuns{to tnnuml suction eleven (Ilo x'J's'�^,.^,- -•�;_• nrcunelathecite•Jllrillsinthe5traitFnfJnnuse i fit orvttruulceYn,f".rJ,eatilled,'nunrcllunucr• Fucn thence tnllerly nl Itgl the bmltlttoty l el of ....•it w s•.::.•. .r- ., ,p a;, graottuR br P. IP- I'oltygrovo, ingunl Dedduu- ,�,_r•. ?. the city to polo' a' Innin�,nt Wiltws, ihcucr•;•... hnitsun, It. W. ylnppen sad John tngen nn,1 ':���"i ••'• ' + soPnurtli �nn1 �i11 Ile terttlurY trtthin the fo1- . ,• ; :.-,i• ; l their nrsh;uF, n fniurh['u to L'[IIIStTlICt, o ,unur. i 1 ���' •.., •- latviiig dcsetlbT,1 hanndnry flue Fhnik be knn,vn itlul 71Tnlutnpi nu ele Arle siren tnlimly fu tit,' IIt� null deFl •n,lttvl ns the fonrih ward, I 4TA: Cam• .�; rr'' telly at !'nrt'I'oTensmsJ: Cud uctlun tiro �•n) It l• nraldllyr tit n poplt on 111iro pore �fi wnselane l [lay _ ONE I ulen No. till, of the taly of fury I'mrlr. dt • al volt Tuwnsrnd, - stud, rnOtlud, teal onllnaacu greeting to 'I'll, "••- 1^ :-i II�� 3 street, thence northerly "]; 1:,{�y:•1' •,_ Ault tine Meclrfe It 'It)' Comp -MY. it- %I'-' erg:•'" ! ty and opposile lwnikcr _ , ..:. nud nbnR the center of Nvail cr Fited to Late- -1 a -FAora 1llilk tealR,t9, n frimehisu to ,ouurnct • 1 �= r,(, nioneet, thence enstesly nlon� lilt censer of •:�; '' operate nud mnbibiln tin electric street :allwoy trrrI to I+lral stnrl, -" avrr, upon, xlnllg and ar.rura cur enter streets In f'i}'r•." :-�•f•"'_'^ --•- Lawrence street InT)Irrstreet,tto pirlorihttly the City If Part I'uu•nseniL" nSnlrR the CL•IIICyT OI I')t tile :••ice - :'thetme'U,tell rs Mlle nihtcp n.cnaet tllencc iwutherty �;, .•.:'•' IJItU1SA\CF: 1U. ,,i9, :,i^ .:. `"� t3- . ,i • along the center of 5nu Jxnn de Focre arcunto to ••.VI ordinance granting m The lfult hVur +•+"; '-'y, long et title its Pol!'l'otr»vcild tlay,llleace Electric Itnilu'ny ruml toy, Its elldee"w" and tsnithwvsloryy nlonf; Fail bnundnty line to pine" n,.hiuv n In+ur.IdFa to eau+IntnL upernlo raid 9,rr.,`. �d,• • .L.4 otterff,rinuing• - ... _ • .. lnninotlit wi ulrctrin'irect ndlway over, tlpuu, '�'"� =d "�a.�':" ••. i+till w�rrdd. All tie lcttilory tcllhhl the fol• afoul; nud nrro,, cerudo streets lu the Clty o, dvFcrihcdhnnn,lal•tht, 11milbrknln°It .���..'.l'wt'1'otruFcuq:' t- mrinR y to-n•It: Att the »: ORDISAIWE NO. �titi;,�x-:. ' •\ ''• R end dcFSRnatc+l ns the $-Ill kilt Ilmn nvenur sad i r •++% •+•^�•=- �.:•..--•• 1 ••-- territoryy wcntof San J __ ... ",tn nrillmn)cu unv#hrg to '1'hti Ihdt hhlr east of the wrxle rn bmuldnri,s of the city 4f tweet Iituctrlr ltitllvny l'nngntuy, 113 't1rr1ISF r.1 nud t, Tow•oscud. s i:: F`i'; • •otk ilvtis, tho rlchl to tine nud mn111tn1u [lit, "-I " Sru�.'fhntthisordinnnec take cRecl nndhc � 1�:�^,� .' Hill epee It, rltllr,Tml irmvk',ovt•r, npuu, nlnnr � -r{jo,- ••-+,..j;.:..-� •,-- in force fraul and otter fiver. (gl dagsTrom llirllnle ,_ . _ Cud AcrosF terrine Wvels Ill the City of Port s :.:? • �.,".. .. of its pnhHcallrrll. '� "-�;,+,7 I'a\sell the Cunncll Tillie r, ifhl. ,. -:.. '1'uu•usend for n petfnd nI Ih'n 3y'earn:' .. " �. 'ftm City of lIxI Ton'nsund dues ordain n- • Apprun•d t J tt. L. 1'IHII,ST,13a,. -^^• �-.�•: �--- AticsU ,It iyot.•�� , 9rcrtny 1. 9'IinL n•hermre, fire r'Itr of i'ort • t,.: .."- DILLCARY SsttnL 4'na'nsond did, tin the uhrth day of dprli, IF:++1. ; u:^L',`.'..,. L• 1 Cit)'Clerl. i yrnnl to V.W.1'ulty'Riuru. AIIISM Isnlrfon r.^ 1 • : ,at, of publlcntiutb Jnac .l, ISO- itil b �""",'S:r:•.. :•• ., .__.--.:.._.:.._. ...-,••=a^'��:,- thelrtn++11,'1s51he11igilt tolleJua7tlCt1,gU]Iltr1l� �:f•;i,FiL.'.: - ._.. r. p : `•'. nud of ill nu elcclrlc Fln•cl nrl hewn)• npuu certain sirceta and evmmv.' In the twit' of I•urt 7'mvilsend Wider and 11 t'Irpte of the turns r,t , •: - �rt •ardillalwo Sa. JI of raid tit whloh ordlunnrr !am follows, to-u'Itt y I r'%� '.' I •? 011lil%.1 SCE \O. L•71. - _..... •`r-"""r ,•.luordinativeL:mntlltgto F. W- I•i•tlygrutr. tuCrl't I rtol'I'mi will -on. IL W. Knppes And �. `.%:''. :' �'..•• i - r .�`};: j, John tiAgen mull Owl, n„[Ras it (mocidse 7„ ;. Cult rl n+C: +lrnpc p! rAtU All') uul[l1 d111! fin Street t'! ' ' "•Y'''��Q- � stntiq;nv In the twat• tit fort '1'nn'Itsud c. •1'hc I'll)-., tort 'l'otru,clul dot's unpile n- tjrrri"Y I. Fromm nml aflnrlhe dn:r of ltu. •y •-,t., ., i� 'nrdhlnnre. unn nullE the rumpVulu uxpiintlou ut �,_•X tn•-ill y-I]%,• y'rllrs, 1', R'. S'rttl'i: r'n'u. AllRit>; i :r- + hudd 'u hnuanl, il. R', d nhupp,., "sell John tingrn. t • "°"» .. �«;tr ..- • thm eir snrcrs,or. i,rlFns. Shn11 InlVe tail •A ' '"-t tillIra• 1101ehy ItValita•rl Ma rlgllt, Ilvellsu 41111 •'`::':�•-.• ',¢'• ''. i, prti'lla•It, ut r.arvinut, Lnlml, npifnlaiu rural I ti'; ,` oprn»c tin rh-Ork' rrul 1Altwny 111141 lal clef ,1...,. --•'• '_....t. .. ._ -_. ... - - ., :,••-,i•; [rir moor plant, to entry, Innspon nsld col: '•11t,;,'r". j •_ iyy' cry taught will pa•suogurm uwi•r uu t idohg lh,• .'1. .. fill] l:vlow't mots hcreinnEbm r imull it'lIlI al[ �• ...... ..... . :....r-. T. .. .., ..... .. - [' , nrr•n+.nry Iurfio If,, 'We (nicks, wLlrhen nrol :•.sgq:llnurr: »• -lilt Ihu privileges of 1t,Yhlg oI (`i .•,' - ` ' Icy HI¢ ti rat truck ,wllvfa-illy h, eau Fldu Ill e:+ut,•r n1 t be +a ,.ut s1 a to n•� • !u i r+• !' ten Iulde trnrL,holtiil Ule 'ut111 f1 ! u S�LS• •a{2•-'.,' . ... .. �.. -... . - - ... •..' ..•. .- ..or 1 Ie r u„ •nr at •uq' Iluyc xu "tire. In n lrh i.'E L to-•J,,1 '�S A,i, ,�•,'• - '�j j'it; , -'T'It the two frnel:n Will niitlstittltialh si .r.r.!� '. �`'� ;"d:fiS�•;.-,,7) :. ..a ���':,',S.'•:t° .. .. ;; may. ..�{t::%� t fell 11 r,.-•r,r.• .,yuYi__._._,..r".i*K: ?Y4�+i:.+:+...i'.. - .. .. .. .. r{!1" Cr1'.•. t.d`J s�•-.ti a_^'— r ORDINANCE No 3cm. All Or l'If nil, •' ImIf, t,. Itf h:u... „ 1 .' . µtAIMw b; Parr P•111-.....1 . il.'L,d:,'I, _.. n hlii `. .•.• - ..... . Pull,, nn lt••h•n, p,I( llY t'••rlYl'a the rrt-1• Inlrrt,l •,,Ir1»'!;r•, nu.l Ira urhl`:� I: r.,IHr•.! [„ + �, -� P ll'. lrii, Ala v•. ,Uu;H•t I,n,llh'ulo,ll„•u, II„ ' tt'. 6at•pc. null JnhP 1)11':+'ll. and lhI''t .,. •Irn,,, ,.., _..._ ... - Au'1 Iht• Ifl; EllY, I>•)N'rl r, I,IfVfr,a, wl,a1 ft 11 ' HhiuYl;nurtrll ru'1 hr Urkn LHu'I'lnarh p.t ll .(!' A1" Inlllprin)', Inn YHl't'1•, Y=rlv ,II'1 14,.{,III•, I•) t•rl ,,, ,,,- _ .. .. - _. lln nrdlmll,rn:, rl tl,u l'!1) lit 1'Inl Il,uu ' Yl:ndl chtl'.Itd n, lulinn'Y' 0It I I IN AS,: F: All. :rl. Itlontillrt In 1'•. I\', till }17 T1111', •, t. \marl 1110del,11. Vl.nn, It. \5'. li', l'I„'• null ,� .., • + J„Ll, rind lhrlr u.•'{,tnr, n Imo u•hl, t' U. 1',t11+l runt hill l,lnrrrll„ Ill»I IIIMM'.Jll I, rirl, ., . .... :•.. •......�:.. -..'. -. .. V1 NI1,0I JI4 ill In ltll'I I', L7', III M IILJ' 11 ) ,t Ir 1 ( ,. ".l l , 1 11 11 II • •. 11C {f• t .I • ltalln'nC1Y nultnuj, IAu�ll t1Y rucrurY,lr. li ' f . nexkpin, n (rnllehl+•.• to ruu,lnu'I, .Ip,•rlLp• And, ntnlntut:l au ulrl lrir e;ttuel rw11»ny „lcl, ul•nn, I ; '.. d-mizan4 nc:,ur ceftaw nl n!ulr II lh'• lLty ul .t .:....,, 1 . . ........ : ..t,..... .':.:�'-:.... ... fort I',la twr.•nlh.. • 1111 I11\,\\tA: NO, ::vl. ._. .._.. ._. __ _ ... .. -A it nw...... ', •Iunlud r,'.i nln vb'cvu (111' n!larwrr Sri, �l1, rnlill,•1. 'nH Illnnn.'.•. ' - l•rnull».. ''!' 1t, 1'rllyprn5la, \11K1,5t 11»ddr» >;npl.rn Anil Juhu Gltge,l ,uld •„ • _ , .. `.::;••�'"�.':;.;'.,�''...• "�. .." ., tLelr m+It'n,, a Iran, hinr pI el,n,❑Iu•1, ly.a'uu r: and ulnhtcldn nU c•Isrirtr'Ytr,•rt cgllu'wr in r I U. u1 }S•r1 1'u>, n,inet,' hRd -tot I'll k it ar 1 e m . , I•:a) »I ElUn urC tin. �N, of too- LIq• of furl Punul r!Y _ ... . , .. . ...... .. ... ,.ril•1, a 111 lllanl.'All •III II I AIII•,l nf,il l lit:{' ln •:, • lie It f,1 be Wi.;eirtr It,dln w) C, nu Pa I'll. it. ear+ (' - , 1•l,nrr hill giett a, n ILou'11l,r In MIII„I'n'I. nllIT-W null nllit.111i 1,..1 eb•rrt1 vl rt'rt 'alhuq' ct, i"'.•1-'-'-' �^ "' ^• - '••• - ,11191, ll,rnll. klu,ll; *11.1 it,n,.Y r,•,Ir 1. ,!1, In: t �" . 1hU I'll,' Ill t',Ilt 7'Ux'n lend." ,1 1. , Sri t. 1,nln•l, ••AIL Nraallul; lu 9'ho 1'a•;t 1.lur Ali ih;clric'Itn ll.ror ctnnl,n❑y, i[Y xnr5:.,•,a, nn•!' , .. �' .1>;nr >t lrnlirh!nu II a'nand IIu0 .,pltr 1U}-' •,:� � :.'. nvsr ."" .,,..... .:. ::...• . .._. ..... lltlllll ,a It 011"I rill 1n•119 fall ll w, ,,, I•i', tt •t•11, ld.:n: nHll nr•h,•,. cl•l Anna !'trcrrY lu ihn Uw it" I,1." ..rid '• [lull!\.\\I'1: \41, .lii, ._ _, ".1.1 •rd{unnry cr inl7l tr tU Cl,t' 1H•lt 1,f»r ' L,r,: ,:5' Y:.l iiu rig r,'uuq•nn}• St: Yuri no,ors lid daft`:;'. ill i, ,M1J 1'!tl,t tit n:l• n'Id 1»n14l,li ll Ihr "i" ! 1n .I tr t lt., 1t [ II k., 5rr, Il r..l111 ! ,11 I Ir ,' Alit, nlnnl: ._ .,.'..-...... _,. .... ,.-.-,_..:...., ,..._ ,... • - - r,+d an+'•.e ... rtt rl •Irrrt' luelt,u YrrN .- �'� '!' r.d t•n 1, t...•1,r11'11t,�1' ,•Ire;' t'It, ., r ,;1 'l'nuu„uol dac, mdnla a, .+r. ._. i1dL.1r, ) .. .. .. .. _ _. " orb• n'•) i 'd. u'h+.•n::t• the r'it1 pf 1'I'rt I :'n I . _ � � . • !'hµ"nri•r, • .Iri: tl.r nlu,h•,Lp• u[ Ij, !1,, I ' •_ .. rl: ,:..'.. F uu ! Pad rl . YUA:;rH'nnd, ., . �,,,.•.: ._, .....;_ .... .-,_.. .. :...._..; _:..•• - .. .�; ft ,5. Sn�� u,''uuk J,hhu - rh. rli,ll n>'tl u. t, HI1fASe al.d1111WIl,, nl,d vulintr lh i,n rlr"a", YI n'It "" t, l•y a1•Un sirrrt• limit n, eunl•• ill till. IA of 1'l,rt .. ..... '1 uu•ul,nt4 uudr: ni'd I .5 t Irhfr» tn• h'nnr u1 nnhu•�nre So, J:.1 of -M viq•, 11'hlcll nnlu,unrr Irn+fuilnwn, lo-nit: .. ._. _.. .. ^.. •. •• .... lilt l itV•, N1-1: \r,, ':'1I, /- F' I'nt!pr.nn.. 'I1 '•.\I+Itr,4!III,[II'•"[tl'ItIII{[„ l\• ' .. - 1cr'.u-1 Iltt•Id: a,hal: �., •,,.1•;uY J:Jde ,;.;u^r hpd n)a�1: n -I• in ..,. - ' •' ••'n•Iv.P"'::d'•p,.1•Ja :.u•I rua7nbdu ntl vtt<fr!r� +fie _ I:I•I,.. ;,a I't' nl Ill :•J':nl I„Irh?a•»I. . .',...,",t". ': .,•'i,'\I»I'irl d', tl.,In II � I•I»ci" `. - I; ,',1•l, P 1•�t Ipl,: •I,)Ln'„n ,I(I '`, `. `, '. •': �.1+.... t 1'3I .I lit .\n 1.( I' I•n1•',,. �If, .. ... ._.... t ,1!'1'• :111,1 t„II II I' I 1.I`•. ,'k• ., •i,nll I,In,.,l u1lE :1 t r I•;hll��l,: ht, liu h••: n'l t J r" f,-. _, - , ' 111' rl'I."• Ill. ��5»l, 1.1 '•w, t)', [rnnYla.t rt Il,l I l• '� r'r i- .,1 ) „'.all; •r5 „l, f n1, 1 ,I I+InV 1h„ •,11'. 1• h,•„'+tn,il _ t.Y, ,'.^;:,i -` _, ,..•..- • •, ,, :I r•,' t na IItA till It ant ilr,:.t, ri+ii' [: a(:1• .Irit,'ila, rlftl! nII,•Ilnn,'Iti. 151Ill It1Y }n'1111 r',ar of It ,�ll1'f • i+` L': ,t,Tp1 a;S:, ':M � IIr L, fu,; r rat tnr:k tt, ilia l u•IIk}• hs nldl+ u[ :.,qiF�' i .p+sl. •".. - �,: �',;.'.,• 'r=t3. e,•iltrt „I till. s bl -"/1,1,!nl11 P•„ fntnr• r Aflnp duahh: ln,rq i lY)�r rid tic,1'. - ;•f; �+r" .l •I; r' ,ii,nn!tl thq rnhl panine UF.I!ICII wl,rlYn•Id IIII)' 11 t h r 111 H'::';/.. r .{-r. •".';;;i ,err. rIn ulrlb Yurkl _ 1 it i - �. ;f,'.4,L•'.��b Uvu to chi 55•Itl nu bsHIit tnll • �'j'+'��#!3''z >3�r.w?c`' -'+'id �h�cl�Ift�Lllls•alJvll:..•...,_._�_ y �' � tin '., III �,l •i.i :I I�i ., 1 ,IV,,, ([,.. ,II'„1'rl• - rl, ry,1 {•III I.'., i' �,I !, ! t 1t... I' { I':1,-.1 „_:,� 11, , .,a^i lhr I'• ,[, I1,II i " �•r•�,i .I,Ir �1 •.SL, II'11 •tllt+l.f;:'+I el...'. ,. � '1.1 {'�;';.;E'}�n I,nprnulu u„: • Id t.'rvinr•: Ipl,l !,� .• .. .. _y,.l •Ea(,� \n.nnl,•„I ,,1 ^+,'tla+ ,i, 1t 1•»,•r=.Il.j ''.r `::+��4 .1 IUA. ,, n' 1l:'m .trA 1 n!r •'u!r:It, hrlrl,l i;:: `,r(f3ri .-}, -,:r Alpo „' •:,I. , »,11'1 'III,• fli 1)1 , ',a, hI:"•l1i I;rn:l l'.(: •.. " . _ �„•i�•'1'(,;;e"� Ua .,,id pnil", La'tr„rl 1' gip..•-ca rl:nll 7,a• ",51 it 1:4a'�' '��`,.."k•[;% h,-, }n SrJt ll•r rr'•h 5n,.iu In„'1., +»Q ,�hrn. 1 d„»111 v ,511rh11. •III,• 11,'.I i, rl„I,, „I �` 1r4r1: ,t11,1 I urunittr ntI• h• ala'1 tl + rizllt ul En :I•I ••v ,Ilnll 1'.l1„.I li :.� tn,: r.•••,,!in•V,taY Ih,; .. "�`"•" :•-F;\• l,l•: �� •='#^'� +1.1 InaYS lil'f•,t" 11•Illlt ••1 Ilp,Inl' fur ,.Il ll •It11IV11l- LIUL }:r: � ._ ....._ '1 „ ua,rnt I,:1,1 II,U .Iw}Y tt„ti,n ,.1,r1'U1 I,1 thr' r ;�rlst. 111,1 ), I „1 rbltl rill'. 1:, t1 ,•. a 1'111 Irnr \Y nl "old r,13 •Ih rl It Lt. I ' vty ' ^' J ••v�� I Id aI,t1+5r11>,11d1, tl.µf t11!I, t•I,il,fllt(; ltit r,f n11„rcr, Nn,•t, r.I MphIhnmph and trhh4, 11 b; Ultr,•6y nnthorU,A to pus. nu . r:'lff }, +.,• ,vr .. U, pI.l mil ni 11tU Ywfe nud rely ., 'M�; vo 1,lala••', and 11 u, bull Itul, of 11'.10" In till' i "i • n Inlrrn hY, r1115'arl+ t1IN1 1'fl,?• I: tll'rr, >•A1,1 1F. pnl [:1••Ilhll nl All Slane. Lrry 1;1 y'lend rl:l.n(L ,. u! Yr 1.1 rgllcrr,t .. -_ _ and It it ll 1..11 11} I,odluu, I,; rtllaV.'II h)tt, it llS l•: ,,n}, Irrrkr, Itlrilw1tr; ., _ '� :1�':-_••'1Y kid •51 Flcht•+. 7}r,.• *!Iu•.I: Lei,S rlfH Ihu rill, ,1 1„!1l Sha Ylllnn In Ilnt !•115'l'11 I1[ lalll rill l`d 1'llllll tlllyd or purtad 0•1 n, t:r makl• Ell". Imo J.-I „nth Ihal p,uuou u4 till' rtn•ct 0'tJ-1101iii t I I ; ,,,.,r• ,,4 tl!Tnl"'�, \\'lll•Il .Anil la:lll it', 1'l)'lll,il tt l l l•k, ., ...j�-:.. ,R' nu rand "•I uuu Anal ,Irr,•t. nl thr tlnu• Insect n•In}' tic ;may, t 1,r}' •Itnll ni 1'i, 1r I, Sn Nzl ,•n,•• ,It llr lr, < nilllflrs y ;•.', ":i�,.•.•� Y InaYit 1: II Ilu (r II 41,I If N11 )' ll,fl,'nPOJPhcd ,;uulr uulL lu,; ntl urrded rc'.� _ ', 1".:I�:-rtt: ll v It 1, IIH• ul,ttcrhIll ,,•l"t 1lI .Aid 1,14Y rd: 11 Ilrl' .1,; !<.'' „`. • v, ,l rl ll,' till tuil �l rel'lY Its[ l'II aa•d lAC + lvu, I I:u III,l akin ,Itnll nI ! ti!1•t •l'I.111,11 111 YIIUt'L", lIll tlr, nn'h"1• .+i • SSii 1'1l lkrd hp t1161 ii,u 1511h P1nuk I wilt tit I'i LID II I thlrkuc,t, that thr a•'.+.�-u,yy,, u 66r'r+m inlr ullh11 pilnik 0101 Ur• Itn level Lk Itlt li,(• tell. ,li I. r I I II•, ,old lit l 1l Al rcet+, u1L�1v nn'I Tailor al n.?IbcI Ell ir.1J`i -bill IIu' lnnnt!'II ,ATTIC 1, tivl rll llie r,I Ili nlld h„i',Pemi t»,• t ud:, r1UrkY lit!'[ ntl In !rr'+. It 1t{•/,,,.1 tr u•ke, tin p]AHk to I„• level uilh UIC tulle I•u ninon .. _ _ -.l x, �r{..?F{ h tLl ylunl,,,I.. f•, h,•Inl,l It ».: I It ,lililt 11415t »I 5t'11)" aIn Iln•lr• tlifr,l CIU,C lU Ilia the UutYldl, phlnk, Iug rdytl, '1'h„ ro.. Ilr. aced Sn tine 1•uH,tnletluu _ .__. .__, r;,.;,.r..:,r "^*.. ul Ynvl tnu'k to hu equal kn u'nGih ul tbu Ill•• Le ai1gl, nl lhu ii �,{•",i �`l:'iS�r,•.+ Inarr from hrvcl••d udp,a tit cl•Iell uup•r phu,l, ,u a•, to prnnit ui Ihr frr • pn?•n ;r 3. '••.' rF �In9 prK it It It I I e Itepl I1 43 u++lid rup.11rnnd urJ rr by ,hill l,artlUn. And t,llnli 115' 91Y Ill•nla„f nlr,l 11"h»It rIU111111•tlI rII IIIIIIIit nl , I,n'r ifn ll4n tl Il:l )'. I:Ill:ll (IIIn`i'l1,Ll'r IIIII}' hV .. ... .____„A{ r••7• IeAYI Ia•,lllltrd t•I I„1 )' li Mlle Ill Ilnl to 1'trl•r " t1r. e,r111v •,car tHc u."Air.runt,• �' • � f„r n runt uunnr � n.Yn1;e It1111 ny 1l, It""Ill•t:rnulud ur ��•,'',,gjiy�' `.2.,•; S'„-'s i.•' Ur ll nl !'1 (1. lie ,o Ia rnu} purl.lhrnnf ndld l•rl+Y.•nl(rr nutyill .. ..,. tl•mv it ..�•. kt; er lklive, ornu }•t 'I l+•A!d pnrIllll .Intl h"t\a rutl,trllutrl Ihcl R o l c city •hill ,'i15'• --- - 0h,u1}n lho grmic, It t tlu nl{`HnlIll nr ntrot, tIt 1n IV 11 [!•11 Ill-[ 1[nrkY IIt Inld, 0.1111 Ihr AllIli .,i "•.''':l{ri pal lhnn�enll oil lh,'(r uq•n c x pc u•r I In In cd uln}y l ntw• Tar .o,cur their Irnnt our! u;;hl nr vny Yu a+ III '. lit L,I hlll'II nrtllh', Illld Hn 1',vn,'IIII II lrs �5 :, ;3�: r• �1 •=l--;'::,r4i�'� r.l,hi nil; tn, !lnld,: lu Ynld purl tuna)' damage ,III ill•.:IH',1 111 YiLh. f......k'U: (,ill Yllill pin rlleT _ tea �lyi!' Shull Hitt hu TvlIWn:,l l,l n. ur l Wvr. i,1 rho u'•e the er,ula of oar ,orlll•u u( v C•, Intl I ,r r rttc N(II III ,u ed ( 1 Pccll(nnl h, It, right +11 }. t , a, Tllnunll. I ....j .. yl __ . '• . ri l:gwlk nud d.fhl µQrten�(Lt6r,^,•'•r-- ;,7 r d rest J ,r:..,a,e, ; f' ` J% 4i f .'Y •rl rr: ,. Iijui 111.3. brio "l fin h"!i•• Mteet id \4 Ill �-- v , eri t. ']h, �rt,•I IIIIh I, if n, •�:,!:.':, L::..:, ' ,r brit, In,nlli, - 41Eh lib, , (nmd n•q [hn le:Lr+ fir, by inn• i y {rile,': Id. �'tiM cheer.: • ,:1 -.Ir:i:,n ,•{ •,I •+ PIh IL•tn 'uul rlc[•t Nl _ >c '1 1•,tnivl hr.,•nlLrb•rn tiuuril , na Irr C:+• -up rno':r rlrr and ]unflKnl:l fin �.d,f rim,.. e L 'span I;m „tl„-, r eun.tiil'In I I fit ii, i:'tad :•Ir, 1' IJ.UnIofl!rran-rt•lL;r , , +_I, V,•lul3•)r •,•r•>,Irc rNHuhl:,,•, rhlr:tnokr ""'I ' poi'• ,wwln,nro Isu.k apn .lid rflilttuv vilhtnS,. Lp m,ll.: ri;}, tr brit"'11,e tit I: •3,, ;I E•,•,,' ill! lit +r, „1'I�I Intl I•+ nhu•-+try ,fit I' t:ul Il,Ir lo, vf„ _ _ I '. .. t.,'.•:y .t•1, It., Us+LH I Infer IIt I Ilntx ll: •• [.( 111I. }u•)r•c: 1.; ,• . .!II, •I.rll'r In n.I• ,mn,ulr:ll.q+'t',i L•n „f It, ,,, Ll .I l,.re real _ u ;' r fn ., r n,d Lll,h Shd ,kfat Ip rohl],lrt"•!t j rt ,.nv( u!' n.; ,rfd YY 1, •1 •''•nl`I:'• ,' 1,'�'ti[1 r[•`Ili r:r.[ n'I i' IN'I(Inn ''•v ., •�' :'J :!, •• ,1111 n'llllin :.'tt••,•n ;r y nt:lu ill nu), It, ,:.: 17.9- nu. In; ills, 1hr:.',I. _ 'r rt•' t: :fire!!„ ti u'n rile dab• Vf :Lr pu.+n,; • d !ill. { •b;Ji urn i.r -• 'I''', 7. 'I'1'!I 't h.l II'dt Lin,• I'(rrlr B' hnllu nv _ n = ,I .l I,u'.u: n Nnd Il,I nmjroe'o fill ,1 �Ip tI.,, '� ,rine•lupun ells I, �,•. j oip(n{[cr and r ti' • : u `u. h •fin( rnu:paln -Itatl hL,c Ihr n:. ill u»=I vni'1 rL• 11e _ " ? , rI , "1 I hit ra} fir Purl Tut', uun,•f. J-a: ,Il i .,d •I:'•.,, 1 Iur inn-ln7rilnit urlhrlr n.dd u.nd er rn[In1r. l•t I,r•_ 1'e,,: u„» 1_u ;kill c.f or.J}; fin-„ I.ti• . 1 1111,11 it eras•[, ,till: -o Id •l reo- , it n1 - \'•, ,Inf :: ,'1I:i, ! I'ur: 'l'u r.ha•t•4, 'shellflit'!, 7.3• tl p,,.h :r.,IL'.d i=„!•,. v f71u .t „Iv•., , - •➢ 1 �n mnln nit'tpnt•;, •Ia:;llmrfi'il ••, pr L, tl'r ] n,r. Lan• ,' a t••h rry ,n d••Il •, i }rr: I••u,l, .'r.rar. luy'h„ It • t Lilt, I'lcc. ly t!t'a:r«t I'=7.,",i.•J l.r:'}t..,1 , f. 1!,1.•• .;I. f[rr lllnt l,lt•I"•- •t' Itt' Ir, tlta'[t!„'1. "'l.l I•, i tr' it,lii'•,, y'r 1•�n, l,,l«T 11. .1: / •fir• 1„rl. r, ,., ,L-, cl lrtdl,tn•dl'.1 .r ,•f tu,•,,;Ir.•r fit -I:I,t tart,' - r1•n(r:,nrh V. :ern». ,r••t. 'f-:tin! I r•]I,[tl:,•, .,: Ir•f•„Ir .. , 1 • •n 111,11 �t n! ,u (J 1t1,• f l 1'ItI 11: 11,, I. I, rl:'«I'II• _ [ !, t1t,111» .,il ill's Erf' 1., •I} ,'r. n7„tIi .IIG-!.uN1.1'I, `t•,.rl nit I, I. Ci'Ird .L],„i, [ ,' I,.% ,f +t,r•t.•i 1 It, - :I!: It:I• , nte•1', `. 4hr `: t,•r 1. �'r ', I ,.! ails,-,..:[,:» .I rr,.Jr ill 1•. f•II} ill rf "U.10'yn' Ill,' cap,, a enn•tnr,'•u nit.,: 1'I That as o,«+ uu -,Ild ,ill I t r Iln,•,:. 1 - I'ni; ,.:n,•II,t" p,r"..i uy;t l`.•' ,Ilu»n'll t'o,t u,"' ]l:tflli•'Lill lltll•11,1 nark lip' 1.1, o-f �dlr- ,th,p: lid', ,I 1.. 'file innliv, I,,, I„sit s,-I _ r.. , o'Ih ... th" n•n ,1. a'ttldn 'start yo-l:,j! [mill uu'I ifrr Ihn pa.•I ttit.••ii rk} -\n. n•I I!,. I,:yt 1�1 .• 'site r.�L•I h, '('n.i ., .+. a 'I I— ,,•d i:. !.•. !I' . I aC t1,l•otd4nntu ••,fin! lush (f•r ,anry to r; ,�•I. i 'I' d' ],•l:I �1 l.lne ia, rr r!.. hull,•.,}� _ .,, ] uy' a lid het,:rn}''••ap1'In} 1,1,1 I:p.m 11., Ei,le li'l; Mid 1 "inpll'[r•I�n•'• Il::n t: lilrttl I�In• ;'1',,l'';,:") It` "' '111.1 •I ;:I. ,L r.• It"I". I :,.I It{, III lint II , , It: .•. !' • Ir,on tilt 'I:Ite «I lL,• ]nlr,ll':n „ f tit" ,•Illt»nl I :!I 1",t II, tl� ill 1 , , =,I,-,:t:ill ••1•, r.1tl' I:Ir,I , Irlti il+',• t ,: 1. +�, ill I t!.,, ll t+It :. ill ,:11,�•ty � ;c • :: , :1 . f ; rtiut rile:, ,; nP•1 lhrrr•u It)- Ihu ,d n', n: vl t rn II ht.1!u n( o�lld , II; nn'I 'nu.: ihr n•;HI n(, _ `. •, e pi .itrf 1111 •a-�,:•• lit tld+ , rin„' an(1 )lull. 1 tit l•tty,i{r,vtl 'fI'lvn,r»d. tlny lI,,[rinur!n n•t;•'etnr•.7 ,r II r-:ar ell' .1 ,.rrr, - _ _ ;err,I.•r .r..,«('L•fi I„a,lll•',Iap1, Ir lLe tnl„r, tiKl'fu,S l:. 'f by Clty +,( 11-t 'rn, n+rill fnr pulse an,! firhll it J„II!,"•'" uc„••.',n - 4 .•I r. I,n ill, nt'L•' •' mf•rvrli till, tlgirl to rr.plflv.n41 !,.t.t:•• r,11:, th'•uI•rllµal and mnknlru, 1., ,• ,d Ihr v,Dll `..�-�_"- h` fnr=nidld'Ir l:.i:t'nr r,nn lLw; 1lvc lr r«r.},rui, 'I I I9l fled White n uses rLr:rh• r•iquny ry.trut nud [,c n!I pnrpo- - l:rrlllx I : L 111 ana,[r»,II«,•,»d rvpa1:Ih,.'wel,.1mq','u•r�t+ and tni.lor'Jd mils 1-1,, 1, •,!�,,I •hL':p':III,•xr•,•II„'„n!1., nnl.,l•:I,li„It of tn.•, 1 It1111 ]Ilse it rnLt !,II I ll•x *b I;i ndai' nit 1'ir� ,i• our., nlit'ys nud n'r"- of •old , Jh', n,,d In • � • t':.: lit¢ hn rl[rvl rn••nhI Gil a«'I Lim I. th'• elul,= it , t. 'all atn«'I, 11'', ill,, 'still uadh,:tin ,ill , ...-•_._-"�'w "a,..r,..,..w�.a.rwn ! "•'1'hh nI'I'nl.n:r; •boil ! d:r rite t•f Ir:,,l 1 :•'. Rnr«r re•1,11 I r ri+fyr•) , ...I r.•!e•I»I. . n,.: tr 1•.•,, pull,. l,n(I',. li Xt illry, nlll'in Vi- I,Inl /"ob j,I I•o.,. t. .• .. - f .. ,i114,r tru7n ul,d u(l1:r flee llll}'9 IrWu fnr 5?.9 VtrV '1. Not lt!ur, t',!Ir IIJu'': Ill 71,t• lr doll,, in 'tit: hnh•r nud !r• wail( r.:'arn[Inu, {{ "(1 .'n I . rl.. t' ;I I,'k, la=.❑ } luflit.: I r+ p ti I d I(',I I I, 'I 11(invi+ :•hall 114Pe OIL- rllvvt In 1,•I":r-I! Il rr,,r••1" fir "i,1"'I I I, I II i I IV. In nnld 'rn.lfir a".I ., !' Ir^'•'1 Ilk" 1 (',",'„•j1 tllln'll "[i, I''1. { , d r ,:1:, , ,• i : I'...l.,l .\ pill 1-[ 11 ,nrtles lroln their IW)IIplUr [rum any ,ill'! in flu• ruucu 'nnru of Lit'( till-. rut:i4) nub rut , -' • . 1:. .41 i • .r , ): ) I r I rl:u..•.1 + .0 • 11! nit.'. ❑. L. '1'! Itlt.11 �, IH„ }Alynr ,dRlflElgl"fsof tt'n•nn ref ihr,al:lip:nh.0 n(- tollluw.adlllnnx +al.E rr�)ui,rui.•nln hrmllul.lrr 1'^r"' : . _ _ .Q- - i-I1. 1!. LI , Ir,: r,,,i rv•r Ir le.r. •,h .Lltr,!: Ili. '.!'.Ins -,011, 1. (furl:. »IrnlLlu[d n«IE rcl f•Itth, I tit i..• r 11'Itu of mIllit rl Inn t rti111, 1571, sfa:• A. 'file tia. la ill r«LS n.Ito I,r LnIt Ln iud rand. •:,rl r J:•i,.e ! •ui h'.1,,,' la A Ivith rill 1, -+ teal, Ihiri; pnun;t vlrvlrr a.Elx II url rill^liar. ,u wrrL u,I....I , n"v., LI:'v A:,II a hriru., th,• City of fart r4l%vnseu.t IEd, . iltidfa ✓, u•IT[.c,-yrrci're [rod «rv=ar by !ln'ir rni) :� nil rnld •t rrrtn. «!c4 Ili,• r,rt n'•t+ oi;t lyd,rrm il,k •':N'r tl.. .nri p7 .C.,1 Irp„il , . they p' r: , n ll:r •i, t(I dn"of A1'01, I,N, BrFAt to '!'hr Ilelt ,. 4 1 • I ). r '. ],a filet air Irr ::It:er.l ,n[!,,[ ^i:, I., Lae• ,t 1•,,; ht. ,l u,! �'-, ' !,i»e• 7::r1 file lfrlllw nJ' .:aal nrr \t'ny'nr fly It'nM,n llf rlo,' :),rIL.:,•t11•r ,.I •311 Il( !r•Ir •'I II ,.•Il r(I •It'L •la fir „..",Ii .,f •rfl" ,i P• yI,I is rAillrsiI it .,] llll•IretoPluy Vc■ fir frual ant' I!, :`•` tile: u'+a.d I, th,l ,ll'Ilrhix biid up :sold .Iles Dn rile tin:,, r,.l ,: ny. 'm I: n"rl,vt,. tin• aglit In Cunxtl'nl'I, opa[„tc R«d i rL II1.r IhuI n'dfaru'heb(o In l.i r•. I n1at1« a,r:tvh ,v11L , 'ill 1'.1'R alit, , 1'. rldl led l ^L, . IY :.,.IItIit;_ r .rl f,;im.1 la III!'I or'Ss' ;;; • man,nl!n rn'stereo( rtn'rl ndln'ny upon ■nid . FIX-1'!b8 W. tin rats+h:lli I, rl:,,.t,., ,:r,} Ur:dI ntc[nf, vfwli by [,dJ nnl,!, r16 ,:Halo nIit -lose i,u,I thv: •.IL,( Ir r..i:: •Od r.;p ,}+ j Ijr,•Vl•and nrewtr In Ihn Cn)' of rurl 't'n It•n•. {ff aph file es• .+rrr{ m!4cr-Iol h 1'll't flit of tI I! ftrrfn< of nr.f!- ! ... liarilda torinnd till' Ihr tru•t, a uolt Hal to u•.• ,f lntlutl Iandn wl nil q,rv", .trs,•ir hurl nIIrS'r 'ny tin l is ill) In: Illsl,i 111 )• !fir a„t.,ml au dn'!_!', f fit filly It"Im tl rlsl;K lust Its rn:4r eel'sn• :mil fin' IIlr.uu; ll tad ncrr t: iJrh L• 1- uIt»nrLr,] lu 1 I•rn` I I t t rl,,H,• N :1 ,n Of inlll all .which •fdlfl mll'q 1+ );vn Iy a „1 rl.,. oe,'ui,,, i.(, I pu:,l. '•' >' Clnplo>-ecavf ardll partiux sluL11 •ttlp fitly Cnrs �I ual: s, .In elm :,.:'.fir •• nS' `li i .nilow,, [(, ,la.t,<nosto)n,. fl,v"I toF1,11'l, It:pl.,ngr of 1 -., _ r �• IleIn[Ig1711L to or l,yhlg 11'l`,I r) lnrll plitl)-r+II ll tit ,. t'r11JI'le, still ill,. III.,• r,ll,I r,,1', '� 141 I�}' i•'f,rr71 n7 71,r r„'�;li; •,"��. � ! .. rill•., 1Ii UI:IIi ti.\NI:I: \I1, ;1:11, i ;MltownIL• trussIng no r,x In hapede fir abdtr,ICt' i Illltrllls, 1`' IICIl+ will . :hap In•. ,'r, fir fI in ,: rl)' I'.I k tI ,l .. :,•❑dll.i`;' i ,1n n:d!«nnct• fleet'su4 UI Thu IIr1t 14nu E1cr.. ' t react tlteeroll; hilt rntm mat' he tlapprlt fit 1,I; }lurked 1a+le re•1, rile rlE:- i mlr t„ill hr .I uwUu i IU' 1•' Lu+. I rult3l 8')Ilt) II N'111 out iftteY ICl/S 1u 117 the 1r� a 1 14 ]1, \n t'.t[+-hall br nlLr.ird in r!nt.d ,, is ' elite I:Hll,ny' •,«ll�nn)', II,• g»l'CI•nanl'a ,loll rt .1a!ik" dd,• Ih-o i l „li +pU Ill j •It"ll irn'LL I„rhil ls, IL ftarirll l•C iI. i•f111xt rtl,'t, peer»tn IIPd Starts 4hf lenn7r Holt cchiCivn or nL oily txltu: 11'r.11:rr min•rt ill ,led•:nun fit n'r: lard tin .Irflee, fly, rn.•in:; nr rr,, ,t'.dk ur'+r'I raid Orr•r " uuil»Iola nu rtcr[rfC xi!(mt rnliun j it 1' yover. Hpun. }:!1"Llyeen 6tr"ti llNetlkwt lolln. ,a ll .,r rt•nt It'Ilnt illtlpe) -tree[ 1,, llo,lntl ntr,.,,L Iur .Irlud upnll 'sold µn«'In tt'hvlt n•II ill 1, •.• : t - .'shag nVd'semi+ cerinitl,t:rla:'Ill 1114 L•![y u[ r !iw1tlo:f I& At any Ilmu Ito, Said till}' milnll pill rutlrr, dl.lntn.v :Oink 41tlIl ,tn•r tt; nud It "1,I qIr •trnri fir In, py'!u tr.lerl .!env «I. 11 r, ; 1•„11'1),—,'!❑It. Imisrrrye. any of fill, Inip's'w1 nlre Ul+ ni,.,v I rhdll trs• fit nil'tale•. kvI,1 In ):unJ rnndf,Joa :fiat Lr, ill rr out) Lr tL qq,. •i u[ fin}' hulnt n!a'u l ; 1'hV City fit l:nIt Tulrina1111 r1u"s or,lrua nr �t nR21INI, VI III wtllJ•h "old pnruca nlny boil• hill rVI-It, till pnrfw:l, .If t:tE.l 1n, 11. n nym fir s111 ant fuu.•ru'ie „eta rile fr "• pu,•'�:'• { fel I- IV n: 1 their IrnC�s 4T Pnvlaf; tan rminr, nnEd Iutru US i ubrC+ UrPli plPl! La lIe laid fO:nil0."t nl,Ii rlCht at "leaf, and fir ill Huy p•'iht hvlspt•1 a r, 1. Thut, tsl,r.rrn+, Life llnnnl of punilt stlMI III thi• rnnle Ilnu:geode, pnca nu'1 I'll III' I telly'. it l o-1111's and •.t, lle6,�. nn't it:.' .J•nrr 11 rtn•, t :unite -••1 nail•. i; Illefr right of toddy fir their" o'll evlI ,r-{' nt,,l lrli1 :n it'll ll.r r,i Ir, I ,('rt' It is tl„r �J.,'. I-, 'J'h I' litr'at to ,•In'rlil2 ,:t 1•I r.,11,t'1 t. lnl»Ili:crlr111yrr ,IS Jl'd•L'frall Cull Illy. jt ,In or 1,: " } 'skirl ,', ,11 L'• P I+.'•! ar ,hiss! +•r:, art fur till. J'1, .... t5 ,,,,binlautl. hove baretts.nrn grAWL"I to The I thusamr.nuiunarn,thrrity sirs.,' ❑n;n• 1t],,,1 tl:,•.1 „lid pm'L,"1 ! hell ],crG.! lit IIfIy yrl 1; geIt[.fileG1cr•trh• hall.,ny cumPotty. Its mile. . said strdci+. E1111ILcl 1,1'•dulr .feel Utllt fLv n:.I. t l el,: :: [.Uh` Vj e�l�llu•,h.h•u( lh,•pr••,V;n u. :Ili+ unttlu«Id 1,;; ..�Id Nn1 lNri,:11 u IhflCh!-a In einhtrlll:t, . i ?:•Ne:C'rtu�' 1:. 'I hu rt,,•ht to opine('sold 'stiffen}- �444!!! . .tn•.:I nil:ill«qls; Ihu [L;'.l[ ill ]:lip. `J," .1 D,:Au'n nu Ihu p.irC .If rind t alb\, 1L11111J1 uXlcall tr) file Illlf in!Ilnd f.0 fnv'ol}'•fl e'r+ "51.11 I1U Il .t,:Lf to itllt ., r,Il,1 ]'Ilnt" all flit '„»!("n)' „` It• `•I.. ••r•••n,. r,f a•t!„Irr to , trl •' "Pl'r'sn• tltnl l,Y:,:1111,111 all "It•t•I ills atn!CL 1'llll lY}I a' roA [rout rile maxngc fit tld• urltrinnev , ail- up"ll '"alit« (rcntx Lrlihta Said coaafp rahleli {1 ll L ; Inc their Lrncle, flu •tart' out ''slid l nnalt st 1u+ill's r,.n p.nh• Had Up.•rnll, its -.fill rdrat IIII S11":8 arc nuts In, I, did wllhh, ll«t Cr. .,$penile ll. k ln}1»re tin thl'pnr: lit till' rnhl :ell Intl-:-r tL,um ill-tIlYt\1,!•tok Ili tufd Irt"k '•ir In Cl:r ilwe-1 :, u,1 ill th- tn.:unrr heir ai 1,,,1a;,, lhntt� oI the lyt� »f 1'O[t �fnIC11tY«IJ, Rfling or ilieIr x,o,r,:nr`Ifir rl„IRn r. to ¢untllb' 1!il kill l.I:ill):- l o e•i rr 1110.1•1 1 u vli,it 1, of,n,. it uir,,d:onra ..ufl: nit ill' opll"n (; the 1:1,[!.,^ th-rn(are, Lr It onlwhlCd br xuGl rely lhnl tram :! rltli;thepmrinlnnrafthinhnlhuum`nitquftlfinu''thlrl.ur.,tLnt!Lc»peer.toilIrdofIIIa',hulkLu«ulfl,.or!,:th•rfrl:•!nf'IfUllIJh•�rf.;ht,,It. 1 ft".' nud after butt dnttt of(hu fol',tire of th(R duff' I ,f Cplamturculenl corn alctlatl ml 1 rr [ �, ,hall hu lnerl „ltn vp Ir t tit Ih,t rail fertile Intl I,ri, i1rc.•• ):nlnl••d ❑1 toil u•dihnurr Iur Shr , '4s• 1 i. ' nnllcv and tar n Pcrind a( 111Ly (',JI vrnra '1'hr `n 'ahW rnlhvfiy -lint] ill the optlun nid by n146 it w Id[h IS auo I nnv, lnR•f,rr[Inll „lid fur tilt. l•u,:I,ut of ,•il4 eel a ay and enwah ndr,l or cub y+,. Molt .unl I'lerlrle Itnilten cool nu Iry anr. ' nInfuvu of Itin cllr P.ni11aII ,,,rlt n fnrfr!th rr lC tt.•n4 ;c llhln •,rf limo: Lilt th�r� ,lull) Lu li ,''•' Y r !', ! ' ,r lull „I,llh o! lh,c: I=urltnIf of the rl::ht r 1 wns' } ,sttdln nit of ,.• r __ crreorx nud n•al�tw xhnh huvu the Prlrtlel:r . all rI.ThV tad nlvllmrl,. hl-n:b}'t"Infltllyd fir VI • nrcl:p{rd L) Ill rldd tnu'Lr nn'L err. And ui ill ' 6t rlGh;s uutt[ ,Uri fn[fr.ltit 111,1 it uad th,r fire , rchy ranted tills rl'lil, .� thnl ilorti,r4 tic Lim rgilsra)' beret's pin^Llpd Iur'`Lrr rru.,ln! •I rrr[,, u•n 's fir nllEy„ h, l-dv.l+l.•'l LS a Ilfu4urn (Lill' ) i �! ¢ rig lit, 1',hull ifnt have Lion c,nu,dcurell, reel-f ) ) Pnd-ell Iq' tL 11rlldl-Ito anJ lleuut» to enuslnfe4 baihl. mna 1. . Bn1t.•ti or u rshertd. •� +,hall hr pLiukrd •wid Lrtn rru III,-' rill. +'(•tu'ttufr [Th.. 3ll• ulRl and ulK•rnty alcclrle ,treat rallwny' no.1 till ,1 t ' nrr'! 6nt., c"A the ma I" trnak., bi rtiun.., `r'' 1'!. Th.. 1:• II filar 1;!l•, l; L: ]:•.ihrn)• ,':I :�I _ ,>tr,•]rir. motor 11nnt 1«:d CO (nrr [ p ,'drr•KInV 111, Sold port[e• hhnll hu rolitirrli h' ,lyhChv, nud r[.Iha;r, t1m (dlull., In Lr tier! Pltfly •hull pile I'll Me rtl,•lneu:c of ihv puht!v t ;;. ) )'I runs url elntl i par all lha v1lrylsmea Ill ].uhl button ill till, urd!- �t 1011 lilt to , n( tit" toll; mllid loin(! I,, Inbl (lull of th[, unlh,nh, r, cnui'uy g titO( and puaarn-Litt lhurauu over • .nnaco. i P and hot): Idw f it It.; di stn•chl !ta rho f:�tv of fict'l7ux it. 'I'hIx ant[rennet rhnl! hr. Ili f,ln•,• Ici+athie hr sclih IL.: Iltiht of n'uy slid to hu • `J'i'. IN. 'flail a,. the tsv:lfnry of ILn rity tit I l'urt'Coakttfnd, r1 r,: Iln 1'Ir mtcnnt from 1''Irxt : ,h Alfr.r,•(n•r to tun rlil, ell., alitr)r F,f ph. a:: I„ hr �,1 ryxt,:rh1IIY }q„Jn•,JrI by tit.,: rely lu - xltl'el to Flf.Ernlfi rLl'Cr !❑ l'ot1 rR from nud nftoritsllllrtaca,LIA W914 11u1'lilvlIII'll. Crrv,ard ill the onP'rc•1'n'. ILc rt•,•t flee un4E to I«Id Vprc,lim of `nJ,! Ini,• lit raElrerr, nh'1 it r]j 3'R ve'a ,tddl• =':,1•,14" tvotatty Ctuaall April '1th, 19a'n' .1p- ', nu ct unl Ili ]en'•th lu till dlrlauu• if Luloll.l fir, lilt bill ilrJl•ro+1 of Ihr n:t' that It bite I uI i44, Ilan; utt 6iftcruth at1au in, Son ,Inv', eerie., I ) �, 1lrackru'R udUltlou; lu 8■a Jore alrccl !runt , •i . 'proSetl Merl] Lth,.t:t!h., J. .l. If l•f!N• :.:4 1,. to Lcrciclf� sh;n u( Ill» n»fcr hullo nu It, !.I rIO.•Il ar-pw•dll}' lie o'i xtliti In �; Sl[ext: 1/:1. l'_4 h1' !„(i Tfl, Jlnln r. ` ` 1' i'•"xllt e. It 1• I«'frlly d E w 'is of Il In ftI-e jmF ift:v 11f 1'l•II IC 1,4, :rfxrt'•t read titrrrr J+fin rnr'i rr. 'nc+'nud beat th m U{ngo gn•Ct lu Cart• 1:11' Iartk. lnrhfn addle( -Is: nit Pun Vfr a . ) ,I.,. T. "nid rnliwie ynhu❑ Le kept In g,�n,I n.. nldf unu,r 11,fl 91) loll', tome a»d ml'vut tit i�.. Jn•r street to IRncklatun yI trL flu Colut Bnu `DntI- of talhliratinu .l prli "ith. I,'."J. ! Irur Lc +Illd rnlloo • unat tun'. +u:d stall hu Ili ll.,,,n11u Lp die L•olulm,u lull n,:ll an'y , (''- Ifarnta • 1 { ) 1 ) i'_ .dtlltlnn; oR lJlnokislnn tlruut front ynn plegn c �.AP'li N 7ernun, the Said k'. 11 lbt,1.1 j n'C. np"nilrd w hen I`ll.+ p:vtcd fly ttintdnK ill Ivunt I'rr,nd hr thu auly... nud tl- ir:u: pn'dfca:tn; `n� it'vat to tit. cn,l Ilnv of ;and on'natl Is, twist buddehh-modcu, H. W. tiabr,::+nnd JuEal y M0,cd Ihu 1'uuuril A't.I 1Jalnt, 't n} 'fuurt•nluradn'. Ion:hu!urcrntcr»ill}• ho ttti 1'IsL t, I`al. l': ti uuoaon Ill," ronuty nlx4 innwn an•thu ex. I uMgd, J`'huln>r Ilion i11r rill,! n:u1 unl;• n,turl. ' 1 ;� 1 �� �aht lrruel;l sr, nud t9" 'sill} per,uu, Uulitl. d In � 'l ltkrd to July n Gsrl' ill ant aerie„Ill,;, li, r, ocuh �In+ell Sil,;n,l ,till l:!n. 1 teunlotl ill Ihu onunty road luntlfn¢ (emu 1[ns- hoId Rnd exe .-o Ill, t•ln i r, fnr a rnntUnn,u•• p�x.ugc ncrr till! Puiire 11. 1.. Tlllit9l•?, .l E:., lie s Orchard to Ilea cart II,ItI of ]unll na•ficd ly #,.'• f rx.:l':hl+nn'1 L^unit, ruub•nr lJutof,Illu rotl,my I. hrnlln enlnh•I! Alt-t: 1,1:1. I'thv =Ihn. Af a;:Jnlins 5lnuutinuJ the urtl'nalou of fiuht road t,= tl,dees tllurehy nnafrrra,h ild..,If the • mill ,• „r up,•r any putt Ilwlcu( n'hinFl 'soil]] pnram4'ir ['h UI"11t. - ' Jnyyof Juno, 1S4n, Isy fir+idR:uraL ill ,rr1t!u}}-,: y �lo,`- tLs 51rntt• of Fucks, from If Pulilt wheto Saw rUtl+ nseau Prl, utld. for n ytl+,!f, tn'i > a1,:,Ib1,! ma) deom If, Intam, llnto fit wirik"alnu .lm;tit: V., 1,`.,J, 1 'I trflek of said Melt 1,1no 1:1ectrlc Itufliv t•uto- ' '� cOrtrld erutlnu, roil, itxS!'n, tluur,+•rand rot u4.q `sir' .. It lit any llnul nftut mold milli ny call- .]lid a here,:+,the C!1)' ai I'I rrr '1'nienre•ul i1,i, ,rt: r,enT Haw lulcsxn!tx nald canal t +. ern- -Intl! Ls rr ru�.I nlc(u.! It, riil4 Elnt, al r:, Il- �» 1)", Ax tit der u(.L 1 1�p1, nndrr knit bg 'r"• {{ S and [u Fmv• tt l'r pr: • ier'1t nranae !n Fnalea'm pnrk: Oft Fowler',. earl, Tho halt Irhm Kicciell' alln lip t'anpu«S' w;ly !Ln a ley+Lull rh:,uc[•thu nulrui any `trnrt,irtun of rile term, fit,.rlluauen No. :i17 ill rill: '" i nvenuu front .aid a mini', road to Viuiv xIrCCt !I, ' y;sUCRrrnrdtimL of the Htwe at 1]'u,lrtu;;[a11, nud fir "`it:fir ncrr ii bleb lt. told relit( Iv L,id, It elf}, ulunnd i+rplt7l Pt„tide:I-, el ,1n nrdl-'�..; Lnto lilt'succor■ar6 tonI nlrlt:un, ill 11'Uir right, ald t',lptnln Tibhtlla' I.aR'i hard,: till 1%ell' ,beet s!u,l upon U•1; 'Illy, uatl,rI! [r(ru1 the proper unheox hurt,I, ru mf.•rrell in, nldrtl dint I ill told Ilikv Fors. 0 } .}!1,'JITUb a4d IifCCIHrt fit «od to s.dd (eau nh liter., Ili• w:u"rit!'•, 7¢ Its na,n•t Icn-n, -f-t or luw.•t un4(U f- fin � ]:[]da rllVrt: fin Jlnpll' .{nJ' eluding the I,. n•,!ri. rlgLi, and V:IrEI"s:rr hunt' \ ! 1 Allnrs, i•'•iclt: fj ntrvet In trutfer ntrUrt, ul«l on dotter dT.Caf form pp-�lutalurt uuerticua,f, ' II• raI'1 Irnrk u, ,�an rind lh:htzn arty rp fir t.: UI:I11N.1N%'E Nu, :tl'J. I': Slaphr,ireet to Fern .;lfrril and ill Futtl >,ir,i,l ?a cnuu,r.0 fits rurh , hnat:r t•1 •n!•1 ('sale, prv'c Nr'! ..11J11 whereum, tLu City lit 1'urt'l'ns,'u+eqd In,r [Lot , d4 7nii:;.q' ruu:pauy •lull! flat Le r1 .In urd l7pl. cr to aumnd rrClluh "la 5'mt l3l) of frn:n Snitrr xl CrCt hr f:ulkt•rinM at [4et ill nnl , t Cnpull lI Tlbl'ttl: Lnkc Ilttr!,; UIgCL,Icr ivlt I tit, 3j iierefuforn grutlwa VI Th,+ halt luau 1•JUrtrfc ,r1!.•d to dlaurh IF,u easel; nu i1w:'L'ra utdher:ucn �'v .�,1 cutiftr•f, ^fin .:rdionnt'C li',... �L•tJr.,Rr11111'tt Co[n mil -. h.. +flu' .fir, nud rvn r fir.. It ('sotto • t„ pltcfl•r,.r r.n,l alelll4 I. ,In.:roc: m7d'tm.l Y 1 ) yp. I 1, r dig W uw .d;r bl•re I: nu any ,d,r ,t1'. Pvit •'I; rose, Ancn-t huddml, 'r »tni, Ihu rllihL to Viol I, up1.+}afn ufid uu,hnrJu luul.cll, IL 1P. Gil ! J. „I',al,i rtlth!I. fill Jlcruaaaly . I , ,'I 1 •fir:, d,i r•,Lt ;.' •Ia.fy lu'a I•r Irr said pplis Mill Jnhu Ungun and;, . adClectdo■lroatraiiee•uyurn'.ltpnu,nluuenud dt^wIr.fitourhlnr uwIl 11: s,,fd xtdrtrteksnud at;,) ,nra4.,cee-miler fnr till t•'urk f• . Ihefr fit+JVk . n Iru+r.hul, to rmlmtrtR't. o1n befit �... , en»t .. U ncrnr;l r":lulu rtrerts [11 the City fit 1•ort 't'ou'a' lobe „u.l 11,1.1 fit tine en:l. rm In Illy n.p,t..nnd invlawtu nu rrr; rife .trort r.ttitrny !n .ii'n },1(•!r, t.11'• nl:d lr n ullcnJ npunJllnn ..I 'Montt under laud by ctiltiv lit till, tenor ui ordi• : 1i'::od :; m du'.If Ill-. Illy fit Vor:'i"wn.• � � , � ! 'skill ralls+ar user'snit ulna;; a•lld I,true•s fir nfi I, 'sane" pouhm, of .ni4 +trr•'t U lid:' nud ,=a:l tan h^t (flit . f Kft.:Ilia! S,Iltl c1t)'t irulrh unLllllulci' le r ,•h: n11••.I - , ;,r In 1ulelfrm,t, I I I ! 1 C as J ,,.,II.I n•dlnvur. �'.. 311 of t1,0 City of 1'orl'rnl,'nrctl:l, PnAIuR li"m 4f••-' Rs fullilt to•wlt: 1 llilit fll+' )d . ge of enl,,,sur [t^ • Jd ,alhc,ty vltitb„!, •,.ell nl,hlt,Itt„ tin, It he to if I. I,vIt tJ. riit,t'nip li,it l,itin m( t,,,- I:atNn, '., ,i rlu.! in tin etw.:.iud! I»c cl: Lc iiuhly in it [fir Liu,• I:Lei rir: i:.li3,rny „u a o� I vonil7linr nluti! hn;r !hc rlvhr and prh Legit I . ONJI.ANOII NU.361' i y 1u.1 n•,i,lL, r p. .slit It' rl rr'.e,n:r i ',,- ihu rn n,tritolou i.f 1Lcir -,fill r,::td nr Is ❑❑, •t.,t -, 11 t IIy .,1-lain fi) h' in»i bI r., ill: I ill mill,( Iv r, art[ah:(. o hen:.: 7: built n fluuhle t�.li•!r olu:Iz qwl x!1CPLr t' 1u anlhlnm't cnu1lLo; rn 'Thu Iirtl Lluv � _ n, rau- �.i du:nu'�c•, unr to pl,•luc :r•p..•u •e tllrn•nL nud lliluut+hl nit cir''u•1' at titer 'nit,. ni =fnr FU"t•!r)c 7lall nit» rfrey,.l1,}'. 1N rur[, nth! .r r, :.. 'lllr roue<•f•<•n, o ❑, wan, and nit -n m ' r' ill ills> Ihuo It fir It- nu' (,'sloe,: fir u,vigar fin dr. •"' p inn !lair of rrlEd rnR- 1•" i rrrb, ht •L ai ill» n«J;It:n,t n fznuelotnn to r.•:7.vucL u],rrnte iuni trill thah br. r,rnorl fin q:,,t"r lac `Il p,.rei'inn 'Ire000l L,r the porpn,e mil)' III)' fix flr,t trnr,; •:^t mnlutalu fin ulrr.(rlr ,.tmrl ndhrnp a: rr. Ip,.u„ u! rile (nut p,hn,: r.0 •I refer nr,•I Io:h•t >i of •ui,l 1 `•'° 1'lly of i'Lrl 7 n.1 n^r,Il .1, . •, ,E..iu n. I'Idle lrnilly in auc o-idr of Ihr ronts'r of rr.:,! �•`A uluu¢ tstuf rlcrvrvr rcrtaln rltecl, to Ih•, Ckty n[ !I„ of fun ova: l .tact, xu thnl I{ fit loll t[luv ill Ihn fatale ter•,., rlt}', rabr•e doll li ,hall all dale+'In", ._ 1'or( fotf•nrrn'J• •an::ard hy'>nt'1 nlitw•u,'r"r:•„".. and Ill n[luq `/r. J. T:r,t ..1 •'t+,.,.. , r!„ „ ,lonhla trail. tr luld, L•�, r't!d !rm•I;x trill mill, s u',ftu e: i : f, 'I hu Clty' uf'1'urt 1'uti h•,f«J dn,.• I,nt ..I ... i.I lu,pl:tt •nid r �i' . ,. ct nnllrC \n. ;C« u{ thq :,' r. ,,. " :c;f, I rMntlnll5 "''cni'}' Ik ., ,.•IIA:r of Ihr „r: +d foligwxt ••:'• : ter. a. Th❑t lilt .•nrr fin s-,!'l t ::.Iln•a !•]�• 1 , `•tld CII{111I1,' I-,II»!sill 1 l'Itn ' "II nrdlllllt:i" I't's .:'• I" n1I 1'0,-.11'. 111',II lr• r•, 'flwl Irntn tall uflr: ! u• d+dr If t!r• fir ,.: p,lirr of all, n,tu( ..( [rill.;. r, :.idlukr tna tit Uuddu'•tl•t'I•., tc, ': sip ,: .I•, In , p 1'rli.•.t Ly cite, hif m„t.:. ynu'ur r. Y°' }asm74:r of lilt, ardfmurcc•. nu,i[iltr a prrirod ,rf ,' mill ill t-111'. Al"] npuu 1"?11; ,u uutf nc,]r+'. n, hail ihvir y s 'rLi••• Ito r, r,. ulvrlcrl;:, . d^t( illtf ye,lrt,'l'lic hell H-1t, 1.1e,'trl, L':d:u.n'1 mud :nit.l'n m t i] is 3lhia n renuNl•,n qr r, nl•,•ra:I=nn't uI a:�,.,;n .•.,, iI aL' rYlr• ". I' '1". a. '11u,:-I'I„•Ik'II Ida+! Ibip n'n i'f'company. Ill mnc4,II" as..fill JIAJIIt >hnll hlltt )'r p,ly , I rUnlPnity'. tin „Imrf'..nin air , ,. •hi i ' abl„ tllnr make oval: 1'hr:atirm :lid rupalr. 11W t,y In .!,r cUe fit l'n,l l', I•I rl• tL: i. r,l ills 3 .trnnitd the 1ii•llr to r..jimmut.rrujlea nrr 3An- [ern prl,'l!t'i;n n«I It Illld tL+y nrr tit 1'0"1y 'nn111t1'd nlli r,)',:d,l l•In.l]nlltrr, 'spit Il itnil fall Ill: l'n1111t1n!I 470tlnl':1 ti'rll It:l. I'Jt, reulu,l t1w right Vr;vgrgu nnd'lv,• 7!v to ,•au- rurr,I L}• ilfv no,Y ,r s is fib. It;• nv , n,oklf !u rah! rltr al:d nLnre the riOlt , j, S !, !n: tudn tin n'Ithuin ^nud autw t filth ll.a} nnC 1• ' K!aln,ct, hup'I, rnalntalu nud upu«ate no -rv,wi . furltlt ill t,ltll e.IL% the ante of tau .tilllurs pn, rd tit n:ud n:l lanmr:.• 1'r u. :fin;:"�. k � wl.)• lwrellrhrfnrC ermllyd wl I•lrrlriu sy+ICc .; �• •treat hilhv,f 'slot rill eErcl rill imrtor :•tool• .day' Iur each day fit xac11 Lulu nit fir ucglrCl rn rr rayrt" :. 'fnr pnnuT mid 11Clahlg putpnrC4 Il l•a4r,]ry' i'+ , IrndtocurrJ•,traa"pnrt,iud ranw}• fniGhi ,In•1 ..,rank<' muuh rti,racas fir rupnlrx: nail !t A,nllk ... '. �ry� ithouin•nitlnllnudainhdJumlr,:u[ Irvrnhtobc t}:n, 1,8ar"ltgur6 t herC[ul on t and uVtug Ihu fnllull'• give it l'e da1', gut lf•u !u 11tC (Illy' cauaaf] hu[nre .._K life rulla'ny symrahl ,iud for n[l,er pnrpa„' r�, 1114 mloo.t. I,'ilhltl the CflJ' r,( I'•,cl 1f'st\'nnc•ur(, nrenpyAlg niq' pnttlnn of till[.{ fit na'tx f r ihu IIS v'ccr. MinaC, nctn.•i tllid I1;1'Ivr xld,l rtrc[Ix, evil}. p t'1x: tilt 1(•nt .0 xucut tr. rtn Clry al rent to ; i i•,yu •t nit:II tin ill lt_ mold rallwuy' uuJ ahRll nuJ +,venue., ullc}•, and'seen+uf sold pity, nud 4H' JCflitrrna ffinmi, all tonorsna arrc„1 ((rout uecilpy more Ihnn !u'u �ineks lit wlu tlJne ' -. .. .. ^:" � earl, rousted Ct, upernle null an1111!01, ,It wirt•. n.'};• 1L'ulkutrrtrcvl enxlcrlY to Qnlnry Hire"[ aI) n 1 i ,,, 't n,t•, nolox.Ilriurel. i•u I orta findctaldld:m. it . `•'z"er_tt si�jw.f yLrirur.luu of Ihu mnmr.._ . �._ -.., j ►dig Ln1Cs nnI .:, 1 nttlke nJLuxmlvdlm„ nuerxnar),' T r. ,?rY-!i y. •.*.it'll �•}'s::•'t slit-:,'•. _ � L11 rle wtasi s. ..l9zefllr. s.�.lir.f rhwy n`C'•:!,1.' j:_..•. ,...... :....:.:- ...'_.:tit. ':. r51. t, _ _ _. 1' tl th11111j to 4nhl•hnrllle4nfin( o1LI,.1 Con is ululuc(cic enurX_I ifillilOct G< - >;�P.c L _F�_c�_-oo _ _��aP.���-,�-^Y -c-•�cd.: �xx - rcL-- _ �c _ _ ❑_o--= _ ❑ c-_= g_ + _ w� =Pa- - _ ______--wane o1w _ =roc_' --' _:__ _:.a.'. e�•_r-. c- x�.0 - _e _ ] - _ -OK_-_- - c._o aF7- _`__ - `___ r>�YC�_--�'�ri •__ _.-� -_. -- 3�--=Y•�•'-,Y �_ C- '- _-__ __ -Gi - •__ - - -F-- --.�+'.-�F yG�-�3t - �ry.a. cG _ _ �.G-£r_s .'_.�_� - - L_- __ - �t r __ - >•F_ .�_`=_-^Cu-= _ 'Z. - _-'J .-_ F = ]__ - -PIC- ]_ _ _a S__C �•`t COY,-'- _ - z _• _ GSF�r��-.�'_-.-_n6=¢-'- 4. -___ _ _ _ r_ _ _c =F_.'. a'c P4.. _P�:o ndra^ aY--•i<'a__ - _ ___-_ 4= �F>___ _ _ �i .. � - _ _ -sari 3• _ -_ _- z'• --- - _ _ _ - _ __ --- - _- --- _ - -- _�=c`^ - _- L—AY 5v!i��-:-,��� _ ____ - __--: __- -_ _ - -=c_']- _ _ -c'. _ _ -s.•�--_-__ -tlF� __- - -_ - __'_ -af .'- --_ __- e - _L'o^__ _- 1 •o•: :h:n .x tan::: ••'il :r .Ki{.cx-.-c.. G:'uu'a[cu - $ -- - - -_ - - .. Y'-.=-c- ❑_ - - __ _- °__ - - - _a7zy - - - rip V• ___ . 0'S _ _ _ _ - - nCw aL•t�n❑inn•T dn. !r•na •7 teln •r! a•id L•tlt`r 4':teiin-'+K _icy __�_ _ __ _ s_ _ _ _ _ _ __ �•_...�. a.� t[Et -- - - -__ _ y• - _- Et r G•.�....•r•..r - E3y,-,�..w:,..�:+.�;:;�;:=in,-rah;-Y+ca— _,,.e,..."- "'_'•__-.-.....:-..-•.�+n--r.•-+,.�:--.: .i }-.�-.... -�-r--�"' ,i. I - 7,7 _ _ - -_ __- _- _n _ __ _ r __ _ __ v ❑_ - F o3= -__ _ _ ____ __ ___ _ __ - __ _ __ __ - _ _ _ _ ttt _ __ tt __ _ _ -___ - -_ __ - _ _ ___ �C�� _ _ -__ c x e - -__ __ _____ _ ___-•--c_=_ _ _ It a- __-__-_•- ==- -" _- = - - _ -- -_ __ _ - ---- -- _--__=-- -_ _ - _•--_--_- _-- -- _ _ - _ - _ -- yam. zi Ztt _ -- - - - - el YH` cw ue t - - - - - rasp 1 U - - -- .ct - t t k - cacr witao S.1L.` ,awd•aa• -- - _ - "- - - o7ru _ _ _ r.C� our 1 t Sn b 1 _ - _ __ , __ P olumns of It i!; t" do __ _ _c =___ _ _ _ _ __ - _ _ _ •- ` _ __ in LLu �•oid urns - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ iC• nS n C ti�l'1tt- can•edt Lhi - _ io n t tut - -- d �te -n `t • ' _ � � � q F S_ -' _ _ _ - to . t-t•t t Cc rn to FL• _ _ -_ _ - _ _ -_ - _ _- _ -_ - so. for It - - - - 1 - _ _ - -- -Y - _ L •t - - u --G4T. Rmi1S• .; _ - _ -y - - - ___ Y' - _ .t.'e�?`a- •UL'LnJtt'1. •11111Y1 t 1-t.i j - _ - - ]Cc __ - ^Ly �� _�'_ rJ= - = •trucktht �1ltCI = - F = -_ - - _ -- ny�, _ - - _ -- - _ �`xG -i�� _'1,-•�y _ _ _ - - - - _ ter :tilt: Ivy+i52. •CL _"Ci a--'i Z_ _3-rZO- - deal-+ wvn ••�' O+ -' =F=�-- - W$� form nntU vit;t �c ❑ .- r, t snr. >r .-`c•s •:u� � rx. ltrk.nndittn• hi+,ig n;: to ° •and 1."i.t •ul nn)tltl al in - .•r�.G^ ¢'fa kl-mV-_ _ - �,r.. _-�:. ------'--� rill F4 Lr tartWi ttjr mtr "mItrl:s••t r•tod 13e ieit rep'" n nitlt u> ^;tern 6• d. .�t ew t ocek tend cot t. dea or. to Ml of it, nnJ se pa•�Y one niSltt 1n; Itrtt;6 get only thtlt,bit" idea u:ts to i.,clitCle and .tylr Its In n social 7cn5. but t2 r don't . d11 Lis Scita, again. �Ve tele• inY nnS one n'll eel tivtt the _ tnn\nr�� Jntler.,kin +tree io i4ntq`i�.�:'•''' s , !boil 1, lrly I'll- l riRh: la +aiu up ,*aid nlrsrt, Alt gl:nn.M..Ideun fnr t'•,.amrp'ult•,'ul'r; yea• �� i I(on of It. Old lnmt n111 �n^•',;�y�!}` 4 .,tJ mmelA er toy Pnruun u i F.r1 ' •'ILinn FOLrtrfr, Itnlh[rS' '� c - .� 1t • ha right .1.d Pf1Y!rore in hetrtxldroil or rnllnxr to ^k ulonH.404 rrn'tw Ir At 'nr•arn..dxnNNnd,•alra. , z�"•rr_' I• .,:q illy Irr nrrt tnu'k •ul• %, - _ , um renll•r nl +aid Aln'ela I:?'. '. •'• - . In Illu Lrmrr n I ru`k will nu sxhult Wily ' n atlJ 'Irvut raft lrn!• ,drl•I Io plotiru porter cx- F n ? 1t Mae Chrtrlc t:xlltrny :. %'- �' . and n.ah;un nrt h,.rU• • I , rnuftrurl, punitn an+t vul nluuc flu• right M ='-'� t• oSleltle ,YtSrn, I;•r.• -- . :. hllvisa ire of like Nrlld —` ar•w null tar qll put;n,a•, f - o"d of ![Idx tr. 'ttroy.,f •Una tH anld elf)', nu.l la 111 re nud mnlutUlu .taro/, ah •m��nntnl full Ir''t:u, ,d to mnn c.:revnlluna rnm••ut;Lin ,Oro la •u!t-r G+,m !.- ogto.mill 411.Jlaw,on, 1 n •. Ilcrtrlval Vuorgy.auhf.ct `se. !1, .1:I tlua rt:n o tr: rnnl r;l4n•1!` I , r rrjuha:ntvnlA bnrulunrter `l:nrym,l) hGhln•l nhll„In unu. ::II. .-I:r. Iw IIr e.trwli ll,•Iti14 InrJ r :,'It i••: td Uud •:b n' ,our -h,ltr t 1 t' "1 NnIA i t 1 1 uhw � cow rnlla'n • .,vim 3 1 3 l Wt v'I un W. � •` Innk ero,+l+l •4 Iv area[ pow- � : rldrl • ('Ilirail*t lnlrr ) t t..ei :• rU rttcr. halo elgl,trintt s , +tv •iha fora ll, Olt :„t„t tt ,, .tn tin•, '11 uf nulh, air n•ell:itt. nud ,dnn' nu,•x cunrlrnruna ur +op'rlr of :•�i: • ILd .,trcelt ha Tito nlllu-Tulip u5• ' ill Lnaxut-A and ohlllc.I tip::. In tiuthinr r q I'll ued a Ohl. n•if _CU gmjo wlih tho M. AlwIt Ah1di 11"1c till, nlibal U rA ova : nVd u,f UlLrea 611""" nud alluyn ru3''..... MAly' fur Ilnhllity fnr mq•nnA Ill ILL IS drh �t Ir' u.tllaruell to Rrr br rrutun of lbo nt,011l" ml of Ndd '•ntu nulla:lt)'pnaxnga of 4unrca, xlnclA m:.t ltllryN l:y tn,dr nElwny rl. t•1 full flow ut wMer. In yy reanan of flu• urRljcaure Al OILY of uot", rm ,IIr 'cell or !rote %, uhl ren'Ni c112"n tiara, null nh 0, 1 any c.ulee that u JI r 11 Qnml fnr tom lout hno n11, N can lath uu.yuhµy xt r4at Rula Syr 11. Yu Dore xhuR be nllun•rJ to z!m:d r, . ,ou Alrcetnudoo JnQbr- .3'rtnwlul: or era•+ walk ujwrI nud ttrro ; I,,cot to fie fail ytrwt (ur Atnnd upotl,Told nir'rta whu11 ant In nx' t . ng /old /treaLr and it At1+oh+ttnel or Juq'eda travel llluntln. it. et lu ggood enud4tuu and he aura Inay I+u ah,pptd kit Ally t I u•hcu: ; I tall! Rinlittn.')ynyn ur rill out al rrfe,n tchY the •!r='• Ntt t¢tu .'dd rnq+lhod nnS rl4ltt of t'nula and'1' icier kit• It nay. I Olt belker :cow and rho .puno br. trot int w" I.tit Uk It IA but pncrJ nr' SCC, If, •1'4C •J rigXht In i'lirrnLc An H! vktiwr ' and pnckad .kin n, to+boll oxhuul (nr tl!c in 11!r rf IIlty )c•, ! hh rho n:.IntlnK gnldo of hula tho ditto u! thV P•A•nito of thin unl!n:ulr: right of, way. I,I. .1 fnllhrc ml thu p,u'1. of ,aid nUliyl !, l,d{w11y aampnity nllxll yl)1npA"y I,r it, wit, e,San l,is or II• Igo, to 41 nr n: ,r+ I •nr t het. an Ito undo n•r ,n lot •coded kin a Ile •rid r.l R 1, ell xt I 1 I 1 k [n t•I i, _ nt•a l v:> ,Intlb t < t n W Su ulr 1 :uu K 1 n.Ynl [tor n r r Err- ' t 11c Uou.unl:ed nh+,ll e t Lee lu tr th kit r Ihn nnlun'n . u, !d a oft 1 nth I I r eat tneo ll rot Plnuk Uunnrtl work u Ltrtelnitc nl ell Ihn ri::hla lit 1 Irl•w ,, lit•+ I I ••I at film n l t l ku I n r' Ihall. fnrtl 1 6 - tint rhnnurU ur ih to fl t ql t 1 Klr•frtl ,t 1 1 •:lid IIIIE rLL' r.enaclimt. and Irr LhV 1 t 3 ant couunrnred or con 1 of Ihn right of uayy 4.Ieted WI lid1, A•Id t'In" init [Item ahn I ha n t Lw nlld tleI, , Aud at A I orlet lnw al I,.ld rIGLI" 1n1p1 tao1. furreltur , l4 tJsl'lalLd h' 11 •, I, t' 1 1111nlIC.n 111 . p o x nr nl u�s I J wNeW J 1) to Y 1 b3' to j ,!id brlwaiti the rant 4mu mull C'mnu;lh Irncke, turuattt. St:c. 3Y,' Tllu itutl IAuu F.1ectnc� Itsllwny ton i tllxu Fs In 1" hlr'11. 1 1Punr11 pay all it .n aglrn.c, of ill+ wit flv-t ' hl p7unkA In la Inlof "On c fIe,lATh t ale iha "'If, n( tiw city u•i ' 1 bt of wary 'lull to hV " l.• nVlrldn ptutk to hU nuttcrintll' PtnkId 11" h�' iha curtniuua h, f'Rrr,.+t Uue CSelliVe tit; and . lkrl .0 of na l'I Itil n nlhwrJ, n;nl it I +1lnfnuCV Ira Ot UCrele(11n ills brat hr II I of the ulLY [hot JI he, t-r ttu; outer pinuka xn ell elrnt•L•II It •iilk'.I r ,I pusihie, It !• hcn•i+S v,,e of sjhloleA, :aaHn41 that tLnr. iv an eularg nCy nud that th , II. pi ura .Un1I ' I H ku I In aml n ha ro f rce and el+• m I it n Ir :n ura gg 'Sin ,u.•n „ h •Ihr ' i• E 9. +kid x11x11 of 1 , ) 'it'.] l 1.!nnur-11 kid n ,1 Ll 'ller lg kit ]tort Prorul 7w 1hV utayaq And '4 lugnl V+t'+III: IU'ai I ,IAxr ll gem luny be r11-' I'e:.ara+l 0.11 r:nrturll Augnft ,,: excua.ling ltyo cunt. !Toted Anvurt nth, lr w -1!n o over t'""re 1 \ t a it rteil 8 1 a OI IIemILL .,a Ugel + .L[ktC: Jll:f. l.'.111Y ('11 •J,r!•y11r, •n blob AUL'Ii .PllaxMrgur� - Clt7 t%�erk, Tote art pul,ilrAlian.ln�n•t Ih, In'JJ, nffor ill, rnilkflr aom'1' .tnJ is Imrsav, the Cltr of Purx'r.+u'nse+,rl /Id, and its 3AlrI Ilu. of rail -kin llu, tlxth ltxr o{ •\!•r❑ lnllh nadrr xuS Ly r tlw ggraduof nu>>• A,ronc+Irtuobf tI.- terula of ur,l(rawra tin. :.10 kit nnls + .atd tr.trk IN laid, I;VIty, nutund a+,Oulu Umr1•luuA el tl.n onl4 ca Irllll ilia ,all >l` III, IICN tl •' C i L,alll►!:lute rn i P Init: U x i tdcl , ,<urn rnlec I • • now • . ' 1 ur 11• 1 Ur auU tat kin inllawy, t,ru'1C Id i.1. Wl way M ao !A I1RDISANOE' NO.:ll7. 1 <.1. brndu, pruvhlcr� Aa urd(nn.Cn to autend r,reduu oltt•ett it 11 e! hall not be col nni(nutcn 'tin III Lit AAld Ilan fern !"JI alluded, "Al, erllr ore :dnc•L• wt uuy unu day -'•routing to I` H'. eltygmrc, .tnwtR ]tuddml- uCir lUuwr [tit IrotriI!nu.+an, il. t1'. Ii Opp eA mid Jahu Oa,.n ,tad .•hlocO; Ut1Ul Ito mold Llrnlr nnAlun4n lr.uchlxn to con:r:ruc6 rplanua Rt1,1 n 1 m f rude kin U• h en t t aluccr! m: t o I l r c rtr t ntlln•I 'at of I•er["aw Ina, o nnh r I utnv[." 7 1 ntnnd nud .en kin ! d nr, 11 r l u l • nx RU1e I jV a ll uurr•a So 5N of the I;IIS of fort Tnu'nrend, "ter Olt ndiu'alluAeyynalip•`A, ^xt: orrtku,nr•r c , `rt nr t+. 'tic mold Uvlt ! Llrr El.rtric h, t hUlinble a it to > 1 r .0 I�IrI • i , and uv!;o., ! I 3. t, nnrre+tort 11 : hY 7,l Lrel al Nn1S n fr•.;t Jrl,n In Cnln,i rllr (, U( • Oullol thf a(, and mnlb ell nl^UOrI,,jr'tt uli ,l etctlnu of t J r l , n ! m• a� n Il u l 1 r t ccrt. 9 t 1 h,. w "I .'It ' UL iY "n, Iha ;.nl.'t " .npen-!rlun 5 rt I Iu.U•IJ. ! gull nliltl'C of rA1J r fyly of P„rt 7`ku-u-Usd du:y n;+hln A+ I^rLL .11 thaw., u-hrufuRatr,i rt• t, r II 1 I ,1 t • 1 t r A a al ntlwr t,'Pna Heyr,l ;Sri ui ordinu'.. c 1• •ty x1lJ CIrC Ilntlt'n `r'• :"11 of the Ul)- of f1+rt 'F'Un"rt•. u,l, rn";ICI. '!xllnacaad chnapg. ill nrlhuun'. l.❑alum; dl !•'. 11. I'nityu: r•c,'. .ruu, ttneka, n I d I ng..1,t Ian.[ 11u+lJr,l, I t. ll'. 1: n;,P•• , n,j : nine holI'll AIL nolllta,l bn:•ss nud :Y.otr n.dgnx, n lnun•hl•. hr rlln- .,1 ege.n ILLd rC6,I'll"If`te r,n,: tnla All,t lnrlo l:n lll,le +,.•,till' �!r•,•: d[nuges nud rep, I'll raliu>y �r Ihn L,q' of 1'nrt'I'nu+++•nu1 ptw!rJ by 1 [7 I, aed nyutl In11•'ha t'41,ntntl Cnnucll ,\Pall 11 h. I4r. nntl y,-' -:alw ehul) II,ny art' proo 1 by the In.,y.+r nprl! u. h, 1.'Ar, uc nutumb , 1'I of ten 1101 L rs pal r:'I to ry!nal nN pens: n: rrlW ra ur nc•iccl to ,epalnL and lit ;,1,;.. ' - um•. ,r ,^. .,u ., laynn•ttmr/R1rrR:,hft/u1e k _`n'•I�.;"'r '!!rfi ri;htt•,id1l+Rrht.r!•:!Ih:n l+f edlFn:J,bf'•`rdjt, ,; �� `c+irr i. 'I'6n mrl eilrKr+nad•i I;'lliy Lr' ;h+f:S.t:uf (I^iiflJ "j"•^.r.[,tlt':ny. +. h. ounce dnly u,rardL Ibe r:r, ,, n•:,y r„:.' .I tl 1 J Almnu •onncll, . "rj +un r.l •q]on iha D:u tL•, L•.. ^,•rn!:; !::r„ r. •, m,.J a dd a i•1[ ant !p+e lhnn II,uIS D` . pr r'. 17. 'I-hr llglt h(u• P.teetel+: StllUanS rnrrt• ' - ;t nh„u L'u•r, p:, nlni;d,n ll,m Q:r+: Id +l,nit l•a 1 ll ,oh nl•1't,r moon•, ! ulu • +0ril ply ill rtpuar<'wKd It'll • uall.-miou . 'Ain 4n:111•e ,+a, t�' I tulii,,..1.jr,iNr T4l La on .w I!Ilr , up:al , I rn::e ny ul[!rtt! A•.-..«, of ,Lill ntJ nl•nr,•, rf, 1'nitill. r la: •i,n FF ,+• l E n,r •u cr'unt ..I ..r,!ln,u:,•,; an'1 ir`!'411i �I:Ln, �"1'fae„ nl' I!r.l. - - .. ....,,r ....._.. :�: ,.whom u:;u l r,�%` !„ I�nl:ij:t"(i, •,t' 'A';{. '�� ,... '-�Altl l,n ltl totrF, 'r1I,1 ;'ILJ'HJt:'r I11e J't}'n htrfot ad nu. plan• ur• ,:, ! rnprn w'r n•,•r, ., '1 1 ' !, � „ ' ! ..i •'fh.•ht; of L•,• jnl L;:rntlnu: I ul•nith! (n,m thr dnn• of the ICuu n va•...: . :hG : I ."'t : ' ++ I',w•r 1 n• ,al :lidr!1 'q, ltif. ,1U7•r,rl:d �. ut,hlc,nrr null tiro , I,•rn:♦r..: li Iw::i. . 1't1tOtt: lt. I,. TiIt!4.15_:, 31t.. attt)nT. '1'Anl -r: ti:m IeR (in: „f nnll'au:"'. t dL'r•1: 'In•!+t�tl,r .¢r ?!. ITnr l'.i•n. 11 rl t!I, ,:hr kit i•ur' 'Inwn a, •r., 1, •Iil l�rl, ,:,' t•+i 4, .i I'll u( Aram l,n.•1 n•.L:IUC AI'I II tit, 14Ji, In Vnri 1 nmou :n1+aq 1" '1, I!+:t I'll. I:I,r ..} ,;,':' ..:.'2 'Ib'nr••ed e.:.!.. l'ulE••ay'r ��n a.pan+ L, er ,. nr` ,4! a'L''+'I' .,. '.+. r- :j 1n,11r Lrrtr;x, Ihn FV!P UL Prt[Tnarn•^ui D'It �.''cl,..n tr:uuhl.n n roll+r,• !•n.l .. „ ,n+.t.e'-�•d+S,y o.'nyuE, lr!'1. ;,'rm,t•[4'/,'hc Ilrit onla l,q nV rlr, tr!r It"C1 ::ilia �� i"1 .'I:,!'L.I!!n lb, +l11'I:all+YnS L„ml'nne, J�.aw/n!r!e•w':4 'A,:u�lnd u,•nw„,ndu •I•ri.l,,, ':,��(';E:`I,:u.i,x,•'4uv. rho rGhita V.. u:d ^'I'iftYril rtllon !•tn: +, >`'u•vud••p...• inlgih+•.,: •.II ! ':y o. '. _ 1'i r::4 it. I.•Ir.,,.,L uerw 6(i0n <crR:!rt Irr+riN o•d ur;u,' FL, I`va, dni npnr•:vJ ly oral .y: • in,L•• ., rr.d'. taoL . :, '1 .Svridomrittrji!lurca.v, ra'^++duEr.iurr:u'•:1 hIr, .. rrh' liy „j.'r .. tM3 r't•'•Ill •••.N Al"-t II!n•'14vt '['uu a-muoll\Ski.u. ut°lS !,nTtr ttnto n+ Et(lyN, to ,r eu, •1, ^'ll ,d�ul . i1h +•, pr ,,,n :lino l ,at i, ,;1: r: n]t!,:: u•1'� "I• : 9r.< - "MANkV F +•ll•I r.,,'+r ply 1, It', I'l lllniit ,Irr`:-' \\l �''1; [i,l Ei,l :,''.' ,.'! .'!• :a Th♦ 104t Llxa 7rh'r-� nit,r thr•;M1•,n_:-nT Ihi• nnit!i..t•,: .,!:,l j.y .n :�.,jr •n„i. iutr„•:'; I,n,„+f -. �, _ ,+c,rrn:q:., .'! 'rcr•wua Rr�d I' to e:tlll•Irtl.,ll :1 n'I :'In ,h'I,• au LlI,• rll„ ' . ''•�';, "! .I ! `'t„ + `` !►tl "r • I 1.'It! an lln 7'11Iti R:rlln 'fit; tu� rwnlrr kin nl'h, it,un • til dnn \-'i��' ':•u+r . �,t „t ! .,h,+nil• IIA, rh:, :. ,1 •I,: ::,,n ,tit• s^t•'nY?r, von, x}xat: :•rr•.:i. [ f I :n., It.rlly n+ r• unu., i'Ir • I', r :,In - • !net tl I:LI' UI' Port . t'i ors rrii U 3 .hall Vic aR v;prn•r,a(tt.• us, nl 1',+; `• !,• ) ,!'r`t:( I ,Dolor' 11'!'uf thn:'earx. E:Ih a 1IUI ,•+'.n .• •n,a• .... L,en•nr�i !•o('rll•!n: dea:+. o:dnl it nl t :ho illy , bl.l, ,.1 : '1 hr . �. '1'1,IA nrvllua❑,•r •hAI I•!ru rd'r, 1 . ,..! r l=. I: at .•f tn,• rl.: l' fall S::u� ' h:,�lll f t[r ,. [non . n,l nllx'r Ill', J,13 • :1a1.1 :U, t , „I :": Irr I:•I,, : ..Cl,;rt• . 'tot+,•I ill },+ll,:lr':It1,ll5. all „I I+, t','t•,,.ti,!,. ., I, •.1, 1+ .,,tjt t, t, l:: i[t �•:tn 1-.'�,:[[il' ,h.11 b I'm t+l tic C'auuol! }.. , ! t•:u,rl...j•.17t r,. i�.;t.U•+.I„n•v.r•,:nl ehxil bv.rU fir. x 1 tr4 'q. I�•1, .11, ; nl lx ,:I,I Leh,.. ' xa:; u!,, ,v:,• i of fire yelue .f r Ir:l •F:"y Irl Gt, IA!I. ;�Lr' "['Ir.�� n.t ,I ,:( [`.Ill nrlllnnlliw In III l. } II. I,. 'I'l lill.l l:• .13;. )Lly:a. +'I' ' f•I': `•.t..a p„ ` ,'d in ;tn rvuutrnoau,n >iad I 1, ii ' +'i • I P' •'i ! a,l • un t',a li v.k ttuckn JY �d L t eaf n,bllcu r •I I t l el .t. •,rli II 1,• I '9"`� - xa Ihn . 1 J . an+' ❑c.0 dal n �1�1 r .UI lrrnl[a tltr Ch• kit _ [' y •m l'nrt Tn u'nnrn.l :'fin ih' .h u1 I t _t � on iha ,lath der of April, Iw9h krndt tu'l'hu Halt � � " '•���. �' •''�f ' ` t I,� . wt�" w,rk ttnhlny rtirat �irmm �!s!,li. lrrtric o' Hght rnn....I .ibr rcc+.nrn� ;11';'!u: oft :t[.rt; on'Jellla%Un and n'r•I^un thr ri h1 �I,r.,� L, 1,. ,•,1 •,•.. t ' I't,. • I.•,..-'. ` R'•,Ikrr auc, i t. (; In Cnnri,'arl, nja/matt' Rrtrl .I j„r!ntt 1:1,•'', '.1, `•[ ft,+111 ,fn111 '"' lvrerl in 1I!:Ctn1, iCrrn+l:.Vn i mnu,tnlu uu amnion wuet`t n11lwn)• +n Ed `, n i,: R., to •1Gre •+Irmo !r^swan •tract to l.ntr Tolloa : •lrt•et• had ruanut•• fit the L.4 of 1•nn 'fret tY ; : "l I k', H: Sr`1•n n n h•u:n 3,ntrrenan. •, ud uudlrr and by t•irn1,: rq Ito, tnnni ul ordl I '•rift: kin 1 Untii ill aiC•/t Jrnu' 1[. "-1111I1 :t \ :. Y nU I I"I 1';.II . 'tl r �.rtn r f nnld el u'! o . 1 li, dch nllunu,•p la j1 "•: 1:: � '''l:n.n•.r:c.•m-crilh 1ih,:nyam a Allots t 1 . fulLncA,�a!�..;':I ''''!�I',:-i: 1 ni:,',!I •, ;n „ Irr, I. ' t)RI11 S.l RCL'Su.;,dl, rvl•t::r'•I ,:r!n:ll'1..: : Till• +!+ r11tn:,nkin.a+ec ehalthut tits ttla -In • . 1.: bad m ordl •F} I ,.IL'lr, "::' „ NI•, rl }� " o r •fire 11,11u Pr'il rl ' �... .W nni Blnnce clanun4 tU Thn i:r.t l,ha' Farr I ^i • : !I', n r.,+ , ;.i trle Unit.ay- •ungnutr. It. Nnrrrr„ u'e and 111 • rI•. y.I tl,. r �I I !. n•.nrr ti �:t9l tar rue enrtlfar--bon nC ruu•. _� ga.n{ItP..n lsnnehhP to i 1n11rnrt, nper,lln nod :1':'. c:1,. , it.. n•rJ• ;wk,• t:ISct and[;• IM. wa , la,t clrie't,er! nLlhruY over. u„ rrlf n nu, r In.i 'U, :I, I• It: ronll b' ta2 " 'inlUnK w,ki nrrsaa cerl kill wir•a:. to the cir, tuf I':in I :, ,'I1. I'. t�ir,,. r l[. for..: h .,,, ••n 1 nfir!. ^IPi' 3. •. Part 1'nnvxanl. .un• �' r a • t "� f'• r'n.ncil hl':;l "_t, IVI.. AppruYad' Till, lily of Part 'ronn.end du..l ordain u+ t ` In , :.I • :.I' ',� folht l`+1„JI uu' rt ,' A%'I' •'•'' , ,rtL'.\Li,JR., A, n)•at. Thst, wLurea+,iha Ilnard ur Cnnrlt 1%`I:I hr, lilt 1'II:-I, 'at" I.; r t;umluitxhmerK of Jellhar y- .wf• `,.F`, n• ,L-tn:rr, t;to' 1••rk. r+r{ Cuuuq, :.le „(-'tt= l;t.l e. .h1-fan l:•ot f.luu lilaUrle ;; R'u•11hh!t•rn, have hurato urn Kwitrd vbl '1'II,! i Su nf•i +tl , !•t,+ , 1J•I }�.- . I,.ql • Ib+*kiln uutl•rul licit Lllu fa rrtnf JIM 'l r:1na van• it, u6� I ! ttr �[ ,tn ' t"` uy 4 • yy '+3' I 1 nu,• i ! I, ra:Is !+: nTs.!n. II �,:!^t,r;ur,• de t11,iC•1''w, -t ck,`1 or+lull w'd4u+. n francil — Ui nllrurl,: ,n V-•lled ru.l:: n,r; 'c1'•Atlt t [kin puwaua( npereltn nud uhuuGuR an oievldr. ot<,yq rni htr;p . I„r r. 1, ,..,, ![.:,, :•,a*.�' v.•1, �. • ., .. •, t 04 t'• ,: . ,!rh, +r, n.'rr.rri, d1d; au Sh I11,u cenem, .Irv' (i wito 1r mtl,l roomy' rlrlrn ! ,iJt. i,'I: ,': ,:7 , t, •.....0 v ,;' • _,,. n. ry. 1/ill, by. ,( auhl tlr vie nru note hndudrd within th': rnr. ' ,a ,I r. ,.I •: .,! .:: .. I.. .Iry •� •.n!ed .n Co1P' 8� )t+nrK ll alit" of the cJq' of Tort 'Cn,rr,waVI lid t• :,u,f : _.,: !!;(. uatu. A'+.1 all, t t roS x E r,Sr l l •d hr nl� 4nnldtttr i• .t 1 t loll•' 'lr I till of `lI ILII'l nfll'it ltll lu I!!tl :It.,.a• �!• r lit a ii 4 r•li ern h 1 art tr n ,r hw n Ion tin I t tU r n11 11, c1•e•[I, �t� t f 1 +s G } tru;x�'I' 'L:. rt a.t r, !Iv,r�� +� uG vin niL'. l i:vl !u ! clrin it t i, l I. 1 IIEn'n rtiu v I, nn� + u ar .•, ru''-I Y tDnu } I I `:,I�, .� I.,• . It . In 'ln�! ' .nl+l tcflR• nnI n' utr„�,t .nc won ! .t'-rt:• .Lu h � n. 'r.' � I t r: 1 aeu• ^! ., not P rt• aml xnd her et t tin: in•re Ur •ran r, rirH•ca kind Itrerlwu n, nl u the th:l.' - O.1 rtirv[!ur,i-t.• •j D , I ttntni, lo-Oy n:llru!'I :,id r.d G'r .V•t • . !'kin :ndy iti tl 111 [I J t : A a (• :M1 n f i IU ctrlc rr .1 tat ntih •r rl ' v-•I �•'el.� ',!' col kit It , rY kid un �•y ` T!: 1 +ticrt c .11 Drum tla `�!'� Ile n! and to r arm � trot . utl �hlh d 1 i ur .ii.• n !, I nrli Y (, [Ft �•�•• cnllvr f rl^hl I n, f .3. r ,. , I Pit •,.endrra 1hc:nmt nter,IUd+ •!t -!.,:I :: kit ,.'!'•I r'.,'•. „�I:rl, :� :4i:I. .I :. �n I,„, duly "� au+l n;an[: rho d,Hnn Lot; atrrrt+ In th'! r�ry n! , d r :I„uc v,�r,t F.dq r. 0 "!h" r tln.t ':•t r�ia f:uneldcr- '_t 1'urt'l nnun.ni_ria Un Vim ta'lnl fr'on irint ... J I rtr,• ,I ;3•:, :,:r. r,: .. '1,• ,t1 ^' rit-: futrb:•!;Jrrk1r1:t11h:4Lr1 -wet to nio"uth'ttr":xddl-ris tou:an Flfc•nth U U9U '. < i .t .. .:• i, 1 ate •eu'a r 4tll[ to t I ion t [ ! am sm l Jru's rtr•i .t:'•I,t It ore t Imo 1 r• ,..Y Flk`.nlh I, it, It S'q t Nrrut In Cork-C•6:,' t'I ., L,: n„ o tad,[ontl• 6xn❑ addltl o air rnr! DIrRo muter !rout ban l u41 tired [Il Il.-I Ilnn,n le 1l rift Ill ,,1111ttr,uu ,., .. ,i,l :u • ;i••{S 4tga F:Ir;elan! • t,i suns It 41 a 4 Ucn Irr I nn,ln r li t I i�t ahierut I+, hl� •f. n + I i Ohrnn n the eanuf • i d t 'i r t x Irr rlt fu u . } t 1 la .let r 11:1 M w till of thu ,, t{nt7 road IraJin¢ trine Ilnt- ilp.i.: ��r:' ''• .. - .. t''" inl:, .i , � yurra. „n 1 far n ,w a,w1 nud vnlin +fillet ar^.hnr.t to lhu,•awl lino ,.I'Inkid n,curd hr .. r •n. ' •.. ..:1am.w 9+wmanud thu crlrn.lou n(an:d rcao +.' I.. •,.,,.�', "�..• ,� ., ••�'•:� .. 'rl•• mil: !.•w['rt�t:,itrr�rludt lfa f inn stood, of Yarn i,nul n 1'•rlul whru::.aid !:., - ,. ! : „(. t.:Un! IulrroNt of th!! r ni L ,. t in .k rah 1 lie •�t 'r 1 (, : I ell L1 E]u n: kin' . , •om u r ulq ... n. 1J �. r ]:.l 1 Y 'O l Ili.. w ' ! ll tl in to l oat ,t th l I rAnttt • t�art't„ �,!,': ..J,a,i •. kin !•ntA 5 l'ou i ° Irrb nrsnnn 1n Fuwjnr's park: kin F'u,rh•r•, � :'ruu "I •,i ..r1 I•nRrht,n>.xhnrn 1 , 1 umm:cL-n:u xnld cWu!Ir rn.ul In \'h^.r,Intu it _ .. u1 u:c p,r.crn.'tyghta and1 s,all r:tmudn I'lld I" LaAe I',vk: un y.rtr .:r.•a .. ,� �• tn!!uurr. I �{{is aµ(n [skr 1'nra 1n vin1•j• *tr kin ll; \ ,.1 •, .i. - �t•.I'•rl ier Sy,tiRx J x;nv: :n kit 'rr tt't tt,:.t .col nit Yut ,v :. rr.uohi j [ I' rl ,•nl . �:1+ .. . _ , .. ,.I .n,,1' n[� i,l 1 Yen i) a At h d• rc •t u, Fan mm� nu, � +old »zoo- 1 tv, '�•n ,er • t I,.ul m an d t r t • 't 'Alt• - V h+b,h r t:rr• Lc'ri 1, ,, t t!• 1:a1 kin s!h•tt : :1. , : hi,na 11;CUh '.! 'n •n[ .1. , h t.. .•r [v n'oS is aac iu 7 • It, tbbxk� Ill 1, Pnr4: tM., I „•D 111.., L .'.I .. , I; a .. ,,r, ,i: 1. • rJww ,ul:l + xb entll dn; of ..�Jttlell rce'and rlgh:"wcuurl:vrL ulld ,.u.!ur M1: r, tic ,j lu: U+'1'w inn. b, :lw n:;,fiw•nt lu u'ritin;. duly usy !u, SA, n tit elf Ail Amurrnr,•/'Ili :r,rl1::l:•, L:[~,I :, •t a., ='.I: r:r.'•,•'1,. IsI•I,t, w1g, +url kinxnd ilnura, rn•ru,rY fnr dl•' .,l - - rr:+•'1 ;><{:t wh• r, mlunti,•ul f.ak,lrxll.nrnar'[ nu+l niuuy d'F •' - _ - - - - - o u3�o c•ar, art•, u - B - - - - - --- _ - __,__ - - ^a� t . [.tar .00 H ro", etny ,.!tell hn• ILc rlrhrn _ - - _ -_ _ - - __ -- a __r�'., ysoe� •11or - - - n e a �a nnw:rnrt r:f tbrlr ••1id rn - => r _ - - - - _ - .ohCt: +I:cs In• _ � _ iul'1 Ile n+: ' 1 Ir Iltr l 1 - - _ i - I lu Ana I • a:' - _ t- - 't x - - - n 1: ,•t- •t I t _ •sot ,tr at at t~ -- � � c F••� 1 'r_ ����!nll • -ilia u:nt � - _ - __ _ • o +r- _ kl :i. y1'lltli tl!1 t am ,II l:L , C'� - _ _-_--,a„� i, _ _ _ _ _ _Y,p II � r'� .II 1.•, p;upellrJ 1,] ru t: ie lu,rl ,t, - - e ' �� r _ _ _ - _ _ - _ y 1 �l., ,,. 'I hIt!'CIII• LI CIt I.IR •• � L.ti _ - - _ _ _ `s a t F-tL p �7 GC kilnlall,3. l!N lrr' •od, hi rl^• TI40Yt 11 n[nttrl:':Lni. CY "r�Y•:-- - - -= - - - _ - - - - =^ sC -'•i r.)>lrinlu 1, wnlJ Ile ._�' __ _ - -_ _ _ ti`�,-_ :.cSL No _n,_„ II - 1 rltl nl uv - cc.'. - _-_ o F ->'ny hen•lnhelnn! cimu.'d n:t - - _�= _ _' - - - __ _ • E � - - �� - n ° a-•+ •i Inc pare nnul 114tt1u•• mr•• ra1-`^��= :- _ -- _- = - _' -s.3?.- f�na_;roa. i ltl' nPeitllll,t{ IItL,{ itlnhdl`.lt=515r'l' nl L :u • = _ -iC^ _ - ^ • O:. 7O' R 3G. -x J..._`^-'q';'~ _ - _- f. C _. F,✓ PAGE ;.. �Srit ntlhnly ArA[um ntu! 60 ,e e( _=c^ '-h i•- �c.: �.r _ °"u^J "I.r. a;ultg. S. ncro,% wd and •rr,lii _ �'.��•�� r" c = __ _ 'p� .off. p`'yo �o,rr en.. ri�G,a 'n:etn:rx, n!Icy+and nne:n of wid'i: j,�=_.Ce_wa_�•-^�_oy;?:� _ .. `r. .•-'^.,.,-y�gw a°c"n$7�t'.' N [,:t•t+rltwtt[wi'irV tear `" N�.-^ `u� ^¢:l.^.•_G' - �'�y:''; 7. F pra Rndr,n,l: �', "r,Ecn' �. •.�::7 Jar. +uln+, Ile I. n! nrN lul���, .,_ ,.. v'-.•.:. _ r; t; _C•g •.' Y�•},•r din.. RrII. 1Lcw r11,01 W93 Fq irli'p fat LP'v eaz., .FKiI - �.:+� X �' tL;h tr rin J: ,mac Lurl.u;,ay It ,l•r little[ b7,•,Ydi a i a'-':;r ';i 'i"L ' l'nr:� rr 81P;:i 4rlbl6.,;,. ,l.,l l ltl�t•, Lrnq, ron.:sd „fir t f. cy' cola I. thn piicfiagu and rludt !rr - . 4 L,tr.•.1 nmm tlln I"rt L'. F �•n•ul b�•f na a•u:,id .a a v. 5. 'i ha u.:rL, n(:dklAtrn'., thlrl t• t• nunrC dull tlyd Ly rLn ';»mmrn canoe[[. K rV nil h.tnld ubtt oat p''r '� ,tx, Ii. '�'hn hUh 1. 1pe F:Irr.cet:lt,u!vvay 1 1, f e`. I�+u? - •,� n ' u l`un•, p: rr- cacao Uri•, [hn:l :�e ru l_l , r:lir.. 1.d4 dtfr••C: nu,; the rnnr•' I'tllp .rill p+r ,lI wtis•vrr+al it. i,u Tllci:. 11 `�Ht'nd ^maS,)'ill Hitt rill t� 1, 1 •FCr ulil. et PI rnrnucLf, vkh-l-ack, ar1�17 ,•ya Q•c�� ,I •'ram u:ru;,• nr,L ,r, �. •,.,1 rn.hrry' tILun>k:....,�„•;;f,hlr tHt•�1'1'Intt tEd.'Pnllnm., fnr I rrnnlrlr•tn,'.n.•=-5.r., , r ,'I ul�.;; •I )• !r•un ,ter l „II r:lnr pn •,,.; of iL•• .. _ sl!'. 1 ruin a1'rul 'ell of d•+ruhl aret ell „i-"� r''ln,r•. ill„1 r',.h thQy-drnu•' t•' uwpl+t:,^r,'t , "r},n„A 4.r fn Cor rr tr.nt sill r.{hr 11,n .I.Y, Avua y 11d MNcte Or ran)- pnril .• v9 i At i •� i 1 I „qq. l., 1'I run+"' ,rl tluu n'i1..,.,, 5 . ' .•' . , r r 1Rtr +l.ttn ,f L•'+ pn"t:rvtinn, E 'ri nf�'Ir L, uu ILr dn:•• f elm °. 'l l': V tilt ; 111i .� , 1'.., r,, i 1.,, + n•t'1, 11 •dA[r•,1 Ili. !i::!. .t ),C�rrn'1',! •IL Linn EIC,!hir 1Gdhrhl' =ec:r� ••flu .I, ulld u'+• nlny WA 11„;�.ii , •to a:r. ��.1Ur:i u., t`:'L .hc ridh uldpnep,,., - :�' `u: el of U,^r'i:5 .r Hart 'l',,,•. rrn„+.t• � 1... t1 .!.,.,; 1 L.It told milli Ur rnllnnl to �� :1 1'61I r tau flat of.tln•,I! 1-1I;A i,ln •'1'll, I: h r Ci., L. •k nlnnK rill' ntrrrtn If rat -K - _ ( -� 1 ,r! of 1'�� r;nr ,ill r: 'I•rn n rinL auti'i„1, of t' •t 14r•.•; fir,: pin dtrnllon e!dt Pi Ir7:, lu nrA^,i Klr ran d,vtrn I. w uK - 'I,ll: o, asl: In 1'I:. II, .1 Ltu. 1'.' - ' p,•'.'i'•: .'t 'l'ow�, ••ill l..t.. � r•t"y' Ile tkal fltlrt. rtIt" �K_sy'„- 37e�: 11in .n)t� 11 .-.fir• I'I. •'•n':•"t •, .'I .lml n::r•u+,:Ire r'(•a' of 1'nr:,To'rb.••rol1L1, .'thn Irinur of nn{A Hitter[I't-;, r.s c:• tl�lrn n'n' "11rr 't•.Ilrl ',IrI ,. ..I n - Ili , r: At ell, 1•'I, urwJ ln.'/'Ln licit• • III I11n f1i, 11 t1• f{ IlU' nine :'eUll;,l r;lt »I 1'I", Irk, •Met „yl •,_ �,• ,11 „ 1 "+ tit !rnr ti, Ilt'Irnitnv} tnmlvu,p. f``a,.;turaatr tile will .vadanl601y ^,'„ I.t.••ne: nu.l u, n:..truntu-in•'I+I(I li •.'�;�.� "!" .' r �,� n,l x«`, tan r,¢h L Ad nun ttw'•Mr�•rall itunnf :tic ntn'CL. R�». _ = ]+tell „ reuti rid" pu•-,•d r.v't'ma „ , •r, 1'n ;d• i 'I j;,- ..t .' •• it r�'1 Ian rv-f',.,,1 tLxl'::.7lino M'dt'It>t +Inmtx a d nit rnld nine[ rnlnvIly as r "; n,l ter., 1•'N..ul.t nul'i„ ill lur[ha m .t. „r: n+ In rhr , 1. Turf 'fos•.•rwl nn,l.r rtec[ric gtlrllre Pn1R:r e-x- F; : _ �1 •na it I• , L. -tm., -I Ill - rd , 6„1.+1. - • I' .rl h, II, „' A'!" •i, '•hunuc•u NO. 7 rr �', •ia. 'I'!Ir r , II•s I1 tieiu. h: . !:I • , �il . Ii 1 r.ln •`. of Llnvuln •. :tt tolla s,+. W ltlnizu,, la IttN+,L It np.l ,:I .F :I: • .1I�n.^t•�,h.d , nitd ue+IRw urn hen:• _- � ,•, . nm`I!I -It n Hill[[[ r III:; �1li r' LI • 1, ',LiS. at!1;.. ti{7, a5Z Ile,-r 1 •,.ii»v�n,•� : SL, .:..- Ri:,n Heil L: r., l: n':IIr �a• ,1, l rr u•tnir•r. oprndc Hurl rap..•, •nLl ml'n p' n ll'.In ell•„ r} - , Um..eM R'ir.!»I• L. Tit. 1144 Liu" G1cr- vul +Ilanc the rlV ht ill =': • c ^ n4rr tilt . n•`tiv a: ihr. urviui. Herr :w 1 u.0 ' Lr.r t^.ie l.• sr m rt u; , ,urrr=,nix anJ . r. n•J nit nlonlrle . rru•tn c - •- ' !' Lttr:., l !r•n•. ill ,;I• i•I A. ` 'r, Inlr)u«rr be e•,nr' 1'nit _ - .. ,�,r•,r•t"r"eli�irll•w r»I•nrll•ia•Ir !ill' •x'II+'.. utl!, Ilnul.r t., ..;,, ''t i''I' "'1 c.I,.,i..:........r rtlilRt.l ifutntn'll..,..l• 5 '' ,r !;uln tw.l r'•np'lllh•L._al -_I.1 .l a!r. thi••.: r•.. In, I'h •.c ;..r d , r„ ,a; "AIIKA lhon, Klwxtt v llltra Att P. ar inn raul�— ar'• 'Cho r H uoll [.Inn ltnlitt•n •du:h v„ 't`" "II!,P,•lddLC Ci4' ill ['orI hall nhtl for td] nrr ulre, rdr11 )")• .It EtLr uv'u•tuila of n..,' '.1. I, .. �.i ..,1: r "' :.l+n7rnr I ! I Hadar Xnld ntruen. Heil I 1 n: n„:• '.,. �.n •II •I I'L;•, •r,•, .';t f:�1,lr.pd•n fir n.Ca,n'„ 7", nllu,n rr. 1 11 trnv of Fnid ell[. nil,[ IU �,, 1. '1'Itt, gn{hrrini't•+1:a11 tJ„• r;lcr! ,;„i ihr inli•'v i,!ul ,.;'r i..r• `• ,1 tr 1!p n[ I'•,r: 1:•'+n•rn,: lo.+ Prdxtn n. I' '• rode ntul-Innlutnln fill .__.- -__ W.. •!,r lu lino trrnn nod allot Illy dn)r trout a :1iV',�t, �; r` ILy :. rd •L v. r 1•�, u:�. ,. It L'•ap S[F•Ltcic 1SnQt<aT coca- ,nre.(>U'Igtoclx ttud cuts ; :tL' of ft, raid lraltub. . n•, . ,•1 lu ufn u n.:cuvnf lunX}F- tt;n rauw u-nl,h, nine IA ❑the frr';n I .r., .•L•. ,4nq �' ! v• +l a•+Im n•,nnnh hnro.tnA - 1•n,•rll rhr Unumll Van'h a1.'i. i.. ' tfi!n., .I , :d+-t ,.: �,' I"^` r..•t' „• v. '.+ of dr., )IVIrA� I'»g lannld Yu.hunx, xud•' ••+vrdd irtllih, IS;'1. 1-1'.rthnJ 1,•„•.,.i pL.,, n.,: •r lertrlr.l unarK)' .rah(<DL Aer. lt. .t!i rnr: nut ran; +,LI raa u.tI' i 1. (.. n, r,t r„ •'pI , . rl Ihiu nniL•uwco `e t w, tv;il •r,t st lith' in in,e. it. . 'I't mm LF, Ait., 3u,y,_I. ' ' rn,L� In ta•, w:3,lrnell . nzi! i n,tu[oem,atlli war t X,tvr _ .titter- hr1, react �a:rn. tat' r r �I'..�. .. - . `r: r �'"•1 .. .r rile "1' • r.r. Is. le rm,a u''liuz :nr,l rit a It., ' } 1 rl. : ,1, ; tf.•n,d r.,':a ;hr, l: ark dr ttntka of Xnld rfilla•ny •nhxll Ln thl rUnd, hod ruiln'a) r•wq+•Inv:hn11 n4 ,v lu ;•1•;{ Irruo nil„i ^hlfr.nliun Anrll llr in:+L It ,•,I le �,. �l���i �•,,, d�, .1 :: r•.,.1 ,.,. t. r.:. al: nu'I ,icrnr't `0 tI1lTty potfeld clRlcrhdla [LRIC cun.ln4 ill .uveut hurrrrrlluu,, �r .1udnit t,thr Cttr ell l'nrt'(n,Fa„r.l Jid. p „ - �:nl :ht•tllt) ot'. I'ott ,II !I„'•fir, 1,.1 1, r ,•u like atxtt, A,is• Dt MIC11, 1^91, t:rtalt to 1'hr i1n11 rI ° ° ""' " ' rt 1 tn)]n ••tenon. pi L0lY lfxttnd• •aro tit, t•nrxo lsl n•^.and it-}'n0 .++ rhr; n.H:.• Ui. U•Anry ,Ln, 'f I. Ina I'll"ric MINA, n rem fl rgli:.l ru ,l: or r„•.1 h'n 1'.,ar+' .. d 0I nr11MLIe It'clKhl. and 'line rnrk rvuruuct:o■ ur uquiSr of raf" ) pnlry. 1. , .11,e,urr rq:ahe .,, ,.„ i,..l ..� a.I•.:,,•..,.,Rni 4••r ,.:1 <�.t �•,, •t.;t •:rml rtrnrt; nc:JnlTe rcnR •'rid ASNel1 Ln the n,lta• 1,t11,1'n5. '`nit,l n•, 1:14;, the lit; lti tJ ,`all rl tilt[, ill+.rain all' lr.:.,lli :F�. 1'� •I; rrl (r('In'!'ri n,) rlirt'nl In !Il•n[alt FtnMl; in wl Rtu+tuC.v and chilled Yee. .3 ti,dhiag CnlL spud I., Ihia ant\, .'�mxndnht un «Irrtnr .inw•I nHhfn l' up'uI •rl'1 ;' ar. :. r•�•',i lt•nb•:, rrrc ,t iamn lr:•r ran•, at rrn:a, Lalrrencn neonra,le ivilh llrvim.r+nrm"hull luLt d l he u,Ilr.•I I•n+law+rdhl mPL • "trrctn and firanne, Ili'1'. u' n'�malt In-..!•1 ,'. ,� ran r; I�u I':tl;�nnn Her l:'ar h-u:n LAR'ronoQ _ F uun:n: atm`t. and nlle .+ +ray vnu rnip• n,r IL,bnlq- fur mgnuld nil Jua elan[ under nu'1 6r t•Uunl n(I tu• ulrm+ c f nrdh . , 1I •h I n hl :, d i ro ilia; o'r r: nn.t nu iifil altr.k 1»ai f 6 irh I1. lb nut ) 6ux L)•rr,t,a,u ell flu; Deco nduu of Hold puhh} nnurr\', ;rr'uf uald ell Y, ichlrh •rdhtntvr (r p,, ud,nr;^.» +: i•u rl uyp;ole nlculcr. to YI[ d t mrizcd to E ,1 nv lnlh,n',, r nrr-'1 .E ti •Id• fn and Cnry'pnsnnRn a} eunr<r, .in•elir nod nllv)-v Ly tbdlr rill hvr+y- tP•n'h: fill[ dart of wAter, lu "7y rcnn•u u(�hr In•cllkuncc of mll+d ll,.ir r11N.= r1 . ,Imr ��1 to ",� ., rn•'� +i n••4 nrdt❑rater ,Loll Pir: halo tde. - ldturs id X lu)C�s vt [W ile ran•.:elleu that Iruuld ruudr' Ohpd\.I SIH; Su. PLII, roul•P,r, I;Ih•: "'1 „�. I.t., �1, '+n•',: ill_' lnJ l,,,, tine nrC+nrr bn_t In mdl,: rriga•g , And Lnll ) li . .ln nnlluancr p:nnllu,; to'l'ln• I:n!t Llul• I:Irc nntlr, �,. 1 u,,d ,;.! : �. l:.l ,aui't n: 11t.•t "Ilrrt " ncl"2� r Will rill' :vr ouu IN,[ lie, In lItAr. -. �'. .r rile It'd lnnl' Innpn,p�. in xnru•••nrr Hilt[ � •I J,Ir, -nrr �,n` t ,1" ., 1.:•It _ 1? p_r !I:e ,nru plutlno�uf Huai curl• ran darn. •'.lnrt from til;r. it, w r,:tre ehall Lo alfutcld Ut rtumlq` 'i nr,f Haan lnelrlu,c to ouu• ^:I;: rrl u,r . u)•crn.ninc ur cro+. walk ntnrn cold nhrr . •-f - iu.i, onrmlu Hilt{ :I'll• Y.•. ! T;, •,1 tt.!. . 'iI •e l•6e etlhCl WWII. rang nirevt and all Jad'or• umluln3n nu AlrL!rlrld •!:rrt :nlinnl urrr. npnu, I,I , a ,,•Ina 11.v npl,piTrAt• by, file `[ iur .[And a ill told Luretn wLml ant lu u.r+ I( ill a;,. : ,;,a :•.: h, a, ,irea� to liculmi aneL 1"j:'•lmrg uoJ nrr•+, crlOil n •tnun In rhr t','y In '1',n',_.!„II l•,s �.:..L;,�1�:•:� rldl'„ :"lu fnr, r ,ill; rnl,l .tteetXi nnA IL ylu aGelntrI fir halted. team, [hereon. 11 i i .il'ort'1''w noel[[[, .iLr ,,:, -1 „'I'L_r., .I nr,!o:' n, rw•S Pt to Lj IennAitloa and hD caP ltMy he Ftn,ptusl rat an)• Dalul 'A. t 1'hn City ill 1'Orl ToxuLrnA Jdrr nrdn n •; I ,ma Y. ...': IPr /'unlm0 .\!•: i!.1. 1>..t .AI'p . t u't XtRY+I., nu n fir rill not ❑ucrlrla irl[► rho fr... pan,y;:c T '4 fult+I lylall au •a s, X; r:� :). I•'9. Y 'j ,�Ir r,r.:;.' 'I Il;lt.11 �:, .lit:, )fM1)'or.'. Ill madn0, need rl •ht ell eeu)a and ruhhau+ yr It nip• IMIIR Wlivel 1'hnl, a I�rn:a+, rhr ❑Dail[ ut Cn•int I L IrkCl luturt+cclluuF, 7 ,.:t',:•'•,'I ,l a'r:,,.. ,.., 1 11, ,. .. tt Ira; •:It •;r. l:lry l: (er:. :re u`L old tho xpnCle u-- : luuuu:rttn lcrX of JulfOrnoti Cuun:v, tit .Ir+ of ._ra,, _s u,: ,._ ,:,. .•.. .ar._.. h+ •In n I ,aril l'i.n 1Pdt E.nro 1:4mt:1C . ' a nut ,creel ors tit:C. 1:,, '1'nr. r}Ithl to nnrrnlu Fnid rallwt ' 111tnhin;;hnt, hnvr her•; -It— .. P :..{ NI Urn grunted to '1%, : R• rrl; it r;n to , ,,.1 ', _ 1m! .: uu enDt ttnd'nu! •,I arrd parked ran nv to ;'\II rxmnd !fir the lull invdnd f 11f1)• )'u'1 ; - ttu!t Lou F.kctric In, fl•,n • cw t'Id.• t : ;::t, ua r r 'r• : t',nr)5 turn [hit date ell lhr 1. wn no fill, ill .j } npnu}', ran •ue �,_.. "• 'a:. r .I„••••!•t!,rhne dlyr.•rinad: p Irh [nl..11AtlulTgntJv oI• 3 C f n 1 none Cc,nur.'nh,f Kn+[lain, n lr.nchl••' In r,nunu l,' ^tin^•Il�d-., .h.tnl!�Pr•�Ir •.II ',.- r. •11,! ''''t�,'' • vin } c rlchLof ovly, ice-lli .i fullurrnu lhap:ITi n, F:UJ tnillrl `• •,,i �, I„rri rani .a v; :,, the 1,utrk'M t r ninrnl Corn pan ' 6hn11 �omlufI iY fir IN om rr+itDon 1. .. :! a,prrnw Cud ulm,taln un olcorrh: rl rev; rulhu.A. ', iur n bill ••r •h,;.tn .: , ,,.. _,:. ... I. nrr. ro:I fr:rrd, +!!d, . } Ire n•rlcn. II' till IlpLll rLe:tiilll nt[I ,ran 1+'lttldit aril,[,` r "I :1'�" '' Inruen•, rum its and n cn ill .*hir•u :lu; . La: -r 1;i r.�_'..:, I,.,.,.� .. Y.Irr:e r;:. Ict7l, ray t:nM V¢.,ded 1, ran n l i At D" P•rnla !Ix rnLl rJlin ; - .x:n itn•rtvnw now lurhtdod n•Itnht th•1 r•r ,_.a ••,,. L•r,:;;r r, l•.,f ,rca u'': : ,I.::S nnrJ In avr+• HI :n pinhk ltx mtGl truck xhtdu Ise thwwl Cud lu dtr Hoerr nrrr. r,l„ ill ., ;_ „ '' t'• ' •' - 1, lgi,tn Itrdlts f Iho Uity I i'art Tnx-nv+ud. t r ^t ,� {xv^ ., :l::e atuto. n4MKu, hav lu n'l[Illumd O[nitCh lnnnth,urd clap x: the nlnlnn Ott tha: C!L �l lhrrnlueL•. Loft urgKlgadh r:Ad cth'tu'.i fnnnt "tli rvn•!r.. l,.,' 1, ':. Ifr. ...',' ..._K. Poll r Furfnee of rho Plnul l'umiell Irnrk nfnrfit lrtlrn of ult rho ttht4 nc nod otter that r thla •rdl "' '''r1:,.1r,'1 •n ,,. l.' ':,.r',: .,� .•r •,. �a•!1, .•;1J1 _ II: '.!aura qf, nSiS . V.of Ilwruillorl6u GIII Prf+Ilel•i•n urantr•I In tLln u. llunure fat thl L mart liml fu-n prrirI nt Ilfly f3ml trnn 'It' ! '+its thn n I-•,.7,• „r r - r,li 1 n II,:^.r,%"',. ,� -' . •.r,r It: Fit rompnuT.�ff Its 'H v•rXo011nu anti for 6hg Dnrtinn ui Hill' nlElu'ny' aOt Cnmwrter."1 yr eWt + .... Line f:1.1-Irir. L•ua:rvv n m , r ,.0 t is o, r.. ut ,try C t. „'+I:. 4. :[cob• t , tt h•1: �. r.. - ,•�n.•,ea fl+ sn t : + -tit trill}• rr �.1 aC the rl •ht 0f w-av �llnta4 w,thtR n+W !lino; lilt Ihurr +hill[ hn n , .. V''t )• C•. m' r , , , t, t'ar+ern and nn;l;r 1,+, annll Ilnsu Ilse prlrllnYl,tatly ,[aria: �1..',__:;a-1`ru'•: •. ,Ir`t. null Dr:71• :n atilt lien• Alld It tit +,tlklhuro Of Hold rlgLtr Dutll nnCll fnrteltnt } rt nu'L Ines' ran nund,y I;rnntrJ Ih« rl�hi, , rl,u:,, ". :r•�, ! r rl.'•« .•.r •, ,.In,: 1', L':. t: ui:":, i, Irn)'" fir nllvin. IlX 1, durl.nvl hy' nnJlnnliry dilly 1"4.d by t4 t{ , •"!Id hellveau Cho- rnEIX Cnutmnu Cn, 1ell. I' r `� pl•Ssi!•ur. and Ilevuro to tonsil reel, Lulid. Inner I `r r.:1. I',a .f •.LC rnit " , . , 1 :t :L I',•nho,iy .ln i', t:.1tt traokl ulrnnu r•`..hFC. 1'f. Tnu [tell ldnu lilrrtrk le., Ilwnr rue ' .- txlu Cud upt•n,{. aluctrlc rWucL ttltiu'uy nR•1 Im I • w J,•ta l .•,. , •S :It•• ,..:n: !, .tp1,.; „ - •>rr ,•Il,r e'rnlrl ui S I',I, dnnl•. Brno lora�pnnyahntl pnYnh tl,eex ,rau'a n1lY,a nihlicr '•Irrtile mntar pill [loci to entry, uuml,nrl+end{"tliln' ..eclriei.nt6 da}• 1 1..-� cello}' In•Icnt nnJ i,n,rrltgcru thrrr•u Il ntrr .�dnt)• II "rr. �,��i ,._lI !rI�1 `..r•• nlL r':I •„�I'1.,1 i•_ .,. wr t'h,s;. dill[ ",I,: plank. W. tilt lnld clt»l of thin onllxaelcr• uJ nlrllttihit ttlit „a'Ulr aln,9+la lLr('�Ic uf,:md rlJ••.rr,.lru1'.d•I,,t.1... "'1,,:!„-r u, r, .•'t .I•r!eJ v. Lill 1 -ht ell u'ny ulid to UO .Fcq le. That u•inn r•ulGtru Ri tLn ell} n'l i'nwrewu.wnd, rir• 'In Fir I•trnnt In'. }'1rs}., ut,'r,o:.,:,1 ::,t3n ,ti,. `" :•f ,rc<r. Rum L • rndLlu �rinnt to Ira ha wnecrIntlY ol'rnlcoic.l bl• t I. , ..Ituri n. ,u,xtto l'lt,eruth Xtrnet 1 I'ot.r rnre'n zdd :: �. t ,,':•.`. ` tl:r daht. • . the rnr.•r fuv axed to hod upu n'I•n i rill' Ilse al r.dhrr .oLau.l It ._. t » g I- dlaxuccfrom bevalet 1. 7 LIPn:Pn llittewmll alteol Mtn ran .Invu rain•. , . rt.; l.' n: +'�1 : t I u, Ile 1.'.uu mItetr a ,. ,....; .. (In lira Iw•nl ltltl'tU+t n(IliN oft Iltnt St hr tu:l l,rruk.W.1 addlt ion; ran arI Joe. XlruUl Ernst +'I:^'I.r. .. „3��(ot<. e'�'rtM lf':e atul I nn?1. pl Olt MO Al I",rlyd nX s((rord It}'11a p,0.31trir. if l'11,l:fenY d{{I t FIStI`nrlttl Ml ref[ In hall 1)Ir;,O rlrrrl fil llXrl ''•'"" 1,i .! �. t:"' •' `i to r' •+ <,i aldl e a¢e of vohlclr., ict•rcd t"Jilt tll/ttr h nu ram+rg •n"ACud Ihnt th 1 • Gletl. ddJh[un; ran `;rut Uir1;4 rtnv:f front non'' , ;r.�.. r • . ,,•1 .'..� 1 h r{I La kept to ggd/x! rue ?nllunncc h111 Ito hen (orrn and wPi:u: n rn ,1 fir ' :,tluuy, ,dudauii be Iln punnga Gy tLn 1-uminou L'nuucll tn,1 Ir aorta w nlnckluhla rtrl'nt ill Cnllforul •ud r•, .�,! rf ,��i^an• ldna 1:]oct rlc + ! addirfnn; fix HInr L:N:nn rtrart frnin Non 11lrcR ."'t. ' t l u. •nt•l t'ts:i•in Y. [ern; { .f Uy ruutdug rat lrnrt Ptrrrul hr the, ell aA! it ltr, hga1 Dal+1lc.Nim spilt[ In the rent line of inud vnu+ei b J.!nn � �,•.1], ,, di 1, ,fie tLr xlgurnFh nN1XCn,^,eT tanY Ida,ro-' 1'nvml the r,'nllln'll AngLi IS 1, ],Ltd. .tr1]{It - A!mtnr ran I • •n:I 7 1 , - .. tit /reuaedfn�livo real. rvroJ .In LVlnt r[h In?U, •f, hi r my rand kmot.0 Its the es- 1.1',:1::�.'I. .'y 1, ,1•:I,•,,-;..�i��j�t.yb: ..:- •.uam2 rf floc eau I tn.d 1rndlnK 1n, Vila-k 1t,.:. fL, 1-• r Ear .t er'ni and vahr' 1 a•nSa .to- inn celdre h ' ,i, f. T!nl1.11,9, J It., I `'' ' t: ` . . xY q. he.mllt Krnnled .titett: IIt:L C.UtY cvtrR , tliugF crt•hntd to tau �r.rll to a It latul qu ord 1,7,I,1 '!6n, fr!Ilnter Knd Hat nhlan Luuli') mratied t'It71:iCrk, )1;13 rat. d Ja ulu d}nuua I nd the a A, I, Wn Gf An!d rnn.i I•'i':.0 •.'1 1i'i.t ,' 1'nttur uud Lln 1 ..,. 1 Prato or pnhilrntieu .11rgn•: 15,,P'Y�, 1 i4e titrnit'. ri Fern hrnn ,I Puhu ran, r.• +.3il •:I; .. n 11 ,'1 tl• .1,t'I rand title) i,It tha ! „., � xnW ]tell Llna tiie:n to l:xini'u7 : wn- •r ir.. ..; :... a,. ,, t.:;: •.0 . ; , 1', 4•-.:: Li., i' In, a'r G+Jlnee�• cdmlilnt '. nitOr rind rnlhrnl cony. ,I lni when. +, thn GJ p'of 1•urt Tou'uue•ut d!J.l 1� aaT nmv f»nrrectF Fold roast)'ra>nl in Fnu+,l".�� .-. .., :a•d St. mfd llflu of fulS-')n tltn rlxth rlr.r. of _\pd! I+aI, nnA Y xnd Ld clear. xr•ne. In 1'nal.", pork; tin F'n,rle- r' ,r I ' ' r thugrddunf xnr straeflirtun of Lhm terms Ot grdinrtul•o Sri. 517 ill nnie Cron•»rfrv•:n vni,l cunnI,r"' it to l'icn ,!n,I In •r .,._,_;.'r[! ,r.•:;` i•r tbn �l �r tier, ri�fit; will of LrACL• la inid, It city, ne'bit r<rtoln prdvl•luun of 4o ash - I'. ,!d['nptnhr'I'JnL:d •'LnAn'I I' •� �, ,;i!r,,r.:;rur:. rl01 front tit. proper lnitle.n nnrxiR►ef-i n IrG,rrml Id, nldrlt nal l- �; ii i ' �. Yulter Gohl , hcnra. mica tit lull.. Ibit•ua In na (ollvwr. tt w!t: -•7 th n•,Sd inkc )'ur. to ?IrI p}r arcct: . , Jllq,l,,; .�Ir if ,J rl •Il of N-n • '.:-! nT rew. ., `•Viet•[ rin;-., r'e 'ell Q1.1 fe�,1:,, ,,� :e I.II •. r,11v,I,:'.f I: 1'I 1`+tndlllbrr• b t y sn nX t ' •1h,a: 1•I vnld etddu, prU\'I_Irrdj! ultlil\_I\C}; y;U. ::iU, • htal.;•vlrpet In Fcttl +:n rL nuJ uu Ir'e-n rtn•••t ,tar-,?, Ord In Ile' nttd CXCL• ,Int11 not nv Dom` An ordlnnr Ur to tuicnJ lrnnrm „bI•eet ((I ll o(� :rnulnal[er n1 n•.a to Cnticr,un ,:ru lu nail' AL r.r. 'i, :1. `•'.1+ rlr:'1 ';y}., ,r,✓,a'+ tl a:,rhl•nn tleuruny 14' nII Itr Anld lied iur lj mdluutnn �n ':r1. ol'khed. •'r.0 and inn ale �. `(�;nln'1 O,Lo'v' l.rdic Park; ill4i1" [1, 'L.• .,. h• b.•. . . +'del r s6 cnth don of Lluck aq mil kne rla}-�b•�'ntteg In Y. it,. 1'uttr cron!. 1ncn.t I'll - _ vi'lleR"r nnq bait. rn c„n•t"it,.;l rl lna:;tI u,� It: .u: n,'ll •n: itt.!tl"t, Uc n,+, �..l�m•ut Lt n•t9tlu„dtdr nxc- hxRfath 11. 1\'. Kra ran .aid n:¢'ets nil neranr:A "It .1.^r, wru n,r 6;, • ,'...'t: ", a 1 ; I� at, pprr and Johu tln;;.0 un.1 " ..1 i ..:.; ;• •.+., ,, ,., ran •:..t c. r „, naly.lou•ot Irn Ile! nnisk: Fa tr-chiru to nenrt:ruet, oFF,.rut. sid.t .ind np)vinnwe ,ra•-n,ty h_: tu,' •., 1 ,L.....•. r;,,., •,I••rr tu,:,• u.,l, .-.._ :. Ll Pik unl ld fie eollln rid mnin»thi an clnctrlC rlroet rat irony jp.{pa +` .� r':m 'belt, vrG` and r' nuomlenl _ _ �•ulRm,ta tht uvhdr .... k �pu, a•i:+n a/ .Ku.,.r.'.'•s..w..+'.. - .,.��. !:•, ut��ld'rtnrt 'aly nfPor.'i'vans•ud-"uri-1 rr.Ctlnu tel: lL[' drrdlwil7o•er .uJ uinnG,iid _ _ _ ___a = - __ c==_r5g-p• na . II•r 'rat dlnnnr.SP %U rat h• ihu:nnf. J F'•: _ _ - _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Y �a xd_tc r.. [Rile t po . rin tile lap' of I',.r! T.n;:•n Fcn•L -dutltlwA "nu Pt Fre.Y Tel Thr l!•1: Lim- f-.;,� -- _ - ,ur hn •alit rnlhcu}, t IID ,ncr col a tic t•t, - - - _ - - _ - ldue rn t }arc: our r,Lal hs fie - i � l fl, tl ~ � - � �Y•�`-`-` - - wb La 1 u q = Y - ) its - Vup', Xur•n F,n• - - - Est rid m '• - - _ - u r!• a 1 ur t3:r •'nl,•I'urt el Irlr - '1 _ u•milluYn, _ ren•er I�t, xrlrtr• n _- - S II U l I r:n;ln l l,: - - '' k ^ - •' F'=�G''J r C'i =-� - n net : _ •.Iry'1irU 111uM11L leld qul3nPJ❑oil Clrrtri•.ir et nine, .[-1^n+hurt 1. doghlclt, rn:• - -_ _ ___ _ o _ -_ _-__- _ - „o•+,�fl :R{rhr, n,un•• and 1 - ..Ir'.r• +t n :Lilt I[ r r iN Harr„ - _ - uCltu» tit nnU1 Hell { 1r•nt•F r.CrhAn .L, ul,la Tito •)' •`e e _ - - �' �:; ¢ - - _ _ • u -:ltr tit Y• _ _ _ _ _ __ 'n L•r eon aup,:n-Lhr1I tnuF�la? _ _ _- __ - • ram 'IrI ':II' .If 1'• ,dtrrtn,I to our ell u! -'.r _ • 3 _ _ - ->: _'] - - _ p r1 �r'� i nl!eyx v/ mlLl ) rl 'i.u'n-u.d dn:, u:J.;u n y tit rill Ilutva.rvLcu fvlLl+i'4: •vt+ nthal it at ,err till•• In � -_ - - -_ - � -_ - - ~t; r-_�-? - ^s.'_ _ --_ _ a,- ). tiro f eipmtp M1nq ell 'almr t .Prot •Iercn il:} of nnitrl 1 ••n, era _ - - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ - =ir5 a »a :.)' Cud- Kkrc nnAek �" =ell al L'ta C iy of Per[ 71 1 , .Lai t!u:tl nrespy ten r •m;rr of 1 h ;,, _ _ _ _ - - _ r _ - ❑ _ _ _ _ - o c •.fill t dlu vu•,. '•u• ,r. t ; 1 s _ _ _ a ! rill needCJ Chensot rr oar, trgmthLf to N'. fx!n'•n • 5c� . '1'lup ill! rnr.: ran c41 c_' ❑ =•c c r •e : ^ o•ai.Itnelr nldlu nl:I Gn,l.fhlddntlhnuv+n 1. 5\�t: l rLnII !,• r_<Iir,l i,r rrnitKc twd� c_ _ _ _o- _ -_--;�:?-c - _^?i n^^.c'.. k K;'i••vr 1+1 !rrl,n •S i•+1 - --- - _ _-' -__ --___ _ •'`= ^r+j •-¢^ .0 hula .n uvilOed(m:nt all, :❑ [[nrnJgn\. n fnn,ruitn' ri•I rl u•t}'. W. o•• _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ - �r rt pp ] e Vl run - -- - __ - "^,ir- - e¢ I .71 rYflhln a ronsoe, Fl rat rho a7nlu nhd tnuluavt tin pn•rh4r, rrr,.1. 'I hilt Tiu•lh'I: Lhr ion �iP�_ - _ - -- - eJ - _ qn:. •:Inn •ch field i4' IM1{t [:dlou)• �x the C1R' U IL 'i 1. .1 mil)'. !b For„Cr ':A Wild I,<y. - - _ _ - - -'- ± 7,� ' •- - ^p; r i - - b I r . I it 'i u'll-U.l pl e4 11 i t _f. ° _ r _a. r�::Len. acd Iwo falL'hc Ctnnman UORum A ffrrwnrt th,• tiYa1 Nt •.ell-b-ire, �_ ^Tr ^T t t rro 1d I,r t 1 pciL tlh. 1-N, In,t i" non . Le , _i? - - r ❑ _ _ _N 17 •r- . nnLD alto[[ {{my and! I , T+ he nlnt•urnprl! 7:h. 1+.,. In ltilma E- lu:l I :u nnlri rf:y noel nlnu. > - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ •2 •-�� r • a ¢:° r of ten dnttarn l,u! Uu Gi tool! xu (.nnwn• ' 1•7 hrna nhefem rnnR•d tin �:r ::�' - - ~ _ -• .7 - p p :!iiure or neg[ert lu {� - �Um pn Air xnd IlcLnni; rc 'al[x"uud l 'eat ... . ..... t!n•. o•n:uufuh and uud ref euuurr ell c :G. - • ?' _ _ o - _ „Rtu 1•r[t •tnuelcil holnra .. j{{ -rib: ru"A$a nym, ,I uud fur n.e __ _ __ _ - - - `y�T ...c' .,Cie > _a _ 7n�- `'o a. ea,.ane ,nh�.atrcel. Zllr tllu t' rave:. Klnuc. nenlrcnn,l uud.•rnulJ-a^[I ^.ec cn +��.'. Itll:•n.»IIU"'A ailll ni'.:tl5 u: helldtw - - '�•-- _ z��- -F,�'�F� n'UcuY utd. xhi31 Hai niks•At,RAe }�tD 111 .. ."'-,: - _,... - ••nrr rt.end»trnrt. np.•n,r,•nnn nutl:yr,_ Fc �'oc: •-~• _- nuppn - rn riV i' •~ . n,r,rt. nude;, fiztel inrrn r- f4 •,,r.; w.;: ,t: .,s..:. iy)t�r{J1lx hole. noakaUrcr, tell cac:rrutlt.-.. = ► <•.. �� t'¢ H! � Vm G A G] p Cj E ..:�rmrc've _-iwns�i -r .1n'S..l-a1 f. x1f'!'e.. .r_. I. �.. t..•f , r 'l•.X,. 1 ,...- _ u;tQ)r xnRerinlhlar In •n rd hrnlurau,l vl tell ihA Pnnr :•Ye-ao°vv%ar.,il lr .•.,VIA Li',,:L{:Ir^dTi: .+�•1^^t- "4z!, rrGfs•'��•:"`� 3 but C:r.. _ f l'_ t...•wq .t' , j Ordhtatte C•' . p ' - • •,� i� Tnn'ilit! iN! Slnd of f dnllnri far and ups Po,I T wumur for un. +ea'µ♦ 1 - ,�.•' the Issuance Ynlc atttl r . � ; i! ..�;.. .. � � '.t - „i •. r: houda of saki dty to bei rt Toaa 1. ae�iWewi .. _ of love s99rt Pursuant ltticd 'An Of,54unuce ••. - Sp[cinl lllrtrfollot lu a.•. .f;.,•. ` • ' } furthe purposrSubmit er+ollhce 1111-Iy the' }rowing -1•Loueyfor6,lr1. ■odissuingitsNe'ntin cut I, :,�.'•J' •, , _..'. '. 'proY[d jllfle �.1 1, tr}I' C Lou h tlbeen'i( Y[It 3 i; Mlnl[n Ilfurnaald ac�lpt ;yJ1,.• _ . , .. d inwue of eatd dnrtet l ..1Vherta■, nthc'nacl and eleven votes [tire ca borrowing Tuoney'arld i, .wldch'four hundred at ;!�`a^:;,i,:} �s�,':.''•. -: F . wert fit furor or "bowl In favor of, °!bonds Ito," a t:; •, :� W hcleasmute than 1 ;;t;.�r_^ 3,•I,.,;-•4_ ._,: bnllota.cawt.oil'Vb' of Pb w,rein' favurund. t t;' Inc the d1Y'o[ Port'iu �'�, +3 ♦• , . _-., r'� - - " ' ' ." �rkd tar npdi �itiaenc S•it-.-� F 1; for; therefore `..' T1 1nwaln 'City of Port Tow rive,-;tyt•, r: 'i. •;':- 1. - itucrtoH i. •That the. .y t •'. ,. _ borrow the sum of clgt: dollarx far alrlcRlg mua: .....-..., .. .... .-i1 __ its negotiable bonds the ".': ! Rric. n. Thut said bon delnoaination . of, one mcu;hmdag date otja i. •-•':w. S:4r_,.5: _ .. .. .. .. .. .,.. s, . - ,. ey► years from sold date nt cat front dato:atlHera �$: �_�� ' r.: i',�,;:.',. • ; i aannm; lutcleflt • fin"a . xti•ur .. t[,bolt be e thhee o BrillliSce of the treawus ' �}{a^1}"hp�'J f: i�''i•�; ,., ���pp nt.ellh[r oLtNe cilic4 ,:, p,.r-.r{.'�•,` •. y(c i1Ut Ilir tronieud tlr.or 5., :. opt�onoCthe�loldcrorh ,,.f,• : I ' .. .. .... } to he h deilica erei hl sn' °S,r�;.,,,, • Ito able h at, either— of n �Jtlj..•.,. :�. I:.>..-...:._:: A of rthecor oilloII of tl S' Itlereo{' on tlle:•.twi pdy a , cacti gran Sx a; :',d,t•,' ..;. ... hn shall he si ned by t .-'. .r.Y•.....}. _ .._.. .. 5 e tc L• of itl•,. Y o r i e. [ - ..'. .•.•• � beres[d of■flld. dly.•c, p`rr.�" •:',��.:. :.... -'., '. ' . '� re dr eQnUy tt ettincn rTn .. ..., ..... _ - _ _ _ ..... . - _ ... ... ) or that purp"0. •,r c i ... the number, da[d. nn• 514'i1•,�I is Mf fO Imgteand'whenand„ good buadpaper aifolnth ,E , ,... .. einteoflWsillli33 a en i'.f+"�..,,tq,,. - • tile..:.�, fficlpslPvrJwste. And rn Th[rcfornre "a tad �t, Pttidiuy Ga storm a. yyr�f.�i+-4'.<::.•;;F,': '• ':"� , _ . . _ .E meat z1gstu1tL, .hythent., #}�. t,. •: '-:..: ;" ".....': of Part -Townsend, ahn ,.:�t•�.;f,r�";i; :: .'.-;' ..'-,, .,;fi dtctlnu.. ,. t v, To proirride fn an aald�londs there shn # the, ttrua and in it man -'. are lniRd, ulw a all the Nty; of tort Tmrnsend, for 1 t.+..,d ... ....., .. ,.• r.' .. ' .. ... -.. ._. .: foxe'se'vefnten'yher r[�illnlprAll r 0 1 •; -e 1 .. _.. -. .-... .. __ -.. ._.. hoods au auna•Il,ainki pey•wnld laadi'at mn and rot aplit t lid' 110a %�`�.���` .,.., ,. •I.:�'",, _ _ _ .. ,m�' lecdElhe council o(an[ 11• - t n°R to and k Nifotld�irllonofthemoa� .•. munidpalp ur poxe°x -.,t, .•. r .. '.' .. ,.. _.=^�.. .. In farce from and aileer d[ ., r;:',;}r.l' •. :.. . t . - - .. oritapublimtioa',- •.';»•.;' ^• .% ,'-;�= • Passed the CovOC11 Pi . Approval juuc 5,04 Attest: CAilr Sfar[ii. �1, �;,; k,,�;,:, - •. City.Clerk, i P 771. n;ieofpuhll[a o qr' '4• ett� CIKi:����.'d.«T+I.'.SLtL'a •t } { i t f''• .t. z.. t .7 .*:..;.. `t`,; .5.. _ .t :+f1 Ix...�,"�. t y - :>s•�,..,+.pL^.u�'1.• 45.�,r_ �r.Ll.�.�r.^'..ri..w �'.�;�.... _ _... 1 _.. __ . .•x:•ia _ .yY.«"t t-i��c�t.., .- r es ,.:..vYn•: :rt t5� y_lf1�rL'•�a�i ,. Ila A 'sire4 or:, g,,Jjfl,), ty to ltl clOo t1n," it oit o.. .,jo d 0", It:1—1AI't 1(, No. !ej, en. 'IItune ,Ati 0,,I!o-,o­ io011m;• fur cAling a ;:,04 M"llon I " I illy of P"'t the _,d City tlo, Qo­llolt ul ­14 %Y Itor. rpo'" ,,tilt I .,olo Or 16 Negothilik Ill—,iis 1 1, which 0-11— ... twid at.4 �11. "I 't , 11,1 " " ,W r4l,flon C fxwv of thiv hi: lr, alai utter due 4h,flee Of o.j,j oft, ti"', lvl4 11' ,,it go-til our till. it dAy. 1. theMol,,M� i< .� IXAW I c P1. 1 11, 1 1 IY I dotft.lf said nod Wh,rcrt" al like void 0-h—, 6- lot 11""I nod eleern bdclevr'l it I.q LWIto"i"Ir Money Aud four hundt�l nod lot which , "'. In ilt— of ly;l i, i I , 1. —It Itt, f Y Ill f- or no,' ioha HIMe MM, ,f tire leg.1 halloo I'M oil retC In I"VO, r .1 1119 the city of N. 'o to I—iru" "id VF .2 do"" I 'otcd for, lord to 1"1,41 . e i t . 11 cg�i I mt 1r� bond, I her e. fi,r; thc,elore The City of V,,, I To —cud it,." ardiiit, an W. S !evom i. Th,vt tell, City of I-O't Tow"Im"I 'Irm, the Win of Oglft-fivc tho"...4 I I d,41lit, fat ttictly iluttle I,%% I-TIi it [Ah t, bond, JrC. 2. That ludd bowl, .11.11 be fulled ill tile emlonitlation of one thotlMnd dollills —ch. 1­101,g AAtt Af I'lly I, Mp.jmyuble Menly front .aid date of (,,u,, ill btA,hIg fulp.r• yearn yet from date At the role of Mr (t4,) percent. jitir .),;,It bi, I A the ofliecofthels�ils"Ter of Part Tontimend or the N.V .L , itner of ritic, r,f ill., Pntttnvd Nal, J1l-llci1­.L .or 11.1dwenlo,tf-2411.l1d11 and riotedillor In he ghe"tsaid Arrudand 4lace attieled t. `e aunl "upon - Able at either Of the place. a fo; c at the option of the )colder or 1.11 Ihev.f, an the I't dry of jautlar• *all T, - July of escii year. Said A con- 1�1.4, p 0 111 . I, . I 11, c , Inu c,t it v the nod,l, it c de flit Townsend, ondly. the clerk of cfiy of fort Lands OlAlt and tintil be rrgtsleTat ty the ucnxlser of said city Its. hooli•, it'I t for that purl—e, M hich register i,hatl 00w the u1nottel date, Antonio. Interest, name 'I perSS•ee nerd I m, n . Ad I, he I v PV. w'. of latch or I.W hand. A'.111 141 10-timpiled on A I rood haul pxpct -illlilltil"p— Ic Z, " .'., t, the L s each A 're f .1.1, oJLXV.,,,ha tithlrdi '[All Act to Aulh• ctrizr ClUcA AndL-11.4 o Forrom Moncyl., Will. I Nvg.ti.b. And 1. 1,�Ue T p,,&fo, Milich -,, IF91, And ordit"I'Le No. }n1 providing fin tbC,-pcctAI clecti.. P. ftf.—.k d. aflproretl n. or hecity mirrit ,igue,is I if 'y and clerk nfl tilluwIng ttle rettirlL f _11, off'rit-I ton send, h! Sre t. 'r6 f.t Lit, A1.n.,11,ond, there shall 1, A pill — r. . the tillne And In a manner that other city trl.c. At e 1tvill't. I�vu %it the ptogq 4% the CIL yootport rownsclud, Ill addition n I etnxco fur SCI;, a tax an flid'I'll. to PAY .11 of mid the"'Ille becolmexibm,and Ile - ""A fOTC U�M 5 of rid 'alcle"I bands.. truntlM Ax' §u to P.5. Wit houds At main lt��Csllalll belir—fticil, r coth,efc4andscimlimst for I y1ricat of pal, A tjRl Itch. 4KC, 4. Tile Illftv'ur And tile IJ'Ilanve con""h" 1_14 ather.13"cil of still city me hereby curimmi• crc,j to negolilite andsvil thictiondi nforcsold. rmnl the old '* trends ahn11 cveT he owed. for other than ptrictfy 4 ut idiral S­ % T Mt this Ordintruct, Inks effcl And be In force And oiler five 0111, ,4PjlV0Wd 3ttlie 2y, U-It. Attc-t: J)vj, CANVISMIT11. � .Ri �li_" - .. - .t.;t''•; a..�.• - r =,1t Ian'; �� r � _ `7. . •> r +}` _ %. 1 � "L--! t._••¢. �w 1. c_-.._�_. �! ... S: !: 4'.' :,I' —•'_..._._. -' Ordinance No. 3N........ ��hY ti C51t6l Na NVIl Itptlt'l, .t'1'CN1; �r:3,•.'1.1 !1'.111r. a1 '•`;' 1 � ': r, � �l•tllhll;il[ll.'lll Jl,d illdlfN•b,•1.1, :, I•.11 .,t3• I(: ra.,tht'1,F,, .I ,. IPi� I{{ [ 1,.113a '1 [l'., 11r. •: • -��„• drlrill;3r11�11, 111• ,,.t.t1 t,:,'ne. nlll,ui 111 :•it'. •,I IlLllll,,l a'\•ll ltln t:11 ,11' ,\��•7,„„I. !;,,, ;!,,; b"I :3': n1. _ •-a, .. .: .. •_ li3c rily ui t'pll Ta,c ll. n,l ibr r Itt 3:( 1`Ili'l.m t• ....+, ,.: n u. +'1 1' . •1 R1'\•11tt ;�Iltn!tli •1 tl'rl''r', Ia ::i1.11',i1117', •,•i1 I•. r.t ••.{t„t1', .•.S �'! ��(r 1Pisc:ras, '1'lu• i1u11 ,,:1 Nanl;tlr c.tal:iL•1•n:r nl �I at rll{rhl•": lilll.l l'i �3•'lln.'.. �.unCV-1ritn'.1 "�':':"' Ulhlicteuudtrel.i,ud ,111:wa•d1•l1'•u-.. ..4,,, 0, 3i,t n M•"•?: �. r1n111r. nod uthct aauclt- Ill r a l•:.nld L�l hu <. -, 3 r.I.; 1lt"'° .' ,;t'1'•'u,r �, nl„7,.iln ' r. lujutlunsumlrt,ml;almt`,a•p•1!,ht•ht.ath,nl,I, 3t,u4t'•o11:. l„t:aF•UIr• h,..t.''\, ;;1" . ^..•; i��.i puhllc nafcly, and pllJUlllru.l II the 3., II 1, 311;;_ fort l lli' 111 1,1 tt,i;l tlta• tth1tuJl.U'+., 1'o,dl .:n.h [t-t+V I'll l,l'•'•,111, .i'x; :. ... ' 1�•'1, M ,F i41 ill litcolli of hl It l l l 1, Ilt, ..:.J �'r,•: tho vahl! If IIIcpr.rt,y' in r!ur•r :,. +11 .'. I lrt,='+�t11: 'I,' ',l tit+t a[u, Ur,' II!'•,il 'V "•ru.••l l.\ l itr -', G..0 \• 'i: +�,.:_.:. .,. ` �'-.a'�!i w3lrrc auc' I i,nbltr lnmi'1-i .: ,l»d 1 e ,'t �n1::= nti'•t'e nlr •It•Idte; tl..�l: i,•t r, illuil, nflh..t th trtr. ,3„u•-,.n, ,i t 1 t•1!`d •. Iw inP l-iJ1n hli �'! ` 1. 11 d1 :,�� 1•'3t'7\ br `� .. ', lrn3ll-h rvl Ihi, .:: 11 Us 1,1iuri. lim th c+l vt, ,l. al - _ .. .. ... ., The clI pf L'alt Ti,n'31,•.n.l ,t,� i�„I it I y'. IUr,IU,.l, :l n'!•'IIIf, t la-'•tlt., •, .. ii ,l„,� Ir., •-.::p i4 , ..Y..1,;.,4." uud a»rr tLr r.l - ,gr �d tLl . I. IL rtl tnun•,l,n} 6\ w,rut ! l,Il\d•Illnl ll •l., h , E'.,•_..' �t. llil}IlIn111'r it ntiVlt lL n111111�I•:7 I•'1 :'::'. t'•:.•,i, •' I»,:l •: lll•l:l ,.t !,. hrt llt t S!, I!S • � ,.I•!,.li'. .• l tt ` •. n. •:."r .. ...- .. Y�.,.. t:! f.. t�', . t, . 1 ,.': ..Il 1:, Ir Lntlil r. l41 [•. 1III,IIrI Itlnll•1.. •'' �Il 1�tttn�I,Y ! 1111•! In3•f : 1 .,,11" 1' tl _ 3 !3nj1s , nll.11 lil,. ,{1 � .`11•`• . ''+..•;.... Fl llrti•, ilC., 1•'11 =11a 1 „o nounc, wnrn=cl nl hra ur of l'4t :.,! ''• •, t� ,:• d .l»,1 ,t ! ,.1 11,r Y^'•',1_,!1 h• 3 w!:, n,, :.!. r, .<ur•, ,ill}' -V -:� t. • Nr 1111e,witititl lllr cl,ipn:nlr�Illnl['. .,1 tl�r i't �1111, 1.1 diU,,Ulr ': a„'„• .. ... .. - -.. :.:!': •,',": af.l•ml'i'utrnr.•ndl rt ithont G+�; I Im, tq:;lyllf HHI c'I111T ,, ..3 { t, .. ,., . 1 ..a•: ,wilh the nlHdlSVmlti he•rcinsiter,l,l•citltd. t,y ,i loft. I 1`Y I+:,P" •"it•„Ir;,1 + t:: ' '•S -'t .. ' Sitl.,a.ilalUdtiv'tiutnul,d 6,r unyp:t•.••i•n lt4nnuIlyd.h,n:" .,. 1h+» thus} •'�' ..,t1r.+• .. - ...._.... - �, �J';? �" I irrinclri4 bl ca»duct of Inninlnib n tntbli. la l:ulh ,• ns u•a+t1•Ilo'ne u'itllin thr, ritv,d Y.y! 'i1•,. u•: »d rn,re tnFpt l+mint nll. ,.. ,:l.r3 ,.: :. ....t n oft'. tf '• tt � �`, _..,. , e . r;;::1 "'tY?�'}"`•. whhuut hnciug f 1,L alAa 1I,A n rrnl.',: •w' •I;tll• •! } . , 1. !,, 'rhr ,•tut: 1,,,:tt+'i l I I tt .,I 1,:•'" , 'r by thc!tr•ua 4l n�iccr of lhr c,lt ul l'na'f�:,. 1, •.=n,t �]!5r ,htt.:!'a'.0 I and tl:c 011, „1 ,1'^ l'r tIli, •r,ll l.`tt;',.n ,.;. „ �'. -+rJ ;'.'F tint thr fore lnl'•t'l tit i ',1 of".. \' All,l ,aft, i.l• u:1 .' J3.......t, n3u11h:,t j•t '� by •rr.) "t t':r ;nt rn•, •. .•n•lt .,.u^P1at'I ,I .. tau,i•1 :InY ... .... _.i,.., ,.. .: .Y.. - - ":e�y.;n;: T a,t ollcl atlanvrmrllt: cal ryfug oll the ha-lstr•= with••t,t :', Lt•c to lb. .a»tr f„�cu,ld ,n 1},' 'f•n•,: � T" , ".:', . ,. 9nnilar ctrndltlnn ni t3,e urt � t„•: I,:� .d !: n r II oY.u'er ai the C',tc of 1'0;7 _1,... ,,t\ ,li- . �T St�},•y,•..., Steen complfnl tt it h; ,li •a .l .rt uln ,llr �t., .a::::u aulU ,•its:• y;c ., 'P1u p.I, I:r ,: dlic.ua3• ll:c 1• nitn'.•t t!, i'� .,i.. ... •. ..-_._.. 't 1141*!-'•:`%%•t Ibe C111r1 r)(IIIc 1'31.' t)l'p::iltllf lit ':t lila• :'It l' ..1 r, 1, d 1•, 1:.,Y, rrd I tl i I i..• ,,� 1' . Zt:� Part Tlnrrisemd, that thr :!u•cr,, ,,.:•.lull ] nal 1]. 1•tl it fly Lut.d 1• :. , n 'I'1.a.t11':,••I.•tn.l»4`l:l'^"l,t'.11JIn :!I: 4 �•-1= YiW �a°,.I -.Si:yr,.,, dr)In{;npppnrnllt,,nRlttill' app11:1:`c•'+ I:If 1' till' �.n'1 .illel tltil,y:'•I•.. .- '•_Fr - - . i»g a,utLlulhluK•Ironn alr. w ;; v.••!ervul;l:;•n, ,u:! liu lr,l.r it,,,a it•!,t.Lli;•ll • _ .. .. �a;;e,''''t""j shut their »•r tF unt llaugclrnl, to 1it, '.gtt•,u u•i ing pr•nt•siy fro❑I tare, .1 It tint t1- ) 1 ,.. 1d:dt ,.F 1'as••cd tl:c l'dy. t•,.r:., i t a[ .:, ;•.t �. cauti•.I,$S .ehrea mkcn to .i,:u;lt nuh Iht I vlc •i ....:: 3'., a'(: } irmvtAlUhn of the nn5 tialicr, ul ilir ,It}'r;:.n In �) .1p{3t u,rt •I lo-t)' , t •'I' }I. 1. 1't ll}i.t [.;:Ili.. ' .-. .. .. .• `-. `" .;: luree, um L•tn><trµvlati,l»+ cun,'egn isr, tllc rl r. .\Itr •i, ?7.xput. :! •i?;"'�"• t1.0 fluty u.—of btlllrlf]1F'•:`t:i fm tht 1111.•iti.lit 1i,1.1 tt1tY :3,1,3'1 plttrorlihl'Jllty'.11t tlilli 111'ilYlI1Tl1[li I 11 �f t'c,l ;; nt,l!,'411, II ]tlr, i` ..< •:i ..-. .._..._:. • 'a t.Y r nmOd the l'lltcf n( iht 11•Ic 11, ;., 1: t 1t3t a'l. - ___... i `.> `..: apcci ivt•ly', upon nt,pli'aliotl hon, all} t,..• ., :: ,.: .. .--..- : ii, - ',• Perron<prt,u••(nv to,•prn o: roU`lttct Ittc t,y - - •'--""` I'M''If 44 pUNIC Inuulltr an!Iiu thr crt.•„f ii:•r'. T»wunrnllt to tflo-prci Lhc \.;<, :,,.;•,; h:l n3f.•., f» ,\l.tlit :: i trn!xlsc! to rnttt• on =a1• bll-int",,�r 3 (^tit'-. 1 't, d hU4111CYa iK 1, it :a7rlc'tl •`ttl ,••iF It .1- ... . r ;�:..-.. a+lertaiu vvhI lher thrn.dd l•ireni+n .Irr pro': il1.:l y. ' • "��'i•.l:" with proper drd»nge nmt dn:l is r,ty a[Id aleo whether lhr. nuvi,•Iun•I u111,1' t I,n'lucc•, y ', ::'•'_'' rI of the CITY 111ca In luice makiv}t trt,�Il+.ali•,tl� _!�». - .. ..•. 7.: � :.. . . ... .. .. a'cluiub lhC cl"tt-n n tld.vil' 111:1111�1,11,;^.,:Ill t„3 ,L; .•.e - ... .. ..: rin•'t:��. •: the prof rtlon bl propene front ittim,: or ri��'�[[ , trlC!3rIt1 tla' Ii1e 11111r f•. ,'tl- build 1. ml A� rr!-1TfCly •;1 tt •If i, lr'T iy:,'.;'1•l" ')y "" -.�x;,i�,i;.,r•., Iu vUClt Slr7�.)11 riT 1+1'IF•Itl., ll1.^[rri l:i,.,t,•i•li.t l,la,1' 1'�rlbr;ectlanv<. 111314 nf•{i!I::11:t'<t.111.1„f ;_}; I'.: •yiw cotred for file elfor»robe nt :,v1' .r L•u'.rl c'•'I- ... .,_,•: ' } reetthcd L 'the jiruci,i„n. uE rhl. • r,1 n:.,ar.::n -..... 1. ,F,. la'�c4;�:' T fife lur;+cti1•nt o .Lc m!-. •. vt tic• i•'ltr ear „1 .t ;• ,!�cp"='�'"`•''• ccYtifica t. l:ut u!i sur!t .cn,cl• AWL 1):. ,. �t I .X•'; i?��'�y. i�`5 (nnnal cc nl"ehnr!e. - ... _- ut:. ..:r.,n;•:p'.,:;,': G7:.. 4• ;'O 1)rnrr, ur pet+,l,+ •nrr.io_•, rl .:u. .', .. .... ..: . ... t y lmcd in the n111I is tnnnd•ic•, :k`. . -Ili,:; j:, - sutinca p3t,c1<1cd lux in 9ett?nu I1•ti}t i•wJfnu u, .• q'a„t{ ,: • shell nr itrlu c,utiu••: ta't,al • a t::c h,,or, a 3l, ,It . f±;Dj:,-i.•„! hr k to evrh+eL l+nt and r, u'c:lncY<,1 n1, ur I;pv❑ lulY sssttlY rr+'ai•'i i;�ce,: ': portion of tlr: l.lnyYao\.'n n•�u �•,T;^:. 1'i ;.:'i, :!1'til,'-•....•••� Ir:-L'. $. :1U prr`4,11 Ut pc: ,U 11 `, en'i.t t•,r.l Ili 1}Ir btubdl'yll».]i llllA rrlil,l[I Shr �111'.,t 1'•.3l 'I'„14 .. .• - "•„t, �f,. _r_...._. ' ,L,^ :..r :•.. :,,-' n- scnrS, *haii pmnit nllY ucl•..m tnttrl in}t loon nny inft'clivas of r,» Ualtnui Jal i•.r• t`t S.Igr, ..ty., . _ . ... ,. . ... _ -t Cr rrlunin n•!thw yr '3 \.lia f 'tti '�'�,! •- _ 1 nrm!. uha by Will, l3rr ur Lhl Tlt Iur t!Ir t� 1,'u! ou, n[ :1 .. .... _ ... - .-.. V •1:;� . _ .... ' . �,a �•3 ,1)n1tlic Inu».irY• ; 1• •ry YY .�•.,�..r „ .:'.--•.': fi..:�l•�n:,t'+_-.15.5..•:.e.+\rari.T. _ .rt.::[Y. .. ......." ..r_..�. '.i• ..... ...... .., _.. ti .... ;� i 1 �•�`t� _ ._1•:Ir`,..,: 1' .. ..:4f.Y.xi'ias'?�w '1'-� �.�'yS'. !• t r„_`3T {•• : f.' '•rl:'.:;i'Srr-:'f-ti' ' i 1r� i - .. , ° - .............. h.." � '---.. .i.,...�t..f .,•.. e' �, ! ; fir• ' . i .. ,. .. .. .. ... .. •� � .•,`try .•�, }'`� ,, ti. It t all Ir unlarr5,1'ltrnn wmt niL�t tha� ,�• � ...� � � � � � � !i � ��� �,, of thi. of Ihfancr• I:,r nny r.o to ertlabihh, mstt+trtln ,r utt re o +' .. - wdfy tuitldu the h:r Ih'tlty, na Ihc1e 1:�•atrd, of 1•r c{Fy o[I'ntl3'o+rn.cud. wilhoul ❑:,c(n;; Iirft " .. r,'-".`;,�,•, ,'+tninal the cmt�ent nC thr Ifi Common rppt the MPm be IonrtedoRe «tnl N4rrc I e+itl+ , nctcd ellltrr of ht{rL o*+• � i - ;�;��'' -}° rlq moat "r, Prrsun ur •reun•t c-tul'It±Irin�;. . ' -. _ < ;.,.< �'Yt3' •.�µc 77. Anr . or +:�h,lsi77F or carryiu tt�r bu+iurx. refs},„'• .. cttd•�;.:+ .t: lsuadry nrn Pnhlic w•nAh•h.r hi her tlrin the _ •?�itp r ��Iher Prlicln4 uin clC}«'11111 'd' t'+ ummof the dty of E'ntt l'r,wn�en+�. +-otft;{tt iou ..`.r• '• t,cinp Colltplkd M'Iatlimite gaily o{ s uti•dc• :-�:.-.�-�..".• o(lhi7 and nsuc'' o-h„❑ hr .. !�'' �"� �; :eanorrsnd� R ,nn cnRrtctian t`rerr.>L .:^+`.y')4F punlehcd U}•auclfarn,rturF )�i{mPrliunimrnthoc for re than f(tyrin or ln•hlnlr eudr ��•,i.4;"L� �a rtY snufe tlwnthfda)'n. ;,rl hnl�riroamcnti and tutu Arl-.�u «hn clolntr4 nl the PRn'IE+URR of s—tivtlM1 •L 5—'ihof ,i orltnsuce.hnll lx Fuill�oC!'+11 br1 �t�nit+hrrt 't.�)•~;f�'1 y , tpna wnr{cliun therm . • - .. .. . .. a 1 e ri floe f not Icra LLau five d,,ttn1, ur nn+'^ - a t non fifty Snilan, or t,y lmpri+o nsecnt tur not •:fore lhsn th{rty alnys, of Ly Irottt Koch I+nc and re+ptLxfanteut• , the htu;ilt of:;m, ` . .+ .. .. .. - ._ .. - 6CC tl •£11C CH{1(IM Ie+ fi, m ' -.ul tCc ch ltf aflhr hrc AeldfaIlthc r+rthtbltid �� .£tnoill llnunrei the l�t•n{:r. snvl the - nue icnmt. filacr nt - .. ,. .. _ .. yome c P ror.ncal on the dcrnanri M wrr ... r { •"a! „ '•t"? �'i .: i �+" „1h.e'ofTe 'm icc3nn11wririr+c tntlr. herehp di• - . Sec. 9. The P .. .. .. _ .... - � .. t ock'I to hnac -t dcliy rnlnr eel. ' :RG.tU.'tll0.t lhl�ro +ira1111R4Cr Ivle rfi2cl nod ,'~fore, fmm And AIM lhnlyi3,) dn)wpmn I: atro{ its 111l,lttapun. Varwi the City C...... I atn t'gu:ar'.1-tluK `•r{'' I ri Proce!i Jtdy v, 74p. .. ... Q€ l pp 4i. f.. 'fpttr.ii.S 7R., .. ,. - _ ... .. .. .. .. _ •� p/i,Yy.( A,lcI- SMITH. st: 111t'nt. ff}(Y.i ... fit", . w f,.. 1��. �.,•�.. 4 W �'' * "' I . ; 14 -1 *,y( '•i S .. .. f a � <'4i1� Y �:�?;4� �fi� r� �! ilr 7q t � rr„ s� ;i , i Lj, .�.� � tj, 1, i .✓' -t ^?,zfs'i'--;iktt �+�_'•+�,'�v4d?a1F�trt^!'r. �7:!Y'hnr7-v�'r:A. 3i;.�?..a ,,.. .... +., •. �.e..a.. �. .. .tn..4..i.: ,, r... 7 .,..r_)...._ I } G r..-t 1 !r,>.i. ,�! � C'-f �-T ...: f,`. � . C f r r � � i r + / • ... �: r /.�l !/�i 'St' � .. �/1�'Lt, O`c;: �-r^j( [-''([ '•'!'7;'{:�`�•{:f.C,l;'`rL-�c--%i}i ".`.'u�Y'J�t�� y f f'L.G C:�i'� �+''�.-�' L.-fit.�� !•'�i�`.iL.{,. ('7 :u`� .. -. le 000 �`zu , I �/T�G�LftGG•�,I�uAt� .. ,=;y. C �lfl.C,.!.%cc��1,'i�rtd��t!('G�dL(.Gl./Zv _ Gt �r �: .- .,fz'rtiG�r� . rc�,, aC'f;i;�, �� ��: r�,�ts�r=•�u-�' !'l��z � -�" � o- ::�': �',.� E�<�Ftiu*�•r., tiC,�l/L¢ : (�u,��. • •';��::' !/l�r' ' ... .. �-�,.t',(G2� G4-T�.� ,.�n' �rr-t.{•rn��) rr`af-wi,rr� '�b .,�4, .'a _,�',.,t:, ,� %l ... GK Lv �/�G 2G}!r �ifi'.�.Gt,�f�G�{2llit, G%"L��• .c .. <�G`�t, t�')�ll.•cLt�L2UY` Gu}."�{.fiZ'`. �� t'�-?�(-C.i..I�-G�iCJ ' - a�f'%n, f.C,� a-uLLL-• ����1 II.LG � L"L'ld'r 21 p' . ti Ltn, _ _ ! ... _ "t"` ,.� ow 61 1,� A��(�(�—•,• f /� i� � (V iLiiY.�w'.tr.t \-!?V•`: 'f� �v,�.. �__�-/... /.'..•./ �•'U;_��.«�. .,f'.ett.. tfis ,lkkh� ") �14i }�"t. l i��.G (•(��f. � �-'�- LL'� /�i� ���, r� � �[��.f, F' -1 Ci. f. i. - (f"�"��% -L :L., �� L- l� r `f .. ' - . w.; ': 1 r / r ff6, - i{ r �T'Y (•` cl�� /`I�.0 C /J r;�: �'�•C-r.u. emu.-G�. 7�0 /.0 �': ,:::� . ..._ .. � �f'l,(. !J ir'-i-''L.�(. GIB!? l•L!: .� C� 12,(. 'Jr�-1 LCJ %tiGc.-111iC . ? �..'. r,1.', r i C�'i`• (Lcty� (I't�i� �1�(iL��,•l7 ,�._M1:....�, ;a .. �'fli� C/,a-'E• . /-uG-li'2-�Z1L �f� f�LG �fi i!��;ri� 4414. gill � /, `rG� ,act'' j o'rs.c o % p'-rt�c'��'ict ry �i©1J �GG�Mr � � .G !'G1.'�icL(.LG%t.G,/�(.ti�f ..:"i=ry' G�f'I,Gf.�. �2ac%'•LC','�lf'vc��'�Gi-�GC�t;(11_r ��� ^�./'�'� t� Za Act:•tLi! �ie _. �.. .. 1 �� o���u�.r� �., /zr,�r�C,t �2tu•rti D - -" �"�i�-szo-.G�,-��',��`a,�. C�'�� Cc •f'ti GQ-T=Gf�, . -�0. /Y 7y� U�'t ? ��..u-�,c�c:�v � 2' 0 ; l�Ti, �-;, l ;i it ti a %�-G(�C %i c/ y�.Q•-� Gc} 7<-�I1 a.G(� --L le Lzfi ' T ; .. .:. � .. � ..L� ��� G7'fYCGI. LG •t zGC. /1•�L� �`v G�-� . [ -T/�-. CLr1!/�I� .i�,�%,-::• �71/�(, .,. zr t 'a'Gr F o /�' C �. wiz-t,t •�i i-t,LG 'vi,,, _, ' uv �J //j� �_qAl�W✓✓ a' ) � r. � '� .:'Jke�.i.Mw'f:.�.a"��N..<..,'k{' � .e.__...��.i _... _..,�._...v.... �.,3.... •mot ":M1{�'tA�[)sa.a..{t.... .'-.V .:,. ...�. ._....�.. _... .. , ...: /...-�../.... - .1.� _.t _ _ .L...:J r. ._..,-: - ��2c.., �"�-LrCrC-�'C,��G-C.C� I�litl/�:l.��LGG• _... ut;i� �`'" � �V •`%}� louse. ... �!L Thu 1'Ity or l . • ✓ _ �'l��; %, leas. ,i/ •'S. •� .'I r //,, tho"(t11. null I�i i ,Y!// the �Inlrlrrt Rln �"11 // 00„ /J 1 � � 1 rovldlnN t:: /. v. / _ . .. ..� - llchte for I1RL11 are hrrub55� I 9rrnnK:-1 unit La In (u, dayx'ed t too PA.Approved Au } a , �et ��s;hh,•. fir. .,' ,�="/•'/�/-��V {�!///�/�� �, a� �-� "�t/�..:�r �7t.G-GI�C.��-- - - ....._..._._. • ttIPI� �l Pam ��Y,I, '•'.` !� � V� !��' � V V Wes+ '(J �� +r' V� .. ..'y: F.wi�. _ dry - b�� ,r'� .� •/�' 1:�.� 111; k11'„1'GI'!'1'I1, r,. .. .. _. ....•... .. �f :, ,.�:"�... :•, .,.. Iru: 'j �. t•I:i .,r ln,l T,;t r�ih h'. ' ..�., :. ter, •{'I. n„rr.�['t •r'�gII .`h.`;,;.�; •7. / lj�/�,/V • lu�rl.�rr'lli'a(I'arl t,.., ir. �lq •1.,..,•Lb.Vu il, fol. .. .. .•_... ...i ..._ _,-, ,.C/.., _.. [ � - .. .. .. BRCIto'tl�-'[bu{•lr`,d N.�LartSc:r ,ralgn v] .. .. ... -.. .. '. S� A;t.t 11 1n Ihr 1,n.on[ liuolt` •f SU.• .II[ �f i•„It ,., r ' t' Id Ilu, rnua� hl n 1 l I„I'. •� to 1' 2 L ,qhf Prl I. Ll\a - Ilu ll,a [tit r,f 1'.n'I 1 „ , ^`li,l ,I�kllt ... , .,... _..•' '-( ,-r,Y' 11, n ,r Ilt.';,I Utq rl�' .tr.I H [ r 1 t r��,'4,•, "tr l ''., '; •' : �� I x Irlr l n,l :rnr t;,r l , i' • A ., ... .. .. .. .. ,rn• [I•r,'I,1 II:'rjl .•^,f•„I It. l�rr 1 E�'tlt t!ra "'i^,„ ...•"•-'; ,•, � v � f Ilmltv',i a ,. , ll . r •. - • Ilu I I } I ^-IFII .l` III "Ill x'1 { t C%�'.�_-r-�rY•!�v .r!Vv ".1+.-l//!i,`^'t!�l_� r,l7r lrl t.,Icr,I rr[rtt,n�, It l,Ir 11 „f of Idll'r r ..,..., .. ... .. 11�1•I'AR1'tittlttl. l'II! 1•I..I A- 7m^ In of I'ulrtl 'u doll �rl.t. C. {ti'1• - }l it: r } ,. :,. x:�:�uLa.,n _may r tt;'�..iP, .. .'y,:. ..� _ 'T'.�}•s�.t,.Ka -.�'.. _ _ . .. .. . . ... ... . ........4:..r.. .,.: 7.-, ., �r:'`}S.•..iSL"3 C)r/711 It ter $�;�';-J€'.���1.'j:�c :-cr..<�/ ;��r�r�,:..rr�tfr ��r�l , YJI (tlr �� -�-•� � �i.vwl��r. ��-�-�',C�r; OA: 46 POM LjfrJ Yt qy -�/ 7 zz , /(( "'? A` tllIf 1TV Aez tlrt T0r- I- YIV /'V'� tk iA l `..., .....��'Liiir'YLi �.G'G,c—f C2L.rG��. l (C t. �T GY�•f 4.,t._�C.t.t'..� L ` �- fL[K rr ;�" L, c. jf .. fJ� ....,,-.-,`,� ^4c� re r' /f 10 �t�GQ-'-!V ,{-�1'- /72.c-� � %/ a ��✓(%lrCt`.{.L{•(i.r' �t..r!� �•'�rt`(%,'t�I�''� t , � (Y,/.(, :::=; r 7 i �. /`r ,1�'1 // i �1r�r (rf 1i/%r/`i� ,�•V'��tf�_ '�1�', r �� •�p-- � [/l ' 1[. rf�k;/��Lr.f ! / ((!-< ' �_� � : . /1 {//" �,�.���� •( ([..l ��[ . i. : C. 1 i r 7, e. , i_; .1� _ .. � 'mil' �t`�;�� 'O'd +lf L.U, rti ,/frllc;tnii•o s �jl {l.t.. (it�1(('/�(�r./�ljrl.i r-' I r rlri�t<lCIIZ� >{ . i-Ut�6�`G�c,, c:�y._.C,,�-�',rt%y�LO!''lr,,.�..r��• � �Il,c f.� � - ,`% ,�` ./-.'�r•'C'(!-',lll t�� c'2;;' j � f!. r' / ,��;��!`vrG` •. � it r[ r '� :'fi��lL?�(. �`l..G"�' "[`1 .. ....- � 4°`l/.'Lt,(• .� C(;r', r[ r �::. �. C�_ � t r, , �; c. ),� •r 'j Z t y;'x f�. �cr�c�P/rl'1��:.�r_/��� l'/-�.Y{..r(�u.c 7%t�• ,.�-'r/rr f� i,A�/.[ % � .i/t!/l � . ii 'cr ,� 'fr . � �, fir: �lt.d<�/'rJ't�v c 1(lC Q� 4tf( gee 2��/! �`rL � s/lyye. t { :. r? - �(�(r( if//L't. !,J/`1 ri,; �! Ct( �/ (t, ; r. ;'!'. 1C.� l"�Gacf� J� � { �'j� tli,Li7 jr Grll,C?/ t.' 11Cfi�.fY[tl.� .. ell, 'j[ ✓ GC.. t ,�J f r��f. �' ii/Ui4vlL(.�l�+c'crV ,j • ����. . z�:tGll:ucv ylGv?4- .., CllcC•. •_C{'� G _� . � .... � c jr � > > � �+ fr' ! ��[-�• r ''` /.f' ✓/[y, ,-!�.1:'wGG '.. r4 __�""'"•.. rill 4r _ f �t r, � )� �; �� t% . L J t, q '1 t rr j !, GG�!-G�1`"�•(.G/�a. r c,�:(�llxi(T�.,-- frc� ��t:f�...�� �' .�..{,� ` `s'v1L� �"'•. J! 7.(-�. '�f�cv Ifi� C(![ [ r r..< r:r_ [i /x 1^i r"'' :, / -t.,. r:*i` UC"•% A41 ��"'�`t► .. ,� .. ``. jj_.. _.. _ _.. ... �� .. `���~�.C..- fr-�!' �J•{t�J. ii .C, ,. �q:rt(rn j:� t �; 1.<`'�% (iL�,C L�.� �'� �Y Ull& la =-t Al '".:.Xk�,7��`Fri::,iR�ir'•"�.�'�l�tlZi%�4.E�:�._..,.^.t�.J.aa,�....5,.. -a', ��,rui-�..,.--6'w - .. .- .-.,—�.. ..� ... ..,.,.__ ... ._,.._ �. •ar,� r.'i ,�;s, '.r �r�`.,4ttYYM 1, ^^? �`• .•v� ' � OY�'` �e�rv-rUt:r�c?Gt.G� � L�. !C%r!'11.�1C�cCt l.i. L YF i � t°-�il�t� � t L,'t � ! �� �..1 � 7.`;-,.�G G'�;l GI � ; •' J C. _�'''.`,��-`� !l.F'w.%�• utr'�i`,�-� ��-f�/,��('.'°r.l.,..` 2 ..� ffl�G��•, �/", ��.-•�f_.(J ' i nt_ yQ.t✓! ..r�'._,L�.�. , {; L rc-r � ' � / !LLL 5'cti `_ a''w :' f.;� ' li e t ! fi'/t.;,; f ,%i•' :'L.•LfL� ,��;-;v'.1�,.:•'. .ia?'�.f: �r t[` `•-t=:r:"t'e.(C'}'/ tr`.( .l.t"fCt,�• GLi� "r<•.�i�'r �C./�i;LC:1.'-C't'1��iLe,;� .. 1/lAn .C?r4G[ �>�•r'.�'�,°:i; ' �f�.;'Ll,�,:4'��{�-,C/.���.G`-�Cl��-•-1f� ��! r d�'Iri�/�, �` /% .t• :n..'�-:'j:�-.._'•.�'` uCf'�lil�/!i [CJ-Iti iL- �iL•C(/.G :?-� �77.t'-��,�.7.' tom/ t•G!i[i�.. .. r. �U z :�I?."�;`.J �Jf_ ,i./ �G.(N"�^l..y/i����..�t?l?i•Ud �l�lf� fGtJ.'L�L vL/C.%��l � .. sxy'1 ;r:,),:..',i',[�y/y'/�r7�J{/----i�Z,�t-��,�}�f t.'r'�r• ���({T�7U�. r. ,�.:�f,',.j. _.. (�'!', .��;' •' Fes.' / .- .: .C�...: Y:rr7r%ter y'su�<dCai��ll,".c!r..�•t :t(��tr / �(�GG�a!f , �. / - �ff• u�fi0 % G1tt(v'r> u a l CL� jr` lit <��z.47 • r� 3,•.,...y.. �y"'_ .. ... . GN 1"•. flt��'t-Gl'�Ir r�l�.•2 . i�G�f.L �..f c�-a_a'u'�`Yc• G'� • £. 4./ ..rl•!f �•� /''�-�l G�l1�/:!'�� �- `; ` ,22¢L1,:/TGr�#-•�/i�%r?!i'%`!!/c !'I.G2Lt, r.t L=C'f-LLlrr �[cr,'.� .fl f . ..tSµ.Y .; '' •J % �ii'Y vc'"'"s-!�..� W� ll�4 v1 J Z(G C� -? L... .L!•(iZG Fv�C /�.11/i2L%UGf I�': te>I'`:'i.�_ ��i•1'J .:�-� I,t%i! .. • . !� e , 't r�(.t r :� Lv! t,(r�r>'"i%t-t. �tiGt//�... -r r (1 • �-2%Gt. L� �Q�� .G oI4I)INANCG No, s W rr "oa •n� n:" e : n M :rrint . 1; a I'.i ,Y:. t-, r, ,•ru :a+G •r i �i [,r.. I n° t�.' n Ili: n,il uutr l er�,,•,�(;q,rt 1'asrueelW qo, � .n" , : :rmu n � •r I5 i i.i .MT."11, . �� 1'. � u i .• nr 1'•nt To., '• [iI �� I1 C.: 11 • IL e' el •1 •,1:1'1'i --Irrs .nc Jirl 'r,s 1'Jn Trc S'c; i:: Oar B 11" Tw; Sn T. a nuo jr, ( )!.II If ,•i In .� p In t Iltc I o: 1t ': .tns. t:--i'IrGi a ILu•c, L !, w tar. cn :n•, pL,ee tl tL,., , arc, nrl tlq•-uc...n,..y.�•,o... s�. t:< Ts. �_ ':y;... ^ij: wu.�al _ /1 4i �.c:.�.:.-, ' i • i nett say.cq, gl:n earth In lhoso days," Sn t alwaya'Just out" or great L because it does not appreen thing when it secs it —or :t goal thing a long while hel properly estininto its jimline Blade. The t.A,t Unra nr Ili,.;: tot[r15t. who hay jest rt-. tho Canary ivlauds, had u•1 With King Ja Jn ILrcw d 1. , death. Tito exiled lino «a... staying at a 110tel in : Il >, was to very low Fllirita. dorim I naC he would eversvo Ilia c,: though ho had matle rill tL arrangetuantrl for This dcp..e ,•f� r.� {^'",`!l�•rt/i/ i... !. 4: ' WL' t'r� Gr' `� ( ci" - 1 3 (•� G�-�l � r �T•!/.�'i.,; l.� �. �'� . � t:GC �i�.t/I,ut^-1s . C� -'' �• i �� f L'-'' ,' �,:�i - 1 ,`3 I IY I/ ze4� LL�•�/�LL/Cx:'Lp,Q. C.(G�L:tJ , l � t l; l lI ti t\ t I: ?er l 1, i v✓+ � 1' CGGf� � :.... f L ,•' '�. � I � t ni "r,, It li. f;l � 4� f�? , 'C�'ru=C�[.f'fh�ti,^",�,rt'.`/..��l�J�� � •� r .., rr.,,,'I.,,,l I.,r,. :?i iiC ZLGlG[•b �!f�+ f •� C(.ful. yt�(i2c I 11 { '. .. I, ., �� I• .il. ,,l rl•t.n•r i_ ,g 7 LCvT!tr�f�2wt;W 4 GC.��nW lry'.' /'////,�}. Cs �!�_ - .. .. �' � 1�• ! i�n• i ' � iit�•�dLLI�'1v� ���_ ��.�. � _.... ... t��' u.. ,'I' i r ,.r '!.. .! ,� „In .. ... _ _. � is - t �.� . G�s%�1GLf!�l�l/l�4•...?4!(��� - i - r , .1 r .. ,. , j' r vI p•� G- j( 1pp I' lir pt t, ul r 'ILL 1, t f 1' ,•I" ln,. r• r .�4'" ��J'a•'�"i•'� .-(;�(/ f�I//(/�•/Lf'!.�iL- .::�� _ .. .:. „ 3 e . , , •1. 1,'I, r r.t l'�, ^+09 wV �- f� �/�/'� tr 11 �• .t �n u t.� + t+Rty�'i"� fl - :( �•_G(/v'�t�i'. ! �I/I �O/l i. 5 1 . r,, II r 1• .. - . '�.i�"•. J .. (4. 1;..• / j � ' `{n /, _ .. ,I,: ., ,'11 n. "I 1 II.� rl ,r: :tl . - ... .- }-`i-r-�r4 ,�y •��jT—�` Lt.-, _. 4 Z . ram, — 1'fi l Ne t,ir. 1i und 1 J' L.:,.....�?17.�/fv,{CC F�tktialL�1•. .-. - ` ear tall hoser;da3- ginnta o (f earth 1n toe dole" So the w"ldt, _vt '• = •. .. ult,•nle 'tsf '1 tout" o great men, situp �.� becauseItdoea notappreciato n gcx fiflug when it sees it --or it must we Ui''f t.. �'ty`►'��: �t,Leri t�J`ii! f� _ goal thinga long whiln before it ct +-'ploperly properlyrstimntoita qualities. lUAC1 Made. 1 .. Thu Last D.Y. of Itlu„ Jn Ja. 4A tourist, who Liam justturned frr . .--•r—:.,, •�;•�"+�%^� '. �- re ..:'... .. tho t::tltal' Islands, had ;ill inrei "'. with King da .la a fewfeda before }?_,r death. The exiled loll, was at that tt ? •as ix• .' staying at a 110.1 ill8:utl:t Cruz. wash eryIowepirits,dotd,liugu-hetl uo w old eveseo e natila nd wd aon r his r t is I though lw had trimle all tho neceasa - i n'"'-r.' ;;I-,r+t (/_-%'I I..,,�-.< :..z-`.,. at;�i '�'•-":,: _f.. nrrangatuent:r for his depttrtura. t i .` _ �_.:7s;�Kr.•,M'• '4• ix' ct•,,?Gt� ''r::.�� '�„I:. I; � wtwt>S�unaeleluvivi..Lv_the Brit ishtt °�'}.3.k5'�� 41I! � Y ,�� rY,j3�, ,� rr =' 1 t . j';•:. � . T . 1 � 5 J' -: s s-}��G- lJ ll ) y-4,. �p - f . { y _ f�'Gv�,uv'7i • R� �.,, � �Gc� .. Y uunr�.j�cl: xrl. sos• _ .: �._ ' �`jt C�21_, ��. ... ....... .. ... .. ... ... f% lr 'it .'��I�,ff r111L,1r r)•�If nY trl�x ___... _. •s.C•, ,rr�"��� � (4UGL</+.''ti Cii C�L t , r /l a n,{'>�.• • of Vt �,• �1 ! ��/,/ I,,,,+- r�f.�'�ii�"j'L�. rl� i'.a.�'.t`-•;,":..:,}�;; r,n;r,,,x r,rr.,l `.\ .. - } ,�;� : (C+��"LV.+tf4 �. � ' ),n C`rIR -nf:'rmt'rut, n•vu.l +I,n`c ur�ntn nr tut•` V-.., .. ... .j.. I. � IZt,C(LV'1• � �� `�f... �� _ ..- . ih �•„ i i` n`;� �rlyti';,ir,•1I. _ i t3 ') :!"_•v:-GL . ... :'.'. � n 'tr'n �rlt'i rre �y iri ,l ..x .... ... ... .... .._._ _._ ., t/ • llfi��r��� - r l{ I ;.,Ili n I r1 x, r� ri/dxf!i.rr! w�- G�•�...('� �`'�"" ... .:. ..'„ "�• ,. _.... _... .• ._ .t. � � � fell 1• V,�+ 1 I tfctx .... ,.... , ...._ _ 'I^� f � � � -. I. 1•+; It j'i ,ll�r1l io,��utL �-: •off 1. t ' 1 111s ti�f. _t '•1 h' n,l rr" n,U;) l Jk'3a �4, �,. t.G4.9 ��7r (/ ._. rl�i,. I I '• n�nl. ,, 6t u•, of nt xxld r"t ). 1 r rn t :.. ....... .... , "Ir•+I.• itt f \• it )'1'n: \, i .r" ,I,.i" '•��-. ..- '. _ _...-.•�••r^• .. T: I r ..all L; ..,nor' •i }( r6/, /� ` I`11� ri '„aril r i,` .n 1 I,� t Ir, • 1. � r •/ 3�y�jr11 . �' ,riL,••6!!VA..i--'..' .. .._.... �Ir J ,Il lrc I ). I tL., 'I t�.j�r � .._.. .... .. r. ._. � iff/gq� •` I� �' .n,l, l,�•ir: nt :yi ,'l�r,•I��Itn I:t{ �'d ��„• '� , i ^ � �l L+��S. 1 •'•I„TI ui,• 'S.Y i r•- 1 TJy `; I 6_�2�% /j(Y�. .In. •(h 1tL Pinrc, L•,n. ,l rirxrg{ t '(�-J•-"'�" 'Y W."Lf !•kT � t .. ... .... ... j I'l.•irr ln•. '1'I:, a• i tLc u, 1. rrr� .. .. ..._...... - 1!{y YY��Y � "^ . : r ` M 11 I`L' :•„I . Ilnn�„r r1r'.rR nr ,r I "in lhi•{.,r tlult "I f,tf{)1 .: { ��.. �-� __ . G-/_.. r �I r' � T'1rY \1'.1ltlrtill•T . _. .r t 1 1jj flu ,•�•,� rr J n119cr,-1 A. V 11 II„kkclin, C. il. Jun•y. r . •< '/ ,� . � � r� : �� ulrrk+� --u. rL un)', Jov. (ford. 1 j t r, nliu It utl I . 1 "• l J 1'ullug Plnln—I:nLll 1161,11nR. rrrucr oft F{Lnnrer'rr ctn. r l�L/lA/✓N- Il,.,,octorr—\.')'. trlll,.•r. t �. _. .. .; �t J•Idt;w.—Jolm 1'npur, q'm. ylef{vy, � 1 ... .. E'rud¢Fm 1, E. 'C? n , %` / ; t•I ung rLltn, Tiff ai,`I, t, Iron. 7 Mks r i kv JudRe•,--A. A. I'lumm '. IStpIA"IlII Illndx ` �*.:,1 t ! .)/�`^�{/.''' .. -}� _.t cl•rkr,--U. 1: R'nrr,:u, Ip,Lcrr llllea. .. _. .. _ 1'Incr,—Ilrn. 011M x Lni dluc, rr nl•r — .. _, .�. __._._.. . . lttullnn II'l I \n. tUk -. • .- _— rY Sin r;,, � �r' t. iV. Illx{,x•lor; 1 4Lk' .rtf I-tdlsex,—ri', II II. Lenrv,nd, l.. It Sod i!t. clrr.:.,—Ic. c. cnlnnun, 'ulon Cwlninu. 1'IPT II 11'AiIII. S,r 7 it, u�anrl ll'Mrlri ctrnt IInIL n)�,tl III; LI I'n 1I 1'r,lrr'r 1i,1111 rtt1), r. •I, Illxprl'Inr� i)•, 'i•. 55•lil'r 11':1)'. Jinlcr...—J. A. tturrrr, S. X. Kkn t, r'lrrkr,--,1, it. I-,•Irr•r,II, Pit., ,5'n)', '�:i.'�:•.".. f;t, ,'r+r,� 'I'hl. nlrllu.l•'r+boll Iw III farce ir, ,it rri lr.•nt ,I,IrI nlf,•r Il,n ,In)'. nllx•I' We ntx• ! pnLLr nlii�n, 1'n.+crl tLu rv,tl l+•'ll �'l•1.1. �'. t•:i 1. r• nr!:,IITn. '''IyYl:lr•rk, _ ._I SIi lc'rrl )`v fill. nl ir:I rrl !„I"�1. �' if $`'V+r. _ �• � {F4) ' Q3 :., .. ORDINANCE ' -•==�•+'-'!'=-`{:-='- - ANCE NO 396. Ina of prnprrq- Ihrfrupur4 lq,11+^n r+, and rueh a< . •rxmrot 'Lail 6r lnuned.nh'ly due and Purn tlr - { to (1,11 rp y't'r,•nxnror, wLn nLnll Kh'e nodcc of r,.•: pu _ ;'• .1nletinttance tAnlingg to tLo Yrndin66•nud bn- ench lxcls 6v-'I'lril rl I '.lal. In tout t , r_^!•^"`"'-!"• ppitrcl+ta114Ul etfaetY,`,nd mnyrwuf uJJlg'Y,nnll eu'ectill the luper Ifiene Lu c4L prlw M1 ilk t:: ` �• to^ rho u•natructlnn nud rapait o! ddutcnl k,, ftntnenl nlrly npn■ Ihr ncl +9'f ltl u( rile nark, r and prorldl'RI the tntulner In Alllrh r r 1 ln+. or Any Litt there'[ bf lilt an ld rlt3. nnld-nx•x,- r vL/Li L%L� provntnemaehnll bo foul+and the cminrllu•trnf meat, nr the pmp+•rt'ml„t• nut ehY muf aludl he ! npJ,orhoacd and octet,+ed nRninxl %I.. pntparq Armnud dulluqualt. j . 7!': +�;�`'•' r frunttnl nrl eoeh erevt, l+John'ny nr , Ilry »r!- Snq IU—'1'Lnt n•li-trrrl;nui rn•t•temrot praxidinbb• Ilm nlatulor In trhlcu tlw brrmnr dcllaqurm m hcrclu �� r.n 4I .l, It v+• par , :`�, a!rl thuroel .boll he ,Intunnhtr'1 mtr rullccted. ceuU!llnn nuu+uol thnreuf nbXll 6r'LI•d ihrrrtn Tile CITY or i'utt'fox'neand dada nrdrdn ur tut- ., n penally, and [t !. Lt•n4p• nude ihu ,. nu•al ht Thu tou- litd»:! lour miryoflh«elgvjA,+ enropr .. 996. I.—Thut %th" er, tilt Cnnunun�ro,lnr!I o•t pprnrLlcrIld tun tort furry Allan le oath nl the Clq• V( fort 9'nwneoud nLnll Lit b • nark duur.nud to cullrrl All llnnuy, A Holy oil tit. . -. . pun' > !'1 Xr meat. 1'ItUelh[p 11111Y F.YKIt. .. nrtllnRllrn nr tlxUhlt Intl, P(oYi,lp4 qfr uunnh'rrn '1'Imt If vddx m•'•avnuri f. p,dA betur. cult Lc Thu Connell cntn theroG+r, Ltr tilu cm61-K• Lnnllhl lilt nnl+l Yrunlly of II n: ycr t•rnT ,Rtnd ftit. ntnendnmlrlllK nr Knlforlu¢ o[ paVlnl:a„t•hn "' 7{L,t ? nttY tract, hi61'n.Y or nA,+�• in Ihu.Iy' of 1•nrt 5rc, 11 —If rn+7 ,r •.,mrnt Leretnfure :ndr - _ !Z.C, 'r• �, 'ter;.;.,_,{, Tnn•naeud, ar any nrtlont+rrco4 tr.11 11. In fly the City 0,..T'll or t(n.y e,convuuuL Lo rm - 'f' - ^F; ," .. - •. Aketnaanr,, i,rnt'fito for lilt, rnu.h•urdart ar atilt, urdw:mrd In rnlid Mr nor r•urL rho r!q• rq,alr of nay9 IdennM•tr N'hounebr rho home xtutll,-odor the di+urtlnn f the city - 1 �:: ..' ,. Nlnll lm Putltloetvl for}>T ihn'on'nurr ul man' gtlnnu•y rut, k,•num, ntn•a•m,•nl rolLmd npp•ry -___ , 4 `�• I thrtn one hql[ too propnrU• nu•detl m n.+•r•'Ir nun ttn +:narut •nrll i tnpr...... t. nntalutl ro- .___.. p Pr tout tilt. Xns•m❑rr CE,rt ud Ilknotice AIWI q meat for ench h- rovemou4 nut lath tltlnu r • t r , :L:i.�.•. — _ de lrnntnd n ynrt, er nhnte coot of -nail Un- Lo;init,,and procr.•e,llr F, tlrtd na Init r try ulrea! y;%/r'';': provemm�Fm�y hr-chnrerd to,9or!•d uh' lu•]nUlm tom.c+,mmnYmn:lrudntf.r pm- •- `'%<( ; r�•�i .,r 'uzod nRnlnel. and bacnnte a l ell llp•n the TAX- vi,,l nllhln uuhnvnn+, :lad tho pnrtlea ill - .L•'t pntpurt)' 1Ton 11 itRR on eurh (rent, 1-tutv+t ,+boll Ito- lMel rig its and IL• Cltf _ '-, ;hl¢klvXy or vlh.• ml Afoul tl ,ll000f v.lA lm- Uouund andofto r' 1111••rfonn llkr ITT. t'ILIfT111KG, hot if the cuunrtl fnn+X lhennam nary lw n:qulu•A iu mitt Nnnlikr. 'nhnll et nnY lift,. rraulnC nr•n tr morn Ilietirl•t• "I'll ru•luxcrsmrtK_ nn l+«lthrnt Itlren -1 of �� 'r)ngatreau to be ltnprnred, lilt, curl of en Ito- IL<Ilrtn,111I rOd ir)'tllle nr,nuttneo. proYhrg lh. nrnn of htta hr ohm nlndl hn nppur" Sec. l'_=I'Ituordinmir--ra NAntb,r 117 n11,1 10 •• �• L , %�N. h lmted Ill tut 5trectr Ielrt' and All ordm,vu:a. nrpart+nl -rill nnnt•en upon n.. ruotlu Pltp{ L[r ft[S F'[71t7'it 61t, [hAt lt:c� -�+.. '.. RR tilt nnu+••Irhjrtn hmlterl+amftl rnntnlnerl ut' ltl "-•1' ,•Y-'- i,. conucll may, nt nn'IhMh provlAo La the hn- vIltlirl hcrctAtlutp huvb rc enlcyl, '-"""--' •. ) Y 1' prnremeut, na C llula.rtion "d lord+, nl tn•o dn,•. 1�.—Thlr urdllrnnc..hX11 t,e 1- lull•e nrmoro Lnlur,eCliuF rtreol,, L llhlrnye ur nllryr.:;' -• - onalt alreat to etnlehlrttua tupnnllo nxwnwmlt purl •II'cct from nn,l u[lrr lire d n y from the d-In - ! QIC"t,Ault LLC cttxf t! 11u fmpraterg-1 uI I Ir pul,llrxi l,nt. -- . yl "rtLmuol to hn npyurtluurtl nt hvrtiunlh!r yro• /19f - :.:..,.., .•'.- '.- Oiled uln>u The prgorty fnrluded In rueh tell. Pu,•c4 Ulu crnquil �epL •.!,lyre - -r-le al•er'neht dletticta. Appwtrc•I OeI.^, hp 1. "' %%ti. t _.. . AIL mnn'neud for yu h Int• 11, 1•. 'lIL'1[A 1.�. � ~-� � .. _ +' pruvotoontn rhnll he .ceordlltq In Lenedl., en )hq•nr. - p ` thntaaeh lot r -outlier ♦idol WL.on of real dtu'•11 {_7/� ,mil; oUnlo nublert to aercuman I. lnr ench lruppTut'e-rlt p:lk. ... _. r 1 W r fl.. /l a-, ' (,; r ' umntLe uad for nud lit or it m7111 •uoh ),•,r• Anir „I PuL11rx1Ic•1 art ;,, 1•:q. - 111 ._ ,. ' ttoA, -,tilt nholo cost t� thX Imptttrhtent .titbit, anp nrtu•,at.11t r ern elad +tail- — ---- .----., .. .. nn t: ... .-..._ .—, r the pmrinlone of tilt. ardin dl;uut, til Imacdt ntvrrnEu tt •nth lot tr un Illor .rn Ldfrx rot,).xtnlo by rcuvm+ tt nwub tnuy Lu dutern liaod In bu, e . • SeC.S—Thattlrn property n; mbAivlduur ., ' •` rna!exutr, ffrtl1l1I1K All an)'elil'bl, Ilt,ii,p, ,t' i::J;;;,,.:•-:__ .. Alin))•, Lnprovcd unl.r the )•roelxlmtx of P' .. .. mllnxncu, nud niml4 LIIX Ilu•+a ni eurh Inrpnno. ,.. . utenla au horsuidnx lrlorenf n•ut an hJYc[ to ,v-! .. .. J. .. .. { I acaxmeulfnu111huproYelnu..l. ellAll n.+nrtllrtic'f prelnl n a •xXtuut IPlrirt, late llndt'• r ! • •.-. Nklrh ahnll hn I" uuCil dru•n•Inr j to her, lu xIt tool+ eLnlI 6e nntseul n f ap Putlfouc,L i I Sac.-1.-•That Onme111nIn1Y nfrrr tl:n com+rll; ahnil M. dntetmlald ro enAke Any Ingwnv.-j - in nta, uwntlonad in the it" na:wnl In thla �•,,,� �r tilt CITY rfitrveynr null fm ll.. - ! mukn nn rrtim:dv ut tbu nPVrnxNnntu e, + T hnpnnumrut• nr IY urn nr ...... - nL'f,1tilL'e{r(m t.Y, fliK�l ll'+Iy'Y W ltlJ-t urn �• '-- - itnprove+l al rift nmm� tfmu tilt e+llmnlo -t-! ' ru•Tnllt the nppintllnnlr ctnl of rnrlt in burro. t- 1nl•I'"" toIle Irnl1moved .rr urnlull'I n ud rllnli IT ouch erllmalY x llh tilt, 1'itY Ulurk• t IgcIL v j,�• NdtlraplAt ul lLu alrret, or al mru, hlr;Invuy or nlleV to lu ImpnnoM1, nhtn htR too Ihu. of II tmbdiTlYlon of Ltud Innnlni: uu nnid pro xhr4 t .... _: , . Improvement ur ne.rrnn.clit AHtrirt, nn,� flu, unluru null vhILrnrl or of Tito 1 1irnvu me tit nud - '--- thuCnuocElnhv+ll msl,e, n+je,tn: nyprn..•, Hoch - i_-..:. :... - Jill nt the meetiuL• n h.n nutd report Iv m ..... them ruhmlTtuA, or u[ nap nune•quuut time; _. -�._ . Xmiliun N. tin•m4 nl All Itoliml,ii:,irinhtc [trot I nernrding to mail pJmr nud ealhtmte, the)' Nboll /Jlty work ft,rlit N• it. In mh'atlru for .I lilt, ctnttntetlun nr tlud.rb+khtl; ul xuc6 6n• ' I ppti'rmmd. 'Chit Lld, rollwi ftr-to Lu nuhm il. ' o'%'�:: - ... - • - -" -- •i tad to tilt council trllhln The time In nnhl all, tt I verllnemer.t apeul Mil, lord Thu l ounnb ul ,nth .. .". =Ft •�+k%"j � ' IhnY bill, ur,Loll rrcept the lotnpt and ` li', - - -. Lent Lld, all : i 1,11 a bch+c u,tunf, r r wn, ru :, yti {l • • --. _.._, _ /erL -nY XII(I Ali hide, of I mv. tltvr oath r-' :_,�•• ' ,._.-.,:'tar'.•ne:•s•,er•err,'+rrt•_cutnciluti.dy e:ore- _ .,.•.. _. rrart0[nd10rN'1!a nX IIIC ltIt1111tI1 [Ilxy ,I[',.rn gem h,—That l'midlXl,ly niter nuY Lid r•hmll Maceepted, nil tku routrjct price thenlhy creed a`uta botiveotl tilt' xity nod Illy Cnu• Iraolar. t,aaeerinihud or !hu MI tl told L»- protermll If olliertflxc land. la drtrrndaed. 'toll eel', •t satitmurtl, lugeshcr nllh ull oiler, u:pouso lvuurrurl, ur to L'r Oural n:.l It. tmrklnl Will ltarrorrulent, I,Itdl 1,, dr, +n,•,I 1.1' be Tilt,tnlAlcoat thcrenl, nu•f :b• rr7 V,,lk rltnll dotvnni,e rho enulu nod nu l It h,r m,•' n l illyr-[ ill till bl feet CXIn1t1111• •• nl .nm I; XnA '1 oX Ilt xppruvnlIr•:11• Lu clue u,t to Lt tv, 1: .tr :: „[ 11•c, +.i aLAll Iro !)nr.� .In lhle nralr+,++l�•,: pr:,.,1.:•l .+rl •, I,�'•'ilt,+. 1:1[Y Aea,•a,+r ni'I"rl rl„n•"1 ,:Ir•II„• I,, _ 'ntnlert )' lr nntl„1• t I+,':',1. ,t ..:,,'„:':. ,,, t I• .! 1, and tl, hnt1, •Id.. :•I l!I.• .I+. :,r. 1,'.•I,+":: �r all.yr L, Se:ll„ ,A till. ,,,I,n nn•, 1... .1•d, ,+Meta +l:•: el,Jr. Nu•.7.--1'L.•.1 •I:nrl i•I •nt roll „[ ILx ).cui:.:tr� 11,,r1e 1„r ..1, 1,:, )�t etnrnt, n•n ,•. b„n ,.,•l,.+r,11:,.h,:'1 . tiro •nln.:, ntl,t elr:tll "",111 that th•! I,r hrrel 1 drxl'r!b.•,1 Jn a„•C,.rd Ie l. , •,:a let:: r,: bnnCtll.d.rir„a by erl.11 pmllCnlnr •111,,lr„•,..�.. ur )mrttun M i•+„p".tt• ill' cvuv„+ „1 tl,._. I,:, 1:,.:.. rod thrt x..rd n.�•on,^nt +cs++,) Ln« tool 1• u.... +t xn•S+lu:lrr lt„' lulu:'•!,,: :tv .,1 lh• ITZI, v U.IL u,•tYltll.Ir'dx+., Illlo`t Ic.11 U.•runlon l:lt'c anti r,:-y' h,l dnYl•"p +1,; rntinn Iv IGr a1Lrlxl I'+•p, r of Olel,r lt. +I, .. ton :. u l• [. I,, ,,, t: r: .... - paYlnR. Ccnl i 1 r in th" r t, r '•�;t,,Iy l'...Ilirll ur 1r rr)' o. • +I,r • Ity uanlul, Or go)" yly[o, tla•a•.1I,' 11n11, I11 Ll tin nr JCC:ur.J lnt'nil IliY " 11i1• _ t1+Ir u•t tun nr uriA rnhnit. vn,lrr lbo J11 c+�linn 'rl tLu �Ilt niy�hldne•ntut or lvhgnorur lhr en�ro %tlamrY uw to ntlaw nn+rnnm.•In nru nn.l ,q, •• ... ..-..Y xl nI11N Pot1llonaA for by if",." burn VI rintherl.rt andltta notice rphxll "'•LhKn one half rho Ppgrorp. n.Jnot lu nnnurr- Ilrn thuCsln al ruck 11n1,roramwL.n�Khnll re• •.; _:rneutlor.uctl 11.PtoYoaleut+andd such PUElllun itmllhc n I . lh• pIIElea In • - tidK NraalaU n pnrheorehstprdeto 'Iorlal• igloo, Ihiuln i n Uinr.enfmanjn a+e lrru ltdcc tl �IIPro- pturamenl utnT -� :�'•Y4 1'�% `' (motto rlt anrh .treat, Ialrrrst xhnll "are Ilan riRhlt and lb• (11k. ,,'•.. 1 > t.aal III: t ntid b4c011l", a llnn uP,,o lee t r, rH+Iona of Iltln unhnanco,l t l Ounh:r hnn.t. " lhgnt If Ibu connrll (nt(' `lh1�r P�1' In"t ..11 Iinthsrin Nhtu hlNbo01- 'e" I".PP .nJ Klnn • tlw Ilna ^I sRld Im• l.mwall nod afllwrt r"n11 per"Inn like dqt oa a p•urotaunl, �Itl�Yll-1,31, r .,, ahnll nt n117 tlmt Cnuto teen or.mnre Inlcrnocl- �htN.Ireol.Inbulmplovol,lharort of no Int- them rvqulrod US•lhla.npunu'�•r,{ upon nrmt al Inhttar.11au none bn nP ro- H641—'191at nnlhtmtca. Sumbar 117 nod IVI -- 1 Il 1 { e,l the lhet thr en' n on umn...... artaol �tloued epunlb heetrai °p ti ¢iiiitulrorn hl'ry III.n1 rai1.1 rrl-1" )"ho" lonllc" 1E1 u .00till .' PI[rlVtltftthnn. ProTh{J In lh w' erluprt hccunith nn ha•.Lyr u fI1I r I v;—;•,-•^.':'j:" ,conbp mnY, nl nnpp HRr..R6—Yldrnrdlunarn •hill haft. lull fnrre yruvonlaut,n. in lllu inuU�ItlRh�t nyxliurn�IcYr, aml:.13,-lrmtl nn'l utter ii+r dx)•rytrotd tl'r'1•lu ,i, `. ; . urnuru hdunoclluRr l.lA m„alo, I "I it. pnblhmlloI. 1 ll- W 'It R •a nlntlu nrnn.nneni ' Arent, jindo" tha rant 01 �hn pns n•J the enbor❑ HCPI, :7, i L �. tbarpnf to bo . mogul ty Ine a 11 rl utlt afu❑ aeo' Apl,rnreJ (Vt . ", P1'11. ,:,y:,.;'. ,• .j ' Yldal uµm ttV I'm 1 Y ' 711 I t ) ' ant. auoumml{ J�no loly. t I.l l,a. .. . 1 BRC,^rThat nil n+..ramomr fnr ru h ..... _... prurouro'It-A I pbo rnrA"IR In hatmHl:'� xa Clnrt. .. nc nl col At1c.E: runt ouch lot oc KauJlrr nuhnl'It 11 . "" ""'••j- Iltleter.bJ•"l to na+crtlncnt for atWll 11r1p11tUra• IrY.I. I;.Iltr 4a11T11. 1'llY mm�lbv auto fnr anHl ahnr ed u'Ith mall. i'"r• Pna: ni t•ahile.Ntce Uct �. In.'1. llou nllhu trbolo Coat of the im prorrm n • '. ... ..._.-' ..' trllhln. na ;uaranxsNall" tetrlcl crnnla'Inh111I yy t1 r lbe prorl'thln' nClllannca, _ I nrpndu to raeh lot ornmallar.eubJlrl!: — . - - _ 1ou ldnlo by eneml at onto �ib:?iTi, _ n mb+nuT bo datrruunrd to l'vubdlt lri ,n. n ql '• P HKc.K—Thnl till, Pr �h auy etnmt, bigamy 'rl .. ...,.� {{ runt oat.0, fmutluU n' IInyllxltcp—" nlV�'S it wlllui ni lnnnh+Impm c,, 1 . � eT,II ` lnnit on hnl h na.n l 111VU nml nenl� n lnetitllde 1114`Am aoat teatCaxAsia M� ltrrdl Irrirl� thr llmllx of { 4 winch lnl IrV by Ihn Cnllaelt detenrino•1. . ehuhtl nutaste ste .11,11 I':. na•caun ec, Wlti nP•� ,... ...-. -. __ i 1 li.c. .h.--Tl nl. "nmt•'ilntMy Mlt'rlltS,ol 11 ;Prnv�i ` "+droll horn nt Is 1 ^ ' _. .. . ^ . ..._ ._ .. ...... �••kt t. � m�nt�uleutettiAIt,t irr•^.ilr ehxlltfmlhtrllILj'•"' 11+ onl"Inuca. Am P1,Mxlnmrn aaata of 1 f 1 .meta an eatlmnl♦af �lllt torn nr'tnare Inmr•. aucp lmpmrmnont• ^ 110 . 1{ .rotlu L'ar.ela, h1N�nTnYa nr P �. am to Im ImPraved at ill°oxl nla r:m101 atchrh Icnrntl cU.tRin lllo npP1 ', ,1' InN nlraol,to "n tmpprote. Cit.. Cl.,k. tucl+extimel. wlllt Iha Cit.. Clm 1.IFiilt�uy'nr -- t svltIt a plat of Iha atcou°Imwi nL' mU III. of _I, + ; nllot to Ix hnpnnaU, ::.... tllhPt Idtdon of band ironlinR Pu ant. pm1Intro .. _... . - _. .. _ a. nKtutan�t ct-e o m—ent11mPmtro�w o. too council RhnLL raTlw,ruJCU p; ttpby^ty., nln6 y - yy 11 report at �ho.tnodil u0 raity ae6°egnentt llilnu t nd to c.aa the ""a 'I ahn11 �tateottulo umt Nc ivalilmpmmapmt Kbnll ho rood Intl orari tun _ t { - it Stark fori"tv lh eta •n I�roitleu for 1 1- t ttlla men4 The hid,+'cnlled loot. tbo, 01, In I. rod to thK cunncitn "unU illeti nunchx It inch:' } c`7• rorldelao>•i.po^ Rlw .:C a 2 l r fi i i I r .k .ttma or thKmattor a"nl4 ReCopt iha Iplt'oFk �t t :y .b+at Lld, alh•lplaRr UCInN alIbal .or ueY ro-' t r. /ti''S .•� ,one any,Rud till'bl .,tor-1?�n nlfilnni °nyN.rR :' iiiat'Pi othanrlr^r Rg th^ 1.unafil maY lo.lm i boal.',;,;�':" ::. .: {ter nuT-1dd'51 ` °�8rc:6.Li%.0h IldIAI6VIt vi- taCob•,, Wacraplcdnnd'Uo'cmtet':�ct. rke.lherol' '. NraeA p{{1oa. houruan tlm;.Llt)' lnalori ltnrotl anrlFo'{ttnnde 1° IolcrnJ.nU, prore.un4'II,eUt shur a•lt6 nil re• /vahamnalo, atllmaleU, uRA '. olaarYuapontolnuum.11' erxh�hllilAncin J in In.kl.N �ekf_ItnKrAtwmm�lnot{ tka l'il7 alert neat, ehall ne final.' o , .. 1 6'-Tbo Gnat o[ tbn. unprt ri'uuulnpylillu 1 as ha turn anllnnnca. llr^•+'lad x A.rwaorl �ppi-als l+pmtro(•`�ul. lei Pao �• ' PIaP°rtY., a Innll •IdcM of lll0 6lTcal, lllalnrny anq an •r.IleP nK h+ hoetlnn: nt tulR nrJlannm Pr•x_ -'rtdtll, unlau the Council •bdl uluunri:o Vto• dl.":1 1� rj , ..... .. J� tic . llin e(PraP`rtY tlt■reupal}J,1`� In nn�l Yarn+l• ._... .. ... .. .. ... ... ... ._ _- tc►imtnt+Un Iin tmniHm ihnll.S Te ram lco of to the rrtY'Y+r■Fatno t hn' •uaU 1nclR by In1U11 ahnn t, 0 I. III lead I C� rnd affect In that+PRr "ntaC tho rlt!' ■., lmtelcntnlcl -apn■ lhn ncrsPlnuc oRR1d0++++ ;�, _ tn. 'at any P+rt tj,erent by ttra+ Dui it 'teof +Null ba not mtutCnralilu uinl... „ ::, � ,..: .. ... /f fq �/,�/✓/��-1 ... _ ,._ ......-' - - tty tidmed- u 9 hat,rli4.1bg 8, ay nr •eelneut aUnll uSud, ttre: Pux. tuo },Osamu-dClla4+lent a+hcrolu ppn� •"�: 'cent oftaanmonntlhneptaU■llb ndJ.3llwrelo bllu In tho ., Ihn .! ,/I l _.. �.. •• "y!"`�' :.Ean n TonallTIn,-,�fJy` /J 111 duty rat gr►cStY Ran°xoun luiea a 1OI fl,ir lU !/ nnrpr'0 41• a duc ou tlw _ .. ..-. . IT done, nu toeollnct all uiony ,. ;- •; --.-r,,� ::. 'rtald-•eaxaulnONt_ PItCt411fU 1forli E01 bc. .. Ttlat'I7 feld.troeanmoati+'Nnl+tWt mr cent■alfull ! ! / ,• • 1 r .� Utoagtitthe anld ynu■ltyal.firo ... .. .. "!, '' •j j- ',�r, t:t{• < '�'`.:c r/!J� -fA ':'�.ii/Jzd •^^ 11.. �'iObt 6a sbnr ad `a Man,nnr ha nlulOrt mmta 1 '„ • ,8ka. ti: �1 nu7 R ' ■a+o *fnout, lw xet , . '.t�,U7 tba01ty.0 ntut}I nr llaa7' .. .- .-_ .... .. -. ._ aetde nr dtotit" inralllb>�naY autl, the l 44EE utnesor+n Ake ultliOwtFAarFamtot roll iuid RPVar• _ :J 'AtlatnaY /) l /VIU s tloutk►pu+lrot n,ch lmptovumn t, ■na ahnf ca- _. •. �`�,, ij( c Vtt� <� mrntl,tl, aao totbt sUrkhad as er l4 RYu1rc;1 ._ '.'•�i'.:'. b%` / �3'E/' i-f.L'Ll��t--QdZC.U.7�1!`.�'.....- 'y bo Blren rand Prosoodlc R+ rn• "; `ttt mlatlon torah*Osatnyou mndna dcc trt P _l .n YS+Alona.a[tbla. urduuhss,Rlica nwlV lhtio�ll7 .-.. ...__'.�-""` .�.• i .. .. .. - �?. = ,�lalort•+t'►hull h�s•,1sLo'tIR :: • Z'! C011011 add.ORlcer• xhnll Purfn Ilks datlon F• `� •• Gea6 thuelittle, nY Ua regolsedttanlertn m■ka Iren auJ ni 7 - "' "elf ro-na+eaFMei t. a+le ul tNam�e,.. •i'a;' t�euirxtulre!7 UY•thlR.rnlsnn,fo. t t •;`F 'AgStc:42:-Th5toatluail c Xnm ur 11; nuA ]uo /�� nJq� - /. // �J=f l.• , i andlin On1Mtlaaxor p►ruot tnod or In �r 1■n.ulna - (. t_ !� .: `T, t //,/ :,•� �I"G `''1. 1�1-!: �LGC(!J . �_ . t.f.��. G. v` _ ;,th, •atn• aubMtmntterUamin c ntnlnad _. tt '•C% 1 /� "� .! „tii > ,tyulflst hcrorrlt6 an horaoy rt +Iqd. ,', r 17 l� �reisas.=-ThlRonlinincOaU►sllal• dtI'lnn'► +and•ffsct front Rill attar Oro da'- j[roathe dale .. ..- .. ....-. v J _ Gt,,, Vic--• r. r � r., i.c ' %-�—`- G7iLc�! ]f�/u GT�f�t.C% :. ' �• PMAMI l II.B W W 1 cl'C.79" •oid Oct, .iF9t• % t �tlLMll,t + UFp t Any Aattflt lily t,]ol^�', f L~ r nnt0 n! rob C1 ,. ... ... - .. _. 'n, S 00, ' L, Vet/ VV / ([-� - .Y •i�i'_ GG� .! � .... .._ ...�� � _.. _. . 5.. i� • � � , c��-r `mac' s 1 :•r`.1j �,r..jrl•-r. ti.µ s} . ..� .. - -'.h .fl ,.l.i*-s�*:.'�., ��'., . ,.,1et+:'f��c`�:.13. „ � ,,. _..... .r ..,.:� r•,rx;.4+:.:._.f _f.�. � -- - - Relit littcc With tllc limn ill f. puhlut :: :.�: ..._ uttuw ►act: NO. ,1,n0. �. 9'haordlitioCr' `true ldllig (lot tbu {:t1LIII119 ah'i 1Ltpnryvmautof iet'Nea114•a all In Ii11: t•l, cl " i 1'nr Pl'uwstncnd, 6rpt c,.ai 9a1a Junn urcrror nuJ °1''•a " ;' ' and %,to% flue fur t11n puym,'nt '.' - - all situ wusk Ihvn'ut by Inayis6 tun �nsoiu ugntliel N,.., the llb"lu,,g rtc1A•rty'. unl1 Tho Clt)' of �'olt'1'ua'unluen onlnln air fo1- 5' lawn: be vrn:lcd runt %� ,,•J--....._ v1:c, L--'S'11nt Um 7, nlrarl . Un11nn•ud helirxen Son Junn nsrolic and rill ;•:{' ;t. utruuc,ncl•untfuff:totheppecinratluerlteupht R�cf_: .1 11t[•rcfnr p•esldell by- tbctuoy�ntvrt air end like,d d y ''- th "'t'•'"'�:•i —._'. .. .. wilb take tail Gurun•rl; I4a usidc,l at It") ;: - ` • • r.httnCa lu Amid pinU, dranied to Ira eecra'.try 111 thaCutatrcll,muil costa to by the eto i'v ld blil u Inll,d the rest of Ally'rhnnl:I to i=0 n-' .:s; �/.:t � '..••.� ......... ... � - � Sc1� to ar tlttpu;lcd front take ro•t tot Pnld hu• � :?�.; • i prnrelllunt a i le IleC.-fIU y fit be .. j�. tila.9r'i'hrd slim lvhuto r.rnt ul tnukin t3 •e.L ^ : ; 1. - itraprovem"It bo foxed ngnNt.0 take Ltxoblc prep s . i - crty frnntht71•. talk amidamid Luu'ronca trrrt brht, rI ={•a �':•� - t: I I>u stream lierulnbeforo ntretluesd. tlta', 9.= That the OgicotS of ttlo C'l at. nr<I hwr k`n...........:.. _. ..- - .) by Inetrucicil nod cuytoa'cri:d to Ho 1111 urge cwd �I•:,•:., i, ';. It Itilligs Uccnnnnry to I+u rlonc tit order to niak, Ill{M ]: ti CVYt of niltll I1111rreYC1110111 Ill If Uxhl!IIYP n1 lh1 and to Utakv thv rint III, �•�••,'`sT:: -':�' E 1 it let,, 67[etllet mint spun nutd property'. Fnc. 4,--Tlott till' ardiunncc Itc In forrc nit' a'�'4„ f '"' •, nfrvet frala nu,(nllrr tivnsluyn fn»o the dnaks C a J _.• • - .. It+ publicatiuen . 1'-r10 ibu ceuul'11 uct.:U, Ibli Apptoced UCL•'_:, 1M11. Aurnt: .�;r�',;.�,�,.;. � Ura,CinrNwru, 31.1..Tltura�•,Js., k•✓...;.,-: x.- •... - ^' .........._ ..... � . Glty laetk. S[.rprr. 1'11b:Irltthil 01 t apt 1`71. OnUMANCE NO. 401. -fh:.•>E \ anllialIre p>orddlu: for tbnitrudleq aed bripUlcNmont of IetwrenCe Street lit 0111 ir't•:':'.'1':,.:, ICit),ofPoll 'J'owwallelbnlwetan,Inc•ksnn ntrcal e j' law 8nn Junn nrenne tit nnld Oly, nod rnnklnr: i,itoh tntprnreof o nt rab cnAt air' ned lnxlug. �,,.,.,,.�;,,.,�, '• ��'" Inacnettbereullalhenbniting rrnpurq'. .,`.:; • .. i Till] city of Post Townomol awes ovilidn ns 41 ` t':'.rt•'1'r' i fellows+: J..i..}1..., �•_-; PI;r:TIItY 1'I1t�T i•--%fir:'•'? .' ]etrreticeSlteet be grnded end It preparedprnVcq +tc. rerdingiothulrlue tbrtn:far Dy fake 'y'•'''•' ! u!q• nnri•uynt sod f .11 A n•Itb take ruuurll. law SLwo( dru•ksorr mtrect aural Still Jltall .l vrper 11) enld Chy I'NOVIDMI. may rlinilec ha Paid plain deellied to be eaeaewlry by, this ennaall, teal k .�.. ,t:-'• j;.._ . _ ; _ . 1 nttreod L„ by taka cuutrnrtur inns fill mode: Ov . -. tvlPt of ally' Poch chatign to bit Added fit at. r� i =. •.:� ., -1 t)cdul tml it am Oil? rm,t 1r.411 A {Jai pro smooth, an IA accessory 10 flu donv. �C : :'.:' Thal silo It'hela cost 1d In Btlllnt mlit Improve- ` r4=�:� :'.� • snenC bu Inard nl;nUlxt, sand IhiLt "kill 1alprorr• "' •' mcnt be rondo tit the expvnxu of, file propocty ...+.. M......, ... 1 , ,._ ,, r t•�� � � - � i•ub nU ccl IU tnxntl, ft»nthllt on either made of rm111 tames, wlttdrl file (Ines fa thle orillimucn. 3 Iit the Ilri'tua lion iltantlulied, under kud by -- r='-; -;-•r -=• ' - -- - virtun of lho city, chmrtar and of onllmmuc :F�',•.. tl101111 ., 1iG [eletilig la ihn stlukluit of t AINO. I1Ilplat'vea0,,t1 M. Ilia eo2L of pblittta{r ' property. ' _ J.r.iTuir'zlulst; TI I take oitirerx of the efty, male harcby' in• Atuctot land empotrnred to du may nod Jill nclw of Ilium rrqulrml lu eltrry iota rotted the pro- "' clntnnil of tilt• null lilt rrc, tout to oolUo file cukat i of roll hnprtrt, fit n chitrgu ugauttd all pru- !perty frmilieR ell tam lhte of mlid Imutove•. 1; 1 nstrusx roams, 'font Ihlx ordltentrn hull be lit farm nuit CI•, feet frrnri nud Afar drethgai from filediduof Pint t,., ( i pabllartluu. Panted this City? Cnunnll Octollor 3001 101. I ;Allptnred Octoli[ir:"sod lb9i, ULu. q.1ns euttn It. L. Tu:uat.11 City t:lork. MiLyur. c'�tii^' �.'.;,i4` i• "-' - Date all III hlJentlun ant. atIL JtYI. _ �: ..�.e��,t�i4;',r7iitY.s='`'%1.Y'�-r;•,;::Lf'�+' �,';w�.•., .,. .. ...',"�. . < �,� � 7�'�1'..,. iil � ' . 9•!' � .ti.• � 1 j II.% 1=. "`'t• r s, �r22 li - , ' In Fa'inait-1 :Fltiutiu;.., _ .. _ .. .. _.. ,., ' • \ U d1RC curl .......... _. .. .........:...:;.:._;. . ,iding inY Stria Rta _._' - .. / �/ f/. J `�"""• �a w rcucO stoat le Ihu cly ul {t/.��_-•' � / 1 V� ...: , . --." -_-.:..�-.=:.�. ,wall PM1K JIIKn IlYI'lllle Nlld ,', .:4;j, •rut'Idln6 tar lhu pnyumnt _.._ . - .. .... - _.... "' . � ,�,.:;•� Ly teuln6 tho amne aRnitttt ^-� •""'-;`•^• .. .. •. _... rly. .. on'Rsmttl dots onlai11 as iol- . rcaco street' be Rraded and .. ..... .. . _ .. _.� nn Jnalk W0,11. and CIIR a the ppael Rcntmllnt/uana 'thdlatY gates u�Rl•d • . � .. .,: .. ... ' - - -. . . RlUm to btl neCCeWry by •.'- I:rccd OI nnY cUnnlp+ to- be ad• ..., ,. .. _ .. _ ��. .. .. .. .. ....._ .. ...... .�. tram tI1V u`�Fery to bu Al.uutnne. w hOFa.cost uklnR sold ..._............... .... .. ... ..._,.,__. Li' :� .. tn td I,na'roncI. Ktraet UCUreev /J elnro atmlUoncll. ••'nro harp• . ' �� _ •,mRica pmrernl► to donote and na dons ih', ord.r to make , ..: •_' - ,llld U, 1111ka L{l11Yl lherant-�--'..• ." .. .. �! .... .. .. ... .. ... _ ... .... ..__ .__ . ..... I�� N� �� (,rti"�t'�..�d'• � ,tom upon sold prop 41l't ..:' e ordlnlluca b 1 In , lOrce and Cr lity days In:1w ll1O data of .. .. .._..._. _. __ weal the Cmnlrfl UCt.:e, leJ1. 5 nu .lyor, 01 t. anef d iP. w i n • r • a R 1.11qronce Slydrt to lh�•"•'"-`•`" ' ' t.ottraenJRCkon etrcet'.:... In sold clt •, end maklug: and lazlu _;.... i...__ .. .. .. lie, cost nf. R..._.m .._.- - .. r t,nttin¢ppropertY. ve, till lines o'nf In na mast Ydud end lmprornd crctur prepnted by tho "1 it theCO%imAl. W`..._' _...... _. .- ---w• - _ . . . . . . .... ._.. t '1. nd 6¢11 it IL Arctlue In......... na99 cbenl;O Iv sold ptail r3' .IIy. lha. etor .oar lm mfde;.tlhle F Igo to bo eddcd-tn Or. oil 1411,111 m rornunt; of mnklnR sold hnprnre- I . , t. nod Lot Cx""o Of, thnpmty ut In6on althor dpdaarnf ,.' Iln" In tlda.ordlnanee. mttlmtod, under rud by .H. ... ..... ... - -. _ _.. _ ... ...- .. _.... ._..... ... . _ 1t Lriar and el nrdlllAn 111c M' ill ,ill Of Vputtlu ' of ill o Colt .nt:. R )r TilRRki � � ��" �. � � • the city $To, hareb) In t to dv nn$ attd tll aN't � � • � " "`w - - ` �� � � - � � � � � "� � �� arty 1R1atlleeL the pen• .. _' _.......• ........-- . - ... . to, sod to mnko the cost ... •':-; 1 .',;�; `, cbarRo aBatn at the pro• c line, of rind Lnprove• :', -.. ' v.rOUP. .. .. _. .. ... _ .. .. ... _ Atoll be In force RUA Cl daym from thednic of, its uell October Wth 1611. ud PO it L' TlunsLe t _- _ .._ ._ -- -' - CiAll, �18f1. ..: 1 p It 1 .3. :'�.�. .K 1 ai-li.. �r r r 'J' 4 .t.3s511 .'Nk�' t. .,t.Y_, r' Y`'t' .��-•il! .... 1. „'7tL'. � kyrJSr ....... ... ...s._._... ^r^. ;t�.. ^r-•. _ �.w ...0 ... _ . __. - -_ .^�.t-.`.c — �I� ji . t Y-7 , X7 6R Poe. &U 6&419 c47 eaq V4, +�dr.�4.J�i�:•a%`; -y2' .. .i;�: rl•. 'i+: :41al�i:n,?.rc•irC�2tiY7.•,� tlr, .. I Ga NI r„ •- lu��u�ucG T.;• '- li �, ... �-..i:;` � Vim`'-' r'. , - �"',�.,. .. .(!7iwuz r, :::....:..f;.... w .. • :,;,_-.•••�.��.. _.. ........-�._......... .... -..... .... art; --�� ..._...---•--.. . A� c '�,cf� i�t^^"'•'��IC�� � � i rt .,` _ ,1 � • .:r`'r ; a _ • 1 ,• �-'i-t. , //7!yy', .' .. E 7777, �. -_ ..._..• - , � ..._ tip/�("� . OF i�7P��ZU%!/��Cl'r� oc- 777 ItAl 77 a I/ i , ;�.4��`�-r .{�✓�_�` y�.y ..� .v.' ,� .•L ..1wFr 1 � �t"`_l' �V!��!�.."�_.'.�=,�`�/ �"��C/./_:'��_;�..G/��.�,_ � _i.f '...C�I" .•Ri , c .ie a: �. i Y,r�:r,. •v. . �� f.r r ,li • C'tAA- -- .. Lao ,Z ��.�. ,. .._. .. - �•• +� � „� — .—. YID^[-�i 0,�4 fir,';; •._;.J ; ... ; : �� . � :'I :�.' a a - 'r � `w= ` k- ys�•„= :.,.`'..� - ...... ff ._. ... --. .Fug � !~a• ^'� T.., 7• I i _� y �a•r_: Wes?: r 2Y _Egg e�F• 'Y:.•w1:� ..C''C.:.�.-� �-._--tom- � � f " ..... _ _. � � _ � .� v>f "�•� 'i A J+ _ - V� r �_:� ^ u.=+ _fie f�; ..: ':� �Y...!"u� `r,[,�-:rc.•• �-�✓�-,-L /�J LGtctG�2t61:'�` � �= r H ram= ..o�,' ¢" n.::i.: _d��l`,.l �`�!�.•W � _ � tke•�'�!�/�CJ V � .C.e-(�% � W�'�.-.�';I """ -'' "' rf-�rY.a:' _ FF, w `Fr�',��'"f. .Q'��Y r` �--1 -�j/I r �•:�T� .-.=o�n ^� a �'_ •'.'�•~� �i rl s ° ... °.. u",_ ry��sdl �c` ''�,'- ±.�t'11;i'; :; •.I�. -•G•- - ?���i',,�:q � yj'_ _ . 'k�va.Fw � «: i. F•�njD:'�.•i:».'P..^+: �.1u4.. 5^`t"._'.�•.i..• _ �...µ;.. - — S _ .1_.. _ .di. y::.R.-.STCIi� r - _ .- i.S:'. �'r, �. .{' - i'' �'::'.: ... �. _. � <.L^6•.;�Si.Hr �l `�• , ti�r..1Y';r��'�{'k6?;Fib: ;'!i �" `Y• .' � ., i`s1!' r�,. . ✓"" '1,. .. '+;! ' . !a _: s.• r5r9 i,nJ,} v{ -(-.d:�. (�l til..ti1, ����� C��'� `' •"';� ar 6 A-- ��_ C(„(�t,(�(1� j .'�L!/%jy'.:. .. Sul.-Q , .... ,— � _�i /•`,;'�% �,�,+�,'(f,- �� `� , �':i :'`•�'r`iu in ;;mot__ u v -3 ^'".• _�°P `ca`49-• -r �aF N= '%. wEia 'n °.•.._.=l:r� _ieG---�� G.,'= 25 AiT rp tr _ e t7,;P1 iAr- ::�� -.. _ .- j � _ --=cj1=_U� -- fir^. 4_ ._ � •• � :t''"%''�"'_ .'S,':� -l»��,.•_ .. � `.6 aG�r`o F� ��-�=^��cce uer �''yvt. •S7>{51.,,,, - `'�'; ,t a�cr a•___ v$=cr✓��o "'�oSr -I" i f 1r4,`{_d,+g'a::"w :�L:; ..i i♦ ..-..... «__. KOi4 _.-7=�. ,c uE..« -s.. j..:. 4�Mi GG , {{�. X �:L jri r ,y , h��. '.1.-y�•-�� i ! l.u._ _ I -'-��y Y, ,. � )+ iji 7��x�}i/.r.�4^� rt�-�•N•.. ._ f. _�7 K•L,Y� 0( 1L5. ... ,. .nl r. .. ... .. - _.. -� :IC^l'y__;�•""�:{.'^r:1. �._, :':Sl«_.._,,.� - LV ~' � 1.< l_5!� r �C�t�t..( G�S,t.��,� ..- Jri" C.'(�L•c�-- �tn�ti.-u..�. � _ ` . .. .. . . ot,C_ •Zl_ . L , '',�� Ok M•v'„ O.L.. YG' V UC 3' t,, i• -ai •� 7C^. a�Oy. C^ �'', ..� - ..._. �..... _. ''�� �O � CJGW X Y� 6,a � Ln '•h Ju GV� -`O�ui O�✓:Y r� 'r �• .:..;, ' v( tl <� �_ y� V = ",� u � -.� •-J• a ✓• a r i H {� �, C m ,.f„ L.` .,`j � ,,. V t; Y .. \�r�:/ • `i `-� [�. f�:. a'o _ - w n .. L._ :. r✓ a ra ..-c a_ u ^ ca .. u I-•--.... ? C\7 a _. � o _.`. z- _Y o� ice- ..0 a.« �� Cy cr-. ♦ .:.,� � G` R ^�Ly«~•^, a� aY "Y iQ �r C.r� !_��,.� OGy k, w= �, y=V+ I-•S•�/�y'.,�`•44 �//�{..,_ / �V �L/l�� C � C r = � ^ S .. n � r A r • Y � 07 p } 7-: Jr y Y ( l"' '^^..--4:� . �� h ...�. �'. 1I �C�'c A�`�8 -0v _L''a cs�-'. a� � �� 'ca ii •p cr-"J•w :�'^:= --� .�:�' ^-y�L1 �l ����//' �- . It �^hy yJ - �L .. v0 Cj -.°. u,•h _- Cy a?�O e� �•t emu, .� .. �_"(/'ly, ! t z j. `_; , �a ODDINAiVCE. NO. �30. I = a _ a�9C^ i i o _ An Ortliutlllcc ill n:Iatiult-: In i41 ,i o - _ _ �- _ _ e • h 5 Hill or lkcnses rnd tilllendilI :^eelir : �.1.=�- 1 h ^acenfnnurdllttluc,:nl>pru\-c•(IA1111I Pllti11CT1 '•:\n Ord 11111U( g o«.. -„•o ti ,� ,'.„ a ��'� rY.u.� �� Y i lli'etl.-lll} th v fit, a - y era I c nitle of )Ilrittmn. , t;.: s' w 4 �, _nrdl•'orather Entoxicall:1 ul --i; �"y5.'-�•'6d s-� t +� _nE"l'•�:n=o = m u-. i-. u_a•.a_�u,.o^ ., o ,_ liquors hcCilroflort'1'aa•nl:cr,i ' alnuuding eelic111n two (' ), tltt't'e (sr � heVell (7}. of Ordlnno:• t�,tJ1'41 '=r i........._ Nu."'211,ItpliroveclI)ceoltiber•1 B9l1.' :'_ — •-' rl'he Cttj• nl 1'urt'1'utensmul (Soe;(r,� drain uz fi, lotre: -Thal Heetion Threo of lira : r /`_ ill n(utle t:wu loll ilri Orrliuuncc enic Ill'- thu wt'u ul' apiritunus' torment: alai, or olhep iutoxivaillig,liquors: it the Cily ill' Vnrt Towllk-en(j• muuntU'l; - ructions+ itl'o ("), t uve M), llt•e (5'j nr,1 nevru (71 of Ordilu(nce \o••R11,3; it l'ru�•c+ll)elt(tnAu•1•.I,1S01)," R•h1CA�:�i1 Mt,�;l.: ;.L..,:,:, - - •; I•ec•11ou readll' lcoilows: ';Sretiorl thn lit'v11W fae for tiro rule of hltoxb-.�t T(.l;. `•:: :' .t (��' 1 `j�l!` (J�'JrC�- JL' / r l/ �+ _::.`, r Wix, Ilyanr'i ht trhnlew(Ir 'only annul 1, ++ ,rri r- ..._ .. ` ll. PO-r�fl�+�ll .r.�l., .� 3 (o.t- ) I '• 1,... ;n,o htu he Il(� ns( Icr for the mile lrl, tn ioxcntrt Ise ilve. hnndlredOJ) por resi°' bear(4;i. jC 1 �f/• slit! tv, he•reby uulutuledto usJV 'lJ /CALCA�.�� " 1'olln(t•r+;Sit;;. ,I--'I'Im llrrense ft:o forthe "•! of itlru�lc: tiul; li, tcnl:+ b �• y-ludo,:{ t(ro�.hun4rud'nutl• t"•`i,�';:, �..: I IL dollar,; (_i'.I) per year, '1'ho.licoiww W li `l l {} ►^ I�,, t / for -the •:(le fur iolux{enlith lignoe 'r rcloii nnir "hall b(: four h(nulred:,r") -r<i lar•i.;u1)Igorto:u. ,= t (\/ " ;:ct• �•-AVE•onl(tltau(�,:•cmld t1m1•t.r '�'�•"'•- T✓•"'�- �. # i�•!'Gr •~�' ` `� -"�'iY orl tlllar•t'1'n Ili Coll li lot Ile vk'ly Ith ropealuil ', t ;{•'1"f r r, ;(.•. f��'3.••-'l'hInut'dln:tnec Yhall l:a y•t:.;:" otll•et nod be ill for: • 15rnni and aRer 1 h date ol'tla pnhlhwt Eoil, prot•Idcil `Inux ' +ter, that unthiu> 6uroln tvni lie CnI1AIY1L•1l it, tip lllllltllrl%l` nr cut' rc•]uotGm to 6W uladt• jn Ill' n I:or:n1111 til. 1111%' Ccc•n�vs heretut'-,:- Ihrrvuni(•EI Moro M92-1. _ :. dr Ille noteb n I �.�,i•` '.,i - • (. .. :.Y.. ..pp Attest 1 t}•ol•', ,sly ;t, I" Attest I)in, 119nY 5t11•fil, It}' Ulerlc. •tu+i:;:L: ,:.Li' �' .,.,:.-' �`•=• 1)nleut'lir•1 ulblicatiuu ,Eli}•Il, lt, �.'•..�-w,�y� wr^:.fiil •r, +"'pS.:`"".'-rr' b'-•'ri•; _ �%',"x'�C .I .x12A..n«(ri. i?}is:f�. f'f•3In: f;ri�r' h .r:. � .....� .. _. ,... ...:. r .. .... .... . , ,: r`n ... ax:•15c ^-tom �� � � •. � � �' ���_� / � l i �t r� J tf, �. r, ��( `% , f, , ,� � r ��' •,� � _. _ 0"t ct. V.' caF• Sao j L`.o� o .r u /(1/ .. \, .._ ....-- ........-.._.F._::•I,•y-,�•'- ye co. iszu 'es.^u `� •ai (vi/�/!�r- _ ��r1 i:,•,::�.f1;. u1 (:u 43 ti$ --• ` tl ► = C-- C ���' c tl O wJ •' u h IZIA u. C--•Y �YPa Ol�iu .y..n tl ii �i J•U -. .. .. f � � p. � �c _� `m a a o u.a � < � :w " I'ItA�. ^. f_ -��l_� C�(.�-'--•l-sl_.' �-t_.L(s?�C�-� . �.r.�:�b":�;`Y�. �O 4�A tS �_.p�••GV ..70 r, :] �Js1. �l(�✓YJ ORDINANCE NO. 430.ORDIAiTCE NO. 430.y��i t� r =q S sr^r°-$Go►' ,e <`. -- At, 0V,Iill:t:lce fu rchtliun to 1•01111 All (hdlumu•e in rulnfinn to trhtll li,luurliel'u<rsrutlnuu•«,Iin �crlicn. o , -tom_6` ^u y_s litl«nrllrett�c•ae'ntlutur.mllut;�cctiru'I'hereofun„nlinat«:car,Iucctle\«il '"..,i �`o i:aae E�e,o e� a° R :� 'I'lil'CC of uh urdio;uu'ea „Pot•ed r\ n'll 11 1 a: I�ttl, <•utEllcii •'r\n l)rdtu:ulcc. b), 11491 ruthletl "An Uf,livanrr. 1 «•�:Ilr of rc iit'ittln«y Cur- �' ❑ 3J•' = � 1 � q�!r � 4 � (-.^ Y y h ^ y � ; 1 lh'411r11i� (I«• YllIO of MI,I I'Ithull%, flit'• Illt•11tC,lt 113:.I S. tll' nlhor lllt„SIC:If hl}; tasted• malt or other lutwdeatitl_ •, a �;'a sy u 8 8 " a i, Iillllol'- n1 I l«• i'Ity of ('uf1,'1'ott'usetul, '- J C_ moo- ca a I!toursfill(lit•CityofPorl,'1owmend, l LllrceGil, u,5 1__0^ s I litturudiu �r,ttiuu:iltcu('), n•�u OC'•iyr YID ALU „_o', ' •� 1 :3u,u«ding Vert Jun; Itau(•,) Ilu'ur (:b, live (n) and rvvvll (7). of nrdbullu'e+ . -h �^ a , ra ..�5 oort -0u: a s� q .. .. . .:....:. t five (:,) laid sermt (7). lit' Ordfnaltrl• \o.:2:1, aplrovuil beeculher-1, ISIM. o \u.l;.,13, app:rnvd Duc•rtnhrr•1, B110.t1 I'hr {.'ift nt. 1'ut1'1'on'n�Bnd duccol•- 'fur (;fly o1 Part Tow1wellil dno+or- doin n:+fu)Iatr,;: Y'S-" dain as rollmr_ : tie. I 'Phut `;ect ion 'Phrec of tut or- Nrc. I -'That Fretiou Three of can car-411111,1 tv 1tJllyd •'_ t, Ordloaaec HUll8- u • et divarlee entit!rd "Au Urdtuunrr litym- im; the =a a of spirlttunts, ferulolotell, 1^ _ log tba sa e of k driluou+, frrntrttted, j' ' i ! utall nr' oihar hlhrxlrntin;; ►iqunrK In .!_ ,7 malt. or other 3uloxir:ulut: liyuor:i In lily C!t}. of fort Townscnd,:mwaull (: "'•' Lhe t'ity cal'. Port u„ tu, nd, ;.... ht' . _ _ - .... .. •r,•t Joel., l,ro (•:l, lhrev (;; il,'c fhl and jt sl•t•I Inl15 l,l•11 (ell, 11 rev (:t), Ilve 0j till( sr,' -it 17) or oe,lhomo. .till.n�lt mwon 17) cal' I lydiu; lw,• \ o.':Ml, 11l eo •ed tri•e •lu''er 1, Inlltl,71 which rn ,l = Nro,'uil Ilcrruth,rl d, I,l11," trhirb r2t1d lr, inn r.9ultu'fo)lowa: ' Nertlon Ihrcu. 1. � N•,')lnft !',':L11141'nllnD'�: "!^Pelilrtl three. '!'hr liceu-a fro r,,r lilosale of ItIl11SIGtt- lirOil O ft•u 1'oe tilr,:nlu of lldosirnl- fine Ilgnut. b} ,chnly. dr FLoll lie j'. �..__ _ .' . ini litpinr.: by uholc:dr o«i� .,boll 6c L,co hun,h'M told tiftc,lollnrs(L.itr per l _$ U �j la- thtuhuncb„tl:unl�ift} dollars(;°itl)p�r Tht•lirvnsu forIlwsill, Ill- i Vt'al'. 'I'hr Iicr« c Ii:c iur the s:dr of fu• nxirathr Ilqu,n;r b�• rrlall mil} hall w L / 1 ..tuxk-Mlnz 11,1 or•t by r0all null• loll lit, lire Itnuoirei!lter;'rtu.r, tte and ` .. .. .. .� _ th siti le1.4 rd ¢610l1 en'do:u" l,e;ntd t1,o :nee i., In•rrin atnundud +u it to .. the s:uuv tv hereby unlendmi Ku a+ to rr 1 t � li lluwa: rani a I'olluuw; Ft:.. ;I —'l'hr IBt•r«se t',•e for the mle --Tlly Ile.,u r fuo for the sole' ell' 1111oxi:-11ting, liquors bt ,Vholrs:da ' of intnxiratiu t!y«„r:: IA' It bulr.;:ll.% n«Ic +hell1 he two 1,tuldred «cad fifty '''• f otllt' �h:dE hu ttr,t h«urb'od and llfly dtill:u:+ r _,o) p.•v .(,ar. The liveme, tru y .. ° tlullal:•• (`'_.�11j per ycat'. 'I'bo liernso 1;4. for the . uk• fell• in[uxb'ni1�1r; Ilr{oot>t b)• . (ol-11w .:lie fur [ninxicatbl Iignur., LIt rrtul3 u:11y Hha11 be tutu• wudred du)- "_ mall wily --hall Iro lirur hlntdrotl du • 1 l.•tr (:'IJ J tier Vero. r. ;i .• —All or,linunrenand MVI.;or. ...- hJ r; :u ' -,111 un3ht:uly• and all to of .....�(1"'Y a. i-..firth,.., wV,. ( � - � ordinn• rn+ ill h cntaliel. rrr,V 111 «re . :i ''i � ; nl',linn�.cr•, In contllet hr3•,,u• th :u•e )mr;�h}• rrpr;dr:! •'i'�'±: �] hrr,hy rvpeuleil ! t,:. a -'I'h` oe,lln:lare >Ilall lake n=- fL. � t !, ii• - h:c. -'I'hs orNintu,re :,ball la1:a d:d1rrthe clll•c•l :unl 6,• in inn•.• I'r•,:u nu rtilet told he lu fore•• front tied al'u•r (hu' d:ur ui its pnblit;llfuu provided' lrutr- date lit' It., puNicalloo, provided how- Over, bolt uolhill% hore{u Bout:filled . T, UIItI nothing brt•vin ruotublt'tl slcdllntrnn,hnrd itstoarllborh:e nu 11 Of 11.t na eto:.Arli'd its to ant horl••o arl�• e • 3 r,•),:nc ol• n"Iuc•tjnlf to he nlndo lu or oil I rrfr.11e or rodt«'tiull IU bo 31[:uh• In cat' all ur�•i �tnit of aut• llrnnevx baratufut'C _.-.,._.. -....: amount oC an}• I:v.n•av bov,-lororu . .. i gr.11ttr,l• 15,;�� i Illo',"utril NI:ly '-'1't"'�, '• 'Y the c omi-!t (tap 1 InIr!, r _....._.. :., , prurud by Dbtc: 1511_. I vil tt:n�l.ti.ili., .\lr n•o • LV Ihr ltta l•u y Kh^ i1 L mt,%I.i :I: ..•...;.l c..�._.�...:_... ,p _ .. ._. _ .. :r _. A i lest Dm,l..%lc . tl'i•il, .1 City tl'lvrk. � �^ :, 7 • CItV CIvr%. !)ata of Ill" , pul,11rat.iuu ,11uy It, 18J3. 1 D"tooflb•-I pnhlicatfon M!;y(;, 18:1°, r .r -iZ?:f!"�K 1Yst�1 tL.�,r rz ri.•.11. _. .... i, xr:-.��.:- j. J.. vL:_ rry'f .3. � :e,cyti � t ._.. .. 77771 Glly It to Unt coldill Iledl, Ap At, luta !"�s r_ '��• ;tip J. { _ - .. t. i�> •� �- �,!' l L, t �- i; � ,¢ _!1' ( 1�. L: 1-(_GGf.!_fG. _r��•GI-G' �--t�«{j�/ �- ,. � ,{ J 7. c•t'� ���tlrr/ .<� �U fcG:</(r' / /,�%�• /j �l,,c �t!f���F•r_%r.�,. Li Lrf��i=rig, , ' ORDINANCE N0, Q. U1 nnfUtnnne prnrldl ul� Inr the grading end .■ . - .- ___.., I OnMuvmneut of Hhnr den rellnU in tho Nlnenbci■ Adlllml fAi, romro northerly ■IAe -: j,y� Cider ■ VV4 to tbu nor lean In r. 1. raid ... _. , .. n'c"rwI A+�y ;tree H'n thn SY r�'• -.. "`^�, - - - moUl r• RRI t)'u 1 d11 an, xth ■reel I' Il■■tlug•Th Rd AAdltlau and It ■trCut Irnn11 Incd■, ntle1tnddUnm'Itir ttiu uU t In )Po rt .Iltic .. ...,._.... Iw r III p 'I Yol 'r `/ L� .••_ nHitlCnd'aIV ar ltlu ^ tf".nOl,t at lid lnr. L e' �/�l�•`� , ff roretnen .n n eqe np n 1n propnr abut• - - ""l.. nlroIt ■eW flhrddntl Avenncr ❑uy,:1lxt11 - .. ----- _ 7lle Clgof fart- Town■cndd�es anlnln'nf fal•^�'''~��^ n .._ :�a.....':y..'.• ,.._._ „- .. _ _ . - Ls tihurblan Arenu� la tile taran• aur'trcctl`+Nc''1lrilnftftye::rRllltlotri' :•j - - - •� - '�" ` fllxt l ■tree n ng■ Till, Addition 'nn. ` --- - rest la Iromlro pliaulMtrimI Rod I gold rlllrcet nprl��litRt,i ej,lenao cretVfnro ,p�ed .nd .. ............ ..... ..... _ ■urYcyor; 1 mvl3 that any,or . , .. 1 • =`ii,r ,• //,�/lam . ...- R .. (/`"'— .-@--C '•` b). t4ke m tr cto MAY,I n1 7nc Au�nn litile C `' f „ •.,- r,�' 1 no- i �.... -- .. ■,IV clnt�en1ldedto: �rdldurledfrolo,astbe ,i:_,,,-; 1:41e rnaY e, 1 Iuc % o µ + IDpnn'elne■[. _--.- -_. , 6�, p tirr-.nnN Tw1� —That tha alwla caa of r Id )rn-� ! �' rnrmncet rbalf be taxed ■galaet mud odd ltn- '^• /'' _. ......_ .. .:. proremcn rnn+oRt the nzpmlre of. +o prnirtl7 1 %• - - � - Slit blinull }:n ■Iratd■1+I alwrcu II�ltalr•rteintil� ___ __ •��r /wr!-"•`-�.-.. ., ., - »„ .. ! mahav■ menlloncd R■t)+e 11rn1fa of ■odd '�'•�i;.•�1. nl r 1•r nellr, ttlulei n1U1 br rlrtlll 111, ilia r1taF �:4};; t Ierllo( tlm rlp•and nrdlulnco \o. �R relnlUig .. ..... ._.._.....-_._- ._:.,. .<.:.. •'"• t6 the mnklog n[ ■tract In+rrocomeutn nt the le buttln till Port'. f - .. .. t s c`3—' bnt twagord umsice ibnfl take c fee1 /j / allll bo Ill otce road :lm after 11e d.te a 1. ?">✓C...__ ..-...Cl""vfiC !� iiU c I rubltcatiou. tl 5cd•. �''l1,IL.TIiIUAI. Jn, the Councu A,+ro• ,illy ld 1 `• At+ert: IML VARY bylt7n, tavo city. clork. Udo nl puh11 c:1tlaa >InY 80, I6 ! F' r ': }'a" _ •-"i?r1' tx'4'tf: i'.'>7:[ ^�.`I�:--c'�,j �,: y"t ,�ti,;� .. '' . C�.'rC�Lf'.�G�C��c.t c� ���• � �-�-C"PLC C'7��'�C-c•r_�ccc.[�•�:�, tG� ��GGGrL.'�yi��! '`I ...''��-�'�,L,L� �{,'-��.Gr`!Y G' / C..�L4 EG .��(r /t' j/ F.2'%� o!.'L�/?•��:;t t. liL�,l ..7" _�,i�.(_l� '� ..._ ... -Cc-��;=.-KG- U�'. CZ—t.G.C--���r' ORDINANCE NO. .131. 1- .tn unflnnuru sn u•n]In• ;',� ,tnnrellnnnl+' e•• ,' ".. ! 1 II,, QGllanure Sallt,nn• — ,;� .. ; , , 11ed ••'1'n La.l+1 ultaf Ilen 11 flingttenl Tnc litl• I ' I 'y '?{•,:"�.::.',...' Inrlas of tht• 1: yo 1'nrl otvueeud nnd�c.:l � ... _.. ",. " :�;;;:.. _...:...: ..... .... .- u1L!!doun lkt'g lkca II:A 19 to 1- q'ellul u." t gh:on t Lh0 CuIICt•tn : 1:..+..'. ': Il:•l'Ity'nt fort 'I'nu'nrcud duck 1-Mahl at lap} :•`."! •Ptutt Unlulnurc XRirtLar 118,. .... .. ii a.... t. .: .. .... .. .... l errl tried '•Tuf ....a. L, - u�l.c lot�a: }t r. t!>%: is dcni •mu.. fart Tut ' l - 1 F iLr Utllugn'I:t'I'nx t'alleanr of l6C� .'.'.. l:hncge .,I: r.,: F,'' � CIIF nf. 1'nro •i'utrnxetld nt�d n-tnb!I•ld uR nud ' � ,.. c alLto u[usrU �A,. " llzllt hl• : Iuee:U•v1Enu" lu and Illn ' tout a r mcl'y 1 Hied. ,.- ,:,.��:!;',;a .-' -',; '. t Kra. 2.—'1'�tle nsdinntu'e .lhnll tote rylrat!oud� � . '1�;A.•..,.. be iofvcco atilto Cxp[rntlan of litr daytrltct llal . = eaud,t nu dunce nt 1+1 Way it r k olllca.., i ••;,..'• .--. E'u.�.Cd L!m Cuuuai y!,ty' 17 h+ SOIy?i• I!9'�. . t'—'•r.-e....r..,,.._..,. - 11. L, T!11!l.t i.v'.I1:.. - 11 _. ' .., ..� a nn'ltly Auc,l: Irli,sco,. 90, '�"_.,:��....... .... i . 'S7 ! Rile of 11111,1 1111,1wtI1ntrIhec.4.— ��. Irt lu lnrl•n ~•� 'Itrlr of wvv tl kN° - k�;31j tcs�s 13 - .177 - ._ �-'�l f �.i �t• r! roc_' /�G �J u �_ . _ ._ ....._._.....�.� L GGC Ll �L� -•tFj! f `!• it L Va. _ .... he .Ut utdhtnnr11l11 tfre mn nt�•utlo t toLetl nld H uclingncut Tnx Cpt, t ToKuscnd atlA.`OY• ..... ... ....._,.. .. .._�_ i1 et.y or xlll nit - p `lrmt iY ,fatS of CnIn1MI1l1nt1'll:"'• cill'lnttl er n 1�. •Il'rnN ... _. _. ....... r t Port t itvl it d[Me nnlalii nr fol•- ... loice: r , d t ' Cnllcetor'vf tphn-Clty t I n I b I w. r I13,. mildled. :'Tn --. hand�IN the ., ...... • .: .a:.:i•_�. ;..,.� Ina dnlferhlr o[.lht•� furl Ton'lµnnd,`utlpt�rttrl)It 1�oe mi Thu >•- �.,, ull uhtLlLhing.antl .. . chn[Ru u1 h1x d dvhn a N•Ilh tlTn yr t Ihcsnmc •n _^.._ . .. _.. .. _..._ tnutl''r�ur �u' tthl-l� to I+1 tda •l1lte' rung .. _.. _ _... ... ..; ,_ unl !l ones tul ha Nlll tl 5) .hxP'tu Me eR'ccl andr ... � i duticrnt hla rnhl ollieq nnd-n•fjLlsli1dN1711nv , enuul [or and nY. m'cr nll mrnt Yn whets all I . . 1 or ulxy come Into It jR rhnnttn Uy. Ylrttte u( u4S - ti i t ulticr, nr tlnn of sold ilut- ti i h�;, • tnt 1w com . .: ;..-...._... •.... .. :. .. .... ba p•nhv ILu thn num of aeroutl'• re ({;G.00) I. TIt11k11.A,JI:.... _. .. purmonth,Vn)•161t•uudltlL4= M'for. .. — uldln Iec eeo tote 5 • '�'., .. ' tic mll riA�lth thl. uc f �n1l �sa ]nl? ._-. .. .. - .. .. _ t31:c•+.^l'ILlr nnlloxpav rhull lake clvs altol - / n[l ' be In hrrcc nl the expindll n of Ilve do 's er � - .. .. _.... .. ' -- nhllRhcd �' 153:. .. .. ..._...._. -. �. ' 1'x+=ed the t'nnucll >InF N;i.•. ^=��`� n•rd by Ih,• %,pir np \I.hll jl. 1., 7't 1ln Alk. ....' 7 7 A t DVA JLV LTV i'` •'iri: Clty (lurk . • uldlrnrlu❑ Nnp'.l, 1nv'a. ...:ii===. ,?,r �•.l ry ,,r _._. �l�•i(/ r�' U�'iG�7t'.LCla�e� .. (����..t.r',r-z.. l..e.�f�� 4 � ... ......._......--_..._.. "`''µ � %'II.r �1-�lG{Zc•�.t' T��t�`���r�i�-c-���,�ri���/— � ��-�lcfx�---r.... 771 ,ltlrh 1 Irr�lotr 'tllvn f L Ittl y'IS �7t�., Jt �!�:..., _, :.. � ��%/ /7 .'.�/�, �� �,r /p�-{�G•�� ���, , .. 1--Tlintrthv flat Jn ' u�nrrnntyl, o:L1, I _�_ _ lol hn,laon sr''C(:,; .:; .t � - ��� �'„-• 'i bfi'i')�tLj•�!� ..��r _ ottucl alth t' dlcr,Iot Iheree� untlor-wl v phi Trrnwuror for all to ouey� d mild to hlut. Y ` > �.L:Ga '� LI %LGGf C r • e ✓✓ r(- f /—��h t: e u. 2 ntltJte ildrittl n "r �(1 pu Lllentinn, ��F�?�'' � 1 ��rrC.-�lif .GCS ` _ i��GGr/i V' '••G- �ZGG�(-� L � �.. r � �JL(,-L�.G� .. � � Pnracd lira (;onuc[I Junc ,t, i - ;lu:, _•.'`1 -, / r .0. ...:.X At-preced June 10, IS:,. 6)nrtt. City Clurl; i„y. '; •,:'.' - /i�,ry , Data at publlcalfott June ll, I Aix -/P rt x X/-v- ktp uk fir; :.��p�9 _ ........... _ .. .. I / J , • ..�.._..�� - .µ • '-•��`�4'*iT.* 4'i i.•':��::F ias`"r �ti y,=:;�. ,5... ,.. - � - T, ,.. .. ., ti .. .. I .. .. .I .� . }, _ t^t, rr: E°•.i:',i •, _ q •.r :.w�l`✓�� •tl i�yj7i 3 r ,�' r ✓tit ,•t .;55 ;'�ihl� ;,. `t� i� ... � A '� :"I�.i "i .it,il Ali: C!f_GTGGjI!�U oZrLGr— �G< l No. ;.... f�.. .�•.��-WGi/%�,�G'i�f/t� �� r 'i '� n rnrtr� �rr`,'rli`!n_ l(Ir Ifni• li l:,';tl I fir: 11. -.�.,. ,� ` r �--y nn.rnd dnc• nnln!u r. _ 'Z !i roEGz•%t. •r.� j,_.Thnt the firl _. ., Ueeu'1 t4P wnlrm L1 11 18, ;v<n nl r t : Irltln.n nhl In thn unrm rrl llaril a 1. I l i u�:r' . � / unlit u`+ Inr ihn Ir 1 If 'L.y.,.�.. �'��l;7 •�% ta,n , •nr 1.,; 1u, n'r 1lII nI t:anurl( Il lill 16n dnlrac,tl f .�r _. .... I.nlar llt"r,`Iut ne oro, and q Rn• - in•n.0 rear far nll uurti•y'e rr,llcatnd IU11.1 (�%u,.�/ Gs-•t 4���� L���c,, ul pnEd lu hhu. ;-.•.,.':•'..t.. ',. ._. ._. ,.,_...,:. ,^ .._ _. ..=1'I nrJhnluro ahnlltnkcclli•clnnd ._ _.. __ of '• Anbllrmlhnln[ the es ilrnllnn of 1R'edey'•+rtfh'r ft, .• : � -_�•'��: V(.; �. p/-�-�1.4e.L�:' � ]'nrenq thu Cnlulcll 1 ! - •:.ter '"'�i ._._.: .�{J W+r� .•�. ,�[I l�vt II,d1111I11` 111r I ` ,.. ..... t b` -^ .. .. .... .: ._. _ .. ... .. 11:1. P.IIn hf7li tt, Inr, r { ` ._ .. .. _ �., ._.•.i U.710 n 1 I:It y' C vrk' r. rii7 �C.-r/ p' ...._..:.— _............ r - .. f I uLlh.atlen Jrine 11. 1 •LG _....._ ... _..... _. _. _ .... ..... ... . _ .. .. _.. _ j c•i ,_ i -4...._..._.___.. _,__.... _..._.... .. .. .. 1 •�L _..�...��.—.-...:.__.-. r: .:__....:. ..._ ... .. ... .. .. .. _. , • • i '�"vj h. 11'i Si 1 j j II •SL_ � . [ _ - _ _..__ .�.._. � : '.t.. fi„`::µ._ _ .. .. , !t.�.'?G::'(�{�'!1i J.�% r' G!! �, !1.J.l.r� %: : %r' r �. .. .i �( r LL i.J�ACE•' "��`��`^ .._.... � ....'{�r.:r.c�•c.� t�' ,�-(.ir--�- �%�r..{/....�c.� �?.c.rl.�. r�'����'.G�l-�-l�'� f/�C.�7 ��e'��{ b��� .f�!(f L ['C' Git;-�ll �(1r1L✓��l fl�' ,l`i�f�,r% "7I1��'lt: c �r� ��Gl�liC.! 7 ��.f�-� '� �: •' _ .. � .._:!'- �! 1' . f . (J jar. y- j �;I_ f..G�` c.� f f r't f. t//1; ��ll...l' ,��l.2Grl �11r�:.�.._....�`� i�`LI.C� G�.l,L �". -yl /t I (] .�........... ...� � _ . ;, ::%/�-��.t/•r� �%./(.� �f -�'CG✓fGL`J�, .f� Illrr.� •' �' l LG��, ....,..-.'.4. �t Cat.-[ �% �:r.,:: _ ... .. .�� c.-..- ' L.� y �jZG eta y..,�_ �,���, .. r'`r� � C�•%�fiCG l,��i 'UGC .!Z-Lt J-07J, - � r L' lL l/, /� E� i�'`'1.. �; 34TY•r LA / xt ,(sv';C�„ �, yi'�,i,y:: ''; � � �'} - • it . ';� �t �t,F�ti i �' -' . ; . � :'1�: ,�. _ .: �.,.�-�,.�.- t::j�•:a,s,�,v`;;�, -yam- � �z i � ,�m-�s r ;,I•'� : � rKa r :i .:_�-- .,./:__._...: .,(at/6 �r �1i� f _ �;�� , i�:�r ��rrr✓_ _r..�.�� � �r ��-�,�f(.�t �rr.�. � , , %�-�r..��!/�l C� , i•�'-:�lJ�;;�.t..l[.C.«.��7t<� ter-"�� / ;a;`:. 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T' �r��m ��a•ex,,, � iS;y.F., tea., r; � •�'�r� 0�:3ee; S e rrw + e 'x tlzA CiC �� L': G+-%LU ✓�G-CAL G� .��iv�- --f'cl tiGLu-�7, . r--{>_`'!✓ _ �/"�/LG'_r . v Fie L (L� _ /(� ��a'✓��i r c� C'rc� c0� CCUrt o (C�,Gu 12 Te Oay3u /C 14E 91c 1 ..._ ... - �-t�L(.c,c_• G�--t-Lc_-t,+. :��6 �i'C�.c.t. vL�, .l3-�i.a.•%�-.�b<:_t Act- a« „ mat 0 (.�li' I'U'� �N-W� • (/1.•Lwl �/ GG((�i.S ,LL_.D�.M-f_� � . _ _ .....r/ - sM�( v(M%� �iCC�e�.u.ce•/�-A: �l-f'��/.iL. E�.�fic,�'...Gu-cr ��_C�ty._._'..�: x /�" p �: 6C�� Y' ~x. ,xnf�r�• �:�". ,. _ .. .. � � �r', S' :YGt �Jt�3�`J'ffr,'w'Y.I •'• .. ,y�•,/�j3 -+� '•-:' -' - ✓jl/ ,. :._ /' E _.. j�_r� , �'_�" j� � J! �' yL.y�.�s� `� � (yi^/ ,� ti'11r7(��rLO.. ,+. , x ��`' _ _.._ .._ma's-�^ '�J-�'2�"u�s:cuL{, `/J--1,:�-�•'-•� ��-..*.��e•c. �.0 `;.��:�;-F ���. ,l!1...�.�_. f r C �'""--t�"C af ��rn�. • is r'� f ~ f,'":'���;• . r , '^Jrv.e.L,s _ tii'J �.' �!.` _:t� '7.' -. 1i�-R— � — u _ _ _. �.r'. '. �:, ;E.. .. 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',fC.,,..TH i• I} ,yP ,jf'y : f ,. ... _ r31 .: • l.(i.; �7.�+hi r t� - _ c " G ly /QJ '. � ':. �� {/ r J` /f L-!,! /,AST--r.v/ t.L� `� � l .l.Lj�r� 1--,✓ �// y t _ 1. •......... r, 77 , • iA ' I t. : 4 e f r Si r. � ��f�'I�. t'.�arn4 r�:i.w.... r�, ._......_. ].,.__..._.J.-... -,.... �f f +� �s7i�,.^�'(ir?� ... e - .... .. .. 1 , 1 j. i_ � : A.Sv,�. fi(•`Ji • ' � i .;,�z.�=a,• • �:� :. �tws:-sly. • - .. - .. ;F3 r . _ ..jam... _........_.. .....-. .. _ . .... .. At q.c t .p;!•jc{"k''i .. _ 'i.77 t :' tit r )S :., r wild rVb• !u•rr,Hcr .'. ...••--' . „llnnunc.lutd pert,......__ -. .. .. 1. ;'^ .• , , .._ _.. .. .. ,...-......_. ._-_... _ O1ZUlJY,lt1'Ch' An orllinllll,:e exlllili' . n t,,.ntd o [IVv$, 1md. ...` "-t-:� - tiho bor,eflls of lfght9 nfi 1 th . .ux,i d e. urdn'e'nn----.." :. ... .. _ . I zing the district nub 4, t to ttlug anti T _ _: - .. _- ..: lot' the pnrpoxs of proving tho nxatior d once the L•td� ,I , .. _ I,�ittowrnptnythe',_• - 1 rstl.o')•necttd t 01�Y ,. ._ ._-._...._�_.... _ _ _. - 1 it Ilu.x ••fiL'Ph ,Hpl eRl• ' tl for r .- tho street" )vlt �ht liK It'n , ifirr' n;p .p,l •hall 6r • . - - t 1 , " . •trd a,•,rl' o ; -' t I)t xenr cle _e o w !'hec'tt of i'or •' , ��.•, n•r,l)TII I�N,N • 1` ___....-... , . ; . -. ." fo lo))•x; 1 � eeti0 ouo•—l'►nttnl n,,.c..tiat rrc hen nlbrnted L t l of 1"fliftilty rlto'y .r�:U.11xt+j'cr mnnrh. _ it • f Port 'j'o o Present 11,nitx of t a ............. .- ""....-- euii fl•C^.{rc n rn,n.. - } j r t - uiire per nemltt _.._.._:I '' ,Oro ty;dechlrc 1 tnnbo tile Ihn ntm�(o IN :f e n t .___.- -_ ...._._, to Insntion for tiro ,ur ,ae (list otlicl s 1[df t .grin n�, tdei •i,utt . ' t 1?1 Prov t .. ......_. ___ u•rel�t• n• pn,rld d ilu cllt' l! I'e`t Towutlend ))'itll 11�11 tx for ?) : ihrr?rcfeo> ut w:ad ••...`.-""--....__ 1 11 ting t t gwritiiibir'io hi•Ip yid: -- : ,•. ,.. and thut Lila rclLNr ll�r ilelet Yell 1602 . .. .. _ ... uud+,mplrycc, ata'•. *. .... - ! Ii.Cd nli9 declarer to ho tha 11 its o PI a )]flirts O ._. _•y y . 10 Jh4 ! wr (ifx of Puch li¢hla, its err rhnll:ril4o xd'cut _.�_.. .. _...- .._-.. '� � .ccfi If Tq'o—l'h after file de4 O. 11. -. _ ..._ .. In1:o afeut •utd bo ini(orio i l lih� , xlalll a el ution of fire de •x txli r,t.. ❑i.i lKr:. y bola the d n uwt to lE9L Puhiteittion. +Ito of Its f n?ticd Lbe r-ouncil :1ng11it sOth, vuat ll tel2:; •..: .. _.. .\ltnnt�n' , .tL�I III 1 1 ill •uxt ' If..11vnxr 'o11IM-t L )) -.. .. too S•.pt, ti, 1811.) - ol -f i r • ' •it f �:.y •'tip - , i • u%'S •i'< ,. .. ... ... .i' ,.. i. .... .. F f ..�r. ... r i'`.+��•.4`� pip collectiow-M '10inqut...1 taxts f�..r ths. year 101'Aball Im reinniO. ,Thecity of Pc**Xotwnfvvd Ob-o-Mixt the date an or. fr,t,.l 'A hi�k it he toy-! "Wfant ff.'r lod!o�tsof%ltliuquent tiu-4 for lha;rear 19#1 ehall W TeturnpJ, shall bo and the I Pima I" belebT dmediLaNOV., Lit , IS7_1 I tfrmt w3d be lifforre'at the expilatliolt of fire da" frOML thedaUe cl its �-j5lica- '7-7- 5V UYL 4=t Xzx&tcx C Cl DAIC Ll P"4vrc'll1c'.lAl, bz- ";��� 1'Y „1$J+' � S"•;,.•� :<si%:'S;:i'':y�:.>;.,!' t•1.:i:,7:Y;:.:;....,-.::a.�? r.v.Lq> •,. Tom"'•.,, _..... re • _....,.- `_J: :n•nu�tk)�iig lhii'itino �r[th- _.. I_: �,,; _ _ . .... _ _ .. .. ............._. . _ ;....4 a al ae,;warraid for dha delililluoilt; taxca for the nllh b:toturncd .._ t lliiend <io�s r l; la � .... ~ thidt•alre data oabr'. 60- = glieil , t oe tor-tho yens 'urrned'ihial,ba n d tbii Ntixrld• m - -. _..,. . ... , ! : •:',: ........_ _... . .. .. . ...... . . __ .. ......._.._..__._......_...,_._-•_----- �';.-�.a �Nov:tlet;; t'bt a nanto'ehnlltnico ._._ ;:�! _ _ - .. ' . �i �; : _..... y '~1 I the"dato of iCb'phbltca .+ cil Aupia{ Qe tei7 I maior.Aueratal }: AcH, agrees .... .. .. .. .... .. . ... . .. _ ..ur e s naFirlelobcr�alPL"+`j' - _- nf,S, • I _ .77 ly .. i 4 l :.. . ! i i �u �� > �������___-- �.f�!. -.. _. .___.1 _._�a.i.�`t 7 xt��.. .. i..,. .'i'.,. .'�fSe••_. _ __ 'ru:,r..F,<t. - 7 's.,. �)', 'tc I'll Ina. Reis zr«! ,F �'ftf 15~ �.Y 6 - .z7 }6 • - _ � � - � ter f'P, ^3 a Z. 1r',r'1:- �:`3.3:e.;�'3t3;,3'•� �s_f'r:�f:,3:'. , a y _ c T a' - r�" a W- ;p o o .c o a o a ,o d•;c - e c ?_ :. 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(^. is •• •- p ' � C -i '-.• _ ter. .. ...a. a 'nana�o � 9 Y a "• eo •�C� tlin O •� •�nfi ^c d'tC �a f:v n_o,^: � •r'a� n�. . `r 7' � :� pin � p �� G p'^ �` ?• CO ^,�%.Y ,^n,,,� i7 0• ti ^. a a n n 92 'tJ:n�tir"P r''m JOB �••mI fl�v � ^ V � � � �� n n.n n .• . _. -e � n w•o T� .. a r5 cn ►+ �' Mao rt. �4,•n c'na°m 1 a4 '"� cc tow�T S �� /�• 4y.r �. _ t 18 0 �� �nr''o�'� �'-• �• �'✓� �•U•'T Oro T• � f �_' � .. '7 r; `..v •r. rJ = r• .: n Cl%'-r Q 'r rz w n .. � 1 r. ,�^,yam •� �•�1 .^��•�r �Crr'•.ay-' n, oQ0 �,,. =_F.:r G i ID cc — FAIR 0 n ri. V 60�.yn y w X a 0rp i � r•C �� v»• � n a •°� e: 4 rn o ter; E +ti: a - 1" "fp =�.• - ' 4 r' �.] %��Y - :3. v. - i :" �'!:� .I�t .... . _. 'ti• - - � 5�' . �'i" . t. _ - _ ,�� - %"� .. -_ _ •L' _ _ i _ - �/T ., 5,} y � P.<, ,.. ��� . - .. ., '7. -..i _ _ .. - "is .. •• ,• -. .' .:A _ ..;- .. - . � �' � �' � � - . � � x�} ham• .... � % ". - -. .. .. � ary; - � - - - �� � - �� ?.. sY :::y ri. � - - - ;';'� � :•� 1. '/`: --�+ .�Y-�.` - - ": - �.:� " `S�' ;7r:."' e.._ «. - � - - .. - ._ . .. �.1. _-;i ' a .r._. .. f+.._.. .-.... �i,.?,�; -� " c . j;;.: ,gin. i 'i r H �... .._ .." .t ... .�� ,�.._ .._ �.S4i� u��.. .. ... ..._+C: i.... 'k•7�. _ �'k:.:.5 �:. _.�£. �'3.: _ �t.�-_. _<�': wn.,.. a-r Li �:r ORDINANCE NO M An, Ordinance establishing the grade of. Harrison Street 'from tho ' North side Jefferson Street to the South sides of Clay atxoet. The''Oity of Port Townsend does ordain as follows:- " Sec. 1. That the grade of Harrison Street shall be at tho following el©vations Above.datum. At. -the Notth side of'JYefferson gtraet 110.6. ;,. 'At the South aide. of Franklin Street.126.0, A: - the, North .side of Franklin Street 129.0. ; .: At the South aide of Clay atreat 141.0.' '.Sao. 2. That this Ordinance shall take.effact and be in fordo from and after five (6) days after its publication. - _..�.' fassed:by thv City Council 1927. Ap-proved Mayor. j A ttoa Ci ty�. I; l� - •L: - ".tom - r4*.s-- '`S`:: i,'z�� - e+ t�-' ;�i;` .•.tS=• - '.f,•emc2�: `C.�:r,t�=L5:9 =.7'r ' f:•_ � Nv CL Ln O . 'V. Ch 750 Establish*• sidewalk grades (Special) 751 Authorizes the issuance of local improvement bonds (Special) 752 Controls use and fixes price of water supplied by city (Special) 753 Regulates installation of plumbing systems and fix- tures (Not codified) 754 Establishes LID No. 2 (Special) 755 Amends Ord. 753 (Not codified) 756 Establishes street grade (Special) 757 Fixes amount of automobile licenses (Repealed by 1525) .•758 Changes the names of certain streets (Special) 759 Speed limits on certain streets (Repealed by 1525) .7.60 Approves LID assessment roll No. 2 (Special) - '761 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525) 762 Tax levy for 1909 (Special) 763 Dog licenses (Repealed by 1525) _ 764 Local improvement bonds (Special) 765 Grants right-of-way (Repealed by 770) 766 Licenses temporary stores (5.36) 767 Missing 768 Fixes salaries of marshal and policemen (Not codified) 769 Extends Garfield Street (Special) 770 Grants right-of-way, repeals Ord. 765 (Special) 771 Street vacation (Special) 772 Prohibits dumping of garbage (Repealed by 1525) 773 Establishes street grade (Special) 774 Establishes sidewalk widths (Special) 775 Prescribes regulations to certain sidewalks (Special) 776 Town council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 777 Establishes LID No. 3 (Repealed by 782) 778 Requires sidewalks on certain streets (Special) 779 Defines certain nuisances (9.08) 780 Grants right-of-way (Special) 781 Contractors bond (2.44) 782 Establishes LID No. 3, repeals Ord. 777 (Special) 783 Establishes LID No. 4 (Special) 784 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525) 785 Tax levy for 1910 (Special) 786 Fixes width of certain sidewalks (Special) 787 (Repealed by 795) 788 LID No. 4 (Special) 789 Fixes salaries of certain employees (Special) 790 Digging streets (12.08) 791 Licenses plumbers (Repealed by 1525) 792 Levies taxes for LID No. 3 (Special) 793 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 794 Establishes street grades (Special) 795 Establishes LID No. 5, repeals Ord. 787 (Special) 796 Directs issuance of LID No. 3 bonds (Special) 797 Establishes.street ades (Special) cos am.nA% nrd. 115 (Repealed by 1525) - 0 It D 1 11 C F170„ 7J •r+r+r+twrxwM+ AN ORDINANCE, authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Port hownsend to issue local improvement bonds for the improvement of parts of Gaines, Lawrence, Van Buren, 3effe�rs0 Washington, Pierce, Calhoun, Cass, Walker, Olay and Franklin Streets, and Pettygrove and rink Avenues,tby the construction of a sewer in each of said streets and avenues, as named and the parts described and said improvement made therein undor ordinance No. 747 of said city establishing Local Improvement District No. 1, and prescribing the rate of interest thereon and authorizing the delivery of said bonds to the contractor making said improvement. The City Council of the City of fort Townsend do or dain as follows: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City.of Port Townsend -be abd they are,hereby authorized and directed to issue local improvement bonds upon'the property included in -Local Improve- ment District No.l, established by ordinance No, 747 of said city, as provided by law and ordinances, in the aggregate amount of Six Thousand Two hundred Twenty-one Dollars and Seventy --six Cents. Section 2r That the mode and form of the execution of said bonds shall be as prescribed by the laws of the State'of Washing- ton and ordinances of the City of Port Townsend. Section 3. That the said bonds shall be issued in a series of Sixty-three, the denomination of Sixty-two of which bonds shall. be One Hundred Dollars each and the denomination of the other bond shall be Twenty-one Dollars and Seventy-six Cents. Section 4. That the said bonds shall be dated on theday of January, 1909, and payable on or before ten (10) years rom the date thereof, from moneys on hand in the local improvement fund of said district applicable to that prupose, as the same maybe called for, as provided by law and ordinaccn of said city, together with interest at the rates of Seven (7) per cent per annum payable annually. All property incluaded in said Local Improvement Distract No."1, except such as has been redeemed by the payment of the en-- - t•ire assessment thereon prior to the issuance of said bonds shall be liable for the special assessment levited for the payment of said bonds and interest. Section 5. That maid bonds small be issued as provided and delivered to McInnis Harrington and Company inpayment for making said improvement thereof, the delivery of said bonds to be at such times and subject to ouch conditions as ordered by the City Council of said city. Passed the Council ,�r�tcc +c��, '77_ , 1909, Approved "r9c��� , 1909 .�/ 1- `, �r.G,.,...., Mayor r Attest: City Cler. i 0 ii D 1 11 A iT C 1: 0 10. �w 1FA r a* AAa A. All 01MINA11Ci; to fixi r®{;ulate and control tl.e use and price of .grater supplied b;; the city works of the City of Port To=- send; to provide for the rof_;ulation .,.nd (;overrslcnt of the City water Department; and providinf, penalties for the violation thereof. —11 ,: 6 A { .. .t r Tile Cite' Coancil c� ).::, Cai,; Of Po Tv:°!.,send du 02cn.i! as follows: Section 1. That there shall be collected by the City mon.Lhly froiti and paid by all persono supplied or furnished any crater by t11� City, the stet; and prices Lorcinafter stated, which shall be paid into the "Olympic Gravity ester Fund" of the City, and aeventy- five per cent of the gross income and revenues derived thoreform shall be applied to the payment of the intereot and. bonds issued r against said fund, and the remaining twenty-five Der cent thereof to the paynrarlt of the costs and expense of operatinC and rnaintaing the city water works, as provided by exiztir_g ordinance creating said fund and water corks. Section 2. That the following rules and regrulations be and the same are hereby astablished for the fixing, regulating and controlling the use and price of crater supplied by the City of Port Townsend, to-:,14-t: Section 5. All ap�lic ions for the use of viater must be made at the office of the Water Department oil printed forms to be furnished by the said department for the purpose; such application must be made by the o�:72e3? or the authorized ggent of the property to which the water is to be furnished; said applicant shall state fully and truly all the purposes for :.hich the viater may be required and agree to confrotn to the rules and regulations, and any modifiG cat ion hereof, that may be established from time to time, as a condition for the use of water. Section 4. All accountc�for crater Eshall be kept in th name of the owner of the property, when :ov r1, wn o L� cnar,-,ec ahai Tie �� made against the property as well as the ocmer t-bereof; no chasage of ownership or occUpancy`tihall affect the application of this section. l Section 5. A11 bills for viater, whether by fixed rate or by meter a•a.te, are due fLnd payable on the first day of each .rionth in advance at the office of the Cite Trei ourer, witLout any not -ice a:hatever to tile- Consumer, and if not = aid oil or before the tenth days of the month a penzt1t;y of fifty cents will be added; and the crater turned off from ti_e premises. Tile -..`ater will not, In any instLimew be tt:rned On unLl t!, chnaO'C'S art! UE.L(1. �--_�rl �: "Gi;!]tl:., or Li.e :Last da-.: f'or pa:jTlcnt cf rcrit falls due upon Sunday or ai-) 'lenal holidrLy, the consurac:r will be allowed the next sueeeedir_=r• busirea: dug on which to ua- before the lru alty 1'o non--_pa.xient shall a.ttaclI. Section 5. ITo )Qs•son will cul-blind l;i-th ;star from the City Twins shall be entitled to uoo it for Luly -purpose other than ,;hose stated in t]� applict ion, nor udd ai:Jr fixttaree; or supply in any way, ox- for any purpose) other persons oc fo-milies without first securing a permit for_tLe canie from 'the Water Department. Section, ?.-,In all cases where tatter is to be supplied to' .--several from one service, -i:hu City shall contract vr(hth but one of the' owners of said, and he and his property shall be held responsible by the City for all charges, 'the same as if he were the O rri' i' of -,,I I)_-- ofitu Ily..i:i-id stir^,lase• T_:o `aU-y� 11'�11"G 11C'sCli� i Lim v. "wi 0 _-`IacinG or for ("a011 !IUUEic;. Section 8; , V,1hen a permit has been obtained fo��- the use o;: -��-ater and the chargos Dcreinafter prescribed for the service have been paid the City Treasurer, the service put in as soon as it is practicable for the City to do ao; the charger, for services up tc t1 -,-curb line, including stop cook, _where streets are not paved or planked, shall be as fdllows: For One/ nch connection,-------•8.00 Three-quarter inch One inch connection,------•--------••-.--------12:0.0 One and one quarter inch connection,---- ------ �15:00 One and one-half inch connection,--------------920:00 Trio incite connection, -- - -. _ _---.___-___ -_ 25;00 Tiro and one --half inch connection,------------- 30000 T Lree inch connection,,----- _ -- ------ -- - a5:00 An additional charge of five 6:35.00) dollars'will be made for a service on clanked streets. An additional charge of - twenty ti 20.00) dollars will be made for a service on any street paved otherwise than by planks.. AIo service larger than one inch will be put i�. where a hater is not to be used. And. no rioter a:l.lov�ed isr_l.ess n_ i,a ea are using �25.00 worth of crater or more. Section 9. All (service pipes must invariably come direct from the street main, and laid not less than twenty-four (24) inches below the ourl:acc of t11c• ground, with a stop cock placed one foot inside the street curb line, except on streets that are planted, in which easethe stop cock will be placed two feet outside the -outer line of the side ---calk, all of which will be Put in and maintained by the City and kept vrithin its exclusive control. Section U. NO person except an employee of the Water Depart-- rient will be allowed to turn the water off or on at the Cityts stop cock after the plumbing has been completed, and the water turned on by the City extent to repair the special stop-and-t.aste cock or the pipe betvtlen it -and the Ci,uyl s stop cock. Section 11. A opecialstop-and^dote cock r:ith 5. lie;; attached thereto, in a torra corta, iron_, o-• wood box, urot-acted from foist and accesaable to the consumer, shall be placed on thu pipe lWwuwng from the: City's stop cocky at a distance: from, it of' not a.c.c -:hash tvonty (20) feet. 3'o branch pi;�o, Bibb or fixture of ar_y kind tsaall be placed bett'reen this cock LQ1d. the Cizylo Blair.,, If this cock door aot tho -otighly drain all. pipes throughout the premises, additional ones shall be placed. in all Sags, vends and traps that cannot othervrise be drainedi A-1.1 stand ,i.',ea , ::rOrEmIus or exuan live piper, •-ust be protected from frost. Section 12. All _.ipos loading from the City's stop cock nhall be laid not lesc tr)a i, ai1r•:lteen inchon below the arurfiLCO of the ;.,round and no work shall be covered. until it has been inspected and accepted by the Cuter Departmeut. All connections to Cityrs piped at cut-off !.rust be made vr-Wi a union. Section 13. No plu:aber oi• other person will lie allowed to mate connection with the City's mains or to .;rake alterations in conduit, pipe, or other fixture connecting thereivith, or to connect pipes when thay have been disconnected or to turn -rater off or or. any premises at the City's stop cock without o permit from the Water De:.artment. SSectlon 1, ■ P lui.'.b 'rs oi- of er doing wlor�' !,?earn of w1iich water may be' draum from tr_e Cit;;'s Trains shall use �-al- vanized pftpc, (W and muot lake in :erlting a true and accurate report of all i7ork done ancl. deliver t:1u sm-ne to t-he 71,ater Depart- i 111MA within twenty-four (24) hours r-f ter its completion, giving locat ion of' all stop-aizd ,,caste cocks ;end all other fixtures, OU rVVM that will be furnished by the Water Department, and such reports shall vih.etlhor tl-v rater has been left off or on at said premises. Section 15. Plumbers or other persona failing to perfrom their v:ork according to the establip ed rules and regulations, or executing it unskillfully or to the damage of the Water Depart- ment, may be debarred from ma'cing connection or doirrr any work on fixtures or pipe leading from the Cit', mains untiJ.zit they shall have paid into the City Treasury a penalty of Ten ( A0.00) Dollars for such violation. Section 16. Any pei°son riakint; connections to or alterations in, anf pipe whereby viater may bc, drawn from the City rtiains, or via.ter from all fire h;,'drant, bibb, pr�ipe or fixture 3 of any i:ind without first having Isecured a permit for the same from the Water Department shall be deemed Eu:.lty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not .less than 'Fen t010.00) Dollars, nor more than One Hundred (�,100.00) Dollars, or by imprison- ment for a term not less than Ten' (10) days, nor more thann. thirty (30) days. All such :fines shall revert to t_ie 'Rater Fund. Section 17. Should it be desired to have the ;°rater turned on after it has been turned off, or where new services have been put i.r T. d the plumbing is completed, a written older by the owner cr his authorized agent must be given to the '.7ater Deaartnrent, utter which the -later will be turned on, providing there are no defective or leaky faucets, closets or other fixtures, a.�-rd vrhen such may be discovered, the water will be turned off. Section 18. Should the water be truned on to the oramiscs Chas an;; one except a31 e!ei)lo�-ee of t]!e '.'rater Denart-aent after it been turned off ut t-ho Ci"' 's s3top cock, it ','ri.11 bF ',turned off the ruin +end will not i,e turned un af�ain nail t;!c regular charg- , as ))res;cribed in section ,,!Urty--.hroe (32), have been ,)aid. --- Scctiori 19. Should is be d.erired to disconti-r)ac t.i.,: uno o:f wutcr cupul.ied to vacnt promises for a period of not less than .hirty days, notice 4_: :rritinrr, eruct b--. -ver. to T.'!c V.1ter De„art- mcnt; the ,%att;z will t_,en bo turned off cx(J turned on ,1,,ain or, nrritten application without extra charres, ou'. no ^ :::rission of cI)csrges will l;e made. for a _)orjod. ,f ]:ess thirty dziZ s, or without tare notice prescribed in t:iis section. • y • Section 20. It lx; (loniro(l to dir continue t),e un c of rr�ter 10.< <cr:;r ,ur.�ose, who:tsier for clociets, '.:ath tuba, ':ose connecti❑ ions, or ot',ler fiKtures, the f.ccacot must be removed, the branch pii)e or service supplying t:,c fixture ulu;-�;ed, and r:vtice riven in writing at the office of the ''fater Department before any reduction will be made in tl;e rate. Section 21. No reduction of obbxgus will be snide on promisee, a part of which miry become vacant, until written notice of such vacancy shall be served on the Plater j)er;iertment; and than a redu,ct-d®.6.4 ion will ba n ?_loured onl ahare such '., Coll tirluu o f or rst" days frvn the date of t:213 aor,rico u ' nuc1: notice. horc WiLL11 be no reduction whatever for vacant roo",13 il: 11GUOeu s IIAC'h are rated for one family only. Section 22. 2do remission of charres swill be crude %rihan water is turned off from unaceu?ied 'louses unless the same is turned off at fist Tncdll by order of the owner or his agent, for which the re- Gular charge as prescribed in section thirty-three (3%4 will be; said c3aarge to be made at the time tlhe order is given to hai-e the water trrned off, together with all arrears, if any, and current charges. Section 23. Tile water may at any time be shut off from the nhaine,✓without notice, for rer);a.irs, eftenbiona, or ot'ner necessary purposes, and 'persons .:.sar ing boilers by direct pressure from the rains are cautioned a,,-ainst, &Lni er of e�: slosi.o s or collapse, and where meters cure in use, or to be used on mich notice, a safety valve shall be placed between the boiler and the meter at the owner's expense, i,ho shall. be licld reol)onsible to the city for all da.•.ia., cts to mio tcrs caused by riot water. `_,e City will rot be r- A boilors on the premises of ancr cons•w::icr. Section 24. The Superintendent of the ester Department re- serves the right, in case of a shortage of viater, to make an order forbidding or sus ending the use of grater for irrigation or sprink- ling purposes, and lie rnay, at his discretion at w y time, mdr� e such an order by riving notice: through the 01ty official paper or otherwise'. For the violation of this order, a nen;al.ty of Ten (910.00) Dollars for each offense nlha7l be imposed 2.nd tared against the person and premises supplied, and the water will be turned off and so remain till said puna.lty and al]. charges due are Maid. Section 25. No person skall use grater for irrigation or ' sprinkling purposes during the progress of any fire in the City, all irrigation and sprinkling e iall be izinediately stopped when. an alarm of fire is sounded in hn; -,-rt of the City. ror any violation of tlsi.srule a penalty of Ten ($10.00) Dollars for each offense shall be imposed andtaxed af;,dnst L he l:erson and premises supplied, and t)sr: irater shall be turned off and so remain till ;said nenal t;.r and all other charges due are paid. Section_ 26. Lmployees Of tl:c V,ater Department shall have free access at i Cy?C_ :'C Jl'p of tL c da',' to all ::rts of !n i'-llich water E:lJ % bqe applied' frG!^ t:_t' L'.'_t •': jnG, ! or ti_ )1:.ri rl CM1 of aoccrtainir_g tl:e number of roons and families t__c ,Icuse, or ia:,pecti g the condition WE' ti:f 7iioES ,S3 d ii? tUiagc , 1:C1 t_ 11i::lller in l:'s_ich t:n :';ate'• is used. Sec .o;: Depar��;a•.;:�� L;:.c1:L:t .ale free uc:cec3 to stole cooks i"'rl:rater rletrr cc,rcrs. All _ rsons are _:>ro::iLil:ed from Pilling rul:lsi; l:, cr b-'ALIdillr' ,"a tcri a.l '1'eGIl. u 7 Section 2si. for ,nt -ldirl� }ux.,,eAee 5.; ar c' ;.cn t] j..ri:�:-1'c�r ,\ r1,a71. i?c no fur!,iched inwith- out i.'urtller ;a-7,ient3. prov;ded, tliat J'or all 1,,,4.1ding of which the estimated cost of construction excee(iti f'i.^e thousand dollarscrater sha.l.) he furnishod -Lt :-jrrter r atea, :,,,', cl ;):L. ,;': for crater used s?_all. be .,t t:ic. W;r;e Ll.�:�r. w:,ri i'1 t;. :� . ,c, L:.:ar cc r a �eribed. in ,�r.� ,•,- ri,r, 2C77 '7—L,L7:,=.i�� }' Ll!�_"i•'_::T '-i: is �. �l.a.;^: `-lei. �.s _,1.1�. 1."o�..__.._ i-� igation, hur: c C4'._IUt; ;Un, 21i•� 11 no.". _ i2 i`j_�'C! ;o) 0UliST._.1'1,0 1':_:0 LIC; not, alpu fc)- .'Et -,,So 01 ter fo: Stol'C:S, or ot_lcr 1)1)1,Tjozel- �0 '.':_.ici ' 6 -:1a;j cc a.,:l,-t,,d :L!t*,._.. WL.ter.• Will ;,e turned off frors t'.,. tirA:.._ soon ao c:re di:_cor,.tiruecl. Section 30. T.:e nsc of ;.oce for ':,asJJ-nc %.a'iks, cr vt,-Cc:ets, 1.1.o for sprinl-ling and irrigation l,u.r-r,osec, i:? rn'_::; ited, except between t]:e Iioi;rs of six, c l clock and ei--lit o l cloel: A. 11.3 and five o'clock Uri& r'i:iilu QtCleCl: P. M.) excout when :.,Ctors L-rp i!sed. For violation tf 4,',13.s rule a l,e_ ,,lt; of Ol:c ( 1.00) Do]l :r shall -Le ..,:.posed, aldtwzcd uj-�,J nst tLc 11,(; sol: eu:; ':Lied, and the ::atcr 14].l be turned ofj., aid s0 r.ernan until '-ic sane xs paid,. Section 31. The inside diameter of :_one used for sprinlclir_g purposes must not be more than throe-rsuarters of an inch, v.nd t]e inside diameter of the oa•ifice to tilie nozzle of tlic steno, or for 1•rrrn fountains, AS not not be more than one--four-ch of an inch. The use of hose �:�f� l — a nozzle, or alloirin any faucet, pipe or fixture to run open (thus wa.stinc; crater) is prohibited, except :•7here deters are used' For violation of this rule a penalty of Tv:o ($r2.00) Dollars far each offense shall be inrosed and taxed wCLainst the person and premises supplied, and. the :•rater shall be turned off therefor; it: no case shall tilt i,,,ater be turned on to the same pramiaes until such penalty has been paid. Section 32,11 aha 1: cr t, ::cater off ..t t:!c !�.in Shall be as fol,l.o4;s: lvj�,ere streets are not ravod or pl.arll:ed, Two (;,'2.00) Doll.ara; rhere streets 1tre ulanlwd, Five (',5.00) Dollars where streets are paved otl_eruise t]•.an plank, rirteen (ti:15.00� Dollars. • w CARRY FACaOItI IS: 01.50 0 %y r3otor. CIS`si:irlTS: ' �2.50 por 1000 gallons. CLUB ROOTTq: U cis• Dy invi0.0. DAITCI3:TG "HAIJ�S: Front 41.50 to 02.50 or by motor,. STORES: Dry Gooas S-;ores 8 persone or less in addition to water clouetu and urinals, 41.50; Drug stores aad grocer;,, dyes leg axid olva in ; 0E3 �LLDl7 £ Ali ii.�u, 61. G0 to 06.00 DAIRIES: Front ti 2.50 to $7.50, or by i'neter. I'MILY RfiTIl"S: Dirr3lt perswij or laou 01.50, each additional person, .10 cents; water closets 25 cents each; :urinals 50 cents each; and stew -a or hot wate haaters, 75 cents to "2.50. I'OUiT RIES: By meter only. GPXd�IT HOUSES: From 50 cents to �5.00, or by meter. GAS COT-TXTIES: By meter only. GARDENS: For market uurpoes, b;; rioter only. GOYM-UMMIT, -STATE AND COWNTY BUILDINGS; A'_•T:D HOSPITALS and SATTITARIMIS: By meter only. HOTELS, 13OA10IIIG LODGING HOUSES: 41.50, and oavllftO cents additional; and toilets ,batl,q�ubs •and urinals extiz. HORSES AND MURS: In private stables, whe cher supplied from house service or otherwiso, 25 ccncs each. HYDRAULIC EMMATIOiTS: By meter only. ME CREM FACTORII,:S A11D SODA FOU,tTTAINS: Prom w1.50 to 5.00 LABORITORI!10', Soda 1lairai'acturics, Bottl.n +7ori:s, Vinehar Factories, a31.d Packing Hcuse,s; B, LAUITDRIE,S: Lt TCH CO MEURS a. i" 0 S'-a.z,.].s: P3:CM ;?1.56 to ?S.OU 0 IiACH11TE SHOPS 4wid Sash and Door Pautoxios: B;; mete r only. SPWS and factories not ot.ter.-iise srjociiiod: By nioter only. PHOTOGRAPH GA11 RT-ES: From $2.50 to $5.00. MA;iUFAC T1ji.I:-:S : Shops is not usua for :::a-nufaoturing, but 1ti1: ti:c occupants only, 1'01• a i,4rzonz' �1.50; f(,r cacti additional person 10 cents. Manufa.cturiee and shops \4iere water is asod for nianufact;aring purposes, by e:ic ter only. PUBLIC HALLS AND THCATrRS: From $1.50 to $5.00. MSTAURANTS: By meter only. SALOONS: From 42.50 to $10.00) or by meter. SCHOOLS: Public or L)r- be from $2.50 to $25.00, oo by inater. STABL-$S: Sale, Livery and Boarding, by rioter only. Private, uric house and carriage 50 c:snts, c�Lc;: a.dditionLLI Horse 25 rents, a.nd each addition -La vc:zicl.e 15 cents. GAS ERGIIIES: From 50 cents to $2.50, or bar meter. PORTABLE ENGIITES: First hoxse-)OVIer 11.00, each additional Horse ;)ovicv 25 ' conts. WHOLLSALE LIQUOR HOUSES: By meter only. VIATER CLOSETS: Private, each 25 cents; pnblie closets, esucli as hotels, saloos, l.odgiz:g houses, _public blocks, 50 cents each, and no constant floes allowed. URINALS: Hotels, saloons, lodging houses, public blocks, storeB and office blocks, sell' closing;, 50 eenta, constant Floc; 01.00 STEAL;. F.iTGI11FS: For limit i:arse-�o;,cr 1.UU, a-:d fare ce nts for cc_c:s additional s:OrS�.-j3Ui':tt, :1G� 67C�dCiin� tti:Gllt�j frola N.iC::N� to polvcr 40 c :sits; from tliirt�,• to 1'0r ty '_:oi 30 cents, ana r:xceediny 1'01*tlr ;:orne-l.a^;er 20 cents. 0I1TICE BUILDINGS ;LID BLOCIM: Each room ;.i,ove t_,ie, gourd flaaA, 25 cents; orf:l.ces of ;�ro,.and floor, five t_scrsor.-s or leozs 75 canta, and each additional Jerson 10 cents. • IPIR ; P.;,O`i'.�C'TIOIT: Private, for 2 inch pipe <5,5.00; for 3 irch P� sn P,isrlicilpal Rate 1 for firr' ,: I , (,rams Q'):5.00; fr:c stations ua'ne as faai ily and citable rates; %ity Hall and Of'f ice0, sallic a8 office blocku; Police M-Jart--qulit, ';Lil i Jail, .�1.50 _per aiUritli, '.;Liter elosots :end urinals extra. iined TI'Le ra,tas for crater oulpplied by . oter uhall r,e :or t:,e any one r:ionth as follows: Mini a':n cilax e - .. - .-_$1.00 1000 to 5000 Cals. 115 cf,nts 1000 Over 5000 ,;als. 50 ccntci pu_ 1000 tc25000 Arid in a.1.I cases there ;.ill be c:iurr;ed ;12.50 for ti_ze i'-Jr ,t 25000 gallons; from 25000 to 100,000 ;;als. 25 cents uer 1.000 gallons; from 100p00 gals. to 200000 Calfi. 25 cents per 1000 ,Irall.ons; from 2000OO gals. to 300000 als. 15 cents per 1000 gals., 300000 gtil:. and over locents per 1000 gals. Section 34 Water for rather usco Abusiness than those ment oned in this Ordinance, charges shall be made by special. rate as ordered by the 'luperintandent of the Water De:ia.rtment. Section 39 The Stipoi,i.ritonde_1t of t:ie Water nupartricit re - Serves thfe - i„ht to place a water :Seto on any service for '.Ale purpose of measuring t-1 o viLLter cul)rllied to tI e pre:' by suell. service r anc' � .-:`lent for >~ sa ne a1.1 be inane �,t the o t1e ti_�ne and in the sae �1211ner as l)rescrilhad in Section five. � Section 31 A ,rater raeter may be placed on an;r service `by the application of the o%,ner or 'his ai. ent for a.period of not less than one year, for 'lie Purlwsa of measuring Lire UZOr suu-,plied to the premises by Such service, but In no cake sliall :more tLari 0,10 ":ieter be placed on any one ser�jice.. All meters may be removed and re- placed at the option of the Superintendent of 'later Dep artraent. Section 3?. Where rater is supplied by meter for manufacturing purYoses, and ys then used in part for other nar,poses than matnufact-- urilig uurpcoes, such as for tttbrs, farailics, 1�arns or Houses of any Other description, all of the water furnislwd shall be chrxf;ed the j.•eE;ular racter rate, and :aill not be €riven the benefit of . the rate• ;provided for manufactories. r' Section 3$. The rent for „titer meters shall be at the following rates, per a.nnump p ayzLble monthly: One -Mali inch aleter - - --- = - . - -� 6.00 `i'lires_oua.rter in" G.00 One -,,, 6.00 One and one--ll�alf inch .� 9.00 Two inch raeter--.___.._....---• --- -- w 9.00 TAree inch meter------------------- .-t12.00 Four inrh „ix inch 5ect4 en & P_ )es for fire protection _puruoyes .:sas,, -a:: fittecl up vdth sucli fixtures only as are _needed for fire protection, and cash fixture sliall be scaled by the Cnief of t'.Le Firn DOpartlnent, lsr.d in no case shall these seals be :,rolcen except in case of _Fire, or bar the C:iief of the fire departrlent, for t,'ie •:url)Ose of teutinT; tale pipes, fixtures, cr chase. F/lien Se; lII are broken in case of Zire it .",Lail Je the 1.;ity Of tl_e 0',11er Or te:?Ltilt Of t :c 711'e!�:ises to ._oiif r t:,.e C::iei' of the Fire Dena-tment of tile, sari: '.9ithin twent'Y feilr �,Oitr.s after its occurance, and 1--le zhall rL}place Said scaly. • ! r For violz.tion of ,.:Lis section L of Ten DOl-- .11.vs t'1111 be ir:i)esed, ,tt:d the slappl:f of water discuntinl ud. 'lol' all purposes ;inta l <0.1 (.,1 L)'("i 3 acid Ea4-d penalt,% are. r),aid. Section 40. All connectiono from tiie stroct". tiatin z:o the curb of trio ;Tide-v.,4 k, includinC stop cocks avid valvcs, trill l;e made b:r t__e Cite at the prices stated ii! section ei-`it (a). Section -1�. 10.1 victer,^, (except in case S t7:`ere Special ner- d6GlC!_ _., fCA'rC);(, shall be �:.nd -,( n_ i:1:e ,.ili{:il G� 01,' C .l--: ..i'.ZCC _i l.'t"1 ]1tyf '_:d lIuy be r C:;`Iovcd- . i011-1-for '1_E �i'Ll �t;i'_':tC.ldCnt �-iay zo ::lCet.s In e, Cau- ea :'71'lere I:IV E.l'Ei ;Ll' 103t, injured. or broke'1 bF" carclessrlesu or neEligence of Owners ar occ',zllunts of I)reMises, they shall be repair- ed b,r t)le 'later Departl?nont, and the cost char ed of ainat said ormer or occupant, ;).:rd in ease of non -Payment, tl--o .ter shall be shot off and will not be tunned on until said fine and the ehar,re for turi.n, on the. water are paid. in the event of a ureter getting out of order, or failin(; to re{,ister pfoperly, the consumer shall be char,ed at the averait e montl).ly consumption as sllo:rn by t3;e meter durin- tile; la--,t t.lree tYna.t the :.;agile ryas In good order. // "�j G'_�care-� Q$-�=6jr� a^ • ' r a ' ti t R V J1,flC't': J Section 44- This ordinance shall not be construed as limitin, t_:E; t]O';,'0r Of t--E Council to ?mare sl)octnl rates and execute eon.tracts for t':e use and titzpply of water vnder different tarms and prices, other thiu'1 ovescribed in -V..ds ordinance - Section ria. T-11a•t ordinance ro. 694 of ti:i.s city, entitled: mill Ordinance to fix and rerrul to the rates and »ricer of ti,e water sunnlied- by t11o' cite zse:,ter works," passed tl)e C:O;.!,Cil Au, ust 23r 1904, Anrroved Attr;ust 23,1904, be and the same is hereby repeal-- ed? ndd that this ordinance be published once i . the Daily 4YMK of this City, and shall ta},e effect and be in force on and from the Firut day of �1909. �`- Aansed t1to C 111z�cil r ;_02 , 190 g An -proved , /��,'� �, l ' /� ,190 9 YLayor. Attest: -, Cit;T 1C1Frrl�. Daetof L'�.s'[-r Publication a' ,,# ■ I, Ip 5c:C li•:J- � ihC Z,v: 1 _1 C_tU'� 10Y '_tE:L' :,, 7511ai.L1 i) ima;'r71 as flx Ll coia shall be as follows: MINDMI .RATE : Payable nont7ly in advance, der 17!071 1 BAIMMIRS : Na 1aza LEian `j�' _:.o 111 :'Lt-L'-'uiU_"i T.:_:._.;-GG fur fish barrel of flour in ea.c oso jf fouc 'oar�,.:1s C day, 50 C i'aLS• BARBER SHOPS: First uhLir, '01.50, each additional ci.aix•, 50 cants. BATH TUBS: Private, in fu::ilies of eight or leat;, 25 cants, eac:z additional tub, 25 cents. In hotels and aooxdiaL1 , 1- oueus, 'publ-ic %uild3 ngs and blocks, barber shops and bath housed, iirst tub, #2.00 eac."I , additional tub, 01.00 ?Bird PUh'p: $1.00 BIAMIS,'AITH SIiOPS: One Fire in'addition to water closets, 1.50, each ,{{ aU.... ��l .-Ui:al il., :10 Q(''.�VrLi• , BOOIf BIlTDM114S: Fi-va persoriQ or less, in additional to wato)7 c'losexs, 1;.1.50, each additional' person 10 cents. BRE1Yl.. Il"S: By meter only. BOTTLIITG i7 IMS: By meter only. BAi'II `PUBS: 25 cents each. BUILDING PU LPOSES: Plasteriiig, 100 :square ards, 20 cznts. 'Each 1000 brisct_ laid, including; water for line, 20cents. Wetting each barrel of lime CO" anY �iiry�D a other. than Plastering or laying brick:, 12 1/2 cents. Wetting each barrel of cement, 10 cants. Stone Mork, Ter ,)erch of 10 1/2 cubic feet 12 1/2 cents. Rrick yards by oral . BUTCH11M SHOPS JUID FISH T.IART,7,, S: Sir. -nersons or fuss in acicii cion 't;a wator closets; or urinals, :;�2.50 to �ri.0u, or by Retu,r. EARTII WORDS: For settling ca,cil 100 cubic yards, 5.;2.00 COClS: TOr C ach COY! by "<.G:13r" so V .CB oz nrl Ur.iiJ,uli�fe: Lu rL..;,x'�,aLl: ;.:sc: iur3tall.:ittt; o.i �:l�t:•,t,i:tU :;y;,te3Jts urld• Fixturos, aQla atr•.i Trot w,,t dr try s t.,l.s, :fewer Conte ,; ti,,rirs, titeatn ttnd !lot WFAtur iieutir# Systen:Ii ,Ana ., :t:3--i ].ttir,,.;� ... I33:.tLTI.L:i:riJ1� L_,.; :AZU, 1'' ai3d ,;r.:t IG G L' .'•.F, tr Y'i I. :ll''y Lt; tut'• : OItf3 tY,it: Ll .:rt Of fret': 3yc taTTla, ult4r+ttioltl; ar _t.u,"i:J iIt LLit: jjrLdouL t:ystumu, Witiv" surcy i)e rortuirea v 1 L. n tilt lil:d i:S ,oj; t,t.e. Gi tjr pi i Ur i, ��rJ'�:rtiyU n.L, Tiali:rt::,;Lorl.�l,:/.('�' i re�•'!r-"•f•�1J✓lr+ . T�rrsG'r;_''-1:1:f1� , �.,..4 .�r•' .:r.l f._ jam.-.� +�,r r-J::r..e'..-� �:� _ ..., i• r'"t (' (Tilt irc°el:itii iA01 Jft Ly Of ri11 ofiA(;mi tic:i,t:, Jt-perlclsnt upon tito proper, ins t,'IL1IRtion- tit i laL•.tjIilL,, Huatirt,; w i Lcwurd_�r. J j:3tG:;ta, it, its &:_e %od 'proper "t t"ij t.ii;,c to dr"aCt tllo :o11,)wiz-,, UI'r;lrtulli:t iJl noualf of till: Lilt ize:ris of tL<is ,ALy, anA for tu- ;;uidanae of all partiso coutractin,s for or' *. doinu ti-tis class of vary wi, tLi? limits of UiQ . ) . `1iu-. Lii'.CY .;OUAU1L. yi laiir; 111'i'i %dz' ..,.'u:t L'.. IVILI,a.LILID JJ_t% �:;i�:►i1J r; :i i ��i l- L • / t*��LC. �LL( l-1 c. f..Gt! c"r' � - (.•Zlt !t-t. (' �.fv�-C� J� ��l-4� C.?C,l�, �"fC ri.[.(' �,.� I %rG fflr„ j Lrr., btlr- Cl.'<' i~} .lc,..[ E•Gt ae Y ZI i i 111� ` i.?,• l,'c' C LC-. ' C Clc,!'Lsr-tGY, cr .T,T•}wrr . 4•^ lFl• ..x.:-a-r•. �.�rs... - ^.-,� ,.. �._ .- r•; �.}:it_�'`,, ..,,.; ..., ... _ y.;,d.-r.•--rr �'• .. r• ��`t,:3:i:'.:A".if•:"R:?.�-;'�t.t'�:�+'.��t�,c.;_ri.. �i'.•'., .f^'��q:a'r1J.''fit>�•Su"SFt��IaGr^�s�1#. y;L�a%�• pc:r3oi'tti $rial.l. oc.iforu plu::u:iw;otkort r:J13Sr nstrution, alterutivaor repair ofra;ityy UC1i6r1, or rxvuse drama 6 i. 9y$tl:-i,. j;wi3 -Oipin,, syste:; for - uc:l or li�,at, and Steam aril iiot i;ater SystcaW,,.-aull preaunt w1::rr;, if rl:nuima, &nd ot3tairi:d perslt. ; Siatid- poruJit' La c.isL oJit dollur(�sl.uo). Ao will,'k)e rej4ired.ior' .:.. -.clearing U-C �varte or ;roil pipes, pr'o��-iUio'd t;launouts, are ln'plwz;e, as:"rc:quir- ;r''' :Oi•r,y t111a' -irriLumcb.-nor 1'or'.r�i3laain,, i)roken:,Oittures Lr :t oori orm'to Ord nunctinor' rgjla:in►; 4,,,. or i'auesotcr, rcp►:irirt, leaks, iri vacie and.Y.-ter p+pes , arc. ' r:crrnits.:L6 do-wurk'06veret_y 0j tuis Ordinance shall. ,iie,:issued by Litt:. rlLtl:t3i11�'1rlspfrCt.or i3O pJArtt3 (J,:i,l r,,Fz ;tcttiJ or p.lut.rt3ers)-�vJzo= 11irLiloa',iulli for r�-gord a decaription -or tL:e'wt3r.l: or plunz if ncaem ary of, ' :uli tii4 prupose;d, Nvorki .doolwipt:iort of . r:ltt;rat.ionrl if rail,, reiiairs•, eto.,; :•`all , b:. t'icr1 lavi't,Gt�tL i'atind • x3 tirtiuutary, Fknl to uoiifori:t' in. vvelry. �d.�etai:l'' '. ` to t:.'e r qui:-et<.writ:3: o; 'ti:iir'Ur:iirrurica. i'eitsita Z.Iull be, .;;uad ou3-y:s'or si�eo:iir;'1 tirut+.. :► re:auonubla lun;.;ti-,L of time Jstrs.11 130 "Mowed to Complete ux'�ur -,La : i.ata. est•; pt., o .ldrt:s s�:� :1.. sLuli nt:cocru'vaici, u11 a. •rievr ,t p�umait rt4*iresd... (it s11re11 t,E� tileriut:y of 1,1,o itlaJ:tuic� ; I rrspG-ator. to.allow „ to' vOmpItALe 411 work, "n-I Ili :.r =e:i 1 ,(;7rt: ;;Ile t?ork it _I 11U6.1 prate r ' seutxt6a-�V�It:i dui: lili�urtcrr ill ui.� juld(t Tint, iLrL�l tut work is iroLaomi�lr�tlr;1.' '' >aliun u,i t;.;teJtisi,o:i I::Liy iYe uliovJcd, al:a t)i(. J.a: to ba: itidur3ea oJ1 :tii6 i3uui.. 01:.,ti3.0 ori,-ir,al p,'.rmit wita sis si�iiaturo Euffixt:'_t.) .`ioC ,f! 'h'ILetr U p rxiit hzu; beer, iti nur:u for wirkj it, s1::x11 ba thij. duty o' -t' e Ir i' - ti `d is Lr l'1u ,i Iri 1rIt3 e'to t t , .� v r� o •:ivl� a written caeca i;unct; of o.ti�� :t.,r , a ;;as t,eeri eo Ii,Ie:tcd, Una,tbat.e 1 a3 rcctuirl:d :�� tui:, vrdintariue; �iiui .t0 isio o:;a tiro 3uti:siaotlOJ'r. It 3i,,A11. Ot •Ic e,r3eri :: :.ti:SrLiJlilt:lrl . Gr any : au-ii ►IlU::,criC L; :;.fs tem, etc. or �a,f pest car party tlloruo. oovored irt,..ttie '•permit,.witi1out £iraL liuvi:iry tho vrr.i.ttua,%_L:*Lc e oi,. •t:rr: :':Urh rorti tyj4'. Ylutrit3iit�;: poctot . the folloc,iti� :riiall 'n,: r•lr. Corm oapc r::lit to Yr'e use t1i',� 1::�. •J�' r'.�:.•. ii,.l:iil.�i.r 1_t:+i'1,.. i.a�,_� I';ii�.:.l`i' 370 . i.-avin,; 11 spjFte�! Lao plans, etc . , eras critic CUAto for filing, at:si upprov Ld thum as cunip]yirl� with all tr,r requirements of Jrdivanoo No. .in trersby -rant ( awr,tYr. c to .) (,.rjtirus::) ,pfI.rLAuGi6r -to do'the o lowing• - work I diturvs, c,,Id Litt iial vj,,',,Ljr Otewi %,Id Hot ji a i vi I a rd i c u f is L r u U 1. 1 1c J I' C. W 0 YI; L QvA3 lirt--tsCiii, uystumu, uiay fio, requiroa V411en thL, ojv talc G4­ty pi -ejr*. 4'bm L On# arl .1 PaBij 01, a13 V'Ork ocivertz-.1 oy 'L.tis jr*.,J."iujw6; to zet, L-,-.:t proper iraLttriuls are usLd,i3suc: PZT%At3 to plC-rioas w2io w---Te sul)!,,dttL­.i sitizfai;tory and jvc a writtorr acceptaric c Vor all wureL '.vj.Lea prupur3,y oempluted . Said, Pamits tail accLpLancen to at: i%ade out iv, dapli.;ate, one 1*0 he �ivor; to -thG i;ar ty to vv;,um ziiL puri..i L Is iUollu,L, rut l Liu ott,%:•r pluu-ea oil ri -'a a it, .., -a Wi ill persoji,3 wotk Dit Qoaotructioll, 'r 0;; uris truo Lio:,', alteration or rtpair Of JIlY PlUl::01.i 01' -111.)LLZC Uraina­e syute=, i;"s pipiit,; systv.- for I:LALI or li.,Llt, wnct Steratif "a liat '";atcr AUatint; SY-tcuiz, 4iull preount ;., 1--aiz i. rr-,quirt—I aiid, obtain,d permit. Said permit to �;Oa L otlet- i4o pem,it imill• etc'requirp-Li fur ' 01'ea" UX Was t C, or ;oil pipes, proviiied u;Iaui:outs ;Art;! In, plajo, as rc..quir- 01 tIj LUI:o JJ"ii.'MIiCO3 Aiz)r orakeri_ fl:tures tL,,.L 'Uoriforzi, 'to tIL i u urain.,ncc, rior rE,plu;InL; or i',4uu,;,Lt3, ropairi,il..- le-tks in ,,,cute and w"tur pips ­ 6 (IQ t: vlttii,LN. Lei do work uo-v�re%t L).,.- tiA.,i UrdimuJI.0 u4u,ll 'r) e issued puul.or LJ viArL;cu (OWIAXj,kt�OtItL4 Or VIYlO -fur.iisLt. 'ijii.i for rei:ora a j vocriptioti cif -ci.0 morl: or ulna ia if avL FussarY of ali IULL pru' os-c.A' work, dcZ,.: ripti On ct� .Itcrc� Lictini if Li,,y, rt;p;x.Lrts , eta all a' ..v%Acju h4viri­ kieun round su'LJ.E;!:,kutory, e,nj to ;onfor_­i in fevury detail 'of tLia ur,iin"wic. Tul,uIit4 0;1411 I;Iz; _;U;,i 0111y f or Zpeoifjt..j tj;j.jauunul)lu uj: t1r,e oi,"lj uc u.11owed to co.1plete I a a f jutis - I'l t� "U:Ld C41 I J: it lieW ptnU t r v. qd i r ed (it tiLLLII i)Ei tha duty of '-_o lztspGator to vt I IQ W wnplt; -L.Jz.L{; 1.0 ;..:11 wurk, 4zvI it, vi-cre %Iork itua 'oc;E;.,j 111,0- SA.�Utcjl iut: Illil-C,11co ill ilij ju-.1 Ltact t'_­t: fj r I. is thOU ctii U,Lt0,ISiJ_II I%UY 0= LMaVMd, UI;,I V.) Ott i!11.,r36d Oil IWIQ 'L)UUI' oV_AI-.iL uriL,.JIL,,al lit r;At vjitii ;iio si ticttaro FiffiLL,i.) Duc I'LL-11 t Perzzit i)('ell im'L,.Uto, for x,)rIc, II. Z;1:1�1 du t,/ of tut Ylul!.ciiltu llwpcutor to _;Ivc a writtell aucopt"nue of 3,tid work aftc-'r L_."Q *":.:e "'aa ILj0t:Ii UU::qjlfuLod, uiid )j vrdiri zice, &a,:liA 'to his a ir�_ gutiaf"OLix 1. t --,All if,1061_Wd L.Lar or to Lore: n OUJ it. Jdr, e to . or "ixj pt rt Or p,!trt:j tlictructi' ;o-vcrud in t126 permit, without first titu writtcti i_c %,.,urh frmi T:Aa o 1 low i t lull ml Q.�' P t. r,'A. Lc 1A, U n ea Lao plans, etu cjixT,,, for E;,.tni upprov ad Liium LLS conjp3ylj-jj; with All t_uc, miquirwnents or ordiriallov 140, do h,ereby xant owner, eta 717(lru, ? perudusioli to t t i.,eVolfowing work • i�v 1 0 Irt _____�.------.... ... - .. -�• :ilU']+: .L•_ s ;a1.1�?�ti.t .'_ J.. "Y' I,c:'�Jl:. ...._.. _..._ _ __l.�u __..._ -__ __._---- -•-- l•tiit �tS'rllt 'ti...Il iSti:JL�t` J01-1 11? t;tt2U „`tt SJS'._ :.s i:.t _ntrit.9A w Yt)L l i:t C1L:it t)1t L7S)t]VF) F , rt:j Z:t:Ll., i l) ,mil' t' �,t Uj)t:•t ..0 .? v{: 2:s V:Y'it.:ltl 'stir Lliv 1' St . :tom l,i� 1rc1jI1r.i;t%)'- tU i:t'ii,c,,:t. .11 1':.,1-% i:. U. "ii:l E i, Uri. Said 71ui�J.l3t%:i 'LU i,ti „3.Vtt_t 1 Or L:..L " :JI.E„ :.l:�i ].Ii L.I ,, ,...:t�,� '! t by '.1'J .lialice tL'iLWG it, dup.Lit;} .._------•-----------------------..----.--_-------..__----------- - - - - - - - - - - :it:C 111�;iil; ol-tall be tr;L lun. of L',c:(: toi)Lie a3@dt-- , __.1J:_.,._. i., `;;-i, .t'ort 19u 1, tu..,,il, , it,sy�c �tnr, lluvin in 3,)bt to„Glib oout;:le�tt:.i e:Ork ;a:tles'ar �:r Yf-rr:,it .;n. tL L 1)u .L11 ir)d sall)tr ir2.2lt)aardt:2ce with tl_e pl-ct.,s nl, 1'J.Tf- il_ t. of-14<:; eu cQttiorinin„ to t:.,c: rc ,uirt:mvY?t:, of UrJir;tenee k• C. ili t:v(-ry- detail, and do uereby aouq)t a^u1Q S4'GYii u i CUirli)j.Ute. 5L:a. iJo pciriAos r31,a.11 nonLract f,,r ur do o:✓ .var:: uJvr3el by- til"iu vraZiallot*, unti.l proper- pl.;-ijin or dc.00ript:i,unu uir_ anpruvca itW po nait islsiicl.ior' tut: 3ut:ke. i)y tiu i'l.u,:'.hin., inspe tor. E. i.) c ti'iiit t, titu "itou;c .l n" of rLY p1u::,i:_j2! j oC, or a.Ljt: sysA eAI :; ,m( 3utr d, t]le i%luraiti tt� 11Ys}:c t r `31.:11 :,� 2.:1L12 ii Ci i2i writ,in;;,;:oforc ::,,,Y a.0 Lzio ­:nric is o�t:c c. tlt:•:i, So ii .t oltc, of t:,.t f4Ls21UVin eota vt111 1:�- t:u L�. l It oj�t,nil� 3 :»:it1Z all oc uLtpped aid t :c) sys CEu. t*i1l E i yritu sr.xter Lo Lua l4i,_�iZOJ L point, il.'W. left to st:aLcid not Its; i!,ttYl si.+. !:tour;;, .or oy :tir prc .;sure of not ZeF,,: tiva, 1.51 1:0s .pFar otluarii ii)cii, j;titlSl9' tV ' �t.tnd Jtutionury for !lot leso thl tts onf,, !',':tll' . 'iihu, a:)'Y plud :Y)ii'gr Systclri j:: i:eJ;1113 ULC�, %ii6 i.ii3puutor will b ;iJti.1'Jt:!i, Il,: t:I..e 1'1rl;41 test, 5to ti Jo tlddi Giont-L1 work to t}mt awl,l.0 t, t' or i : t:.r . Or i,;isl-A permi t, 'I.: utll oL� a' one, unless i L is el,urnerate:t as act indors ci: c-x.t ao 't it bank oZ U.-it, ori.j.-iul periuit, an-1 t;iZ-te-i by t,,- lriat,uct:or as .L1'�31rJV'btl (.oI furuuiiZ in ull to t;:t: rt'!Ild.rt::�::c:l",! S O ti.;i;3 Ur, ll).•L11UC :.;eo4 ia:r. 1'lur,;l;ir,, inspeotor will t::uke at 1c.dct two itt:3pec-tions ar,'1 wo l,u.n'f ::.itr t'.:; .rE: :il:ums xwoesrary to set' t_.:41. L':Ol':: 1'.i ,7rii;i rjy durib. iri oa8c ,., cturk is lint buirt; t ont- to tilt: . equiroments, Ile llotii7j Lt.c', pairty to wiloiu.ttit: porn t; wus .7.:i,;ucri, .:.11 iii ULL3C4 Stlel . wort o2- ::: ttrriLLl i:; !lot rar)I.uC(,'d wit" fZL,tio uc: tort' worl: ulut !):u ,.orial, tLa Work al]. f,t; slopped, iuv.,, ta.c' }:::t::Iit ri:voll,fld. `ubU . Li'� ] ilb illl3pt:c Cur s]ial i ,iuvu ucoi`90 r'';. 'i•' ,L:UYG1'::-:L ill tt,i;i v'i' i.itttlrlC:t, tl:,,l also ti_z v t: I,,:,tl, ri,. :tr to ies>,i}.eoct za,y and ull ' matGria.l: used, +ils.j of •.,oi-],, eta, 7,t 3 :: :ii:? j' to U:. t,_,"t• rt'c,LLlt $ soui;;A itji tLiia Vrdliihljut— he Z:ipul). t l $J ._.' V( 'I.:I'j.:,'{'-... '.r1: .I LI avy ari: i, l i:iui, urt. 6Bt2.1j all. :ii;wur, sail L. t,,L l:'rHk,,>tv pi (:k,. art rur- 2'l t iAii 3CS1iiFllc, C:.�.,�,;u.. �.tt t1a-t't:4'l•i.,!1 to :wL" w, tLrr.(r „rt:C i.t1,L;l.4Si or-S-benlo. Y orancues vrltiii 010-UJ0uts Lo uc: pl=loc t at L:,:: CuuL of all vertical. r'.t:li. (;Inwwits to i)i' 1_l.t,;L.l i �.uJ �.E _AA, i,:cltl *aOr'!4Onte.l ruiii. (il.barSOLll.w t:, C,(: f:l::l:i: ! is( 1,7LtC;f_S,. il.11 11011 Ilid viu3te pipits si,fall i(e ei i•-m r t irur, or ] t l.: o.' `,, .1„t_t;, :x:,-t Li.i::b: a]:tl iiitS.l in tL.1 'fa.ulrrt. i].ir. .?�1) i'i.i;E:; LO ulsi tbC:D't nSFii1 r,.of ut It:m,3t 1.'? ilt,:,F'`d, was . L:,sT'e: sL:.[11 i,1 ;,L uvt r vi:.:LLtC.t)e.VL:r, u[,1e:;S it I;t: & u'iry Seo .1 it7 7 ? eu,l (,'i �..:: .L:l i ti'ups s.ali l,u tlraYrll, :ir. i of Ilcc t r�uality leisACl, :.tll;1 U% t'(f'.5,�!lE;;; ;il;C.�l1.1t'.1 at, t:l.l'11H� . lt1], l!t'LS.l� cA1i. J�LGU'tu �.tl 1CLi:t. pipes mwlt tit. ^t•ac :3o [lo '.'i 1.,tvu 1lai r,iZL(L pj,tsliLi:.,v, c:ara i1e111; 'taken to Clot ,t:Llko:: cite pi.�nl: iIl :, :..!.i:I� ow worrin - Seto.].+� 1']tt.(t11ti,; Cl.:ti.irc, al'i to pc 01: ukpprova:;:i putLerxl, scat up WithOLit bC'ltl , e11U.LOC,: . 'oudcin 3iul'a] of iwny description Eire proLibited. Druin 0our:l.s ss.,olll . c,r .:.a''F of huru ;1oui, wt_-tal lirod, lnetal or cast; iron e•rt:;rol t ,Lt _1. ,rt: J._ ,: n :u1 I,ril4l;l tli or 3 e lflltt r t;3Vat't . o.i' iU:; ,i.:l', it'Ofi, ,:li ,+ ..:i:.].U, ..L'.u1lVu% 1 otiiv;r5 u1 wils•type and Certain pattorl,5 O_ Iu ;C1,Z ul _ tirU::li11 tl i:. bi ` ptlun je t wutrr cl.o^et, :3'_tu.11 f., u,;ed ill it'll ; 1 _c i :s oporl to U. u puc lic, offie!: ( build nj u, factort er,,l,il ;i3'lt:: _.c u:it::; .:.ti,.l L11 i.ou:.;bs auil built.iin6s o L_.L,r than priVatG J 1ly 7.,; a'UUI[.S 11aViW,' WirldOY.':; dirCat to JJAa ;:Al', 01' up�rovud vC.tstilitt;irs._; auc3tLi of sull•ioient Hilt, to kt:t p the L(.].r in si1Ct.L apart:.:ejlts fr�:]1• Ail lurrl;l inn di.e.tures t'u oc: rc:aur_ of Ilor,-a:l,9Urs]G:Lt r:itt rirlls. Seel r V VLI-y i•i Cftlre is to a 13eparaLe trap furni.st_iii. a wC►Gt Y' :il tAl t'J ,yL1ltr:l tS ;ilirl:3L' :ili 3 f ;jt 1p11,�.7 Y01D L.L..t: :ui1L 24-V.Ut' :r tLtu Lill bul]_a!II, AV '`raT)U Lo hC' Of t.:(t; SiZL-U ,�iVCI, its u,:l: Lally:£ for ti]e various 17ixturr;t . s avh trap is .o ise ven! Ltd u t 'Lie cr::,:ll or l;u L 1(,oru LuLsu four iticltt: I: rpp ;; tt.0 welter line, �:iti t 1�i.po . _:- c of Gi ._.ur lead, ::Llvaniz iron 'Std. WCt��"it cast 'rot" cuppcs• or itra�l: (J rcilt l:(1 ;;L :S si 1. (;'S) U1 Sl::l5 t,lirl t ]"1 :the WIbIt"S. A :';ittUr .:lufict conL:e: tE:•,. to i. :orizolitul ra!, 01 soil pipe morel ;ra.:,, tAi; It ff t•t 1.u:tL, ~:Llil.l tie -itnt.11uted eiti,er ny Lxtl;rdi].,; e;aia 3011' pipe, :,`.ail :list: to t lC Zt L,io ;:,tli[S ruof, oy connect:inG . ,it to the 'l:lain soil St:Sok at, ' (•C Ct,; tv:o ;: DQvL ti,t or by a vuxllilat111.; ipe .SOr}r.C'(t0 (. to "t yell: Ist..s La i l,i.;;,r Fl: practival to Ulf, flour lilic, ri1 run proper tii:_;t' (:iat 1tz..;, 2-inoi, pip:: ) tJ of poili't Ltbpvt L:]c. 11i"U.1 ruof or c:o:,r•,.:ct J. t'x i,, :tac:: ,:u'L 14,.•. l:_Lu:t 2-1'c;.t " Abuvti tt.Lt� ;:sl;•Lmt;t .fi.Ciiure. In (,Li_ u; ,L l_ u.' ti�:,:sLU �i:,,� Lvid t;r ii.orl1 eloocts on a i.LoriGur:tul run, 'tilt. ;;oil.pipc :i:_i..11 11t: ruti u't 1(1:iislic..l 1.1 :3i::C- to a point 12-i rL,;iif s atic,vr. t:,ti Y:;yin r•u:,f' or ::c,::rEt tc:i ,.o L: t� l.t.Li:': L;tHc ,� us •desurll,a{.', LzV.uv1 . ,J 1. VC11t 111_' i):."uit I1c: aarritsd i.lp two feet alwow- tic tYutE31 i111b U iiif: _i .}Uil or waste pipeu . Vwit pipesiQan he oo::L¢telvte l xiien t;iefiiorizonta3. ciiotLa.11ce i Lllonj tuke> Un of tnt] pitje doe;; lint r..; (:cci 12-1'eet, or i,r s") P1w.-tc.l tilt£: ti2E .vent pipus earl i,e rurl in a straia:.t line frov. dirvi Lly 1,Lttsli of ULU fixture to tue main stack, lan•+ r:'.l:t° rli: :�; �lE� ofliut jvc ,. :r=x-4i,t;rc:u1] :it" the n1aitt vortictil vk;;xtt. .01 c_.:in�r:, it, dire tio,: cf ve,it pipe" siiuil oe made by 30�; stv:ep 1c:3:i nt.ttcls, :a.nti Jr:Llvatli.�[:r. ,.. :: ; t iruu pifaa y:s U3ed, �"eLxxds T1:i inverted Y fittinj;o L;,aull r,u used. . Sec .17 t►li !ioi:eaz t,,oar 71:s tou5t.!' lLt:iw.-; or rcst.-tratlts, or bui_ diTlLie usuri, i or trLa purpoUL or Of .tisis allkitOILEAx aad 1-16p :;inks vita propt.,r%r coni3truo ted �rcL.:;e tr"ps, Situn:104 80 t.,:lt all :ilop3 or nir LLr o ' tilb S1 AtI. ` ;.Lt, :3 Ll+� };O lit: �.UCilt('tl ,-t rlLt�lr tilt : Z.ctul' . :tL j31'(iutloiil• .C:Lt -PlulnLrin,� Inspector i.+ 1Lere,t;y ;tu+.: ori.zt:.� to ortit T" Lu; __ trap.i l,uL :in any alla all suulL uu!1'_iin,S. :,o .1:, to pruvet,L u;,. Eceszary of t,'tt. mdin suv-crs o: %_,: t;Ity. 6CC.10 Jo Ar::1,s:l,1wi- er pipt'.. or urilins l:l nature w:Iatsor'vC'r, e•ust i:t Cra:,, r� ..47.:xr 1:1.t...:ii:.� lixturEs propuriy il-appcd a sNtcial pc,rr,:i I:. -I- t ti, o rry wastv J Ijqjk::! III pipe auiow Ci ttihL1a-.s #It _,'17t,L: C1'01, U Uilul 4,CM All pip(.';; 1, L 1 A _'L, 1114 t JidL: I.Jl: 1, 11V o.0 Ul- vast. iur:ji% it, -.%5,iA, IUL.,,%J',"'­:1_L ,j ..Lkl,, pruptr ; Ll,_ U A I t. t r 1 :j ti L-.L t,ttLr:L woi L -Q�4 -Pipt-. wj "L V ()(. Lk,;Ou cmu :3;,vrj Qf� CaZ L il U ruuid,.cwGa :3U11. i 71.�:,LL L_u LoUtl 11u O_WC;d t V2 1,1,1i: i -u Vent iij- pul _­J& ':j vL i)z, iwe.i in ;jL� oi WY, sLlot, irk)11 pipe Su.tll wo usid JL.i ull oUicir ijLtIIdj..,i4g3, ui, er A.11 u or a. LAW�.L, uoj:t uart" zumi cj'c.;,a pipe wuuld Wt: Li dUlj,;GY' Of v Seu .2(� I.ic rouse s;:wur .,ro!-, - t cuto`,Ic� o L 1 I 'LL U I :L U1, [it J­A.�_L K,L 1.; 4.) 1 A. -I ILI iC '14 -�; t 0 - i2 1 rl L� U 1 �.d _r Ott o.'-' . � � , " IL, , 11� uU �Y Q vitrifled e,4r,Lwt Wxe vJLj)Q,vdLL jd:.Lj Juiiits tu of, LiuLde. of ouarse ule"a 5".,1d wit*�, q"L_klit, I Uf 11 J t i i t -rot in I;hc proporl;lo, lt:Z;�J 011L. k,-,.rL ji, par to JI, p to e., ,A:,/wd it, J:_Ij, rjLxajkLjLi(.:s asd Lkm_i LL :dUluat r z L u I" - i'nd' wi t1i wat or. -_11jnU ' oItu BVIA00,0d Out, U'll L.'t. illtLrivr 0,C U11t; pipe to 1)6 lef*L )Z t'v 6uparl.n- tof ' Idullt of I:iewerz 'to Sewt:-r .!.ains c ;;Liljeriijtenderit of ijiowt�r�3 Ls;j.LLI'.I voiLl- t_;_ 1--i.,L )2 ;it N C' U I' I I U C.11. detCl A L . WhG t 1) U i 1*1 t prop;:.-.-%- cjiL Cjj4IIt:.,;L Wit!.t-;CI','Qr :SC 11.1tLLt joropur fall w,r 1. u L.4�, 0 411. 1) t i _:LV !)trcu'�, JL"l a o wwc, r Lqijy sk:wtr ilio 3 e' V�roperty 21vs wito-in 15,�, wl Li�. Dir 'r. q, Ac', oinatrau I; 'ou or ouildijj�s il. Vwic:.1 JJILL_fdl.�,y ar.c bd to .e inst�412Qcr U1r,_-.Ld:f e-JoL, saill.l. L_,� ;Atfij S.Ystc-In 1_11 is Gj .t:L'Lz,r jItC_ _,,It I)— ';tJ.ALJ._ r .iron t.'�;c, Luperil I J._j _j priiy %rault.,5 .,,ill OL 4110-RL,I any newor -.113trict .22, 1, witid, LI wk�er c e -, cwc:r io 4c_; C-1--J. I u,u U.t 1 II.La I U ..Ire IIL rl- I./ LLV�: utC1 a nu 10 CL.,Ic C . Pcrirdtz to Wild privy v"ults will -ci-cLuCtor I;L tLe 6uperhiLc;,.dt:aL c�: ;_.dss :ui.L 1,11 iLu'!,.. Privy vaults to1, L�C:J rdthi-lI 'u'Lo Gitj Lirdtu 'Ll(, 1'r-ws o" -r -. � - �'Qr atruc 4. t 'Cit, oaT;ti u lfi:i(.(.r s,�.;Lextu:tnc, t6 ll i' -proposc.1 rite of %,iy priv,/ vaulto aic- ,"'.to LJV 6cinstructe!I, aak df:terodiit. the s.,ull tic; tI_ Lt or no -us, tL,;ircilmst;,Lnucz rc:-Iuire. 'L:e 'lues,ior, 01 'watur,suppl,, suo.1, a!-. i:y C:t!:; J%)7' tIOMLSUu 14,.ttX, S.I!uuIu i1c of 'L,.ipur tailor. . it sr-UI)Od'c fic i:ru :to IfXeZV. -utv privyatilt,.{, is dun-cr ul' virtuc. of tc, unjr wiU ul.1 pr0j)Crty, "11-1 *1-0 tZjRO :;110i; �!,LJM Ij*,!CL:,.iLLI'Y to such on unnoy.cre-I strcE.tu, slLbaj t)v ;,oL lik jocLltea urj-.Wr :w", pur'.J:;., of A 1101, Witilill 16-f,'-t Of -10 buildi t1.. AlIt- Scl tf 9)AA1 ot: Qrj-vered with edlLer ztoz.c, Jw�:Onry oil i.iutld CC).V(r. AA*-1JL j,.)V0rV-I 'Lu, r_t. jupt',t Of tjt)t 1,CS:! L4411 'LV'CCu.( t Oil' Uj(.'Lti, LLrtii, In _Diz Lric:t:3 J:,rL Ltsrfj �'Uj' j* U, 0015 -P mu at ,oc: ma,10.. -'Ut., _o,J 0c; propterly Cle".ule't !,L',, 1*.i.­tef.""l:j o. n s 1, for pluu,�,i!,_ 11juse-9 it. wits kw.�t rt.d iio wi;Li 3. c i r, u o c B_LzI2 itic: , ludc witi; tI!.V V di.:c.sic-ns 01�ld "I 7 t-,z proLaosL"o its I ) U L; t, U 3 C.' I' V z 2a c .2!, :all C,j_1tiL�jti;t _; in prop-L,,io.%u jQiNI,3 0-.LUIII:QtL WitIL U;ijUM POUTLuj L'U11 OV tA',):LtL!i IL'_iA, Ulld CUUIkud maki w ZL i a i o ah,.d,-ztu r L. i 0 t.� V.r mut ori �tli *43 ,u USCJy. - 5- Lein -ApG �jJli:LG S::z'.L1 iw wa1tv a,iw1 tE ioiix', :to Liulutzr or Cup juioz ul'lowed. LC;i,-i [•;1,,,:':i S-1-:. I ot 1:­111ivuttl:I :.i.l t:,tst iroji 1);J ,+.d;.l:li o_ l.ras,; 01'1"11a.VS C.UI.Lke'A ii1LU I11-3,1 :a.1t?. U Wil)(1-1 ,j01iLt, ik,1.1 j0iIII :;:,U:I :riti. tP2'o;.i .:t irosl 1.)i1?u oy tm,4 i195 of C)1'Ltii:; :�Ui .lr 1'1't,; T,lj)p1e i3 uii ,l •iij,Ca jul,it. :.i1" di. T.)od 1;mWl tU i)L' 7:La.ttU lii vJUI'j;i:G11'tll}tv IIIall IIeV, i711a uJ 4:1 't0 ltil'L li) a" y Clay chokes LLc: lt(jr t. of ttlt xlii,e. Tvu•l.t. hart ralf)t- 14; to ov :vulleutod by hreC.irAodl cii..'s L,[i: ;7'oruwcj,Z juiiitu u:udc• tl.itt. see .26 liiz,.s a;trl Svc of p i L,as c:ti E t..:,t�:ria]. to;,o ui; ir•1 ii� L'ue various pKrte; ul ID111u.0i1),, ;i,yytrt,.a,vtu. East irun o.;,all t)u of 1,110 t'0110V,111U v.ri,,�Its fur t'LQ ,.:iV. 011 Cti7110)1k71ons:-. Diulue .er o.L . Pipe 5teindt;ro, tW't. =---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lxtra iicxvrj 'ut . les si lus, p u r I . Jy .li,s.j�el Vt. 4 8 12 17 o l j; 2u 7 27 05 10 35 45- 12 15 54 .Least piP,.S iitiall Ut: U1 til.k. iU11Ut'rlri_; �N�'i :lt,t ;.i:i:E `:�iS:,t.i` iOlJ3:- _. ii7..;in C ia. _----?]L11)3.ptl' - -ft. - - �' 1i3• . . 2 . 43 ---------------------------------------------------- ------ - - Si seu o. wuctt, .,iia v::ttt pipes i ur vuriuus fiAwres: ieui,Lr; 3itik or Lavatory( anu o,41y) l= ill.di,,,. :310 .5i.nk 2 L'1tCL1G11 J1a,i''31ii•-.,I AUt':ASIL:' , C l.l. } :1�1 u LL3L i:.. : - - -.-. .. •' Lutu 2u1) .L•I; ' Ur i rial s 1 ', Lim ilt{v . u u, 1 C 110te "1.3. i.r.:4;!s':Lu [)� tic. ;i�:. i :,:ia, wu:;L. 1)L aoets. rY%-ruu..:L;L irort,;)russ al.if uupptsr pip(, Lu Lit- of t�_tr A;LAiwiL4l. llibe'. . Company'':✓ 3taiidura .sizLk: al:a v;. -----I U:,.LLZL,.i-1•l (.iu L'gB1f7C3T to I.)e l.csu t.ia(i f our ,l. iics iu di w:,GtLr . - •• _ s J.ItCt.Vb-1t1 .11.C. _ - _ - -ti l.):i.1JU1' itr. iLv 31 -------'--1a126:7 ;!i ;1ui1 14 or quiv- aic:lit) '1 1tl. li:E 15-75 w.u.s G ,h „ i::•1 ::�r every auul t.i _ :ai 7 i ti'+,1Lri �.I.,:• ::3 a t : :3 i.: 2 Lu;jb,`;4 i., fl...._ t,-r Lo '.u^ i�u . i-ai„dry La,,z, '8 :;i:-:r-, .. ulirtai of the pipe . (4 voao:.: Oa6lilA, littLl �! �•' Yfl t.. Vr',1:� i.G 1 l..j • and 2 slop ii)...,, a' p d aortsidrre .i. t �jtiiv-.l�i i, t,r;t: W. xtLr ::i.1:iL L. ) vs o w+19Lt k,JL 3..,:.'s:.l:a.l.,� ..,,,,GQ 6 g'i... Lur'E:s itu L Iku L.Lur.-:L1,U,.. iiw . rl j+u . 11 _1j - or ie_!-. not. Iv:m--, tik.-:ii I. -I incal d J il�c . 1.n •Uu­i�;Ltr r c-4tx., ilii'i C. U J L; l,a `Jr i 111� i I z o tl 11 vcjj�.' 3b-it. josj.� i io i; t J 'a L:L r L:V C­I-j 11) L ! 10 t 01.'Cr to verit tLtrr i;LLil h,!Sin, I 6iLlk aild 1. uet of LiALtziury iUiki 11( C);-,o Ll")Jvc Liw 0.,;L-,t:k, tLe Illuill Voilto liti� rots of fiizturez :6hall ttL lnorc,-ast-d li, Vor c-ach two vivare p rur t;u k; t, t,_L I i z b e u 6in b L411 B 1XVI-U S iZ V a U Vvilt pics maz.' 6'. 3-2-inoi:, into 2-im;h jApf- (not ovt;;r 2 11 It Z rl It If It 11 VI Ir 11 it et 1 i 11 it 11 11 it It It II 4 It rj 1 scj pip j.,-! li(ircar ter is trauttit.1 or iiarc- 1; U t017 C.' WLI*tl'U%� 1)ejcvIc out of ruptar u ui'o tie rv-L - n not be I'Ua -cr iii rt:­;ppct- tt.) liki:--ber of lhur�,icrs 'Jan t;.Los,� "pFjjj.rja,j Jjj t- U - - - - - - - -7 - - - - - - - - - - �i_--�c of 1'ir)c - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - arcu-'G!t. 1vn,_,-t-.'1 allowed - - - - - - - - - -- - - i.4xmi)er oC -7 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. 5-Ct.kir - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 or ltz as J- 30 12, r/ U 35 I-ou loo 3L)v 311 3 45o 5-j burl 7 50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t I p t, Z) :3 6 0 1: 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - — L S rUn for .'U5 r.jti, :;i In - - - -- - - - - - - - - - w., e. t L a as C2 U! i� e 0 1 U J.Tj 0 1 j US --'U r tf1j,', J*�Arj -t. ' of-, openinj,.,z ur I) il r r! I, rs -10 rju:>rtf-.r-I%L:t. Tipc t)e jj� u.. e. 13 bAjj3ic.�, i,L � 'or k4 sLL r t cull 0111, ..IIQ for ;.ct t­.t4 01A bUrner 'c- iu_aity f.)i, wroaLil. t, iron; _�4r, pip J��U`57 1j" j.I, t- all fit;i[L '0 :..11![t W,t2 1:1_­It rjLuj.lI1ry ox, j;,.Lj.lLabj_t. U17 oast il'Ufiall 0.1 J!IW't. 0c suital)l,v .,n..! --taved wit" pipu Loui.o. att-ul)z OT 5L;?'L$WS j". 1. p vo u str, Irai,, Wviaru t i;o uar, or i A 'k. ;trot t !11 11rt hi. 1,')VO i.. L- j :::U t, !'A' L. j'j"t :11 trk4 j),3 , u! I - L uv UU L. L 'r k; L& Jc,Lt:r,-djjv,J ;)y 1,;.e In,,tric-otor No or:mtm,al )L' zi;1y :jLall be -p no or u.-;L-J or, ci-y I or p j, ),,j c; L',) r,. I p r" o or ,.'or mtLL Orac;Ikut.-i --ust u! 4 r .,Tp c i i Z z %w_L! 2,15 �%ZnL-d %Tit_� 7,.-r t r i t. pz Jv t)r,:t,,Ycts l,iFlllt wit,% alijuvia an.1 idpplclull will b4z al a awc. I jr*-p!j or !.osL pr-.),Limity tO stUdlin-In Jr jui.stg, a not,:,uc:j vjc;udt,Y pi, [I.'UZt ov ,jk_; VL,ztc-nua t;Ctvvrti-1 VULI slu;;C, PIP(; kl_: __,Lj risers :jjjA:tj 'tLie run MEN i ris i Je pur tu i L i w i s L!,t:. im:ter :.:i!,,L not he, t.Utfl 1-j. ar, c 11011 P;j)0, U.;­ !'I ;0tA­t,;Lj t �r�, tot ir, : than r. L30r W3 11 -',L-' a71-4VIC.i. In no P 4 OaSE: '.,%U_,,t V111 JC lt3.L*i ):s Gud )f sill, imt tac tszv , e .1 116t crem L... L;-i.!%,, zit].,Illuot :tj e4tur-tea �ec.31 Zu Jr ..o Lk:r,tL*Liir1 U a.iy te�, pipill; 111 Alliy OlAildin:: 314tll Ut! J'.J alld approval of the inspector. va.^ j..all run ull pipes VeLYMIL-n t,,.,ir m" and metc-l'sp C-.wept it. L.v .:titers Krt; t1J De lov,.Led in mt-:VET rooms txboyc. L..e -Cirut floor, it, ran 'Le pipe ri -ju i ou 1. s to C c perpei ar r1kif, it See .32 LJPL,.i t�(-- oL f 1mY S,fstem of �aspipillj• in :in zJ k)aild- ing., and k)cl:cjrv. tite flo6us I.Al or Fsipc, i l JL i"! 1, L i L.,rF-- the 0,- 0`­,LC _LQi!L_ L.L:, ..or? za.•1111 fil; i:, tut )fij.uc ul: tato, i..1sptul'or "n .1Pp1iULLT,1m-)_-' LUI- illlil`)c_'LiOlk O-C Sl;.;Ll Q-L-" JJ i J� L! A and ui:tzrcupon C:tL*LIL;" SWZA; t:, Ot tlj.L LOstwl, If Li..e ill zipc-,',I -,L!j tco t S_ti:i L; t.A'Y to t_A: 1,t:!pLC 't or u , tj ur U ;_,ut e -of upprwaa L"L i13sucu 11/ lt_.. .4c) z., iiu .4ttuc', w-ak.t.o -:xuy pipe or systm, of LIU- s pipes previ-.)us to t-„mot:ij.-iuiii,- of tjuc,,:-.L a certif icate ; , GL; .2 AL11 0'_L '�Ict J)i JJU�'; iu A ' .ken troll, t-,.0 ziidc; or tops i 6 t-. tL of rLurmi'[,�, lin-L­j, )-IfZVQI- _)irc-.;t1y ;rorl. oc].Jm. I)rQp m:.ia-_Il !Lttre lorurloa- t t 17UL411 I IN,; tL it- cli _)p af pipci tiuvtx from _f, ijutluui.. 0- as taken Zroia Tho pipe, oystu::, hv Crui., _4ji -0 line -Ljw 'Plaut- or Lr4psj. and t_4t t.,vcry pipe in tl,�-.t -.L11 UOI1LIU11- satioi, W U A.'IUVI ORW'. LL) LL,� pipu Lw pipcu, _ud to Lne ii,GtEsr, bij, pj %U� 411 1)U.iJt1. be CLLrcfUI,!.Y vxw;l1nt:J all tiu..,z rQ!:,QVU Sec .34 i! U S L Q WA U.�.iI_'.LWL or- ur dist;LarZe! into Lx Zt-:W61' U.All L!:t,* tempox,%Wro :,.-.t3rojf :-,L:. --'.hum x_Qn rccl c. jr c �.t c ijrtno;t:i�. to at least on -i t. LL c t:,r c,, a: see .1135 t 81 Q o Uf, t f valvv, Ctr. p 1-1vu or ul".er lie p3aued in plp(-I ur t.;_t; t"iCk ot.' ally '"ul, wat(x wpparUtug, and no acvievict ..._al. c u Ed jr,,;,-urt; of tiny; w;4Ltx "catiq3 apparatus atr_e t:,;.ri titL 0"Le :.,ter w ILec No L3tt-n,.,i piptj2, Jr fittli.;,,1 oi- ot--f-r in col,'4 appurat,,.;.:; 1 p :Lily v()..ri- bus tiblcmuterial, neit;_-er _-- rf;.,,,t nur its pLuitior, iz tw.t -Lury L­11 is Plaued wit,iin one inch. of t;ur.,ii)Ltst1n3iE; rztLt-riul , 1,:.c,tt-aLeJ illsulated 1VI1­ ."bestus or s1ti.G L zjrjQ. U .37 No pert;..ji, ur jr .;UIOSLrLtCt U !IeUtltl; up,; des;;rirtian, wit',_:)ut I'Lr�:,t r.u1;Attiri,, for approval, and L -4 a fru::i A­ie r. See .31j j_ny hereon or pc�, sons s:iall. r oiatt, ui' t--e , pru- _visions of tiAs Ordinaeioe *1�tll i,e ,ul;jo::t to firit- of nct 1m: t.:.i,.n fiiry collars (,A-5.Li,.i) nor 16"tizj Cot - every ciffe"Ise. or p,,,,rt!; 3Z S !j(- herewit rt.Liy repe:tlua. 1% LO-AQV.c,.!j nr: T1W.. U09. Attest Uity Ulerk. rZ1. AN ORDIT:AITCR establishing Local Improvement District Yo.2 in the City of Port. Townsend, providing- for and authorizing the laying of sewers and the construction of a sewer system in said dis- trict, naming the :itroecs, KI.Loyti, wiu avvin'-us on which said se,'rers are to be laid, describing the property bonofited by the said so.,iors and sekve: systatn cznu usnia,'uceu .,:Ltatin said Local aluthorizin the making: of a contract for the construction of 14,va,,A. Improvement District, AprovidinF for tho levy of a special as- sessment against the said property for the paymont of the cost and expense 'of laying; the said sewers and constructing the said sewer system, providing a method of paying; saidassessmont., and providing a method of paying the contractors for laying the said sellers sand constructing the said sewer system. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as .follolvs: Section 1. That for the purpose of laying; sewers and construct ing a sewer system in certain parts of the City of Port Townsend there is hereby established a local improvement district to be known as Local Improvement District 1To.2. Sec.2.That the said sewers be laid and tho said server system and the same is hereby authorized and orderod'to be so constructvs, constructececcording to the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer for said Local Improvement District No.2, adopted by said City Council, and now on file in the office of the C1ork of said City. Sec.3. That the said sewer system be constructed a.rr.o,,dina: to said plans and' specifications by laying sewersnon the following- named streets, alleys, and avonues, and between this points desig- nated, to -wit: \Iq\il(lli Wl'lirr.r irnin it point 21ft feel wnt>h of the north line of Front I6trPR to Carlton lane. WA'I'1s1: S'I'llpl." ' from Harrison *treet- to dmlccon htrrvd. p:1S11INWI.ON SI'ItiilN' from Vim, �Ilnnm Alrert to .Inek-nu 5lreet. .IVlll ]iRSOX F'1'ItI:IC'I' from \-nn Iln-' [ern rtrnet to Javk1 0❑ street. if from N':ui rlhu•eu ;tr­.t to Qttinr;v utrret. l k%V S•I•REFT Inn,nr \'on Inrrrn strri•f 1n ]lemur street. 1..111•Itli\CE Sllltl;t l' irr,rf, llarrisnn -trert to Ja,, rn treef. TA1'LOIL STlMPT. frimt 1. 4w tirei "Irll>II?IfIRI•: 5'I'.ltlSli'1' front 1\'nlor street to First:atrcet. ;4lrc,d to a i.ol .S: h•,d north of thn mm,i.E ACF:SUF,. from Irttt•reuce rated, lfue I i.run1 4ffeet . . street•to.Port .Dl4tvvrr;' I{nud. I POLIO STILEf:l' 'frnii Wait v slreeL 1'i)I,T�".3'P►iL•'li'J` • from Winslow ave- (to a point I111 fret nortli Nato north lae'ronce Rlrci't. ; ilinr of 1Cntrr stnw't ?UL+la';IS'i'Q11'FILA1l)1TlO\; OfLr'I :kyI.oft R'I'It.li15'I' Rota ICnlrr: feet• pnrallcl', In Polk. strecV-nod. iN Rtrr.d to' l\'n+hingtno slrert, 1 .feet parallel to 11'ivalou- ttre11110. , 'I. '1'YI,1?lt-riirri, from Water str,•,d. 1 11.E)I(llti: S'I'R1:G'1' :ram 11mvello. i r \\',: i,•u •t vvl. ''feat to n pninl •111:1 feet m,rth. 1-TREFT front %I Aer •t ro-t 11'I\�L!tl1' .11'IS\1'1•: from fink nve- fre!n 44'114-1'-' oue,to AbIlIc avenue. u.,u �ttert M Franklin street. 7.1::1lt\ISM :1CIb\L',15 ream Pink nvr• I I;t'I\Gl' S'1'1{1"ET from ICnter ntte to til+iple avenue; . rtfe,d In p'asllin_•ton atrert. I_ "�AN S15IS•S• A\'tMUE, from Pink IIAI lSq\- ti'1'k.l•ET from %Cater, Itueiuti''tn \Ilijdr, nvimnu. slrert to 11'4Lsltingtrnt street. Ajilfili'1'-S7'1{.lid8'1''crest,-IM fort; 1::1ItFIEI,I S•1'KEE.T from ]91pk thence IUII fek to connivi Willi T;mmv nt'emle to \fnuroc street. I street.-'1.1('•1{t5C1\ Sl'1{I'F.T "from• uttvrenre DIS\�Y S'1'llEkr. from llnple streetstreet to Corliot Inns. •f 0':fret• southr.'jj4t to �'un\ear niruiic. I \I':1.1?IGU\ 5'17{I:Id'I' from Llttvmilre PI\I� A\' IX 1-­'from a p.:k :,l1 �Str,•rt to Find .Arrrt.`, feet' north of, itort I Mini• of Tiaa+ptnti (;l;l'\UC S'1911-',ET, .:frnm Tartvrenco 1trN11tL''. 1/,, 1t 1'Ulht 120 Ertl north • of NL r!•rt to First alrecl;;-i. ` norill liile of Van Nim.r, .nw-! le. I .:1DA118 s.,nmE''l . •from 'IAwFenre R" .S"rILlil• I fr,nu a lwdiil, IN feet street. to First: streeL.;.' wo-It' Uf ' gr4t Zinc of, ]lnrItett" etrcet .I: Co fink' nrenur., \I,AT'Ll: ST1{,TrT frun"I 1l'street enaG ;, eriV.,to a jtoutt 911 fee frnin t liar of 1 l�[SLQ\'Ef{1 RO_1U frnin m4l"Ic 6entte to .lfuple street. ' "'K". S'I'RIiT•.'1' ,froth Port' Dintivery Z{ord to :Secornl ,street,. thence T 195 STit1:1:'1'' from \Inpie nvennc.t,i firconil slrert. " i-,MST STEtUET twat frmri'-1 street lq il• i,trecl. SLCO\D,' S1'I2F:E'l' 'tees( froln .T slrert to F' §trrrt.... , I`IIL` T S'rREE T east from .r street to J) btrpet.' 1'l1lltll S'I'IL1EF:1' from ll stuff It D Etreri, ' 1Q2lfl'1! GTRIiTT from 0 strut to 1' Rtreet.'"l'll STFiiil:l' from 11'sfreet to'D ' .4trcct. SI\T11 c'1•ILFET from fl.strrrl. to D - fila'I?\ Cll snpi r from F st1'ert itu V slrert.' . C-1RTA'OS IA\F, from D etrret to �dncl:�ntt ltrl�?t. It S'1 REIET from Shelton lane to { S'1'IIhF.'r front Carlton 1nt1r to See. Fifth ,street. stall Street. I7 $'1'lllmr from Carlton lnne to Sev- enth street. E STItEET from 'Third street .o Fourth slrert. I 0 Ok. 0 0 010 Sec. 4. That tho l'ollowiniv described tracts!, lots, and parcels of land FirO hereby declared to be benefited by the said sa�;'ers and the said sewer system, and for the purpose of laying the said sowers and constructing tho said se\vor system, and for the purpose of rais- ing funds to pay for the sarie, the said tracts, lots, and" parcels and to constitute of land are hereby declared to be embraced within the said Local Improvement District No. 2, and subjevt to assossmont thorein,to-trit; ORIOIX.11, '1'OWNS'ITE, of III(, lit'; {1•'0 fret narOaT13' 1111d southerly of SI: ;vf Part 'Townsend ns the Maine appear 1cerner untl. 2:111 fret va.terly mud ri•e•,t- ;of rl•enrd in the off]rr of the nuditar " ty1}• and 120 feet northerly anll eoutllr of, lell'er,oll County, 11'u9hinploli: eel}' of rite \ts corner block :1. 1•ni9 °, 4,:i, fi, i and A III 11 •I- bit. L 2, :i, •1 in elicit of blocky !I l nta 7; B, 3, •1, 6 and Onliln' b, and 1:1. Lok 2,.,1, n and 8 In each of blocks �0,•7, R. 0 and 10, •1'ax \oN, 183, 184, IS,% ]All nud 187, J+rht 2, •{, G, 11, i and "A In block 11. ns lire 5;rtne appear of record iu the proper offico of•lhe avid county, i.ata 1, 2, :1, .1,.0 and 4.11 lilac], 1S• 1141;\'I'AI\, 1'II.\\' SIiCO\D, ADDI- Lot9 2, 4, JI and black 90. 'hoX 'TO Tllli Crry or I101U TOR'\• `-Lots 1, 2,';1, 4, ,i and 7 in black 921, SFSD: Tots 1, a, fi, fi, 7 and 8 Ili black m. Dote 1, 2, :; and .{ Ill, lrlock li. i.rltN r,,.f1, i lied A in Meek inn.: irtts 0; i, 8 and 0 in each of blocks Lot.% 2. •I, o, 0. 7 anti R in block 141. �o ,,end 23, Al{ or the „following hlaakS, to -wit: PItoPlat'1.1' (:u writ Nile of \laple •a7,.:IR,:30, •10, .11, .12, 4.1_44, -11, 52. 53,51 i1i'enne knarctl ns Tax \oR. 1177, ]•!A, ,55; 1;0, r,7, 5S. 51), bo, S.I. R,i, 80. 97, 84, 1411,-_.].i0, Lil. I:i3, l:rR. laid, l.i.i, ]63 F0, 111r; 101, 103, 10.1, .10,i, loll, 1w, 10A. i lit.],, lt33, wo. --- UIV!1, 1:1., 1:1:3. l:i•1, 11,i;'1o13, .I i, IOS, XOLTOVIS 1.111iS'1' ADDITION, To .' YETI: CITYOI' 111.01IMM'S ADDiTioN to the cit} 7w to I,' 2, :1. •1, :i, 0, T, A, 0, 10 'Intl 11. 1'rirt'Town;end ors rho Nnnlc�nppcary' 11 �Inf .,roivlili A1)il'TIO\ 'i-o 'Till: erl'Y of record and on file in tho nfflve of Or 1'011'1, 'i'oW1,Sr.\D: !the auditor •of Jefro .5011 County, 1Vllsh- { LOU 1 t(k lit inclusive: ipLtat°:'' �I; Uliplatted Ilropertj in Jolin,llnrtlelt . All'tif blaola 1 to 2-1 ITIe11131ri'' 1,net known as Tax \nN. 139, " IJnpinttod property 1: Ale of •lneksall' 1:i111/.. 1013, 161, (fill/, n the 5nnle lip• ,street between fxwrencc ' street and hear of record in the proper office of Cnrlti,n lane. said County, 'T'a,: Xav: 1:32, la`!n,'1:10.4, 1:16-3, I:101r'_ \l'TXFIAI\' ADDITIoN TO THE nN tlti! Wjunw-alilwar of rvrnrd in ,file '�ll'I'1' OP POi1T 'l'OIC\sl:\D: pl•opeT office a6 the %aid colinty, LutN 1 to 1B inclusive. OF'OIt E`A\1) :1TARY :1\X;S1IITll'S • 1 :U)D[9'fo\ 'f0 TIITi II1D[TIO\ to ihr City of Part 'I'nu'rl• ,Gis:\li\RD'S GIT)' OF PORT 'rom-s1:Xb: grad na.lhe'!anw appears of record and Data ], to.14 oli, file tin the nffice ilf lhr auditor of ,irlcEnsis KUIl\'S. RA-NC71t said :Telrersnn l5nlnty; AIt bf • btaeks 1 mul .. Tniy Q 7, R, 0, 10, 11 and 12. . DRl'\I;11OXD'S" ADDITIOX In t:! it :.701I\ DARTLl l'T'S ADDITION TO i TII[; C.l'l'Y 01: Pbt1'I' .'T011'XSR�'D:. "City o f port ,t Town%eml ato ecolvli111, Tax No%, NI, M, 20.1, 20.1, 203, 200, 'rlal on Filr in andiior'y silica of said �,Ieffrrson -01-1 '_tia, 20f1 tilld 210, a% the Nmiw I'll• . manly. I, par of record in the proper office of Lrls ;{, .1 and .i lu Idnek I. Naid .h'f l . At, III-TYCHOVE's ADDITION TO I E-4 FIRST .1DTN'1'TO\'I'O ' Fhi TIIE, CI'I'1' OF P01IT Tf WNSE.\D: 111, CI9.1•;f9"" '1'II CITY OF 1'OR'I' 'I'O[PSSI•:XD: Tlds 1, 2, a�•I, - and R ill I)Iark 1. I' \11 of 61ar 1, 2 mud :3. Lnt% 2, 1.:1..1 !n block ^_. I KI'IIX's 11ANcI1, ulyltattp'l an west ]0, Tots 1. 2. S, ti. i and 4 illblacl; '�idr of 1'iuk.ul'ennr. 7l10 (t, frentage. Lniv :r. 11, 7. S in black !I. G NI11:1'O\:c Cl:ltlXD :11)l)l'1'it1X TO Lot% I, 2, :1 lilt!] •1 Ill Mark 0. ('1'1'l' lOT l'''I' '1'O11'XS1:\I): bits 5, 0. 7 alyd R in eneh of 1111WI t I'l'7 t'l of bh,rl:- I mad 2. 111, 11,•21, 22 and 2:1. DE.\N,Y'S 11,111ST ADDITION TO All of Mach :1, .1, 1, 7, R. 11, 12, YI..'TITE CITY OF PORT' TO\\'.\R]?XD: 11, Li, 14. 19. 20. fol+ 2 and 4 Eo black :3. \IOI'NTAIX VIEW ADDITION TO I.e1N 1. -. 3and 1 in black 4. 11Ef1. CITY OF l'oil'1' TOWNSEND:' l,,,ts 1, 2 and :1 in block J, AH of black+ I, 2, 4, 3, 11, 7,' 8, 1.1 and All of blue), 0. 230 feet ea.lorly and woslerly and ' NVUS'I'E31:S ADDITIOX TO Tlli. CITY OF PORT T011'\Sf•:SDt Lot I of block 17, Lot 1 of block. ln. All of Noel, 19. Unpintted property known as 'Tnx. [Yes. 168; * 10f), 170, 171, 172, 17,3, 174; 0 Sec. 5. That the City Council shall, as soon as practicable, ascertain the total cost and expense of laying; the said sewers and constructing the said sewer system, and the said cost And expense shall be paid by a special assessment levied against all the property benefited by the said sewer system and included in the said Local . Improvement District No. 2, as set forth in section 4 hereof; andhs# that the said assessment be apportioned among the several tracts, i. lots, or parcels of land embracod within and constituting the said assessment district in proportion to the benefits derived from the said sewers and sewer system. Sec. 6. That whenever the conditions prescribed by law and section seven of Ordinance No. 746, relating to the establishment of local improvement districts.for the purpose of constructing seew- er systems therein, passed by the City Council Oct. 6, 1908, and approved by the Mayor Oct. 7, 1906, have been complied with, the said City Council are hereby authorized to enter into a contract for the construction of the sewer system herein authorized, and to take andrequire such bonds from said contractor or contractors as ,are required by law and the rules, regulations and ordinances of said City. shall be paid Sec. 7.That the said contractor or contractors for the constne- tion of the said sower system out of a special fund to be known as Local Improvement Fund, District No.? to be hereafter created by proper ordinance, and by the issuing of Local Improvement District Bonds, payable on or before ten years after date with interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, according to an act of the Legislature entitled "An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds by cities to pay for local improvements, providing for the payment thereof, and declaring an emergency?" Approved March 14, 1899. Sec.8. That the City Council may, from time to time, during the progress of the improvement herein authorized, pay out of the Current Expense Fund of said City, such incidental expenses as may be considered necessary, and out of the first moneys collected on the special assessment herein provided for to ro-imburse the said Current Expense Fund for any and all such disbursements. Sec.9.Thst the different steps necessary for tho preparation of the assessment roll for the said Local Tmprov`irent District ITo. said 2, the making of the assessment and the time and manner of paying the same to be hereafter provided by proper ordinance, the collec- tion of the said assessment, the issuing of the bonds herein con- , templated, the payment of the contractor or contractors making the, said improvement, and all other steps necessary and proper for' the ti making of the said improvement and for the payment of the same, shall, in so far as the same is applicablo or unless herein other wi-se provided for, or unless changed by the enactment of subse- quent,laws, be taken in accordance with said Ordinance No. 746, ski©t forth in suction 6 hereof. ,Passed the city, Council _April Approved by the Mayor, April � , 1909. AT7 ORDIYUWt0R amending section one (1) of an Ordinance No. 7�J` , being an Ordinance ontitled " An Ordinance to regulate the installing of Pluumbing Systemu •arc] `Fixtures, Cold •and 'tot Water Systems, Sower Connections, Steam and Hot Water Heating Systems and Gas Fitting, Establishing the Size, quality and grade of material=moadnecessary in the construction of now systems, alterations or changes in the r {;- •fjesent system, which may be required within the limits of .the City f of Port Townsend, WashinF. tan, and providing penalties for the viola ion *hereof= of said ordinance", passed by the City Council March . h 2; 1909, and approved by the Mayor March 9, 3.909, and repealing said 1 e, r . Section one (1): T � City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That section 1 of Ordinance No. being an Ordinance i3 �entitled "An Ordinance to regulate the installing' of Plumbing Systems and Fixtures, cold and hot water systems, Seaar Connections, Steam, and Hot Water Heating Systems and Gas Fitting, Establishing the size quality and grade of material necessary in the construction of new systems, alterations or changes in the present systems, which may be required within the limits of the City of Port- Townsend, Washingt. on, and providing penalties for the violation of said ordinance", passed by the City ^ouncil March 2, 1909, and approved by the Mayor and the same is hereby March 91 1909, bo�,amended so as to read as follows: Sec.l. The Mayor with the City Council shall appoint a Plumb- ing Inspector duly qualified to carry out the provisions of this Ordinance. 9ec.2. That =the said section 1 of said Ordinance No. _7Q5�j , -%be and the same is hereby repealed. 7� ^ectiun 3. That this Ordinance be ir6 force from and after five days after ps?blica.tion. Passed the City Council April 1617 Approved by the Mayor April 9 'I ;jj f k )z o 'r, c DO fi.. T —Z)_. ..oc A. 1, 4r i ".. - u i ...... ' establidz in; the grade of Van Buren Street at its intersection with Berlin Avenue and Hampton Avenue, and the grade of Pierce Street at its intersection with Berlin Avenue, Hampton Avauue, and. Oxford Avenue. The City Council of the City of Port To�mseind (b,: ordain as follows: Section 1. That the grade of the intersection of Berlin Avenue with Van Buren Avetiuo be and the same is hordby established at one hundred fifty-aight (15S) above the City Datum; that the inter grade of the section of Hampton Avenue and Van Buren Avenue be and, Y the same is hereby established one hundred sixty-seven (167) feet above the Cit7 Datum. Sec.2. That the grade of the intersection of Berlin Avenue and Pierce Street, be and the same is hereby established at, one hundred fifty-three and two tenths (15,3.2) feet: above the City Datum; that the grade of the intersection of Hampton Avenue and Pierce Street be and the sale is hereby established at one hundred sixty-one and five tenths (161.5) feet above the City Datum; that '• the grade of the intersection of Oxford Avenue and Pierce Street be acid the same is hereby established at one hundred sixty-five and six tenths (1,65.6) foot above the City Datum. Sec. 3. That this ordinance shall take affect: and be in force from and after, five dayrs after its publication. -�1.- Passed the City Council u.�r ems[ Approved by the mayor i . oaz' n V 0 AN ORDITTANCF fixinf• the amount of lieonso to be paid by auto- mobiles used for trail sPjinp. or carrying: freight or pasnongorn within the City of Port Townsend, Washington, and fixing a penalty fdr the violation thereof. Section 1. That each and every automobile used for transport ing or carrying froigrht or pasnengers for biro within the City of Port Townsend, Washington, shall pay an annual lioense fee of;y,.' R Twe!!ye Dour.. \ �% That .any.'person, firm or corporation running or drivi'ri dn automoj ilo erigout first obtaining and paying for the license:. wl �^ provid©d,in sect�bn one hereof shall be subject to a penalty of ") , L n not%less an fivr� nor more than ten dollars for each and ove'ry offynse ..� y. 3 'Sec. 3. What,this ordinance shall take effect and .be in force fromrand &tor five days after its publication. lug ' . j�Q�s� GfLG ��lG Lr -� �rc �t�o � .� ��p� .• Cev 'T G S 0 IN q, f- f rT -T Ti 1 0 ic OM Tin o a o 31 -Is AIT ORDIPIAPI('I, CHAIT(ITN0, THI' ?IAEIIi:`I OI, C7.11TAIN STRRIETS III THE CITY OF PART TOWITS)FPID. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows Section 1. That all the streets of the Original To•,vnsite run- ning northerly and southnrly from and including Tyler street east be continued by the same name north through Plummor's Addition, Al Pettygrove's Addition, Mt. View Addition, and lit. View Second Adds- tion, thereby changing the names of the following streets, to -wit: J street. to Tyler street ii street to Taylor street G street to Adams street F street to Quincy stroot E street to Madison street D street to Monroe street C street to 7aekson street B street to.Clallam street A street to Hudson street Ann 'street to Jackson street George street to Clallam street Drtunmond street to Hudson street Soc. 2. That the streets lylnf; in that portion of railroad addition seat of San Juan avenue and in Hastings Second Addition lying, west of Decatur street•and running northerly and southerly be. named as follows, beginning with the street viest of Decatur and following in regular succession westward, to -wit:. Thayer, Morrison, Benedict, Prospor, Belle and Hastings, said streets running from Marron street, he••oinafter called Van Ness Street and San Juan Avenue on the north and west southerly to the water. Sec. 3. That the streets running easterly and westerly, lying, north of Lawrence street, and in any or all of the following addi- tions, to' -wit: Plummer, Al Pettygrove, Learned's First, Winslow, Mt. View, Mt. View Second, Kuhn Ranch, Nolton's First, Hastings Estate, the Powor Addition, and that portion of Railroad Addition lying east of San Juan Avenue, be named or changed as follows: Berlin Ave to Lincoln street Winslow and Hampton Avenues to Garfield street Learned's Ave. and Oxford Avenue to Blaine street Van Ness Ave .Conowag;o Ave. and Tarron street to Van Ness street. 3 That the stroots north of Blaine.stroot, running eastorly and westerly and between the wator on the east and Tyler streot and Chestnut streot on the west, as horoinbofore and horainaftsr es- tablished, up to and including prosont Eighth streot in Mt. View Second Addition, be known as follows: Roosevelt. -Taft Cosgrove McKinley Poster Root Rood ,. Bryan Sec: 4. That the streets in that portion of the City of Port r'< Townsend consisting of Pettygrove's First and Second and Park and B,' S. Pettygrove and Webster's, be Warned a.:, follows: �glThose running easterly and westerly: Beginning with F street in the southerly Part of Webster's addition and giving the.said streets the names of the alphabet in regular succession from the South towarid the -north, that is to say, F streot is named A street,. strootAB street, and so on to the north, giving the said stye°ts A the names of the alj3habet from A to W, excluding, however the letter (G)Thoso running northerly and southerly are Warned as they are _ now named in the several Pettygrove Additions, and such names are hereby'extended to the correspondingstreets running Xrtherl,4 y and southorly in Webster's Addition, that is to say,,, aple street in bster's Addition is changed to Chesnut; Bartlett to Maple;. Hill to Fir; Minor to Willow; Landes to Rose; Webster to Cherry; Fowler in Webster and Wall in B. S. Pettygrove to Beech; Plummer in Webster to,.. Redwood; Pettygrove in Webster to AAsh; Hastings in Webster to. Rosewood. Sec.5. That Hudson streot in the Arcade Addition be changed to .Minor street. Sec. 6.That Pink Avo. be changr)d to Harrison street and Petty - grove Ave, to Benton street. Sec. 7. That the streets in all tiro additions in that part of the City lying-, west of San Juan Avenue, except Fowler's Park and Dundoo Place, be namorl a , follo :s : (a) Thoso running east and west by numbers, beginning with Vine street on the water front in Hisenbois addition and naming the, said Vine Streot First Street, and the neat street north, Second street, and so on through that part of the City to and including _ straot, continuing-; tho said names of tho said streets through l' l the additions, excepting Fowler's;Park and Dundee Place, in that part of the City, from San Juan Avenue wastward to the City Limits,as near as may he, so that the streets running; east and west that fn part of the City and corresponding; with one another in direction and location, or nearly so, shall havo the same name. (b) Those running north and south shall be and they are here- by named as they are now named in the Eisenbeis Addition,'with the exception that they shall be known as streets instead of avenues, and, the name, of the said stroots shall be and they are hereby said extended northward through all the,`additions ,qnd all the streets said additions correspondinh with those in the Eisenbeis Addition or nearly so shall be known as they are known in said Eisenbeis Addition; that the streets ,Vest of the Eisenbeis addition, beginning wit%-Ptheo first one west of McPherson street, shall be known as fol- lvws, naming the same from east to west in succession, to -wit: Katharine, Gibbs, Cliff, Eddy, Howard, Rainier, Shasta, Bake; - flood, Spring, Ivy, and Laurel; That such names shall be applied to the streots running north_ and south and lying- west of McPherson street in the Eisenbeis Addition and shall extend from the Waters of Port Townsend Bay to the waters of th-i straits of Juan de Fuca or Powlor's Park as the case may be, the said names following; the streets in the different additions that correspond or, nearly or are continuations of each other or nearly so. Sec. B. That D, E, and F stroet in Dundoe Place be known re- spectively as Cross, Silver, and Copper, leaving Woodland Avenue, Umatilla Avenue and Corona Avenue as they are now named and located. Sec. 9. That the City Enginoer is hereby authorized and directed to mare a tracing of the map of the City and place the new names of the streets on the said map as heroin designated, and make at least throe blue prints of the said tracing, properly certified to by the said City Engineer, one for the use of the U. S. Postoffice, one to be filed in the auditor's office of Jefferson County, and one to be placed in the office of the City Clerk, and the original tracing to be kept in the office of the City Engineer as part of the 'records of the said office. if— 16 1 J �` �r ICIC �G2 APT ORBTITATTCF limiting the speed of automobiles within certain parts of the City of Port Toymsend and otherwise regulating the driv ing of the same,. and providing a penalty for the violation of the �Orzu� The City -Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. That whoever shall run or drive any automobile in that part of the City of Port Townsend lying easterly of San Juan .. Av nlUO� San Juan Avenue extended at a greater rate of speed than twi4ve m4l-es an hour or whoever shall heedlessly run or drive such -a moblae so that the same shall, come into col,lis/ion with any oth- er ehicre or animal attached to such vehicle or shall strike a- gainst any person,or animal ridden by any person�in any part of ;-said . City., • shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic� '.'jLion,,tha'reef shall be fined in any sum less than one hundrod dol- � f P: . :lars or615's imp'risonod for any length of time Less than thirty days.. I; r_ or ty both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 2. T-his odinance shall take effect and be in.force from and after five days after its publication. �.�✓r� L���L ors aAOL,X 04 S . I.G L -I :rD rf lb T POOR J ' ORDINANCE Ti0 . 0 An Ordinance L6.-� . _ ___�__ _ -_ approving the assessment roll of Local Improvement District No.2 ,otherwise -known as the Eastern Sewer District, ���, assess- ing the cost of the said improvement against the property.benefited thereby and included in the said distrait, declaring the said as- 'sessment a lien on the property described therein, providing the time and manner of paying the said assessment and crdating Local Improve- ment Fund, District No. 2. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the assessment roll of laical improvement dis- triet'No. 2, otherwise known as the Eastern Sewer Distriet,as origr. inally made out and the assessment therein made against each parcel of land described therein, as shown in the column headed "Amount'of Assessment", L � BE and the scone is hereby approved and confirmed in all respects r . �-L L"�: •� — -tt-', 4 _i , 't,_.-•.....v1.ti:C._.._f .�.-.= t.. -t.. • �.�"--'-_�' — — — `� � -L ._ �._. .Z 2.._ .tom t - L_ -_��._-c�-�.....•i........�..._c_...-�..Y T-�3-. •�_...--..�.� � ... ..� .�-�_ and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to extend forthwith the amounts in said column into the column Headed "Total Assessment after correction" ,._ �. _� .�` ..� .�.� _ - _ _._ _-• T.` And the said several amounts as shown by the said roll are hereby levied and assessed against the parcels of land therein described and appearing before the said amounts respectively, and the said par- a eels of land therein doscrtbod are hereby declared to be benefited by tho saidimprovement in the amounts so levied and assessed against the same, the amount of the it on each parcel of land fol- lowing and being placed'�!�#r each description. . Soc.2. That the said assessment so made is hereby declared to be a lien on the property assessed prior to all liens except the lien of general taxes. Sec.3. That the said assessment shall be payable in ten equal annual installments, the first installment becoming; due and payable one year after the expiration of thirty days after the date of the first publication made by the treasurer of notice that the assess; ment'roll has been placed in his hands f.or,collection, and each year thereafter one installment shall become due and payable, all unpaid installments to bear interest at the rate of seven per cunt per an- num-f rom and after th o expiration of thirty days from the date of the first publication of such notice by the City Treasurer, interest on all unpaid installments to be paid annually at the time # each• instal.l.ment falls due; Provided, however, that any person de- siring to pay the full amount of the assessment against any parcel of land, may do so at any time before the expiration of said thirty days without interest, and,,provided further, that any person may at any time after the expiration of sai& thirty days pay the full: amount of the _assessment against any parcel of landby paying the same together with interest as herein-providad to the date of the maturity of the installment next falling due. Sec.d.That if any installment and the annual interest on the whole of said assessment car the whole of the unpaid portion of said assessment is not paid whon'due, such installment together with the annual interest due shall. be doomed to be and shall be delinquent, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to certify t the same to the County Treasurer for collection according to law. Sec.5. That there is hereby created Local Improvement Fund, District No.2, to the credit of which all moneys collected on the J said assessment roll are to be placed. Sec. 6. That aster the extension of th6t said assessment roll as provided in section one hereof and upon the taking effect of this ordinance the City CliyM is•heroby authorized and directed to prop- erly certify the said roll and attach thereto his certificate and warrant of collection pnd turn the same over to the City Treasurer for collection s required by law and the ordinances of said City, and take the Treasurer's receipt therefor.. 8ec:7. That, upon the receipt of,the said assessment roll, the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to publish notice in the official newspaper of the City for ben )10) consecutive daily or two consecutive weekly issues, to the effect that said assessment roll, giving the date of tho levy and the said assessment, and the name of the district, has been his hands for -collection, and that if the same is not paid within thirty days from the date of the first publication of said notice, riving the data of said first publication, the whole of said. assessment will bear interest at the rate of seven per cunt per annum from and after the expiration of said thirty days, and that within not less,than twenty days thereai- ter Local Improvement Bonds to be paid wholly out of the moneys collected on tie said assessment will be issued according to law ,.in the aggregate amount of the unpaid"assessments. Sec. 8.The said.City Treasurer shall also after the said roll has been placed in his hands for collection m$il to the owner or owne of each parcel of land whose address is known or may be Emnad by reasonable diligenco, a written or printed notice, stating the amount of the assessment, a brief description of the property assessed, and the time within which t}te sane may be paid without interest; and theveafter LLr y_ _ _ days before each installment becomes due and payable, said tyreasurer shall mail to the owner or o,w,,neerrs�%,ff !I y /C.Gq"`"" -"" " each parcel of land assessed a similar notice stating the time said installment becomes due and payable, the amount of such installment and the amount of the annual interest becoming due and payable, to - gather with a statement that if the installment and interest are not 'i s: too V n 6, v SA �750 Establishes sidewalk grades (Special) 751 Authorizes the issuance of local improvement bonds (Special) 752 Controls use and fixes price of water supplied by city (Special) 753 Regulates installation of plumbing systems and fix- tures (Not codified) 754 Establishes LID No. 2 (Special) 755 Amends Ord. 753 (Not codified) 756 Establishes street grade (Special) 757 Fixes amount of automobile licenses (Repealed by 1525) 758 Changes the names of certain streets (Special) 759 Speed limits on certain streets (Repealed by 1525) 760 Approves LID assessment roll No. 2 (Special) `761 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525) 762 Tax levy for 1909 (Special) 763 Dog licenses (Repealed by 1525) 764 Local improvement bonds (Special) 765 Grants right-of-way (Repealed by 770) 766 Licenses temporary stores (5.36) 767 Missing 768 Fixes salaries of marshal and policemen (Not codified) 769 Extends Garfield Street (Special) 7.70 Grants right-of-way, repeals Ord. 765 (Special) 771 Street vacation (Special) 772 Prohibits dumping of garbage (Repealed by 1525) 7'73 'Establishes street grade (Special) 774 Establishes sidewalk widths (Special) 775 Prescribes regulations to certain sidewalks (Special) 776 Town council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 777 Establishes LID No. 3 (Repealed by 782) 776 Requires sidewalks on certain streets (Special) 779 Defines certain nuisances (9.08) 780 Grants right-of-way (Special) 781 Contractors bond (2.44) 782 Establishes LID No. 3, repeals Ord. 777 (Special) 783 Establishes LID No. 4 (Special) 784 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 152S) 785: Tax levy for 1910 (Special) 786 Fixes width of certain sidewalks (Special) 787 (Repealed by 795) 7B8 LID No. 4 (Special) 789 Fixes salaries of certain employees (Special) 790 Digging streets (12.08) 791 Licenses plumbers (Repealed by 1525) 792 Levies taxes for LID No. 3 (Special) 793 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 794 Establishes street grades (Special) 795 Establishes LID No. 5, repeals Ord. 7B7 (Special) 795 Directs issuance of LID No. 3 bonds (Special) 797 sstablishes_atreet_grades (Special) 142 xmonrle Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525) _---�- Ar? ORDI17MICE amending sections one and eight of"an or:inane defining and pPesc•ribing the punishment of certain misdemeanors" passed by the City Council April 3, 1885, and approved by the mayor April 4, 1885, and being ordinance No. 116. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend coo ordain as follows: ectiorl That section one of "an ordinance defining and aj;pve rii'n7ie,�Sunishment of c©"rdin misdemanar,," passed by. the ICU=3l ci Ap3, 1685, and pd by the mayor April 4, 1885, b7,4ollows: ordingir ce',•ifo. ��,�S, be and same is hereby amended to read a �Sect14l.Bvor �s,f o and guilty of an assault in the tri1 d ,dflgro ? a's o f n�'-by:'5ecti4 163 of chapter 849 of the session d lam �f 1 shall be ppshed by a fine of not less -than five /a d(4nars nor %lore than gne'hundred dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding t inY days or by both. Section 2. That section eight of said ordinance no.116 be'_and. the same is•hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.8.Every vagrant in said city, o,h conviction, shall be fined in any sum not less !:ban five dollars nor more than one hundred doll-, ars or be imprisoned for a term of not more than thirty days, or may be punished by both such fine and imprisonment, and all persons, found in said city falling within the provisions of section 436 of chapter 249 of the session lams of 1909 are declared to be vagrants.' Sec.3. This ordinance shall take. effect and be in force from and after five days after publication. ■ i 74 :I d��✓�,u.� ,. � � , .�- �, off. v GKG /f-dZ It c�c / � 1w 9� L a nl ea.aZ a.o° Cha r U G�n �tvr 0vG Rye eu Ql'avr� , i af a�/t '' r—�L 47n @e4 6 "f`ipoy i • An Ordinance pruvidinl- for tho taxing, impounding, and killing Of dogs and : mpppsinIr penalties for the violation of said ordinance. and ropoaling ordinanco No. 621. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as f Ol lows S ,Section 1. That no dog, male or female, shall be permitted to . run at largo or abroad in or upon•any of the streets; squares, alloys or other public places with the City of Port Townsend ^rithout wearing a. tap shotivin - that the license hereinafter imposed has boon paid... see. 2. The owner or person having in charge any dog, male or female, permitted to run at large or abroad within the city limita, shall on or before the first day of November of each year, beginning ,t with the year 1909, pay into the City Treasury the sum of tivo dol- tars, which .said payment shall entitlel such oimer or keeper to .a re•- ceipt from the city t•ra'asurer showinr; the owner's or keeper'.s name -'...- and the number of tho license to be issued, and upon the prosentatlon �`:-• of such receipt to the City Clark, the said clerk shall issue copse to such owinor or keeper and at the same time deliver to him a'. a metallic license tag, which said tag shall be attached to a collar to be worn by such dog. a Sec. 3. Any inhabitant of this city permitting; any dog,. male or female, of which he is the owner of -keeper to run at large or abroad, in or upon the streets, alleys, 'public squares, or other public plat 1 as within said city without having first paid the license required by this ordinance, or without attaching, to such dog a propor license tag as herein provided showing the number of the license, or who shall suffer or cause such tag to be put on any, dig with intent to_ avoid the payment of such license, shall upon convit,tion thoreof,be " subject to a fine of not 'less than five dollars nor more than twenty five dollars. Sec. 4. No female dog in tune of heat, no vicious dog, or mad drg, shall, be allowed to -run at large or abroad within the city limits, audit shall be lawful for the city inarshal;K or any police officer or any private citizen to kill all such dogs, and the owner r 07, • or knoper or the person pormitting any such dog to run at large or . F abroad within, the city limits shall be doomod guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor mokkthan twenty• -five dollars. See. 5. it shall be the duty of the police officers including the city marshal.l and pounding tqr to onforea this ordinance, and any dog running-, at largo or aborad in violation of this ordinance jnky, ba,,impdunded in the city pound, and tho avtno r or keeper of #y dog so` mpo�s 'lied shall boforo redenming. the same, procure a 13ccfiso. ' arm ax bit�Vp same to the poundmaster, and pay to such poundmastAr',, ' ` y 511 . to edeom-1kmxxa1A dog the sun of $1.00, for the use and b,e'Plpfit of-�the .city • Sec.6.- ff any dog so impounded is not redeemed within forCy eight hours, the saidpoundmaster is hereby authorized in his*ilis- = S- , r cretion to aithor kill or sell the same. Any sale mada under 4d`by:; ' virtue of this ordinance is to be conducted in acci4rdance with"' " ordinance N6.726 providing for the sale of impounded anitnals.and 'the proceeds of such sale are to be disposed in like manner. Sec. •7. Ordinance No. 621, being an ordinance entitled "-An ordinance regulating the keeping of dogs, - imposing, a license tax and providing a penalty; and repealing ordinance No.104", be and the same is hereby'repealod. Sec. B. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five.days after it spublication. 4 pa,--c4� - t%u � ` �°r� G��< <<. Qo` T •+ /909 Ilef .. � � • _ r , - .. ,� .. .. ��' - � + � �` � .fir, {{ •.. , • i..•J ` Y�i i• ray._ _ - . ,_, , 1' ,.. .. � .1... . �•� _..?' _ � '� mil\ � ., � .�1:. '- ._.:� - •.. S��i"ram,. -. _ ;� S)rs �: �'� '. f .. i .....,. ,.. .. � i C.4a _ ... is .. �•.r rr'��+ �3 �—�T :. .� o. � •. . � .1.� ,. • :y� .. ,. r.'� .3 , � � ' �• + - � �� �. 1 .. Al ORDINAL?CE authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Clerk of-tho.(Iity of Port Townsend, Washington, to issue local im- Provement bends in payn,efit of the construction of a sewer system in Local Improvement District N*o. 2, fixing the rate of interest said bonds shall bear, and authorizing; the delivery of the said bonds to R. M. Moore, the contractor. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1: Thaat on t;n t:� �i.iy of 1909, and upon the taking effect of this drainant:e, the mayor and city clerk are hereby -authorized ar_d directed to issue and delivery to E. M. Moore Local Improvement Bonds in payment of the construction of a sever system in Local Im )rcvoment District 1To : +, authori zed by ordinance ?'o . 754, in the =wi of �.:;_�/,�f �g _ y(�F¢,` y" ftfo ✓itOicea«,�< Dollars O Sec.2. That the said bonds shall be issued in!/a series of b'Gt�ti /p`LcccG ct,, emu// jt «� TduCt of which shall be in the sum of One Hundred Dollars each, and ohe in the sum af"2 of Dollars,.. Sec. 3. That the form and manner of ekocution of said bonds shall be an prescribed by law and ordinance, and shall be Hated November, 1909, be made payable on or before ten years after date, bear interest at the rate of sdven per cent per annum, interest to bo paid annually. Sec.4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from anI five after days days after its publication. ��,�_� � d' ��� ✓ice-�r�-�- :' /�o� /✓.ECG j!' C«fc.a.. ✓ " * /i0? o u 't..) r%72: owl ;C. cT.- 1-.3 il,-1 -f L 1 17, IrArk D ri S14 Al r I - AT; ORD17TA1. nrantinr to tho United Mates of Ar'terica r right of way over P certain 'nortion of. Chetxemoka ?ark in the city of . Port Tomisond, Washington, an,i the right to lay down, construct, operate and maintain olectric wiros underf-round on certain streets and roads in said laity and over the right of gray herein granted. Th!? Oity Council of the City of Port 'To=send do ordain as iol-- 1 ows : 8octlon 1. The City of Port Townsend, Taphinlrton, does hereby grant to the united States of America a.porpotua,l right of Way for. t the .purposes and upon the conditions hereinafter named over that portion of Chptzemoka Park described a, follows: Oor..=oncing at a point 110; ft. Post of rho Past ",Jda of Jackoon. Ot. on the Rohl? aide—OIr ' a-axfieZr.1�;Y. in10 ucoc?• Tfionco :aa$orTi �'�`h3nra-"oti�I��3r a onCB j'Fr *i3.1'l.i ill')--ft. 'IF iilSJl'l; 16—.L't. uo the yilacel Oi`' Toith niu� o�taxfzr�l�g��ti=:�t�rocil.:cc�ir��tli --- _—— --_._— __—_._..____—._—_.__ __ 9ne &That this grant is made for the purpose of allowing the said grantee and its lawful authorities to use the same as a passage .way and to lay down, construct, maintain, and operate upon thn same. elocric underground 1res. Sac. 3. The City of Port Townsend hereby expressly reserves the a right and authority to declare the said right of way or any part thereof a public highway and street rovidod,.however, that in case the same is so declared a public highway and street the right and authority of the said grantee to maintain and operate its wires as aforesaid shall in,no wise be taken away or diminished. 9ec.4.The United �Itates of America is to pay all expenses the City is put to in granting this right of way,and is to build and.. maintain all fences necessary to a proper and free use of the same. 3ec.5.The City of Port Townsend does hereby further grant to th United Mates of America the right and privilege to lay down, con struct, maintain and operate underground electric wires on the following named strants aid roads, to -wit: Commencing at a point on the south boundary of•Chetzemoka Park approximately 115 feet east of Jackson street; thence westerly along an unnamed road or land to Jackson street; thence. northerly along�l Jackson street to Carleton Lane; thonco easterly along Carleton Lane to lot Vo,2 Drummond's Addition to the City of Port Townsend. Sec. b: That the grant herein contained is made subject to the following requirements and conditions: 4 That in any streets or parts of streets whero there are now or may constructed any sidewalks, said wires are to be laid not nearer than twelve feet from the edge or line of the street; .that if any such wires should be laid before tho construction of any sidewalk or the grading; or regrading of any street, they are to be promptly.shi�fed by the United States at its own expense; said_,,wirgs) qrW to ,behso lai�a _s to avoid injury and inco enience tv tteaveI rs/dn stroa'ts, the treets to be placed in as go M co did. ti4"tor tra oat- and 1ae as the�� were before, and that .thek_lI1S��ed..�� e. hol��nd save he City harmless from any and all accidents in juriq that taZ be caused by any such wire^or wires or by tjd� co �:,) s}ruc on � or�maintnriaira of 4ha same. t. ec.7,(-This ordinance sha-il take effoct and be in f rca from,.' jJ and after fivs'',days(;after 1� publication. 7111 j &4- / a i fc�lr Oee- GI<r 1,wr `T /9v� V h �T L -7--7t. ,:m i � � M AN ORDINA70F, providing for licensing and regulating temporary stores within the City of Port Townsend, Washington, and providing a penalty for tho violation thereof. ' The City Council of the City of Port To:-msend do ordain as follows: Section 1. to person, firm, norporation or company shall open, '* Conduct, or carry on, any temporary store'or• place for the temporary sal© of any goods, wares, or merchandise, within the City of Port Townsend, without first obtaining; a license so to do, and paying ` therefor to said City the sum of T Dollars per day for each day the same shall be so opened, carried on, or conducted. -Such license shall be issued by the City Clerk of said. City upon the pres- entation to him of a receipt from the City Treasurer of said City shov- ing that the license fee has boon paid. Sec.2. .Any person, firm, corporation, or company, violating any of the provisions bf the preceding, section shall be deemed guilt- y of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than thirty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail not exceeding thirty days'or by both fine and imprisonment. Sac.S. Ns Ordinance No. 677, entitled"An Ordinance to li- cense, tax and regulate temporary stores and the temporary sales of goods, wares and merchandise in the City of Port Townsend" is hereby repealed. Sec.4. TI-is o-A inance shall take affect and be in force from and after fives days aftp)r publication . If"511 ell Gdj �P/ LL�l�fJ7��i ATT ORDITTATTrF providing for the a.ppointmont or un additional policeman in rind for tho City of -,ort Talinhoiid: tin. k? mho 01V roi�rri:L of the City of sort To,m .cjrd do ordain au follows: ' Suction 1. That, thorn shall bo appointed by tho mayor as soon as may be, suhjoct to cc.nfirnati.t�n by tro city cc-vncfl, one poll ,nman in addition to thn two policeman already provided for by ordinance,, who shall hold offieo till the first Tuesday in January, 1911, and until his succosnar is appointed and qualified, sunless 1 eoonor,removed according to law, and in case any vacancy shall occur in suet position, thr skune shall be filled by such appointment and confirmation for such unexpired term. 8ec.2.-That the duties of such additional policeman sliall be .. the stone as arq roar provided by law and ord inanco . 9ec.3, That this ordlnarne ;shall be published. onto in the Daily Leader and shall take ofroct and be in force from acid after five days after publication. eF Rasrod the 41ty Co�'natl .: Approved by the Mayor T APT ORDXATAPTOR fixing the salaries of the City Marshall and policemen: The City council of the City of Port Toimsend do ordain as follows: , Sec.l. That after the taking effect of this ordinance, the salary of the City Marshall shall be the sum of one hundred dollars pemonth, and the salary of each policemen the sum of seventy-five r p doT2ars per month, such salaries to be paid on the first day of each succeeding calendar month; pr6vided, however, that this ordinance shall not apply to any officer who shall have been appointed -before the taking effect of the same. Sec. 2. That ordinance No. 749, in so far as its provisions conflict with the provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed. once Sec. 3. That this ordinance be published in the Daily Leader and shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after publication. Passed the City Council17- 2/� Approved by the Mayor G L e"I w w �l�i�lccZic.��, ✓Y� �6% '•" OFl?It`�''rm nxtordinr rrt,rficrld stroot in an oa3t^.rly dir - tion throo hundrod thirty-oiprht tint) five-�tnnt�,,n for3t, :lord or lash! [from tho nauterl.y lino oe Jackson strnr3t.- Thn r`it;, ^o:,ncil of t'•n ^•it:;, of ";.rt To:=3nnd do ordain as follows ;action 1. . Tb.�Lt rlarfiold stroot be and tho s e, ir, horeby axtOTIOod in ran 13astorly direction throe hundred thirt.•-air?ht ar:d five t•at;.t-hs fact, :nor+ or lose, in dirnotion on linc3 with said y (;,v'fial(l:Ptre-7t <<nd over and inrludiltdirthr, followinr; desoribr3d prop - arty, to -•tit : 1, 1,ngi./n�ninr-•Itxt at point wl:,)ro tho riorthorly line of of Garfield 8treil n'tor'socts trio !rast,3rl,y line of Jackson' , tlienc'o MLgt,!)rlon r the said r)ortborx•y lir3e of Gurfiol,d rtra it produced, throb hundred thirty -iy,ht �Lnd fivo tenths (33v.5) font, more or loss, 't,o a point; thoncO :cou{hor ly tit H1rhts ::nf;ri las, aiphtnun font, arro or. less; thonre wast.,rl-y and right anl-los, throir hundred thirty-eight and five tar.ths (,1j5t3.5) foot, iorr; or loss, to th- easterly line of Jackson street; thgnco northerly alonf; said easterly lino of Jackson street, to the placs of hefrinning. >nc . ;:. Tat r• sairi l3ropnrty be tnci the eared is horeb'y doelarod a public hifhway, and the rtrnnt Suporintondent is hereby authorirod and directed to open up tho said stront for thn use of the public. lr3c. 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the daily, Laad+3rand shall take effect. ar:d be in force from and after fivff •'_' days aft,ir publication. O/V", "C' 0 16-16 i _15� V q nt/1ia "Tlr•: _•�r.._ '•:�F :�c_. i.: _ ..r't: �: f:: ::"�.: ;:t.v 4„jj. ;; f..F. .°1; .*.r.. :•L:�,. t.� .f. �Li^.1'.i3�'tY3�:'yyu. ' J Q 0 0 s kH ORDINXION granting; to the United States of Amer•lea the right to lay down, construct, oporato and maintain electric wires underground on certain streets,and roads in the City of Port Townsond! and repealing Ordinance Eo. 765. The City Council of the City of Port Town.>end do ordain as follows: Section I. The City of Port Townsend, Washington, does hereby grant tol,the United States of America the right''and privilege to lay down, construct, maintain, and operate underground electric wires on the followings namod streets and roads in said City, to -wit: Beginning at the easterly end of Garfield street as.axtended by ordinance number entitled "An ordinance extending Garfield street in an easterly direction three hundred thirty-eight and five tenths feet, mere or less, from the easterly line of Jackson street", passed by the City Council February 15, 1910, and approved by the Mayor February 40, 1910, thence westerly over the extended portion of said Garfield street to Jackson street; thence northerly on Jackson street to Carleton Lane; thence easterly on Carleton Lane to lot No. 2 of Drummond's Addition to the City of Port Townsend. Sec. 2. That the grant heroin contained is made subject to the following conditions: That in any streets or parts of streets where there are now or may hereafter be constructed any sidewalks, said wires are to be laid not nearer then twelvs (12) feet from the edge or line of the street, provided, that on the extended portion of Garfield street hereinbefore referred to, the said wires shall not be laid nearer than twelve (12) feet from the northerly line of said street; that if any such wires should be laid before the con- struction of any sidewallx, or the grading or ra-grading of any stroot, they are to be properly shifted by the United Stater; at its own expense, should such shifting become necessary; that said wires are to be so laid as to avoid injury and inconvenience to travelers on said streott.; that the said streets are to be placod in as good condition for travel and use as they were before; and that the United States hold and save the City harmless from any and all accidents and injuries that may be caused by any of such wires, or by the laying,, construction, or maintenance of the same. ,sec. 3. That the United Status of America is to pay all expens- ory.; that t'Fi City is put to in granting the said right and privilege, iiipluding 4n said expenses the expense of building proper fences r nQaossary Jor a proper and frea. use of the same. Sec.4.: Th4 ordinance No. 765 treating; on this same subject, if heTeb3; ,;repealed That this ordinance shall be published onto in the e Daily Le"p r aiA shall take effect and be in force from and after da.ys,.,after publication. � v j1J �4`-�• "/•LL/ZLErtL�tt^71 c zs -1�1 E C, Inn Vt I j I n 750 Establishes sidewalk grades (Special) 751 Authorizes the issuance of local improvement bonds (Special) 752 Controls use and fixes price of water supplied by city (Special) 753 Regulates installation of plumbing systems and fix- tures (Not codified) 754 Establishes LID No. 2 (Special) 755 Amends Ord. 753 (Not codified) 756 Establishes street grade (Special) 757 Fixes amount of automobile licenses (Repealed by 1525) -758 Changes the names of certain streets (Special) 759 Speed limits on certain streets (Repealed by 1525) 760 Approves LID assessment roll No. 2 (Special) 761 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525) 762 Tax levy for 1909 (Special) 763 Dog licenses (Repealed by 1525) 764 Local improvement bonds (Special) 765 Grants right-of-way (Repealed by 770) 766 Licenses temporary stores (5.36) 767 Missing 768 Fixes salaries of marshal and policemen (Not codified) 769 Extends Garfield Street (Special) 7_70 Grants right-of-way, repeals Ord. 765 (Special) 771 Street vacation (Special) 772 Prohibits dumping of garbage (Repealed by 1525) 773 Establishes street grade (Special) 774 Establishes sidewalk widths (Special) 775 Prescribes regulations to certain sidewalks (Special) 776 Town council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 777 Establishes LID No. 3 (Repealed by 782) 778 Requires sidewalks on certain streets (Special) 779 Defines certain nuisances (9.08) 780 Grants right-of-way (Special) '781 Contractors bond (2.44) 782 Establishes LID No. 3, repeals Ord. 777 (Special) 783 Establishes LID No. 4 (Special) 784 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525) 7B5 Tax levy for 1910 (Special) 766 Fixes width of certain sidewalks (Special) 787 (Repealed by 795). 788 LID No. 4 (Special) 789 Fixes salaries of certain employees (Special) 790 Digging streets (12.08) J 791 Licenses plumbers (Repealed by 1525) 792 Levies taxes for LID No. 3 (Special) 793 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 794 Establishes street grades (Special) 795 Establishes LID No. S. repeals Ord. 787 (Special) 796 Directs issuance of LID No. 3 bonds (Special) 797 Establishes street grades (Special) loft smanan nrd. 116 (Repealed by 1525) 0 An Ordinanon vacating Adams stroot between Root and Read streets in the city of Port Townsend, Washington. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section l.That Adam's street between Root and Read streets, being that portion of Adains according to the new namine, of streets l �.Iountain View Addition to the yin g ba.tweon blocks 12 and 13, of City of 'Port Townsend, be and the same is hereby vacated. See. 2. That the vacation of said street be and the same is ioreby declared a public benefit and a public necessity. once See. 3 This ordinance shall be published in the Daily Leader and shall be in force from and after five —days after publication. Fassed the City Council 'March 1, 1910. kpproved by the Mayor &a1ek Ifloi V bt-E. of.r: to L I' ka! if .. .. , `.'' _` J. .,, � ., _i: - y�l� � .max �-� !�� yrl� �� rJ l rl Q E J 7 100 It 7 /4 ORD111"VI.nF providing for the disposal of ruhhidh, garbat,e, 'Led othor refuse matter, and :)rovidin- a penalty for thn violation thereof. -Thla Olty Oonncil of t.ho (ity of Port Townsdnd do ordain as follows: C'. it n That t;'.) h0a�:a' Lid t'an nor'.°, tint! of Oaklu,, strnnt in tho rit;, of Tort Towm;a,!nd, 'fashint-ton, t,oinr- a place on thn beach noa).r "filth's Panch, or such othor placo as thi, rit;! council may frc n timn to time dosit-nattedhy order, be and tho same is hereby fixed as a pliten for the deposit oA rubbish, garbage and othor ref- use matt,;r of o,rory r a.tlirn a.entt description, and it shall hereafter bo unlawful "or atny person to deposit un;r suc?) rubbish, garbage or othor refuse !:natter in any ot,h it place wit'lin the city limits of said city. ltech d.nposit shall II.o mado undn,• tin suparvision of the cit;,y heatltY pffiaer, atird shall lin conveyed in properly covered ves- wale or tanks so its to krs^p !? s :rte f,,,L.m being cast or '.thrown into or on strnots or roadways. ' 7nc.2. "Tvary torn-nnnt, •rnsidnnrP, and lodging house, and every. other place of business, inns_-urItnt- rAstauratnts and hotals, shall, if necessary to keep such place ina sanitary condition and free from every kind of nuisance, r, :ve a proper and s,titable receptacle made of such material as to allow of easy and thorourh cleansing, to be approved by thn�city hoalth officer, for roceivint~ such rub- bish, garbage, and other refuse matter, for deposit until the eon- tents thereof may bo properly conveyed to the dumpinr t?r-und pro- vidnd in section one hereof; and such receptacle shall be emptied and thn nontonts thereof conveyed to said dumpint- ground as often as may be necessary to konp such places in it sanitary condition and free from every kind of nuisance ; Provided, however, that where such rubbish, r.)rbat'e o!, o',h­r refuse nattor is capable of being burnt or othnrwise disposed of, not'inr in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent the same from beint7 so burnti`or disposed of • by permission of tho health officer, and where such matter is to be h+rrned on trn outside the pnrmission pf the chief of tho fire department is also to ho obtained. Ise. 3. That it shell be unlawful for any person other than ono theAdulyauthorized by the city council to move, transfer, trans- port or convey within the limits of tI_'o city, for hire, any such rubbish, garbage, or other refuse mattEar; or for any person to employ for hire any other than the rnrularly authorized garbaro man for such purpose. 5o o.4. That the privilel;e of nonvoyinr all such rubbish, garb- age and other refuse matter to the said dumpin,- ground, and the privilef-s of contracting with the inhabitants of the said city for such purpose, shall, after proper advertisement, be lot to the high- est bidder for such length of.time and in such manner as said coup - ail small order, and the person to whom the said contract shall bo awarded shall give to the city a rood and sufficient bond condi- tionod for the faithful performance of his duties as required by law and ordinance, the amount of such band to be fixed in each case by said rr•und 1. loc.5.That for conveying such rubbish, garbage and other ref- use matter to tho said dumpinr ground, the said contractor shall not charge more than the fpllowinj; rates: 7'.0t'+ls an!f raetaurants, 02,50 a =Ath Zodgin,- houses and nlacos of business, 61.00 a Private rosidonces, fifty cents a month. And in all cases he s'i.all make his charges fair and just and without discrimination, and shall as near as may be practical , adjust such charges and rates to the amount of norvices rendered: Provided, however, that on thn basis of foreroin+-,,rates he shall not be required to collect such garbage or rubbish or other •ofuso matter oftener than twice a weak from hotels and res- taurants an once a week from residenens and other places of business and fo ry a !in may charge such proportionate rates ,i✓lifi C1� (�.G��U—vr1/�fr� L'!•rJ. }�r/-r ,/ �/yU-L-'`�r''� i j , as may ho just and fai,;. ec.G. Any parson violatin,r- any of hi provisions of this pt 81a 1 bo �sut�;jart a fins of not more than t,venty-five dollars. w4a C1sU4l once "ec. 7. Thi rdinancti shall be publishodAin th•. Daily header .' and s}iull t•a}:e affect and be in force from and after fivo days after publication. y! Passed the City Council .,, Approved by thn �'ayor ��? 1 g�� _ •;r,1: fir 7��� {�{ �`-•-. � - �. ;--� .�� 'gyp 11 An Ordinance establishing the strunt parade on a certain part of Washington street in the city of Port Townsend, 'Washington. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend cb ordain as follows: Sec. 1. That the grado of Washington street in said city is hereby established at an elevation of 4.00 feet above the city datum at the .vest side of f4onroe street, and 8.48 feet above the city datum at the east side of Taylor street, the same to run on a uniform grade between these two points. all Sec. 2. ThAt�ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herwith be and the same are hereby repealed. Sed.:3. This ordinance shall be published once in th% Daily J' Leader and shall take effect and be in farce from and after five days after publication. - t t Passed the City 0ounci1 �0 Approved by the Mayor r L r`.{.y1..f.. :) ._ ::a f_•pf;'1?• .. c��"s?�?' � sf'"If'�..=�-_-.:�.:.� L`L.,.. :1 .. .; .�.7�_1'.t:.: ..l{r �i:1Y`l�r:t'.l)7.' ��t7� ..^ 'Y.�; � riir� �= :�h.�i'. -�,. *•� � .+ IG - `7: �'r?r,i:fiE::7�i �D' iiO �.Eiirn}' :f _ ��� :_ I L ';.vi4 _, •••i:�_. i •��,y �\'��( ._ �t'' ,l _,t . , .c�1' � aj. � a� .J •1 �.: rSJ*' ri L•1 �..\'.'t?� .•4:. . ... �i .. .. ', . :`ark":. ,... •__ .. r�..,.. i:.�, `�� z...��_ �':f.. 2��:�... ..i:� _n. ;�_ . .. . ;?-- . �v is T t 'A�� An Ordinance ostablishim, tho raidth of this sidewalk on a certain part of Washington straet in t;.o City of Port Townsend, Washington. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as f ollotvs 3 Sec. 1.That the.width of the sidowalk on the south side of !Pashington street in said city from Taylor s treot to "an :J'uren street i:s heroby ost,hl:ished at twelv�i (1.2) f^.r,t. no. 2. ' s,;it all. ordinances and parts of ordinances in con-- flit, herewith are hereby repoaled. See. 3. This o•dinanco shall he puh].ishact in the Daily L'eadur for ore i^sue and shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after publicatfion. --... _r Pas sfld tho Pity Council Approved by ti.e ',;ayor � � ... r ..�.. ....�.. •..- .�.. _--. � � .... .. _ .t. :z ' ��� 1 l ' � � _ � _ 1. ti� =.� r _ 4 `- 'ti���� _; 0 0 o��l�iG� ✓/po ��"� i An Ordinance prea.-ribing certain rigulations with reference to sidewalks and the spaco under the sidawalks. The City Council of tho City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows : Section 1. That no area wall enclosing space under the side- . r walks in the city of Port Townsend, 'Yanhington, shall be built to exceed six (6) foot from the inner face�of the wall to the property line. Sec. 2. That no'sta.irways or openings leading to basements within the sidewalk area shall be wider than three (3) feet, and all such openings to be place next to the propnrtt line, and to be` ,r protected by a railing of.approved pattern; not less tran forty t,t`�o..inrhas high. - - See. 3. This odinanca shall be published once in the Daily Deader and shall take affect and be in force from and after five days after pWa.l.ication. Passed the City Co►tnc3 1 Approvecl by thc3 d.dayor _!� . ltm/4(� 4 + Cyr) (IL;S An #dinrancc fixinj, the time and place of the rogrulur meetings of the City Counoil oA" the City of Port Townsend, and repealing or- dinance no. 704, ontitlod " An Ordinance to fix the dates of the regular meetings of the city council of the city of Port Townsend. Tho ^.i'ty .0unvil of the ^•it;y of Port Townsand do ordain as follows: Section 1. That frots anti after tht, to%tint; affect of this or- dinanco and beginning with Tuesday, April 26, 1910, the regular moot- ings of the said city council shall be held on Tuesday of each week, and in the council chamber of the city hall in said city. From April 1st to October 1st they shall be held at eight o'clock P. ►1., and from October 1st to April lst, at seven -thirty o'clock., n. '4. Sec. 2. That ordinance number 704, entitled "An Ordinance to fix the dales of the regular meetings of the city council of the _,cJty of Port Townsend" he and the .same is hereby repealed. SecZ.ahis ordinance shall be published once in the daily Leader and take effect and be in force from and after five days after publicatior.. Passed the Council Approved by the Atayor FA r i ip P , 1] s An Ordinance authorizing and directing the improvement of certain streets n the city of Part Townsend, Washington, by laying vitrified brick pavements and concrete sidewalks, grading and gravel- ing, and constructinD; curbs, gutters, catach basins, monument And valve t)cxoc; and concrete retaining waillt;; establi.shin{. Local im- provoment District Yo. 3, and providing, a method of payiTIg for the said improvements. The C=ty Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the following public improvements are hereby authorized and directed to be made on the streets and parts of.street designated, that is to say: Concrete Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters and Catch Basins. (a) To construct concrete sidowalks, curbs, gutters and catch basins along the lots and blocks abutting on the following named streets between the points named, to -wit: On the south side of ,`Dater street from a point twelve (12) feet east of the west line of rlonroe street to a point twelve feet west of the east line of Harrison street. On the north side of :Pater street from a point twelve (12) feet east of the west line of Monroe street to a point twelve feet frost of the east line of Polk street. On the south side of Washington street from a point twelve (12) foot east of the crest line of Monroe street to a point tan feet west of the east line of «an Auron street, the said walk to be contin- uous across Tyler, Polk, Fillmore and Harrison streets. On both sides of Taylor, Quincy, Adams, arc? �-Tadison streets from the north line of Water street to the south line of Washington street. On the ':rest side of Ty1,,:r and (Monroe streets from the nort•hyi line of Water street to the south line of Washington street From the concrete sidewalks to be col.structed as hereinbeforfe r PA set forth, the sid.ewal}:s abutting on the following; property are hereby excepted, whiel; said sidewalks so excepted are now in place , built of the propert material and n!eetiiip the requirem'ents of the plans and specifications, that is to say, the sidewalks abutting as follows': (LUv r r , On the south side of lot .�, bloclr 39; on the south side of lot 7, block 40; on tho south side of lots 3, 5, and 71 of block 41; on the !west side of lot 7, block 41; all in the original, townsite of Port Townsi,-nd . ` _Rstainintr Walls (b) To construct concrete retaining walls on the following streets between the points designated, as follows: On the south side of Water street as follows: (1) From the west line of Nonroe street to the east Line of Madison street. (2) Beginning at a point 60.5 feet fro!n the west line of Madison street and extending; westerly 104 feet and 6 inches. (3) Beginning 40 feat west of the west line of Quincy street and extending westerly 69 feet 6 irlchr,,:. (4) 'og?irning� at the east line of Adams street and extending- �� <<t) feet 9 inches. (5) Beginning at the west lino of Adams street and extending westerly 110 feet. (6) Beginning at the west line of Taylor street and extending; westerly 102 feet. (7) Beginning 132 feet west of the west line of Taylor street and extend ing; westerly 58 sect. (8) Beginning 110 foot west of the west line of Tyler street and extending westerly 27 foet 6 inches. On the north side of. Water street as follows: (1) beginning; at the west line of !Monroe street and extending; westerly 165 feet. (2) Beginning at the west line of G3adison street and extending westerly 55 feet. (3) Beginning 165 feet west or the west line of NTI;ison street and extending westerly 26 foot 6 inches.. (4) Beginning, 107 feet west of the west line of Quincy street and extending westerly 58 feet. (5) Beginning at the .west line of Adams street and extending westerly 55 feet. On the south side of Washinrtor stroet as follows: (1) Beginning i i at the west line of 1-Tonroe street and extending westerly 79 feet. (2) Beginning 13.0 feet west of the west line of.'Jonroe street and • extending westerly 13.0 foot. (3) Peginning at the west line of Madison street and extending westerly to the oast linof Quincy street. (4) From the west line of Quincy street to the east line of Adams street. (5) Froin the west line of Adams street to the east line of Taylor street. (6) Beginning at the west line of Taylor street and extending westerly to the east line of Polk street. (7) Beginning, at a point. 106J feet west of the west line of Polk street and extending westerly 75 feet. On the west side of Monroe street from the north line of Water street to the south line of Washirf ton street. On the east side of I-ladison street, beginning at the south line of Washington street and extending southerly 110 feet. On the west side of Madison street from the north line of Water street to the north line of Washirgluon street. On the east side of Quincy street, beginning; at the south line of Washington street and extending; southerly 167J feet. On the hest side of Quincy street, beginning at the south line or Washington street and extending southerly 124 feet. On the east side of Adams street, bei-inning at the south line of Washington street and extending southerly+75 feet. On the west side of Adam:; street, beginning at the north line of Water street And extending northerly 11.0 feet. On the west side of Adams street, beginning at the south line of Washington and extending. south 70 feet. On the east side of Taylor street, beginning at the south line of Washington street and extending southerly 110 feet. On the west side of Taylor street beginning 132f feet north of the north line of Water street and exteIIdir)C northerly 52j feet. On the west ,side of Tyler street, beginning at the south line of Washington street and extending southerly 13.0 feet. 1 Iritrified Brick Pavement:; and Monument and Valve Boxes. (c) To lay vitrified brick pavemonts anCV construct, monument and valve boxes ;n the following stroetr3 between the pointy named, to -wit: (1) On Wator street from the west line of Adams street to the east, line of Polk street. (2) Taylor street from the north line of Water street to the north line of Washington street. CradinLand Gravelling (d) To place the following; streets on the ostabli.shed grade between the points designated, and, where not paved as heroin pro- vided vided, surface the same with gravel, to -grit (1) Water street from the east line of Monroe street to the west line of Polk street. (2) Washington street from Alonroe street to a point ten feet west of the east line of Van Buren street. (3) Monroe, Madison, Quincy, Adams, Taylor, and Tyler streets, from the north line of Water street to the south lire of Washington street. Sac.-2. That all of the said improvements are hereby author- ized and directed to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the city engineer for said Local Improvement District No.3, adopted by the City Council May 17, 1910, and now on rile with the city clerk. Sec.3. That the following lots and blocks in the original Town - site of Port Townsend are hereby declared to be specially benefited by the said imp?.ovements and the same are hereby declared to be em- a local improvement district to be known as braced within and to constituteAthe:!:said Local Improvement District No. 3, to -wit: Lots 6 and 8 in block 4; lots 2, 4, 6, and 8 in blocks 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12; lots 2, 4, 6, and 8 ir. block 36; all of blocks 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, excepting lots 1, 3, 5 and 7 in blocks 37 and 38; lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in block 45; lots 5 and 7 in block 52; lots 1, 3, 5, and 7 in blocks 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 and 60. Sec. 4.That the work herein contemplated shall be done by contract let to the lowest bidder according to the laws of the state and the ordinances and resolutions of said city, and the contractor shall, be required to enter into a bond running to the City of Port.Tolm sond, in the sum of fifty per cent of the contract l price and conditioned for the faithful performance of the said contract and th;-payment of all labor and materit.1 used therein. Sec. 5. That as a part payment of the construction of the re- taining wall on the south side of Washinf5ton street extending westerly from the west line of Taylor street, and in consideration of the general benefit:; to be derived therefrom, there is hereby approporiated out of the current expense fund of said city, the sum of. Five Thousand Dollars, said sum to be paid into the local Improvement Fund,`Distriet No. 3, to be hereaftor created, upon the proper ardor of the city council. Sec.6. That the city council shall, as soon as may be, ascert- ain the total cost of the said improvements herein authorized, and after deducting; the said sum of Five Thousand Dg�aagg XESWdsaid total cost, the remainder of the said total cost shall be leviedA against the property benefited by the said improvements and includ- ed in the said Improvement district, and the same shall be appor� tioned among the several lots or parcels of land embraced within the said district according to benefits. Sec. 7. That the said assessment shall be payable in ten equal annual installments with seven per cent interest payable annually, at the option of the city and the contractor shall be paid in cash or,ir. local improvement bonds payable on `or before ten years after date with interest at 'seven per cent por annum, i.nterost payable annually, issued ac- cording to an act of the legislature entitled "An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds by cities to pay for local improve- ments, providing for the payment thereof and declaring; an emergency" approved March 14, 1.899. Sec. 8.Tha6 the city council may from time to time during the progress of this improvement pay out of the current expense fund' of said city such incidental expenses as may become necessary and Out of the first moneys collected from said assessment may reim- burse the said current expense fund. . ' €:: .. ,I (A) �4i Alk AN lul u �zl UL ;m. '.7 1 ','J" '51.1 'TA 1" -'.j: 7.% f;, ;11 C% Th:1 IT P 10!T T.,)*.',,:'-"! I T, 1 "1 t t 'i, xl)lit 6 lal" bO ix,l I L O -TI yV all j. It 11 n It It It if 11 U 11 (1 it it U f) to 11 It T! to It 1) It to 1`4 j1 it It of I I to T y I to III 11 Only.) 11 do:-) Io -,,I 0 f 1 11 "T It 11 91 it If 11 If If It 0 it TA*VaOP It It f1 II n It to of 11 ff, to i'A.1J I tn I a L 0 13 11 to off If 11 it it 11 11 If f, If U It of -1 ti tf 9 It 11 It 11 L it It ix t &o. an ;T -!i c , I Val f;p 1.3 Q Z; 1 ;x ill i r d'V 1 "0 �A th 1.1 i i 1. Thut t, I-L) ..'d �1 a ti VY71 L.; -IO-1 V 'A �L tj 1 Q!L,,'. ,)�Dutirxq- , 4 f III;%*.; T. oball coniuuttj:te a by a flzit) r,-* not than Vi1nty-•Pzve' drXIL'.11, I'll iN3 1, 1.I . I la ?.- IQ?, ha ri or iri h, !"r I) C1 o I lams I To 2, o - z- t 1 U f e t v f th.." Th:t' jL I ;c'. ?7rr r, C. I-) 7,; It; T,• -to 74, ct d V 4.1" /a.,, '? / .n-f• .:s i.i .}•t. K� � µ �'J.-+.-` , 1', ` `.yl .... r.'!r < .i 5_::fw.,iL ♦R•�1. ., i.... .,..{'. ., " t L Lam. i AL i ,m An Ordinance defir.�eertain nuisances, providing- a method of abating* the stone and providing a penalty for maintuininjr such nui- sanees and a method of collecting- such penalty. Tho City council of the Cite of Port Tovnsend do ordain as follows: Io.e. 1. That the, ruins of any house, stable, shop, or other building- within the city limits of the City of Port Townsend, that cannot be occupied or rontod and is offensive to the sight or incronscs, 11 r, dang;or of ineendiarism, and all mono on buildings writhin .t', ;i-Ats of said city that may tend to increase the dungor from fire are horoby declared nuis�:-ncos. `nc. 2.That whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the chief of the Piro dopartmont that any of tho nuisances enumer- ated in section one hereof exist, he si,c_dt -m notify the owner, lassoe, occupant, or agent for such owmor, .lessee or occupant, of any promia on i7l,ich such nuisance or nuisances exist, to abate suc1, J isj.roa : r•� ' ^n same is not abated within ton days aft(-.,,- i,iicl 7totics� fi'?l oiLy maraht..lj. �-►�-=-^- -» to abate thoGsane at. the expense of said owner, lessee, occupant or agent. Sac. 3. All costs and oxpensos attending the abatement of such nuieanoo. shall be collected an fines and penalties, and if any such person becoming• liable for the payment of such costs and expenses as heroinbefora provided, shall rail or refuse to pay the same within tvienty-Pour hours after demand made by the city marshall, he shall be deemed guilty of.a misdemeanor anti shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars im- prisonment not ovor ton days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec.4This ordinance shall take affect and be in force from and after five days after publication in tho Daily Leader. 4.7 cr�•^� nn 4 �j � .i An Ordinance granting to tho United .States the right and priv- ilege to connect with and use a certain sewer system In the City of Port Townsend, Washington. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows : Section 1. That there is hereby grunted in perpetuity to the United States for and in consideration of the sun of Three Hundred Twenty-five and thirty-six hundredths dollars (;325.36) the right and priviingo to connect with and to use the saver system constructed in Local Improvement District No. 2 of said City to carry off all sewage from blocks ninety-one (91) and one hundred two (102) of the Original Townsite of Port Townsend, and especially the right and privilege to connect, the United States Marine Hospital now lo- cated in said City withA tho server now constructed on street or with such sewer or sawn rs as may be constilructed in lieu thereof or that may be substituted therefor. 5ec.2. That the Z:layor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to execute an easement for and in behalf of said city to the United States for the purposo of giving effect to this grant, the same to be so executed upon the receipt by the said city of the consideration herein recited. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and shall take effect and be in force iron and after five days after publication. Passed the City Council �Ai-7 �1/r Approved by the ,:layor _ �lt�Q /_/Q �1 / 1�. �750 _Establishes sidewalk grades (Special) 751 Authorizes the issuance of local improvement bonds (special) 752 Controls use and fixes price of water supplied by city (Special) 753 Regulates installation of plumbing systems and fix- tures (Not codified) 754 Establishes LID No. 2 (Special) 755 Amends Ord. 753 (Not codified) 756 Establishes street grade (Special.) 757 Fixes amount of automobile licenses (Repealed by 1525) •758 Changes the names of certain streets (Special) 759 Speed limits on certain streets (Repealed by 1525) 760 Approves LID assessment roll No. 2 (Special.) 761 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525) 762 Tax levy for 1909 (Special) 763 Dog licenses (Repealed by 1525) 764 Local improvement bonds (Special) 765 Grants right-of-way (Repealed by 770) 766 Licenses temporary stores (5.36) 767 Missing 768 Fixes salaries of marshal and policemen (Not codified) 769 Extends Garfield Street (Special) 770 Grants right-of-way, repeals Ord. 765 (Special) 771 Street vacation (Special) 772 Prohibits dumping of garbage (Repealed by 1525) 773 Establishes street grade (Special) 774 Establishes sidewalk widths (Special) 775 Prescribes regulations to certain sidewalks (Special) 776 Town council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 777 Establishes LID No. 3 (Repealed by 782) 778 Requires sidewalks on certain streets (special) 779 Defines certain nuisances (9.08) ___180 Grants right-of-way (Special) 781 Contractors bond (2.44) 782 Establishes LID No. 3, repeals Ord. 777 (Special) .783 Establishes LID No. 4 (Special) 784 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525) 785 Tax levy for 1910 (Special) 786 Fixes width of certain sidewalks (Special) 787 (Repealed by 795) 788 LID No. 4 (Special) ! 789 Fixes salaries of certain employees (Special) _790 Digging streets (12.08) -791 Licenses plumbers (Repealed by 1525) 792 Levies taxes for LID No. 3 (Special) 793 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 794 Establishes street grades (Special) 795 Establishes LID No. 5. repeals Ord. 787 (Special) 796 Directs issuance of LID No. 3 bonds (Special) 797 Establishes street grades (Special) IQ* lmanA n nrd. lib (Repealed by 1525) Ir Ordinanco No.��� An Ordiiianco relating to contractors bonds,. The City Council of the City of Port Tovmsend, Washington, do. ordain as foll6vs: Section 1. That all contractors bonds hereafter given in ac-- �or n with tho laws of the State for the faithful erformanceof � da co i P contracts made with the city and for the payment of all labor and material and in the performance of such contracts, shall run to the city of Port Townsend, Washington, &nd shall be in an amount 1 , equal to seventy-five per cent of the contract price; provided, however, the city council may fix the amount of any such bond in any sum not less than t=•rent;-five per cent of the contract price, in the order, resolution, or ordinance, authorizing such work. Sec. 2. This ordinance Aall be published in the Daily.Leadar. and shall take affect and be in force from and after five days after such publication. Passed the City Council JAZZ _ � /9/O Approved by the Mayor Q,g�0 t1k g ,r-• 1. r U 4 Ll 0RDTITANCE Y0. 7� All ORD IA11CF, authorizing and directing the improvement of cert- ain streets in the C14y of Dort ToWnsand, Washington, by laying concrete sidewalks, and constructing curbs, gutters, Catch basins and retaining wa ll s, providing a method of paying; for tho paid im- provemonts, establishing Local Improvement Diatrict Vo. 3, and repealing Ordinanco !To. 777. The City Council" of the City of Port Townsond, 'Yashington, do ordain as follows: , Section 1. That the following public improvements are hereby authorized and directed to be made on the streets and parts of street designated, that is to say: Concrete Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters and Catch,pasins along the lots and blocks abutting on the following named streets between the _. points..designated, to -,.-:it: On both sides of Water street from a point twelve (12) foot east of the west line of Quincy street to a point twelve (12) feet west of the east line of Poll: street. On both sides of Taylor street from the north Line of `later street to a point twelve (12) feet north of the south line of Washington street. Provided, however, that from the concrete sidewalks to be w constructed as hereinbefore provided, the sidewalks abutting on the following property are hereby excepted, which said sidewalks so excepted are now in place, built of the proper material and meet the requirements of the plans and specifications adopted for the said • improvements, that is to say, the sidewalks abutting; a; follows: On the south side of lot three (3), block thirty-nine (39); the westerly fifty and one half (50k) feet on the south side of lot seven (7), block forty (40); on the westerly side of lot seven (7) block forty-one (41); on the south side of lots three(3), five (5) • 4 and seven (7) in block forty -ono (41). Retaining Walls on the property line of the property on the following streets botvroon tho points named to retain the fill. as a foundation for tho sidewalks herein proposed, to -wit: Commencing tit thiaknerthwost corner of block seven (7), thence extending easterly eighty (80) foot and nine (9) inches. Commoncint, 1.10 foot oar.terly of the northwest corner of block seven (7), thenco oxteridinj� easterly sixty-nine feet and six inches (69' 6") Commencing at the northeast corner of block eight (8), thence extending westerly 110 feet. Commencing at the northeast corner of block nitne (9), thence extending westerly 102 foot. Commencing 30 feet east of the northwest corner of block nine (9), thence extending easterly 58 foot. Commencing, 62 feet and 6 inches east of the northwest corner of block ten (10), thence extending easterly 27 feet and 6 inches.. Commencing 35 feet. and 3 inches south of the northeast corner of block forty (40), thence extending; southerly 52 feet and 3 inches. Commencing at the northwest corner of block ib rty-one (41), thence extending southerly 110 feet. Commencing at the southeast corner of block forty-one (41), thence extending westrrly 55 feet. Commencing 55 foot east of the southwest corner of block forty-two (42), thence oxtending easterly 56 feet. Grading and F liing in the area under the sidewalks wherever necessary as a foundation for the sidewalks herein authorized. Section 2. That all df the said improvements are hereby author- . � ized and directed tof bo made in accordance with the plans and specif4 cations prepared by the City Fnginoer, adopted byethe City Council on July 12, 1910, and now on file with the City C1ork. Sec. 3. That the following lots and blocks are hereby declared to be specially benofited by the raid Amprovumouts and tho same are hereby declared to be embraced within and to constitute Local Improvement District No. 3, to -sprit: Lots two (2), Your (4), six (G) and eight (t'"j i� bloclts seven (7), eight (8), ninet(9) and ten (10). Lots one (1), three (3), five (5) and seven (7) in blocks thirty --nine .(39) and forty-two (42) . ' Lots one (1), two (2), throe (3), four (4), five (5) and A severi (7) in block forty (40) Lots one, three (3), five (5), six (6), soven (7) and eight (8) in block forty-one (41). That all lots and blocks mentioned or de:scribed,in this ordi- Jefferson County nance are in the original townsite of Fort Towns end,,, Washington .. Sec. 4. That the work herein authorized shall be done by con- tract let to t'e lowest bidder according to the laws of the state and the ordinances and resolutions of said city applicable to the same, provided, however, the said work may be done by the City itself independent of contract under such conditions and under such limitations as are prescribed by law. Sec. 5. That the City Council as soon as may be, shall ascert- ain the total cost of the said improvements herein authorized and directed to be made, and the same shall be levied and assessed a�. gainst the property benefited by the said improvemennts and included in the said improvements district, and the same shall be apportioned among; the several lots or parcels of land embraced within the said district according, to benefits. " Sec. 6. That such assessment shall be made payable in ten a- qual annual installments with seven per cunt interest payable annu- ally, and the contractor shall, at the option of the said city, be Ad payer in cash or in 1ocaZ improvement bonds payable on or beforo ten years after date with interest at seven per cont,'ir.terest payable annually, issued accordinf, to an act of the legislature r entitled "An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds by cities to pay for local improvements, providing for the payment thereof and declaring an emergency" approved starch 14, 1899. `Sec. 7.That the city council may from time to.time during the progress of this improvement pay out of the curren4 expense fund of said city such•incidefital expenses as may become necessary and out of the first moneys collected on the said assessment may re- imburse said current expense fund on account of the expenses so paid out, including in such expenses all incidental expenses al- ready paid out and properly chargeable to said improvements.. Sec.8. That ordinance Yo. 777, relating to ':^a; m;.-ilzinA� of certain improvements and iD.istricL and approved syo,r / �'l/l 19a.0, No. 3,passed by the City Coi!s�cS.i j !.. l:ait),^be and e same is hereby Y repaled. p Sec. 9. That this ordinance )e published once in the Daily Leador.and take efrect and be in force from and after five days after such publication. Passed by the City Council Approved by the mayor Y.14 C� C1Cd7 c. �� Jta` lac �i 2 U 4 4 4 Ordinance ;:o . An Ordinance authorizing and directing; the improv(imont of a cert, in portion of Washington street, establishing; Local Improve- ment District Yo. A/ and providing a method of pay for- the said improvement/. The City Council of the City of Port Townsond do ordain as f ollows Section 1. Vint tho following improvements are hereby author- ized and directed to he made according- to the plans and specifica- tions for said improvements prepared by the city engineer, adopted by the city council and now on file`,with the city clerk, that is to say: 1. A wooden sidewalk and gutter of ostabld.shed width on the south side of Washington street flush with the property line, and placed on a suitable wooden tressel, from a point eighty-two and one half (824) feet vrest of the west line of Taylor street to a Point twelve (12) feet west of the east lino of Fill.more street, the said sidewalk to be continuous across Tyler and Polk streets. 2,. A wooden stairway on Tyler street leading from the southerly side of Washington street to the grade below. 1Z 5ec.,,That a special assessment district is hereby created to be known as Local Improvement District No. $ and the following de - in the Orilr irsal Townsif.e::of Port Townsend scribed property ^is hereby declE.rud to be within and to embrace the said Local Improvament District No. 44to-wit: Lots two (2), four (4), six (6) and eight (8) in blocks thirty-eight (38) and thirty-nine (39), and the west half of lot four (4) and lots six (6) and eight (8) in block forty (40). cost of the Sec. 3. That as a part payment of the construction 'of the said improvements, and in consideration of the general benefits to be derived therefrom, there is hereby appropriated out of the current expense fund of said city the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (ac500),- the said sum to be'paid into the Local Improvement Fund, District 170 to be hereafter created, upon tho proper order of the City Council. ■ ■ Sec.4. That the city council shall. as soon as may be, ascertain the total cost of the said improvements heroin authorized and after deducting the said sum of $500 from the said total cost, the re- mainder of said total cost shall be levied :and assessed against the property benefited by the said improvements and included in the said assessment district, and the same shall be apportioned among the several lots and parcels of land afcording; to benefits, cuch assess- ment to be made payable in one installment within thirty day's after the assessment roll of said district shall have been placed in the hands of the city treasurer for collection. See. That the city council may from time to time during the progress of said improvement pay out of the current expense fund of said city such incidental expenses as may become necessary and out of the first moneys collected from such assessment may reimburse the said current expense fund. Se 6. ha the said improvements shall be mad u der c ntract, Q r . l.M '.� w• � aw v� �jypiC r*%ri�:..-c-0 LLo 1J li�+�• let to the lowest responsible bidder according to law,�und r such conditions as may be determined by resolution of said council. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and take effect and be in force from and after five days after such publication. NU Passed the City Council � ztd do //0 ` -- 33 Approved by the mayor l[��- N/ 1710 t aA� �(!��� fir' -C �i._•r_ ���___� f IVW Z/r• / IYia Ordinance TTo. An Ordinance amendir.g section 23 of ordinance No. 116 entitled "An ordinance defining and proscribing the punishment of certain misdemeanors". The City rovncil of the City of Port Townsend do ordain a, f011own: Sec,".That ;section 23 of ordinance No. 116, entitled "An ordi- nanco defining and prescribing the punishment of certain misdemean- ora" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 23.V7hoover shall suspend or cause to be suspended any sign except an electric sign over any part of a street or sideivalk in said city, or whoever shall suspend or cause to 'b�`e%�s,�uspend� C- ov�l��- bd � 72,o_lhr an electric sign over any sidewalk beyond the outer ge the eof^.or Mess than ten feet above such sidewalk, or whoever shall suspend or cause to be suspended over any sidewvalk any awning more than ten feet out from any building or less than seven feet above such sidewalk, or whoever.ahall maintain or cause to be maintained any sign posts of any description or any posts supporting a sign of any kind on the sidevialk area, or whoever shall suffer any sign, awning or other structure of whatever nature f r description over . any street or sideival.k to be out of repa rI or in .:n insecure or unsafe condition shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twrentyfive dollara, N(,ihoever shall maintain any of the structures horeiti pro ib,.ited whethor the same is in ex- istence at the time of the pas ge^or not shall be subject to the same penalties, and any person who shall violate any of the provis- ions in this: section shall also be deemed guilty of maintaining a nuisance. Sec. 2. That section 23 of said ordinance No. 116 be and the the same is hereby repoaled. j Passed the City Council A&I—ilell _ro//_ Approved by tI n mayor_ �� CGlt!zo._._ //'?/e An Ordinance maltilir tho tax .lovy of tho City of Port Townsend, lashington for the year 1910, and nixing the rats of taxation. The city council of the city of Port Towr,stnd do ordain as follows : Section 1. That there be and hereby is levied upon the taxable property in the city of Port Townsend, Washington, the following sums for the difrerant purposes aosi;znatod, and the rate of taxation upon each dollar of the assessed valuation in said city in each in- stanco is fixed an follows, that is to say: First: For the payment of interest on the first issue of munic- ipal bonds, the sum of k 7 O_(�__, and the rate of taxation � A for such purpose is hereby fixed at a2�___ _._-_ mills. e!4�L_( T , Second: .For the payment of i.nteresu on the .second issue of munic- ipal bonds of said city, including series A, B, C, and D, kno,, as funding bonds, the Sian of _ _. %.� , and the rate of taxation for such purpose is hereby fixed at BII� akq�ltL?�a ��4milltr,:.'= Third: For the payment of the current expenses of this eitpy to be paid out of the"Current Expense Fund", the sum of��� 9,;y and the rate of taxation for the said find As hereby fixed at, 2 --Cal--__ --------- mills. Fourth: For the -payment of the first issue of municipal bonds the sum of `�- , and the rats of taxation for such purpose is hereby fixed at 0/"&t r7lc _.� --Mill. U � Fifth:To assist the Port To%msond Public Library Association in maintaining free pub-ic library facilities, the sum of and the rate of taxa.tion4 for such purpose is hereby fixed at ��one- fourth W of a mill! 2n4y"JZV,�'`��=1, sr% J �j : n,��(�r.• /r't,-. : Sac.:?. That the county auditor of the county of Jefferson, state of Washington, be tend he is hereby authorized and directed to extend upon the tux rolls of said Jeffttr.son county, upon all the taxa ble property, both real and personal, the taxoa a, herein levied as provided by lam and thin ordinance}. Sec. 3. That this ordinance shall be published once in tho •, Daily Leader and shell take effect and be in force ,.from and after five clays after publication C Passed the Oily 0ouneil"IIL Approved by' the �.tayor /O \yc/ ae��.—• .. ". . rr t Ordinance Ila . _r, 10 An Ordinance fixing tho time; and place f,j tho regular inec3tings of the City Council and ropoalint- all former ordinancos in conflict herewith. The. City Council of the City of Port Townsend, 71ashington do. 5 !. ordain as follovs Section 1. That tho regular meetings of the said city council ' shall be held in the council chamber in the city hall an the first. and th!rd TuesdCys of each month. From the 1st of October to the,... first -of r:y, the meetings shall be held at" 7 :3O P, M., and from the fi:rst• of May to the .first of October, at & o'clock P. 1.1. qac. 2. All former ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Spc.3. This ordinance shall ' be published once in the Daily Lo-adar' and shall take effect and be in force from and after.. fiva days after such publication. +.; Passed the City Council Approved by the nTaynr (lle3�%�/�J.� ���� rc- Lr L . 1. Ordinance 11c . % f , An Ordinance fixing; the width and location of the sidowalks f and curbs on certain street, in the City of Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follo�' Soction I. That the sidewalks on both sidos of P.darns and Taylor streets from Jefferson Street to Roosevelt Stroot are to be five ;('E1 feet inwidth and are to be placed ten (16) foot from the prop erty line, and .the outside line of the curb is to be placed twenty... (2.0) fe©t from the property line. • sec. 2. That the sidorral.ks on both sides of Lawrence street fr`orn Monroe street to Walker street are to be six (6) feet in.width• ..and thoinrer line thor•oof-is to be placed on the property line, and the'outside.line of the curb is to be ten (1C) feet from the p"rop— arty 1fine. See. .3.That'all curbs on tho -stroots b roin described are to be six (6) inches wide on the top. lac. 4. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Loader and shall. take offect and he in force from and. after -five Clays after publication. Passed the City Council. ( C'�f��/r L� Y/O " Approvodlrthe Mayor • 0 w Ordinance No. An Ordinar.r,u .j.{' jjr?ft�i, �l1iLi.iZi11[ and apXrovini, thm assessment roll 01, Local Improvement District Aio.4, ddclari"t=, the aid assess- ment a lion on the property assessed, providing for the payment of the same and croating a special fund to be Icnown as " Local Improveiiiort Fund, M trice Tao. 4". The City Council of tl:o (lity of -Port Townsand do ordain as follows: Section 1.That the whole amount of the assessment to be levied against the property included in T.C,!ul T.Mprnvemant District Nc. 4, is hereby fixed in the sum o!' �� OQ that each description of property in said Local Improvement District No.4, as shown by the. assessment roll of said distric,., is hereby daciared +to be bene- fited by the said improvement as a whole in.the sum set opposite each description in the column headed "Equalized Assessment", and the said several sum.; are hereby leviod and assessed against the said ,property and hereby declared a lien on the same, and the said assessment as shown by said column headed "Equalized Assessment" is hereby approved as the assessmor.t for said Local Inprovoment Dis- trict No. 4. Sec. 2. That the said assessment Is hereby made payable within thirty days attar the publication of notice by tha treasurer that the said assessment roll has been placed in his hands for collection, and if the same is not paid within said thirty days the said 'assess- ment .shall be deemed to be delinquent and shall be certified to the County Treasurer as delinquent for colJoct.ion as provided by lap, Sec.3. Immediately upon the taking offect of this ordinance, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directod 'o certify the said assessment roll to the City Treasurer as the assasssuynt roll of Local Improvement District ,Io. 4, as equalized and approved by the City Council, statinrf in said certificate the whole amount of said assessment- as fixed by the city council, and attach l:is' warrant to 0 ■ to such assessment roll authorizini- and dirocting thr, :aailii city M treasurer to collect t,},e aid anses:�uient acc0i'dii'ji, to this ordinance. Sec. 4. The satid cityd troasuror immodiately uppii receiving; the a•aid assessment roll shall publish a notic,n it the Daily Loader for J .,t"so consecutive issues nt'ating that th.0 said assessment roll has been placed in hi-, t and.a: for oO i1(,c',IUI: ai.:{ t it•° it' 1.1-! is not 3,,: •: paid within thirty daya ai'c,or thc� i'ire•t p;ti}]ic;4,iLn n" raid t;atice, the same ;vould be Car le d©lint;uet,t and •vauld be cz3rt•if'ied to the county treasurer as such for ccllection. The said cit,C treasurer shall shall also nail to each property cwner as shown or, said roll., ax=1ixn if his address is known or t;an be ascort:ainod by roasonable inquiry, a notice statinEz the amouz� ti;o assessment, the plop� arty asses ,ed, a. d the date :vhoi: tha same .v eccrne delinquent. Sec. 5. A find is herehy. created to be knbwn as. " Local 'Improvement Fund, District No. 4", and the said city treasurer is -)i6reby directed to place all m0noy:1 ca11_ectod on said Lis sessmcrnt to the credit of said fund Sec.G. 'Pais ordinarco shall r.r. punit:.hecl one !n the Daily L&adar and take effect and be inforce from and after five days after such publication. + Passed the City Council. CLLLGC�tr.Z1��� a Approved by the Mayor lLicc�C�iz � •� / /�/ /ALL Ca% �LGfGc���dT/ Aea, j /I { i All Ordiruance to pr,:v,nr•, the .;; of the .'it;; of Port. Townsend from being plr:.cud in an improper cniidltion ('or tr•ravol by persons, firms, or csrporaticns digf-inr up such street;: for any lawful purtaose whatsoevor, rt,rri to provide pon.rlties for the viola- tion thereisf . The City council o:l' tho city of Port. Tovmsend do ordain as #' of l o iv:i Section 1. ':'hat aftor tbe t.alcinn effect of this; ordinanr.o it shall hn iirinwful for ar;y person, firm or corporation. no?. an off•i- sa to the cer of uj� ati employ of said city to dip. up any of ti.o streets of' the city of Port Townsend, ;h_v;hinrton, for the purpose gas, or,water connections therein �or for the purpose of laying sewer, water, gas or other pipes therein or for- the purpose of repairing the stone, or for any other purpose whatsoever, until such person, firm or corporation shall have deposited with the city clerk of said city the sum of five dollars for each and every such purpose for. which it is into to did up such street or streets as a guar-- antee that such person, firm or corporation will place the street or streets 'tClbe affected in an good condition for travel as the same viore in before such improvement or impro• oments were made, and any such person, firm or corporation violating; any of the -provisions of this section shall be subject to a fine of . "`' not loss than ton dollars :-nor more than twenty-five dollars. -1 Soc.2. Such dop6si : sha' l lee ret:crned by the clorlc to the person the sama upon the written report of the straot su- perintandent to the clerk statin,,7, that such street has been placed in propor condition, ^ut in case :such strec;t has not been placed in proper condition to the satisfaction of t o street superintendent within three days after such imprnv,:,zcnt, has been inade, the said street superintendent shall put such street IA proper conditiol for, travel and report the cost tiloroof to the eity council at its +1 � next re};ular men'AnQ and such cost shall be paic� out of such dopo:t- � it to tho, city treasurer wean th,! ordtir of the council and tho bal-- anr,.e if any, shall he returned to tho pernon makini:, the raid do - posit . J ifemoanor for any persun, firm or r.orpuration, in pursuance of a-ny of the purposes horeinitiafore mentioned, to leave anp of such streets in an impropor condition for t.ravol, and upon convictioon thQi�oof :s? yell: ba lined �zot loss tharl ter, doll, nor mokthar. , twenty --five dollars. Sec.4. This ordinanco shall be publis ed onto in the Daily .'::. S,eador and shall"tako ofVact and be inforan from and after 4..Ivo days i. after 'publication. Passed the City Council Approved by the :iayur :... �` @ , s •"`]`-�-QCl�. � �.Lli/4�C �n �JYI *��r,cr.�f / 9 // .. ' l i A • o n. a n N v �. aC r I 100 { R4- 750 Establishes sidewalk grades (Special) 751 Authorizes the issuance of local improvement bonds (Special) 752 Controls use and fixes price of water supplied by city (Special) 753 Regulates installation of plumbing systems and fix- tures (Not codified) 754 Establishes LID No. 2 (Special) 755 Amends Ord. 753 (Not codified) 755 Establishes street grade (Special) 757 Fixes amount of automobile licenses (Repealed by 1525) 758 Changes the names of certain streets (Special) 759 Speed limits on certain streets (Repealed by 1525) 760 Approves LID assessment roll No. 2 (Special) 761 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525) 762 Tax levy for 1909 (Special) 763 Dog licenses (Repealed by 1525) 764 Local improvement bonds (Special) 765 Grants right-of-way (Repealed by 770) 766 Licenses temporary stores (5.36) 767 Missing 768 Fixes salaries of marshal and policemen (Not codified) 769 Extends Garfield Street (Special) 770 Grants right-of-way, repeals Ord. 765 (Special) 771 Street vacation (Special) 772 Prohibits dumping of garbage (Repealed by 1525) 773 Establishes street grade (Special) 774 Establishes sidewalk widths (Special) 775 prescribes regulations to certain sidewalks (Special) 776 Town council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 777 Establishes LID No. 3 (Repealed by 782) 778 Requires sidewalks on certain streets (Special) 779 Defines certain nuisances (9.08) 780 Grants right-of-way (special) 781 Contractors bond (2.44) 782 Establishes LID No. 3, repeals Ord. 777 (Special) 783 Establishes LID No. 4 (Special) 7B4 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525). 785 Tax levy for 1910 (Special) 786 Fixes width of certain sidewalks (Special) 787 (Repealed by 795) 788 LID No. 4 (Special) 789 Fixes salaries of certain employees (Special) 90 Digging streets (12.08) 791 Licenses plumbers (Repealed by 1525) 792 Levies taxes for LID No. 3 (Special) 793 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 794 Establishes street grades (Special) 795 Establishes LID No. 5, repeals Ord. 787 (Special) 796 Directs issuance of LID No. 3 bonds (Special) _ 797Establishes__street grades (Special) 98 Amends Ord. 116 (Repealed by 1525) (7, ­T­­­­ 4" (21WA( )/Wl, 41't he City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. ThtLt after the taking effect of this ordinance no person, firm, or corporation shall engage in or carry on the buaineas of plumbing or sewer wgrk within the City of Port Towns+nd, Washington, without 'first obtaining from the city clerk a lijcense so to do, and no such licenee shall be granted until such person, firrr, or corporation shall.... present the receipt of the city Treasurer showing the payment to him of the sum of Fifty Dollars, and every such license so granted shall be. in force and effect for the period of one year from the date of such .` payment and no longer. Sec. Z: Any, person, fire or corporation violating section one of, this ordinance shall be subjects to a fine of not leas than twenty- five nor more than Fifty dollars. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily ~ Leader and take' effect and be in force from and after five days after such publication. J i 11 i An Ordinanca lovyin,~ tha assoutirte,11k in Local Tmprovrimarit District lTo. 3, approvinr- the usr;n3ament roll of said .diatric:t aJ equalized by the city council, providinf for tho collection ole the said assossinent, and creating Local Improvement Fund, District No,3, The City Council of the city of Port Tovrn: and cib ordain as follows: Section 1. That each parct of land s?iown on the assnss,sent roll of Local Improvement District No. 3, filed with the city clerk t' on the ' _ day of February, 1911, is hereby declared to be ben•- ofited in the amount set opposite the description of such parcel on said assessment roll in the column hearlod "Total Assessment after Correction", and the said amounts so shovni in said col%Lnn on tho said assessment roll are hereby respectively levied and asses.sed against the various parcels of land shown and described on said assessment roll and tho said assessment roll is hereby approvad. Sec.2.That the said assessment shall. be payable in ten equal annual installments, the first installment to become clue and pay- able, one year after the expiration of thirty days after the first publination of notice by tho city treasurer that the assessment roll of said district is in his hands for collection, and annually there- after dt�he ,installment of such assessment shall become dae and payable Erovided, however, that any person dosirinr, to pay his whole as- sossment in one payment may do so at any time within thirty days after the first publication of bhe treasurer's notice horainafter provIdcd, nithout intorest or cost, aT:cl may ,also at any time after the expiration of said thirty days, pay the wholo of any assess -Mont or the whole .of any unpaid portion of said assessment, by paying the said assessment together with interest thereon as hereinafter pro- vided, to the date of the neat installment frallinF duo. Soa.3. Immediately aftrir the taking effect of this ordinance tho city clock is hereby authorized and directed to r,ortify the said assessment roll as the assessment rol:L of Local Tmpravement Distric No.3 as nq-ualir3d by the city council and attach hi : vrafkrant of collection tharoto authorizing, the .S—lid city treanur'Jr to caly:ict the said assessment according to law and this ordinance. See.d. Immediately upon rocoiving the said assessment roll the said city troasurer shall. pz►blish a notion in at least two conaAc-- titive iss►ues of the Pally Leader, notifying all. persons intorented that the said assessment roll is in his hands for collection, and that the said assessment may be paid at any time within thirty days after the first publication of said notion without interest or cost, and the said treasurer shall also ►nail to each proporty ovmer or s. his wont, a notice givini- a general description of the property asset3sed, the a±rount of the assessment on each description, and the time within, which the same may be paid without interest or cost. Soc. 5. That after the expiration of thirty days after the dare of the first publication of the troasurer's notice provided for in the preceding section, the whole assessment. remaininr unpaid shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, interest payable annually, and if at any time any installment is not paid when dun togothar with such interest on the whole unpaid portion of said assessment, the same shall be deemed to be delinquent and shall be certified to the county treasurer for collection as provided by law. See. 6. It is hereby made the duty of the city treasurer at least twenty days before any installment becomes due to mail a notice to each property ownor or his aresnt, statlnr the amount of and. the installment, thn amount of the interest due, rivinr the data when the same becomes due and further stating- that if the same is not paid when due the same will he certified to the county treasurer for collection as provided by larr. Soe.7. There is hereby created a fund to 'no known as Local Improvernent Fund, District ho. 3, to the credit of which all moneys collected on said aisinssmpnt shall. be placed b3' the said treasurer. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and take effect and be in force from and after five days after publication. Passed the City Council Approved by the mayor t aa �' - _ ,.y.. "�����=��air. �zr�^`.=: 's•� i�•: ; �,. _'... :G�- �3^ _ - a._ t' 3e' � :�(:: 7..,,.•uy .. - ���= . ti. : f:: .. .rr - L.: _ y�. � ., _ My . _ - ,._.. 3G> :R,=•, ' � �• \A�. �� 1 ' h� ,� • (\'��� .--J �h\\� � -� �., ._ �. An Ordinance to amend section 3:5 of an ordAance entitled "An Ordinance to fix, rep,.ulata and (,ontrol the vioa and price of water supplied by the city water works of the City of Port Townsend; to .,privido for the regulation and government of the Uity Water Do- partment; and to provide penalties ror the violation theroof". pasz;ed by the city council February 2, 1909, and bolrif, ordinance Yo.752. The City Council of the (I.Aty of Port Tovrnsand do ordain as fA lovin: Section 1. That section 33 of ordinance No.752, entitled "An Ordinance to fix, regulate and control the use mg and price of water Oil >lied 1, the city water works or the city of Port Townsend; to. 11 V provide for -the regulationand government of the City Water Depart- m6nti; and providing ponaltie-s for the violation thereof passed I>Y." tile, 'city council February 2, 1909, be and the same is hereby amended t`6 read a. follows: t i. \N N,, ritle I,— (I.,i I".1 of I'l ... Ir 11-11 ill ..—o" i fl,111. Al 5(l vI Jill'. I'll,-!, all I Jill" :,It I ['I'll 011v fit,, in :,A_ Ii! ii'll t 4� 1 50. L- it ;1,11i i -I -M. Ill rr lit ;I: IM, VI: 11's 11Y mpt -I* :elk. ITTI .1 Nt IIATI 1 11 'J'S '25 Ilhi,therill�! — III I (lit ll.t I", • lk 11 �. E:101 An Ordinance to amend section 33 of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to fix, re;*ulate and i;ontrol thn rj a and price of 'Hater supplied by the city water works of the City of Port Townsend; to r',•;' privide� for the regulation and government of the Uity Water De- pttrtlni,mt; and to provide ponalt.Aes for the violation thereof" passed by the citC1je. )r ouil February 2, 1909, aricl bolnj� ordi-nanen No.752. The City Council of the City of Port. Townsend do ordain ao feL- lows. Section 1. That section 33 of ordinance No.752, entitled "An Ordinance to fix, rogulate and control the use of and price of water supplied by the city water works of the city of Port Townsend; to provide for the regulation and government of the City Hater Depart- ment; and providing penalties for the violation thereof " passed Ujr .Lila 'city council February 2, 1909, be and the same is hereby amondod to road an follows: t i''.1 13.'I:It till' U:;...4 Wit r. ,•I I v V im11 16.ti a••.t- t . .+� arril Lr nndrr,. ;Itall br�tt'u a, fie,lnnl -Call br :a+ f•�Itnu•+: .RAT V--E'n��nlrlr ni<atlltir itt i a : ❑dvn it, r, 1•.t. II'nllt It. $I.:1l. ... �� •ni•I iu .uIditiim ILrrrtf•,r ,it, It kir. r,•I ,if fl nn j;_,I i•r ^; •r i f nlr 3 i arrrl:' lit t. iia '. :i,I I ill ',>• .. '"` !t.\1; Ill t In I'.S Fir-t ,•1m:•, 2t ift .. •nEdi[i�aial t•L•tir, ;n t••u;+. itI r. in r:t aril i,+ of ' ] ^:•til „r !�{+, t'a a,�tt+. r n•!r t l litiui� , - n! int, _ ,.,nt+, In lv�t�•1+ au! rd' tin t ill ;lit ill "s it t;`14111wt•il t1l"L p' ';a RI nil. LLLLLL . a I I_.\('K\;I'I'II IIrlI it fir" in n I it tt- tc.itt•r .•I••+,•I "!..:n. t•a,at • I!" ON IHN DKI!Il" I:it t• t�,•i.ut• eor ' ,: y Ir.�, itl a�llilinnal to tvrirr r,•-it- , "' L: a ,•.It I[ nd I i I ituwI 1 0I'S 7t, lu t •nt - .'� RItCI\"I:ItIFS IS}• nmlrr uulc. :..� Ill •I•'1•I,IXt; t\ Iu N Pc illolrr itI%-. 11FILI11Xf;' '.! ]Oil +Iit:n�• : aIJ 21) rrttt+. !?neh ' } t i Au Ordinar— Ordinance to fl supplied by they iprivide.for the partment; end t t, by the city cotni The City Co 4C., lovis: Section 2. Ordinance to fix, 91. supplied by tho a provide for the p went' `and. rovid they .city cound am hda,d t o- . read di q S(I CIO -S poll ,Iowp -a.11.1111 Sq j" ..OIolA--t�TtN-IJ t).m%).KV(I J.110111 Sit ASO mot Jo wj,k.�- tt, JU0J z A% L I potpldun I LM W, LLM lo.-I I kill, -30 IN -I- Xis Ur jh. I 'I it 10 jjIj Jo it "Ools toill I Al Ulk l attd mn 1110M 1,1 I"M --17 rdlknca entitled "An I and price of orator if Port Townsend; to Foie Uity Water De- lation thereof" pa3!;od ordinance Vo.752. i and do ordain an fA- 752, entitled "A, n and price of Water "Port Townsend; to ,,City Water Depart- thereof— pas sod 4'aaMe hereby, .4 Hill, poI p—o nt 1.v flum ji1a,,f,-rir1L, or I Ill ivlc, 1,21: —ot< W.-t I ill -, rn,IL LIrrrl "1 "onil-At. 141 rerctI. Stcriv lvw-k, 1-r p-rch of i-olli, 6,,t, cmitq. BOO: Iord,. I.Y 111"Ier only. .M-AVIIEN SIMP. A\�D Fl�11 NIATI,- K I"I'S S-, p r—j,N or 1,,,. ill olldil i0111 N% I] I -I- vhelr 'Ir to 110. ur I.V tart lq, I , A 11 '1 A I wo I'! K� For NoAtlin r-1 vI I 1110 10-i'. v.1 I'd" k2 A 10, hY halt-v 41-rA ivp io' 1Afii-rIvi.—. 2.', v. -•fit 'l, or 11Y nit - I A p,r I Of;o to If"Il.. A11'11 1:1"INIS—Prom SUR) to $2,.50 nr hr nivi 4-r. II-\N('INI: sI.50 lo under. I'11RI R. I)rly por—n. in ;%(Mitivii 6) %vintpr vl—vl, piol urinal. $t,;,O. Drug +IoiroA :1111 +bll I", dyvillg :nub Ova uin-1 11MRIES— 1-rout ill -$%50, Or by owl er, An Ordinar Ordinance to f supplied by the privid f for the partment; Arid ti by the city crJttt The City Co I`t{ Section 1. Ordinance to .fix suPp11ed by the ;�4 provide 'for the I me1nt,.',4nd �oity' :`•`•+ ��'��`'iby:':-tho� couri' �amendod' t15`' rand 8; Bec`.Z3. «r w. tt.,l;•( "Nlua:+/ tlL 'FP)u,i anntlea fH11 ;;tnaJlhutd�.-,. �iISUd1l.1.1 :J�IU'11,}7l ,iluu aJ(Jm ::]C' �`.lYlU.1\ :3\1'I1.,LUi1 illnl S,r).au .i71- {.11t• MI Pw.t 111 ' (I:U+'!l1Pi'n 1€•rt'•r '11:' l3 •F )a Fa+(•r a.,i }tLU u} (Udul }t(`pn 111 '�.. +( Ir FuueaJl!\, J.t!;l ti1I)A4I1'Iuq}MIKA[ t(a1:J 'l19't3 '1r.}J>a:(J .vvli:at u} 1\u!(tl+ .l,n Iq.aa1J allCY_ �dl.11L�..17.LI1C5.11\"i71 � j�UU'lS �IICtI+I' .I;'GIiY •�, � '1lU 1`L'` •1 a luutq l!pl,villara U 'c7 'till )"alJ l} J•>+nslttlwl911'4�irun�r�dte��a.nlan,l 't;y.ngry L (ruts F�u!plld+l a(p}nlh 'r,iFuoy`;,u 'It'll II ' pule a(a(r+;( ill "uo,,Fiu,1OFt=a( a,lu��(�r' µt i,liw IW '.Ilcl(a luuu!1!plrn yal;,i �'tn 1 1F�L1;1-y,lUllti• 7l;•IiIR\'71 (w'IS r.. _..... •n}uJJ u,' '.htp`,tad e(aaanll anol Jn rFJasn ut p,�>n Iwo Ji) laa till garJ aoJ "p,.t ill} Um i11,11 lit ptlu J}ni r'I111i'lill L,al `a.nllt,tl;n i' ul�igjuum aCie1`+ir,l,1:1.\'il ICII1C1�11 :s]nupu) t n u'l Il1°le put: l,ax! en u.xun;( Jtl ID'tl" '.a,tt,nu Sit paa .~rant 1n111 II11111 aatlp+'Jalr,e Ju ut;u J; �rrJ•�`,. pv �.,ilq }uollj,, aq,l, .'ti8• un!}.,ag ' -tll-^ - I mitm- urinals. So ,eut. i'urh; ;ntd ete.lnl or hn[ a;i{iq' Leaf era, „i nest€d It, ,$2,64 s i` all E•. I:\ !!u1 mil•:`; -Pram 311 eruL� to or 1w wrier. rurh'r nulr. j� ,� [:,\Ia)F:\� fta• ignrke€ purpose=• bc' meter nnlr. 0u1'I:I:S�iF:\'I', 'lY I11'ILIH]t; ANIr IW,'V1'1'.11,S "I'.\I:11'\lS - 1)� •Muter }j Il�rl'I•:I-�. I10AHDIM: :1\]) Lllla:lXC IIf11`41 ti._.L:dl, and ra(.1; room "Is y r,'sll: nddi€tonal; ;rnd toile)+� bath �t ti tulw Will urine la vNt re. I[I)I1SE'S A N I ) M I 'LE1 4-In prirntr ,ta• III-, ,,hel her stlppllwl front hntim. Frn'irp ur of It •23 rladv eurh. } dll']1C.11CL11` 1':L1':1":1'19t1\F-..R�• me• 4 for onit. ,l E I'it EA\I P.111,1ORIES AND SODA v5,00. LAllllli.\'1'll{111'S, 1,01M \I!\1JFAC- 1 'I'UR11:S, 1tu'I"I'LI\C: 11'OI11CS. 1'IX- i llul .14"S- I)r in+drr anli, •�31knce entitled "An and price of water 1 f Port Townsend; to �i tie Oity dater Do - ;atton thereof" pasnod ordinance PIo.752. i and do ordain as fdl— f752, entitled ,"An i and price of water Port Tovmsend; • to ±;City dilater Depart- 0 1,• hereof " passed. ,same is hereby n •. S yi C)J t`. t, t I 1 I 1 '`k+fir I An Ord 1nW Ord inance to f� supplied by th iri'vid'ef for th» part111ent; and t{: by thv_city co u'' The City Ce: lovi3: 'Section 1 . - Ordi:lance to fi*j - V supplied. by tho, provide•' 1.for .the ,r, ment;''and •'provifi 1 v •y' ,try, the city coun�� amended :tt) road r8 I; 1(tln .ty,l.uu .tV1 �:15 J\f)L)C.I WO a:lllltl,l.l1'rl l,\ 'sN:I0A\ UXI`LLl,utl :n:f.l.l, \\{\ \'rlt lti ti:I l:il1•I,\lfl 111\•1 -till '' u] ll'1"ld Iona., tiX1�,l.\.115;1 ti.'UOS (lS1° 53111O,1.)\:1 iC\"•I:ti il•)r.+ •.; 1uo .la,.�j. dr1;1, .)I'LI\:IUSIP ,(., t:a'6�pt, 1.1 YP• ',, n! lu .ol •, roans( tnn,t! P''!(d�lu> a„t!{.rye, '-•gyp! .0l4 a11:el.t�.�+l r�;l'LlK (IX1' Sihtilio ll w\�•t yttutau puo �,ptl Uo "luu� lim!" pin U^'I$ --Naa Wll :)\1'Itflil LEXV :1\I0,,IVO11 '�I;LLttll \\ •.iiun .'I\`.LI,I�tlli Ii\\� 'a:l\Ill`11.1V1 .1.1. •¢1 '�rFod.,ud 1•�:Ln:w .r;l ' �X:•illlll':1 S{uo a.l,•nn .Stl '�:11\C,1lCLLIt �:C:1 '.l,i}.Ili .tit! a,•'nll !':^ ol ,,uaa11—�aaAtill X:I:•l:l:) •,(Ion a.i\,\It •SIE' -v;IIJLI\.lOa '119'7,� u} s}n•,:, C.! 'R.lo}Itnt a.�4 u,at lay w niva}x 1,uu :gil:a�xtn•oa 11!'ti*I):uuu :,ht;a •c Lua.l '_� ': phu(., .,a,l:.0 :Seta,, 01 'lluF,lod 0111u!1!!olo, yn:a 'D!•.1� ,..:al an suo:,,a,f $2.541, or 1,%, meter. PORTAItLE 1-':aOi\h14 — first horse power, $1.00, citch miditfonnl hnne 11'llliLl•;R:Vdi 1,111UOR HOUSES—Ify meter only, IS•:1'I'I:R C[.0sr'S—Trieste, each "ii celitt; public Ou:+ela, aneh its hutulti, mloolls, lod"ing 71ouses, pllbTic hlocks a0 rents eia•h. and no constant floe' allowed, VRI AUS—Irolcls, salolms, lodgin hkmses, puhlie blocks, stores mid of. five- hfo,'I:x, self•elu in aft eeuta.eun• stunt flow, $1,00. fi'I'!?:111 l:SC:I\IcS—I°ur 'first horse' powi-r, 1.i111, laid fire rents for eavh a li it ionul horse•power. oat exeeed- iuf twenty; from tweet}• to thirty horse-lsncer. dtl rents; flIom lhirt}' to forty horse -power, :10 rents, and exeedin; forty horw'-!„Iwer, 90 ecul.s. 017110E.. ISIPI MINIS AND BLOMS— Each room shore the ground fluor, :,-i retlt-; offlees of roamd flour, fire person+ or h,.v. j5 cents, mid each uddiliunnl pet sun, 10 reins. 11-114111 pltO'I'f.(",VtOS--private, for o_- hteh pipe, $.100; for 3-ineh pipe, $10: 011 per annual, Nituieipal rotes, for fir, hy'dtanly, CL1}p; fire slntions, and `price. Fort Tovmsond; tti• City Water Depart 'hereof " pas'sed Jame i s ..hereby kk J, I:. • M urainanco To i supplied by th privide for th partment; and tj by the city cou; The City Cc, lovis: ti Section 1. Ordinance to fix till supplied by III.%, 0AAJI provide' for the l"........U", ment;and rovi( i� I"J 1)y the: ci t:y coun jjvlj^ sit amon de, d,, read a ec, ;I,i f;tliiil% vill([ A111,10 mitt.., CiIv ' Hall and saltir as offi,01 -1<,; Pfflir,- Dquirtumlit find -141fl. vlosvtA am[ 1-rimils extra. Vkv rubs Air %v:ttt,r 411ppliml liv fill,- It-r .41mll III, for III(- quantity nsvd in 11113•0110 HIMIth Ili I 0 It RON � r lvrlr tit Ilff A I.., Lhrr W $12. 1, fir a' "00 glifloll frail Uglks, 2w vi-III 4 II.'r it "..—Invoo icki 11, 111 If 'Jill I 1 005 I f per, lov),lo"'mil orlo, t! I MON) pII- I 0,1flo 'mid el,, I 1)(-r 911 lie - fa dLl•r I it Lnulnvaa III I 1sotint]•It till, i Frrtiml 'S t VIA;,tf 1114-11 . rt. ruplit,_,I, pmv,- it water- miivT mi m , i .,W It\ I— - f IIII'llstiril N -rr for I L", Jim, t" Itie" M �,`,and pi , -i ,ort Townsend; to City Water Depart hereof passed A. Lnie 'is bereby r ti}*:r � � � � - fir, , •��':''' ',tip,. :'1 .. � Ys. 1rF•S. -•.w w: ll. it 1'�...t,ll'l t.,•� 1 i r.l��'.!� e' VA I �(, � - . I}iU• r.l, II lddtl inp,+l Il:i • �... '' •• �.'' � I..\l l•1'. •2 Illt }I111�ti1..' �.�L••., �.i Yr:' f'i' "ri un•[l'r lash' F'll o, rnrll 3: :!• gti.i :0 papUO • "; �F \1' ?1: '•1• �. .ur•11.:,:1 llaloly r.. ' : .; :. • l r ij1111141•`i,i �11111111' Ills ll'1.'1 �FS . /t 1�0.18L( sF ©R41?. vahnnl+. t�ld"'L;_ vinnl fln,c �Ix C100 /C S�>}7 O{;'j r,•rSC�, ; ,pOssud .K ,jOOdO, ull„trrd. funlf,nn+, l,d ,ry +pjn0.rd• pUtf , SIBiQ ..' ,, , il• lf�• linuyf•w, }lull 511 rcnly r•tl }, 8q1 .raj. aPTnOdd •+4di d8Q'.r 8-4VA 1i'jT� LII 1.+. •ptf r1„'. i, 1, p i' int ff .pl,l 'fir l J}Ilvvl• i'''O f O ddng 04:• ! paesumO.L �.r0 L{� Cl p �� •. ... ;t IN}, and till• rrnl41 1:'• :;','.' :1, .• ,.;: 'y^ .r"..'•.,..': t o: a O �f•Y� -_'•. pati7 }1u1Il!d', itl7mll',l•aIll`l \.' l; l,„ `r„\.I,,;\'rrny,lUt' o tIhlliinrl}y' CSJ 02 OouttuTpd0 5{\o'nl rAlllt 1•`. . . K a�'n;.. 11*�� 4'+`Fr„y�5?: r�:., ry (!r .111 \r•1.11La: " �•L'. ��'tu�.lf4,{4 F� III,Cil..lx111'l•1'� \ . I 1'l•I,i 4• illl,l • "� U07',40Qs- ElAO , y ^vtr,�:e'r�uy rr;r r.'.e r, :;ia;`. v.:.. (,yl ?' hlrr'P 1 � ..11 rrril•1. , •� 1�'.i,\.r`n�-`',�.`�,"�� »..',�::', ".`.'. l.`. 1<.t. `i:w.x��.� S�� ( 11 1u H•ar•l'ift\•f'r. .. . :S.heL'+ :.\^„ ,.\r•Pll itts '� !' jtl,!)('Kti- '. (li' I'I I 1111 floor, '� � �• . f!r•Il{ ,•� , olt r�lllm :I b,lY r• I11 `�(I,e,r, fill, !: I:: r,f ,nn�l ]] qq•� ^^ 77��TT ,,,, 11},1; ❑f [il'r,; i. it illkor 1'{lCll 7 �Y tY e"LW, -1 0 cfadtt. nddil ilmal }l+'t*Vn, l {I)1• = l0 D 1.'�0 Oi,(� iSC; 1 ✓l'l11\ -I'ricntl' >•ntl: [ar :Eiul'll PII roll+ Pil„•. ?' ,,; it ! �ueurldtrd'• : uo prr Iwaulll. ra pu firs. nlatinn'•. ;.. ., a�.': �.�. `. [;,r hydrant�4 a03 11 Rq POTTddns ,'.T 04 oouBuTp:10 Muxpa0 ay ;`,rye A�;=-;;: �_r?V��t;p...,.ta'�z.::;:,;r•..;, �,_ ., 1 • � 1 Minimum chargn, 5'1..00 1000 rats. and not over 5000 gals. 75d por ?A gals. 5000 " " 25000 n 50per M gals. 25000 " " 100,000 " 20 per :+1 gals. 100,00 " " 200,000 " ? 5c� pn r 11A gals "00, 000 " " 300,000 " 1: , par ;.i val s 300,000 and over I.OX po r M gui s . Provide`, however, that in all case; whore thci charges in one scale rate exceed tho minimum charge in the succooding scale . rate, such minimum char-gro in the succor ding scale, rats shall. apply. { For example, 270,000 gals n 1.2/ equals $32.40, ahila 300,000 �-als n 10�! equals only�30.00, hencn the minimum rate or 30.00 `— applies.) Sec.2.. That thin ordinanon shall be publishe3d once in the Daily Leader.and shall tavo effoct and be in force from and after five drays after publ icatAon/ Passed the CityrCouncil Approved by the majorM—A-&- ✓_���� /��� ru -: �'7' J-r 4 . An orszinnncn establl.s?ZinI „rades on certaA n stroato in tho [amity of Port Townsend. • The City of Port Toivnoand Joao ordain as follo s: Section 1. That the Praae of Franklin St t3hall be at the following elevationo, At the interaection of center of Franklin with the canter of Madison St, At the intersection of conteT of Franklin with the ,lost lido of ,Sadiaon ' St, e5.00. :At tha intersection of conter of Franklin with the Fast side of Quincy st, 72.50. 'At the intersection of center of Franklin with the Weat side of Quincy St, 74.70. At the intersection of canter of Franklin with the East side of Adams St., Section u. That the grades of Clay St sha11 be ,at the following elevations, . At the intersection of center of Clay St with the center of Madison 'At thb interaection of center of Cla-r f;t with the Wast aide of 11adinon St,' ;72.60. At th(v intersection, of cantor of Clay St with the East side of Quincy At .the interaection of canter of Clay St rith the Weot side of Quincy St, 84.20. At the-•intaraeetion of center of -lay St with the East side of Adams St., 95A 5 0. r dection 3. That :6.11 drdin�-nces, car parts Of ord nanceo; in conflict v;i th this ordinance be and the same are ropealed. , Section 4. This ordinance to take effect and be inforcefrom and after five (5) days after q public tion. .[-7-V t A p Paused by the Council_I9xx Approved _ _ _�_... � _r191, A t t o s tw_._�_ 12 i %► �ma or t t .. m 0 i An Ordinant;o ,u pra,'id-i :or r.i I;nf,ravar;c;rrt Of Ltortain parts of Taylor runt! Luvar+;nco Stroots in the City of Port Tovrrl.Wild, Wash- in;,ton, croating Local improvement District No. 3, providing; a moth- od of paying; for ..., ...ri.l _npr: .._:,rr;cI`, t c... V.`;; _'a' irr„ Or 740. 7137. The City Council oi' tho (7i'.:y of Pur•t Tovwnneind do ordain a„ fola.orrs : Section 1. That Tavlor strf_-ot fr•orn my north lido of J4ft'grson straot to the sout;l sid7 of' Lat•rronce strrsot, and Lawrence street rrorn tho vrest side of ;Monroe streint to tho east side of 'Renton street be irnprovodiis by layini! coment sidom,lics on both sidtj, A7 raid stroots betwean the points named, togethar 'alth curbs, Uuttars and catch basins as designated in tho plans. and apHcifications, aw..i grading the same for such siuet(alks anJ the parkInt, strip ad,jar..ont thareto whore .IIecessatry, andtho said improvement is hereby autnorizatl and dir�;ctt,d tb be mado accordint; to the plans and specs ricatlons for the said improvoinont ariopteci by tho city council on April 4, 1911 and now on file in the office n:' they city clerk oC saki city. Sec.2. That the �)rhole cost of tho said improvornant shall ba levied and ar,sesaoti ai-ainnt the property benefited by tho said im-+ provoment, and such assmosment shall be mado payable in ten aqual anrnra'1 instalLnntrts tvit;h. intare st at tlict rate of sta,,Nrl per eant par annum, and the .following de scrih�)d property situatnd in said city is hereby declarod to be benaritori by the, saili improvement, 0RTC.IP7&L T0I7tTSI'1'i+l: Lots 1,'y��.4, block 88; lots U, 6, 7, 8, block 89; lots 5, G, 71 fs, block 104; .lots 11 2, ;5, 4, block 105; lots 2, 4 6, 8, block 130;lots 2, 4, 6, 8, in eavh Of blocks 130, 1:31, 132, 133, 13,1, 135, 138, 139 and 140; lots 1, 2, :5, 4, 6, U, in block 136; lots 29 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, in hloo�c 137. PIji,i pc't?'S M)DITION: lots 1, 2, :5, t, ill a.rai: oi' block;; 1, l., 3, 4 and 5. Tux ITo.1,17,� part. of S101 '3oc 2 Tp.30 '!. R 1 follows : Bat7innin,- at 111!I corr.rsr or '.tarn., Avit. wid Lavercnca St , ; thann.e uestorly alonf; Lawrenco strriot to 'Aa:lcson lot; northerly at ril,ht• anf-]_ns 73 foot; oa.terly to htapl!� Ave; southorly along Maple Ave. to 1ief-lnnin.~. Tax lio.148, dnsGribod as followL: �t :i point on wont side or county road lnadinf, frnn; Learn?too st. P. T. to Port Discovr3ry 73 foot t'rom tho north side ofLawrenco st; thenco wr,sterly parallel to I,atvrunca St. 110 rent; northerly parallel to Co. road or 1,Iaple Avo. 56 foot; easterly parallel to Lavirenrra .St. 110 i'eot to Co. road; thcerine alone; Co, rc;,ccl s ruti;erly 5:i Tot try bt�rirning. Tax No.. 155, rirsr:ribed as follow~: or:r:uc?rcin t at a Point ;vho,re northorl;� lil1O of La�vronca 9+ . crosses lino bataaon Plummar' snd . Pettygrove's D;t;-4: ,- . C. along; sa (I I i n a 73 t'oot; easterly to I.T. 'Y. corner of Dennis & Fialtaman tract; scauthar alorg Dennis & iialtema.n ',Y line 73 feat to Lawroncn St ., tnonce to hat;'inning. Tax No. 159, part of Sir:;4• Sec. 2, described as follows: Conunene- inf; at a point on the.: IT side of LE-v7runr,f] St., said point being 10 feet westerly following th,: northerly side of said street from tho SF, corner of a �ioco or land ormod by Frank W. Tames, runTiint*, woster- ly alonf; the i1. side of Lavirenco St. 4:5 feet; thonce N ITO feet; F. 45 foot, thenco S 110 feet to beginning. Tho aouthorly 120 feet of Tax IIo. 160, —is(tribod as follows: Corvnenci.n; at a point on the i, PI. :side or Lawronca St. bairi;� tho sovthoastnrly cornor of a piece of land owned by C. Fi. Pinlc, thionco norrt'nr)rly aloni; the line of Pink's land uncl land of L. D. Ti. Xuhh95 raft, thenr,a easterly at right anf;lon 220 foot; thunco southerly Lit right anf',les :i95 feet to N. sitia of Lawranuo strout.: thonco viwntnrly ulonf. north sirin of I,ti^r- nonce Ri:. to placp of hon.inninl;� /6 L �--.'�'`�/� �j"� r /L�' � �� %/ � 7�[-r�.tri�l�• �/,> L�'J�.. �filiYC��L� `�� �� t.L, , NOLTON'S PIRST DDITTgN: Lots 1, 2, ,i, an(I 4. POV/FR'3 ADDTTTOIT: Lots 1, 2, 5, anri 4. Kuhn's Ranch Addition: Lot 1, cast side of Harrison Street. Kuhn's Ranch Addition: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, in Mach of blocks Y. Z. Tv {{Y•� .. �. it �r5 F., 9 0 `3oc. 3. vi at ror tire purposae of na!,Anj, tho saaiii improv.mont and l.evyint, wild co.Iloot.ini, the said ,ls:;n::;nent,the pr(,porty described in section 2 hj)r©or is horeby made and constituted a local improve— , 7aetlt�to be known as Local Irtprovalrn[int District No. 5. Snc.4. Th�.:t no :1)orlt> of p;.i;'inf, ror i}:.: sniff imyrov•unFsr,t r,hal.l. be by the issui7(- of bond.,j, payable on or befou ton years actor data, boarint, so -Van par cont�. pf�r annum, undor an act r)f t1in Iiigis— Y lature of the stat.o entitled " An Act authorizing. the issuance and sale of bonds by cities to pay for local I'mprcavnmants, providing for the payment thoroo.f, anal d•iclarfng an amergency" approved March 14, 1699. See. 5 . That the; said irnprovera ant is to be done by contract last aa�.eording to Lave ancT the 'ordinances of' suici city, and tho City Enrinaor i;, he►reby authorizo(l and directed to preparn instructlons to bidders in thn usual form, and the laity dlerk is herf-ilcy authori— zcd and directed to adv,)rtlse in the usaaal form for ,Wilt (I pl'og)osals to make the said i.riprovnmant; the said advertisf%meat to be published i)'O•J is al.ionri or i:.isw)s of that Daily Leader, «urn OGwGZiti INA _•Q•:�uu r tr,.• ifi saal.nd pr•uposals to T)f/ operand awd considered at: the next reuular moot ina- of tho city co am ll Soc. 6. That tht) city council , _. vvom tini,� to time pay out of the 4'urrent Exp,inse Fund such sums as may be nocess.ary and proper for irlcioontal expenseo in currying on tine s,>id improv,,rnr3nt and re — for that said -'•and out, of tho first moneys derivgad from the said spoci,-.l assessment. Sac. 7, That thf) (11ty Council sha1L .irrmediatt(jly a flul)r the c:oin— pirt.ion or the said improvement asaor*;aiin tnn total nest thareor, and provide, I'or the I.evying of the Said aastbs:: iant and tho issuing of t,h() Salirf bondr, Xitbc)ut undue delay. Seo. S. That Ordinance 7o. 787 ontitleri "An Ordinance fixing, tho width tinr) location of file sia owalks and dabs on rertaill streats in thn city of Po. t Toun:;and, 1ala:chin ^ton" be and tho `la ine is :z hereby repealed. Soo. 9. Thut this.ordinance shall be published Ono in tha Daily Leador and shall talte effect wid be in .Force fro►n ukld artnr five, days after poblicat,:i,on. + r r 8 9 1. City Council i April l l Pay. ,_ oca 1 7- �. Passed the i 5 P Approved by tho Mayor April �_r 1911. l_ t;, An Ordinance providing for and authorizing and directing It the issuance OW local improvement bonds of Local Improvement District: No.3 in tho City of Port Townsend, Washington, aX authorizing the delivery of "Ito same to tho contractors. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follow Section 1. That upon the taking; effect cf this ordinance and on May 91 1911,,the mayor and city clerk of said city are hereby authorized and directed to execute jto be issued and delivered to P. M. Coyne and James H. Coyne, the contractors constructing; the improvement in said Local Improvement District No. 3, in part payment of said work, local inpro emQnt bonds in ohs ag;g,r,.ig;ate suca of Twelve Thousand One Hundred Ninety and twenty-nine hundredths Dollars (112190.29), in denominations of one hundred' dollars each; that is, one hundred twenty-one bonds in the sum of one hundred dollars each and one bond in the sum of $90.29. Sec.2. That the said bonds shall be numbered consecutively from one up►vards4 shall be dated May 9, 1911, made payable to P. M, Coyne and ,Tames H. Coyne or bearer on orbefoe ton years after date with interest at the rate of seven por cant per annum, inter- ost payable annually; thht, each bond shall have attached thereto ten interest coupons, and each bond and each coupon shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk of said city and each bond shall have the seal of said city attached thereto; Provided, however, that said coupons may in lieu or being, so signed have printed thereon a fac-:simile of the signatures of said officers; and generally the said bonds and the said coupons shrill be issued in conformity to the act or tine ing;islature by which they are authorize+i and shall refer to such act in an appropriate way and !a the ordi- nanco authorizinj the said improvement and contain such recital, as to the fund out of uhich they are to be paid and pthor recitals as required by said act. Sec. 3. That tho staid bonds shall be delivered , o the city treasurer for rs4;istration and nt't�;r such reat;istrtion t?1�3 sumo shall he delivered to t'ce said contractors upon their roceipt duly executed t"o the,-: said treasurer. .`Sec. d. That this ordinance shall be published-oncn in the -I Daily Deador anti take nN'eut and be in force from and aftr,r five clays aftor publication. PassAl by the City Council Approved by the Mayor ��L�ul �. •i9// Q 4- i ORDINANCE NO. I An ordinance establishin,; gradoe on certain streets in the City of Port Townsend. The City of Port Townsend does ordain as follows: SECTION 1,That the grade of Lincoln St shall be at the .foll.owind alevatione, At the intersection of conter of Lincoln St,witb the East side of Benton 8t,143.60 r At the intersection of center of Lincoln St,with the West side.of Benton St,141.42. At the intersection of center of Lincoln St,with the East side of Calhoun St,130.32. . At the intersection of center of Lincoln St,with the West sida:of Calhoun St,128.14 . SECTION 8. That the grade of Benton St shall be at the following elevations, At the intersection of center of Renton.St,with,the South side.of Lincoln, St,142.06. At.the intersection of center of Benton-St,with the North sida of Lincoln. St4142.96 . At the intersection of center of Benton St,with the South side,of Garfield, St,151.16. At the intersection of center of Benton St,with the North side of Garfield St,152.18, . z SECTION 3. That all ordinances,or parts off ordinances,in conflict, with this ordinance be and the same are repealed. . tECTION 4. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after five (5) days after its first publication Passed by the Council tll (0/` 19110 Approved. Attest!: R' i� Y 1911. aygs .. Ordinance 1To. J ATT ORbIYP!(II! amording; sections rout, (4) and t.-ienty-'five (25) of ordinance �4o. 116 entitled "An Ordinanco defining and proscrib— inf,, the punish of certain: misdemeanors" pa:.sod by the city council April 3, 1885 and approved by thn mayor April 4, 1885. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain, ds follows: Section 1. That soeticn four- (4) of ordinance No. 116, -ntitlod "An Ordinance defining and preacribing, the punishment of certain misdemeanors" passed by the City Council April 3, 1885 and approved by the mayor, April 4, 1885, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4. Whoover shall within the city draw any species of firearms whether loaded or not, or any dirk, dagger, knife or other dangerous or deadly weapon on the person of another, or whoever shall in any manner not. amoiznting to a felony, resist any city officer in the discharge of his duties or interfere in any manner with the prop- er discharge of such duties, shall be punished by a fit;e of not more than one hundred dollars. Sec.2. That section Cwenty-five (25) of said ordinance No. 116 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.25.17hoover shall wantonly destroy, cut, remove, deface, mark or write upon or in any manner injure any fonco, gate, or any bridge dwelling house, building;, hitching post, awning, railinFz, or in any manner injur© or destroy any other kind of property whatever, or whoever shall steal, take or carry away the property of another not more amounting; to a felony shall be punished by a firm of not NIvexx than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment rot exceeding thirty days, or by both fine and imprisonment. `Toe. 3, That said sections four (4) and twenty-five (25) of said ordinance No. 116, are hereby repealed. Paasad the City Council i_Tay /G — 1911 . Approved by the Mayor �G�C�c / 1911 . 799 Authorizes,issuance of refunding bonds (Special) 900 Regula es storage of crude petroleum (9.16)_' "_"`•W 801 Pipeline franchise (Special) 802 Street vacation (Special) 803 Prescribes punishment for throwing garbage, ect. into manhole (9,04) 804 Tax levy for 1911 (Special) 805 Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) 806 LID No. 5 assessment (Special) 807 Creates LID No. 6 (Special) 808 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) 809 Grants franchise (Special) ,,,�10 Establishes street grades (Special) 811 LID No. 5 bond issuance (Special) 812 Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) 813 Amends Ord. 800, crude petroleum storage (Repealed by 1215) 814 Grants right--of-way (Special) 815 Establishes fire limits (Not codified) 816 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 817 Powerline franchise (Special) 818 House numbering (12.16) 819 Pertains to LID No. 6 (Special) 820 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 821 Issuance of LID No. 6 bonds (Special) 822 Authorizes construction of named ward (Special) 823 Regulates and licenses peddlers, solicitors (Repealed by 1525) 824 Prohibits discharge of fireworks and limits storage (Repealed by 1525) 825 - Grants franchise (Special) 826 Tax levy for 1912 (Special) 827 Street improvement (Special) 828 Authorizes construction and maintenance of a ward (Special) 829 Fixes compensation of named officers (Not codified) 830 Wharf construction (Special) 831 Grants franchise (Revoked by 844) 832 Authorizes maintenance of private slip at foot of street (Special) 833 Wharf construction (Special) 834 Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) NJ 166 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) 835 Establishes street (S: -tcial) :36 Amends Ord. ')52 (Repeaieu by 1525) 837 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 838 Assessments for LID No. 7 (Special) 839 Street vacation (Special) 840 Issuance of LID No. 7 bonds (Special) 841 Sets 1913 tax levy (Special) 842 Additional duties of water superintendent (Repealed by 1525) 843 Wharf construction (Special) 844 Revokes street railway franchise granted by Ord. 831 (Special) 845 Authorizes maintenance of aerial line for communication (Special) 846 Revokes railroad franchise granted by Ord. 716 (Special) 847 Revokes railway franchise granted by Ord. 721 (Special) 840 Grants franchise (Revoked by 884) __ 849 Establishes tax levy for 1914 (Special) _ A ' ORDINANCE AUZTI`QRIY ' r',.G ' IFEISSUE OF VrE JUT'IPMING BOYMS 0V ` YE, CITY OJ' PORT OIIIII 9EI; D, !'.'A�;3fIJ'G`POiI, TO TIE AMOUNT 07 SJ;trR2TTY-7IIF,; TPOUSA'. pOLTaAx;S { ; % j , (00 } , S, he (it;r r)1' Port Townsend hoz of;tctanding ite legally i;;cued bonds to !,hc: r.,mount of Seventy-five Thous- and Dollars (:'75,000) , dated July 1, 1891, and becoming due Jul- 1, 1911, and. ?;ac; no i'undc for t',e pa�,nFnt thereof; there- f o P e G v7-Z�CGt.:tti LLe9 J '' Section 1. Thai: for t,-c pvrpoee of .refunding the said bonds cf tl c, City of Fort To,--mcend falling due July 11 1911, there ra-•e ),ere), r m,;-W-!ori ed to lie issued seventy-five (75) bonds of One Thousand 'r)ollaAti 0-1000) each, numbered fTom one: (1) to eevemtY-five (75), Troth inclu:i--e, v;hick szsid bonds shall bear invere;et at the r,to of five and one-half (5 1/2) 'per centum ,her armum,payablo semi-annually. Said bonds shall: be dated the firs: dal- of. Tull-, 1011, and :hall become due twenty (20) ears after date and shrill be redeemable at any time: after ten (10) yearc. Sai6 ror_ds shall bear the seal of the City of Port To insend, be signed 1)y the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk and dountersigned by the City Treasurer, and the ccupon-I evidencing the intex•cNt upon said bonds shell be executed vi',", t -e en,rraved or lithographed fac-:simile cif-;nr0.'w,v-- o1' --aid ?Layaw and Clork. Both principal and interest cf said J,ond'.: sbal1 be made Ipayable at the Fiscal A-enc,,; of t)ie State of Washington in tl!e City of New York, State of ,Tent -.cork. -2- Section 2. T;,e bonds hereby tauthorized Pholl be in substantially Vie following form: UNIT IM STATES5 01 A'-,IhICA yl ' 1 12 if' f+ KDOV, A11L ::J.$)s B '2111MIt ! ItI.Sl ::Tt'S that the City of Port Townsea:d, in t,�e Covja ty of Tefferson and State of V"aeh - ington, aaknevrledfres to ore and for value received hereby promisee to pay to nearer One Thousand :?ollcars lowful money of the United ^tcatez of Ainerica on is}:e fir: t day of July, 1931, with irate: eet tilereon fro in the gate hereof at the rate of 5-1/2 per centum por D11111:,rn, }?a;,able. semi-annually, on the first; day of January and of .ruly in each year on presentation r T and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as t hey sever- ally become due. Both c,rincipal Find interest of this bond are hereby mode payable cat the Fiscal Agency of the State of . Washington in the Cit� of Ii®vl York, State of :ievi York. This bond is redec:riahle at the option of the City of Port Townsend Ut any time after the first day of July, 1921. Thic board is one of a series of like tenor, issued 1 for t},e purpose of refundinC at e lower rate of intereet cer- tsin outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City of Fort Townsend under the ai:.thority of an Act of the legislature of the Strafe of Vlasjaington entitled "An Act to authorize countiez, cities and townto issue bonds to fund their outstanding in- debtednewe r.-rd to provide for the levy and collection of a specific tax to pay the :.rincipal nndintorest on such bonds and declarinf.r, ran erner^renc.7 ", -pproved "arch 22, 1,95, as a*nended, end of in ordinance duly pasEed by the City Council of said City. It is berelly cer-tified and recited that all acts, conditions m and thi's required to be e done I)rcedent'and nd in the isruing of this I)ond havc., been done, happened and been Ijcrf ormecl in %nd form Li. 011irf, I loy luw; tlat t),e indebtedneac refurded into bond was end is a valid, bindinr,anci subsisting oblir,ation of the City of Port Tovneend and that the total indebtedness of said City; including* this bond, not exc(-!c-(, the statutory or con- stitutionul, limitations. ' IN ThSTE.'01fY 'MM�J� 0' F tote City' Council of the City s caused this bond to be of Port Townsend, WmEhington, ha sealed with th corporate seal of so id city, sinned by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk and countersigned by the City Trennurer, oni cotised the Pnnexed interect coupone to I)e executed with the far., simile -il-naturee of said Mayor and Clerk this first day I of July, 1911. Attest: ty Clerk. Counte,_r_i,-ned*, T3:t Y -Bil& I. C 0 U 1? 0 11. January On the first day ofT U 1 Y, 19_, the City of Port Townsend, Washington, promises to pay to bearer Twenty- seven and 501100 Dollar-, U?27.50) at 1-.he Fiscal Agency of the State of ,',aehijjgton in the City of !Tew York, State of New -4- York, for interest clue that day on ite Refunding Bond dated Tuly 1, 19110 No. —_- Attest: City Clcrk.------__-- Section 3. Said Refunding Bonds ehall be duly executed and be delivered to the City Treasurer andby that officer iscued upon the cancellation and enrrender'of a like amount of bonds refunded by eaid ieetze of bonds in such manner as not to increace the indei,tedneEc of �Q S tion ^ iiV (/�1rd ina roe ehls�,'Ji�1 e '/ !/Yl:--G`-'� Y\-- "' d Mx i 'r and, iu-bll - 4 i1 • U . An Ordinance granting to the Standard Oil Compay permission to lay its pipelines on certain streots in the city of Port Townsend;' •, Wash ton. Ike City Council of the City of Port Tovrnnend do ordain as fo11Q14a: Sec. Z.That permission be and the same is hereby gtanted to the Standard oil Company to lay and maintain its pipelines on Harrison Street south of Water street and across Water streot at its inter- sectioh.with said Harrison stroot. Such pipes are to be so located as not in any way to interfere with travel or with the improvement of such streots and under the immediate direction of the Committee on Streets Sidewalks and Poun4; and should it become necessary to move any such pipelines in the construction of any public improvemaht the said Standard Oil Company, hereby agrees to move the same at its own LIXI se � date d Osz ` Vv"ut4? ilea-d C ��� l� S 'i�hi:. ordinance s al t �ie� e�£t'ect and be in for-cu .from and after five dats after its publication and shall continue in force for the period of twenty-five yearn, but if the stone is not accepted within thirty days after its passage it shall be ineffect- ual for any purpose whatsoever. Passed by the City Council July 4, 1911. Approved by the Mayor �, _� 1911. ►J ORDINANCE No. U O An ordinance vacating certain Streets and parts thereof, run- ning through and being in Bracken's Addition to the City of Port." Townsendi "Ilashington, as described in .Section 1 of this ordinance. ---0000000---- THE ,.CITY COUITCIL OF VIE CITY OP PORT TO^r;ISEI ND DO ORDAIN AS POLLOW:I., Section 1. That the following named Streets and parts thereof, running through and being in Bracken's Addition to the City of Port Townednd, Washinjton be, and the same are hereby ordered vacated, to -wit: All that part or Landes and Kuhn Streets running thoru�l said Bracken's 14ditien; all that part of 47th Street extending from the went line of said Landes Street to a point twenty feet east of the west lino of 'pettygrove Street; all that part of 45th Street ex- tending from the west line of said Landes Street to a point twenty feet east of the ',Test line of said pettygrove Street; all that part of said Pettygrove Street, consisting of the west twenty feet thereof; also all that part of "Test "U" Street, running diagonally Across the north hF_If of Block twenty-one (21) of said Bracken' a Addition. Section 2. 'That upon tho passage and approval of this ord4- anec, the City. Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to furnish and deliver to the County Auditor of Jafferson County, a certified copy of .this ordi aance..Avv-C '� �� L � r'•tL�«� c� 4 lc Ad 64o �t r Once �.lsK cam, ,a� -,ux�/ tc; Lr U ci 17 Passed the' Coun6*1 ef% th, 1911. Approved t th, 1911.._--- Attest: Mayor. i G2u (� City Clerk. v ORDINANCE 110. r5 Qk5. An ordinance prescribing the punishment for throwing stonas,sticks.. garbage or debris into any lamphole,ranhole,or flush tank of the sewer system. ' The Sity Council of the City of Port Townsend does ordain as follows:-. SECTI ON 1. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person, or persons to throw any stones,aticks,garbags,or debris of any kind into any lamphole,manhole,or flush tank of the sssver system, molest in any way any cover,drip pan,or pipe of ' the sewer system without proper authority so to do, within the limits of the City of Port Townsend, SECTION 2.That any parson,ar persons,who shall violate any of the provis— ions of se.ctien l,of this ordinanca,shall bo guilty of a misdemwanor,and on conviction thareof shall be finod in any sum not less than five (5) dollars,or more than ono hundred (100) dollars. SECTION 3.That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five (5) days from thq date of its publication. Passed the Council.. . ; . ., ...... , AY.... ,193.1. Approved by .the Vayos.....'.z.- .................1911, Attest,City Clerk ..............':''`:. �..... , .1911. Rayor. �ec,-Y� Cu�ur�a�f -AN OAnI'TATdr I fixinr tL-.,; rates of taxation and malcing the tax ,,:Aevy for the year 1911.4 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as r fol3.ows : Section 1. that there and hereby is levied upon all the tA- able prdporty in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, upon each dollar of the assessed valuation thereof, the following amounts and .for the fgpjIowin,to-wit: � purposes, to�v�i t First! For the payment of interest on tho refunding bonds issues, 4fuly 1, 1911, a tax of e� al.f.LI'cer Zf ..���_mills Second: For the payment of interest on the second issue of miin&ipal bonds of said city, includInl oer, n9 C and D, known as funding .bonds,, a. tax of &3Lc_.� �'C�- f 3/g _mills y f�. Thit•c'�' P r the payment of the current expenses/ of said city to,', be paid o�wt the funds� ��knotin as the Current Expense Fund, a tax of. -----_�L""1L------------mills �.. _ Fou the For the Public Library a tax of oof one mill. �, �4�,, cr Q. Making a tot'il tax levy for a13 purposes for the said year 1911, of 4' eg(17- . mills Sec. 21. That tho county auditor of :.he county of Jefferson in said state, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to extend upon the tax rolls of said county and state upon all the taxable property in said city the taxes herein and hereby levied as provided f by law and this ordinance. Sec. That this ordinance be published onto in the Daily reader and the same shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after publication. i Foe e AN ORDINAPTCF anoending :iectlons .a, ?,, 6, 8, and 17 of an ordi- nance entitled "An Ordinance to license and regulate the sale and disposal of ir,toxicatin ; liquors in the City of Port TownsendF-,nd to fix the licenso foe therefor and to provide penalties for the vi elation of any of the provisions of sai6 ordinance", gassed by City Council April 2, 1907, and approved by tliu ;nayor April .3, 1907, and. being ordinaiwe number 72i3. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Suction 1. That section 2 of ordinance No. 728, entitled "An Ordinance to license and regulate the wale and disposal of intoxi- eating liquors in the City of Port Townsend ai:d to fix the license foe therefor and to provide penalties for the violation of any of thn provisions of said ordinance", passed by the city council April 2, 1907, and approved by the mayor April 3, 1907, be and the same is hereby amended to read err follows: Sec.2. License for ;1w, .,:alp or, ii:ii,c,:,;;i of intoxicating liquors .in of five gallon a or snore at the same time nhull be knotm as a wholo3r31r3 license and a license for the sale or disposal of any intoxicating liquors in quanti'tes or less than five gallons r-t the same time shall he known Otis a retail license. Soc.2. That section 3 of snits ordinance No. 728 be and the same As hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.3. The 11conso Leo for s fling or disposing of any Intox- icating liquors by retail shall be oA-=D.M) a year, and tho license fee for solling or disirosing of any intoxiratine, liquors by wholo sale syrall be ;`1 0.00 a year Sec. 3. Theft section 6 of said Ordinance 'To. 728 be and tho same is hereby amandnd to road as follovrs: The petition for rivory licenso and Lie tran,for thareor shall set .forth the name or names o,: the person or parsons applying therefor, the r;haractnr of the license dorired �,ihethrrr for 1-0t.ail or 0 wholasalo, the neme of the streot, the nutnhsr of the lot a.nd block and the name of tho addition or plat whoa) sueji lioonya is tc I-, :t::t.d, thtitle of the applicant to tho promises, whether owner or lessee, the time :such applicant has Been a residant of this city, that if such license is granted, he will fully comply with all the ordinances or tho city or Port Tu:rn"wid -x Id t::o laws oC t:,ea ;tute of Washin;Yton, to which may ho armed :_tny other condition or stipulat- ion the applirant :nay decairy to itnposo upon: himsrilf, and t"he ov►rsor's ptarriit required by law, in thosta cases. :vhare the applicant is not the owner of the protnisos, and all or such petitions shall. be made or. one of tho printed blanks fuvnishod by tho city clerk, and otherwise In accordarce Zvi h :such printed hlrin'.cs;proviriacl, however, that the pre:sont numbr lw or retail liquw- licensees shall not be incre:as od, and as soon as the licensoos now i_oloini; rut,ail liquor licenses shall have been reduced to ton. in numbror by death, forfolture, or the vol— untary act of any oC oaid licensena, no pore than ttan such retail liquor liconsos shall bo in rorce at any one time, until tho popu- lation or said pity shall have roachad six thousand people; provided furtiaer, that no morr• than one licr?nse shall be grantod to any one person or Finn, and no liron ,e shalt bu grantorl to any person Or Pirin that has or any mombor of which liar, an int::rest in some other license or an interest .in tho stock or fixtures of any other saloon, and it shall ?3a unlwaful For any parson or firm to hold any interest whatovar in cnorrra tNarn one licenso or in the stock or fixtures of more than one saloon, or to hold ::core than ono license, and provided still further, that no p,2rson or firm r;oing busines.0 under any licran-S herein provi.ciod for lhall display any intoxicating, liquors un any premisej:a raxer�pt on tho-io montiound .in tl;U licerr,so. Sec.4. that section 6 of siii.'i ordinannQ ?o. 728 be and the same is htareby amended to road as follov►s: Sec. n. All. lirenns;ct to sol.l or ui3dose of any intoxicating liq- uors, under this orciinanro, shall bo grantwl only upon the following 0 1-0 torms and iondi�Ions, and shall be in 6111>-;tantlixlly in the folLow— Ing form: CITY LIQUOR I.TfINNSF, TO MTOM IT ,TAY (1,01TCERN: Know ye by those presents that the City of Port Tovrn!;nn11, its tho St:tto of torl, lic-111-"Od to .3 () 1. 1. 11T)d -Q i J 0 1.1 of I-ACIV i CAt i I uors by vhet,'-.'r by or rotail) on lot block the City of ?or' Toynst3nd, on streot (insert place in accordanwits; petiticn for the period or one year from the day of to the day of But that this licanse Is granted by the City of Port Townsend and accepted by the said -------------- upon the following tarms and conditions.* That the said shall fully comply ivith all the ordinances of said City of Part Townsond, and 1hq laws of the Stato of Washington and that —he— will not directly or indirectly by himsolf (or thawsalv'.3s) or any of his (or their) r�arvuntsj agents cr employees, soll or dinpose of any intoxicating liquors; to any minor, Inclian, intoxioatod parson, drunkard, -nor to any per:;ozi who is liable to become a drunkard, or who is uotamonly 7cnovin uz; a drunkard, or to bacome drunk, and that %vill -not perm t. any of the said prohihit,3d porsons to enter upon or to loiter in or about any of the pramisas whore such intoxicating liquor is sold or disposad of, nor in or about any room connector) tbc rawith. In witnes:; *:ihoraof, T havq hereunto aot, my hand and the seal of tho city or Port. Tovnrutand, thiz-, day of 19 Pltv Clork. And the application for tho s:,tiil liconir. :oust be accompaniad by the afrid4Vit of tho applicant to tho affect that he has not and 0 • will not have after the I.Ieonrsu .ipplied for is grantod any intarost in more than one license or in the stocic or f.lxtures of more than orio saloon, and that he has not obtained tho money to pay the said 114--onso fee from any person, who to his knowladgo has any interest it ary other ].come :n t_(i ono a;ppltiao for or any intorr,;;t: in the stock or rixt:Tros of any ot'nf,r• -_loon. Son,. 5. That section 17 of said ordinanoo ',, 728 he and tho same i s hereby amend ocl to road ;e s follows Sec. 17. That this ordinaroo as amended shall apply to all liquor licensns issued by said city beforeas well as after the passage of said amerdnonts, and immr3diately upon the taking effect s of these amendments all nr+rons now holdini; a lic in:is to sell. intox- icatir.'r liquors shall pay to the city treasurer such additional sum as. will in proportion to the unexpired portion of such license retake a rate equal to that provided in section threo hereof as amended: Provided, howevor, that any one holding, such license at the time of the taking effect of this ordinanr..3 contrary to any of its pro- visions, or any one holding a liconso at such time and not wishing* to xxmply pay the increasri:i rate herein provided for, may deliver up such license anel upon application to the city coancil may re- chive the return of, the unused portion of said license fee. 7- i n n } � • l }. rr -sod 1 F Sec. 5. This ordinan<:o Oiall be published once in the Daily . Leader and take effect and he in Force from and after five, days after publication. Pacsrjd the City Council ce"9// Approved by the ;.Tayor _ C0671 Il"Ir 004 Ordinance No An Ordinance levying the assessment in and equalizing, and ap- proving the assessment roll of Local Improvement District No 5, do- clarinC the said assessment a lion on the property assessed, pro- viding for the payment of the same and creating; a special fund to .. be known as Local Improvatuant Fund, District No 5. The City Council of the City of Port; Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. That the whole amount of the assessment to be levied against the property included in Local Improvement District Ito. 5, is hereby fixed at the stun of P i_ r that each descrip tion of property in said Local Improvement District No 5, as shown by the assessment roll of said district is hereby declared to be benefited by the said improvement as a whole in the stem set oppo- site each description in the column headed "Equalized Assessment", and the said several stems are hereby levied and assessed against 9 said property and her©by declared a lion on the same, and the said assessment as made or as corrected by said council is hereby directed to be extended by the city clerk to the column headed "Equalized Assessment" and the said assessment as -shown by said column approved as and for the assessment for the said local Improvement District No 5. Seca 2. That the raid assessment shall be payable in ton equal.. annual installments, the first installment to become duo and payable one year after the expiration of thirty days after the first publica •tion of notice by the city treasurer that the assessment roll of said district is in his hands for collection, and annually thereafter one installmont of such assessment shall become duo and payable.: Provided, however, that any person dyes irint; to pay his whole assess- ment in one payment may do so at any time within said thirty days after the first publication of the treasuror's hereinafter provided without interest or coat, and may also at any time after the expi- ration of send thirty clays pay the wholo of any assessment: or the the whole of any unp&id portion of said aysossmsnt by paying the said assessment or the said unpaid portion of said assessment. to - gather with interest thereon as hereinafter provided to the date of the next installment falling due. Gee. 3.Immodiately after the taking effect of this ordinance thn city olork is hereby authorized and directed to certify the said assessment roll as the said assessment roll of Local Improvement District No 5 as equalized by the city council, and attach his warrant of collection thereto authorizing the said city treasurer to collect the said assessment according to law and this ordinance. Sec. 4. Innodiately upon receiving the said assessment roll for collection the said City Treasurer shall publish a notice in at least ton consecutive issues of the Daily Leader notifying all persos interested that the said assessment roll is in his hands for col- lection and that the said assessment may be paid at any time within _..- aid noti ce, ,thirtY clays after the date of the first publication n oiE without interest or cost, anal the said treasurer shall also mail to each property owner or his agent a notice giving a general de- scription of the property assessed, the amount of the assessment on each description and thH time within which the same may be paid without interest or cost. Sec. 5.. That after the oxpiration of thirty days after the date of the first publication of the treasurer's notice provided for, in the preceding section, the whole as:;essment remaining unpaid shall bear interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, interest pay- able annually, and if at any time any installment is not paid when due together with such interest on the whole unpaid portion of said assessment, the same shall be deemed delinquent, and the same to- gnther with a penalty of five per cent added shall be certified to the county treasurer for collection asprovided by law. Sec. 6. It is hereby made the duty o, the city treasurer at leat� twenty days before any installment becomos duo to mail a notice to each property oivner or his agent stating the amount of the instal]- ment and the amount of the interest due giving the date when the samo becomes due and further stating that if the same is riot paid when due the same will be certified to the county treasurer with penalty ;'. addedas provided by lawn. YJ Sec. 7. There is hereby created a fund to be knotm a, Local -Improvdment Fund, District No 5 to the credit of which all moneys collected on said assessment: shall be placed by the said treasurer. tr "Sec.,8. This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and ,take effect and be in force from and after five days afte,r,publication. •s .r 0 0 L) r AN ORDMATICN quthorizine, and directing; the improvement of a certain portion of Pierce Strout in said city, creating; Local Improvement District No. 6, and providing a method of paying; for the said improvement. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. That the improvement of Pierce Street from the north- erly side of Washington Street to the northerly end of said Street is hereby authorized and directed; that such improvement shall con- sist of grading the said street to the established grade, laying cement sidewalks on both sides of said street between the points. named, constructing; wooden box drains on certain portions of said street, and doing; all other things necessary and proper for making; and completing; the said improvement. Sec. 2. That the said improvement shall be made accoding "to the plans'and specifications prepared By the city engineer for the said improvement and placed on file with the city clerk, which said plans and specifications are hereby adopted as and for the plans and specifications of the local improvement district hereinafter established. Sec. 3. That the whole cost of the said improvement including street crossings and intersections and extensions of sidewalks at such in4,ersectiions is to be paid by the levy of a special anssess- ment against the property benefited thereby, and by the issuance of local improvement bonds as provided by law. Sec. 4. That there is hereby created a local improvement dis- trict to be known as Local Improvement District No.'6, and the fol- lowing property situated in said City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, is hereby deelh.ea d to be benefited by the said improvement and to be included in and to comprise the said Local Improvement District No. 6, to -wit: Lots one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4) in blocks num- bdred sixty-throo (63), eighty-two (82), one hundred eleven (111.) and one hundred thirty (130) respectively, and lots five (5), six (6), seven (7), and eight (8) in blocks numbered sixty-two(62), eighty- three (63), one hundred ten (110), and one hundred thirty-one (131), respectively, all in the Original Townsito of Port Townsend; lots one (1), three (3), five (5) amd seven (7) in blocks C, H, N, S and X, and lots two (2), four- (4), six (6), and sight (B) in bloc;ts 0, T and Y, all in Kuhn's Ranch Addition to the City of Port Townsend; also the westerly one hundred ten (110) Peat of Tax number 167, which said tax described by metes and bound, in the County Assessors Tax and Description Book in the office of the tax collector of said county. Sec. 5. That immediately upon the passage and approval of this ordinance the city engineor is hereby authorized and directed to r Y prepare instructions to bidders in the usual farad to be approved by the City Attorney and file the same with the city clerk, and the City Clerk is hereby a.uthoried and directed to advertise for bids in the usual form t,,4l",, approv,)d bythe city attorney and to be opened on the _ _ day of ✓I�fSG,!/I,? t%1911, for the construe- tion of thll said improvoment.That the said city angineor is to pro - pare a sufficient number of plans and specifications and instruc- tions to bidders for prospective bidders, and any such prospsctive bidder may receive a copy of such plans, specifications and in - depositing structions to bidders from the city clerk, by jugAM the stun of with three dollars for the sawh� the clerk, to be forefeited to the cit./ in case such plans are nottaturned and to be returned to such depos- itor whenever such plans are returned. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and take affect and be in force from and after five days af- ter such publication. ' y Passed the City eouncil Approved by the Mayor E 0 0. Ordinance No. An Ordinance amending section one (1) of ordinance no 21B, enti- t1ted " an ordinance to liconso, tax and regulate theaters Ehows, exhibitions and public amltserments in Port Town:tend", as amended ,�b(yr� Or�i)�zana tTo . 6�30, approved by 7�e mayor, July 22� .1905, a4' " V ? The City Council of the ity of Port Tovmsond do ordain as follo,+rs : Sec.l. That section one (1) of Ordinance No 218, entitled "an ordinance to licenso, tax and egulate theaters, shows, exhibitions and rpublic amusements in Port Townsend", as amended by ordinance N0,.680, approved by the mayor July 22, 1903, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follovis: Sec. l.All theaters, operas, coincertrs, exhibitions and other public amusements hereafter given or conducted in the city of Port Townsend, Washington, shall he.licensed and taxed at the following sums and .rates, to -wit: Every circus, exclusive of sideshow, fifty dollars per day; Every sideshow connected with any circus, seven dollars and fifty cents ('$7.50) per day. Mvery theater, opera, concert, show, exhibition, and every other public amusement, th9 su of five dollars 05.00 per, day, when given and conducted in any reE5ularl,, establisQopera house, V theater building, or lodge hall, and when the same is not given or conducted for the purpose of selling, or offering for sale, or ad- vertising, any personal property, remedy, medicine, cure, device, or any other article or thing, whatevor; but when the same is given. and conducted elsewhere, or in any tent or temporary structure, the sum of�� dollars per day; Every opera, theater,, concert, show, exhibition, and every other public amusaont, when the same is given or conducted -in connection with, or for the purpo:;e of selling or offering; for sale, or for advertising any personal 5toperty, remedy, medicine, cure, device .» 1.. I or any other article or thing, whatever, the sum of �2`! dollars per day,__.__...-_�__._._._____ when the same is given or conducted in any.regularly established open house, theater building,'or lodge hall;wbut when the same is given or conduced also whare, or in any tent or temporary structure, the t`f �l'L� dollars .. sum of per day. Every sparring or boxing match, contest, show or exhibition,the- sum of twenty-five dollars per day. Sec. 2. AI)ordinancns or parts of ordinanans in conflict herb - with are hereby rapealad. Sec.. 3. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and shall take affect and be in farce from, and after five days after publication. r Ordinance No. An Ordinance grunting to the Olympic Power Company a corpora- tion the right to erect pd1as, sting wires thereon, and maintain a transmission line for transmitting electricity from its power plant in Clallal County to the City of Port Townaand, along; that part of the4r City's right of way for its gravity system water pipe line from a point in section nineteon (19), township tweety-nine (29) north, range 1 west, Willamette Meridian, to the City of Port Tovmsend. The City council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as fol- lows Sec. 1. That there be and 'hereby is grantad to the Olympic Powsr.Company, a corporation, the right to erect alll necessary polesp�'string wires thereon, and to build, maintain and operate an alectrid transmission line -for transmitting electricity from its power plant on the Rlwha river in Clallam County, Washington, along and over all that portion of the right of way owned and used by the city for its gravity system water pipe line, from a point where the route of said sin ctric transmission line intersects said water pips lino right of we in section ninetoen, township twenty-nine north, range one went of W. M. to the city limits of the city of Port Townsend/ Sec. 2. That this odinanco shall. be published once in the Daily header and take effect and be in force from and after five days after publication. Pasned the City Council _ Ly:Li✓ 'Y"_ �% /�// Approvod by tIL- Llayor J r Awx�(- cale-d7 / �V/ .'� � :l -:.i�• tfl�• '�2':>:--FtaF%(�r �^��+-'N�,�.,eia :�.�.. i-t+.c:.err...�.-..._r.�-....,v.+fsw..xa�_—_ � " :. .''' ..- - '- �,. • , r � '- t 1 i- � r 1 - {� ) i+. µ O c* ram+- n c+ \[V c+ W LZ A mac/' ' w ? f7 rF s i c+ 0.W : O p c+ F a C] rr pPL ! r 3� CD 0 N SD m 0 m a N A' -i �C M CD O, i i r� W d 'i CDt .1 i o O- :3 _ -1R p .S K �v Sri W----- cr o ^s o !I W CD A m O (D �c. m :n' c* 'i c+ µ p c+ A O N 00 p p (D cT o m P. CD p' � m a � r ; CD I o c+ n CD cif P. tC CD © 'S m CD p IOa # r [n ib µ G3 aq << p n @ 0 4 '� W p ¢ 0 1'9 cD rs cr �O'h 'OS µ cr Q n o n r-4 CO O' n C a ~s D 0. ;1 p p c* p F 1 CD tD F� m o a ws c+ w t�! 17 cl C' P, c+ CD W O' 0 CD p p 9 a cry r ID CD n ri O A. kC S:6 c+ m z c+ Q w n p' O' a. o ct c+ Q ti R. W �c i , r- 0 CJ 0 An ordinance is tabliching ;;red.:: on cirtain atr r��tu in the �:it, of Port Townsend, The City Council of tho City Of Port Towneand do -is ordain an follows: SECTION l.That th3 trade of Pierce St,ahall bo at the follo•aine, alovztiona, At the interaoction of the cantor of Pierce St jwith the North side of Nachingt on St,89.55. At tho intersection of the contor of Pierce St, with the South side of Jefferson St,108.00. At tho intersection of the center of Piareo St,with tho North side of Jefferson St,110.00. At the intersection of the center of Pierce St,with tho South Side of Franklin .St,124.60. At the intersection of the center of Pierce St,with the North side of rranklin St,12.G.70. At tha intersection of the center of Pierce Stowith tho South aide Of Clay St,135.68. 'At the interaoction of the canter of Pierco St,with the North side of Clay St,136.20. At the interaoction of the center of Pierce St,with the South side of Van Ness'St,171.90. At the intersection of tho center of Piorco St,with the North side of Van Jess - St,173.00. At the. canter lino of Pierce St,produco)d 200.00111orth of the North line of Van Vass 5t,175.50. SECTION 2.That the grade of Van Ruran St,shall be .at tho following elevations: At the intersection of the center of Van Buren St,with the North side of Clay Ct,141.10. At the intersection of the center of Van Buren St,with tho South side Clay St,138.90., At the intaTooction of the center of Van Btiren St,with tho North aide of Franklin St,128.00. At the intersection of the center of Van Ruren St, with the South side of Franklin St,125.80. At the intersection of the centor of Van Buren St,with the North side of Jefferson St,111.00. SECTION 3.That all ordinancea,'or marts of ordinances,in conflict with this, ordinance be and the same aro repelled. SECTION 4.This ordinance to take af'ect and be in force from and after five (5) days rafter its first publication, Passed by the Council f ��/ ( 1911. Approved Attuat _e_ �t'.rc Qlf xz,� D7-L pw/04 �A-a k`/yir ue� 04 K 799 B00 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 __-a20 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 C Authorizes,iaauance of refunding bonds (Special) Regulates storage of crude petroleum (-9.16j --- — Pipeline franchise (Special) Street vacation (Special) Prescribes punishment for throwing garbage, ect. into manhole (9.04) Tax levy for 1911 (Special) Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) LID No. 5 assessment (Special) Creates LID No. 6 (Special) Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) Grants franchise (Special) Establishes street grades (Special) LID No. 5 bond issuance (Special) Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) Amends Ord. 800, crude petroleum storage (Repealed by 1215) Grants right-of-way (Special) Establishes fire limits (Not codified) Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) Powerline franchise (Special) House numbering (12.16) Pertains to LID No. 6 (Special) Authorizes wharf construction (Special) Issuance of LID No. 6 bonds (Special) Authorizes construction of named ward (Special) Regulates and licenses peddlers, solicitors (Repealed by 1525) Prohibits discharge of fireworks and limits storage (Repealed by 1525) Grants franchise (Special) Tax levy for 1912 (Special) Street improvement (Special) Authorizes construction and maintenance of'a ward (Special) Fixes compensation of named officers (Not codified) Wharf construction (Special) Grants franchise (Revoked by 844) Authorizes maintenance of private slip at foot of street (Special) Wharf construction (Special) Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) 166 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) " 835 Establishes s;.reet Gpv&AC-% (S. -icial) } L36 Amends Ord. "752 (Repeaieu by 1525) 837 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 838 Assessments for LID No. 7 (Special) 839 Street vacation (Special) 840 Issuance of LID No. 7 bonds (Special) 841 Sets 1913 tax levy (special) 842 Additional duties of water superintendent (Repealed by 1525) 843 Wharf construction (Special) 844 Revokes street railway franchise granted by Ord. 831 (Special) 845 Authorizes maintenance of aerial line for communication (Special) 846 Revokes railroad franchise granted by Ord. 718 (Special) 847 Revokes railway franchise granted by Ord. 721 (Special) 848 Grants franchise (Revoked by 884) 849 Establishes tax, levy for 1914 (Special) (� I IM ORDIMANCN, autharizinEy and directing tho issuo of coupon bonds of local Improvement District No.5. The City Council of the City of Pert. Townsend do ordain as follows : Section; 1. That the mayor and city clerk are hereby authorized and directed to issue and deliver according tb law and in the un- ual form fifty -Your coupon bonds of Local. Improvement District No.5 in said city, fifty-three of vehich said bonds shall be in the dencm- inatignn of one hundred dollars each and the other of said bonds in the denomination of eighty-eip-Y,t dollars and thirty-soven cents. The said bonds shall be dated December 1, 1911, and shall rot be issued and delivered before said date. They shall be made payable to Todd & Coates or bearer out of the Local Improvement Fund, District No. 5, on or before ton years after date with interest at the rate of soven per cent per annum, interest payable annually. The said bonds and the interest coupons shall be executed as re- quirod by law and when so oxecutod shall be delivered to the treas- urer for registration and after such registration shall he delivered by the treasurer to the firm of Todd & Coates , part payment of the contract price for the construction of said Local Irnprovoment District No. 5. Sec.2. This ordinance shall he published once in the Daily Leader and take effect and bo in force from and after five; days after such publication. _ Passed by the City Council Nov. 21, 1911. pw Approved by the Mayor November 1-7--.-1911. All ORDITTANCIR fixing; the salaries and compensation of the officer; and employees of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows : Section 1. The respective officers and employees of the city of Port To:aisend shall_ receive and be paid in full for all services the following monthly salarle. , payable on the first day of each succeeding month, to -wit: Treasurer, Seventy-five Dollars; Clerk, Seventy-five Dollars; Attorney, Sovonty-fire Doll.ara; Police Justice, Fifty Dollars; Nta.r:shall, Ono Hundred Dollars; Policemen, Sovonty-- five Dollars; Street Superintendent, Seventy -fire Dollars; Team - seer, Sixty-five Dollars; Stoker and Janitor, Sovonty Dollars; Poundmaster, Fifty -fire Dollars; Park Gardner, Sixty dollars; Elec- triciun, Fifteen Dollars; Chief of Fire Department, Fifteen Dollars; Fnginner, One Hundred Fifty Dollars; Water Superintendent and Auditor, One Hundred Dollars; Assistant Water Superintendent? Eighty-five Dollars; axed all. other emploype:, of the city shall row ceive and be paid such ccmpensation as the, council may from time to time determine by motion. Sec.2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Soo. 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and take effoct and he in force from and afte ��/ apUL_Iit=tt=- Passed the City Council Novembor 21, 1911. Approved by the Mayor � ai 0 Ordinance 11o. l3 An Ordinance amending; section 2 of ordinanco `?o.800, entitled "An Ordinance regulat.ini>, the keopin#- and storing of crude petroleum and its products within the limits of tho city of Port. Townsend, Washington",and ropoalin(r said section 2. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as fol-- Iowa: Sec. 1. That section two of ordinanne No. 600, entitled "An Ord.inunro reg3ulatinp,, the keeping and storing; of credo petroleum and its products within the limits of the City of Port Townsend, 111ashington", be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sac. 2. It shall be unlawful ror any person, persons, firm or corporation to keep or store crude petroleum or any of its products in quantities exceeding one hundred gallons, unless such petroleum and, its products be kept and stored in metal tanks located so as to leave a clear•space of not less than one hundred feet between such. tank or tanks and any combustibles property, other than tanks for the storage of petroleum or any of its products and so located as to be at least seventy-five Poet from hitch water m of tide water of - from the shorfl lino of fresh water bodies, and be surrouned by an s` embankment or bulkhead capable of retaining one and one-third times the contents of such tank or tanks, which said embankment or bulkhead shall have no openings and shall be constructed of non-combustible . materi4l and in good workmanlike, manner and of such height and thickness, as,will reasonably answer the purpose for which it is built •accordinj� to the judgnmor_t of the council granting the permit: Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to the storage of fuel oil in connection with fuel oil butting plants . Sec. 2. That section two of said ordinance No. 800 be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and take effect and be in force from and after five days after publication. • 1 ORDIHANCE 10. A 0Y AN ORDINANCE granting to the Standard Oil Company, a California Corporation, permission to locate, erect, operate and maintain any warehouse or tankage, or both, on'Lots One (1), Three ti (3), Five (5) and Seven (7), Block Thirty-six (36) Original Townsite of the City of Port Townsend, for the storage of petroleum and its products: k t BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF, PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON: Sec. 1. The Standard Oil Company, a California Corporation, having asked permission to locate, erect, operate and maintain, a ware- house, tankage, or both, on Lots One (1), Three (3), Five (5) and Seven (7), block Thirty-oix (36) Original Townsite of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the storage of petroleum and its products, and the same having been considered by the City Council,_.._.. it is her.eby•ordai.ned, and permission is hereby given and grante3, to the Standard Oil Company, a California Corporation,, to locate, erect, operate and maintain a warehouse, tankage, or both, upon Lots One (1), Three (3), Five (5) and Seven (7), block Thirty-oix (36) Original Townsite of the City of Fort Townsend, Washington, subject to provisions and conditions of City Ordinance governing the storage of petroleum and its products within the City Limits. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect, and be in force from and after five (5) days after its passage, approval and publioa tion. Approved Attest �i/� - �lr. z G-t-��- -, Passed Council APWI IOZ 1911. Publiehed�Q�rtl�ai ^--1911. ordinal?ce ::o. c� /�S� AnordinunL _stai�lishin fire 1i:.?it,s -grit;?in ti:.: City of fort i' U1lns,u] r4.�u.Latinr' the: coni?tr'�4 ;iiln of built{lllF- 3 said limit:: �,cl ragaaalin all ordir..L{u.licus it conflict therzz with. ..�L rltat 9u ft2G�t.� 171G 8L.'�a ((ttit llf6tL Oj Th,! Ci y Cul.cncil of th:; City of fort Tuana,:ud, Washington, do ordain as followa. Sec. 1. Tbat the -fire limits Nithin the City of Port Toansend, t3'_ia•1L 2"e as foli.o'ws: '� all inn ill,,,7 on l.'onroa Street 11'9 f•3et South`_�rly from tha South ui 1'/at:.r stx•0i 3t; thr:nc r ti'r' stsrl;r on a line paralell -with 17atar str%cu t through the middle of the tier of :,locks to folic strut t; thence Northerly on -'Polk street to the: Southerly line of Washington street; t1lance Tastarly along 7-!ashin;7ton street Lo Tyler street; thence Northerly alon[; Tyler street to a point 110 feet Northerly irzx of the Northerly line of Tlashiirton; thence Eastarly through the mid -of the Block to Taylor strvat; thence Yortherly on Taylor street to Jefferson street; thence ]easterly on Jeff arson street to '?onroa street.; thence Southerly on "onroa street to place of beginning. This District is to be known as Fire District No. 1. Sec. 2. . That the Southerly half of Blocks five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9) and tan (10), shall be knwrn for the purpose of this ordinance as Fira District ?Yo. 2. Sec. 3. That in said w5ed* o buildings except one story buildings ;vith outside walls of corrugated iron and roofs of some approvedfire proof nAteria.l shall. be erected, or those buildings which ara permitted to be erected in tit-- � fire District?ZO•/i See. 41. ALL nUILDIITG CO]TSTRUCTION OR STRUCTURAL 0T1eTG1,S OCCU) Rnm AFTER TTsr PaSSAtr!j] OT Ting ORT1I AT^.F, IT? �EFORf DEFINED, S:iIiLI, BE I_T COl_irOR�CI'1'Y ':.I T H TT?l: ;'O.LL019I'_TG RFQUIRITTI ITS, .. BUILDIEG ?_'ATMIAL. Such, in all cases, shall. comply with the foil o'win„ .specifications: ~9 a. A good quality of mortar shall obtain in every case, tharefor clean, sharp grit Sand free from to an or other dirt is required for mortar. b. All Lime used for mortar shall t?e of good quality, throxroughly burned and properly slalced before it is mixed with sand. C. mime Mortar shall be of good quality, thoroughly burned and properly slaked Before it is mixed with sand; slaked lime mortar shall be made of one part of lime paste and not more than four parts of sand. d. Cement 1:Iortar shall. be -made of cement and sand in the pro- -- portion of one part of cep -'nit and not more team .urea parts of sand and shall be used inuaediatoly aftar being mixed. e. Cement And Thine 'iortar shall be made of one Dart of slaked lime paste and one part of cemnsnt and n t more than three parts of sand to each, tl-e duality of the• respective arts to xxr�iEi:T_XXxik-h),=lihx accord with the requirmants above stated. f. Plain ConcreLe for foltndaLtions and all other construction shall be mode of at leant one mart of cement, tvo parts of sand and five parts of clear broken stone of such size ae to pates in anyway through i a -two inch ring; or po od clean gravel may ba us -id in the saua propor- tion as broken stona. The cetn::nt, s_nd and atone or gravel shill be :measured and mixed as hereinbefore prescribed for mortar. All concrete sha,111. be properly raruaed into place and alto+•red to set without being disturbed. -1- 1 iI.r�'Is[ M11 A"D T'Al;'1'� 'i�ALi,C: All exteriur anr; l,wrty walls 7-iare;aftsr ;.,rected shu.11 ')a coristrucf,ed onl;r of' hard burned 'prick; concrete; cwncret-; ouitat,ly enforced aith uuitable Tnatal; terra cotta; stone; ' or skeleton steal or irun fratu.� filled i-n .,i `,h one or more of the other ma, hareinba%ore specified. Blocks shall not be all.oaed .and veneered or nog ged construction of whatever imaterial is prohibited in Zlls hereinafter The follo:vinE, exvpt iuns only, to the pr-:cedinp, requi-r,.:nents are par:uitted to be hereafter erected: 'brie.: veneered, brielc noggea, or corrugated iron aar2?iouse,, with metal or apt ;roved composition roofs; without ceiling; or other int:rior 'rao@ ,.ork mt flooring; not to exceed 95 aquara feet ground ,arsu (sa,r n,, X 121) and not :aor:; than 9 feet high in highest portion. rut there shall :not be hareina-fter eructed more than one such tiwarahousa upon any one: premises; and in every case such warehouse shall. be located as far as practicable from the, main building upon such premises. Sec. THICIPMTESS OF r.,7TERIOR JVM PARTY WALLS. All such walls shall ee't' a of not less than tizFj following thicknesses: INDEP.F„,iDANT BRICK ?FALLS. (?arty ewalls must be 4 inches thicker than as follows) Stories in Helrht:- Basement: let Story: 2d Storyy: 3d Sto7_y__ 4tth Story One 16 in. 12 in. Two 15 in. to in. 12 in. Three 20 in 16 in. 16 in. 12 in. . Four �_ . R 0 in. 24 in. 16 in. 16 in. 12 in. (2) Plain concreta galls shall be 8'I��o of thickness required. for brick '.falls whether independaint or -pasty. (3) Re-inforced concr=t: 4ai lls shall be 75j' of the thickness -re- quired for brick :rw11s .rhether fndepe:adart or party. (4) Stone '.walls shall be 4 inches tl:ic4;er than required for brick walls whe:thur indepe:ldant or `arty. Sec. 7. PARAPET WALLS. All _xt rior ana party hells of whatever material, shall rise in blank pwraaet atu least 24 inches above the high- est portion of roof, both at skies and acros3 the rear of building. Such parapet calls shall thruu„hout, be of same thickness as is required for aralls forming top story of building. And in every case parapets shall be well coifed ,with brick, cemu:nt, concrete, stone, metal, terra, cotta or tiling set in cai.isnt mortar. Sec. 3. PROTECTION FOE Oi'E'11TI?,TOS I1? WALLS. Doors: (1) All door- swayz NOW or ITMAPTER constr.ectad in party walls; or in exterior 'malls which arts N017 exposed or which my iT,,RRAFTRR b,ecomto Ne>posed -,within fifty (50) feat of any other building vhich is largar than fifty (50) aquara fees;, ground 4rea, shall be protected by means of a fire door. In all party vralls such a door Khali be placed on each side of said opening. Said doors shall be maads, attached and secured strictly in conformity .iith the opeci:fications of tiie NA`1'IO-JAL BOARD OF FIR"2. LMBER- 17RITERS as per copy on file in the office of the City Clerk; and sill and lintel, at each dooragy shall strictly conform to said specifications. (2) Said da raayo siialL .,9 (.., ....:ri ;ail 'tl'la tiati,rs of the occupancy );:.t irl !:o c:113JJ�u11 .i,V, 60c1",T4y axc ed or- ;,quart root. Sac. :,, ',YINDOVIS (Or niun daoraay; i). {1} In every inutance in i.urty •,rally °iilicik ar,: ?IOV/ or -Aiich iaay IiERIPAFT., be- come expoasd witilin fifty (50) L' :,L c,:' an, other building:, -.,rhich is largur tiluin a.x fifty (50) uquaru f:,,at (;round arju, shall be protected by mvzoi3 of fire zhut•ter w1iich shall i,a ,j"dol a.tLached and uecured strictly in confcrmlty aitli specif icationu of NATIONAL .BOARD OF FIM4 UNTDT'RWRrT9R9 as j:ar co'I:;, on file in onvico i,r Ci C;ler. (2) Or in lion of said aliutLeru, airud. j,lau:s ,tindo•.vs sill be: ap-� proved in exterior walls, provided yAch ;�r; Of a cl',araetar and instal- lation strictly in conformity with thy.. allncilications Of iWTIONAL BOARD OF FIRF: UNDIuRWRI`a':;ftS, as p':r copy uu t•ite 1;: u rluI : of City Clerk, Wir ad glass in party wallor :balls jlro1A.11)i to:d. Sec. 10. CHIVITEXS. All chimnc�r3 in Diot.ric : 14 1 shall be built of good brick, stem:: or concr,_4t�: blocx;c laid in mortar, anti shall be built from the ground up or supported from the ground, and all chimney .flues shall hava not less tlian oil-. square inch to each one and one-ha1lf square inches4' tiuzl4l axua of the, swoka pipes entering it. a,�( �r�nz�.1 4t,� ,�,,vctLC s• rcic_ % �Grwua�d c°fv eu;�;�Grf� , Sec.vv11. FLOOR MNSTRUCTION. Two of flooring (ship-3. ;lopped and matched) with waterproof material bet Teen each thickness is required in all buildings hereaftar arveted. Sec. 12. FLOOR AREA. Floor area shall nct axceed five thousand (5,000) square feet In any ba.sr_rif.-nt or story bet. -teen walls shlch eI.t3nd through roof. Sec. 13. No building her- after erect_,d shall axcaad four stories in height, counting from lo*a::st street or alloy established or natural grade. Nor shall the h::ight of any existin , baildin; bs increased to exceed roux stories, counting from lowest str-.Wt or alley established or natural grade. Sec. 1 . INTERIOR FEATUL ;'lI!'ii C�iElthIIICI; TO -BUILDINGS IIEi3TiAF1'ER FR.E0TED. Stone Pos'to or Stone in other for -is for the supl-,ort of j oats or columnabove, 6iia11 not be used in 'he interior of my building; and atone hosts, piers, col!Laas or .Stun• for any other support or sup- ports is pruhibited c,—wapt that pi rs fronting on a street may be built of stone. Ssc. 15. METAL SUPPORTS must be protected. All cast iron, wrough it -on, utaol or other colamo, �josts, girdars, tr•zssi y or other metal supports shall be entir4ly and thoroughly protected .with not lesu than four inches of hard l:x.-_nishxri burned brick, terra cotta or concreta. Sec. '16. IROIT OR OTr0i M,,`TAL FRONT must be filled in. All cast iron or other' m•at"l j:la,taO ai' fronts 32-la11 b-;a Tilted in or backed ul, +Yath wasonr,,-, Sec. 17. EXTERIOR ATTAMF'pbl.,TTS TO PUILDI`IGS PRO13233IT1472). :two building in the fir:: limits; hereafter erect d, f2ha.11 have added to it any exterior wovdCri attaiLi.unt such as cornict:s, I•crch, monitor, ;Vllirl� stair -jay or cth-ar audition c.,c.1:t structuree over elevators shw to and L•,-�.nt house$ ov,:r thiJse e cejjtJUi-t. :%?' in every cas-j 1;c clad with such mc!torial and in uucl_ a !sinner as is aj j=raved for roofa of.building located :rithin fire limits :id a1k.11 neat ba largsr than is 5ufficiQnt to coVal :c.ia .tor Ezhaft or ai:d 1-lot v: higher above roof than is ab::ol:!t.el;; necJ'sa�Lry for its, reasonable purpose. bAYMARD or FREUCTI HOOTS are a,rohlbiLzd on buildings hereafter erected. Sec l-'. . RO0P111G. `ATj-':VTA1- Lv;:ry I,%; I'QUJL'.;d Jth, ..lilt tut.' L.11� . I blL . lv.'E: Cf CACZ.'7J1' aVilldOVi kill L;-,:-.t;h a 1juilding, Shall cov-,red hard lna.,iiud !),riuk, tin, coi.j,er, ircj!, 02- :..]]U C!-UV,--1 021 c.-.t 'It7;U-It thic"CZILI:.;524 rItIrl, See. �KYLIGHTS A!-,D FLOOR LIGHTS". All 1,laoed on or building h,�r-:,"ftur ej-0 d C 4, C. shall have i n any th- frawo- and sach thurr-of ifLetal glared -.vith �-;Jxed G.1--s not lams than ono--cjuartz:r (-) inch thick, I th or Frith glass; v, protected abov:. or Leto,.. air( ncteali3 ul not less than ITQ. 12 galvartizd i;ir(; rand awt i.,L,,.%: thun uni inch (111) ja,,sh. Within j'ir- iimi:-c .i! in 1`10o.".L fcr th�� tranu1",iE;4;ion 01, lirnt i.t; I'loc." (.-r- 1'.-i"i :;,;all LIC covered "''ith floor ligh.z eonstiuct:jd of metal frames 4ndl nurol .11- g,la tl it no case to bW..iesa than cil' �,.n inen thick. If any glass in same meaeuru-,; mu.-L- th"n 16 saa-kzz square archef> th; glai,v eball be provided �--;ith strong wire netting under" See. 20. STATRWfiVS. FIV,' '73AEE',H'*T. All hereafter con7- atructed leading; from ba�em-mit- shall b,-, anclobed in a B?curo iaanner bN maoiif3 of Uither of brick ol- L-imilar Ur by -raeanI2 of two (2) inch matched 1;lank. Th-,: of,anirq. in".o �,uc:li unclvzure ehall be provided With a substantial door s,ith a device auton"atically cloeing tha door. 1-1. MCLOSUPP, YOE ELEVATORS. All alevat,ors heraafter placed in any building oball be cmolosed in suitable walls of Uzzy material -'authorized 11this ordinance for.exterior I=-.1;txxa11x or party valls - :If the'se walls are 'laid in cerHn-%1,,- mortar and are not used as bearing vrall r. th,,y. ii2ay b,-, 12 Inchoo thick, if of brick, 10 inohea,if of plain concret e ;And 6 inches if of re -enforced concrete, provided their height tu top of parapet does not exceed fifty -trio (52) feat; said walls Dhall tr -c gl -i and at least V�-,o foot above roof.' "All (2Y in all cases ex- - d thro-iith fi door oVevingo in said anclovuro•shall be prot�icted t standard re doors k;u6h as are required for exterior viall openings, made solid for wrought ir-on ayes b-uilt into, their full height and hung to rabbitted the -va-11 and shall buve iron stone or cL2 ent concrete door eills of th=: full width and langth of th,-- opiz;nings. Sac. 2 FIPM ..CAPES. A sifbstuntii-1 ai efficient fire excupe of the balcony and atairizutyj-a ohall b,-- Placed on c.:11 buildings vithin corporate limits and execeding two stories hareafter located k4k in height, counting frixii the str,3ut Or ulley, astaljli:5bed or natural grad,-,; 1.rivat:; d,,;alling,:, Sac. 2,;5. STATMPIPES. DvcY-5i building cvar trio otoricie in height, 1,27 w already erected ill thQ CorVol'alk-Ll 11111itts, oi construction of hich b ereafter erected ;;ithin -L.1-1Q Corporate is under way, anti all buildhlts 1i limits, shall be provided %With -- wToueht iron 0;- steel galvarlized stand- pipe adjo1iiJnr-- ea-culs z;-nd raxt-ndinj, to roof for ue-, of the fire dap artLien t. Such btajjdpij,,z2 sJILLlj oj TVL.r on buildings nod over' four �toriez highli(t.1— la- Ala— 1-M, Ther- Shall bt; at the -bu:j-1-: cf oach st.).ndpi-le two 2-z inch here couplings on buildings lust; t-laan rive otora- es in At T-111-1 l"Ilding of each story and at roof thar-. shall bu a ---;IT inch ) os-, crtlat foi- hoso cot -riling. qw NU Sac. 24. CHATIGNS 134 11X' STU.C, '911]'LDUGS. buildings •tithi n -L 8 Q.0 - - vs' r-.,quire- thu fir,; lilai a ehuruc'�2,1 mante of this ordinaiwe fcr 11--;w buildingo, if ditmul-t;d from whati:�i�r caukw 1itoi"6 than thirty (�)j) pQr cuntum of its -value at thj Li'jj'_- of such damage (such vulk,; uL; kx LLLkax 1nLu eonoid,_,ratlun its age wici cun6iLion) ehuli b--, l'urth,:i1th r:nauvad frvin �ui%-hin th'; firu limito. -No existing building within Oic 1'iiu linlits, of a character of niutufial difftjr.:I!t from the of this ordinance for new buildings, zhall lbii movc,0 from onu Y th.; fir_-- liwitz to another part ullt'.I-�Of. I -To Oxiutillg ijuilaing in th-j fir-, liradtf-.1 of a Ch.!ract4r- Of different frcn tl'i= j'L' t11i:5 urdinance: for ne.; buil(jillgBI vithin ar - uhall . V Pz'l -iuC i ul' IA; J:,i4rA3, b; x­-jais'z.,d or altared to a .1arger extant than puf, C-.ntum of thk� value of i3uch building, 1, Tura' such raj.,airs or ultaratA.C,ns. Sec. 26. All ordinancus ur parte of ordinances in conflict here-; alth are har3by Sec 2 That this UL'dillalICO t:hLll ba jwl)lishud unce . in the Daily- Leader and take affe:cr, and be In force from and after'fiVa dayt aftka' -publicatiun. V. k "AL 99 AN ORDTNANr,N arnending section one (1) of Ordinance No 726, en- titled "An Ordinance to prohibit certain animals from running; at large within certain limits in the city of Port Townsend; to pro- vide for the impounding, relonse and s:OD cf such animals; to pro- vido for the appointment of it city pound master and to fix his con- panstation and to prescribe his duties; to regulate the keeping, im- pounding, release and sale of such animals; to provide penalties for hindering or- delaying the poundmaster in the discharge of any of his duties and penalties for the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinance", passed and approved March 19, .1907. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as.fol- Lows: Soc. 1. Tgat section 1 of ordinance No 726 entitled "An Ordi- - nance to prohibit certain ti>>i,nain frb:n r-tAnninb at largo within cart- ain limits in the city of Port Tovn:;end; to provide for the impound- ing, release and salo of such animals; to provide for the appoint - merit of a city pound mast9r and to fix .his compensation and to pro- scribe his duties; to regulate the keeping, impounding, release and. sale of such animals; to provide penalties for hindering or delaying, the poundmaster in the discharge of any of his duties and penalties for the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinance" passed and approved March 19, 1907, be and the same is hereby amended to II read as follows: Section 1. That, no cattle, horse, anti, goat, mule, shoop, sriine nor any othor domostic animal, excepting; dogs duly licansed by this city shall bo permitted to run at large during any of the hours of the day or the night, on any of the stroots, sidewalks, alloys, parlfs, or other public, lands or, placns, within the following limits: Commencing at tho where San Juan Avenue or San Juan Av- enue produced intnrseets extreme low tide mark; thence northerly along said San Juan. Aventail to 18th st rea t; thence west along pith street to Landon street; thence north on Landes street to D.isr:ov©ry road- thence :'rest alo11 25th stroot to ^!, p �'�l.��Lic�. 1 .+s� Gaut( AGc r'"`��acs�• a-d- rltit 4:'-.t6 1 -114� oGw"& i" f l u a..—L 0441%-. 44 a1 lr� .u.� =Qte��,1z.L.� o�..�.,.,1.�.,,,, � .atr...�.u..,.tie..�- a...c �! h 7&,4 enutt- I • fL1.ii..-c�.csti. rfcc.:.1. Qt.-;..9 _ 3y-.%±-.afi'x �o a— '�'�`�"� �.1-N_..._.a... A. L� - r�:Y1:-Y� �LiiIL7 c�ti=lt�V'P''Ft17•l"J'.. .... JMMMM to Lwar•on�:o Milli`.h Donation claim; t'••3nce east to the United States Military Reservation; thencn following the boundary of said United States 11ilitary Reservation in an easterly direction to ex- trome lour wafer mark of Admiralty Inlet; thence following said extrome low vreter mark in a southorly and westerly direction a- round point Hudson to the place of beginning. Secs 2. That•said section 1 of said Ordinance No 726 is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and tako orVect and be in force from and after five days after such publication. 117 dr /9/2 J�i-�-•---t, Jam• a�' / , . �,i �. p _ _ i . ' j. - .::jam . � .. • . .A� . ryjj - t. •.�'\ .. fFr 1 �i' s f. le � �.- ] i T3:�.r a. e i > .._ 'jjr`'- r.rl'-r-.i�...._/ •1 aY- .. .. _..e �J� `i::F': � a _ ., _.. .., ... r..�l'. '. .. it,;lL}'�" _ -;�. ' +?.�..'�.S K.,���.... �... �f��.� .may. .. � .rSw� �'i Zl3:.,s.�i}:T� ..f l� r rik .r� �:. �` - i-}.. - _ i��%�'�'_ .._. .4...�1`_. ..•=_r. .. ��r. ., s•s. - .. r.-• r�.-..- (..r �.'r ._.4. _ t.i... �t �.�1 a�:'7.�: �. �5 _ - rt S, '!: , C�- •� � .+. ;roc.!"5 � .! .:i.� .. '•Y".T s.^f:a� ��,' _... ..___ T -.- .. _. � S r I E3 w � R_ 'n� i a ' �; , � � . E AN ORDI',TANCE GRAJ4iING TO OLYKUPIC POVrisii CO..TA.3Y,A CORPORAT1011,ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIG.TS,T1iE; RIGT?T,?RI'IILIL1G.',,AUTHORITY A"m FRANCHISE TO ERECT, CONSTRUCT AND MAI13TAI1d POLES AHD WIRES OVER, ALONG AITD ACROSS CERTAIN STiE14TS,AVE NUES AND ALLEYS OF THE CI7.'Y OF PORT TOWN- SN;1TD FOR TREE PURPOSE OF THEPRAt3S��I5iiIO13DISTftIB(JTIt>?T A�TD SALE OF ELECTRIC C URRS 1T FOR ELECTRIC POVIER, HEAT JUM LIGHT , AND FOR ANY OTH- ER PURPOSE FOR 71 ICE ELECTRICITY ITAY BE' USED. 0600000000000000009000000 THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF PORT TOVRiSE,ND DO ORDAILT AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there be and hereby is granted to OLY11PIC POWER CO'S.!PA'rl,a corparation,its successors and assigns,the right, privilege, authority and franchise to erect,inaintain and use poles for the sup- port of wires in,over,upon and along the following streots,avenuee and alleys of the city of Port Townsend and to maintain and use such poles and wires for the purpose of transmission and distribu- tion of electric current for Lelectric power,heat and light and for any other purpose for whiclielectricity :nay be used,and to furnish electric power,light and Bent within the cite of Port Townsend for Y municipal,domestic and manufacturing uses,and for any other use or uses to which electricity may be put,and to charge and collect tolls, rates and compensation for such power,heat,light and use. The specific streets,avenues and alleys over which this franchise is granted are particularly described an follows,to- wit: Beginning at the city limit where the pipe line of the city's gravity water system crosses said city limit and following along the right of way of said pipe line to its intersection with :,'c.Pher- son and ninth streets in the Eisenbeis addition: Thence along said ninth street to Sheridan street: Thence along Sheridan to nineteenth strret: Thence along nineteenth street to San Juan avenue,crossing said San Juan avenue and the northerly end of block 18 in Railroad addition (owned by the city),across Thayer streot to and across lot 5 in block 184 of Estate addition and lots 9, 10, and 11 in block 17 of Railroad addition,to Blaine street: Thence easterly on Blaine street to Jackson street,and thence southerly,along Jackson street, to Water street and the electric sub -station. Also from Blaine street northerly along Walker street to the northerly side of Van Ness streat,and thence along the alley on the westerly side of Webster's addition to Cherry street in said addition: Thence along Cherry street,northerly,to and across W street in Pettygrove's second addition,to the line of the Fort Worden Mil- itary Reserve. Section 2. Whenever said grantee shall deoire to erect poles, string wires or cables under this grant it shall file with the City Engineer of the city of Port Townsend a plan,drawn to scale,showing the streets, avenue s, alleys or public grounds,or parts thereof,in which it proposes to erect poles,string wires or cables,and the par- ticular part thereof it proposes to occupy for each such purpose. It shall at the same time present and file with the City Engineer definite written specificati.on3 of the electrical conduetors,wires and poles proposed to be erected,strung or laid by it,specifying the materials and dimensions thereof,the height of wires,the method of insulation and the devices to be used for protection of life and property,which shall 'be the most approved; and said grantee shall not have authority to proceed with any of said work until the City Council of the city of Port Townsend shall have approved such plans and speeifications,eitner ao presunted or as modified or amended,and shall have granted a permit therefor. (1) WE r Section 3. That all work authorized and required by this grant shall be done by said grantee JLxx in a safe,thorough and workmanlike mariner and under the supervision and subject to the approval of the City Engineer of the city of Port Townsend. Said grantee shall,upon reasonable notice from the city Council,and at its own expense,raise or lower any wires or cables maint'-d1,1b% it and move any poles to permit the making of any necessary wo4ijw improvement, -_ ,and on its failure to comply with such notice the city Council of Port Townsend may do the same and said grantee shall,on demand,pay the cost thereof. 2.S` Section 4. That this grant is made for the period of f-j4zy ('W) years from the date of its acceptance,as provided in Section o here- of,at the expiration of which period all rights and privileges here- by granted or conferred shall cease and terminate. Section 5. In the erection of its power and transmission lines said Olympic Power Company shall properly guard all excavations or obstuetions made or placed by it in any street,avenue,alley or pub- lic grounds,to the and that the public shall be suitably protected against accidents therefrom; any paveiaent,sidewalk,curb-stone,gut- ter,street,avenue,alley or public ground torn up,displaced or dis- turbed by it shall be replaced in its former condition,as far as practicable,with all due dilligence; and pavement or sidewalk so re- moved shall be replaced in as good order and condition as the same theretofore was. And said grantee,its successors and assigns,shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the city of Port Townsend from and against all claims and actions for damages to persons and property resulting from,or growing out of,its failure to properly guard any excavation or obstruction,or failure to speedily remove all dirt, rubbish or other surplus material placed or left in any street,ave- nue,alley or public grounds,or properly and speedily restore the same to as good condition as before such disturbance or interferance, or in consequence of or growing out of the making; of this grant,or permitting the transmission of electricity into and over the said several streots,avenues and alleys,or into the city of Port Town- send in the manner herein provided; and that it will indemnify and reimburse said city,and any and all persons and corporations for any damages and injuries caused or occasioned by it,its successors and assigns,or the electricity transmitted under this grant to any water, gas or sewer pipe,or any main or branch thereof,or to any other im- provement or structure lawfully in any street,avenue,alley or public ground along or over which such transmission lines are constructed. I Section 7. That if said grantee shall wilfully violate or fail to comply with any provisions of this grant for ninety (90) days after notice from the City Councilor shall wilfully and unreasona- bly neglect or fail to comply with any notice given it under the provisions of this ordinance,it shall. forfeit all. rights hereunder and this grant may be revoked and annulled by the city Council. This grant shall not become operative until said grantee shall have filed with the City Clerk a written acceptance of all. the terms and conditions hereof,and shall be void if such acceptance be not filed within one month after the passage and approval hereof. The grant of this franchise shall be subject to the right of the City Council at any time to repeal,change or modify the same if the franchise hereby granted is not operated in accordance with the proviaions hereof. N.� Passes the City Council the day of u=K-u4t=f , .191 9- Approved by the Mayor this .6 of n_4._-.a•ti.> � �,191 7 Attest, City Clerk. Mayor. • Section 3, That all work authorized and required by this grant shall be done by said grantee twx in a safe,tborough and workmanlike � manner and under the supervision and subject to the approval of the a City Engineer of the city of Port Townsend. Said grantee shall,upon reasonable notice from the city Councii,and at its own expense,raise or lower any wires or cables maintFai-i- by it and move any poles to permit the making of any necessary improvement, -, ,and on its failure to comply v,ritb such notice the city Council of Port Townsend ma,-T do the same And said grantee uhall,on demand,pay the cost thereof. :Zd` Section 4. Teat this grant is made for the period of 3r (W) years from the date of its acceptance,as provided in Section 6 here- ot,at the expiration of which period all rights and privileges here- by granted or conferred shall cease and terminate. Section 5. In the erection of its power and transmission lines said Olympic Power Company shall properly guard all excavations or obstuctions made or placed by it in any street,avenue,alley or pub- lic grounds,to the end that the public shall be suitably protected against accidents therefrom; any peveiaent,sidewalk,curb-stone,gut- ter,street,avenue,alley or public ground torn up,displaced or dis- turbed by it shall be replaced in its former condition,as far as practicable,with all due dilligence; and pavement or sidewalk so re- moved shall be replaced in as good order and condition as the same theretofore was. And said granteo,its successors and assigns,shall fully indemnify and hold harmless the city of Port Totimsend from and against all claims and actions for damages to persons and property resulting.from,or growing out of,its failure to properly guard any excavation or obstruction,or failure to speedily remove all dirt, rubbish or other surplus material placed or left in any street,ave- nue,alley or public grounds,or properly and speedily restore the name to as good condition as before such disturbance or interferance, or in consequence of or growing out of the making of this grantor permitting the transmission of electricity into and over the said several streets,avenues and alleys,or into the city of Port Town- send in the manner herein provided; and that it will indemnify and reimburse said city,and any and all persons and corporations for any damages and injurieo caused or occasioned by it,its successors and assigne,or the electricity transmitted under this grant to any water, gas or sewer pipe,or any main or branch thereof,or to any other im- provement or structure lawfully in any street,avenue,alley or public =arnund, alonra "or..over-which such transmission lines are constructed. �ee G�v7ti 6, 6�a(1i� Lc �r� y{ ,j� rdtvyt,� 2ccc�, �i2✓<�hr J Lttic`_ C fCfJ�,�r '' Lcf ' f921 r; Q--a._ccL LC;2G'�'� �'tt,� Q-1" CL�L LL-t;cL! G4-IL� LICG �2stca�j LGYrst-s GUZ Ut c rc r'LG Cc Cu U.citC Passes the City Council the ,L'day of 191 L Approved by the Mayor this ofn�a.,,191'L Att t —� -- es , City Clerk. r Mayor. An Orciinarictj providin�, for tt-re nuj-.,&,crr1nfr of 'rouses and build ini;s frontirf, on the strects �%nd �ivouu(Is in certain parts of thn city of Port Townsoi)d, 'eiiiSl7ili;7t021, and proviciinr: penvltios for this violation tharcof. Thc? City Council of the Cat; of Port Toivnr;end do ordain a:; f ollows : Section 1. That all houses anti buildings fronting on any pub- lic stroot or avenue in that part of the city of Port, Townsend, Sirar)hanc,ton, 'noroillnftoi 1:03�I:dcci :.Isci �;e::_ritczd .;hell be numbered in conformity with tho provision, euntte.ineu in thie ordirli�uco. "Phis ordinance shall apply to that part o; said city enclosed rritl:in the following boundary*, to -,rib: Commencing at the intersection of the center lira of Scott street with the cantor line of Front street, thence oast along the center line of Front street (including, the wharves) to the center line of black four (4), Original Townsite; thence north along said center lino of said tier o_ black:, to the center line of Lawrence street; thence east along, the center line of Lawrence street to the center line of ?acltsan ;treat; thence north along the center line of Jack.,.on street to the center line of Roosevelt street; thence east along the center line of Roosevelt street to the center line of Hudson street; thence north alone tho center line of Hudson stroot to the center line of Cos€;rovo street; thence west along; the center line of Cosg*rovo street to the center lire of Jackson street; thence south along, the center lire of Jackson street• to the center lire of Roosevelt stireet; thence west along; the center line of Roosevelt street to the canter line of Taylor street; thence north along the center lira of Taylor street to the center line of Taft street; thence west along the center line of `raft street to the cantor line of bast street; thence south along; the center lino of Oak street to the center line of "F" ;treat.; thence ,rest alone the center, line of F street to the center line of Willow street; ' thence north along the centerline of Willow stroet to the canter line of J street; thence west along- the center lira of J street to tho center line of Cherry street; thence south along the canter /,no of Cherry street to the center i.ine of F stroot,; thence east a- long the center line of F street to the canter line of Willow street; thence south along:; the center Line of :`lillow street to the Kuhn Estate; thence ;'rest along the Kuhn Estate to the center line of Walker street; thence south alouf the cantor line of Al]•:er street: to the center line of Lam mice street.; thence west alonE; the canter line of Lawrence street to the center line of Scott street, thence south along; the center lire of Scott street to the place of begin 27ing. Sec.2.That buildings on tho eat,t side of stroot., and avenuos running in a northerly and southerly direetien and on the north side of stroetc and nvonues ninnint-, in Em oast rl :vn, Vrcj ;t:nrl ( dir�ctiori 3 o ul;?bll. ars a.n'.i buildin, s on the opposite skin of the iitr9Ut3 1inG i:V4!i:i :i to odd nu:*ilhoros. Sec'..3.That the initial 'Jr' r2:3!! ling for- riunborin,:; bufldinFs fronting; on Su treets rnriin- in 'i northerly and soul^)rlr di^oct.ion shall be front stract; and ti.e ini`iul pcint or bassi line for, x1ZLIn- berin,- buildin' ;'rontin:". on rurniin: in ars oastorly and west,3rly direction, 3Iritt'_1 I)e Hv3 :; ,)n :;tr6ot; an.l :ha first Street InImbor II OaQh cas.—, shall he 100, ;,,nd the fit•;;t number in each succaadin,. block ;ainF from tho w_l:o:, irtliL .in-:it_ier direction shall be incroas,ca ,)y 100. :1 t1C -f 1'117.Il SC:C11'.it1•;1;,! ;rt�!'I � i�?�'.,Li-{] t:Ual�t•.!i' U�• fillC!3 1J.LOCn., �.t!::. QCICl1 ��OQr O!1 gill, tho ]trevLO ;li : : i.1 s,.ii6 :iiaLrict Oiail be ontitlu'.l to a n 1bar onu vauaat L-rid or, lots bor.scen builriin„s frorllu;•; on :]uch ;tr,:uts :O,ull. ho 13114'tl3'l to 0110 nit.nbJt- €'or evoc ton flan, Or fractioq t• er•..aF,,� 6�r,%[ i yew [.lcwc .lGr'La.ct t a�c�. ALCt'r�, w�/I Sec. S.Tho fij�'UL`a:i usc11 itr rluml)nl•irl.- t!]t] housos shall be r:]ado o€' alumilurslt and -hall ht; th.r oo hilt i]t;.; 'iifrh, and such nuail�ors shall. fill placed in a corn;pic:lo:ts plat o ubov,-j the Door :;o that the same may be eac:ily soon and read from tho stroot . Soc.6. It shall be the duty of tho City lrnirin:or to prepare In A:i3�r'LCi� t ncl to ontUl. thareor! In :njuii lfrllnnor u,; to ul]_ parties int•-ir- orated to readily ascertain t•n'] samt3, t'.an houst: nurabQr of all. builtl- inirs or buildinir lots in aocor•dance :vit,*,; t110 pr:,visians Of this ordina nco, and any parson or porsonr, dosirin..: to ascertain the number or. numbers for hour.a wumbnrin,: purposes shall be given the proper nunibor or numbers by tho city onr;inaer frou of charge. Sec. 7. It :l]cll be tho duty of avory porsott acrni X buil in{� locates within the stud diatr:lrt to rurll)e: the s tr ,�'�`i°tn n M i� 3•�/k.� after t'raQ Lakin;; c3'ffoct of this 0 dinanca in accord- / anon :viLh tho provisions th9reor, and it shall be the duty of the City Marshal to notify the orn)er" or, owners of unnumbnreri houaas of the requirement of this ordinance,and. unlass such houses be proper- ly 'numbered within thirty days after sued notification, the, owner or o�me rs of such unnumbe rorl house or houses shall be r.ub j e c t. H• a fine . of not more than ten dollars, or in default of the payraent of such fine, to imprisonment accordin;-; to law, before any court of competent Jurisdiction. See. 6. If any parson sl.1 a.11 display on any building,, or house fronting, on any street within raid district any numbering different from tha numbers here indicated, �-,e shall be subject to the same fine provided in section seven hereof. Sec.9. This oruinanco shall be ilublishod once. in the Daily Leader and take effect and be in force from and after five days after such publication. / ley(. Passed by the City Coltncil February Approved by the Mayor February _ y1912, _- 7 C �I ------ ,.layer. -------- �( GUrcGlfCa.�l�Tl/l�F,? i An Ordinance approvinj- and c:onrirmin€; tho as:,l3ssmont and Lis- 803B.,ont rull of Local Improvomont District Ito . u, for tho Improve- 3 viont of Pierco Stroot in thll City of Port Toivl, end, .1'lashington, providin,r for tho payment thereof and cruatin{- Local I'mprovament Fund, District 1:o.6. Tha City council of thy) C;1,:; oz' Port; Tuvmn;emd do ordain as follows : Section 1. That tho assessultint and asso.;smo.nt roll of Focal Improvement District No.ti for, tha improvamant of Pierca Strout An the City of Port Tc:ailsond, Waohinl tore, undor ordiranr.o .1?j , a:; the s.ime now stances bn and the sure is lisreby in all respect.; approved and nonfiralod. Sec. 2. That clash of the fats, tracts, parcois of land or oth�- er {rroperty shown upon s:�id roil is horoby donlared to be bene.f'itod by the said improw3mpnt in at 'least the amount charged against the same, and that thero is hereby leviad rind assessod against each such lot, tract., parcel of :land or other property appearing upon such roll the amount char)�ed �t�ainst the same tboreon. Sec. 3. That the sr►.td assessment is horoily !!lade payable in ten equal annual. installments, the :'first installment to b(3c:olnra due' and payable one year hnd thirty dAys a ttir that date of the first pub- lication of Notice by tho treasurer that the snAd assossment roll' is in his )lands for cullectiou, and thereafter one installment shalt become duo Rrid oayablo each joar thertiart9r, and if the Said in- stallments together vilth interdtit as hpreinart9r provided are not puke when Cello, a poy1ctlLy Of rivll pf.r �-ad It All addition to s1wh interust. Shall bo ad6ad tn(i i-hf, saini: shall file 'zortiriod to the c-ounty troasuror for colirction us providoc] by iwa. All assessments or vzz r`;' P _ C^ol :'f!? L.1I".:i1:E_ urpiyid i!i. '..1-J 1 j l).i!'iiL]Clu of thirty day.; # 0 0 AMW that I'llo wsc�;s-In ; ; ell" 1,011 j.; In hi.,; r c "oollootion t,,halbear r ir-torwit at the rato rl* seven por cont Derr aunum a?pi such interest shall be payublfi annual iy, Sec. 4.7?nmp.dInI,.nJy upon the taking effect of this ordinance the nit-y r"IfIrIC sh"il] nortil*v t;— :zLpMi voll PrO doliver Lhu. to the !'or , ,,:! or. AtIn 'nis for theretu kt 16 1. a 1! d , i, -6 c u ro-- q u t- (i f i v I.;j w J n t Da i I y L e a d e r V c) Y, ately publish Ft not, ten consecutive, lvsue,;;. -ttod an(j r3st I I s 14 a pe See. 5- That _Lhore i,,i h(ji,f,-'hNp ei,43c E, cial. fund to be known as Local Prprovew meFurd, Distvict Nu.6. into which all moneys collects)d on tho suj6 assessrient roll, qhR11 be turnod Soc. 6. This ordinance Otall, be publishod once in tho Daily all t�tko effeet �,n,i be in force rrom iind it te f v Leader anil s1w f I, 1 0 day S af 1"w publicotk,i01- . Pp.:isod the City Council. -Tarch 19, 1912. Approved by the Mayor , Aa4evIu � 2xrl 1, /a 2— I�[� /ii �,�L�•LG6C �6 tC�' LG i r L1GC��(� Gr "? ~t=r[J /C•�-%L%' Cl(�• / �c�, �-,P �!}lCJC2l�Y� G2 ��7/`f.c97�?lr:c� r � c<<C c-C,i (w�c�C•G'.'.-J'r�7•S' rrc� �7rlL�,Zzc:�c. �� ��r ��ace. •C7"LGc C�CLLugf c,"l1� �� � �,L mac- �Z icc'nf ��`7�9ce� �(j G�GrcG��Lly dlGl�; �'((iZr?i GfLG ✓��ii%(c:"J�� �L2G ,C1I�` /"���'IGC/ ' GGa%i -c/ J •iG'�112'�r/ G' � • G i�°G(/ �LCLi Lys -�fCG Cr�IL� G� (/7G>iCG�� �Q)L�G��! �, tLCLIi teM Uz4v 02�cG� �� Cart/o� ; ire t✓ �fiG ; sC�l%��z�1��t� L 2i LfiLL -4°7'-!/iC/ fD L�17i✓G7Gc�7 Gc''C✓,a CG Luc Q?CCLGr-rCaGYv GL, ' i'Lfr/`l �` �G' �LC�T�Y`(/•=✓ -U � �1�g1[G) � %�itc�dZ�V 2il r LrtL�L % I�ALIG 9i: GfiEGrr G`JV [�Cli �r67L%�G Y S �GCt[ 7 /�fl�:�r4Gr LBzr al J �Gcc�� G� �t[CGLZcCJ-r�i°zrc Grr �72c� /lL.a7?G.'B�Y •f/VJEG� 4 /z�-f.L�h l� rL�u. L�IGtG �i�IGG� •ram / ��h �to1��•�� ��YI�• . C'L/ C e7G` �CCLG , eGocG,!CG� .lfzir� aLC (her Ce.r�� /ilea f42e�f �Gty ���CCG�iG ,l/, F•�i/[.Cif v°'ti G/Gti G'LfL�!rlLrG:cCC GGLG✓ (.Y;iL{�c���t'C G/�G �aed t'C�cf LCL(,' '/ ��Grl (r•GC. ✓ L asp ��"GLV �rCt' f`�QCt� // iC.�,(/•�C%X'krGfi%Gr °ztcL/i 1a7c/ �'J C ��►-=�rii- G�rLy �Gi?Cft/ J( F�i�7' d 1��7CLGrcrLr���C �/C- e�l l - �YGLLC �!. `L7GfCGrC LfCG9CC,/ C�lL � �'��/I" GC /�Q►=✓��L �cr� C� FCr+�. 9PC6& oc --Z? k (20: Aal '&4L f N n. "a S .. N r Li o' r _ 799 g00 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 0 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 628 829 830 '831 832 833 834 i Autho_rizes.i.ssuance of -refunding bonds (Special) Regulates storage of crude petroleum (9.16) Pipeline franchise (Special) Street vacation (Special) Prescribes punishment for throwing garbage, ect. into manhole (9.04) Tax levy for 1911 (Special) Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) LID No. 5 assessment (Special) Creates LID No. 6 (Special) Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) Grants franchise (Special) Establishes street grades (Special) LID No. 5 bond issuance (Special) Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) Amends Ord. B00, crude petroleum storage (Repealed by 1215) Grants right-of-way (Special) Establishes fire limits (Not codified) Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) Powerline franchise (Special) House numbering (12.16) Pertains to LID No. 6 (Special) Authorizes wharf construction (Special) Issuance of LID No. 6 bonds (Special) Authorizes construction of named ward (Special) Regulates and licenses peddlers, solicitors (Repealed by 1525) Prohibits discharge of fireworks and limits storage (Repealed by 1525) Grants franchise (Special) Tax levy for 1912 (Special) Street improvement (Special) Authorizes construction and maintenance of a ward (Special) Fixes compensation of named officers (Not codified) Wharf construction (Special) Grants franchise (Revoked by 844) Authorizes maintenance of private slip at foot of street (Special) Wharf construction (Special) Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) 166 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) 835 Establishes street C?v&At % (S:,icial) L36 Amends Ord.'752 (RepeaiN4 by 1525) 837 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 838 Assessments for LID No. 7 (Special) 839 Street vacation (Special) 840 Issuance of LID No. 7 bonds (Special) 841 Sets 1913 tax levy (Special) 842 Additional duties of water superintendent (Repealed by 1525) 843 Wharf construction (Special) 844 Revokes street railway franchise granted by Ord. 831 (Special) 845 Authorizes maintenance of aerial line for communication (Special) 846 Revokes railroad franchise granted by Ord. 718 (Special) 847 Revokes railway franchise granted by Ord. 721 (Special) 848 Grants franchise (Revoked by 884) 849_, Establishes tax levy.for 1914 jSp"ial) r An Ordinance authorizing; and directinl3 the issuance of cart- ainAof Local Improvement District No. G, City of Port Townsend, Washington. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as ib llows Section 1. That the mayor and City Clark of the City of Port.''' Townsend, Washington are hereby authorized and directed to issue local improvement bonds of Local Improvement District PTO. 6 in'the." City of Port Townsend, hashington, in the sum of Three Thousand Four Hundred Eighty --seven Dollars and thirty four cents ($3467.34) See. 2. That thirty-four of said bonds shall be in the denon-.,''. ination of one hudred dollars eadh, and one bond in the doncmina- tion of eighty--neven dollars and thirty-four cents; that'all of said ­ bonds shall be coupon bonds in the usual form of local improvement bonds issued by said city; they shall be dated and issued May 14, 1912; be made.payable to James H. Coyne or boarer on or before ten years after date with interest at the rate of seven per font per annum, interest payable annually according to coupons attached; and shall refer to such ordinances and laws as by law roquired. Sac. 3. After being properly executed by the mayor and City Clerk, they shall be delivered to.the city treasurer for registration and after such registration shall be delivered by said treasurer to James H . Coyne or- his duly authorized agent in payment of the construction of Local Improvement District No. G,said city, according to contract. " Sec. 4. That this ordinance shall be published nnc,, it the Daily Leader and take effect and be in force from and after rive days after such publication. f1 �1 nCaz� O,f � rr.�[G uti r /Flay • i9� x SJ';7iI �'t�arfi•z., Ci��. .«S� t7 C3��.i�GF: ;:{• tir i G:.GV 1,1.'`'' `-s3 L:£5 .:I:�.j'ji:ri:53 .. •" '�-'-•'� _.St_.[ �Gi. '.-•_. •'i.-i.'.T. .1."1tL}G.i:..i3i.lua:�;• �} • r'� '.• .. .�., •r t.Jl _1.rtJ 4 . � S 1 •: _ ] `1, _i • ��:li �. ::vi r � l� 1' /•. T. ... ..1iVJ, .{� OT r,M • rT • f 1 E,: • 3 •_ � _ _ .. _ T •, i : <] s � .. {. � j � • lj 1. T i ,�, i ,. : � ., : 7 1. U .� T �i i . �. V �. � �: * � i Z' 1~ � �,' r f *�' � _, 1. +. •., . : i. J :. , r: .. ._ T!':.1� Ff^ .. f . _ . 1. �•'. _ ,.'ilk , :5�.�� 3_ .'t:., r�: �i'. ., � ..�.i .�•i� C' r: .,.Qi:�.. .: e���' •t;{�l '7i..fT ' t '.�;. - _ ... f. ..^ :". , ,t .. r ' •}•s �, l.h� its: ^� �Nc1 C� Z TT ' N '!► t 4 ORDINANCE 110. AN ORDINANCE granting to � and hfq- assigns, the right to construct and maintain a wharf at the terminus of Harrison Street in the City of Port Town— send and to charge and collect tolls for the use of the same. The City of Port Townsend does ordain as follo,rrs: Section 1. That thare is he�.,eby granted to Jt&a- P and hdY assigns, the right to construct and maintain a wharf with suitable approaches and such other structures as may be necessary, at the terminus of Harri— son Street in the City of Port Townsend for a period of ten (10) years from and after the day of �LL � ,1912. Section S. That said wharf shall commence at the southerly line of Water Street in said Citywhere the same crosses Harrison Street,'and extend southerly in and along Harrison Street nto Port Townsend Bay to the inner harbor line, or to deep water, within the limits of said Harrison Street as laid off and platted by the State of Washington and shown on the State Tide Land Map of Port Townsend harbor, and shall occupy so much of said street as may be necessary for dock and wharfage purposes. Section 3. That said wharf and its approaches shall be constructed and maintained in a substantial and workmanlike manner and shall be subject to inspection by and approval of the City Engineer of the City of Port Townsend. — L&v Section 4. That said grantee and hts assigns shall have the right to fix,:.establish and collect tolls and rates for wharfage, storage and dockage, subject to such regulation and supervision as may be from time to time prescribed by the State of Washington, and said wharf shall be subject to the laws of the estate of Plashington and the ordinances of said city regulating wharves. Section5. That for the rights herein granted the grantee and hfA assigns shall pay to the City of Port Town- - Bend the sum of per annum for each and every year during the term of said franchise for the rights and privileges herein granted, pay- able annually in advance; that in case the paid grantee and h" assigns fail to comply with any or all of the conditions r of this ordinance, then and thereupon this ordinance shall be- come null and void, and all rights and franchise herein granted shall become forfeited. Section. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its pass,age, approval and the filing of the acceptance of the same by the gaid grantee, and from and j afterr�� j%^'f�' dayd its pub}.ication.,.-�. iU 16 Y f � ^•oc. +' .q ? (3 ;iccn�,t.c,nr of this ordinance lry rho t•rantoo Shull ho downed an .q-,ronmei-A %ho said j,ranteo to coi,for;,, Via said wharf :rhorovor it passos over or ulorj or crosses str* acts to thy) grade of tt,u said stropts as i.o•.i nit ;i,iishnd or to b.) } orauf.tor I natahli5hod upon thn royuost of tho city council —2 — �• �S.' t.�liib'i'.a .F'J.. - r.k a.-• - 'S r�,� - - .,: - '%" - ��� - s. <• . � - '�:� _ - - ;�• - - _ "f' .. - '� - - - �ir t "� .., . o .. `� .!. • i' � (/T - t ! •e 7 '}�: �. - � - • _ _ .. ._ . ' �} "'�»�• • � � .. .` :a r � � �� �� � � � � • .•, ��. . ., �� -- �� � �. �, � . - . � � �� � � . . . � . �. OORDI N A N C E 110. 99/49 AN ORDINANCE To REGULATE AND 1,1CJ-M5E'11h1)DJ,XHS AND SOLICITORS, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF ITS 3111OVISIONS. The City Council of the city of Port Tovm8enJ do ordain as follows: W. Section 1. Every peddler and every solicitor, before beginning to :p'eddle or solicit in the city of Port TowQpend shall pay to the Treasurer of caid city a license fee of f=WaKllars per day ,,for .eabh..dayj - or:,part of a day, thq.-Y he or she MELYYbe engaged in peddling 'or soliciting; in said city, and upon. prdsentation of the " city',. Treasurer's. receipt c ',ouoh license fee to the Clerk of said Y Clerk shall issue to such peddler or solicitor a license which'—':" - 'eliall be full authority to such person to p6ddle or solicit, asthe n casemay be, in said city for the number of days for which said License fee has been so paid. - 4 U� The Corm peddler a3 uood in this o-,Minannn, chall. be construed to include all Damsons, both pri.nclpal-q and a!7,ents,who cro frovi piane ',o T)lq.7,9 ana ho-u3e to lh.oli3o, carrying for aala and o"farin.a for nalo goods, wanes or mercandise of anti kin([, and the term. Solicitor as used in this or6�:be j.nRne,shall con3turu*,1 to i. .3 ide allporsons, both principals and agent:;, who by going from place to place and house to house, solicit or take o)-Oero for gooda, wareq or mer<,andi-3e of any kind to be delivered in t.,i!3 city, Provided thari, nothing herin qliall apply to pncldlars of agricultural or firm product;, nor to vendors of book.,-: pqr].Odicalo or newspaoors, or commercial travelors and agents of ro,"ula,r wholesale merchants (tealin-T with rogulir vier-:ihants of this city , �c IC /Mayor the dity o C —,i— ofthecity of tort;Townsend. .7 ort Townsend 00R])1 NA11C H N0._09/J_-____ ,All ORDINANCE TO NEGULATE ANT) J,ICI??i 9L 'PI5DJ7J.l:11:; AND SOLTCI7'0Fd^., , AND PRESCRIBING Pk2iALTILS FOR VIOLATION OF ITS 11110VISIONS. The City Council of (the city of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: y; Section 1. Every peddler and every solicitor, before beginning{ to. peddle or solicit in the city of Port Tow nerd,�,ophall pay to ' 'the Treasurer of :paid city a license fee of Kllars per day for -each ::day, or,.part of a day, thaj he or she mayvbe engaged in peddling or soliciting; in said city, and upon presentation, of the aTreasurer's receipt such license fee ,-.nT«.a. to the 02erk.,of, acid.,city. {;,�iy.V' rwHn:7a�.•�pAf)P.:atO-.''a»nLi^Tari/'ll nl'.'.n«nnlina•knr.dti.i-�'r: .ino'n"i.rh'd'nL::.r':'54. , ng',first paid`,the .license feeand obtained the license provided for,' :'tiy this: ordinance -shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by. a' -fine.,not. less than fifty dollars nor more than :seventy five dollars for each offense, and each dray upon which such person shall so•peddl� or solicit in violation of the terms of this ordinance shall be con- ' strued to constitute a separate offense for which such person may be' prosecuted and convicted. . c i the "Port published once n a o ''.Section 4. This ordinance shall be ublis e o P Townsend Daily Leader", and shall take effect and be in force from and after five days.fvom the date of such publication.CW Passed by the City Council on the dayof *041 1912.' Approved by the Mayor on the day of R?,eV 1912. Attest. �1layor the dity of Port Townsend /\ " '' C1 k, of the city of Port: Townsend. 0 0 FIR -WORKS ORDINANCE tluuisrtal br-We.htni4tan burraylnit .tuUttniti► aur.rnn , b " 4 5- "'�/ /-, z Prohibiting the dlScharge or $trial; of fireworics and other pyrotechnic display and to Mail, their storage. The City Council of tYle Cit r of Port Townsend do ordain as follovis: Sectiota No. 1. 'l'ho diseluirge, firing or use of till firecrackers, rochets, torpedoes, Homan candles, or other fireworks or suhsinnees designed and Intended for pyrotechnic display, and of all plstulS, caules, cannons, or other ap- pilances, using blank cartridges or caps containing clilorate of potash mixture, is hereby prohibited. Provided that ilia M?-j C.Y. ntny order the public display of llreworlcs by properly atualllled Individuals under the direct suporvisiou of experts In ilia handling of ($reworks. Provided also that Finch display or displays shall be of such a character and so located, discharged or fired tin, in the ophilon of tbo Chlef of the Fire Department, shall not be himirdotis to surrounding properly or endanger tiny Person or persons. Section No. 2. 'Pile Iteeptng of firewerlcs for sale at retall or keeping same for :any other purpose except strictly and exclusively for wholesale is prohibited In an uannunt exceeding ono haudrod dollars ($100) lit value upon any ono prelliNvs; and In every case when kept. or sold at. retail or Itept for tiny other than strictly and exclusively wholesale purposes, nil sale$ lireworlcS must be contained or placed only In a seearely Incited outhouse first approved by the Chlef of tine Fire Department before used for this purpose, no fireworks of tiny description being permitted lit innin building of premises exce=il for wholesrle as permitted la Section No.:1 of this ordinance. &Y z&4 Section No.A. Tile storage or sale of fireworks tit. wholesale is prekiblted, except by pernilt front the - issued for it period of one year. Application for permlt must be ❑led wait. the chief of the Flrc Department tit least 15 days previous to the issuing of the permEt and must give detailed description of the proposed care and stor- age of said materials and of the structural conditions and occupancies of lire building. Section No. d. Perittits may be Issued only titter nit inspection of the premises by the Chlef of ilia Fire De- pa•latent or his authorlzed agent, a°Ito shall Zile with the Mayor and Fire Department a certificate of approval or Ills distinpproval and rensons therefor. Section No. G. Ally person, Arm Fir corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance as regards Ilia storage and sale of fireworhs Shull be decined guilty of it itilsdemennor and he fined not less than Ten ($10.00) Dollars nor more titan Twenty-five ($215.00) Dollars for each tiny's neglect of compliance. Provided also that vlola- '.'ttolL of other sections or this ordinance shall be considered a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding Ten ($10.00) Dollars. „ The chler of the Fire Department inity, tit his discretion, remove or have removed, tit the owner's expense, till stocks_,of fireworks or ether combustible matarlal oxpr7sed for sale, or held In Ntnelt !n vlohttlon of ills Ordinance. Section No. 0. The Chief of the Fire Deportment shall direct illicit fire appliances as. in his Judgement. natty be necessary for the premises, and lie shall see that two or nnore persons ore Instructed in their use, and as to tine best means of getting Are alarms to the Eire Department. Secllon No. 7. All ordinances and parts of ordinances Inconsistent herocvith rare hereby relretiled. Section 8, This Ordinance shall be published once in the Dai7._v Leader and shall take effect and be in force from and after five ( 5 ) days after date of publication., Approved by me this day of June 1912, 'Mayo r Passed. June 1912. Approved June �t 1912 Published ° to 1912. U. 1 0 P 44' 1 0 rd i -,,) an (,, 11 7 To An i Ordinance makliv: the tax l9vy of tho City of Port Tovennandl, Vla.-;hingt6n, for tho year 2.912, and fixinc, thei rate of taxation. The City �OuCouncilCouncil0 f tl 'l (I (I 'ity of, POC*4 do ordaln as 5oc.1-That tl-oire w--3 levioa Upr�,n 12i-,' Prolvirty in the city of Port Town,;enJ, the f'ol.larri,:; Fimms fur ,he different e z -opo-o ei'�Ioh ol 'Alar of the pUt'PGSeS deSijMat0d, 1TIJ th'! rtit') 0f t,ax-ttion assessed valuation in said city in each instancn is fixel ar, follows, that Is to say, First: For the payment: of ivrrnct o%pr:,-o!3 of said city, that is, ror 'xpen. 13,465,-'and rate of taxation the"rurrent 11, so Fund". th,,, zina 10, for tho sAld fund As hereby flxo(l at ten (it)) W1.1z on the dollar. Socond- 71or thci payment of tho interest on the re-funclini,- bonds, the sum of4,210,00, and V-io rate of taxation for, sasaidpurposc Is hereby fixed at the rate of throo and one-olkihth (3 and 1,1!3) mills on the dollar. Third'Vor the Payment or intorast On "',Io second Isoue of A.— S v5:2-00 and t,,e rate o�' taxation municipal bon�l, Ion for said purpose Is hereby fixed pit tho rate of one :-ind three-oil-liths (I anti 3/8) mills Oil the dollar, VOLWt.1i: Por tho purlinsQ of proviClin,- a sinking fund for the payment of municipal bonds, tho Sum of n1,852.00, an(I the rate of ta)..,- ation for said piArpose is 11-711-ObY fixed at 0113 I-Ut,3 of one an(I threj— aiehths mills (1 avW 3/8) on th-,) dollar. fifth. For public library of �'1,515.00, and the rat;*, of tayrLtjon ior sai.,J is hcrcoy fixed -11 .Y One and onti- aif-,hth (I anO 1,A) mills oil the dollar. Section 2. That tho c�onntyAm=ttlwor of t"no county of Jef rerson, said. state, is hereby aut'norizevI ,nd directed to oxt,!nO upon the tax rollr. of said Jof E'erson (lourty, upon all the ta�.alble proporty, wit.*riin tho city limits of tho said "iffy of Part Townsend, the tart3s a., herein levied, a3 P.rovidol by 1av '�° c+a� �``"�cli..ul�a/, Cr•. sf.,.C� Sec. 3, That this ordinance shall bo purilished onto in the Daily Lauder and shall tfalte effect and be in forco from and after five :days artnr Bitch publication. Pa -so(l by the CiLy Council Ogctohor 7, 1912. Approved by t o Mayor a: Attest. Mayor •';' City (;leek. At OROTMIX mit 4avi zinc ind Q ranti 2, t v, ?wpr3vamQvt of nart-. ain portions of "ar 9uren and quKiNd rt-vqts in top PIQ of Port Townn&nd, �OaWrvton, ny t1v iorntruntlor of nnmnnt Wqwalks thqrnon nQ doing all Lhinrs rnnnssurily nonnintnd tharewSth, In- 0�41 1� 00 P=Mt' vt"Ip. cr"atiq..,, tonal MON"t c.7, --A prowiOnn ­t4of of payinr for sai 0 Imprc-P&M Tn­ MY counoii or tp, ony of sort Nwassnu, WanhMpton, do Main as vollown: 'iantlOn 1. 7110 InMInT ridewsliv ba conatrunted on both sides ot Van F"ren mtrent in maid city from the northurly Une of n striit to the moo & hi My lino of "nrN PY street;, except - Or vusti My Wo of block sixty-one ( 01 j of the Grip! nal Town - site of Port Townsend ulna on voth sidsa or ourrield strati from. Ore westerly line ar "an Hurqn street to a point one bundrad Lon e. fout westarly; InaluMna nit work :hat may hQ nenennsary it cornmetion thnraAth. ir-lulln- Wo thi Tali of the sidewal"Ir aroa and parYinr strip; and that all oF said Impruviments be made acuordjur tn Vq plans ana npeeMcat inns j)rmj)at*(,o iry tcity An- Filler for the said distriat, whiph W1 plans and speciti nations ara hereby appiarea. MO. That the oost =0 lxperSe of MUNI LhR said imprqve- ment, 1nnlndinF W rannsmary aN Analdnntal oxpannas, Wall A horn by and anipsum! arm ns'. W property inn1vaud Q thq assoss- me nt di ntriat harninarm r nreated in ancordaze e with law. Snn.3. "hat Worn is A-rovy arnuind a low%improvamint dis- trict La bq known ar 7onil u1strIct To.7, vhlzh said dintriat In romponal K the falJowinn descrihad proportj, Muatnl in Said Mir Of YOK TDWnnnnd. TnffPrsnn lonn%;, Lvr3 one Q) nil three Q1 in Woe% 0 Tuhnln "anal); IaLn onefl) throe (3), fivn (51 and sovnn (?) N Henh - and v, and Wn • ll two ('2) , 1'0121- (4), six (6) am! 3 igh (F3) n I I o c. ',, -3 11 anil A, of said 1",J)h n I'anob lots orit) -1. D 2 1 thrrp) and four (4) in 11 10 a 131, 110, 83 and 62, and lots five f5), six (6), soven (7) and eight (a) in b I o c, k.:i 1329 109 and 64, all in thoi Orifrinal Town C 4 t! d -i I- e r i tit (t :i Lit t 1 o f' i 3n op. r cunt ner arin"Im nalv.3tliJ on or ton vr3ars .:;ft or ;Iato shall. be Is- six(O j n siml, an w,.iotmt as v:ay be necasnary paymont of tho cost r ed cn.w, d 1� y th o collec- and oypenze of tho 2�aid Improw.,,ii t tion of spr),�, as--.)ssjmonts to be Inviod •'and as.,4esuoJ upon the property within said district, payable i'n ten equal annim.1 in s W; s j/ it ivt e r1ost at t'hp r,. t of soven per c6nt po r- arnum, all is a c. c o r d an-- ci with t v,3 ixotie of p a y, .1 e r,, t by bonds as definod,by law and -the ordiviaticPs of the city, roc.. TM-13 Odiranco --hall pij'�,limh..ri :ncr I the I)aily T, e ad (3 r .�Lrjdk tako efrc:., ark! hE; it) for-) fron :.,rid aftjr, five days after publication. P PRS:wd tho Pity C012r](Al .// ��_.� ...gip. ror. 1,91 A p 1) ro,.! a d by tho 1w ORDIiiA:7 El An Ordinance authorizing the Tyler Street Wharf Compe.ny,a corporation, �tt3tQrrl�n anc�x.�rt .'zmaizi vg}i35:xzI E1� to ol.M, cotttinue, repair and maintain a Wharf 67tyler Street in the City of Port 'Tov;nsend,Jefferson County,State of 410.ohinL,ton,together zrith all necessary Warehouses 4.nd other buildings. THE CITY OF PORT TOI+t-ISE D DOES ORDAIN AS FOI.I.OV1S:- Section One. ---That the Tyler Street Wharf Company,a uorporation,be and it is hereby authorized to cvm,continue,repair and maintain a " wharf and other necessary buildings in the City of Port Tov.msend, County of Tefferson,State of Washington, ems# �ryler Street in said City of the width of not to exceed Fifteen feet on both sides of the center of said street fromL hH._ �caG Ina,:, max aa•nd extending Southerly to the Southerly side of Front street anu of the full width of s� Tyler streetx from the Souther ly side of Front street in a Southerly direction to the ship ----- cheonnel of Port Townsend ]day,together with all additions and build- ing which may be deemed necessary by said Tyler Street 1'rharf Com-. pany. Section Two. ---That the said Tyler Street Wharf Company shell be entit- led to charge such rates for wharfage and rentals as shall be --- reasonable,which shall be subject to the lass of the State of Wash- inSton. Section Three. -That the Tyler Street 'Wharf Compaily,its successes and assigns shall have vxid hereby granted the right to sell, lease,mortgage or other►:iee dispose of all of the ri hts hereir. granted. Section Four.--Thet all of the privileges herein granted are for the term of Ten years from. the Late this ordinance is passed zzdzepproZ x2t by the City Council and. approved by the I:iayor Section Five. --That the 'Tyler Street V+harf Company being now the owner of the wharf and buildings now constructed upon the above described Tyler. Street and in the possession thereof,under by authority of Ordinance number 183,entitled "An Ordinance authoriz- ing Charles Bisenbeis to construct a wharf at the foot of Tyler street,in the City of' Port Totnlsend,NV.T."Passed the Council Nov.25h 1827 and approved ley the ;::ayor _:ov.28th,1887, all of the rights and privilegages ovmed by said 'Tyler Street Vbarf Company under said Ordinance number 183 is hereby extended for Ten years from the date of the passage of this Ordin.nce by the City Council and its appro- val by the l.:ayor. %'✓�"a,tr.rl i�r,z,� Section Six. ---This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after }.Five days from the de.te of the first publication thereof. • Intri6duced I'ovet:±ber, /"17 , A. D. ,1912. Passed the Council December, Approved December, - Attest: / City Clerk. ■ s - , Syr. - t• .•. .' ," 14 ate, 0 ve ew a-, Xv a GLdAll46 in. A(�-k 1,912- 4 M- J2, An oron-unce to .1-Javid !:. J,aln zoid Jt.,s.ieo E(tnunds rind L!,elr aniiiuun tilo rir-ht to c-.�liotruct, -.,rid iiva a wharf rind to oreet and" op rats"'It plant P'Or the inanufacturp, of fertilizer and other products and for utuoh other purponno urn noconuary and d(salrable In cannoqt ion Ol: i('Ilcfli Ct :I -A o. I. r - -- t s irl t or t tan. net to, cliar(,n viid colloct LoIJ,.'i or Mir une of u!zld -rf. Th c city council of ti-p city of Port. Toanuend do ordtiin Fo3 fo 3, 1 w.'t o IBC C t i on I That Vlore io horoby granted to David LAn 'and Jarnu 14r:undo, hereinafter called .ho grantees, and their t-.koci1j:ntj, ti:n rij-,ht c,nd privilogre to G.)nutructs iz-,aintaln and uae for a period of ton (10) yr;.,rs from and rJtnr the nansaga tind upproval of VA ard-jnruina rL wharf .-Ityk fill n proac -nd � nh otbor utructurns un aphou -ate -a,!%y be needful or expedient in tho nanufncture of fertilizer and othur iroduoto, over -,�nd tipon tluo fallov;.ing portiona of ntroota in the atrad eity of Port Tomiaond n%3 plattedl, 11=101y" the -,,.,Oi1tCr1y fil,ty (50) root of Dn"Odict "Itrout froii the ooiAhcrly line of* Jeff--rson Strve-t to Via ny3y line of Front Street, rnoanirig by the -unutorly Ufty (50) feet of Benodiat Street, that ,,ortlon adjoining tend 111; 1 L t riga upon blocka 167, 1(32 and 159 of L. h. ';vnarid Addition to Lhin Oty of Port Tovinaend, ;nr4MuGton; `,'Iat r "t t th Cifty-five (135) fcct An:,izq ri. il� n tk cir full width, beginninf; at ti-.c, wautt�rly I inr,, of L-eiiedlat !Arcot :aid axtendin(; Liturice all of ;*:'r*n t :Ar cipt c;ttryid- Ing wnutvrly fro) -.I ".If-' above doucribi-d 'i-troet to Iolnt i*irty50) font veutf�rly from the n-alit- rly lint! of 11rooper '.ArLut; *.-ie f-autorly f Irty (150) feet of ; runpnr :I-Lrcr,,t frw:; ;-Tun t '13trect to Uio center of:Miter 0 1 tr o e t; and u i c B uii u i i i;!tl r of 'dater 131tritiaL from. n-nid Point eruct:°rly to ti:e ; crUon of ':layer Jtree t fifty-;'ivv (U5) feat in len;;th h,:�roitml:ove de:scribod; Provided, ever, U,:. t the city council 1_: rCaervau W.,c rir,l:t to grant frnrtohinou for rite cattotruaticn, njv'ration rmd n:nln- tainatsee of railroads, rind ntreat car liners aver the r;t;ove3 described parts of utre-tu. f1Cs;Li.nSI .IJ.. 'ais-it. :)::,ltl .il,:,z'% .`rlui itcs :.t •t:r�+:zc1:Cu uhtlll be corintructed c:rttl .,. ;i:t Lctillecl In a :ts,brctnl:tial -",Irj world -manlike mannor and chill be uubject to ictss,,ecti an by rind approval of thr. city ent;in•.er of :,uid city; soul 1. be reserved for t:ha axclua've elua of the rr,..Mtcos ai:d their wtuif;nU, with tho rit,ht to fix, cutablioh .tnd collect tolls r and ratou of vsharl-.t :71,urnr;e Hurl d:u:lcnt,a. �} . c`'� • ,� t3eatinn Ili. hiu ordinance n1mil be accepted by ,. r i;ranteeu or their :sssssir;no TAthin ,..,urtecn (lA) days attar its approv:s.l by the c;rr.yor and 'if not un rscror:ted shall be- come null. rairl void for all purpouers, .,Isd t„e acceptnnce of lie awrie by ',l:tt f;c•csntocn or their raonit,na ol.-ill be c_vcmtd an nareartent by the Mira t;rantuas and their aneif;na to conform the said w�llrrf ;ilierover it ,,;mien over or along crouclos I any utrrr,tn in ssrid. Croy to t}y• r;rada of rciid otran.t:1 at) now oatab lishe d or ne t:cc ,mr n mmy be 1: re after arrta'.:_ iuhed. portion IV. if tt:c grrmteen or their [!Emlt,no shall not ;1'Ate oubut,trltial tine r;f Uia frc.t:trhis;e lti^ cra:,tcd with- in lr:�o years of tt,r the, n;�aur3t,e nnci a. praval of t}: io nrdinanCe Biel a.,r-e nay be declarod forfeited at tine opti cn of We city rounnil. 0ection V. '; ordir .nce tflrmll be :,U111iolthd once in tial Daily Lr�ncler rvid s11:Il1 t.sj_e efrPot no irovided by lair_ but tltc a: is chrtll not be ;tub', iahad until Vie misaa t:s :tcrsc:rtted by the ss•iicl r;t:;teo:3 c;r t';eir ns3:,It•nn. 7111 �7 51/1- I,oint '.:rly to ti,n crtiun or 'atitor ourrot fifty-;ive (bb) foot in ton t.Fi h,-r(+irml,ove clecsc}il:ed; Frovicled, ever,• t the city council cl)y r(,::arvca the rir;i;t to grant franelliana for tl�c corotruct icn, oj)i -rat) ,)n rind r•.'•nln- tainance of railroada rind atroot car linou ovc.r ti:t; r,bove doucribed prirto of atrec=to* Section ii. tll iL i :tiicl .rlitLl'i %,Iil it:i :1 ;iTL'fll;1; a uhnll be r.onotructed and . , i:,t.ziried in ri ,-brit:Lntinl "Ind .rarkr.mliltc manner -und chall t:c :subject Lo i.;tiu;:ecti.rn by sand approval at' tli- city ongin•er of said city; %nd uhu11 be; renervrrd forthe cxclLso, vo LLi1('. of the I,rtintoco ar:d their aw)it;na, frith the ril;ht to fix, cat;eblish -,0:d collcsat tolls ,, f;„,�,,; _• _..:,,,:-..-"WId:-rates .ol whariagel, .utoragc and, dcsrl:rrlla. i• a22;� G '� � • p ,Gc G�• `Jc � �v 7"i' ��i7�I .-EGtGC -��� �Pi QG� tic Lrc� i l " u r/ L� /(�4/ C �� L�—Jf/�/J � �✓ / 9•� J t[/l C L� 2G �2 PL � y�,�,._..:.. ",, i'u:;.., ., ys-•cJt/4LiPi xbJCR4 ara•-Llii.: waV. aacaa:,Q a+au ,r,. a+-i •as.w 4v..'w.•w4a t,-iOJf.CY�� .!,""` hoction TV. if Che ;r%riteen or their nmiir;nu shall not i:-al;t cubutzlntiril LLae rr!' tiie 1'rrL;lcl,iae h^rein ;;rn;�.Lcd viitl:- in •4wo yoarn of t,ar the ,x-.,I ri)val of tI iu ordinnnce the or�n:c':uay be dcolnrod t'orfeited at U.-o option of tlrc city ccunnil . "Oc't..ion V. '7iin oruin-i nce ' 1mil lL(, :!ubl i nlied once in ti,c Daily Llmder and ohall t::, o of Ccc L ass .movided by kuvt, but ttte acsric trl'.all. not be ;,a) ,.iolred unti 7 the :.s. .. la acoc-,tcd by the r•Ziel _',uitec:, nr t.'.eiz rein it-isn. 7 r i � n (106 �� , ?r/c[604 :lv6l ,cc'L r� IF s .. O t'1 G ' p D - n • r� �w •' m r o i 199 Authorizes,i.ssuance of _refunding bonds (Special) 800 Regulates storage of crude petroleum (9.5)- - _ -- 801 Pipeline franchise (Special) 802 Street vacation (Special) 803 Prescribes punishment for throwing garbage, ect. into manhole (9.04) 804 Tax levy for 1911 (special) 805 Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) 806 LID No. 5 assessment (Special) 807 Creates LID No. 6 (Special) 808 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) 809 Grants franchise (Special) 810 Establishes street grades (Special) 811 LID No. 5 bond issuance (Special) 812 Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) 813 Amends Ord. 800, crude petroleum storage (Repealed by 1215) 814 Grants right-of-way (Special) 815 Establishes fire limits (Not codified) 816 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 817 Powerline franchise (Special) 818 House numbering (12.16) 819 Pertains to LID No. 6 (Special) 820 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 821 Issuance of LID No. 6 bonds (Special) 822 Authorizes construction of named ward (Special) 823 Regulates and licenses peddlers, solicitors (Repealed by 1525) 824 Prohibits discharge of fireworks and limits storage (Repealed by 1525) 825 Grants franchise (Special) 826 Tax levy for 1912 (Special) 827 Street improvement (Special) 828 Authorizes construction and maintenance of a ward (Special). 829 Fixes compensation of named officers (Not codified) A-30 Wharf construction (Special) 831 Grants franchise (Revoked by 844) 832 Authorizes maintenance of private slip at foot of street (Special) 833 Wharf construction (Special) 834 Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) 166 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) 835 Establishes street Cpracie_S (S. trial) :96 Amends Ord.'752 (Repealer. by 1525) 837 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) B38 Assessments for LID No. 7 (Special) 839 Street vacation (Special) 840 Issuance of LID No. 7 bonds (Special) "'841 Sets 1913 tax levy (Special) 842 Additional duties of water superintendent (Repealed by 1525) 843 Wharf construction (Special) 844 Revokes street railway franchise granted by Ord. 831 (Special) 845 Authorizes maintenance of aerial line for communication (Special) 846 Revokes railroad franchise granted by Ord. 718 (Special) ' 847 Revokes railway franchise granted by Ord. 721 (Special) 848 Grants franchise (Revoked by 884) 849 Establishes tax levy for 1914 (Special) �2�Gf°/Gu �l Pz ✓l �, �«� � AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO WILLIAM B. WEBB$ HIS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PERMISSION AND AUTHORITY TO LAY DOWN, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE.WITHIN THE STREETS, A=S AND PUBLIC PLACES OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, npm SON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, A SINGLE OR DOUBLE TRACK STET RAILROAD. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNS tMTD DO ORDAIN As FOLLOWS: Sec. 1. That the right, permission and authority are hereby granted to William B. Webb, his successors and assigns, to lay down and maintain a system of single or double track railway, with all neodsoary sidings and turnouts, and to operate thereon care for the carriage of passengers, express and freight for and during the period of fifty (50) years fromQand after the official publication of this Ordinance in' along, over and upon the following named streets, alleys and public places in the City of Port Townsend, viz. -1- E 4f Starting at the intersection of Kearney and Water Streets; thence east on Water Street to Yonroe Street; thence North on Monroe Street to Lawrence Street; thence weat on Lawrence Street to Benton Street; thence north on Benton Street to Fir Street; thence north on Fir Street to "U" Street (Branch Fir to r' "W" Street )$ thence west on l"U f Street to San Juan Avenue; thence' north on San Juan Avcnua to �7th. Stroot; thence went on 47th, Street; ' to Trainee street;thence trEaet on Rainers Street. to Pair Grounds. Pro= the intersection of San Juan avenue and �7th. Street thence south on San Suan Avenue to 20th. Street; thence east on 20th. Street to Thayer Street; thence south on Thayer Stre,.t to Lawrence Street; thence east on Lawrence Street to Kearney Street; thence south on Kearney Street to Water Street. Fro the,fn ��t "ur o path. Street and San. Tuen �x * A. ttecCLa-r ��." . ,4 ,N1k`9t�. ,f. Avenue; tKe..nee•- With aT ) `''to 4gth. $t i-aet; thence went on Nth. Street to Sheridan Avenue; thence south on Sheridan Avenue to Second Street, From the . nterseotion of Kearney and Or Streets$ westerly on Street to Hastings Street an d thence by the most feasible route southwesterly to the City Limits From the Intersection of Water and Taylor! southerly . on Taylor to Fro nt Street. See. 2 The tracks of said railway shall not be elevated above the surface of the street and shall be constructed with improved T-rails, and be so laid that vehicles may freely and safely croos said tracks, and when two (2) tracks are laid in the same street the said tracks -shall be laid parallel as near as practicable! C c� c� ttMc�ilr/ -i%G .lUXcOtWe4 4 f ffca d4 s 4tt&h ✓ Soo. 3 The cars may be ope rated by ? , a 4�ara� electric or any other motive power except steam locomotiva engines. In case electric power shall be used by means of overhead contact wires, such overhead Wires, together with the necessary rood wires] may be suspended from poles sot vrithin the curb limits of the street on either aide thereof or from bracket poles -in- the -center- of the street along; said line of route The wires shall be suspended not less than eighteen and one-half (18-1/2) feet above the rails and the poles and oupports shall be placed on an average of not less than One Hundred Rifteen (115) feet apart. No poles shall be set at the intersection of streets and alleys. Sec. 4 In addition to such poles and mires no to '�• be erected for the purpose of, supplying electric current, they may. ��:, also be used to carry wires for power, heat: and -lighting purpose$ { �►.ty�nd the :right is hereby granted during the term hereof to connect c the wires herein authorized with any power station or car house In connection with said street railroad systems and said grantee may convey wires from such power house to the line of wires hereby -2- 47- C14 Ally.", gE Q. z e�xll Ar-41eax eve l aA 7Z � p alld, o4 79 '447� f I , # authorized upon poles placed upon or along, the highways or alleys of the city. Sec. 5 Before making any excavation or in any Wise interfering with the surface, f. an�treet or alley, said grantee shall obtairii-from the a permit therefor and shalt deposit with the treasurer of the City of Port Townsend a sum sufficient to cover the cost of restoring such street or alley to its former condition according 3 t7 estimate, of the probable cost thereof to be made by the 13 . f] C f �•y •Ls'�-[.Pik ` in each case. r Sea. G The care to be used shall be of modern construction, equal to care ih use in cities of the same popula- tion and general character as the City of yV% within the State of Washington. Sea. 7 The rate of fare for one continuous ride in one general direction shall be five (5) cents for each passenger to any point within the present or future city limits of the City of Port Townsend, it being understood that the right, permission and authority to lay down and operate the street railroad System herein provided shall cover and extend ovor, along and upon the streets, alleys and public places hereinbefore set forth as the same may now exist or as the same may hereafter be extended by i virtue of any enlargement of the city limits of the City of Port Townsend. :i -3. Seo. 8 The consent, permission and authority herein granted ma ; be revoked by the City Council of the City of Port T the grantee shall fail within a period GJCtG ? of �, from ,the date of the publication of this- -Gcya. _ ,frt{c�ui fts� in 21kLua-� jticCis/ 9�geot AV ft��u,/QlatG .ordinanc to J ands o orate t ' east two miles oT street railroad system within the city limits of the City of Port Townsend, but in case said grantee shall within zaid period construct and operate at least two (2) miles of street railroad sy©tem, then said shall. not be bound. to .further extend said street railroad eyetem upon ot3ter streats, alleys and public places herein mentioned, and not at that time oocupi©d by said railroad, except to such an extent ae from time to' time shall bo demanded by they rendition of a proper service to the traveling public, and in no case shall the grantee be bound ",.to extend service unless the construction and maintenance of such (service will, give to t1be gran Leo a reasonable raturn upon the investment for the lines so proposed to be constructed. Soo. 9 Said grantee shall forover indemnify and save harmlees the City of Port Townsend against and from any and all damages, judgments, costs and axpens©s which the City of Port Townsend may suffer by reason of or growing out of or resulting from the exercise of the privileges hereby conferred, Soo-. 10- This g�dinans;e shall tabs affect and be in force from and late.,epublication and f-zom and after the v filing with the City Clork of the City of Port Townsend of a •4- written aoceptanao by the grantee accepting the terms and n provisione of this ordinance; provided, however, that if said acceptance shall not be filed within ninety (90) days t;. from the due publication of this ordinance, then this ordinance shall be void and of no effect. /� V OROI JAUGi; 1W. 6;--d;-- An Ordinance authorizing JohLi P,Jo}moon to ►n4intain a sl.iu for hie private ,sse at the foot of Benton Strec:,bet-,%,nen '::cater Rnd Yront Streets. The City Council of the City of port Towncend,do ordain as follows: See.1. That the right, perraission and authority are hcreb_r -ranted to John P,Johnsondiis sucpseaoors and a.ssi-rns,to lay down and maintain a slip for hauling out amall crafts and scows at the .foot of Benton Street between Elates and Froaz Strcets,for and duriri„ the period of five (5) years from and after the official publication of thia Ordinance. Sec. t. The consent, perminAlon :Lnd authors ty herein granted it►ay be re- voked by the. City Council of the City of Port Townsend in oana the grantee shall fail within a. period of six (6) ►uonthe frorn the date of publication of this Orli'nance to construct the said slip as :asked for as ubove.The aa,id consent ,permiesion and auth ority herein granted msuy a.lao be revoked by the, City Council at any time it may become necas3ary or convenient to uae the said portion of Benton Street as a public, highway. Sec.3. Said grantee shall forever indemnify and save harmlean t:.e n1ty of Port Townsend againot and from any and all. damages,judpa- ments,costs and expenses whic:1 the {City of Port Townsend may suffer by reason of or growiri_- out of or resulting from the exercise of the nrivi.legez hereby conferred. Sec.h. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from e%nd aft- er its due publira.tion and from and after the filinwr with "he Sits" �Ierk of the City of Port Townsend of a written accept- ance by the grantee accenting the terrna and provisions of this Ordinance,provided,however,that if said acceptwnce shall not be Mcd within ninety (90) days fror:i the due publication of this Ordinance,then this Ordinance shall be void and of no effect. VE g c �I �? v fl f ✓ ��'� �•: ' ORDIIdANCI; Nci• Y d d l' i w, .. r ,• Gn J V � AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO E. A. .SIb1S,HIS REPRESENTATI 3,AIr ASS NS,THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MART AIN,A14D OPERATE,A WHARF,�D/0� t; G MAR E WAYS; ALSO WAREHOUSES,AND SUCH- OTH.�R BUILDINGS,AND Sl: 'IU TJ SL AS MAY- BE, NECESSARY, AND CONVENIENT, IN CONNECTION THM-NITH,(13i. T ` STRF',IN THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSENDIAND TO COLLECT TOLLS FOR-TIM , SZ OF SAID WHAAF,AND/0R MARINE WAYS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. There is hereby granted to Lr. A. Sims,and hie assigne,the right,and privilege,to construct,mantain,and operate,for a period of tan yeare,from,and after,t he taking effect of this ordinance,& wharf,and/or marine ways; also warehousee,and such other buildings as may be neees- eary,and convenient,in connection t herewit h,on the middle thirtysix (36) feet of Thayer Streat,from the center of the block between Washington,and Jefferson Streets,to the inner harbor line in l+ort Townsend Bay. Protided, however,that the city of Port Townsend hereby reserves the right to grant franchises for the construetion,operation,and maintenance,of railroad,and street car lines,over the street above described. Section 2. That said wharf,marine ways, warehouses, and other buildings, and structures,and the approaches thereto,shall be conetructed,and manes t ained,in a substantial and workmanlike manner,and shall be subject to inapection,and approval,by the city engineer of the city of fort Town- send ,eNlrkz_fdw f,1­ -e -mob s `9r#aeidl� x► MoMISM,with the right to establish,and collect tolls,and rates of wharfN age,storage,and dookage,for the use thereof; Provided, however,that all material for the use of the city of Port Townsend shall be permitted to be landed At,and pass over,eaid whar*s* free of charge. Section 3. This ordinance shall be accepted within thirty days after its approval by the Mayor,by a written acceptance filed with the clerk of said city,and such acceptance shall be deemed an agreement by the grantee,and his assigne,to conform such wharf,wherever it is constructed, on,or acroes,any street of the city of Port Townsend,to the grade of such etreet,or streets,as are now established,or as the same may hereafter be established. Sect ion 4. If the grantee,or his assigns,shall not make substantial use of the franchise hereby granted within two years after the passage,and approval,of this ordinance,the same may be declared forfeited at the option of the city council. Section 5. T61s ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader, and shall taker effect ac provided by law,but ehall„te so published until it has been accepted in writing as hereinbefore i'rovided,by the grantee. Passed by the city council on the day of ��L,� 19I3. L:C1111vj Kc�%'fUwC J, /P3, " Mayor. I Attest, City Clark. NJ IY �J 6 rN, ? caU :ir An ordinance ataendAni+ soction six (66) of ordinance No. 728 entitled "An ordinance to license and regulate the sale and disposal of intoxicating liquors in the City of Port Townsend, and to fixthe license fee therefor.and to provide penalties for the violation of any of the provvisions of said ordinance", as amended by ordinance No. 805, d ama=idmg -t.ft!id o-rcMi� 3 _ s =r{; b? a —ate - to=bLlft- The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1: That section six (6) of said ordinance ]10. 728 relatW ing to the sale of intoxicating liquors in the city of Port Townsend, Washington, as amended by section throe of ordinance No. 805, be and to the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 6. The petition for every license and the transfer thereof shall set forth the name or names of the person or persons ap- plying therefor, tho -charactor of the license dosired whether for re- tail or wholesale, the name of the street, the number of the -lot and - block and the name of the addition or plat where such license is to be used, the title of the applicant to the promises, whether owner or lessee, the time such applicant has boon a resident of this city, that If such license is granted, he will fully comply. with all the ordi- nances of the city of Port Townsend, and the laws of the State of Washington, to which may be added any other condition or stipulation the applicant may desire to impose upon himself, and the owners per- mit requiredby law, in those cases where the applicant is not the owner of the promises, and all of such potiti'ons shall be made on one of the printed blanks furnished by the city clerk, and otherwise in accordance with such printed blanks:l, ktr, t wft*ar = Mtwu lt4=r t;h� =t to ts- MM" tua twat=a, e*3 t#a# a#. M tie sir b tag aft of ttEks sae MuM tbe-re *a kn fvx=e me -o them two1re rot4tll I#cpwr Deus -a* 'any V*V.e t*s n4W41 t;66 P*ft"j4VtA-=Mn or Sal-d city Shall hiW70 pulsed S*c t'tsa s=tl pemee:% Provided itwrlFsr, that no more than one license shall be granted to any one parson or firm, and no license shall be granted to z1hy person or firm that has or any member of which has an interest in some other liaenco or an intvrnst in the stock or fixtures of any other saloon, and it shrill be unlawful for any parson or fires to hold any interest whatever in more than one license or in the stock or fixtures of more than one saloon or to hold more than one license, provided still further, that no person or firm doing business under any license heroin provided for shall display any intoxicating liquors on any premisos except on those mentioned in the license. tib- C: -xwM aF*d*4=PWW if-u-. 72t -b:e and tim sae 4Fa hs4taty fa*PFRw amfte6wd adt a #o s �e 'ears SB$t Pa: 404:99 bgw*ft s c%1-9a1;nhi as- a7* C=a s W :smart t rem rCn, eTUM Sec. This ordinance shall be published in the Daily Leader as pro- vided by law and shall take effect from and after five days after such publication. .3t+,a'.-.I 'i. Part io::Y... Theo City ` un,cil of this -�i t r Ci Pt-; r1; Tr'>' 1' ' ,.;+, o oraln Lr� SECTIOT) I. That tn�; rradp1 of Van Puran Street shall be at tho fol .o,pa.n;- • cl�:vations, At t"hj intawceation of the center line of Ilan Puven St,:aith tho Wo7-th Mue o Tttshir, ,ton 171;)9 .05, At the intersection of the ci:nter lire of ?rar, ^urea St,with the South linaof T,a araon Pt,109.58. At the intersection of th.3 center Line of Van Rfilresn S;;,with the North line of Jefferson St,111,50. At tho intsrs, rction of the can;ox lino of tray, Puren St,with the South i inH of Franklin At ti:�, In•t,-Ir,oc.;;ioiZ :,If t ontor 3i.r-_ of ''an' �Urar, St,•.Vith the ?north 3iM) of rr nkli-ri St,127,80, At the intersection of the center i:irle of Vara Duren Stjwith the South line of Clay St,139,00, At the .intereec tion of the renter lire of Van Buren St,with the North line of Clay At the intersection of the center line or .1lan wren St ,w I th the South :line of Lincoln 1t,1.58.25. At the intersection of the center line of Wan Buren 8t,with the North line of Lincoln 113t,1.58.2a. At the ihteraoction of the urmter line of Van Buren St,with . the South line of O:t.rfield St,167,25, At the i.nters�cti.on of the center Line of Iran Ruren St; the North line of Garfield St,167,25. SECTION? 2, That the Grade of Fil.lmore St shall b+� at the followinW �- -� elevations. At the intersection of the center lin-3 of ii iiimorry ,St jwith • the North line of Franklin St,121,20. At the intorsection of the center line of iFil.lmore St,with Y the South line of Clay St4135.50. SECTION S%That all ordinances,or narta of ordinances,in conflict with this orfl i.nance be and this same are repealed. SECTION 4.Thia ordinance to take effect and be in forge from and after ive (,) riay e afto i.ta first pus iCation. Passed by the Council. Approved L A Mast ��r��.___-._-....._._.-GZT/Y��R____-__.-_--_-•--------•--•---_--_191 a. e"eo :< 1 /00 ", � " 1�le A ,_ v I 0 An Ordinance amendini- soctions five (5), (G), nine (9), twelve (2), save teen (17), twenty-two (22), thirty (30), thirty- three ('53)hand Vorty (40), of an ordinance entitled " An Ordinance to fix, regulate and control thn use and price of wator supplied by the city water works of the City of Port Townsend; to provide for the regulation and government of the City hater Dopartmont; and pro- viding penalties for the violation thereof", as amended by ordinance Mo.793, passed by the City Council March 21, 1911, and approved by the. mayor March 22nd, 1911, relating to wator rates. The City Council of the City of Port To:,mnerd do ordain as follows: Section 1. That section five (5) of said ordinance No. 752, he and the same is herohy amended to road as follows: Sec.S. All Nils for water by fixed rate are due and paya- ble on the first day of each and every month in advance, at the office of the City Treasurer, without any notice whatever to the consumer, but if the same are paid on or before the loth ��� ``.�,,q day o each month a Discount of ton po/r cent shall be allowed. crwc. dff C44 apuw4 d' C Ug, 0 4'L4 �sr 7tn�ur .(� ZCZ vIj �%12 wjt,7 % All bilfl Yon ttto pso o: water by motor dshall be due and payable on the first day of each anti overt' succeoding month, and if not paid on or before the loth of the month, a penalty of a« d'0z4V' C/ vcs j vill be added. In all cgs�3s tilhere ;-iator is not paid within the f time heroin provided, the payment may be enforced by shutting of the writer until till char,,os including penalty shall have be on paid. Sec. 2. That section eight (8) of said ordinance :'10. 752, be and tho c amn is ljr•reby amended to read as follows: Soc.6. Wien a permit lean been obtained for the use of water and nharges hereinafter prescribed for the service have boon paid to the City Treasuror, tho service will be put in as soon as practicable for the city to do so; the charges for such services up to the property lino, ircluding stop -cork, whnro streets are not paved, sliall he as follows: -I- • e_, • 1 • 1. ■ 1 • e. ♦ 1 One-half irrh nonnocti'on----.------ -ja.00 Three-quartor inch oonnoction--------------10.00 Ono inch connection---- --- •---..---------------12.00 One and ono-quatrtor inch connection----------- 15.00 Ono and one-half inch connection----------- 20.00 Two inch'connectii)on------------------------29.00 Two and one-half inch connection ------------ 30.00 Throe inch connection ------------------------ 35.00. An a(MIt,ional r­�arj.c or t'ive dollars (a5.00) w117. be mad•, ror• a sorvico on p?anhed streets. An additional charge of Vuenty dollars (;$20.00) will be mado for a service on any street paved otherwise than by plank. No service larger than one inch will be put in where a 15ete]~. is not bo be used. Sec.3. That section- nine (9) of. said ordinance IIo. 752 be and the same is hereby a•.n:ended to read as follows: Sec.9.All service pipes must invariably come direct from th the street main, and shall be laid not less than twonty-four (24) ine-hes below the surface or the ground, with u stop -cock placed one foot inside the sidewalk aaroa, all of which will be put in and maintained by the city and kept within its exclusive control. Sec.4. T Pat section tit lce (12) of salidordinance No. 752, be /JAWA t,q u'.t.awd4 S and the , A=dd!nfm&aroaatl�e3�� estop- clr shall he laid not less than eighteen (16) inches below the surface of the ground, and no work shall be covered until it has been in- spected and accepted by the Water Department. All connections M; with city's pipe at shut( -off must be made with a union at the property line. Sec.5.That section seventeen (17) of said ordinance Ho. 752 be and tho Saine3 is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.17/Shoteld it be desired to have the Seater turnedar.W on after it has boen turned off, or whore no row services have been put in and the plumbing is completed, a written order from the owner or his authorized agent must. be friven to the Water -2- nopartment, after which thn, water will. be turned on, providod, thore are no dofective or leaky faucots, closets or other fix- tures, anti when such may be discovred, the water will be turned off until all. leaks have bean ropaired. Soc.G. That section twenty --two (22) of said ordinance be and the name is horehy Funended to read as follows: Soc.22. Ill charges shall uo ma do whon water is turi-o d off from unoccupied houses unleas the same is turned off at the main !;y order of the owner or his agent, for, which the regular charges as prescribed in section thirty-two (32) will be made, saki charge to he maido at the time the order is given to have the water turned off, torother with all arroars, if any, and rtrrvent charges. 90c.7. That section thirty (30) of said ordinance be and the same is hevhy amended to rnadas follows: Snc.30.The use of 11ode6 for washing walks or streets, also for sprinkling or irrigation purposes,' i7prohibited, except be- tween the hours of six o'clock and nine o'clock A. H. and the hours of fi+rn o'clock and eight o'clock P. M., except whore motors arc, usad. For th13 violation of this rule a penalty of onto dol.Lar• shall bo imposed and taxed against the person and premises supplied, and the ~'rater shall be turned off and so remain until tho seine is paid. Sec.G. That section thirty -throe (3i3) of said ordinance HO/752 as amended by ordinance: No. 793, be and the same is hereby amended by dividing the said suction into 4o= sections to be known as section :53 and 34 as follows: Soc.33.The monthly rages for the usa of water, other than measured by motors, shall bo known as fixed rates, and shall be as follows: I•.iinimum rate, payable monthly in advance,per month, Sl.5o Aakories- No rate less than A2.50, and in addition thereto Dopartment, after which tho water wili. bFr turned on, provided, tbore aro no defective or loaky faucets, closets or other fix- tures, and when such may be discovred, tho water will be turrod off until all soaks have been ropaired. Sec.6. That section twenty-two (22) of said ordinance be and the sarne is hereby amezuiod to read are follows: See.22. Ido charges shall bo made when water' is turn d off from unoccupied houses unless the same is turned off a ' the main by order of the owner or his agent, for which tho regular charges its prescribed in section thirty-two (32) will be made, said charge to be made at the time the order is given to have the watts turned off, toj-ether with all arroars, if any., and current charges. Sec-7. That section thir•ty.(30) of said ordinance be and the same is hevby amended to roadas follows: Soc.30.The use or hod4 for washing* walks or streets, also for sprinkling or irrigation purposes, i�prohibited, except be- tweon the hours of six o'clock and nine o'clock. A. M. and the hours of fileo o'clock and eight o'clock P. M., except -shore motors are used. Nor, thu violation of this rule a ponalty of one cedar shill be imposed and taxed against the person and promises srtf,plied, and the water shall be turned off and so remain until the same is paid. Sec.SS. That section thirty-thran (53) of said ordinance Ii0/752 au amondod by uruinarrc No. 793, be and the same is hereby amended by dividing the said section into tau sections to be known as section u t .-d 33 3/1 :53 and 34,Aas follows: Bec.33.Thc monthly raters ror the use of .voter, otho r than measured by meters, shall be known as fixed rates, and shall be as follows: i.4lnimum rate, payable monthly in advance,per month, $1.5o Bakeries- rio rate less than $2.50, anti in addition thereto for oarh barrel of floor trsod in excess, of four be.rrels por day,50d. Burbor Shops- First chair, $1.50; each additionKI chair, 5%/. Bath Tubn- Privato in families, 25s/. in hotels and boarding; 1101taos, public biOldingii and blocks, harbor shops and bath houses, first tub, $2.001 eu(,h additional tau, $1.00. Ro3or Pv.,ip, F31ark:;rni:;;r Shops -Ono fire .tn addition to w4t,). closet, . J..50; each Mditioral fir 50y�. Rook Binders- Pie persona or Ioss, in addition) to viater closot, $1.50; each additional porson 10; . 4•: Browerios- By rooter only. Building Purposes- Plastering 100 squaro yards, 20¢. Fach 1000 brick laid, innlnding orator for lire, 20/. Wetting each barrel of lime for any purposes other than plasterinL or laying, Krick, 12 �. Wetting each barrel or cement., l0si. Stone work, per perch of lrrl cu- bic feat, 12+ cents. Brie: yards by meter only. Butcher Shop:; and Fish Mar}cots- Six parsons or loss in addition to wutor closot or urinal, $2.50 and upward or by meter. FKrth Works- For settling each one hundred cubic yards, $2.00 Cows -For oath cow •rrhotln r supplied by house service or otherwise 25/. Candy Factories- A1.50 and upward or by motor. Cistorns- $2.50 per thousand gallons. Club Rooms- From $1.50 up or by meter. 1 Dancing; Halls- From $1.50 and upward or by meter.' , Stores- Dry Goods store:r, 6 persons or less, in addition to %eater closot and urinal, �1.50. Druf; Stores and grocery stores, dyoinp and nloaring establishments, $1.50 to '�5.00. Dtiiriea- From $2.:i0 up or by motor. Family rates- $1.50; crater closets, 251/ each; urinals, 50t each; and steam or hot, watar hoatnrs, 25/ and upward/ Foundaries- By motor only. -,1.. (Freon Houses -From 50pl up or by vnetor. Gas Companies- By motor only. Gardens for market purposes- by metor only. Govarnmont,Stato and County- Buildinl;s �-. � 7 By meter only. Hotels, Boardina; and Lodging Houses $1.50 and each room 20 additional; toUnts, bath tub:; and 1irina:ls extra. Horsus and mules- In private stables, whether supplied f rein house service or otherNise, 05/. Hydraulic Elevators- By muter only. Toe Cream Factories and Soda Fountains- From $1.50 W � S� Labratories, SCAR Manufactorios, Bottling; Works, Vinegar P'atcto- ries tintl. Packing Houses- By rn(,ter only. Laundrios-By motor only. Lunch Countors and Oyster Stands -From .�p"1.50 C) Machine Shops and Sash and Door Factories -By McEor only. Shops ranLI Factories not otlorvriso specifiod--By mrlt'�r only. Photof;raph Galleries -From $2.00 up, or by meter. not Manufactories-- Shops ,-there wator isAu used for manufactring, but by the occupants only, for 8 persons $1.50; for each additional per- son, 1001. Manufactories and shops where 1vatHr is used for manufac- turing purposes, by motor only. Public Halls and Theaters- From $1.50 up or by meter. Saloons -From $2.50 up or by muter. Schools- Public or private- From $$,2.00 up or by meter. Sprinkling-50 cants p,ar 1 t over and above tho residetne lot. V12-00 Q.X L4/'Wa4A &7' Statbla9s-Sole, Livary and Boarding, by meter, meW Automobiles sir (:arrinf,,o 9=/, each additional vehicla, 15�� - rtr C Gas Engines -From $2.00 up or by muter. Steam Engines- First horse power, 61.00 and five cents for each additional horse power, not exetiodinf5 twenty; .from 20 to 30 horse power, 40 tetras; from 30 to 40 horse power, 30 cents, and exceeding 40 horse power 20 cents. -5- '- 1' \ 0 i 1 ► 0 +_ . ► WholeALiquorHousoo by motor only. Water closets-- Privato, 2Dii cosh; public closets, such its iio- tols, saloons, lodging houses, public; blo,;ka, 50 cents each, and no constant flow all000d. Urinals- Hotels, Saloons, lodbinp; houses, public block. , stores ax-Aafaftxem and office blocks, golf closing, 50 cants, constant flog, $1.00. Office Buildings and Blocks- Each room above the Eround floor 25�; offices of ground floor, five parsons or loss, 75 vents, and ff person, 10 con,..,. /, each additional `s z� I'R4 �'rj�0 Fire Protection- Private for two inch pipe, $5.00�IW three inch pipe', $10.00 per annum• Municipal rrttns for Eire hydrants, fire stations, .came as family and stable rates; City Hall and offices same as office blocks; police department and jail, per month, $1.50, water closets and urinals extra. Sec.3*.The, rates for avatar supplied by motor shall be for the quantity used in any one month as follows: For the first 5,000 gallons or less, t,3.00. For all above 5000 gallons, at the rate of 14 cents per thoun- aznd gallons. Soc.9. That sorctiun thirty -night (38) of saidodin.anco be and the same is horeby .smrinded to read as follows:' Sec.38. That tho rent for water meters shall bra at that f ol-lowing rates per month: One-half inch or throe -quarter inch mctrr, 25C�? One inch or one and one-half inch meter, 50H/ Tvro inch :voter, 75yf Threw inch teeter ,$1.00 Four inch ranter $2.00 Six-Anch motor, $3.00. -6- ;; ; .. •.,... . .. ,, ... is ii:Y �: .,fit.:.,_ 00 _ ij �;` .�..1• .[i .i•, f•.,`h7: f•':k.i T rl ... 1 1 1 -'• 1 1 300.33 and 3/4.. That the months of 4uno, July ,and Augug4l of each year shall be knolvp as sprinklingmonttf,sncl a17 persons j W741S f using water for sprinkling^ shall pay tho regular rates for the said months, and such payment shall entitle then to sprinkle during anQy,�. � months of the year it in.y be nocengatj . a-! dl�t, SOC. 10. That sectionn fivo (5), Night (8), ninaf (9), twelve (12), soventoon (17), twenty-two (22), thirty (.30)0 thirty-throo (33), thirty- olght (38) and forty (40), oi'said ordinanen No. 752, as amendod by saidordinanco No. 793, bo and the same are horoby repealed. Sec. 11. That this ordinanno shall he published ones in that Dally Leader and tako offoct alnd bo An Force its required by later. Ito �` AN aiRDIIIANOR aunerding, suctions ono (1) and five i5) of ordinar.c„ !vo. 726, ontitlod"An Ordinanne to prohibit certain animals from running* at largo .within certain limits ifi tho City of Port Townsend; to provide for t,ho impounding;, releF-so anti sale of such animals; to provide for the appointmerit of to city pdundmaster and to fix his coinponsation and to prnseriho his ci•.,t: r.s; to rof-ii7.ato the kooping, impounding, rnloaso anal Salo of such animals; to provide penalties for hindering; or delaying* the poundmastor in the discharge of any of his duties and penalties for the violation of any of thn prcvis- ions of said ordinance", as amondRd by ordinance 'o. 816, passed by the city council January 2, 1912, and approvoc.1 by the mayor, Janiiary 15, 1912. The Cite Council of the city of Port Toamsond do ordain as follows:' Section 1. That section one (1) of said ordinance No. 726, the title to which is fully set forth in Mho title hnrein, as amended by said ordinance No. 816, bo and the, same is hFreby amended to read as. follows Sec.l. That no cattle, horse, ass, goat, mule, she(ap, swinn, nor any other domestic, animal, excepting dogs duly licensed by this city, shall he permitted to run at large during; any of the hours of the day' or the night, on any of the streets, sidewalks, alleys, parks, or other public lands or planes within the following limits, to -wit Commonaing; Fit al point whnro the westnrly boundary line of Sheridan Avenue if extended w6uld intersect extreme low tide, thence along* said wostorly houndary line of said Sheridan Avenue northerly to 25th street; thence westerly along; 25th street to Thomas street; thenon north along Thomas street to 37t,h stront; thonr,e east along 37th street and along; the southorly boundary of the unplatted tract known and described on the city man aai belonging to Mr. Somers, it. Grnenblat 'arc] J. W. Grnnno, ar-d then again along* 37th street to ;an jUhn AVOMIO; tbeno.a north on :3an Juan Avenue to l,awronce Smith Donation Qlaim; t1 unto east �o United `hates Military Posorvation; thence following; the southerly boundary of the Unites states I,Iilita- ry reservation g;ranerally in an easterly direction to extreme low water mark of Admiralty Tnlet; thonr:e following said extreme low water mark in a soutbrcrly and wostnrly direction around point Hudson to the plaro of bep wing - Section 2. That section five (5) of said ordinance No. 726 he and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.5. The owner or person entitled to the possession of any such animals taken up or impounded may redeem the same at any time before the sale thereof, as herein provided, by paying to the city poundmaster all the foes and nhnrgres horein prescribed, ar.d it shall be the duty of the city poundmaster to charge and collect for the. use of the city thu following; fans and charges, to -unit:. For taking* up or impounding tho fist hood of stock or animal, the sum of two dollars fifty rents; for each head or animal over and above one belonging to the same owner taken up or impounded at the same time, the slum of ono dollar; .for the keeping; or feedings of each of such animals the sum of one dollar per day after the first twenty-four hours; for the advertising; and selling; of any such an- imals the fees prescribed by law for sheriffs on the sale of person- al property on execution. Sec.3. That said section one (1) of said ordinance 70, 726 as amended by section one (1) of ordinance No. 816, and said section are five (5) of said ordinance. No. 726, be and the sameAlm hereby ropealed. Sec. 4. That this ordinance be published once in the Daily Leader and take affect as provided by law. lC Passed the City Council.. " `I� 1913 Approved by th .layor ^�,���_ 1913. I F�U�f' lccG /oi.A An Ordinance approving and confirming; the assessment and the assessment roll of7.oc 1 TmprcvoiTertt District. �.o.T, for the improvemon-b ccc Gz• C Q'C�h cCt'-� ,A�� of Van Bur .ony n the Vitt' of Port Townsend; and levying and assessing the amounts thereof against tho several lots, tracts or parcels of land and othor4proparty as shown on said roll, and estab- lishint; ., :Local improveinont fungi gird pro,:idinf-, nor thrt payment of the said anossment. The City Council of the City of Port Tovatnend, ;"a hington, do ordain as follows: , Sec. 1. That the assessment and the assessment roll of local Improvement District i`o. 7, for the improvcntor.t of Va B renn.,,<gan�cci� under Ordinance ho streetdby the construction of remont sidowulks thoreon,A40 End the same is hereby in all things approved and confirmed. Sec. 2, That each of the lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property shown upon said roll is horeby declared to be spa- y benefited by said improvement in at least th© amount charged against the same upon said roll and that the assessment appearing against tha same is in proportion to the several assess- ments appearing; upon the said roll, and there is hereby levied and assessed apainst each Stich tract, parcel or lot of land and other property appearing upon such roll the amount fully charged against the same thereon., See. 3. That the said assessment is hereby made payable in ten equal Annual installments with interest at the rate of seven par cent per annum,the first installment to become due and dolin- quont one year after the expifation.-of tho thirty day notice given by the trews%uror that tHo assessment roll is in his hands for collection„ and theroafter one installment shall. become due and payable and delinquent as provided by law each year thereafter. Sec.4. That there is hereby r,roatod and established a special fund to be known as Local zmprovemont Fund, District No.7, into which all moneys colloctod on this assessment shall be paid by the treasurer. "ec. 5. Innodiately upon the taking effect'of this ordinance, . the city clerk shall tarn over to the said city treasurer the said assessment roll with his warrant thereto attachod authoriaintr the .said treasijor to collopt the said assessment in the mannor proscribed by- law and the ordinances of tho city according to tho mode of paying. for the construction of the said improvr)mant by 'bonds of said district. Sec. 6. That this ordinance shalt. be published once in the Daily Leader and shall be in force and take affect from .and after five days after publication. Passed by the City Council '3 1913. City Clerk Approved by me this day oURY? 1.191. - Mayal qq U 4 Ordinarre llo. SS An Ordinance vacating certain portions of 45.t.h and 47th streets In the City of Port Townsend, Washington. The City Council of the City.of Port Townsand, Washington -do ordain as follows: Sac. 1. That that portion of 45th street lyinE; botween blocks twelve (12) and tvionty-three (23) of Brackens Addition to the City of Port Townsend, c:nd that portion of 47th street lying between blocks six (6) and twelve (12) of Said Addition, be and the same is hereby var;ated . Sec..•2. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify the said vacation to the county auditor. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall he published once in the Daily Leader and shall take effect as providad by law. Passed the Council Approved by the Mayo�"_ �{ij�t�!' _ 1013. u W 40 Ordinance No. An Ordinance authorizing; and directing the issue of bonds of Local Improvement District No. 7, created by ordinance No. of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in'the sum of $2006.26. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to issue and deliver to the City Treasurer for registration, twenty coupon bonds of Local Improvement District No. 7, of said City of Port Townsend, created by ordinance No.V�/, of said'city, in the denomination of one hundred dollars each, and . one bond of said district in the sum of �6.26; thgt the said bonds so to be issued are to be numbered consecutively, signed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk, hear interest at the rate of seven per rent per annum, are to be made payable to P. ti. Coyne and James H. Coyne or bearer on or before tan years after date, with interest payable annually. Fach'nf-saaid bonds sha71-•1iave",at'tacb;ed7' �=s thereto ten annual interest coupons, properly executed as required by law, and each bond shall state on its face that it is not a general liability against the city but is to be redeemed only out of Local Improvement Fund, District No. 7, and in all respects such bonds are to be issued in the usal form usod by said city for such local improvement bonds, and acc(�A�ing; to section 47 of chapter 98 of the session laws of 1911, and refer to all proper ordinances as required by said Aact . ,r. Ser,.',,hat tha' said bonds after being registered by the city trBaS— uror shall he delivered to James H. Coyne and P. M. Coyne in payment of the contract price for the construction of Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 7. sec. 3. This oainance shall be published in the Daily Leader and shall take effort as required by law. erect ��¢GtYt rg<�14 C O co P c ' W r V' 799 Authorizesj nuance of refunding bonds (Special) t 800 Regulaes storage of crude-- 801 Pipeline franchise (Special) 802 Street vacation (Special) 803 Prescribes punishment for throwing garbage, ect. into manhole (9.04) 804 Tax levy for 1911 (Special) 805 Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) 806 LID No. 5 assessment (Special) 807 Creates LID No. 6 (Special) 808 Amends Ord. 21B (Repealed by 1525) 809 Grants franchise (Special) 810 Establishes street grades (Special) 811 LID No. 5 bond issuance (Special) 812 Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) 813 Amends Ord. 800, crude petroleum storage (Repealed by 1215) 814 Grants right-of-way (Special) 815 Establishes fire limits (Not codified) 816 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 817 Powerline franchise (Special) 818 House numbering (12.16) 819 Pertains to LID No. 6 (Special) 820 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) B21 Issuance of LID No. 6 bonds (Special) 822 Authorizes construction of named ward (Special) 823 Regulates and licenses peddlers, solicitors (Repealed by 1525) 824 Prohibits discharge of fireworks and limits storage (Repealed by 1525) 825 Grants franchise (Special) 826 Tax levy for 1912 (Special) 827 Street improvement (Special) 828 Authorizes construction and maintenance of a ward (Special) 829 Fixes compensation -of named officers (Not codified) 830 Wharf construction (Special) 831 Grants franchise (Revoked by 844) 832 Authorizes maintenance of private slip at foot of street (Special) 833 Wharf construction (Special) 834 Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) 166 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) 835 Establishes street Cara. k_% (S,icial) 36 Amends Ord. -75? (Repea�eu by 1525) 837 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 838 Assessments for LID No. 7 (Special) 839 Street vacation (Special) __840 Issuance of LID No. 7 bonds (Special) 841 Sets 1913 tax levy (Special) 842 Additional duties of water superintendent by 1525) 843 Wharf construction (Special) 844 Revokes street railway franchise granted b (Special) 845 Authorizes maintenance of aerial line for (Special) 846 Revokes railroad franchise granted by Ord. (Special) 847 Revokes railway franchise granted by Ord. (Special) 848 Grants franchise (Revoked by 884) 849 Establishes tax levy for 1914 (Special) (Repealed y Ord. 831 communication 718 721 799 Authorizes,issuance of refunding bonds (Special) 900 Regulates storage of crude p' t-i&.eum 801 Pipeline franchise (Special) 802 Street vacation (Special) 803 Prescribes punishment for throwing garbage, ect. into manhole (9.04) 804 Tax levy for 1911 (Special) 805 Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) 806 LID No. 5 assessment (Special) 807 Creates LID No. 6 (Special) 808 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) 809 Grants franchise (Special) 810 Establishes street grades (Special) 811 LID No. 5 bond issuance (Special) 812 Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) 813 Amends Ord. 800, crude petroleum storage (Repealed by 1215) 814 Grants right-of-way (Special) 815 Establishes fire limits (Not codified) 816 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 817 Powerline franchise (Special) 818 House numbering (12.16) 619 Pertains to LID No. 6 (Special) 820 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 821 Issuance of LID No. 6 bonds (Special) 822 Authorizes construction of named ward (Special) 823 Regulates and licenses peddlers, solicitors (Repealed by 1525) 824 Prohibits discharge of fireworks and limits storage (Repealed by 1525) 825 Grants franchise (Special) 826 Tax levy for 1912 (Special) 827 Street improvement (Special) 828 Authorizes construction and maintenance of a ward (Special) B29 Fixes compensation of named officers (Not codified) 830 Wharf construction (Special) 831 Grants franchise (Revoked by 844) 832 Authorizes maintenance of private slip at foot of street (Special) 833 Wharf construction (Special) 834 Amends Ord. 728 (Repealed by 1525) 166 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) 835 Establishes street (S.-icial) L36 Amends Ord. 151 (Repealeu by 1525) 837 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 838 Assessments for LID No. 7 (Special) 839 Street vacation (Special) �40 Issuance of LID No. 7 bonds (Special) 841 Sets 1913 tax levy (Special) 842 Additional duties of water superintendent (Repealed by 1525) B43 Wharf construction (Special) B44 Revokes street railway franchise granted by Ord. 831 (Special) 845 Authorizes maintenance of aerial line for communication (Special) 846 Revokes railroad franchise granted by Ord. 71B (Special) 847 Revokes railway franchise granted by Ord. 721 (Special) 848 Grants franchise (Revoked by 884) 849 Establishes tax levy for 1914 (Special) r ft An Ordinance impoinr; additionai.dutias on tho Water. Superintend ont and Auditor of the City of Port Tovmsond, Washington, fi:cinn his compensation and providing* for the payment of the same. The City Council of the. City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. That in addition to the duties now imposed upon the t'Iatnr Superintendent and Auditor of thQ City of Port Townsend, Washington, the said 'Rater superintendent and Auditor shall also perform all duties now required of the City Fnginaer, Including all duties that the said eng;inenr may be required to perform as plumbing Inspector and superintendent of sewers. Sec. 2. That the said Watnr Superintendent and Auditor shall be paid at' the rate of One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars a month as' full compensation for all of such servicos, to be paid on the first day of each succeeding; month, one hundred dollars of the said monthly salary to be paid out of the Olympic Gravity Water Fund, and twenty- five Dollars out of tho Currynt Expense Fund. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily r Loader and shall take effect as required by law. �Passnd the City Council lflll.(Qjr� % Approved by the 1-1,jyor Attest: City !jerk. n n- Coln 1;o oonutr-aat ano -f, to ly one lv-li� of Street, tain v.imrfa, 6-oo' s tm�-- buiiCdm--,, z oii the 7.7c 0 r co V-in ,aomrenoirz v.-b the llorthe,�'Fjt corner of Dloch jllinet-,on of L. s first; icldi'ti011 U to "Uha 'jity of 2ort Tlova,,�enC., ilainl-tor-, ti, ence extonC.inr- t2i.:a Southerly direction to the innor llarbor lire; �-,Iso t:ll of 'Front Street To -C on�, of tho Southerly -i0e of or.ia Blook Dine-- - i�bAxtti ...V,, anCI e:�Aen6inG in Ir -L U -n f321' teen Of X, . �13-. 11, �4 v'itjon to tia,-3 -Oittof Po - rt; v. sand, CL in;; von. 3e it orCUiino,6. 'U-; t-h-1, "'i y o-Z koyt f 01 Section One. Tl c.t 'I-Iiore io hereby to tha lllillsiC�o CmninG Company, a cor-'Oration, z,�ma its siicce:jsors for o a;eriod of ten Years the riCht, priveleae anCl t �uthority o cony t operate and r-aintain -nil buil(lin-s an the 7icsGea!ly one half o-f Street, cony. 7-1 H,%atinu-1 e First 71�rrlc, e 0 1,7 a, its Lmc, if not so Section Four. This Crdinmce be published once in the 1"ort Tovrnsena Daily leOer and tc�]--.e effect and be in force from alla after fivedar- of such -mblic&tton. PL Is8edby the nIjIU7Y ColmoiI. 1 9 Apyroved by the Layor. Attest'. City C ork. 7IT Pablishecl hismyd'i ,1914. w LLllj, Cori, Orr,t+iOlt, te 1n Lit Jocks ;.11C.. bui�.b_�n_?, oil 21C ":e 1 Ucri,i One l:�lf Of .`;s. 41:e1' S tr^t?t, comnenein,• vet the 'Uoxthe: st corner of ::loci: i:inetrca of L. I_ HLstinc's �.r8t;:'=�aC�itiOn to tilE 'li'u�" of i'ox"� ri0:�1Se lflt '.' ,,11Ln:_;tOYlt 'i/i1CY1CB OI:tC?1C.1".ice Sri:.a 3outherlZj Uroction to tho inner iiai:bor line; also -11 of Front Street abuttiT a, ex:tend.ins in =ron: of `ho Sot?therl- :;iC.e of u :ic' 31ook Iline- Le�ll O11:5'`lll;.' ''irst .'VCition to Lhe-^,it; o 0 To-i t ';� f 1 11SEl..1[Z, e:sh- ink ion. no it li�j of 10::'{ Section One. Thc.t �7,cre ire :iorr_1-7 . 1 .:Ztecl to t's:s iiill:ACce Cz=in�; Cpzli'nz2y, COr'i%Ort).'ti012, C:721 its .%or Jeriod. of ten years, tllo rii ll't, �trivelo�o�. ut'_:oriLJ to constrnet, Doer: to c:ncl r.�e.inttlin wharfs, docks end. builai2l-s on ti:n ':;esLcrl r one i_e.lf of ",'ULer Street, co=— mono. in t.t the corner of Floc' I'inet0an of L. 11, _ .atin 's r rut Ad6i.ti.on to the "i ty of 1:Orf r'0';.11a011C , :,I.ill(;'tOn, 'thei1Ce 0:,ton6ing in Z' Southerly direction to the inner harbor line; V100 Ul of front Street abutting t.nd extending in fro;zt of the Southc):ly side of 6-;.id aloe; Mine - teen of L. LE:ting's .first .Cittion to Lne ,;it of i'ort To- send., .lash- in. ­ton, Section Two. iivt, }y-al the acce'.tonce of tlis ordin-_nce the said grantee hereby &gees, ul:on the 2•:*inuest of 'Lilo ":itf Cpiuicil to Conform ZE-de.. ;nharfa &,i1CL aoolze to he :.xc:cle of vciu streets 1101,': established or to be heroef'L-cr established. ,Section Three. TLiS ordinance 31AL-21 Ira -c,cel ted by the ;;rt.ntce ::it'hin thirty d,ys c•.ftUr it: le.ssaLe, MIC if not so a.coo-2tL:d., shall be void. Section Your. This Crdinc_nce sii .11 be Vubliw•Iled once in the l ort Tozinsend Pally Lec, uer and te.l;e effect c.nd be in force from ani cftor fiv6ua:;s Of SllC:2 ll�)liCl t7 011. Q z Zl$5eG .)y t e 'lick 7olulcil ae= i _ `n. ,1J11 _.. �Lpl;rovact by 'tue t..;:.:Ior, 1�: -��.... i.:cyor. Attest: City Clerk. rtlblishea. , 1 4P 'J 0 4- nr•f1iY,tinge .'0• ���C°�� Ail Ordin;anco �,r+�r;fiat :o th-3 ':r.itnr3 "tams pormissilon to es- tablish and mainta.evi aPi ratirial line, of co:muriesation on cartain stre;ots of t1jo ^Jty of }*art Townsend,-ashin,,ton. Th0 ^ity' Council of t;ha r?it;� of Port "'o•,msend, ,'lasltinjrton, do ordain as follows: iection 1. That pr,rmAs son is hereby ir.ranted to th-! "nited Otatos to aroct poles r.nd st,rinf, wiry•:; thoroon -.rithin the litr.its of the City of Fort Townsend, 'Naahin ton, on the stroets and parts of streets herninafter named for the purpose of establishing and main- taining an aerial line of communication within and without said City: That tho stroets and parts of streets on which 'the said line may be so astehlishod and maintained are as follows: Comioncinf- vhnrr) the eastern and of 47th street meats the west boundary line of the United stator, 'Military Reservation of Port °tordan, Washington, thenno roost on 47th street to San .Yuan Avenue; thence .south on c,an Juan Avonuo to Discovery Road; thence a:.ontr b* Diseovcry Road to 28th street (also called Hastings Avenue); thence alone- said 2Bth strr)ot ,rest to the westorn bomidary- of the city limit:, of said rit, of Port TOWnsend, 'Vashinpton. Son • 2 . That the said poles era to be so plae:ed as to inter fare as littlo." ar, possible wita regular travel on said streets, and are to be placed under the direction of the Stroot Committae of s.iiai City Council, and :h,a said lino is to be so arected and main- tained as to secure the: groatest amount of safety possible to trav- elers anr� to abutting; property osvnors, and in easo the city author- ti'-es tirade or ragrade any of th(; swirl streets tha said [manta is to move tho said poles and plane their according to the now grade or rograrlo at its own expanse. sec .3. This ordinance s) a' 1 be publisi:nd once in the 1)ailY leader anal shall take e]f "ect and he in form as provided by 'law, but if not acoopted it-, ^iriting by the ETrantoo within thirty days after its psass,agn and approval, small heco:7o null and void without ,further action of the City. .Passed the City Council May 19, 1914. Approved b11 the Dias,=or l'ay � 1914. QCet I✓QYo-t Avg / 0611u w Ordinanco 7`o. in Ordinanco rwyokinl, a c,)rtain railroad franchise prantnd to 4. R. loleman and '.[. Ball1n1rnr, their associates, succonsors and assiaTns,on .Tuna 2r), 1906, and repealing ordin�jnr.o :'o. 718, passed by thn ^ity council .Turin 19, 1906 and approved by the "ayor Tune 20, 1906. The Cite Council of the "ity of -'ort Twmsnnd, "!a:;hir.Rton, do ordain as f.olloas: -action 1. Tbat the railroad franchise rrantad to f. �. rolaman and 12. Rallingar, their associates, sirccos sors and assigns, by ordinanco '?o. 718, on 'une 21, 1906, he and thn same is hereby re- voked. Sec. 2. That said ordinance ''o. 718, entitled "!!n Ordinance ]*ranting to A. R. anti '..'. "allinger, their associates, sue- cassors and assigns, the right and authority, to locate, lay down, constuct and perpetually to maintain and oparate, standard Caul*,e railroad tracks and thnrnon to run and. operate trains, cars and enginos, along, upon and over cortain streets and public placos in the City of Port Tomnsend", passod Fy the Oity f,ouncil Tenn 19, 1906, and approved by the ?layor .Tune 20, 1906, b,- and thci same is hereby repaalnd . Soc.3. That *nis ordinance shall be published in the Daily Leader and take effect as r,3gnj rod by law. ll� Pa^.^,ed thR pity council _ G(i/'cam - ]Approved by the Nayor Aw(, lORDINARCE An ordinance entitled "An ordinance (,ranting C. J. Erickson, his successors ,or, assigns, the rik;ht, privilege and nuthor- ity to loente, construct, maintain :and operate railway tracks and ,ill telegraph .and telephone lines necessary or V. convenicn't. to the operation of his railway in, along, upon and over certain streets, avenues, olleyfs and public places in the city of Port Townsend," y The city council of t;ie city oL :'o.-t. Tovai send do ovdain i as follow e : Section. 1. The city of uti-2.•t Yornsend, Jefferson County, I VaFhin�.toii, eons hereby F;r:stit to C. J. Erickson, his succes- Ii or assigns, in perpetuity the ri(jht , privilege and author- :3 ity to lay down, construct, maintain ,and operate one or more i� standard gauge railway tracks for the transportation of frei�;Y.t • and passengers, together rith any rind all needful corswovers and connecti.onn between any of Eaie. tr-:cks rmd all necessary side or spur taa.ckr-, turnouts, yard tracks or connecting tracks ! I and all such ueleEreph and telephone liners necessary or conven- icnt to _e operation of hisrailway ir., over, upon find along the following described streets. a.venuer, , alleys and public ways : Commencing s.t the outer harbor line on .Port Townsend Bay, on 9r+d along the following; streets: San Juan Avenue to 49th Street. idctiasill Avenue to 26th Street. Haines Street to 26th Street. Y_uhn Street to 24th 5trect. Iamles Street to 124th Street. Hastingra Street to Washington Street. Bell Street to Franklin Street. Prosper Street to Jranklin Street. Benedict Strect to tir,inklin Street. i.o,rison Street to crnnklirz Street. Thayer Street to F y a.rrkliri Street. Decatur Street to frr,�nklir,"2treet. Kearney Street to Franklin Street. Gainea Street to Franklin Street. Scott Street to Franklin Street. Walker Street to Franklin Street. Case Street to Water Street. Colhoun Street to Water Street. Benton Street to ".`rater Street. Pierce Street to Water Street, VanBuren Street to Water Street, Harrison Street to hater Street,. Yilrrio_: e ;treat to Water -tre,-t. v ,�' Pdk 3trt;Pt to °:; itL'.; titre t T yler Street to tiiater W'truet. Thence from Son Juan Avenue on ind along Front Street to Hudson Street; j Thence from San ,luau Avenue on and :along Water Street to Taylor Street; ' Thence from Sari Junn Avenue on YK along '::ashinnton Street to 'calker Street; Thence from :pan Juan Avenue on ^"dolong Jefferson Street to Walker Street, Thence from Ban Omn Avainc on "Yid alonL� 2 ;'nklin i',treet to 15alker Street; Thence from Front Street on •end Jackson Street to Law- rence Street, Thence from Front Street on and along Clnlla.m Street to Law- rence Street; Thence from Front Street on and along Hudson Street to the intersection of "S" and lay Streets. It being: understood th t between the flours of six (6) affL. and ten (10) p. m. no freight equipment is to be handled over Water Street between Taylor and Filmore Streets. Section 2. The construction -nd operation of a. Mingle track under this ordinance shall not be considered as a waiver or abandonment of the riot to construct and operate additional i tracks thereafter; provided that if the Bait C. J. Erickson, his successors or assigns, shall not have constructed a line or i lines of railway upon tho strcete herein mentioned, or have in i' process of construction such line or lines within a period of twenty (20) years from the date of the -approval of this ordin- ance, then such street or otrePts ro unoccupied shall be free from the franchiae rights granted by this ordinance, but such ! release of any :such unoccupied street shall in no wise affect f the r:ranchine rights herein granted as to all other streets 4 .. �i herein muntione .' All of said rights, privileges and authori- ties are hereby granted subject to all conditions, restrictions, apecif icAtione nod requir"mento in thio ordinance expressed. Section 3. The Grant in this ordinance contained is e made exnresoly subject to the rights of the city of Port Town- i wend to retain the zone control of On streets, nvenuee and c alleys, in, along, across and upon which railway track or tracks shall be laid down, as over other streets, avenues and IWMM alleys in :said city; ?nd nnia city shall h:ve the right �t sll tames, by a general ordinonce,to regulite the speed of locomotives and trains •:;ithin the limits of the riclit of way herein granted, and shall h eve :Mich further control and police :I power over such right of way as the city ordinances now or hereafter perr^it; 7ind the city reserves to itself, and its grantees, the right to c-rry all water mains, sever mains, gas pipes, wires, conduits and other public utilities underneath, or wires above any and all of the tracks herein authorized, which rights shall be exercised, however, so as not to inter- fere with the practical use of said tracks, and so as to leave the right of way occupied thereby restored to as good condi- tion as it was prior to any exercise of such rights by the said c ity. Section 4. That, in the use of the tracks authorized by this ordinance, :aid grontec, his successors or assigns, shall have the riF,,ht to use electric, steam or other motive power as he or they shall deem suitable, subject to the lawful and reasonable control and regulations of the city of Port Townsend. Section 5. In addition to such poles and wires so to be erected for the r•urpose of supplying electric current, they may also be used to carry sires for power, heat and lighting purposes, for the use of company only, ind the right is hereby granted during the term hereof to connect the wires herein au- thorized with any power station or car house in connection kith said street railroad system, and waid grantee may convey wires from such power house to the line of wires hereby authorized, upon poles placed upon or along the highways or olleys of the COW Section 6. That whenever said city of Port Townsend shall cHuse the co -terminus portion of any :street upon which said C. J. 1'.riek:3on, hiN or assigns, o�inl.l have coil- structed a railway, under t;:e protiir..ions hereof, to be GT•,ded, the sni.d uj ­.ntee , his succetMors or assigns, eha.11 crn;:nge or alter the grade of its l.rac;cs co -terminus vlitt. :-.uch street grade at his own or their expense; r,rovided, ho•:.ever, that " such alterations shall not interfere with t: e pr,ctical opera- tion of said railway, .!,id ":['enever t L! city of Fort Townsend i shall cause to be paved ;he co-ter;ninus purtion of any street upon zhich the grantee, his successors or assigns, shall have constructed a r::ilway,under the provisions hereof, the grantee his auccessors or assigns, shall pave, at his ovrn or their cost or expense, . the space between its tracks acid for one foot on either side thereof, zaid paving to conform to the paving done by tho city of port Townsend. Section 7. Thnt ii,e right of way and all the rights, privileges qnd authorities granted by this ordin-,-ince, and all benefits hereof, shall be assignable by said grantee, his vue- cessors or aesigns, as he or they may at any time see fit, either as an entirety or as resnect9 any one or more of the tracks, or parts of tracks, embr-aced within the scope of this grant; provided, that written notice of any or all such assign- ments shall be filed with the city clerk of the city of Port Townsend within thirty (30) days thereafter. Section 8. Said grantee, C. J. Erickson, his succes- sors or assigns, in and -by accepting the grants, -privileges _inch benefits conveyed by this ordinance, covenan•;s for himself, hie ouccessors and assigns, with the city of Port Townsend that he will, Ft all times, keep :and s=3ve h�irmless said city of fort Townsend from -nd against all liability, loss, cost, damage or expense which may at any time arise by reason of said grantee's appropriation -of any real estate or other property for right of way or other purposes, by reason of the construction, mainten- - 4 - ante Fetid operation of or runnArij- of tl;e enrc or, the railviny to be core: trusted n1.ongr sny of -n id rArt.:ete , avenue3 , alleys qf,d public pinees, or by reae:on of ,i7yitling ;hat mtsy be done by e.Fi3ci gr:-1.ntee, his or n.L3igns, and small defend any and all actionr, arising in r�-lntion thcr«,,to, rirovided that the ` rantec, '' �' � • w �;_� his cuccer.r;ors or F?e_.igns, in ;a11 in•_tar_cc.s .here the city of Po�'I. To,:-rir.ond oec?c t-D hold :?air? Lrcantee, hiss, nuccec— sors or assiene, lir?.ble hereunder, shall notify the said grantee, his successors or assij;ns, in writing, and give hint or them an opportunity to defend any and all such litigation. Section 9. The consent, permirsion and authority herein granted =y be revoked by the city council of the city of Port, Townsend in case the grantee, his successors or assigns shall fail, r:ithin a period of six (6) months from date of the publication of this ordinance, to commence the construction of the railroad that shall occupy at least a portion of the streets mentioned herein, with a view of rendering to the pub-- .lic freight and passenger service thereon,'- and shall within two (2) years from the d^te of the approval of this ordinance have established rail connections between Port Townsend and Port Angeles, and also shall have established, or cause to have been established, freight ba.rge service between Port Town- eend and some point on the easterly side of Puget Sound having a tranu-continental railroad service. Section 10. Said grantee, his succefm.ors or assigns, shall, within sixty (60) days after the passage of this ordin- ance, file with tl:e clerk of the cit�r of Port Townsend his written acceptance thereof, duly executed by 3^id grantee, hin 't succeFsors or assigns, e.nd until the filing of c.ich acceptance I; avid grantee, his successors or assigns, shall not be entitled to any of the rights��,�� ben efits or privileges herein mentioned. �f l� ��, �Vtr[tiL♦.u.J� nti.4Ll .iu. G�} �a.t.C+-f aC,t�GC..JL La...�.� �-{�lf{,.Cil i, Section 11. This ordinance :halltake effect and be - 5 - ■ �} in force on and -after its paomage rind publication ^s required it by law. Passed this �. day of July, 1914. Approved by me ,this �' day of July, 1914. # 'a I� ISayor. Attested.' 42!zoel—a- L-� City Clerk. VII Published j' a 1914. .r:7CR >- 1k 0 1 '1 -Y, Of flY An Ordinance makin the tax levy of the City of Port Townsend, Washington for the year 1914, and fixing the rate of taxation. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and hereby are levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, the following sums for the different purposes designated, and the rate of taxation upon the asaossed valuation for such purposes,is as fol- lows: Hirst: For the payment of current expenses of said city, as follows: for the General Fund $8,323.43, and the rate of taxation for said fund is hereby fixed at six (6) mills on the dollar; for the Street Fund , the sum of $4,161.71, and the rate of taxation for said fund is hereby fixed at three (3) mills on the dollar; for the Sewer Fund, the sum of $1,387.23, and the rate of taxation for said fund is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the dollar. Second:For the payment of interest on outstanding municipal bonds, as fol'lows:fon the payment of interest on the first issue of municipal bonds, refunded in the year 1911, the sum of $4,161.71, and the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at eeiw-- gkree M ) million the dollar; for the payment of interest on the second issue of municipal bonds of said city, including series A B C and D, known as funding bonds, the sum of $1805.90, and the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at one and one-fourth (1f) mill �on the dollar. Third: For the payment and retirement of munici al bonds of the second issue hereinbofore described, the sum of 12080.85, and the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at i one and one-half (1J) mills on the dollar. Sec. 2. In addition to al ther'taxes hereinhefore levied, there is hereby le�,,BBd o 1 e� b r� ��__rop rt within said city the sum of $1,3878M Man fie rate o ` t a't�f9i�'§aid purpose is hereby fixed at one(1) millmt� / dr Sec. 3. That the mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor the foregoing tax levy as provided by law. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be published onto in the Daily Leader and shall take effect and be in force as provided by law. a.&e'4� (a4./VA( Did, �F 852 Fixes Salaries* for certain officers -('Not codified} 853 Wharf construction (Special) 854 Street vacation (Special) 855 Licenses and regulates secondhand dealers and pawn- brokers (Repealed by 1047) 856 Provides for street improvement (Special) 857 Fixes time and place of city council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 858 Sets tax levy for 1915 (Special) 859 Authorizes issuance refunding bonds (Special) 86.0 LID No. 8 assessment (Special) 861 Provides for street improvements (Special) 862 Provides for LID No. 8 bond issuance (Special) 863 Establishes traffic regulations (Repealed by 1525) 864 Grants franchise (Special) 865 Amends Ord. 855 (Repealed by 1047) 866 LID No. 9 assessment (Special) 867 Regulates sale of alcohol for chemical, mechanical and scientific uses (Repealed by 1525) 868 Change to LID No. 9 (Special) 669 Provides for street improvements (Special) 870 Sets tax levy for 1916 (Special) 871 Licenses and regulates public dancehalls (Repealed by 1714) 872 Amends Ord. 275 (Not codified) 873 Licenses and regulates secondhand dealer, junk dealers and pawnbrokers, repeals Ord. 855 (5.28) 874 Fixes penalty for delinquent taxes (3,08) 875 Assessment for LID No. 10 (Special) 876 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 167 (Port Townsend 10/15/74) 877 Changed to LID bond No. 10 (Special) 876 Licenses and taxes bowling alleys, billiard tables, pool tables and shooting galleries, repeals Ord. 190 (Repealed by 1555) 879 Taxes and licenses -all vehicles drawn by animals for all motor.vehicles kept for hire (Repealed by.1036) 880 Wharf construction (Special) 881. Amends Ord. 876 (Repealed by 1555) 882 Authorizes federal government to establish and maintain. a telephone line (Special) 883 Grants franchise (Special) 884 Revokes.franchise granted by Ord. 848 (Special) 3 825 Sets tax.levy for 1918 (Special) 886 Establishes street grade. (Special) 887 Fixes salary for certain officers (Not codified) 888 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) 889 Prohibits sale of fireworks and explosives (9.04) 890 Sets tax levy for 1919 (Special) 891 Fixes salary of named officers- (Not codified) ) 892 Revokes franchise granted by 893 Grants franchise (Special) 894 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) 895 Amends Ord. 753 (Not codified) 896 Designates site and construction of reservoir (Special) B97 Sets tax levy for 1920 (special) 898 Street vacation (Special) i 899 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) jb • 0 •6 Aa, 9�l' l *I ORDINATTCF fixing: tho salaries of certain appointive officers of the City of Port Tovmsand, Washington, and repeal- ing Ordinanco No. [-.� and all other ordinances in conflict, he reivi th . The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. That after the pasrsagi of this ordinance the fol- lowing appointiva officers of the City of Port Townsend shall receiva the salaries herein designated as full compensation for their services, to -wit: Police Justice $25.00; Cit Marshall, $85.00• Patrolman,_ $75.00;.Streot Superintendent, 75.00; Teamster, J65.00; Janitor and Stoker, $70.00; Fire Chief, $15.00; Poundmaster, $60.00; Park Gardner, $60.00. Sec.2. That the salaries of all other officers shall re- main as they now are, and all salaries shall be paid as now provided by ordinance. Sec. 3. That Ordinance ITo-56 , and all other ordinances in conflict with the provisions oi' this ordinance are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be published onca in the Daily Leader and shall take effect as provided by law. Passed the City Council lameatry Approved by the Mayora/cf_.��/�/�(! CG-� � • - �C�i �Li 1�2, �-�c•2llllu � ; l,sl , • ORDINAT-M Ndi�ll:R UUI.-BER An Ordincnee authorizing the, Hillside Conning Company, a oorp— oration, and its successors Fnd assigns, to construct anC,. maintain wharfs, docks and building© on the Easterly one half of Walker Street, commencing at the 13orthwest corner of hot Eight of Block Eighteen of L. B. Heating's First Addition to the City of Port Townsend, State of Washington; thence oxtending in a Southerly direction to the inner harbor line; also all of Front Street abutting and extending in front of the Southerly ends of Lots Five and Seven of Block Eighteon of L. B. Hasting's First Addition to the City of Port TownBenu, State oT ',*!:shin, ton. Y L cif (�rau9oArC.,r-f �k: �cf r471 BM -1.� ORDA INIM�by.-.the�Oity-.:of=;F_ortit ourasnnd....a—fo110 Ws Section One. That there is hereby grunted to the Hillside Canning Company, a corporation, and its Successors and assigns, for a period of ten yeara, the right, privelege and au.thority to oonstruot, operate and maintain wharfs, docks and buildings on the Easterly one-half of Walkker Street, commencing at the Northwest Corner of Lot Seven of Block Eighteen of 1. B. Hasting's First Addition to the City of fort Townsend, State of 'Washington, thence extending in a Southerly direction to the inner harbor line; also all of Front Street abutting and extending in front of the Southerly ends of Lots Five and Seven of Block Eighteen of L. B. Hasting's First Addition to the City of .fort Townsend, . State of ''lashingtcn. Section Two. That by the acceptance of this ordinance the said gran ewe hereby agrees, upon the request of the City Council, to conform said wharfs and docks to the grade of said streets nor: established or to be hereafter established; and to remove all buildings from the streets herein named upon thirty days notice from -the City Council, and to allow free wharfage over any wharf constructed under this franchise to the said City. The City reserving the right to grant any desired railroNd franchise over the said streets. Section Three. This ordinance shall be accepted by the grantee within hirty days after its passage, and if not so accepted, shall be void. Section Four. This ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Daily Leader and take effect and be in force from and after five days of such publication. k<< Passed by the City Council,:_ - Approved by the i,layor. �, /�!'i/�rz_'u , 1915. Nayor. Attest: ( City Clerk. / Date of i'ublica.ti.on, Y t _ kl4n Ol dinnneo vracztin-, a certain part of i udaon titraet in the City of -.`ort Townsend, 'Pashinirton. The City "ourvil of the City of Port Toernsand, '`�asbington do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. That that part of Hudson Stri3ot in the City of Port Townsend, "'ashin;-ton, descrihed as follows, to-ait: Ileginninc at a point (on the present hi�hwator pine) which bears 41. 57 dogreas 58 minutes E. 25 feet frum a point in the northeaster- ly boundary of block 2 in the City of Port Townsend ('Original Townsits), State of Washington, which latter point is distant 85 feet from tho northerly corner of said block 2; thence north 32 do - grew 2 minutos W. GO feet, parallel to the northeasterly boundary of said bl*ck 2, to a point; thence north 57 degrees 58 minutes F. 35 feet\to a point (on present high water line); thence south 20 datgrees \2 minutes F,.. 35 feet to a point ( also on prosent high water line ); thence south 15 degrees b minutes w. 36 feet, more. or. less to the�,point of boginning; the above described parcel of ing a portion of l.'u6son street, lying between water street and Frnnt street, of sAid City of Port Townsend, Washington: M..-. . -'�W Hnd t`he same is hereby vanatgd Sec:PThat rhv City Elark,of sa .1 1.1oreby authorized and di- rectod ;o certify the said vacation to the auditor of Jefferson' County, 71asbington. Sec. 3. That this ordinance he published once in the Daily Lead-' errQW take effect as provided by law. �. Passed the City Council Approved by the Mayor �,'�. `SKI .:��Ji` � V', , 1 �• - ` • ' . Ord illaswn iio . so,P An Ordirance to llconaa and regillato nvicond hand ciacalors and pa:anbrokers in tho (.it;/ of Port Townsend, !Vac;hin,;ton,and providing a penalty for the vitiation thereof. Tlw city Council of the Oity of Port, TG%vnsond, Wlashin,zton, do ordain ran follows: Ser;tiori 1. Every ljorson, t'irin or r:orporzf;on anf;aUod in Thole or IT, part in Gh,- I i`3j::?:., of : U;/i:?!i or :io nnl-hand ijl3rsonal property, :Ietai junk, or :pelted me tall a, shall ho dammnd tc bo a second-hand docalor; us:ti Livery parson, firm or corporation enFr-tgod in wholo or in part in tho huFsinn s:s or loanilig money or: tho security of pl�ed{;ns, rioposits or r,onrii:iontal sales of piirsanal property, shall hu+ deomad to bo a pawaribroker. f30c. 2. 11vary second' -hand doale r and ovary pawnbroker shall, be - or -a doing. 7121`/ }7tiS.lna$u in said City obtain license SO to d• 'or which he sf--all pay 'he sum of one dollar per annum, provided, that the paymont Or ono licanse feo shall antitle the licensan to do business both w; a sa(.,on❑ hand daulor and as a pawnbrokor if his application therefor so :Mates. 3ec.3. Such license shall be granted only upon the filing, with the city clerk of a statonnent by 'the applicant sho;vinr the full name or names of thn person or persons, firm or-orporation intend- ing to nnUcit7o in such husinesss,tha location of the Intend business and tho begannint, and eliding of the for which the liconse is dosired,and also sho,.vinir whether the applicant desires to do busi- Hass i as a second hand dealer or a pawnbroker or }both. such application must be aecompar.ind by the recoipt of the City 'Treasurer, shwvirig that ono ;/ear's licansa has baan paid. A receipt or statement from the City k:lerk showinr; that such application and receipt from the treasurer have been filed shall be consider -A a 4iifficiont licena� to do business,. Sec. d. Every second heind doaler and. evary pawnbroker aha11 Ice op in his place of business rL book or other permaront record in which shall be legibly written in the English language at the time of each lean, purcihaso or sale, a racord containing: (1) The date of t-'na t:r,-insaction. (2)The iTarie of the person or amployou condug:tingr the same. (3) '.The signatures of the person 'with whom the transaction is had, together with a ger:eral description of such person as to color of eyes �Oiair and as to size, dross and facial apihoaranco . GO The name and street and house number of the owner of the property. (5) Thu stroot and houses numbor of the place from which the property bought or racjived in pledge was last rouisived. (6) A dns(ription of the property boutYht or reeeivad in pl.odne, which in thrh c:ann of a atchos shall contain the named of the maker and the number of both t'La 'xork.,; and the caso, and in the case of joviolry shall contain a doseription of all lettors and mari;sr inscribed thereon' Providad, that when tho article bought or ruceived in pledge is furniture, or the contents of any house ar roan, a eon+eral do- scription of the property tot*rither with a proper` location of tho house or Toni❑ shall he doomad sufficiont. (7) The price paid or the rLmount loaned. (6) The navies and placo of residence of any person or persons witnessing the transaction. (4) Tho numbor of the pawn ticket issuod therefor if' any. Sac. 5. Tho said retard s.iill duvinp the oroinary hours of business be open to the inspoetion of the prosecuting aL;;jrney, oe and to all peace officer:; Soc. 6 Tt shall ba unlawful for ary :such second hand doulor or pawnbroker to r©move or allow to he removed from his place of business:, excrrpt ttpon radomption 17 r the ownrsr thereof, any property received -within four, dare of the receipt of the sremo> and it shall also he oonsidor�3d unlawful for any such second hand dealer- or pa%rM- broker to receive any pr•ufrarty from any parson r.tndar the agn of twenty-one 1?nars, or, From any common drunkard or any habitual user o: narcotlp drugs or any por:son in Uui intoxAcatod c:,ndition. 9ac.7. ?ny see;oncl hand dealer or pawnhroklir who shall fail to comply with or violato any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon ccnviction theretf be fined in any sum no 3xceoding ninety-five dollars and in all cases of vonvintion such second hand dealer or pawnbroker s}Fall forfeit his license. Sea. S. This ordinartr:o shall bo published onto in the Daily I.eado•r and shall take affect and be in force from and after five Clays after such publication, and all. second hand dealers and pawn- brokers doing* biuilness within the City of Port Town -strand, Washington, who shall not hava complied with its provisions in tak- in., out a proper license by the timk3 the samf,, Foes into effort shall be. subject to the penalties herein provided. ,��� J 1 ORDINAYCF UO . All ORDITIANCF providing for the impr•ovoment of Water Street Y in the City of Port Tovnc,end, Washinrrton, bat•aerin the east line of Pierce Street and the mist line of Wa.lkor street , by throupLv the bluff and gradir,;T thn same to a oviform grade with Water street on the east side'of suid proposed improvement, according to a resolution of the Cite Council of said city passed by said council on May 4, 191h, and appro,led by the Mayor May 5, 1915, creating a local improvement district therefor, to be known as Local Improvement District IIo. 8, and providintr that payment for said improvement be made by special assessments upon the property in said district pay- able by the mode of "Payment by Bonds". The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows : Section 1. That Water Street in said City between the east lire of Pierce Street and the east line of Walker Street be improved by cutting through the bluff on said Water Street and grading the same to a uniform grade with Water Stroot on the oast side of the said proposed imprrtement, and that such other work be done as may be necessary in connection therewith, all according; to the plans and specifications prepared by the City Fngineer on file with .the City Clerk and hereinafter adopted. Sec. ?.That the (,ost and expense of said improvement, includ- ing all Necessary and incidental expenses, chail he borne by and assessed afainst tho property ircliided in the assessmant district hereinafter r,reated it accordance with law. Snc. 3. That there is hereby n,,t;Ab110-.hed a local improvement district, to be known as "Local 1�ij.rovemant: District No.FI", the boundaries or w?:ich said district are hereby specified and described as follows, to--v:it: • +s Comrcnneirg at the soft';wn^rt corner of bloc'.t 35 of the Ori{;insl. Townsite of the City of Port To.vnsond, Washington, thence easterly along the northerly line of Water street 293 feet to the southwest corner of block 36, said original townsite: than-e northerly along; the easterly siren of '17an wren Street 110 f^et; thence vasterly through the middle of block 36 and to the easterly lire of Harrison Street, 293 foot; northerly along the easterly line of Harri- son street 110 feet to the southerly lino of Washington street, and the northwest corner of.hloc. 37; thence oastorly along the southerly line of Washing -ton street to tho northwest corner of block 40; thence nartn•7rly oasterly line of Tylnr stroot 183 fret; thence easterly through the middle of block 57 to Taylor street; thence northerly along the east?rly line of Taylor street to the northwest. corner of bl.ocic 56; thence easterly sl.on{; the southerly line of Jefferson stroot to th- northwost corner of block 53; the'11Go nortlior- l;r along the oastorly line of Madison stroot 183 feat; thence easter- and to the easterly ly throul;h tha riddle of block 92 reside of Monroe street; thenr;e northerly along the n ast.e rly side of Monroe street to tho southerly side of Franklin street; thence easterly along the southerly sicie of Franklin street to the north}•lost corner of block 94; tbence :northerly along; the easterly ci*tn o-P OTackson street to the southerly side of Lawrence street and the northwest corner of block 142; thence Qasterly the southerly line of Lgv►rence street to the innor harbor line; thonan southerly and southwesterly around Point Hudson and .,iohrr c3 id inter harbor lire to a point whore the westerly line of Sheridan Avanun or street or said „xto.n!lod cre:i,.r:i the s:!i(i inner harbor line; thenca Still so d rawn f,lrthnr v1estnrly along- said inner harbor line whore aline through immediately the niddlo of the titer of blocks lyi.r.►_.,� estnrly of Sheridan Avenue or stroot would poet the said inner harbor line; thence northnrly the Middle oV the said tier of' bloc?:.. lying immediately wcst Early of said Shcridn': A,in!,t►q,-narallol to thl'. ',vnsterl;r side of 1 r`. said Sh.sridan Avo: iw and 100 fort from it to ,i noint on this south-- orly sidn of 20t,h street, said last named course nxtendin�, north- nrly tnrourrh `,hn middlo of bloc!ts 306, 293, 276,2,3q, 221, 209, 194, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, and 109, and the easterly part of hlor.k C, Rlsonlhnis Addition to the City of Port Townnerid; thnnr:o easterly along the muthorly 1.1•ria of 20th street to the oast side of Thayer street; thencp southerly alont7 the oastarly side of Thayer strnot to the saathorly side of Van resn street; theno easterly along the southerly sida of Van Ness Street to the easterly ' side of Gaines 5troat and the northacst corner .of block 187 Estate Addition; tbnn(:,,t southerly along tho easterly Line of Gaines street to the southorly side of Washington strqet and the northbvrest corner of block 29, L. B. Hastin{-s 2nd Addition; thence eastorly along the southerly side of Washington street to tho oaste,•ly a3r3e of Walker OWIA stre'etAto the north rest c;ornor of bloc:; 31, L. B. Hastings First Addition; thence southerly along the aastarly side of Walkar street to the northerly :Lire or Water street; thence eastorly along the northerly line of Water street to tha place of beginning, being the southwest rornar of hloc�. 35, Original Townsite• Sec. 4. That there bo assonsod a:-ainst that part of the prope3r- 6y within suctl nnlrarged district lyirr7 be twoon. tho tonnini of the said proposed improvement and on the south sido thereof and extend- ing back from the southerly line thereof to tho middle of the block on. the south side thereof.' w-cord ng to the n�`hod prescribed in section thirtonn of chapter 96 of the so ;lion large of tho State of s' Washington for 1911, ten per cant of the cost and expense of such improvement, and that the remainder of the, cost and expense of said improvement be distribut.od and assessed against the remaining prop- erty included ;n such enlarged district in e;ecordanca with special benefits. Sec. 5, That the plans and specifications submitted by the engineer for the making of the said improvement heroin provided for are hereby adopted, and toe same are hereby directed to he placAd :�,.+:�...�::,:.:,�tTia,..#=�il�a,.;wL1a:•..fw.%zCi;tH�s�:r�•�'� `�'._,..._._�.�..,...,.�.._._..,.._.�...�. -,.,__ _.. rSec. G. That hs city �FnEyineer is hereby authorized and directed W to preparo all necessary instructlorn to bidders, requiring such bidders, itTrori-, otter things, to accompany their bid by a certified check of five p;r cant of the bid, subtect to the usual condition, azi '111 other necoso ary ,maps, plans, copier of specifications and all other necessary data for prospective binders, all in tho usual form, and deposit tho skimp s•ith the City Glerk, the sam,3 to be loaned to grospectivo biddr�rs upon a deposit nr three dollars to secure their safe return; aru ',%icy City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to call for sealod hid:; for the construction of said improvement. ac-- )) cording to rho plans and specifica-, ions adopted, the said c:ttll fa4 bids to be {:: t^e usual form a3lld the srr d bids to be operied on the 22nd day of June, I.g15, at the reFu:lar meetin;• of the coancil to be lield on that ds,r, Sand tht, fi:ei.ri call for bids to fin 'Ouhlisned In the Daily Leac]ar for four conse,w4tve issue':;, and in the Huildar and EnC.inner for two consecuti1v�oo is/s-sits. the mode of "Payini; by Rpnds", mhich,,,shall be issued to the con- r• • k.4 Sec. 4. That thare be as,m.gsod a:-ainst that. part of the proper- ty within .uc1, onlarf*a'cl dintrict lylrt, between tho tonninl of the said proposed improvement wnrl on the mouth sida thereof and extend- ing bac,c from the southerly lino thereof to tho middle of the block:. on tho south side thereof acrrorriing to the method prescribed in section thirt:eor. of chapter 913 of the so ,sign lams of, the State of .,WashlriSton-for .l9 1, ten _par pent of_tho. Cost and. -experise, of. such imprava?aent, .and that the remainder oi' the cost :arid: expense of,,saAd ^;; iinprovoment be distributed and assessed against thn Incluclod ;its,• •f4 i< �w • V y. gr i'iIA*I"pona clepesi.t ofg6.00,for a completr3 set of such `papers, and he city Cz'e'rk'i� hereby authorized arid +'sated to 0�1for ealed bids For the coastrnction of suld irtp ►,!amont arcat din;; to the plans and 3pecifirati i :, hhlrfl�'zi•. acig)�ted, thr: Nid cal` for hide o i,o `inl- the 11su. l fc,rin ri�ihto h���onod on the ^r; u day of 191 i, at the�ra, tzl. r m,2 nt iT;_. of t o city calzncil to be "'Old on said da�j_,.�the-said'— orra-L for bids to be 1^ •,L' '" puhlis:^od in.:......__...• �- iC,i��':,'a:=•;.,,.;i'r�+ii ►-nIiS� _ f..�--..-_+-CP1 �11.i}.,.�,��+-5.1165_•� _ __ .... _ _... _- — - - - - -- 1r-, w Soc. 7. The sttici improvemr3nt s::al.l� be paid for according, to. ,CtLdl� -yD j'trL4� ti mode of "Ptiyirii, by Bonds", 1whitth shall be is:,>1E1c1 to the r,or.- r, 0 is tractor In ayment of th-i '_,itjci improvomont as soo:, after the comple- tion of the samo cars may bo .- Tha assos;;;nent to be made to redeem the said bonds shall he madly payable in ter equal annual in,3tallments, and the said bonds tyre to bear interost `,he rate of seven per. cent �•r�antttm� ;?n,r] :ar�,__te hn_-,iz tiod _tmdor such terms tend conditions as may be prescribnd by tho law applicable thoroto and in forts at the time of their issue, and the said assessment shall be made Immediately after the full cost of the said improvement has been determined, and egizalized as soon as may be under the law applicable thereto. Sec. U. This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leqder and shall take effect as provided by law. r Passed the City Council �� / Approved ,Q c��_ �2'L Mayor . Attest: City Clork. •9t Y !v �fl Pn Ordinance fixini, ', of the r,)L71!lar meetings of tho City Council of tho City of 'Port Town'3011d, '-V,Wlhincton, and repealing all ordinanens, in conflict therewith. The City Council of the City of Port Townsond, Washington, do ordain as foliows: Section 1. That hnglunin,7 Juno 15, 1915, the regular meetings of thn city mincil shall be held or Timsday of each wf-ek; that during the months of.May, June, Jul, Allfrust and September said council shall ment ;%t the hour of oiiTlLt o'clock P. M., and dizrinS the .remainini, months of the year, at the hour of half past seven, P. 11. sec. 2. That Lill ordznanq93 and parts of ordinancos in con- flict herewith are Inoreby repealed. See. 3. That this ordinance shall be piiblished once in the Daily Loader and tako affect as regiAdrod by law. 11 i."r Council Passed a C i June, 1, 191.i. Approv d Attest: Mayor. City Clerk. Ordinance No. A y An Ordinance making the tax levy of the City of Port Townsend, Washington and fixing the rate of taxaticn for the year 1915. Tho City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and hereby are levied upon the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, the the sums here- inafter mentioned for the different funds and purposes as designated and the rate of taxation for such funds and purposes is fixed as herein designated, that is to say: For the Current Expense Fund to pay the current expenses of said city, the sum of $16,614.69 and the rate of taxation is hereby fixed at eleven and one half (11i) mills on the dollar: For Interest Fund to ay interest on refunded bonds issued in un the year 1911, e sum of �4,334.26, and the rate of taxation for such purpose is hereby fixe,(at three (3) mills on the dollar: POP Interest Fund to pay interest on second issue of of mu- nicipal bond issued in 1895 and consisting of series A, B; C, and D, the sum `b-'91,444.75, and the rate of taxation for such purpose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the dollar. For Bond Redemption Fund to pay outstanding bonds of said City, the sum of $1,444.75, and the rate of taxation for such pur- pose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the dollar. For the Public Library Fund, to pay expenses'of maintaining Public Library, the sum of $1,444.75, and the rate of taxation for such purpose is hereby fixed at one 'fl) mill on the dollar. And the rate of Taxation for all purposes is hereby fixed at sdvonteen and one half (17+) mills on the dollar. Sec. 2.That the Mayor and City Cleric of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor the fore- going tax levy to be extended upon the tax rolls for the year 1915. Sec. 3.-That. this ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and shall take effect and be in force as provided by 1 aw . Passed the City Council October 4, 1915. Approved by the Mayor E • • ATT ORDINANCE AUTHORII.I11G T Up TFV,UATTCF. OF REFUNDING PONDS OF THR CITY OF PORT T01IMSERD,VA5=UNGTONI, TO THLE A1FOU17T OF T'WEITTY THOUSAND DOLLARS (��201000) . W'fl":kI:AS, the Ciiy oll"ort Tocrosend hbs outstanding its legally issuod bonds to the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars Up201000) , Dec-embor 1, 1895, and which become due November 30, 1915), and has no funds for the payment there- of; Therefore, The City of Pori. Townsend does ordain as follows! Secliorr 1. Thai for the purpose of refunding the said bonds of the City of Porn Townsend due November 30, 1915, there are hereby authorized to be i ssvnd i went y (20) bonds of One Thouna=nd Dollars (01000) each, numbered from 1 to 20, both• inclusive, which said bonds shall bear iniarr:si- at the rate of five (5) per cenium prr annum, payable semi-annually. Said bonds shell be dated the first dry of December, 1915, and shall become due t'wenlY (20) yearn after dale. Said bonds shalt bear the seal of the City of Porn Townsend, be signed by the Mayor and ai t esi ed by the Oily Clerk and couni ersigned by the Oily Treasurer, and the coupons evidencing the inierosl uporr said bonds shall be executed with the entraved or lithographed- fac-simile signhiures of skid Mayor and Clerk. Both principal and inl erooi of suid honds shall bu made p&yshle 6t the Fiscal Agency of. the State of Vashingi on- in the City of Now York, Si ate of New York. Sect i on- 2. The bonds hereby aui hcrized shall be in subsi ant tally i he following form: • L 11 Ut1ITE'D STATYS OF AMIUCA No. F;''PATF, OF VAT1,17►G'TON $10o0. CITY OF FORT TOVI-ISR11I1 ERT-1I1MING FOND. i{'.DTOW ALL, )IF -IT BY VIESE PRFSI;1tTS that the City of Pori Townsend, in the County of Jefferson- and S1 at o of Wash- in•gt om, beknnwlodges 10 owe and for value received hereby, promises to pay to boarer ONE THOUSATM DOLLARS (�;1000) lt.%%Tull money of the Unifod, States of America on the first day of Deo-ember, 1935., sviih inioresi thereon from the date hereof at the rate of five (5) per cenium per annum, payable semi- annually on the first day of June and of Decariber in- each ,year, on precsent•ai ion and Burr ender of the annexed ini erect coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and inioresi of this bond are hereby made payablo at the Fiscal Agency of ilia State of Wasbingi on in the City of Nevr York, Si at e of tlewr York. This bond is one of a series of like tenor, issued for the purpose of refunding at a lower rate of interest cert.-airr oui si onding bonded irndebt,edneso of the City of Porti T.ovmeend under the auiltoriiy of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Waebingi orr entitled "An Act to authorize counties, cities and towns to issue Bonds 10 fund their out st anding in debi•ednoss Find to provide for iholevy and collection of a specific tax to pay the principal and ini ere)si on such bonds and declaring arr emergency", approved Parch 22, 1895, as amended, and of an election duly passed by the City Gbufioill of said City. Ti is hereby certified and recited that all acts, condii ions and things required to be done precedent to and in ilia issuing of this bond have been done, happennd and beeni • C� 4 performed in regular and duP fora as required by law; Thai the indebi odnnss refunded ini c i his bond was and is & v&lid,, binding and subsisi ing obligatl iun of the Ciiy of Pori Townsend, and that iho i oial indebtrjdnofik of said City, including this bond, does not expend the Rieiuiory oi• consiiiuiionsl limit eliioil s. IN `i'RSTII-MNY 11"U, tl:0y the City Council of the City. of Pori Townsend, Washingl on, has caused iris bond to be scaled with the corporal a seal cf Bnid City, eir;ned by the Mayor, atilesied by iho City Clerk and couniersigned by the - City Treasurer•, and has caused the annoxed ini urool coupons io be execui'ed rilih the fac-simile signatures of said ltayor and Clerk this first day of Decrember, 1915. At i'esi :3iayor. Ciiy Clerk. -" Ccunieraignod: Ciiy 'Treasurer. . C 0 U P 0 N. On the firsl day of D.Taun o o'enibar) 19 , the City of Port Townsend, Washington, promises i o pay i o bearer Twentyp- five Dollars (�25.00) at the Fiscal Agency of the Siala of Washingi on in i he Cii y of New York, St al s of New York, for ini•ereei due ihai clay on ii i,'Refunding Bond d&i ed Dgaember 1p 1915, No. --. At 1 oat : Z.leyor. Oily Clerk. ��� »q_ Sooiion 3. Said Refunding Bonds ohall be duly executed and he delivered to the City Treasurer and by 1hat; officer issued upon the concellaiion and surrender of a'litre amount of bonds refunded by said isotie of bonds, in such manner as not io inereaee the indebilednese of said City. Section 4. All ordinances in conflict herewith - are hereby repealed. Seciion�5. This ordinance shall he in force from,. and after its passage and publicaiian. eat � E� n QED <rrC�y�,k ao• Ordinances #861-870 'Mi sf'n `IFS '1,,,863 �869 ' 1'" 852 Fixes salaries•for certain officers (Not codified) 853 Wharf construction (Special) 854 Street vacation (Special) 855 Licenses and regulates secondhand dealers and pawn- brokers (Repealed by 1047) 856 Provides for street improvement (Special) 857 Fixes time and place of city council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 858 Sets tax levy for 1915 (Special) 859 Authorizes issuance refunding bonds (Special) 860 LID No. 8 assessment (Special) `-861 Provides for street improvements (Special) 862 Provides for LID No. 8 bond issuance (Special) 863 Establishes traffic regulations (Repealed by 1525) ?� 864 Grants franchise (Special) 865 Amends Ord. 855 (Repealed by 1047) 866 LID No. 9 assessment (Special) 867 Regulates sale of alcohol for chemical, mechanical and scientific uses (Repealed by 1525) 868 Change to LID No. 9 (Special) 869 Provides for street improvements (Special) 8.70 Sets tax levy for 1916 (Special) 871 Licenses and regulates public dancehalls (Repealed by 1714) 872 Amends Ord. 275 (Not codified) 873 Licenses and regulates secondhand dealer, junk dealers and pawnbrokers, repeals Ord. 855 (5.28) 874 Fixes penalty for delinquent taxes (3.08) 875 Assessment for LID No. 10 (Special) 976 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 167 (Port Townsend 10/15/74) 877 changed to LID bond No. 10 (Special) 878 Licenses and taxes bowling alleys, billiard tables, pool tables and shooting galleries, repeals Ord. 190 (Repealed by 1555) 879 Taxes and licenses .all vehicles drawn by animals for all motor vehicles kept for hire (Repealed by.1036) 880 Wharf construction (Special) 881• Amends Ord. 878 (Repealed by 1555) 882 Authorizes federal government to establish and maintain. a telephone line (Special) 883 Grants franchise (Special) 884 Revokes franchise granted by Ord. 848 (Special) j 885 Sets tax.levy for 1918 (Special) 886 Establishes street grade (Special) 887 Fixes salary for certain officers (Not codified) 888 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) 889 Prohibits sale of fireworks and explosives (9.04) 890 Sets tax levy for 1919 (Special) 891 Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) 892 Revokes franchise granted by Ord. 848 (Special) 893 Grants franchise (Special) 894 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) 895 Amends Ord. 753 (Not codified) (Special) 896 Designates site and construction of reservoir (Sp 897 Sets tax levy for 1920 (Special) 898 Street vacation (Special) 899 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) `.iY. s. ":•-ISJ..y;'�a�.''w :'�Ctfti/.tY"}'�`a•!`.i�;ii aC S}. _;•r..•..'.f�i.. ,.- �+SI 0P.73I?Tt,Tnl; prnvidil:}- ruidii;ic:nt�,1 t,k"ai'fiC rtlgulr�t,ions on thu �'�'' strocsts, sv,:nue:a, allays, hi• htvays, i,rieit=,cjs, parltway ,, and other Public ilttces within the Cit;; of Port Townsend, Washington, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. Thk3 City Council of the City of Pori. Townsend, '+vr.[shinl;Lon, do ordain as follows: (a! I):;1'i,rit. ions f — ------ r Sectior 1. The word It inttlnOns equestrrians, led horses, Lind evnrvtj,inrr on whnnis or runners. ,r Thn voro har:,r7 in l:+dns all domestic animals Th word ndriver ir±�l'kdN, the or dri,rr,r of a horse, the rider of wheels anti the operator of a motor vehicle. n (t� Thn ;ihraserrparirt, ^trip inclvd,�s that part of tl-P street next to the property lino ust-.d Y'or ornamantal r -)oses ,).nd clearly de- fined }:y nurb or otherwise Sec. P. Drivers of vehicles muct at all times comply with any diroction, by voice or hand, of any rmo+nber of the police force, as to ,placing, stopping, starting, approachinggr ricparting from. any place; the manner o ' takinlz up or setting- down passenr*srs, loading or unloading goods in any place. soc.3, Pedestrians shall have tha right of way at street in- tersections r•rd crossings; vnhic-.1ps the right of way between cross- irnYs anr'intorsentiors. Pedestrians crossing streets at r,orners shall pas:i over such portion of the street as is included within the lines or the side- . �3 .X walk projected and not diagonally. :r 9-c. 4.The. speed limit o. automohilos and other motor vehi- cZes ant. al- other vehicles irithin the City or Port Tow. f; I shall he as follows: «Or, Water strcnt anri that part of Taylor str-3et south of thta southerly line OF Wtashiri t,or! stroot c[itrl that part; of Lawrence street between Poll, rtra,;t anc1 Taylor strr,ot, st+ch spood shall not: exceed twelve miles per hour; <;r±ri iri rla?cirw a'ly turr on, into or or in approtichin,ir from any direction any on suc!'o streets Off any of the forr,roinr streets or parts of strer,ta,^,•uch spand 811ttll rot eXrne.d :, [Fitr3 0' :;i. t r1119.5 prir hour. Clo ORDIU,�ZT(fp, providillj* additional. traffic regulationz On tho th e r public plttcAs �jitijin the City of oil Port Townsond, Washn f!t and providing a ponRity for the, violation thereof. The City Coun(Al of the, City of Pori, Townsend, Waq'hingli;on, do r j su,.i -L:'Ilud-i S 01,J illanct) and connt ,4) I qtre,lts, RWMI-10s, `IaYS, r IISO or volili-,I,�s. Th p-h rase par strip inoludets that -part of the street next 'kirl! poses and clearly do to the property lire used for ornamental pvr- fined by rurb or otherviism, Sec.. Drivers of v,-ihin les must at all times comply "xi th any di rection, by voice or hand, of c iny cumber of the police force, as T to placing, stopping, starting, approachinR gr departing from any place; tho inannor or' taklnjt up or setting down passarfrqrs, loadins or unloading goods in any place. Soe.3. Pedestrians shall have the right of tray at street in- torsections an] qrossings; ;nhio.los tho right Of Way betWoon cross- inps anO i -nte rso c�tickr.s . - Pedestrians crossing qtreots at corners shall pass over such. portion of the street as i.s. inoluded within tho lines of the- side- walk projected and not diagonally. Sf-r-. 4.Thtt spnqr3 11irit o' automotiiias and other motor vehi- vehi- -vehicla-a 0!n City or Port Torn s cles ari6 all other and shall he as follows: On Wat(;r street anci that part of 'Taylov street south of the southerly line of Washin,>tori stroot ani-I part of Lawrence street between Poll: stra—t and Taylor street, silch speed shall not exceed ti-ielv9 n)ilq,,; per hour; ;Lnd in mukinp irly turn. on, into or or in approaihint7 from ayrj direction any on suclo -:,tr,)r),s Off WrlY Of th,I for,-P,cinc strn(�tn or parts of' ,.,tronts :.U(,)) swod rOL rj,4tft, I 0pqr hour. I ..- M f In ioinP 1— s a.r BiFbt A. 1"I. ti',d or spent} 5,9.1.1. not nx(,nr.d v- into of per hour. �. In, Chi-tziric!ta Park ,inch SPOOd shall not exceed a rato ofIMIVR. Milos por dour. On all other pnhlic streets, avt11111rL], ZLjj(jy.q, ,j,-,jjways, bridges and ot'hor public Place-,, within the lijiiL5 swirl pity, BlIVh 81)(100 -is pl, - Jjour, and in ualci V; shall not exceed j., ri�jto of twenty mil, j n or 111 app roil chinr. frc!ji aly dir,3(,t1cn any croasing or such streets t 'IfIn loried, such any turn on, into or off I;bn t.tron s above t: of spqod shall not oxcned a rate miles Par hour.H. sec.. 5. it s!.ajl he unjawFul to race witli arty kind of vehicle or horses on any of the streets alloys, avenues, or other public, places within the limits of said city: Provided, however, the City Council may by ordinance or resolixtJon, for a limited period, set certain portions of td,a PUhjj(- Stt*eOtS aside to be USf,'d for speed trials or speed contests. Se G. It shall ho unlawlAil for any piirson to drive any vehicle or hot -se on such streets or oti-e' r public places within said city racklonsly or Parclossly, or without due regard for the safety of others, ailed any porson so drivint-, any :;uch --10MO-100 se or dkirv- infr it in such a manner as to show a reckleSs disregard for the safety of others shall bn (ieamerl guilty of violating this ordinance and 'shall he punished as hprninaftjr provided. Sne. 7. No 9.vtomohile, motor r-yo.le or otitior 't,el%icla shall stop on loft side 0 S11---t With M-no loft side toward the curb, roc-on—tkie--r-ipht Sian. -at'- tllfi stro at - 3, -c. S. All pr-.r.sons •Irivi-ni- a horse or 1) stre,lts, alleys, or nt!-(,,r puhli(t places .-rithin Said city, Shall upon. mrr-?tin�- -11CL'i-Olc- person llsin;• sut,-11 street 0 or hi;-Iiway ,iouzariil,ly ri!rht, ar(" upon ovr.,rt;,,'-An,- ary par- son so iisin-, :.,-Ucb piIi-lin. str�-nt or hi;-hway pass to the 14.)ft, to ,r(I the person so overtaken shall, ;10tLSOnLJ)l,',F t h(, ri(--,ht so as to allovi frncpaosaf"f- 071 lflft. %2:C! il:.- 'r-jCr,'!A.Or VWhiOJO F qw 0 . 0 0 A .. we In �,oi ni- 1-isY 0 1. 1111 14 1 T1 r, 1, C) r [" 0 A. �11 r.13 rot, f�N'-.ocd rn.'.'i C, f ''o v ' 1-0 f'"D:' i',lioy, or Pr Oil al.", 01"Inr PIP-'lif, places wit-l-,in 10iti 14wi-U-s .-I' r?JtY, such speed shall not cxn(si"id ;l rt,to of tvignty milas pt;r hour. and in making J 6 r in a 11)) 0 a C'� i r c tn 'rj ? -f d - r r ­,y J nor -3 c- t i a... (,. r o s s or stw�'h Struots any turn on, into or off 1:110 ftr,),?ts ].,:st abod(,. ni�ntionafl, A such sp'eacl sbR11 rat nxnnnd a rate of n.ilos par hour. Sec. 5. It shz�tll be unlavrfiil to race .,ith any kind of vehicle r. or horses on any of tho streots Ptlleys, avenues, or other public places within t1ple limits of siid city: Provieod, however, the City Council may by ordinmice or resolution, 1'cr, a limited 1) riod, Set rn,-rtain portions of tl%o N,)hl !(; sz;ret, i's a i.bit la used for spend . trials or spend contests Sec. G. It. shall be unlawful for any p(it on to drive zany vehicle or Jorse on such streets or oth- r public places within said city racklwi.,;ly or narelessly, or ivitlnowdue regard for the safety of others, ring, any per -son so drivinr, my :;Ur-!-, --;ohicl3c so or dtiv- infe At in suer; r manner as to shwv a reckless disragard for tht% sRfety of others Shall he de(--merl guilty of violating,, this ordinance and Shall be PUriShnd as hereinalttir provided. Sven. 7. Fo n.vtomohiln, motor r,.y(!lo or oti!(!r vol icle shall ntop lt'it �_10c, vvith t*r-t) loft lido tow1wd the curb, L or on_t?,a--r-iyht tji4o ol'. thu, sLrect St?c- B. All 1),ernons ;rillir!7 ZL horse or vel'inle JIT)OIJ '11.rj jjuj)liC str,3,3ts, ziil,vq. 1-.J;j!7,.LYP,, or publi,; pluens, within r, street said) city, sh;-1.11 itlicr pooon usin; or hi,­11"'fay sei­n-naiil': ri!rlit, -Lirr-1 upor any p,i r- .9011 So U."d n'-' street oi- 1-i,­!v,,m­ v0!;LLI pass the 1,,ft, tlrt', ")!',rscjn ao ovvr"�,'kqn turn.'_ht: rij-,bt so as to + •� .�Apph :.pur:.or.ti:in, a .,trn^,t; _rlt^r-ar,t.ion ;tr6 ;r- -iris,. to turn: to tlr, ril;ht .;hull lamp a.; nlo:;-" pwo :>ihle to th . i it ruri), nlf.•i d+ :;i ring to Lunn to l;lld left 9?:ar11- %(ra'p) to t11,' rii"?'.t O1• t!),7 r;trr'lti:i' of such into rse ction. her•. !very !,rotor o,- st:.ndingon the ptl�.li p:l.:Lcc:, ,vi.t hin said cILy , .:i•rt:1 r,.i,i.Li',, ciariri, :ntu .. o u:_r .:rtas:.,, ut. 1J a. f, t;ro lar,tps :iftowill • wihite Licht t'i:i''.•lt'. itrG 1%UMI rllel f tit:'. L i):' ]-,)C: e iTl ad- vance of said vnhicln. arti otie o,• r-ro:•o lamps in Lira: rc;ar theroof, showinP a reG 1ir-ht visihlu u.isible, ,xt least two hundred fnct in the roar of such wa(:hine, and the samo lir:ht or an additional light cust.inf* white rays of suff'ici�)nt strerr•,th on the rear ntunber plat ;. thereof so that such number plate may btg oar,ily read at a distance .Of.Ieast'uixty fact; Provirieti, ;:h ., motor, cy,.lne ?:all be aoquirod..'... to carry only ono light in thtr front th, reof, which shall shots white rays A sibla at InasL two hundrtrd feet in adYr:ince of such rnnI,or cycle; Poviofid flirt'",• r, .i t s'i;ill 1 3 u,:lavrl u1 to display any Licht showini- .rod in front of ar.y motor -Val. vehicle. 10. Fvsry motor v,j?:iclr 'Isms- aT} internal combustion engine i shall use ;in exhaust muffler, alld t.i-.e same shall not be cut out. or disconnoewd within tho limits of said city. 11. Lave ry motor vehicle shall he provided •xith a stti t .blo hell, horn a otl_car sir;nal which shall be rune, or blown a.s a ;sirnel or or Vlhrtrover warning to tax:y parson, or rrhent>vnr�tl�: re is rla:nlTor or collission or accirlent on any of th() strnnts, alloys, driveways, or other, Public planes within said city taw parson violutin,- .,l,y of tLt: provisions of this ordi- nctin�;e nr ricir.: ;t y eu;t; v,hich is '-rrirr�ir, Joclrared unlawful, or failing i snasonai)ly to comply with any of the directions or rule: hteein laid down shall hr; dnemad ruilt,r of :> misclorneanor and upon conviction thereof shall he find in rirry sum not excetidini- throo hundred dol- lars, or bt: imprisoned for any lt�nrrth of tim(a not (,,Xc nt ninety drays, or b;r, both such fine and imprisorm.ort. /f All fins nolloeted under t:rlic; ordinance) sh)•-Il he ),t'ti into the currant oxptrnsct fund for thta us�/b.t' t.ho cite . %pora..Orli)itl•' a Stroh is arnection "n„ ia•::13.rt , to turn to th" right shall Kip an olosu a a rrosuihle to tho n!"hi, curb; and desiring to turn to the left seed! keep to the right Q the cantor of such intersection. Sac. ` . Every rotor va;hirle while running or stazndingon the '. putlir i ;, 1 13"YS, hilowny. or or.),•-. Pullin Places within said inp ,. ' .iou o o Ua) Ennon, Ut lwanL two lailnps vhowin. Whitu light, viaiblo two hunflryd fact or nova in ad- ^I vance of said vohia n . a'rd ore an ac ru laltapS in Lhu vour tharoof, , showino a rar, light MUM Usible at least two hundred feet in the rear of such muchine, and the: same Licht or an additional light castinV white rays of sufficient strana;th an the rear number plate.• tits roof so that such number plate may be nanily read at a distance or 0east .3i"xty feet; ProvIQ6, h ' motor ryrlt s wall be rFaquired..:: `;; to curry only cr„ in thr: front W roof, which shell show ; Sea, 1z, it nhali hn unla,Wnl to dri`M upon or over aapy side- walk or pa rxitnr strip with as.'r:nr o or ,:w v-ehicl^ drawn s)nr;;aa` or oncrate;d by motor power. _.__.__..._... ------- ,got. 13.All apnrV, amusoments ryo, occupations that Aka liable to frighten horses or impade tra passage or vnhir;lras Nw.nrohibited on the ntrants of said pity. Ine.14. Fo person who is intoxicatOd shall drivo any vehicle or horse on ::any str at within said city. see. 15. in case of a firs aal:.rm all vilhir.-Ion, iATld tsorseS shall be drawn up to the ri,-}_t, hand curb r_nd :;toppod ar,0 :;hull not procoad till zin fire apparatus is- safaly out or the ay. See. lo. No parson urdar firtenn yr:aars of age shall operate or irive a motor vnhicla on the strauts or said city unlaso such person is accompanied by his on her parent, guardian or thn ownar of such vehicle. on the st:rents of said city linc. 17. 'ny person drivinr or oporatinr a motor vehicle^ without: first o5taininp a Manse and displayinp tho license number tassi,-:ned by the state officers, all ancordinn to ter.] laws of the Stutas, nhaill, hn dnodod suiltA,o1: a r.,i:,rit,n;1Aor nud shall ha) punished an hnroi.nnftor providnd. .. , . _ - .-.....a .,ny v [0VLSv"M U[ dawn sha ll oaa netamed guilty of misdomoanor Und upon r.onvictioln thereof shill he fin5d it any sum not oxcnoddinf: throe hinldred dol- lars, or be imprisone(i for Uny lrsnRth of time not exce"dinr ninety y, days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. jAll finds collectod under this ovdinana;es sh:i11 he )aa'•d into the currant OW" fund for th" usy& the city. All orrdinnnrr s or parts of ord immnco b in rcnfIi r..t• 2r-rowi th Sr .. Tri. s ord.inance r,"a l btu ptt`il,i shod Leador and Shall talcs of Not as prouidi?(] by Irtvi. �w ` r rh Wed— �J IL{t !f, i 0 An Ordinar.f:t},o prop,�r o1'i'irers of the City of Port To:vnrend, Wa::hin;�ton, to irsue and dcrlivor t• ITettloton-Bruno-I,sr,hb:trh r`ofipany, a Vfashin,7ton Corporation, local irnprovemrnt bond.. of Loral Tmprovement District Ida. 8, in the slim of .9825.12, in (till satisfaction of the nors'trart. ,price for the con- strucr,ian o' said local+improvement, ar,- d providin,the form and termsof said honds. Wheroas the City of Port Townsend, ZVashington, duly created by ordinance 70- Q�rF+ LJq .l T:nnr'r,v-itr�nn!. Dist Yo. 8, -ard has con-' i strueted the said saiiImprovement, 9+y contrctt:t with N(-it.tidtoi:�ijrurow Fschbach Corp1ny,as 'dial.hinjTton Corporation, and FJhdreas the aontrart price for tnq 1�onstrucstlon of the.said r improvement' ',:as and it, tho sum of $15264.40, of which the stun of ` �•,:, $5439.28, has already boon paid to the said contractor in cash out of the amount collected on thn assessment made on the property in - eluded within the said itnprovoment district, lnavin:r, a balance : f duo the said contractor of the sum of S9825.12, now, therefore:, The City Cottnci:l of the City of Port Townsend, Wash inf;ton, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Tr,at the njayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to exncitte local improvement bonds of Lora3...:, s. IffProeement District, No. 8, in the stun of $9825.12, that is to say, ninety=oir-ht bonds in thn slim of one hundred dollars each, and one bond i-m on s/urn of $2b.12. ;y Ser,.2. That the said bonds ;are to bo dated March 1, 19�, inade ,F payable to Nettleton--Bruce-F scrhbach Company, a Washinfrton Corporation...' fj or bather twelve years after elate or on any into rost.bearint- date prior to said time; that they are to hear interest at the rate of, seven per cant per anntrm, interest payable annually, and to each bond there is to be attanhad twelve interest coupons, the bonds to he si??ned by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk with the `` .. Seal of said City attached, and each riUo so attached is to bear the lithographed fac-simile of the��s�z��� ma�or and city Jerk; that all of the said bonds are to sho%v on their race that they able only out of Local L;Trovemart Fttnd, District No. 8, and are. furtho r to :fir ow on�rinir face all things necessary to be, shown accord - in to thn late applirgble thereto, and are other rwise to be in tho form h p.toforn used in local improvement bonds; f said. -City. ,•::.. Sec. 3. That the said hontis tft9r HxQcution as aforQsaid are- to be delivered to the. treasurer or said city for relzistration, and, after bainF; duly reginterod by him, shallbe delivered to said Nettleton-Bruce-FSchbach Company, in full satisfaction of the contract price for the construction of said local imp rovetsent. Sec. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leander and shall bake effect and he in force from and after five days ni'ttir such publication. Pasned by the City CCotrr nil March 7, 1916. Approved`Lr2/f�ifU Attest: R�ayor. •:,-s,i..s .+. -.,v - ; 7y s- � - � �w.: ..:.�;y%.. +�a±•i..:: w�;. �;• i'w "!"<'`•?i'+'" �:" -x�`1 •^y_?y L>T�''•" t �: �;rM ::?•= "�:+:. i.+ »iR'M1'>V:i at'3' �'.F-:::' l-.. :•.7 .'o•.r=-i_: �:'r.••f� ,� ,����r:_ ��±4�^'r�:.�.^. .:�:>'e€� ;�' •>�,.�5•N::: •{�„ i'.s ice. .�;:.> - :,ct"_ .-j�r�.' .�:L� •..�.•--=J✓'r•. C,'-' � _ kT• .Y� . Svc .r "S ^ �'� - - - "S - . ' _ - -.- ... - - _ - :e\. ;Rr .• - yam: _ _ - "�_.. _. _ ORDINANCE 'No. An Ordinance granting to the T!ILIVAUKEE MEDIAL RAILWAY COMPANY, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, maintain and operate railway tracks and all a,ppua— tonances necessary or convenient to the operation tlyjrtrof, in, along, across, upon and over certain a tru u to In they City of Pox t Townsend, TTaahington. The CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWI•ISEND, WASHINGTON, does ordain as follows: ! ! Section 1. That there be, and is hereby, granted to the It3lwaukee Terminal Railway Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, its successors l and assigns, in perpetuity, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, maintain and operate a railway of standard gauge consisting of one or more tracks, together with. • } all necessary switches, sidetracks, spur tracks, connecting tracks, cross-overs, telegraph and telephone lines and other appurtenances necessary or convenient to the operation of said railway, in, along, across, upon and over the hereinafter described E streets in the City of Port Townsend, Washington. Section 2. The center line of the route of said railway, i beginning at a point northerly of Water Street and extending to a ; point southerly of Front Street, in said City of Port Townsend, ' is particularly described as follows, to grit: I Beginning at a point in the canter line of the main track ! of the Port Townsend Southern Railroad distant 8.00 feat northeasterly from its intersection with the east line of Hill Avenue Waterway, in said City of Port Townsend; thence easterly along a 121 00' curve to the right a distance of 500.40 feet; thence south 740521 east, a distance of 363.80 feet; thence along a 120 00' curve to the left, a distance of 311.40 feet; thence north 670 461 east, a distance of 112.40 fast to a point in the east line of section 109 2 township 30 north, range 1 West, WJ'., produced southerly, distant 1016.00 feet southerly from the meander corner on the section line between sections 10 and 11, township and rango aforesaid. And said railway shall be constructed on, over and along a sts•ip of land one hundred (100) feet in width, having; fifty (50) feet of such width on each side of said described canter line, and said railway may be so constructed, maintained and operated across dater Street and Front Street , in said City of port Townsend, Washington,at the places and in tha manner hereinafter more particularly set forth and described. Section 3. Said railway may be laid dovrn, constructed, 33' maintained and operated along, in, upon, across and over the following described portion of Water Street, viz: That portion' � i' of said Water Street which is included within lines on each side of, parallel with and fifty (50) feet,measured at right angles, E ti from the said center line hereinbefore described, which said center, line intersects the north and south side lines of said Water Street; at points approximately 121.8 feet and 1149 feet,respeetively, measured along said north and south lines, westerly from tTB west d 1 ins o f Street. Said railway may he laid down, constructed, maintained and operated along, in, upon, across and over the following portion of Front Street-, viz: That portion of said Aron t Street which is { ' included within lines on each side of, parallel with and fifty (50) feet,ne asured at right angles,from the said center line here- inbefore described, which said center line intersects the north j and south side lines of said Front Street approximately 941 feet and 669% feet,respectively, measured 6a:i.d north and south 5''Kle�.art lines, westerly from the west line of Street produced southerly; also in, along, upon, across and over the following described portion of said Front Street, viz: Beginning at a point 3 in the south line of said Front Stx--et where the save is inter- sected by the section line between sections ten (10) and eleven (11), in township thirty (30) north, range one (1) West,V1.111. produced . southerly, said point being 1007.5 feet south of the meander- corner on the line between said sections ten (10) and eleven (11); thence north along said section line between sections ten (10) and eleven (11) produced, a distance of 45.7 feet; thence north 870 461 east, a distance cif' 226.43 feet to a point in the south line of said Front Street; thence south, 570 581 west,along the south line of said Front Street, a distance of 247.64 feet to the point of beginning; also in, along, upon, across and over any E� portion of said Front Street which may, lie between the first des- cribed portion and the second described portion of said street, it being the purpose hereof to include in said descriptions a solid strip of land across said street. Said tracks may be so laid down, constricted, maintained and operated in, along, upon, across and over said streets at the locations aforesaid, at approximately the follawing elevations: At Tatar Street, at -an elevation of top of rail of approximately 16.14 feet above mean lower, lour water and at Front Street, at an elevation of top of nail approximately 13.35 feet above mean lover low water, United States Engineers datum. Section 4. The construction and operation of a single track uncle::, this ordinance shall not be construed as a waiver or abandon- i; mont of .the right to constvuct wid operate additional tracks thereafter. Section 5. The rights, privileges, authorities and fran- s chiles hereby granted are made expressly subSect to the rights of i the City of Pert Townsend to retain the same control of the streets E in, along, upon, across and over which said railway shall be con- structed as over the other streets, avenues and alleys in said city, i t .. f 4 ' and the said City shall have such further control and police power over said crossings as the 'city charter end state laws permit. � The said city, ra serves 'to itself the right to carry all water mains, sewars, conduits and other public utilities underneath, or wires above, the tracks of the said grantee, its successors or assigns, in said public streets, or either thereof, and the right of access to any space occupied by such tracks tivithin the limits of such streets, or either thereof, and the right to open the ground beneath the said tracks, for all purposes of cone truc tion, maintenance, repaiz,, alteration and inspection of any such public s utilities, which rights shall Im exercised, however, so as to i i interfere as little -as practicable with the use of said tracks, i and so as to leave the roadbed and tracks in as good condition as prior to the exercise of such rights. I•. Section 6. The said grantee, its successors and assigns, in and by accepting the grunts, privileges and benefits conferred by ' this ordinance, covenants for itself, its successors and assigns, I c with the City of Port Townsend that it will at all times keep and save harmless the said city from and against all liability, loss,: cost, damage or expense which may at any time arise or accrue by reason of said grantee's appropriation of any real estate or other i' property for right of way or other purposes for the construction, maintenance or operation of the railway or cars of the said grantee, its successors or assigns, in, along upon, across or over j either of said streets, or by raason of anything that may be done by said grantee, its successors or assigns, and shall defend any and all actions arisinr•, in relation thereto; Provided,• that the said city, its successors or assigns, in all inatancos whers it is' sought to hold said grantee, its successors or assigns, liable j i hereunder, shall notify the said grantee, its successors or assigns, in writing of the pendency of said action and rive it or them an S i 1 5 i opportunity to defend any and al'such litigation. '• I Section 7. Whenever the said City of fort xowneend shall j i cause said Water Street and said Front Street, or either thereof, to be graded on both aides of and adjacent 'to the railway of the said gvantoe, tho said gruntoa, its buccessors or assigns,shall, at its own cost and expanse, ,grade all tha space than in use and occupied by such railway, and for ors foot on each side thereof, r said space to be so graded as to conform to the grade of such j street as established and graded by the City of Port Townsend; i i Provided, however, that 5ueh grading shall not so alter the j ij elevation of the grantee's tracks as to interfere with the i j practical operation of said rail ay;; and whenever the City of port 1 'l Townsend shell cause to be paved or planked said streets, or either. thereof, upon each sida of said railway tracks, the grantee, its t sueeeseors or aseigna,ahall pave or plank, as the case may be, at its own cost and expense, the space between. it, tracks and for one k i foot on aither side thereof, the material for said paving or � planking to be done by the grantee, its successors or assigns, to conform to the material used for pavirg or planking the adjoining portions of said street or streeta by the City' of Port Townsend; j Provided, however, that the City Council may by resolution � authorize than use of different material. 'i Section B. That in the operation of the railway here by t authorized the grantee, its successors or assigns, may use electric stsem,or other motive power,subjeet, however, to the lawful and reasonubla control and regulation of the City of Port Townsend. i Section n. The rights, privileges, authorities and fran- c hiss s granted by this ordinance, and all benefits hereof, may be assigned by the said grantee, its suecesaors or assigns) as it or j thay may at any time see fit, either as an entirety or respacting 1 S 6 any ona or more of the tracks, or parts of tracks,embraced within the scope of this ,rant; Provided,that written notice of any of such assignments shall be filed with the clerk of the City of Port Townsend within thirty (30) days after the execution and i delivary of such asgignmment. Section 10. The said p�t�utse, its successora or ar.Agna, shall,within sixty (60) days after the passage of this ordinance p file with the clerk of the City of Port Townsend Its written Ij. acceptance thereof duly executed by said grantee, its successors or assigns,and until the filing of such accsptance�, the said grantee, its successors or asaigns,ehall not be entitled to any I of tha rights, privileges, authorities or franchises herein j i mentioned. I i Swa& ah a �w t1uXW j' Section 11. This o rdinancuvsha.11 take e ffe c t and ba in .� force on and after its publication t3,s/ raquirad by law. Passed first reading �1cLG�1 M1/ 16/ , 19-71 . � Passed second reading mar , 194" Passed third ra adinp 191�. Approved A.n Ordinance amor(linl7 Ordi.rourc i;o. 855 el -,titled "An Orclir:anee to license anct ref-ul,4te sgco;,<i } ,t;d dealers, and pawrnhro'c-irn in thn :lity of Port. Townsend, In() proviciin•- i penalty for thou violation thr;reof. `.Clio City Council of the City of "ort•Townsend do ordain as followls : Section 1. Mit section 2 of Ordinance '?a. 855 described in the fOaAoinlr, title ho and the same is horehy amended to read as fall ovra Sne. 2.14'vory orcoed halo cl,?:;1':r ar J o)vnr" pri',inl;rokc;r shall, before doing- any husiness in said ci';y (it In 1 r';ns,-3 so to de for which he shall pay the sum of.J 1 Q dollars . per annum, provided that tho paymprt of 07,n .�i'.rf,_,se `e�i s%:all en - title the lieonseee to do business hoth as ca. ;,000116 1-11ind dealer and as a pawnl�rolcer if his application therefor so states. 13oc. 2. That said Ordinance To. 855 shall be further amended by adding. thoroto a sr ction to bo known as section 7� which shall read as follows: Sec. 7� The whole �,u:d entiro :stock of l-oods and the room or rooms wh, the same 'is located of ai;y second --hand dealer, o-r pavrnbrolcker. doini - btasinesu within the Cit, of Port Townseid , shall bo open and subject to the inspection durinf; all reasonable hours. - of the prosecuting attorney and ?11 pearo officers, and any such,. second ha bd dealer or pawnhroke-rnwho shall rofuse to allow such in- spection or who shall i'r_ any mannor interfere with such inspection shall be deemed guilty' of violatint- this ordinance and shall be punished as heroin provided. tic .49. This ordinant:e shall be published once in the Daily Leader and shall ta.1.0 effort as provided by law. Pa:; ;ed the City Council G /'!�!�_._1112116 14 Attest, . Jay or. - � rlii;• � orlc. A Sec. 3, This ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and shall take effect five days after such publication, and 1same all second-hand deal- ers upon the taking effect of the ers and pawnbrokers now:doinES business in said City under a license heretofore obtained shall comply with the provisions of this ordi- nance and pay the additional amount for such license as herein pro- vided: Provided, howr„pier, that any unused portion of any license fee heretofore paid shall he taken by the City Treasurer as a credit an the now license Teo'. 'rt • rVap nTT ORDTnT.MTCF levying tho assessment in Local Improvement District No, 9, as created by ordinance No. / , for the improvement of certain parts of "later and raine.,___fftreuts in said City, approving the assessment roll of said district as equalized and providing the manner of pay4ng tho said assessment. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 9,as created by ordinance No. / , for the improve- ment of certain partsof Water and Gaines streets by building side- walks thereon, as ngnalized by the City Council on May 2, 1916, and now in the hands of the City clerk of said City, be and the same is hereby in all respects approved and confirmed. Sec. 2. That each of the lots, tracts, or parcels of land shown upon said assessment roll is hereby declared to be bonefit�ed by the said improvement in at leastthe amount charged against the same op.�, hhe A"id roll set opposite each description in the column headed`�Wssesiment as equalized", and there is hereby levied and assessed against each such lot, tract or parcel -of land appearing upon such roll the a bunt set opposite each description under the column headed `,Assess ent as equalized". Sec. 3. That any such assessment or any part thereof may be paid without any interest whatever at any time within a pe?,,,dd of thirty days after the date of the first publication of notice by the treasurer that +.he said assessment roll is in his hands for col- lection; that all assessments or parts of assessments not paid with: said thirty days shall be payable in ten equal annual installments, with interest at the rate of seven per cant per annum, interest pay- able annually, at the-timo each installment becomes due and payable; that the first installment shall become due and payable one year after the expiration of the said thirty day period, and thereafter one inatallme?�tahall become- due and payable each year the reafter; and that i e said installments together w th interest as herein provided is not paid when due, a penalty of r. ive per cent shall be added to the same and then certified to the county treasurer for collection as provided by law. Sec. 4. That there is hereby created a special fund to be known as Local. Improvement Fund District No. 9, into which all moneys collected on the sai7aasessment roll shall be paid. Sec. 5. That immediately upon the taking effect of this ordi- nance the city clerk shall certify the said assessment roll and de- liver the stone to the City Treasurer for collection, with his warratt for such collection thereto attached, and the said treasurer shall immediately publish a notice as required by law in the Daily Leader for ten consecutive issues. Sea. 6. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and shall take effect as provided by law. Passed the City Council May 16, 1915 Approved 1;Iay� / j' _, 1916 Attest: ayor C i -y .1 . ORDINANCE NO. Ali? OR INANCF, regulating the sale of 1cohol for chemical, me- chanical.""a scientific toes, and providing penalties for the viola- tion thereof. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: SEction 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpor- ation within the City of Port Townsend, Ylashingto�, ell'., give away or otherwise dispose of, alcohol except woo Yi co 01, for chemical, mechanical or scientific uses or purposes, to any person, firm or corporation, unless a permit as hereinafter provided, shall have .be r jsated therefor by the chief of police or in his absence, aeh_ ola. aLril u the A1A11 u of the City of Port Townsend, or in any quantity greater than the amount, shown in such permit, or more than one sale or delivery under such permit. - Sec.2. That any person, firm or corporati,_on desiring to pur- ch a *.aa�zyr. coho for chemical, mechanical or scientific' purposes or�use r s z `l 'cf e A4)lication for such purchase to the chief of po- lice of T wnsep"d, s�uA%apl�i`cat n der oath, sworn to :o ®ft _=apfand shall contain the name of the applicant, the location of his place of residence or business, and if made by an officer of a corporation or co -partnership, shall state the name of such corporation or co-., Partnership and the official position or connection of the person. making such statement with such firm or corporation, stating the t< purpose, for which said alcohol is to be usad and the quantity de- sired for suchpurpose, and that such alcohol is not to be ussid as a beverage or kept or to be used in violation•of the laws of the State of Washington or the ordinances of the City of Port Townsend, and shall state the place of residence of said applicant, and that such applicant is over the age of twenty.-nne years, and shall also state the person, firm or corporation from whom such purchase is to be made within said city, and such purchase is to be made only from the person, firm or corporation n orporatinu teamed in such application. aka eu44 as04&41 Sec. 3, That it shall be the duty of the chief of police to file such application,,when properly sworn to, and give the same a serial number and issud to said applicant a permit in words and figures as follows, to -grit: • "State of Washington) County of Jefferson) ss. City of Port Townsend) residing at Port Townsend, Washing- ton, k -hura y-permttted vd-PU1 chase from _ in said City, alcohol not exceeding in quantity, the same to be used only for chemic�fi'anc�cientific uses or purposes, on delivery of this permiti to said patty. This permit can be used for but one sale and shall be void ten days from the date of issue. __.. 0 Dated this _day, of 191_ Chief of Police a1 the City�of Port Townsend, washington. wl� v Sec. 4.That the chief of police shall file said application with the City Clerk, and as each permit is issued, shall epgorFe� onN , such application "permitfissued" with the elate of issuance fi�ia£ the person selling{ such alcohol shall, at thy, time of making such sale,. cancel such papit by writing across the face thereof, the word "can- celled" with the date on which it was presented and such alcohol " sold, with the signature of the person stilling the same, and shall retain such permit which shall be preserved by him for a petriod of� at least six months and supject to the inspection or the chief of. polieo and subject to the right of the chief of police within such period of six months to demand and secure possession of such per- mits for filing, in the office of the City Clerk of said City. Sec. 5. That it shall be unlawful for any person firm or cor- poration t�o,.�ukupase, within the City of Port Townsend any alcohol* except wood a�co ol, without first securing a permit as provided.. in this ordinance. Sec. 6. That ink any case where a permit has been issued by the chief of police, and it shall appear that the person securing such permit used such alcohol as a beverage,or sold, gave away or o otherwise disposed of such alcohol in violation of any law of the .. State of Washington or ordinance of the city of Port Townsend, he Aid shall have the right to refuse to issue another permit to any such person; that he shall have the right to.refuse to issue any permit in any ax case where he knows that such application is not made in good faith and that any statement made in such. application is untrue. Sec. 7. That the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to the sale of alcohol at wholesale to any retail dealer engaged in the business of selling alcohol for mechanical, chemical or sci9_n- t'ific purposes. Sec.8. Any person who shall :Hake any false statement in any application for any permit provided for- in this ordinance, or shall violate any of the provisions of'this ordinance shall be.deemed . guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding.$100 or by imprisonment for a period of not exceeding thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall be pu%lished once in the Daily Leader and shall take effect as provided by law. Passed the City Council • i7;�v/l£i % s V•� O v Approved Attest: 1-2aye Ci£y ark T r Date of Publication _%CGIG('74 M � Ord inanco No. O to •1 An Ordinance autharizing and directinu, tho propor offiear•s of the City of Port Townsond, Washington, to issue and dolivar to R'. W. Scott or his ctnsip-n.-s, local im r+nvecnerit borid3 of Local Inprove- ment District No. 9, In the sung of g40V.72, in full satisfaction of the contract Arica for t;:ne r,onstruct,ionaof stTd Local Improvment and providing the form and terms of said bonds. Whureaa the City of'Port 'iown;send, 'Yashington, duly creatod by ordinance No. 6-1 , Loral lmprovament District No. 9, and has constructed the s�3rsprovement by r.ofitract with R. Y7. Scott, and V7hereas the contract price 'or the ronstrucL.ion of the said improvement was and is the sum ►.f $729.52, including axtras, of which the stun of A229.80 has already been paid the said contractor in cash out of the amount collected on the assessment made on the property included within the said improvement district, leaving a balanco roue the said contractor of the sum o.f $499.72, now,therefore: The City Council of the Oity of Port To�msend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Pdayor and city rlark of said City are harely authorized and directed to execute local improvement bonds of Local Improvement Aispriet Nov 9, in the sum of $499.729 that is to. says four bonds of one hundred dollars each and one bond of ninety-nine dallars and seventy-two cants. ._ See. 2. That tho said bonds are ;o be dated July `, 191cas made payable 'to R_ TV. Sett or•bearer twelve years after,,or on any interest pa;l'inim. data prior to said time; that they are to bear inter�- - .. est at the rate of seven per cent per annum, interest payable annu- --%,Or h bond there is to be attached twelve interest coupons, tds to be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk,the seal.of said City attached, and each coupon so attached is to b ar the lithographed fae-simil.o of the signatures of the said mayor and city clerk; that all of the said bonds are .to .. show on their face hat they are payable only out of Local Improve- ment Fund District No. 9, and are further to show on their face all t ings necessary to hee shown according to the law applicable _dto, and are otherwise be in the form as near as may be hAreitofore used in local impro Amc�nt bonds of saki 'city. Sec. 3. That the seti.d bonds afte'e_A4 c_ �cution as aforesaid are to be delivered to the treasurer of said city- for registration, and after being duly registered by him, shell be delivered to the said R. Y7..3cott or his assigns in full satisfaction of the contract --�-- price for the construction of said local. improvement. ' sec. 4. That this .ordinance shall he published once in the Daily Leader and shall take effect and be in force from and after five days after such publication. Passed by the City Council August 11 1916 Approved 4., Mayor. Attest. C ty Clerk. % f An Ordiriance m a'kinr, tho Tax Levy t'or the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the y our 1910 2 ! The city Council of the City of Port Townsend, "Washington, : do ordain as follows: 3 Section 1. That there are hereby lovied upon -all the taxable 4 j property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, the following sums for the different purposes designated, and the rate of taxation 5 upon the as:sessnd vaination for such purposes is as follows, G First?ror the payment of current expenses of said City and for the Current 13tpense Fund, the sum of Sixteen Thousand Nina Hundred 7 j Sixty -ono Dollars and forty-one cents (�.16,961.41), and the.rate of taxation for the said fund is hereby fixed. at twelve (12) mills) g on the dollar. 9 ! Second: Vor the payment of Interest on the refunded bonds, first issue, the sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred Forty.Dollars and •10 ? thirty --five cents (�i4,240.35), and the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at throe (3) mills on the dollar. 11. � • . Third: For the payment of Interest on .Refunded Bonds, second 12 j issue, the sum of One Thousand TV,o Hundred Thirty-six Dollars and. seventy --seven oants (d51,236.77), and the rate of taxation for 13 uaid purpose is hereby fixed at seven -eighths- of a mill on the dollar. 14 Section 2. That there is hereby lovied upon all. the taxable 15 i property, in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, -for the purpose of maintaining a public library, the sum Of(91,413.45) One Thousand 16 j Pour Hundred Thirteen Dollars and Forty-five cents, and the• rate of I.' taxation .for said purpose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the 17. j: 'dollar. 19 Sec. 3. That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Aassasuor and also to the County 20 Auditor the foreioing tax provided by law 21 3aP,- 4. This ordinanc.) shall be: publishoel once in the Daily Deader and shall take effect and he in force as provided by law. 22 23 j. Passed the gfli�t Council Octo er 2, 19Iei. 24avedAttest: ..__ bfi3< or L5 City Clerkr� 26 / La 27 28 Q 29 i 30 31 � i f , p s cIUD z Q � _ (A Z rn D rn -v 0 = 0 n C cz rn wm z CD --t D 2- rn v Ordinance No. An Ordinance authorizing and d.irsat• the propar officers of the City of Part Townsand, Washington, to issue and doliver to, R'. W. Scott or his assign.n, local ittt rbvement bonds of Local Improvo- taent District No. 9, in the sum of 4to.72, in full satisfaction of the contract price for construct.ionaof said Local. 7mprovanant =d providing tho form and terns of said bands. Whereas the City of port Townsend, N'lashington, duly created by ordinance No. Y61 Loral Improvement District No. 9, and has constructed tho saki.uprovement by contract with R. W. Scott, and ' Whereas the contract price for the construction of the -said improvement was and is the sum c,f $729 .52, includin , extras, or which the sum of $229.80 has already boon paid the said contractor in cash out of the amount collected on the assessment mado on the -property includod within the said improvement district, leaving a " bal:anco due the said contractor of the sum of $499.72, now,therefore: The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washinlgton y do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the Mayor and City (`lork of said (lity are hnrety authorized and directed to execute local improvement bonds of Local Improvement Dia�priet No u 9, in the sum of $499 .729 that is to say, lour bonds of one hundred dollars each and ona Mond of -ninety --nine dollars and seventy --two rents See. 2. That the said bonds are �o be dated July ,o1 9 3.916, I . made payahln 'to R. W. sett or -bearer twelve years afte , or on any interest pav'ini date prior to said time; that they are to bear inter- - test at the rate of seven per cent per annum, interest payable annu- ` _�.nf" e8f'h bond there is to be attached twelve interest coupons, the ands to be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk wit ,the seal of said City attached, and each coupon so attached is to b' ar the lithographed fac-simile of the signatures of the said mayor d city rlork; that all of the said bonds are to show on their faun hat theyare payable only out of Local. Improve- ment Fund District To. 9, and are further to show on their face all t ngs necessary to �,e shown according, to the law applicable reto, and are otherwise be in the form as near as may be haz�i;ttofare used in 3.ncx1 impro cement bonds of said -city. Sec. 3. That the said bonds aftution as aforesaid are to be delivered to the treasurer of said city' -for regIstratfon, and after being duly registered by him, shall be delivered to the said :. R. Yl. Scott or his assigns, in full satisfaction of the contract - price for the construction of said local improvement. Soc. 4.` That this .ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and shall take effect and'oe in force from and after five days after such publication. Passed by the City Council August 1, 1916 Approved /r Mayor. Attest: 04W k4ifF/O. - I Ornirani:o No. Q An Ordinance m akinr- tho Tax Davy for the City of Part Townsend, Washington, for the year 1916 1 . 2 The lity Council of the City of Port Townsend, '.`Washington, do ordain as follows: 3 Section 1. That there are hereby levied upon all the taxable 1 j property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, the folleiving ` I sums for the different purposes designated, and the rate of taxation 5 upon the axsAsaod valuation Tor n>uch purposes is as follows: 6 FirstYor the payment of current expenses of said City and for. II the Current Flcpense Fund, the sum of Sixteen Thousand Nine Hundred 7 Sixty -ono Dollars and forty-one cents (.16,961.41), and the rate of taxation for the said fund is hereby twelve (ILI) mills) 9 ; on the dollar. 9 Second: Pot- the payment of Tnterest on the refunded bonds, first. issue, the sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred Party Dollars•and 1p thirty-five cents (ai4,240.35), and the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at throe (3) mills on the dollar. 11 . Third: For the payment of Interest on Refunded Bonds, second 12 issue, the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-six -Dollars I and sevonty-seven cents (&L,236.77), and the rate of taxation for 13 staid purpose is hereby fixed at seven -eighths of a mill on the dollar. 1.1 �� ..:a.'... Section 2. That there is hereby levied upon all "tho taxable 15 i property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the purpose of maintaining a public library, the swu of(511416-45), One Thousand 16 Four Hundred Thirteen Dollars and Forty-five.cents, and the.rate of i taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the 17 dollar. 18 19 Sec. 3. That the Mayor and City Clerk aro hereby authorized and dir3cted to certify to the County Aassosaor and also to the County 20 Auditor the foregoing tax levy as provided by lavr 21 See. 4. This ordinanc-3 shall be published once in the Daily Leader and shall take offert and he in force as provided by lair. 22 Passed the Cit Council October 2 1916. 23 I— -, 24 , /� A roved Attest: �p� May or 25 City Clerk§ 26 27 28 .29 I :io 31 I i A 852 Fixes saiaries�for certain officers (Not codified) 853 Wharf construction (Special) 854 Street vacation (Special) 855 Licenses and regulates secondhand dealers and pawn- brokers (Repealed by 1047) 656 Provides for street improvement (Special) 857 Fixes time and place of city council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 858 Sets tax levy for 1915 (Special) 859 Authorizes issuance refunding bonds (Special) 860 LID No. 8 assessment (Special) 861 Provides for street improvements (Special) 862 Provides for LID No. 8 bond issuance (Special) 863 Establishes traffic regulations (Repealed by 1525) 864 Grants franchise (Special) 865 Amends Ord. 855 (Repealed by 1047) 866 LID No. 9 assessment (Special) 867 Regulates sale of alcohol for chemical, mechanical and scientific uses (Repealed by 1525) 868 Change to LID No. 9 (Special) 869 Provides for street improvements (Special) —870 Sets tax levy for 1916 (Special) 871 Licenses and regulates public dancehalls (Repealed by 1714) 872 Amends Ord. 275 (Not codified) 873 Licenses and regulates secondhand dealer, junk dealers and pawnbrokers, repeals Ord. 855 (5.28) 874 Fixes penalty for delinquent taxes (3.08) 875 Assessment for LID No. 10 (Special) 876 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) �r, l 167 (Port Townsend 10/15/74) 877 Changed to LID bond No. 10 (Special)- 878 Licenses and taxes bowling alleys, billiard tables, pool tables and shooting galleries, repeals Ord. 190 (Repealed by 1555) 879 Taxes and licenses all vehicles drawn by animals for all motor, vehicles kept for hire (Repealed by-1036) 880 Wharf construction (Special) —�8_81 Amends Ord. 878 (Repealed by 1555) 882 Authorizes federal government to establish and maintain. a telephone line (Special) 883 Grants franchise (special) 884 Revokes.franchise granted by Ord. 848 (Special) 895 Sets tax -levy for 1918 (Special) 886 Establishes street grade (Special) 887 Fixes salary for certain officers (Not codified) 888 Amends Ord. 218 ( 1525) B89 Prohibits sale of fireworks and explosives (9.04) 890 Sets tax levy for 1919 (Special) 891 Fixes salary of named officers. (Not codified) 892 Revokes franchise granted by Ord. 848 (Special) 893 Grants franchise (Special) 894 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) 895 Amends Ord. 753 (Not codified)for (special) 896 Designates site n construction of reservoir (Sp 897 Sets tax levy 898 street vacation (Speciall) i 899 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by_1525) 1 0 ORDTrlANMT; to lic,nr.n a:li] r',-,it_tattr pul.lic dance !'galls within] rlty of Port, Townaond, Wa5hir'.('ton, zir(i to providrr" fl far 2 j t,hn Violation t';cresf I The City Council of thr� City of Port Townsend, Washington do I ordain as follows: ►i Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to have charf.;e 5 � of, ccr,r3urt or run, an+ public: dance 11a ll within t1•r , limits of staid city, for Frain, without, fir:;t obt=,_Ardrg a license in the man- 6 ner hereinafter provid,&d. 7 See. 2. Ths lirenso foo for for havirg charge of, maintaining, j conductinf3 or rinining such public donee hall shall be as follows: . g I F a.perioe of eny numbor of months less than a year, the :rum of ��yy doll:~rs a month; for t5 P. period of one year, th'e svm of B �_-��_ �-_, dollars; but no 1ir.ensa shall S {r:zritrd .for Ass ther A months 10 � E Sec. 3. Ai.y person desiring, to obtain suo.h 13censo shall first 11 pay into the City Treasury the umourit of t)io license fen boreir pro- vided, and shall file with the City Clark his petition giving the nam 12 oil' the person desiring such license, his residence for the year imme- diately preceding the filing of such phtitio?., the location where Such 13 I dance hall is to he conducted, stating definitely the part or parts. of the buildin to he used if not the, whole thereof, th« time for 14 which the said license is desired, .the statement that the licenso fee has been paid, and the written permissUon of the owner or agent of ]5 1 the building permit•tini, the aaznw to be used fot' such Purpose. 1G i Sec. 4. Upon presentation of such petition to the City Council at fl regular meeting theroof, the same shall be reftirred to the proper 17 .committee for report and recommendation a' the next regular meeting of the council thereafter, but no such license shall be granted by 18 i the council unless they are satisfied that such applicant is of a good moral character and will conduct an orderly place. 19" Sec. 5. After such petition has been granted by tho council, a 20 license in due form shall be issued by the clerk, statilag the name of the licensee, the time said license is to run, the date of the issue ►" 21 thereof, and the location' and description of the buildin - or place vncnre the same is to be conducted as given in said petit.ior_. Such 22 ! license shall at all times be kept posted in thy, place where the same i is to be used durint, the. time it is in force. 2.3 1 Sec. 6. It sh13.7 he unlawful for any person having charge of, 21 mair�tvirirg, conductir.G or r,annind, Such dance hall under said license to allow or permit any person to be or remain therein for any purpose 2` whatever under the ago of Prenty-one years, or to keep or permit or allow anrj one to keep any intoxicating liquor of any kind orr the said L6 1 premises. Sec. T.Al:l, suet± public, loran halls must he properly lighted, 27 I and shall- Fit all tinges be under th, e strict supervision of the police 2$ department of the City. Son. 8. Any person violating any of thn provisions of this or- 29 dinfinee or in any marner refu5lrr, to comply with its provisions shall he deemed guilty of s misdeminnor and upon convi(:tian thsreof shall 30 1 be finer] in an;; sum not exceeding two hundred dollarn or by impris- ',ommont for any lenrth of time not exceeding two months or by both such 31 I fire and imprisonment Yrithin the jurisdiction of the polies ,judge. 1 9ec.9. Upon the conviction of thn lierrtsee for thy; violation o. any of tho provisions of this ordinance or of any stare law relating 2. to the same subject, the cite council Shal declare his licanse farms felted; Provided, also, that the'eity cotircil nay at any time declare. 3 such licsnsn forfeited if in tho ,judgment of said Council the said lipdnson - is not; conducting an ordorly place, art or giving such lie ons .'4 .an opportunity to be heard in his oven behalf before such council. 5 Sec. 10. All ordinances or prlrt;., u1' ordinancas in conflict herewith are hereby repeolad 6 Sec. 11. This ordina-nne shall be published ones in tho Daily 7 Leader and take effect as provided by law. •8 9 10 �� 12 13 15 I is 17 19 j 20 . : 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Pas%od the ity Council ���lil"A %` CApproved Attest: CITY%i:i r1 46 ORDI1eANC?; NO—qn__ !-' AN ORDINANCE amending section one of, ordinance No. 275, enti- tled "An Ordinance requiring* all persons contemplating the erection of any building or structure within the limits of the City of Port Townsend to apply to the common council of said city for a building permits" and requiring a building permit for ti:e purpose of maiGing changes or alterations in certain buildings. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as fol- lows: Sec.1. That sectApn one of,ordinance No. 275, entitled as ab.ovo set forth, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: See -I. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person or persons$ firm or corporation within the limits of th-: City of Port Townsend to orect or cause to be erected any building or structure, of any kind, or change or or cause to be changed any public hall or any building or hall whatever with a view or for the purpose of. being used as of public gatherings, public entertainments; shows or exhibitions or amusements of any kind, without first obtain- ing a permit so to do from the city council of said city upon•.4'ritt.en application to the said council, which said application shall -.state the nature of the building to be erected or changed and the materi- al to he used therefor, ,Yh.ere.the.same is to be built or changed, _: and the estimated cost thereof; and if such building or, structure or such contemplated changed building or structure is to be used for public gatherings, Entertainments, shows, or exhibits or amusements of any kind, there must also he presented with said .application a detailed plan of such building or structure or contemplated change N,,or alteration together with proper specifications therefor. :sec. 2. This ordinance shall be published in the Daily header and shall take effect as provided by law. Passed r he City Council l� '/� `_,v/ �(o Approved d� At est : Mayor. City Clerk. Q�� Gt7/��enBi� 1� +-'•at.+5,:., -C.,�• . �.:'ni, ; F'�f. �'-R" .:i'ti�•A .i;'.;.�;"a -'c.r:h,r;{f:'Sw�.;.'r'.u�.''`'.i 5., `'r 1f''�i�-`±°..�? .?,,v',t�(4i' Y,�:tiwic;�'U'.•%ti,f "c=•."-'i•y,q-;?�^'+ <: �:� ; -�'. ^K-,�;_.� :z�. � r., -�.•. :;err.. �'%.�.�. _9_q•'.• - ,t. ,y: a7ri.: = � '.. L':C.' i�i....,� �:���f'rl,:' iy v+,���?.j �_,�1 ilk' ��� .{ •1�:1 Yi•+fL a�~'��'•..t. Lr. �'yl .t q.- �. Ok-, • 0 A �e ORDINANC n PTO . An Ordinance to license and regulate Second-hand Dealers, Junk Dealers and Pawnbrokers in the City of Port Townsend, Washinrton, and providing; a penalty for thn violation thereof, and repealing Ordinanco No. 855 and all ordinances amending the same. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Vlashington, do ordain as follows: Sec. l.F.very person firm, or corporation engaged in whole or in part in the business of h+tying or selling secondhand personal property within said city shall be termnd'a Second-hand Dealer; every person, firm or corporation engaged in tha business of buy- ing or selling, metal ,junk, melted metals, rags, paper, old rubber, or any other kind of junk or cast off materials of any kind, shall be termed a Junk Dealer; and every person, firm or corporation en- gaged in whole or in part in the business of loaning; money on the security of pledges, deposit, or conditional sale, of personal property, shall be termed a pawnbroker. Sec. 2-very second-hand dealer and every junk dealer, and every pawnbroker shall before doing; any business in said city obtain a li- cense so to do for which he shall pay the sum of .twenty-five dollars per annum; provided, however, that the same person, firm or corpor- ation may engage in any number or all three of said lines of busine$_ by paying the sum of twenty-five dollars per annum for each line so engaged in. Sec. 3. Such license shall be granted ,.only upon the filing; with the city clerk of a statement by the applicant showing the name of the person, firm or corporation applling for the license, th location of the intend od ts�n ss, the beginning and ending of the year for which the license,,, an also showing whether the applicant desires to do business as a second-hand dealer, a junk dealer, a pawnbroker, or any or all of such lines of business. Such applica- tion must be accompanied by the receipt of the city treasurer show- ing that one year's license has been paid. A receipt from or state- ment from the city clerk showing; that such application and receipt from the city treasurer have been filed shall be considered a suffi- cient license to do businessl. Sec. 4. Every second hand dealer and every junk dealer and every pawnbroker shall keep in his place of business a book or other permanent record in which shall be legibly written at the time of each loan, purchase or salei.a record, in tho Nnglish lan- guage, containing, the following : 1. The date of the transaction. 2-The name of the person or employe conducting the same. 3.The signature cf the person with whom the transaction is had, together with a general description of such person as to color of eyes and hair, and as to size, dress and racial appearance. 4. The riams and street and house number, if any, of the owner of the property.-6. The street and house number, if any, of the place from which the property bought cr received in bledge was last removed. 6. A description of the property bought or received in pledge, which in case of watches shall contain the name of the maker and the number of both the works and the case, and in case of jewelry shall contain a description of all letters and marks inscribed thereon: Provided, however, when the articles bought or receivedin pledge are furniture, or the contents of any house or room, a general description of the property together with a proper location of the house or room shall be deemed sufficient. 7. The price paid or the amount loaned. B. The names and places of residence of any person or p43rsons witnessing► the transaction. 9.The number of the pawn ticket issued therefor, if any. Sec. S. The said record shall during the ordinary hours of business be open to th-n inspection of the prosecuting attorney, the sheriff of the couw.`y, and the mayor and policemen of the city; and the place of busine s and stock of goods shall likewise be ropen during such hours to the inspection of such officers. Sec. 6. Tt shall be unlawful for- anj such second hand dealer or"�unk dealer or pawnbroker, to remove or allow to be reireved from his place or business, excopt upon redwpkion by the owner thereof, any property received, within,four days of t'he receipt of the same, ­ and it shall also be considered unlawful fur any such second. -hand sealer,, such junk dealer, or such pawnbroker to receive any property from any person under they age of twenty. -one years, or from any com- mon drunkard or any habitual user of narcotic drugs o,r any,°person in an intoxicated condition. Sec. 7. Any second-hand dealer or junk dealer or pawnbroker who shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this o'rdi r nanra shall upon convition thereof be finked in any'sum not exceeding one hundred dollars or imprisoned for any number of days not exceeding thir-.y, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and in - all cases of conviction, such conviction shall work.a forfeiture of the license. • -8ec. t; .-• Ti;•i�-•c�-rd�naYsce•--shwa-•i,-e-publ-lr�h-Pd-one-- i-rr---t-�► �-Da-�y�-- -'- � .o_=_r_nv�+d—by:_3a., - -- — -- Sec. f�Ordinancc Wo. 855, passed by the city council May 18, 1915 and approved May 19, 191.5, tend all ordinances amending the said ordinance or- any part or parts thereof, as well as all ordi- nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec.9. This ordinance shall be publisA3c in the Daily Leader and shall take offect as provided by law. Passed the City Council Approved oat k1 -'z Attest: 'mayor. it, Clerk . ��" �� ¢Ill�t l c�4 (lf`r( ��� �• i�� � � i/ ORDINANn. R 310. AN ORDINANCE fixing; tho penalty to be added to all delinquent assabsments or installments of such assessments made for local improvements within the City of Port Townsend, Washington,and repeal - in all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as fol" Iowa: Section 1. That hereafter when any assessment or any install- ` meet of such assessment made for local improvements within the City of Port Townsend, Washington, under the laws providing for the making of such improvements by the special assessment plan, shall become do- linquent,the treasurer of said city shall add to the said assessment or such installment of said assessment, a penalty of five per cent shal7_.b;euaddad before the same is certified to the county treasurer for collection. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall apply to all assessments hereafter = becoming delinquent whoth9 r such assessments were before or after the passage of this ordinance. Sec.3,That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4• This ordinance shall be published once in tha Daily Leader and shall take effect as required by law. Passed the City Council December 19, 1916. N Approved Attest: City Clerk.. C� J • C` 4" v Ordinance No. � : e5 An Ordinance levying the assessment in Local Improvement District No. 10, in the City of Port Townsend, Washington,created by ordinance No. k_ , for the improvement of certain parts of Jefferson and Tyler Street+, approving and confirming, the assess- mont roll of said district, providing for thn payment of said as- sessment and creating Local Improvement Fund District No. 10. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the assessment roll of Local Improv^.went District No..10, creatad.under ordinance No. _ , for the improvement of certain parts of Jefferson and_y�l.a Streets, as the same now stands and as the same has been authorized to be extended by the proper officers lip, and the same is hereby approved in all respects and confirmed. Sac. 2. That each of the lots, tracts or parcels of land shown r upon said roll is hereby declared to be benefited by the said im- provement in at least the amount charged against it on the said roll as shown in th,e column headed "Amount of Assc;szment as Equalized, and that there is hereby levied and assessed against each such lot, tract or parcel of land appearing upon said roll the amount set opposite in said column. Sec. 3. That the said assessment is hereby made payable in ten equal annual installments, the firt installment to become due and payable one year and thirty days after the date of the first pub- lication'of notice by the treasurer that the said assessment roll is in his hands for collection, and thereafter one installment shall become due and payable each year thereafter, and if the said in- stallment together with interest as hereinafter provided is not paid when due, the same shall b e certified to the county treasurer for collection with the penalty provided by law and ordinance added: Provided, however, that any such assessment or any part thereof 7,•�0°`, without interest for a pared of thirty days after the date of the first publication of notice by the city treasurer that the said assessment roll is in his hands for collection, but all assessments or parts th!reof remaining unpaid at the expiCation of said thirty -- day period shall hear interest at th e r at a of seven per cunt per annum, and such interest shall be paid annually as required by law. Sec.4. Immediately upon the taking effect of this ordinance the city clerk shall properly certify the said assessment roll and de- liver the same to the city treasurer for collection with his warrant"'' " for collection in the usual. form attached, and the said treasurer . shall immediately publish a notice as required by law in the Daily Leader for ten consecutive issues, which said notice shall show on its face among other things the date of the first publication. Sec.5. That there is hereby created and established a special fund to be known as Local Improv nn, rnt Fund, District No. 10, into which all moneys collected on the said assessment shall be turned. Sec.6. That this ordinance shall he publish ad once th,; Daily Leader and take effect as provided by law. Passed the City Council January 2, 1917. Attest: Approved C 1 ty Cl ork r4, ,r�. 17'u/Gn;li`s„ r9�ut., sf'�11,7 Mayan.---- AN ORDOANC.N amending section one of Ordinance No. 726, enti- tled "An Ordinance to prohibit certain animals from running at large within certain limits of the cityof Port Townsend; to provide for the impounding, release and sale of such animals; to provide for the appointment of a city poundnaster and to fix his compensa- tion and to proscribe his duties; to provide penalties for hinder- ing, or delaying the poundmaster in the discharge of any of his duties raid penalties for the "violation of any of the -provisions of saidordinanco", as amended by ordinance No. 816 and ordinance No. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. That section one of ordinance No. 726, the title to which is fully set, forth in the title herein, as amended by or.di- 'nanco No. 816 and ordiance No. 837, be and the same is hereby amend - ad to read as follows: Sec. 1. That_ no cattle, horse, ass, goat, mule, sh4iep, swine, nor any other domestic animal, excepting dogs duly licensed by this city, shall be permitted to run at large during any part of the hour, of the day or night, on any of the streets, sidewalks, alleys, park* „ or other public lands or places within the following limits, to -wit; Commencing at a point where the westerly boundary line of Sheridan Avenue if extended would intersect extreme low tide, thence along said westerly boundary line of said Sheridan Avenue northerly to 25th street; thonoa-westerly Along 25th street to Thomas street;, thence northerly along Thomas street to 37th street; thence easta'A along 37th street and along the southerly boundary of the unplatted tract known and described as belonging to M. Somers, H. Qrenblat an. J. W. Zeeve, and then again along 37th street to San Juan Avenue; thence north on San Zuan Avenue to the northeast corner of a tract of land `owned by H. L. Hansen; thence west on the north line of said Hansen tract and on 43 street to Hendricks street; thence north on Hendricks' street to extreme low tide; thence easterly along extreme low tide along the beach to the United States Military Reservation; thence southerly along the westerly boundary end easter- ly along the southerly boundary, of said Military Reaervation,•to the beach and extreme low tide; thence southerly along beach and extreme low tide to Point Hudson and westerly to the place of be- ginning: meaning hereby to include within the said.limits thI6 whole widths of all streets mentioned, together with all wharves a16ng the water front herein describers: Scc. 2. That all ordinances or I. it. herevrith are parts of ordinances in conflict h +�r eby r ep oal 9d . .. .. . { Sec. 3. That this orrjinQLnce shall be published once in the Daily Leafier and take effect as required by law. Passed the City Council L). : e 7�c Approved-7'--���% Attest: htayor.•��-- '%City �:lerk-_ ' -1 �'! � 4�1♦ .. .' , •.� .ice_ - , � .- i .. '. �� - � � [._. .. r 1. . le � - .f - .. � .. A(�' - ti < .. �� •J 1.� \ - - � .. l... .. .. _ • •. � I f .ram � .. .` � f • _ t �• - - F ' ... 1.� I ;; 'L. 1. _ _. .. „ . -_ - c - � .. � � - � r - . - r r . � , :r" f" -. .. �. .. ,_ _ . - -.. .. . n _.. .a� _a _ .. .�. ' ' � '. • ._ 4 O_oLiance � Of t.aC City of J.0.. Ol.:'l`.Cllrl", 7J.=li; :On, ::o ir.,OuE 'u"d ow U C7.1S1ti011 ...'• I'Telltl' ' .:Ott, .Local 'OVU:ai:11"` )O?1(j4, 0" �OC3� �i.l:):COVO''Clat, Diotrict :U. ILV , ( Sil... O1 1- -till E1LLti:IlaCt3O11 of the Coll"" for t::.c const:'�uction of f3aid :Local ii.1prove- ment., ali' 7. ;0:: G'J a. cl:.?7 the 1:0-.-11 Oi, ouid Oollds. t:' . ��, 07' Port chll, (',.'e atod b:/ ordilinnco 3To. _ �, IJOC['•L t .'li..'UVC):1C11'; �7Li"i:_ :C x,o._ rd , F11W ?(Z const--nicted ,_`t. .:.~1(`f 1]�1'Ui'GUi:I:1C it V) CGil~rS_'.Cl: J'! v12 CJ '.:'',oll 10. ! ell^ dC7'son; and, 1:11CiCGL;, u' Cull, = LLC'i _ "':.CC :i 01' t :C CO11:it,IUctiO11 of the said imp:: OVCllic1lt was a"und is t--e 3Vii1 0f �'689.?5, of l'/)?ich it'l.C• own 0f ; 1Sci.CIO :ias a7.1'C]C J [7C(?Yl 'iai(i t0 t :t eliCl COYl ;icLCt0l' i31 CLISll out oil t)i.E ailOLlnt CO7 7 CCt l:Cl O17 ti'IC a0 GC N1 :C:i:t E na dC OI'' 1:::C :!7i'0�>C]'tjr inc:liidod ri tl in '1:_:e said di::t-A- etx Zeavi lIG a balance clue t.t'C ["aiC, con"'ractor O' i::E'-C ^uLi'.!? 0'i.' ��� '� , llO r 10,ercfore: Till: Ci't. f Co-uncil. o:" Cif; o Y t o--'t '.0v:nSpIl ., 1"asil •irc t:on, CIO ordain ac: Scction :1.. T:'at v :'or '11,C,. Cit" CZorh o;, sal( City cse hereby autho, i.zed a116 dl:trc''.cd 'i0 u, c,eci.te local. bonds of Zi0Ca.7. Ll.:l? OVf'.!.:C1'1t Di., sC No. �� , iri i.]_G :3um of :i 499.56 , �rH t :u.t is to :try, f C'1;:_ i)Q".[i'.' Jr, ,..' Crt- .. ejf one: _:Ltllt�r (?ci dollars rs (;cLC!?, I f anc: OriC bond in t, t? :,Ls?:1 o: ni net -- ^Tine C1011� 1':3 C:.]1cF. '1'�,.;; -Si1C cents., SCCtiOi1 2• '2'?:.l'; 1 ;]L7.(i bondo uoro 't0 'IJG dLt':,',(:-chS , ,0' Cli `:Ol! F. o:' beaz'cr tae7_Yc: •T-6 after Clr' ]r8 Or on :.^".]l'f 1ntc3'cE:t ,`Carron CZate prior to GaicL time; t:^.at tilaf are to bcaY intc-_est al i:.rr : a to of sever. })er cent der annum, in':erest paz c:3o7 e am-mally, �,.ncl to C-ach boncl there i s t0 be attacli.ed twelve int02G.9t co'.r;ons, t':I-E; bond:: -to be NiE;ned by U,)lc 1.`afo_ ...__d attested I)i.r tli.e Cit .r C7,e.2.1, ;:it.. u., E e21 0, atRid City attached tiTcre0n, n li(' Ct :c)? Courtin Fo a ttU.clicd i{i to bear ti.he lit'ho,-,raphed '" (-sil:'i1C of.' t,... si[;•l'?_ tt!res O;' L ,e ..SLLtI .:nyor and _ a.- - Ci t.y,a,;that all of.t,;? tia:lr, "bonds are to ,..-ot'f till .'ei.r face that ti!e;r are na,r.zble only out of Local i3-,l�1� ovement Fund, Dintrict 1T0• i.' , and are iLl''i:11Ci ;o chow un t3'.i;:Lr face 0.7 '?1Y](�u neccocaTy tO )C 7-now 1 p.Cr:0:'O:!.nt. i-.o -i._'.0 7:l',' t^,I)I7:i.iv ble �;)lcre40, pa'!0 are O3 )1( l'- :iSC GO be in t;'_L' fUl'1 liLr('.';O:i.Oi'e Lill(?d in lOCCLl !rllt370'd(?Alit 1JO11CT.3 0f said ci,:y. _ Section 3. 'Ziat t_,(, said bonds as �-,,forc:sc:id a-e to be dA' lrQ):ed to i, r' ;'C:. l?_[:» of o:ii(1 city �'O ?_of'i�i:ra.A-'O11 i7.'_1(T :1'tC_'.' be].11"; i1,7.;j C';iCteletd,i1' .-.?:1, �3.7. be (Icli(:V(red t0 r said Clinton Hcncicr:sor., 3.: :f-all s<.,:i.-wc'.ct on oS' the contract -mi ice O "t}_f; rO11^ .'L?Ci:].bll pi said loCa7 Section �i?'0'•. on..'nu![, DF1.71,Tie afle -'C J.--! -forrr fie F -C /Ci'as 'tC"i F 4 _ :C:_ :il;r�l^ l,.11i�'1 ic;,A. On. 4. �GGLG AG�GL� It GLG't L Gl iLCIL i� z f �� t?.3 of n; :: Oi't : ovnis m(i, m.'OVI.o.lili- (.', Jlt:wat;, f or r'''C`. 11? lll.,tii on " I.Croo`', c ifl rcT)vr2 j.,1r Or?inw.?-o 'o 17Q >,i::i'.',' r,C3 ".. 0" :1::.`.71r,C �.?_r Cllfi{:)� and 4a1i.11 UO"7.L' ', l•�r? r�. •� ,.E.,fi 'n � Ij i ,�; 9 G "f; G, bil..I _ '..i`•1 r:;, 70 �� twi)l :;, .)-_;!C0• 'n:•n vc^ 31 CO'.. :7.Y)C! ';O.�llcs, sl!oo�ii-)r "ll t, -'lt,n� 0�:.,(?.' ri,.l;„r• t:1� les l ei P4� i;i� jr Of n0''y '017 3c ?i , " 711 3.iC(1' 17 t 'iQ '"it ;r C'b"_11Cil •7O,rell ii`{ (.:07111C7 O "LC: r;i t, 0 "lort 0.: 1 CTICl do Ordain as follows• �y :!E cqi :I on 17. l icfm1 ,c to ..em-) fo -Lire any voi am L, 1. r'\ , l J. �... (.1 ( ()1 'v r)." �) . . .il '_L' 7._ G•: r r ,.r 1lL ice; C:.'; 0 nl C3 "�lZ wlic:firot pay into th: Citv 0 0Lu QC;112�07c, `'dollcrsor �:cl cl1iyy to of7 O i _ C0 11 ? per .C,171TJLl� cat, 1 Y.�001 i l70 a : -.,1C _'r. o o �yd01la-r pC:.' i 1111LL}:'!;'.Y)c� (:� CL f_+7'o0 �.;7 ^.,!.lt�i:;,� .".0 t doll3:r..{ POr� ailnl';?l. r'�'.cl u i.:OIl i .'Ll? ]��; + E` .. _.'C : CLiI.'C?1.' E 67 a. �. r• p�fllCllt 0� ;.;L":Gii 13r,G11SC il.;J f.'.ir`:;LLf: '� •.�' ?'"-'Ol'!%:i Z.tiCGi7.i0 ii.:: r.,....'t:"._l:'.J.i:O=. �:"'C)•.'].G'.L'Cl. r mil,C':�oll n °__L t) O.'.:_i7(y lil 1 n:. :�: _.aGC cc so cO!l- . -StruCd t0 �I cct 0: ii:ij7air ,''.{: ..;Z l C'.7.''" O1 l7_CC'27,s, !, )CrCtO OrC i c ;LLCd 1: L, 110t C ))?_1 C [z► clt:;E- ;EiC- uJ;C' -C---GS`F of. Z_1ic C :._ L �.. ;0 )CL' ._ '], 011:7 .i oar , and a.1:1 17L101' liUci-i;3cc 20 .,;ll':t3 .:'IC.].i E.:n i.0 on "tC' 31L. '; L'Ei'" Of DccelrbeT ' 01: cc.Cll ._,. ;j C)tr 1 17; provi6e(Z hc-' ,evcw, ai.he.t' (1. �h'r l: r SOiI VC1w"t11,. 0' (,11'.c �[ _.. ,u k)Lj..^,_3" r•^ _ �•. .1•ri-+� C.C.- 1„-CC•r;1 ii l'`" c .;'e :��, � .o. ';t; �.1:La,; , 1A 11.-t,xd �1:Ult• OWShOOtill[; [;t1lEE'_'�', licmt:C: Tile, 1� ? _5u,cd toomc '"Go.rsoll _J.'i. 1 : C,_ Cil.::ti.`.l 'l);)";:'_Cli 1, X!ZtD O;:i7sE --Bet'.�Y �'CQ'T1C36'C�• a. .,.•. yi ,y.r' .-:r', >iCC OSL �•+ i':�.1 [,x:.l,i1.0C� L?:1C3.[`:I.' _:C3 �::lOV1:�'.071a Qi• •11G ' ordim.I ce sh2-,I . 'C): 3i'.:C� :.. •.. (1 ..: i e :i•t1 t! !:•.ir,, .0�f-f Cial C':7)::.CJ_ ;, ?? ;t:;:7 C' W 17C 1?' IA 1�0'_A C;d Sri CO11,S1.52 C:":CL'.: placc. _ . ','. _ 'r...1•C'r111U . __'_', z 0 ii :ed ,rj":?C1)ion ' i 1?C:•E;711 '•,',o :>'_'.all i":QCu any, billiard '�et1l:E.c, 11po]. ':.:i13C 0: 0C�t4 J ! o _0 �.:?t_'7.'_1 0'_ _ 0 "�.L• '?::.-"?E', .:j.i".O-z$ i'-illL, OlAt (: l].Cftil:Jo "!_.. r;�_'a:•', ._... t171 .:OI. r�C;1. C;''1'r..-t'. -vG1­ O;''i"Ei'_Eie . . 1:)i' f fined i): - n- 11 LtaS no' CC `.1CC.'. il;' °;ter doa.lal'G 1"!O:' Zecr, l,an "i c 0.61.1.arr. 1il;l1 cost,: al: ' i�'Jf:':_C)Y: i. r'• :L'' Ol")]J?ai1C@ �:14. Z��1 „11�'i.'`;�•Ctl °j1:_ O'_'C;;l::::270(.' 1 ' 11COY1 :Li;;, i1C_ •C'.:la: :.'G'.:1:!..a` c.�..!.t �":i, J.Lit?�Cl vablQt:, wool fi '.131.r:G_Le :'.i)1 tr4,, J L' :!�': 111i:C! LiLI)� L: , S^04'L1i_:: t_;allt;_ iuJ, C tµ�.zr In. : ti, r, i. ••tt ,.- C ,• C _...:C� _._'C'.. y l .', 1CC , �l1 c'3 .L .+_-..:'l.j 0s 0"_L:Li1 '.!C:GB Gi) jai: ZLlbj ct Of, C:. in CO_1- ict •:7 t11_ ' _ 1 E G:..'C117ancv, DO an.(_ ?.0 aLG:,cry mpc:ale d• !-, i3G -tion 7. _.'a G blCl7..11'.?!G8 .._1Cll be LlU1 ic.d O:10ES in t1w ' Y, LL,z,' ;.3 Cr.'!.,' U V .. N .�_�.�:. 1 _l '. •.,,1, (,.; .. it • `'''�`. it i '�' • • fir for )n Z) %I i oil x nd; CiL-1'111�1110111 n c� Tljo City rolmr-1.3 of t:11(� CIL CIO b-Ire ally' 0 Public f. Ox ztr!-tz within 1*.�,u Oi-%y 0` 20-'G Q'x 'v 0 iot o G 0.v ;v y O. pay ;-o-' .:10 liowlllw Too Q: C .,II L "V V, ua'-�'l or.: i 17. ir .1 v v7" b" -10 "d •00 C.. 1 (-V t-C i Q-. 71J L'xa- or :,-uov ia1lt--lu"11 :lr.1 of 0 j t t;vovy 0_'i%r�jj 01, ').Z; 1 oar aver off tomir" cj:.- ov five 01! 102v of S-4;'1t 0.oll:.Ylu :!'Ci-L' Of 71lUh '707MC14'2(� - of vwra,.,i.ty o:' !-,Y40 -210 tqns i,r OVc I, Of t-W.A.T-01 dO IT ':.W 13 n (1 0!, a of tba:uu tr'-'1v 03, ovc,- cm-1.1 vx-oun f4 - , J. 4. Ij - -I C".t Ew, 0 v -ovided I i X3 0 VJ, df, C " 11 gd; 4. f 1. ". C c 111-, '-'2z I t-o tllu fi*.':'i" day of h".ril D-L' ally Y-c'- T: 7 ILI- �j _Q.!Qjecj of ve v '1-ver A. of il:cea Surex - of 1:i'tC J-j j J, "'I" r(-.C-Jjj :'C S3 ov L dzi d, U12 to j-'101 V for J.C2.C! .15UC"J) Ir(L:- '-01: thc, C11::'r C 0 ;j -c ax was Pa yovidC'-]�u 017MC, or A"-'w w,' i it 1L-6cn v. C o; C ia ou �'j 'al. !.CL�'! 01.1 miul a :1 'n' x1c, if Vv C! CI- Merl t -.7.r,2.t 15z: r;:rri:;h C LhS Of Section 3. %n�,, pervor., iim, ccripLxy or oL-)rpor a t1or Elli!-LY Of I-- Ruie, lxt,on conv.-"otion tl)j,:rouf be :Vinod not: laso than twon17ty doll nox more thvp rint" -h Coot,., Of 1)1-0 .:'Clticn. -c'6i on ot:-uur ua:d4nvr,,cjj in cu:jfj-'ct !,,-rcaith, be, ai'Ll Q.,.e spric ',--creby xcy-'ei'j-ud; pl.-OvId".(t 'of :.'ach shall n6-4 "IL': thu-Cem'Jer nor -IfQCt, t1v" :'if'J-Lt Of cit-y I o collect and rucov,ir vvi i roviRtad "uY such L: AP, "Ally -1-0 e�uo ov z! ic — 1j. k' 1 'ji C. 0:! or r! :on c c t illl00 C lu!� mice ill — % 0, aftv--- j-;--t- d-- I r 0 v Mvoz Attest: An Ordinance a.uthorizinr the rillside C..nnir.;, Coropany, -- corporation, ita successore and ussi-na, to construct and maint,in 'nhazfs, bu.ildinL�s, docks and on the Easterly half of Scott Street, oommoncine; at the Northwest corner of Dlook Ninateen of I,. r, Hasting!s First Addition to the City of Port Townsend, State of Washington; thence extending in a South- erly direction to the Southerly aide of Front Street, accordinp; to the duly zemrd,4d p3xt: thereof on file in the office of the County Auditor of Jef- ferson County, State, of Washington. "BE -°IT -OF.MI TED by- the City of Port Townsend as follows: ✓/L 2r4, C?Fw,.ai4 nl f%4, JrcfyA/ jl-tt. rFrryr Jlr,x. tip Lo),ra., u .0 i'irllr�rn.< Section One. That there is hereby grz.nted to the Hillside CanninU Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, for y period of ten years, the ti right, privelege and authority to construct, operate and maintain wharfs, buildings, docks and marine hays on the Easterly half of Scott Street, com- mencing at the Northwest corner of Flock Nineteen of L. B. Haating's First Addition to the City of Port Townsend, Jtff erson County, State of Washington; thence extending in a Southerly directiop-to the Southerly aide of Front Street, as is shown by the duly recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Auditor of Jefferson County, ;t&ta of Washington. Section Two. That by the acceptance of this ordinance the said grantee . hereby agrees, upon the request of the City Council of Port Townsend, Wash- ington, to conform said wharfs, docks or otter structures to the grade of s6id streets now established or to be hercwfter established; and to remove all buildings from the streets herein named upon thirty days notice from the City Oouncil, and to allow free 'wharfage over - any wharf constructed under this franchise to said City of Port Towns end." the_:ri-ght to -grant -.any desired -railroad-franchise_ov:-,-said.-ntreeta. Section Throe. This ordinance shall be accepted by.the grantee within thirty days after its passage,, and if not so accepted, shall be void. Section Four. This ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Fa-ily Leader and take effect and be in force from and after five days of such publication. Passed by the City Council !/,_1917, Approved by the :,Iayor, L IG`Cr.� � l 1917. � :gager. Attest: %1 Cit; Clerk. r Date of Publication,Ih_ An Ordinance: a,uthorizirL the: Hillside; C _nnir.� Cor-,p,Lny, w corporation, its eucceesorz and aysiEms, to construct �Lnd ►•win v,hs.rfa, buildings, docks and marina-aayo on tho E,_.sterly half of 'Scott Str:j,;t, comme cine, at the Northwest corner of Block ;nineteen of L. 13. Hastin&; a First Addition to the .City of Port Townsend, State of Washington; thanee extending in a South- erly direction to the Southerly side of Front Street, according to the duly ramrdesd. ls3at thereof on file in the office of the County Auditor of Jef- ferson County, State of Vaahington. -BE.-.-FT-.-0P.DAV4FD by the City of Port Townsend as follows: 44L 'J."Yy eiC r.l IK, a.rfil0/ j,4tI YyICti"I JeIWC "er (s)rtaair, !u �Nrli�rl•J Section One. That there is hereby gr�Fntcd to the Hillsido Canning Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, for a perioii of tern years, the y right, privelege anti authority to construct, operate and maintain wharfs, , buildings, dock© and marine ;gays on the Easterly half of Scott Street, com-- P mencing at the Idorthwest corner of Block Nineteen of L. B. Hastings First Addition to the City of Port Townsend, J*fferson County, State of Washington; thence extending in a Southerly direction'to the Southerly aide of Front Street, as is shown by the duly recorded isls,t thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Auditor of Jefferson County, Stata of Washington. Section Two. That by the acceptance of this ordinance the said grantee hereby agrees, upon the request of the City Council of Port Townsend, Nash- ington, to oonform said wharfs, docks or other structures to the grade of e6id etreeta now established or to be hore&fter established; and to remove all buildings from the streets herein named upon thirty days notice from. the City Coun.cil,..a,nd._to allow free wharfage over ,a wharf constructed under er4y -� • n:s - - - - ...-44 .-�...� a. C � �'(� Lltc�' Q'i'CLl(GCZICc i� rl �L' n/i tint /r e elt� Ih •! CC[OGJ 7Iev ,�Cuc'tr i rl f ICF�d �-, L9Jtf LlrlC2Ca ©I?t�LtllrE( _!'pry�� l'Nur,czC, ��Ic flu c6w 1 9rr /9!� . 4 .......... , ,. . . .AX Passed by the City Council_ t , �_1917. Approved by the .,iay or, (:tCl Attest: Cit; Ante of Publication, _ =;� r•"'� � . 852 Fixes salaries for certain officers (Not codified) 853 Wharf construction (Special) B54 Street vacation (Special) 855 Licenses and regulates secondhand dealers and pawn- brokers (Repealed by 1047) 856 provides for street improvement (Special) 857 Fixes time and place of city council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 858 Sets tax levy for 1915 (Special) 859 Authorizes issuance refunding bonds (Special) 860 LID No. 8 assessment (Special) 861 Provides for street improvements (Special) 862 Provides for LID No. 8 bond issuance (Special) 863 Establishes traffic regulations (Repealed by 1525) 864 Grants franchise (Special) 865 Amends Ord. 855 (Repealed by 1047) 866 LID No. 9 assessment (Special) 867 Regulates sale of alcohol for chemical, mechanical and scientific uses (Repealed by 1525) 868 Change to LID No. 9 (Special) 869 Provides for street improvements (Special) 870 Sets tact levy for 1916 (Special) 871 Licenses and regulates public dancehalls (Repealed by 1714) 872 Amends Ord. 275 (Not codified) 873 Licenses and regulates secondhand dealer, junk dealers and pawnbrokers, repeals Ord. 855 (5.28) 874 Fixes penalty for delinquent taxes (3.08) 875 Assessment for LID No. 10 (Special) 876 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 167 (port Townsend 10/15/74) �} 877 Changed to LID bond No. 10 esiabilliard tables, 878 Licenses and taxes bowlingalleleyrepeals Ord. 190 pool tables and shooting galleries, (Repealed by 1555) 8?9 Taxes and licenses -all vehicles drawn 11036) for all motor vehicles kept for hire (Repealed by. 8g0 Wharf construction (Special) 681 Amends Ord. 878 (Repeaed by gvenment toestablish and maintain 882 Authorizes federal a telephone line (Special) 883 Grants franchise (Special) (special) ranted by Ord. 848 884 Revokes franchise q S 885 Sets tax.levy.for 1918 (Special) p ial) 886 Establishes street grade (Special) ot codified) 8B7 Fixes salary for certain officers (N 888 Amends Ord. 218 ( 1525) 899 prohibits sale of fireworks and explosives {9.04) __p90 Sets tax levy for 1919 (Special) Fixes salary of named officers- (Not codified) 891 892 Revokes franchise granted by Ord. 848 (Special) 893 Grants franchise {Special) 894 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) 895 Amends Ord. 753 (Not codified) (Special) 896 Designates site fTnd92o�ns nice i n of reservoir 897 Sets tax levy for 898 Street vacation (Specidl) 899 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) oidin ante =;o, h-n Ordin; nce t=mic!� nr '."cc ion three of Ordinance =.o. 373) .,OCL v,.e . by t'=.C1 City. Council) P,i,�ila'�';f aQ�!1, i.AI'/. (;7,i:f C.oi7nci_l of i:_lu ('. uy of 7,ort `'oT1nscnd d0 ordain 41 as follows; ^ection I. `�' mt section t l ec o," or( ina.nce ..o. 878, passed M try d;;�e City c.o-"3cil _.ebruaay 204'`.-T� 191.7, bo, sa»C to heieby, amanded-to read as follows: f . i%G'Cvi bIl 3. `.,'!)af% :. .1 CC11SC tili'_dC'C t'1i "i 01'C 7 i1cL21Ce :ll�y 'bC jsued ''• at a. vl tL— e, t a'1)'_)Ii.cant i;o hLave t "_c, option of faking out a r 1ice'nse for MxeG l, S] XT 21LIC a:: tl7ClV(:' i-011ths., but such license �- 1113 eild a v one of t7tc following stated periodC ; . iia� eZr: : -axc�l 3I t� Tuiie, 30th, September 30th or I cc;iber 31st, and no license sl>L11 be -' iseued for a less sma than the conk of t lree aaolrthg. }ectiazl 2. ` ii�tt t-his orclxnet?ce shall l)e published once in the 'gaily r,ea.(ter uno. take affect and be i).-force from and after five days aft—cr such publication. massed "by the City ','o, ncil 3_917. A,mrovod xi" tiff" " ayor �(✓GZt� n; `{ 1917. LA. U1c 0ity 1erk. 1'] loll ".o otr Of t:".C"' (Z". T".0 Citu Co -1c'ia. 0 V S:' ct*,O" 1. T'I'L-.'� 1;.:o '-.itod States to 03-cct polls and G-'L*"L'1'1)f i 'QO 41 Q. oil 2. t: 0.- Soct- :;ajd jjj-.e ")C V�o C :31 - ` i; I:t) 14 r;;_ a d a.1,17 a:, -30 ' , ;' 'o 11 ir E, at 1" -C I" LI B o 2 ell-�:'Y 0 11 el. V t." of l"Ith u; T,i%n uvciilao; al o 1' t' T�ast side of Sijj Tu-,.Ij dLv(,nue ';o I-J)'­ streat ; t;-_encc alonG t" Sotkt1i Side of zt-_­out "_'o t_ co:Lmsr 0-c :il a 01 z 6, t 1rontana Additi-on; 4--urce 010-ng t'.!c ­'Ouru t cs side of zoad in t-o Cool, avenue, :Oowlorts _? 3: -a !Tor' u-wovtvemly dirvictioi� -11 , a I: Addition; ""'-nee alons. ITorth—.1,"""t side oi, cook Sou 11'11-wootu:'ly a-h:ection about 2000 feet; iii a di-_.ection across Mocks 71 0,1101 69 to Block 65 croosi,-Lc Ruby Street', M;'�di:_o-'a, strect; -L_;euce a di_-ection leaving j3I'bck 65 and cr6bzing Blocks 68 and 31 '1 o Block 87; croosin3 ��Iadxona st-eet, "Oloott S'u'J'UIQA"; t11c"11ce - ill a Vestorly direct. -Ion lcavL"" Block 87 mic ;:;:Ossixlg Blogl's 90 Oneo.-ita ,;;reef; and I'a7,L1xa street Lild 98' 02,-QsZiIIG �X�Vt:-70150 croouin,- the City 1L.Ats at a x)oilit -bout 375 feet r!ou"L-,h of the 'Te�mdoz line: -t io, bc li-,i-itud soic�ly to 'u'•:C :1,00ve cmC.. o:ll not inclv_dc any C.%,ant over t-'ae ;*ove dc::io::ibed p:Avate y)-_­ope:-ty. S-be au- ".-o iate:ofc:,., ection 3. That poles to placed q a o li i-""le as Possible with :00gLaui tixvei (J.' ot:.:oets, and are o be zo ca:cctad ane.. a:to 0 gre'a"est CtK,.OL:'.it an(l abutt-inU, pa'ojxrty and in case O'L �c_.L - Uj '6.1,e city autl-koi,ities o-f- _"cg::ade of the ot:�cots thW saild U'l-untee is, tik-21ove oaid )Olus 'oluce accor"InG to t"Ie new b-_rade,! T, ;:r.rade at it2 c.ZoenSe. SqcX:. T---is or7mce frb.a" simll talce (ffeclu and be in `L'once as 1)::ovided by Ix.v but J_-f -not ac'Q`�pted in vrituinr, by t L;-,'antae wit"lin days a ­'t er i to pas6age ai�d aproval,".c same :31,L--Il beco-c null and Vold. C' asse C!o, oil 1917. 14K pe?4v'64 Alto • � �u�c< ;;. : it :�r., _;. �;��' �, AMC city to 2 71 coufora -Pon tA sire Tonnaut a- uts no, oc'�'-; " !� - - timas t ' ! � 0 rf to t., ;Q glab. loped be - .0jujall of MOWS- mr, pa-M I Mns Onwbil., of md "a CO.P o Mon, aTal • 44 , • S OMMIA11 CR 11O.—LLIZ An ordinance of the City- of Port Townsend, weshington, revoking the franchise of the Port Townnsend and Puget Sound Railway Company, in, along, upon and over certain streets hereinafter named and described in this ordinance, said franchise granted to C. J. fxiek- son,. his successors or assigns, under ordinance No. 848, entitledt "An ordinance granting to C. J. Erickson, hie suceesoors or assigns, theright, privilege and authority to locate, construct, maintain _. and operate railway tracks and all telegraph and telephone lines necessary or convenient to the operation of his railway in, along, upon and over certain streets, avenues, alleys and public places in the city of Port Townsend, " passed by the city council July 7th., 1914, approved by the Myor July'7th.31914, accepated by C. J. Erickson July 10th.,191.4 and assigned by C. J. Erickson on the 30th day of April, 1915, to the Port Townsend and Puget Sound Railway - Company. Miereas, the city council of the city of Port Townsend, on the 21st day of August 1917t pasted a resolution directing the Port Townsend and Puget Sound Railway Company, to appear before the city council on the 4th day of September, 19179 at the hour of eight otclock P. M., and short cause, if any, why the city coun- cil should not revoke said franchise in, along, upon and over the streets hereinafter named and described in this ordinance; and Whereas, the said city has given due and proper not.iee of this hearing to'the fort Toyomeend and Puget Sound Railway Company and to Corwin S. Shank, its general counsel, proof of such notice being now on file with the city clerk; and the Port Townsend and Puget Sound Railway Company not appearing at this hearing by its officers or otherviise; and Whereas, it appearing to the city council by sufficient proof that neither-C. J. Erickson oW the Port Townsend and Puget Sound Railway Company, have within six mohfahs after the publication of said ordinance No. 848, nor at all, constructed or coLrmnced the construction of a railway on any of the streets or avenues named and described in said ordinance, and that by reason of the failure and default of C. J. Erickson and the Port Tovmsend and Puget Sound Railway Company, to in any mminer comply with the terms, provisions and requirements of said franchise ordinance, the said franchise is now subject to revocation by the city council, now thereforev The City Council of the City of Port Townnsend, Washington, do ordain as followse. Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Port Townsend do hereby revoke all the right privilege and authority of the. Port Tovmsend and Puget Sound hilway, the successor and assignee of C. T. Erickson, to locate, construct, maintain and operate railway tracks, telegraph and telephone lines in, along, upon and over .the following named streets to-mit: on Front street from the westerly side of Madison street to Hudson street, on Jackson street from Front street to Lawrence street, onClallasr.street from Front street to Lawrence street, and on Hudson street from Front street to the intersection of 'IS" and BaLgotpeetc,and that all the rights, privileges and benefits granted in, along, upon and over said streets are hereby declared revoked, forfeited and void. Section 2. That this ordinance be published mice in the Daily Leader and shall take effect and be in force five days after the date of such publication. Pasoed by the City Council '► ^, 19Z7. Approved by the ]Savor eoS�i• ��nt7 • cTlt, 1917. Attest: �` l ( 1ty Cl.eiit: yor ORDINANCE, No. Y An Ordinance malting the Tax Levy for the City of Port 'Town- eend, for the year 1918. The City Council of the City . of Port Toy,-isend, VWa hington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there axe hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Totmeend, Washington, the following sums for the different purposes designated, and the rate of taxation upon. the assessed valuation for such purposes is as follows: First: For the payment of current expenses of said city..and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of Sixteen 'Thousand "Eight Hundred Dollars (M6,800.00), and the rate of taxation for said fund is hereby :fixed at -twelve (12) mills on the dollar. Seoond:-Por the payment of interest oh Bonds, first issue, -: the sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred Dollars (44,200.04), and'the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at three. (3�'- mills on the dollar. j - Third: For the payment' of interest on Bonds, second issue, the .sum of One Thousand Tyro Hundred and Twenty-five.DollaFs 01, 225.00) , and the rate of taxation for said purpose is. hereby seven -eights (7/8) of a mill on the dollar. �. Section 2. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable..,, property in the City of Port Townsend, 'Washington, for the purpose -of maintaining a public library, the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars ($1,400.00), and-eb the rate oftaxation for saidL purp.4se is hereby fixed at, one (1) • mill on .the dollar.._ t Section 3. That the Igayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor and County Auditor the foregoing levy as provided by law* Section 4. That this ordinance shall be published in the j}aily Deader and shall take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed the City Council ( Bc r4'h of , 1917. Approved by the Ideyor� Attest: City ME /Q[GLG lLj� .JlLCG`CLCR c;L L�It l�-:ij� L'�' `••` f �,���� 1 An Ordiranco et3tablishine iradc:s on .Rrtain otreets in the City cif Pow rt TQwon�s The City of PPo,Q.rtl is nse3 Fd dolQ ordain as follows; Cectirjn 1. —hat tha ,rada of Lin^olr. rhall bo at the followin- el ava tiona; wit thi3 intarsection of th; .entor line of Lincoln Street with the Faat Line of Adama r;traet,94.70 At thH intarsoction of tho rrmter line of Lincoln ^t:r3et ,;ith the Todd, Line ox ' LLi.nry7St).'ent,9Q.0+3 At tho intarsoction of the canter line of Lincoln Street wi th the Ea t Lithe of Quincy St reet , 87.48 4,At the intersection of the center lima of Lincoln Streit with Itha "Neat Seine of '-Aadiceon Striaot,82.68 �.1t the intorsaction of the cantar line of Lincoln Street with t*,,) J -tot Linn of Madison Str :rat, csl .U9 At th.cj intersection .,of th7. ccg to c,.l�ina af. Lincoln Strrer,t with th�j 'f7a6t'-Lino oz "ionroo .Nrarjt,76.34 Section 2.That tha Lrade of ,uincy Otxcir�t shall ia43 at the fo:llowinz al-;vatinns; At tho intersection of the centax line• of quinsy Stro;—t with the North Line of Lincoln. Straet,88.77 At the intersection of the centric ling; of quinsy Stxe�tit tyith the South Lina raf Oarfiald Stxcet,86.50 Section 3.That all ordinancee,ox presto of ordinances,in conflict ;vith thin ordinance b(3 and the same ara ,- x�re�lr.�, "section 4.Th1s arriinHn.r to take (iffoct and be in forces from and after five (5) days after its publicn.tion'6 Fa sad by the Council ._ 1917. Approved _ Y��� _���lll��+_ 1917. Attest_l.�f'�?4__ _.�. _1917. � :� � r • ORDINANCE No. rSpy All Ordinwice f3.:.:.ijiC thu salaries and conj3m-ication to be ,1?aAd, certain appointed officers and ena)loyees of the City of Port Town- send, for the year 1918, Fuld. repoalir_g all ordinances or posts thereof in conflict herewith. The City Conneil of tho City of Port Tovnsend, Wa.=hington do ordain as followo: Section 1. That certain appointed officers and employees _ hereinafter named of the City of Port Townsend, shall receive and 1I be paid in full for all services rendered for the year 1918 begiluxing i'!ith the first day of January of said year, the follving monthly salary and coj-.Tensation, payable on the first day of every succeeding month, tovidt: Water Super intendant slid Auditor, One ! jkndred and Fifty ($150.00) Dollars; Assistant Water Supewintendant, One Hundred (�100.00) Dollars; Chief of Police, Ninety-five (�95.00) Dollarni Patrolrwi, Nighty (680.00) Dollars; PolicoJiistice, Fifteen (%15.00) Dollars; Street Supe�;tcrcunt, Eighty-five (-85.00) Dollars; Tanitor and Stoker, c. Dollars; Chief of Fire Department, Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars; Park Gardner, fi�?r�!�(2�/.?Gl� _ .. __._. {'� ��. _-) Dollars; axed all other euployees of the city shall receive and be paid such compensation as the city council may from time to time order by Taotion. The persons appointod to fill the offices of City 3b�igir_eer and Pound - master shell receive no salary as such officers, their monthly salary and coshl)ensation received for services in other departments of the city shall include the payment for their services when performing the duties of City Engineer and Poun(bnaster. Section: 2. T'lat o1:1 ordinances or parts thc:eof in conflict herewith areheiEby repealed. Section_ 3. This ordinauce ghall be published once in the Daily treader and shall take affect and be inforce five days after Such publication. Pasrcd by the City Council Jsnuaszy __._._d" 1918. Approved by the Mayor Sanitary � ,191 ' Attest: Qanz a�r��La7��•t Ly ra /�?,r -­Myor OPDINA ME, 11o. Q �l� An Ordino.1100 0-. t_!c Ci l� U:, Po: t To'.A)sc_ild, i:i,:':211U7.ti( iUC�iQI! ollu (1) of Or dill;r-Iwe No. Ub1 etItitic::c1 Mal Ordinr.utcc to license, tax and rc(;ulate thcatcrij, cho o, u,teiid t,iano curd public areuncmenta in port Tor,nsv;id , 11 ao vwjjt:ncied by 0a.,(d naiiec No. E'.08, approved by .. the i,taZror October 18, 19]Il, and ropcitliiiV a!]. ordinanceu in conflict i.crt 1ith. Tile Cit"' COL lcil u.1' ti:(; Ci„�, of Pori; Tob;noondr iY• 3G 11in ton do oranin a;s follows: 4 Section 1. That :;eC.ion one (1) oi' Ordl MUICe fro. 218, entitled "An Ord twice to lieenue, tax wid regulate theaters, shoos, exhibitions and public amra:s is:cnts in Port 'Townsend, "an amended by Ordincnce No. 808, approved by tyLc Mayor October,18, 1911, be and thesame is.hcreby amended to read a., follows: . Section 1. All theaters, operao, concerts, shows dances or balls, exhibitions and other public tus:tsen:enta hereafter given or conducted in the City of Port Toiwiaend, Washington, shall be licensed and taxed at thafolloi-:ing suers om.d rates to be paid in advance, to -grit: I.very circus, exclusive of sidesho. s, ',+50.00 per day; 'very sideshow connected with any circus,. $7•.50 per 4ay; Every dan6e or ball given or conducted as Esuch-intertainment, or in connection with any other into:tainn!ent or amusement, at any place in the City of Port To1;mo�-:ad, and charging an admission fee or other thing of value, : 0 -•- ; provided, however, that no tax or license fee shall be iUcTu ed fox such dance or ball, when --same is given or conducted by any bona fide beneficial society, lodge or fraternity church or school, red cross, scientific, charitable or edudational society, civic league or association, or social. club.,. composed ofresidents of said city, when no part of the profits thereof inures to the benefit of any member thereof, or any individual having connection therewith; Every theater, opera, concerj, show urhibition or inter- tainment and every other public arm:serpent, 5?5.00 per day, $18.00 per week, $30.00 per month, or $:L50.00 per year,, when given or • • conducted in any regularly established opera house, theater build- ing, or lodge hall, and when the same is not given or conducted for the prrpose of selling or offering for sale, or advertising, any personal property, remedy, miedicire,.cure, device, or any other article or thing whatever, but when saiue is given or conducted elnevrhere, or in any tent or temporary structure, $10.00 per day; provided, however, thy% no tax or license fee shall be required for any intertainment, when aarm is given or conducted by any bona fide scientific or educational association, including chautauqua; Every,opera, theater, concert, show, exhibition of enter- tainment, and every other public avasement, when the same is given or conducted in connection with, or for tl.c purpose of selling or offering for sale, or advertising any personal property, remedy, medicine, cure, device, or thing Whatever, �10.00 per day, when same is given or conducted in any regularly established opera house, theater building or lodge halal, but tirhen Saone is given or conducted elsewhere or in any tent or temporay structure $10.00 per day; I';vQrY sparing or 'boxing ritch., contest, or similar exhibition, .�25.0� per day. Section_ 2. -That Ordinance 110. 808, approved by the 2jayor October 18, 1911, and amendatory of said Ordinance No. 218, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once in the Daily header, and to take effect and be in force five days from and after its publication_. Passed by the City Co,=.ncll iI`G{�c�h�/ 1Q18. Approved by the UaYorIW""g _�S 1918. Attest: 5 4 Approved as to form: pity Attorney W■ ORDINAN"CI No.��r�z;S ! An Ordinance prohibiting the sale, exposing or offering for sale, displaying or disposing, posuession or use, of all kinds of fireworks, and all otherlike material capable of being used as explosiveov noise -producing or illumination within the City of Port Townsend, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. The City Council of the City of port Tovmsend! Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, part-, nerah.ip or corporation, to sell, expose or offer for sale, display or. dispose, within the City of Port Tov,nsend, any and all -kinds of fireworks, firecrackers, explosive bombs, cap pistols, caps, torpedoed, dXored fire powers or devices, and all otherlike_ material capable of being used as noise -producing, or explosive or illuminating fireworks, or display fire or light producing fire- works devices Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm part - or corporation to buy, possess, fire, explode, firm ignite. or otherwise set into motion, combustion, explosion or in anywise use in any manner, within the city of Port Towneena, all kinds of fireviorke, firecrackers, explosive bombs, cap pistols, caps torpedoes, colored fireworks or devices, and all otherlike matehal capable of being used as noise -producing, or explosive or illuminating fireworks, or display fire or light, producing fire- rcrks device. "_Section 3. Any person, firm, partnership or corporation violating any .of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished 'by a fine .of, not lees_than _ ( O ) Dollars., VWn.umm Section 4. Ziat this ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Leader and to take effect and be in force five days after such publication. Paused the City Council �GIt�G 1918. a Approved by the Mayor LGit� ei�, 918. Att e sip! Approved as to form: - y rney. f� n - oa � • v oo r - 852 Fixes salaries for certain officers (Not codified) 853 Wharf construction (Special) 854 Street vacation (Special) 855 Licenses and regulates secondhand dealers and pawn- brokers (Repealed by 1047) 856 Provides for street improvement (Special) 857 Fixes time and place of city council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 858 Sets tax levy for 1915 (Special) 859 Authorizes issuance refunding bonds (Special) 860 LID No. 8 assessment (Special) 861 Provides for street improvements (Special) 862 Provides for LID No. 8 bond issuance (Special) 863 Establishes traffic regulations (Repealed by 1525) 864 Grants franchise (Special) 865 Amends Ord. 855 (Repealed by 1047) 866 LID No. 9 assessment (Special) 867 Regulates sale of alcohol for chemical, mechanical and scientific uses (Repealed by 1525) 868 Change to LID No. 9 (Special) 869 Provides for street improvements (Special) 870 Sets tax levy for 1916 (Special) 871 Licenses and regulates public dancehalls (Repealed by 1714) 872 Amends Ord. 275 (Not codified) 873 Licenses and regulates secondhand dealer, junk dealers and pawnbrokers, repeals Ord. 855 (5.28) 874 Fixes penalty for delinquent taxes (3.08) 875 Assessment for LID No. 10 (Special) 876 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 167 (Port Townsend 10/15/74) 877 Changed to LID bond No. 10 (Special). 878 Licenses and taxes bowling alleys, billiard tables, pool tables and shooting galleries, repeals Ord. 190 (Repealed by 1555) 879 Taxes and licenses -all vehicles drawn by animals for ail motor.vehicles kept for hire (Repealed by.1036) 880 Wharf construction (Special) 881. Amends Ord. 878 (Repealed by 1555) 8B2 Authorizes federal government to establish and maintain. a telephone line (Special) 883 Grants franchise (Special) 884 Revokes.franchise granted by Ord. 848 (Special) 885 Sets tax.levy for 1918 (Special) 886 Establishes street grade (Special) 887 Fixes salary for certain officers (Not codified) 888 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) B89 prohibits sale of fireworks and explosives (9.04) 890 Sets tax levy for 1919 (Special) r891 Fixes salary of named officers, (Not codified) 892 Revokes franchise granted by Ord. 84B (Special) 893 Grants franchise (Special) 894 Amends Ord. 218 (Repealed by 1525) x�lJ 895 Amends Ord. 753 (Not codified) 896 Designates site and construction of reservoir (Special) 897 Sets tax levy for 1920 (Special) 898 Street vacation (Special) 899 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) V., , 0 41- 0110)IJA1013,,i An Ovciilia-lcc� VI., City ui Pvci; I,--! On :L"Vokiag t.o C, J. iixich2o1i) 0!, N , JOo. "At -1 '-. r 11 (-4- A­1 ',,!I micl OT)c,,Tat., ia­_i traclt.s't c_-Lcq1 lollo 111111:lj fle('P., .13 5"try OT Of J*IiL, iX- 0.'; i L 01' Od I T-,:-I:/ I A th�- ox 3 Jul-.-- 7"a. 191.1, cd I)-, C. T. JU -;jw. I.W C. J. A O.'L Q: 'J.L in C 3rd (UL.Qi­ DL:CQlfU(A', "(VJJI'Ut:d .L :LjUO_Dat_.i0J1 diXi)C-Li!lg taw, PO.Ct '''UoJIO:Ikd Iulu �OIIUU 11L,'!.!.2j CQ_I:Jjuay, LO aj):PUZU: U-,Io U alit;_ AQI;J- C0.4110a Q.'C ']_,u 171.,u ul: Dccu�]Jwr, 1.1167 at `U-11L; hoLu' 01: -S O'clock P. 11., a-, -U.Jiu Cotz'ricil Chavwel-r iii the jj ijjjY) City Hall of q,,a-j�:jLM=4cj'jty, and s1-10%, cL�jzsu, -i; x said ­2auchi�;L- uadu,:: 'd oolmcil sho-uld 110 v o-,c e i; -. L Flo. c;,18 ia, atoll(.;, Uf011 113.06. Ovor all Of G!w sb32uubs, avenucEs, alleYS XUIL pUblie places uAm:-d mid dm1w:JLbcd is said oxdin,anoc;aad V-hC::1','aS, Vjt� SitiCl City CO`-.LW_11 ilLa:i ViV01 duc wIld uotice w , ' t-airu Iic;aring '.0 "-,i1c; Port Tc""llijad a uxLci P-ugk.", ScLuld Rail- way Compally aaa to cuvwl'l S. Slialjc, J.ts gcJ1l.,1:a1 cu",Isol, Ys:Oof of s.;:cvic(; 0:U ou(wl _,Oticu :10w 0l1 1:110 with city clerk of t;aid city, ald `L"Ot! 130a!t ',.curid Y�ail-1--cy Coyfp,iury ao;i a-,)--war`L!1U,, ait-, Gris i-�eaxiqr, bj it ,s Oflicors or atid LU; iii dulj- 41j)17r 0 w OJ ti"icidlit V. J. 'JIV.;.usold alift PugQt- 1t,Jjj-j ly C oj-up 'It' 1Y havL wi'�-,Aill kli;: I110!A1113 a-fl-Or JAIDlication of said ordiclailou 110. -`_446� ;Ac): at, ali, culw'..cuctcd O1., ewmiumoud. td-ic o011.,i-,;xtAcu'-don oi aiiy tLt1 Ltiiilj, trza ph 0:.-, Lele-p4olic liiic'a in� -i aad ovor al?., of tI.-,u LILNL�AOCs, or along, upoi al public wid di;ouribud in 'u'lutt, by :ocasou of thu :Cailu:ce u:id dw-walt Of said C. sT. .!_2ic­k:30a Gild to i2l ally MU'1,10r ,he Port and Puget Soimd Eaill.,ray Compay, ­tfa t'.1c t 0-,L' Said frarlclLiflo 00*1 uuxins, Provisions alld ruquirl� YVIY V[.L ordiiiaacv, ..;aid fiL-uoc.!AL;c -:IQ. 6481 i:i .toilstcoject, TO J:cvoca- . �,:Loll, . L. I whol..; aild by :;`Ii" city' cuorluil; now or Iff or 0 , ! Thu ci"­ Cov.licil of C'2vv;�ioand, VaLLikCton3 do ordain as followo: Suetion 1. T' u" ,! a tu " - �-_ Co--iicil of w of Pt To'.;ilsu4id, do here"by r,�'vakc, in vihol:3 zt�ud (;�iLtixr-ty all :omit, privilcge axedaud-,,[ _id ority Of )0 P- L1 a ix b­,­.1 L;t the succcm3or alid ar3,;irmcw ux. C. J. l•ocatC, conutxuct, J� -L aid op,,,ratc x;till-I'Lly f�l -101. maintai) _011 Lj L�l "clf-aAl �c linuc in;- along, u-pon and over miv of m*,:vu(!,. Gu, avi;:,oaio amid 1)*L1Jrjlic placce jii-,mvd and ill L3aitl O_Vdi-,-jRjjCO i7o. 646, and that; all t11., :ciglit8) p-,2ivi1G6uO alid j;runtcd by said Ord:Laancc declaxed rov*�:t.A, XorfoiLvd al:id void. -z;ection 2. '.Cliut Qiis ox(U)i;cac(, -u111,1_J.:jhLd oiice i.ith,_ Daily be Zurce fivo dwro aftcr thQ --:Gt:adcr wi(i :31 all,talce effect w- 'date of su.(_'l public;-tt ion. PUllciUd Uity COILUOU 1)0 Mb Or A'pprovcd by Llu l'-layao Dz_,(U."ber or, xl7m (-) T 7Qy i � I ?�L1aC7'?ITC A?' � t=.�': :'RA;' ; iryL, CITY �' POi3�i To5H. ord; nanco slo. AI�T ORDIiItitCC granting unto WASAIMT011 COAST UTILITIES, a corporation organized and existing under the laws oi- the State of Washington, and to its legal successors in interest, the right and authority to erect and maintain poles ,;ith orossarms thereon within the City of Port Townsend; to stretch wires on said poles i and orossarms for the transmission of eiectrical currents; to furnish electrical the said O-ity and the inhabitants thereof for the production of light, heat and power and for any j and all other purposes and uses to which electrical currents can or may be put; and to maintain and operate a systeip of -orks within the City of Port Townsend for the manufacture and distribution of gas,,and granting the right to lay pipes and conductors through and under the streets, avenues and alleys, sidewalks, wharf landings, ?'..'•.. places and public grounds for supplying the inhabitants of said City � with gas; and to charge reasonable rates to the consumers of said electrical currents and gas. The City Council of the City of Post Tovmsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be an,' hereby is granted to . WASHINGTON COAST UTILITIES, and to its legal successors in interest, the right, privilege and authority for and during a period of fifty (60) years from the date of the passage of this- ordinance, and subject to all the conditions and provisions thereof, to locate, erect,,' place and maintain and use in the avenues, streets, lanes, alleys, highways and public parks and grounds w;.thin.the said City - of Port Townsend, and.the extensions of all avenues, streets, lanes, alleys, highways and public parks and grounds which may hereafter be made and extended, and all avenues, streets, lanes, alleys, high,;= ways and public parrs and grounds ::hick may hereafter be.laid jut or dedicated to the public in; said City of Port Townsend, poles with orossarms, and thereon to fasten and stretch hires, and to lay pipes and e_nduetars under the ground along, across, through and under said avenues, streets, lanes, alleys, highways and public parks and grounds, "'or the purpose of thereby transmitting, 0 distributing and furni.siii.i.g to conoumers thereof electrical currents for the production of Ii.Lllt, heat and power, and for any and all other purposes and uses to electrical current can be nude or r. }gut, and to supply and furnish to the consumers gas through the said Cite of Port Tovalsend, and of ch-.rging reasonable rates to the consumers of said electrical currents and gas, the actual location of the poles and ripe lines to meet tue a..'proval of the City Council. Section 2. That the „rant hereby made is intended to and does include any, all and every of the streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, highways and public parks and grounds of said City of Port Townsend as'now laid out, platted and dedicated, or as may here- after be laid out and dedicated within the now limits of the said. City of Port Townsend and the limits thereof as the same may hereafter be extended and the extensions and continuances of the Same whether sa;°:e shall be pro�eeted and extended in their now names or not. Section 3. That whenever it shall be necessary, in the. erection of said poles or pipe lines, to take up any portion of the sidewalks, or to dig'up the ground or pavement of said avenues, streets,,' lanes or highways or within said public parks or_grounde,.then the said, WASHITTOMId COAST UTILITIES, or its legal succe., sors in interest•, shallj.' after'such poles are erected or pipe lines 'laid, without delay,' replace such streets or sidewalks and properly refit the stringers' and planks thereof or repave same in a neat and workmanlike manner and remove from such streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, highways or public parks or grounds all rubbish, sand, dirt or other materials that may have boon placed ti.ere, taken up or dug up in the erection of such poles or laying of pipe lines, and shall restore such idewalks, streets, avenues, lanes alleys, hi: hways or public parks or grounds to as good condition as they were in beffore being. taken up, dug up or distrubed. Section 4. That all ri;;hts, privileges, authorities and franchises Herein and 11oreby conferred upon and grunted to said Washington Coast Utilities, tend its legal successors in interest, shall cantinue and be in force for fifty (50) years from and after the date of the pa.sage of this ordinance, subject to the conditions and provisions herein contained. Section 5. TAa.t said Washington Coast Utilities and its legal successors in intnreat covenant to indemnify the said City of Port Townsend for any injury arising from any casualty or accident to persons or property by reason of any neglect or omission to keep such poles and wires in sale condition and to defend all claims against said town for damages caused by such poles or wires or by any electrical currents conducted thereby or caused by'any pipe lines or by gas conducted thereby. Section 6. Thajr nothing herein contained shall. be construed as granting to Washinjton Coast U ilities and its legal successors in interest the right or authority to stretch wires over or attach wires to the roof of any bui.ding for the purpose of conducting electrical currents, no ereet.pples pr stretch wires or lay pipe lines across private property without first obtaining per- mdesion from the owner or agent of said building or property so. Section 7. That unless the said Washington Coast ~` Utilities or its legal successors in interest shall, within sixty, C (60) days from and after the passage and approval of this ordinance, file with the Ctty Clerk of said City of Port Townsend its or' their acceptance of the ,franchises herein granted, subject to all the conditions and provisions herein, then this ordinance shall be void. I Section ©. In caso the City oy' Port Townsend, through its Mayor and City Council shall during the life of this franchise desire to purchase the L+'iectric li6ht, power and Gas plants of the '- Company, the company will agree to sell the sa.::e ';.o said City for such sum as may be adjusted and determinbd by three disinterested appraisers, one to be selected by the City Council of said City, one by the Company and the two so selected to select the third f ` Aeb� Section 9. The City of Port Townsend shall have the right., "A..Vo`ista' 1,' operate and maintd3n on the poles of the Company wires J. .., f�ttaehments for handling its police and lire signal systems t e , of all ,rental chi_such wires to be installed and maintaii-4 :'.• :GJ i accordance with the re6ulations governing suon, as laid down- ly. the Public Service Commission of the SPate'os'4ashington and he'Cit$r shall hold the Company free from liabilities for damages t; �. 5` a ,,.y,persons or property caused y such wires beiiig upon such poles. Section 10. Th';'u.-. his ordinance shall take effect and -be in force from and after five (5) days after its passage, approval and publication. APPROVED this /Q day of March. A.D. 1919. '1 Mayor. ATTEST: yClerk. Introduced the :3 tS day of February, A. D. 1919. Passed the %f a--y of I�,�rcii, A. D. IvI9. Rd",Y PW Air—%I(tlnr�v An Ordinance of the City of Port Toraii5ond, amending section one (1) of Ordinance ?To. 218, entitled. "air Ordinance to license, tax and regulate theaters, shows, exhibitions arid, public aimzsements in Port 'Torai.:end, " as amended by Ordinance No. 888, approved. by the MayYor January 23, 19189, and repealing all ordinazices in conllict herewith. The City of Council of the City of Wort Towvrs end, Wa-va.wington do ordain and ao roll ova: Section 1. That section one (1) of Ordinance No. 218, entitled ".An Ordinance to license, tax quid rcgulate theaters, shows, exhibitions and public aimisements in Port Townsend, 11 as amended by Ordinance No. 888, approved by the j.rayor Tanuary 23, 1918, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. All theaters, onerac, concerts, shows, dances or balls, exhibitions and, other public auniscments hereafter given or conducted in the City of Port Townisend, Washington, shall be licensed and taxed at the following sums and rates to be paid in advance, to-v:it: T'very eirouop, exclusive of sidenhowvs1 ;,p50.00 per day; Every sideshow conducted with any circus, ;7.50 per day; }'very dance or ball given or conducted as such -intertainment, or connection with any other intertainment or amusement, at any place in the City of Port Townnsend, abd charging an admission fee or other thing of value, $5.00; provided, however, that no tax or license ,fee shall be recliaired flor such dance or ball, When same is given or conducted by any bona fide benficial society, lodge or fraternity, church or school, Red Cross, scientific$, charitable or educational society civic league or association, or social club composed of residenIs of said, city, when no part of the pitfit s thereof inures to the benefit of any member thereof, or any individual having connection therewith; Ilvery theater,. opera, concert, shown exhibition or intertain- ment and every other public amusement, 06.00 per day, 018.00 per week, $30.00 Der month, or 0150.00 per year,•wvhen given or•• conducted in any regularly established opera house$ theater build- ing, or lodge hall, and when the same is not given,or conducted for the.purpose of selling or offering for sale, or advertising, any personal property, remedy, medicine, cure .device, or any other article or thing whatever, but when.came a given or conducted elsewhere, or in any tent or temporary structure, O10.00 per day; provided however, that no tax or license fee shall be, -required for any intertainment, when same is given or conducted by any bona fide scientific or edi:cational association, including Chautauqua; Every opera, theater, concert, shown, exhibition or intertain- ment, and every other public amusement, when the. owne is giwau or conducted in connection w7ith$ or for the purpose of selling or ofIVering :f'o5- :ale, or advertising any personal property, remedy medicine, cure, device, or any article or thing whatever, $10.06 per day, when same is given or conducted is any regularly estab'ldshad opera house, theater building or lodge hall, but When same is"given or conducted elsewhere or ip any tent or temporary structure, $10.00 per day; -Every sprtping or boxing match, contest, or similar exhibition, $26,00 per day. Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 888, approved by the TSayor January 23 1918, amending ae�tion one (•1) of said ordinance No. 2189 be an& thesame is hereby repealed, Section 3. That this ord nance be published once in the Daily Leader, and to taY.e cf .'ect and be in force fiver lays :Groin and a9ter it- nublicat'ion. Passed by t-he City Coluicil CC//r('L Apprmved t'r_eyai (s �G-/lrici _ 1919. Att ea MY . r M.� W& orctimill(;t) I10. Q v An ordina:)lGo;Iamol'di n;; tsucL'iofts 132 lti a.tti 19 of, Cliui adding soctti ona l9a aad 25a to, ordiaaace No. 753 C:1t1L1t3d: nl1'i Ordiamilco to roLulato the iit:stallation oi' Plumbing Syatenms clitd Iiixturea, cold arid hot »meter 13yst0►u Sovicr Connections, Steam aa(I Hot heater Heatilig Ayvtclns .Llid Gas -fitting, EstabliMliag L;'l, Sizo, quality a►1d grade o�i mtoria.1 nocosoary is thu cOnotJ:ucti0n or Changas in the presolit syotama, which may be required within the lindto of the City of Port Toln staid, 1'la:tGiingtoa, a.nn_ 1)ravl tier, peialtica for the violation Ui .Sc :! OldiIII'mr;U, "1)aW,.iU(t b;j t110 C:i,.y a011it(A). T,fk (;Jl 211d 1909 and appAovo(t 'by tsl »iyor yt_a :L909. The City Council of til„ City- of Pox' To..iii.oaa, 1'Jaa:hi.lUton do ordain aI: Follows: Section 1. That section , lirtcc l oft_ above c.ltitlUd ;L ad described ordinaucc N. 753 aL, a:lu thu, sal'nc is IZcrcby amp ided to read as follows: Section 13. All ecvier, soil, -iad ;raatle pipos aro to be run as direct as uowuible, ci a ace-. in dig- :o tion to b-c mado not 2larPor than 45-dogrQd« anglos or 1/6 banda. Y bia t' t( r; :Fith cicanouts to bra placed at-thu foot of all vertical runs. lai- soil a n(t watibe piles shall be eithor cast iron, load or ivroujrit Vio►t of' ;re3j�:-.Lts and sizes ao spocified i't 'L, . , tables. 11-Lia sail pines to extend full size thxougza and above t rta,in root: at, l::a.;st -ce clva (12) inches, Wand L:gcre shall be no cover v(hatsaever, unless it be a giro guard. S'e Ct10Y1 2. That 13t,CLiO11 5i tilt mil Of 4.lt9 above ontitlod and dcscxibed ordinanoc Uo. 76S be, a)1(i t l� same is horcby alticilded to read as follows: Section 16. livery fixturo :is ` to agave . si;parato trap fuxaish- i►:g a :vator/. seal to (mare! agaiiiiu. th!! g'asaus cacapitig frog. t, )17^ill sm-tar into 4hU buildiiirr t. Vagrsu t0 be of 1;_'1_: siZi:O givOi1 ill tl.1e tables :nor t:1,. vaxioszo fi Each t1:ap is to bu vu,iti'-d, every Vent fox a trap shall b(., coiltl(tc'tCd to Lil;; via --to lino by as E1iort a cOn'_l:? Oti0n 1Li ':10 �^llllcl, but ill tlo CAti ;:tall Mich co'n1 i ction hava a groa.tor l:ilgth than oightcaa (181) i_1cllos ,nel'.suring hori- zont.11y f:001n V r: ':reap s;:all, wi :h pipe itiadc uft:zox o:i' lc ids -nought i=OTI, cast iron, co',)per o.0 "t:,:'a0.3 (7'_arl 1)i is siz,.:o) 6i Oi Giving in L"le tables. A i,:,Ite_� c1000" c0alit:,C'UCd tc ;A ilax:izontat rum Q:C soil pipt; ;cove t'A. m c,iglla"t (8) ieet long, ah ll b : vc .1tilated cithcr by extendi:lg said soil pipe_ full size to at 1:) VYi,)lve (12) inches above tilu 3uaitl ro0- by Co)'111t2ctiag it; to t•: c )ilaia Soil stack at least trro. (2) fee'. abovo t=14 ]:iGhost fixture, oi• by a ventilating pipe co_in; ctcd to -L.A.., laad bold all nt ar as practical to '.le floor lire and ruti proper size, ( not less .hall t1v0 (2) inch Piro) to .a,.pei114; above t_�,� main roof or cmraac't iata t'lo maia stack .lot less trla2 tyro (2) s::t:t tabovu ti).- zigl ;t'Z'i'fui':j I�l i�z.' Ics:�a Of coi'nf.,tctiaa '111V0 O'j' ;1iOr,1 010oui:a on a. :lorizo'lttal rulZ,, the _;Ail pips :;IMl.l run uitcti:iti,.is lud iaa aiNct ; o' a. pp ill tivc;1,vc _ (12,) .i;Ir,:a,:s; above ,tSI_ )].ill 100' 03.' CQ'1'_lr•t,';.�(j. 't(? t- ;I-,l-i stack d:s.scribed t ra- '1 t act :U tiio (2) Gut above t i -21LO above A3,.i. VC'•..ii; i)iilci{; :i1;J.tiv Ui: u wat�] lfn. U1 '%_l ai[; 1Cst fixture bt::loro c0:1:1Cctinu,' u0 w11y ot-l'or A..L OZ lm;lte pil)oo. Vent pipes tail loo conitnetcd '.f.l':l t?lf.' hori- zontal.l ;Tong Lhu :0-aa 0-. i;jie 11j1Ju dor :3 ilo't ,.::ceeCi tvicIvo (12) foot or axe so alac::Ll 't.,at t:lu vuut jlipus ca1i lees ruts i. a straight line diruclud bade o ' tilt. :fixture to tno atac;c, a.lct R "e0 all La IFIC Of XtOt OVu:0 :16 d(;[1'% 00 II'li-h L.'1'.: vu:"L cal VL''lts A1.:1. in 1:14ta dir(,,o,Li'i0:1 Of VV.It pf;Di.`,, u:;:il1 b,. :dadL bylong boli.ds aib 41(til ':.l.V liaae, t:�1 Oi Ci:R St a":•0j�'L:�U :1.:� t'Oud. l/u i6wiCisl,l ,d i+v•.;rta iid Y fLu"i:'i lga l%'ll. 1)., 1J.Und. v 4_ ctimi J. Th,'.J- of above untitIcid. uid d:I.;C3:ibod Orclillpaluu ITUM 'IE:3 bu, ;;CLmu ij hurr"by to follolvo: Section 19 All :;oil L-- i tc I; pc;: o "t; Tiu; . G .,a. uth-c 1%, .,.1 toiltus _6 Chi iron Ctjjj3j�: i-.l*04. �Id- t 1) All pipe, -:-Lib, , - --, - etc., c., :.u-b;. sound and ELI. pilico i-I a.-,d u Tt o�,- 11; 1:.v t ') -P'itI ---'; -;�'iJ,-a; I) %.TUI4k'ixoii o; i,ad ljrotjc1:ly Lup1;oTtcd o:, hu;ig,. IL 31U11 iro;l haIlCI-rS OL' '0XGj)Ur d-.O -.U:3t 10C (-'Vev'y (.-i-h-j- of t1l.c' ;-,I— il! Otack does 110'. , u:-G(jCd (26) fcct U-6 Vol o"Iev buildiiiLz f= vc;,ti,:g oiily, o:, flipc can be Cot La . . .' ." '-- .1 1 Scc'.;io;k 4. That thar(3 'DO � , , 1, Ui C, i0i al aB follows: to the abovc cuti'-;I:'fl U,,,(a-:1b'CY . J- Sactioll 19'a. Vla7ourht ivo-i pipe v,�cd ca :1oil ait" -.;L'L,Lu lit' ou sl).all not be buntu. No vcov&ut ixoii pips; be Iai(l id, 01: ;. upon F_a:owidj fiz-Ui6j Eo:.', i.-, -cil KuO li-Lj6, Li -fall bu 6 3: C 0 0 s ed u 5d :k�' iav" C Ii Ll : '`l.,.r:. i d L. d i u I I i u V[3:0"'ICylzt ixoI.ii-ic ;L,,a.:L iol o- -c.Dcu L- a vcrUca 2A ULLn"u 1l0.1 0 pip U; ..wd 6 ' No w — pii)t: b;. u.s !6 i'-.o Z-,o1L a. i uilL;t. 1] j --i. -t :3 L i i z_ o -tU.Wa U., �L- Z7, pipQ C a- vrith `-'IxoLLdv6 S("�:O.w -�3, j oi,.-' lou[,; Ljn:(�w joii-v's u'j j oi'�A u OY caulh' ed j r, Jult 0 up". I'c'-- i'� i", I't,'- JI -."IJ LvIllf; cI diu.-O;rr Citj "Ic0 (3) IC.-� tl-C.tt3O j,L L.Lool-Gcd, jcJ.-tv w-ll au A sc�_cvi Iui-tt. o:: o c -1, :?.v, i o s !,,, a 11 --,dc -.-iith� 2.';,Cl or z:.pprov(jd -1,-atcrizilo I%iQ.i '111rod -Ia�o -11C sa:'ac -.1adu tiolt USLIg Cither fl, - uaioius , - uced., t SGctioa ZuuA- -L C.-C, iS LL(,CCd. s4c:;jori 21ki to thc abo-v-c entitled v-,i,_1 No. '153, '-0 1%,ad a rl S t; c t 1- 0 11 25P,. WrouEE it i r o,l i p i] 3 c mp c ifit-, d 3L:21 be a.1 "boot quiality galvL'.Ilizi-:d iron :'-Ball Iui-ve thu J )limit ' or thiclail :lpccifi.,-!d follovii-1--g tvx1c: YA1 wuiL-ht ilmhco) in c.,i c r, p O-u-ld pc�: foot. *14 2.27 :L-a:/2 14-5 2.7 2 .15 3.6 2-1/2 .20 5.7 3 . 21. 7,5 3-1/2 a 22 9.00 4 .23 1().7. So C'. i 011 6. Tjit 1;,7 ',)ublishod, o*.1c(3 -i- t:110 Daily Leador, vutc' to,k-: aiv-'L -OC 0 1- ('� C five from- O'Lto"-'. -- r ', > a - r), (-.. c k,-,I,, Cj.t:/ Coj�.i I a v� 19,19. I b� Al jeIL q" kj 0 V TT—roT 40 rf�l 9 l q At, t t E�r OY i k4 f ORDMAUCE 130_jf/ An Ordinance making the Tax Levy of Port Townsend, Wash- ington, for the year 1920. The City Council of the City of Port Tovmsend, Washington do::, ordan as follows: Section 1. That there are hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Tovmsend, Washington, the following sums of money for, the different purposes dedi.gnated and the rate of taxation upon the assessment valuation for such purposes is as f ollovrs: First: For the payment of current expenses o��fc�!' said city and fir the Current Expense Fund, the sum of )4ote6tt �ffBu�QaaQ :ftrGl��icfuq' y Dollars pp and O the rate . of taxation for said fund is hereby fixed at d�►`� .. (/� g') mills on the dollar. Second: For the payment of interest on Bonds, first issue, the y/l9� BLLm Of �t[1'_-N7SCLfcC �7?hCArrat;t4tGN��e�--_.�. Dollars _440 _), and the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at & ) mi11s on the dollar. ftIif3.: For the payment of interest on Bonds, second issue, the sum of Cr? L1.rcG( Ck'airw, -e7!v Dollars and the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at She mill on the dollar. Fourth: For the Indebtedness Fund, the sure of wt.111 &ai Lz4 fdo lays !?fj'(�Cl �0 ), and the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at mills on the dollar. Section 2. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Tovmsend, Washington f or the purpose of maintaining a public library, the sum of_e/& �Z—a" lcrQ_4.1 [R /, G /#-. i 4^ l / ... �Dollarsand A the rate of taxation for said purpose is hereby fixed at �l a (/ L?) mill on the dollar. A 1 n) � • � . '�' -�. _ � _. f •� � \� v ♦ � � � � ti - .* . a � 1'• . fi; •. OItT)iNA13CL No.�l�' r An Ordinance satiating parts of C and Maple Streets, in the City of Port Townsend, as described in section one of t1kis a' ordinance. The City Council of the City of Port Tovmsend, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the following described parts of Streets in the City of Port Townsend, Wa:-hiagton be and the same are hereby ordered vacated, to -wit: C Street from. the Fast side of Fir Streets to the Fast side of ITaple Street, rind Mple Street Trom the South line of D Street running Southerly to i*s termination thereof. `Section 2. That upon the passage and publication of this ordinanoe,.the'City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to ' furnish and deliver to the County Auditor of Jefferson Cotintyl &.,,cert,ified copy of this ordinance. Section 3. That this ordinance "oha3.1 be publiktheC��'"" in the Daily 'Deader, and to take effect and be in force from and after five days after such publication. ' pA Passed by the City Council .Z/ , 1919. Approved by the Mayor �v ,1i , 1919. Attest: ity Clerk. Mayor. A 1 +.s K6 � -i a c- ' _. r: _ ; ^ :._ ���..� - _=�:!,Ci ;i�v � s: �-..Y+r""t%';k - T �'"W�.w.a•.y, y4•'•S. _ —,. Mom- .�F?fi.�'} .:Y"- 'y'Y.?•.-. '�'w�. %f.. {'4i:!:n: "'''�• _ - _ v:. `-.fir:, �.r^.. ...':� ?+r,-x ".y?, i' ..S'el .. � ', .. � - - .. -- • � � _ cif. Orr;inntice No. 691j. An Ordlnnnoe of the City of Port- `Po'•;nnend amending Sections 8, 18, 32, 33, `3- and 36 of, and adding :iection 40'- to Ordinance ho. 752 Section 2. That Section 18 of the above entitled and described Ordinance No. 7511, be and the same -is hereby amended -to read cis follows: Section 16. Should the water be turned on to the premises by any one except an employee of .he .later Lein rtment After it has been turned ol'P nt the city's stogy cock, it will be turned off at the main and will not be turned on again until the regular charges as prescribed in Section Thirty-two, together with a fine of five dollars have been paid. Section 7.-. That there be and is hereby added section 4014L to the above entitled and described.Ordinance No. 752, to read as follows: Section 403f. It shall be unlawful .for any unauthorized person to have and his possession or under his control, any Curb Cock Key, Valve Key, or hydrants 7.rench to the City ',rater System and no person shall without authority from the Water "epartment make, construct, buy or sell, or in anywise dispose of to any person any Curb Cock Key, Valve trey or Hy- drant ."french to the City :Pater System. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and ur�on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum of not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One Nun - died Dollars and Fay the costs of prosecution and may be imprisoned. until such fine and costs are paid. Passed by the City Council October 17th, 1919. Aopi-oved by the i-iayor October '21st, 1919 L. u. Hastings, Mayor, Attest: Georp,e Pnderzon, City Clerk. Dtite of publication October 25, 1919 W 1 ft Q�2 012" 900 (Repealed by 1525) (Special) 901 Establishes street grades (Sp cia 25) 901 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed y 15 903 Sets tax levy for 1921 (Special) clerk treasures 904 Fixes salary and compensation of city , and attorney (Not codified) 905 Grants franchise (Special) 906 Amends Ord. 772 (Repealed by 5) }5 A4\(f 907 Provides rules and regulations foor building demolitio (Not codified) for 1922 (Special) 1525) 908 Sets tax levy 22 (special) al) (Repealed by 909 Amends Ord. 469, rep manufacture, sale a liquor 9).0 Regulates possession, (Repealed by 1023) 911 Street vacation (Special) 2 Changes street name. (Special) 91Tax levy for 1923 (Special) (Special) 913 Authorizes wharf construction (SP ecial) 915 provides for treeompensationnof officers.ts (Not codi 916 Fixes salary ark commssioners 917 Authorizes and creats board of p 918 Street vacation (special) 4 \I 919 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 _ 931 932 933 934 ct 935 1 936 937 938 939 940 �941 942 943 'ki )U 944 945 946 947 948 949 168 (Port Townsend Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) Fixes and adopts the project of 1924 (Repealed by 1525) Fixes tax levy for 1924 (Special) Amends Ord. 893 (Special) Street vacation (Special) Authorizes wharf construction (Special) Grants franchise (Special) Vacates alley (Special) Street vacation (Special) Fixes and adopts the project of 1925 (Special) Tax levy for 1925 (Special) Fixes monthly salary of named officers (Not codified) Street vacation (Special) Authorizes use of wood in sidewalk construction (12.12) Street vacation (Special) Amends Ord. 863 (Repealed by 1525) Missing Budget for 1926 (Special) Tax levy for 1926 (Special) Grants franchise (Special) Street vacation (Special) Budget for 1927 (Special) Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) Tax levy for 1927 (Special) Grants permission for erection of oil storage tanks (Special) Missing Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) Establishes street grade (Special) Adopts plan for improving public waterworks (Special) Prohibits vehicles from driving over fire hose, re- peals Ord. 286 (Repealed by 1525) Budget for 1928 (Special) %'ti nor}v �{�..:�,{.• ��.._,�%_�•���•;,iaSF�''�.�'-��•••,.. ;. _ ,r. • .���`�� Q�t�`+�r� .' ,C+�"� k° Y:k�. Y�t�:xr'3-,t��:t��;:%';y +t�•. r; •. .ly yf+J•'_R�R'1t[tL�i�'M�`�„�:i-{��`��'�1�.i�S; 2.�'7•.1.,`: r" f•', ;i'. `• 1 'L..+..L:wfw.�L•'J.•.�G:i':..�i'....�.�ci`�_'C?'�+:F'="K<.'k•:'. its.' •; .. �y.:. _ �:•��.; ,•�. �ilTllilAiT i'.T: '�0. / Q An Ordinance of the City of Port Tormsend amending section five (5) of Ordinance No. 752 entitled "An Ordinance to fix, regulate and control the use and price of vrater supplied by the city,water works of the City of Port Tovinsend; to provide for the regulation and government of the City •••ater pepartment; and pro- viding penalties for the violation thereof, " and as said ordinance has been amended by ordinances Nos. 793, 836 and 899 of said city. The City Council of the City of Port Torn7acnd, ti,`a.2zi>>gton, do ordain as follows: h Section. 1. That section five: (5) of ordinance Ida. 752 a:, said ordinance has been amended by ordinanceo Nos. 793, 836 and 899, be and the Same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 5. All bills for water by fixed rote are due and 'tayable on the first dray of each and every month in advance, at the office of the city treasurer, without any notice whatever to the consumer. All bills for the use of water by meter shall be due and payable on the first day of each and every succeeding month, at the office of the city treasurer, without any notice Whatever to the consumer. A discount of ten per cent will be allowed .in payment for the first five (5000) thousand gallons or under of the quantity of vrat er used during any one month, if . payment be made on or before the lOtg day of the month of which the same is due and payable. In all cases where water is not paid within the time provided, a penalty of one dollar will be added, and payment may be enforced by shutting off'the water until all charges including penalty shall have been paid. Section 2. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Daily Treader, avid to take effect an(t be in force from and after five days after such publication. Passed by thr: City Council A101 l(`('h �� , 1919. Approved by the Mayor ` u�v.'Ci�+ -7 , /1919. , Iiay or Attest: city Croxy. �� /� 11 2do. ��Ol An Ordinance ectablishing grades On certain streets in the Citjr of Port Townsend, Washington. The gity Council Of the City of Port To%,rnsend does ordain as f 011OwO Section 1. That the grade of Benton Street shall be at the folloi,.,ing elevations above datum: At the intersection of the center line of Benton Street, with the South line of Blaine Street, 155.50 feet above datum. At the intersection of the center line of Benton Street, with the `Torth Line of B].air,,e Street, 156.50 feet above datum. At the intersection of the center line of Benton Street, with the South line of Van Ness Street,158.00 feet above datum• r; At the intersection of the center line of Benton Street, with. the Jorth line of Van Ness Street, 159.00 f'cot above datum. Section 2. That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance be acid the same are repealed. Section 3. That this' ordinance to take effect and be in force from and £fitor, five (5) days after its first publicatioj}. . -- Passed by the City Coun1919.cil. ��' �C .. , ,. _ Approved by the Mayon �.C�ll ,��'" 1919. Attest. i� :-�� �/ ��� ✓ / l - y Clerk. yore ORD11TA"IF-CF, :io. 0Z An Ordinance of the City of Port Townsend amending section thirty -sight (38) of orclinanca 11o. 752 entitled "An' Ordinance to fix, regulate and control the use aid price of 'cater supplied lay the city ';rater works of the City of Port Tovmsond; to provide for the regulation and government of the City 1,;ater -Department; and providing penalties for the violation thereof, 11 as said auction 38 has been amended by ordinance No. 836, passed by the City Council June 3, 1913 and approved by the mayor Tune 5,1913. The City Council of the City of Port 'Townsend, ': a,,,hington 'do ordain as follows: ,action 1. That section thirty-eight (33) of the above entitled ordinance No. 752, ac said section 38 has been amended by said ordinance ,To. 836, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 38. That the rental for crater meters for one inch or over shall be at the following rates per month: One -inch or one and one-half inch meter,----------.50c Two-incli meter--------- ------------------------- .750 Three inch meter,------------------------------ �1.00 meter ---------------------------------1?2.00 Six inch meter,--------- ------------ ----- - -. $3.00 Section 2. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Daily leader, and to be in full force am affect from and after t ays after such publication. assed the City Council /u/Q/yp�.`, , 1920. Approved by Mayor /�C�l?/IV �) ,1920. Attest: .-City Cler]�. Rcayor 7t(d,,hw r 0 ro. L?,4 An 0r(1,,,e a:lc'• Tv-,Z Levy fo' t"Ic City Of Port 7"o;rnsend, ;'o. tl>(: yca 19C7. Tie City Council of the City of fort 'ro ai. ;en(l, do ordain as f oll.ri s: Section 1. That th^re are hereby lavied upon all of t1i-e taxa3)le property i,i the City of Port To,,:nsend, F:ashin.rrton, the following sums and rates of levy for the different purposes herein designated, and the rate of taxation upon the assessed valuation for such purposes is as follotias: s :first: For the payluent of current eX en •cs o ' said ity and for the Curreat IX-0clise :'sand, tine sum of u 2r! £ � U. n - �1� Ise xa�e oM axo. - s1 d fund-rs erF:l�y fixeda (��) mills on t!ic: dollar. Second: �+or the payment �jf ihterest oa Bonds, first issue,, the sum of .2suG�'6 L�� :s and thc� rate of taxa �. on for sa d purpose s here y fixeda-'��_ _(� ) mills on the dollar• Third: for thq payment of��atre.Bonds�� second isdueyfn sum oXthe lG " Y L gam— 1�Y purpose a.e hereby rixed at ca y�_� ,i+/t,�_J Or a Mill on the dollar. —�- Fourth: Por the payment of Indebtedness of the City of Port Toyrnsend, knovm as the "Indebtednesss 1'u►id," a tax of six (6) millsw on the dollar. ... _. Section 2. . Z2at there is hereby lavied upon all of the 'taxable »roperty in the City of Port Townsend, Washington fo he'nu pose of mai taining a public library, the sum of _�. dd!�_ ant at a raa a of . axcz son or sa fl P'pose s 'sere y t'ixe a_ld levied at dscci,�,= m111 on the dollar. Section 3. That the I.'ayor and City CDs k of said city are hereby authorized an•r'- directed to certify to the County Assessor and County Auditor of Jefferson County, the -foregoing levy• as provided by law. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be published once In the Port Townsend Daily Leader and shall take effect and be in force as proved by late. massed the City Council �� 7' L`% , 1920. Approveu Uy the I"aj'Or yP - ,t _, 1920. latest: oo cf � • ,f .,Im Qriltil as l.ce i ixinj(, t!'(• salary aria coq?q itsation a-," City Cite Treav rer, and Cite .'.ttor.ncy, of l:l::. City of A'"rt oe"11",and, for tl:c tem rOi of"ic(, be{;innn�; iJra:uar �'y htl?, 1951. 7"_c City Co!7d or, *] City o" fort to:lsend, 1';, do 01•wain as follows: Ip Section I. TI-at t;;u City Cl.:r1_, City ��: ear��!rer, a 7d. City Attorney, of t1,6: City of Port TomiE3und, niv,..11 rcoeivu cl:d e paid in full for all. servicna 'or t)�;; tt:rM o-+' o-'.'ice Sa-,iu":ry �'_-th, 1921, tJze i- ollozrirl(; Jno;li;lllf aalnry .!:lrl co;npc;lsatia3l, pEly aalL on thu first day of cvury succoudin(* 3►oll'bh, to -!'.it: City Clerk, t_ic ..u,n o ' One Hundred ("3100.00) Dollars per ,month; City Treasurer, t!i" sure of Ono Hundred (SG100.00) Dollars per rionth; and City Attorney, the su;n of :Fifty (y)50.00) Dollars per month. Section 2. `i'liat this ori'.inwice to be published once in the :.:.;., Daily Leader, an(1 to bo is force aad- of 'act on the 4th day of . Tanuary, 19 21. Passed by the City Council ' /(o , 1920. Approved by the ifayor 1920. Attest: l - City Clerk. i:k"yor. e,;- ��-•S=�r•� ''C�`: _ .=.� :n w• ,� +r; Mz3•�•.� •.rr l.,R ., ..fur w.Y.a•- ��yr t+;j,a^�sy,�t ����;-y; +-�rnlq..; •,,���-�-,�r�,. - '-.� r •e.: a'-,:i .�`.:'�'+:,'' : �? �,�..itM.�d� � ti �.:'.'. �'•�' � ^'- :�, �'.i •� !'!. K�.�1•jk�;�yr �e9w.�... t- _ - - s... .tip ,a'�: .,�.. �.x.., ,;-:•r ��� _.:.,i�_. - :.✓ �- ..c. o.t,:_:lc.^_' M� =t%^' -.5.. ..t'. . r- ,�.:,.: - • re ^ r, ., , L a�;:�-mac Y ' 1 .2 ` 3Z Q ORDIVANCE 21 C�. An ordinance granting to Joshua Green, his succes- sors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and fran- chise, to lay down, construct, maintain and operate railway tracks and all appurtenances necessary or convenient to the operation thereof, in, along, across, upon and over certain streets in the City of Port Townsend, Washington . The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, does ordain as follows: Section 1, The City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, does hereby grant to Joshua Green, his successors or assigns, for the period•of ( } years from the date of the passage of this -ordinance, 71 the right, privilege and authority to lay down, construct, maintain and operate one or more standard gunge railway tracks for the transportation of freight and passengers, together with any and all needful crossovers and connections between any of said tracks and all necessary side or spur w` tracks, turnouts, yard tracks or connecting tracks, and all such telegraph and telephone .lines necessary or convenient to the operation of his railway in, over, upon and along; the following described streets, avenues, alleys and public ways: Starting at the intersection of 49th Street and San Juan Avenue; thence running Southerly on and along San Juan Avenue and San Juan Avenue Produced, to Jefferson Street; thence running north- easterly on and along Jefferson Street to Decatur Street; thence on a curve through Block 70 of L. B. 0 �1 J Hastings Second Addition; thence across Washington and Keurney Streets; thence on Fa curve through block 26 of said L. B. Hastings Second Addition, to the intersection of Water and Gaines Streets; thence northeasterly along Water Street to the intersection of Taylor Street; Also starting at the intersection of Jefferson and Decatur Streets, thence northeasterly on Jefferson Street to GFaine© Street; thence southerly. on Gaines Street tko-l'ront Street; Also starting at the intersection of Gaines Street and Water Street; thence southeasterly along Gaines Street to Front Street; thence northeasterly along; Front Street to Hudson Street. It is understood and agreed that only a mingle track uhall be laid along said Water Street, and that only passenger ser- vice shall be maintained thereon, end that no freight equipment or freight ehall be handled over the said single track on ';later Street. it is further understood that whenever the said Joshua Green, his sucoessors or assigns, shall construct a railway over said Front Street, the franchise granted as to Water Street shall cease and determine, and no trains shall then be run upon Water Street, Section 2. The construction and operation of a single track under this ordinance shall not be'oonsidered as a waiver or abandonment of the right to construct and operate additional tracks thereafter; that it is herein provided, that if, in the opinion of the ' City Council of said city, Joshua Green, hin successors or assigns, shall not have shown due dili- and Bence in exereisim the rights,( privileges herein granted within the period of eighteen months after the approval of this franchise, then in such instance, the rigbts, _primileges and authorities herein granted as, to any unoccupied street or -2- 0 0 - streets, shall at the option of the City Council immediately cease and determine, provided the council takes action thereon within sixty days after the said eighteen months shall have elapsed; (but this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect as to any street or streets occupied by the said Joshua Green, his successors and ass3igns.). and it is further prodded, that in ease that said Joshua Green, his successors or assigns, shall fail to exercise the franchise on any strieet or streets herein mentioned, within five years after the approval of this franchise, then in such instance, the rights, privileges and such authorities herein granted upon such unoccupied. street or streets, shall immediately cease and determine . All of said rights, privileges and authorities are hereby granted, subject to all conditions, restrictions, specifications and requirements in thin ordinance expressed. Section 3. The rights, privileges, authorities and t franchises hereby granted are made expressly subject to the rights of the City of Port To%,m send to retain the s-anE control of the streets, in, along, upon, across and over arhioh said railway shall be constructed as over the other streets, avenues, and .Alleys in said city, and the said city shall have such further control and porter over said crossings as tho city charter and state lays permit. The said city reserves to itself the right to carry all crater mains, sewers, conduits and other public utilities underneat3i, or wires above, the tracks of the said grantee, his successors or assigns, in said public streets, or either thereof, and the right of access -3- • • to any apace occupied by such tracks within the lirnito of said strce-b, or either theroof, and the right to open the ground beneath the said tracks, for all purposes of construc- tion, maintenance, repair, altexation and inopection of any such public utilitieu, which rights shall be exorcised, how- ever, no as to iniierfere as little an practicable with the use of said tracks and so as to leave the roadbed and tracks in au good condition as prior to the exercise of such rights. Section 4. The said grantee, his successors and assigns, in and by accepting; the grants, privileges and bene- fitu conferred by thin ordinance, covenants for himself, his suceessors and assigns, with the City of Port Townsend, that he or they will at all times keep and save harmless the said city from and against all liability, loan, coat, damage or expense which may at any time arise or accrue by reason of said grantee Is, or his su0oes9aro'or assigns appropriation of any real estate or other property for right of way or other purposes for the construction, maintenance or operation of the railway or cars of the said grantee, his successors or assigns, in, along, upon, across or over either of said streets, or by rsaaan of anything; that way be done by said ;,,rantee, his eue- cessors or assigns, and shall defend any and till actions a7ris- inp in relation thereto; provided that the said city, its successors or assigns, in �t11 instances tivhexe it ie sought to hold said grantee, hiss successors or aesigns, liable hereunder, shall notify the said grantee, his successors or assigns, in -4- E • writing of the pendency of said action, and Rive him or them an opportunity toddef end nny and all ouch litigation, Section 5. Whenever the said City of Port Towneend shall cause any of the atreetc herein mentioned to be graded on both aides of, ^nd t,,dJace;nt to the milv;ay of the said grantee, the said grtntEe, his euccessors or assigns, shall, at his or their own coat mid expense, gade all the apace r then used and occupied by such railvray, and for eighteen inches on each oide thereof, incl.udJng the Apace between the rails of such tracks, and said space to be graded; and if the street is planked., the said Apace to be planked, if required by -the Oity Council., and if necessary to handle the traffic, upon the said street., so as to conform to the grade of such street established and graded by the: City of Fort Townuend, and 'in case of street crossings, ouch tra.cke shall be planke3d eighteen inches on each side thereof and to include the plank - of the space between the rails, thirty feet in length; Water Street from Polk street to Taylor Street, such track to be. planked eighteen inches on each side thereof, and irriclu- ding the planking of the space between the rails; and it is further iinderstood and agreed that should the city determine to pave any of the streets herein described, the grantee, his suceesnor9 or aouigns, at hi s or their oven r\ cost and expense, shall pave eighteen inches on each side of such tracks and including the c3pr�ce between the rails, provided it is necessary to do so to hurdle the traffic upon said street 10 or streets; provided, however, that such grading, planking and paving shall not so alter the elevation of the grantee's tracks as to interfere with the practicable operation. Section 6. That in the operation of the railway hereby authorised, the grantor, hin sljoceosora or aavigns, may use electxic,steam, or other motive power, subject, how- ever, to the lawful and rears enable control and regulation of the City of port Townsend.. Section 7. The rights, privileges, authorities and franchises granted by this ordinance, and all benefits hereof, nay be assigned by the said grantee, his suecenuors or e.asigne, as he or they rosy at any time see fit, either as an entirety or reapeoting any one ox, more of the tracks, or parts of tracks embraced within the. scope of this ,r;xant; provided, that written notice of any such assignments shall be filed with the clerk of the City of Port Torm Pend within. thirty (301 days after the execution and deliver;; of such assigrunent. Section S. The said grantee, hip successors or assigns, shrill within sil .ty (60) day.9 after the passage of this ordinance, fire with the: clerk of the City of Port Tovmzaend, Itis or their written acoeptanco thareof duly executed by ea,id grantee, his duce-esoors or assigns, ::nd until the filing of ouch acceptance, the said grantee, his successors or aasignB, shall not be entitled to any rights, privileges, authorities or franchises herein granted, and in oane said grantee, him successors or assigne, shall fail to -6- file such acceptance within sixty days After the passage of this ordinance, the same shall become null and void. Section 9. That it is here understood and agreed that any other railway company hereafter constructing a standard gauge railway to the City of Port Townsend, upon obtaining a franchise from said city giving access to any point therein from which it can run its cars to a point on the tracks herein specified, shall have the right to th,e common use with the grantee herein, his heirs, successors and assigns, for the running thereon of the cars of such otherrailway company on all or any part of the tracks laid under this. ordinance, upon payment to the grantee herein, his heirs, successors or assigns, of such monthly or annual rental or other compensation an may be just. or equitable, and subject to ands reasonable rules and regulations as may be consistent with the prior rights of the grantee, his heirs, successors or assigns, And uhall not interfere with or impede 'the transaction and dispatch of the business of the grantee herein, his suecesfior:j and assigns. And in oase such railway company cannot agree with the {grantee herein, his : 13eiro, successors or assigns, upon the rental ur compensa- tion to be paid for such use of saki tracks au aforeouid, any controversy or difference between them respecting the proper amount of such rental or oompensation, or respecting the conditions, texins, rules and regulations of such use, J ■ 0 • shall be submitted to arbitration in conformity with the laws of the State of Washington in that regard, and such subiuiaaion shall have the some force and binding-nffeot upon the parties thereto as shall be provided by such law in other oases of arbitration. Section 10. That this ordinance shall be published ..once -in the port Townsend Weekly Leader, and shall take affect and be in force on and after its publication as re, quired by lair. Passed by the City Council Approved by the ldayor L � �� 1921. ' Atte€3t• CITY CLERK UAYOR . �!}��i. c:'" �� f :r:•� t�• ryfr ,��f rl- r r'c��� ,� is i j}r'--i ■ r`�nTN:,rrnr tin. el0K !.n rrdinance a!:i3n6inZ- so3 ,ti `n filr•1 (5) of `�rdinancfi NO. 772, entitlad: "An Ordinance ;^rovidin- for dis•roaal of rubbish, garbage, and other refusn rrattnr, !ind rro,riding a •penalty for the violation thereof." raa ;ed by thr. ^,ity lo+incil 14-trch 155-1910, and a --roved by the Vayor ?'arch 16--1n10. The lity Council of*%Port Towns9nd, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. That s­ction five (5) of thF3 above described Ordinance No. 772, be and the sane is he by am-in,1� 1 to road :Is follows: Section 5. That for conv--3yin; such rubbish, garbage and other refuse matter to the said dum:)ing ground, the said contrac- tor Shall not char 3 rnor.i than t}ie following TRtAl- Hotels, p2,50 a month. Restaurants, ''4.00 a month. Lodging houses and rlace'c of businF3s 1, 1.G0 a month. •71aKers "1.00 a month. Pri�rata residences not to excead 750 a month. Fratern;i Halls ^1.00 a month. And in i11 cases he shall make his charges fair and just and without discrimination, and shall as near as rray be ;practical adjust such charges and rates to :h;3 amount of services rendered: Provided, however, that on the basis 'of.tie foregoing maximum rates he shalt, not be ri0uitred to colanct such Barba o or rubbish or other refuse matter oftener than twice a week fron�►iy��],eA,�Rt�r ts, Lodgin; r.ousee s_;3laces of business y am once a w eg'from r,;sigances .Isar, and for a more frequent col:,action h�� may charge such proportionate rates in addition th the fo.regming, 3e may be just and fair. Section 2. That this Ordinance be publishad onca in tha Port To„nsand "er3kly .Laador, ant to tak.� effact dire riny3 attar such ;aublication, as provid,3rt by law, Passed the ^,ity louncil__ Ap;irovarl by ti,? tA-1.yr3r_-� Att7st: - Ci ty-?:er zk. :1.. 1. .. .. . � i (. _ . � 3_' w •1 . . - , _ - . . •., f i 13. _ •'( An Ordinance ,nakinty wid fixitir thr 'lax bevy for the Cit:: of Port Tovrnse:id, Washington, for tyke year 1922. j The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, r10 orcl.a,111 as rollows: Section I. That there are hereby levied upon all of the Mixable property in the City of Port Tomisend, Washington, for the year 1922, the .following suins mud rateu of levy for the differoit purposea herein designated, and the rate of taxation upon than aaaessed valuation of said city, for such purposes is as follows: Pirtt: For the payment of current ex � Tine of d City and 1 tie �urrent� pcnse Fund, the sum of 'S� '6! G �J�lc dollgre, and the rateoi�Ta�--_Hi on Tar said fund is ereby f axed at t"7�stL_ ( ' l- ) mills on the dollar. Second: door t a. paymEait of interest on Bo ds��,, firt i�nue, the sum of is awg:,hi) c , 'ifrrCG2tt( `37 Ntr ('4Lh' Z 'oll re, znd the rate of taxation for SaM purpose is hero y f ixed at V,�Liec mills on the dollar. Third: or t'i ; payment a interest on Bonds, second issue, the sum of � �i�Q j, and'�'erate of 'tax - at on i or na - purpose la hereby ' xed at_ _ r (_- — ) of a twill on the dollar. Fourth: For the payment o,: Indebtednen of the City of Port Towrnsenci;._Innomi as the "Indebtedness Fund, " a tax of six (6) mills on the dollar. Section 2. That there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for t1 yWQoM• of mainta Wing a publicrar , the sum of UGC, rna, .........�_ and a rato taxation for sa pu poaa c h.cre y fixed e0d levied at mill cm the dollar. Section 3. That the ITayor and City Clark of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor and County Auditor.of Jefferson County, the foregoing levy an provided by late. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Weekly Leader and shall take effect and be in force as provided by late. Paged by the City Council vebql,;j� 1921. r ,4d Approved by the IMayor �cf�/�/� y� , 1921. Attest: / ff y .Lee . rsayor. - 1 ��� �.; 710 %' � 0 � , 1. "; .'CL'f, �... Ct: ... .li r .;" '� , •' t� �-. r.... 7.^ �.'. 7..'� .' � .. 1.:, �•.; ,r Y7t '��.. YL �.(. ]..i •F� ^J i' '.:: 1`CA' 71i CCi7, 1:;.W: .. c'; ._ ,,. ., 9.;.:f r_ .G'. C' 1.:4G1,:i4( G1� �GCC'(1,,Lre 1.11"de •`, :..._ I :.1: _ _..w �.i'._.0 fcl . G � �::�_ ,.: ir_ i.%E' - ;Ci'.; is 3' G � .,... C1 ��`, a G.:.' .. .'.0 _ .: it.'C uiG2i Gi �•.-C: eCU2�U.'11:..'. . i•ir:lZ re, he � i ^;E, ,n4., vY, ito, _'G'::1. i.Er::. ...':L�. ..-. ._;?i`:.i,-�_.� .,.,... _i:;.i.(1 =G= C',7-CY: ..�: i3 ��vC._ LIEF'(I ]n v _'11C 0: , ].::F11t'_c?, _..'•�.... :i:.'..(i_ .:C: CC.. .i"J.c+l� . ? i1;C..-.-r�.f7 ... �S'_."�; , ..Ei:.. .`li i. E.'C: G �•. '�'� �, .. i'� �`r r:_V V'.n ,'.'1' ..]t�'l; C. G: ,?. _. E;•L1 :..i_ CGY:— .. -''-d r'r<. .7C'-I-.'I '', li a`(,ii3�], C•` :'t ��v 1 _ .. 'II JJI: C. � _ .. ., v, .. �_:L'.... ,: Gil ��. .., .'{7 �/ .'�L; C7_�;'i_, ., _:1.C_ c.7'C 1 'P- cr._''' n c e ' f.')i. ..�.! '..: .. ,.;�.i .. ,'1, :.. ... ,'_l=C. �,G ... :i .., ;.:";C;....i4i� ... �1:'•.'.:.� 1 _ i.�0i;%, ' ,T ].);.. ^0•••.,: l-�::C,:._ '.,:-. ., C:C 'iiiY v1Ci�lf ,1<: ].?_ ..:oC.' v'1.onn cl • - liii..Li'r'�. t: ....,,:F.�, �... v.:i:i C.i,7.::it i.':•�..... i'1',';Y:• G. ,',: ,-5�`_':'•":ii,, .. r rA is G �CCt1011 1E c r, c :... :..•r' � . _ J.._�' ... i_ .... .i'- :, _... .i.,;l... .', ;.ri_1., ?1 ICI', c:]:-•r •. - n _ .,.11,]II.I. J.. v � C).J a. � )ir" r.. .. .•. .. .. •,(],),:_�1 i, «. .. .. Lrtr �';�:_. iiL�l+�, 1'I_�l... C'v— , ?1, :•I_i7::-iit-,, fit?',iC�:lwi.:;;_ ..J' ivrt'i:,'J:'.,� JG .�. .. ,:_ ,;l` i:�' �_ •a=." •i�� *' Cy `_fit, t 'r:']' .. _ � t r., •-.. .a'i.; _ :7' t.:.,:.-., ,_. ...G:r, . • .).: 20•:.v-..'1r E= i, i..�t.' �iJ �1: .. _. l'.'J 4' .. - . ,., ,.. _ �. ,� _.- a .0 _. ... .: t: .i-�:,✓ ' e xc SlC'. il,✓t.'. l' �. a S: , A ... :.(.:' f'IV f� f. i J �' .0 u.i•C. ' " L:4 J�1''J.. C y•G.1: ']':^l""•, .'L'.i:1: _`�: C.' .,.a.,, .. .. -�.` ....�? _ _ .. _ ,n. i fir. a.:. .., i,. .. �: _ .•G:. .. .I-� .'l, ^�i ' ,, ..., • t.. y10: .....'.;i.0;; G". ny .. 0_.r' AL., ._. l.U'a:,', ...3 .:,111' G. '..:...: Quad, or, Cioor, LLic`n in ,. :y : anop i CL,.._s ZI cc spov 4 acto .; ].lie tsik3t,::er or not ..;J.Ci_o so !', or . :; wt i.. C 1'G1 T. M C e , M SWAI 1MOOL, 1 n On Q M z; 1 nY _.. , t Er y c S t in ony of M . r vicyrr ...- - - .,rn_ _ ri . 1-6 U 0n r A K,_ r written' QvIn CC t1i..•.r Mtn to ve.w , Cin2 ..'_iy Ve & C':.".'.:i . extent u? A.- 7.yi',,: ve t, lut tjol, . __ .. _ :1. " c r. :an no, or A m i,i._ c iv Mich tom.., . :_. or. so 1 ; • .:.0 . -, .. - no A" of ' tlC... i voni.. Gi.� liqOvy 1 :n::'..__,_.t,. _IT eviNnae 0'i Sib ConWaYnd K, -ter of liquor 1;;. vIAME wined, .a:unj Mot tno some icon not CCC. in : :I V.nnw, OY -' t, v_ - -. G:_._w.: tiC i:i' .. 5.:.O.:i0n G'. WA -tin" i.i:-" nL 0f '`.. G provirions of .a. ::y:1.r. l,NJi:_nee, if, z0on s A. j, the V . _ A. e . .-r- nf.s, ' 7r0 aj.dQ, 1'... ', Tilt it 1.. W nT71.n G:i C t 7' I. C. C-110 el C., j. t i Ucn i•oy ail ty. S t--- c 2L c., r, y WY 17 y t nco, ruch M-0 1 jC.0 ij�. ��ry C e 1' t.: J.' C) -n C !,ol ice C, o 4 to C.a c ur, e- i,:o . C C 0 .•,.G], a . ...ii' ...,Qf �.. s,C J until 0 "j—,' C, C o0 .- fully sh'-11 h; 1 f 11 Cl. c u n r, 1. Ift cm re CL o -.,i i t, li'OClLjQj,, 1L.J. 711 !,Ily ti J..r jon-o of inz nce , o".-o e C. n t -o-Cve a7 e." Cif- . lzo 1. o Emd� IsUch Poaression G unlatful Sudh f-I Ic ..J. i .♦ U.. 1, .. 4y _t' .5. — a :J ,...�' `� ... •.ill'.. � ".. ...; f• v ,.J:_ .1: �. .. ...I1 �� � t Sl^ : � ..:ti 1. �< .. . .; ... .. _'t' Crainancp is 1 n� ii 900 (Repealed by 1525) (Special) f 901 Establishes street gradesy 1525) 902 ?,mends Ord. 752 (Repealed (special) tax levy 903 Sets tf1921 (SP 904 Fixes salary and compensation of city clerk, treasure { and attorney (Not codified) 905 Grants franchise (Special) 1525) 906 Amends Ord. 772 (Repealed by 907 Provides rules and regulations for building demolitio (Not codified) g ecial) 908 Sets tax. levy for repeals (Special) gp9 Amends Ord. 469, repeals.337, 365 (Repealed by 1525) 910 Regulates possession, manufacture, sale of liquor (Repealed by 1023) ��911 Street vacation (Special) 912 Changes street name. (Special) for 1923 (Special) 913 Tax levy (Special) 914 Authorizes wharf construction (special) 915 Provides for street imp 916 Fixes salary and compensation of arkicommissionersdl _�� ICI 917 Authorizes and creats board of p 918 Street vacation (special) 168 (Port Townsend 919 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 920 Fixes and adopts the project'of 1924 (Repealed by 1525) 921 Fixes tax levy for 1924 (Special) 922 Amends Ord. 893 (Special) 923 Street vacation (Special) 924 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 925 Grants franchise (special) 926 Vacates alley (Special) 927 Street vacation (Special) 928 Fixes and adopts the project of 1925 (Special) 929 Tax levy for 1925 (Special) 930 Fixes monthly salary of named officers (Not codified) 931 Street vacation (Special) 932 Authorizes use of wood in sidewalk construction (12.12) 933 Street vacation (Special) 934 Amends Ord. 863 (Repealed by 1525) 935 Missing 936 Budget for 1926 (Special) 937 Tax levy for 1926 (Special) 938 Grants franchise (Special) 939 Street vacation (Special) 940 Budget for 1927 (Special) 941 Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) 942 Tax levy for 1927 (Special) 943 Grants permission for erection of oil storage tanks (Special) 944 Missing 945 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 946 Establishes street grade (Special) 947 Adopts plan for improving public waterworks (Special) 948 Prohibits vehicles from driving over fire hose, re- peals Ord. 286 (Repealed by 1525) 949 Budget for 1928 (Special) •tom i,. ,": �jti^•` 4.ra •.� �' t•'�i:+;.. ,i �,�1::.; ':, (r�r:�r" xx 'i::. ;'^.i l � d�: �, ..,/.�.� r'i r } a , �1"r . r' �Y � 4 ry �4 • ;�� \V�:+tidie..?.G:i•.:,:'.::Lei.r.�bhai,:'tY'3.�'+Lo:rL'L'1." ♦�ih�a.. ..... ....:fi-urr�P.Y�r:��ur o ._ 40 1I Oruin,•nc�� i:o, i.. 5 An Ordino ice chonginC the rwrie of 'liver, ty-eij;ht Strect ruld)is,g 1?aet and West ti-rouCIi H oti.iiCs Third ^.ddi.ti.on to t.2e City of'Poaat Townsend, and the whole of said street tis nor de::ir;nm. to thnt of the name of HastinCs Avenue. The City Couhcil of the City of Port Tovmeend, `.'.'achiih"won, dor ord,: in ,Is followe: . �.:. Section I. That tiic n._ric of twenty-eiE;Y..t street run:iinF!a,t and West through ;?,.'etint E� Th-ird ?,ddition to the City of Port Town- send, and the whole of said etreet as now de: i£nated, 1, o.nd the sane is hereby ordered chanted to that of the name of I'_astings Avenue. Section 2. lhat the proper officer or officers of the City of Port Townsend are hereby authorized and directed to correct the official plat of said city, so as to siiow the name of said tv,enty- �' .eight street ch"dnGed "to _t zat .af" the name of Hastings Avenue;, rind that certified. copies of thin ordinance be furnished to the U. S. ,.'.' Poc;t Office of this Oity, and the County Auditor of Jefferson County. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Weekly header, and to take effect and be in j full force �GY� days from and after such puublication. Paseed by the City Couboil Coil �J{ �� , 1922.. j/�� ` Approved by the mayor _ ((�CCltAC _ / (a _ , 19 9 2. Attest: G City Clerk. 1 mayor. Lill - !��1^ ai, �'.P,-17... ]+ �i F�.�-'C Gem :At: "'- "v v.��r.`.,i.'[.Y.:�j Je:� � �il,���a41 ?�a'-.Y�i.� i'`J�:e;.�.-r.:..'•�'� �✓•'� �_�:�.��. f�..�x..o ,. •- - -'c. - .,K!z��':t'�:%� :s :� ::.1��r�.". ��1" -Y�. ;r . '!v`.;?ii_y � � .%� ^�� <.. �.. ,t.. �`--,�':.� � ; .. �-�. ]::r:� . � _. •ti - ., ! , � � � .. .T - t Of fort 'rovrno-:rtd, io:,�..�� ,;r; s• .,.....,,. ' 0: r'+? cto 1, il: f ollow,f3 , r cc i011 1. t 'i.'..QrC -1-C ..'.(2: _t':'ied U•"'oI1 .12. of t.:e tn.', property in the, City Of hOru 0 vCt:Cl, .1:,,;'Ga:S, 1,:�e followin�1 cur"s E'nd ::•-teo o:. levy .ior `.­ d_.','C r. ntv }jlor_,41'e3 .;C='r]�i7 dC?iE�l': leli, and ri3to of ["--ttion U-0011 the -)^,!7I7f^.:'ed :::'!L1t i7.0Y1 foi ruo l puiToser. is fl, i, . f 0 1. 1 ov/ EA First, 1Ool of CLiie11' C-'''41,nF:' G' ��- iC, t/1 R1:C� or 4v_64LJL�71/ft4/CIKCC�lV[C�S�iCG!(AwX rs (N I��i jO�aa Vj e Y,Cl is-_e r=.te O.l' tG:c7tion for u "iri :Cusp'. ii :.Ci3; i-•_c:d •'t all 1_ _ r_ ( /t�`__} t'.lii is on dollar. reco 7d, For tt:e ilc'ijRi:G' }C Of /il;terf'^ty Oil fonds, f irst is Bue, tl,e >3uri1 6f `�✓ �( �IL�64L IJGol�(�. Q�E.i�oo- - �-- —--,Doi7.r,-rn q,a .^nrl t, e rate o�' trxr, ion for slid -purpose is hereby f inecl at � (� ef` ) on t'le y °i'i.ird,� wFor t'.c p 1*dent o jntfrest on :n,oncls, r>econr3 issue, the sum of -[/�'J-/','�`f��� CI�c�_- fa?�r ✓`?✓Q. c c purpo.Do_1ars n�se is i hereby f ixed nt, C t� (� / ) of r.-Lill on t: e dollvx. Fourth, For the payr:ent o.L Inde,:tedne3s of the City of Port Townsend, ;cnown as the "Indebtednes. Fund" tn% o'C :i:t (G) mills on tl,e dollar. "ect on ? That t,lere is ?:ereb levied ied upon f y' i " � e i y �, 11 of U_ Ur•.c .ul_ property in '.le city of Paxt l'o ;n.: end, 1""1011in{,t n, fo. file Purpose oL l0irtt�.9.nin ., p nl n librr-ry, t'':e cut., of--y��li CLac y �- , A14 Ica lr,� T��oll 3'c (;;,_�j�8�� } , ;�i:: ' t.:c rite oftaxation for said purpose Is hereby fined -nd levied at ( ! } lnill___ on the dollar, Section 3, That', t_.e i•= yox ui. y C1"rl; of smid City are hereby authorized rind directed to certi:ty to t :e Uoun'.y Aosessor and uounty Auditor of JcfferUn Comet- , ''.� �o_�e;oink levy as provided by lave. Section 4. That this orr_in�ince ,i v-ll � n _ "olished once in the Port Tovmoend Sleekly Leader an,",s_ : � l_ talc��l;e Jr. i'OrCe .s provided by lnvl. Pnrred b:r tiie City Council Qrtoip�r h(! 1922 ? ,,nwov:ed by -e '.•'ryor. Qc'tobor__- -.j g.,�. 1. t t e s t :•-- 3,ty C7 e r1c. �.yo r• ✓ L4 c c 4.5 02: (1 in:, 2,,C.0 City CC.Cn."iI 0-, �,_C Uit" Cf. T10--l" in t t. w�tun of cc.zt, rue t 1 1, jr 1-orc"by v7,C7- ,od, to-::i, o of :7, 5 of' _-tolxm S n-, Z d stlQct to C 1 3 4,; je Of incl-muu.1 r! d Q t, r e I bl, 1 T 6, J. 11 ol* -portur, of t. 7- i "Place 16i Iwi o i, ',-o the Uity 0.", wl.", Port T,-,,end. T!-,v-' `,As orr!�,na, ice 211"111. 1) v --a"I onnig t�-,e Povt. Tovinoend effect fi-ixe daya f ron, Bai&:, i Lei. Suo"LL 5u" S (Lid tion 3. T3-,r,.t c--�::tifdod coyi­ of ard-inunce be 7.'-i1tid-,nd: recorderl- !_,n thr�, Cov.nty Auditorts jcff,3w3on Cot-mty, -,nil such tl, e:- f Of- 1 C', L, in Cit -bu 1 1 C11i, C.e U. C y Cc ,n i- P;?. q a e d 1) y. t L; i .0 V li tcct: /0 :.�;; xe <z ��� V :j�.'� �' goo (Repealed by 1525) l) 901 Establishes street grades (Speciaia 902 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealer ec,15 25) 903 Sets tax levy for 1921 (Special) clerk, treasurer 904 Fixes salary and compensation of city and attorney (Not codified) 905 Grants franchise (Special) 1525) 906 Amends Ord. 772 (Repealed by 907 Provides rules and regulations for building demolitioY (Not codified)for1922 (Special) i525) 908 Sets tax levy repeals.337, 365 (Repealed by 909 Amends Ord. sale Of liquor 910 Regulates possession, manufacture, (Repealed by 1023) 911 Street vacation (Special) 912 Changes street name (Special) 913 Tax levy for 1523 (Special) 914 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 915 Provides for street improvements (Special) 916 Fixes salary and compensation of ark1coommissionersdil 917 Authorizes and creates board of p gl8 Street vacation (special) 166 (port Townsend 919 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 920 Fixes and adopts the project of 1924 (Repealed by / 1525) 921 Fixes tax levy for 1924 (Special) 922 Amends Ord. 893 (special) 923 Street vacation (Special) 924 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 925 Grants franchise (Special) 926 Vacates alley (Special) 927 Street vacation (Special) 928 Fixes and adopts the project of 1925 (Special) 929 Tax levy for 1925 (Special) 930 Fixes monthly salary of named officers (Not codified) r 931 Street vacation -(Special) 932 Authorizes use of wood in sidewalk construction (12.12) 933 Street vacation (Special) 934 Amends Ord. 863 (Repealed by 1525) 935 Missing 936 Budget for 1926 (Special) 937 Tax levy for 1926 (Special) 938 Grants franchise (Special) 939 Street vacation (Special) 940 Budget for 1927 (Special) 941 Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) 942 Tax levy for 1927 (Special) 943 Grants permission for erection of oil storage tanks (Special) 944 Missing 945 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 946 Establishes street grade (Special) 947 Adopts plan for improving public waterworks (Special) 948 Prohibits vehicles from driving over fire hose, re- peals Ord. 286 (Repealed by 1525) 949 Budget for 1928 (Special) h,..,;�r'•�rJ',-"i,'.'�f'•�•i.f'��jri�=""'7:'r. 'r ,j''. 'j'�,c rS ,, 'fi*"`., ,•. ` •.,� ��� � t 77 } {`•_si:., �>-e2�+;1,'tii'J.Y:ri "rr.' r � q X -71 zo tin L,:c­I-,JLn-mco fi-A.iij- iiii adopting tulc budget- for the City of Port Tovinvnnel for the yoa,_, 19::41. 'The Uil"Y Council of tho W'ty oj"* Po%,tu Tow)lacnd, do axe; lii ns o:L I v, i r, 1 Th Vue io*Llovinj:, budr..,at be, nnO t'�7c smii0' 1-3 IiCreby �'ection 1. 'n't :uXell mirl -.doptod for thn Ci' y of Port for tivi year 19,24, r di Iddd in t1a, tol;;�I, -tll 04n.C111 Of C ].-,I fl L 1113 v ._6wliaino t-!(-' viur)Lo umucli budr;o', to-vit: ik� 1""' t10 YwIT-1 C� till ot op 1, I-P t A Oil - - - - - - - - - - - an-pitol Cuticy- - - - - - - - - --- - - - I - - - - - - - - - - - - --- Dcbt- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - action :3TbrIl t Jl q4 - C)r.14.yl, 31ioll by -nifUishad once in the i ' sleekly Lsadox, IL) urtl-c cfj'cc.-IL -.i:i prov ae(I by Iaw. 1, -z�y G c wi c il Pnosed by the %�d i I-pl.)ro-liod by -U!,;! :',I-,yor - - - - - - - C Ic r3c. 10 0 GILDIR10:0.1: !.o. VlQ City of Port fov vl.­.'.')ll or(Vdil fo.Llowo: ta"`,colo 1�.Coprlrty L', I-,!io Gi%y )J; t01't 'G14) f0l10-711.111,; [AU.10 -ii fl, ro r7 0 1 * I �l Vy f Ll X ':lll dl:L`i'orcnt. 111_11")OSOO lic"A"'m-ted for 2 upon lulVl 131-1011. jltlj-,lCfJOO jO VIC' f0jj()%-j_n*. First, 1"O'_. It'lin piwy-ilmllt O.V Currc'-"LL lr:j)(im-s O-L" 0.11--y 1111c1 O.for I L QUxwollt t.1iin%,Llzi G:V_ 10 —rd Q of tm%c lev f t'arL3 inx0by fix-ed rit L'ill.0 oil tllfl 13 11.1 Lin 1, U'rej-'t oil ',AQ 31 k, 0 )JI, I sua, the B ml D �1: (I rw It / w 6u, —Dollr"rs " a" . — riirl t,ifi rate oT tr)-�_ l,')vj, Vo5: on-.*,.r1 in 11-:)reby fixed -.! - * - on ti.1- tlollnr. or. thr., pny"lollt ol' ill-tcront on Oncon(l ionun, tilo Uri 01 Doll. -ire AP eo:_ tlln:z: Invy �or ov.Jd purpotle to he'roby ixed at�a� (4!Z- h, ill— 0,1 dollar. Fourth, I, t n 33wid r�, a e J;.' i ' A,.J.or uml of Ytivid, firzit irsmin. oV bonds, KWLG,,�V A4 7 11,1 04" Le 0' tv-,c levy for 131lic purp000 is itureby fizeel milla oil tilt dollar. Fifth# Yor Bond lic)dFvription Yund, Elonond iffmo O:C bonds, t I -A , f 1vgt Ile swu 0�, iox, ciald j,urposc 113 lieTr3by fixed atgW..WA:O` of n i-dll wn t` if) dlollar. sixtil,Yov 10:m payment o;.' lml.,�btednoss of th-0 Gitly MC, Por Tplint3p.nd, hnovin . up floo 'Ilniclobtedneac leumll, thr.1 Mull q -rZ _ tho vntc of t,.Ix - lavy fox ImIA ;)Uvpose io )Inroby :.Ci-ned ioU6 G17c "Allo oil ti'l dollar. Scotion 2. Mint tlicro it; hercloy lQvied ii-pon cill of t1to ta7mble property in the City of Port Lovmcond, V tbo plurpooe .. a plfblic librnry, tilo nn'll of z5wll MI/Al _,__4 J/ Dollr!r and tiXe rr-,tb of for OF11.6 purnose J,�� howtiby f i :, ac �wl le -vied at o . 1 '.11 Q dollar. '-"4ntjO-j S. Thlt Virl iyor 7,w" City Olcrlc of ,3nid 01 ty _-tra licraby authorized fil'id. directod to Oelrt.i'ly '.0 the 001-111ty .'.000:300r and County Auditor o-J.' ;ic,;'T,3rnon, ln-irj aul providod loy law. 12' - ", El*!.;.�ll 1,'.! publiolula uilc;41 j.". .�' j,,,11 _.j�q crili— . i LO Port To*,-Mcend '..,coRly to tnlz(l czffnct nn(l "ho in -'Ovco no provided by lo-w- Paosed icy tullo City colinoil 1023. ppxoved by thl) f 1z, 61,ity (31"cric e 1"�t Ld C7 ORDINANCE 110. AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance Vo. 893 of the City of Port Townsend and the title of such ordinance, and repealing all portions of such ordinance as are not reenacted by this ordinance, which Ordinance ITo. 893 is an Qrdi23a2iQe granting to Washington Coast Utilities a franchise to erect and maintain poles, crossarms and wires and to furnish elec- trio current to the City of Port Townsend and its inhabitants and to maintain and operate a system of gas works in the City of Port Townsend. The City Councilof the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the title of Ordinance No. 893 of the City of fort Townsend, granting an electric light and gas franchise to Washington Coast Utilities, be and the same is hereby amended so that such title shall rend as follows: "AN ORDINANCE granting unto Washington Coast Utilities, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns, the right and authority to erect and maintain poles, with crossarms thereon, within the City of Port Townsend, to stretch wires on said poles and crossarms for the transmission of electrical current;to furnish electrical current to the said city and inhabitants thereof for the production of light, heat and power, and for any and all purposes and uses to which electrical current can or may be put, and to lay pipes and conductors through and under the streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, wharf landings, places and public grounds for supplying said city and its inhabitants with such electrical current, and to charge reasonable rates therefor." Section 2. That Section 1 of said Ordinance No, 893 be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 1. That there be and hereby is granted to Washington Coast Utilities, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority for and during a period of fifty (50) years from the 4th day of March, 1919, and subject to all the conditions and provisions hereof, to locate, erect, place, maintain and use in the avenues, streets, lanes, alleys, highways, public parks and public grounds within the City of Port Townsend, and the extensions of all avenues, streets, lanes, alleys, highways, public parks and public grounds which may hereafter be made and extended, and all avenues, streets, lanes, alleys, highways, public parks and public grounds which may hereafter be laid out or dedicated to the public in said City of Port Townsend, poles with crossarms, and thereon to fasten and stretch wires, and to lay pipes and conductors under the ground along, across, through and under said avenues, streets, lanes, alleys, highways, public parks and public grounds, for the purpose of thereby transmitting, distributing; and furnishing to consumers thereof, electrical current for the production of light, heat and power, rya d for any and all other purposes and uses to which electrical current can be made or put, and of charging reasonablo rates to the consumers of such electrical current, the actual location of such poles and pipe lines to hest the ap- proval of the City Council." Section .3. That Section 2 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 2. That tho grant hereby made is intended to and does include any, all and every of the streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, highways, public perks and public grounds of said City of fort Townsend as now laid out, platted and ded- icated and as may be hereafter laid out and dedicated within the now limits of the said City of port Townsend and the limits thereof as the same may hereafter be extended, and the extensions and continuations of the same whether the same shall be projected, continued or extended in their present names or not." Section 4. That Section 3 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so ris to read as follows: "Section 3. That whenever it shall be necessary in the erection of said poles or pipe lines to take up any portion of the sidewalks or to dig up the ground or pavement of said avenues, streets, lanes, alleys or high- ways or within -'said public parks or public grounds, then said Washington Coast Utilities, its successors or assigns, after such poles are erected or pipe lines laid, shall with- out delay replace such streets or sidewalks and properly refit the stringers and planks thereof or repave the same in a fit and worimanlike manner, and remove from such ztreets, avenues, lanes, alleys, highways, public parks or public grounds all rubbish, sand, dirt or other materials that may have been placed there, Taken up or dug up in the erection of such poles or laying of pipe lines, and shall restore such sidewalks, streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, highways, public parks or public grounds to as good con- dition as they were before being taken up, dug or or disturbed." Section 5. That Section 4 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 4. That all rights, privilogds, authority and franchisee herein and hereby conferred upon and granted to said Washington Coast Utilities, its successors and assigns, shall continue and be in force for fifty (50) years from and after the 4th day of March, 1919, subject to the eonditiona and provisions herein contained." -2- Section 6. That Section 5 be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 5. That said Washington Coast Utilities, its successors and assigns, covenant to indemnify the said City of Port Townsend for any injury arising from any casualty or accident to persons or property by reason of any neglect or omission to keep such poles and wires in a safe condition, and to dofend all claims against said town for damages caused by such poles or wires or by any electrical current conducted thereby or cause by any of its or their pipe lines. !, Section 7. That Section 6 be and the sage is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 6. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as granting to Washington Coast Utilities, its successors or assigns, the right or authority to stretch wares over or attach wires to the roof of any building for the purpose of conducting electrical current, or to erect poles or stretch wires or lay pipe lines across private property, without first obtaining permission from the owner or agent of said building or property so to do." Section 8, That Section 7 be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 7. That unless said Washington Coast Utilities, its successors or assigns, shall within sixty (60) days from and after the passage and approval of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, its or their acceptance of the franchise herein granted, subject to all the conditions and provisions herein, then this ordinance shall be void." Section 9. That Section 8 be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 8. In case the City of Port Townsend, through its Mayor and its Council, shall during the life of this franchise desire to purchase the electric light and power plant and distributing system of the Washington Coast Utilities, its successors or assigns, in the City of Port Townsend, said 71ashington Coast Utilities, its successors or assigns, shall and will sell the same to said city for such sum as may be adjusted and determined by three disinterested appraisers, one to be selectod by the City Council of Port Townsend, one by the owner of such property, and one by the two so selected." -3- M Section 10. That Section 9 be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 9. The City of Port Townsend shall have the right to instal, operate and maintain on the poles ` of the company, wires and attachments for handling its police and fare signal systems free of all rental charges, such wires to be installed and maintained in accordance with the regulations governing such work as laid down by the Department of Public Works of the State of Washington, and the city shall hold the company free from all liability for damages to persons or property caused by such wiros being upon such poles." Section 11. All of Ordinance No. 693 not reenacted in this ordinance and contained in the foregoing amendments, is here- by repealed and so much of such ordinance as is reenacted by this ordinance is hereby continued in full force and effect. section 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five ( 5) days after its passage,approval and publication. Approved this day of _ A.']). 1923. yor Attest: city clerE Introduced the day of � 1.923. Passed the !._ day of ( / ` �%'i 1923. Date of first publication _.� �% , 1923. ■ n ORDIIIAIME Do, I. An Ordinonce vacating; parts of certtift atreetc located in iinmmond and l,isenbeis additions to the city of Tort Townsend, as ascribed in this ordinance. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, `•'nshington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That parts of certain 5treeta hereinafter named, located in nammond and zisenbeis l:dditions to the vity of Port Town- aend, he and.the same are hereby vacated, to -wit: That part of Ilth Street from the ►.,est line of mcPherson btreet to the west line of i,:isenbeis .addition. T►ant part of 12th Street from the vent line of laoPherson Street to the West line of Hammond Addition. That part of 13th Street from the ►teat Line of iacPherson zjtreet to the oast line f uliff.atree chat part of Gib lisbtr'eet Prot: the !o,uth•line of 14th Street to the South line of 12th Street. Section 2. That this.ordinDnee shall be published once in the Fort Tov and weekly Leader, and to take effect and be in force five days from and atlter such publication. Section 3. That after the taking effect of this ordinance, e. certified copy thereof shall be riled for record in the offic. of the county Auditor of Jefferson county, and also a certified copy thereof be filed in the u. S. Poet Office, V eort Townsend. Pasced by the_Uity council / , 1924. Approved by the iiayor 4tca 1924. Attest: rL�l city 7fferk. Mayor. L. _ .. _ .. ' .. � � _ ... _ . , . 1 . � .. `r ?H 900 (Repealed by 15251 i 901 Establishes street grades (Special) 902 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 903 Sets tax levy for 1921 (Special) treasurer ! and compensation of city clerk, 904 Fixes salary Not codified) and attorney ( (special) 905 Grants franchise (Sp 1525) 906 Amends Ord. 772 (Repealed by 907 Provides rules and regulations for building demolitiai (Not codified)(special)1922 (Special) 908 Sets tax levy e 22Is.337, 365 (Repealed by 1525) gOg Amends Ord. 469, sessrion, manufacture, sale of liquor 910 Regulates Po1023) (Repealed by (Special) 911 Street vacation 912 Changes street name. (Special) 913 Tax levy for 1923 (Special) (Special) 914 Authorizes wharf construction (Sp ts (Special) 915 Provides for trecompensationnof officers (Not codii 916 Fixes salary ark commissioners 917 Authorizes and creats board of p 918 Street vacation (Special) 168 (Port Townsend 919 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 920 Fixes and adopts the project of 1924 (Repealed by 1525) 921 Fixes tax levy for 1924 (Special) 922 Amends Ord. 893 (Special) 923 Street vacation (Special) 924 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 925 Grants franchise (Special) 926 Vacates alley (Special) 927 Street vacation (Special) 928 Fixes and adopts the project of 1925 (Special) 929 Tax levy for 1925 (Special) 930 Fixes monthly salary of named officers (Not codified) —931 Street vacation (Special) 932 Authorizes use of wood in sidewalk construction (12.12) 933 Street vacation (Special) 934 Amends Ord. 863 (Repealed by 1525) ,q 935 Missing 936 Budget for 1926 (Special) 937 Tax levy for 1926 (Special) 938 Grants franchise (Special) 939 Street vacation (Special) 940 Budget for 1927 (Special) �941 Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) 942 Tax levy for 1927 (Special) 943 Grants permission for erection of oil storage tanks (Special) 944 Missing 945 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 946 Establishes street grade (Special) 947 Adopts plan for improving public waterworks (Special) 948 Prohibits vehicles from driving over fire hose, re- peals Ord. 286 (Repealed by 1525) 949 Budget for 1928 (Special) Ar L'Ir6iIl,-,rcc F.,.Ouj� CIIII: Uli Q, I Ik, 1: C) v t T C) val:: 0 !'ov 'fl',%` v(:hx 1C P, r) T)-�F-, City Couiwdl C do OXIOI�I. i 1" a^ f o 114w" 1. T t- Vie! follo'„e int; lop, f: u 1. or t TL)v71'jLIun6 for th e, 'sp -rcl t 1 11., y C',) r' 19 2 6 divided. il, tlr�c �mounts in c- ch of t'he -followin-;,- thc ".'1110 1. e of 1) 11 rc tt'-�c -Vlit. , to 6 rxies �i ml %j,� 1-1aLinteiarcc ^nd - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- 4 I Tntere.F, t r, (I tcbf, ritO t'njpt. ion Lj —7� .4 ction 2, Dat V is oy6j.Acance sh,711 be. ,.!ublishod. ono c in ti;e- :To"t TovinsHnd Leader, --rC, to tt'kt, --ff(-ct t-,'i ,be in forcers. I Jft7id ed Y. s L, e 6 by the City Comical 1925. L Appr,oved by t] y o r t t c t ''City clork. YOT. A At ORDMl= 110. An Ordinance fixing, and Adopting the budget for fte City of Pprt Townsend for the year 1926. The City Council of the City of Port aovincund, «Vlgehin'rton, do ordain as folldcrm: traction 1. That the following ar,ocribod budc t be, and the same -'is hereby fixed and adopted for tho City: o�: F rt Tormuend for Year 1926, divided in t1ia total amounts in each of the fo2lovrang -classes oomprizing the•vihole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and %vague ------- ______ v Maintaiiat�co and apc�retion------------------ ____:D cS'9� /-•�S` Interest and debt red�tiemptio-----_-_......__...... - -_ -� Ceetion P.. That this ordinance simll be published ,once in the pOrt',ao'rrr,:�,.d Weekly Leader, and to take affect and be iri.'fosce "ace provided:by'law. Ps.oeed by iha City Council r�.i(fF' Apgpovod.. by tho Mayor ���' h � : ;192b, Attes 1 i ��.`% City .Clerk. Myor. th e omnuaw. No. - An Ordinance fixing and adopting the budget for the City of Port Townsend for the year 19$6. The City Council aT tho City of Port 1oind, Vg:Qj jngtori;+ do ' ordzin acolldwa Section 1. Tliat the following described budget be, and the came is beraby fired rnd adopted for the City of Part sotivr.43nd 'for t1ae..': yetir 1926, .divided in the total amounts in each of the following, c•lasseo oomprizing the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and wages --------------------------------- Q Mintamanoe and operation---------------- ---- , o(irlJ/.00 Interest and debt redemption ---------------------- Section 2. Tl-,at tbio ordinance shp.11 be published oncein t': s, Port Tdwndend Weekly Leader, and to take affect and be in .force as :. provided lay law. Pasaed by the City Council Apppoved by the Y yor �� (���lr"f� . /�,-7t, -;1 a, Attest: CUvI'C:�;.., „ v J City Clerk. Mayor,.- _ ... z:..... _ . �. � �... ,._ �3.r. . �.,i, �� �._ ._. ,._....... _. .. ... .. ._.�. � — ��. r. s -. _ � J "S. • � .1 t � �.Is. _ 1 : � _ �t'� 'r� .ffry '� J �� � iS � � w ,i.. ... :. An .. •r,t'..y r3 �A u�� :ti �"�''::F' Y:Si 1t. ih ....'.l° 'i•1% ;}�:Z �' �lti+'=':.�.' :xg?a t.-ro�L , to Vlf? iliit3 `1.V .. t l:c: t,7f L":: `�/i 'ail.% 1h:1".lf�u ill �"ItY'J1it?:�: t3 :1'P'..�AL.1.i`1�t� •�lw� hn thiar? t,'t o? p(r t r,3O, "I 1tI7t)a � C+' .t;', f"'A i�'r r1 i roy.'f; To `.i7':trXbt} i ;fr �5?t,E11 rtoll., On 0:1'1, -Ali ,,. `QX. Q:'i,: y ifp;+' - ;;., .. , r�Qt;lt�t't �.. ,h.L• .1 , t1. ',t,.,.��'4. Uxr '� .ixG7;'. tx�. t19.�#(3 �J` �'ilt�?'�li:}.Yl ;sCT'cwL to twl ?(�wto 4j' c!j,ci(s (;£. �;L+tno S.nt3 s``• s u lt' T► ",�Ll�Tti)L:�St t1oll :{?^till,, City f-, ;)vr t- vyTlt gilt.` �.ir'• C zi:;^ ^i+; Lis6G`�.�5it tt.. ,< E''v'otion i !iE.,t:,4 t 11r4 �.r,•j ifs `.31 `(: �14�bi.1:^lEt}i Csncr. In ?;: j,�tr rKS1°fi ip.'Ys>,:^fll�(:t �.iF}(3 .i�► f�.,,.:7t^ , t !; ii:al.t1 (?.�a:!' ;1ib Z i t? in �- 1.i'l�," n X a"lh'� t;t.b.aM} .ii.'OX:4 `3T'!(X �y%ii�1i' '.5i.k �}ib •1! `:L�-'t f?�4S:�.C1Y�. + 3.lR ;3, Stl l.i; :'+, t'G�..h 1.( i:'.+.i .�.XEs; t�fi.i.:� �; � i,�:to C,, (�3> Si Cl:,:tC�i�. i �('•Sl iy4;",j s�i.1G�� t1 r ,I}te,.l� i�t A � �r,i �'p is k"� 41.�:+^:'s :i'�i r'.�t�� 47�`'�'.i.tY'1. .. R� :. of Qm' 11;6r for (lttityt'r, ; ",!•t'; CQ.rm a C7ol-t:t.flo , mi Y. r In tl v Mall. i,!T.lcc :,-C, i'C;,t aO'. X1i1f:YIL1` i71%ols i.,: City it --mall 4• A 7.� ,V�1'GI! r _'iTTIT a. 0 11,31Y, I T ;..n Uroi.n.,:nce mi C,,It,r of J'Ly.,t To­.,ni3.-:nr1, for :Vc,v t.] 1926. a), E City Council of City of Orel- TI),-,t tl,,ere ztru hei-by levied uiwn ,,,Il of the taxn.ble -property in the City of Port 'YownscnO, i n�r ton, tho, fol1px1n(,- fi=2 of monoy :-nd rat,-'s of tp­ levy Tor tln, diff;­rent nested 'for the yens 3.026, n7nd A.!:P of taxr.ttjon iipon tYe assessed uation for ouch turnoscs ic i ­s t, or the m!yr,,ent oC current P.-xi—n-­ of —id a ild Pi.t .1. city for Abe Current 'Expenbe 7und , th- rj um nf.l��a rL.­(LA, ana t})e z ute o f tax levy for und i o f ixo(l r-t Mills, on tlia dollar. CQ11Ci Of J. o , r the llayy.lellt; o", int,!r�,ot ot" boncls, fixet inuc se, tl'-Je,­.p3u nd 'rntD o�� a: jr uoe "z a ) f i..:od , at an dolla-r. Third, 'For the -Dr. vmo n 1 ,.j fittC01W i2211C, SUm'11 t of lnt2root an ljonr, of /Z(,a" I .. Cdrec e D . . foll�,rSN 72 I - - -o.t(� t -i)o -c ir, be3�eby n d the i. o­ -,x o j: Ux fired '-at.,, c9yt� mill on'tile dollar. Four Far t11I -B o ni,' Redemption Fund, fi i3plue of bondo 1'th.e.­ f;,. V I- le, q of k el ZT: 'Q� .3.7L1, MI t rate o..., t�aY_ levy for ;1A(I 1116,1;ose. i,-i c. he7aby � ixod a,t 3nilltz on t1h,-, dollar. Vif .11 t .)C bondt-, the 7 or t", e Bord no on PUr,(1 k! (1, 0 1') (1 Sum,of CA IVO,4f (1, - Doll , C). nd th r! 27 0 of t= levy..TO:. u"J" T 141.-j Is b e r eb y -T ixt� d 'a ot,771 For t1ic of 111.1.cbtedneor; of UIE' 01,ty of 10 - sort Twin send Imovin t1!r- "Indebted -, neo.Funl," 'tl;c c ui. i of "-ea-cir I, 41 rate Dollr-rcz urpoze _ i;i u ix mi 119 o n f * i 7 111� dolla.r. ­,,ction 2. Tiint - is bcreby ]­-vi3d upon al-11. n' i' e _-' � tarty in thu City of Port To-,:n2(i f 1-1 U r )qoe olmaint4in_ng o Jhib!J.c library, 7)011%rQ 7-- ZK: 1 (1 t I :L"_L'.e f Invy f(,: A11ia 1, 1.111 1 0 z e J 1 ieby f i e (11 11,1L lcvif�d .,t Ynills on,t]--cl, etol r• U C i t.y Cl of ("it'; ­r,] bereby au V (1r'cl�atitLlo C i ty .;on Cou!-ty, tl,t- for' ;r-,c)4n,7 t,-.:,. C_ L 'AuaitDr 0- 'T. r• Extion 4. V, t J_ 'o-t T o %-., n v,. 7 nd 1, I Cr' 1":.,0vi6C-d by ltw. P,-.,=red 1311 tl-; C i I ,r f L) I r., cit", rvy;T, Y U VWly — USJN'Cyl !!0. An Ordinance fixing nuu Ldul tin g QU budgut foy thu Cityl of Fort Towne end for Uo year 1927. Tfujity Cuunuil Q tha City of Port Townuond, 0uhinaton, do ordain Pe follows: S action 1. That the fallowing Maribed budget be, and the some is burqpy fixed -nd adopted for thu City of jort Townsend for the year 1927, divided in the total rouunts in o nch uf the fullugshu clasuas conTrizing We whole of V)o buda,i,,t, to-v. i t: Salaries Mud MgaU --------------------------- Laintenance AM; RAr"On ---------- 7 -------- 26 -1 Intercst.M6 dobt redwastiun -------- Z Z'/ Section ection 2. Thot thic ordinance shell be Dublimbed once in "We fort Townscnd Wockly Lander, and to trk,; li-ea be in far6h. as providdd by law, Passed by the City Council, October 5th; Appvo-ved' by theI.,;'Iyor, 00 tobOr 1926.* - Attest: 7: 1 MY clerl, 14yor. X _. _ _ _ ._ S 711 900 (Repealed by 1525) (special) Yv� 901 Establishes street grades y 5) i 902 Amends Ord, 75 903 Sets tax levy for(Re1921a1ed (SPecial) treasurer 904 Fixes salary and compensation of city clerk, and attorney (Not codified) 905 Grants franchise (Special) 1525) 906 Amends Ord. 772 (Repealed by demolition 907provides rules and regulations for building (Not codified) 908 Sets tax levy_for 1922 (Special) 1525) 9Amends ulates possession,repeals 3(Repealed by manufacture, sale of liquor 910 ((Repealed by 1023) 911 street vacation (Special) 912 Changes street name (Special) 913 Tax levy for 1923 (Special) ecial) 914 Authorizes wharf construction (Sp(Special) 915 Provides for treepmPensationnof offts cers (Not codii 916 Fixes salary board 917 Authorizes and createof park commissioners 918 Street vacation (special) 168 (Port Townsend 919 Amends Ord. 726 (Repealed by 1698) 920 Fixes and adopts the project of 1924 (Repealed by 1525) 921 Fixes tax levy for 1924 (Special) 922 Amends Ord. 893 (Special) 923 Street vacation (Special) 924 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 925 Grants franchise (Special) 926 Vacates alley (Special) 927 Street vacation (Special) 928 Fixes and adopts the project of 1925 (Special) 929 Tax levy for 1925 (Special) 930 Fixes monthly salary of named officers (Not codified) 931 Street vacation (Special) 932 Authorizes use of wood in sidewalk construction (12.12) 933 Street vacation (special) 934 Amends Ord. 863 (Repealed by 1525) 935 Missing 936 Budget for 1926 (Special) 937 Tax levy for 1926 (Special) 938 Grants franchise (Special) 939 Street vacation (Special) 940 Budget for 1927 (Special) 941 Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) 942 Tax levy for 1927 (Special) 943 Grants permission for erection of oil storage tanks (Special) 944 Missing 945 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 946 Establishes street grade (Special) 947 Adopts plan for improving public waterworks (Special) 948 Prohibits vehicles from driving over fire hose, re- peals Ord. 286 (Repealed by 1525) 949 Budget for 1928 (Special) ORD .1 j.� An OrAjorncc QIQ2 svWVy �"v CunjonVatiUn of LLO City Clerk, City Treasurer, ;n: City !Lturnuy, of thu City of lort Tumeend, for Wo turn uf offinv buainvinG January 4th, 1927. The City.Council of thu Citj of Part Town&und, 4: shinLwn, do ordain au f oil(V;s: --ation 1. Thrt Lhc City Clerk, City Try:: utur, A M City Attorney, of the. City of Payt Townuand, W11 received rnG be pis full fo. all curficus for thu term of office beninning Knu,'�ry 4t1i, 1927, the following munUily lury :na coapnnantion, pryab 14, on the firct day of every nucceading nonth, to -wit: City Clerk, the su& of One Hundred Dull;ru (1100.00) p r r -j tj- suia jol City Troveurer, of une Hundred Dul2rrs (0100.00) per,month; : rd t',-.c City ttornay, GO UUM of Fifty Dolldre U.. 0) per month. Suction 2. That this urdinance aball be publiribed once in the Port Towneqnd 7aakly Loadur,, nd to be in force and uffect an iho: 4th. Aly of Knuary, 1627. iliseed by th. City Council, October 5th, 1926. Appmoved by the "."ayor, October 1./ 1926. Attest: City Clerk 0 0 n Ordirl,ace. I'l., . 1'. ill k; 116 fixillL. Tax ],cvy ful- t'4;c City Of V :1.' G I - Port -OWL-W011d, for . 1, fLJV 1�43Y. The, C i ty Council 0 f Ll : 0 City 0 1 i 0 3: 1; u d , J, ul i i 1-., gun, do oral; in folluti,,m: cotion 1. Tl;;,D- zliurc ,-rc horeby 1t.Vi(1,J Upon all of tl',e tax- IY Ll pl-ol-erty ill tho Cil 01' 1-ort atm)-,,iumd, -Lljc follow- ing sumo of money : n, r;AC13 ui t:!,7, It,-v.y for U"E. ckiffur(�lvt j)Uj--)EiU6 1jerej,J1 0 for YUZ'.r U Uit; ):;'.te of l�Ijevy fO-A}- ation upon,tj;(,, v.-llU.1tiUn for such L,UVj)U[;U8AiC ;- c XU110VIS: r, irri t, For the pz�yi.,cnt cj.'L' Current E:'-ponoup of ovdd City '. in d fgr the Current Expetwo Fund, the oum e,-q Aeac db the rote of ' t,.x levy i7or f uiid i C. mil'u; all tile -1)011.�r &�wtqnd, For Lhe pi:�Yll-lellt of 7 021 DIA115, firlt if;Se, 'ClAU -ul I of 4 I . BI r�/ ll /1 1f�jfljaw"� 4,��L4 '0/ 'Yttle=7;.1�ind tLe vrmtte Uf (.- , 4tz�,:)" ,,Levy fur Cr id j;Ur1-OE(.1 IE; t ( ) mills on tl;o doll.;�7- hereby f ixc.(i Third; -For the PE:y Ilent IA -t on Bwwis sucolid i"3"ue, tll;lt S Wil of 6Uftc ` Dollars ' ldthe toof iUVYz c Bala -[)Ur1:,osc is lure - by f,ijtai d .3 t bW4 L- 4,a- yet- I — o n th (I G I I. -;,I? Q UC Alf Foul, t1j, Fg ti;L- Bond ilecluyi.,Otioll Funk', first i.1, Of bOlAS, t X 0,-, C. - Te sum Ojm -Ll-,e r Ae of ti-,� Icvy fu-0 %:,�id p-aYpo u i hereby f ixed rat t'ic; doll'ir, Fifth For tl:e DQrld Acdemption =uml, second dfsvue, the, ourii of DulL).re /7e I, t1;c, rate of ti:x levy f ol, JAIrpose is her by f ixed o,' t mill or. t1i-: dollox. :Ay.tll, For th'a Qi: 111iA btcdnz�sr, Of Lhc City Q- !'art . 'Yull.f I T my" -- e nrl ki—mi ;j lu-�;u "Indebtedness 1 1 " ILAU 131:1 il Dullars rn(A th(j'e (if tl,,levy fo-, purl)ose ire 11QTe- by fixed':at L Ix mi1I2 up t',jkD dullr�,r. `,-cv e V th Fur tlj(3 purjc�,4/-- of San L.; public Ililur"ry in a 9 UTJ 0 0 1:1 r sid city, t, f t;17, leV:t, f0j� t�'.,�Id OU17 J'C t.JO J;,t0 U.L - 1) oc. is h L3 r 0- by f ixed "'t thu duliclx- -t the proper ol' of Of i city !:,re :;oc t ion 2. Th; I - 6 U, hereby authurized ;,nrl directeCt uo ck,,-.Ltify to th� Cowity ri�esuor aw! County %uditoi7 of Jef,furscn County, 'C-� Tore),IoinLf LIG luvy of saidCity. section 3. T",,t t1ii•4 u2:inL-,j-.ce :jh! 11 bu publivLecl once in tl,(,, Port To,nz3end, d6ukloj Li,�;,dcr, to nd, 4oc in -force s w provided by law. va Passod by tjju CiLy Council, C'ul.ob,,r 5th, lam: ui L y -,yur, October J 1� U�,� 02 LEC/ C i ty Clerk. Idayor. A AlTi 01.011UL C:L Or "s ]Dt,' CITY OF PM, ty amending Sections Eight (8) , Thirty-three (33) , Thirty-three Grid once -half (33 1/2) , Thirty-eight (38) , of Ordinance Nwabor 752, eta Titled "An Ordinance to fix, regulate and control the use and price of water supplied by the city grater works of the City of Port Townsend, f6shington; to provide fog- the regulation and government of the City later Department, and providing pen"Ities for the violation thereof", as amended by Ordi- nance Fumber 70, passed by the City Council lArch 21, 1911, and approved by the Mayor 11.rch 22, 1911, an(I as further ainended by Ordi- nance I;umbev 836, priced by the City Council June 3 , 1013, and approved by the VAyor ,Tune 5, 1911, and as further amended by Ordinance :iunber 899, passed by the City Council October 7, 1919, and approved by the 1ra,yor October 21, 1919, and an further amen0ed by Ordinance Ioumber 900, passed by the City Council November 4, 191y, and approved by the L.'ayor November 7, 1919, and as further amended by Ordinance Vowber 902, paused by the Cit.;; Council ..iarah 2, 1920 , and aDyroved ' try t116 ; �:.yu, :,'�_�xc�i 3 :I.;a20 . Y':L: CITY C.`CIfITCIL of thQ City of 11oi,t. To ntiorld , JashQgton, :, ordain as f cal? y;o: - SECTION 1. 1hot; section eiGht (8) of too above entitled and aes cribed OrdinaiNo- 752, b6 and the same: is Hereby amended to read as follows:-. Section 8. When a permit has been obtsined for the use of water and chareds prescribed for the service have been paid to the City Treaourer, the service will be slut in as soon as practicable for the city to do so; the charGes for such service up to property line, including atop -cock, where streets are not paved, sh"11 be as follo;rs:- 112 inch connection, 411.00 3/4 inch connection, •) C�Q 1 inch connection, 116.00 An additional char, to be ma6e to the above prices where service is mane that calls for extra labor such as on p"vecl streets or out of the city limitH. For all conneotions laruer Qzn one inch charges to be m"de according to current pri.cea of labor and mkterial. NO service to be rut in yr thout meter. SECTION 2. That section thirty-three (33) of the above entitled and described Ordinonce No. 752, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: - Section 33. Th t the monthly rates for the use of "ter other than measured by we ter, shall be known ..s fixed rates, and shall be ws fo.11ofrs:- Ie,.ini:YIum rate, payable m,)nthly in z:-.dvance , per �aunth, 5a2.25 Bakeries - By meter only. Dairies - By ]Teter only. Hotels, BoardinU and Loduing Hotlsuo -- By ,Teter only. Greenhouses - By meter only. klestaurnnt z - By meter only. 2. Soft Urillli „11:3 T c7e Cre;.im B"' I-leter only. Ilarc3.gre,,3 - 13y meter inl ;.'. sT1811l.i1', lIIly.c; irlc:3 rIm b rr:Lttll• ;tintiY�.1' - 13J !Iil.tcl rJll d. ., So-lu, Lii,, :ry tLtl .i '3oardins, - 13v ?'l(;tz!r Pre:niees :��L'�rc t-1e.r,, ).arc contint olis flov; ,.iri.n:r1.3,� toilets, fomlltaill:i Or t.rly other f ixtar;. ; l.' ��llirii7� rL rontil7L ous flovi of i" ter beby lilt; tE3I' U17l Barber SfioPs -• 7irt3t cin'ir E'2!3 ", , sti!jt�U]ll. , I, RFtCZLY:5 - er1Vfi: .w�. 40X. In ho te.1..3 and bmtrdincr Tiouse 3 , public bu1l-_1:.1.n;-;El -ld bloclu4 , b-arbeZ s11o!?.3 and bath mouses, fir3t tub, f; .00; eu(' l '_tlriiti'illo'l. 'ub "1.50 Beer Pump - �2.00 Bln.cksmith sholm, - 0ne fire in cl[.;.iti.ol� to Ti,.tcr closet, Book .�i-llrlerieo - Fivf'. [.i;r:;Tlll t or 1c:9`? , in addition try tdUtOr closet, 2.2-5; each c drll.tio 1ia1. '3rewer es - 13y meter only. Build:in- Pur[),)st!s - ]=l ' �' i .; L'] 11�; 1.1J� iClil:'.7' ;,�i' S`�:3 , `� ! , ,�.CiL 1 000 brick laid, i11U1udiiis; '':i,_.1 :]1' for 1.1.,Tio, j�Jrf. ir;:i.:1-.1e; ;j:trrel of" limr. for : lv,- '?llr,)ooe---3 otal,y,r ti);,.n pl�tisterin6 or laying brick 15; . .iettin; each bt.rrel of cemorlt 151. Story, tilork, per perch of 10 1/2 cubic feet, 15;;. 33ric': �r�+.r�i;i b;' ,.ieter only. ?3utcher Shop: and Fish lZark —t„ - Si.f oor.sono or less in addition to hater closet or urinr..A, t:.nd upward, or by meter. Earth 'Works - 57or wettlin- each one hundred 0'ab .c yZ-Lrds , o3.00. Cogs - For each coax, wkiether suj3yplied by 3lotwe service or other - Wise , 359. Candy l+actoriPs - ;�2.25 G.nd upward, or by meter. Cisterns - �3.00 per thoust.nd ,_Mons, or by ,Hater. Club Rooms - From 152.25 up, or by lfteter DancinL He.l12 - From �'.'2.25 and upw.,rds, or by rltter. Stores - Dry Goods stores, 8 persone or less, in oddition to water closet and llrinal,2.25. Urlar; stores and rocexy ;Itor�!s, dyeing and cleaninS eotablisllments, *2.25 to -,7.50, or by meter. Family Mates - 02.25, seater closet, 40w each; urinals, 759 each. Foundries - By meter only. Gas Come tnies - By meter only. Gardens for Merket Purposes - By meter only. Goverment, State and County '3ui ldin-s - By I:leter only. Horses and 3dules - In privuLe stanl_es , Y;Twt,ler supplied .from house service or otherWil3e , 359. Hydraulic Elevators - By meter only. Laboratories, Soda Eanu_vetorie.s, Bottl n- ':Torlrs, Vinec-ar Factories and Packinj; Houses - 73y meter only. Laundries - By meter only. Lunch Counters and Oyster Stands - By peter only. i achi-ne Shops and Sash and Door Factories - By meter only. Photograph Galleries - From `3.00 uu, or by meter.. Shops and s ketones not otherwise herein sl?ecified •• By meter only. Manufactories - Shops where water i�3 not u2ed for wanuf cturing but by the occupants only, for 8 personal, 4�2.25; for each additional ner8on, 15'+. Mwauf.ctories and shops where Sv-ater is used for manufacturin- purposes, by meter only. Public Hallo and Theaters - From ti�2.25 up, or by meter. Schools, :public or Private - Fro.I1 4?3.00 up, or by meter. Sl)rirlkli n - '15g per lot over and above residence lot. • r ' • r .. 3• Gan Snoinen - 03.00 up, or by peter. Steam En,,:,ine-o - Firot aorsepower, :�1..50 :'-nd 3.0 cents for etch o.dditional horsepower, not exceedin; twenty; from 20 to 30 horsepower, GO cents; :froln 30 to 40 horuepower 45 cents; and e_ needing 40 horsepower, 30 cents. Water Closets - Private, 40; each; public closets, such as hotels, saloons, lodging; houses, public blocks, QJ each, and no con- stant flow allowed. Office Buildings And Blocks - Each room above the Ground floor, .359, offices on around floor, five per6ons or less, 41.10 , and each additional person, 20 cents. Fire Protection - Private for two-inch Dipe Q7.50; 2 1/2 inch pace, w 12.00; 3 inch pipe, y015.00 per anrn u. raters for fire hydrants, 44.50, .fire statione same as family and stable rates; City Hall and offices, sumo as offica blocks; police department and jail, per month, 12.25, water closets and urinals extra. Any two .IL011;3eB or more on one meter shall be char ;ed a ninimum rate �n� of 52 . 2 for each houoe . yV `�mFnC�tnln'C"J lSb 111� u+opnoiSiLos, ecActi� G'.r.C. at�CT2013 That section thirty --three an?. one-half (33 1.12) of the above entitled and described Ordinance Igo- 752, be and the same :is hereby amended to read as follows: - Section 33 1/2. The rates for. water supplied by meter shall, be for the quantity An in any one month, as follove : - A mina.mwa rate of 12.25 for 3000 gallons or less; 60 cents for the :following 1000 gallons above 3000 9"llons , and 30 cents for the follow- ing l000 gallons above 4000 gallons up to 5000 gallons; all over and "hove- 5000 gallons, 21 cents per 1000 ga.11ono . SECTION fir. `.Chat section thirty-eight ( 8) of the above entitled and described 0rdin once No- 752, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: - Section 38. That the rental for ester met:ere shall be at the following rotes per month: - One -half inch, five-•eightin inch or three-qucLrter inch :peter 25 cents One inch, or one and one-half inch meter 50 cents Two inch meter 75 cents Three inch meter 51.00 Four ineb meter g2•OO Six inch deter 13.00 SECTIGN-11. Mat this ordinance small. be Published once in the Port Townsend WeeRl.v Leader, and to be in full force and effect on and after ahviarf i.:tfpA% Passed by the City Council APs roved by the I.k:yor - 0 Mo o r . Attest: Seal. - City Clerks 192 Date of Publication - /44 19217 ORDINANCE NO. 946 An Ordinance establishing the grade of Harrison Street from the North side of Jefferson Street to the South aide of Clay Street.. The City Council of the City of Port Tovmaend, Washington, do ordain as follows: - Section 1. That the grade of Harrison Street shall be at the following elevations above datum. At the North side of Jefferson Street 110.5 At the South side of Franklin Street 126.0 At the North side of Franklin Street 129.0 At the South side of Clay Street 141.0 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force . from and after five (5) days after its publication. Passed by the City Council June 21st, 1927 Approved bjr the Mayor June 22nd, 1927 ATTEST: City Clerk En m . O h4 p7 � m �� - chi- ►� o � • �, 0 �• P• y N oCD E2 F ' 1--bC+::e o It H W• CD CD uj —4 C ¢. ill .s.�.s� LL U pica car n C o U camo� . m c!• N fi s , 4 0 ORDINAINCE ITO. 9= 4 AN ORDINANCE specifying and adopting; a, system or plan for the making of additions or betterments to and extensions of the existing municipal vrater works system of the City of Fort. Townsend, declaring 'the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be, UrovidLng for the issuance and sale of bonds to secure funds therefor, and stib- imitting such plan or :system to the qualified voters of said city at a special election to be held there- in on 1927. Till's CITY COLgT()IL OF UP; CITY 07 i'O T To'.VES1,,UID VQ DO glgDAIN As i'ouo',7z : Section 1. That the demands and requirements for water make it necessary and advisable that said city -make additions and betterments to and extensions of its existing municipal water works, system. That no portion of the gross revenues and proceeds de- rived. and to be derived from the operation of the existing munici-' pal viater works system and the herein proposed additiona and better- ments to and extensions thereof, has been previously pledged as a fund for the payment of any bonds, warrants or other indebtedness. That said gross revenues and proceeds derived. and to be derived from such operation will be sufficient in the judgment of the City Council and of the corporate authorities of said city, to meet all expenses of operation and maintenance and to permit the setting aside into a special fund out of such gross revenues of amounts sufficient from time to time to pay the interest and principal of the bonds hereby authorized as the same fall. due. Section 2. That the City of fort Townsend and its cor- porate authorities hereby specify and adopt the system or plan here- inafter set forth for the making of additions and betterments to 1. • and extensions of the existinE; municipal victor works system of said city for the purpose of furnishing said city and the inhabi- tants thereof, and any other persons, -with an ample supply of tivater for all uses and purposes, to--witz The City of Port Townsend shall construct at or near the forks of the Big Quilcene River and Tunnel Creels, in the Olympic Forest Reserve, in Jefferson County, 'Tashington, diversion and intake works of ouitable construction, sufficient to divert through pipe lines hereinafter clescribed a minimum of fourteen million (14,000,000) gallons of water per day, and shall acquire all necessary water rights, permits, easements and rights-of-wray for the construction and maintenance thereof. That at said site the waters of said river shall be diverted by means of tunnels, aqueducts and pipe lines of the capacity above stated, vihich shall be constructed through, over and . upon suitable rights -of -way to be acquired through said Olympic Forest Reserve and over private property, in a Northerly direction, to the existing pipe line right-of-way owned by the city at Snow Creek, in Section 1, Township 28 North;- Range 1 West, W. M.; from said point said water shall be conducted by means of tunnels, aqueducts and pipe lines along the existing right-of-way (the width of which shall be increased approximately 10 feet) to City Lake, situated in Section 19, Township 29 North, Range 1 hest, W. M., where a suitable storage reservoir will be constructed, having a minimum capacity of one hundred twenty million (120,000,000) gallons. From said storage reservoir said tivater shall be conducted - by means of tunnels, aqueducts and pipe lines over the existing right-of-way ownned by the City of fort Tovnisend ( the width of ;which shall be increased approximately 10 feet) to its intersection with the South city limits, and from saki point through the streets of said city to the two existing concrete reservoirs situated . ■ {on ]3dlrOCIII:),y r:1r-wn-r�1 tvr�C (12) and �T�hfirt,:-:n '(1;y3{') .}" ' �PIiYr i tIRTrYiifl 7i i!'ff;lf:�lrt JlrI aE' J, t.r ,t.Ert.lal E :r%u�i f i 7� : F.:GLE roii1-11 t1t• Ai1t'E':•.dditi4Oin �frJ",u J«!Ut7V to the City of Port Townsend. Said city shall also increase the capacity of the smaller of said existing reservoirs to a minimum capacity of two million (2,000,000)gallons. From said reservoirs the waters therein shall be distributed to consumers by means of the existing distributing system of said city. That as a part of such system or plan said city shall acquire and _ construct such pumping plants, filtration plants and other appurtenant structures and equipment as will enable it to serve the demands of its cust- omers, and shall acquire by condemnation or purchase (including permits and grants.Irom the United 6tates) such lands, waters, water rights, privileges, easements, rights -of -way, franchises, property and property rights as may be necessary or incident to the making of the aforesaid additions, extensions and betterments. The plan or system hereinbefore described shall be known as the "Big Quileene River Water Extension Project." Section 3. The gross estimated cost of the system or plan herein. described is hereby declared,as near as may be,to be the sum of Eight Hun- dred Thousand ($800,000) Dollars,of which amount the said plan contemplates that approximately Two Hundred Thousand (t200,000) Dollars shall be raised by the receipt of advance rent on a part of said municipal water system, leaving the net estimated cost of the system or plan herein described,as near as may be, the sum of Six Hundred Thousand (4600,000) Dollars, to be raised by bonds of said city as hereinafter provided. Section 4. That in order to secure funds to carry out said plan or system, said city shall issue and.sell its negotiable bonds in an amount.not exceeding six Hundred Thousand (.J$600,000.00) Dollars, which shall be issued at such times, in such denominations and shall bear such rate of interest, not exceeding six (6) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, as the City Council, may, by resolution, direct.,X Said bonds shall mature as follows: Eleven Thousand Dollars ($11,000) Three 3 Years after date Twelve Thousand Dollars ((412,000)) Four 4 Y6 rs alter dRte Twelve Thousand. Dollars (012,000) Five 17l 5 YCars alter date Thirteen Thousand Dollars 32000 Six 6 Yb rs pkter date Fourteen Thousand Dollars M4,000� Seven Ybars niter dAte L ♦ 1 Fourteen Thousand Dollars (;14,000) light (8) Years after date Fifteen Thousand Dollars (415,000) Nine. (9) Years after date Sixteen Thousand Dollars (,;P16,000) Ten 10) Years after date Seventeen Thousand Dollars ?17,000 Eleven ll Years after date Eighteen Thousand Dollars i,18,000) Twelve 12) Years after date Nineteen Thousand Dollars ;P19,000) Thirteen S13) Years after date Twenty Thousand Dollars W20,000) Fourteen (14) Years after date Twenty-one Thousand Dollars J.1021,00CQ Fifteen 15 Years after date Twenty-two Thousand Dollars ,'-,/22,000) Sixteen �16l Years after date Twenty-three Thousand Dollars (4N23,000) Seventeen (17) Years after date Twenty-five Thousand Dollars (:a25,000) Eighteen (18) Years after date Twenty-six Thousand Dollars ($26,000) Nineteen 19 Years after date Twenty-seven Thousand Dollars (y�27,000) Twenty k20) Years after date Twenty-nine Thousand Dollars (yP29{000) 'twenty-one 21) Years after date Thirty Thousand Dollars ( •,N30, 000! Twenty -tiro ( 22 ) Years after date Thirty-two Thousand Dollars (:;432,000) Twenty-three (23) Yeas after date Thirty-four Thousand Dollars 34,000) Twenty-four S24) Years after date Thirty-five Thousand D6 -Dollars •.r 5,000) Twenty-five Years after date Thirty -sir. Thousand Dollars (,N ,000) Twenty -;,iv (26) Years after date Thirty-eight Thousand Dollars W38,000) Twenty-seven,(27) Years after date Forty-one 'Thousand Dollars (,$41,000) Twenty-eight (28) Years after date Said bonds shall have attached proper interest coupons which shall be a part thereof. The bonds maturing more than twenty-four years after date according to the schedule herein set forth, shall be callable for re- demption in numerical order on any interest payment date after twenty-four years from their date, upon thirty days notice published in the newspaper doing the city printing. Both principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in gold coin of the Unites States, of the present standard of weight and fineness, at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend or at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Vlashington in New York City, at the option of the holder, and shall be an obligation only against the special fund created and established in,Section 5 of this ordinance. Section 5. That there be and hereby is created and established a special fund to be called "Municipal Water 4?orke Extension Bond Fund, 1927,11 which fund be drawn upon for the sole purpose of paying the interest, or principal and interest, of said bonds. From and after the date of said bonds, and so long thereafter as any obligations are out- standing against said fund, the City Treasurer shall set aside and pay into eaid fund, thirty (30) days prior to the respective dates on which interest, or principal and interest, of said bonds shall become due and -4- `fA 1. r 1 • . .. ..'' ., `. }.'M �j�,'�;: F' mini: .:t':V _ •5.�. ;:�'• -i1 :'•7r�.C-' r�is i�r �•i .}' c •::j`F.{. y.11S•,']. i''}.. n"•iC•1:,�"!, .,yr'-.: X.-: i:, ,..�,1', .7.1,. '•a' ;.r;".,a•..{�fi{.; .i�e�'Y'^, Y��r%:4�'¢f-i1- i• �1 ! :{": .*:•tt.'., i=.` ., x,. +Y,.,i}'.. �M.� - .•i.. ,.'.l.. J.:� "4 ei• :,1•..t.,i":il,. :.p tom. 1: .. - :Pr ��"�,.<�kr• Payable, certain fixed amounts out of the gross revenues of said r municipal water wotks system now belonging to or which may hereafter ,belong to said city, including the additions, betterments and ex- tensions herein.provided for, equivalent to the respective amounts o of interest, or and interest, as the case may be, so falling due upon any and all bonds issued hereunder and then outstanding, and -44,. -- M,': said revenues are. hereby pledged to such semi-annual payments which -shall constitute a charge upon said revenues, prior and superior to all charges whatsoever, including the charges for maintenance and operation, save and except the charges upon such revenues sufficient to pay warrants dravm against such revenues and issued prior to the taking effect of this ordinance. The City Treasurer is hereby authorized to make payment of said bonds and coupons herein authorized, as the same fall due, from the moneys in said municipal ;later :forks Extension Bond Fund, 1927, and from no other source, and the payment of said bonds and coupons, as they fell due, is hereby declared to be the only charge which has been made upon said fund, or will ever be made thereon until all of said bonds and interest thereon shall have been paid. The City of Port Tormsend and its corporate authorities do hereby' declare that in fixing the amounts to be paid into said fund as aforesaid, they have exercised due regard to the cost of operation and.maintenance of said system and to the existing obli- gations against the revenues thereof., and have not hereby obligated and bound said city to set aside into said special fund a greater amount of the revenue of said system than in the judgment of said corporate authorities will be available over and above such cost of maintenance and operation and the existing obligations against such revenues. The City of fort Tocinsend hereby binds itself not to sell the water works system now belonging to it or which may here- after belong to it, including the additions, betterments and exten- sions herein provided for, until all obligations outstanding against or payable from said special fund hereby created shall have been paid in full; or in case it shall sell the same before such pay - meet, not to make any such sale :without then or theretofore provid- ing that from the proceeds of such sole or disposition after the 5. payment of all prior charges there shall be placed in such special fund a sum sufficient in amount to discharge, and be used for no other purpose than the discharge of, principal and interest of all of said bonds issued hereunder and then remaining unpaid, and not in any event to sell such municipal water viorks system or any sub- stantial. part thereof for a sum less than enough to discharge and pay the bonds herein authorized and the interest thereon. The City of Tort Tovmsend further binds itself to estab- lish from time to time and maintain such rates for grater as Trill provide sufficient revenues to permit the payment of said sums into said special fund, which said city has pledged to be set aside fog the payment of principal and interest as herein provided, to be applied to the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds y herein authorized, until said bonds shall have been paid in full, and in addition thereto all costs of operation and maintenance and all warrants issued against the revenues of said system prior to the date of this ordinance. Section 6. The form of said bonds and coupons shall be substantially as follows: UNITED STATES OF =,RICA STATE OF DASHING ON, COUNTY OF JMMMOIT, CITY OF FORT T01,57TSIL21I) ITo . AM ICIPAL VIATER VIOPMS) EX-MMISION BORD, 1927. KPIOSr ALL BY THESE ES- S: That the City of fort Tovrnsend, in the County of Jefferson, State of WashinGton, is just- ly indebted -and for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer, or, if registered, to the registered holder hereof, on the day of 19the vrincipal sum of _ Dollars, oith interest there- on at the rate of per cent per annum, Payable semi- annually, on the first days of and 6. in each year, upon the prccenta.tion and cuzrender of the annexed interest coupons. both principal and interest of this bond are payable in L;old coin of the United. States of America of the pre -- sent standaxd of weight and fineness, at the S'iscal Agency of the State of Washington, in the City and State of New York, or at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend, at the option of the holder, solely out of the special fund of the City of Tort Townsend knovm as "?.iaAcipal ;later Works Extension Bond - Fund, 1927," which fund can be used for no other purpose than the payment of principal and interest of the iccue of bonds of which this is one. The said fund has been created. and the said issue of bonds authorized by Ordinance No. , approved 1927, and ratified by the qualified. voters of said city at a special election regularly held therein on , 1927. Said ordinance provides for the semi-annual payment into the said fund from the gross revenues of the entire crater works system of the City of Port Townsend, including any additions or bet.teriients to, and extensions of, said system which.may be hereafter acquired or constructed, of sufficient funds to meet the principal and interest of said bonds as they fall due. The City of Port Tovm send hereby covenants with the holder of "this bond that it will keep and perform all the covenants and promises in the said ordinance contained, to be by it kept and performed. The City of Port Townsend and its corporate authorities have provided for the payment out of the revenues of its municipal water works system of warrants issued prior to the authorization of this issue of bonds and, after having so provided, do hereby irrevocably obligate and. bind the city to pay from such -gross revenues into said special fund, thirty (30) days prior to the respective dates upon which interest, or principal and interest, of the bonds of this issue shall become due, a sum equal to the aniount of such interest, or ouch principal and interest, as the case may be, even though 7. the balance of such gro..^,s revenues thereafter rei:ainin6 may be insufficient to pay the cost of maintaining and operating said system and said additions, betterments and extensions. The City of Port Tovmsend further binds itself to es- tablish from time to time and maintain such rates for vrater as will provide sufficient revenues to permit the payment into such special fund of the said sums which the city has pledged. to be set aside for the payment of interest, and principal and interest, as provided in said ordinance, to be applied to the payment of principal and interest of the bonds authorized by said ordinance, until such bands have been paid in full. This one of an issue of bonds not exceeding Six Hundred. Thousand ($600,000.00) Dollars, knot;n as "Municipal dater Works Extension Bonds, 1927," issued or to be issued by the City of fort Townsend under the authority of the laws and Constitution of Washington, and, particularly Chapter 3-50 of the laws of Washing- ton, 1909, as amended, for the purpose of providing funds for additions and betterments to, and extensions of, the municipal water works system of said city, and this bond has been iosuecl in full compliance of said laws and Constitution. This bond is subject to registration as to principal,' -or as to both principal and interest, in accordance with the provisions en- dorsed hereon. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, condi tions and things required to be done precedent to, and in the issuance of this bond have happened, been done and performed as required by late. IN VITNESS ti'EEREOR, the said City of Port Townsend, by authority of its City Council, has caused this bond to be sealed :ritlx its seal, signed by its Eayor and attested by its City Clerk, and has caused the coupons annexed hereto to be ci.gned with a a ■ 1 facsimile of the signatures of said officers, all as of the day of _ _ 1927- Attest: Mayor City Clerk ( FORM Or, COUPON) No. N On , 19 , the City of Port Tovmaend, Washington, will pay to bearer at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend, or at the Washington Fiscal Agency in New Ygrk City, Dollars, in gold coin, solely from the special fund known as "Municipal Water Works Extension Bond Fund, 1927,11. said sum being six (6) months' interest due that date on Municipal later Worka Extension Bond, 1927, of the City of Port Tovneend, Hated and numbered Mayor Attest: City Clerk The bonds maturing more than twenty --four years after date shall contain, in addition to the foregoing provisions, a suitable provision for the redemption thereof as provided in Section 4 hereof. Section 7. A special election is hereby called to be held in the City of Port Townsend, in the several established voting precincts therein, on August 18th, 1927, At said election there shall be sub- mitted for ratification or rejection to the qualified voters of said city the plan or system herein specified and adopted for the making of additions and betterments to and extensions of the existing municipal (water Cl • works system of said city, and the issuance of bonds as herein provided to provide funds to pay therefor, and the proposition so submitted shell appear on the ballot in substantially the following form: Shall the City of Port Townsend, pursuant to a system or plan therefor, specified and adopt- ed by Ordinance No. 7 of said city, at an es- timated cost of $600,000.00, make the additions and betterraonts to and extensions. of its e.,cisting municipal eater works system as therein described - and known as "Rig Quileene River Water Zxtension Project," and for said purpose issue and sell its E is bonds in an amount not exceeding $600,000.00, payable solely from the revenues of the municipal water works system as provided in said.Ordinance? In favor of above proposition ...............[ Against above proposition .......... ......� Any voter who desires to vote in favor of said proposition shall place an x in the square to the right of the words "In favor of above proposition," and any voter who desires to vote against said proposition shall place an x in the squareto the right of the viords "Against above proposition." Section 8. The polls of said election shall be open at 8:00 o'clock, a. m., and shall remain open until 8:00 o'clock, p.m. Notice of said election shall be_`given as required by lava and the City Clerk is hereby directed to give such.notice. The polling placers in the various precincts of said -city and the election officials to conduct said election shall be designated in accordance with law prior to the giving of said election notice and shall be stated therein. 10. A J Section 9. In the event the plan or system hereby adopted and the issuance of the bonds herein authorized shall be ratified by the voters of the city at said election, >raid bonds shall be sold in such manner as the corporate authorities shall deem for the best interests of the city, or ,said corporate au- thorities may provide in any contract for the construction and acquisition of the proposed improvement that payment therefor shall be made only in such bonds at par value thereof. x Section 10. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Tovmsend Meekly Leader, and to take effect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. Passed by the City Council July 19th, 1927. Approved by the Mayor July 19th, 1927. is o r Attest: . City Clerk Approved by the City Attorney July 19 1927. J& City Attorney Date of publication, July 22, 1927- l� I f FILED J U L 19 1927 C. F. GHR45TIAN GI'f Y CLERK -11- • ' • ORDI17 EC'' An Ordinance forbidd inG vebicleu la; :,: inE; over or upon fire hose within the City of fort Tovinoend, roviding pallalty for the viola.tion thereof; n nd repo, -ling ordinance 11o. 286 of vaid City. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, do ordain as follows: ^:•._, Section 1. That it shall be unl^rlful for any owner, munager or driver, of any vehicle, to drive or pans over or upon any fire hose belonging to said city while the same is in use upon any street, avenue, alley, or any other place used for nrivnte or public travel, within the limits of the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. That any petson who shall viol^te any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be (;uiltyofl misdemel,nor and on conviction there- of shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Section 3. That ordinance No. 285, entitled,"An ordinance for- bidding vehicles paBeing otter or ur..on fire hose within the City of Port Townsend," passed by the City Council Itorch. 7th, 1890, and approved by the ILnyor I&rch 8th, 1890, be ^nd the same is hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be published once;in the Port Townsend Weekly header,r,n nd to take effect and be in force from and after five days from U-ie date of such publication. Passed by the City Council �, 1927. * .. Approved by the Mayor L 1927 Attest: w_ City Clerk. May or - _ _ f'z.i,_-v :r• • - -'3' _ :ice. tfx,� l x .. � r t l ORDTTANCE No. 949. An Ordinance fixing and adopting -the budget for the City of Port Townsend for the year 1928. The City Council of the City of Port Tomsend, Washington, do ordain as follows; Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the name is hereby fixed and adopted for the City of Port Tovmsend for the year 1928, for taxation puruosee, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the. budget, to -wit:- ' lit Salaries and 7/ages $12,490.00 t.; Maintenance and Operation ....................... 9,611.00 'Y Capital Outlay 1,726.00 "I Interest and Debt Redemption .................... 13,949.51 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the. Port Townsend Weekly Leader, and to take effect and be in force as prov' b '�.ded. y 1 wa. it Passed by the City Council October 4, 1927• Approved by the Mayor LS/Gt 1927. Attest: Liayor City Clerk m 950 Tax levy for 1928 (Special) 951 Budget for 1928 (Special) 952 Emergency expenditure for police department (Special) 953 Authorizes and directs fire department to respond to fire calls at National Paper Products plant (Special) 954 Street vacation (Special) 955 Emergency expenditure to repair bulkheads (Special) 956 Accepts bid of National Paper Products for lease of part of waterworks (Special) 957 Provides for special elections (Special) 958 Regulates travel of vehicles on streets in case of fire alarm (Repealed by 1525) 959 Accepts perpetual easement (Special) ,960 Accepts perpetual easement (Special) 961 Licenses installers of electrical wiring (Repealed by 1525) 962 Street vacation (Special) 169 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) 963 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 964 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 965 Adopts 1929 budget (Special) 966 Tax levy for 1929 (Special) 967 Appropriation for street improvement (Special) 968 Declares an emergency of the waterworks •(Special) 969 Restricts embalming and cremation within certain de- signated limits (5.16) 970 Purchase and installation of boiler in public library (Special) 971 Purchase and installation of pump in library heating system (Special) 972 City engineers compensation, appropriation (Special) 973 Street vacation (Special) 974 Establishes curb grade (Special) 975 Enlarges police department (Special) 976 Streetvacation (Special) 977 Creates office of building inspector (2.12) 978 Designates city engineer ex officio plumbing inspec- tor (2.12) 979 Emergency budget appropriation for 1929 (Special) 980 Street vacation (Special) 981 Street vacation (Special) 982 Establishes street grades (Special) 983 Water department budget for 1930 (Special) 984 1930 budget (Special) 985 Tax levy for 1930 (Special) 986 Street vacation (Special) 987 Establishes rates for dog licenses (Repealed by 1525) 988 Appropriation for gravelling streets (Special) 989 Amends Ord. 894 (Repealed by 1525) 990 Appropriates money for purchase of fire equipment (Special) 991 Sewer construction appropriation (Special) 992 Emergency appropriation for water fund (Special) 993 (Special) 994 Grants franchise (Special) 995 Street vacation (Special) 996 Fixes salaries of named officials (Not codified) 997 Adopts plan for waterworks improvement (Special) 998 Emergency appropriation to fire department (Special) 999 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) • ORDINANCE No. 950 • An Ordinance making and fixing the Tax Levy for the City of fort Townsencl, for .axes for the year 1928. The City Council of the Cit, of Port Tovm.send, `dasliington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there are hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, Vlashington, the following? scans of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes heroln desig- nated for the year 1928, and the rate of taxation upon the asSeceed valuation for such purposes is as follows: Firsts For the palwent of current expenses of said City and for the Current Expense Fund, the sun of Sixteen Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-four and 92/100 Dollars (1�16,464.92), and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at eighteen (18) mills on the dollar. Second, For the payment of interest on Bonds, first issue, the sum of Thre6 Thousand Four Hundred Thirty and 1;;�100 Dollars (;a3,430.10), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at three and three -fourths (3-) mills on the dollar. Third, For the payment of interest on Ronds, second issue, the sum of Nine Hundred Fourteen and 78/100 Dollars (y914.78), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the dollar. Fourth,.ror the Bond Redemption Fund, first issue of bonds, the sum of Three Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-eight and 87/100 Dollars W'36r'8.8'j) and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at four (4j mills on the dollar. Fifth, Por the Bond Redemption Fund, second issue of bonds, the Zuni of Four Hundred Fifty -coven and j6/100 Dollars (.;4-57.36), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one-half of a mill on the dollar. Sixth, For the payment of Indebtedness of the City of Port Town- send, known as the "Indebtedness Fund," the sum of Five Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-eight and 31/100 Dollar•s.(y�5,488.31), rate of. tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at six_ (6) mills on the dollar. Seventh, For the purpose of mainitainine a public library, and for the Library Fund, the sum of One Thousand Three Hundred Seventy -tyro and 8/100 Dollars ("1372.08), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one and one-half (l) mills on the dollar. Eighth, For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park, and for the Park Fund, the sum of Nine Hundred Fourteen and 78/100 Dollars (;!?'914.78), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor and County Auditor of Jefferson County, the foregcing tax levy of said City. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Tovm send 'Weekly Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council �October �4, 1927. Approved by the Mayor ����� 1.927. Attest: ,ay0r City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance fixing and adopting a budget for the Water Depart- ment, of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1928. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordalm as follows: Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the sane is° hereby fixed and adopted for the Water Department of the `City -of Port Townsend for the year 1928, divided in the total amounts In eamb of the following classes comprizing the whole of the budget, to -wit: as m Salaries and wages ------------------------------- Maintenance and operation ------------------------ Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the.Port Towasend'Weekly Leader, and to take effect and be in force as Iprovied by law. Passed by the City CouncilLlf� /d �h , 1927 Approved by . the Mayor 1927 Attest: 7� L o D Sri ORDINANVI No. An Ordinance declaring an emergency for the expenditure of moeny in the Polico Department of the City for the immediate preservation of order in the City, and authorizing emergency warrih-tsto be iseued in the approximate sum of two hundred dollars. Vb,ereas,R]ater Compton, Chief of Police of said City, on the 22nd day of October, 1927, while in the performance of his duties as.such officer, without any fault on his part, met with an accident and suf- fered a broken leg, by having been run into by an auto; that ever since said day, he has been unable, and still is unable, to perform his of- duties as such officer; that in order for the immediate preser- vation of order and good government in the City, it become necessary to employ a substitute, and will so continue, to perform such duties at an approximate cost of two hundred dollars to the Police Department. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do. ordain,as follows: Section 1. That an emergency is hereby declared for the expenditure of money in the Police Department of the City, for the immediate preeer- vation of order and good government in the City, and that the sum of two hundred dollars is hereby authorized to be expended for such purpose... ,Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Town-' send Weekly Leader, and to be in force and take effect five days from and after such publication. Padbd by the City Council or1: ' , 1927 Approved by the Mayor /, 1927. Attest: r , City Clerk. Mayor FILE a. DJ, �.. NOV 2 9 1927 Q F, CHRISTIAN r CITY CLERK L OIWI ;; ITCL NO. 953 An Ordinance authorizing and directing the Fire Department of the City of Port Townsend, to respond to fire calls at the plant of the National Paper Products Company. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, 'Washington, do ordain as follov u : Section 1. That the Fire Department of the City of Port To%vn- send, is hereby authorized and directed to respond to all calls and requests for assistance, in case of fire at the plant of the National paper Products Company. Section 2. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend 'Jeekly Deader., and to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. . Passed by the City Council December Gam, 1927 Approved by the Mayor De ceiaber _::VQ 1927 Attest: `U YA MayorP�9�9.� City Clerk FILED; f... DEC J 0 M7 0. F. CHRISTIAN CITY CLERK ORDTHAI"Or NO Ali ORDIIIANCE of the City of Port Towroend, vacating pert Of Sixth street from the easterly side of Sheridan Street to the vresterly side of .Cleveland Street in ':isenheis Addition to the City of Port To.wlj send. The City Council of the Citj of Port To�%,nsend, Washington, do ordain as f ollows: Section. 1. Thcat part of Sixth Street from the easterly side. -of Sheridan street to the westerly side, of Cleveland Street, Y' in Eiaenbeis Addition to the City of Port Totnisend, Washinston, be. , and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in . the -Port TownsendWeekly leader, and to talcs effect and be in force :five days from and after such publication. Passed .by the City Council, January:za, 1928. Approved by the I:iayor, Tanuary lY 1928. MYOR ATTEST: Ci ty Cl e rk An Ordinance declar.inG an emer;ency and aut:wrizing the e:cl)endi- ture of a,)proxiisately „300.00, for tile repair of the biillchead on the South side of :'ia:Izington Street between Tyler and roll: Streets. `ihereao, it appearing to the City Council that the bulkhead on the South :side of :,ashin,;ton Street between Tyler and Poll: Streets, is no, in an umoafe conciit,ion, on :i.coount of the unusual Pali of rain during; the last ferr inorithZ, -.7hicir iia znc:.e..:.oed tile tvei&rt of the earUi reJting here against, and ha!i cause-d i;he bulkhea(i to slide, a:"1d thereby endunc-cr the safety of the ialblic travel over the sidewalk constructed anti used thereon; onu t'iat an emergency exist:, for the exrenditure of appro,cil:ately JPJ.00, v:hich could not have been fore- seen at the time of adopting the budget for file year 1928, and that the iim,iediate repair of" said bulkhead and the replacing the sidewalk. thereon, is an absolute neceozity for the protection and safety of the }public travel thereon. The City Council of the Ciiy of fort 'io"inzend, do ordain as follows Section 1. That an emergency exists and is hereby declared, and the expenditure of al:proximately the sum of J300.00 is hereby author- ized, for the repair of the bullclieac! 0;1 the South iite of 'Washington Street between Tyler and folk Streets,',�nd the replacing; the sidewalk thereon, and that said im,)rover.�ent is hereby authorized, and that emergency warrants are hereby authorized to be issued for Quch purpose. See -Lion 2. That'.:this Ordinance shall be -oublished once in the Port Tol.-nsend ':leelcly Leader, and to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. 7:assed by the City Council January�� , 1928 A, -,Proved by the z: %-yor January l�;zu AT PEST : 'City Cleric I,layo ORDIII;�ITCE NO. AN ORDIIT;XC311, accepting; the bid of the National Paper Products Com- pany for the lease of that part of the water -works and system of the City of Port Townsend lying' outside of the city limits 'r As described in resolution passed by the City Council and approv- ed by the Liayor DeceiAQr 13th, 1927, Laid directing; the 1. yor and the City Cleric to e.iecutQ such lr ase. Tim CITY C OiiNC IL OIL 'T I-M CITY OF PORT T 9.71TS3,11TD D025 ORDAIN AS k OLLOWS : Section 1. That the bid of the National Paper Products Company for the lease of that part of the water -works and system of the City of Port Townsend lying outside of the city limits, as de- scribed in resolution of the Mayor and City Council passed and approv- ed December 13th, 1927, be and the same is hereby accepted, which bid is in words and figures as follows: "January 10, 1928-" "The City of Port Townsend, "Port Towneend, Washington. 'Gentlemen: "The National Paper Products Company hereby bids for the lease for a period of thirty years of that part of the water -works and system of the City of Port Townsend lying, outside of the city limits, described in the resolution passed by the 1Uyor and the City Council on the 13th day of December, 1927, on the terries specified in said resolution, as follows, to -wit: "The undersigned bidder will pay a total rental of said lease for said thirty-year term of Four Hundred Sixty Thousand (,460,000.00) Dollars. "The rental for each year of the first twenty- six years of said term shall be Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars, paid seem -annually in ad- vance in payments of Dive Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars each. "The relit to be paid for each year of the last four years of said term., to -wit, for the twenty-seventh, twenty-eight, twenty-ninth and thirtieth year: of, said term, shall be'Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars per year, which total rental of Two hundred '�liouuuncE k;20U,000.uu) Doilars for saia Laut tour yearn of said term shall uc %aici ire aavanec V11 thitz thirty auys afzer the e_,ecution 01 .ILLia leuiro by rao uncicrsiL ned ui cLuor. "'ibis bid ib accowni!,nied oy our certified check in the swn of ;p4,600.00, payaolo to tho oruer of the laity of port `lovnisend, which check shall ue forfeited to said City if our oid is accepted and :c fail to comply therewith within the time specified for such compliance by sections 9513 and 9514 of Remington's Compiled Statutes of the Stato of ;ILW111116t0n-" "Yours traly, ii.ATIoivAl, PRODUCTS C;01,21.6 Y, .by 0. D. Gelleroach, Yresident." Section 2. That the L:layor and the laity Clerk of the City of fort Tovmsend be and they are iiereoy directed to exe- cute a lease of that part of the vrater works and system as describ- ed in said resolution, which lease shall be in the following form; THIS II EPITTUMt OF LEASE, made this day oi'::,� 1928, by and between the CITY OF PORT '2O%',1NSLiTD, a municipal corpor- ation of the State of ;Yashington, hereinafter called the city, party of the first Part, and iNATIONAI PAPER PRODUCTS 0011PAgY, a corporation, hereinafter called the Lessee, party of the second part, WITITF,SSE TH; 1. The city hereby .leases to the Lessee that Dart of its water -works ancL system lyinL; outsiae of the limits of said city, more particularly described as follows; The present head -works and the diversion dam on bnow Creek, in Section h, Township 28 ilorth, Range 2 West, 71. id., Jefferson County, 'Jashington, and the pipe line and right-of-way leading from said head -works and diversion dam in a general East- erly direction to a junction with the new pipe line to be con-, strutted from the Big tJuilcene River in the iiorthwest quarter of the Southwest juarter of ;section 1, Township 28 Korth, Range 2 West, %V. 1.1.; also the head-vrorks and diversion dam to be erected under the plan or uystenz known as the "hid t)uilcene Water ; xten- sion 11roject,1' which dam is to be constructed across the big ttuil-' Gene River immediately below its confluence with 'Funnel Creek at ' 2. n u a point approximately b7.:0 feet ',lest and 1440 feet north of the projected Southeast. corner of i:eetion 31, Tovinohip 27 iuorth, Range 2 Jest, ;'r. M., and within the Olympic rational Yorest, Jefferson county, ';lashington, together with right-of-way to oe acquired and pipe lane to be constructed from said 'head -works on the ssig C�uilcene in an Easterly and Southerly directioni to tale 6outh liz:c of aectiou 66, :eawrnship 237 Runge 2 .rest, ! and thence iii a . ortriexly, ,ior��lxeauterly or l;orthaesterly direction to a junction with the present pipe line from Snow Creek, in Section 1, Township 28 idorth, Range 2 Wiest, 'J. ::i. ; thence in a portherly direction across Section 6, Township 28 North, mange 1 ';rest, '0". id., to the Korth line of said Section 6; thence paralleling the City of :port Totnsend's present water line from Snow Creek (known as the Olympic Gravity ;rater system) in a general ijortherly direction to the Southerly boundary line of the City of fort Townsend; also the storage nasin formed by City Take, situated in Section 19, Tovmship 29 north, Range 1 West, 57. 11., together with the real estate owned by the City of -Port. Townsend surrounding the same, described as the iortheast Quarter (iroj) of the ;southeast Quarter {S��), the Southeast Quarter (SB ) of the Northeast Quarter (NMI ), and the South Half (S-) of the northwest Zuarter (MU-j) of the :southeast 4,;uarter (SaIL), all in Section 19, Tovniship 29 Korth, Lange 1 'Jest, ;T. xi., togeth- er with all viater rights, permits, easements, rights-of-vray, diver- sion works, pipe lines, storage oasins, reservoirs and all other equipment and appurtenances of every kind and character, real or personal, used or useful in connection with the operation of the portion of said system. hereinbefore described, whether now ovrned uy the City or hereafter acquired; uut excluding any pipe lines used in connection with the same to supply customers of the Ulty of Port 'Tovmcend outside of said uity, and excluding any part of said water -works and system within the city limits of the city of kort Townsend. s. L r= 2. This lease shall be operatiVe and in force for a period of thirty (30) yoars, ueGinuing oix the Virst day of June, 1928,, and expiring on the 31st clay of ,z-Ly, 19a8; i�rovided, that if the portion of said water -works and system hereby leased and descrioed in Ordinance Flo. 947, icriovm as the wig Q,uilcene ';later Extension Troj ect,', shall not have been completed on or before the First day of dune, 1928, then the tcr,u oi' the lease mall commence on the day zhe ,jig Qui.i.ceno ':later Extension Project is completed and has begun to supply vrater to its fuil reasonable capacity, and shall terminate the same length of time after the 31st day of i;ay, 1958, as the completion of said project shall be delayed beyond June First, 1928. 3. the Lessee shall have full possession, control, use and enjoyment of said part of said water -works and system here- by leased throughout the period of said lease, except and provided that the City reserves from said water supply flowing through said water -works and system a quantity of water sufficient to serve the demands of all present and future consumers served by the city, either within or without the liaaits of said City, including such water as may oe needed by the City for its ovm purposes, not exceed- ing, however, at any time, the raaximubi amount of 11our i-Allion (4,000,000) gallons of water in any one day, 'which grater so reserv- ed shall be taken oy the City at the city liroits, by the Uity there maintaining a connection with that part of the ti'rater-works and sys- tem so leased; t'rovided, however, that the City,•at its .option, may make one .connection vrith said water -works and system at a point outside of the city limits for the purpose of obtaining water to supply to ifadlock and Irondale, which crater so supplied to riadlock and Irondale shall be a part of and included in the four !Allion (4,000,000) gallons of water reserved uy the City as aforesaid. efte 4. A I a Jity at F inc, 14C tery of Juid IOU00 whoald KOZO If t1i. t d1iri to develop the.watur surpli nom snow crack to muet its additional municipal outer needs, the Uszoo skull, upoA request of the city, enter into an agreement that the Jitj may so use the Snow Creak' water eupply and that the City way build a pipe line along the right of way, hereby leased, to the Ulty, for the purpose of aonductitg frOU OnOW UMUR Q 0 01tV =7 thC 1WOOL 04-11 O"COUtO an& deliver to the OiQ, whun ao auqu6ited by thl 007 all naaeucary sub -leases, assigmaonts and tranofeva to afford, to the Ulty the full use and enjoyment of the Snow Greek water eupply, in addition to the four million gallons daily reserved to the City from the Big Quilcane Water Extention Project 4. The maintenance and repair of thit palt of the water -works and system hereby lease& Mich is known as the 5 Big' - NMI q, [?,uilcene slater _lxtension _Crojeet," as describad in Ordinance iio. 947, shall devolve upon the Lessee, and the Lessee shall, at its own cost and esc_)ense, maintain and keep said crater -works and system known as the „hig Q,uilcene ',later Extension project," in good and reasonable state of repair at all tunes, reasonable wear and tear, deterioration and obsolescence excepted. The maintenance and repair of that _)art of the vmter- wzorks and system kziown as the "Olynipic Uravity 'Water System," with head -works on Snow Ureek, shall devolve upon the Jity as 'lessor, and the City shall, at its D:ni coat and e�e_pense, maintain and keep that part of the leased property in such a state of repair as shall be necessary and proper, so long as the sane continues to be used in connection with said system; but the City, at its option, may discontinue the use of that hart of the system in connection with that part of the system leaned bo the Lessee. a. The rent to oe paid uy the Lessee under this lease shall be as follows, namely; The total rental for said thirty-year term of this lease shall ue Four hundred aixty Thousand ($460,000.00) Dollars. The rental for each year of the first twenty-six years of said term shall be Ten Thousand (;)10,000.00) Dollars, which rental shall be paid in semi-annual installments of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, the first installment to be paid at the time of the commence- ment of this lease, as provided in 2aragraph 2 hereof, and the succeeding installments to be paid semi-annually thereafter during the said first twenty-six years. Tne rental for each year of the last four years of said term shall be Fifty -Thousand (:j50,000.00) Dollars, which rental for said four years, amounting to Two Hundred Thousand (;�200,000.00) Dollars, shall be paid in advance by the Lessee to the City within thirty (60) days after the e;cecutioii of this lease by the Lessee. a 6. in case tire Lessee shall fail to pay any install - inept of rent at the time alien tire scv:ie shall fa:Ll due, in accord- ance with the provision3 of this ivasc, or shall otherwise fail to perform any of the terms and conditions of this lease, and such default or failure shall continue for a period of sixty (GO) days after written notice and demand, specifyiiig the amount of rent due or the nature of the default or failure claimed oy the City, shall nave been personally sorved upon the Lessee, then the City shall have the right, at ito option, to terminate this 'lease and to re- sume possession and control of said leased property; Provided, that in case of any dispute between the parties in respect to the non-payment of rent or in respect to any claimed default or fail- ure to comply with the provisions of this lease, no forfeiture of this lease shall ve declared oy the City while the Lessee is proceeding in good faith to have the point in dispute determined by any court of competent jurisdiction, and provided, further, that payment of saia installments of rent shall, at the option of the Lessee, oe suspended for anti during any period or part of said term during.ahich said leased _property, oy reason of the failure of the City properly to make necessary replacements, shall fail to function or to supply the lessee with the quantity of water which it would supply if such replacements were made. 7. The City covenants, as lessor, that it, the said City, if and when requested oy the Lessee, will make, execute and deliver all assignments and transfers of water rights and ~water permits and all other assignments and transfers necessary to afford to the Lessee full enjoyment. of that part of said water -works and system hereoy leased, reserving to the City the first Four ili.11ion (4,000,000) gallons of water daily from said vrater-works and system. ,Ae City hereuy covenants that, said water -works and system, Then the ,iigr juilcerie `.later i;xtension Project is completed, will carry and aeliver at the poiiit of diversion to the properties of the lessee, near the aoutrierly limits of said City, not less 6. r� u r; . than x'ourteen ,:Lilliou (14,000,00U) gallons of viater daily, at a head of not less than One Hundred Seventy -rive t0b) feet. B. The lessee agrees that it will not sell or other - :rise dispose of any of the water tai;en oy it Prow i3aid water -works and system hereby leased, in competition with the City of fort Townsend, and that it will not use 'said crater except for manufac- turing, power and other purposes solely in conueczion wlt'i-the manufacturing Bites and yplants of itc;c;lz and/or of its subsiuia.ries at or near Dort 'Tovmaend. 9. All the provisions, germs and conditions of this :Lease shall oe binding, upon and accrue to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties to this lease. IN 'WITtF.,SS 711EREOP , the City of Port Townsend has caused this lease to be executed in its name and 'behalf, by its mayor and City Clerk, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affix- ed, after due proceedings had in accordance with law, and the said Rational _aper Products Company has caused. this :Lease to be executed by its officers thereunto duly authorized and its cor- porate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year herein first above written, in duplicate hereof. CITY OP PORT T07,1175MED, 111ayor .attest. Uity Uler A'A'1'I0111i1 PAPM PRODUCTS CO:+wA?AiY, BY - Its resident Attest; Its Secretary. 7. � r ` STATE, OF *JASTIL'iGT(M �b COUNTY OF ITxFFER301d ,eIIIS IS TO (;11!RTIPY% That otl this (Lay or , 1928, before me, a notary Puulio in and for tine b'tate of ldashindton, duly eo�:u;iisoionod and sworn, poroonally appeared to ine knoem to ue the i;;a.yor, and , to me knovm to be the City Clerk of the City of Port To:rnsena, :;he munici- pal corporation that executed tho within and foreUoing lease, as lessor, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and vol- untary act and deed of said municipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned., and each on oath stated that lie was authorized .o execute said instrwnent, and ti'm-t the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. ',;r nlEss my Aand and of lclal sewL 6he day anti year in this certificate first aoove ,mitten. 110 4ary i'uu1c in an'd i or .the State of 'Jashin-ton, residing at Port Toimsend. STATE OF C:LuI ORIII IA ) SS CITY A10 COMP OF ) SAIT 1'-RANCISC0 `11IS IS TO I'll-IRTIFYt TAat on this day Of , 1928, before me, a notary Puulic in and for the State of Califor- nia, duly cojmLi.ssionecd and sworn, personally appeared , and , to ;ae knovm to be the President and Secretary, respectively, of national Paper Pro- ducts Company, trie corporation that executed the within and fore- going instrument, as lessee, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary J'unlic in and for the 6tate of California., residing at San California. RM ■ section 3. This ordinance i shall ue puuliohed once in the sort To,,nsend lender, out shall not take effect and be in force until approved oy the• voters of the city of Port T omsend at a special election to be called for that purpose in accordance with the statutes of the State of IdashinGton. .Passed uy the jity council, janu ry 11, 1928. Approved uy the „ayor, January 1$, 1926. Approved. by the Ult Attorney, J'anuarY 1928. r city Attorney' .Filed cw. Date of PublicationZd 2 9. ■ ORDIMli•TCE ?10. A.l�i 0��1rE NC3 proviuiii , for a special election to oe Held ill the (dity of Port 'Yo,;nserid on i euruary 1928, and suu- xuitting to the voters of the City of fort Townsend at such / election for their approval or rejection, Ordinance iao. 7,:1G entitled: "AnUrdinance accepting the bid of the i+ational taper ProClucts Company i•or zhe lca,.ce of 1:!"t part of the vrater-,corks and system of the Civy of Tort Townsend lying outside of the city limits as descriueci in resolution pass- ed uy the city Council and approveu uy the „iayor December 13th, 19211, and directing; the Lfayor and the City Clerk to execute such lease.° THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIC, CITY ON :SORT '1(LTUb LM D030' ORDAIN' A8 POLLO-.VS ; Section 1. A special election is hereby'called to be held in the City of Port To-unsend in the several established .voting precincts therein, on i`ebruary 1.9, 1928, At said election there shall ue submitted to the voters of said City for their approval or rejection, Ordinance il'o. 9J�G , entitled; "An Ordinance accepting the bid of the ivational Paper 3-,roducts Company for the lease of that Dart of the grater -works and system of the City of fort Tosmaend lying outside of the city limits as described in resolution passed by the City Council and approved oy the i,;ayor uecewber lath, 1927." Section 2. Said proposition so submitted shall appear on the ballot in suhstantially the following form; 1. � 0 '40.. %. Shall Ordinance 1�0. 47,� , entitled: "An ordinance acce_itin, t,ie Did of the �iational caper iroducts Cuidpany for the lease of that part of the water -works and system of the City of Port Twmiuend lyiriG outiside of the ciTy limits as ctescribed iii resolution passed uy the City Coun- oil and approved by the i:ayor December 13th, 1927, and di- recting the i:ayor and the City Clerk to execute such lease," oe [LVproved or rejected, lahich ordinance provides for the leasing of part of the water viorks and system of the City of fort 12ownsend lying outside of its city limits, to the national Paper Products Company, for a terra of thirty years, for the total rental of ;1;460,000.00, of which }260,OUO.00 is to ue paid in semi-annual installments of $b,000.00 each during the first twenty-six years of said term, and the balance of the rental, amounting to w200,000.00, being the rental for the last four years of said term, is to be paid in advance by the 'lessee on or before thirty clays aster the execution of said lease by the lessee, which lease shall oe in the form set forth in said Ordinance iio. �.S'� ? For approval of said Ordinance iio. FSZ ........... CJ For rejection of said Ordinance iso. S6 ........... Any voter who wishes to approve said ordinance shall place an "XH in the square to the right of the words "For approval of said Ordinance iio. Any voter who wishes to vote for the rejection of said ordinance shall place an "X+' in the square to the right of the words "For rejection of said ordinance Lio.9,S-Z.It 2. Section 3. ;'he pulls of said e!ecLioti L;hall oe open at 8s00 O'clock, :,i. and :Tall reiiiain o i::iZ until B-00 u'c1ocl: u.M. uo�cice o:" ,;aid i,lccz i on ;,;.ull oe 'ouoli:ishcd in The Port ';:oSmsend. ,ieekly Loader on ! euruary oru, 1y28, lreuruary loth, 1928, and-Weuruary 1'lih, 192U, and such notice ue poaLed in each of the votin8, places hereinafter derigneted, at least fifteen days prior to said election. ._Jec c iall 4. 111 i;hu i:11L: .:1-1,J Q1 S i;y Of c.hti 70 i:Crs votin;_; at :;aid election vote Zo approve said Wa2u the zaiie :shall thereupon be executed uy the -'.mayor and City Cleric of the city of Port ToNmsend on behalf of said City. Section 5. 'his Ordinance shall. oe published once in the Port Tovinsend 'deezcly and shall take effect and oe in force from and after rive days after its puulication. PASSED by the City Council, janu<?.ry 1$, 1928. r'1YPIROV''D by the 14--yor, J'a.nuary 12, 1928. litt8E3t: �Ciz,r Clerk Approved oy i.her1i/A-Aztorney, January '1 �/ City Attorney ,Piled Dat of 3. _A 01 1, t n vo. 1 3 f 1 V 0 c, ' and 1r,.-,on ­rte,cl C,_t IF f i r c a n d Tb, Cit-, �i,.ncil rf V­ rf -'ort To%,mczt-?n_t do cti V'r -1 i C,f -2 r- 91"all 'us th,c :iu';,, C-f all -a ns t vc,h 1 c7l e c f --tn,r or ".cs mo i lr,-,,, C:,; " _c .. 3 :f t110 O'L t 1".) 1 u 1: t 0 1- ent, 0 n _an,i 6. e 0 Cw L- Ct I city' .el f:: a 0­110: of in a"c­ :c w I as - c, a.-,! r 54an ce, 1: cut 7 F�, pro 0- Z�ed C -'S e OtiQr- Z* ljl�rn the 5 5 i n f t*11c, 'i-'e atus p•4JYfiz! c it C1, .I bc 1;1 .": f,L: 1 lox any r I e to I. c o t. 11 _5 a r 14 u G e z c c 1) t, vehi cl c a stir 'vir, 7,e7ron r,27 vehi volunt PLI r d�_­;,; %:cj:A)erc 7 f thp ci� l-eas than --a an d it s al tv 1-i" fc 2ny, ca:L�n is drive c.nd ro. or t,r,, velli 01 n, -,-;'L 't :? hin cm, "block of ti t�,e inc t'. t "­.-c is en:, %1.7ed in e,,-tinliish- z lire a�:!�aratuc at u a -f-15e, 0 Ot i a n 3 7, 1 v c 57 _-Ci::c is enca.-ed in I ni, a::i mi-u i z h J n_ a ft,, ,'O, it 3�L,11 be iml :1 fax any y.e.,.,zon c.r. r ira cn,,3 tc abc_,,tl tv!fire or for cro-.-,,ds t,-. cor,,re,to T7i'Inin, inc, 'Clac', O-L', `,�he fixe Z"�7-i,axat,ua, bat u � al 1 t c s du1,!_-_- '6.A-1 fire free and ,I:,Ch al.ea c1car so th-e firp :1,--r1,,.'_-14-�t1iE' ::z, ..ow t,- fro,,., the fire 1­,-­�­._naEs or G f;ction C� fire als­ the C,.;* V,. 2: c h i c1l c s i 'i c, n c s t, 3 C,, 0 i t �.3 t. r o 1, 1- t U;`ire `ire c:.Cna 1, t11 0 :,ft t, llc+ -:1.10 O'd a-, S 'e 4. C, a of all O,i or, Any r c J ca? ary f t e P, c:C jo, 'S. O^ COCl J Protisanntnt in t1he cit"y jail -03: In 1 -. C. t to O"Ceed 30 days oz- Ix t" a u ch f -1 e and ir.prizormcnIU. 6, t G­.;irance ',:c- 11 n the five frur, an. aft-2, c c Feb'.-UarY 7th `,e riebruarY 7th iS2? 1. T7 T City C11,:6, ORDTI,AI':C14 l:a._ 959 .'.n Ordinance accepting is l).ro;:os3ed perpetual easezlent ugreersent, granted by the CbrfL. R, ExCo.rm wl; Lumbcr Comi,<.•ny, of, to the City of fort To,rneend, to Iny c•nd inr,inta,in a pipe, line for tl-,e transportation of viater over nd across the 1. nds described in Laid easement agreement, e.nd authorizing the l.:n.yor assd City Clark to ex- ecute such easement Pgre,,ment. no City Council of the City of Port Tn�vn���nd, 1`�achinL;ton, do ordr;in an follov:a: :rct:c.n 1. That the City Council do hereby a.ccopt the proposed perne teal eas ernen t a greemerz t, granted by the Chas . . lic Corrrzacic Dumber Company, of Delr:.Nvrre, to the City of fort Townsend, to -lay and maintain a pire line for the trzrUportation of wr-.ter over nd across the lands described in said ea,ue:ment agreement, and authorizin and directing the Hayor and City Clerk to execute such ersenzent agreement. Section 2, That this Ordinance shall be published the i'ort.Tovmeend yonder, and to be in force and talce effect s ..A, fmve days from end after the date of such publication. Passe& by the City Council lay 15th 1928. Approved" by the 7:ayor i,ic+y _ 16th 1928. A tter8� - 't' Mayor . r, '. City Clerk. S [n D aP m --t S tin Z r3 to m m p M -0 D M D n � � N to rn -C -o S m V- rc'c1ci. and f Case C. -rc ar, J. i t, 0i;Imcj.l cf V: (,f -nrt dc, - be i:"a Cie Cl ar, d o 2 "n, CZ�, 't-C City vo 1 2 n + e t. C-t, on al* - C) -at c Sad.1 ty cc nII tc; t c (Alrb a.- z 1U, c a ---:J. C; ';c-, c- d f c of "n, :as as c "I' a iY c t c C; c r c ce o �1 e d fcr a `.istanco cf a t I cL t t klicn 2. Vi a!:,. a L 0, a :V, it "Z'C, f C) aTl,r f I , _. -, � 1! �- - .." 't -, T- i. � - ;. . �. .4. 4 -L t- L, 0 -, s C, r, o 2., ve*- i -,L e tc -J-(, 3 2 t"C fi :ic% c c t v c i i C-1 0 Z) d� vc I l n' vi, -t es than. o 0:, a:-- CL i t all Ice f v 1 01 any lo ciz of the to La7 4 Ve r P. an aatcynobile or c� V c v- li i cl c -Lthin one, L, - _r �, -L -� 7, t - u i si at, t I-.. e '. i r, t is en:' "-,cc ir. e:�uin- n a tire e ct ion J. 11 ovn v e 1: --Fi 1-0 U C—Zi2--ed in 0�,- e:�tinoaisl;ilv a i .11 be upla,.,.rful 'o:: any 1'ercon cx rc-ri3c:-ns tC ELI;C,Uu t 7r f i z 0. ap -0 t U 6 C, r f 0 x cro-,-�0 C.. 0 ds tc COY: r-,nr- f jl.j, -ri::e -L:, C" , axe: 1 all ,-i-,--es t:-:c fire '-e 1:ept free and a e a 1! so 0 t"-: a t e a -f U1 tO fire it.. c I.; t I n J r an cc, c 0 c 17. i ar E. fixe al—n�c, the a-e =i�� i-.tus va ve t "!,-d e re velli d'es Lrron 'C s I L. U tc-1 c' a %,ici a L 01 An,, 'ion of all e T 1'.: cf r inazi ce --h -11 •C, j � r 7 v z-, 't, 11 e 0 t 17; C ns an Or 1-w-y irlpribcnmbnt in th e City j u 11 fo 3: c - tc e:C,.eed 30 days CI' by such line and iT.lh.riscmicnt. C, :, :1, in L L!-- f i tl70 f2:czr. 1%tc c- zr-'. on. a n.7 a f t i.-:c Cit- februaryth IS2? 7 tk %c February -Z---, A T IT C i t ■ 0 pRl)7i;f11:'Ci', i'0. 95g rn Ordinunre accepting n pro„o�cil perpetuo.l eacieinent agreement, granted by the Chr•E:, R. B:cCorwach Lumber Ccmjzj ny, of Delel;, to the City of Port Townsend, to lay rncl maintain a pipe line for tile transportation of crater over c ncl aci o a the is nds doecribed its EAid e€ Fement, agreement, and authorizing the i,Ayor and City Clerkto ex.- ecute such easement agreement. The City Council of the City of Port Two rnniind, Wachington; do nrdr+in as followa: �ection 1. That the City Council do hare -by accent the proposed perpetual easement a�;rcement, �rrctnted Uv the Chas. R. 1SeCaL ek . Lumber Company, of Delewc,re, to the City of Port TownserA, to lay and maintain a pipe line for the trJbportotion of v&n.ter over F: nd across the lands dencribed in said easement.agreement, and a.uthorizin° and directing the 13ayor and City Clerk to execute nuch ercurnent agreement. Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once, in the Part Tounaend Lender, and to be in force Pnd .take effect ftuve days from a.nd after the date of such publication. Passed by the City Council 1,Iay 15th 1928. Approved,. 'by -the }mayor Bray 16th. 1928. titter, t Mayor 'City Clerk. o-.,mu AIiCF, �0 .-960- - An Ordinance acoe7_,tine a pro1,osed j)erl1et.u,a cacc:.:ent aureernent C;ranted by the Ohcts. It. T•tccorn:.ich LtmI)cr Cariq�a.ny, of hpiar;z��e, to the City of Porn. Townsend, to lay wind t:uair�fair. a nine for the transportation of water over and acroc; the lends described in said easeii;ent agreement, with the obligations t.hereln provided, and author- ining the Mayor and City Clerk to execute such eacement agreement The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, `lashington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the City Council do hereby accept the perpetual easement agreem nt dated the 24th day of April, 1928, granted by the Chas. ll. jicCormick Ltunber Corau,Lny, of Delaaare, to the City of Port Townsend, to lay and maintain a pipe line for the transportation of eater over and across the lands described in said easement agreement, with all of the terms, conditions and obligations therein stated, and authorize and direct the Mayor ELnd City Clerk to execute such easement agreement with such terme and obligations as therein provided.. :section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to be in force and take effect five days from and after the date of cuch publication. Passed by the City Council June 5th, 1928 Approved by' the 1 ayor June 6th., 1928 Attest: City Clerk Lis r .: t- Ij 950 Tax levy for 1928 (Special) - - 951 Budget for 1928 (Special) 952 Emergency expenditure for police department (Special) 953 Authorizes and directs fire department to respond to fire calls at National Paper Products plant (Special) 954 Street vacation (Special) 955 Emergency -expenditure to repair bulkheads (Special) 956 ,Accepts bid of National Paper Products for lease of part of waterworks (Special) 957 Provides for special elections (Special) 958 Regulates travel of vehicles on streets in case of fire alarm (Repealed by 1525) 959 Accepts perpetual easement (Special) 9.60 Accepts perpetual easement (Special) /961 Licenses installers of electrical wiring (Repealed by 1525) 962 Street vacation (Special) ti 2_ 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 9_80 .✓ 9 81 982 983 984 985 986 987 98B 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 169 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed oy aaia) Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) Adopts 1929 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1929 (Special) Appropriation for street improvement (Special) Declares an emergency of the waterworks (Special) Restricts embalming and cremation within certain de- signated limits (5.16) Purchase and installation of boiler in public library (special) Purchase and installation of pump in library heating system (Special) City engineers compensation, appropriation (Special) Street vacation (Special) Establishes curb grade (Special) Enlarges police department (Special) Streetvacation (special) Creates office of building inspector (2.12) Designates city engineer ex officio plumbing inspec- tor (2.12) Emergency budget appropriation for 1929 (Special) Street vacation (Special) Street vacation (Special) Establishes street grades (Special) Water department budget for 1930 (Special) 1930 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1930 (Special) Street vacation (Special) Establishes rates for dog licenses (Repealed by 1525) Appropriation for gravelling streets (Special) Amends Ord. 894 (Repealed by 1525) Appropriates money for purchase of fire equipment (Special) Sewer construction appropriation (Special) Emergency appropriation for water fund (Special) (Special) Grants franchise (Special) Street vacation (Special) Fixes salaries of named officials (Not codified) Adopts plan for waterworks improvement (Special) Emergency appropriation to fire department (Special) Authorizes wharf construction (Special) II 0-1•diII l:l.".'.: re;1 1 1 ^llcer'. :,Ind C-01'1''U 1'". i;it'n (.:Il',:' '?.11� :Il , ..1:]' i rl'k i1 I'. , t:?' C:-,'t'JT l t11 Ol: tl7 ] bL).F..- ] e:..:i of a1.t02.ili1-1 i r!' i-1,inr I, f3 ltl'r] and 0 'C3r,-li;10n C)f, i.'1.C:C-L3':IC'-L '1?'.i.I.$L, C"onlwc t.J Vl-l.`: , fi=_%IIr^r; W", ' • u 7 �-' r -i 1 tic': Y• r�� r+ 1 c1 EC i:i'if t' 1 - _.I PrjC' -- ill bu rl ll�w Iad t) t.)7C'C' t. 't C t.l .� :'fi't�} n the City Of i-ortw7•`wn:'entl; :! ':•ilif" td7t:-.11101111t 0., i rC' i'oc fu. Euoll .L]Cr:IISiC� and providing <t -,.'C'n;JAv 1''ll' urdinan0e. ?C City C11111Cil Of thO City of 1'01't 't'k7'."BSIi Vd, do c,-ru� Cr 1i o ur ,. i11..1 Ih i l ertsQn, firm 0r C(.ir1.or..1.'t7.on, i.o (n;,i*; to 3n l:;i7i'O1r. U1' c ry on t,l) c 1,1;.7t1130:3 of placing t,l' inst" , or t;) c' uf:E: o?' i.`J b(t pl' ce(5 or in- stfll.l.ed, in ny buil_tiinC or o'ltur :a is Tic.'t;rC '.:3 t}girl Cit'Y of tort iO�Yl1:E;rlfi, y 17iT1Il�;, i'.Z;il-r`c-,t1)1`, pl' fi1:tUz'E):i fC):i tli+.: u)-'e 0f el.Cct1'i�- C1i;y, or I-ake -,r to Ct u uu ()]' _ I-:r1.11 t, tU 1)i: 1.-1,7 a, :.lnl' c.i tor:.'dons o$ cbange in, nr ftdai.tion to, any vii- ing, 2'[',''Zart twl or f ixtures for such use, without first lh�.vine obt� fined alioerir3e sotodo. 'CsectLon 2. ')r-,t thi, fee for the Licence required by.secLion 1- of tlhiq ordinnnee be 11-he slurp of Fifty Doll rfl slhall, Ze 1or i.l)e 1�Ezriotl E)'r one ynr�.r �rrmi tho cltite; '.'f' s•11e isc:tvince thereof. C. •e�ction 3. ^t11:1.t anD versUn, firm or c:ori,c�'tion desiring to obtain the license herein zlrovided, elhrlll first pay the city trernuxer tk1'e amount of the 1-icenwe gee heroin l)rovided, rmd t f-,t upon the pretion to the city clerk, the tye- stlrer's receiut for 1 u4:c1�,.� ttt ,'tine c i ty c l lit th i ',Ileh Ii.cersu ;.3i.^.7. I.` f,ubj,,'Cis 1,11+.'. "OV):.'30r,;� U.!' C''ice' UZ-'LI11+!-11GC re VI o3, tl7T;t: T'r i1c ll r pusoad 1'•', V1'. City council, rc- C.111 tinE; ol.�)g in ' a ,l r: ty - +cCt".?UT7 ,�''3'llt tiC+t:}]'!n� :[n tl;�.Z Q?J.t'i:',t:CC: feii;'1..�. l;e C'rjri ''-A.11 d to .rohibit Lr.y t7c. 6,ojt1f Jll iii1-t 3"i1.: C1s'li liJi:.0 lils;_'_, l:0tLiza 11Y m,,i6e---fi or intctnde to ro,;,-Jde „ .00n v.v co7if11}l£'ted CG t•" on Of, �l;c )3'Qt: J.:_ 1QiiS• L 1 i 1+ L:_ y : ", �.> i„+,t.,+ C7 t•� J_�y U �. Z' � Ord1nF_.LhCt; 3. .}.� i _ t ,..,. misderoennoi!, and capon corvir. JL a cm be f ivied in ;my sutr, .not exceeding 4nt; Eli Dul.l.a rs (:,.3.00.00) of iii�_ 1•? `ti on Zile fit in the city Jail, not eyceeciin thirty d tyf , or both sucli fi3�e and im- pry f;onTnen t, Eection G.Tbat t jA3 orctinince f- 4al;l. be pbl:1.shed once in tl'te Port Townsend Le;,der, and to be in forceandtr�,lcc effect 'Live days from •�'nd otter such rrublic�tion. Passed by Vin City Council .Tune 5th 1928 .A-::llroved by the i, +yor June 6th , 191-18 Attee t:. ( ._ ------------ City Clerk. Ilay L) 16 ORDI t,�12 cr ro . 9G2 An orclinrcnce or a -he city of k'oru ,ownae:nd. vacating part of 8th Street in Eisenbeie Addition to the City or Port Townsend: The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Waohington, do ordain as followE: Section 1. That part of 8th Street froi:i the easterly aide of Sheridan Street to the westerly aide of Cleveland Street the same being between loto 4 and j of bloolc 210 and. loth 1 and % of block 220 of Eisenbeis Addition., be and the scene is hereby vacated. Section 2. Provided, however, that unleaa the construction of a building is corwtieneed upon the premises described above within two years from date, this ordinance to be null and void, otherwide to be in full force and virtue. section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Tovin2end Leader and to take effect and be in force rive days from and after that publication. Passed by the City Council Tune 19, 1926 k-oproved by the mayor Sune O 1928 Attest: s� City clerk 1 CD 'i p i-) a CD :d . D Y f o C+ m � ro N y f co SR . fj lD Cf r �4 ^ 'm I -A CD C) I'd 00 CD CD p (D (D &a (D (D CD 1-3 CD CD C—a oo.; co 1 ORDIN OB NO. 964. An Ordinance fixing the salaries of the City Treasurer. City Clerk, and City Attorney, for the two year term of office, beginning on the first day of January, 1929. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the monthly salaries to be paid the City Treasurer, City Clerk, and City Attorney, for the two year term of office, beginning on the first day of January, 1929, are hereby fixed as follows: The City Treasurer, the monthly salary in the sum of $100.00; the City Clerk, the monthly salary in the sum of $100.00; and the City Attorney, the monthly salary in the sum of $100.00. Section 2. That this Ordinanoe be published once in The Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force on the first day of January, 1929. Passed by the City Council August 21, 1928 Passed by the City Council over the Mayor's veto, Sept. 4th, 192$. ATTEST: City Clerk a Lai cl�, bd UQ 0 0 Fj 0 ORDINANCE do .. 9 6 Z An Ordinance fixing and adopting the budget for the City of Port Townsend for the year 1929. The Pity Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the same is hereby fixed and adopted for the City of fort Townsend for the year 1929, divided into the total amounts in erch of the following classes, comprizing the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and wages-------------------------------23,30.11 Maintenance and operation------------------- ---- -$23, o51,.01 Capitol& outlay --------------------------------- 7,4�6.75 Interest and debt redemption------------------- $--93.7_.QO Suction 2. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and take effect and be in force as provided '.. by law. - Passed by the City The foregoing Ordinance having been presented to the Mayor on . the 5th day of October, 1928, and the Mayor having foiled to approve or veto the same within ten days, the said foregoing ordinance has gone into full force and effect without the Mayor's approval. Dated this 16th day'of October, 1928. .Attest: City Clerk b4- tj Cn tu ct ORDINANCE No. 966. An Ordinance making and fixing the tax levy,for the City of Port Tomnsend, for taxes for the year 1929. The City Council of the City of Port Tovncend, Washington, do or- dain as follows: Section 1. That there are hereby levied upon all the taxable prop- erty in the City of Part Townsend, Washington, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designs- ted for the year 1929, and the rate of taxation upon the assessed valuation for such purpose is as follows: First, For the payment of current expenses of said City and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of Sixteen Thousand, Nine Hundred Forty- six and 28/100 Dollars ($16,946.28), and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at-eic-hteen (1S) mills on the dollar. Second, Fox the payment of interest on Bonds, first issue, the sum of Four Hundred Seventy and 73/100 Dollars ($470.73), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one-half (z) mill on the dollar. Third, For the payment of interest on Bonds, second issue, the sum of Seven Hundred Six and 09/100 Dollars ( o6.09), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at three -fourths (j,) mill on the dollar. Fourth, For the Bond Redemption Fund, first issue of bonds, the sum of Four Thousand, Seven Hundred Seven and 30/100 Dollars (.$4,707.30), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at five (5) mills on the dollar. Fifth, For the Bond Redemption Fund, second issue of bonds, the sum of Nine Hundred Forty-one and 46/100 Dollars ($941.46), and the rate of t tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the dollar. Sixth, For the payment of Indebtedness of the City of Port Townsend, known as the "Indebtedness Fund," the surn of Five Thousand, Six Hundred Forty-eight and 76/100 Dollars ($5648. 6), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fired at six (63 mills on the dollar. Seventh, For the purpose of maintaining a public library, end for the Library Fund, the sum of One Thousand, One Hundred Seventy-six and 82/100 Dollars ($1176.82), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one and one-fourth (11) mills on the dollar. Eighth, For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park, and for the Park Fund, the sung of Nine Hundred Forty-one and 46/100 Dollars ( 941.46), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the dollar. Section 2. That the City Clerk deliver a certified copy of this Ordinance to the county assessor and county treasurer, of Jefferson County, Washington. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October 3rd, 1928. Tihe fore-oinc Ordinance haviTiE_; -:'. `r_n pre vented to the i ator on the 5th day of October, 1 28, a.nd the ;ta.yor having failed to approve or veto the same within ten days, the said fore:oinrJ ordnance has -one into full force and effect without the Mayor's a.qnroval. Dated taie 16th day of October, 1y28. Attest: City ClerE-. pj to P. tzi OR • to ORDINA110E 140 967 An ordinance declaring emergency for appropriation and expenditure of for the improvment of Morrison Street, between Jefferson Street and the 6tate Highway, and authorizing the issuance of omergency warrants for thepayment thereof. W II L R E A S, it appearing to the City Council that an emergency exists for the immediate improvment of Morrison street. between Jefferson Street and the State Highway, to accommodate the pressing necessity for the transportation, trade, and commerce thereon, and the appropriation and expenditure of the sum of for thepayment of labor and material for such improv- ment; and issuance of emergency warrants in payment thereof; and that such appropriation and expenditure was not comtemplated necessary at the time of making and adopting the 1928 budget of the City of Port Townsend. NOW THEREFORE: The City Council of the City of Port Town- send, Washington, do ordain as follows: SECTION I, That the City Council hereby declates that an emergency exists for the immediate appropriation and expenditure op of the sum of for labor and material to be used in the improvment of Morrison 'Street between Jefferson Street and the State Highway, and such appropriation and expenditure is hereby author- ized, and the issuance of emergency warrants in payment thereof. SLCTIOB II, That the ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force five days.from and after the date of such publication. Passed by the City Council Nove nb:�r 9-th, 1928 Approved by the Mayor ���, �� � 1928 •a ATTEST: 5E_ City Clerk Fes.,- O O n a ti cntitr C- tr © r-j �10re a - o Q to r. a � Pb Ca ORD11:AEGE h0. 960 An Ordinance of the City of fort Townsend, declaring an emergency ,for the imniodinte appropriation and oxpenditure of money.for material and supplies to be used for the maintenance and operation of the distrib- uting system of the water works of said City, and tho issuance of emergency warrants in the payment therefor. 'i,horena, it duly appearing to the City Council that an emergency exists for the immediate appropriation and expenditure of money for the purchane• of material end supplies to be used, in the maintenance and operation of the distributing. systori of the water viorks of said City, in the sum of y350.00, and tho issuance of emergonoy,warrants in payment therefor; and that suoh emergency appropriation and expenditure of money was not, and could not have. `. been reasonably oonterapinted at the time of making and adopting of the 1928 budget for the Crater works of said City; Nova Therefore, The City Council of the City of lort Tarrnsend, V(ashington, do ordain as follows: Section 1.' That an emergenay is hereby declared for the inmiedimto appropriation and expenditure in the swa of ."350.00, for the purchase of material and supplies to be used in the maintenance and operation of the . distributing system of the vrater works of said City, and the issuance of emergency warrants in said sum is hereby authorized. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Tovmsend . Leader and to'tako effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. , Passed by the City Council December 21st, 1928. Approved by the Mayor DecemberiGr( , 1928. ATTEST: Mayor _ City Cleric 14 0 it 0 C ct, ts C4 cil r— It C chi C tv ti p co a CP3 It cn 0 E ORDIIIA140E 140. 069 Ali ORDINANCE restricting the use of buildings within certain designa- ted limits in the City of Pert Townsend as places for the conduct or carrying on of the business of embalming or aremation,, mortuaries and providing penalties. ''rnshin�ton, The City Council of the City of fort iewnsendJ`dT ordain as follows: Section 1. That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any,. person, persons, firm or corporation within the limits of the City of Port Townsend, save and except the area hereinafter designated,.to use any building of any kind or deGeription as a place for the conduct or carrying on of the business of embalming or cremation, or as a mortuary. Section 2. The area excepted from Section 1 shall be as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of ''balker and Front streets; thence along the west side of 'Walker street to Vlater street; thence along the south side of Water street to ?elk street; thence along the west side cf Polk street to Washington street; thence along the south side of VI& street to Taylor street; thence along the east side of Taylor street to Jefferson street; thence along the south side of Jefferson street to Hudson:stxeat+; thence al;ongothia wedt efde of Hudson street to Front street; thence alenc= the north side of Front street to the place of beginning. Section 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating,_any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty -of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine or net less than One Hundred Dollars, or to imprisonment in the city jail for net more than thirty days, or both ueh fine and imprisonment. Section 4. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force from and after five days after its publication. Passed by the City Council February 8 , 1929 Approved by the Mayor February 11 , 192.9 • Llayar ATTEST: �- City Ulerk P b O 4 N• Z N� a y w cn� cm - prqa a P QOR "d Co- n w 1- P z 0. Q. d W Q to o w cr os W m n F+• F+- ' ORDZNAVCL NO. 970 An Ordinance declaring an emergency for the appropriation and expenditure of the approximate sum of 4400.00 for the purchase and installation of a npw boiler for the Public Library building of the City, and authorizing the issvence of emergency warrants in payment therefor. Whereas, it duly appearing to the City Council that the boiler in the heating plant of the public library building of said city, has become completely worn out and unfit for further use without -the safety of life and property being imperiled; that; it is necessary that a now boiler be purchased and installed in the heating plant of said library building without unnecessary delay; that there are not our ficient funds in the library budget for such purpose; that the event could not reaoonably have been foreseen at the time of matting up the library budget for the year 1929; and that an emergency exists for the expenditure of the approximate sum of $400.00, and that emergcnoj7 warrants are hereby authorized to be issued for such purposo; Now, Thereforo, The City Council of the City of Port Totirnseiid, 17ashington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That an emergency is hereby declared for the appropriation and expenditure of the approximate sum of 1400.00, as estimated, for the purchase and installation of a new boiler in the heating plant in the public library buil- ding of said city, and that said sum is hereby approprlatod for such purpose, and emergency warrants are hereby authorized to be issued for paid sum and purpose, in the estimated sum. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council February 26th ,1929 Approved by the Mayor February _27 th=__,1929 ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk. CD erCR K n 0 42 tom• fi �a . y° a - s ►a 950 Tax levy for 1928 (Special) 951 Budget for 1928 (Special) 952 Emergency expenditure for police department (Special) 953 Authorizes and directs fire department to respond to fire calls at National Paper Products plant (Special) 954 Street vacation (Special) 955 Emergency expenditure to repair bulkheads (Special) 956 Accepts bid of National Paper Products for lease of part of waterworks (Special) 957 Provides for special elections (Special) 958 Regulates travel of vehicles on streets in case of fire alarm (Repealed by 1525) 959 Accepts perpetual easement (Special) 960 Accepts perpetual easement (Special) 961 Licenses installers of electrical wiring (Repealed by 1525) 962 Street vacation (Special) 169 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) 963 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed Dy 1*za) 964 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 965 Adopts 1929 budget (Special) 966 Tax levy for 1929 (Special) 967 Appropriation for street improvement (Special) 968 Declares an emergency of the waterworks (Special) 969 Restricts embalming and cremation within certain de- signated limits (5.16) 970 Purchase and installation of boiler in public library (Special) 971 Purchase and installation of pump in library heating system (Special) 972 City engineers compensation, appropriation (Special) 973 Street vacation (Special) 974 Establishes curb grade (Special) 975 Enlarges police department (special) > >', 976 Streetvacation (Special) 977 Creates office of building inspector (2.12) 978 Designates city engineer ex officio plumbing inspec- tor (2.12) 979 Emergency budget appropriation for 1929 (Special) 980 Street vacation (Special) /-981 Street vacation (Special) 982 Establishes street grades (Special) 983 Water department budget for 1930 (Special) 984 1930 budget (Special) 985 Tax levy for 1930 (Special) 986 Street vacation (Special) 987 Establishes rates for dog licenses (Repealed by 1525) 988 Appropriation for gravelling streets (Special) 989 Amends Ord. 894 (Repealed by 1525) 990 Appropriates money for purchase of fire equipment (special) 991 Sewer construction appropriation (Special) 992 Emergency appropriation for water fund (Special) 993 (Special) 994 Grants franchise (Special) 995 Street vacation (Special) 996 Fixes salaries of named officials (Not codified) 997 Adopts plan for waterworks improvement (Special) 998 Emergency appropriation to fire department (Special) 999 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) ORDIVATICE 110.-�2 An Ordinaneo of the City of Port Townsend, declaring; a necessary emor- geney for the appropriation and expendituro of money for the purchase and in- stallation of a pump for the heating; system of the public librr+ry of said City, and the issuance of emergency warrants in the payment therefor in the sum provided in this ordinance. Whereas, it duly appouring; to the City Council that a necessary emergen- cy exists for the appropriation and expenditure of money for the purchase and installation of a pump for the heating system of the public library of said city, in the sum of y200.00, and the issuance of emergency warrants in the payment of said sum, payable from the public library fund of said city; and that such necessary emergency appropriation and expenditure for said purpose could not have been forenoon or contemplated at the time of making and adopting of the 1929 budget for said library; now, therefore, The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, i5ashing;ton, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That a necessary emergency is hereby declared for the appropriation and expenditure of money in the sum of $200.00, for the pur- chase and installation of a pump for the heating system of the public lib- rary of said city; and that the issuance of emergency warrants in said sum of $200.00, is hereby authorized, payable from the Public Library fund of said city. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take affect and be in force five days from and after such pub- lication. Passed by the City Counci Approved by the Mayor �� � C� .1929. Attest: ~ City Clerk. Mayor. on �e on cn t-t, o .. cr o ca :ro • . Fes., .d . ■ to ^rdinnncc of i.lic• Cii'.;' end, der.l:.rinL:. •mod necessary emex�,cncy fnr tl.e - t ! rf i ri.•tlnn 7f 11:117Cy, Cli ,he City en;ineerrs ecrl;;;en t ,,n n.nd r.ece ::al c:c;:'i L?.1;ee,ltJbnr Incl. :l,0terial, for j;cneval ev it;c:cring and f(,r U,L: v:nater r.atr:l..nt, i .i;7 city, c!nd the iAeumiCe Of erwr�ency vr` r'_ntl: ill! j`C�I��Yi` 't'c:.'^,;f,,r, n;f;l:f.rl.C1 fro -IT, the Current ":':.pence Fund Ond tl•,e Olymlie rravit.y --ter •':nr:cN Fund, of sn,id city, as :rovided in this ordirance. :Ihex•ea.s, it duly appearing to ine city cnuncil that a necessary cmerLency exis:tr fr.,- tho apt )YoyJri; tian �f r,trn,.y, f,.r t.iic city engineer's compcnw:.tien and necesEa,ry assistance, lr-ibor and material, in connection there;-:ith; for and fr:•. the •„ater department, of caid city, in the rium of ;'��� .__ nna the issuanS�-e� of emergency . warrants in the yayment of I;.: id swn, " nd tre :sum of ';�JO, �o payable from the Current lxnenoe '.Fund, nd tl,c stnl of Gt7,�p , p. yable from the olyrnpic Gravity 'Wq:.A:s ?Fund, of said city; :nd th,'.t :such necessary emergency ay'plpprx:.t,ion z:nd c.;ium-litlare, in .:,-,i-d e1.m, fejr the purijoaar, afore-3aid could not been for4sesn or centemr,l;:ltFd at the time of nk.l_ing and cdnl,til.g of tl:e 1�-28 budget fo the Current Lxpr;nlae Fund : nd the Olympic Gravity dvtcr ',',orke Fund, of s id city; rov.-, therefore, The City Council of thw City of port Tiwnsend, %VcLoh ing ton, do ordo in an follows :=ecticr, 1. That n necessary errer•Lency is hereby'declared and authorize fo'• the apDropriation and expenditure of money, in the sum of ; G�!,d0 , fnr t;:cl city en'-incer's conpensr.tion and necessary assistance, labor rind material, in connection t' erewith, for general engineering,and for the virter der•artment, of cr:icity; and thvt the iosw.nce of emergency in e id corn of UG'.&Li, is hereby authorized, the Cum e1 �OD, c9O_, t.' y,'ble f?','. the urrQnCt Txk:enoe Fund, r:d the sum of `;,�. Lz, i:- y .b1c :"_.;m t);ra n1ym,ic Jravity "lln'ter " orkc fun(J., (I"-!' .air? c i f,j . r'ectior, 2. Th;-t thi: c,rdirl: nr.e to y:ul)li--bed n1:C� in, e fort Tr,:,I;I:end Tu:der, ,,nd to tahc ci'fcct ,:nd be in force five days from and after such publication. ;:. Kati::cd by the City Council l22 Pyprpved by the Ai,yc,i• !'.ttest: City. Clerk o #0 0 0 0 P p a Is 0 cr 70 P. 0 (3 cl. 4w 50 CJL ts Gq 0 .05 µ. ID- 13 S 17 016)Lt,i�;CL ';U. � 7.Z. 11 le Cit,-,,, I f 1 Cl r cf liorce .street frog} t',..- of Valt -!(.L—; -Vrt to the L11 I Ct c a'.' Id ilt ; ::u tI. f"- t - I I Tc- cilia do Chu 0-1 1 0 f t a- f vile ..... . ;icctiurl 1 '21hat jx;.It of -,�,-Yeot 'J1,011 the northerly aide ful V:-j btrec t. tc the nortIc. ,nd of �uirl Pierce strQet, be- afi(I io hereb.; vacut-edL. coa-1kia-iice be I)ubli��hed ciice U the pert 2ciiijend Lezadr-�.r uiod tc -ahe effect a!id bo ill -force five (5). days from fu n d after ou cl i p. u 1) 11 c,,:,. t i on City rlcuneii 1 tiy r-r..iproved. by the Attest: Ulty uIeTE 'm . M -}� H.N.i✓ �'. K'r:f^. !'•�- ��L...�.t' �� ��' '•''4.:#• •iOJ:,/,J�9"F-�,�'�:.'�j,.-L2 yy�,`.'.'a 'Zi`.i/Ys`...'i .. : =1 i. ,"r� _ C:� %. �" .'�: f' r.''�i _ _ . � . r < � : r`•.:Y=:: ^elf..µ .✓C,r '�.'•G:: ..-�T��4S T.:l.Lati-i i'CJS-y r]+.�1 ...9.`; ..: .r!�: r•�� •� '�y� � f..'; •_ r'i. t:' ♦ .•J.;/.. .. Ft ct• O O Orr N O aN to t7 0 o Go act I cf o c m m -x M 0) O N • In, ct OPD1 ith2? CEE U0 . ALT ORDINAITCR es tabs ishing curb grades on Adams street betvreen Water and I'Vashington streets in the City of Port Tosmsend and repealing; all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting, herewith. The City Council of the City of Port To•r�nsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the curb grade at the intersection of the north property line of Water street and the east side of Adams street be and the same is hereby established at the elevation of 3.45 feet above city datum; That the curb grade at a point on the east side of Adams street 166 feet northerly from the north property line of Plater street be and the same is hereby established at the elevation of 5.48 feet -above city datum; That the curb ra a at the intersection of the south property line of 17ashin�ton,and the east aids of Adams street be and the same is hereby esta bliss ed at the elevation of 7.29 feet above city datum; That the curb -rade at the intersection of the north property line of Plater street and the west side of Adams street be and the earie is hereby established at 3.45 feet above city datum; That the curb grade at a point on the west side of Adams street 166 feet northerly from the north property line of 17ater street be and the same is hereby established at the elevation of 5.48 feet above city datum; That the curb grade at the intersection of the south property lire of Washington street and the west side of Adams street be and the same is hereby established at the elevation of 7.58 feet above city datum. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port To,tireend header and be in force and effect five (5) days after the date of the ftblieation. k. passed by the City Council May 741 1989 Ap;; roved by the Mayor 'iay , 1929. :iayor Attest: —�_ --- ---city Clerk g a LA .93W 04 a ca ■ * 1• ORDIIi,d;CE iiO. � r� OiiDIIir.;XB of the City of tort "cernsend enlar�irU the Police Department of said city uy the addition of ono patrolman, providing far the apprcpri.tieii of wonuy horn t,:e Current expense fund for that purpose, fixing the ceripensaticn to be paid and declaring an emergency. WHr;iiEAS, it appeurs to the City Council of the City of yort Townsend that to enable the Police Department of said city to properly function and n-,aintain eontinucas and effecient operation in the preservation or order that an additional patrclman be employed by said city and that for such purpose., it will be necessary that an emergency appropriation be made; that the sum of 'P690.00 is a reasonable ouin to be appropriated for the. 'ourpcse aforesaid and tht:t such necessity could not have been reasonably fereeen at the time of the malting and a4ting the 19P.9 budget for the Current E7,pense Fund of said city, and that a public emergency nov; e ists, ther efere, The City Council of the City of Port ',cwnsend, dashington, do ordain as follows: 6ection'1. That the Police Department kff of said city be and the same is hereby enlareed by the addition of one patrolman. aection 2. Lhat the cempensation for such patrolman be and the some is hereby fif_ed at the sur:r of $115.00 monthly. Section 3. That a public emergency is hereby declared and authorized for the appropriation of the sum of �69U.00 for the purposes entuaera.ted iri uectiens 1 and of this ordinance; that the issuance of emergency warrants in said sour of k690.00 is hereby authorized from the Current e._pense fwhd of r;aid city. Section 4. That this ordinance be ,ublishod once in the Fort Tevaisend Leader and to take effect and be in force five days from and after such paolication. Pas;_ed by the City Council May 19L9. .approved by the Yayor ;:uy xki= �, I'J2SD. I'Layor .attest. City Cleric ct, G G*4 aIJ, ts o to ct, p a►t�S'© 0. 0 04 is ct. ORDIIdAVO wo AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port To snsend vacating a part of a street in Johnston's Addition in said city. TYE CITY COTINOIL OF TFE CITY OF PORT TO};'TdSEND DO ORDAIN as follor.s : Section 1. That portion of 28th street, as abandoned, in front of lots four'(4) and five (5) of Block seven (7) of Johnston's Addition to the City of Port Townsend' to the north side of 28th street as now located and established, be, and the sane is hereby vacatad'. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in fo rce ' five days from and after such 1-ublication. Passed by the City Council June fir' �, 1929 Approved by the Mayor June .��.. , 1929 ayo r Attest: s ��_� =__City Clerk. ct, SIP • � Gv 'lit ft y ts p . W y � iirtrt ►S x <0 it' ct A ORDINPNCE NO. 977. AN ORDINANCE creating the office of Inspector of Building and Electric Wiring, and designating and constituting the City Engineer ex-dffieio inspector of building and electric w1 ring. The City Council of the City of Port Toirmsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby created the office of inspector of Building and Electric Wiring. Section 2. That the City Engineer is hereby designated and constituted ex-offidio inspector of building and electric wiring. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council June 16, 1929 Approved by the Mayor June 19, 1929. ATTEST: �v t Mayor City Clerk. ::•+,+�3'�•- ti�' ^r': :t��. •a' wrM :��'=;�r. .Y'7 ':[T`. "�•:--•,:�. �,'�,.:.�..•�*y' .a.S"';�,;4?e.,rr`�u:!_�rh:1i"�i��':wtir.•1�1'���:aM:.- _ *:s,:i.`,S, S�:i,y�%• J ♦,ri .�,=:;3 •y'y;':�r•,'•:�'_ .�-..:;:• `'_`..+. v�E•:i�'+.� `•w .,.. 'F.7;h+:z:,, ,:.7 t.. t _ J ct td p. O H.. t c� rQ N• O . O A p C• Cu O W G9 Q � ORDINANCE N0. 978. AN ORDINANCE denignating and constituting the City Engineer ex-officio Inspector of Plumbing. The City Council of the City of Fort Townsend, Washington, do ordain RE follows-, Section 1. That the City Engineer is hereby designated and constituted Y 1.' ex-officio Inspector of Plumbing. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force five days from and after suoh publication. Passed by the City Council June 18, 1929. Approved by the Mayor June 19, 1929. ATTEST. a Mayor City Clerk. •t ... ... ^�,_y.: ��; ,.,.,.l.�...,_ �-; :i �N,Sec.�:-;'r �•. :.••yt�•,':�.V1Kzai;�r O G O O ct rHi m � ct N• K a . y - m ORDINANCE NO. 9 AN ORDINAITCE of the City of Port Tavnsend providing for the appropriation of money and ostimating the same, itemizing and classifying the expenditures and declaring an emergency. INHLREAS, it nam appears to the City Council of the City of Port Toamsond that the continuous operation of the City's business in all departments shall require the expenditure of money not provided for in the budget for the year 1929, and, WHEREAS, such doficioncy and the conditions and circumsL-ances which require the expondituro oil additional money could not have boon reasonably forosoen at the time of the adoption of said budget, and, WHEREAS, an emergency now exists for the expenditure of approximately the sum of $650.00 upon the Current Expense fund of said City, therefore, The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, ;Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. - That an emergency is hereby declared for the appropriation of the sum of $660.00 as estimated and hereinafter itemized and classified as follows: For the City Clork's Office: Salarios and wages - clerk hire $200.00 For Volunteer Fire Department: Payment of members for services at fires 300.00 Incidental expenses ................................... 100.00 For City Fall Department: Fuel (wood) ........................................... 50.00 Section 2. - That the above sums are hereby appropriated for -such purposes and emergency warrants upon the Current Expense fund are hereby authorized to be drawn against said items. Section 3. - That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council August 1929. Approved by the Mayor August U' 1929. Mayor Attest: G� `7 lCity Clerk. _ - '"•>;'r .:'-,:.- C•i `,.sC�t'Y�: �+„�"#:%,;:i_y-: �.o;+.. „::: r:-�`icai ^•..a `.s:=G .:.w�Ytyi7 -i'-' ,'-". :_j.r :`ii `i=•�. �.: :.�.a_=i:i:-e .`:_':;'; _;rT^ ,l.Y...:,-:r �' -- 1-%'f•^•:C-. •i1Y - -.1' i - 1 ct cf� h3 O 'J f; ct C3 '.7.' 0t{ A �p [h W w d r6 0 ORDINAUCE NO All ORDIVARCE of the Oil, ,.,, ty of Port Tonsend vacating parts of certain street in the Original To,,irnsite of said city. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT T07,,,T.qEITD do ordain as follows Section One - That the follo.-inC naraed parts of streets in the Original To,.-.-nsite of the City of Port To�,*neend be and the same are hereby vacated, to -,,,,,it: The parts of Fran'-:lin, Jefferson and Washington streets between the east line of Jackson and the outer hartor line; The part of Water street between the east line of Jackson line of East Front street; street and the west li The rart of Front street from the east line of Jackson street and the west line of East Front street; Parts of Huddon street between Block 50 of the Original Townsite and Block 1 of Tideland District No. 11; between Block 47 of the Original Townsite and Block 1 of Tideland District No. 12 and between Blocke 1 and 2 of the Original Townsite; Clallam street between the south line of Lawrence street and the south line of Front street; Clay street between the west line of Clallam street and the outer harbor line. Section Two - That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after such publication. -st Passed by the City Council Awgl.. AIC, 1929. Approval by the Mayor August 1929. Attest: �L_t_TL7,,,_1City Clerk 'a<}'.K.4'.•µ'. +r. - •r• .V•. :Y�: - �..r..•:eii.•A:.t;:i`-",_;r.r,��.�::.r� ;r• ..:,��c�;;:. �;;tir_.�r�.�!.',};.. .���«e_.1 `:;t' �%. '�.�-i'. `_;,4. i,l:::l. n" -.� � `F' `; {.•: - ..7�=�, s..^—,K;nC,- :�„.- �4:r`-`K :r^.. .`;?� `:.� : ):2.'i �...•.: :. m . - 950 Tax levy for 1928" (Special) --. - •._.__ __ 951 Budget for 1928 (Special) 952 Emergency expenditure for police department (Special) 953 Authorizes and directs fire department to respond to fire calls at National Paper Products plant (Special) 954 Street vacation (Special) 955 Emergency expenditure to repair bulkheads (Special) 956 Accepts bid of National Paper Products for lease of part of waterworks (Special) 957 Provides for special elections (Special) 958 Regulates travel of vehicles on streets in case of fire alarm (Repealed by 1525) 959 Accepts perpetual easement (Special) 960 Accepts perpetual easement (Special) 961 Licenses installers of electrical wiring (Repealed by 1525) 962 Street vacation (Special) 169 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) 963 Amends Ord. 752 .(Repealed oy ine3j 964 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 965 Adopts 1929 budget (Special) 966 Tax levy for 1929 (Special) 967 Appropriation for street improvement (Special) 968 Declares an emergency of the waterworks (Special) 969 Restricts embalming and cremation within certain de- signated limits (5.16) 970 Purchase and installation of boiler in public library (Special) 971 Purchase and installation of pump in library heating system (Special) 972 City engineers compensation, appropriation (Special) 973 Street vacation (Special) 974 Establishes curb grade (Special) 975 Enlarges police department (Special) 976 Streetvacation (Special) 977 Creates office of building inspector (2.12) 978 Designates city engineer ex officio plumbing inspec- tor (2.12) 979 Emergency budget appropriation for 1929 (Special) 980 Street vacation (Special) �481 Street vacation (Special) 982 Establishes street grades (Special) ;- 983 Water department budget for 1930 (Special) 984 1930 budget (Special) 985 Tax levy for 1930 (Special) 986 Street vacation (Special) + ��( 987 Establishes rates for dog licenses (Repealed by 1525) 988 Appropriation for gravelling streets (Special) 989 Amends Ord. 894 (Repealed by 1525) 990 Appropriates money for purchase of fire equipment (Special) 991 Sewer construction appropriation (Special) 992 Emergency appropriation for water fund (Special) 993 (Special) 994 Grants franchise (Special) 995 Street vacation (Special) 996 Fixes salaries of named officials (Not codified) 997 Adopts plan for waterworks improvement (Special) 998 Emergency appropriation to fire department (Special) 999 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) X,': OliUii;s.?:C%. of the City of Port Townsend, vacatin6 pert of "U" Street between the Easterly- si ae of Walnut ,Street and the meabder line of Admiralty inlet &nd lyinE betwecn Blocks 104 and 103 of Petty - groves Second Addition to the city of Port Townsend. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, :,ashington, do Ord -',ill 0-S f011OWs: Section 1. That part of "U" Street between the Easterly side of Walnut Street and the Leander line of iiW iralty inlet and lying be- tween Blocke 102 und 103 of Fettygrove's Second Addition to the City. of Part Townsend, be and the some is hereby vacated. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the :fort Townsend Leader, and take effect and be in Force -five drys from and s after- such publication. PASSED by the City Council, Septembex.17th, 1929. .kkPPROVED by the :«yor, September 17th, 1929. fox• r L oR ATTEST• City �ler7: ORDINANCE NO. 982 An Ordinance establishing street grades on certain streets in the City of Port Tovnisond, Washington, and ropealing all ordinances and parts of 4rdinnnees in conflict horevrith. The City Counoil of the City of Port Townsend, Washington do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the grade of the center lino of Taylor Street at its inter- section with the center line of Lincoln Strout shall be at an elevation of 104.70 ft. above City datum. That the center line of Taylor Strout and tho intorsootion of the North line of Lincoln Street shall be at an elevation of 104.33 $t. above City datun. That the center lino of Taylor Strout and the intersection of the South line of Garfield Street shall be at an elevation of 102.50 ft. above My datum. That the center line of Taylor Street and the intersection of the North line of Garfield Street shall be at an elevation of 103.16 ft. above City datum. That the center line of Taylor Street and the intersection of the South line of Blaine Street shall be at an elevation of 113.14 ft. above City datum. That the center line of Taylor Strout and the intersection of the North line of Blaine Street shall be at an elevation of 114.24 ft. above City datum. That the center line of Taylor Street and the intersection of the South line of .. Roosevelt Street shall be at an elevation of 143.50 ft. above City datum. SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That this Ordinance be published on+:e in the port Tavnsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five (5) days from anf after such publication. Passed by the City Council September , 1929 Approved by the Mayor September / , 1929. ATTEST - � itayor -- City Clerk:. p � � � � ' - � . - •' - Fri. F:. d . G m O O rL as to GO O N ct 4-3 cc S� � V • � m O • C!7 ORDINANCE NO. � An Ordinance Fixing and Adopting a Budget for the Water Department for the City of Port Townsend for the year 1930. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Waahingron, do ordain as foll6ws: Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the same is here- '':'' by fixed and adopted for the Water Department of the City of Port Tovmsend for the year 1930, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages w 7,590.00 „ Maintenance and Operation ............................. 5,025.75 Capital Outlay ......................................... 619.00 r. Interest and Dept Redemption ..........................$ 44,750.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Town- send Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October, 1929 Approved by the Mayor October. , 1929 ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk. cu ct. 1. Cl- td It CIR 0 I ib cf- Vt O ct co O C) 11 CA • 0 ORDIN&NCL NO. �<f An Ordinance fixing and adopting the budget for the City, of Port Tovmoand for the year 1930. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the same is here- by fixed and adopted for tho City of Port Tovmsend for the year 1930, for taxa- tion purposes, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages .................................... $21,945.00 Maintenance and Operation ............................. 14,726.25 Capital Outlay ............ 1,245.00 Interest and Debt Redemption .......................... 13,861.00 r` 'Seat ion 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Town- }:+;` send Leader, and to take effect and he in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October , 1929 Approved by the Mayor October , 1929 Attest: �� 1 r L% . tom'%L'= G••L.��it�.0 City Clark. . . . . . . . . . . T G V1, SD C3 tz cm CD 1P. cQ C4 • ORDINANCE NO. l_,� • AN ORDINANCE making and fixing the Tax Levy for the City of Port Town- send, for taxes for the year 1930. The City Council of the pity of Port lownsond, 1.7arhington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there are hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Tavmsend, Washing -ton, the folloivin6 sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes heroin designated for the year 1930, and the rate of taxation upon the assessed valuation for such purposes is as follows: First: For the payment of current expenses of said City and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of Eighteen Thousand, Forty -trio and 32/100 Dollars (alB4O42.32), and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at eighteen (18) mills on the dollar.. Second: For the payment of interest on Bonds, first issue, the sum of Two Thousand, Four and 70/100 Dollars (2,004.70), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at Two (2) mills on the dollar. "hind: For the payment of interest on Bonds, second issue, the sum of Five Hundred, One and 15�100 Dollars ($501.15) and the rate of tax levy for saicpurpose is hereby fixed at (�!) mill on the dollar. Fourth: Par the bond Rodemptiou Fund, first issue of bands, the sum of Two thousand, Pour and 70/100 Dollars (42,001.70) and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at two (2) mills on the dollar. Fifth; For the Bond ltedamption Fund, socond issue of bonds, the sum of Two Thousand Four and 70/100 (w2,004.70) and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at Two (2) mills on the dollar. Sixth: For the payment of Indebtedness of the City of Fort 'Townsend, known as the "Indebtedness �*und," -the sure of Six Thousand Fourteen and 10/100 Dollars, ($6,014.10) and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at six mills on the dollar. Seventh:. For the purpose of maintaining a public library, and for the Library Fund, the sum of Two Thousand Four and 70/100 Dollars (,a2,004.70), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at Tyro (2) mills on the dollar. Eighth: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park, and for the Park Fund, the sum of One Thousand Two and 35/100 Dollars, (;1,002.35), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at One (1) mill on the dollar. Section 2. That the Uayor.and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor and County 17uditor of Jefferson Comity, the fare - going tax levy of said City. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the fort Townsend WsWOW Leader, and to take affect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Cotuzcil S �f"h 1929. Approved by the tdayor (15-i �-� 1929. Attest: J ` 1 _� ;��1 /� .�. �� i 1 L.<<• �-_-�1��C7 '\J 'al�l.�{,L.]_r\2� City Clerk Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 986 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend vacating parts of various streets in the City of Port Townsend, 'Washington. WASHINGTON, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO1111SENVIX) ORDAIN AS FOL.LOVIS: Section 1 - That the following enumerated parts of streets in the City of Port Townsend be and the stone are hereby vacated, to -wit: Decatur street from the north line of Blaine street to the south line of Van Ness street; Kearney street from the north line of Blaine street to the south line of Van Ness street; Gaines street from the north line of Blaine street to the south line of Van Ness street; Van Ness street from the west line of Walker street to the east line of Thayor street; Scott street from the North line of Blaine street to the south line of Van Ness street; Ash street from the south line of "E" street to Hastings Park; "E" street from the west line of Ash street to Hastings Park. Section 2 - That this ordinance be published once in the Port Toimsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council November 5th ; 1929. Approved by the Payor November 6th , 1929. Mayor Attest: •--- -�✓'-' City Clerk Ct. -40 z mso m m d- rn r � K W ::r d O a, rct• ORDINANCE 140. 987 A1F ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend regulating the keeping of dogs within said city, imposing license fees and providing ponalties for violations thereof and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follovis: Section 1 - After January lat, 1930, it shall be unlawful to own or keep a dog in the city of Port Townsend unless the owner or keeper thereof shall have a valid and subsisting license for each such dog. Section 2 - The annual license fees for dogs shall be as follows: Each male dog, One Dollar, (U.00). Each female dog, Two Dollars, ($2.00). Each Spayed femalu dog, "ne Dollar, (41.00). Section 3 - On payment to the Iity Treasurer of the amount of said license tax and the production of the City Treasurer's receipt therefor, it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to issue a license to the person applying for the same, which shall expire on llecember 31 of the year of issue. The City Clerk shall furnish with each license a metal tag of appropriate design which shall be changed annually and upon each tag shall be the inscription "Port Townsend", together with the year in which the li- cense is issued and a number corresponding to the number of the license, and such tag shall be appended to a strap or band which the owner or keeper shall provide and place upon the dog so licensed. Section 4 - It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep a list of the names and addresses of all persons to whom such licenses are issued, with the number and character of the license issued to each person. Section 5 - After the 15th day of April of each succeeding year, all dogs found running at large without having a license tag are hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, or some other person by him appointed, to distrain and impound all such dogs, and when impounded they shall be kept for forty-eight hours, at the end of which time it shall be discretionary with him as to whether such animal shall be sold to defray the expense of keeping it, or whether it shall be killed. Section 6 - All money received from the sale of dogs shall be paid by the Chief of Police into the City Troasury immediately upon such sale being made, and it shall also be his duty to cause all such animals, while impounded, to be fed and treated in a hu- mane manner. WON Section 7 - Any owner or keeper of a dog so impounded may redeem the same within Forty-eight hours by paying to the Uity 'iroasurar the proscribed license teat, together with e penalty of One Dollar ($1.00) and obtaining from the City Clerk a li- cense and tag in the manner above described, together with an order of release; and upon the presentation of such license and tag and order of release at the pound, the animal so redeemed shall be released. Section 8 - if any oviner or keeper of any dog shall permit such dog to wear a license tag without the license tax having been paid and license procured, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and cn conviction thereof shall, for oaeh and every such offense, be fined in any sum not exceeding 'Twenty Dollars (420.00) to which shall be added the coat of prosecution. Section 9 - Any owner or keeper of any female dog who shall knowingly permit it to run at large while in heat, notwithstanding such person may have a license for such female dog, shall, upon conviction thereof, for each and every such offense, be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty Dollars (420.00) to which shall be added the cost of prosecution. Section 10 - Neither the "hief of Police nor any other person shall receive any fee or license tax by virtue of this Ordinance, except as therein provided. Section 11 - If any part, provision or section of this ordinance shall be held void or unconstitutional, all other parts, provisions and sections of the ordinance which are not expressly held to be void or unconstitutional, shall continue in full force and effect. Section 12 - All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be, and the same are, hereby repealed. Section 13 - That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force as heroin provided. ATTEST: Passed by the Uity Council November 5th, 1929. Approved by the Mayor November 8th, , 1929. CITY CLERK MAYOR 0:%DUIMIM� W. �7- 94 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the appropriation of money and determining the amount of the same, itemizing and classifying the expenditure and declaring an emergency. YMEREAS, it now appears to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend that it is for the best interests of said city and the people thereof that a purchase of gravel for the city's streets be made at this tine and which expenditure will require an appropriation of money not provided for in the budget for the year 1929, and whereas, such deficiency could not have been reasonably foroscen at the time of the making and adoption of the said budget, and whereas, an emergency ncn+r exists for the expenditure of '500.00 from the current expense fund of said city for the purpose aforesaid, therefore; THE CITY COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OF PORT TUNNSEND, 'NASHINGTOE, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 - ''That an emergency is hereby declared for the appropriation of. the sum of $500.00 as determined and hereinafter itemized and classified as follows: STREL•T DEPARTMENT Purchase of gravel i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500.00 Section 2 - That the above sum is hereby appropriated for such purpose and emergency warrants upon the Current Lxpense rund are hereby authorized to be drawn for said purpose. Section 3 - That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council December f its , 1929. Approved by the Mayor December f , 1929. fittest: City Clork !Mayor t .!. - r• - - - .,�' �r-;•• ,-�.: '. rt. '. JF� `4." ♦ y.r "a.._'_? _ f a;iy(; _":ti-�:'-�`rr':w`':='"i..';'�',.,�.S:h;i-�'?.��:`-^i�l�:.:,�=::4 '��r - -•J• > E.' 11 � . 4•.: f^.•w•'a'•sff .y' tt{.�.1. : 1"� 1' T t ' a � Q m I }� Q rl O QUn m O 9a • "i i� AIL ORDINANCE of the City of Port Tocnrr.amd providing for the appro- priation of money from the Current Expense fund of said city, determining rind elFsrifyirig the proposed expondituro and providing an omarLenef. 7111EREAS, iL now appears to the City Council of the City of Port. Tovrnsond that it is for the best interests of said city and the people there- of Lhat the fire nppnratu s of caid city be insured aL;ainat duzc,c(o By fire and collision, and thet the cost of one yonrt s promir:ra is tk:e nur. of 03.80, and, 1111EREAS, there tire no funds available in the 1930 budges: to moet such proposed experidituro acid L•hat 'the appropriation thereof could rot have been reasonably forocoon at the timo of the adoption_ of said budget for said year, and, . AUEREAS AN emergency no;,., exists for the expenditure of said sum from the Current Expense Fund of said City, for the purposes aforesaid, therefore, The City Council of the City of Part Torsrsend, Washington, do or- dain as follows: Section 1. That c+n emergency is hereby declared for the appropria- tion of the sum of 83.80 an determined and hereinafter classified and item- ized as follows: FIRE DEPARVENT. Insurnnoe for fire truck (fire and collision) ................ $83.80 Soo -Lion 2. That the above stun is hereby appropriated for such pur- pose and am emergency warrant upon the Current Expanse Fund is hereby author- ized to be dravai against said item. Section 3.' That this ordinance be published once in the Port Town- send Loader and to take effect and be in force five dayo from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council January1930 Approved by the Mayor January � �1930 ATTEST: b..- Mayor V S n -- City Clork. Z i m' 'Y O n. CP4 ttz,•t 0 1- O� tj O o a 0 f A to [F e� - ,o S 1a p cr 950 Tax levy for 1928 (Special) - - 951 Budget for 1928 (Special) 952 Emergency expenditure for police department (Special) 953 Authorizes and directs fire department to respond to fire calls at National Paper Products plant (Special) 954 Street vacation (Special) 955 Emergency expenditure to repair bulkheads (Special) 956 Accepts bid of National Paper Products for lease of part of waterworks (special) 957 Provides for special elections (Special) 958 Regulates travel of vehicles on streets in case of fire alarm (Repealed by 1525) 959 Accepts perpetual easement (Special) 960 Accepts perpetual easement (Special) 961 Licenses installers of electrical wiring (Repealed by 1525) 962 Street vacation (Special) 169 (Port Townsend 4/15/74) 963 Amends Ord. 752 (Repealed by 15z3p 964 .Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 965 Adopts 1929 budget (Special) 966 Tax levy for 1929 (Special) 967 Appropriation for street improvement (Special) 968 Declares an emergency of the waterworks (Special) 969 Restricts embalming and cremation within certain de- signated limits (5.16) 970 Purchase and installation of boiler in public library (Special) 971 Purchase and installation of pump in library heating system (Special) 972 City engineers compensation, appropriation (Special) 973 Street vacation (Special) 974 Establishes curb grade (Special) 975 Enlarges police department (Special) 976 Streetvacation (Special) 977 Creates office of building inspector (2.12) 978 Designates city engineer ex officio plumbing inspec- tor (2.12) 979 Emergency budget appropriation for 1929 (Special) 980 Street vacation (Special) 981 Street vacation (Special) 982 Establishes street grades (Special) 983 Water department budget for 1930 (Special) ` 984 1930 budget (Special) 985 Tax levy for 1930 (Special) 986 Street vacation (Special) 987 Establishes rates for dog licenses (Repealed by 1525) 988 Appropriation for gravelling streets (Special) 989 Amends Ord. 894 (Repealed by 1525) 990 Appropriates money for purchase of fire equipment (Special) 991 Sewer construction appropriation (Special) 992 Emergency appropriation for water fund (Special) 993 (Special) 994 Grants franchise (Special) .}� 995 Street vacation (Special) 996 Fixes salaries of named officials (Not codified) 997 Adopts plan for waterworks improvement (Special) 998 Emergency appropriation to fire department (Special) 999 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 1 r� AI: Ofc7Ii,f=CC; of I:i:c Ulty of Fora; To,.nau:nd Erovidic:4 for tho ajq-,ropriution of money for L't:c cor.scruL)Ucn of lai:cral scti.ers on '0ial.or ;trout from Tyler SLreot t:u Hurrir.en Strl et in said city, ostinaL-ir:g, the oxrendituro for the construction of sane and providi nC an emergency. V EREAS. at� the present thr.e, thero .ire insufficient lateral sewers rzutninC from the main trunk sewer on '.:titer Strout to serve the present and future noods of the abuttin(; property on WaLor Street botrroon the west lino of Tyler Street ehd the east lino of Harrison Strnst, and, Vr'Ii:_FZEAS, the HiGhvmy Depurt:acnt of the Striae of .ashiz,Lton coatvwplatus the hiar.edinto povinE with concrete of a portion of said Y;ator Strcct from 'iral- ker Street to Tyler Barnet, and, VIERPAS, before such struot paving; is completed it is imperative that cor- tain sbutting property on said 1'lator Street be eotulocted with lateral sevrnrs, and, MIERLAS, within the limited time it is impossible for the City of Fort Townsend to provide for the pay,wnt of the construction of such lateral sewers by any method other than by the expenditure of money from the Current Expense Fund of said city at ". emouti+ estimated by the City Bn,-ineer at the sum of $1696.00 according to his plans and specifications now on file with the City Council, end, ;'1FIEREAS, there are at present no funds available in said fund in the budget for the your 1930, and, YIxIrR,AS, such deficiency, or the reason therofor, could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of the making; and adoption of such budget, and, ViEREAS, an emergency =w exists for the appropriation and exponditure of the foregoing sum of money for the purposes aforesaid, therefore, The City Council of the City of fort Tornsond, Vinshington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That an onerGency is hereby declared for the appropriation of tho.sum of $1696:00 as estimated, and hereinafter itemized and classified as follows: SEVAM Dr IA RTLINT. Construction of lateral sewers on 'slater Striiet between Tyler and Harrison Streets according to plans and speci- fications on file with the City Council of the City of Port Townsend ................................................ $1696.00 Section 2. That the above stun is hereby appropriated for such purpose and emergency warrants upon the Curront Expense Fund are hereby authorized to be drawn against said item. Section 3. That this Ordi.nence be published once in the fort Te:•rnsend Leader, be take effect and be in force five days from and after suon publi.- caticri. Pasr>ed by the City Council � 1930 Approved by the L'ayor // t.�w , 1930 ATTLST; ayor J� - - City Clcr ll' "�'� ;3 10 (D, ci- optH $-I p F-S CD J= F1 C+ CD C'l � 0 ci- cat Fah o d f-J CD 0 CD Im C+ C+- co �, CD (D :5 FJ 1-3 cC 1-3 to CD Q P All ORDINAUCE of the City of Port Townsend repealing Section. 4 of Ordinance i1c. 962 entitled "An ordinance vacating part of 8th street in the 1;isenbeie Addition to the City of Part Tomeend. E CITY OF PORT TWiS 11&TD,,-NASH., do THE CITY, COU14CIL OF TH ordain as follows: Section I - That Section 2 of Ordinance Ila. 962 as mentioned in'the title of this ordinance, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2.- That this ordinance be published once in the Part Towisend Leader to take effect and be in force five (6) days from and after such publication. Pased by the City Council February _1g;j 1930. Approved by the mLayor February Mayor Attest: City Clerk 0:0 Aso r a cm -0 to 0 -I tv rf ct- oq 0 to ct, ct tr aq rl Pt til Fe Z:f ORDIIJANCh ire. e',3 AN ORDINiVICE of the Cicy of Port Toxnsonci, Washington. providing for the appropriation of money from the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of said City for the uses and purposes heroin sot forth, elascifying the proposed expenditure and providing an emergency. EIHERF.AS, thero is now pending in the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Jefferson County, two suits at law wherein P. J. McCullom and Marie Mc Cullom, his wife, are plaintiffs and the City of Port Townsend. and Ben Green, defendants, and WIDWAS, tho City Council of the City of Port Townaand has contracted with, the law firm. of Roberts., Skeel and Holman to act as associate ecimsel with the City Attorney in defense of said suits, and WHEREAS, it appears to the City Counoil that such proposed expenditure is a peoper charge against the Olympic Gravity Water Fund, the fund by which the City of Port Toiaisend operates in its proprietary capacity, and WHEREAS, there is insufficient money provided in The budget of said fund for the year 1930 to meet such proposed expenditure, and, WHEREAS, the necessity therefor could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of the classification and adoption of the budget for said fund for said year 1930, and that an emergency non? racists for the appropriation and expenditure of the following sum of money, to -wit: $500*00, upon, the Olympic Gravity Tfater Fund of said City, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOMSFXD, WA5111370TON, do ordain as Follows; Section 1 - That an emergency is hereby declared for the appropriation of the sum of $500.00 as estimated and hereinafter classified and itemized as follows: FOR THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND COURT EXPENSE. Associate counsel as per written contract ..................... $ 250.00 Court Costs and costs of preliminary exumination .............. 100.00 Stenographer and reporter ..................................... 150.00 Section 2 - That the above sums are hereby appropriated for such purposes and emergency warrants upon the Olympic Gravity Water Fund are hereby authorized to be drawn against said items. Section 3 - That this Crdinanoe be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council �-�+t-dzzllk, 1930 Approved by the Mayor1930 ATTEST: yor City Clerk s O p, C ' a cr • C3 40 to cr m a. ct N A' OiZDItIANC3E ORDINANCE, OF TIIE CITY OF TORT TO:7IdFF;3':D, STATE OF WASHI-iiG- TONT, GRANTING TO NATURAL GAS COR 'ORAT.l.OII Ol, 'IJ:ISJIINGTON, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIV- ILEGE AND FRANCHISE TO LAY AND CONSTRUCT AND TO THEREAFTER OPERATE, MAINTAIN, REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE A SYST „4 OF CON- DUITS AND PIPELINES, TOGETHER WITH SUCH FIXTURES OR APPUR- TENANCES AS THE GRAIJTEE, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, MAY c DEEM NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT IN CONNECTION THEREPJITH, IN, UNDER, ALONG OR ACROSS ALL PUBLIC STREETS, HIGHPIAYS AND/OR ALLEYS OF SAID CITY OF POR`J' 'TOVINSEND, FOR TILL' PM1 POSE OF TRANSMITTING AND/OR DISTRIBUTING GAS TO THE PUBLIC FOR LIGHT, HEAT, FUEL, POWER OR ANY OTHER LAI;IFUL PURPOSES, FOR THE TEMA OF FIFTY (50) YEARS. THE CITY COU'.ICIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO*i7NSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: s Section 1. That the Natural Gas Corporation of Washington, a corporation, its successors or assigns, be and they hereby are granted the right, privilege and franchise, and are authorized and 'empowered to lay and construct, and to thereafter operate, maintain repair and/or replace a system of conduits and pipelines, together with such fixturos or appurtenances as t'he grantee, its successors or assigns, may deem necessary or convenient in connection there- with, in, ender, along or across £tll public streets, highways and/- or alleys of said City of Port Townsend, for the purpose of trans - emitting and/or distributing gas to the public for light, heat, fuel; power or any other lawful purposes, for the term of fifty (50) year Prom and after the effective date of this ordinance. f, Section 2. All gas pipes, mains and other conduits which shall be laid and used under and pursuant to the provisions of this ordin ,ante and in the exercise of the right, privilege and franchise here - An granted shall be of iron, or other suitable material, and shall ,e of such dimensions as the owner fir the time being of said right, privilege and franchise shvill determine. The grantee herein, its successors or assigns, shall lay all. such gas pipes, mains and I conduits in alleys or unpaved strerts, if t,ey conJonlently can, !and said pipes, mains and conduits shall be laid in a good and 'workmanlike manner at Least etghteon inches (16") below the surface lof said streets, highways and/or alleys; and that the work of lay- ing pipes, mains, and othor conduits, repairing and maintaining the ?same, shall be so conducted and performed, as to cause the least `.possible inconvenience to the use by the public of the streets, al- leys, sidewalks, or public grounds in, over, under or through which 5said work is being performed, and all excavations in any of said :streets, alleys, sidewalks or public grounds made by said Natural rGas Corporation of Washington, a corporation, its successors or a 'assigns, shall be by it, or them, immediately refilled upon the con spletion of such work so as to permit use thereof, and all surplus earth, rubbish, debris and material of any kind promptly removed therefrom, and such street, alley, sidewalk or public grounds re- stored to as good condition as the same was before; and upon in- estallation or removal of any conduits, pipelines and fixtures and d I !equipment, the grantee, its successors or assigns, shall advise said City Council of the City of Port Townsend of the location or i. removal thereof; and that said City Council shall retain authority to direct, supervise, and superintend the exercise of all the rights and privLle ges granted herein, as to th-o work and improve- " �:ment to be done, herein authorized, and for s,ach purpose retain !continuous jurisdiction thereof. I i Section 3. In case the City of Port Townsend shall at any time ,,change the grade of any street, alley, sidewalk or public grounds Fin, over, under or through which said Natural Gas Corporation of R lWashington, a corporation, its successors or assigns, shall have constructed any portion of the work, authorized by this ordinance, It sivr ll be the dun.;; of sai�! „rantee, it-- successors or assigns, i upon three days' notice In erritin fro:: L �e Cit;., to remove, or place on thc: proper grade, at its or Lheir orrn expense and without costs to the City, the portion of staid ;.orl_ ^o affected by such change of grade. r Section 4. The right, privilege and franchise hereby granted is not exclusive and the right of the said City of Port Townsend to grmlt 111:e rights, p"ivi.legos and .frartellises to others is here- by reserved provided that such grants shall not interfere with the ,reasonable use of the rights granted hereunder. E. j Section 5. The grantee herein must- save and keep, harmless the FCity of Port Townsend from damages due to construction and mainten once of said conduits T pipelines, fixtures and appurtenances. Section G. That work under said right, privilege and franchise shall be commenced within six (6) months from the date of accept- ante •therf;of, and said work shall be completer) within reasonable 5 time. The grantee, its successors or assigns, shall begin the delivery of gas .from its pipelines herein rquLhorized to be construe ed in said City, within one (1) year from the date of acceptance; and that should said grantee, its successors or assigns, fail to comply with. the terms and provisions of this section, then, in sucl 1.instance,, said franchise shall be subject to forfeiture by the Cit- 'r Council of said. City upon due and proper notice given not less tha thirty (30) days prior to the tine set for the hoaring thereof. It- Section 7. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in 'force thirty (30) days from the date of its acceptance. The grantee herein shall file its written acceptance wl Lh the City Clork of said City within thirty (30) days after it!5 passage, and the date i of the approval by the mayor of said City; and that any assignment k of this franchise ordinance, to become effective, shall be filed � in .vivlting within thirty (30) days from the d,aLe of such assignment t � 3. i r vi th the City C]erl, of said ClLy. s Section 0. That this orOinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend header. Passed by the City Council, June / ;Lg., 1930. Approved by the Mm.ror, June / Sl , 1413o. Attest: a City. Clerk. Mayor. 4 0 a ORDINANCE No. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend vacating part of "T" street from the east line of Walnut street to'the west line of Oak street, between.Blocks 101 and, 102, of Pettygrove's Second Addition to the City of Port Townsend. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section I That part of "T" street from the east line of Nalnut street to the west line of Oak street, in the City of Port Townsend, be-, and the.same is hereby vacated. Section II - That this ordinance ioaja be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after such publication. Passed the City Council,-o� _. 1930 Approved by the Mayor , 1930. IL Vb ~ Mayor. Attest: City Clerk. I -,s,, - -�:Gt :J'; '� F.r�:'."[.�"4J �.J[-.. �s y„F�R 1�F'nrr..[.`.l �:Y3 -"'s H'3'.�F�`�o"�i �sf..`•�. �'_� :�yt ..�}: ;�L«�r-1-�'Yi 1 117 OR H , � p tJ . m C tto o CS S aQ _ 'Y. m i MDIPIAHCE NO-17.�' 4/1 An Ordinance of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, fixing.the salariee.of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, and the City Attorney,.for .:,the'.two-year term of office beginning on the sixth day of'Januiry, 1931. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POET TO,diSEND, WASHINGTON DO ORDAI14 AS FOLLO nSt Section 1. That the monthly salaries to be paid to the City Treas- urar, City Clerk, and City Attorney, for the two year term of office be-. ginning on the sixth day of January, 1931, are horoby fixed as follower . The City Treasurer, the monthly salary in the sum of �f the City Clerk, the monthly salary in the sum of a © 0 j the City Attorney, the monthly salary in the sum of $ / O �• Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Fort Town- send Leader, and to take effect and be in force on the sixth day of January, 1931. Passed by the City Counoil, � 2i�ct , 1930- Approved by the Mayor, '7e-1-1 , , 1930. Attestt Mayor City C1ork• ORDINANCE 170. 997 AN ORD1;1AiME of the City of Port Townv�nd specifiin}•- Elr.J adopting a system or plan for the making of certain additions and be�ter:l;ents to, and extensions of, the existing municipal water ;voxka system of said city, •" the estimated coat thereof as nearly as may be, sub— mitting said system or plan and the proposition and authority to become indebted for the oonatruetion of said eyetem,or plan to the qualified voters of the city of Port Townsend for ratification or rejection at the re�-UIV.T city nri.TVEZv e1O�:ctian to be held on the pith dEy of Nover,ioer, 1930, and Frovidini for the issuance and :gale of negotiable irtexest—bewrinE general indebtedness coupon bonds of the City of Port Townsend in the amount of Forty—nine thousand Dollars (;,49,000.00), and for the retirement thereof, to pay for the cost of such additions, betterments and extensions if the qualified voters at such election shall ratify the same. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section 1. That the demands and requirements for stater make it necessary and advisable that said city make additions and betterments to, and extensions of, its existing municipal water wcrks system. Seotion 2. That the City of Port Townsend hereby specifies and adopts the system or plan of makinc- certain additions and betterments to, and extensions of, its existing municipal water aorhs system as specified in Section 3 of this ordinance; declares the estimated cost thereof, as nearly as may be; and proposes to become indebted for the cost of constructing the sar::e as set forth in Section 4 of this ordinance; and does hereby submit to the qualified voters of said city for their ratification or rejection at the regular city primary election which S+ill bo held on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 1930, said system or plan of makinS said additions and betterments to, and extensions of; its said ".rater works system and authority to become indebted for such purpose and to iesvc negotiable interest —bearing general irdebtednece coupon bonds cf the City of port Townsend therefor. Section 3. That the syetern ox plan of said proposed additions and betterments to, and extensions of, said water -acrl:s'system of said city is hereby specified and adopted and the ;eti.rfiated coat thereof, as nearly as may be, is hereby declared to be as follows, to —wit: it is proposed to construct and irieta.11 a new eaot iron ;ripe and untreated wood pipe trunk main from the point of intake of the city's supply line at the south city limits thru the streets of said city to the two ex- isting concrete reservoirs situated. on blocks twelve (12) and thirteen (13) of 'Mountain Addition to the City cf Port Tvanoend. The parti- cular route and sizes and cha actor of the pipe proposed in the new oonotruction shall. be as follows, to-rrit: a new 16-inch untreated wood pipe main beginning at the end of the present 20-inch steel main supply line at the south city limits and running; to the intersection of the west line of Fisenbeis Addition and 9th Street; thence along Gth Street to its intersection ;pith Sheridan Street; thence northerly on Sheridan Street to its intersection with 19th Street; thence a 12-inch untreated mood main along 19th Street to its intersection with Blaine Street; thence along Blaine Street to its intersection '.yith Kearney Street; thence along Kearney to a connection with the present 12-inch cast iron main. Beginning again with a 12-inch cast iron main connecting with the present cast iron main at the corner of Tyler and dater Streets; thence along dater Street to Monroe Street; thence with a 12-inch untreated . wood main along Monroe Street to its intersection with Roosevelt Street; thence along Roosevelt Street to ita intersection wit-h. Jackson Street; thence along Jackson Street to its intersection With Root Street; thence along Root Street to the said reservoirs, together with all necessary fire hydrants, valves, fittings, and service tape for the same, and that said sy©ten, or plan of additions, betterments and extensions shall include such other incidental wori: as may be necessary by doing of the other stork herein provided. The estimated cost and expanse of said addi,tiona, bettermentc and extensi=3, as nuzi,xly as r,:ay be determined, is the sum of Forty-nine Thousand Dollars ( 49,G00.04), And that the City of Port Townsend become indebted therefor and issue a,rd sell its negotiable interest -bearing general indebtedness coupon bonds of said (t,�9 city in the amount of Forty-nine Thousand Dollars ,000.04), vhioh proposed to construct and install a new cast iron pipe and untreated tivood pipe trunk main from the point of intake of the citycs supply line at the south city limits thru the streets of said city to the two ex- isting concrete reservoirs situated on blocks twelve (12) and thirteen (13) of Yountain Vi-,v Addition to the City of Port Toernsend. The parti- cular route and size and chasactcr of the pipe proposed in the netir construction shall be as folio•„s, to -„it: a new 16-inch untreated wood pipe main beginninp- at the and of the present 20-inch steel main supply line at the south city limits and running to the intersection of the west line of Bisenbeis Addition and 9th Street; thence along 9th Street to its intersection with Sheridan Street; thence northerly on Sheridan Street to its intersection with 19th Street; thence a 12-inch untreated mood main along 19th Street to its intersection with Blaine Street; thence along Blaine Street to its intersection '•pith Kearney Street; thence along Kearney to a connection ti+ith.the present 12-inch cast iron main. Beginning again with a 12-inch cast iron main connecting ,with the present cast iron main at the corner of Tyler and Water Streets; thence along Teeter Street to Monroe Street; thence with a 12-inch untreated . wood Train along Monroe Street to its intersection wit-h Roosevelt Street; thence along Roosevelt Street to its intersection with Jackson Street; thence along Jackson Street to its intersection with Root Street; thence: along Root Street to the said reservoirs, together with all necessary fire hydrants, valves, fittings, and service taps for the same, and that said system or plan of additions, betterments and extensions shall include such other incidental aork as may be necessary by doing of the other work herein provided. The estimated coat and expense of said additions, bettern<<,,nte and extenoiono, ae nearly as may be determined, is the sun: of Forty-nine Thousand Dollars ($49,000.00), and that the City of Port Townsend become indebted therefor and issue and sell its negotiable interest -bossing general indebtedness coupon bonds of said city in the amount of Forty-nine Thousand Dollars ($49,000.00), thioh bonds shall bear interest from the date of their issuance at a rate not to exceed six per cent (6;s) per annum, payable semi-cnnually or annually, as may be agreed upon between the City Council and the purr chaser' of said bonds, and shallbear the date of the first day of Jan- uary, 1931. Such bonds shall. be serial in form and maturity, and n=bered from one upar-rd cons -,out iv�,ly, and shall nature annually oorr.- menoing with the second your and ending ith the tv.erty-fifthl year after the date of issuance in such. ainounts (ae nearly ae practicable), to be specified by the City Council by ordinance, as will, together with the interest on all outstanding bonds of each issue, be met by an equal annual tax levy for the pays::ent of said bonds and interest. The said period of twenty-five years is a period, in the judgment of the City Council, equivalent to the life of the improvement to be acquired by the use of the bonds herein provided for. Said bonds shall be in denominationo of not leas than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) and not more than One Thousand Dollars (y71000.G0) as the City Council may by ordinance determine. Interest ooupore for the said interest shall be attached to said bonds and be a part thereof and the said bonds and coupons shall be payable at a place thereon designated. Section 4. That there shall be, and hereby is, submitted to the qualified voters of the City of port Townsend, at the regular city primary election to be held in said city and the various votinE ;garde thereof on Tuesday, the 4th day of November, 1950, the proposition of making certain additions and betterments to, and extensions► of, the ex- isting municipal water works system of the City of Port Townsend and the incurring of a general indebtedness therefor in the sum of Forty-nine Thousand Dollars (NIS'�,000.00) by the issuance and sale o' neeotiable interest --bearing general indebtedness coupon bonds of said city in said amount; all as set forth in detail in Section 3 of this ordinance. Section 5. At the regular city primary election, to be held in the City of Port Townsend and tho various voting -,cards thereof on Tuesday, the 4th day of Hovember, 1930, which day and date be, and hereby is, fixed as the date upon which said election shall be held, there shall be voted upon by the qualified voters of said city the proposition and question specified and adopted in Section 3 of this ordinance; Said election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the general lams of the State of Washington, but not leoe than thirty drys notice of the voting; on of said proposition shall be given by publication in the Port Townsend Leader, the newupaper doinE, the city printing, and by posting notice thereof in at least three places in each of the five voting wards of said city for said time. Section 6. That the proposition or question so submitted to the qualified voters at said election is to be voted upon in the following manner, to -wit: Every qualified voter at said election electing to vote for or against the proposition of the issuance and sale by the City of Port Townsend of $49,000.00 of its negotiable bonds for the purpose of providing funds for certain additions and betterments to, and extensions of, said city's municipal water works system as in this ordinance set forth, shall vote his (or her) election upon said question upon a ballot in the following form: "Shall the City of Port Toti+nsend issue and sell $49,000.00 of its negotiable interest -bearing general indebtedness coupon bonds to provide monies for certain additions and betterments to, and extensions of, its existing municipal water works system as specified and provided by Ordinance No. f of said oily and par- 7tioularly Section 3 of said Ordinance; said bonds to be payable beginning rtith the second year in such amounts (as nearly as practicable) as will, together with interest on the outstanding bonds, be met by an.equal annual tax levy over a period of twenty-five years from the date of their issuanoe and to draw interest at a rate not to ex- ceed six per cent per annum, interest payable semi- annually or arnually?" Yes ............ II No .............LI Any voter who desires to vote favorably on said proposition shall place an ":." in the square to the right of the word "Yee" and any voter who desires to vote against said proposition shall place an "x" in the square to the risht of the word "No." f Section 7. If three -fifths or acre of said qualified electors voting at said election as herein provided, shall vote in favor of the issuance and sale of said bonds, then the proper officers of said city shall be, and hereby are, authorized and directed to have lithographed, engraved or printed ouch 0.1 enerGl indebtedness coupon bonds of the City of Port Townsend in said amount of Forty --nine Thousand Dollars ($49,000.00), which bonds shall. bear interest as of the date of their issuance at a rate of not tc exceed six per cent per annum, payable seani-annually or annually, and shall be numbered frog one upward consecutively. The various annual maturities of said bonds shall com- mence with the second year after the date of issuance of such bonds and. shall (as nearly as practicable) be in, such amounts as will, together with interest on all outstanding bonds of said series, be met by an equal annual tax levy for the payment of said bonds and interest, provided, however, that only bond number oneof said issue shall be of a denomination of other than a multiple of One hundred Dollars (;100.00), and provided further, that none of said bonds shall be in a sum in excess of One Thou- sand Dollars (4�1000.00) and provided further that said bonds shall be known as "Port Townsend General Indebtedness 1951 Water Bonds"; that with- in such limits the bonds shall be in such amounts and the various matur- ities thereof shell be of such dates as the City Council shall by ordi- nance determine; that the Mayor and City Clem; be, and hereby are, au- thorized to execute the same in the name of and under the corporate'seal of the City of Port Townsend; that all of'eaid semi-annual or annual pay- mente of interest shall be represented by interest coupons attached to said bonds and made a part thereof, which interest coupons shall be signed by the '7ayor and stA.:ntsi by th< City Clc-rh; provided in lieu of such signing a faoeimile of the sijna.ture of the '.ieyor and City Clerk may be printed or ergraved on said interest coupons. All of said bonds and interest and interest coupons shall be payable in g:ld. coin of the United States of America , of the present standard weight and fineness, at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend, or at the fiscal Agency of the State of Washington in Neer York City, at the option of the holder. Section 8. If the qualified voters of the City of Port Townsend shall, as hereinbefore in thin, c--dirianee provided, authorize the isouanoe and sale of said bond:, said 'ponds shall be sold at public sale, after due notice and calls for bids for the purchase of said bonds shell have been published -at least once a creek for four come— outive Creeks in the Port Townsend Leader, the neWspaper doing; the city printing, offering such bonds for sale; that the City Council of the City of Port Townsend may give ouch other and further notice of the sale of said bonds as said City Council may, by resolution, direct; that the City Clerk shall, at least three weeks prior to the date fixed for the sale of said bonds, mail to the State Finance Committee, Olympia, Washington, a full, true and complete copy of such notice; that notice of sale shall be in the form required by lacy; that the bids submitted and all proceedings had pertaining to the sale of said bonds shall be as provided by law. Section S. The money derived frord the sale of said 'ponds shall be applied to the additions, extersione and betterments adopted and speci— fied in Section 3 of this ordinance and for such purpose only. Section 10. The City Council of the City of Port Towneend shall cause to be levied from year to year during the life of the general indebtedness bonds herein proposed to be issued an annual tax levy suf- ficient to meet the payment of all interest on said general indebtedness bonds and sufficient to meet the principal thereon as the same mature, all as in this ordinance and by lx,r provided. The amount of such taxes as collected shall be by the City Treasurer paid into a special fund known as the "Port Townsend General Indebtedness 1951 }dater Bond and Interest Fund" and no part of ouch fund shall be diverted to any other purpose than the payment of such principal and interest and the faith and credit i of the City of Port Townsend are hereby pledged for the annual levy and collection of such tares and the regular payment of ouch principal and interest. Section 11. This ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force from and after five days from the date of its publication. PASSED by the City Count APPROVED by the Mayor S, ATTEST: amity Clerk 1 September �2— d . 1930. ORDINANCE 140. An Ordinance of the City of Port Toymoend, Washington, providing for and authorising an emorgency appropriation and payment of the sum of $300.00, for the Fire Department of said City, and the authority to Issue emorgenoy warranto in the said sum for for such purpose. Whereas, It duly appearing to the City Counoil of said City, that the Fire Department has duriug the past few weeks boon called upon and responded and rendered services in extinguishing many fires, brush, boil= ding and otherwise, more and far beyond the usual; and that the money necessary needed to pay for such service as aforesaid by said fire de- partment, will far exoeod the budget for such purpose for the year 1930, which event could not have been foreseen at the time of adopting the budget for the your 1930 for such purpose; new, therefore, The City Counull of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Sootion 1. That the City Council hereby finds and declares theft an emergency appropriation and payment of money as aforesaid is noes- sary, and that an emergency appropriation and payment of money is hereby granted and authorized for the purpose aforesaid, and that emergency warrants in said sum for said purpose are hereby authorized to be issued. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Town - Band Leader, and to take affect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council September 1930 Approved by the I&ypr September 2 , 1930 Attest: mayor SL City Clerk 6 4 An erdi?.rncc •the OL•i::'TG PIT:, Li;F`.'I::i; Cu:.i'� :1, r. corpora=_cn, its succonlor.- Cr:;G r,rc '10 Ccn tr;iCt ..nd i.utint :ln .,Ihnrvcs, b'.ii) dii'j, docks, Mar:;.rip wlllya mld 7-TiC:iron on :::'di: On ol.-rCvt on :1Q sou-th ride of 'linter rtrout, betr;oon bloc;;c 5 h.::id 6 of do Crit;i::al :o,.:ncito of Port Tc%%,nocnd, State of WaGb --,f;tor; .:x;,.ce o::Le::di: ` in ..t:t:.crly c'ireciion, including e.11 thr.t :)or-.icn of ,. dison •... o: t bctvrocr ulorr❑ 5 and 6 mnd extending to the im-eI• bnrb,r ?.-h:c or Cjoop mztev; ant 6 -611nt por11--oi, ci Fro!-t utrrlit, ccuth of lot 7, block 5. All nforosnid lot; and blocks of the Ori,•ir.e7 Tovmrite of tnc City of Port Torvicel:d, %7r:a;:° ❑r;tor, nccordi,,C to the duly rocorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Coui:ty Auditor, JCffk 7rsoil Cou,7ty, 9tato of l';asiii7;toll. The City Council of the City of Pert Tcw ccrd do ordain as follows: 5ectici7 1. Ti:nt t;:ero is hc7raby Cr; :?tou to t.10 OILY:':', PINT " I:I'll'.G CO,.?'AIN, cn corporction, and its cucce:eoro rind aomit;no, for a poriod of ton years, the right, nri•. ileGe Lind ruti,crity °.o construct, operate and :Hair. tai n vhnrvoc, building docks, nr_r i1.e }lays chid rridirono on Madison r treet, ccmmone- inG on the south side of Water street between Blocks 5 and 6 of the Original Townsite of Port Tocneond, State of 1/rni:i:gtor; and thence extending in a hat portion of i.L.dison street between southerly direction, including all blocks 5 and 6 and extending to the inner harbor line or deop water; and that portion of Front otreot, south of Lot7, bloc;: 5, All aforeoaid lots and blocks of the Original To%msite of the City of Port Towmcond, 9TashiriCtor., according to the duly recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the County Auditor, Jeffernon County, State of Washington. Section 2. That by an acceptance of thin Ordir, rce the said grantee thereby agrees upon the request of the City Council of Port Towncend, Ylaehington to conform said trharves, docks or other structures to the grade of said streets sort ostabliehod or to be horeaftor sotablishod, and to alloyj free wharfage over any tiharf constructed under this franchise to the said City of Fort Townsend. That all the rights graatod under t::is franchise nhall be subject to an- That ii4 rights under any other franchise or franchise.- previously ranted affecti said sta•aets azd the city especially rouerves tllo rii;ht at my ti7io horeaf Iar to ;rant a fra lch ica over, across and along said streets to any parson, co:::piny or cor;horation, for t:7o cenetrsction and of a rail- road t'loroon and •that all the rights ,rra?lted in this franchieo rhall be subject to -this reservation. The ;;ra:ltoo further a;;reos to leave the street open and accessible to the abu tti: P7 v?erty at all titles when requosted to do so by trio City of Port :cmAocnd. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be accepted by the grantee uithin t!:iz . days aftm- its nasca�c and if not so accepted stall be void. Section 4. T::in 0:dl:h::ncc scan be puhliohed or-ce in t:le Port Townsend L eader a:ld t;tke effect and give force from and after five days from publication. Section. 5. That for the right-- horcin Crantad the said OLIVIu PILE DrLrVl,:G CO::P1-IY and its axciC:ns, shall pay to tlo City or Port ILowneond, 71,:nhin - ton, the oun of One Dollar (.11.G0) tier amitm &zrin the terra of the said franchise gaynblo annually in r elvanae; .t in cam the so -id cmuitee or its asoiglis shall fail to comply •with ashy or nil corditio:_s of th,.s Ordinmico, then and there £ore th i , Ordic-LU•Ico Shall beeo,..e null ruhd void a7?_. all rii:IAZ aLid franc,iicas harein grantod shall beco;rc ru'_1 and void. Pansod the City Co:hncil � 1 F�1_ ^ r , 1930. A,1_rorud by •t:;c ;;Lyon Y � Grl�� , 1930 al+,cu City Clerk 1000 1931 budget (Special) 1001 Water department budget for 1931 (Special) 1002 Tax levy for 1931 (Special) 1003 Emergency appropriation for police department (Special) 1004 Emergency appropriation for water department (Special) 1005 Grants franchise (Special) 1006 Fixes denomination in industry bonds provided for in Ord. 997 (Special) 170 1007 Appropriation for street improvements (Special) 1008 Establishes street grades (Special) 1009 Street vacation (Special) 1010 ?appropriation to replace pipeline for waterworks (Special) 011 Water department budget for 1932 (Special) 1012 1932 budget (Special) 1013 Tax levy for 1932 (Special) 1014 Emergency appropriation for public library (Special) 1015 Provides for issuance of interest bearing coupons (Special) 1016 Street vacation (Special) 1017 Authorizes board construction (Repealed by 1066) 1018 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 1019 Water department budget for 1932 (Special) 1020 1933 budget (Special) 1021 Tax levy for 1933 (Special) 1022 Payment of claim (Special) 1023 Repeals Ord. 910 (Repealer) 1024 Parking time limits (10,04) 1025 Makes water superintendent ex officio plumbing inspec- tor and chief of fire department ex officio building inspector (Repealed by 1236) 1026 Requires license for sale of liquor (Repealed by 1525) 1027 Amends Ord. 102.6 (Repealed by 1525) 1028 Sets hours of opening, closing barbershops (Repealed by 1525) 1029 Special election (special) 1030 Amends Ord. 1026 (Repealed by 1525) 1031 Water department budget (Special) 1032 1934 budget (Special) 1033 Tax levy for 1934 (Special) 1034 Divides city into wards (Repealed by 1483) 1035 Emergency transfer of funds (Special) 1036 Provides licensing of motor vehicles, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) 1037 Emergency payment into water fund (Special) 1038 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1039 Amends Ord. 1036, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) 1040 Emergency appropriation for street department (Specia 1041 Apportions council representation from each ward (Re-7- pealed by 1483) 1042 Special election to increase tax levy (Special) 1043 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 1044 Water department budget for 1935 (Special) 1045 1935 budget (Special) 1046 Tax levy for 1935 (Special) 1041 Licenses secondhand dealers, junk dealers, pawnbroker amends Ord. 873 and repeals Ord. 855 (5.28) 1048 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1049 Amends Ord. 899 and Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 171 l ORDUANCE NO. Af7 d Q An Ordinance fixing and adopting the budget for the City of Port To s+usend for the year 19$1. The City Covnoil of the City of Port Townsend, Yraahington, do ordain as follows: Sectiop I. That the following described budget be, and the same is here- by fixed and adopted for the City of Port Townsend for the year 1931, for guts-- z✓.", tion purposes, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes :. oomprising the whole of the budget, to -wit; Salaries and W&Za s .......................... $21,65:.00 VAIntenance and Operation 15,449.75 Interest And Debt Redemption .......................... 15'".5.39 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Town- send header, and to take offoot and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October Approved by the Mayor October Attests Mayor City Clark. 'Y� :-�r�%:a -N\' �.�Y .:,�.:�vi•��� _ K1.' �,S':� .s ��i;�:l�"i rY � �� �t4: .� .h. .. ,.�,'--�°:`':�', :'Sys 'i �.i;'-.�.:--�, .f-:,•�.:s�: �-3:.4-•AS '�K,-'.v'.9��.- - tilii�'�. •'.'. _ �+•s •?�._��'ii�%1 _ Ji i•' � - s t il• - ., a ............... ... .. . - - F-+ '� � _. co ...,... .. ........: .... a p ■ ORDIXUCS 'NO. D D An Ordinaroo Fixint end Adopting a Budget for the Water Depoxtment for the City of -Port Townsend for the year 1931. The City Council of the City of Port To%mrerd, Washington, do ordain an folIov+s: Section 1. That the followin_- described budget be, and the sane is here- by fixed and adopted for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1931, divided in the total amounts in each of.tho folloydng classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -nits Salaries end Wages .................................... $ 8010.00 Maintenance and Operation ............................. 7821.00 Capital Outlay (Main pipe line Construction) .......... 49000.00 Interest and Debt Redemption 45145.00 :Section 2. That thin Ordinance shall be published.once in the Port Tovm- send Leader, and to take effect and be in force an provided by law. Passed by the City Council 06tober 2.2 1930. Approved by the Mayor October / 49 , 1930. yor a — ATTEST: City Uleriz. lei _ a x A 7r . ... ...... ............... � a r ............... ,...... - o • • ORDINANCE NO.�� v v Ali ORDINANCE malting end fixirrG the Tax Lovy for the City of Port Towrtaand, Waah- inLbon, for taxea for the year 1931. THE OI'TY comwIL 0? THE CITY Or PORT TU i1dSENI), ViAsH1?:GTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOIVS: Section I. That there arm hereby lnvied upon all the L-axable proporty in the City of Port Tomisond, Washingbo,i, the follovring sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purpones herein desigrnn�nd for the your 1931, and Mho rate oV taxation upon the assesnod valuation for such purposes la as follows: First: For the pnymenb of current expenses of said oity and for Lho Current- Ex- pense Fund, the suit, of Nineteen Thousand, Four Hundred, Twenty -ono and 89/100 Dollars, ($19,421.89), and the rate of Laic levy for said fund is hereby fixed at eighteen (18) mills on the dollar. Second: For bite payment of Interest on Bonds, First- Issuo, the awn of Two Thousand, Six Hundred Ninety -sever. arid 49/100 Dollars ($2,697.48), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fired at Two nut one-half (2�_) mills on the dollar. Third: For the payment of IrtereaL• on Bonds, Second Issuo, the sum of One Thousand, Seventy -sight and 99/100 Dollars ()1,078.99), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at One (1) Mill.on the dollar. Fourth: For the Bond Redemption Fund, second Issue of Bonds, the stun of Two Thou- sand, Four Hundred, Twenty-seven and 73/100 Dollars ($2,427.73), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at Two and one-fourtli (2Y) mills on the dollar. Fifth: For the payment of interest on the proposed Issuo of Port Townsend General Indebtedness Water Bonds, 1931, the sum of Two Thousand, Nine Hundred, Sixty-seven ands' 23/100 Dollars ($2,967.23), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed as Two and three -fourths (2-3/4) mills on the dollar. Sixth: For the payment of Indebtedness of the City of Port Tramsend, known as the "Indebtedness Fund," the sum of Six Thousand, Four Hundred, Sevsnby-threo and 96/100 Dol- lars ($6,473.96), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at Six (6) mills -on the dollar. Seventh: For the purpose of maintaining a public library, and for the Library Fund, the sum of Two Thousand, One Hundred, Fifty -craven and 99/100 Dollara ($2,157.99), mid the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at Two (2) mills on the dollar. Eighth: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park, and for the Park Fund, the sun of One Thousand, Seventy-eight and 99/100 Dollars ($1,078.99), and the rate of tax levy for suid purpose is hereby fixed at Onr, (1) mill on the dollar. Section 2. That tho Mayor and the City Clerk of said city are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor and the County Auditor of Jefferson County,' Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said city. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Lead•!r, and to take effect and be in force as provided by lase. Passed by -the City Cousin Oebober Z�t_ , 1930. Approved by the Y$yor Ootober /D mil' , 1930. Attest: Mayor City Clerk tj pzj p r4 . a � ORDINANCE No.1(1 An Ordinance declaring; an emergency appropriation and expenditure of the awn of $250.00, for the payment of extra labor for the Street Department of the City, and au- thority to issue emergency warrants in payment therefor. Whereas, it duly appearing to the City Council that an omorgoncy exists for the appropriation and expenditure in the sun of $250.00, in payment of extra labor for the Street Department of the City, by reason of, and an unusual condition having devoloped, in the weather, ropairing sidowalka, maintaining the streets in reasonable safe condi- tion for traffic, and the economical operation of the machinery and equipment of said street department, all of which could not have been foroseen at the time of adopting the budget for the year 1930 for said street department; now therefore, The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows. Section 1. That an emergency exists for the appropriation and expenditure in the sum of.$250.00, in payment of,extra labor for the said street department, on the grounds and for the reasons set forth in this ordinanoe,.and the authority is hereby granted to issue emergency warrants in said sum for such purpose. Section 2. That this Ordinanoe be published once in the Port 'Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force from and after five days after such publication. Passed by the City Council 1930. Approved by the Mayor „�-tr/ 1930. Mayor Attest; City Clerk. 1Y cf- Cf 0 t=i tj liz o 4 Fl• rl) mt ORDINATICE No.yQ17Z An Ordinance emergency appropriation and expenditure of the sum of. 0400600, for the payment of extra labor employed Per the �fater Department of the City, and authority to issue emergency warrants in said amount in payment therefor. Ihereas, it duly appearing; to the city council of said city that an emergency . exists for the appropriation and expenditure in the stun of 4400.00, in payment of ex- tra labor employed by said water department, by reason of' the unusual cold and frosty weather the past winter which froso some of the pipe lines of the distributing system of said water department, and necessary labor having boon employed to thaw out and repair said pipe lines, thereby exhausting the budget for said water department for the year 1930, which could not have been foreseen at the time of adopting the budget for said department for the year 1930; now, therefore, The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That an emergency exists for the appropriation and expenditure in the sum of $400.00, in payment of extra labor for the Wnter Department, on the grounds and for the reasons set forth in this ordinance and the authority Y is hereby granted to is sue emergency warrants in said sum for such purpose. Section 2. That this Ordiniuice be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and take effect and be in force from and after five days after such publication. Passed by the City Council�� �' , 1930. Approved by the Mayor '� 1930. Mayor Attest: City Clerk. Id ■ ORDINANCE NO. ID O 5 An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend, State of Washington granting to the Port Townsend Southern Railroad Company, its successors and/or annigna, tho right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, maintain and operate a railway spur track and all appurtenances necessary and/or convenient to the opera- tion thoroof, in, along, across, upon and ovor certain streets in the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington. lows: The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Ylanhington does ordain as fol- Section 1. The City of Port Townsend, Jefforson County, Washington does hereby grant to the Port Townsend Southern Railroad Company, its sucoossors or assigns for a period ending and terminating on the 18th day of August, 1950, the right, privilege -and'authority to lay down, construct, maintain, and operate one standard gaugo railway spur track for the transportation of freight together with any or all appurtenances necessary or convenient to the operation of said spur in, over, upon and along the following described streets, avonuos and public ways: Beginning at a point on the center line of the tract of the Port Town- send Southern Railroad Company, forty feet more, or less, westerly from the intersection of said center line of said railroad track with the woe- terly margin of Fillmore street, in the city of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washingtonj and running thence on a curve to the right one hundred and five foot, to an intersection with the northerly margin of Water street on Lot b Block 37, original townsite to the said city; thence on a cutve to left eighty feet, more or less, to an intersection with the easterly margin of Harrison street, twenty seven feet northerly of the northerly margin of Water street in said city; continuing thence westerly on said curve to left twenty-five fact, more or leas, on said Harrison street. Section 2. It is understood and agreed that said spur shall be used for any and all purposes and uses whatsoever of the Natural Gas Corporation of Washington exclusive- ly, and that for such purposes, the said grantee shall have the right, privilege and authority to transport over its stain railroad track over Water Street, the products of the Natural Gas Corporation of Washington and mnke delivery of same on said spur track; subject, however, to the condition that no freight traffic cars shall be permitted to remain on said Water Street. Section. 3. The right, privilege, authority and franchise hereby granted is made expressly subject to the rights of the City of Port Townsend to retain the same control of the, along, upon, across and over which said railway spur shall be Con- structed as over the other streets, avenues, and alleys of said city, and the said city shall have such further control and power over said crossings as the city ordinance and state larrs permit. The city reserves to itself tho right to carry all water mains, sewers, conduits and other public utilities underneath or miros above, the spur track of said grantee, its suooessors or assigns, in said public streets, or either thereof, and the right of access to any space occupied by such tracks within the limits of said streets, or either thereof and the right to open the ground beneath the said tracks for all purposes of construction, maintenance, repair, alteration and inspection of any suoh publio utilities which right shall be exercised however, so as to interfere me little as practicable with the use of said tracks and so as to leave the roadbed and tracks in as good condition as prior to the exercise of such rights. Section 4. The said grantee, its successors and assigns in and by accepting the grants, privileges and benefits conferred by this ordinance, covenants for itself, its successors and assigns, with the City of Port Townsend, that it or they will at all times keep and save harmless the said city from and against all liability, loss, cost, damage or expense which may at any time arise or accrue by reason of any thing that may be done by said grantee, its successors or assigns, and shall defend any and all actions arising in relation thereto; provided that the said city, its successors or assigns, in all instances where it is sought to hold said grantee, its successors or assigns, lia- ble hereunder, shall notify the said grantee, its successors or assigns, in writing of the pendency of said action and give it or them an opportunity to defend any and all such litigation. Section b. That whenever the said City of Port Townsend shall cause either of the streets herein mentioned to be graded, and/or paved on either or both sides thereof, and adjacent to the spur track herein mentioned, the said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall at its or their own costs and expense grade and/or pave all the space then used and occupied by such spur track and for eighteen inches on each side thereof, in - eluding the space between the rails of such track, including the switch of said spur, to conform to the grade and/or paved part of said Water Street and spur. The street on which said spur and switch are to be constructed shall be planked in the space between the rails and 12 inches on either side thereof from the switch point to the northerly line of Water Street and southerly line of Block 37, Original Townsite of Port Townsend, said planking shall be done at tho Limo of the construction of said spur and switch. Section 6. The right, privilege, authority and franchise granted by this ordi- nance, and all benefits hereof, may be assigned by the said grantee, its successors or nscigno, as it or they may at any tire see fit, either as an entirety or respecting the spur track embraced within the scope of this grant; provided, that written notice of any such assignment shall be filed with the clerk of the City of Port Townsend within thirty (30) days after the execution and delivery of such assignment. Section 7. The said grAutee, its successors or aasigna, shall within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file with the clerk of the City of Port Town- send, its or their written acceptance thereof duly executed by said grantee, its success- ors or assigns, and until the filing of such acceptance, the said grantee, its success- ors or.assigne, shall not be entitled to any rights, privileges, authority or franchise herein granted, and in case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail to file such acceptance within sixty days after the passage of this ordinance, the same shall become null and void. Section B. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader. Passed by the City Council December 9 ; 193U. Approved by the Mayor December 1930. Attest: MAYOR CITY CLERK / J CITY ATTORNEY. Date of publication December1930. 0 RDINANCE NO.,;10C' ('-,.. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend fixing the denominations and interest rate of the bonds provided for in Ordinance No. 997 of said city; determining the various annual maturities and interest payments and specifying the form thereof. MMEAS, under Ordinance No. 997 of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, passed by the City Council on the 2nd day of September, 1930, and approved by the Mayor an the 4th day of September, 1930, there was submitted to the qualified voters of the City of Part,., Townsend the question or proposition of authorizing the City of Part Townsend to become indebted in the sum of $49,000.00, for the purpose of making certain public improvements as provided in said ordinance, and providing for the issuance and sale of negotiable interest -bearing general indebtedness coupon bonds of said City, and WHEREAS, said proposition to become indebted was duly authorized and ratified by the qualified voters of said city at an election held for that purpose, and WHEREAS, a bid for said bonds has been received and accepted by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, therefore, THE CITY COUNCI1 OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOMOWS: Section 1. The denominations of the "Part Townsend General Indebtedness 1931 Water Bonds" provided for in Ordinance No. 997 of said city shall be in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) each; shall be numbered serially from one to ninety-eight consecutively; and shall bear interest from date at the rate of four and three-quarters (4,) per cent per annum, interest payable annually. All of said bonds shall be dated as of January let, 1931, and shall mature as follows; Two bonds - two years after date; two bonds - three years after date; two bonds - four years after date; three bonds - five years after date; three bonds - six years after date; three bonds - seven years after date; three bonds - eight years after date; three bonds - nine years after date; three bonds - ten years after date; three bonds - eleven years after date; four bonds - twelve years after date; four bonds - thirteen years after date; four bonds - fourteen years after date; four bonds - fifteen years after date; four bonds - sixteen years after date; five bonds - seventeen years after date; five bonds - eighteen years after date; five bonds - nineteen years after date; five bonds - twenty years after date; five bonds - twenty-one years after date; six bonds - twenty-two years after date; six bonds - twenty-three years after date; seven bonds - twenty-four years after date; seven bonds - twenty-five years after date. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and hereby is authorized and directed to have printed and engraved, or lithographed, on good bond paper, bonds and coupons in the following form, to -wit: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA State of Washington County of Jefferson City of Port Townsend No. $500400 PORT TOWNSEND GENERAL INDEBTEDNESS 1931 'HATER BOND IMOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That the City of Port Tovnsend in the County of Jefferson, State of Washington, is justly indebted, and for value received, hereby promises to pay to the bearer, on the first day of January, 19 , the principal sum of Five Hundred Dollars ( , 0,00), with in rest at the rate of four and three-quarters (4-1) per cent per annum, payable annually on the first day of January in each year, upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in gold ocin of the United States of America of the present standard weight and fineness, at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Washington, in the City and State of New York, or at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. For the prompt payment hereof, both principal and interest, as the same may mature, the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Port Townsend are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of the series issued by the City of Port Townsend under the authority of, and in full compliance with, the laws and Con- stitution of the State of Washington, for the purpose of providing funds for the making of certain additions and betterments to, and extensions of, the municipal water -works system of the said City of Port Townsend, as specified and provided by Ordinance No. 997 of said city, and which ex- penditure has been ratified and confirmed by a vote of the electors of of said city at an election held an the 4th day of November, 1930. It is hereby certified and recited that all sots, conditions and things required to be done precedent to, and in the issuance of this bond have happened, been done and performed as required by law. That provision has been made for the annual levy and collection of the tax upon all the taxable property of said city sufficient to pay the princi- pal and interest of this bond as the same mature and accrue; and that the total indebtedness of the City of Port Townsend, including this bond, does not exceed any constitutional or.atatntory limitation. IN WITNESS WE1BREOF, the said City of Port Townsend, by authority of its City Council, has caused this bond to be sealed with its seal, signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk, and has caused the coupons annexed ,thereto to be signed with a facsimile of the signatures of said officers, all as of the first day of January, 1931. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk. (FORD OF COUPON) No. On•the first day of January, 19 the City of Part Tovmsend, Washington,' will pay to bearer at thee ofTice of the City Treasurer of Port Townsend, or at the Washington Fiscal Agency in New York City, Dollars, in gold coin, for the annual interest due that date on ?ort Townsend General Indebtedness 1931 Plater Band, dated January let, 1931, and numbered ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk. Section 3. There shall be printed an each bond, a duly authenticated copy of the act or aots of the Legislature of the State of Washington, authorizing the issuance and sale of the bonds as aforesaid; together with a copy of said Ordinance No. 997 of the City of Part Townsend, together with a copy of the signed statement of the Mayor and City Clerk showing the result of said election as directed by said Ordinance No. 997• Section 4. That this ordinance be published once in the Pert Townsend leader and to .take effect and be in force five days after ouch publioation. PASSID BY THE CITY C APPROVED BY THE WO ATTEST; w Oi ty Cl erk. m eao%pId W *s ct- ct m - p} d �S K • m C3 �] �i tD !i z � y L] � X1 to a a d D. D ct R to 0 �~'o ORDINANCE No. 1007 An Ordinano• declaring an emergency appropriation and expenditure in'the sum of $240.00. for the cost and expense of the improvement of that part of Blaine Street between Harrison and Van Buron Streets, and authority to issue emergency warrants in said cum in payment therefor. Whereas, it duly appearing to the City Council that, at the present time, the public travel and traffic require the improvement of that part of Blaine Street between Harrison and Van Buren Streets, by excavating and grading the same, at a cost not exceeding the sum of $240.00, and which contingent event in that part of the city relating to public travel and traffic could not have been foreseen at the time of the adoption of the budget for street purposes for the year 1931, and that an emergency exists for such purpose, and the authority to issue emergency warrants in said sum in payment of such improvement, Now, Therefore, The City Council of the City of Port Townsend,"17ashington, do ordain as follower Section 1. That an emergency appropriation and expenditure is hereby authorized in the sum of $240.00, for the cost and expense of the improvement of Blaine Street between Harrison and Van Buren Stroete, as above set forth in this ordinance, and that, said improvement is hereby authorized as an emergenoy, and emergency warrants in said sum are hereby authorized to issue for such purpose. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in tho Port Town- send Leader and take effect and be in force five (5) days after such publication. Passed by the City Council March 17, 1931. Approved by the Mayor March la, 1931. ATTEST; Mayor City Clerk. . - - I� t3•Gs. N . w m • iI) R+ G� c 0 O 0 C tC 'ts ORDINANCE N0. 1008 An Ordinance establishing street grados on Garfield Street from the Westerly side of Adams Street to the center line of Monroe Street in the City of Port Town- send, Washington, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the grade of Garfield Street shall be at the following elevations above datums At the intersection of the Westerly line of Adams Street and the center line of Garfield Street produced, elevation 95.00. At the intersection of the'Easterly line of Adams Street and the center line of Garfield Street produced, elevation 93.00. At the intersection of the Westerly line of 4uincy Street and the center line of Garfield Street produced, elevation 67.00. At the intersection of the Easterly line of 4uincy Street and the center line of Garfield Street produced, elevation 86.00. At the intersection of the Westerly line of Madison Street and the center line of Garfield Street produced, elevation 82.48. At the intersection of the Easterly line of Madison Street and the center line of Garfield Street produced, elevation 81.33. At the intersection of the Westerly line of Monroe Street and the center line oS Garfield Street produced, elevation 75.00. At the intersection of the center line of Monroe Street and the center line of Garfield Street produced, elevation 75.00. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council May, 1931 Approved by the Mayor )day i3 , 1931 r ATTEST:.` yor City Clerk. ii 1-� p O l+� Cl , . k tr. cmf- a2 • 12 a oro0 �m m V7.-- i OR I 7J N An Ordinance of thO Cj.l',Y Of 02?t To'ansond vacating vqrts of Froht, lVat(ir �;nl orrison 'Itreets in 1-.he City of 'Port To-,'Vn-,! sand, 'Nashington. The City Gouncil of the Cit7; -)f' i-ort Tovinaend, do ordain as Tollovis: Section I. That the follo-,vin,:; anumerai.ed parts of '3�treets" in the City -of iloi't Tov;nsend, ',7ris!An(-.,t0n, W, and the sq�ne ro hereby wicatecl, to—mit: Front Street frolm the ?mqt i,larwin of B­n­ua4ct Street to the VI e F, I ,'i q r g i n of I I h q y c r t v e e t ster "'trefA from i-,Ijo -qsl; 'Inxgin of Benedict Stre4 0. ths Jr-�st of, "Ihayrir ;troet. -son Stre "orm -�t fro-m. �;be Forth of l0ront Stre e t the South ",!Irrrin of Section 11. Thqt this Dt-(Iiwinae be pi)bllsherl once in the T�(j_.yjaj, to effort Port Townsend fE)r'.b in fora(.) fiVe s from and fi f ter daysuch Dubliaat:ion. Passed by the City Council AuTast /9,4 1,932.. Apur.oved by t�-ic, '::a,:or Aup-,,,st /O.Ml 1931. City Clerk o as Fy G ' ,-. �.. Ss O id .fir a p, 13 1 m. -"' �m n a: in. n 0 � ►v cr m o . K 1+ d 'ss • m JA tb 0 • ORDINANCE 140. 1010 An Ordinance of the City of Port Townsend, declaring an emergency for the immediate appropriation and expenditure of money in the sum of $15,000.00 for the cost and expense of replacing pipe lines of the distributing system of the water works of said city, and the issuance of emergency warrants in the pay- ment therefor. VHIEREAS, It appearing to the City Council that pipe lines of the distribu- ting system of the water wobks of the city have becomo and are much deteriorated and decayed, more so than the city council have had full knowledge, and that there is imminent danger, in case of fire in the use of the hydrants by the fire do- ' partment, the pipes might break, which would incapacitate the said fire depart - Mont from being fully able to operate, and a great loss of property might occur by reason of the condition of such pipe lines; and that an emergency exists for the immediato appropriation and expenditure for cast and expense in replacing such pipe lines of the distributing system of the water works of said city, in the sum of $16,000.00 and the issuance of emergency warrants in payment there- for; and that such emergency appropriation a n—diture of money was not, and could not have boon reasonably contemplated OBi,ne a � © of making and adoption of the 1931 budget for the water works of said city, Now, -Therefore, The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That an emergency is hereby declared for the immediate appro- priation and expenditure in the sum of 415,000.00 for the cost and expense of replacing the pipe lines of the distributing system of the water works of said city, and the issuance of emergency warrants in said sum is hereby authorized. Section 2. "That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader,'and to take effect and be in force five days from and aftor such pub- lication. Passed by the City Council, Sept. lot , 1931 Approved by the Mayor Sept. Znd 1931 Attest: Mayor City Clerk 0 :0 'a ct Cs aid tv i I I 0 cr to rf ol CD t I- O cn 5 Oft It Co. 1000 1931 budget (Special) 1001 Water department budget for 19 1002 Tax levy for 1931 (Special) 1003 Emergency appropriation for po 1004 Emergency appropriation for wa 1005 Grants franchise (Special) 1006 Fixes denomination in industry in Ord. 997 (Special) Appropriation for street improvements (Special) Establishes street grades (Special) Street vacation (Special) Appropriation to replace pipeline for waterworks (Special) Water department budget for 1932 (Special) 1932 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1932 !Special) Emergency appropriation for public library (special) Provides for issuance of interest bearing coupons (Special) Street vacation (Special) Authorizes board construction (Repealed by 1066) Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) Water department budget for 1932 (Special) 1933 budget. (Special) Tax levy for 1933 (Special) Payment of claim (Special) Repeals Ord. 910 (Repealer) Parking time limits (10.04) Makes water superintendent ex officio plumbing inspec- tor and chief of fire department ex officio building inspector (Repealed by 1236) Requires license for sale of liquor (Repealed by 1525) Amends Ord. 1026 (Repealed by 1525) Sets hours of opening, closing barbershops (Repealed by 1525) Special election (Special) Amends Ord. 1026 (Repealed by 1525) Water department budget (Special) 1934 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1934 (Special) Divides city into wards (Repealed by 1483) Emergency transfer of funds (Special) Provides licensing of motor vehicles, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) Emergency payment into water fund (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 1036, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) Emergency appropriation for street department (Special) Apportions council representation from each ward (Re -;- pealed by 1483) Special election to increase tax levy (Special) Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) Water department budget for 1935 (special) 1935 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1935 (Special) Licenses secondhand dealers, junk dealers, pawnbrokers, amends Ord. 873 and repeals Ord. 855 (5.28) Emergency appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 899 and Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) ■ ORDINANCE NO. O l An Ordinance Fixing and Adopting a Budget for the Water Department for the City of Port Toemsond for the year 1932. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLL0WS % Section 1. That the following described Budget be, and the same is hereby "' fixed and adopted for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend for the l'..;... year 1932, digided in the total amounts in each o£ the following a assos compri- sing the whole of the budget, to -wit: �. Salaries and Wages .................................. 49,285.00 r:. Maintenance and Operation ........................... * 5,280.00 Interest and Debt Redemption ........................ $ 44,485.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the.Port Town- send Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. u' Passed by the City Council. October � �--, 1931 Approved by the Mayor Ootober 4 , 1931 Atteet3 Mayor City Clerk. - 'v!`a`:. -u.� r; -"..rin'1:�.,�1:T's....f_ w�-+..•�; �.:,v •�wi s:�. ^;�y`;• M�z,{, ",5+'r "'•�. ,�„" •:y. ;r, _ _ - - oteJt,:r'`..''•�ir'. f3•' _ :r' _ r:f'.",�?;": :-r•€a`�r•:s.^"�. .�x1- tee': cl- p to 0'3 ' ct ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinanoo fixing and adopting the Budget for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the year 1932. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOVINSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the samo is here- by fixed and adopted for the City of Port Tormsend for the your 1932, for tax- ation purpocos, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages .................................. $i19,435.00 Maintenance and Operation ........................... # 9,732.00 Interest and Debt Redemption ........................ $ 19,022.50 . Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Town- send Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October 1931 Approved by the Mayor October 4�" Zvt , 1931 Attest: City Clork mayor - =i�•:a?;^fe:J� �'' 1x: ,, 7•�?Y.+:' i ui= ..:fir. ^t' v� ' ya �'� ^.0 s._ Y'r "_- �ti'?�i. 't +!yc._•i'::•e3.1`:+�u•;v,�Mry •�,�,r,•f.v;w �rySwni -i.•atrr„:�iF: ��F 3R ' ?tiR 3 r.•� u; air `des 4.,•T': :i= }.rk �. < s, t{'::��,.y. .}.�,,rS •..., i -:'r"_- : ti:: �.. .:+1�'3: -:.•,,,_;. • �`�--:;.Ss`�5=. _ - :i�'-'�''`h.: - :�;,.. ,.S'a r •7 R - -;5r - - �c1 a F, ' o ORDINANCE NO. Zg2Z 3 ON ORDINANCE making and fixing the Tax Levy for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxes for the your 1932. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO'NNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLORS: Section 1. That hhore are hereby levied upon all the baxable property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, the following sums of monoy and rates of tax levy for the differ - ant purposes herein designated for the year 1932, and the rato of taxation upon the assessed valuation for such purposes is as follovis; First; For the payment of current expenses of said city and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of Eighteen Thousand, Five Hundred Sixty -throe and 50/100 Dollars ($16,563.50), and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at eighteen (16) mills on the dollar. Second: For the payment of Interest on Bonds, First Issue, the sum of Two Thousand, Six Hundred Ninoty-f ive and 00/100 Dollars (42695.00), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at two and throo-fourth (2-3%4) mills on the dollar. Third: For the payment of Interest on Bonds, Second Issue, the mm of One Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollars ($1250.00), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is heroby.fixed at one and ono -fourth (1-1/4) mills on the dollar. Fourth:, For the Bond Redemption Fund, First Issue of Bonds, the sum of Three Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($3,000.00). and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at three (3) mills on the dollar. Fifth: For the Bond Redemption Fund, Second Issue of Bonds, the sum of Three Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($3,000.00), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at three (3) mills on the dollar. Sixth: For the payment of interest on bonds and for bond redemption, Port Townsend General Indebtedness 1931 Water Bond and Interest Fund, the sum of Two Thousand, Eight Hun- dred Twenty-seven and 60/100 Dollars ($2,827.50), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at two and throe -fourth (2-3/4) mills an the dollar. Seventh: For the payment of Indebtedness of the City of Port Townsend, known as the "Indebtedness Fund," the sum of Six Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty and 00/160 Dollars ($6,250.00), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at six (6) mills on the dollar. Eighth% For the purpose of maintaining a Public Library, and for the Library Fund, the sum of Two Thousand and Sixty-five and 00/100 Dollars ($2,065.00), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at Two (2) mills on the dollar. Ninth: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park, and for the Park Fund, the sum of One Thousand, Forty and 00/100 Dollars (81,040.00), and the rats of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at One (1) mill on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk of said oity.are•hereby-duthorkiod and directed to certify to the County Assessor and the County Auditor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said city. •Section 3. That this ordinance shall be published onoo iA the Port Tormsend Loader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October Zz?;6 1931 Approved by the Mayor October G-" zt-, 1931 Attest; rftyorJ9 City Clerk. H pa W ORDI1UNCE NO. 1014. An Ordinerce declaring an emergency for the immediate appropriation and expenditure in the sum of one hundred anf fifty dollars for the Public Library, for additional clerk hire to index tho property of library, and the authori- ty to issue emergency warrants therefor. '19horeas it having been made to appear to the City Council that there exists an emergency for the immediate appropriation and expenditure in the sum of one hun- dred and fifty dollars for the Public Library, for additional clerk hire to index the property of said library; and that such appropriation and expenditure in said sum for said purpose could not have been contemplated and foreseen at the time of making up and adopting the budget for the Public Library for the year 1931, Now Therefore, The City Council of the City of Port Torsnsend, Washington, do ordain as follovrs: Section 1. That an emergency be and is hereby declared for the immediate appropriation and expenditure in the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for the Public Library, for additional clerk hire to index the property of said library, . and that emergency warrants in said sum are hereby authorized to be issued. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Town. -and Leader and to be in force and take effect five days after suoh publication. Passed by the City Council Oct. 20, 1931. Approved by the Mayor Oct. 21, 1931. Attest: -- mayor City Clark. ORDIVANCa 110. 1015 An Ordinance of the City of Port Tovrnsend, State of Washington, authorizing the issuance of forty-nino (49) seni-unnual interest boaring coupons in the sum of twenty- seven dollars and fifty oontr, (427.50) each, p::yable on the first day of January, 1932, as evidencing interest duo on said date on forty-nino (49) bonds, numbered twonty- covon (27) to seventy-five (75) inclusive, in the prir_cipal sum of one thousand dol- lars ($1000.00) ouch, gonoral and binding obligations of said Oity, issued on the first day of July, 1911, and payable on the first day of July, 1931; and authorising the Mayor and the City Clork of said -city to issue, execute and sic said ooupons with the Seal of the City thereto affixed. . Whereas, the City of Port Tovrnsend, on the first dny of July, 1911, issued seventy- five (75) refundini; bonds, in the sum of one thousand dollars (vO1000.00) each, bearing interest at the rate of five and one-half (5-1/2) per cent per aiuium, payable semi-- annually on the first day of Januliry and July of ouch year, .aid refunding bonds tieing numbered one (1) to soventy-five (75) inclusive, and payable on the first clay of July, 1931, subject to a certain option therein specified; and that tvrenty-six (26) of said bonds have been paid and liquidated, leaving bonds nurbored twenty-soven (27) to sevenby- five (75) inclusive outstanding and unpaid; and Whereas, the City Council of said City do hereby acknowled6e and recognize that forty -vino thousand dollars (049,000.00) of said refunding bonds are due, unpaid, and an existing legal, binding general obligation of said City of Port Townsend, inclu- ding all interest that may accrue thereon; and that there are nov no coupons attached to any of said refunding bonds; Now, therefore, The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, State of Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Fort Townsend do hereby author- izo and direct, that forty-nine (49) semi-annual interest coupons in the sum of twen- ty-seven dollars and fifty cents (;27.50) each, be issued, payable January first, 1932, as evidence of interest duo on said date on forty-nino (49) rofunding bonds in the sum of one thousand dollars (�1000.00) ouch, numbered twenty-seven (27) to seventy- five (75) inclusive, issued on the first day of -July;-.., 1911, and payable on the first day July, 1931, and that said coupons be substantially in the following form: "Coupon No. 41. $27.50 On the First day of January, 1932, THE CITY OF FORT TOE11SEND, STATE OF l7ASHINCTON, Promises to pay to the bearer the slur of twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents (y27.50) at the Fiscal Agency of the State of 17ashington, in New York City, State of New York, for interest due that day on its Refunding Bond dated July 1st, 1911. Bond No. Attest: I�lnyor City Clerk. Section 2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to issue, execute and sign said coupons; that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to forward, as soon as possible said coupons, together with a certified copy of this ordinance, to the Fiscal Agonc:V of the State of Washington, at Now York City, State of flaw York, and that said fiscal agency is hereby fully authorized, upon the owners and holders presentation of each of said forty-nine (49) refunding bonds to it for proper identification, to pay and cancel said forty-nine (49) coupons and return same to the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend, 7iashington. Section 3. That this ordir_unce be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force five days after such publication. Passed by the City Council December lst, 1931 Approved by the 1:.ayor December 2nd, 1931. Attest: Niayor City Clerk J r Cs. � H • W O h • CD O to a) C7 Gi O' m _ w as o "s s !J a ct. C O N d ►S cn tz P m A. rL W Ott w ORDIDANGE I40. 10.16 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port To ristnd vaoei';ino pur63 of L'i 3 :t i+I . ; r , a:� l : op r11I�i�; Ordinance No. 980, passed by the CiL-y Council August 20th, 1929, approved by the Mayor August 20th, 1929, entitled "An Ordinance of I;he City of Port Town- send vacating parts of certain streets :in the Original Townsite oil said city." Thu City Council of the City of Port Ta,nsend, 17ashingrton, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the following, named parts of streets in the Original Townsite of the City of Port Tozfnscnd be and the same are hereby vacated, to --grit: The rwrts of Franklin, Jefferson, ;;ashington and ,later Streets between the oao 4 line of Jackson Strout and the inner harbor line; Parts of Hudson Street between Block 50 of the Original Townsite and Block 1 of Tideland District No. 11; also, between Block 47 of the Original Townsite and Block 1 of Tideland District No. 12; and also, between Blocks 1 and 2 of the Original Townsite; Clallam Street between the south line of Lawrence Street and the north line of Front Street; Clay Street between the west line of Clallam Street and the inner harbor line; past Front Street between the south line of Lawrence Street and the inner harbor line. Section 2. That Ordinance No. 980 as above entitled and de- scribed be and the same is hereby repealed. Sectirn 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Tovinsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force five days after such publication. Passed by the City Council „arch lot , 1932 Approved by the Mayor March 2nd 1930 Attest: _— ► Mayor city Clerk Pt r Approved as to form; City Attorney. r �+• Cl H N � O ct O . �c �L Cf Ia Ga D • o2.OY17A C:� I;O. 1017 aLn Urdiinix:co _want :l., to Sttt:]:,. r 4 o� Cr iifn.^:ir., Doln-:.rc Cornor:.tion "-,"he ri :t u'J or, t�r t.. .:l-x is '.1j; .1n �r- c,,7nun r) Hr�, ricon ;r Strout in the C ity of Port Tor.,icenLl ,nd to ;-1u1 collect lolls :'or Cao use of the 1rhe city council of t",o Cit , of Port To;•rnsond 6o or3r:i.n :'.r follovrv: Section 1. Tho.t thero is horeb•* to tlic St.?.nci :rd. Oil company of California, a Dola.;.ara Co3:jporatlon, and its assiTnz, the ritht to oacrcte and raaintain :t-ffharf with suitrtble Z11]r0'.G:heP ^^�� SU& gti:`r stradlaire`G n.,ny '(,e necessrty to Uhn terminus of Harrison stz•cat in the Clt.r of Po, a r!'ovm. -,oae foL a f ',Cn (10) ye,%rs from and after the 1st day of May, 1932. Section 2. That ran -id ;7 r.rf shall be maintained in substantially the spine locution and in the same mannor tart it is now in vitro tiro right ght :nd ?]rivile�e lncreby ©rantad unto the said Standard Oil Coum: ny to ropnir, L,n)ro•re, add to r-rd n,L:lintai n the snrie as herein provided, the location thereof beinm substcntial1,,,- as follows: Coi=onciii�; at the southerly line of Vkfor street in said. city vfnere the s�,rne crossee Earribson street, and extendin- sonthorly in and along, Harrison ctreat into Port Townsend bay to the inner h..rbor line, or to doep crater, within the limits of sapid Harrison street as laid off and platted by the Stato of Washington ?aicl shown on the Stato Tide Land ?dap of Rort Totm$end ihaebor, and shell occupy. ^o Bate: of aaiA street ..s wRy be neces-Aar;r for dock and wharfa o purposes. Section Z. T'nc said. vdir.ra. pad its a�st]xocci:ns smell ifs sltiRintcined in r substantirti and worlmwmli},o im-nnor, and s=na11 be subject to inspection by end upvrovol of the City'Tngineor of tha City of Port Townsend. Section 4. That tho Standard Oil Cwimnny and its assigns shall have the right to fix,, ostabliuh. R.nd collect tolls and ratos for ;rnaxa,;o, storvje and doc%age:, aab,ject to such re ulntionts asid supervision a.s ,:vy be from tLme. to ti.,,la prescribod by tho, State of Washington, znd Qaid ;vhr.rf shill bo m-Cu jcct to tine laws of the State of lYr.sihin;ton and the ordinances of said city, roSltl-'tin; rrharvcs. Section 5. That for to WQ,tG 131•a A 7r^__0A to r:v.V:, S;.rz:1 :rr" OU. :'.nd its Uxoo estiignfl rKall p<.;- to thp City of Port TonnnanA thutlzrl o ;� .... t... 701OrICII .Zc,Very year C:uri:LT the t•�n--i of . ,%Id r1'%'.11CLii^(' for ri ;hto :1.i•1:1 T=ri1'il n.!oti 1i,,rein F;rc atnC., pnylble ,. , ", �;- - s i r nll fail to coi.,Tly r�nnunl'iy in r�dv::slcc., t1:�.t in c:. ,c ti•_n ..i�t ,;� :ltee or its zr.r..".i r3;1 ._ «lt s,.rhZr or ; ll the conditions of this ord:iiianco, th,, r. ;inci this or%i.inr-nce shall become null and void, and all rirHts r.nd franchises herein ,rr;'�nted ehall become forfeited. Section 6. The r..ccept; nco of thins ordin nce by t:e naid r^ntoo dh ll be deemed an a!;rE'e;nant L' to CnYl�ol::l :�.�. i I-ljrr V'--1 .ro i .r••nr ;.l r �tC wj �z r,�r f n-. n_,- o ^ere t rnt us3 o the grade of the maid stroats nn now a stnJTOW or to to ::C:'_onf cr ^ �:-Ga J 3 ICL. on tlo request of .the City Council. Section 7. That t:nis ordintince cba l t;z':tie affect and be in force from and after its • passage, opproval and .filing of the acceptance of the snmc by the grantee and from and after fiyo L%ys after its publication in the Port Townsend Waekly Leader. Passed tno City Council, April 19th, 1932 Approved by ti.© Lte,ror_AprII22nd, 1932 Attest: (mayor) . �--^ Ci ty Clerk) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i t. ct in �{ O r3 ct a co F+ct o m� . o L �4 oP a c C) (a • - m • 0 l I I I U}ii; Zit." ;C:? 110. 1018 ,in Ordinanco of t.ho (;Uy of Port Tovinsond, :'aahinrgton, fixing the salarloo of the City Troasurer, City Clork, and the City Attorney, for the tv;o-yoar Corm of office beginning an .the fourth day of January, 1933. '1'M CITY COUNCIL 010 THE* CITY OF 110hT TO'; 11SaiD, STIM OF WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS VOi,LO" S., Section 1. That Lhe ;nontrily nalarios to be paid to the City Treasurer, City Clork, and City Attorney, t'or the two year terns of office boginning on the fourth day of January, 1933, are hereby fixed as follows: The City Treasurer, the monthly Salary in the su'll of QV-J- () the City Clerk, the monthly salary In the gum the City Attorney, the monthly nalax-y in the sum of 0 {D ) . Sect n 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Lender, s-nd to tale effect and be in force on the fourth day of January, 1933. Passed by the City Counall September 27th , 1932. Approved by the ll:nyor _ September 27th _, 1932. Attest: 14 r 1J ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance Fixing and Adopting a Budget for the Water Depart- ment for the City of Port Townsend for the year 1933. THE CITY C07NCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described Budget be, and the same is hereby fixed and adopted for the Water Department of the City of Fort Townsend for the year 1933, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ........................... 0 4410.00 Maintenance and Operation .................... 2785.00 Interest and Debt Redemption 45000.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Pont Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October_ , 1932 Approved by the Mayor , 1932 ATTEST: cx x W 0 0sn to cr O CA m • CJ 7 N _ rt . ORDINANCE NO. / �,.' O An Ordinance fixing and adopting the Budget for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the year 1933. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described Budget be, and the same. Is hereby fixed and -adopted for the City of Port Townsend for the -year 1933, for taxation purposes, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ............................. 13,951.00 Maintenance and Operation ...................... 10,338.20 Interest and Debt hedemption ................... 18,668.49 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once'in the r'c.. Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided •t . by law. r Passed by the City Council October 1932 Approved by the Mayon October /7-- -4-4 , 1932 ATTEST: Mayor- City Cleric tj .. CR �y�+ 02 m - CrT 9) 0: • r. M 1000 1931 budget (Special) 1001 Water department budget for 1931 (Special) 1002 Tax levy for 1931 (Special) 1003 Emergency appropriation for police department (Special) 1004 Emergency appropriation for water department (Special) 1005 Grants franchise (Special) 1006 Fixes denomination in industry bonds provided for in Ord. 997 (Special) 170 1007 Appropriation for street improvements (Special) 1008 Establishes street grades (Special) 1009 Street vacation (Special) 1010 Appropriation to replace pipeline for waterworks (Special) 011 Water department budget for 1932 (special) 1012 1932 budget (Special) _013 Tax levy for 1932 (Special) 1014 Emergency appropriation for public library (Special) 1015 Provides for issuance of interest bearing coupons (Special) 1-016 Street vacation (Special) 1017 Authorizes board construction (Repealed by 1066) 1018 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 1019 Water department budget for 1932 (Special) 1020 1933 budget (special) --'f021 Tax levy for 1933 (Special) 1022 Payment of claim (Special) 1023 Repeals Ord. 910 (Repealer) 1024 Parking time limits (10.04) 1025 Makes water superintendent ex officio plumbing inspec- tor and chief of fire department ex officio building inspector (Repealed by 1236) 1026 Requires license for sale of liquor (Repealed by 1525) .-�S 1027 Amends Ord. 1026 (Repealed by 1525) 1028 Sets hours of opening, closing barbershops (Repealed by 1525) 1029 Special election (Special) 1030 Amends Ord. 1026 (Repealed by 1525) /1031 Water department budget (Special) 1032 1934 budget (Special) 1033 Tax levy for 1934 (Special) 1034 Divides city into wards (Repealed by 1483) 1035 Emergency transfer of funds (Special) 1036 Provides licensing of motor vehicles, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) 1037 Emergency payment into water fund (Special) 1038 Emergency appropriation (special) 1039 Amends Ord. 1036, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) 1040 Emergency appropriation for street department (Special) 1042 Apportions council representation from each ward (Re -- pealed by 1483) 1042 Special election to increase tax levy (Special) 1043 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 1044 Water department budget for 1935 (Special) 1045 1935 budget (Special) 2046 Tax levy for 1935 (Special) 1041 Licenses secondhand dealers, junk dealers, pawnbrokers, amends Ord. 873 and repeals Ord. 855 (5.28) 1048 Emergency appropriation (Special) t 1049 Amends Ord. 899 and Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 171 ORDIN,&1401-, NO. / 6) 2 An Ordinanoe mulcing and .fixing the tax levy for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxes for the year 1933. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN As FOLLOWS; Section 1. That there are hereby levied upon all tho taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, the following sums of money and rates of .tax levy for the different purposes herein designated for the year 1933, and the rate of taxation upon the assessed valuation for such purposes is as follows: First: For the payment of current expenses of said city and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of Eighteen Thousand, Nine Hundred Thirty-one and 45/100 Dollars ($18,931.45), and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at eighteen (18) mills on the dollar. Second: For the payment of Interest on Bonds, First Issue, the sum of Two Thousand, Light Hundred Ninety-two and,R0/100 Dollars ($2,892.30), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at two and three -fourths (2-3/4) mills on the dollar. Third: For the payment of Interest on Bonder, Second Issue, the sum of Seven Hundred Eighty-eight and 80/100 Dollars ($788.80), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at three -fourths 03/4) mill on the dollar Fourth: For the Bond Redemption Fund, First Issue of Bonds, the sum of Three Thousand, One Hundred Fifty-five and 24/100 Dollars ($3,155.24), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at three (3) mills on the dollar. Fifth: For the Bond Redemption Dund, Second Issue of Bonds,the sum of Three Thousand, One Hundred Fifty-five and 24/100 Dollars ($3,155.24), and the rate levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at three (3) mills on the dollar. Sixth: For the payment of interest on bonds and for bond redemption, Port Townsend General Indebtedness 1931 Water Blind and Interest Fund, the sum of Two Thousand, Three Hundred Sixty-six and 43/100 Dollars ($2,366.43), and the rate of tax levjr for said purpose is hereby fixed at two and one-fourth (21) mills on the dollar. Seventh: For the payment of indebtedness of the City of Port Townsend, known as the "Indebtedness Vand,'r the sum of Six Thousand, Three Hundred Ten and 48/100 Dollars ($6,310.48), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at six (6) mills on the dollar. Eighth: For the purpose of maintaining a public library, and for.the Libra- r Fund, the sum of One Thousand, Eight Hundred Forty and 55/100 Dollars, (11,840:55), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one and three -fourths (1-3/4) mills on the dollar. Ninth: For the purpose of maintaining a public park and for the Park Fund, the sum of One Thousand, Fifty-one and 75/100 Dollars (61,051.75), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk of said city are hereby au- thorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor and the County Auditor of Jefferson county, Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said city. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Town- send Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October 4th, 1932 Approved by the Mayor October 4th, 1932. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk. .. ed I rr ORDINANCE 110. 1022 AN ORDIN,1 !CJ allowiti, the claim of NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS 00',01k TY filed with the Oity Clerk on September 28, 1931, for amounts heretofore advanced by said Company to the CHAS. R. 1.400011=0K LUI.4aE9 COtIPAI F to protect the pipeline of the water works system of the CITY OF PORT TOWNSMID outside of the City limits, and providing for the payment of said claim. THE CITY COUNCIL OF T'iiE CITY OF PORT TWINSEND do" ordain as follows: Section 1. The claim of NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS COITANY in the amount of Ten Thousand Three Hundred Seventy- five (410,375.00) Dollars, filed with the City Clerk of the CITY OF PORT T071NSMND on the 28th day of September, 1931, being the sum heretofore advanced by NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS CWIPANY to the CHAS. R. MCCORIJICK LU1.4HER COWDANY to protect a certain portion of the pipeline of the CITY OF PORT T07rNSEND lying outside of the City limits, be and it is hereby approved and allowed without interest. Section 2. Payment of said claim shall be made from any surplus available from time to time over and above the re- quirements of the present bonded indebtedness of the .water system of the CITY OF PORT TO'a'SEITD, in such amounts as the City Council shall direct. The balance, if any, of the claim remaining unpaid one year after the present bonded indebtedness of the ureter system of the CITY OF PORT TO'BTSEND is paid or provided for, shall be paid, in whole,.or in such installments of not less than five Thousand Dollars (N5,000.00) per year, as the City Council shall at that time determine. No interest shall be allowed upon said claim except interest upon delinquent installments, in which event interest shall run from the date of such delinquency. Section 3. Tbit this ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader in the manner providdd by law, and take effect according to the terms and pr6visione therein specified; and that the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause such publication to be made. Passed the City Council 1932 Approved by the YayQX�epi 1932 Attest: City Clerk. Approve b tb C. ty A e as to f orm. City Atttrney. Pi led Vts day of 1932. City Clerk. ORDINANCE lio.�� An Ordinance of the City of 11ort To:m.cnd repealing ordinance IIo. 910, .relating to intoxicating liquors, laozed by thj2 City Council. I i.rch 21st, 1922 and alipioved by the 3—yor I'LarcIl 22nd, 1022. The City Council of tho City of Fort Townsend, 'Jashin ton, do ordain n.s follows: Section 1. That Ordinnnce Xo. 910, .relating to intoxicating ,,. liquors, pa..,aed by thO City Council Yarch 21ut, 1922 and :;;approved' ;'Eby the Yayor iarch 22nd, 1922, be and the Uamc is ',:hereby repealed, and every suction thereof. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in The Part Twmaend Leader, and to take effect from and after five day' a after such publication. Parsed by the City Counci1932 approved by the V Or .��2r-, yTI _ I932 ?' -Attest: hfayor City C'ark �T_ Date of first publication a.^ `2�/Zz , 1932 tJ P A 1-'''d O 'd c} [A1d [A m a 'd W zo$1 tom H.zrW a m n �-m o a < A• cr tx w W ct [n 47 CA O z F' ct >3 Q. cr Ca o to O to Q F' G to o 0 o `fit; • � b 'O! w 'c7. � � cv F-' ?1 O O CA n" mrc• rA o. � o CA O w a ORDINANCE NO 1024 AN ORDINANCE fixing hours of standing or parking of motor or other vehicles on psrts of certain Streets of the City of Port `iown- aend, and providinf, a penalty for the violation thereof. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do Ordain as follows: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful .for any person to stand or park any motor or other vehicle for a longer period at any one time than two hours between the hours of eight o'clock A.;d. and six o1clock P.1% , on any day except holidays and Sundays, on Plater Street extending from Tyler Street to Quincy Street; on Adams Street extending from Washington Street to Water Street; on Taylor Street extending from Washington Street to Front Street, and on 'Washington Street extending from Taylor Street to Adams Street. Section 2. That with the consent of the owners of property abut- ting on any parts of streets mentioned in section one of this ordi- nance, the Mayor, Chief of Police and Chairman if the Street Commit- tee,. acting together, are hereby granted the power and authority to designate zones for taxi cabs and auto buses to stand or park, on any of the parts of streets mentioned in section one or this ordinance, such designation to be in writing and filed with the City Clerk; pro- vided, however, that such taxi cabs and huto,buses shall not be sub- ject to the hours of standing or parking, as provided for in section one of this ordinance, and provided further, that physicians be al- lowed to park their auto's at all hours without time limit. Section 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person to to stand or park any motor or other vehicle used in the delivery of goods, wares and merchandise, on any of the parts of streets named in section one of this ordinance, for any longer period than sufficient time to load or unload such goods, wares and merchandise. Section 4. That any person convicted for the violation of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon such conviction shall be fined not less than One Dollar or more than Three Dollars, including costs of court. Section 5. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect five days from and after the date of such publication. Passed by the City Council February 21st, 1933. Passed by the City Council over the Mayors veto,.iiarah 7th, 1933.. At-tes t': 21: 1__� (SEAL) • ty t;. er t." Approved as to for:: CIEF A-EEOFT6Y. -�,T 4` _t ct 0 CD Co CD (D GQ cr t:r 0 ct, 1-4 0 CO F- z 0 o 9D cQ pi :s cr CD 0 cr F4 0 Ea rA � 0 3. J= -b 0 CD 0 t3 (D oltulriANCL No. /49,2 6^ An ordinance making; the Nater Superintendent ex-officio plumbing inspector, and the Chief of Fire Department ex-officio building inspector, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That it shall be the duty of the Water Superin- tendent to act as ex-officio plumbing inspector and administer all plumbing ordinances and orders of the Council made in con- nection therewith, without any additional compensation therefor; and it shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to act as ex-officio building inspector and administer all building ordinances and orders of the Council made in connection there- with, without any additional compensation therefor. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. 'Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect five days from and after the date of such publication. Attest: Passed by the City Council, 'arch // , 1933. Approved by the Mayor hlarch 57/rye , 1933. Mayor eery ary. oved as to form: tyOlAttorney. 0 :ct (D ct :j I OQ 0 in, 0 0 a ct CD W ".0 rIL 0 F0 cip CD I:;' Co r" r- Cn (n 0 11 CD H t-6 ct cl- (a cr CD 0 L ORDINANCE NO. 1026. AN ORDINANCE licensing the sale of certain beverages for the purpose of revenue, regulation and control; providing for the supervision and revocation of licenses; defining offenses against said ordinance and providing penalties for the violation thereof. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the term "beverages as used in this ordinance shall include beer, lager beer, bock beer, ale,porter, stout, and other brewed or fermented beverages containing one-half of one per cent or more of alcohol by volume but not more than 3.2 per cent of alcohol by weight. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpo- ration to cunduct any place within the City of Port Townsend where beverages, as defined by this ordinance, are sold or offered for sale without first having obtained a valid license from the City of Port Townsend authorizing such person, firm or corporation to conduct such place of business at such location.. Section 3. Licenses may be granted under and pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance permitting the licensee to keep for sale and to sell beverages, as defined by this ordinance, as follows: (a) Where served and consumed "on the premises", upon payment of an annual fee for said license of the sum of $100.00. (b) Where kept and offered for sale in sealed containers for consumption "off the premises", upon the payment of an annual fee for said license of the sum of $75.00. (a) 11here kept and offered for sale at wholesale, upon the pay - meet of an annual fee for said license of the sum of $250.00. A "wholesaler" as contemplated by this ordinance, is one who keeps and offers for sale beverages as defined by this ordinance, in not less than barrels, half -barrels, quarter -barrels, eighth -barrels, sixteenth - barrels and case lots of two dozen pints or one dozen quarts. Any dispenser of beverages as provided by this ordinance in less quanti- ties than as designated as a wholesaler, shall be deemed and considerdd a retailer. *'I (d) To unl c;-,, .,f ""C"U'iI.1 of v�'. eh ho t-:!II v C d foa., LI-JIVICO JI-I --.Q C f :Ljj c'j: only, Uron ay::!'=ntu cf x.,an,,naal of rc vidod hooever, rc 'licenae shall be izia%ad to hoto!l:a having;- IeL'U than tvienty- f i ve. guest. rooms c Tc i,-, w-ri, _ ra -'., o d -L (I J ;ja:J Cr I; I na 1 3 01 C x 10 r a uron "110 w -.1 t 11 of an annual f,-e 6f -�25.00. iZ cot i on Al. An; or a license f(-,x of bevaa7 .:ea ::,iaall file 'sit:: -1-111e City Cc,uncil of G',-�e Olit,,, f Town-lond Z111 a.-I.-lication t"'x'--for in such form az tI-'e City a')IIndjl yr':;'y The aT�i:licatlon 7z'.all deui�gnatc 1ho Ift-.ind c,f licDnLe de:;iyed- and tvvc or r,,nra li cano ez 1%, to th a-p-, li cant, and to cation. T,'efore the liccnuoa aro th^ city cblancil .31"all be 3cltlicfiad of the! a,.oral cha.,:Licter L-ntli. fina:-lclal xa-;ponz;ibility of the ap-plimnt, &-f.v:ropi7i-stane!.Q, cf ""e 10c.ation such licgrzed tu&�,, is to *ue. cnd-,icted tal,,in- into onlzid',ir"ation the number -cf auch li cenzc�: all!tetdy i 3 d '-I-'d .:rally W3 to the fitnaou, fr. r t*-;-:. trust tc-. J--,- E, 0 11 license and the t,pe or lzin,-'i -f 3. tc, -'�:io-reat. Each rwpi.,lic-altion for a lic!:1.5c 3hall 0'%tal-n: Thal ay.ft ':eaidence Jf Lir: COO" ri�Thp-�ixtiailic-r rl;zcc for which a license ie desired, desi."Irnating the t. 1:5, t;tx-ot num!I---,-, if Pxacti cable; if m6,� Third. Th:2 cf c ;:,-n,-r c-" tl; lu .: -'. :, 5� I i n o eci is "o X-'*I'i!'! cn. Fo'-'-th, A :nt t' n lipant is LI citiz';;n of t th� t (if a. cor,--c----aticn cr f itw that such applicant has never been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of any State or Federal laws or regulations or city ordinances relsting to the sale or possession of intoxicating liquors, narcotics or of gambling. Fifth; This application must be verified by the affidavit of the applicant made before a Notary Public or other person duly authorized by law to administer oaths. Sixth: That he intends to carry on the business authorized by the license for himself and not as an agent of any other person and that if licensed he will carry on such business for himself and not as the a- gent of any person. Seventh: That the applicant intends to superintend in person the management of the business licensed and if so licensed he will super- intend in person the management of the business. Section 5. Licensds for the sale of beverages as defined by this ordinance for consumptiom "on the premises", shall be granted only to persons operating an established restaurant, retail soft drink parlor or soda fountain in the City of Port Townsend which has been operated as a bona fide restaurant or retail soft drink business in said city continuously for more than one year immediately preceding the applica- tion for said license, and shull• issued only for locations within the following district of the City of Port Townsend, to -wit: Commencing on the westerly side of Jackson Street on Front Street; thence along the southerly side of Front Street to the westerly side of Kearney Street; thence along the westerly side of Kearney Street to the northerly side of Water Street; thence along the northerly side of Water Street to the westerly side of Tyler Street; thence along the westerly side of Tyler Street to the southerly side of Washington Street;thence along the southerly side of Washington Street to the Westerly side of Jackson Street; thence along the westerly side of Jackson Street to the place of beginning. Provided, however, that the zoning provisions of this section shall not apply to incorporated lodges or fraternal or'other:organizations having a State or National charter as contempla- ted by sub -section "e" of Section 3 of this ordinance. I Section t-.) L�3o r:.:., u!G dafinr!d 1'�' tlii�i 01.'Iinamoe in d •"off th,, t(. %0:-:J L;e!n opo)!atins; an iohod -'I'r a -f�';de L;17ra'yI1 (jrj-.;- /or,mercanti16 '�.I Xxxgcxxxxx w Z' i n C!I in JI C, Ci t" '7'.- -C)I:t t'.".an r':'..0 y""ux z:- ft! cation cr _ 14.1 Ii 'xnc Sectirll T it :hall unL,t.,ft11 y,: i:(--n to uell or tjol-va a'-defin."� by t"Ii to a to erIlat EL '.'Ancl. tc drink tl,-,:, tho a" mhe 11 cen. et'j 0 r L 1L'.r a. 0 e.3V CC.. of a i, c. 1-1 t e I Ea ce 0 f bu-.i-ne.: 3 Of LzL li Dane act: za:,, "by thir, Ordiriance Z.%'a aold fc:c cr, ion "on `,-he. '-c unlai-if ul t,:� z ell c,:v j c 2- ve "c. P, %r�-: ra', defined it Dhall L P- de int, " A, v thi2 ordiance to a ia Section a. All j)=.L%3, opexatim, lie-n—es i43euud by virtue of this ordinance shall tc, -,intain an orl.�rly place of ILuz-T.,—z;r, -,nd tr, per -it no !C)ua or bL, -tcrouo c`nduct the -Lein. .-Io ror".r..ia f^V! be. �e.--vica of defined by this ordinance or r1rim.,Lto o.nt::anc2z Mb ti.,P- uaid p3:.& i ehall erection S; All ordin---ncei3 of the Cit-r of Port To',m--nd, 'L-, -.",L- ti '.Li au vrell a',3 all P3'.ate and Fo.darr, la n'.d L Oro, 1.1 c t be strictly observed by I i C,,naeoU 1-102:tion ^f t h 6 of a licenzse.c a jils.,ce for the cale or a., r. z uiy.-,c. t i o n of beverap _;ea ao dE,.J,J'ncd in tI';iL- o::dAnance llc�n ti e 7ol-, :gall b C., 2. d c r v c d I--- anpli-pensee, -n -ehc Of 1:0" C:10100' x x -X;6 Section any 4rin': y x ancin arr- or in dllY i c enu- c d Vlac-,z Of tlj);, -�alo wlcd ccn,llut:,',;tion "on the 1�r am i c --!3 Seoticn i R=xux i;,—,awd t'.,: I nc, tic: t1lc tl..L' City G:)uncil L -r:cticn 13. "P:,rucn"-;ithin Uis c� shall i-,,oan an;, :i,nc1u,!& nutlural Tc�rsonii of zax, fiRMS, co?'p-rtn,,rohij-:a, EL:;;aociationc. xvr,:i:7iLtir)nc. Section 14. Al! un-:Ier -,e7!7CVi:;i0nU Cf thin. ordinanc45, ulail -u -- dij�piayed In E, csrnvpicuv�.0 1',la0e at the to cation ac 1i censad. Section 2-5. All li ft, requi. -Led bY this oxdinan-oe Shall be 1_uicl in a:iljanoa L',,)r aj,,%Iiccd, for &nd no a-prlication anal ',�e to thy. City Council until- tile licsrs© fee haz b-,,.�.n tcnd,,.rca in full in advanw. A--, I -nt n011-111 tenrl;ir 'E:e lic:mzec! iv tc, tha- Cit- Trt- L:1er ,:r r -,I c eif-'t, t) 1 n r e f c r a 1113 e h u 11.11 1 t t c d ,;'it;; 7 e apy" 11 m t 0 n tend tthould 'U',.e appliruticm ---2 denied tho fee, shall ::e rF;tLil'nact to tlt-. qection 16. A-11 licenLz,; t! e pa:uvicionz3 of thin ordin,c,.-noe ohall e::ire on 31ot, of cad,. year and application :.hall T,,e lio6ncao iz.,ucd to ex;�ixe on Kzt arr%li:>atj.on; the ar.-licant r i c. d v, '11c, "t f to Fection 17. cin a- lication 0 t Cn i - f T, c I I cam. a "--C.fcre ",2r- City on rct It t:"arl fi,;ti dc ti 11 ovi C- d t c c' t c Y nzo vi o i<j r. I a, d in,.,-. 'oy �4'urwtl fOr violation Of t!1O v:r:6vi�3ionu c,f this oxdi*nf---1nce or c,tji,-:.'r o',.dinancz or c-f and Fod,-•ral law, !::a: uj,on -,-,cd a:tj!,e i':' z f 11 C.- i d 1i und:�r c ;r,'Ananco n r, 6 aparin, Cit (b%incil rocnoc- illctirc' arty QU,,3 n ice- c� Ll 2.- e%,,) nj a:, n. ft i, f C, or c by I-- o v i d e d f u t i a limnse, T -i�a action of tl-,L�,, Cit�,r Obv�ncil -I.C., ;zu!3p0.n,--'Zicn or ! U. 1':vooation Cr �':L-11- lic.,inaa zhall final. Section 18. The tcxi,. ";;cod cuuz-a", a� ho.rein used bhall be ccnetimed tu.'- 'ce 1.n.1 i4,.can of and noticco y di3rc: "-ai-d of :d cth-r crdin'- ncezi of poll ce of f i c,.r !3aid city; di-unkonn!,,u:5, dttin- cf any OI f''n33 involvin-v i;,oxal ti-vr, itude, cr a failu'.-e ,,f apy 1ioeli5e"' Or ', upon cr ccjui-..iw^nt with hiz 1"Ll.-ineoa is carried on, to om-ply and cc;nform t-- :Ecx .-ranting cf L:ndi forth in t',Ili:i aLrdinance, or t:� the nf lo.,,vs ai-,�L p�a:taininzr,' to 'at i on. health aai Section 19. Any p>:=n viol, or wi t h anN, of t',-,c un'� of thin or-1 non c.-- ehall J� di be -,i i I ty of a and uron :,z)-viction tl,'recf a "inn, Ci n--,--/ 1':." 1'-� :-.n- t C-4 L:A I i cf --t- ".c.n '.r'th di f i;i-xr4 t cr nc,=ed in om, uct c)-" r,!-:i:djuion ir. vital l."i'on Z:,f*.-., ce, LL.. . rLn'ci- �, • • JL 6i•vn 2 ox `}'; �. ;rE:c',, ,..'.Ct .. ]r': i;..:.,,;1;•" a.fCz'i:.S Cr to �'•^^_' 651'.' ally ..)t iil Vj.:..Iaticn vl thi_ Gi;liri:tnCG', cx ai3a or F,,bet3 the, 6w:,c, ahoth r i1roacnt or .:lid'hlt, cl'.C� ovelV ? ax on who directly or indirectly counsels, e.ncoura;ee, hirera, coii:mands, inducaa or othr-risiae I:roclrso another tc commit such violation io , shall In, a ;,rir. cipal candor thn t ox,rt.a of thia ordinE�.ncc an", ciha.11 be •xocee de. -I c.=w l t and yjrcu cuted w ciuch. Section 21. In eaae t_:in or;iinance r�hall be edjurimed unc n:^titutional,or void frr any other zeaFjon, ouch °dju?ictition sha71 r_ct a.fa,,ct :1ny of the oti:er p=Viaions of the oxdinanca. r. Sectiar. 22. That tbie oxdinance not hava -the effect of reviving or iakin; e::f::el:iv_, dLny of the .City of port icvrr.:send providirL,, for the li cenbinE or ppera,tion of saloonQ. �ectian 23. `that thin ordinance to rublizhed onto in i Port lo•:muerd Loader ain:'. to tc!. e of,fccot anni. be in focoe• 3porr, 4nd after April 7, 1933. Pa.eocd ,bay the City Cbuncil : arch30th IS33. Apj:xcvod by tic: or i!:a_rdi 30th Approved as to form: r City Attorney. 90►1mmty ct O C c� O t+ wp ►1 O In SD Co I. ct O9 t; C7 M09 O O 09 `4 Z ' to 10 , ct. • co Po d �' C] ca 0 SDa@ • F: z ct0r p O t- 0 m J-' • m:3 ct al CO ct, 0 tJ y . D p O 1• 1 01 O L ORDINANCE NO. 1027 AN ORDINANCE providing for qualifications of applicants for the sale of certain beverages for the purpose of reve- nue, regulation and control and amending Ordinance No. 1026 entitled "An Ordinance licensing the sale of certain beverages for the purpose of revenue, regulation and control; providing for the super- vision and revocation of licenses; defining offences against said ordinance and providing penalties for the violation thereof. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the fourth subdivision of Section 4 of Ordinance No. 1026, passed by the City Council March 30th, 1933; Approved by the Mayor March 30th, 1933, be and the same is hereby amended to read `as`follows: A statement that the applicant is a citizen of the United States of America and not less than twenty-one years of age; (if a .corporation or partnership, any of its officers or members as the case may be); that such applicant has not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of any State or Federal laws or regulations or city ordinances relating to the sale or posses- sion of intoxicating liquors or narcotics or of gambling, within a period oftwo years immediately preceding the date of &pplication. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to be in force and effect from and after five (5) days from date of publication. Passed by the City Council April 4th, 1933. Approved by the Mayor April SZ , 1933. i Mayor Attest:`. a" City Clerk. Approved as to form: city Attorney. x.-� 3 .�'�-_ - - --may t-�•. - _ .4 _.j.: '�: _i•K S.t�e � f r n.Yii *:Sr`!s~a _ �ZC•+'.� �.+�" i- _ .i� .«P:. <0. �^Y-':`,`.:isry i!iti_.�rF1`+.'r!`��,� �'`•t. .r9: qJ, +:'i 1 .-�'.•r J. i•..i. _ .. ^4' ej:s'C 'i/�tif_ Ci.. N� .,,• >;;• Y, Y�` rc v.•> ' ;; •;{5 �, "t. M %ill' ".�`"'� .Yi ". .i' .?'.'�':f, _ ::�._rrZ a.�...��!-C��r7s'--- j. � h,�: 7 T•-�::µ f �Yry i --'-F a • 17 10 O O G4 t:4 [0 O Z o�� o n txj O [� p A F'+ O O c- i !+ O i17 a O m Ii ORDINANCE NO. 1028. AN ORDINANCE regulating the hours of opening and closing of barber shops and providing penalties for viola- tion thereof. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, MASHING`i'ON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLONS: Section 1. The following schedule shall govern the opening and closing of barber shops in the City of Port Townsend: On week days, from 8 A.*M. to 6 P.i.i. On Saturdays and days preceding holidays, from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Section 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100.00 or imprisonment in the city Jail not exceeding thirty days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to be in force and take effect five days after such publication. Passed by the City Council June 6th, 1933. Approved by the Mayor June 7th, 1933. r Attest: h a�i yor~ --- City Clerk - __ _ _ - - .r'" - i£:+.�"�^ .,,y, •raT.i.w `•-}`, w�R.}�'.. "r kf! .Y:r`F.a�i�.,. - "'- .4:- ��r�ft..`��.:.�Sv'�. f%1 f �.-�.'7 � -:.yY ��..i fT �:y ;�. _;. `I.,, i5� 'S'4' !L^�`�_ �_A•� �^• _ - •'.I �T:l�n, rFf�:il� µ . _ d C �l M LT7 to }i H O O old CO CD i-i • '3 p c - i0o J" 0 0 41 QhDil: dICE i:0. lal AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port To:'rnsend providlyig for [Intl fixing the date of a special election for 'he qualified voters of the city to ratify or rejoct propositions granting to the City Council authority to levy taxes on the taxable property of said city in excess of the rate of fifteen mills now pvov1r1e0 by Iw:. :!HrH-AS, it appeat-s to tho City Counc J.1 of t'a e GILL,,, of Port Townsend from an examination of the prelizi.insry budget now on file with said council that there vrill be inraufl'icient money returned to the City Treasury of the City of Port `I'o'rrnsend during the year 1934, through taxation and otherwise, to provide for and carry out the functions of city government for that year; and V,HLRLAS, under the provisions of Initiative No. 64 (Chapter 49 Laws.of Vashington, 1933), cities and towns are granted power to levy taxes in excess of fifteen mills, when authorized so to do by the e- lectors of such city or town; and 111HERLAS, it appears to the City Council that an election for that purpose is necessary, and that the following; propositions should be submitted to the qualified electors of the city for ratification or rejection, THE CITY COWCIL OF '1HE CITY OF PORT T0:':NSEND, ".ASHIIIGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; Section 1. That v special election be Meld in the Cit;T of Port Townsend and the various voting wards thereof on Tuesday, the 26th day of September, 1933, which day and. date be, and hereby is, fixed as the date upon which said election shall. be held and shall be voted upon by the qual.i£ied electors of said city the following propositions and questions, in the manner following: Proposition I. Shall the City Council of the City of Port 'Cownsend be authorized to levy and collect dtiri.nrg the year 1934 the sum of .4,2,060.80, for the purpose of meeting a yearly in- stallment upon the city fire engine, by a special and additional levy on all taxable property of said city over and above the 15-mill levy now authorized by levy? Yes ................ ( ) ilo................. ( ) Proposition II. •-hall the City Council of the City of Port Townsend be authorized to levy and collect during the year 1934 the sum of ti�1,750.00, for the purpose of operating and maintaining the free public library of said city, by a special and addi.t:lon(41 levy or oll tFixable property of said city over and above tY_e Ifi-mill levy now authorized by lnvi? YPs............... ( ) 740 ................ ( ) i ' .# Proposition III. Shall the City Council of the City of Port Townsend be authorized to levy and collect during the year 1934, the sum of ;;1,000.00, for the improvement, operation and main- tenance of the City Park by a special and additional levy on all taxable property of said city over and above the 15-mill :Levy now authorized by law? Yes............... ( ) Ho................ ( ) Any voter who desires to vote fnvorrably upon either or all of said propositions shall place an ":i" in the square to the right of the word "yes" and any voter who desires to vote against either or all of said propositions shall place an "VI in the square to the right of the word "no". Section 2. Said election shall. be held and conducted in accord- ance with the general election laws of the State of ;'ashington, but not less than thirty days' notice of the voting on said propositions shall be given by publication in the Port To%nisend Leader, the news- paper doing the'city printing, and posting notice thereof in at least three places in each of the five voting wards of said city for said time. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port T ownsend'Leader and to be in force and take effect from and after five dsys from such publication. Passed by the City Council. r:ugust 15th, 1933 :',pproved by the iiayor August 1933 Attest: VO -xUyor i Ci y C�1, �• - � ,ram± ;~. � .. '. - - p }•d Ct Dop ctc< Cis 1�• C, Fes. O G C �7 C? L1 O G� ct• t)3 o eO10a z O O M N 1-4 yJ ' c p F'• O • cf M C W - ca - CD O Y• 0 • ORDINANCE NO. 1030. AN ORDINANCE repealing certain sections of Ordinance No. 1026 entitled "An Ordinance licensing the sale of certain beverages for the purpose -of revenue, regulation and control;. providing for the supervision and revocation of licenses;.defining offenses against said ordinances+and providing penalties for the violation thereof;" passed by the City Council March 30th, 1933, approved by the Mayor March 30th, 1933, as amended by Ordinance No. 1027, passed by the City Coun- cil April 4th, 1933, approved by the Mayor April 5th, 1933; and amending Ordinance No. 1026 by providing for qualifi- cations for licensees. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TUNNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That sections 5 and 6 of Ordinance No. 1026 entitled "An Ordinance licenO�ng the sale of certain beverages for the purpose of revenue, regulati:;�l and control; providing for the supervision and revocation of licenses; defining offenses against said ordinance and providing penalties for the violation thereof;" passed by the City Council March 30th, 1933, approved by the Mayor March 30th, 1933, as amended by Ordinance No. 1027 passed by the City Council April 4th, 1933, approved by the Mayor April 5th, 1933; be and the same are here- by repealed. Section 2. Licenses for the sale of beverages as defined bT Ordi- nance No. 1026 for consumption either "on" or "off the premises', shall be granted only to persons, firms or corporations who have been a resident or have operated an established place of business in the city of Port Townsend for more than six months immediately prior to the date of Application for license. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to be in force and take effect from and after five days from such publication. Passed by the City Council Sept. 19th, 1933 Approved by the Mayor Sept. 19th, 1933. Attest: jz {� mayor (11ty Clar . •k iJ • is MC+ ct PA. �. .: p m GnmG0. . :3•i0ID o— pop � a I-b el V 1*1 n F+ M'�4 Q, o v w ,., mc'0N f•bmSD O cL F-+ 9 O 'G V - tA.OF+c3 mMA so y m ►� a N x c� O O Hb O M $D ►S O q _ �. aC) a N ...�_z . _.....�, wL 1931 budget (Special) Water department budget for 19 Tax levy for 1931 (Special) Emergency appropriation for po Emergency appropriation for wa Grants franchise (Special) Fixes denomination in industry in Ord. 997 (Special) Appropriation for street improvements (Special) Establishes street grades (Special) Street vacation (Special) Appropriation to replace pipeline for waterworks .Special) Water department budget for 1932 (Special) 1932 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1932 (Special) Emergency appropriation for public library (Special) Provides for issuance of interest bearing coupons (Special) Street vacation (Special) Authorizes board construction (Repealed by 1066) Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) Water department budget for 1932 (Special) 1933 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1933 (Special) Payment of claim (Special) Repeals Ord. 910 (Repealer) Parking time limits (10.04) Makes water superintendent ex officio plumbing inspec- tor and chief of fire department ex officio building inspector (Repealed by 1236) Requires license for sale of liquor (Repealed by 1525) Amends Ord. 1026 (Repealed by 1525) Sets hours of opening, closing barbershops (Repealed by 1525) Special election (Special) Amends Ord. 1026 (Repealed by 1525) Water department budget (Special) 1934 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1934 tSpecial) Divides city into wards (Repealed by 1483) Emergency transfer of funds (Special) Provides licensing of motor vehicles, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) Emergency payment into water fund (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 1036, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) Emergency appropriation for street department (special) Apportions council representation from each ward (Re -!- pealed by 1483) Special election to increase tax levy (Special) Fires salaries of named officers (Not codified) Water department budget for 1935 (Special) 1935 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1935 (Special) Licenses secondhand dealers, junk dealers, pawnbrokers, amends Ord. 873 and repeals Ord. 855 (5.28) Emergency appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 899 and Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1031 An Ordinance fixing and adopting a Budget for the Water He- partment of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1934. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the same is hereby fixed and adopted for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1934, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -wit - Salaries and Wages ................................ 4,590.00, Operation and Maintenance ......................... 5;130.00 Interest and Debt Redemption ...................... 45,900.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Fort -Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law.. Passed by the City Council Oct. 4th, 1933 Approved by the Mayor Oct. 4th , 1933 Attest: Mayor C ty C1er t ,.... ._........ a w ... • :.. .- . - - ,. - - boa PA ct .. :�. ,c� c0 *S W t m cat O - ct a c 11 ORDINANCE NO. 1032 An Ordinance fixing and adopting the Budget for the City of Port Townsend for the year 1934. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described Budget be, and the same is hereby fixed and adopted for the City of Port Townsend for the year 1934, for taxation purposes, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ................................. $14,700.00 Operation and Maintenance ............... 8,146.25 Payment of outstanding warrants, 6urrent Expense Fund 1,620.97 Interest and Debt Redemption 19,208.84 Section 2, That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force as provided ,, by lave. Passed by the City Councii­October 4th, 1953. Approved by the Mayor October tE ', 1933. Attest: r Mayor m ct P. . o O M- . - m � Z CA c2 0a 1-40 -c ct o 0 �Ct w ct - a 0 tl An Ordinunce dlvidimt;_e City of Tort Townsend into r;ards and recculinf" Lill ordin- ances i,i ccullUict herewith. THL CITY COUNCIL Or 2HE CITY OF PORT TO'"if1SL;;D DU ORDAIN AS POI,10VIS: Section I. That tine Cit,,. of eort Townsend be and the same is hereby d,vided into five words imi,ibered and bounded as follows, to -wit: Y'I:iS'i' D: Col.unelluinc, at a point on ti:e tiautherli boundary of the limits of said city at the intersection of the oeuter line of liarri: an Street, etended, thence northerly along' the centc:r li;he c f sAd iiarrison Street tc the center line of Lawrence ;;erect, C;.oiice casti;rly alone, the center line o: said I.A. reiice Street, extended, to ti_e casterl; boundary of the lil:i'ts of ::aid. cit,-; , ti.once southerly along said easterly bolnl!iz.ry: to the soutueasterly corner of said city limits, thence vicsterly- alonLr; t c said southerly boundary said city limits, to ,Tice of ber•innint. Co::al;eilcin4. at a point on the. southein boundary of the limits of said eit; at the intersection of the center line of San. Jur:n :venue, axte:lded, t::cnce northerly along; the center lino of said Sa11 Jnan rlv:.hue to ti:e ce.itcr line of Lawrence Street, tiieneeeast::rly alonL, ti:e ouster line of said Zawrence Street to the center line of Harrison Street, thence southerly aloni: ti.c center line of --aid liArrlson Street, extended, to the southerly bolu.dai:y of t:"e limits of aid city, thence south-westerly aloe:;_ t;:e said suut_.erly boun..iar - to xilace of begii7niu� . Corcll;lelncinL at Ll 'Point C1n the- ceastcrly uGulldary Of the limits of csaid city at to intersection of the center life of Lawreince Street, c. tehhded, t;_el,ce viesterly aloe., the center lisle o:L" ..aid Lawrence Street; to the ce,:ite-r line of Tyler Street, thence northerly alonn;- the center line of said Tyler Street to an intersection tiyiti: the ce,htcr line of "P" Street, t;ienee westerly along. the cents r line of said "F" Street to the center line of Sall Juan Avc"nue, ti.ence northerly alone; the center line oi: said Sohn Juan Avenue to the center line of 32nd Street, thence wostcrly alon,. the center line of said 32nd Street, ex- tended, tc L:.e ce:;t•_r li:ie of Jac::l:luii Street, thence northerly along. ti-e celltc:r line oL said J:c'__::all Street, e nten.ded, to t'r.e ce::ter lisle of 6. tr Street, c':tended, tiheltce ric:stcrly along ti.e cahht',r liuc Of ai(i ...a:: Street, to the westerly boundary line of t: e l.ii.dtu of tiaid city, t:.ehlce northerlyaloing ti:e said vjost. rl bouli:.a ", line te, the nort erly boundary Une of ti-e lil:iit:,; of i_._uld city, ti:ence easterly alolhE. the said i:Crt:.erl,y bolo-1dur;, line t(� ti c wcutc—ol' bo'an[u,r.y line, extended, of t].e '.S. '_1i1ir,.r� Reservati, n, t; cr:ce sout:orl: along ti:e Laid viesterL. b(,llnlury of t:e J.S. l,:ititz ;;" Heservaticn t the ce:itcr line of ",i" St're._t, tI:e.;ce east rly along, the center line of c;aid "v'i" utreet, e:tended, t� ti_o easterly boundary line of the lit:lits of ;:aid c:ty,, t;.u:ice soutl.orly alorlc;: -aid L':lutl. l� boai:Liu, ',, Of LEE id Pit-, to place Of becill)liliL". 1'GLFit'Pll �,is',l�n: .t L , oint on the cel;ti-i' lille Of Lawrence Strec L• :it: L<.c iiltt rsectiori of Tyler i3treet, thence westerly Ulonr t;ie ce!:t r like oT sued lug•;rc;ico 6treet to the center line of 2h' iyer Utreet, t; ci;ce norti,erl;; alonC. the center line oi: bake '1'ha,}�0r :;tract to the cclst_ r line of 20th Street, thence Viesterl7,- ;lone the center lil_o of the said 20th Street,. . to tht! cei t r ].Iro of atreet, t; erica northerly along the ce: t.r Till ui :.- L :.:cx:.crson .ltreet to ti_e ,o,2tI:oxIZ lillo, u-te:uled, _:f .idditicil, „i:ici, line is UISC ti-e sect:o>l lilio b(,tv,ecri 6ectio118 Z, aiaa J of ;20VJriS)lip -U :., RUIWe I 1=est, ti.onee v:0wtLrly &O.o,Jtl:c :..slid northerly bound- 8i y' Lille of �11i111i:s :'ddition and the sa-1 section Line extended t1:1•ou611 u111j]."ted kroi:ert. tc ti.e v,estcrly boundary of the limits of Said city, thence norti.crl;,- :a.oll[ said westerly boundary to the centi::r line of �):itl: Street, thence easterly alone, tine ceiitei line ai :,,aid ;;nth Street, extended, to the Center line OfJael>l:lail Street, e._tellded, theT_ice southerly along, the ee_lter line of .:aid Jaci:nian Street to the center line of 5zud Street, e_:tei;ded, ti:6ilce ez.Sterly along the center line of the uaid i;2 id Street to the eeiiter line of S n Juan Avenue, t'.Lence southerly along the center line of said San Juan Avenue to an intersection with the center line of "F" Street, thence e:.;sterl7 Mon.: the cenLor line of said "F" Street to an intersection with the center line of Tyler Street, theuee southerly aloilZ, t..e center line of said Tyler Street to place of oe4inllin. FIFTH WARD: Cor.,mencinj:: at a ;:oint on the souti_erli bound;:T;T of the limits of said city at the intersection of the center line of aan Juan avenue, extended, thence northerly along the center line of oaid Sail Juan Avenue, to the center line of la�ironce Street, thence casterlyy along the center line of lawrenoe Street to the contLr line of '1'hztyer Street, thence northerly a3lonG Li-e center like of said Thayer Street to the ce;itcr line of 20th Street, ti_ellce viestcrly alone: the center line of ::.aid i:.uth Street to the coat r like of iicPhersun Street ti_ence lloxti:erly a .oag the center line of said 1.1oxhoi•aon Street to the :ioxti.erly line, extended, of .ehillIpe' Addltioii, •ahici. line io also the section line betl:een 41 and . of i;; ;-u , .:Lnf e 1 hest, thence westerl., alo.i, c id norti.erl�; bounciary 11no of Phillips Addition ulid tho said section li::e extended through unpl,atted proper v to the wo ;terl.-- Uoulidary of the limits of said city, tlience southerly along sued rresterl,, boundar; of the city liulits to the uouth,.-Jest•. rl-" corner t_.e city lilnitu, thence easterly along ti-e Jout;:erl; bounda:cy of the cite limits to -olaco cf be4;iniiinL:. Section II. gill ardi:.:.,zicos o:e -rto of craft wines in conflict horewith be aid tho :;a;..e ire hereb;.- rci.cial.ed. Section 111. That this oraiiiarice be i«blis}iod once in the 45; fort 'lovniseild reader, to be ill force aucl tu'Le effect in the manner. pro- ' t•'• ..4'. vided by law. 2'assed by the City Council Tdovember 26, 1933. Approved by tho Muyor ilovei::ber 2 1:)b3. Cv Ltayor r•: Attest:_ �.� City Clerk ,4 t• rr o- .. `� ... - _ � - �� � - - .. .� r ' � � � � � . . y.�� Cy O `� �r�yy� G� vu �+ �. z . � � t--a c� z � � Q k � r-t o � � cz � . o �• .. d . � .. :h.� Wit.. .: f ti i. �.s ORDINANCE NO. 1033 An Ordinance making and fixing the tar levy for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxes for the year 1934. THE CITY COTITOIL OF THE CITY OF PORT T071TdSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there are hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated for the year 1934, and the rate of taxation upon the assessed valuation for such purposes is as follows: First: For the payment of current expenses of said city and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of Seventeen Thousand, One Hundred. Forty-three and 77/100 Dollars ($17,143.77), and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at e6yenteen'•(.17 mills on the dollar. Second: For the payment of Interest on Bonds, First Issue, the sum of Two Thousand, Seven Hundred Seventy-three and 25/100 Dollars ($2,773.25), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at two and three -fourths (2-3/4) mills on the dollar. Third: For the payment of Interest on Bonds, Second Issue, the sum'of Seven ;. Hundred Fifty -sin and 34/100 Dollars ($756.34), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at three -fourths (3/4) mill on the dollar. Fourth: For the Bond Redemption Fund, First Issue of Bonds, the sum of Two Thousand, Five Hundred Twenty-one and 14/100 Dollars ($2,521.14), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at two and one-half (2j) mills on the dollar. Fifth: For the Bond Redemption Fund, Second Issue of Bonds, the sum of Three Thousand, Twenty -file and 37/100 Dollars ($3,025.37), and the rate of tax levy for said purposeis hereby fixed at three (3) mills on the dollar. Sixth: For the payment of interest on bonds and for bond redemption, Port Townsend General Indebtedness 1931 Water Bond and Interest Fund, the sum of One Thousand, Five Hundred, Twelve and 68/100 Dollars ($1,512.68), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one and one-half (1-1/2) mills on the dollar. Seventh: For the payment of indebtedness of the City of Port Townsend, known as the "Indebtedness Fund", the sum of Six Thousand, Fifty and 74/100 Dollars ($6,050.74), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at six (6) mills on the dollar. Eighth: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Library, and for the Library Fund, the sum of One Thousand, Five Hundred Twelve and 68/100 Dollars ($1512.68), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one and ohei-half (1-1/2)"-mills on the dollar. Ninth: For the purpose of maintaining a public park, and for the Park Fund, the sum of One Thousand, Eight and 45/100 Dollars ($1,008.45), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the dollar. Section 2. That the Nlayor and the City Clerk of said city are hereby au- thorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor and the County Auditor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said city. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Town- send Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October 4th, 1933. Approved by the Mayor October 4th, 1933. Attest: mayor. city Cleric. sip= ';)UG =.. ct FEZ (D 41 7r 0 ct' z {� :fm _ - m 51 o. >4 h �� w a as o W crrP ct CD CA W to CA � �e h% Sao -, . oe "14 • ORDIN UIDE 110. /0 ZgA� Al� OiMI UXE rel«tin.v to and providing for the lieez,sinC of curtain motor and other vehicles; defining offenses; providing regulations Tor the same; providing penalties; providing for the suspeinsion and revocation of ordiiaances and repeal- ing ordinance TTo. THE' CITY COUVOII, OF THE CITY OF PORT T07+iTSEflD DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That every person, firm or corporation who shall beep any motor vehicle for the transportation of passengers for hire or for the transportation of merchandise from Mace to place over and upon the public streets of the City of fort Townsend shall pay an annual license Yee from the first day of ,�6of each and every year:as herein- after designated. Section 2: I,iotor vehicles contemplated to be licensed hereunder are hereby classified as follows: For Hire Car: Shall mean my automobile, taxicab, or other motor vehicle oper_ted for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire which is located at and rented from a fined and designated stand in the city, where the time, route and destination of trips are ir_dicated and controlled by the passea:gorti . This classificationshall include all motor vehioleo operated from any point within the oit; to other points within or without the city, or from points outside of the city to points within the city. Jitney Bus: Shall u:ean all motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire within the limits of the city over a prescribed route and acooi•ding to a schedule. Auto Stage: Shall mean motor vehicles carrying passengers or freight for dire, operating on a fixed route and schedule between fixed points within the city, or from a terminal or point in the city to points outside the city, or from points or terminals outside the city to points within the city or operating from points outside the city through the city in the event passengers are picked up within the city. Motorcycle: Shall mean motor vehicle of two or three wheels, intended to carry one oz• t%vo persons and operated on the streets of the city for the tra»gportatioia and delivery of small parcels. Transfer Truck: Shall mean any motor truck or dray used for the general transfer of freight or merchandise f<z hire, and subject to hire by any person. Commercial trucra; Small mean any motor truck designed for and used for the transportation of merchandise and freight over and upon the ,.ublic streets of the City of Yort Townsend, other than those designated s transfer trucks. Commercial truoi:s: Shall also mean and include trucks carrying tools, supplise and equipment about the city eowi,;ozily knoval as "service trucks," and trucks equipped to raise, move and tow disabled totor vehicles said. trucks being commonly 1-_novin as "wreckers." Tr:�li_er: al:;slL sn,� �;: i1:y ;u l�ov;�rrrt vci;iolA siesi`liuted to be attaohed to a motor vr%h1olm for ti,r -nurn,.it;n of being drUwn by such motor vehicle. Section 3. 0�inrr: -hell ninan the perr on, firm or corporation who shall make >applioution for or be runted a liaejnse, to operate any commercial vehlole over tho pubi.lo strentE; of the City of Port Townsemd. Section 4. It Shull be unlawful .for any person to cause to be operated or drive s Vflhlul- •31ti.l11 ti:n Zit; of Port To•rrnsend without first htEviiit. LLti;h11 vs:i. .1'ur ersoij and rvory v:+llioll� ,�o USC-d u license so to do, known as zs vehicle liunntn. Section 5. License ?onu: For each "for hire" our ;;5.00 por annum. For each jitney but;" the sum oC �5.00 per annum. For each "auto stage" the sum of L.00 per annum. For each "transfer" or "oommeroiul" trua}ct `Neighing 3,000 pounds or less, ,„3.50 per annum. ,sighing more than 3,000 lbss. and not to exoeod 6,500 lbs., �5.00 per annum. Weighing more than 6,500 lbs. and not to exoned 10,000 lbs., w7.50 per annum. Weighing more than 10,000 lbs.send not to exceed 12,000 lbs., �10.00 por annum. Trailers used as, trucks, above the wo ight of 1000 lbs, ;,5.00 per annum. Trailers used aE trucks, under 1000 lbs weight, �,1._50 pnr annum For each motor cycle the earn of ;;c1.50 per annum. Section 6. t.'oight of Truol: not to Lxoaed :Licensed Capacity: It shall be unlawful for any person to ev�use to he operated upon the public streets of the City of Port Towneand any truck or truck and trailer which, with or without load, shall weigh more than the licensed capacity thereof. In no event shall any oomsar.roial vehicles, including its load, weigh more than twenty -Pour thoucund pounds. Snation 7. Transfer of LicenFes: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a oommeroial motor veh lalo in a manner not provided or inoluded in the: license :for sania; it uhall be unlawful for any person to transfer any licensee from onn vehiole to another or to use a license for any vnhiole other than the one for which the same has been ivvued, without the consent of the City Council. mob .I. %ers Section S License plates -to_ be Dif3played: Suitably marked license plate, shall. be furnished by the City Clerlt -to all properly licensed commercial vehicle, ancl. shall be displayed upon such vehicle in a conspicuous place. Section _9. Revocation of licenses: `file license for any auto stage, for hire car or vehicle carrying passengers for hire may be revoked and cancelled after• notine and hearing by the City Council for any of the reasons provided among the general provisions of this ordinance and also in the event that the driver of said vehicle shall be convicted under the City Ordinances or state laws of reo_less driving, driving while intoxicated or under the influence of nareotics, or for aiv cringe i11Vo1.i- ing moral turpitude. Seotio;i !Lq:_ Penalties for Violating This Ordinance: Any person violating or to comply with any of the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than One hundred Dollars 40100.00) or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not more than TILILtty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SectioiiWho LIM be Guilty of Violation of this Ordinance: -Every person ccucerned in any act or omission in violation of this ordin- ance, whether be directly _performs or omits to perform any act in viola- tion of this ordinance, or aids or abets the same, whether present or. absent, and every person who directly or indirectly* counsels, encourages, hirep, commacids, induces or otherwise procures another to commit such violation is, and shall be, a principal under the terms of this ordinance' and shall be proceeded against and prosecuted as such. Sectio:i ig.. Ordinance ilo. 87U and other parts of ordinances in conflict hereviith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 13. That this ordinance be published once in the :Port Townsendleader and to take nffect and be in force from and after January 1st, 1934. Passed by the City Council Doc. 5th, 1933 llpprovod by the LSayor Joe. , 1933 Attest: - Mayor U i y rrk. ODDINA.ITCE 1•i0. 1D35 ATT ORT?INAT70F of the Citv of Port To~-nse-nd dec1arin,-,- an Fr.,ar�; for the irrm,,ediat e ap!,rol: ri,.tion ::.nd dizburser,•;ent of money from the Olympic '"ater Gravity Fund of -iaid city for the I,ayment of taxes due the State of !7aE3hinf;ton under the provisioro of Chart^r IS-1 of t!'e La„s cf the ^tate of °"ash_r,i ton, 1933. 17'77RFAS, at the time of the -adoption of the; budget for the Olympic Gravity Mter System for the year 1933, xxsxxn%kkr Chapter 191 of the La -as of the State of "ashington had not been enacted, •..nd no provision for the payment of taxes as conternrlrlted theroby made, and, WHEREAS it now to the City Council for the City of Port Townsend that the arpropxiation of money for this rurpose is necesea,ry and must be made, t.ierefore, THE CITY M11110IL OF TITE CITY nF PORT TO"'NSEYD PO ORDAIN AS FnLLOi".!S: Sectionl. That the sum of � D. Q be and the same is hereby approrriated for the purpose of permitting the City of Port Townsend to mute payment to the State of WasMngrton of the occupational tax due the State of Washington upon the gross revenues of the O1yirpic Gravity 17ater System, and the issuance of emergency warrants uron the fund of the Olympic Gravity ['ater Syaten: in amount be and the same is hereby authorized. Section 8. That this ordinance be rublished once in the Port To•,mser-d Leader to t-e in force and take effect in the manner provided by Passed by the City Council December 5th, 1533. Approved U� '.he ,�'ayor December 6th 1933. 's avo r Atteot: City Clerk CD C � CD '0 �'i+ (D W C.0 A H ct 4, t2: ct, CD,SD O G► y � ?S O O O *s . �ct C9 �s 3-'• CST � W CD . 10a ct ra 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1037. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the immediate appropriation and expenditure of money from the Olympic Gravity Water Fund and providing for an emergency. WHEREAS, under the unforeseen donation of gratuitous labor under the provisions of the Civil Works Administration of the United States of America, it was impossible for the City of Port Townsend in the preparation of the budget for the Olympic Gravity Water Works System for the year 1933 to provide for and nppropriate money for the unforeseen contingencies and free donation of labor under the Civil ;°lorks Administration, and, WHEREAS, it is economically inadvisable for the City of Port Townsend to fail to aid in the carrying on of this necessary public work, therefore, the CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the sum of $325.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the purpose of permitting the City of Port Townsend to aid and facilitate in the efforts of the Civil Works Administration of the United States of America under the National Recovery Act, said sum to be apportioned, under the Olympic Gravity Water Fund as follows: Engineering: Salary of Engineer ................... $250.00 Office supplies ...................... 25.00 Maintenance and Operation: Gasoline and Oils .................... 50.00 and that the issuance of emergency warrants, not exceeding said sum, upon the revenues of the Olympic Gravity 'Water works System, be and the same is hereby authorized. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council Dec. 19th, 1933 Approved by the Mayor Dec. xy S4, , 1933 Attest: Mayor City Clerk I—' Q F4 P-4 FA- c-4 z-, 0 Q ct rY 0 CA ps -Q ORDINANCE NO. 1036 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the immediate appropriation and expenditure of money from the Current Expense Fund oi' the City of Port Townsend, and providing for an emergency. VAiEREAS, the certain departmental budgets for the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend for 1933 are now exhausted, and WHEREAS, an unusual call upon the expenditure of such funds could not have been foreseen at the time of the adoption of the budget for the Current Expense Fund for the ,year 1933, and WHEREAS, it now appears necessary and for the best interests of the people of the City of Fort Townsend that the follo*ing ex- penditures of money should be made, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT TO7ii1dSFND, WASHBIGTON, AO ORDAIN AS FOLLOVIS: Section 1. That the sum of $453.00 fromm the Current Expense Fund of said city is hereby appropriated and expenditures therefor authorized and apportioned as follows: Mayor and City Council: Printing and Publishing ...... y$75.00 City Clerk: Auto Truck License Plates and Dog License Tags ......... 50.00 City Hall: Material for renovating interior of City Hall ...... 88.00 Materials for re -wiring City Hall ....... 40.00 Fire Department: Materials for repairs to Fire Alarm System ........ 100.00 Street Department: Gasoline and Oils .............. 50.00 Tools, Materials and Supplies .. 50.00 Section 2. That the issuance of emergency viarrants, not ex- ceeding, the aggregate sum,.upon the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend be and the same is hereby authorized. Section 3. '19iat this ordinance be published. once in the Port Townsend Leader and to be in force and take effect from and after five days from such publication. Passed by the City Council Dec. 19th, 1933 Approted by the Mayor Dec. .2 C2 1933 Attest: n �/ Mayor C y Clark. ORDlN;0TCE NO. / 1 ' i' .ui ORDIN1uiCE amending Ordinance No. 1036 entitled "An ordinance relating to and providing for the licensing of certain motor and other vehicles; defining offenses; providing regulations for the same; providing penal- ties; providing for the suspension and revocation of licenses and repealing Ordinance No. 879"; and repealing a section of said Ordinance. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT TO'+iMSEIM DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOVIS: Section 1. That Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1036 entitled "An Ordinance .relating to and providing for the licensing of certain motor and other vehicles; defining offenses; providing regulations for t;_e same; -providing penalties; providing for the suspension and revocation of licenses and repealing Ordinance No. 879" be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: LICENSE FEES For each "for hire" car - l5.00 per annum, For each "jitney bus" -- the sum of $5.00 per annum, For each "auto stage" the sum of $5.00 per annum, For each "transfer" or "commercial truck" truck: Having a manufacturer's 114ans-e& capacity of 3000 pounds or less - #3.50 pet annum; 'GA'L C cL Having a manufacturer's 1-4s ed capacity of more than 3,000 lbs. and not to exceed 6,500 lbs., - $5.00 per annum; rd-ttd Having a manufacturer's 1.1ae�+sed capacity of more than 6,500 lbs. and not to exceed 10,000 lbs., - $7.50 per annum; t4-'trd Having a manufacturer's 14-aa ,s.ed capacity of more than 10,000 lbs. and not to exceed 12,000 lbs. - $10.00 per annum; Trailers used as trucks, above the weight of 1000 lbs. - $5.00 per annum; Trailers used as trucks, under 1000 lbs. weight, $1.50 per annum. For each motor cycle the sum of 81.50 per annum. A K Section 2. That section^of said Ordinance No. 1036 be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. That toil ordinance be published once in the Port Tovmsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council February Eith, 1934. Approved by the MInyor February , 1934. n � Mayor Attest: �� V City eik 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1040. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the appropriation and expenditure of money from the Current Expense Fund for the street department of said city and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, at the time of the preparation and adoption of the official budget for the street department of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1934, the magnitude and extent of work necessary to be performed by said city upon that portion of State Road No. 9, within the territorial limits of said city, could not have been contemplated, and, WHEREAS, there is insufficient money budgeted in the street department to take care of the demands of the State Highway De- partment as to the improvement and maintenance of said highway, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That an emergency is hereby declared and that there is hereby appropriated for the Street Department of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1934 the sum of $1,250.00, which appropriation shall be divided into the following classes: Salaries and wages, labor, $750.00; Repairs and Replacements, $500.00. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue emergency warrants upon the current expense fund of said city, chargeable to the street department, upon properly approved vouchers not exceeding the'. said sum of $1, 250.00. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to be enforced and to take effect as provided by law. passed by the City Council this 22nd day of May, 1934. Approved by the Mayor this 23rd day of May, 1934. Attest: ....____ ln-.r City cleric Mayor C) 0 rA ( N n co CD 0 -.. w rr y N CD N 0 'o O ' P so v ct 1- 0 im tt 0 Ct 0 it 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 100E 1009 i0i0 1011 10_2 1013 1014 1015 i016 1017 ;016 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 2046 1097 1048 1 r 1049 1931 budget (Special) Water department budget for 1931 (Special) Tax levy for 1931 (Special) Emergency appropriation for police department (Special) Emergency appropriation for water department (Special) Grants franchise (Special) Fixes denomination in industry bonds provided for in Ord. 997 (Special) 170 Appropriation for street improvements (Special) Establishes street grades (Special) Street vacation (Special) Appropriation to replace pipeline for waterworks (Special) Water department budget for 1932 (Special) 1932 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1932 !Special) Emergency appropriation for public library (Special) Provides for issuance of interest bearing coupons (Special) Street vacation (Special) Authorizes board construction (Repealed by 1066) Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) Water department budget for 1932 (Special) 1933 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1933 (Special) Payment of claim (Special) Repeals Ord. 910 (Repealer) Parking time limits (10.04) Makes water superintendent ex officio plumbing inspec- tor and chief of fire department ex officio building inspector (Repealed by 1236) Requires license for sale of liquor (Repealed by 1525) Amends Ord. 1026 (Repealed by 1525) Sets hours of opening, closing barbershops (Repealed by 1525) Special election (Special) Amends Ord. 1026 (Repealed by 1525) Water department budget (Special) 1934 budget (Special) Tax levy for 1934 (Special) Divides city into wards (Repealed by 1483) Emergency transfer of funds (Special) Provides licensing of motor vehicles, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) Emergency payment into water fund (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 1036, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) Emergency appropriation for street department (Special) Apportions council representation from each ward (Re= pealed by 1483) Special election to increase tax levy (Special) Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) Water department budget for 1935 (Special) 1935 budget (Special) . Tax levy for 1935 (Special) Licenses secondhand dealers, junk dealers, pawnbrokers, amends Ord. 873 and repeals Ord. 655 (5.28) Emergency appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 899 and Ord. 752 (Repealed by 1525) 171 0 ORDINANCE NO. Q 4' AN ORDINANCE apportioning the members of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend to be elected for each ward, fixing the year of election and term of office for each of said councilmen and re- pealing ordinances numbered 339, 365, 469, 598 and 730, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0? PORT '20':1NSEND, INASHI`iGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the members of the City Council to be elected from the several wards in said city are hereby abportioned as follows: For the First Ward one (1) member. For the Second Ward one (1) member. For the Third Ward two (2) members. For the Fourth Ward two (2) members. For the Fifth .yard one (1) member. The Councilmen elected as members for the several wards shall be bona fide residents of the wards for which they are elected and shall be elected by wards by vote of the electors of such wards. Section 2. That the year of election and term of office of the said councilmen are hereby fixed as follows: One councilman for the First Vlard shell be elected in the year 1934 for a term of two years and quadrennially thereafter fora term of four years. One councilman fdr the Second Ward -shall be elated in the year 1938 for a term of four years and -quadPenbidlly thereafter for a term of four years. Two councilmen for the Third Ward shall be elected in the year 1934, one for a term of two years and biennially thereafter for a term of two years, and one for a term of four years and quadrennially there- after for a term of four years. Two councilmen for the Fourth Ward, one of which shall be elected in the year 1934 for a term of four years and quadrennially there- after for term of four years, and one which shall be elected in the year 1936 for a term of four years and quadrennially thereafter for a term of four years. One councilman for the Fifth Ward shall be elected in the year 1934 for a term of four years and quadrennially thereafter for a term of four -years. Section 3. That this ordinance shall not affect the terms of office of the members of the city council elected for a four-year term at the City General Election held on the 6th day of December, 1932, except as qualified by Chapter 184, session Laws of 1915 relating to vacancies. Section 4. That ordinances numbered 339, 365, 469, 598 and 730, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 5. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council Au ust 7th , 1934 Approved by the Mayor at j3th , 1934 Attest: 0_11UA� org_e Banger -ter___ Mayor C. F. Christian —�City Clerk ••tp • .�. AN QRDINLNCr; of the City of Port Townsend providing 'for and fixing the date of a Bpeciml election for the qualified voters of the city to rrttify or reject propositions 1-ranting to the City Council authority to levy taxeQ on the t1xable property of said city in excess of the rate of fifteen mills near provided by law. MUM PREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend from an examination of the preliminary budget now on file with said council that there will be insufficient money returned to the city treasury of the City of Port Toti,r.send during the year 1935, through taxation and otherwise, to provide for and carry out the functions of city government for that year; and, 'VlKtItEAS., under the provisions of Initiative 110. 64 (Chapter 4, Laws of Washington, 1933), cities and towns are granted power to levy taxes in excess of fifteen mills, when authorized so to do by the elector3 of such city or torm; and, VMRE,AS, it appears to the City Council that an election for that puri)ose is necessary, and that the following propositions should be submitted to the oualified electors of the city for ratification or rejection, now therefore, THE CITY COb CIL GP ME CITY OF FORT TOM'S7,ND DU ORDAIN AS FOI,LOYlS: Section 1. That a special election be held in the City of Port To,.moend and the various voting precincts thereof on day Tuesday the 25th day of ;eptember, 1934, VINCh &Ztz � nd date be, and hereby is,fiyed as the date upon w1hich said election shall be held and shall be voted upon by t}je qualified electors of said city the follovfin; i:rupositions and questions, in the Tztnner following: to _ 0 w D rn = cn z C7 Ln 70 rn O rn 0 rn = 0 n c0-3 C'i va G7 rn Z CJ r' 70 --4 -=i > 2 rn ORDINANCE NO. /n Jam_ / AN ORDINANCE apportioning the members of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend to be elected for each ward, fixing the year of election and term of office for each of said councilmen and re- pealing ordinances numbered 339, 365, 469, 598 and 730, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OV POET` T07.NSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS YOLLO;'IS: Section 1. That the members of the City Council to be elected from the several wards in said city are hereby abportioned as follows: For the First 11lard ono (1) member. For the Second Ward one (1) member. For the Third Ward two (2) members. For the Fourth Ward two (2) members. For the Fifth ?.ard one (1) member. The CounciLnen elected as members for the several wards shall be bona .fide residents of the wards for which they are elected and shall be e-]ecte,d by wards by vote of the electors of such wards. Section 2. That the year of election and term of office of the said councilmen are hereby fixed as follows: one councilman 'for the First 'hard shall be elected in the year 1934 for a term of two years and quadrennially thereafter for a term of four years. one councilman fdr the Second Ward shall be elated in the year 1936 for a term of four years and-quadrenfliAlly thereafter for a term of four years. Two councilmen for the Third Ward shall be elected in the year 1934, one for a term of two years and biennially thereafter for a term of two years, and one for a term of four years and ­quddtennially there- after for a term of four years. Two councilmen for the Fourth Ward, one of which shall be elected in the year 1934 for a term of four years and :-quadrennially there- after for term of four years, and one which shall be elected in the year 1936 for a term of four years and quadrennially thereafter for a term of four years. one councilman for the Fifth Ward shall be elected in the year 1934 for a term of four years and quadrennially tliereafter for a term of four years. Section 3. That this ordinance shall not affect the terms of office of the members of the city council elected for a four-year term at the City General Election held on the 6th day of December, 1932, except as qualified by Chapter 184, session Laws of 1915 relating to vacancies. Section 4. That ordinances numbered 339, 365, 469, 598 and 730, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 5. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council August 7th , 1934 Approved by the Mayor _91dP13th , 1934 Attest: te-l'4oWrge13anWgerr Mayor C. F. Christian Y Clerk OP 1-i PI, 0 0 -A ct 0, ct ps :1 004 - ct ct 0 C). ct ta -AJ 14 *4p -�• Ali U1RDIWJ,1CL' of the City of Port Townsend providing for vnd fixing the date of a special election f or the qualified voters of the city to ratify or reject _,ropooitions granting to t-lic City Council t:uthority to levy ta:ce:: on tiio taxable pro-perty of said city in excess of the rate of fifteen mills no., _rovided by law. Vl3MR]3AS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend from an examination of the preliminary budget now on file with said council that there will be insufficient money returned to the city treasury of the City of Port Townsend during the ,year „1935, through taxation and otherwise, to provide for and carry out the functions of city government for that year; and, VIM.'-;RLAS, under the provisions of Initiative No. 64 (Chapter 4, laws of ffushington, 1933), cities and towns are granted power to levy taxes in excess of fifteen mills, when authorized so to do,by the electors of such city or town; and, WIiL;R AS, it appears to the City Council that an election for that purpoEe is necessary, and that the following propositions should be submitted to the qualified electors of the city for ratification or rejection, now taerefore, TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TlaIP CITY OF PORT TOMISM0 DO ORDAIN AS I'OLLOVIS: Section 1. That a special election be held in the City of Port Toaneand and the various voting precincts thereof on day Tuesday the 25th day of September, 1934, which dxJs end date be, and hereby is,fil:ed as the date upon i-:hioh ::aid election rhall be mold and shall be voted upon by the qualified electors of said city the following propositions and questions, in the manner following: MAIN • • -�. Proposition I - Shall. the City CoLLncil of the City of Port Townsend be authorized to collect by taxation during the year 1935 the sum of ape roxjmately : 1,950.00, for the purpose of meeting a yearly installment upon the punch,se price of the city fire engine, by a special and additional levy of 1.950 mills on all taxable property of said city, over and above the 15-mill levy now authorized by' law? .............. ( ) zio .............. ( ) Proposition 11 - Shall the City Council of the City of Port Townsend be authorized to collect by taxation during the year 1935 the ©um of approximately $1, 750.00, for the purpose of operating and maintaining the free public library of said city, by a special and additional levy of 1.750 mills on all taxable property of said city, over and above the 15-mill levy now authorized by law? YES ............. ( } Ids ( ) Proposition III - Shall the City Council of the City of Port Townsend be authorized to collect by taxation during the year 1935 the sum of approximately ;1,250.00, for the improvement, operation and maintenance of the City park, by a special and additional levy of 1.250 mills on all taxable property of said city, over and above the 15-mill levy now, authorized by lavr'? YES ( ) NO ............. ( } Any voter vaho desires to vote favorrble upon either or all of said prupositionc shall place an ":," in the :_quire to the right of the word "'TES" and any voter who desires to vote. againzt either or all of --aid propositions shall place an ";{" in the square to thc: right of the word "Iic" ::section 2. Said election shall be ]geld and conducted in xzEPxdaxnm the manner provided by law fur holding general xattux electiona nd under the : upervi: ion a nd directiun oi' the County election ]bard of : effer:;on county, `„a:_hir. ;ton, u :on t::e notice required by Initiative l:o. 64 (Cl,nj)ter 4, D v,e 1933). Section 3. 7'hct thi:: oruinLnce he lie publi:hed once in uu ort To-ar.send lua.der and to 'be i1: c'urce zw.d t^l:c effect frul.1 and -,fter five (5) dciyo f,am such l;ublil.::.tion; U;nt a certified copy iJ rz -4 r-. z O A Y N*Ilar- o 1-4 ►: 't3 9 i1A} Yht� � CD t4 o cl) 9 mm o R• 0 ►-- w . I's n Y� m O R� ORDINANCE NO. 1043 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, fixing the salaries'of the City Treasurer, City Clerk and the City Attorney for the two-year term oC office commencing January let, 1935. THE CITY COUNCIL QF THE CITY CC PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the monthly salaries to be paid to the City Treasurer, City Clerk and City Attorney for the two year � term of office commencing January 1st, 1935, are hereby fixed as follows: The City Treasurer, the monthly salary of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars; the City Clerk, the monthly salary of one Hundred. Ten ($110.00) Dollarx; the City Attorney, the monthly salary of Seventy-five Dollars, ($75.00). Section 2. That this ordinance be published once, in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in ;force on the first day 'of January, 1935. PASSED by the City Council September 18th 1934 APPROVED by the Mayor September 19th , 1934 Attest: City Clerk Mayor ORDINANCE NO. -IC") AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting a Budget for the Water Depart- ment of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1935. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO`PINSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described budget'be, and the same' hereby is, fixed and adopted for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1935, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages.2�a,ov Operation and Maintenance ..................... � � 6 / O . o 0 Interest and Debt Redemption ............. 4L!.�::OO L, 12110 Section 2. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October 2nd, 1934. Approved by the Mayor October 1934. ATTEST: X/114 Cf�y Cler z. 9 u ORDINANCE NO. /n 1 AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting the Budget for the City of Port.Townsend, Washington for the year 1935. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the same Is hereby fixed and adopted for the City of Port Townsend for the year. 1935, for taxation purposes, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ............................... $Z Do Maintenance and Operation ........................ $_fu 9 f Capital Outlay ................................... _3,.gs`c. Op C Interest and Debt Redemption ..................... 1�� Ohs; Section 2. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by . law . Passed by the City Council October 2nd, 1934: M Approved by the Mayor October 1934. ATTEST: IC 57 mayor city clerz. 0 CD so cn Gq SD txj CD PA cl, 0 ct • 09 0 ct ct, cn cr ORDINANCE NO. 1046. AN ORDINANCE, making and fixing the tax levy for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxes for the year 1935. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there are hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated for the year 1935, and the rate of taxation upon the assessed valuation for such purposes is as follows: First: For the payment of current expenses of said city and for the Current Expense Fund, the stun of Sixteen Thousand Eight Hun - Ninety -three Dollars and seventy-seven cents ($16,893.77), and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at sixteen and 95/100 (16.950) mills on the dollar. Second: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Library, and for the Library Fund, the sum of One Thousand Four Hitndred Ninety-five Dollars and two cents ($1,495.02), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one and one-half (1-1/2) mills on the dollar. Third: For the purpose of maintaining a public park, and for the Park Fund, the sum of. Nine Hundred Ninety-six Dollars and sixty- eight cents ($996.68), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one (1) mill on the dollar. Fourth: For the payment of Interest on Bonds, First Issue, 1?1"k . Ixxmn* the sum of Two Thousand Sevenhundred Forty Dollars and eighty-seven cents ($2,740.87), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at two and three -fourths (2-3/4) mills on the dollar Fifth: For the Bond Redemption Fund, Second Issue of Bonds, the sum of Three Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-six Dollars and seventy- three cents ($3,986.73), and the rate of tax levy for said pur- pose is hereby fixed at four (4) mills on the dollar. .ft. 0 • 'i. Page 2 - Ordinance No. 1046. Sixth: For the payment of interest on bonds and for bond redemption, Port Townsend General Indebtedness 1931 Water Bond and Interest Fund, the sum of One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety- three Dollars and thirty-six cents ($1,993.36), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at two (2) mills on the dollar. Seventh: For the payment of indebtedness of the City of Port Townsend, known as the "Indebtedness Fund," the sum of Five Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Dollars and ten cents ($5,980.10), and the rate of tax levy for 'said purpose is hors - by fixed at six (6) mills on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and the City -Clerk of said city are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor and -the County Auditor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said city. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. passed by the City Council October 2nd, 1934. Approved by the Mayor October a , 1934. L-1 Btc (D in pr tt OQ ct PPI in ct n 40 10,17 An ordinance of t},+s City .,f Yort iuc;n�,_r_t;, providirif'r for and fixinL; the annual licewu fce uL "ec,,nd e,:tnd delers, ,junlc dealerr; and pawnbrokers, ,r,d nmendin_r Urdinance Bo. 873 entitled, "An ordinance to licensc and re_,�rlle,te secured hand denlere, junk dealers and I)Lwnbrohere in the City of Fort Tarsi^er.d, and ;,,icvid:nC, r: "en^.Ity ".,r the viola- tion tLe'reoj , C nLl rupcL: Li rl,_: an'tendi n(; the s^,YIF�. 11 TIFF CITY C6MMI, i,P CIV,7 LORT `.11';+"i;`.i I;jJ Dv ORDW."IN AS FULL075 Section 1. Th, section 2 of Ordinance 873 be, and ti;e same is, hereby amended to read ae f.ullolvs: Lvury sec.nd hand dealer r'nd every junk dealer and every I.avrnbroker shu:ll, befure doing, any busir.es_w in tyre City of Port Torrnsena, obtr-in a license so to do, for he shall pay'10.00 per annum; provided, however, that the same Verson, firm or.corporr:tiun named may engage in any number, or all three of sr:id lines of business, by paying; the sum of "10.00 per annum for each line so en8tiged in. Section 2. Thut thin ordinance be published once in .the Port Townsend Leader and be in force and take effect five days after such publiee tion. Passcd by the City. Council, November 6th 1934, Approved by 'ayor, IFovembcr 6th 1934. c L a y o r Attest: ' C i t y C l e r k (Date of publication Nov. 8th, 1934) ' CD V' K 00 �s (D m x� o CDtomC1-- G . so n W 0 F-E &0 H (D CD cr ro o t-m n, .t1 *3a 0 O t- flz�lrL O 0 0 P. V . El :9 P. cnCD0SD m0frCID m m D o *s *3 co w • � r 1 -ti ' • 0 ORDINANCE W. 16 49 An Ordinance of the City of Port Townsend providing fur the imm- ediate appropriation of money from the Current Expense Fund of said City and declaring an Emergency. '+JHMAG, by reason of the unfursecn calls upon the Current Ex- pense fund for the purpose of furnishing materials to co-operate with sundry C.W.A. projects; paesage of unforseen license ordinances and for the providing of additional equipment and supplies to comply with the requests of the Permanent Voters Registration Act, it now appears necessary that the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, declare an emergency to meet these unf orseen expenditures and that the app- ropriation of additional funds to meet the aforesaid mandatory expend- itures against the current expense fund to the City of Port Townsend, is necessary. TIMMFORE, TBE CITY COUNCIL OF TIfE CITY GP PORT TOWSEND, do ordain as follows: Section I. That there be and hereby is appropriated for the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend, the sum of�a2; and the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, be and he, is hereby authorized to draw emergency warrants upon said fund, not exceeding the amounts hereinafter designated, upon properly approved vouchers. Such emergency appropriation hereby declared is itemized as follows: City Clerk's Dot. Office Supplies ........................� 90, Oc-} City Hall Dept. ,keep of Building ..................... Elections Expense of conducting elections for the year 1934...............`p / 30. 0.oc Registration equipment and supplies...., '72.6_6 Refu.nns . s �Q qq To rcfunul ovei•pc:ymunta on licenses �?� •� Section II. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Deader, and be in force and take effect from and after five days from such publication. Possed by the City Council, December /,W-J4, 1934. Approved by the Mayor, December /� , n,1 1934. Pw a y O r Attest. ���• � •may City Clerk CD m PS CD m to O _- rn-- t7 . O C. !'R rn, Fa s3 Id [� CD ct'L1 LT] C-4 0 UD 1-4 eP ct 13 O CD tt34 Co ct _ - O La M ORDI19AI11,1% 110. 10,19 An ordinance of the City of Port 'rownsend, providing a penalty for the violation of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 899, entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Port Townsend amending Sections 8, 18, 32, 33, 33i, and 36 of, and adding Section 40 to Ordinance Vo. 752", passed by the City Council, October 19, 1919, and approved by the ',.-Iy,r, October 21, 1919. TFE CITY COUNCIi, OF ';'iIr CITY OF PORT 20:,9.SEND DO ORDAIN AS F OLLO',",S: Section 1. Any person who shall violate the provisions of Section 2, of Ordinance No. 899, entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Port To,ensend amending Sections 8, 18, 32, 33, 33-1 and 36 of, and adding Section 40 to Ordinance No. 75211, Shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon the conviction thereof shall be punished by a fire of not less that Ten Dollars, nor by more than One 1:lundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City jail for a term of not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Attest: Pan,red by the City Council ;:arch 5th 1935. Approved by the Mayor i„arch 6th , 1935 C ty Cler R. hi a o r oo�': m P. o CD p - R.P'3 O I-y F • F-i Ca 5 =�= a OCT- ct cD w s� CD ►- tl m.I-Smo' Ems• O ' CD 1050 Licenses pinball machines (Repealed by 1525) 1051 Regulates public cardrooms (Repealed by 1525) 1052 Amends Ords. 218, 894 and 989, theater license (5.64) 1053 Amends Ords. 752, 836, 899, 900, 902 and 945 (Repealed by 1525) 1054 Plan for improving water system (special) 1055 Provides for special election (Special) 1056 Street vacation (Special) 1057 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1058 Water department budget for 1936 (Special) 1059 1936 budget (Special) 10,60 Tax levy for 1936 (Special) '1061 Liquor control regulations (Repealed by 1525) ) 1062 Regulates sale of gasoline (9.04) 1063 Street vacation (Special) 1064 Water agreement with National Paper Products Company (Special) 1065 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 1066 Authorizes wharf construction, repeals Ord. 1017 (Special) 1067 Authorizes special election (Special) 1068 Amends Ord. 1034 (Repealed by 1483) 1069 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 70 Water department budget for 1937 (Special) 1071 1937 budget (Special) 1072 Tax levy for 1937 (Special) 1073 Emergency appropriation (special) 1074 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1075 Extends time and reduces interest rate on general refunding bond (Special) 1076 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1077 Grants franchise and authorizes wharf operation (Special) 1078 Regulates vehicle parking (Repealed by 1525) 1079 Regulates dancing in taverns (5.52) 1080 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1081 Provides for special election (Special) �) 1082 Authorizes building of wharf (Special) 1083 Water department budget for 1938 (Special) 1084 1938 budget (Special) 1085 Tax levy for 1938 (Special) 1086 Street vacation (Special) :e 1087 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1088 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1089 Licenses named games and devices (Repealed by 1525) 3 1090 Business licenses (Repealed by 1974) 1091 Vehicle use regulations (Repealed by 1525) 1092 Declares certain acts to be a nuisance (Repealed by 1525) 1093 Amends Ord. 1036, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) nis- 1094 Appropriates money from water system for emergency nd ) repairs (Special) 172 (Port Townsend 3/84) �) 1095 Grants right to remove pipelines and a wharf (Special) 1096 Provides for special election (Special) 1097 Fixes salary of named officers (Special) 1098 1939 budget (Special) 1099 Water department budget for 1939 (Special) of tnc City of lort 'iov:nz3cnd, to .::nd regulatin,�, and liccnrc: .•.r:ci, ti•c pa, runt a{' fee tklcref ulr' certain ailtum: ti c amtwcIll ant Cn 1:[e:? , L',nd pru-. vidinG a penalty. Tl1: CITY CUT31' 11, TIK ", CITY UF PORT DO OlWiXi CCti.on 1. "lilit�L!..tiC ;,l[t17fiL' ^,1,1C' _ tll:•,t 1":hrwse i used herein, shall mean a certain of a bo:wd field with which a Guine oT okill r"^.y be played by ti,,c use of m--rblen or balln li-Ach can be nrujectcd into the field by a plunge, or otl"lervrise, in the jl.a�,tint, of which th ocore of the player depends ui:on vihich of certain do.-ignated places in the field t17e bO ll or iivrbl.c cor!lcl; to rest, :.nd :;hich is available for llwy only Upan uaylilent of a crwl"1 ur otllcr valuable consideration. 9ectiun 2. It 'hall be unlavrful fur any yervon to 1:cep or maintain, or to perwit to be lCIA, ur Llainta ii.(9d, in any building or place ovfnccl, mina-ed, vtipervised ::r ccntrulled by him, any cutornatie amusement ful: t17e l7urp•otie of 1'Crnlittille,• the same to be played or operated, ur_lenr there shall have been issued by the City Clark, a linenso for each -ucll shall at all. tilaes> be ke_r•t in force! effect by Vile licensee. The license shall be issued by the City Clerh ltnon Iilyil:ent to the City Trer-4urer of the fee herein.,ftcr provided, a,ntl otirai.l consist of a r_1eta.l tad; or pl�.tc, bearin;; the 1:ords "Automatic Amusement Game, port To,rncend", to�ctller :ritjj t::e ye,.r for vibich the same is issued, and :-'hail be ::nl rcrna,i.n securely attached to the alltom.--tic amureirt:nt ?::1' in a OWISIIACUaLFI �-,l ee orl tl"ie i_rr.L-ie 1•rork thereof nerr the ol!er:^tin-- lev%r ur ,,1:z17�r•r. 11 liccn::eU i2uued under the provioi �rx of tilio ordinance -hall be cul:recutively numbered cliali c. ,ire at twelve ()t(-,Iocl,- i:tidni -,,t on the 31zt day -f Dec-�',Joer followir!;7 the datr: Of is ue.The annual or i,cncvm-l.,j tLeannual fee fur cll all be the cum of DOI.I'L!xe, lrny,-blc in advcjice t,i-, Ir 4.1:c foe folQ,'.1 ;_.n;; to L-u3,- the rem-Indcr of tl.c ye; v 1935, L;,,mcv, rojvj in w-�cr" t--', un 'Le the ct= of Dulll:-r,,, in a dva c e - T-ROVIMD -YTj-krfK-`, ti.,,--t tl:c license 1c. i:_viie(l Un ur after the first day of Tiil� oJ' cry ye.-r r c. i:ut in operntJ c.r. before said d,�te of the current the 1:c.,Q 'L'I,o-uf or iihull be cnc-half of the a a n nix.1 f• e . II any r t i c i Cla r '.k it t 01;1" t j C a tmv Q Ine r t f 0 r which a licence !3hall. L( Vcl been icslicd, ao -provided herein, is for any rea—lon withdrtvin from i)lv .end U,-;c, t',je licence thereon rin-y be removed �nd atts.ched in likemnanncrto u.nother one of sucli g-ames L operated or maintoined by tDe 2., i:iQ 1 i c c e , ,.,j i c I all be euff- • icient 'authurity to -,Utl,.'Uri--c tile me and pl,-; of uch uubr,'Llittited game ditvinL; the period u" tlr�c licence. Section 3. Any -nurl-w-- violat-iric. any of the of this ordinance: nhall. be decried Guilty a;f IlliziellentlWr, and upon conviction thereof, shall be plinichcd by a fine of nut to exceed Dollar©, or by ij-nj)rjter.rijejjt in the City jt,ij for a period of not to c.,,-cc cd doye , or by both such fine Lind imprionment. Secti on 4. Tl-1,,)t thi,; ordinance be piabijrl-jeCt once in the Port Towncend 7-,--,�der, to be in force and to -ice effect ar nrovided by law, Pacuct- by t',C cit�' cul.neil- 193U. Jrjprovcdby the 1935. lAtet: cf=7 C i il Y C 1 0 r k ORDINANCE NO. /O S/ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port 'iownsend, relating to and regulating, and requiring license for the operation of "Public Card Rooms", within said City and providing a penalty. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The term 14Public Card Room", as used in this ordinance, shall be held and constued to mean any place where card games are played and the public is admitted. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct a public card room within the Cite of Port Townsend, without having first obtained a license)so to do, to be known as a"Public Card Room License", Which license shall be.publicly displayed in a conspiciou#lace within the licensed premises. The fee,for such public card room license shall be, and the name is hereby, fixed in the sum of Five Dollars, per annum, for each table maintained or used for playing cards. All licenses issued under the provisionoof this ordinance shall expire at twelve o'clock midnight on the 31st day of December following the date of issue: PROVIDED,HOWEVER, that the fee for licenses to be issued for the remainder of 1935 for card rooms now being operated and conducted shall be the sum of Three Dollars, for each table: PROVIDED, FUR: THER, that whenever a license is issued on or after the first day of July of any year for a public card room not being conduct- ed as such before said date of the current year, the fee therefor shall be one-half of the annual fee: PROVIDED, FURTHER, that where cards are played under the auspices of any recognized charitable, benevolent, fraternal, labor organization or society and the total net proceeds will be donated for,the sole purpose of such orginization or society, no license shall be required. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for the proprietor, manager or other person in charge of a public card room to allow or permit any minor to play cards or to remain in6r about any public card room licensed under the provisions of this ordinance. r .ft^ It shall also be unlawful for any minor to be in ar about or to remain On a public card room after being notified by the management, or any peace officer to leave the premises. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person connected 1, in any way with the operation of a public card room to allow any person to conduct or engage in gambling in or.about the promises. Section 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed ..One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City .jail of not to exceed twenty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 6. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council April; rrd ,1935. Approved by the Mayor April �Z 172 , 1935. Q . mayor !Z ch r6 u 1'. ." ORDINANCE N0.10_ AN ORDIIMNCE of the City of Port Townsend amending Section I of Ordinance No. 989, of the City of Tort Tolansend, entitled "An ordinance of the City of Fort Townsend, amending Section One (1) of Ordinance No. 218, entitled "An ordinance to license, tax and regulate theatres, shows, exhibitions and public amuse:aents in Port Townsend," as amended by Ordinance Plo. 894, passed by the City Council, April 15, 1919, and approved by the Mayor April 17, 1919, and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith." THE CITY COiINC1T, OF THE CITY OF i•ORT TC�`INGEND D GRDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Effective as of January 1st, 1935, every theatre operating or to be operated hereafter in the City of Port Townsend, whether open to the public daily or at less frequent intervals sball pay an annual license tee to the City of Port Tonsend of $50.00, per year. Section 2. Any person violating the provisions of this Ord- inance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction sball be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00, or by im- prisonment in the City Tail fur not more than thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 3, That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to tc;ke effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council, May 2ZO&, 1935. Approved by the Tlayor, Yay 1935. Attest: C. F. Cbx3n ian, Clerk M a m 171 009 09 CI - � H ct im R. Z ccl- . LS1 to � Z oW 0 0 b - . ci CDE }s m 0 • CD CD ORDINtL G No. 105:3. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 945 of Lhe City of Fort Townsend, paoaed b,v the City Council January 4, 1927, approved by the Mayor January 7, 1927, entitled "An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend, amending Sections 6, 33, 331' and 36 of Ordinance No. 752, entitled "An Ordinance to fii(, Sogu- late and control the use and prico of water supplied by 4he City Water Works of the City of Port To,.%msend, Washington; to provide for the reg- ulation and government of the City Water Department, and providing penalties for the violation thereof", as amended by Ordinance No. 836, passed by tho City council June 3, 1913, and approved by the Mayor June 5, 191:5, c.nd as further amended by Ordinance lao. 899, passed by the City Council. October 7, 1919, and unproved by the Alayar October 21, 1919, and as further amended by Ordinance No. 900, passed by the City Council November 4, 1919, and approved by the Mayor November 7, 1919, and as further amended by Ordinance No.902, passed by the City Council March 2, 1920, and approved by the J;,ayor March 3, 1920, and providing for the payment of water for domestic, family and household purposes only, by either fixed charge or petered rats. THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF PORT = 01'INSE'ND DO MAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 1 of the above -entitled and described Ordinance No. 946, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: When a permit has been obtained fort he use of water and charges prescribed for the service have been paid to the City Treasurer, the service will be put in as soon as practicable for the city to do so; the charges .for such service up to property line, including stop -cock, where streets are not paved, shall be as follows: 1/2 inch connection ........... § 11.00 3/4 inch connection ........... 13.00 1 inch connection 16.00 An additional charge to be made to the above prices where service is made that calls for extra labor such as on paved streets or out of the city.limits. For all connections larger than one inch charges to be made according to current prices of labor and material. No service to be put in without meter, save and except services to dwelling houses where water is to be used for domestic, family and household purposes only, in which event metered service shall be in- stalled only at the request of the property owner. Section 2. Effective August 1, 1935, the monthly rate�5 foib the use of water for domestic, family and household purposes only, shall be, at the option of the property ovnner, either the fixed or flat rates as provided in Section 2 of Ordinance 945 of the City of Port Townsend, or at the metered rate as settled by Section 3 of said Ordinance 11o, 94:5; PROVIDED, 11071EVER, that but one change cj year from metered service to flat or fixed rate, or change from flat or fixed rate to metered servile shall be permitted. Provided, further, that no change Shall be made in services where water charges are delinquent. Section 3. Applications for changes in water service as provided An Section 2 hereof shall be in writing, signed by the property owner or his authorized agent, upon fo_-ms prepared by the Water Department, and miist'.be filed with the Water Superintendent on or before the 25th of the month preceding the month for which a water service change is requested. Section 4. That.this ordinance be published once in the Port townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect August 1, 1935. Passed by the City Council July 16, 1935. Approved by the Mayor July 17,;935 ATTEST: Mayor Cityclerk Date of publication July 1B, 1935 Er 0', Pt o 0 0 p Q ct, t;n 0 il p t4 sn' ct 0 P. cr C-t- a � CD Al 'd 00 o CD PI Ot 11 ca P. 0 L (n ct CD Z$ CA ct 0 ORDINANCE: NO. Q .3 AN ORDNANCE of the City of Port Townsend specifying and adopting a system or plan for the making of certain additions and betterments to, and replacements of, the existing municipal water works system, declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be, and providing for the payment of the cost of such additions, betterments, replacements and extensions by the issuance of emergen- oy warrants upon the Olympic iravity Water Fund of the City of. Port Townsend, and by grant from the Poderal Emergency Admini:� !:ration of Public Works, and submit - Ling said system or plan to the qualified voters of the rity of Fo,r•t To:•rnsend for ratification or rejection at a opecial eli;ction to be held ,on the 24th day of Sep- tetriier, 1935. Y7H: 1131S, the water distribution system of the City of Port Townsend, is a:h*11y inadequate to fill existing and future needs for grater within and without the city; in many instances is worn out and in grave danger of complete collapse, and. that the demands and requirements for water make it 1',,,porative that said City of Port Townsend consta•uct additions and betterments to, and replace- raents of, its existing water wotl�s system, and, that there is cash now on hand in the Olympic Gravity 71ator Fund, the sum of Thirty- four Thousand, one Hundred Dollars (j3?,100.00), available for the prosecution of the work incidental to the foregoing demands, and WBEREAS, it appears to the City L'uuncil, from a survey and estimate of cost necessary to properly carry on such contemplated work, which had been fixed in the sum of Sixty-two Thousand Dol- lars (?62,000.00), that the same cannot be fully accomplished ex- cept by grant of money from the United States government and that a sum nearly equivalent to forty-five per cent of the entire cost of the additions, betterments and replacements herein provided for can be obtained from that source, and that it is to the economic advantage of the City* of Port Townsend, and all the people thereof, that air-;lication be. :ilade for fora --al rra.nt and aid for the objects Lnd our•poecs 3p6c if led ii: th L nr ? l:i .nca, :end, the malcin;_- of :rush nJd dons, betterments and replace - :rents, with federal grant and ei.d, Brill not in any respect impair the security of outstanding obligations now a continuing ehar,,e u,on the revenues of said City water system, and, NBER,?AS, at the time of the me -Ring and adoption by the City Council of the offi•^Iul budget for the Olympic Gravity Water System, appropriations for federal grant and aid to cities and towns had not been provided by the Congress of the United States, and, conseounntly, the necessity of providing for the expenditure of money to match federal funds could not have been fore:.7oon nt that tine, Lind t ?c'• t �111 e?r.Cs';;uncy no'.: e.:tats for tho immediate expenditure of thIi,, rule of .ry;S.i,100.00, froi:. the Olympic, Gravity '!later Fund of the City of Port Townsend, for the purposes hereinafter specifically set forth and ztated, therefore, THE CITY COUNOTT OF TI-fE CITY OF PORT' `i'OVINSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOt'JS: Section 1. That the following plan or system of additions and betterments to, and replacements of, the existing wator works system of the City of Port Townsend, is hereby specified and adopt- ed and the estimated cost thereof., uo nearly as may be, is here- by declared to'be as follows, to -;'pit: it is proposed to construct and install the type and size of pipe as hereinafter particularly set forth: mein a 4-inch wire -wound wood pipfon .",later Street from Monroe Street to Jackson Street; a 4-inch wire -wound wood pipe main on Jefferson Street from Adams Street to PBonroe Street; a 4-inch wire -wound wood pipe main on Franklin Street from Taylor Street to L".Jdison Strut; . a 6-inch wire -wound brood pipe main on Clay Street from Taylor Street to Vonroe Street; a ' - 'Ich ,:irU-,r :, ld ,:ouu 1 -. e ...: in or. Taylor 3tr( Ct t•o .'.or.o(L-'.,,;1.:ut; a 4-in(:h .:I;•E3-;loll?iU UO[! pip,) r,iin on 1'oi]I'OU Stz•:et t0 jn Janlh,,in ";ti-oct fr071 Ta..':i'Uncc St'rect to -1-Cield SItT':;ut; Inc? In ;arCiul.d St..C.oct Cror. Jac1kson 3troet to "onvoo Street; a 4-inch wino -wound wood pipe mein on Garfield Street from Taylor Street to ',:oaroe Street; a 4-inrh wive -wound wood pipe main on Roosevelt Street from Jackson Strect to Clulluir, Street; on Clall^.m ;erect from Roosevelt Street to 3':cKinley St,,aet; and on Mc',Kinley Street from Clallam Street to Jacicson StreeL; a 4-inch wire -wound wr )od pine main 0,1 Van P?eus StrceL fro,:: rtur� i.,on a 4- i.,ich t•: i:-c-^:ruund nud ;i.uir, on �,asz fic l:i Sri ect fvo;: Harrison Stvc::t to 'Py1cr u),c•et.; a 4-inch wino -wound �orood pipe main on Poll: Street from Garfield Street to Laurence Street; a 4-inch wire -wound wood pipe main on ';,'illoty Street and Cass Street from "F" Street to Blaine Street; a 6-inch wire --wound wood pipe main on Cass Street from Blaine Street to Lawrence Street; a 6-inch wire -hound wood pipe iiiair, on Blaine Street from Cass Strect to Pierce SL•reet and on Picr,ce•. Street from Blaine Street to Garfluld Street; EL 4-inch wire -wound vrood pipe main on Garfield Street 14 from Cain Strut to Pierce Street, and a 6-incr trire-v:ound woos] pipe main on Garfield Street from Pierce Street to Harrison Street; a 4-inch mire -ground wood pipe rjain or, Lincoln Street from CGsa Street to Harrison Street; a 4-inch wire-•.;^cund wood. pipe main on Fir Street from ui^n Strcot to "B" Street; a 6-inch wire -wound mood pipe main on C17y Streut from I1!al- l:er Stve •t to T-n Buren a 6-inc' 1;i;.F•_:rcemd t;nod ^ ..;nir: ur i'r:.:�l_ ili trcvt frort to V ,.. r', ,.• n ,.,^;i ..�t; 3 i; _i e.0 tl t'lir•e-wound. `i(ood ii,f: tiv n on rU f'r: -oo `; tl,O(',t from ';'alker• °tr::ct to Von Lin --^en ,^,t; —ct; •r -v- IA 6- 1.hn11 v:Ood E•.Inc lm,ln On ';a �`on Strcct frog;, 71'all:or SLrout to i?l.:yea' °L-t vc t, Ll!)d 11 •1-inch '1-* rc;-':c€Ind wood pipe n:uin fz oll n'h-.l,,+cr Str::ut to t;'orrt: ol; Str t.t; a 6-'inch .riz e-vroullcl vac,od pipe ,rain on Jcff•�I,son Str,^et from Thuyer Street to Prospect Strout; a 12-inch avil`c-v;uuncl wocC p-J-pe nlwin on Vudi20n 5truc L from boot: fitrcc..t to P , u �-_..�Y ri.2•e--.:cr-:u. ;�;,t_c ,s.t,. ... l: Cr, ,.;1:-,a` ^Lr+:c;t £rvr:, ;iryall �iT'c:t.'i, L�: ti:�':G t%.�_-"llltu*'r �:4?:;u. V,'..�,SliIl, Port "orlon; a=2-1noh ';;lru-'rl:;und ':loot pill,: ;;.;I11 vn Cllul'l,y Street, frolll 'iF" Streut to "'711 SLT`r,r.t; a 4-inch hire -wound :rood pipe main on "U" Street from CYie?'i`y Stroet to Viv Street; a 4-inch hire-v:ound wood pipe- m: ,—in on E'ir Street, from "U" Streut to "J" Street; a 4--inch wire-wow-Z :root: pipe riv)irl on i;ose Street .from "ill Street to "P" Streot; a 1-inch v;ive-v:ounG ►;'ood pine Ir.nin,on "J" Street from Fir Street to Rose Street; a. 4-inch vr.i.r•c-woLind vrooe, pllP; 11min on Wil l rn.•r Street from "1`n Street to l,wl SLrcct; a 4-inch viii`e-wound wood pipe mate on Tremont, Beach and "N" Strcets frow Sari Junn Avenue to Chez•ry Street; a 4-inch wire -wound wood pipe imair. on 37t1i Streot from. San Juan Avenue to Kuhn Strc,et; a 6-inch wire-S+:oultu. �rloof: pipe, main on Dl:;rovery Road from Hastings Avenue to 25th Sti•cut; a 1-inch afire -wound wood pipe i;,ain on Sheridan .Avenue from Hastings Avenuo to Cei�ona Avenue; a 4-inch wire -wound ,snood, pine grain on San Juan Avenue from Cedar Streot to 45th Strout; or. 45th. %rCcti frog; an JUfin AV(,!nU0 t0 pipe .'Slln on Tame: Street; fron. 46th SLi7-(:t to 49th Str_ ;t a=:0 vrire-wound pipe n_ain or. 11-9tll Strsr..{ fro:c Hcilnec Strec:i. to Handriclin stmet; a 4-incli wiro-Viound Brood pipe main on 2, th Sbroct from Discovery Po::d to Ticineo Street and a 4-inch dire -wound 'Mood pipe mair. on Haines Street fvoin 24th Street to 21Oth Street; a 4-inch hire -wound rood pipe mair, on 25th Stret:t; from Discovery Road to Sheridan Street; a 4-inch wile-'r:ound wood pipe main on Shcvican Street from 9th ",trc:et to 7th Street; u 4-inch Ire-vicund ::coer,lni: im,.in on 7r.h Street frou to c:lcvcl-.nd Sf.cuL; and a 4-inch wire -:.,(,,Lind srocic: pipe ::lain on Cleveland Stvuc:t; fror.: 7th Street to a point midway butwoen 3rd rand 4t•h Stl•eets; a 4-inch wire -wound wood pipe main on Blaine Street to I,4onroe. Street; a 12-inch wire-wcund mood pipe main on sheridan Street from 19th Street to Hastingse Avenue; a 12-inch wire -wound wood pipe mair. on Hastings Avenue from Sheridan Street to Discovery Road; a 12-inch wire -wound wood pipe main on Discovery Road from Hastings Avenue to San Juan Avenue; a 12-inch wire -wound `rood pine main on San Juan Avenue from Diseover•y Road to Cedar Street; a 12-inch wire -wound wood pipe main on Cedar Street from San Juan Avenue to Beech Streci; and a I2-inoh wire -wound wood pipe main on "P" Strcct from Beech Street to"dalnut Street; a 6-inch wire -wound wood pipe maim, beginning with a con- nection on the main supply line, thence along the most feasible route to connect with the present 4-inch water supply line to Hadlock and Irondele; together with all nececca.ry fire hydrants, valves, fittings, and 3ocvice traps fol, the sar:ie, and that said sy­tcI;. or plar of nuriit:i'ln�, bet;te.., rt., rind shall include supl! otter hall cnt::1 tv: r.ay be nec"s£al'y by doing of the other worn herein provlded. Tl'hc? :.etl aced cost and ex- pense of said additions, bottern,ents and ropl^cements, as nearly an Trey be determined, is the :,um of Sixty-two Thousand Dollars (,,$62,000.00). -5- Section 2. That a public emergency be and the same is hereby declared to exMst for the i-wmediate expenCi.ture: of the sum of �p34,100.00 fi-ori thL O1}rrpic 1-1,vvity :'later Fund of the City of Port Townsend, which sum, as nearly as may be determined, is fifty-five per cent of the total estimated cost and expense of said adritions, betterric.nts and replacements, and that emer- gency warrants upon said fund be and are hereby authorized to be issued not exceeding sui(I. cn„)„nt. Section 3. That at a opc:ci.t,l olc,,, t'_on to be; held in the City of Pol•t Tor:nsend, and in the: vai•i.ous votir.t; precincts thereof on Tuesday, the 24tT;.day of September, 1935, which day and date be, and hereby is, fixed as the date upon which said. election shall 'be held, there shall be submittud to the qualified voters of the City of Port Townsend, the proposition of malting certain additions and betterments to, and replacements of, the existing municipal Water ~'Corks system of the City of Port Townsend, and to provide for payment of the cost of the same by the issuance of emergency warrants upon the Olyn.pic Gravity ',!ater Fund of said City, and by grant from the Federal Emergency Adminis brat ton of Public {orks, all as set forth in this ordinance. Said election shall be hel& and conducted in the manner and upon the notice specified by Chaptez° 150, Ses3ion Laws of 1909, as amended, of the Laws of the State of .7a.hington, under the supervision and direction of the Jefferson County Election Board. Section 4. That the proposition or question submitted to the qualified voters at the said election is to be voted upon in the following manner, vie., every qualified voter at said election electing to vote for or against the proposition of the Wnitinr, of sc•.:r7 arlei.l•lon: ^nd be�.tei•m,2ntw to, and ropler.owonts of, tt'c existing t:t'.a .il:�1 `:rttc: url:. o:' tau City of Pori: To• n,_,cnd, and to f'ur• _ aywent of the cost cf the s'L:me by the ip: u��nce of.' emei• cncy •: rli vt-,nts upon the Ol ri.pi r, Gravity ','later fund of said City and ?, T gra,r,t C: oe. the ? odviral Tier ency ACrIn- istration of Dublin :"o_?: , a+ll !is set forth in Ootr tl. in this ordinance, shall vote hi:: (ar her-) clecticr. upon said. cuostion -6- 4p, upon a ballot in the follcwing form: "Shall the City Of Port Tor;nsend make certain additions and hetterr:;ents to, and replacements of, ita existing municipal water wori:s system as specified and. provided by Ordinance No. 1054 of said city and particularly Section 1 of said ordinance, at a total cost estimated at $62,000.00, and pay for bbe same by the issuance of emergency viarrants upon the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of said city, contingent: however, that a grant of federal funds is received by said city equivalent to nearly forty- five per cent of the total cost of on id project? Yea........... ( ) 1<0 ............ ( ) Any voter who desires t•o vote favorably on raid propa- sition shall pllce an (x) in the square to the right of the word "Yes", and any voter who desires to vote against said proposition shall place an (x) in the square to the right of the word "\Ton . n Section 5. That this ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and take effect and be in force from and after five days from the date of publication. Passed by the City- Council August 20th, 1935. Approved by the Mayor August 21st, 1935. .Attest: -7- Mayor - ci- O 0 11 t3 0 CD i O Fes•'• CD '73c o a CD n t�3 a 0`caIs o �OFyp N O • ci. O r ORDINAVOR h0. - / v_-`�'S� AK ORDINANOR of the City of Port Townsend providing for and fixing the time of a special election for the qualified voters of the City to ratify or reject propositions granting to the City Council, authority to levy taxes on the taxable property of acid City in excess of the rate of fifteen mills now authorized by law. W11=M'.S, it appears to the City Oounell of the City of ',,Port Tovv3ond, from an examination of the preliminary budget now on -file with said counoil that there will be insufficient money returned to the City Treasury of the City of Tort Townsend during the year 1936, !through taxation and otherwise, to provide for and carry out the functions of city government for that year; and, WF M&S, under the provisions of Chapter 2, Laws of Wash- ington, 193b, {Initiative Leasure fio. 94), cities and towns are granted power to levy taxes in excess of fifteen mills, when authorized so to do by the electors of such city or town, and, WHEMMS, it appears to the City Council that an election for that purpose is necoseary, and that the following propositions should be -submitted to the qualified voters of the City for ratificutlon or rejection, now therefore, ` THE CITY COE7t?CIi 0? PH-' CIT'' OV ?QRT TOZrSFVD W ORUAIN AS Section 1. That a special election be held in the City of Port Townsend and in the various voting precincts thereof on Tuesday, th6'24th day of September, 1935, which day and date be, and hereby is, fixed as the date upon which said election shall be hold and shall be voted by the qualified electors of said City, the following propositions and questions, to-rit: IMOposition Ii Shall the City Co;:ncil of the City of port Tovn sand be authorized to levy taxes for the year 1136, at the rate of ` / 7 mills upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said City, in excess of the City levy empowered by Chapter 2, Laws of Washington, 1935, (Initiative Measure No. 94), for the purpose of operating and maintaining the free public library of said City? Yes .............( ) Iio..............( ) Proposition Its Shall the City Council of the City of Port Townsend ba authorized to levy taxes for the year 1936, at the rate of /• 2 ✓ mills upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said City in excess of the City levy empov:erod by Chapter 2, Lame of Wash- ington, 1936, (Initiative Measure No. 94), for the purpose of operating maintaining; and improving the City nark? Yes............( ) No .............( ) Proposition IIIs Shall the City Counoil of the City of Port Townsend be authorized to levy taxes for the year 1936, at the rate of -Z• mills upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said City in excess of the City levy empowered by Chapter 2, Laws of Wasaing- ton, 1935, (Initiative Measure No. 94), for the purpose of ad j and rMjjMLjWmaIntaInInr the streets of the City of Port Townsend? Yoa........... ( ) ro............ ( ) Section 2. Said election shall be held and cpuductod in the manner provided by tine Chapter 2, Laws of Washinpton, 1935, (Init- iative measure No. 94), under the supervision azd direction of the Jefferson County Election Board. Section 3. Th;t this ordinance be publishad once in the Port Townsend Leader and be in force and take effect from and after five days from the date of such publication. Passed by the City Council, August -2 0 , 1935. Approved by the 1'ayor, Auf;uet ��'1935. AT1296Ts ldayor City Clork 71i "'0 a] 0 cl- Cl 91 o Pi tij 0 - CD I-ti ct. ra 0 Ft 0 cf-Cn 0 �-b Cil co ct 0 H CA 11 0 al (D ct ct 'cl CD I ORDINAN CE NO. ILs6 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend vacating that portion of Foster street from tha easterly line of Jackson street to the vresterly line of Clallam street in Al Pettygrove's Addition to t heCity of Port Townsend. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOTNSF.IiD DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, That that portion of Foster street from the easterly line of Jackson street to the westerly line of Clallam street in the Al Pettygrove Addition to the City of Port Townsend, be and the same is hereby vacated, provided however, that there is hereby reserved to the City of Port Townsend a ten -foot strip th nu the center of that portion of Foster street hereby vacated for the purpose of providing a right -of -ray or easement for the constru ation of ocnduit or pipe lines of any public utility at *kvxgttyxxfxRzxtx2zxmzzx1 owned or operated by said city, or a;raed and operated by any person, firm or corporation by and thru a franchise from the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. That this ordinanoe be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council September, 1S35. Approved by the Mayor September 1935. mayor 'Attest: !�'.�City Clerk t cr d F? cr C.ct Cb wrn CD ct c �: w cr61 CD m cr CD H c ct oCD o --H ct CD D - (Dp cr 0 m ORDITiANCE 110. /D,f AN ORIiINANCE of the City of Port Towrinend declaring an .imorgency and approprtatiriC and providing funds for the employ- ment of an onfrinocr for the remainder of the year 1935; and authorizing; the issuance of emergency war- rants upon the Olympic Gravity Water Fund in pay- mei;it therefor. . itt now appears to the City Council of the City of Port - Townsend, that in order for the City of Port Townsend to fully and i completely participate in the Public Works program of the Federal Government, and that the maximum benefits to be derived from such Federal program will inure to the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, necessary that a civil engineer be employed by said city to carry out and perform requirements that will be imposed-,,.• on said city; therefore, TIM f0IT,Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TUNIISRIM DO ORDA114 AS - .. i FOLLOVlS: �ectionll. That there be and hereby is declared a public - emergency for;the expenditure, during the remainder of the calbn- dar year 19351 the sum of $998.00, for the purpose of paying the i salary of an Vng,ineor to be employed by said City, and the City Clerk be and Pe is hereby authorized to draw emergency warrants - upon the Olyiipic �irauity.'1;ater Fund of said City, not exceeding the sun, of .;f998.00, as aforesaid, upon properly approved vouchers. Stough 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend 1p ader, to be in force and take effect as provided bylaw. Passed by the City Council 01, , 1935 Approved by the Mayor ci � , 1935. el Attest: Mayor ►1 El r 0 CD n �s o 0 p }�. CD CD ct 0 S c7 V- `C � V Oy C+ Cra F'' E r. O CAca a >� tn1-6cn CD Ft :j (D o ca 1 11 p I-t CD o�R+ ct O to (7 ! U1tliliil.Iui: i�0. AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting a Budget for the Water De- partment of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1936. THE C1'LY l:�.UPiCIJ. 01 '!'iils CITY OF Pi 11T T0'"l;S�iiD, %-1ASiilidtr'1'ON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLO•rS: Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the same hereby is, fixed and adopted for the Plater Department of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1936, divided in the total amounts in each of_the following classes comprising the whole of the Budget, to -wit: Salaries and Vdagea 4,640.00 Operation and Maint.nance ...................... 3,832.50 Interest and Debt Redemption ................... �45,000.00 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Fort Townsend.Leader, and to take effect and be 1n force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October /vey , 1935 a r Approved by the Mayor October 1935. Attest: City clerk. Mayor 1 AN OhDINAIXE fixing and adopting the Budget for the City of Port Townsend, "dasbington, for the year 1936. THE CITY COUIICIL OF THE CITY OF PORT 'PO";1iSL13D, ';lASi!I1iGT0h DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the same is hereby fixed and adopted for the City of Port Townsend for the year 1936, for taxation purposes, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of the budget, to -wit: Salaries and ;'ages 4r 16 840.00 Operation and Yaintenance ........................ . 8,650.01: Capital Outlay ................................... .p 2,802.43 _ Interest and Debt.Redemption ..................... $ 13,058.60 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October /�', Approved by the :dayor October Attest: ::ayor City C erx. aM ct :s cp %t 0 0 ol AV ORDINANCE, making and fixing, the tax levy f'or the City, of Port Towtw9lnd, ':(t:ehington, for t3.cxes for the year 1936. THE CITY COUNCIL a' THE CITY OI' POHT '2O';ii3END, '•-;A7,!ING'T0T4, DO ORDAIbi AS FOLLO';;5: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the city of :-ort To ns'-d, ":aa iirn ton, the; sums of money ,and rates ov t:ax levy i'or iie di!'_'arent nurno es herein desi(;nntcd for the yoar 1936, rnna the rake of tax,,tion up- on the assessed valuation for SUCK pul'pOSeS is aS .follows: First: Vor the payment of current expenses of said city and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of Fourteen Thousand, dine HundredNinety-four Dollars and seventy-five cents (,;�14,994.75), and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at fifteen (•15) mills on the dollar. Second: For the maintenance and improvement of the publia streets and highways of the city, and for the Street and Highway fund, the sum of Two Thousand, hour hundred 11inety- nine Dollars and thirteen cents (•�2,499.13), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fired at two and one-half {?. ) mills on the dollar. Third: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Library, and for the Library Fund, the sum of One Thousand, Seven Hundred Forty-nine Dollars and thirty-nine cents (:;p1,749.39), and the rate of tax .Levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one and three -fourths (1-3/4) mills on the dollar. Fourth: For the purpose of maintaining a pu6l.ic nark, Lind for the Park Fund, the sum of Eleven hundred Seventy-nine Dol- lars and fifty-nine cents (51179.59), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one and eighteen-. hundredths (1.18), mills on the dollar.' Fifth: For the payment of Interest on Londs, First Issue Refund Bonds, the sum of Two Thousand, Nine Hundred Ninety-eight Dollars and clinety-five cents (�,�2,996.95), and the rate',of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at three (3) mills on the dollar. Sixth: For the payment of interest on bonds and for bond redemp- tion, Port Townsend General Indebtedness 1931 'later Bond and Interest fund, the sutra of three `thousand, Dine Hundred Ninety-eight Dollars and sixty cents (.;;3,J98.60), and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at four (4) mills on the dollar. Seventh: For the payment of indebtedness of the City of Port Tov,nsend, known as the "Indebtedness Fund", the sun, of Five Thousand, 111ne hundred .,inety-seven Dollars n.nd nine- ty cents (.; 5,997.90) , and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at six (6) mills on the dollar. Page 2 - oi•ainanee 1-i0.L� D Section 2. That the Prnyor and the City Clerk of said city are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Asses- sor and' the County Auditor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said city. Section'3. That this ordinance be published once in the Pont Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided ` by law. Passed by the City Council October /3 1935. Approved by the Liayor October /4 Gk , 1935. Attest: Mayor N' j' �7 ..:=3.",: _ -�� - ,is ':'t".. .L.. 4.J.. .1 i_ ;�•,y� '^J"�•i fi_j.'r. �'\.S''���•• -i_ ..t�;^,.-'��-oJ .i%� '.<i'�.3'� .=2�i i/�.:�: y\er-` �'ry�,Ax''!J' Jt li' t. �r• rs.: ��isf,..'�i Y:r f.v. �[ t-f!.:: ti:. i. '..- y�l C'-.y.,;, rh2, n 'i »V..:. �'..Si�r' t ••1 - _--f- jf] i. T•1 j..r o a• , x m 5HS . tnx] rn� x o .. 09ct o rn H O 1050 Licenses pinball machines (Repealed by 1525) 1051 Regulates public cardrooms (Repealed by 1525) 1052 Amends Ords. 218, 694 and 989, theater license (5.64) 1053 Amends Ords. 752, 836, 899, 900, 902 and 945 (Repealed by 15251 1054 Plan for improving water system (Special) 1055 Provides for special election (Special) 1056 Street vacation (Special) 1057 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1058 Water department budget for 1936 (Special) 1059 1936 budget (Special) 1060 Tax levy for 1936 (Special) ---*1-061 Liquor control regulations (Repealed by 1525) ) 1062 Regulates sale of gasoline (9.04) 1063 Street vacation (Special) 1064 Water agreement with National Paper Products company (special) 1065 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 1066 Authorizes wharf construction, repeals Ord. 1017 t� �1067 (Special) Authorizes special election (Special) 1068 Amends Ord. 1034 (Repealed by 1483) 1069 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 1070 Water department budget for 1937 (Special) ----­l071 1937 budget (Special) 1072 Tax levy for 1937 (Special) 1073 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1074 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1075 Extends time and reduces interest rate on general refunding bond (Special) 1076 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1077 Grants franchise and authorizes wharf operation (Special) 1078 Regulates vehicle parking (Repealed by 1525) 1079 Regulates dancing in taverns (5.52) 1080 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1081 Provides for special election (Special) L) 1082 Authorizes building of wharf (Special) 1083 Water department budget for 1938 (Special) 1084 1938 budget (Special) 1085 Tax levy for 1938 (Special) 1086 Street vacation (Special) ,e 1087 Emergency appropriation {Special) 1088 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1089 Licenses named games and devices (Repealed by 1525) 3 1090 Business licenses (Repealed by 1974) 1091 Vehicle use regulations (Repealed by 1525) 1092 Declares certain acts to be a nuisance (Repealed by 1525) 1093 Amends Ord. 1036, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) nis- 1094 Appropriates money from water system for emergency nd repairs (Special) i 172 (Port Townsend 3/84) () L 1 1095 Grants right to remove pipelines and a wharf (Special) 1096 Provides for special election (Special) 1097 Fixes salary of named officers (Special) 1098 1939 budget (Special) 1099 Water department budget for 1939 (Special) oRDn,Ai;CE i.0. /OG/ AN ORDIIiANCE of the City of Fort iovnsend relating to intoxicating liquors and prohibiting the manufacture, possession, sale, or other disposition thereof in the City of Fort Townsend, except in certain cases; providing for the control and regulation there- of; providing penalties for violations and establishing a fund of said City known and designated as "Liquor Act Enforcement Fund." YiHE CITY COi XII, C.': T:_. CITY O. POW 'i'::,.; i:..'') DO CRD_ 1117 AS Section 1. COESTRUCTION. mills ordinance shall be deemed ar sc of the police power at the City of Port Townsend as an aid to the enforce- ment of the Washington State Liquor Control Act, and all of its provisions shall be l4brally construed for the accomplishment of that purpose. Section 2. DEFINITION OF TLRiU:S. In this ordinance, unless the content nrequires: (a). "Alcohol" is that substance known as ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl, or spirit of sine, whit.: is commonly produced by the for- mentation or distillation of grain, starch, molasses, or sugar, or other substances including all dilutions and mixtures of this substance. (b). "Be6r" means any beveraf.:;e obtained by the alcoholic fermentation of an infusion or decoction of pure hops, or pure extract of hops and pure barley malt or other wholesome grain or cereal in pure water containing not more than four per cent (4%) of alcohol by weirht, and not less than one-half of one per cent (�, of Jr;,') of alcohol by volume. For the purposes of this ordinance any such beverage, including ale, stout and porter, con- taining more than four per cent (4%) of alcohol by weight shall be referred to as "strong beer." (c). "Board" means the Washington State Liquor Control Board. (d). "Consume" includes the putting of liquor to any use, whether by drinking or otherwise. (e). "Dentist" ir►3aus a practitioner of dentistry duly and regularly licensed and enraged. in the practice of his profession within the state pursuant to Sections 10050-10058, Remin_ton's Revised Statutes. (f). "ImprlsonZl2nt" means confinement in the city jail. (g). "liquor" includes the four (4) varieties of liquor herein defined (alcohol, spirits, urine and beer), and all fermented, spiritous, vinous, or malt liquor, or combinations thereof, and mixed liquor, a part of which is fermo.:tod, spiritous, vinous or malt liquor, or otharvise intoxicating; a;,,d every liquid or solid or seinl-solid or other substance patented or not, containing alcohol, spirits, wine or beer, and all drinks or drinkable liquids and all preparations or mixtures capable of human consumption, and any liquid, sand -solid, solid, or other substance, which contains more than one per cent (1%) of alcohol by waight shall be con- clusively deemed to be intoxicating. (h). "Malt liquor" means beer, strong beer, ale, stout and porter. (i). "Package" means any container or receptacle used for holding liquor. (j). "Permit" means a permit for the mirchaso of liquor under the Washington State liquor Act. (k). "Person" means an individual, copart no r ship, association, or corporation. (1). "Physician" means a medical practitioner duly and regularly licensed and engaged in the practice of his profession within the state pursuant to Sections 10008-10025, "Remington's Revised Statutes. (m). "Prescription" means a memorandum sided by a physician and given by him to a patient for the obtaining of liquor wet —for medicinal purposes. --".i�iea�3e-�egtr�t3roYts•"„ - , (AA). "Sale" and"sell" include exchange, barter, and traffic; and also includesthc selling or supplying or distributing, by any means what- soever, of liquor, or of any liquid knovai or described as boor or by any name whatever eoamonly used to describe malt or brayed liquor or of wine, by any person to any person; and also include a sale or selling within the state to a foreign consignee or his agent in the state. W. "spirits" means any boverage «high contains alcohol obtained by distillation, including wines exceeding seventeen per cent (17%) of alcohol by woigit•. ".",lii;o" moans any aleohollc bevor .-,e obtulned by furxao ltatlon of fruits (grapes, berries, annlos, et cetera) or other afiricultural product containing sugar, to which any saccharine substances may have been added before, during or after fermentation, and containing not more than seventeen per cent (17%) of alcohol by weight, including sweet wines fortified with wine spirits, such as port, sherry, muscatel and angelica, not exceeding seventeen per cent (17%, of alcohol by weight. (�). lashineton State Liquor Act" means and includes Chapter 62 of the Session Laws of Washington, Extraordinary Session of 1933, and Acts amendatory thereto. Section 3. 1:othing in this ordivanco shall apply to wine or beer manufactured in any home for consumption there, but not for sale. Section 4. UIiLtVXUL IF00FISE OF Ll,�UO3. to liquor shall be kept or had within the City of Port Townsend, unless the package in which the liquor was contained had, uhile containing that -liquor, been sealed with the official seal prescribed under the Vlashington State Liquor Act, except in the case of= (a). Liquor imported by the State Liquor Control Board. (b). Liquor manufactured in the City of Port Townsend for sale to the Liquor Control Hoard or for export; or (a). Beer purchased in accordance with the provisions of the Flashing - ton State Liquor Act; or W. ,,line or beer as exempted in Section 3 hereof. Section 5. S.LI ,120 I3:i''::i) P::3S0 PRO:?IJITi:D. ::o person shall sell any liquor to any person apparently under the influonco of liquor. Section 6. S�lU1i TO MITORS P11011I3I'23D. Except in the case of liquor given or permitted to be given to a person under the ago of tviemy-one years by his parent or guardian for beverage or medicinal purposes, or administered to him by his physician or dentist for medicinal purposes, no person shall give, or otherwise supply liquor to any person under the a, o of Vventy-one years, or -)on,-At uny person under that a^e to consumo liquor on his premises or on any premises under his control. Section 7. ILLEGAL TO PROCURE LIVOR 2011 I1,'3LIGL3I3 ?RRSOI;. Except In case of liquor administered by physician or dentist or sold upon a prescription in accordance with the provisions of the '9ashington State Liquor Act, no person shall procure or supply or act directly or indirectly in procur#ing or supplying, liquor for or to any one whose permit is sus- pended or has been cancelled. Section 8. TAKING OR.DEERS FOR LIQUOR PROHIBITED. Exco»t as provided in the Washington State Liquor Control Act, no porson shall canvass, sol- icit, receive, or take•orders for the purchase or sale of any liquor, or act as agent for the purchase or sole of liquor. Section 9. HO,I OFFE,"M- ;.:AY 33 DESORIM. In describing the offense respecting the sale, or keeping for sale or other disposal, of liquor, or the having, keeping, giving, purchasing or consumption of liquor in any complaint, summons, conviction, warrant or proceeding under this ordinance, it shall be sufficient to simply state the sale, or keeping for sale or disposal, having, keeping, giving, purchasing or consumption of liquor, without stating the name or kind of such liquor or the price thereof, or to whom it was sold or disposed of, or by venom consured, or from whom it was purchased or received; and it shall not be necessary to state the quantity of liquor so sold, kept for sale, disposed of, had, kept, given, purchased, or consumed, except in tile case of offenses where the quantity Is essential, and then it shall be sufficient to allege the sale or dis- posal of more or less than such cuantity. Section 10. DSSC3IPTIO. I'' OdDS CJi, SUHICIE..T'. i'he description of any offense under this ordinance, in the words of this ordinance, or in any words of like affect, shall be sufficient in 3a w; and any exception, exemption, provision, excuse or qualification, whether it occurs by way of proviso or in the description of the offense in this ordinanco, :nay bo proved b;; tho do fa-d%iit; but need not be anecaflecl or nagatived in the corm,)laint; but if it is so specified or negatived, no proof in relation to the matter so specified or negatived shall be required on the part of the com_3laint. Section 11. SUFFICI..'::T PROOF OF 117-2.1i,W U SALE. In any proceeding under this ordinance, proof of one unlaiful sale of liquor shall suffice to establish prima facie the intent or purpose of unlawfully keening liquor for sale in violation of ;.his ordinance. Section 12. AC'TIO:' WITHOUT LICE';SN' U. U. i'UI.. Every person doing any act required to be licensed under the ;lashington State Liquor Act without having, in force a license issued to him under that act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 13. SALE 3Y M-1-Y OR 30`TH-73 p_110.'MITF,D. .!,`very person who shall sell by the drink or bottle any liquor other than beer and wines as defined in this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 14. t:o person other than those duly licensed under the Viash- ington State liquor Act shall Iceep liquor for the purpose of sale. 11ne possession of liquor other than beer or wine, in a place licensed to sell beer and/or wine only, shall be presumptive evidence that the same is Icsot for the purpose of sale. Section 15. I:o person under the age of years shall be enmloyod in any service in connection with the sale, handling or serving of any liquor, dither on a read or voluntary basis, in, on or about any establ- ishrnent licans,3ci to sell beer or viine for consu^_ntion on the nramises. Section 16. .All licensod nremises used in the mannifacturo, storage or sale of liquor shall at all tie�es be open to insaocticn by any authorized peace officer. Section 17. SEUROKES .Uil) 3r FZLR S. If, upon the sviorn complaint of any person, it shall be made to appear to the police judge of the City of Port Townsend, that there is probable cause to believe that intoxicating li.mior is ioln[; %mimtactiired, a�11, b:,rtorod, oxcha:it-ed, riven aeJay, fur- nishod, or othervilse disposed of, In violation of the urovisio:i: of this ordinance, such judgo shall, issuo a warrant directed to the Chief of Police of the City of Port Tovnsend, corrnm nding him to searoh the premises designated and described in such complaint and warrant, and to seize all intoxicating liquor there found, together with the vessels in which it is contained, and all imalements, furniture and fixtures used or kept for the illegal manufacture, sale, barter, exchange, giving away, furnishing or otherwise disposing of such liquor, and to safely keep the same, and to make a return of said warrant within ten days, showing all acts and things done thereunder, with a particular statement of all articles seized and the name of the person or persons in whose possession the same were found, if any, and if no person be found in the possession of said articles, the returns shall so state. A copy of said warrant, together with a detailed receipt for the property taken shall be served upon the parson or Persons found in possession of any such intoxicating liquor, furniture or fixtures so seized, and if no person be found in the possession thereof, a copy of said warrant and receipt shall be left in a conspicuous place upon the premises wherein the same are found; and all liquor seized pursuant to the authority of such currant shall, upon adjudication that it was kept in violation of this w , be ipso facto forfeited and upon such forfeiture be delivered to the Washington state liquor control board. Section 18. Upon the return of the warrant as provided herein the • police judge shall fix a tiiae, not loss than ton days, and not more than thirty days thereafter, for the hearinC of said return, :hen he shall pro- ceed to hoar and determine whether or not the articles so seized, or any part thereof, were used or in any tiannor ltept or possessed by any person with the intention of violating any of the provisions of thio ca-dianwilt such hearing any person clalminE, any interest in any of the articles soiled may appear and be heard upon filit:; a =itton claiia soLtii:,; forth ,arl,iculrrly the character and extet:t of his interest, and the burdon shall rest upon the claimant to show, by coamotent evidence, his proporty right or interest in the articles claimed and that the same were not used in the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, and were not in any manner kept or possessed with the intention of violating any of the provisions of this ordinance. If, unou such hearing, the evidence warrants, or if no person shall appear as claimant, the police judge, shall thereupon enter a judgment of forfeiture, and order such articles destroyed forthwith; provided, however, That if in the opinion of the police judge, any of such forfeited articles other than intoxicating liquor are of value and adapted to any lawful use, such police judge, as a part of the order and judgment, direct that said articles other then intoxicating liquor shall be sold as upon execution by the officer having then in custody and the proceeds of such sale after pay- ment of all costs in this proceeding shall be paid into the special fund in this ordinance hereinafter established. Action under this section and the forfeiture, destruction or sale of any articles thereunder shall not be a bar to any -prosecution under any other provision or provisions of this ordinance. Section 19. Any person found guilty of a violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable on conviction of of not to exceed 4300.00, or imprisonment in the city jail not to exceed ninety days, or by both such fine and in)risonmont. Section 20. If any provision of tills ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circui:lstance is held invalid, the remainder of this 6 ordinance and ti:e at of such provisions to any person or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 21. That there be, and is hereby, created a special fund to be knorm as the "Liquor Act Enforcement Fund," which shall consist of all fines, penalties, forfeitures, and all other monies received by the City of Port 'Toticn- send from the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance, and shall be used for the payment of servicos of those engaged in the onforcement of this ordinance. Section 22. That this ordinance be gublis:iod onco in t io Port 12w:, tend Loader and be in force and trice affect as provided by law. Passed by the City Counci�' 193G. Approved by the LTayo6r4��, 1939. Mayor Attest: City Clerk �amK ta' CP a H E4 Z (0- N K 0 t-3EDma 0 CO ct h+• G Ft) z 0 w 50 1-1 Ili PDo 0 1f7 1-ti by Fi �& o w a f-J CD R+ r . y r• -� ORDINANCE Id0 . /,7 ( 2 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend regulating the sale of gasoline and prohibiting the sale, loan, gift or delivery thereof to intoxicated persons. BE IT HJBOLVED BY TIII' CITY COUNCIL OF '2111% CITY 01-1 PORT TOWNSEND: Section I. That it shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, firm or corporation within the corporate limits Isf the City of Port Townsend, to sell, loan, give or deliver gasoline to any intoxicated person. Section 2. Any person found guilty of a violation of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon con- viction shall be punished by fine in a sum not exceeding $100.00, or by imprisonment in the city Jail for not more than thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in:.the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council February, / g- , 1936 Approved by the Mayor February � , 1936 r a y 0 r Attest: 7 City C er c,yr ,J 0 C113 !_ p SD • • • - CD t tt� i Y p .3 ORLIT?A17C5 I70. /VZG5 AN ORDIfTAWCE of the City of Port Towrsend vacating parts of certain streets in said city. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOMITSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section 1. The followirg parts of streets in the City of Port Townsend be and the same are hereby vacated: That part of Maple street from the northerly side of "D" street to the southerly side of "F" street; That part of "D" street from the westerly side of Chestnut street to the easterly side of Fir street; That part of "E" street from the westerly aide of Chestnut street to the easterly aide of Fir street; Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Towra end Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by lain. Passed by the City Council April , 1936. Approved by the Mayor April 871' 1936. Attest: A.-_. pi City Clerk J S � t .o . � Y 12 3 0 0 y � n P3 I- � O a.09 H �• ct t� . m co m ct ct z y y o b F.a. (p by o m ct ct o Ca • m -^ y ORDINANCE r;O. 1OV-11 AN ORDINANCE authorizing an agreement with NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS COMPlsNY for repayment of amounts to be advanced by said company to the City of Port Townsend for the purpose of enabling the City to 'pay the cost of a change in location of the Hadlock-Irondale connection to the pipeline of the water works system of the CITY OF PORT TOWNSMID. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSE10 does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. For the purpose of enabling the CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND to change the location of the connection of the Hadlock-Irondale line from its present location of approximately Station 1530 on the pipeline of the water works system of the CITY OF PORT TOYNT SEND to a location at approximately Station 1614 on said pipeline, the City shall borrow from the NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS COMPANY an amount not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and the Mayor and the City Clerk of the CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND be and they are hereby authorized and di- rected to execute an agreement providing for such advance by the NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS COI&ANY and the repayment thereof by the CITY OF PORT TOV�IJSII ND in the following form: "C O N T R A C T This agreement made in duplicate this day of 1936, by and between the CITY OF .SORT TOWNSEND, a municipal corporation, Party of the First Part (herein called City), and NATIONAL PAPER PRODUCTS COMPANY, a corporation, Party of the Second Part (herein called Company), W I T N E S S E T H: W11EREAS, by Indenture of Lease dated March 3, 1928, Company leased a part or City's water works and system for a period of thirty (30) years, and IHERRAS, it is provided by said lease that the City may make and maintain a connection with said water Works rind system at a point outside of the city limits for the purpose of obtaining water to supply Hadlock and Irondale, which said connection has been established and maintained at a point on the pipeline approximately at Station 1530, and WHEREAS, it is desired to change the location of said connection for supplying water to Hadlock and Irondale to a point on said pipeline at approximately Station 1614, the cost of which is not chart;eable to Company under the terns of the aforesrald lease, but should be borne by City, and WHEREAS, City does not have sufficient funds to pay the entire cost of such chance, but Company is willing to advance a certain portion thereof under the terms of this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements herein contained, it is agreed between the parties as follows: 1. Company agrees to lend and advance to City for the purpose of changing the location of the Hadlock-Irondale connection on said pipeline as above stated, a sum not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). 2. City agrees to repay to Company the sure so loaned and advanced, from any surplus available from time to time in the fund derived by City from water revenues over and above the requirements of the present bonded indebtedness of the water system of City in such amounts as the City Council of City shall direct. The balance, if any, of said sum shall, in any event, be due and payable one year after the uresent bonded in- debtedness of the water system of the City of Port Townsend is Aaid or provided for. 3. The sums advanced by Company hereunder shall not bear interest, except that any portion of said sum, which has by the terms of this agreement become payable, shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the date upon which the same becomes payable. IN WITIIMSS WHEREOF, the City of Port Townsend has caused this agreement to be executed in itsrmme and behalf by its Mayor and City Clerk, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed after due oroceedings had in accordance with law; and the National Paper Products Company has caused this agreement to be executed by its officers thereunto duly authorized, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year firs! above 1n,ritten. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND By Mayor of the City of Port Townsend Clerk of the City of Port Townsend NA`1'IONLL 2APER PRODUCTS CO?,.,1VADff B Its .f,ttest: n Section 2. This Ordinance.shall be Dublished in the ,,Port Townsend Leader in the manner provided by law, and t}e,.City Clerk is hereby directed to cause such Publication to 3 :-be made. Passed by the City Council and approved and signed _by me in authentication of its passage in open session this ✓ day of 1936• Mayo& of the City of Port Townsend Clerk of the City of Port Towsend Passed by the City Council ��T X' 1936 Az)proved by the Mayor l4G 1936 i�pprove by the City Attorney ity y Filed by me this day of , 1936. Clark of the City of Port Townsend - 3 - ct o o X, a':' �O1 0001-10 N H'. �. C) . o w x�° a� _ w ►d0a o 00, I'Sf . 11 }D . r a m z o xbaap. rn _ fa�s'to n �S @ e Fr- O C] F+ ct 0 P '7 I i 1 .. I1 C 1: 0. / ' 'd 1 S jUN ORDIT_`�T.L:TCE authori:Lin ,7. iSisE nl ei $, ]'iL yta..VC'� �'3'S and asy]r-ns, to construct and maintain a wharf at thu foot or southerly end of Adams Street in the City of Port Townsend. ME CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PO?;T T0')71' ?`.,,D Do ORD.&IN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Th it _ _ 1C,.. li.•j.F , 1: succc._..uv ....;i .:_. _7 , LC:, zan(l are hereby authorized to construct and i,iu.ini:ain a Wharf in the City of ?ort Townsend, at the foot or sotherl,, end of _idur,:s Street, coltimencing at a point on Adams Street at the present bulr,head on the waterfront, approa- imately 54 feet southerly from the south line of slater Street, and ex- tending along said Adams Street and across Front Street to a point on Port T.),.-,nsond bay where there shall be at least ten feet (10) of water at low tide, which wharf shall be sixteen (16) feet in width, that is to say: sixteen (16) feet in width 7lest from t.,e East line of Adams Street. Section 2 That the said L�. 77. Eisenbe:i.s, his successors and assigns, are also hereby authorized to construct and maintain at the southerly end of said wharf an addition, or additions, in tho forra of an (L) or (T) not exceeding one hundred (100) feet square, upon which may be errected whare- house and other neeeosary I.�iiareve;uents. Section 3. Said F. 1J. Iisenbeis, his sucoessors and assigns, shall be entitled to charge for the use of said wharf and i,,Lproveraents such rates of wharfage, dockage, storage and tolls as the proper authorities of the city of Port Townsend may from tir,ie to time legally establish; provided, however, that all property and material belonging to the said city, or for its use, shall. be adriitted over s.jid wharf free of charge. Section 4. The City retains the rl;ht to lay and maintain water pipe lines for fire purpose, or sale of muter, any where on said wharf outside of the buildings thereon, as one of the conditions upon ,,rhich this; franchise is granted. Section 5. The City of 7ort Townsend also reserves and maintains the right to establish and maintain a float alongside of said wharf on the easterly and inshore side of (L) or (T) with suitable steps or gangway leading to said float, s:hich shall be for tl,.e free use of the public for the purpose of landin.and shippinc; property or freight not exceeding five hundred (500) pounds in quantity at any one time, an.] such property and freight, so landed or shipped, may be transported over said wharf,to or from said float, without payment of aharfaCe, dockaSe or tolls of, any hind. Section 6. Said F. ;7, Eisenbeis•, his successors and assigns, shall begin the construction of said. wharf within siyty (60) days after this ordinance takes effect, and shall complete the sw-,ie within four (4) months from date. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five da.,rs after its Publication, and shall continue to be in force for a period of ten (10) ,years, and no Section S. That for the rights granted, the said I. I.Y.I,isenbeis and his successors and assigns shall pay to the City of Port Tounsend the- sLtla of f50.00 per annuzn for each and every year dur. ing the term of said - franchise. for the rights and privileges herein granted, payable annually in advanoe;.that in case said grantee, his successors and assigns shall fail to comply.with any or all of the conditions of this. ^: ordinance, then and thereupon this ordinance shall become null and void, ;z and all rights and franchises herein granted shall become forfeited. Passed by the City Council on the / G day of Sune, 1936. Approved by the Yayor on the /57A day of June, 1936. 4� txj C� ct p Mmfi� W .._.._. o dy 9 ct m Fi Z om �J M O firf �. 'Y O F u O R, to • . ¢� O CD m O � ca rt CJe (D Q ct 4 l ORDIVA110E 110. /�i ,-, An ordinance granting; to Standard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and Its assigns, the right to con- struct, maintain and operate pipe lines on certain streets in the city of Port Townsend, Washington, and granting to Standard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its assigns, the right to operate and maintain a wharf at the terminua of Harrison Street, in the city of Port Townsend, and to charge and collect tolls for the use of the snme, and repealing Ordinance No. 101.7 passed by the City Couiaoil April 19, 1932, approved by the Mayor April 22, 1932. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to the Standard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its assigns, the right to construct, lay, maintain and . operate pipe lines on Harrison Street from a point approximate- ly one hundred and ten (110) feet north of the northerly line of Water Street at its intersection with Harrison Street, thence under said Harrison Street and across Water Street at its intersection with Harrison Street, thence to the ter- minus of Harrison Street, in the city of Port Townsend, Wash-- Ington, for a period of ten (10) years from and after the f —70`�f Section 2. Such pipe lines shall be so located as not in any way to interforc, with travel upon such streets nor with the improvement of such streets. If at any time the City Council of the City of Port Townsend deems it advisable to improve said streets by relocating, regrading, widening, extending or in other manner changing; or altering tho same, Standarc'... Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its assigns, shall upon written notice given by said City Council of the City of Port Townsend, immediately so move, change or alter its pipes and pipe lines and other equipment used in connection therewith, so as to conform to such change In said streets. The cost of so;, changing or alter ink; such pipes and pipe linos will be at the expense of Standard Oil Company of California and its assigns. Section 3. Staandard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its assigns, assumes all liability for damag,e s prising b;/ roarson of the location of :stalA Pipes or pipe lines in said street or streets. Section 4. That there is hereby granted to the Standard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its assigns, the right to operate and maintain a wharf with suitable approaches and such other structures as may be necessary to the terminus of Harrison Street in the City of Port Townsend for a period of ten (10) years from and after the date of the taking effect this ordinance. Section 5. That said wharf shall be maintained in substantially the same location and in the some manner that it is now in with the right and privilege hereby granted unto the said Standard Oil Company of California to repair, improve, add to and maintain the same as herein provided, the location thereof being substantially as follows: Commencing at the southerly line of Water Street in said city where the same crosses Harrison Street and extending southerly in and along Harrison Street into Port Townsend bay to the inner harbor line, or to deep water, within the limits of said Harrison Street as laid off and platted by the State of Washington and shown on the State Tide Land Map of Port Townsend harbor, and shall occupy so much of said street as may be necessary fb r dock and wharfage purposes. Section 6. The said wharf and its approaches shall be maintained in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and shall be subject to inspection by and approval of the City Engineer of the City of Port Townsend. Section 7. That the Standard Oil Company of Cali- fornia and its assigns shall have the right to fix, establish -2- and colloct tolls and rates for wharfage, storage and dock- age, subject to such regulations and supervision as may be from time to time prescribed by the State of Washington, and said wharf shall be subject to the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinances of said city, regulating wharves. Section S. That the standard Oil Company of California and its assigns, for the rights and privileges herein granted in Sections 4 and 7 hereof, shall pay to the City of Port Townsend the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per annum for each and every year during the term of this franchise, said sum of $50.00 to be payable, in advance, on or before the 29th day of July of each year during the term of this franchise; that in case the said grantee or its assigns shall fail to comply with any or all of the conditions of this ordinance, then and thereupon this ordinance shall become null and void and all rights and franchises herein granted shall become forfeited. Section 9. The acceptance of this ordinance by the said grantee shall be deemed an agreement by it to conform said wharf wherever it passes over, along or across streets to the grade of the said streets as now established or to be hereafter established on the request of the City Council. Section 10. That Ordinance No. 1017 passed by the City Council April 19, 1932, approved by the Mayor April 22, 1932, shall be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 11. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, ap;r oval and filing of the acceptance of the same by the said grantee and from and after five days after its publication in the -3- i Port Townsend Leader. M::,' •'' Passed by the City Council July' .1936. :..• "' Approved 'by the Nisyor 'July Q fi r .; Mayor ' ry v Attest: t City Clerk' -4- .r- @ O ✓ tDO�yw O V-n0 H �EOpcP z O F1 x J—% ct �00 N1 11 CO o ct � rn c� o 0 p. i-'- ct F, - µ WO• • 0 w4w ORDI1T.Al,C1' AN OiIDIITIIF'C, of the City of Port 'iowiooud providing for o 1 fixin;; tr,e time of a cnecial election for tho gaaalifie'i voters of ti.e City of Port ''ormsond to ratify or reject propositions grantiiig to the City Council of said city authority to levy taxes on tiie tax- able property of said cite in excess of the fifteen :gills i:ow authorized by law. it :co.: a•7mo t s to ti,e Cit.' Co :nctl of tic City of sort Tovnsead, t:,at t,iore .:ill bo is su<E iclo:;t .:,olio veturi.eLl to tiro Cite Trer:.sury of nat,d city during- the year 1937, thru taxation and ot,�o=dse, to provide for and carry out all ti,e functions of city Coverau:ient for twat ,year; and, I'lfitMAS, under the pro✓isions of Chanter 2, laws of the State. of Ilia sitiiigton, 1935, (Initiative Lleasure i:q. 94), cities and tovnhs are granted power to levy taxes in excess of fifteen gills, whon authorized so to do by the electors of such city or tough; ar.d, IIs01-113, it appears to the City Council treat an election for that purpose is necessary, said that tite followirii; propositions should be subinttted tothe qualified voters of the City for ratification or rejection, nova therefore, 1'FT CIi'Y COLTOIi 0: 'i!?' ; C ITY 0^ PO:IT ^:D'. i,IS�i D DO 0 R AET AS FO%L0;"St Section 1. '1'Aat a sn-�cial election be held in the City of Port To-,%nsend and in the various precincts t;_ereof on Tuesday, the 8th day of September; 1936, which clay and date be, u..0 Thereby is, fined as the dote upon which said election shall be bold and sliall Lie voted oy the qualified voters of said city, t:le follovJiuo pr0pe0iti inS and questi-ms, to —mitt Proposition It Shall too City Council of the City of Port 'ov,.n,ond be authorized to collect duria,i; the year 1937, ti.e sum of ara,roxiirately "ZZZO, 00 , by a speei--I and additional levy of upon the dollar of assessed valuati.n of said city, in excess of tno city levy e.-nowered by Chapter 2, Lags of tno State of'Ilasiii:itton, 1935, (Initiative IeaGtlre Ko. 91), 'iV: the hlar`7000 of onerutin:, ai.d Claintai:t..e frac pa1J11C library of said City? Yes.......... i:o........... E 1 400 • . , • age Proposition II: Small the City Council of the City of Port TU5:S:send be authorised to collect diu•inE; the year 1937, Lire sun of approxiirntoly ".Z.13s O o by a special and additional levy of � ? 4� mills upon .the dollar of assessed valuation of said city, in excess of the city levy empowered by Chanter 2, Laws of tite State of WaWnr;ton, 1935, (Initiative _:easuro ;'o. 94), f:;r the rrir»ose, of o rztii:�, maintainiiiC; and L-mz•ovi g too City Park? Yos........... ( ) !To............ ( ) Proposition III: Shall the City Council of the City of Port Totimsend be authorized to collect durii>,, the year 1937, the suin of a -)p- roximately ;?.3 / C� �. Un �, by a special and additional lovy of Oa mills upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city, in excess of the levy emnoworod by Chapter 2, laws of tue State of Washington, 1935, (initiative :Leasure co. 94), for the purpose of ii.Tproving and main- taininrr the streets of the City of Port ''2o;tnsend. Yes........... .( ) Section 2. Said election shall be held and condtietod in the manner provided by Chapter 2, laves of 1935, (Initiative Leasure 2-To. 94), under the supervisi,n and direction of the Jefferson County Wlection Hoard. Section 3. That this ordinance be :published once in the Port Tovmsent header and be in force and take effect from and after five days from the date of such publication. Passed by the City Cotincil, Aur; tst Z7`W, 1936. Approved by the nayor, August 1936. ^ILI a y 0 r Attest- 0 ity Clerk m c n ca . xmop F96• ct- p o ti St o Z t° rf I's Ed n �o a tL Z 0 Id n cz�so1-4- z . to FS O 1- o n :r o bFb0 . m V AI? ORDII'll1'Cn of the City of Fort i`ovaisend, amondii�f; Ordinance. i:o. 1034, entitled "An Ordinance dividint, the City of Port Tovasend into yards and ropealin& all ordinances in conflict there- with" massed by the City Comwil 25, 1933; approved by tiro :'a;,ror liovoiaber 28, 1933, TF':. CITY Coul C:IL ": L''_. CI'i',. ' . -Oa,, �'C` 701.10is& Sect:�Gn1 1. '.,:at Scotion 1 of r-id 107ri be, and the sa:;ie is hereby, amended in the follov:i v: particular; That t':o desiTnated area hnovm as the F1:'•5T WARD is hereby lossoned and the area of the THIRD WARD is hereby increased by the addition to the THI?.D WARD of Block 136, of the Oriniral Tocnsite of the City Of Port Younsend. Section 2. That this ordinance be ronblisaed once in the Port Tot ::send header and be in force and tal:n effect as provided by 1Ev�. Passed by t}.e City Corm i1 Sep tembor �� G , 195&. is A-r,rovod by the ,.ay or Septemoor ti , 193G. r IS, r a y o r Attest; City C1ork 1 J ci' GJ O La �=JcrP 0 CCD :J ¢'Eye � V IF4 ct¢,:5 O � O ::rtz 0 y F, rr� 0 t=: 1-4 H F-R Pi O cF It N � F' p'^-+ -: to �p R+ yCD ct O P+ r o 0 ORDINANCE 140. ,/�J� All ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, fixing the salaries of the City Treasurer, City Clerk and the City Attorney, for the two-year term of office commiencing January 1st, 1937. THE CITY COUNCIL 01-1 THE C112Y OF PORT ` O',1iNSE1TD DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the monthly salaries to be paid to the City Treasurer, City Clerk and the City Attorney for the two- year term of office connnencing January 1st, 1937, are,hereby fixed as follows: The City Treasurer, the monthly salary of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). The City Clerk, the monthly salary of one Hundred Ten Dollars ($110.00). The City Attorney, the monthly salary of Seventy-five Dollars (?75.00). Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force on the first day of January, 1937. Passed by the City Council September /5 , 1936 Approved by the Mayor September 1936. Attest: r Approved as to form. 0 y ey — Ct. o cce r a Wci- o ' pAWC� G ct' a' h' cf- O 1-3 " co h F' Fz P to a Fj Z ct-o A O C7 W A W O Q) ---,I CQ Y O 0 ct ct ORDINANCE w./a Z0 . AN ORDINANCE firing and adopting a budget for the Water Department for the City of port Townsend, for the year 1937. THE OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOVMSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWSt Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the same is hereby, fixed and adopted for the Water Department of the City of Port Tovmsend for the year 1937, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes com- prising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ...............................$ operation and Maintenance .................O C- Capital Outlay ................................. Interest and Debt Redemption .....................$ Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council Ootobsr<Q=f" G , 1936. Approved by the Mwor October `' T , 1936. Moor -- Attes�tf City Clerk. P. :7,, Gq 0 Z Ott ' 0 W �yy r4 ct L 1 .' t4 T-1 ctz a CA Cf Q L0 Q - ...,— .. r ct W t.I MA 1050 Licenses pinball machines (Repealed by 1525) 1051 Regulates public cardrooms (Repealed by 1525) 1052 Amends Ords. 218, 894 and 989, theater license (5.64) 1053 Amends Ords. 752, 836, 899, 900, 902 and 945 (Repealed by 1525) 1054 Plan for improving water system (Special) 1055 Provides for special election (Special) 1056 Street vacation (Special) 1057 Emergency appropriation (special) 1058 Water department budget for 1936 (Special) 1059 1936 budget (Special) 1060 Tax levy for 1936 (Special) 1061 Liquor control regulations (Repealed by 1525) ) 1062 Regulates sale of gasoline (9.04) 1063 Street vacation (Special) 1064 Water agreement with National Paper Products Company (Special) 1065 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 1066 Authorizes wharf construction, repeals Ord. 1017 (Special) 1067 Authorizes special election (Special) 1068 Amends Ord. 1034 (Repealed by 1483) 1069 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 1070 Water department budget for 1937 (Special) -----'f071 1937 budget (Special) 1072 Tax levy for 1937 (Special) 1073 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1074 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1075 Extends time and reduces interest rate on general refunding bond (Special) 1076 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1077 Grants franchise and authorizes wharf operation 9 (Special) 1078 Regulates vehicle parking (Repealed by 1525) 1079 Regulates dancing in taverns (5.52) __1D80 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1081 Provides for special election (Special) L) 1082 Authorizes building of wharf (Special) 1083 Water department budget for 1938 (Special) 1084 1938 budget (Special) 1085 Tax levy for 1938 (Special) 1086 Street vacation (Special) :e 1087 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1088 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1089 Licenses named games and devices (Repealed by 1525) 3 1090 Business licenses (Repealed by 1974) 1091 Vehicle use regulations (Repealed by 1525) 1092 Declares certain acts to be a nuisance (Repealed by 1525) nis- 1093 Amends Ord. 1036, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) 1094 Appropriates money from water system for emergency nd ) repairs (Special) 172 (Port Townsend 3/84) E) 1095 Grants right to remove pipelines and a wharf (Special) 1096 Provides for special election (Special) 1097 Fixes salary of named officers (Special) 1098 1939 budget (Special) 1099 Water department budget for 1939 (Special) r� U ORDINANCE 110. lQ 7 / AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting the official budget,and a contingent budget, for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the year 1957. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOMSENA, WASHINGTON,DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be, and the same is hereby, fixed and ad- opted as the official budget, and a contingent budget, for the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1937, for taxation purposes, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the same, to Grit: 3 g da . .. Salaries and Wages...................................� Operation and Uaintenance ..:......................... Capital Outlay ........................................ �, 3 2 S, O'G Interest and. Debt Redemption ......................... Z S 3s I. 7 Section 2. That this ordinance be published onoe in the port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October GZ< 1936. Approved by the Mayor October �y� 7 1936. mayor Atteet: ...� Oity Clerk wt:fc,w artm� ctC'4 G t O o z H Pj w. rn�a C' 00 t�] CD cD t- o _. cr p �Fj o o tox CA m w CD W CD 0 ORDIIilt1;0„ ;,0.1�"4 A17 oRDiP rO., mulc[n2, and fixirt{; the tax levy .for tho City of Port Tormsend, Wastyin,rtan, for tazsxys for tho year 1937. TH T CITY COU1011, Oil 'Tffl; CITY OP S' IVT Tff;.11�5 1i, VwMS11I!:XVZ0i1, DO ORDAIII AS FCLLMISt lootlon 1. :Mvkt tr:Aro in horoby leviod upon all tho twcablo lroparty in t11 Oit;1 0t Port-Townsoyvt, ::v:i:r;tau, L::v icyllo :ir<= a..:.: s uF t:uile;T "Ml raton of t levy for t]te different j>>u-3xw3;)3 tLorcri.:. doG1'rkr1wL fur t:.o year 1937, anti th rate o:' tu:a;tton upon :]to as,3oacocl v<Lltiatiou o1: r„�ici city for sioh , irposen is as follows► Firsts For the payninnt of ourraut oy_poiiros ._r-A Xor tho Current rxponee 'Fnnd, in t110 oazra of Fmirtoen niounawl, I11na izuriclrad Z-.Onty-two Dollars find ninety cents auyd t;:o rhtcs of tax levy for oalil :Cnnd is linroby fixod at fiftoon (15) ;Hills on the dollar. 9ocondi For tho maluteawnee aW. imnrovecent of tho nublio streets and highrrays of Clio olty, and for the 9troot acid. 11 owitky Fund, the tntm of Throo ThoABand, I+ine l[nndrnd Savonty-nine Dollars and :forty-four aunts (t;;3,979.441:), and the rate of tax levy for said z:urpoao is hnreby rixotl at four (4) mills on the dollar. Thirds For trio -nurnoso of maintaining a Public Library, and for the Library Pus -Ad, tho curt of ono Thousand, :,oval Ru-ulrod Vorty Dollars and ninety-oifht cents (,,4A,74.0.98), and t'ho rate of tax levy for avid purpose is horoby i'iarod at one and throe - fourths (1-3/4) mills on the dollar. Fourths For the tnwpoco of maaintainin{; a public parlc, and for the Park rand, the sawn of one Thousand, T o Itandred Forty -Hiroo Dollars and Pifty-seven canto (w1,243.67), and tho rato of tau levy for said purpose is hereby M-cod at ono and one cpiaarter (1.25) mills on the dollar. Fifth: For the payment of intoreat on bonds, and for bond redemption, First Issue Refund Bonds, the sum of Fivo Thousand, Nine Ran- drod Sixty-nine Dollars and sixteen cents p5,969.16), of nhiob there is providod for the payment of interest. the aum of Tvm Thousand, I11ne Mmdrod Eighty-four Dollars and fifty-oight cants (02,984,58), and for bond redemption, the sumof Two Thousand 111no Hundred Mrdity-four Dollars aril fifty-oight cents (02,984.58). and the rate.of tame levy for each of said purposes is hereby fixed at throe (3) mills on tho dolls, or a total of six (6) mills. Sixths For the payment of interest on bonds and far bond redemption, Port Tocnsond Conoral Indobtedueos 1931 tVator llontl Interest fund, tlio aura of Two Thousand, Four Hundred eighty-:ZK dollars and fifteen cents (: 2,487.15), and tho rate of tax levy for said purposo is hereby fixed at tcro and one-half (3.50) mills on tlao dollar. Seventh: Ifor the paymont of iudobtodnoac of tho City of Port Tovmim2d, Imovm as the ,"Indjobtodwoo Vanil", the sum of Five Thousand, Dino lfanfIroct oix4y-nine Dollars and sixtoon conts (05,969*16). and tho rate of tax lovy for avid parp000 Is 1wroby fimod at six (6) mills. on the dollar. Seetion 2. That the Ilayor and tho City Clark of said City are horeblv authorl'Zod and' cortig,7 to tba County Assessor and the County Auditor of Joff-, orson County, WaslAnt;ton, t`110 fcro9Oi21(- tax lovy of said city. Soction 3.r I 'Dint t'i1a ordin;,mco bo alaliutiocl k)r= In t:Lo tort '13I.-ILUOIld Lander. and to talm offoot and bo in rorco an provido(i by law. Pacood by the City Council Octobo Approved b,,,r the ISnyor Octobo m m ATTESTi City i 0 EO ::s F-5 O . p c9 FS CA .. n. ORDIIWTCE NO. .3 AN ORDINANCE, providing for the immediate appropriation of money for the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Tovmsend, and for the expenditure thereof during the year 1935', and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, the building used as a housing place for the street equipment of the City of Port Townsend is badly in need of repair and really does not adequately provide for the protection of such equipment and is in such a condition that the further maintenance of said equipment in said building is a hazard, and a public emergency now exists to provide funds for properly protecting such equipment, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF TO CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLWWSt Section 1. That there be, and hereby is, appropriated for immediate expenditure upon the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend for the purpose of repairing and altering that certain structure within said city, used and maititained for the purpose of housing street equipment, the sum of not to exceed ;�250.00. Section 22. That a public emergency is hereby declared to exist for the purpose aforesaid and the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be, and he is hereby, authorized to dray emergency warrants upon the Current Expense Fund of said city not exceeding said amount, upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council Octoner 1936. Approved by the Uayor October , 1936. / yor r Atteett City Clerk i i A6. ORDINANCE N0. = -Y AN ORDINANCE providing for the extension of time of payment and reduction of interest rate on 041,000, principal amount of Port Townsend General Refunding Bonds, dated July 1, 1911, authorizing the 11ayor and the Oity Clerk to enter into a contract with the owner of said bonds for such extension of time of payment and reduction of interest rote. MIEREAS, there matured on July 1, 1931, and there is now duo and owing, general refunding bonds of the City of Port Townsend dated July 1, 1911, in the principal sum of ?41,000; and, WHEREAS, the owner of said oonds is willing to agree to an extension of time of maturity and a reduction of the interest rate on said bonds, and it is to the best interest of said city to enter into such an agreement; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWHSEVD DO ORDAIN AS POLLMS1 Section l: The date of maturity of the Port Tovm send general re- funding bonds dated July 1, 1911, in the total principal sum of 441,000, shall be and the same are hereby extended as follows: Bonds numbered 27, 28, 29, in the principal sum of 0390009 January 1, 1938 30, 31, 32, If If "1 to " 3,000, January 1, 1939 33, 34, 35, If It " " it 3,000, " 1, 1940 36, 37, 38, 44, It " " " to 4,000, it 1, 1941 45, 46, 47, 48, " it " It " 4,000, If 1, 1942 49, 50, 51, 52 " If It It if 40000, It 1, 1943 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 " if " It It 5,000,. It 1, 19" 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 " It " if It 5,000, It 1, 1945 630 64, 65, 66, 67 " If It It If 6,000, if 1, 1946 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 If If " it it 5,000, to 1, 1947 Section 2: Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 4Q% per annum from January 1, 1937, until paid, payable semi-annually, Interest coupons shall be attached to said bonds and shall be in substantially the following form, except as to date of payments: Interest Coupon No. $22.50 On the first day of , 19 _, the City of Port Townsend, Washington, will pay to bearor at the fiscal agency of the State of Washington in the City and State of New York or at the office of the Treasurer of said City of Port Tovnsend, at holder's option, the sum of Twenty-two and 50/100 Dollars in lawful money of the United States, being the semi- annual interest then due on its general refunding bond dated July 1, 1911, 110. , provided that this coupon is subject to the terms and conditions of the bond to which it Is annexed as modified as to date of maturity and rate of interest by an agreement between said City of Port Townsend and the owner of this bond pursuant to Ordinance No. of said City. CITY OF PORT TOIVNSEND mayor Attest: City Clerk Section 3: There shall be stamped on each of said bonds the following words: maaturity of this bond has been extended to January 1, 19. , and the rate of interest thereon reduced to 4J% per snnum, payable semi-annually in accordance with the terms of the extension agreement entered into between the owner hereof and the City of Port Townsend pursuant to Ordinance No. of said city." Section 4: There shall be levied each year a tax upon all tax- able property situate within said City of Port Townsend sufficient in amount to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same accrue, and the full faith and credit of said city is pledged to the levy and collection of said tax and the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds. Section 5. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the owner of said bonds in sub- stantially the form hereto attached, marked Exhibit ItA", and are hereby authorized to take any and all action necessary to carry out the terms of said agreement. Section 6: This ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council November 1936, Approved by the Mayor November 1936, tidy"or Attest: - City Clerk Approved as to Form: s.;. `. City Attorney K,. ORDINANCE I"0. AN ORDINANCE providing for the immediate appropriation of money upon the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1936, for the purpose of paying and discharging nec- essary costs incidental to the refundii�g of the General Obligation Refunding Bonds, issue of 1911, and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Fort Tovaisend that a feasible and workable plan can be immediately accomplished wherein and whereby the y491000.00 unpaid General Obligation Municipal Bonds of said city, issue of 1911, can be refunded and paid on definite maturity dates and the interest rate thereon reduced from 5J per cent per annwn to 4* per cent per annum, and in order to accomplish that objective it will be necessary that the opinion of a recognized and responsible attorney dealing in municipal bonds be secured, the fee for which together with the cost of printing and other incidental expense is, and has been fixed at, the sum of 4650.00, and, WHEREAS, there is no money provided in the budget for the Current Ex- pense Fund for the City of PortTownsend for the year 1936 for that purpose and that such expenditure could not have been reasonably forseen at the time of the adoption of the official budget for said year of 1936, therefore, THE CITrC COUNCIi, OF TI'.L CITY OF MIT TmI46:ND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLMYSs Section 1. That there be, and hereby is, appropriated for the Current Expense Fund of the City of port Townsend for expenditure during the year 1936, the sum of not to exceed $650.00 for the purpose of providing a means of payment of the opinion of a recognized and established bond attorney; cost of printing and other expense incidental to this transaction. Section 2. That the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized to Issue emergency warrants upon the Current Expense Tand of said city not exceeding the said. sum of 9650.00 upon the presentation of properly ar)proved vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Toumsend Leader to be in force and taim effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council 1936. Approved'by tbe.Mayor 2t-gIV-, 1936. ti a- y o r Attest! City.Olerk o o n Ft) " b co c-i ci- t5 �© oId 4 Q l • ..M--� ' t J w Via; o a • -.. VCR : w C r!2 o ct CD CO 0 ORDIIiANCE 110. 1076 AN ORDINAITOB providing for the immediate appropriation of money for the Current Expense Fund and for the Street and Hif�hway Fund of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1936, for the purpose of paying and discharging industrial insurance pre- miums due the State of Washington, accrued and to accrue during the year 1936, and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council by reason of the Increase in premium rate for industrial insurance for per3ons employed by the City of Port Tovnnsend in the Police Department and in the Highway Department, that the amounts budgeted for that purpose are exhausted, and, JVHF.REAS, such increase in premium rate could not have been forseen at the time of the adoption of the official budget for the year 1936, and, VMEREAS, the payment of such industrial insurance premiums is a mandatory expenditure required by law, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOVISa Section 1. .That there be, and hereby is, appropriated for expenditure during the year 1936, the sum of $130.00 for the purpose of paying industrial insurance premiums due the State of Washington for the year 1936, as follows; CURRENT BXPMISE FUZTD Police Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w75.00 STREET AND HIMAY FM D . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.00 Section 2. 'hiat the City Olerk be, and he is hereby, author- ized to draw emergency warrants upon the foregoing funds not exceeding the respective amounts upon the presentation of property approved vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in farce and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council December 1st , 1936. Approved by the Mayor December 2nd , 1936. ',NZIaydr Attest City Clerk Y' rt H Sax =4` tz R• cr 0 1-' SO O Ca � Q 1—i 1--U C ED " cct p O � 0 00 v •J } OIMNJANC0 : 1?0. An ordincinco grantim to 11CION (AL CC,,,.w,i,Y o r aCtlli,fornia' corpov.tion► P.TI'1 iti: the riF;At to aanatrclot }. maintain ► oporatn . nnc? xcmovo pipo 1:non narona ? atxee't in the city oP Port Toy-ntimid r 7' Fau hington. rind g-Txtiv; to said Union 011 0oimany t to ' ow -rater Tminta in and Tmovc ri- t1 Ci'.:y of Fart ion .,nacnd. .7lie, CAt,y t,mmrll of tho City of Poit iQ::T TA.nC4,4CS.C}�cisi;�. , as CnUov-.Ls,. U,ection 1. lbat Viere is hereby C;rmAed .tn the.1minn. Oil, . . . On-mv?-zy. IT t;aliforni^, co rin:-ation, and �t right trt (song tm-t, lay, ma;lut"'An z ope Itle:—+_*Tr9 3,1110-trc .,Ape linc.0 upon, . j.. and ttcrna6 Front Ztrc:et .ln Vae �',ity of ioxt Townsend, .: !nal:Ing,tnn, `"-' period" ni ten, (10) . yrh=,n fr: rmd t�f, trcr t 0s clatsik oft��o takirig.,gfNoi. - s .'.. of Whist (1rdimanao. 5ecstIon q. 'if , at ally ttlTm s th0. : 1t.. t:r,ins,i ' of_ tlio ,a.i ty of fart 7Caactnd d.P6tu3 i,t .v)vianhl:� 'to 'rolaetts;,impxnve cox' nth'sxcriso; ahrnrp sand iTront ''tTeet., Union Oil Company Of 00.ifoz a: m � alxfox nin norl�orr�ti0 o,icl ita nuniF�n , c� ��polx :,xfi�te.; natic,r av��n;l�y said - city ,ounoil of the City of Port Tnm' ,tTnc3I Inred3^,.toly car rm,4ver' ohaDf f- or ultr-r ii,n pipets ::md pipe 11ns?n Pnd othrr equir rrt viviol in oOMM?0MDr thktraarith, 00 aU to coni'nrm to 011011 ahnnP in s id sttikc*nt',, Thy c oat of - no moviin s chnns;in[; nl t�l t�.ri.n ; s.�.xc:h p3psri r��,cT ��i.,! .: ? 4nea will 3c� PA tl;r• .�4t1t r - of Union Oil Con'-pary .of �:n3lforni.� ► � Gs:llfur- xti^ coipovi ion, a - its mint ne. Sentior. 3. CTninr: Oil Of Cl I if0sr1 corporation s+.n� ite :isciE a, asnt>acs ,:12. 11;E�?il.1 ty for rir�v� 7 arising by rvc.pon of the locction of seic, .Apes! or . `A..)n in q vJe cti-c nt. , ,.7gAi0ii 4 Th.0 tlivre Is hernhy to the Union. (II 0gTr,^tnv,of a Call-5' Tnii r.arvorttion, rnd its the right to c pr•rnl e, rind. rercava A ;T131rf npt to elXococt 100 feet In AM With n:ittable zt?iprcahrhes "ne! f;uch otrrx si:r,tc a?•or nn mty'be nocennaryo in the City o.0 VOtt 'Towiv!ernct, fnr n pr..rlod of tfsn yt!!trS 1roln -Oriel rdt(�r the date of the tnkitt�; of not of this znid orrtinnnoe, the locati6n tber ni'- brin- sub P.f; Ifollo•.:•s. e.r_tendinc r out xv! n 3_otfr :1 , 3 arcy , i t Tt>ifTInjtc' of t1?4a .Jty of.Eopt, 'it1 :'iS Mf.l. mutl Frrnt uric• t:- i.tsi nouth l:trs.c_ t1v"rr- y { tagathnr witl: thv, ri.ght: -to i.nt tall rApett for the trrni+poxtation. O�'''O 1►'.��t3'oi tL't2 fl.w4 itfa producte, ester m-rl other fluidss', in aonnent— ion pith tlip oprrrition ni' maid dock. aoii4on .�i� ,:�hts.#; saki. wharf .flh 11 flo nisistt� inc`cl. in Substan,- tially 'kbo Oi2m lavvtion and in the Eicri,(. t-irmr-?r that it i€c lio,,y iri,' i tic tl:e ri th.rt ^d privil t>E�e teereby grPs+trf�, zi ttW the. nic! Urion Gail 1 Ootcr`a:kIly of �,nl iforrli.�:., a Onl i.:fornia corporn Pion, anO. itn aemigna i to rapair, lmnprovo b add to and mi.tttain or Tomove tic fmrro tts livrein nrovide(l. 5'ection (4,. The avid 'zbarl and i uts rnnproaahea ah�tll br- main— ' tainf�ri in n r.,ubvtvmtial and rorkmtuilike mars emt encl shv11 be subjeot to inap,*vbion by and approval of tho City of the 'Ity of Oort i` )��ctlon 7, i1tY.t t,ie Union Oil Cc+rn�:>ny of t ,�19 Chrni�, a c all- k fornia 'corl:oration, and itc ^..eair,7tr, pay to the City of Pnrt . Tos3 aerc the cum of , 6 ,J; ov�_ �ito%I.:cra pFlx anwam for. t eeLch awl ev-7i y vrr duxinq th,-c tex^c of thin ► c+aid t., curs f to h nhyal�ltt► in r acturtrkce. on or before tho 11ith day of April of e .ch ye:;r cturlW, the � _ term of "11is L'ren.,hifta; that i:t rnso in+} said �;ranycki or i tq I.srxi{�id OnIl f)�%il to comply wAtiz any or rill of the co.u?itionn of t}tic? ordi- E �. nn::::e, Vic— -tnct frannhico iholl become all catt k uvoid and A 11 rir,h -1 ~:+,., f :a:n;:?ti ii bnrc:i,n 1 v),ito ylt* 1 boco7 . forfettet;. ' 1 action S. That thin ardinnnue W11 take effect and be in fax'ro Zram,.MO Rfter. )to P ausage I approval a'ui iiliw of t}le itachjij!Inh ''Qy of ' tha pume -hg tine said { =nntc,r, umd :tVwd ume�, after Me (S). Sy? Jfter 10 �t�i.,n1i i`c�.tion'. in they 'tl'oxt 'ivc,�xlxArd.uc":i,r+7; _.i• 1pia�ka. '1]i [+ �t�� FW;`:::I`•'4 � �tl�` � � artji t2f SON.��3� f �' «.: •v' .A-p pT'iS:'f,?6 by 't"l! 'ayor ',Mf7 C':_y �7.I17 �.-'T� -........,..i�a.' .37 .. ' SIAtS? it'1L�a.�.:`L~'��.p71„�� �`��''^��'�� - .s' � ''��-,".''� ilk• /r^/ ..1� oiln- r _ ; • > � � .. '. L .- ate_ `� • - ... - ... • _ (D Y4 rtact_ a cli to Z '� L • k y p ;. b. ca"p, 6 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1078. AN ORDINANCE regulating the standing and parking of motor vehicles on certain streets in the City of Port Townsend; providing a penalty for viola- tion thereof, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CIT:L OF PORT TO1,:2.SEND DO ORD1?III AS t' OLLOIIS : Section 1. On the folio-aing atreets, that is to say: on Water Street from the easterly like of Monroe Street to the westerly line of Tyler Street; and on Taylor Street from the southerly line of Washington Street to Front Street, no ' motor vehicle will be permitted to stand or park unless the same has been placed with the right-hand wheels parallel with the curb and as close thereto as practicable, PROVIDED HOWEVER, that no standing or parking whatsoever of motor vehicles will be permitted upon the streets hereinbefore designated within those certain zones which have been definitely marked with the words "NO PARKING". Section 2. Any violation of this Ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not to e eed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisonment in the city Tor a period of not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such Fine and imprisonment. Section 3. All ordinances or Darts of ordinances in con- flict herewith, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council May lath, 1937. Approved by the Mayor May �-tr , 1937. Mayor ; ATTEST: f city clerk er —_� F3 pp 0 in ct m 9 _ tz �.. 1�- O - O cq r co Q p ca ct ct .:0. 1079 AN ORD11:2.011 02 tiie City of Po:•t io•:r:taoi;d for the liconsinc of unisle, dancing or entortuin:xnit within bovorusos in crud city now licensed undor the %Washington Stato Liquor Control Pict. ' ra;;��- �.._ co::htct o� ...;c'- ;t•..;ai: ,., ..,:i ..:n t.ronc t1oic!oi L.11il 21M, CITY Cu': C1IL OF'il:. ^I 'Y O: : U:l' �'G', , i:i) ik; u:'ll.;Ii: AS ?Ols4'; u: section 1: It shall u3 unlawful for any -person,firm or corl�ozation holding a retail license authorici;l; t-:io Salo of boor of e:irie under the provisions of the Washiiv ton state Liquor Control Act for conrutmtion on the uramises, to parmit or allow upon the licensed promicos any ittusic, dancing, or entortaiiuinnt ` ti.atsoover unless such 1••erson, firm or corporation shall have in 3orce and effect a license to be isstaod by the City of Port Yerusend so to do, RRO7IDi7D, 110VISVL'R, that ti:^ ,lords 'hnusie and e,Aortr.,1i,.ment" as :heroin ticad, shall not apply to radios or t,ochatiica3. 1:asicc:l novices. Sect ion 2. CLl1dS A 3_1.; :1"33J. Claos "A" lic¢;nse shall IL, rmit the liconsgo to ol,ovi(le aor the patrons of such licensed provisos ::tucic, dIlimo tir•, ox et�tert i �:.:ett�.:itlzin the hours now iyrovidec' by l'5 ugort ltuyin";it tc t. e City of Po. t '1%)1.7.,otid of the annual license foe of wenty=�f ivo_— _._ Dollars (,;, 5.00 ). CLASS 3 i iC' . 3 IS. class "3" licence shell _-:ermit ti:e licensee to provide for the patrons of Stich licet I prorlicos .r;sic attd or:torLein:::ont, ;;7tich shall :i,tClucie orchestration and other forms o.:: ?;orsonal e]ttert. iu:,a3ut� ;,ititin the hours not: -.-lrovidod by lay. Upon the na,,n:ient to the Citil of Fort To•;:tsrtnd of the autnial licouse fee of ---------- Dollars (., 10.90_ J. section 3; It :hall be t:10 laty of all persons, firms, or corporations italliuL a r^,mil licenso tut(zer t7-,; "ro:isiens o� tl:e I.,ashlmrto.l St -to Liquor Con- trol :act as aib.aseid, r,=mL licmisaon u1::i:r 01(tos "d" of this mom ordit.altco, 1,0 ;:uop Dostod at all ti,.:oa i:r U Co,,c-., icuour placo upon the nretIises lioonsoa, a 3101 Containinr: giro t;ords, 'Ta Daucini;". Soction 4; '.ilia licenses provided by t.iir, ordinance shall bo issued by the City Clark iipon to th^ Ci.t• Tr(!.,:;(;rer of t:io f•jo :,nrniti;>�Coro nrovidad, cilia all licozices iscuea under G,e I:x•avisions o:: tliic 01-dir'aiice ci:all be (lisplayod i)i c con >icttous plLwo at the lor,.(t ion so lico:tsed. Section G: A11 licolisos issu©d unc.or the niovisions of this ordinance dllall oriiira oil Docontiror tiiiit :iist of iaoii y,Oar Alin for licortses to bo losued (lorlll� the ;;oar 1957 the a-Ijilicaut !;]lull pay mch ;>ro.nortiozr of the annual foe as the porioa :ollo ail: thy. z12te of _-rmlicaL ion bears to a year. Section d; :sty poraon, _ina or rornoration violathv-- any provision of'thfs ordinwiee oliall 'oe milty of a (.ti;;doir,eattor rra rpon coirviction sliall be nu1110he3 by the ,,aylliant of a firm not to :sseood One Hundred__,—„-- Dallar (5?100.00 J, or by irrr.�ri^oiwi,nt in the ("it;j jail i'or .. „oriod of not to excoed thirty (30) :,ys, or by both such _iirc gird i3:n?ziaozl:.rrzt. ., . Section 7; !illy i atrcit of >>.ci:tis: s licnnsod u't(ia1• th!, Wabidii;ton State Section S. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. by the City nitro 1:5, :i937. n0TP0ITf !D by the ..t nor ii lit5 16th , 1),`7. low • 0rdinailce, to "Wop posted at Lill tir::ea in: a cu:.3r.icuous plane uuoll the promises licensed, e! sign coutaininr; �,�ords. ".:o lll!icin�". Section 4: 'file liconses provided by thin ordinance shall be issued by the City Mork upon payin^3-,t to Lh•� Ci .. .... c;i:r:,r Of provided, Land all licenses iacnod unclor t:,o ?:xo:i:,lone ua ti!is Q:OJ1'iax!co i:all be display"-'d in a conc--•!icuons placo at titx loc:.Aio,l so lico:!sod. Section i All licauses is.-med im,�3r ti;o .,;:ovisions of this ordinance dhall o:oxira on Doconlber thirty—first of ecc your And or li=e0s to 1)0 issued di!r.lur the - ar 29.37the a, i±lic nt shall pay ni!ci: ;!ro.rortion of the annual fee as the period Rollo, ixi'; tiu: dato o Z H !plica iou .,oars to a year. Sootion G: .Llly poison, fine or cor!;oration violatixk�; ny provision of this ordinance nhnli be i,*txilt^ of a :aisdo:!:oa!ior c.nd nmmi conviction shall be punished b•✓ the >>a;,naant Q' a Zino not to o::coed One Hundred Dollars (N100.00_- J, or by i-cIvIno!fr.'exa in t:ie: rites• jc:il :or :. ?;(3riod of not to exceaa thirty (30} au ts, or ixy bO Lh ucil _ino _,nd is ;rison..v nL. .. Soction 7: ,••,ly ; _tro)i of n nsise:s liconsed unclor tin Yashin^i;on State liquor Control List, not incli<!ied ;,iti!i!x tiio provisions of Class "n" of this .,.g:saw: ,:, ordinance as aforesaid, wno shall ✓iolLito eny of tl:e o±rovisions of this ordinance ,. shall likovise be doemed ,uiltl_ o: a !:lisdo::;c:uor end !axon coniction shell be - i 1. ?nlnis!o�l i±i� i:a _±a„n.!i;rt ei 3 of .u)L' t0 a.ccooa ---- T011 _------------_---.— Dollars (,; 10.00 } O1' by ill t?i0 o'it' ,;ell i02' a !,3+ioa Of :lot to o�raca—�gn-_�(10_)_ !:.'; �, or i±;;• ix0ti! ::uci� _'ine ami ii.x!_�z•isOtuaexrt. PAS)S::h by Liao City 015uncil Jmio 113, l907. °nRCY! D b;• the :'uyor Ju;lc� 16th , l ;;7. n U • .. 1;U. 1QQ.O__ 1liJ ORD11:.u:0L providiuC ,'n1 t11� i:::.rodi�to )ro )ri tiun u, n1o1:0,� ; On the Olyl;.pio (1�avity ;al 'du ;:s r4tnd of the 'L'it of tort i1�;c:salld . or Lilo yo: it 1937 2m 6119 vt:ri3o e i=: nayill£• and Lliso_,csr:;ill•r,• t110 pur031a:;0 _ riCO Of G t1%161C "Or t:10 Ui G Of the Water Donavtl;lcrit o:::,IIW CIL„- V..11d iccl"x.i;l� �n o:,101•:;oltey: hill$, i t .:.m r"Z: to t31e City J'ol:l;cil o: t:3u Cl',; ai Po it :v r:: s 3ud 1)io ritis ill rL,c3Lrtcl-Othat t'no pickup l a stato vllcl coli,litioll that it -;.olds bo Lill-ise al:d fi_;al.cially lua:lvist:ble to fu1'tllor ex)ond luono f:ho','oon in its ropair, arld :::1 a xio a trllol, sizilld be now rau; cl;csed, arid, 7JiiiUAS, tho cou3.itioll of s,.i.l L.11c3; . aL, trot i:0 tuo City: Cotu:Cil of Lho Qit••,' of port 'i'o•rclsolal at t;10 oC ti. adil,,tio31 0_ i;;lc O"ficial bud -at for the ;JaLor Dsr,oltll.o;:L' .or i;:le n;L. 1937, alld, 11i zi ca s, all Clow 4:{i 1t7 for '.1C 113L7:=1L1t0 a,n)i•0')1'la$iOil of moms r iro)a sulci _mid :or the urci: srs of ,.aid truck, L:lr3re_'oro, T'M, CITY CUUi;CIL Oi' 2:11] CI'i7 C:2 POTT ::0'•J:'3 :: D il:: O'll I;T AS 20110''A: 8octioll 1: Zoat t' :lo ao, Luld !M'Oby ia, L•MPUIO :'iat'ed :or o:a)ollclitnre Four hundred, lluinC the yOux of 1937, Clio .u1a of �_�eyrei�ty-.flue_ Dollars (yr 475.00 ), for the puI'nof;e of pvovililol ; t:ie 'lii1•C31:iSU :�,i iCO 201' a :lu. '' alltOr-10bilO nick -up truck for tho ',later;:t of ;;nid city. juctioll 2: That tho City Clork be, ur:d ho is _ieraby atltllo.,izod to dravi e)si9rL;o110y l7arrll As wi011 the 01y.,nic l',=vity i atov ',;Lu7ks Paild for that rurpose,, Ilot Four I-Iundi,ed, exceedill; the sum of 3zf iuD_ _ DOl l)a'= e (i� !75. 00 ) upon the nrosouLaLion of properly approved vollc3lors. Ooctiou 3• 'Ziat tiltz urcii;ial:r.o '). ,;ub1i: Sad ollro ilx the Port Townsend Leader, to 0o In iLTco mid tale of.•ect :;s lair. PL391D b,:r 'lA: cit;L Council 3Tu1y 6, 1937. ti " OV-1 D by thn :.:carol• �J.uL1y_ 6tih __, :L :0 9 _ • C I . :...:,K,. C) p I Ln W ...i U) ❑ w > rn rn --� _ cn Z cn rn Q +� rn -v ❑ rn ❑ C) C rn H aw ❑ Z C� -� D -� -V rn D dor • , o ordinanco, to ':clod posted ut all ti:.:os ill u cu mpici:oilu plum upon 10m nral:lisos license(, slj;n containin?; Lae P=ords, °;,o DanclnEAI Section 4: AS, licollsos .axvvidod by this ordi;ianCe shall be issuecl 1, by the Cita Chwir a •vli ;:; •;o ,;7,:. r,{.` :....: �.. . - ni :',.•xory ._nu 4111 1100m..__ W.,wl li'AW W.., 00 difiillL:yO(l ill a cOn::--dcuolls nlac0 at Gi.0 5o lic.O_ sod. aect ioli All limmuea is locl w; t„o r,ro'aiciolls of this ordinahice rlhall e.-niro on DOCCr.lber t;iirt -first of c: ci: ; ,)ar pud :,or lio:nsos to be iosuocl during the ;car 1957 the l,lic nt shall }lay ,uch _;rol,ortioli of the annual fee as the period followin-c '2o data o: application b.iars to a year. Section 0 Say person, :inn or cornoration violut•lil{; ny provision of'this ordinance c,ilall bo guilty of a :•lis1le:::oa;;or :::xl :heron conviction shall be -rullichod by the ra;,vao11t of u :line i= to uxc ad Ono Hundred _,._—__ Dollars ( 100.00 j, or by DVriawrrom in t.v. cit;, jc:Al for a _)oriod of not to oscoed thirty ( 0);lay:;, or by both :uch _inc uud Section h Any ytroil of n;.-,)hmu l:iounsod un.ler Up! Wushin ton State 7,ilplor Control i.ct, not imaluded •,:iWdn Gm il:ovisious of Class W of this ordinance as afovesaid, -,;ho shall violuto ul,y of thu proviuiolls of this ordinanco shall likewise be deemocl :uiny of aie.drr,:;t ioh ull'a conviction 511a11 be -xLmisihel by no inc u"t ON a pia'. at :;at to eao_cod Dollars (,; 10.00 ) or by i;, icon..--t ill the cit. ,•ail nor a -oriod of not to e:ceod ten .-�-jQ)_---- ;•'y, or .)Y `)vt. :;uCl _illy and il.lnri;iotc:eilt. RLSSED by tho My Comail Jmw IQ 1937. hPr 10'r'.:D by tbn --, Jor Junri 16th , 1137. r E orditianco, to keoi, hosted at u11 t.i :As 11:;icuoua place tu)ozl the pro::lisos licortsod, a sign coatainliv- Laa marls. 11 :o ba ieiiiC, Soct•ion 4: it.o licollsCG -,-lroviaoCl by tiia ordiiianco shall be issued by the Qit', Olrt -% norm a^_v'^. i':t to f`i ,,•' OI:. 1' p rs n0 ii'r3.i ill)41O1'O lw') Med, ;:lld :A11 liCO:==:CIN i;::;t1<i It ?tic]' t.-t) Oe llinl)1:�C.i i � li z4 CQ :1 `iottattn 1)l 1G© all j;aC 1G ;: 30:1 SO 1 :u".1.^,BCt• sectio?S s, All lioonsas issiierl ini0ar ;;::o iJ_alisions of this ordiilahloo dhall e:n)ira on DecQlabor irA7Ati-first of oac:l yoAJr gticl -or lia:asos to be issued (hur.bir; the -iaar 1957 Uio a-.%nl1cniit shall tray -moil )ro- ortiozl of Lho alnlual fee as the period follovdr: tlx: date of Limlication dears to a year. j Soot ion :1 u: 3y 1)oreon, fi mi or corroration violat hii, eny provision o:r this or(linanco olial1 bo ranzilty of a 1ti;ulr,naanQ7 ;:?SQ 111.1011 cwxiction thall be nunicfhocl by the ray:lent of a Zino nat to 0::ecoc1 One HundredDollard (y�100.00 j, pr b1 ic':l., ihi tine city jail .Q •_)oriod n not to o::cood ttlirty (30) lays, or by oo tip nuch _Zile a.ild i,--Iriso 1 ::lit . Soction 73 11y ))atron Of »r%':1) 6C nooiiSod u.,, ao1 til i4 ^C1i71 tp11 state Section 8. That this Ordinance be published once in the port Toimsend Leader and to take effect and be in force five days from and after such publication. PASSED by Lhe City 15, 1937. LITROV 1J by th,; ,'ayor ,7c?11G ] 6th , 1937. ct *0 ca o ;r 112 ct4o.a 0 0 P3 0 ;o ct CD 0 .0 ct P% 0 000 G o o vi 0 Irt- ct a z 00. 0 ct- ci- a • CD o �-s 0 ct 0 cc 0 rn m ci- :3, 11 -a P4 (D to 0 0 ct Co 00 ct :I C4 ■ 9 0 - I LIU. aQE3Q__ ZI ORDIE;UMI proviL]iii,, fox, tT,­:) 1%�.wa!-Uto _,_ .voorlLLtiwOZ oxiloy :;1?011 the Oly:apio Gi-wvlty '�iater liorlca 'Avid of ti1.. 'City o:- fort :or tile YO:Ir 1937 Zorn tlio i-)i41,r)oGa of »ayiiq�, and dir,;cliai,�ine: a tho puralmoo ),rlce of a "jAc;z:-up" t,%;c1c i:oa, tine i-zse of the Water Doparti.',m).t of Gild city void joel---vint; an o;x)r_,Oncy: W! aT , it to 16,glo Cl',;y OoLllicil 02 tli,:' Clty of 10it 1-11L)..,ismid that ")"a Pick-111) trnck 110\71 I-"19d by* t--:o tor Doparhwnt o: t:iis cit,,, is in zixii a state and co';Altion ',;iXut it -,-:uii2A, ',)o wi�iao ::nd filiLl.aially in_-,Ivl3abla to fort'her e.q)O11,1 monoy Lhe,00n in rrj)z:,Ir, and '.',tat a -­ov; :stick shotild be now piirchaued, and, t,TliUiii-i$, tho co*o(Utloii o:-' L.:;i-1 Lriic% .:as not niVa1,0)lt t 0 the City Council 0�, the 011— of ;ort; at toe ti!;o o;.' t.:,o ado--tioij o-,.' "-:io of'AAcial ,9 bud, --,et for tiia,Tatar Ihnart;,,,o-nt -or 1;'­ y i r 1937, and, WU 7 110'a 0-.:ists fol* �'-Lo aw-)ronr 171%3, an .1ation of T-aoroy from Said ;Amd =c tne )f :,yid tvlLcl-, TiM CIT'_' 0011j"CIL 01' '211.] 3EL"I C�' PUE1 D-,' O'DAL' n3 20110*1i5: S-30tio-n 1: 'Vlat 1*,l,,ra 1)G, :it irl ulmron._ILted for 0--)Onditansi Four hundred, cbzriw- the dear of 2937, tha mim or (j 475.00 Doll for tho pirpo"o oprovidi-a" trio -,,urchase - -ice :ill' a Lilt omob Ila pick -Lop tritok l for tiro ';Inter D3-pfArt;,,,3.,,t of rv, id city. Section Z; '_-'aat the City 013rjc ',-)a, end ho is ::evoby withorizod to draw ej.,ior,-mancy viarrtmto ninon tiro Oly-;.pio (',ravity 'w'ator '.'orkc Anid for boat rurpose, not Foux, hundred, exceedin;', the suns of Doalv_s (N_,175.00 J npon the presentation of i)voperly ap:nroved vouChors. Sootioll 3. 'Zict, thtc orklinv.nco bo once in tho Port Twansend leader, to 7)o in ;cwce ud4ll ef"er't 'r law. Pajoli) ljyT thv, Clt', Conned ZTUI-y Q, 1937. A7"­,k_ljj,j) ;q '6:.11 CD CD O 1-7'Od O f; C SD N c+ W. _ - __� t .. "+f { �1J'f$�I. rf .. �' .. . 1050 Licenses pinball machines (Repealed by 1525) 1 1051 Regulates public cardrooms (Repealed by 1525) 1052 Amends Ords. 218, 894 and 989, theater license (5.64) 1053 Amends Ords. 752, 836, 899, 900, 902 and 945 (Repealed by 1525) 1054 Plan for improving water system (Special) 1055 Provides for special election (Special) 1056 Street vacation (Special) 1057 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1058 Water department budget for 1936 (Special) 1059 1936 budget (Special) 1060 Tax levy for 1936 (Special) 1061 Liquor control regulations (Repealed by 1525) } 1062 Regulates sale of gasoline (9.04) 1063 Street vacation (special) 1064 Water agreement with National Paper Products Company (Special) 1065 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 1066 Authorizes wharf construction, repeals Ord. 1017 (Special) 1067 Authorizes special election (Special) 1068 Amends Ord. 1034 (Repealed by 1483) 1069 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 1070 Water department budget for 1937 (Special) 1071 1937 budget (Special) 1072 Tax levy for 1937 (Special) 1073 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1074 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1075 Extends time and reduces interest rate on general refunding bond (Special) 1076 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1077 Grants franchise and authorizes wharf operation (Special) 1078 Regulates vehicle parking (Revealed by 1525) 1079 Regulates dancing in taverns (5.52) 1080 Emergency appropriation (Special) -"'I081 Provides for special election (Special) L) 1082 Authorizes building of wharf (Special) 1083 Water department budget for 1938 (Special) ; 1084 1938 budget (Special) 1085 Tax levy for 1938 (Special) R 1086 Street vacation (Special) .e 1087 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1086 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1089 Licenses named games and devices (Repealed by 1525) 1 — L090 Business licenses (Repealed by 1974) 1091 Vehicle use regulations (Repealed by 1525) 1092 Declares certain acts to be a nuisance (Repealed by 1525) nis- 1093 Amends Ord. 1036, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) 1094 Appropriates money from water system For emergency nd ) repairs (Special) 172 (Port Townsend 3/84) }) 1095 Grants right to remove pipelines and a wharf (Special) 1096 Provides for special election (Special) 1097 Fixes salary of named officers (Special) 1098 1939 budget (Special) 1099 Water department budget for 1939 (Special) • • ` ;■ ORDUTANOR NO. 108-t AN ORDINANOE of the City of Port Townsend providing for and fixing the.time of a special election for the qualified voters of the City of Port Townsend to ratify or reject propositions granting to the City Council of said city authority to levy taxes on the taxable property of said city in excess of the fifteen mills now authorized by law. i 110 ait1 of WHEREAS, it now appears to the City Council o�or Townsend, that there will be insufficient money returned to the City Treasurer of said city during the year 1938, thru taxation and otherwise, to provide for and carry out all the functions of city government for that year; and, WHEREAS, under the provisions of Chapter 1, Laws of the State of Washington, 1937, (Initiative Measura No. 114), cities and towns are granted power to levy taxes in excess of fifteen mills when authorized so to do by the electors of such city or town; and, IVMRUS, it appears to the City Council that an election for that purpose is necessary and that the following propositions should be submitted to the qualified voters of the City for ratification. or rejection, now therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLMISs Section 1. That a special election be held in the City of Port Townsend and in the various precincts thereof on `CuesdaV the pith day of September, 1937, which day and date ue, and hereby is, fixed as the date upon which said election shall be held and shall be voted by the qualified voters of said city, the following propositions and questions, to -wits Proposition Is Shall the City Council of the City of Port To misend Yt. be authorized to collect by taxation during the year 1938, the sum of approximately o•o +a� " 1,790.00 by a special and additional levy of two (2) 3.3 o h mills, upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city, in excess of the 6 city levy empowered by Chapter 1, Laws of the State of Washington, 1937, • a�s (Initiative Measure T:o. 114), for the purpose of operating and maintaining the free public library of said City? r�aopa�:E• z� z z�ad� zh,�oa� i� �ei3z �]� �fz� �X� 3Pam nd bocsatut rkzQd,tnzaofi3ffst-.yin✓ctaxat:t-qu:*=i=.t$aZM:rZ. i Z:' } ?PIYR ox:nip}�.'atr�ly:-�s__•:.c.:r.•:�•_ ,�;;•c�..r::•rxz;,•r�.r�►Y.�43:�A49�;€+:�x§71�eP,i��?�,iv�$t3.- ��r�.��rrzzr.7 zxzizxz�t2l�:xuiasx�zctu�n�a�Asss�ca�ar�.uatr3.�,za.��sazrYxr. AtOAKIA ffitU MiK3sCz1bw.aitry.i�Lzla=zO&Ah§[ z&WAx XiL:$Bshijlgtonz(1,ni.tlatira:2taas ra..Nn: r17 1 Dxz kts: AR 9aR ��i�'tSii�,�:1$a L�t`tti�S;ttgc $u6:tin:puaV.t�tit�:Cit�: �k?: Proposition al: Shall the City Council of the City of Port Townsend be authorized to collect by taxation during the year 1936, the sum of approximately 0. 3, 580.00 , by a special and additional levy of f ou1' (4) mills upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city, in excess of the city levy empowered by Chapter 1, Laws of the State of Washington, 1937, (Initiative Measure No. 114), for the pur- pose of improving and maintaining the streets of the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. Said election shall be held and conducted in the manner provided by Chapter 1, Laws of the State of Washington, 1937, (Initiative Measure No. 114), under the supervision and direction of the Jefferson County Elootion ,Board. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and tie in force and take effect from and after five days from the date of such publication. x Passed by the City Council, August 3rd , 1937. o.o Approved by the Mayor, August 4 to , 1937. •D Z �. I .I S < r M a y o r n ' Attest: City Clerk '10M 4 C) 0 cn m cl p CD W ct o ct •p 4W OTIDI2UN0B NO* 1OF32 An ordinance granting to Puget Sound Pilots, a voluntary association of licensed pilots under Chapter 18, Laws of Washington, 1935, their successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain, and operate a wharf, pier, or landing place in said City of Port Townsend, TIM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEUD DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS1 Sation li That there is hereby granted to the Puget Sound Pilots, a voluntary association of licensed pilots under Chapter 18, Laws of Washington, 1935, their successors or assigns, the right to construct, operate, maintain and remove a wharf not to exceed ten (10) feet in width, with such suitable approaches and such other structures as may be necessary, in the City of port Townsend, for a poriod of ten years from and after the date of this ordinance, the location thereof being substantially as followst Extending southwesterly from the southerwesterly boundary line of the U. S. Quarantine Station property parallel with the southerly boundary of Jefferson Street, a distance of sp- proximately 50 feet over and across a portion of Jackson Street. Se0tion_21 That said wharf and its approaches shall be maintained in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and shall be subject to the inspection of and approval of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend. Seotion 3t If, at any time, the City Council deems it advisable to' improve said streets by relocating, regrading, or in any manner changing or altering the same, the grantees, their successors or assigns, shall upon written notice given by said City Countil, immediately so move, change or alter their said wharf, at their own expense, so as to conform to such change 1n said streets. otion 4L That for the rights granted the said Puget Sound Pilots, a voluntary association of licensed pilots, their successors or assigns, shall pay to the City of Port Tovmeand, the sum of Dollars 5 per annum for each and every year during the term of said franchise for the rights and privileges granted herein, such sum shall be payable yearly in advance; and that in case the said grantees, their successors or assigns, shall fail to comply with any or all of the conditions of this ordinance, than and thereupon this ordinance ahall become mill and void, and all rights and privileges herein granted shall become forfeited. :;..,.'. Section Bs The acceptance of this ordinance by said grantees shall be deemed an agreement to comply with all the terms and conditions of this ordinance* Seotibn 61 That this ordinance be published once in the Port Tiopnsend Leader, to force and take effect as provided by law. PASSER by the City Council August 17 1937. APPROVED by the Mayor August 3.8 1937, ■ ORDINANCE NO. Q {� AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting a budget for the Water Department for the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1938. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT T OWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following described budget be, and the same is hereby, fined and adopted for the Water Department of the City •2 Port Townsend for the year 1938, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ....................... 4,820.00 Operation and Maintenance 3,715.00 Capital Outlay 1,815.00 Interest and Bond Redemption ............. 46,900.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October �3" , 1937 Approled by the Mayor October S`LZ , 1937. Attest: /// Mayor _ - js CD - ..... ..... .. ... $10 O m c c+ Fh09 CD ORDINANCE N0. � AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting the official budget for the City of Port Tovmsond, Washington, for the year 1938. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That tho following be, and the same is hereby, fixed and adopted as the official budget for the City of Port Townsend for the year 1938, for taxation purposes, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ..................... 17,891.00 Operation and Maintenance .............. 8,712.42 Capital Outlay ......................... 5,878.92 Interest end Debt Redemption ........... 15,867.34 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Fort Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October .3 , 1937 Approved by the Mayor October J , 3.937 Attest: • � �-a-�a�.,,.. aYor city clerk. a ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE, making and fixing the tax levy for the City of Port Tovmend, Wash- ington, for taxes for the year 1938. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TUNN3END, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWSs Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposos heroin designated for the year 1938, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assossed valuation of said City for such purposes is as follows: First: For the payment of current expenses and for the Current Brpense Fund, the sum of $10,110.23, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at eleven mills (11) on the dollar. Second: For the purpose of maintaining a public library, and for the Library Fund, the sum of $1,378.67, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose Is hereby fixed at one and five -tenths (1.60) mills on the dollar. Thirds For the purpose of maintaining a public park, and for the Park Fund, the sum of 0919.11, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one (1.00) mill on the dollar. Fourths For the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the city, and for the -City Street Fund, the sum of $1,378.67, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at one and five -tenths (1.50) mills on the dollar. Fifths For the payment of interest on bonds and for bond redemption, 1911 Refund Bonds and Interest Hund, the sum of $4,595.66, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at five (b.00) mills on the dollar. Sixths For the payment of interest on bonds and bond redemption, General Indebtedness 1931 Water Bond and Interest Fund, the sum of $2,757.34, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at three (3.00) mills on the dollar. Sevenths For the payment of indebtedness of the City of port Tovmsend known. as the "Indebtedness Fund," the sum of $6,433.78, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at seven (7.00) mills on the dollar. Section II. That the Mayor and City Cleric of said city are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Assessor and to the County Auditor of Jefferson County, Vlash.irgton, the foregoing tax levy of said city. Section III. That this ordinance be published once in the Part Townsend Leader; to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October 5, 1937. Approved by the Mayor October 6,&, 1937. Attest:,r.� City Clerk Mayor to M(A O - ct P, I-t tj 004 Q r ct la ' - -- - Im OD ORDINANCE NO. 1085 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, vacating a portion of the Plat of Dundee Place, an addition to the City of Port Tcvnsend and parts of certain streets therein. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIV AS FOLLOWS: Section 1; That that portion of the Plat of Dundee Place, an addition to the City of Port Tot:nsend,.and within the city limits of the City of Port Townaend, as follows: Blocks one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4) and five (5), together with portions.of Jackman, Holcomb, Gise and Wilson Streets from the north Line of 36th Street to the south boundary of Tax No. 36 in Section 3, Township 30, North, Range 1 West W.M., be, and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2'0, That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader; to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October 5th, 1937 Approved by the Mayor October 5th, 1937 Attest: Mayo City vlerk c Sao a0 ID�c'� tV m m Fyn n so Pi PV - • ♦ m 1-0 P, fb m Y L'J I'd'* �ctN O O 's in to ¢m�C g :. Nam C-4 w Oq . .YF ORDIN_YH.0 7:o. 10B7 AIv ORDINATICE of the City of Fort Towiisond making; an appropriation for expenditure during the year 1937, for the City Street Fund and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, at the tires of the adoption of the official budfet for the City of Port TovmUond for the Cit�T Stroct Fund fir the your 1937, ttiio provisions of Chanter 189, Las:u of Washini;ton, 1937, yore not than in fn:•oo aucl effect, and, WHER21AS, the change in the present law as t:,e same effects the construction and maintenance of city streets could not then have been foraseen, and, WHEMEAS, the funds appropriated for tho general maintenance, preservation and repair of the city streets of the City of Port Tovnisond for the year 1937, are now exhausted, and, WHE:iEAS, it is necessary that the said streets be maintained for the balance of the year 1937, and that an emergency exists requiring the appropriation of money for that purpose, therefore, TO CITY COUNCIL OF T!iE CITY OF PORT TXINSSI'D DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: .Section 1. That there be and hereby is appropriated for expenditure during the remainder of the year 1937 for the purpose of maintaining the street system of the City of Port Tormsend, the stun of $1200.00, divided into the following classes, Viz: Street Superintendant'sSalary $220.00 Truck Driver0s Salary 200.00 Wages, Labor (Gradorman) 300.00 Gasoline and Oils 150.00 Repairs and Replacements 200.00 Insurance on Equipment 130.00 Sundry and Miscellaneous 20.00 TOTAL $1200.00 Section 2. That the City Clark of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue emergency warrants upon the City Street Fund of the City of Port Townsend, not exceeding the foregoing amounts, upon presentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Tomwend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council November 2nd , 1937. Approved by the mayor November 2nd 1937. r.. EIayo r Attest: .o= 3 4 h • O' City Clerk. f 0 M ct- C4 OQ CD co ts trJ ct 0 CD cl- zj 0.0 ct* ., m 0:(D1, , 1;Ci3 C3. 1088 AN ORDIIWICE providing for to ir.�odiato appropriation of money for expenditure during the yoarID 37 for Ghe Currant, &xponse Fund of tiro City of Port Tov.nsond and doclaring, an emergency. WHEREAS, during the calendar ;Teat• 1937,noeossury governmental demands and reouiror:ents have ocon axacl: .i , ;;.c, '"cr:.1:. u;l i.r) -rlous donartm,nts of the City of port Townsend, and hu; oi• mono•y which could not have been foresoon at the time of the adoption of the official budget for the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Tatia,:ond for the year IV37,and, VMEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of port Tovmc end from an examination of the records and files in the office of the City Clerk thereof that certain obligations have been incurred by the departments hereinafter designated and that the payment of each and all of said obligatiols are mandatory and that no funds are now nvailahie for such paymor.t and that an emergency exists requir- ing the appropraition of inner for the purposes aforesuid, thorefore, Tiffs: Ci`1'Y COUIICIL Or :C is' CITY 0'c PORT TO';. 1"STMID DO 07ZIlflIii A OI.LOClS: Section 1. That there hereby is appropriated for tite Current Expense Fund of the City of Fart Tovnisend for expenditure during the year 107,for tine follow- ing departments of city goverm:lont, the following suuas of money, to -wit: Buildings and Miscellaneous......................................450.00. City Engineer (salaries chid woes) ............................... 75.00. CitySall (fuel) ................................................. 25.00. Police Justice (supplies) ........................................ 20.00. Police'Denartment (payment and rensirs of auto)..................125.00. Health Department (rabies seruin)................................. 25.00. StrC,I�FD3nartment (traffic signal installatiojn)..................100.C�0. <�a pt� Elections and Registration (Supplies and publishing) ..20.00 o; r a a w* « Section 2. That the City Clark of the City of port Tovmsend be mid is -.; hereby authorized to draw emergency warrants upon the proper funds not exceed - ink the horelhbefore dosipnated amounts upon presentation of properly approved voncizors. Section 3. That this ordinwice be published once in the Port Tw.,alseud Leader to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed' by the Clty CouucllD660pjb 7t:b _. 1937. Approved by the ;,:a:;orDecejb6r Attest: City Clerk t` } ; s Ord �z • h r 0 �« • • EMS ORDIIANCE NO. 1089 AN ORDINANCE providing for the licensing for revenue and regulation of machines or devices for playing games of skill, and and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. THE CITY CaTNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Each and every person, firm or corporation having at any places or places vrithin the City of Port Tovm send, a device, devices, machine or machines for playing games of skill, commonly known as pin and ball machines or devices in which coins may be dropped for the purpose of operating said machine, which may be legally operated within the State of Washington, shall pay an annual license fee in the sum of y250.00, for an ownerls or opera- tor's license and,•in addition thereto, shall pay a fee of �2.50 per month, payable monthly in advance for each and every machine owned and operated by such licensee. No such machine shall be allowed to be played by anyy person under the age of twenty-one years. The Council shall have the right to reject any and all appli- cations for operatorts licenses as it sees fit, and before any license is granted the application therefor must be approved by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. An owners or operator's license shall be good only for the calendar year in which the same is issued. Licenses for such machines shall be good only for the calendar month in which the same is issued, and when such license is granted the City Clerk shall furnish to the licensee a sticker or tag showing the description and location of said machine or device and the name of the licensee oper- ating the same, which sticker or tag shall be attached to such machine or device, and it shall be unlawful to operate any such machine or device unless such sticker or tag is attached thereto. low • •r. Section 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punlshod by a fine; not exceeding $100.00, or by imprisonment in the city jail for a term not exceeding thirty days, or by both fine or imprisonment. Each violation shall be considered as a separate offense. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Tovmsend Leader to be in force and take effect January 1, 1938. Passed by the City Council December 7th, 1937 Approved by the Mayor December 8th, 1937. Attest: ayor O M *ti et CD Fi ©m d ct I >D w� ty. n o c7v t t4 zoo z CD o ►d P% x' • n w� o �:S m ' ITi L.. GAF'• O F'• F-� m 0 I- M co • ! srfroF ottDii AT;C . / 0 90 Al: ORDIIMAJ M; to, and r,rovidiur, for, a l.ioonno or occupation tax upon certain buainosa, occupations, nursuito and privilogas; defininf; o£fonsos anti ptovidinr rnyialtios. TIM CI?Y OOtII'OIL ;*W S'?i'? CITY `t n'P 5 1';,T*g';?� �c� ^iILU?' i!S P0LL"?:7s Saetlon 1. .�•�rc:1e_rz uf� } icnrie�• i?o _ tys T'ns pl-ovisions of this ord- inanee shall he ;vamod 'nr exeretso -)f the o, the City Ot' Port T.,);,nsond to liconso for rovonne. Section 2. Dofinitiona: In conatruing the provisions of this ordinance, save whon othan%1rse plainly declared or clearly anpnront from the context, the following definitions ahall 1)o appliedt GROSS IIrool!;% she valuo procw^dint- or nocrui.nt•; from Lho sale of tangible property or service, and receipts, (includint; all sums earnod or charged, whether received or not) by reason of tho investment of'canital in the bueinosa opgagod in, including rentals, royaltioa, fees or other emolu:nonta, however, .dosignated (oxeluding receipts or procoods from the ratio or solo of real property or any interest thoroin, and proceeds from tho sale of notas, bonds, mortgages, or rather evidences of indobtodnoas, or stocks and tho like) and ,:ithout any deduction on. account .of the cost of the proporty sold, tho cost of materials used, labor costs, intorost or discount paid, or any osponsv vihntsoover, and without any deduction' on account of losses. PPi3u0i.T OZ rg",s1)"13t Persons of oitlser sox, firma, co -partnerships, corpora- tions and othor associations of nr:tural rorsons, whothor actlnt; by themselves or by servants, aga.:tu or omployr;^s. TAXPjM!R% jWy person liable to the liconso foe er tax imposed by this Ora - TAX Y1;IR 011 I?AMLBL'� YGARs 'die year canmancing�,ry lot and ending on',tbo• last day of Docoinbor of tho name year, or, in lion theroof. the taxpayor's fiscal your when permission is obtained from the City Clark to use the same as the tax period. Section 3. "Cccun__,•a i011 Liconso" lgquirn s Aftor the lot dray of Jnnn•)ry, 1938. no person shall onetlro in or carry on any business, coazpation, ruranit or privil©go for tviach a liconso foo or tax is imnosod by this ordinance without having first obtainod, and being tho holdor of, a valid aiid subsistint; lioonse so to do, to be laiovm no an 110eoupation Lic^nso.'i Any person ongaging in, or carrying on, more than ona such business, occupa- tion, pursuit or priviloao shall pqy the license twc so imposed upon each of the same. Any ta:ma-ur who ongaf;os in, or carries on, any business subject to tax horoundor without having his "0coupation License" so to do, siial•1 ba grnilt•y of a violation of tuts ordinance for each day during ^tsloh the business ir, so ong,!geld to or carried on, and any taxpayer who' falls Or rofusor, to pay the liconso Poe i7p��'t'S:IT�7C}3: IffQti$QV.$iIi���I'�II:.:3: .C^..�GQ'i:C6':ttr•�,do�::t or t;uc Or nn;: 3:_�s•� t: .•cof ran or `,oforo' t::r; ,••o •-to, ...^.1i b,i 3 .....::i tc j 1-o hrer;. • • ■or Section 4. 1 co.iso 'Pax fear: All "Cecupatlon Mccnsoo" aliall, bo for the tax ,your for whicli S.osuod and :shall o:Tiro tit the onr1 r)f such tax your. Saoli 110coupation Licon:ecc and the foe or tea, therefor hereby imposod shall be for the yoar oomrsoncinr January lot and onding on tho last day of December of the samo ,year; Provided, however, that if the taxpayer in transacting his buoinoae keepa the books reflocting the same for a fiscal ,year not based on the calendar year, he may, with the ansont of the City Clor]c, obtain his license for the period or h1s ourront fiscal ;foam '::<,:eh shill bo doomed his ta:: ,year, and pay the foe or tax oomrnzted u;iz)n his f;rusar Lnromo mado duriru; his fiscal ,year (next proced- iie, hie tax year) covarinC his aoeowith))�: period as shoeni by the raothod of stooping the books of the busiiaens. Section 5. Occunations subject to 'Pau: -_Amounts Thoro are heroby levied upon, and shall be collooted from, tho Persons on account of the business activities annual lieouso foes or oecupat•lon taxes In the amounts to be determined by the application of the rates against gross incotao, are follows: .. (a). Upon ovary norsor: or4 rgod in or car•ryln._ in a telof;rann and/or telephome - business, a foe or tax equal to two per cent. (2%) of the total gross income from in. the City dur•iw7 his fiscal year no:;t ,proeedir,g. the tax year for %rlhioh the 11oonso is required. (b). Tenon every pe.•son ongafod in or oarr•,jing on the business of oolling or furnishing gas for hire, a fee or tax equal to two par cent. (21,) of the totn.1 gross. income from such business in the City during his fiscal year next preceding the tax' year for which the license is required. (a). Upon ovary parson erigacod in or carrying on the business of selling or furnishing electric 'light and pover, a foe or tax equal to two liar cant. (2,'11) of the total gross income from such business in the City during; his fiscal year next pro - ceding tho tax year for wbich the lioanso is required. Section 6. F]xeor�tio_ns and Do(lucti3ns: 'were shall be excepted and deducted from the total f;rosa income upon which the license foe or tax is computed, no much thoroof as is derived from transactions in interstate or foreign oommonoo, or.for business done for the government of the United States, its officers or agents, the State of Washington, its officers or agents, or any political or municipal subdivldon thereof includin{; but not limited to the City of Port To%,nsand, achoel district, thoport district and all othergovernmental (vrhethor federal, state or municipal) agencies or entities, and any amount paid by tho taxpayer to the United States, ,the State of ftshington, or to the City of Port `wnsend as excise taxes levied or imposed u,,on tine ac,lo or distribution of property or sorviean, and also any business or occupation tax.paid by the taxpayer to the Unitod St:.tos or to the State of Flash- ir�:orr, aril any other businoss or, occupation toy paid by tlio taxpayer, to the City of pnrt Torinnend, tad ^;;r_.l ot..:a snrcilic e:cc+�rti9ns t:r:! oedgattpns � the City Clark ✓ may, e,-oublishod- rtala in:.j 1'r;"q.i :t�f3i7 :13 ::?"C1':ai n YrU'r 1? c�lreC Nothing in thin ordinance shall be construed as requiring a license, or the payment of a license fee or tax, or the. doina of any act, which would constitzzte an unlawful burden or int•orforonco in violation of the Conotitution or Laws of the United Otntes, or which would :int be consistent with the Constitution or Twla of the State of V,'ashinw-ton. Section 7. Annliention or return for licensot On or before the lst day of ,ianuary, IWO, and theroaftor on or before the first day of each tax year, ovary taxpayyor shall apply to the City Clark for an "Occupation License" upon blanka or forms of return to be prepared and provided b;; him requesting such information as may be neoossary to onable him to arrive at tiro lawful amount of tho foe or tax. The taxpayer shall, in a logible manner, %%Tito in such blank or form or return the Information roquirod and shall sifrr the same and by affidavit at the foot thereof shall atroar or affirm that the infon.xition therein f;ivon is full and true and Vont are ]crows tho name to be co. jok • • r �� Every such application or return oliall be ucooinpaniod by a remittance by bank draft, eortified chock, ea3hior's check or money order, payable to the City Troasuror, or in cash, in the amount of tha tax or foe or installment thereof required by the provisions haroof. If the applicant be a partnership, the application or return must be made by one of the partners; if a corporation, by one of the officers tlroroof; if a for- oign corporation, co-partnerahip or non-rosidont individual, by the resident agent or local managor of said corporation, co -partnership or individual. Section 8. PAyrrnnt of Tax; In all cases the license foe or tax shall be paid, at the option of the taxla yor during the life of the license, as follows: 1. In equal monthly inntallniontr• to be pLd.d oil or before t•�iu 10th day of the month. 2. In opal bi-monthly installraonts to be naid on or before the loth day of January, Harch, I•lay, July, Septombnr, and Itovambor. Z. In equal quarterly installments to be paid on or before the loth day of January, tho 10th day of April, the loth day of July, and the loth day of October. Section 9. 7-flion Tax Based on Current Year - Conmoncemant of Business During 'Pax. ear: Where a business, occupation or pursuit subject to tax upon gross income .has not been carried on for the full calendar or fiscal year next preooding the tax ,year for ..which license is required, the license fee or tax shall be paid monthly in installments tbiring the life of tho lieonso on or boforo the 10th day of the month, and shall be based upon the gross income for the month next preceding that in which payment is dne. In such oases the taxxayor shall make monthly returns aimilar to the annual returns provided for heroin on or before the 10th day of the month, under oath or affirmation ..covering the busineas of the proviouua month. In all other canon vrhere a person oora.mlicos dtiring any tax your to engage in any business, occupation, pursuit or privilege, he shall be entitled to a license for the remainder of aueh tax year for tbo required fee appc.rtionod hi the ratio of said remainder to a full tax year. Section 10. Payments - License 9rorequiaitos: In any case whoro the taxpayer pays his license foe or tax monthly or in installments,,he shall novartheless first -procure his "Occupation License" in the manner heroin required before commencing business. Section 11. Sale or Transfer of Bgsiness: Upon the sale or transfer during any tax year of a business on account of vAuioh a fce or tax is hereby required, the-pnr- chaser or transferee shall, if the foe or tax has not been paid in full for said year, be responsible for its paymont for that portion of said year during which he carries on such business. section 12. 'P a er to Keen Books and Records - 'returns Confidential: It shall be the duty of each taxpayer taxed upon his gross income to keep and enter in a proper book or set of books or records an amount which shall accurately reflect the amount of his gross inc000, which account shall always be open to the inspection of the City Clerk, or his duly authorized agent, and from which said officer or his agent may verify the return made by the taxpayer. The applications, statements or returns made to the City Clark, pursuant to this ordinance, shall not be ixido public, nor shall the,,,, bo subljoct to tho inspection of any person except the Ya,,;or, the City Attorney, the City Cleric, or his authorized agent, and members of the City Cooneil. 5ootion 13. Clerk to Invostimato Raturnst If any taxnayor fails to apply for license or make his return, or if the City Olork is dissatisfied as to the correctness of the statements made in the application or roturn of any taxpayer, said officer, or his authorized agent, may enter the promises of such tax:Myor at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting his books or records of account to ascertain the amount of the foe or tau or to determine the oornoctness of such statements, as the case may AOr bo, and may oxamino any person under oath administered by sr.ld officer, or his aront, touching the matters inquired into, or :raid offloor, or his nuthorizod wont, may fist a time said place for an invostiaatlon of the oorroatnoss of the rot;Srn and may issue a subpoena to the taxpn;✓or, or any other person, to attend camas such invoatigation and there testify, candor oath ndminintored by said officer, or blo ai;ant, in regard to the matters inquirod into and may, b;,, uubpoona, roq+tlre hlra, or any porson, to brint, with him such books, rocorda and na-oera as =Ly be nocossary. Section 14. Over or undo ,a iiiont of ay: U tho City Clerk upon investigation or upon checking roturna finds that the foo or tax paid on any of them is more than the amount roquirod.of tho taxpayer, he shall refund the amount overpaid by a warrant upon .4. If the City Clerk finds that tho foo or tax paid is lose than re— quired, he shall sand r utnto n-,nt to t'in taxpayer ohow hi,; the balance drat, wbo. shall f i7ithin throe (3) i)oy tin aut�i.nt chow! t:iorooll. Seetionli, Rom:Yctf -foi i?oil-road:lost of Tans If :any taxpayer fails to apply for license, or make his return, or to pay tho foo or tax therefor, or any part thereof, within three (3) days after the same shall have becarno :uo, the City Clerk shall ascertain the amount of the foo or tax or installment thereof due and aha11 notify such taxpayer thereof, who shall be liable therefor in any sdit or action by the City for the collection thereof. The City Clark ehall also notify the City Attorney in writing of the namo of such delinquont taxpayer and the amount duo from him and said officer shall, viith the assistanco of the City Clerk, collect the same by any appropriate• means or by suit or action in tho name of the City. Section 16. Anneals to City Councils Any taxpayer agg-rievod by the amount of the foe or,tax found by the City Clerk to be roquirod under the provisions of this ordinance, may appeal to the City Co"ncil from such finding by filing a written notloe of appeal rtby-r'i!ttittp!3rnoti,Co.£*�'1 viith the City Clerk within five (b) clays from the time such taxpayer vas given notice of such amount, The C1ork shall, as soon as practicable, fix a timo and plaoo for the hearing of such appeal, which timo shall be not more than ten (10) days after the filing of the notice of appeal, and he shall cnaso a notice of the time and place thereof to be delivered or mailed to the appellant. At such hearine,, the taxpayer shall be entitled to be heard and to introdnoo ovidenc3 in his own behalf. The City Council shall thereupon ascertain the correct atnount of tho foe or tax by rosolution and the City Clark shall immediately notify the appellant thereof, %,nick amount, to'gother with costa of the appeal, if appellant is unb`ucosiaful therein, must be paid within three (3) days after such iiotloe in given. Any member of the City Council may, by subpoena, roquiro the attendance thereat of any porson, and may also require him to produco aiVj portinont books and records. Any person served with snola subpoena shall apnoar at the time and place therein stated and produce the booms and rocordz required, if any, mid shall testify truthfully under oath administered by the P,:ayor or any, member of the Olt" Council in onarge of the hearing as to any matter rogtired of him pertinerL to tho appeal, and it shall be unlawfnl for him to fail or refuse so to do. Section 17. Clerk to ;`aka Rnless The City Clark shall havo the porter, and it shall be his duty, from time to t tno, to adopt, pub.ish and anforco rules and rogulat- ions not inoonsistont with this ordinzwoo or ,-dth law for the pur7oso of carrying out the provisions thoroof, acid it shall be unlawful to violate or fail to comply with, any such rule or rogulation. Section Ia. lfoenscs—Pestinr_- UnlnvtFul liso oi's All "licenses isauod rursuant to tho provisions of Luis ordinance shall be kept pouted by the lioonsoo sit a conspicuous place in bla principal place of business in rho Cit;✓. tic person to vihom a liconse has boe:i 13atiod, pursuant to this ordinanoe, shall ouffor or allow any other person chargeable with a senarato license to operate under or display his license, nor shall such otrior person operate under or display such license. Section 19. r^aloe Returns, otct It shall be unlawful for any person liable to tax hereunder to rail or roflise to make application or return for a 1103nse or to pay tho foo or tax or installment thereof whon clue, or for any person to mako any false or fradulont application or return or ark✓ false stuterr.nt Cr representation, in, or In oonnoetion wiith, arm such application or return, or to aid or abet another inany attempt to evudo payment of the foe or tax, or any part thereof, or for any p fail to appear and/or testify in response to oubpona Asaued pursuant horeto,` or to testify falsoly.upon any investigation of the correctness of a return, or UP on the„hearing of any appeal, or in any.mannor to hindor or delay the. City or any...• of its carryingout the provisions of thin ordinance. Section 20. -Effect of martial Iuvaliditvs If uny provision or seetion'of this .. ,ordinanae,ahall be .held void or unconstitutional, all other parts, provisions and . r' cootiona;'of this 'ordinance not exproasly so bold to be void or unconstitutional.. +l, shall continao in fall force and effect. Section 21. Ponalty: Any person violating or railing to comply with any of tho proviaiona of thin ordinance or any lawful rule or regulation adopted by the Clty,, :. Clerk or pursuant thereto, shall be deomod guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon eon--:,,;: videion tlujreof, 'shall be punished by a fino in any sum not to exceed One muldred+'_ •: (:$100.00)-Dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceeding thirty'(30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. :Section 22. This, ordinanoe shall be published once in the Port .Townsend loader;' to forco.and tame effect as provided by law. .Passed by the City Council_'Z�� �. 1937. Approved by the LCayor S-a 1937. iE aY o r -' Attest , City Clerk. ;R: iD o '.3 d - L• � �0 CD�� Z.. 0 ED Q - r `•� - F-. " O 1 r / 1050 Licenses pinball machines (Repealed by 1525) 1051 Regulates public cardrooms (Repealed by 1525) 1052 Amends Ords. 218, 894 and 989, theater license (5.64) 1053 Amends Ords. 752, 836, 899, 900, 902 and 945 (Repealed by 1525) 1054 Plan for improving water system (Special) 1055 Provides for special election (Special) 1056 Street vacation (Special) 1057 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1058 Water department budget for 1936 (Special) 1059 1936 budget (Special) 1060 Tax levy for 1936 (Special) 1061 Liquor control regulations (Repealed by 1525) ) 1062 Regulates sale of gasoline (9.04) 1063 Street vacation (Special) 1064 Water agreement with National Paper Products Company (Special) 1065 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 1066 Authorizes wharf construction, repeals Ord. 1017 (Special) 1067 Authorizes special election (Special) 1068 Amends Ord. 1034 (Repealed by 1483) 1069 Fixes salaries of named officers (Not codified) 1070 Water department budget for 1937 (Special) 1071 1937 budget (Special) 1072 Tax levy for 1937 (Special) 1073 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1074 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1075 Extends time and reduces interest rate on general refunding bond (Special) 1076 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1077 Grants franchise and authorizes wharf operation (Special) 1078 Regulates vehicle parking (Repealed by 1525) 1079 Regulates dancing in taverns (5.52) 1080 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1081 Provides for special election (Special) L) 1082 Authorizes building of wharf (Special) 1083 Water department budget for 1938 (Special) 1084 1938 budget (Special) 1085 Tax levy for 1938 (Special) 1086 Street vacation (Special) .e 1087 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1088 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1089 Licenses named games and devices (Repealed by 1525) 7 1090 Business licenses (Repealed by 1974) r1091 Vehicle use regulations (Repealed by 1525) 1092 Declares certain acts to be a nuisance (Repealed by 1525) ttis- 1093 Amends Ord. 1036, repeals Ord. 879 (Repealed by 1525) 1094 Appropriates money from water system for emergency nd repairs (Special) i b 172 (Port Townsend 3/84) �) 1095 Grants right to remove pipelines and a wharf (Special) 1096 Provides for special election (Special) 1097 Fixes salary of named officers (Special) 1098 1939 budget (Special) 1099 Water department budget for 1939 (Special) ORDINANCE NO. IOZZ AN ORDINANCE relating to vehicles and the use and operation thereof on the public streets, alleys and ways of the City of Port Townsend; limiting and restricting certain uses of the public streets, alleys and ways of the City of Port Townsend; prescribing rules of the road for vehicles operating upon the some; providing for conduct in the event of veh- Iola accidents; providing procedure for enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance; providing for certain records and reports; pre- scribing the powers and duties of peace officers within the City of Fort Townsend relative to the enforcement of this ordinance; provid- ing for the distribution of fines collected for violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance; defining offences and fixing pen- alties, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Port Townsend in conflict herewith,, e s performd. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAII7 AS FOLLOWSs CHAPTER I. DSP'INITIONS. Section 1. Words and phrases, wherever used In this ordinance shall have the meaning ascribed to them by Section 1 of Chapter 189, of the Laws of Washington, 1937, unless where used the context thereof shall clearly indicate to the contrary. Words and phrases used heroin in the past, present or future tense shall include the past, present and fature tenses; words and phrases used herein in the masculine, feminine and neuter genders shall include the masouline,.feminine and neuter genders; and words and phrases used heroin in the singular or plural shall include the singular and plural; unless the context thereof shall indicate to the contrary. CHAPTER II. SCOPE OF ORDINOCE. Section 2. The provisions of this ordinance relating to the operation of vehicles shall be applicable and uniform upon all persons operating vehicles upon the public streets of the City of Port Townsend, except as otherwise specifically provided. Section 3. Every person riding a bicycle or an animal, or driving any animal, or operating any nature of conveyance or drawing any vehicle upon any publio street of the City of Port Townsend shall be eubjeot to the provisions of this ordinance relating to the operation of vehicles and applicable to the operator of a vehicle, except those provisions of this ordinance which by their nature can have no application. Section 4. The provisions of this ordinance shall be applicable to the operation of any and all vehicles upon the public streets of the City of Port Townsend, except that they shall not apply in the following cases < a (a) To any autborized emergency vehicle properly equipped as provided by law and o<o actually responding to an emergency call, or in immediate pursuit of an actual or -xz suspected violator of the lase, within the purpose for which such emergency vehicle has been authoriseds PROVIDED, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not relieve the operator of an authorized emergency vehicle of the duty to operate with due regard for the safety of all persons using the public streets, nor shall it protect the operator 0 • of any such emergency vehicle from the consequence of a reckless disregard for the safety of others: PROVIDED, FURTHER, the provisions of this ordinance shall in no event extend any special privilege or immunity in operation of an authorized emergency vehicle for any purpose other than that for which the same has been authorized. (b) To all persons, teams, vehicles or other equipment while actually engaged in authorised work upon the surface of a public street, insofar as suspension of the pro- visions of this ordinance are reasonably necessary for the carrying on of such work; and providing reasonable precautions are taken to appraise and protect the users of such public street, but suoh provisions shall apply to such persons, teams, vehicles and other equipment when traveling to and from such work. (o) To any persons, vehicles or otherwise, insofar as the aamo may be specifically exempted from any provision or provisions of this ordinance. CHAPTER III. VERICLE REGISTRATION AND LICENSE AND OPERATOR'S LICENSE Section S. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle in the city of Port Townsend under a certificate of license registration of the State of Washington without securing and having in full force and effect a certificate of ownership therefor. Section 6. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle in the city of Port Townsend without having first obtainers and having in full force and effect a .current and proper motor vehicle license and display motor vehicle license number plates therefor. Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle in the city of Port Townsend unless such person shall have in his possession a current and valid vehicle operators license issued on his own application in accordance with Chapter 188, haws of Washington, 1937, PROVIDED, no person shall be required to have such a license for the purpose of driving or operating road machinery, or any farm tractor or implement of husbandry temporarily drawn, moved or propelled on a public street of the oity, PRO - VIED, FURTM, that this section shall not apply to a person in the service of the United States or in the service of the National Guard of this state, or any other state, when operating an official motor vehicle in such service, nor to non-residents of the State of Washington. Section 8. It shall be unlawful within the city of Port Townsend for any person to commit any of the following aote: (a) To display or cause to permit to be displayed or have in possession any vehicle operator's license, knowing the same to be fictitious or to have been cancelled, revolted, suspended or altered; (b) To lend to, or knowingly permit the use of by one not entitled thereto, any vehicle.operators' license issued to the person so lending or permitting the use thereof; (a) To display, or to represent as one's own any vehicle operator's license not Issued to the person so displaying the same. CHAPTER IV. J� `ou VEHICLE EQUIPMENT. 3<r Section 9. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon the public streets of the city which shall not at all times be equipped with a muffler upon a the exhaust thereof in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise, and it shall be unlawful for any person operating a motor vehicle to use a out -out, by-pass or similar muffler elimination appliance. 0 Section 10. it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle upon the public streets of the city of Port Townsend with any sign, poster, card, Sticker or other non -transparent material upon the windshield or rear or aide windows of such motor vehicle, other than a certificate or sticker required by law or rule or regulation of proper and lawful authority, in which case the same shall be placed in the loner right- hand corner of the windshield only. Section 11. it shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehicle upon the public streets of the city of Port Townsend without having the load thereon securely fastened and protected by safety chains or other device. Section 12. No passenger vehicle shall be operated on the streets of Port Townsend with atop load carried thereon extending beyond the line of the fenders on the left side of such vehicle nor extending more than six (6) inches beyond the line of the fenders on the right side thereof. Section 13. Whenever the load upon any vehicle extends to the rear four (4) feet or more beyond the ben or body of such vehicle, there shall be displayed at the extreme rear and of the load, during hours of darkness, a red light or red lantern displaying a light plainly, visible from a distance of at least five hundred (500) feet tothe sides and. rear. The red light or red lantern required under this section shall be in addition to the red rear light or lights and reflector required upon every vehicle. At any other time there shall be displayed at the extreme rear end of such load a distinctly red cloth flag wich shall be suspended on a frame or other similar device in such a manner that it will display a red surface on two sides for a square area of not less than one hundred forty-four (144) square inches in approximately the same plane. Section 24. Every vehicle upon the streets of the City of Port Townsen shall be equipped with lamps and illuminating devises as required by this ordinance and shall be lighted daring the hours of darkness, except when stopped or parked in manner as in this ordinance provided. 4z�it�.f� rJL.. Whenever requirement is in this sIMNOW declared as to the distance from which certain lampp and devices shall render objects visible or within which such lamps or devises shall be visible, said provisions shall apply during the times hersinabove stated upon a straight level unlighted public highway under normal atmospheric con- ditions unless a different time or condition is expressly stated. Section 15. Every motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, shall be equipped with no more nor leas than two head lamps with one on each side of the front of the motor vehicle. Every motorcycle shall be equipped with at least one and not more than two head lamps. Every motor vehicle operated not in combination and every trailer and semi -trailer shall be equipped with a rear lamp capable of exhibiting a continuous red light plainly visible from a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the rear. Section 16. During hours of darkness every bicycle shall be equipped with one lamp on the front exhibiting a white light visible from a distance of at least five hundred (500) feet to the front and with a lamp on the roar exhibiting a red light jai visible from a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the rear; excepting that a red reflector may be used in lieu of a rear light. Section 17. All vehicles, including animal drawn vehicles and othss not spso- 3<r ifically required by this ordinance to be equipped with lamps, shall, during hours of 4 darkness be equipped with at least one lighted lamp or lantern exhibiting a white light visible from a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the front and sides of oh vehicle and with a la or lantern exhibiting a red light visible from a distance o five hundred (500) feet to the rear. CHAPTER V. SPEED. Section 18, Every person operating or driving a motor vehicle of any character upon the streets of this city shall operate the saws in a careful and prudent manner and at a rate of speed no greater than is reasonable and proper under the conditions existing at the point of operation, taking into account the amount and character of the traffic, weight of vehicle, grade and width of street, condition of surface and freedom of obstruction to view ahead and consistent with any and all conditions existing at the point of operation so as not to unduly or unreasonable endanger the life, limb, property or other rights of any person entitled to the use of such city streets, and, except in those instances where a lower maximum lawful speed is provided by this ordinance, or otherwise, it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to operate the same, within the city of Port Townsend, at a speed in excess of= (a) Thirty-five (35) miles per hour, on State Road No. 9 between Hearney street and the crest city limits; (b) Twenty-five (25) miles per hour; (c) Twenty (20) miles per hour in traversing any intersection of streets where the operator's view is obstructed: PROVIDED, except as otherwise provided in this section, this provision shall not apply to operators upon arterial highways. An operator's view shall be deemed to be obstructed when at any time during the last 100 feet of his approach to an intersection he does not have a clear and =Interrupted view of such intersection, and of all streets or public highways entering such inter- section for a distance of 100 feet along the center line of each thereof. (d) Twenty (20) miles per hour in traveling upon an arterial highway and travers- ing an intersection with a public street not an arterial highway, and the operator of another vehicle about to enter the intersection of such arterial highway thereat, shall have brought his vehicle to a complete stop as required by law before entering such arterial highway. (e) Twenty (20) miles per hour while traveling upon Water Street between Tyler Street and Monroe Street and while traveling upon Lawrence Street between Taylor Street and Fillmore Street. (f) Twenty (20) miles per hour when operating any vehicle in passing any school house on school days, or school playground between the hours of S OO A.M., and BOO P.M., or when crossing any marked school crossing during such hours. (g) Compliance with such speeds under the circumstances hereinabive set forth shall not relieve the operator of any vehicle from the further exercise of due care and caution as further circumstances shall require. Section 19. No person or persons shall race any motor vehicle upon any public street in the city of Port Townsend. Any person or persons guilty of comparing or contesting relative speods by simultaneous operations, shall be guilty of reckless yn? driving whether or not such speed is in excess of the maximum speed prescribed by this <�a ordinance. a' Section 20. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal or reasonable movement of traffic at the point of operation thereof, except when a reduced speed is necessary for safe 8 operation or in compliance with any law, rule or regulation. Peace officers are hereby authorized to enforce this section by directions to vehicle operators and it shall be unlawful to operate in willful disobedience to the provisions of this section or refuse to comply with the directions of any peace officer relating thereto. Where any slow moving vehicle tends to congest traffic any peace officer my oause such vehicle to be removed from the roadway and permit the congested traffic to be relieved. CHAPTER 4I. RULES OF ME ROM Section 21. All the provisions of eab-Ohapter IX of Chapter 189 of the Laws of Washington, 1937, insofar as the same are applicable to the City of Port Townsend, and not in conflict with any specific provisions herein, are hereby made a part of this ordinance as fully as if incorporated herein. CHAPTER PII. ARTMAI HIGHWAYS. Section 22. Those streets or public ways in the City of Port Townsend designated by the Director of Highways of the State of Washington as forming part of the routes of primary state highways, are hereby declared to be arterial highways as respecting all other streets or parts of streets in the City of Port Townsend. All other streets or parts of streets properly designated by resolution of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, shall be arterial highways as contemplated by this ordinance. When each resolution has been adopted it shall be the duty of the City Engineer or Chief of Police to file with the City Clerk a map or maps plainly showing the streets which have been so designated and considered for the purpose of this ordinance as arterial highways. The operator of any vehicle entering upon any arterial highway from any other public street, allay, or private way, shall come to a complete stop when "Stop" signs are erected as provided by law. CHAPTER PIII. PARKING Section 23. (a) No person shall stop, stand, or nark a vehicle, except when pecessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer or traffic control device, in any of the following placest 1. On a sidewalk r1t ; 2. In front of a public or private driveway or within five (5) feet of the and of the curb radius leading thereto; 3. Within an interseotion; 4. Within fifteen (15) feat of a fire hydrant; 5. On a orosswalk; 6. Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an intersection; >n= 7. Within thirty (30) feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign, �.a or traffic-oontrol signal located at the aids of a roadway; ate; .t� o= 8. Within th#tty t30) feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing; 3<� 9. Within fifty (50) feet of the driveway entrance to the fire station; 11 10. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or ob traction when such stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic; 11. on the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or par d at the edge or curb of a street: PROVIDED, that this sub-seotion shall not apply o vehicles ,in line" pre- paratory for departure upon any ferry, nor the stopping or tanding for a reasonable time of motor vehicles receiving or delivering merchandise t a business establishment or place of residence; 12. At any place where official signs prohibit stoppi or parking; 13. On the paved portion of Water Street, between Tyl r and Walker Streets; 14. on "F" Street between Chestnut Street and Fir Str et, and on Fir Street between "D" Street and "F" ttreet while any athletic contes is in progress upon the adjacent athletic field. (b) No person shall move a vehicle not owned by such erson into any such pro- hibited area or assay from a curb such distance as is unla 1. ?asrking or standing shall be permitted in the manner hereinafter provided at al other places within said city, except a time limit may be imposed or parking re tricted at other places. Section 24. 3wery vehicle stopped or parked upon a pu lie street in the City of Port Townsend vhere there is an adjacent curb shall be so a opped or parked with the right-hand wheels of such vehicles parallel to and within t eive (12) inches of the right-hand curb: PROVIDED. However, that on the public str ate of the City of Port Townsend where there is no identified or concrete curb, sue vehicles shall be so stopped or parked with the right-hand wheels of such vehiol a parallel to and as close to the ungraded portion of the street or roadway as is prat icable, PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the parking of motor vehicles at an angle of forty-fiv degrees to the right-hand curb, shall be permitted on Lawrence Street between Harriso and Taylor Streets. Section 25. ITO person operating or in charge of a mot r vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, and en standing upon a per- ceptible grade without effectively setting the brake thereo and turning the front wheels to the curb or aide of the roadK-qy. Section 26. It shall be unlawful for any person to st4nd or park on the public streets of the city of port Townsend, a motor vehicle and u the same as a medium for the sale or display of merchandise or the demonstration of any mechanical device, or for entertainment, lectures, talks or similar purpose. Section 27. It shall be unlawful for any person to st d or park am vehicle on the public streets of the City of Port Townsend for the pu ose of displaying the same In quticipation of sale. CHAPTER IS. ACCIDENTS. Section 28. All the provisions of sub-Ohapter R of Ch pter 189 of the haws of Washington, 1937, insofar as the same are applicable to the City of Port Townsend, and not in conflict with any specific provisions herein, ar hereby made a part of this ordinance as fully as if incorporated herein. o� ;D ; �o r c s 0 • CHAPTER X. SCHOOL BOY PATROL Section 29. The Superintendent of School District No. 43 of Jefferson Comity, Washington, shall have the power to cause to be appointed from the student body of any public or private school within the City of Port Townsend, students who shall be known as members of the "School Patrol" and who shall serve without compensation and at the pleasure of the authority so making the Appointment. The members of each school -patrol shall wear such Insignia, perform such duties and possess the depowere fined by Section 130, haws of Washington, 1937. CHAPTER XI. OTHERS PROVISIONS. Section 30. It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to follow the fire apparatus of the City of Port Toim send proceeding in response to a fire alarm at a distance of lose than 500 feet or drive or park such vehiols within 200 feet of said fire apparatus stopped in answer to the fire alarm P80VIDID, that the pro& visions of this section shall not apply to an authorized emergency vehicle, the private vehicles of members of the Port Tormsend Volunteer Fire Department, nor to private vehicles carrying members of the Port Townsend Volunteer Fire Department* proceeding in response to a fire alarm. Section 31. It shall be unlawful far the operator of any ve2lole to operate over any unprotected hose of the city dire department when laid down on any public street or any private road, street, way or alley within the City of Port Townsend. Section 32. It shall be unlawful within the City of Port Townsend for any person to transport any living animal on th6 running board, fenders, hood or other outside part of. any vehicle, unless suitable harness, cago or enclosure be provided and so attached as to protect such animal from falling or being thrown therefrom. It shall be unlawful for any person to transport any persons upon the running board, fenders, hood or other outside part of any vehicle, except that this provision shall not apply to authorized emergency vehicles. Section 33. It shall be unlawful within the City of Port Townsend for any person to operate a vehicle with more than three (3) persons in the front or operator's seat thereof. Section 34. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon the public streets of the City of Port Townsend when such person has in his or her embrace another person which permits the free and unhampered operation of such vehicle, nor shall any operator of a motor vehicle suffer or permit himself or her- self to be embraced while operating a motor vehicle upon the streets of the City of Port Townsend. Any person so driving shall be deemed guilty of reckless driving. Section 35. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle in a reckless manner over and along the public streets of the City of Port Townsend. For the purpose of this section, to "operate in a reckless manner" or "reckless driving" shall be construed to mean the operation of a vehicle upon the public streets of the City of Port Townsend in such a manner as to indicate either a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property. i.s Section 36. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle upon the public streets of the City of Port Townsend while under the influence of or affected by the use of intoxicating liquor or of any narcotic drug. Any person found guilty of a violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than Fifty a %IA9804503 i lhh aoielthanesstThrhan jeHundred Dollars ($300.00 ), or by imprisonment or by both such fine and imprisonment. t3U) days, nor more than ninety (90) days, • Immediately tpon the ontry of a judgment and sentence for the violation of the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the Police Judge of the City of Port Townsend to mail to the Director of Licenses of the State of Washington, at Olympia, Washington, a full and complete transcript of his docket page pertaining to the part- icular case for such further action in the premises as said Dirootor of Licenses may take as provided by law. It shall be the duty of the Mice Judge of the pity of Port Townsend upon the entry of judgment forfeiting the bail given by any person charged with a violation of this section to forthwith mail to said Director a like transcript. In the event such convicted person shall testify that he does not and at the time of the offence charged did not have a current and valid vehicle operator's license, then the Police Judge shall cariso eucli narzo�, to ,,e, th.) ,.,arati3-n :)Z a motor vehicle without a current and valid operator's license as in this ordinance pro- vided and on conviotion punished as heretofore provided. Section 37. It shall be unlawful for the owner or any other person in employing or otherwise directing the operator of any vehicle upon the public streets of the pity of Port Townsend to require or knowingly to permit the operation of such vehicle in any manner contrary to the late of the State of Washington or to the provisions of this ord- inanes. Section 38. Every person who commits, attempts to commit, conspires to commit or aids and abate in the commission or any act in violation of this ordinance whether individually or in connection with one or more persons, or as principal, agent, or accessory, shall be guilty of such offence, and any person who falsely, fraduently, forcefully, or willfully induces, causes, coerces, requirea, permits or directs others to violate any provisions of this ordinance is likewise guilty of such offense. CHAPTER XII. E"ORCHNIENT. Section�39. Unless another penalty is in this ordinance provided, every person convicted ot„tffe provisions of this ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished therefor by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or im- prisonment in the city jail for not more than thirty (30) days, or both such fine and Imprisonment. Section 40. Whenever any person is arrested for any violation of this ordinance which is punishable as provided in the preceding section. the arresting or apprehending officer may prepare in duplicate, written notice to appear in the Police Court of the City of Port Townsend in the City Hall at a time to be specified in said notice. Such notice shall also Contain the name and address of such person, the license number of his vehicle, if any, the vehicle operator's license number, if any,and the offinos charged. The arrested person, in order to secure release, as provided in this section, and when permitted by the arresting officer, must give his written promise so to appear In court by signing in duplicate the written notice prepared by the arresting or apprehending officer. Upon the arrested person's failing or refusing to sign such written promise, he shall be placed and remain in the Custody of such arresting or apprehending officer or placed in confinement in the city jail until property tried or sooner admitted to bail. a,. a.m Section 41. Any person willfully violating his written and signed promise to "ear in police court, as provided in this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor regwrdless of the disposition of the charge upon vhich he was originally arrested= 3 « PR09IDgD, a written promise to appear in police court may be complied with by an 8 appearance by counsel. CHAPTER, XIII. FINES ACID FORFEITURES -DISTRIBUTION OF ?MS. Section 42. All fines and forfeitures collected for violation of any of the Provisions of this ordinance shall be paid into the CITY STREET FUND of the City of Port Townsend. OHAPTER W XIP. REPELh. Section. 43. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, of the Oity.of Port Townsend, in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. OHAPTER XY. CONSTITUTIONALITY AND EFFECT Section 44. if any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held invalid or unconstitutional, the invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof. shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 45. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passel by the City Council March Approved by the Mayor Maroh � , 1939. Mayor Attests `I ORDIRANDE No. 1092 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend declaring the acts of certain solicitors, peddlers, hawkers, itinerant merchants, and transient vendors of mer- chandise, to be a nuisance and providing a penalty for violation hereof. THE CITY COOl7OIL OF THE OITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWSs Section 1. That the practice of being in and upon private residences in the City of Port Townsend by solicitors. peddlers, hawkers, itinerant merchante, and transient vendors of merchandise, not having been requested or invited so to do by the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of said private residence, for the pur- pose of soliciting orders for the sale of goods, wares and merchandise, and/or for the purpose of disposing of and/or peddling or hawking the came, is hereby declared to be a nnieance, and punishable as such as a misdemeanor. Section 2. The Chief of Police of the City of Port Townsend is hereby required and directed to suppress the same, and to abate any such maisance as is described in the first section of this ordinance. Section 3. Any person convicted of perpetrating a uuisance,as described and prohibited in the first section of this ordinance,, shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed �100.00, or imprisonment in the City jail of not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 4. That this ordinance be published ones in the Port Townsend leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council .3FJs3i = April 5th , 1938. Approved by the Mayor=S awb April 6th , 1939. M a y o r Attests 7 Y . o ? Ci ty MOW Date of publication ;.nail 7, 1936 ift I-j 0 tv - ct 0 ct I— CD C. zi ORDINANCE NO. 1093 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1036, entitled "An ordinance relating to and providing for the licensing of certain motor and other vehicles; definig offenses; providing regulations for the same; provi- ding penalties; providing for the suspension and revocation of licenses and repealing Ordinance No. 879111 passed by the City Council December 6th, 1933, approved by the Mayor December 8th, by providing additional requirements to be taken before the licensing of "For Hire Cars". THE CITY COUNCIL OY THE, CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That a part of Section 2 of Ordinance No.1036 of the City of Port Townsend, be and the same is hereby amended to read as fa follows: Motor vehicles contemplated to be licensed hereunder are hereby classified as follows: FOR HIRE CAR: Shall mean any automobile, taxicab, or other motor vehicle operated for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire which is located at and rented for hire which is located at and rented.from RX1 e� fixed and designated place in the city, where the time, route and des- :'tination are indicated and controlled by the passengers. This classifi- cation shall include all motor vehicles operated from any point within without the city, or from points outside of the city to,points within .the city. The license fee for such a vehicle shall be the sum of 45.00 per annum, or any part thereof, PROVIDED HOWEVER, that no license -therefor ..shall be grantdd until application in writing has been approved by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, f Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council June 7, 1938 Approved by the Mayor June 8, 1938 C� or Attest: City Clerk . -0 is 0 0 (D :o o -rD PO p 0 pt CO 0 -3 L 4-1-'o ct, AD ORDIMI.70E 1,0. -1094 AN ORDIVAT:CE of the City of Port.To=send, appropriating money from the Olympic Gravity Muter Fetid of the City of Port Townsend for the purpose of defraying the cost and expense of the prosecution of the work of making certain replacements of portions of the 0lymnic Gravity ',later System, as contemplated by resolution of the City Council adopted June 21, 1938, and declaring an emergency for the immediate extend- iture of such money so appropriated. WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the official budget for the 0lymnic Gravity Water fund for the year 1936, it was not fomseen or contemplated that the farther exnenditure of federal money under the Emergency Administration of Public Works would be carried on during said year, and, ti'/FIMU AS, by recent Act of Congress, approved by the President of the United States, funds have boon appropriated for disbursement by such administration by way of grant and aid to worthy projects sponsored by lesser governmental units throughout the state and nation, and, vam m'IS, pursuant to such Act of Congress, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, by resolution, dated June 21, 1938, has deemed it advisable to make certain replacements of the orator system owned and operatecl by the City of Port Townsend, and has set aside funds sufficient to carry out the spirit and intent thereon, and, VMBR :S, such sum of money so set aside cannot become available for expend- iture without compliance with statutory authority, now, therefore, TH..0 CITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF PORT 120'J'1119EFD DO OTIDAII' AS FOILOWS: Section 1. That a rublie emergency be, and the same is now declared for the immediate arnropriation of money for exnondituro iurinr the year 1930, in the sum of :6,656.19, for the nurnoso of making; certain replacements to the water system of the City aoff Port To�:nsond as specified and adopted in that certain rosolntior/sjar.::zd b;,, said City Council, Juke 21, 1930, an»roved by the Mayor, Juno 21, 1933, Section 2. 71int from the unobligated moneys on hand in the Treasury of the City of Port 'Townsend in the Olympic Gravity Water Fund, there be and hereby is established for the foregoing purposes and for immediate disbursement, the sum of ti8,656.19, which shall be placed in a special fund to be ::nova, as "O1*nnnic Gravity ',iator S;;atom - :2o3,luco gent 'c'rnd..'T sectioxk 3. 'mat the City Clerk of the City of Port Tormwond be and he is hereby anthorlood to draw emergency warrants uron said special fund, i.e., "Olympic Gravity Water System - Replacement Fund," upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers in an amount not exceedinC that hereinbofore set J forth. Section 4. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Tovinsend header to be in force and take effect as provided by lava. ? Passed by the City Council July �2 tom, 1938. 9pproved by the Mayor July 20th 1959. mayor Attest: City Clark 0 P 3 m r+ m b • c O tt F+ FS �b ct O 0 o c J. F3 0 ►�' CCD `. c+ ct O 0 9 JTH:AB 7i3D'-W ORDINANCE NO.1,0 An ordinance granting to the Shell Oil Company, a California corporation, and its assigns, the right to construct, maintain, operate and remove pipe lines &arose a street in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, and granting to said Shell Oil Company, a California corporation, and its assigns, the right to oporato, maintain and remove a wharf in said City of Port Townsend, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TMESEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to the Shell Oil Company, a Califor- nia corporation, and its assigns, the right to construct, lay, maintain, operate and remove pipe lines upon and across Front Street in the City of Port Towmsond, Washington, for a period of ten (10) years from and after the date of the tvk ing effect of this or- dinance. Section 2. If at any time the City Council of the City of Port Townsend deems it advisable to relocate, improve or otherwise change said Front Street, Shell Oil Company, a California corporation, and its assigns, shall upon written notice given by said City Council of the City of Port Townsend, immediately so remove, change or alter its pipes and pipe lines and other equipment used in connection therewith, so as to conform to such change in said street. The cost of so moving, changing or al- tering such pipes and pipe lines will be at the expense of Shell Oil Company, a Califor- nia corporation, or its assigns. Section 3. Shell Oil Company, a California corporation, and its assigns, assumes all liability for damages arising by reason of the location of said pipes or pipe lines in said street. Section 4. That there is hereby granted to the Shell Oil Company, a Califor- nia corporation, and its assigns, the right to operato, maintain and remove a wharf not to exceed one hundred (100) Poet in width, with suitable approaches and such other structures as may be necessary, in the City of Port Townsend, for a period of ten (10) years from and after the date of the taking effect of this said ordinance, the location thereof being substantially as follows: Extending out from Lots Five (5) and Seven (7), in Block Nineteen (19), L. B. Hastings First Addition to Port Townsend, southerly over, upon and across Front Street to its south line thereof, together with the right to install pipes thereon for the transportation of oil, petrol- eum and its products, water and other fluids, in connection with the operation of said dock. -1- • Section 5. That said wharf shall be maintained in substantially the same lo- cation and in the same manner that it is new in, with the right and privilege hereby granted the said Shall Oil Company, a California corporation, and its assigns, to re- pair, improve, add to and maintain or remove the same as herein provided. Section 6. The said wharf and its approaches shall be maintained in a sub- stantial and rorkmanlike manner, and shall be subject to inspection by and approval of the City Council of the City of Port Trnvnsond. Section 7. That the Shall Oil Company, a California corporation, and its as- signs, shall pay to the City of Port Totmsond tho sum of Fifteen Dollars ($.5.00) par an - rum for each and every year during the term of this franchise, said sum of Fifteen Dol- lars (015.00) to be payable in advance on or before the 1J_ day of of each year during the term of this franchise; that in case the said grantee or its assigns shall fail to comply with any or all of the conditions of this ordinance, then and thereupon this franchise shall become null and void and all rights and franchise herein granted shall become forfeited. Section B. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and filing of the acceptance of the same by the said'grant- i k ee, and from and after five (5) days after its publication in the "Port Townsend Leader." Passed by the City Council %� Y Approved by the Yayor _V-_� i Mayor ATTEST: ""�' City" Clerk U' 0-M117:::CW !:0. 1096. AIi O11DII71Z:CB of the City of Port 7b:::sond providinC; for and fisting tno time of a special eloctio.+ -'or ti;e.. uualiflod vota"es of t:w Cit;r of port 'itemsend to ratify or reject Uror)or1t'iorl� ;;rf::a;it,, to the Cit-r Council of said city authority to levy tales or t3:e t=aole r,roporty of scud city in e:.cess of tiro fifteon mills now authorised by lau. �JIPMBAS, it notir appoars to the City Council of Port Tomseud, that there will be insufficient money returned to tnQ Cit'r Treasurer of said city diirinr, tine year 19:59, titru taxation nd oti:arti;ise, to provide for and carry out all trte functions of cit,j roverivaetit for that year; a2Id VIv MEUS, under the provisions of Chapter 1, Ia::s of tile State of Ylas`li gton, 1937, (Initiative ; easure Ko. 114), cities and toy are `ranted power to levy taxes is excess of fifteen chills ;:nett autihoriaod so to do by the electors of such city o: tom; end, 17r. ;i1 ;RS, it a •,7;eays to the Cit;Co:u.cil that an election for that rtnruose is necessary and that the iollo` propositions -should be stiiomitted to the qualified voters of the Cit;,r for ratification ox .~e"oetion, now, t,,erofore, '.i CITY COM:011 :''= In,-." CI" 1 C'i Feat" 'J O E'Z7_I'` S 011Z,;S: Secti n 1. ir�:at a srcci:-:1 eloctio:' ae '.told in the Cit;r of Port ovl—'send and in t;-:e various nrcaci,ictu ti:ereo2 on Tuasd y, the lath d^,* of SePte7s'-)er, 1936, which day .nd elate be, Lr:d i,ereby is, fi;.ed as t.:u slate upon w..,ica said election Bh:]ll Je hold aznd s:;ill be 'JJtiJ.1 :�.' t'ie Crtla.l:�:lv'd Vote;:w ii:4 said Clt,'j, the f011orr- ir" *:rorpoitic.. ✓ •-.: Lt prorocir,loa I: ;i _.__ t',n O'it; co'".a.cil of 011:'T ... Port ne �.a :eri:a:i to collect i"r' ta:.ati: ;: l: r.ih.;; t-o -er;_• 19�?, t'•:e sl:::i of a•_r.roxl ..r'tely •'1020..00, i�,, ✓-seci:l ,.:'- uitzai..l lev, of .sot to e::c•.ed trr:' mills, at:pan the doll:.._ of .-.,5e P.G(i O ✓:;!d ct�'r, in *.C3,5 .%i i.:e City lovf CilPZel'32'3L1 t-•n 114), :0'r t"o ""ur�.'050 .,i 0-)Lf1.a?=' _. .. ..2ia i=:i:. tele -.'r o "G-'/1 iC lip: '1I"r of .aid Clt7? b 01, 71-0--t Do t :jjjj -I'A .:at to C.-.:Ccea ono !.Ali -urnn the dollar. assasrel 011, LCL 43 ill la-­CQ f) t a a i t o L, ini.� o u r a by Griai-Aer 1%,os 0 y.- zo w. inr, the 0112- ri,? Co",'tJCjl of t:-Ir- of P^r� -)rroxi- -itely -OLI- 1969, the sum of a, ji! on lut"r)rIzod, to collect L 1,,Vy of 34.0t tQ e*,-C,4e(j tr;o Z�"jllS U,�)Ojj tj., 121820.00, by a E).d add-i'� 1 0 Collar of aszoz5o(L vzl-h;.Ai; -,; ) 3 1 cif in c,-,coss ol: the city levy a�aroworel� by --I St"Lo i,f 'Ii. (111iti'.tive *:Oasure 1,0. 114), for theOun%oso o1uiids foj• ooiitrib;,tion to Cit,7-Ad9 irm-roverent prbjoot, Section 2. suld oloctlo:a hala .*-.d coiidr,cted in tiro man -nor provided by 1, :1Z t"D of 1937, (Initiative 7lensure To. 114), under tiao, oi,narvision. and directioa-, of tiro Jefferson Coc,:!t-- Election 30- Sactiou 3. afit ';iis, orainanco he ---.ublIs!,,ed once in tiiri Ir'ort To.,.nnend Lsadr an! be in firce alld ta:�,,3 effect aild 2ivo oLys from the date of ',ilb! I Pusned by t'Aa Cit:y 00111iCJLI 1,1-rirovea by ti-.e l-,'ayor 17, 19;:8. o r Attest: City Clerk - . i„L:' �.+f..�: :uY L� 1� � J:1 f:es?:. �t�'�'i!P.'a✓��i�:�f'.. �. Sif'': �jYt"T+r�:�A::` y.�'� ��-Ra�� ��=. '.qy _ - .. -=ram': �.�..-..,..,.�_.s:=,,;�.`r��(.,y .�- ..;._,,. •�:� ,:-� - - •a .� I TX ct O 'Y a rL o cr P. 0CR z X h cr To C. 33 m p ' • d ca mw w0 m • ORDIx¢Mi10E M. /0 / Z AN,OADINAt10E of the City of Port Tovmsend., Washington, fixing the salaries of the City Treasurer, City Clark and the City Attorney, for the two-year term of office commencing January lot, 1939. THE CITY COUNOIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNBM DO ORDLIN AS FOLt,MI Section 1. That the monthly salaries to be paid to the City Treasurer, City Clerk and the City Attorney for the two-year term of office oommenoing January let, 2939, are hereby fixed as followas The City Treasurer, the monthly salary of The City Clerk, the monthly salary of Z a• 00 The City Attorney, the monthly salary of �� a Ca Ration 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend reader, and to take effect and be in force on the first day of January, 1939. Passed by the City Council October 4, 1938. Approved by the Mayor October 4, 1938. Itayor Attests City Clerk. ct m rS to m :E: Ol CD C-t a C] I-- t•t- m p ct C-9 cJ CA 11 . _. tom' ._,..... � � ... ... � ?Y.- .. -- . � - ; ': '- , '_ _. . '. .. .. •' ORDIMME NO. AN ORDINLNOR fixing and adopting the offiai_al budget for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the year 1939. TH.B OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP PORT T05WNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN A8 FOLLOWSt Section 1. That the following be, and the same is hereby, fixed and adopted as the offioial budget for the City of port Townsend for the year 1939, for taxation purposes, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes. comprising the Yhole of said budget, to -wits Salaries and wages $16,120.00 0peration and maintenance 10,225.64 Capital outlay 8,820.00 Interest and bond redemption 13,869.28 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Oouncil October 4, 1938. Approved by the Mayor October 4, 1938. 22 Mayor Attests ---- City Clerk. 7. CD O mi o - - _ Cf. }i ¢+ r_ m0v CD c'i- O co GI - It O o Y 7 .e ORDINANCE NO. 0� AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting a budget for the Wator Department for the City of Port Townsend, for the year, 1939. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO'1MEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWSt Section 1. That the following described budget be and the same is hereby, fixed and adopted for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1939, divided in the total amounts in each of the following classes oom- prising the whole of said budget, to -wits Salaries and wages 2 0•00 ' Operation and maintenance o0 N&•w Ca4PSr0V VC7'/0iV $ ; ics 01 Capital outlay Interest and bond redemption�� �Op• 00 8ection.2.That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend header, and to take effect and be in force as provided by lane. Passed by the City Council October 4, 1936. Approved by the Mayor October 4, 1938. s M a y o r Atteett City Clerk. CD P-S r,. P (D G _ - c) : z cD rt 01. o m �. t� o • scat co cle .. — E.y �. O c•t .1100 Tax levy for 19"3��Specaal).. 1101 Creates civil service commission for fire department (2.40) 1102 Creates civil service commission for police department (2.36) 1103 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1104 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1105 1940 budget (Special) 1106 Water department budget for 1940 (Special) 1107 Tax levy for 1940 (Special) 1108 Regulates parking of motor vehicles (10.04) 1109 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1110 Regulates use of water (13.12) 1111 Pinball machine licenses (Repealed by 1525) 1112 Regulates bicycles (Repealed by 1525) 1113 Provides for extension of water system (Special) 1114 Repeals Ords. 879 and 1036, licensing commercial trucks (Repealed by 1525) 1115 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 1116 Establishes street grade (Special) 1117 Special election (Special) ` 1118 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1119 Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) 1120' Budget for 1941 (Special) 1121 Water department budget for 1941 (Special) 1122 Tax levy for 1941 (Special) 1123 Adopts a system for extension of sewer system (Special) 1124 Amends Ord. 1089 (Repealed by 1525) 1125 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1126 Amends Ord. 974 (Special) 1127 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1128 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1129 Street vacation (Special) 1130 Provides construction and acquisition of a sewage sys- tem (Special) 1131 Street vacation (Special) 1132 1942 budget ?Special) 1133 Water department budget for 1942 (Special) 1134 Tax levy for 1942 (Special) 1135 Amends Ord. 815 (Not codified) 1136 Amends Ord. 1089 'Repealed by 1525) 1137 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1138 Garbage regulations (6.04) 1139 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1140 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1141 Blackout and air raid regulations (Repealed by 1525) 173 1142 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1143 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1144 Street vacation (Special) 1145 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1146 Special election (Special) 1147 Fixes time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 1148 Street vacation (Special) 1149 Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codified) ti �4'+'!. �� '�Y�i,VI ��;!e.' Y '`FA .•�Sj4 i:%:-1j.�;`%�v:l�i',,i^,i , ; Y:: t,: _: • 4. �. 1L`f?i✓�S.'b itli'Yivt-i..`:.vU'e_.1_t-. ..). `•._.... _ _ - .. _ ORDINANCE NO._ I A17 ORDINANOE, making and fixing the tax levy for the pity of Port Townsend, Wash— ington, for taxes for the year 1939. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT T07MBEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN A9 FOLLOWSt Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated for the year 1939, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city for such purposes is as follower Firstr For the payment of current expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, the sun of $11,324.41, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 12.50 mills on the dollar. Second: For the purpose of maintaining a public library, and for the Library Fund, the sum of $1811.91, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at 2.0o mills on the dollar. Third: For the purpose of maintaining a public park, and for the Park Fund, the suer of $1132.44, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at 1.25 mills on the dollar. Fourths For the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the city, and for the City Street Fund, the sum of $3850.32, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at 4.25 mills on the dollar. Fifths For the payment of interest on bonds and for bond redemption 1911 Refund Bonds and Interest Fund, the ran of $4,982.74, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at 5.50 mills on the dollar. Sixths For the payment of interest on bonds and bond redemption, General Indebtedness 1931 Water Bond and Interest Fund, the sum of $3,170.83, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at 3.50 mills on the dollar. 0 Sevenths For the payment of indebtedness of the City of port Townsend known as the °Indebtedness Fund,' the sum of $6,4M.71, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at 6.00 Mille on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clork of said city are hereby authorised and directed to certify to the County ,Assessor and to the County Auditor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing tar levy of said city. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend header, to take effect and. be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City► Council October 4, 1936. Approved by the layor October 4, 1938. 3lay*ar Attests City Clem. :5 C-4 F%, 0 CD, Pi G7 O [Q � C? H P• r C4 o ct � rh 0 . o :. - - .. .. . • a Ks 0 H � AI' ORDI" 1, Oro."tin, un3 osteU3iu i::; a C'-viJ. 3erriCe Co::.::i�::i:�z? for tiro Piro Daparttnant of tho Cit'I ,)f pJl't '�:)v ,sou'., and adopting Chanter 31 of the 39ssion I,ae:s of t;ie State of ilashington io1* 1935, anal Chanter 59 of the Session Lavrs of the State of ';lashinirton for 1937. i?'E CIT.( C01.11MI. OF `117r."`, CITY 02 P0'?'t '"O' E.3M.;D DD 0,041117 ZS FOLI.O',iSt Section 1. Mat the civil service aysssteii as set forthin Chapter 31 of the Session laws of the State of `%las:iin_toii for 1935, and Chapter 59 of the Session Laws of the State of i'lasi;inCt�n for 1937, be and thesa:,o are hereby adopted by the City of Port 'Town.ond, and all provisions tl:oroof are hereby made a part of this Ordina,:co as fully as if Incozn):,ratod herein. Section 2. 'Mat there is hereby created r,Lrsuant to said Chapter 31 of the Session Laws of t;ie State of 1,.asnin;ton for 1935, and Chapter 59 of the Session laws of the State of ';3aei:i l;ton for 1937, a Civil Service Commission for the fire Dopartrient of the Cit;r of Port '�'oe.neend, ::liirh co;.jnissian shall be composed of t'nroo (3) members raid appointed by the :ja,ror of the City of Port Townsend. Tile rmrnbers of said com-dssion shall hold office as provided in said Chapter 31 of file Session LZtw5 of the State of WashinCton for 1935, and Chapter 59 of the Session Lars of the State of 1•dashinpton Zor 1937, aild shall have and exoreisv all powers and dixtios as prescribed thereby. Section 3. 'Saat this ordinance be Irublishecl once in the Port Townsend Leader, to take effect and be in force as provid e d by law. Pa5sv•1 by the City: Cot,ncil Fobruary / 1939. ?approved by the L:a. or Febrnary 1939. :jayor Attest: 01ty Cleric. / ct p O � ir-4 in c7 C� C c-t O r .. a Y Cf iT 3^h I-S ram• zt r r O 0 CD W CJ 1? 00 ' H . c '3 CD P- CO Q to ,J w A. © D Ca 011DII:i!�T3 '.'D. 11j!!9 �2- MD-7:'X'Ci! creutli:[; n.nd a CINU Servico Coi.ii!els:31,nn for the P021co Dopurtuicnit of the C-lt,-,- ,:C Pori; Tovnizzend, ;j1d adopting Chaptor 13 of the Session Laws of ti-Io State Of Vashington for 1937. TT !E OP-7 COUNCIL CIF T!'D CI','Y CV P0711' DO 0IMM, ;�s FOLI.Cr""S. Section 1. 'Ziat tho civil service s,-stam sot forth in Chan_ for 13 of the Sesslon Laves of tho State of WasllilnLton for 1937 be ami the same is hereby adopted by tha City of Port Toe,,n,,.-end, and all of the details and provisions of said O'lia-pter IZ uro,hereby -.mde a part of t3iis ordinance us % fully an if laicorporatod horain. Section 2. '24"at there is hereby created ' nlzrs:iant to said Chanter 13 a Civil Service cuvollissil;n for the rolice Danartmunt of tlo City of Port .Tjvmsezld, v.,2JcjI colalir,31,.)n z)Iull )o comosoa -)f t-Aroo (3) inombers and ap-pointod by the 11::ayor of Via Cit,.7 of Dort rnombors of such' coffmiission shall hold office as provided in said Charter 13, and shall have and o,=ci:;o all povmrs an(I duties prescribod b,-.r Clia,)tor 13 of, Session Laws of the State of Xor 2937. , Section 3. That this ordinance bo miblishod onto In the Port To Vnsen CI Laaaor, to talm offset and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Col,noll February 193F. aI-rproved by the I'ayor February 1939. IIT a Y o r Attest: City. Clark Q VS 00 Ct• �TJ ti F9 0 0CD L2 NN H`cs0C I—j O 0 f-j H o 0 0 0 P. .. -�m 0 • ORDII.ANCE ITO. AN ORDINANCE providing for the immediate appropriation of money for the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1939, for the purpose of paying salaries of patrolmen of the Police Department of said City, and declaring an emergency, WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the official budget for the Police Department of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1939, the demands for police service could not have been forsoen and that it now appears neo- essary to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend that the Police Department of said City be composed of one Chief of Police and two patrolmen, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO' TSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLMVSs Section 1. That there be, and hereby is, appropriated for expenditure during the year 1939, the sum of Q �� , for the purpose of paying salaries of patrolmen of the Police Department of said City. Section 2. That the Oity Clerk be, and he hereby is, authorized to draw emergency warrants upon the Current Expense Fund of said City not exceeding the said sum of �� CJ 0O• XX . for the purposes aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. pas sod by the City Council Llarah, 1934. Approved by the Mayor March ^2— Mayor. Attests City Clerk - .. � .. �� ` , � ,. .. ♦. . � 'may � . fc gyp: o •{yi d °�R H t+ o . °M j-4z- �' � ►d w as r ►-+ nod H P [- a tzi P3 CP n o m 'o W *� cr ul ORDITW!CZ ITO.. //0 ;�2 An Ordinance, of the City of Port To•r.nsend, appropriating the sum of .,1185.00, for expenditure during the remainder of the year 1939 for the City Street Fund of said City, and declaring an emergency. 11HLRrAS, it now appears to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, that the demands and requirements for street improvement and street development, are greater than anticipated at the time of the adoption of the official budget of the City Street Fund for the year 9 193$, and, in order to accomplish the greatest good from Works Progress Administration projects, it is necessary that the number of employees of the City Street Department be maintained at three, and that the sum of 1465.00, should be appropriated in order to accomplish this objective, therefore, 'PHE CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF PORT TO'UMEIID DO ORDAIN AS F01L0V13: Section 1. That there be and hereby is appropriated for expenditure during the year 1939, from the City Street Fund of the City of Port Townsend, the sum of $05.00 for the purpose aforesaid, and the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorizers to draw emergency warrants upon said Fund upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers not exceeding the amount hereinbefore set forth. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council September _ Z9 1939. Anproved by the ,Iayor September Z1 14ayor Attest: City Clerk 1 2 ORDI1T_ EC8 3'0. 0� 3 4 AP? OHDIJUME fixing and adopting tiro Official 3udget for the city oz Port Tomsend, }YashinrLon, for the your 1940. 5 IFIM CITY COLi:CIL Oc 'T`13 CITY OP POfiT DO fl'tD.UF AS POLLUIVSi 6 Section 1. That the following be, and the naim is hereby, fixed and adopted 7 as the Official 3udgot for tho City of Port Towm;end, for the yoar 1940. for tax- .. 9 ation rtirnoses, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes 9 • comprising the whole of said budget, to-ait; 10 Salaries and wages 0, yG ;Z.• DO ' 11 Operation and mamintenanco / 0i 9_7_&1( _ 12 _ 13 Capital Outlay �, 0 �• O 14 Inters ;t and bond redemption 15 Heotion 2. That this ordinance be publishod once in the Port Tornsend header 16 and to take effoot and be in force as providod by law. 17 Passed by the City Council October a3 , 1939. 18 Approved by the Mayor October 1939. 19 � r 20 21 !laver 22 Attesti 23 24 C.F. Christian, City Clerk. 25 26 27 0 r t i 28 a3i <t� o 29 � O 1 I M .0 t Y 3�; 30 0 ° 31 32 Page ctff� - G o r5 1-1 p, . ct �r P, C4 rt O cD-cn cn O . cD AD- 1 2 ORD11":10MI; 110. 6 3 4 ATT ORD117MICE fining and adoptIY4; a budt;ot for tho 'dater Denartment of the City of Port Townssnd, for the year 194-0. 5 ' THE CITY COMTCIL OF 'i':P CITY OF a';('RT !i'0;i2,3 1"iD DO ORD3i1; AS POLLWIS. 6 Section 1. That the following; described budget be and the same is hereby 7 fixed and adopted for the Water Dopartmont for the City of Port 10,rnsend, for the 8 year 1940, divided into the total amounts in each of the following; classes 9 10 comprising the whole of said budget, to-viit: '•+'YO. pq 11 Salaries' and wages 4� �a . QO 12 Operation and maintenance � r _ 13 Reduction of debt (open account' .� 19 Capital outlay -- -- 15 Interest and bond redemption `� QQ o• 00 16 section 2. That tiiis ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend 17 Leader, and to be in force and take effect as provided by law. 18 Passed by the City Council October 1939. 19 Approved by the Mayor October � , 1939. r 2D 21 Mayor 22 23. Attest: 24 25 C.F. Christian, City Clerk 26 27 0 Y ?Iz 28 t 4 29 W 30 a' 3I 32 Page 0 46 p 2 Oti➢I2I4CJ I.0•�� 3 4 AN OPMUTA?'.C?" making and Fixing the tax levy for the City of Fort Townsend for taxes for the year 1940. 5 T IM CITY COUNCIL OF TIiN CITY 0? FORT TO.111S'.iND DO ORDAIN AS P01LOAS: 6 7 Section 1. That there is herob7 levied unon all taxable nronorty in the City 8 of Fort Townsend, Washington, the following; sums of money and the rates of tax levy 9 for .the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1940, and the rate of 10 taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said City for such purposes is 11 as follows: 12 First: For the payment of current expenses and for the Current Expanse Fund, 13 the sum of,;8107.37, and the rate of tax levy for said fiend is hereby fixed at 9.00 14 mills on the dollar. 15 Seconds For the purnose of maintaining a public library and for the library ►6 Fund, the sum of 11576.43, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby 17 fixed at 1.75 mills on the dollar. 18 Third: For the rurpose of maintaining 'a public ,park and for the Park Fund, 19 the sum of 0982.00, and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at 20 1.00 mill on the dollar. 21 Fourth: For the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the 22 City, and for the Oity Street Fund, the sum of 42927.66, and the rate of tax levy 23 for said Purpose is hereby fixed at 3.25 mills on the dollar. 24 Fifths For the paymont of interest on bonds and for bond redemption, 1911 25 Refund Bonds and Interest Fund, the sum of$4504.10, and the rate of tax levy for 26 sxid purnose is hereby Pixel at 5.00 mills on the dollar. 27 Sixth: For the payment of interest on bonds and bond redemption, General V a;; 28 Indebtedness 1932 Water.Bond on interest Fund, the sum of $1351.23, and the rate <}; P 29 of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at 1.50 mills on the dollar. 30 Seventh: For the payment of indebtedness of the City of Port Townsend known Y 3] as the "Indebtedness Fund", the stun of J7206.55, and the rate of tax levy for said 32 Page 1 1 . 2 purpooe in horaby fixed at 8.00 mills on the dollar. 3 Section 2. Diat the Isayor and City Clark of said City are hereby authorized 4 and directed to certify to the County assessor and to the County Auditor of 5 Jefforson County, Vashington, the foregoing tax levy of said City.- 6 Sootion 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Tovmsend Leader,- 7 to talus affect and be In force an provided by law. 8 Passed by the City Couneih Oetobar, 1939.. 9 Approved by the gayor October, iQ 11 12 Llayor 13 14 Attestt 15 _ 16 17 C.F. Christian, City Mork. 18 19 20 , 21 22 24 25 26 = 27 0 u Y , i 28 J J S � M 3 ° 29 3�r 30 o 31 32 Page 6 2 ORDINANOE ITo. 1108 3 4 AN ORDINANCE relating to the standing or parking of motor vehicles on the streets of the City of Port Toansond, and providing penalties for violation 5 thereof. 6 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOYINSIMD, WASHIIIGTON, DO ORDAIIZ AS FOLLOISt 7 Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person to stand or pant any 8 motor vehicle continuously at the same place for more than two hours on the 9 following described streets of the City of Port Townsend, that is to says 10 On Water street from Fillmore Street to Monroe Street; On Taylor Street from Front Street to Washington street; 11 On Adams Street from Front Street to Washington Street; On Washington Street from Taylor Street to Adams street; 12 On Lawrence Street from Polk Street to Taylor street; On Tyler Street from Lincoln Street to Clay street; 13 covering a period of time from 900 o'clock in the forenoon to 8200 o'clock, in 14 the afternoon on any day of the week except Sundays and holidays, PnovID1>,D, HCFi- 15 , that the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to certain zones upox2 16 the foregoing described streets, that may be designated by the City Council. 17 , Section 2. That any person convicted of violating this ordinance shall be 18 guilty..o:f a misdemeanor and shall be punished therefor by a fine of not to exceed 19 410.00, or imprisonment in the City Jail for a period of not exceeding ten days, 20 or both such fine and imprisonment. 21 Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend header 22 to be in force and take effect November 15, 1939. . 23 Passed by the City Council Lj/�o� % , 1939. 24 i Approved by the Mayor �i�C� fti-t . 1939. 25 _ 26 27 EtByor 0 o ' 3 z 28 J � O�# r 29 Atte6tt / 3; 30 31 city Clerk 32 Page C� F' (D ct H O Fo CD i . ctG4 F, CD :c _ r . 1' 0?Zi7z1'd: CE 1:0. 1109 6$ ORD 17AT'CE of the City of Port Y'o:••nsend rutif,ving; Lind confirmlw disbursements made during,, the year 1939, from funds in the City Street ?und of the City of Port Townsend, not provided for in the official budget for said fund for the year 1939, and ordaining; the amount horotoforo paid therefrom for new construction in excess of said bud of to bo an omr:rf;ont a.:rendituro. at the time of t}le adoption of tr,e official budJfiA for the City Street Fund •Yf'Y� of the City of Port 'Povarson3 for the year 1939, the amount of r,�onoy to be received into the City 'Preasnry of the City of Port 'Tovaisend from the State of ;;as; inr_•;ton from {;as tax revenuos cold not have been forsoen or determined, and the estimate. of ,i.6000.00 for ediyew Construction" greatly less than the sum received from tide Stale of tlashingt:,n during, 1939, and, 'J iTLi'�AS, the oilinr and hard -surfacing; of the streets of said city was carried on and conducted this year thra aid and assistance of the Count', of Jefferson, and upon a program designed and diroctod by the Jefferson County ',nrrinoor, and, f 7,1111EIREAS, in order Cor tho City of Port Tovid send to secure the maximum benefits to be derived therefrom at the minimum exnensa, it boca::;a nocessur-1 that a total sum of • y: $8976.54 be expended, such sum beinn a surn by r,2976.54 in excess of the budget amount, ?: ; and that such expenditure constituted an emergency to meet tho total contract cost for such new construction, therefore, t iE CITY COGZ;CII, OF THE CITY OF 110:1T TV,..'S .'D 1;0 0 iB:.i?' ..a 70110r1S. Section 1. That the expendituro of said sum of :,••2976.54 from the City Street Fund J of said city during tho ;,roar was an emorg,*ont and mandatory expenditure, and that the warrants heretofore issuod by the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend in said sum of ;2976.54, are hereby ratified and confirmed ns emerg-ency warrants. Section 2. That this ordinance:oe published once in the Fort T m-nsend Leader to be in force and tai;e affect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council October / 7 1939. .. Approved by the ;','.a;. -or October ��1939. --- -- i:ayor... Atteot i 1 C. F. Christian, City Glerk. C '= . om. _ co Vv CD / �1 m 9 CDr.+rs. o �nco�l t� ct N ca z o *j tl o.--O ' :C N' O CD c WCD Co Al, 0RDIrA7,CE of tho City of Tort Tovnsencl rolatinj to the municipal water supply of said city, regalatinC tho uw s of vrator therefrom, providing for tho'ealo of the narie, fixing the price thereof, and providing a method of collection rates t➢ ornfer, and repealing all ordinances'or parts of ordinances in a onflict therewith, VIE OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT dTM.'I.,],EI;D DC ORDiIi7 AS FOLLMVSi Section 1. That the following rules and regulations be, and the sairo are hereby ostablislied and fixed, regulating and controlling the use and nriee of water supplied b;r .the City of Fort T)wnsend. Section 2. The word "Superintendent" whenever used in this ordinance shall be hold and construed to moan the °;,atoripflrintendont of the City of Port 'Pov.naflnd and any act in this ordinance requirod or authorized to be done by the superintendent, may be done on behalf of the superintendent by an authorized officer or employee of the rater Department. The word "person" whoro«ovor used in this ordinance shall be hold to moan and include natural persons of either sox, associations, co-nartnors, and corporations, whother acting by themselves or by a servant, went, or omployoot tho singular number shall be hold and construed to include the plural, and the masculine pronoun to includo the feminine. Section 3. Any person dosirin(* to have premises connected with the wator surply system of the City of port- Tovnnond shall present at the office of the Water Department, an application for the nso of v:ator upon a printed form to be furnished for that purpose, ihich application shall contain tho •�oscription of the promises whore such water is desired, rind shall state fully and truly all the purposes for which the vmtor may be required, and shall :�o cignod by tho o.*.mor of the premises to be served, or his duly authori%cd agent, and shall be filed in the office of the Superintendent, and tit the time of filing such application, the applicant shall Tay the City Treasurer and take receipt therefor, the fees for installation of water services horoina£tr�r provided. Section fir. 12tte an_ plication pr-)vi,led for in t:,o prowdinc saoti�n shall contain u contract on L:�o part of tiro pnraoilJ :ai,iNR tho O;wm, to n:,y Zi- tho eater a!plied for at the rate uncl in the mrannor speolfied in such oonttsct, nwd t3hall rororve to the City of Port T,nsond the right to ehargo !.-aal co2lact the rates prd onforco the 'ponaltion lrovided for In this. onlinaneo, in the w.,*.zin(5,r heroin nrovidod,; to Chance .a the ratoo at any t.ima b;r ordiranc2j1 to tomnor:arily diacontinuo tr;o servico at aaly . tl:ro vithout notioo to the conminor and to install a motor or motors to recistor . the water consu,md, atil 01mll Qpooify that acid contract in subjnot to till the provisions of tI lAs ordinance anci of any ordinonen of the city oe hart '.Urnsonci rolnting to the"csubject," horeoftor pacsod, and shrill provide thtit the City of Dort gloEk mond sbali nA lao hold responsible for any dixmas;o by %orator or .other cause rasaltirij from defective niulnb tie or appliance an tho promises - suripliod.with . ivater, installed bf, the ownor or occnpant of ssati.d r.reimlcoa, and that the fact that the aganta or tiro city have innrootod the v2umbing and iapp21ai=9 shall not be ploadocl as a. basis of roeovory in ease of daswgn to proudoes from dofootivo plumbiisg or dpplianaau inatulle:2 by the otrner or oaaupcint of auelt promiaaoa, and ohall:provide Vint in once the sdpply if water shall be into rtipted or fail by roason of accident or any other cause Whatsoever, the city Rhall not be liable for damages for. such intorsruption or failure, nor ahztll such. failurea or interruptiono for any roaoonablo pjriod of time .be hold to constitute a brouoh of eontract.on tho ,part of -the city or in wx v tray rolioYre tho mnurn r fro-: porfors:slmr the ob— ligations off contract.. Section S. All contract's slsall talc effect from tho day they are ai,mnd Lind rates cshall be charrod from tiao da,.-r the promicos aro connected v.ith tho Cltylo v:ator sss-n and the watat trunfll.Gn• -Section G. Upon the prey atntion at tiro office ,,)f tf,o suparintoasdent, of t his treaouror�a rod-oint for the3 inotullntian race and tho oasocution of the contract horainbeforo providgil for, the suporintondert shall esusse tho promisen described in tiie application, if Om a.�me celntt upon a stroat upon ti:Molz thorn to Ca city orator main, to be cozn:ootod pith tho city'a <<.ator main by a aoivice pipe oxterdint; at • 0 right angles from the rain to the rrronert,y line and lnclijding a ntop cook placed about one foot outside ti,o s> dowalk aron, shich connection shall thereafter be Ymintainad by and liopt within the oxclTTsive control of the city. In case of application for wator service on premises riot abutting upon a street upon 'which there is a city orator main, the city will tan its water main at the point nearest to the premis^g making such applioation, and nor7dt connoction thereof by moans of a union and pipes laid at the exnonse and maintained by the owner of the service, or may in the discreti-)n of the superintendent, upon the pay mont of the actual cost thereof, extend the service to the promises -of the applicant along and beneath any public street or avenue of th8 City of Port Tormsond, but not othorivise., l';hore thoro is a aratnr main in front of any premises nvery hawse out+nlied by city zater mast install its ov.m separate service connection with the city main, and the promises to sapplied will not be allowed to supply water to any other promises, except temnorarl2y where there are no mains in the street; pro— vided that such restrietiona'shall not apply to services already installed unless in the Judgment of the superintendent, for tho good of the service or to settle disputes, it is found necessary to enforce such provisions as to connoctlins already made. Provided, further, ':here tyro or more buildings are supplied sor:ice through a meter not loss than the minimum rate for premises supplied by punter hereinafter, provided for, shall ,be assosso3 for each separate building or promises so sun — Section 7. All porsons connecting to city services, or laying, their own private pipe shall be requiro,i to use only standard galvanised iron pipe up to and including two inches in sine, and all pipe shall bo laic] not loss than 18 inches below the surface of the ground, exeont that .in ungraded streets where the grads is alreadv established, said services and p1pos shall be laid at least 18 inches bolow said established arado. The superintendent ',ill maintain Pri— vate services from city mains in streets r-;rich are being graded or regraded, or %hero rater mains are being changed and vrill have such access on private • • proporL11- az iioe�mnfAr"7, t") th�, :,ark, tnl '311:111 as von as T)rnob1Cv;,j,';) 11r.011 --o o,.rmIoLLjTl -).c ruch arl-, rt�lny 011ci a III ntro jtv "ico-pt for ::bwo caumi im"nnrn alvill Tr;IntRln -,lrlvz-,tn p1pos Trout tbo and of the alty sorvlc-Lo zi].Ll into nrijarty, r in ainn Lho xtIPOr In. tord�nt finds It hoorwoski-y to [,Ajjjtajtj a, 1-o .,v:nor i;b-Al rollnuul..h.all rlChts to mW rlvya. qaCtion 8. 59.,a Soon for the ion ,).0 water tie hemin4oforo Trovidetl Wwall bo conn 00tion nor a lualf i OIL (a Por a tjiru6-fov%rt1ijiich (7) CwlnoCtlon 11r000 r one' Lich (1) conxw3ctlon and alma Inxre,, r inan, or vmira it to a or, hmrd-surf qcod arnot, or for mrvicen oiitnido city limits, tzm actual •cost of labor atv4 in c. norvico and raplueir.�,- tho puydmant or bri4d,.; Gurfaa I -r g, bo cb-ris k1 In aach castjo, -tnd in canes af cotmactiona extending .lord 4Street on v 1("4 Uore 1,n no L tho Co-t of itarlcl aabo r 0!*zll be eatimated by Lbe nimix-IntantleiA --i-.d tho onti:W-Ltea cast s4ill be paid to tho city "lore Qvt v ork of tht, applyinr, fox r1wh reawrer by coluisating,'tho M-'�In vAtiz th.:Y plaj-:-ortlj- Lc bef,=; pYOVIdOd, Cat whonov"r the a timatoil cont lu wat swcrlclont,t1 cover the rot,l oxnanuo'Zor labor and f rm t a r vu4 4or101t ixhall ba Obargo:! to Uio,proverty ruz- Wile.1i such install. ;monde. Und to at -imy oxuovs pa.m-M shall Aho c)uror LhortD�Ct prov1ded art:;-.r t!. 13 ho-,1-6rzon ar lyllvt j the Inrtallut I ill. raturvej6- to t r sootloft a3foro wat-,r kill ba turml )n to any promIses co=octad rIth tho city's maliio, tho sorvico pipe ii-on ouch pro-,;1Aw.)G imst :to IM1119 to Conform to Lho rot,,-ulationrl ThQ n:i:,v1Ce TAT)"m muct :)f-, iso located that vbo sup,,ply for each uophrato Iri:uso or promizas olm:ll ba) a-antrallod by snr%.rato atopViVato and ociokS or Uiu boot Wmakeindard nrl"W'31 .)"7 L Ell, o'ril, nt, with oytonslon handlo, rropi)rly protectod. rmo t!.o 17r.)st, •,-.nd i,IL-crld ;Atldn t 0 promilmon that, 1111 sorvlco p1pos'aud j:ixturei w:"Y ba UIUl*DUf-"1y draland tllrj irna taut; or. in ounas w:'jaro no V1.Axaa br,o, T)1--,cad b�)trxlojj t..n proMrty Una an-J. basomint, t',o stop and v.--alto 0:jok miq Aucod in Lr,o banri.wonntv prwidor, twits baaarimt litz1Ot IOSC th4in niX (3 ) Prot ill hol; -lit la i►rovidari •ith stairways.. or. othor morina of accryna theroto. Tim comootion. bottiroon.tNi aity'E; uipao at the rrorart,, lino nna tha sorvian pliwa nn i.:;a nrazalaorr ),lust'be►�Id;• ;:ltii a uulan. r';very oxist1q, ►�ervic:e rr bx:illa7, nEarvlce nqt lzli'o;ecl� ai�ai .N�a,na rognirod in this: 1300ti011 T=,.t bo liC► O YSir•1 od :it t'iO liE)rt E; OS^.g7:uE) t:5} 6�0f1 :Ap tiSl3 (�(�fQQt 19 YIOtQC1.- omU25}�'ro:rss?h col.ectdd v:ithOactlon 10., c �'• the aity'e Y;.I.t s1►rply Erygtc►►� r.It:{11 desire to �z►o tr:o r:rxtE3r :lo ahztll natifp.thb' sulrqrllatandnnt acid roauoat, that the water bo ti.rtlad an to Llia said ;era► iaaa. f:':•; Me 3wrior a%iall leavo Ms Tortior, of ti-9 baorv.ico oxrosocl In tho tranalt until the , water. in turned 'on l+,t t a ssax, 3rtuton i+�r,t, t►nz, hEa nilall S�mm!�riiathly 1�:•aporly oovor thn •mina. ;antis:: 11. Uior; now hailrtiiigs :iro to bs rureatou on - L_,io sits of t1m 'old onos -rind it.1r. deoiracl to .increaser tile) situ .jr ah.11nro tho loration .f tho°Ealfl-service connoctlon, vw.w,lero } rorvIco connoctlon, to any 1. ramisoz is ubandone5l or no .longer iza3d, .ninth conneotlon ►-�11 romain with tho rror-3rty. .:-'l%.qn norvlap �Connaction of any nreinloos oa ns unpaved ntr�rt ,ci.aa' n L axa9ocl aria (1) inch in siao a►ml the aat>o dooa not a.'ho,mzzIn in trant of salt! rramiti66 aupsrinton►lant shull., c,l1Ea1► a 'lain it' !aid in #•r. ant ,f asid promisaa, aftor• . 'notle7ing the *wnor or tanant thoroaf, tra"al!fir tiv3 cor7lc© comroat.ion to u.he ti a:ain y.lthout abargo, the triim: ttr;a 'cnt ont tl;a old. aOrY1C4 L'8TtT16aG1Ori,' Yrhon, ,• .now main ►a lnid in arky stmot, or:rlors oa: pro^llsen of nail ntrooti or umi xi rano-h•^.lf block tan, aiaa 13tPOF3t9, ti.i3o aro ,oink. supplied aitli c1ty'watt3r >'rom a i:rty lto main or r_ oonruction to a priv.ztn norvica niih11 ma ko .rappllentLon .,_ flax tat) tint] sialll r rinrct tip ;:it'll nranarnto :sirvinc ronr datin:z :ry rl;sr .raatn'iri rront,or nrolataata. f3nation 12, it nbnll be nnlat:f:il far any ovnor or -my nrotmiaop eonnootad.vitl tho;altyla mOr suy-rly syoto:n to disooxmoct tiro water on said promlaoa unloss Im ei►zill CIr:at Silo It, 'tho r)Moa of the suporintmu otlt, on a printer: form to be �'urninhnEi tat• that +,►Lrnolr_,.a ;%n•lttan ronl:raE;t t,io Gaawic} of r.ntctr to said pronAtion by 11aoontirun.,,, hon •sutor :ruo boor. u}iut ,:i'f x'ra::s unY rraialzos tt7ro:i aTspliaa. tion 'of tho -jvmor thorool, ar ;,.�r non -pa, rmt ai vwit+3r eharLess, or for i:ny othor annao, it aitall ba unlr.•.:fal for ujiy rorau;i .rt;atn to con out -nick prolnicosa Avit)t wator- oxassht SvhoYs anttrori:;pd no to :lo ,by 070 out�erifttesnclo:st. ti)attun 10. i,ai i,:.ciun 131.7 a:rirC;l3, visou bmsnl upon flut or flUnd t0, for' parioils of a tLzra'.ion of w.n-luilf month :rr "w r, st.f tug for promison vagant for mieh pariod, providad Owt-ioticia iu vrititu; JA. uu[th vacancy shall have b••on ; rivst; _to tno v:ator dopavtrra: t on trio day i;Len ;,aeh r1rowtuaa first bacaw vacant. t.;rhon•uortico,In d1ncontinua.1 ort or prior to tuo 15th clay of the "tuotith, sarvlaes „ ,fill bo churgod r'r,r oil -halr ,:son'.n. tha-n awYo Olesaontluutinuo oconrn on or lutor than. Ilia 16th day or tiro :%:)ntli, :sore ico v:111 uo c•.fir,�k.1 r.,r Guola ouCirA tnanth. �Yhan rpLumptiasi of cuo: esrvioes is ticalr_s , .a crurt_ra of fift;7 cents (50�:} trill be snado in addition to the ragalur char�:o :,)r .,ar 1co. a"lotion 14. All uator rraton ,,111 bo oh. od a -+1nst the pro,tiaot► Yar t�ioh tiro. nervion ;:x:a i nstallod. 611 ohf*rpurs Car water, r.133n t bo sunna badme dalincuant and unp"W, shall bu a Ilea af;ulw:t tiao "ratnie.s 1,0 N41101i t?:a mms hasa boon .' turntshod. In pr: m tu7y chnrge for vator ch�lll bec;.:m a liar aga6xtct any nramisec the vmtor-z1i;:ll bo nhut off until such ct:.&r(;au aro rxiid. 1•11 aj�pllcntlora for. turuIn{.t on wtttor shall bo 1n ;Tlttq� L;nd chtill bo :signal by tho at:iior of tho, prororty. ar duly rsrsthorizea ::font. w; 3octlon IS.-- ;;tson rout ral t auvin, baildlydm or proniseo aro rupplici. t)r to bo, aup},1ied xith' rater throue?h ono aorvlce mmootivn with tiro. olty "viln t?so sunesr-• intouciosit =y In hia dissor3tian either doclina to tgrisirsh wat'or usitil soparate s sorvicoc..sare provided, or tho •sorvica rreatorid, or in cana any one of trio ormora or aacupant'a bocotni) dolinquont or violatun any of tho r•roviciom of this ordinmarioo, tho ouporinton::alat nay phut :ji.0 tue r:rl ;ir:c:l .r .pair: 'eorvico un° I1 ull dolinarront: '3nc1 unpaid ohurt,-pt; :.nd othor chart,,ern :41•e3 r'_;i(: _ r:d 1..;o 3 ror:iuns a),, pliciid by ti:s3 rnsi>t :t crui fupar. {�tsorvlrcuhrll bo hold, rew,onabio for all dulim,u€,iC:::i tiny, Orw or all or tho coparato ovxors or t;aora. ::o c1.:,ru t3 of ;;xtsrpirip or ocanpatl.�li mull affaat "ho �;1r.oltC�Li�n of thit3 �Octlutl. Seation la. L:ator fir coi:utractiun nur; owe ::l.aa11- bFa soaaro,, ill tiro. ro; ulnr ri1amor. ma bo r-ir -t t'M rf1:^1Yc:r ri_Od r;AtO ',r Tlaeoei On a toM:�Ortiry raotar f=L t: o discretion ;; uio mi-orintasrde:at. 1,11 v:at^r 11ar buildin{; ,;rid con— lstrtiCtiott )urr•on,as a'raall ';o Cia:.r6;•1d ,itxCt� p;�r^rt n3 tiro ot,.nor tl;arao£* al'd ?s1I dalinru^nt .,r;u t:zil:::i:i elu,a ; rs uoco mo lion Upon ;.?1e rra— :+icE�s tnpr•lia+:. +:ash. bo calinct3u iac .i77 ter .:a rn::t:�r -:e. at::�r ,1rr11n,auonL quad tmar -mi,i chcartq� -, torv::ilcsr. ."octioll, V. if rally ;,:vrE;Cti, ot2r3r tl r, an zautr,uriz, ir ,,r can nmployoc' of tho Ucitor Ioz+sr•tw::t oiaall Guru Ow W.ataar on .)r ot1' c:'t tnn city's stop o001C for any reason whatavar, t;.) ;;:�norirctendar.t ai�:,ll ca.aa3 the Sort:r to �o shut csf�, nnci the �:atQr v:i11 nit bo tara�ru an r i�. .until ::1< alolin.saol t ahargas at-i innt tho pronort;; h ma boa: plAd .An4 I:ntll Thera lit-S 1:0011 p::1%1 r.zn t:tblitinauzl ai:ar�;4 of 1133 y Contz (BU�) z ,,r tarnitar can of s:ach v.ator unrv.i co, Soctivn IS.' It ssl,r,ll bo 11ar ate; rnrwon to anrr,. On tim Uuvin!sna of !;. i?7u^rblriu, z&:O © any coatr:ontionc -with wwj nnrrlce r brar0i pi:sC thtaroof, or, ;rake :.•ily rdpalra, aµdltlonv or nit^ratl::)ro of nny pl,,?, ttar, and .-acsto, s,stor cls+avt, or flxture awineatocl with or donVp'jod to bo awmected a.1Lh. .,ho alt.7 twfitor eyatem, ozoopt In c m:r21nnc^t� . %.1, Lh in or,linanco. t;e shall first do) -posit ten dollda,.d (LI0.0J J .aiti:.,cho City :rciaouror a a a tz2rruat-sa -of tho pro*or rnr— fommnw.oi lain v.ork :.n:i to ivaanity tnri pc<.r. or:oar_aa :rf his Fort anal to idwanify tho oily for any ehur�;oa or ronalties that 4my bo il-a;mod ror acfrSt dote an Us ~ . rsoca7unt. ii:a On-porintondont ray than furnish ;.aid rorsoii.rtth sa amvice laly, 7Ailoh ho shnil keel, in hir, roaches m, ;arid .itll ullich ha ^Stay ; not o; i' Lilo Curb oaoc Par rile Nrpoaa of aaai�i::f� rot nir:3 s:i thin t::a »rocaisos. 7%) arson`otlaar than rlumber5 r:ho havo cwipliwl with t)ao abovo ra,!u1mannts sh- 11 use thin 10•7, ?:nil Vnn nlumbora Shall leave w:.rb coo'_ ui,-,A Sit 61, ,Al pro.!Aaoa a_'Ach are connectod, awl on fill othor ,,_ o:ninou tna curb coc,. c_r.all bo loft In can11tloll in v111011 it -mm • iounai, :and oaa t:Ia r.a1mlotion c)t ra:y 1::1rk -;i#bh would aiYoct Ght:'tiatnr ruto tboy Shall notify the Str. r1 atondrrnt. :his :;hall :_ot bo a%.atnioii :Ar, in :un.7 vrq relioving 1. 1 any plam5:)r rrpra ;caking ::npllc�:tiorta aril Complying, with all tt;n T0fy;1rorv3ritG of this nrdl::.smnco. on fnilut•o to vor1'orra wort: in a propor r umn,r, OrAn ooaardanco -Ath tho roquira:aunts of this ordintxnt,•a, tho 5a.•orintGn-lent mty romAdLy or oausu ti;o Gatr:a •. to bo remadiodi and oharto tiro coot, °.of otitor :•,itli ante ponnition i.h1Ch may attootx, .'.to the pluntbor, nr doduot Pram his donos.itt iu. in thlt; luttor avant said plunbor shall mak3 vholo Ma depocit beroro ho .,;ill bo all_wod to cis any of thowor;c above gpooifl.od. ri priv,:,to porcon will bo allowatI to do any of the ubave tivork unless by cpooinl lxrntiaaion of LhA atsg3rinta::dont Mnci tiw., •�Oposit of'auah Gum as ho may tieaigntzto. $action .19.. 'jitoolty rocorvos tho rl(;ht at nny tk-ro, rithout notica, •'to shut . off the rater supply for rolaire, oxtonalons, non 7ny:rant of ratos, or Any athor reason, and tiro olty shall not bo rna;>anaible go any drau•> o, such as ,buratinz of bollorn, supplio'1 by dir(tet prousaro, tho broaklc:r; of any plpoa or fletaron+ stnpnrstrnp or intnrrltptinn of rrntor tsapply, or uiW otbar "min, ran;:ltin� from the, ahutting; off of cantor. - >.: 9ention 20. Dnn�oyaos of tlmo ;.ator Dorartmont ohali have froo aaoosa at;propor '= ..hours of, tho day to c.11 hurts of butltiiz o it: which vator nny bo au .. liad from 'tiro . pi m-nina, for tho purnoso of ascartalning tt:o inzmbor of rooms �nd fnmiiiea in tho.houso, or lnopootln�- tho condition of tho pipoa and Uxtrrou' ;,ad.t::o.tmannar in., which tho v;mtar is unod. Io o*nor or.raraor having onarro of any bulldirq or promioos' v.Iwl2 rofuro or prevent tho froo accoan nna 1nsr,oat1on to and, of such buildinr'or.rromiso an in this. section provide,!, and xor and violation oY thin rula a ponalty of orm dollarf"1.00} .ohall be irmosod and taxe,a-;alnat tho 7soroon and nromiaoa .9upplied, 1,nd the Motor shall bo turned off :-znd so ro:aain until avid po. -1ty and :A1 other chsrt;on dne are 13aotion 21. Tht't -t!to monthly rntea for tho uno of i%ztor, othor'thnn wtor, sha11 bo kAtorrn us fixed or flat rato, as followas Minimum rate for dotes tic, i'Lly (Intl h.3uaohold nur�=F)s only, i+rsyub'.,o raouthly in :idvranao por rtontii Arurt:.rint 110,aans rijid li ;tat hallookoopinp, rooma - ,,�".?b minimm for nnwi emit,, or lighthounelaooning unit', plus rate for additi.�aul pinribinj� Yncilitioa, sir b;{ rotor, to or.�ch apartssont/at elect io:- of olrror. 3rbor shops, chair- ;.a.::S; oc:ch ncLiitioru�l clr7ir - 75a. :+ 3ath tiff, - private. -fin - 404, x''T Sprinialiti: - 753 Nr lot or fraction than, ox', ovor i na above t.;o roaidrance lot" . Yor , Plaxtrn lot"" sprinkling;. any uprin%lin- durirr, u vtato i month oljull, bo collsidored aprinlrliW, for tho onttro month, provided. hovavor, that by ror,son of ohort4ge 4f ivatar; or for atq ottr-ir good roaaon, the 94rorintonAont, at hts dieero�ttoa , may raZilate Win haixra or "uprinkling,+, tIntor closets, privatoArokamr- 400, section2.6 All other aorvices shall be by c;:otor niA th%L rates , for t�xtor r supplied by motor l31rsrll be 'for the c;minuty usod in nny ono month no follotcai_ A minim= rato of w2.25 for 41000 gallonu or Loss; GOO for the 1000 gallons abode 4.000 Gallons, and 7,00 for tho followiW 1000 (rallons above 5000 gallons, up to 6000 gallons; all over and above 6000 gallons, 210 per 1000 gallon; In .00mputingpotor ratoa as above provldsil, results, onding in one and t}-o. cionts*,will bo 0ountod."011; romilts ondisr; in throo, Pour, six or sovon cents will be counted 115"; and results ondiair in,oieht or,.-Ano.eonts wi21 be eouhtod "w'. Section 23. All Unc for water by fixed or flat rato are duo and paZablo on` . the first each rbnth in advance, at the office of the City Treasurer, without any notice Whatmir to the oonsumar, bat if the acme aro paid on or aoforo the.10th :: day, aV ouch M- nth, a .discount of _ �50 shall bo allmod. . . All bille for tho use of rotor by motor shall be • ue and payable an the fira_t x: day of each and ovary succowlinf, mouth, and if not paid rithin tan days from data of due data, the saw ahall bo considered delinquent. In all cases whoro wator is not paid within Lho tiiro provided b,r lmv, tho pay- mont may be onforcorl by shutting off the tutor until all charade includire chrarcoa for "shut off" and "turn one} shall have been paid. Section 24* , bon v.-tor hao been abut oi:f to any prominos for non -pay vant of L7fitar ahnrj A, the nn,no ti-111 not by t�rnol on tmti.l cold ch rfon siha11 havo been r. paid in full, toMthor vlth a penalty or ,'1.OU each, tor."ahut oPP'l and.oturn onto '. rrovidoJ, hawovnr, th t nntiiinr; chull provant tho suporintendont from making ' apocinl contracts for the purron .at 11gti1dnt1n,; d.olinquent v.uter nccounto. Section ?.fa. .'Phut in the instances vtore the ovsiars oJ: promises: havo not paid for motors, the City may rant tho and too rant for such motors shall bo ut the - follovi zV,- rates per months fine —half inch or throo-quarter—inoh motor, 250. coo ineh or ono and one-lualf inch motor, 500. ihrOQ—in6h rMtDr....a..................... 1.00 V ur-inch nx+tor....................:..... 2000 Six-inch mate'........ s....:............. 2.OD Section 20. 'Mien bills for eater chargoo t,uvo been certified to. the .0ity, i !'raasuror or spacial eontruetc m2do by tho 8izparintond4nt and Die' Trsamror, tho.tiny Tronnuror shall not accost any,paysagnt loos than as -city stipulated therein. So6tion.27. XC shall bo unlayr of for uy unact•'aorlsed Parson. to', have and lmep jn his yoosession or under his control . any curb ootsk key, valve koy, or hydrant ssront.h to the city riator s;yeto n, and the Puot that tester has boon turned .+- on after the Sarno has been shut off by V40. Superintendent ss}�a11 lie and is r(�.e t ' ld prima rae, or Lisa possession of a curb pool: key, valvo koy, ' or hydrant rToreh. ' 3oction 20. itlo Vatnr.Suporintondont, rith consent of tho City Council >+ .. is hereby authorisrod to mal_o speolal contracts :or tho use of rater yin extra- orilinary cocoa urban the onmo do not conflict kith the tares of this ordinance. . - Section 29. Any porsan niolatinl; any of the proviniono of this ordinancc.. shall be doewd guilty oV a misdemocmor, and upon conviction thereof ,shall be punished by a fine in any aura not excendinf; one hundred ('-100.00) dollars, or,.by iirinriston:aont in tho City Jail for a term not oxcoeding thirty (30) days, _ or by both such pins and. imprls:=nont. r' 77- . .r_o d . a Von v' l k; I-_�X;C:�.i a 1100 Tax levy for 1939 (Special) _ 1101 Creates civil service commission for fire department (2.40) 1102 Creates civil service commission for police department (2.36) 1103 Emergency appropriation (special) 1104 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1105 1940 budget (Special) 1106 Water department budget for 1940 (Special) 1107 Tax levy for 1940 (Special) 1108 Regulates parking of motor vehicles (10.04) 1109 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1110 Regulates use of water (13.12) I111 Pinball machine licenses (Repealed by 1525) 1112 Regulates bicycles (Repealed by 1525) 1113 Provides for extension of water system (Special) 1114 Repeals Ords. 879 and 1036, licensing commercial trucks (Repealed by 1525) 1115 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 1116 Establishes street grade (Special) 1117 Special election (Special) 1118 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1119 Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) 1120- Budget for 1941 (Special) 1121 Water department budget for 1941 (Special) 1122 Tax levy for 1941 ISpecial) 1123 Adopts a system for extension of sewer system (Special) 1124 Amends Ord. 1089 (Repealed by 1525) 1125 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1126 Amends Ord. 974 (Special) 1127 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1128 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1129 Street vacation 'Special) 1130 Provides construction and acquisition of a sewage sys- tem (Special) 1131 Street vacation ISpecial) 1132 1942 budget ISpecial) 1133 Water department budget for 1942 (Special) 1134 Tax levy for 1942 (Special) 1135 Amends Ord. 815 (Not codified) 1136 Amends Ord. 1089 !Repealed by 1525) 1137 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1138 Garbage regulations (6.04) 1139 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1140 Emergency appropriations (Special) ` 1141. Blackout and air raid regulations (Repealed by 1525) 173 1142 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1143 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1144 Street vacation (Special) 1145 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1146 Special election (Special) 1147 Fixes time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 1148 Street vacation (Special) 1149 Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codified) 01DIKAIXE, ­0.1_zz-z A3T\ ORDII 17,'.T'C 3, providlng. for the loreaso of license fee for machines or devises for playing Section Ordinance games of skill, amondin�', t 1 of orclin, ce 27o. 1089 of said city, entitled 11Ar ordinance nrovidint> for t,io licensing for revonue and recalatio-a e.:31, 'frames of skill, and ropeulirk- all ordinances _nil Darts of ordinances in conflict herewith," passed by the city Council. Decombor 7, 1937, approved by the j.-Lyor December 8, 1937. THI; CITY COUIM11 OFi7i CI?Y OF P09T DO aS FOLI.MS: Section 1. That Section I of Ordinance !o. 1069 of the City of Port Townsend, entitled "An'ordinance provlding.-, for the llcensinr- for revenue and re(,-alation for playing games of skill, and ropoalin� all ordln5rices and Darts of ordinances in conflict harewith,ft be and tiro same is hereb.-,r amended to read as follows: Each and ever:,r person, firm or corporation having at any -place or places within the City of Port Tx;.m:.enr1, a device, devices, machine or machines for clay- inp games of skill, commonly knovm ns pin and ball machines or devices in which coins may be drorned for the purpose of operating said machine, which i!,.ay be leg ally operated within the State of Viashinr.-ton, shall Day an annual license foe In the sum of 000.00, for an owner's or operatorts license and, in addition thereto, shall pay a fee of 42.50 per month, paya)le monthly in advance on the first d!j,,r thereof for each and every machine owned and operated by such licensee. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port T)VMsend Leader, to be in.force Lnd take effect January 1, 1940. passed b-1 the City Council December 1939. Approved by the Mavor December 1939. Attest: it City Clerk. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fl 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 x 27 u _ 29 ate. tr# 29 a= ;.� 30 0 ` 31 32 Page Ordinance No, 11/h� AN ORDINANCE providing for licensing bicycles, regulating their use, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. THE CITY MUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ToTrI?SEND Dr) ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. No person shall ride or prcpel a bicycle upon any street or other public highway in the City of Port Townsend or upon any part thereof without kaxixg first having oecured and attached to suds bicycle a proper license tag as provided hereinafter. Section 2. Application for a license to own and operate a bicycle shall be made to the Chief of Police of the City of Port Townsend upon a form to be approved by the City Council. Upon receipt of ouch application and after examination of the bicycle sought to be licensed, the Chief of police shall provide, at the expense of the city, a proper tag which he shall cause to be attached to the frame of the bicycle in a substantial manner. The removal of any such tag, except by proper authority, shall be a violation of this ord nce. No fee sha11 be exacted for a bicycle license. Section 3. Every license issued hereunder shall be deemed to be granted subject to each and every provision of Chapter 189, Laws of Washington, 1937, that pertains to the use and regulation of bicycles, which chapter is hereby refdrred to and by this reference made a part of this ordinan ee as fully as if incorporated herein', and to the rules and regulations Atated in the application for license. Section 4. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemear.Sxxor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed $10.00, or the Police Judge may in lieu of or in addition to the penalty provided herein, suspend the license of any person granted hereunder for a period of not more than thirty days. Section 5, That this ordinance be publishedonce in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect from and after five days from the date of such publication. PASSED BY THE CITY 03UNCIL February - -�o_—, 1940 APPROVED by the Mayor February _ fD , 1940. Attest,' City Clerk ORDI1QATiCE M. � � / 1 AN ORDINAnCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the making of certain extensions to, and replacements of, the existing municipal water works system of said city, and providing for the payment thereof by the issuance of emergency warrants upon the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of said city. WHEREAS, the increased demand for water within and without the city requires the making of certain extensions to, and replacements of, the existing water works system of the City of Port Townsend, and, WHEREAS, an estimated cost for such extensions and replacements has been fixed at the sum of �2500.00, and the expenditure of such sum will not in any respect impair the security of outstanding obligations now a continuing charge upon the revenues of said city water system, and, WHEREAS, at the time of making and adopt on,�y the City C u;oil of the budget for the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of said ty,y the extensions and replacements herein contemplated could not have been forseen at that time, and that an emergency now exists for the expenditure of the said sum of $2500.00 from the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of the City of Port Tovmsend, now, therefore, THE CITY COUIMTTCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TUNNSEND DO ORDAUT AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the existing municipal water works system of said city be extended by the construction of 50000 feet, more or less, of wire wound wood pipe along Hastings Avenue from a junction at the city limits south to an intersection with the Arcadia cutoff, or as co►anonly known "Jake Miller Road." Section 2. That the present supply line on Fillmore Street be replaced with approximately 400 feet, more or less, of 2-inch galvanized iron pipe, and 200 feet, more or less, of .2--inch galvanized iron pipe. Section 3. That said extensions and replacements also include all necessary fire hydrants, valves, fittings and service taps for the same. Section 4. That for the furnishing of said material and for the performance of such labor, in order to comnlote the foregoing public improvement, there be and.. is hereby appropriated, the said sum of Y2500.00, and the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he Is hereby authorized to draw emergency warrants upon.the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of said City, not bxoeeaing said amount of 02500.00. Section 5. That this ordinance be published once in the part Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council march 5, 1940. Approved by the Mayor March 1940. Mayor Attests City Clerk ORDINANCE 17,0._JLL p 10 0101,7A3;CL' Co: pany, a corporation, Its successors anti assign:;, to construct and maintain vrharvos, building docks, .rhino wa;73 end ;,ridiron on :.'.adi s n SUz , rt corn. encina on the South side of Watc)r Street, between Blook 5 and 6 of Lino Oriolnal lovnsito of port iUr,::serd, State of Fiashin;tou; :.,nd tnenc•. extend- ing in a southerly direction, including alltnat portion of , adison Street between Blacks 5 and 6 and extending to the inner harbor ling or deei; v'atar; and t..%at nortiDn of Front Street, south of Lot 7, Blooi. 5. All aforesaid lots arid. blocks of tiro orir;inal Townsite of the City of Port Tovmssend, 'iiashington, aceorlinl; to the duly recorded plat thereof on Pilo in the ofLico of tap Count;r-iud[tor, Jefferson County, State of liaslr_nton. THE CITY OCIFrtC11 02 TH3. CITY OF x?01T TOY 7jEND DJ ORMUN AS FOLLO•„Sa Section 1. That t:,:ore is hereby granted to the Olympic pile Driving Company, a corporation, and its successors and r.srlCns, for a period of ten gears, tt;e right, priviloga Lind authority to construct, operate and maintain wharves, building docks, marine vrays ana gridirons on Ltadison Street carrr:rencin+; on the South side of Viater Street between blocks 5 and 6 of the Original Townsite of Port Tovmsend, State of 111ash[ntrton; and thene,? extending in a southerly direction, incluaing all that per tion of ':;adison Street betwoea blocks 5 and 6 and extending to the inner harbor line or doer water; and that -portion of Front Stroot, South of Lot 7, Blook 5. All Aforesaid lots and blocks of the oriejnal To•snsite of the City of port Toe,n;,end, Viashinfton, according to the Aily recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the County Auditor, Jefferson Cow:ty, State of ;')r;shi.nrrton. Section 2. Tr:at by an accontance of this Ordinar_oo the said grantee thereby a{ -reps upon the request of the City Council of Port %1?1',:13ei1d, Iasi?itLgton, to can - form said wharves, docks or other structures to the grade of said streets now established or to be hoceafter established, and to allow free wharfage over any wharf constructed under this franchire to tbe said City of Port To;nsend. That all the rights i;rantnd under this franchise shall. be subject to any existing rights wider any other franchise or franohLses previously granted affecting said streets and the c.[ty especially reserves the right at spy time hereafter to grant a franchise over, across and along said streets to any person, company or corpora- tion, for the construction and operation of a railroad thereon and that all rl;hts granted in this franchise shall bo subject to this rooervation. pho grantee fur- ther agreris to leave the street open and accessible to the abutting; property at �i all times when requested to do so by the City of Port Townsend. s; Section 3. This Ordinance shall be accepted by the grantee within thirty days after its passage and if not so accented shall be void. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be published once In tine port To nSend header r, and take effect and give force from and after five days from publication. Section 6. That for the rights heroin granted the said olymnic pile Driving r., Compsny and its assigns, shall pay to the City of port Tornisend, %Vashingtoi-4 the f.: sum of Fifteen Dollars.(415.00) per annum during the term of the said franchise ..'. payable annually in advance, that in case the said grantee ar its assigns shall sM, fail to comply with any or all conditions of this Ordinance, then and therefore this Ordinance shall became null and void and all ri,:;hts and franchises herein granted shall become null and void. Passed by the City Council / 1940. Approved by the SSayor /r/ l X 1940. L'. mayor Attest: City Clork. All ORDINA?CE establishing a street grado on :,:cKlnloy Stroet in the City of part Townsend. and ronouliinl; all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict aoroerith. T CITY COUECIL OF T!ir Cli.f 02 PORT 'i'O;'r'?CS:.;•.'D D? AS FOLLOr'a: Section 1. Irtiat the grade of the center line of ::cKluley Street in the City of port Taensond shall be four per cent for a distance of sixty (60) font from the Kest line of Jackson Street at the intorsectlon of Jackson and :,ICxiI1ley Streets; thence in a convenient grade from the established point to the east line of ;,!onroe Street at the intersection of i'.cKinley and I„onroe Streets. Section 2. That'all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the port Tavmsend. Leader, to be onfo_cod crud tape effect from and after five days from the dr!te of said pub- lication. Passed by the City Council 1940. Approved by the ','ayor 4d4le 1940. Idayor Attest. City Clerk. ��M 2 3 4 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Po rt Townsend providing for and fisting the time of 5 a special election for the qualified voters of the City of Par t Tovmsend, to ratify or reject propositions granting to the City g Council of said city, authority to levy taxes on the taxable property of said city in excess of the fifteen (15) mills now 7 authorized by law; 8 WHEREAS, it now appears to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend 9 that there will be insufficient money returned to the City Treasurer of said 10 city during the year 1941, thru taxation and otherwise, to provide for and 11 carry out all the functions of city government for that year; and, 12 Mi REAS, under the provisions of Chapter 2, laws of the State of Washington 13 1939 (Initiative nasure No. 129), cities and tovms are granted power to levy, 14 taxes in excess of fifteen (15) mills, when authorized to to do by the electors 15 of such cities or towns; and, 16 WHERFAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, that 17 an election for that purpose is necessary, and that the following propositions 18 should be submitted to the qualified voters of the city for ratification or 19 rejection, now, therefore, 20 THE CITY COUNCIL OF M CITY OF PORT TO'SNSEi?D DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWSt 21 section 1. That a special election be held in the City of Port Townsend, 22 and in the various precincts thereof, on Tuesday, the loth day of September, 23 1940, which day and date be, and hereby is fixed, as the date upon which said 24' election shall beheld, and shall be voted by the qualified voters of said 25 city the following propositions and questions, to -wits 26 Proposition I. Shall the City Council of the City of Port Townsend be : 27 authorized to collect by taxation during the year 1941, the sum of approximately 0 / >ni 28(� 2 , y'� , by a special and additional levy of not to exceed ate. t.3 °.0 29 Q .0.1— mills upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city, .a= 30 in excess of the city levy empowered by Chapter 2, ,haws of the State of Washing- $ 31 ton, 1939 (Initiative Ueasure No. 129), for the purpose of r 32 Pag. 1 1 2 '4M to the public library building of said city? 3 Proposition II. Shall the City Council of the City of port Townsend be 4 authorized to collect by taxation during the year 1941, the sum of approximately 5 2, Z7Z by a special and additional levy of not to exceed 6 mills upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city, in 7 excess of the city levy empowered by Chapter 2, haws of the State of Washington, 8 1939 (Initiative Measure Ho. 129), for the purpose of maintaining and improving 9 the streets of said city? 10 Section 2. Said election shall be held and conducted in the manner pro- 11 vided by Chapter 2, hays of the State of Washington (Initative Measure I3o, 129), 12 under the supervision and direction of the Jefferson County Election Board. 13 Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend 14 header, to be in force and take effect from and after five (5) days .from the 15 date of such publication. 16 Passed by the City Council LLk.r a3_� 1940. 17 Approved by the Mayor 9rc /c� , 1940. 18 19. _ 20 mayor 21 Attest: 22 23 24 City Clark,' 25 26 27 6 28 J � t • o� 3 ; 30 r a 31 32 Page 2 OHDI�JAIXE- NO. f d AN ORDINANCE of the Uity of Port '-Lownciend, providing for the appropriation of money for the Current Expense fund of said city, and for the expenditure thereof during the year 1940, and declaring an omergency; 1,7HEREAS, the protracted dry spell lies occasioned an unprecedented demand upon the services of the Port '-0orrnsend k"ire Department to such an extent that the budget for this Department for the ,year 1940, for pay of firemen and otherwise, will be exhausted before the end of the fiscal year, and, WHEREAS, maintenance of the xire Department is a mandatory govermontal function, and, '','HEREAS, in the opinion of the City Council, the suet of 1600.00, should be a sufficient sum to maintain said department until December 31, 1940, therefore, TIIE CITY COUNCIL'C THE CITY OF PORT TO,71SEND DO ORDAIA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That an emergency be and the same is now declared to exist requiring the immediate appropriation of money for the current Expense Fund of said city in the following particular: Fire_Department Pay of Volunteer Firemen :;�250.00 Labor 100.00 Supplies and Yiscel. 50.00 Fire Alarm Repair 200.00 Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port '-ownsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue emergency warrants upon the Current Expense ]:Fund of the City of Port --�ownsend, not exceeding; the foregoing amounts, upon pz,esentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. 'That this ordinance be published once in the Port 'Tovirisend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five (5) days from the date of such publication. t 1 2 ORDINANCE NO, 3 4 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, fixing the salaries -:of the City Treasurer, City Clerk ani the City Attorney, for their 5 respective terms, commencing January 1, 1941. 6Tf1E CITY COUNTIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TONNSEND DO ORDAIN A9 FOLLOPISs 7 Section 1. That the salary to be paid to the City Treasurer for the two a year term commencing January 1, 1941, be and the same is hereby.fixed at the 9 snm of $115.00 monthly; 10 That the salary to be paid to the City Clerk for the four year term, com- 11 mencing January 1, 1941, be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of 0135.00 12 monthly= 13 That the salary to be paid to the City Attorney for the Pour year term, 14 commencing January 1, 1941, be and the same is hereby the sum of $90.00 15 monthly. 16 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend 17.Leader, and to take effect and be in force on the first day of January, 1941. 18 Passed by the City Council ��., 1940. 19 Approved by the 21EV or �. _ � , 1940. 20 —� 21 Mayor 22 Attests 23 24 25 City Clerk. 26 27 a , u c 28 T3 i a � <�3 ` 29. o ,rz G 3 ; 30 r i 0 31 e. 32 Page I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 >3 ems: <�3 Q 30 0 31 32 Page J ORDITMECE NO. Z O AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting the Official Budget for the City of Port Townsend, Washington,for the year 1941. TH3 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO`.08END DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be, and the same is hereby, fixed and adopted as.the Official Budget for the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1941, for taxation purposes, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to wits Salaries and wages $ '1 0" '5�75. c:) 0 Operation and maintenance � Capital outlay Interest and bond redemption Section 2. That this.ordinanoe be published once in the Port Townsend Leader and to take effect and be in force as provided by law. Passed by the City Council C�r /S, 1940. Approved by the Mayor 1946. Attest: City Clerk. l Mayor :,,�,. {,:�: .::,,�. *'�ti.4xt ,. Y• '..., .�._. 1100 Tax levy for 1939 (Special) 1101 Creates civil service commission for fire department (2.40) 1102 Creates civil service commission for police department (2.36) 1103 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1104 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1105 1940 budget (Special) 1106 Water department budget for 1940 (Special) 1107 Tax levy for 1940 (Special) 1108 Regulates parking of motor vehicles (10.04) 1109 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1110 Regulates use of water (13.12) 1111 Pinball machine licenses (Repealed by 1525) 1112 Regulates bicycles (Repealed by 1525) 1113 Provides for extension of water system (Special) 1114 Repeals Ords. 879 and 1036, licensing commercial trucks (Repealed by 1525) 1115 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) 1116 Establishes street grade (Special) 1117 Special election (Special) 111E Emergency appropriation (Special) 1119 Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) 1120 Budget for 1941 (Specza.l) �1121 Water department budget for 1941 (Special) 1122 Tax levy for 1941 (Special) 1123 Adopts a system for extension of sewer system (Special) 1124 Amends Ord. 1089 (Repealed by 1525) 1125 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1126 Amends Ord. 974 (Special) 1127 Emergency appropriation (Special) J( 32 1128 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1129 Street vacation (Special) 1130 Provides construction and acquisition of a sewage sys- tem (Special) 1131 Street vacation (Special) 1132 1942 budget (Special) 1133 Water department budget for 1942 (special) 1134 Tax levy for 1942 (Special) 1135 Amends Ord. 815 (Not codified) 1136 Amends Ord. 1089 (Repealed by 1525) 1137 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1138 Garbage regulations (6.04) 1139 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1140 Emergency appropriations (Special) i 1141 Blackout and air raid regulations (Repealed by 1525) 173 1142 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1143 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1144 Street vacation (Special) 1145 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1146 Special election (Special) by 1147 Fixes time and place of council meetings (Repealed 1525) 1148 Street vacation (Special) 1149• Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codified) \ t?�y.-,� ..,tik. e�'�� r'1y�'.,e%TJ}::y'i;,?• - .f,;""''.^,�.a�"'•tiry� .i \ 4;_• ...Ss�Lyt� ,a,rf,1`ydJ `Y�%Y L'�:r ti. !L'G .� .: ..j!z: r .•'. ci N••• 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 ,7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. 15 is -. 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 L 27 0 L 28 }t; tM3 ' Y L 29 l L Y `oz 3. 30 31 32 Pas. ORDINArCE NO. _ AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting a budget for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the year 1941. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSMTD DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWSs Section 1. That tho'following described budget be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted for the Water Department for the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1941, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wits Salaries and wages ✓ 4• n a Operation and maintenance j� jam. C' o Reduction of debt (open account) Captial Outlay g / u L p C� Interest and bond redemption ��"' r> © 0. 0 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port 7bwnsend Leader, and to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council KPrll6 /a 3.940. Approved by the Mayor � Y. /ter , 3.940. Attests City Clerk. �-7 Mayor • 1 2 ORDINANCE ITO, � .0 3 4 AN ORDIYA'KCE making and fixing the tax levy for the City of Port Townsend for taxes for the year 1941. 5 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO'ilh`SEND DO ORDAIPI AS FOI,LU,VSs s Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all taxable property in the 7 City of Port Townsend, Washington, the following sums of money and rates of tax 8 levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1941, and the 9 rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said City for such 10 purposes is as followss 11 First: For the payment of current expenses and for the Current Ezpense ' 12 Fund, the sum of % and the rate of tax levy for said fund is 13 hereby fixed at G't? r7 mills on the dollar. 14 Seoonds For the purpose of maintaining a public library and for the 15 Library Fund, the sum of `z. �'� , and the rate of tax levy 16 for said purpose is hereby fixed at � .�c� _ mills on the dollar. 17 Thirds For the purpose of maintaining a public park and for the Park 18 Fund, the sum of $ �i S 1 ' r' , and the rate of tax levy for said pur- 19 pose is hereby fixed at mills on the dollar. 20 rourths For the maintenance and improvement of the publio streets of 21 �. the City, and for the City Street Fund, the sum of ��' , and 22 the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at mills on 23 the dollar. 24 Fifths For the payment of interest on bonds and for bond redemption 25 1911 Refund Bonds and Interest Fund, the sum of �P 5 I /'' B , and the rate 26 of the tax levy for said purpose is thereby fixed at mills on the 27 0 dollar. i 28 i�3 Sixths For the payment of interest on bonds and bond redemption, General 13 29 ` = Indebtedness 1931 Water Bond azd Interest fund, the sum of �,S 3� 30 and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at �' � Sy mills 31 on the dollar. 32 Seventh: For the payment of indebtedness df the City of Port Townsend Page 1 2 known as the "Indebtedness Fund," the sum of wti �' � , � '� , and the 3 rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at o `� mills on the 4 dollar. 5 Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby 6 authorized and direoted to certify to the County Assessor and to the County 7 Auditor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said City. 8 Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend deader, to take affect and be in force as provided by law. 10 Passed by the City Council (44, /, 1940. 11 Approved by the Mayor (54f/Y. 5 1940. 12 Mayor 14 Attests l5 ' 16 17 City Clerk. 18 20 ' 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 27 ys� 28 Jat aru 29 k� . Z 3 : 30 0 31 32 Pass I 2 _ OEIDIMRON _N0._ 2123 3 4 AN ORDINAITCD specifying and adopting a system or plan for the making of additions 5 to and extensions of the existing sewer system of the City of Port Townsend, declaring the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be, 6 providing for the issuance and sale of bonds to secure funds therefor, and submitting such plan or system to the qualified voters of said 7 city at a special election to be held therein on November 5, 1940. 8 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF PORT TO;YNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLUMS: 9 Section 1. That the demands and requirements for sewer facilities make it 10 necessary and advisable that said city make additions to and extensions of its 11 existing-snioipal sewer system. That no portion of the gross revenues and pro- 12 ceeds derived and to be derived from the herein proposed additions and extensions, 13 has been previously pledged as a fund for the payment of any bonds, warrants, or 14 other indebtedness. That said gross revenues and proceeds derived and to be 15 derived from such operation will be sufficient in the judgment of the City'Council 16 to meet all expanses of operation and maintenance, and to permit the setting 17 aside into a special fund out of such gross revenues of amounts sufficient from 18 time to time to pay the interest and principal of the bonds hereby authorized 19 as the same fall due. 20 Section 2. That the city of Port Townsend and its corporate authorities 21 hereby specify and adopt the system or plan hereinafter set forth for the 22 making of additions to and extensions of the existing sewer system of said city 23 as follows: 24 The City of Port Townsend proposes to construct a 6-inch concrete main 25 sewer line, with appropriate services, manholes and fire hose connections from 26 the center line of Blocks 1, 2 and 3, of Webster's Addition to the City of Port 0 27 Townsend, along Willow Street to Block 29 of.said Webster's Addition; thence >s= 28 diagonally thru said Block 26 to Rose Street; thence along Rose Street and JJ < • o�F 29 diagonally across the Municipal Golf course to Scott Street; thence along Scott 3<Q 30 Street to a connection with the main Lawrence Street sewer, all in accordance 8 31 with plans and specifications for said sewer system now on file in the office 32 of the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsond. Page 1 J I 2 That said plan or system hereinbefore described shall be kmown as the 3 "Willow Street Sewer.11 4 Section 3. That the gross estimated oost of the system or plan herein 5 described is hereby declared, as near as may be, to be the sum of 45000.00. 6 Section 4.` That in order to secure Rinds to carry out said plan or 7 system, said City shall issue and sell its negotiable bonds in an amount not 9 exceeding 45000.00, which shall be issued at such times, in such denominations 9 and shall bear such rate of interest, not exceeding six per cent (6%) per annum, 10 payable semi-annually, as the city may, by resolution direct, said bonds to be 11 in such form and maturity as directed by Chapter 151, yaws of Washington, 1923. 12 Section 5. That there be and hereby is created and established a special 13 fund to be called "Willow Street Bawer Fund, 194011, which fund is to be drawn 14 upon for the sole p purpose of paying the interest, or principal and interest, of 15 said bonds. From and after the date of said bonds, and so long thereafter as 16 any obligations are outstanding against said fund, the City Treasurer shall set 17 aside and s into said fund thirty 30 days prior to the pay , y( ) y p respective dates on 18 which interest, or principal and interest, of said bonds shall become due and 19 payable, certain fixed amounts out of the gross revenues of said sewer system 20 equivalent to the respective amounts of interest, or principal and interest, as 21 the case may be, so falling due upon any and all bonds issued hereunder and then 22 outstanding. 23 The City Treasurer is hereby authorised to make payment o(daid bonds and 24 coupons herein authorized, as the same fall due, from the moneys in said "Willow 25 Street Sewer Fund, 194011, and from no other source, and the payment of said bonds 26 and coupons, as theyfall due, is hereby declared to be the only charge which 27 x S has been made upon said fund, or will ever be made thereon until all of said 28 bonds and interest thereon shall have been paid. �o 29 Y The City of Port Townsend and its corporate authorities do hereby declare ,p 3: 30 0 that in fixing the amounts to be paid into said fund as aforesaid, they have ` 31 exercised due regard to the cost of operation and maintenance of said system 32 and have not hereby obligated and bound said city to set aside into said special Page 11 I • i 1 2 fund a greater amount of the rovenue of said system than in the judgment of 3 said corporate authorities will be available over and above such cost of main- 4 tenanoe and operation and the existing obligations against such revenues. 5 The City of port Townsend further binds itself to establish from time to 6 time and maintain such rates as will provide sufficient revenues to permit the 7 payment of said sums into said special fund, which said city has pledged to be e set aside for the payment of principal and interest as herein provided, to b e 9 applied to.the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds herein author- 10 ized, until said bonds shall have been paid in full, and in addition thereto all 11 costs of operation and maintenance and all warrants issued against the revemes 12 of said system prior to the date of this ordinance. 13 Section 6. A special election is hereby called to be held in the City of 14 Port Townsend., in the several established voting precincts therein, on November 15 5, 1940. At said election there shall be submitted for ratification or rejection 16 to the qualified voters of said city the plan or system herein specified and 17 adopted for the making of additions to and extensions of the existing sewer is system of said city, and the issuance of bonds as herein provided to provide 19 funds to pay therefor, and the proposition so subtAittatl shall appear on the 20 ballot in substantially the following forms 21 Shall the City of Port Townsend, pursuant to a system or plan 22 therefor, specified and adopted by Ordinance No. 1123, of said city, at an estimated cost of 0000.00, males the additions to 23 and extensions of its sewer system, as therein described and known as Millow Street Sewer," and for said purpose issue and 24 sell its bonds in an amount not exceeding 45000.00, payable solely from the revenues of its sewer system as provided in said 25 Ordinance? 26 In favor of above proposition........... Against above proposition ............... 27 Any voter who desires to vote in favor of said proposition shall place a J, 28 an „x" in the square to the right of the words "In favor of above proposition," 29 ;ram aad any voter who desires to vote against said proposition shall place an "x" 30 in the square to the right of the words "Against above proposition," 0 31 Section 7. That this Ordinance shall be published once in the Part Townsend 32 Leader, to take effect and be in force from and eater five days after its Pass 3 2 3 Passed by the Oity Council Coto 4- Approved by the Mayor Octol 7 9. Attests 10 City Clark. 112 13 15 .17 20 21. 22 W .25 26 27 28 4 3; 04..i 29 L 30 31 32 Page 4 / 17 'ICAM U ORDINANCE ITO. I % � ) AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend amending Ordinance No. 1089, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE providing for the licensing for revenue and regulation of machines or devices for playing games of skill, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith," passed by the City Council December 'i, 1937, and approved by the Mayor M- ember 8, 1937, THE CITY COUNCII, OF TILE CITY OF PORT TO11NSEIID DO ORDAIPI AS FOLLM''15i Section 1. That Section of Ordinance No. 1089, entitled IPAN ORDINANCE providing for the licensing for revenue and regulation of machines or devices for playing hamas of skill, and repealing all ordinances and harts of ordinances in conflict hersvilLh," passed by the City Council December 7, 1937, and approved by the Mayor Aicember 8, 1937, be and the same is hereby amended to read as followsi Each and every person, firm or oorperation having at any place or places within the City of Fort Townsend, a device, devices, machine or machines for playing games of skill, commonly known as pin and ball machines or devices in which coins may be dropped for the purpose of operating said machine, which may be legally operated within the State of 19ashington, shall pay an annual license fee in the awn of 4500.00, for an owner's or operator's license, and, in addition thereto, shall pay a fee of $5.00 per month, pay- able monthly in advance for each and every machine owned and operated by such license. No such machine shall be allowed to be played by any person under the age of twenty-one years. The Council shall have the right to reject any and all applications for operator's licenses as it sees fit, and before any license is granted the application therefor must be approved by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend. The annual license fee of .j500.00 for an owner's or operator's license shall provide a license from January lot to December 31st, of any one ,year, or for a lesser period if applied for after January lot, but in no event will said foe be pro -rated for any fractional part of a year. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend `Leader, to be in force and take effect Fab*iMry let, 1941. Passed by the City Council February 4th, 1941. 9pnroved by the Mayor February 1941. City Olerk. Al,' C`:iDIi.'n1 Cc; providiik; for trio imacdiata :,n roi:ri..tion of moctey from tho Current Bc+onso v)u,,U of tiie Cit-, of pjrt To.:ii on 3 f .,r t},c your 1941, for the rur�:-o;,c of pay- Dit initial purciia:•o xico of a lir-iit firo truck for use of tho ri)•o Dl—.art.nont of said City, �,nd doclaring an elnortSancy, ?113, it urn ear.. to UG City Co..ncil of t':o City of Port Tmmsen.l tliut by reason of t:,e i :cro-so it o;,1z1:1tt ,n due to tno i:ational 2mergoncy, and for oth.-r rousons, ti„it it is iii ,e int,oreA sC all citizens of paid City t::at n li,9it fire arrl"atus 'no obtaino:i, and, t'io necessity t',.orofor did not a•,rour Lit the time of the ado ition :f t:he offici,:]. :jucl ;et for t.e Dirrent :.:mouse Fund of said City for ti,e year 1911l, :ind, an ornor. ricy now e7:ists fjr tac limitudiato appropriation of momy for tha purnoso aforesaid, novr, t.oraforo, 0t'P7 CUi!17 IL ., '1'i.'; CITY 02 1'0"X2 'i'UWKS:,:,D UD Section 1. Tiut t':,ero be and uorou--� is, for expend- iture cu.rinC the year 1941, the sign of N1000.00, for the l;nr.-oso of pro- viding funds for t::m nurci.aso :,f li_-:it fire arparc.tus consiatin.- of truck chassis and nocesscr, euninment, for trio lire Dopartmoilt of said City. Soction 2. i:.t tc:o City 010v',. bo, 'ie is i,aroo,: a,ktioriae:: to dravi omorgency ;,ar:ant3 upon t:.e C%ireent -a: e:mo +nnd of said City for t}ut mirpose, not o ceolint; thv, eu:n of i;1000.00, upoii the »resent,ition of tironorly agproved vouchers. 3eotior 1`-,:;t ordina.:ce oe pubAshcd once in th3 Port To•,,n83nd header, to •)a .iii f.rce and take effect as provide;i by law. Passed by.tho City Oo.incil February, 1941. ..CpproveLt by the L'ayor i'abruary 4 1941, Attest* city-clon. ORDINJJiCF NO. //;� 6 AN ORDINANCE, establishing a curb grade on Adams street and amenaing Section 1 of Ordinance No. 974, passed by the City Council May 7th , 1929, approved by the Nayor May 9 th, '1929 , entitled "An Ordinance establishing curb grades on Adams Street between Water and Washington Streets in the City of Port Townsend, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith." Section 1. That that portion of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 974, passed by the City Council May 7th, 1929, approved by the Mayor May 9th, 1929, entitled "An Ordinance establishing curb grades on Adams Street between Water and Washington Streets in the City of Port Townsend, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith", affecting the curb grade at the intersection of the south property line of Washirg to n Street and the west side of Adams Street be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: That the curb grade at the intersection of the south property line of Washington Street and the ;lest side of Adams Street 'be and the same is is hereby established at the elevation of 6.23 feet above city datum. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council February Approved by the Mayor February !� , 1941. Mayor Attest: ■ Qi3Diluii, L'.:I _.V• ��i �' Aie ORDI}E._M, rrovidinj for t;ra i�::iaediato arnropr):,tine of t'-re City Street fund of the City of port 'a'o•„ns,ond, wid for e.monditr;re durin, tho year 1911-1, and declaring; an wwrg,-oncy. WHIMISILS, in accord:.nco with conjunctive action of U.S. Public Roads AcIminis- tration; Comnanding; officer, Harbor Defenses of ?aaet Sound; Director of Highways of the State of Was':irti;ton; Je£forsorr County Road L11w lneer; and '.Crtro City of port Townziend, it has been proposed to construct a public road and/or street or hi[,hway from the intersection of Washington and 1,7alker Streets within the City of port Txvnsend along; tho most feasible route to Fort Worden upon st2idard and approved specifications of the Director of Highways of the State of Viushington, v,nich said project has been an -proved, adopted, and dosirnatod by said Director of m6hvrays, as "Access :toad to Fort Worden Cherry Street Connection in port Tovnrsendlr ToMRSA.S, it is proposed that said construction shall be carried on and com- pleted as a 'Works Progress ;ichninistration -project, sponsored by the City of port Townzord, and, as a sponsorr s contribution, tare cost )f obtaining necessary rights -of -tray shall be the obligation W saki city, and, 711121-REAS, it is ostivated t}Lat such cost Y.-Ill be the sum of r1000.00, and, ',,I" RL, AS, at the time of t}ie adoption of the official bu" g;et for the City Street fund of t;ie City of port Tovrnsend, the necessity for the foregoing public improvement could not have been forsoon, and no ;Provision was therefore made for this purpose in t:re bud;ot for said fund for the year 19,11, and that an emerCency novv exists re4uiring, the im^tediate •appropriation of money for the purpose afore- said, thevefora, 1H' CtTl COUMI1. 0r TiI� 01127 Os PORT 21 D DO 011DA11'. :.S LOb3 WS: Section 1. Vint t:1ere be and ;ierebl- is apiropr.iated fur the Cit,i Street fund of the Cit,r of port To-vr:send for o-s ondituro dc<rinr- the year 1941, the stmr of .�1000.00, for tho purpose .)f seeurii-, necessary rights -of -way incident to the construction of the .iublic i-inrovomont horeinbefore described. the City of fort be and he section 2. 12'.,iat file Qjt,%j,,Clc�rk of rrLutz upon tiro City Street -fund envy vj�. Is hereby allthorizeil to draw wlor,�� not exceoding the beroinbefore dosignute(I n!r'O-Lult, uponIG),o nresol-At 11ti 0n of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Llownsend --rt r Force as provid0d bY 1',' Leader to take effect and be in w. -ori I Passed by the City Gotmell i'q Approved by the 'Diyor April 1941. Llay o r A" O-UI17117-CE providing; for tiro i:n::o, iato arn,ropriation .)f : -iney for no Olynpje Gravity ';rater fund of the City of Port 'i r•..nsenA ona for exrondit-ure during the your 1941, and declaring; an emergency. CIiBIU'L5, in the constr;,ction of ilia ­ublic i,rr,rovomant low.m as 11sieeess iioad to Fort vorden - Cherry Stroot co::nectiull 1.4 Port i'ovrnsand" as " V,orks Progress Administration project under the sponsirship of tho Oita of Port Tosneend, it an -nears that a portion of the good pipe of the distribution system of said city mast be replaced by cast-iron nips in order to conn,ly with stwidard and approved plans raid specificati-)ns, and, ;'>fiiRc^.,iS, under pres•..nt and oxistinr rules and rod L,lations of the Works ProCress Administration, the cost of replacing exictine. facilities ,mist be at the expanse of the sponsor, and, iiiiBI3 A9, it is estimated that the cost of nurchasinf; oast -iron water ripe to replace existing wood nine so ns to meet the forego nt; requirement is the sum of V-1200.00, and, M-D]M'sS, at the time of adoption of ti-,o official budget for the olymnie Gravity ;later fund of the City of Part '_'ov,nsend for the year 1941, such exnenditiire vras not forseen nor contemplated end that an otner(.'ency n.w exists requiring the i:amediate appropriation of money for the aforesaid purpose, therefore, THE CITY COMTOIL 4r iii:3 CITY02 PCU T TCF.713:11) DO 01D.:_E AS POLIZ. S1 Soction 1. .'!z:.t; tliero be and ;iereb;r is appropriated for the Olyurnio Gravity Vattx• fund :f t'ie City of Port T..vr.,aend for e:manditure t'te ar 1941, the stun of ' 1200.00, for the i,urnose of purei�asinC, such cast-iron -)ipe as is necossary to replace oxisting :rood pipa vfnieh „ill be removed in the incident c,mstruction. Seotion 2. Thvt t%-e City Clerk s>' the Cit;r of Port " ov;n end he -end he is bareby aut',,-�ri.od to dray, omorr.ency v;arrants upon trio Olym)ic Gravity ;later Fund not exceeding the lieroin50fore desii;natod : nount, upon tine pro soil tation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. 'rhat this or(llnallO Leader to take effect and be in f oi Passed by the City COU'lell L -P I zplwovocl by tb? :,'Qyor Ar. irS Attest: 3111., City Cl,)rk g�julx,A:,c iiu. /2 9 AN ORDIIdAU03 vacating a portion of Oak Gtroot in Pettygrovo's 2nd Addition to the City of Port Townsend. BHE CITY COULGIL OF T:, , CITY OF POR12 ri0:;i:3 ;_M DO 013DAII: nS I'01i.(M Section 1. That that Portion of Oak Street, situate betwoor the Korth luxe of "S" Street, and the South lino of IOU". Street, where it separates Blocks 101 and 102 from 31ocks 104 and 105, it Pettygrove's 2nd Addition to the City of Port Tormsend, Jeffersor. county, Vashin;;ton, be and the sane is hereby vacated. Section 2. Tivat this ordinauoe be published once in the Poi Tov,nsend header, to be in force fund take effect five days from ar after the date of such mblicLtion. Passed by the City Council April _ 1a5 , 1941. Approved by the i:.?ayor Anril J��' 1941. Attest: --- City Clerk it a y o r ORDINIMCE No. &0 ,0 AN ORDINANCE providing; for the acquisition and construction by the City of fort Townsend of a system of sewerage, speeifing and adoptint- tie plan proposed for said system, declarin{, the estimated cor�,t thereof as near as may be; creatinf.; a special fund for the sole purpose of defraying the cost thereof and issuing bonds payable out of said fund to finance Sa i.d Sevier System. 0 THE CITY COUITCIL OF TI-iF CITY OF PORT TO';,-'N ?'-yTD DO ORDAIN AS FOLLO'lls: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Port Townsend deems it advisable that said City acquire, construct, and operate a sewer system that will provide a section of the City of fort Townsend, and the inhabitants thereof, with adequate facilities for the disposal of sewerage. 'Section 2. That the proposed plan and system of sewerage disposal as aforesaid provides for a sewer system to be constructed within the corporate limits of said City by underground cement pipe laterals sufficient in diameter to carry all sewerage and refuse from the district served by each lateral; said laterals connecting with amain trunk system constructed of cement, which main trunk commences on Willow street opposite the center line of Block 1 of Webster's Addition to the City of fort Townsend and runs thence in an easterly direction to a connection with the main city sewer at the intersection of Lawerenee and Scott streets, all in accordance with the plans and specifications thereof now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend. That said sewer system shall be a public utility of the City of Port Townsend. Section 3. That the City Council of the City of Fort Townsend hereby adopts the proposed plan for a system of seweraf7,e for the City of Port Tovaisend as snecified in Section 2 of this Ordinance. Section 4. That the estimated cost of said system of sewerage, as near as may be, is the suri of �6,600.00. ,L • Section 5. That to finance the acquisition and construction of said system of seworn(rc, the City Council. of the City of fort Townsend, deems it advisable and necessary to Create -a Special fund, to be known as "Willow Street Sewer Fund", for the sole purpose of defraying the cost of the syster.-i of seviera€o aforetiaid, and to oblige to and bind the said City to set aside and pay a fixed proportion of the gross revenues of such public utility, or any fixed amount out of and not exceeding a fixed proportion of such revenues, or a fired amount without regard to any fixed proportion, into said special fund; and to issue and sell coupon bonds of said City, bearing interest not exceeding six per cent (6%) per annum, payable semi-annually or annually at election of pur- chaser; such bonds, as so issued, shall be in denominations of not less than y'100.00, nor more than ;�500.00, and shall be numbered from one upwards consectutively; shall bear the date of their issue; shall be serial in form finally maturing not later than twenty ,years from date; and in all other respects shall conform to the provisions of Chapter 193 of the Lavis of Washington, 1941, saidbonds and the interest thereon to be payable out of the special fund aforesaid only. Section 6. That said fund is to be maintained by revenues obtained from the said sever system by virtue of rates and charges, to be established by ordinance for the furnishing of the sewerake to those receivinC, such service, such rates and charges to be uniform for the same class of service and to be made on a monthly basis, the total revenues to be so estimated and based to be surfieient to take care of cost of maintenanco, operation, extensions, interest end sinking fund requirements, and other charges incidental thereto. Section 7. Insofar as the provisions and intent of said Chapter 193 of the Laws of Vloshington, 1941, apply to this ordinance, the same are made a part hereof as fully as if incorporated herein, and the City Council of the City of Port Townsend hereby binds said City to each and every obligation thereof. Section B. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to b4"in force and take effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council July ��, 1941 APPROVERD by the Mayor July, 1941. Attest: Mayor _ City Clerk 3 m ' i0 � H H . W H N i 1100 Tax levy for 1939 (Special) 1101 Creates civil service commission for fire department (2.40) 1102 Creates civil service commission for police department (2.36) 1103 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1104 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1105 1940 budget (Special) 1106 Water department budget for 1940 (Special) 1107 Tax levy for 1940 (Special) 1108 Regulates parking of motor vehicles (10.04) 1109 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1110 Regulates use of water (13.12) 1111 Pinball machine licenses (Repealed by 1525) 1112 Regulates bicycles (Repealed by 1525) 1113 Provides for extension of water system (Special) 1114 Repeals Ords. 879 and 1036, licensing commercial trucks (Repealed by 1525) 1115 Authorizes wharf construction (Special) ,- 1116 Establishes street grade (Special) 1117 Special election (Special) 1118 Emergency appropriation (special) 1119 Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) 1120 Budget for 1941 (Special) 1121 Water department budget for 1941 (Special) 1122 Tax levy for 1941 !Special) 1123 Adopts a system for extension of sewer system (Special) 1124 Amends Ord. 1089 (Repealed by 1525) 1125 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1126 Amends Ord. 974 (Specials 1127 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1128 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1129 Street vacation (Special) 1130 Provides construction and acquisition of a sewage sys- tem (Special) _--_1131 Street vacation (Special) 1132 1942 budget (Special) 1133 Water department budget for 1942 (Special) 1134 Tax levy for 1942 .(Special) 1135 Amends Ord. 815 (Not codified) 1136 Amends Ord. 1089 'Repealed by 1525) 1137 Emergency appropriation (Special) �¢ 1138 Garbage regulations (6.04) 1139 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1140 Emergency appropriations (Special) f _---1141 Blackout and air raid regulations (Repealed by 1525) 173 1142 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1143 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1144 Street vacation (Special) 1145 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1146 Special election (Special) 1147 Fixes time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 1525) 1148 Street vacation (Special) 1149 Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codified) \�, _ ,•[.4 ram.._.:_y.,:_.�'/_'•y, ..u�la:rt4Y.ih� �, .( �; � ~ � �� � �� � � .. � � .. 'S Y OR D I i" All CE A'R ORML, M �A, 'CE of the Y of PoA Townsend vacating a I)OI-tioll of Scott betv:0en the southerly line I of State Road V 9 and the o. north(,,1,1y 11no of n t e j!' Street. The OlLy Council of the City of Port '10%72100iid do ordain as follows: Section 1. That that portion of Scott street be- Vaeon the southerly line of State Road Vo. 9 and the noi,Lhorly line of ',rater stveetu be and the same is here- by vacated. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Lender to -be in force, and take effe"CtL from and after five doys from its publication. PASSED by the City Council, August 19, 1041 APPIZOVED'by the Mayor, August 24.9' 19, 1. MAY or Attebt: O:iDIIU-NCE 1:0. - 1� AN ORllI:h1;C:3 fiY_iliT, cnd aQoptin4- tl1e official bucli-et foi- the City of i:ort To1rns4lnd, for tha y©rr 1942. The City Council of the 'ity of lort 'i`mnccnci do ordain as follows: section 1. That the followinL be, and the same is hereby fined and adopted as the official budL,.et for the City of Port Townsend, for the 1942, for taxetion purposes, divided into the total amounts iii oeoh of the following cles;es com1prising the whole of ,aid bud{;et, to-�wit: Salarios and Traces �227,060.00 Operation and i::aintenanoe 13, 745.66 Capital Outlay 6,256.00 Tnterest and fond Redemption Section 2. That this ordinance be ,published once in the sort Townsend Leader and to be in force and take effect as j.j:. h... , . provided by lamr. PASSED by the City Council October 6, 1941. Al-TROTED by the L:ayor October S, 194 H. E. ANDERSO Layor z- Attest. C. F. CHRISTIAN, City Clerk ■ ■ • OBDIN.&IICZ 110, l I ? ,;?- - All ORDIMUTCE fiaint; and adopting a bud6ot for the. Vater Department of th, City of fort '1uviiscnd for the year 19�'2. The City Council of tho City of art' wnsend do ordain as follows: Section i. That the following deseribod budget be, and the same is hereby fi Yed acid adopted for the Wator Department for the City of Port `ltownsond, for the rear 19�i2, divided into the total amounts iu each of the follol"iin€; classes eornprisinC. the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and WaCes ".6,970.00 Operation and ILaintenance 6,33G.00 ^aP� ,ital�0utlay 24,420.00 lntexest end Roncl I3ederrption 4G,900.00 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to be in force acid take effect as provided by lava. PASSED by the City Council October 6, 1941. r'FP cOV:iI by the I'AyorrOOOccttoober 6, 194 H. L. AIIDRSOI1 ^—_ iayor Attest: C. P. CI"iRIS Ildi, City' Clerk i. J' 1 .:U.- f 37 41 .CJ1' jlC: r'i,i� of tort _'UCJI? Siff for i;t:__ __,C)r '11-b / r l i'hc °�':.'r i I QC.iiC !._( of tl_. L :i.'t�' of � o:E''i; 1L .Ii:.^.L:Ilff C�U JY'rl i .n U: i'ollO:iU 7.:j llcrcb- 1Gvi* c;6 a?'on all to: -able _rot-jCI ?,' in t-he '"ity Of tOT't 'iU::Il:t;l<l, (L:::111I1:;LU:1, the Bums of ttcrtc r and rt_ t:;:; of' tc,., levy' for thu different --urz)ose.: herein Closi;_;nated, ;Ul' tiic ycur 1Jti: , L71!'. t:!-:G rate of ta]ration upon the dollar of a sc,c::c:d vialua tion a[' s"id City for such purposes is as foIIows: I''irst : Zor the Dayracnt of current ex'';cnses :and for the Current Lx;:c.n:.;c c'uud, the cuin of.G,`'70.��, Und Lire rate of tax levy for cL:id fund 's hereby '.Fixed at :;.OG :::ill:, on the dollar. :jecond: for the LLntr_o::c of Itainto irlini: a public library and for the l,ib:t.'c:ry Fund, the sung of ..r1,4.0�.t �, and the rate of tax levy' for ..aid )_Iurt�ose i.c l,us eby its e-C: ut 2.00 ,,rills on the dollar. 'third: :dor tho yUrpotic of )�ainll aininr: a imblic park and for the furl: i'wid, tl,:; c,uo. of .;; 9: 2» �:>, as d. the rate of tax levy for saiCl pur.;ono is huraby fixed at 1.00 i:.ills on the dollar. �ourth: For the : air'i'tonanco and, im-c;rovement of the public streets of the City, and for the City Strout Fund, the sum of •;2, 656.70, and tlrc rate of tay levy for said 'purvose is hereby fired v t 5.00 mills on the dollar. :Fifth: For the � at 71.Jcnt of irli:erest on bonds and for bond redo, tion 1911 ?iefund 13011d2 and Interest 2und, the aura of $5 and tho rate of 't::x, i „w, t:or zeid rurroso is thereby fl—Xcr! Lt �;L , 0 o ruill.s on the dollar. Sixth: For tiro , ayt,tcnt of intcroi;t on bonds and bond rede.vtiorl, GF�n ra Indebtc:ctnes: 1G�1 ' Lter I3:and erid Interest fund, the suit of ''6_, and the rato of to:,. levy for said pur- ose i z 11cre1jy I'iye d at O •,$-a r,!ills on the dollar. I:evo!lth: 'or The noyment of indebtodnr s s of the City of Fort 'lo„""r}}seuct 1--no,rn as tho `°Indebtedness �tund," the Sur. of 6� 3, 7`0 Lilcf the raise of tax levy for said rLlrnOze iS hereby fixed at: � 6,00 r-Allo on the dollar. erection 2. ThLat tho ;.'ayor :.rid City Clerk of maid City ,ze hereby authorized Lad i:irGctud to cca•ti.fy to the County Assessor and to tho County Auditor c,f Jefi'evson 11"ourlty, ,;L.shinc-ton, the fore- C;oinG tcx levy of _,ciu 'amity. I action 3'. i't1L:1; ti'i1s o7'c!inance i:e ;published once in the 1-ort To,.wlsc,iu; I,eatler, to LC i_G Li:_'cct mid be in force as ;provided by latir. l iiU aSI) by +;::C City Council CCtObCI' , 1✓ . by ;:i: c _..ayor 0c to u h lC i . _ h. Layo r Attest: y n-, c rr tel: UiiDI;:A=:C::; of 'r.h Ca o.t' _ or,t o;:u..r:lyd a; Cr(I illa:tce of ...:" "� . "'it- ....ti :l_ 1, rr_.1 GrriiuL3lcc l; bl1..JI1:L. City of Cud al.& ],il ! co11s•l:rucI; Oil of '0-1 Violull-i.Qi1G i:!Lc.,-uo ' u_ccl 1'::r:<:ril.inL all iil Col1:.'l .Ct } 1'i':; .'t(!, t' S3az--cd by A i;Y CDtt_:ci.l i1 Cc: ; ux' 1', ! ':jll, and u3.prov-- Ccl .. lyur DLccL bul' 2U, 1�.*11. The City Council of the Cit;,% of ort f'or:nsersci clo ord�°.in ao �olloers: Section 1. hat ect:iou 1 o'� Grdinancc ;o. Si,� of said City entitled, "An Ordinal -ice c.,tablisl i1=•_' 1'iithin the Oity Of :'art so•:;nscnd, awl rc�ulatinl- iJf e cuns•truct?.on of Quil.clincc ,::thin said limits, providing; for the -iiol::tions tlleleol, alit: repoalinC all Ordinalicc.s ill Conflict; ' ll::.l'� .i11:11, �r :c:a:-Cd by the Cii;y Council December 1�), 1FJ11, and ap;:•rove(I by C11 '.:ct'or D'::cur_b:Dr 21), 1911, be, alid the swie is hcreb;J ur.:eudecl to rc:ud as follows: Dc€;inninO on I.,adison :street, 110 .Coot ;)outherly from the south line of ,;Ester : troot; 'tViemoe ile. tcrly on a line naralle-1 with later Street throwAi the middle, O":the tier of blocl_s to Polls btroot; thence I';'ortherly on : olk E;trret to the ;�outhorl r 1i:1: "of ,irshin,;ton Street; thence-.rasterly along ';;ashinL;ton ctr•�et to T-4.1cr utreet; thelice i'?ortheil�r alon{; W'yler :3treet to a point llo i'cet :io.rtherltl of the 111orthGrly line of :,trcet; tnellec ;cstcrly tllrou,_h the noddle of 'the aloe:' to `faylor Street; i,l?C::ce :1CStile rl j' oil '2vylor st:roet: tp Jefferson Strce't; tlionce �a--tevlY on Joffersoll-tre::t to :.:adison Street; thence southerly on :.:adison ;�treet to place of beCdnnin�;. This district is to be known Zi_e District �:o. 1. Section 2. That tt:is Grdinance bF; r',ublislsed once iXl thO !'art Toivnsend Lee der, to be in force :.:nci tc.l_o o feet es .provided by jew. 'ASS ,�D by tllu City Council Cc t;ober 14---, 1i)-11 it:e :..cyor Octobcr 1�, 1�'T_l. j] f:'UT.1,13T- C. Chri....tien Jit;T Clurl: I An Orc!i.nance imendinC LArQ3.MCC -+o, 10W of the Git- of -'oYt Tovinsend entitled "An providin{; .i'or the licensing for re"nue and regulation of u:actainoo OP devicc:y fur playing games of'slcil•i, anci repealing all oraWinco,� r,nc: parts of or(i.nances in conflict hrrvc:iLh," pnssocl by ttte i;it r 0011TIC I Lecerrhe)' 1, 1937, approves b,; the i,:ayor Decembev 8, 1')t37. The city council of the City of l ort: To':rnsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Section 1 or vrclinance no. 10M entitled "An ordinance providing for the liemw ing for revenue and repan- tion of raachine-s or dovic,es for f>la;inj; gar:cs of Skill, And re- pealing all Ordinances and puns of ovdinances in conflict here- v;ith," passed by the pity Comail Lecerahov 7, 1937, and approved by the L;ayov De.rombov S, 19„7, be anci tf-,e cage is hereby arttended to read as follows: Each anc; every person, firm or corporation having, at any place or places within the City of ,'orL Townsend, n device, devices, machines or machin: s for playing ga,;•es of' ok;.ilf, cour.,only known as pin and ball, machinos. or devices % r:ktich coins may be, dropped for the purpose of operating said rmchine, which may be legally operated within the `sate of VAshington, shall pay nil annual license fee in the ::um of .,,1,000.00 for an o:ncr's ov r>porn'corls licence and, in , • 1 fee 2� addition thereto, sl_a_1 �.��� a .��, Oi' :.,�.,.,0 pex• month, payable monthly in advance for each .and ever;•; w0 hine n•rr wd and opmytm by such licensee. to sucl. wan -ins: Moll he allwed to M rplayod by any japson undw- the ftgO of• twenty-ont: The Council sli&ii 1-:av+.: tLe I i 1!l: to rs,i :ut a._,y and all nt,lal1cek- tions imp opep to.-ts liccnsas ,!S U UCQ: a fit, :anC before any license In f,rant;e cl the ny;nl.ic'.:Lif:tti tk^.ere, 02 .r,ust. ou, ',�-­YuVW b;, t3.e City COMW11 of thc: t,'it,I of l'oY•t beet:inn 2. Vwt t},ir.. or:i iwmco ba{I i.::f:ec. once: in the Tort =or:n::enc'. :;ndcr, t:o be i;. f0rco _:nc tiako efMct awry 1, 1.9@1. PASShu la, tt.e „it;; Gounoll Leceshc:r__1/ Jls'' ilJ1a: L l'y 0e . a'yol'- liecf,'mbe2' Attest: 0}-1.1'1f,:C li:0.—//d. An Ornillallcc nmcnciin(' uv1 Ammnce io. IOF:':? of l;hc: City oC i'ort Townsend entitled crbn i rr'inance proviclinE; for the licencine for revenue arlcl Vo,•.;ulrktion of r,7ac}ti:le:; or c'.evice:l far nla;�inl Canes of 'skill, and rcneniin all orc,-innnce: -.n(i ports of Or ' finances in conflict helo::.}thrla,r;ed by tho Cit-; Council. Leccmher 7, 1937, anroved by the [,'.a;; or December H, 14j", n. The city council of the Uitr of Yort Tovnsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That Section 1 or uruinanc. i+o. 108'd entitled "An Ordinunce Providing for the liccrising for revenue and regula- tion of machines or device^ f'or pla,ing, gal,: s of skill, and re- pealir!g all ordinances anc? paz t:; of ordinances in conflict here- with," passed by the City GOullc_}.l L'ecerahez• 7, 1937, and a;)(rroved by the Liayov December- a, 10; 7, be anb the sar:e is hereby amended to read as follows: Each anc, every ,Der: on, fiI•rt1 or corporation havinE, at any place or nlaoes within the City of i'or,; '2ownsen6, a uevice, devices, machines or machines for playing jgm%cs of slti l' , corr,,,;onl.y known as pin and ball machines or dovicos in v.hich coins relay be dropped for the purpose of operntin;; said. mnc?-ine, whici-, may be l.eF-;ally operated Within the State of ':.ushingt-on, s}lall nny an annual license fee in the sure of .; 1,000.00 for fill 0•,:Ne1—cs or opertltorrs license nno, .in addition thereto, shall nay a fee of ;;21,0 per niOnth, payaiilc monthly in advance for each and ever;: It :a :}iLu: o;rnc:r anc: or:er•att,d by such licensee. i;o such ma;+' inc: shall he a1.lowtcd LO be pl cycci by person under the rrge of tvienty-one ;,-,:tars, 'the Council. shall l.av(; the rir•'.tL• to r ,;t:ct —iy and all npplica- tions for opovktorls licenU,s a:; It sees .fit, anO, he Core any license Is (;ranted t31c; arn,lir.t,tinn };]:r;rc:Cor ::,u:,1. I)e n-! voved by the t�iL■r Council of the City of 1'ox•t io;:n:•tnic . _ection 2. Thnt thi: orciinr.C. a: :, ;}:_,:' nrtc i u��ci' rl t}-le !oi•t ^ovrnsen€1 Leader, to be in i'orcc nnc: tel:c ,-affect V..S37.J b;; Ll.o C;it:,* Councl.! i;c,cet:.i,,;s' /fn , ltr•1J. ;,;-.ii�'.:. 1 , t.}:e •; �xi• Luce;aor � '1 1._:i , title: t. I • 19 ORDINANCE N0�/ An Ordinance providing for the immediate appropriation of money for the Current Expense Fund for the City of Port Townsend for the year 1942 and for the purpose of aiding in the County -City Civilian Defense pro- gram and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Port Town- send that it is in the interest of National Civilian Defense that the City of Port Townsend contribute financially towards the objectives pro- posed by the County -City Civilian Defense Council, and, WHEREAS, the Attorney -General of the State of Washington has de- termined such expenditures are legal obligations against the Current Expense Fund of municipal corporations, and, WHEREAS, it now appears to said City Council that the sum of $300.00 should be appropriated for such purpose, and, WHEREAS, the necessity for theexpenditure of said money could not have been forseen at the time of the adoption of the official budget for the City of Port Townsend, and for said fund, for the year 1942, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOINNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That a public emergency is hereby found requiring the immediate appropriation of the sum of $300.00 for the purposes afore- said, and said emergency is hereby declared and said sum is hereby ap- propriated for expenditure during the year 1942, for the purpose of aiding the efforts of the County -City Civilian Defense Council, which said sum as so appropriated, shall be chargeable to the Current Expense Fund of said City and to the detail of budget as set out as follows: GENERAL CITY GOVERMENT Salaries and Wages $250.00 Travelling Expense 50.00 Section 2. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to draw emergency warrants upon said fund not exceeding the said sum of $300.00 upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port ■ OIZDINX Cy, ITO- 110 F AI'? ORDINA:;CE of the City of I'ort Townsend relating to the keeping, collection and disposal of garbage, rubbish, ashes, etc., and repoeling all ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith. THE CITY COMICIL OF 'ITIE CITY OF 1'011T TO':11IS1;111D DO ORDAIV AS I'OLLO,'IS: Section 1. "Garbage as the viord is made use of in this ordinance, consists of solid or semi -solid kitchen refuse subject to decay or putrefaction or in which flies or vermin can breed and live, and market wastes of animal and vegetable matter which has been or was intended to be used as food for man or animal. "Rubbish" as the word is made use of in this ordinance, consists of refuse other than foodstuffs, such as paper, clothing, grass, leaves, wood, sweepings, plaster, brick, cement, glass, crockery, shells, metals, and metal products, tree trimmings, vines or tin cans. "Ashes" as the word is made use of in this ordinance, shall have its commons and accepted meaning. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to allow garbage to collect upon their premises, or the premises which they occupy, or of which they are the agent or manager, whether the same be residence, store, shop, factory, place of business, yard or vacant lot, or upon any street, alley or other public place upon .which their premises abut. Section 5. All garbage shall be kept in metal cans that have a close fitting lid or cover which ~will entirely prevent rats, mice or flies from reaching the contents thereof, and will prevent odors and Cases, from escaping therefrom; said cans to be thoroughly cleaned by the householder or other person having charge of same each time they SMA are emptied. Said cans to be of sufficient size and number to contain all garbage that collects between the dates for the removal of the swine. Said cans shall be kept where the same will be convenient for the collector. Rubbish shall be reduced to compact form and placed in barrels, boxes, or other substantial receptacles such as will prevent the contents thereof from being scattered by the action of ay.1.1 winds or by the overturnin[,; of the container. AQF� shall be kept in a sound substantial container or containers such as will prevent the contents thereof from being; scattered by the action of minds or by the overturning of the container. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any one except city employees to collect, remove, or transport garbage, offal, or any other offensive or noxious substances or to operate any vehicle for such purpose through the streets, highways, or other ways, within the City of Port Townsend, without first having obtained a permit from the City Health officer, said permit shall be numbered and be valid for one year, unless sooner revoked by the City Health Officer, Section 5. The duly authorized garbage collectors of the City of Port Townsend shall remove garbage from each occupied duelling house at least once a week; and from each restaurant, eating house or meat market at least once each day; and from each grocery store at least twice a week; and from all other places as often as shall be found necessary, but not less than once a vreek. All places of business shall have their garbage removed as often as desired not to exceed once each day, and the amount to be paid therefor shall be in accordance with the number of times they are served per ;peek. When earba{e, ashes or rubbish have been collected as provided in Section 3 of this ordinance, receptacles containing the same shall be placed on the sidewalk or alley in the front or in the rear of the premises or other convenient place before 7.30 A.I of the regular collection day or when duly notified by the proper authorities. Section 6. Garbage shall be collected not less then once a week in residence districts of the City of fort Tovmsend and daily in the business districts of the City of Port Townsend. The rate to be charged for garbage collection shall be cents per month for the collection of one can of garbage per week, provided however, that the City Council may by resolution reduce the rate for garbage collection and may thereafter increase the same providing it is not increased over and above the amount of �.�cents per month for the collection of one can of ,-arbaGe per week; rates for collection of garbage .from places in the business districts requiring more frequent collection than once per week shall be charged at a monthly rate based upon the number of cans collected per week, to -slit, the sum of cents Der month for each. can collected per week, r and further provided however that where it is permissible under the terms of this ordinance to keep rubbish in containers other than cans, the charge for collecting such rubbish shall be equal to the charge for collecting garbage, vrhich charge shall be computed by the superintendant of the rdepartment artment on the basis of garbage p cents per month for the equivalent of each can, or other container of similar size, of rubbish collected per week. Section 7. Garbage shall be collected from all tenanted or in- habited buildings of every kind, nature end description in the City of Port Townsend at least once each vreek and where sanitary conditions or convenience of patrons of the garbage department require more frequent collections the superintendent of the garbage department shall arrange the regular days for collection of garbage during each week, and he shall fix the rnte to be charged for such garbage collection aecordin to the basic rate of ys ;___ cents per month v �� for the collection of each can of garbage per week. In case of any difference between the superintendent of the garbage department and the customer of the Garbage department, as to the number of garbage cans which should be provided and for which the customer should pay, the amount of charge fixed by the superintendent of the garbage department shall be final, subject to the right of the customer to appeal in uniting to the City Council and to have a hearing and determination of any and all disputes or disagreements. Such appeal shall be by letter or other written communication. owners or managers of all apartment houses shall provide the tenants thereof with adequate facilities and cans for the disposal of all gar- bage, rubbish and ashes, and the charge for such disposal shall be on the basis of the number of cans per week collected, provided however, that nothing in this ordinance contained shall give any customer of the garbage department in the City of Port Townsend the right to demand any rebate or reduction in rate because a can or cans shall not be filled or used during; any particular creek, it being, the intent of this ordinance that each customer of the garbage department shall be charged on a monthly basis according to the number of cans customarily collected and shall pay an additional charge, to be fixed by the superintendent of the garbage department, for special loads. Section G. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon confiction thereof shall be fined in any sum not more than one Hundred Dollars, or be iraprisoned in the city jail for not more than thirty days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Section 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 10. That this ordinance be published once in the Port To%msend Leader to be in force and take effect March 1, 1942. PASSED by the City Council February 1942. APPROVED by the Mayor February 1942. Attest- m a City'Clerk Mayor OnD13i1.:?CE NO. A1? 0?7DI.1F1+1?C:r; providing for the immediate appropriation of money for expenditure durin&; the year 1912, from the Olympic Gravity ;'la ter Fund of the City of Port Townsend, and declaring an errierf;ency. ,HBREAS, an appraisal of the ;pater supply of said city for vier time protection discloses an inadequate control over chlorination, and that a chlorine residual be carried through U e distribution system,.and that provision must be made for the purchase and installation of equipment necessary to accomplish these objectives, 'I+T?uREAS, the cost thereof has been estimated at the sum of �1000.00, and, 71HEREAS, such expenditure could not have been forseen at the time of the adoption of the official budget for the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of said dity for the year 1942, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL CV 71-IB CITY OF FORT T07111SM-M DO ORDAIN AS FOLL0'7S : Section 1. That an emergency is hereby found and exist requiring the immediate appropriation of money for expenditure from the Olympic Gravity `later Fund of said city during the year of 1942 of the amount of 41000.00 for the purposes aforesaid, and said sum be and is hereby appropriated. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Fort Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to dravr'emergency warrants upon said Olympic Gravity Water Fund not exceeding said amount of W'1000.00, L upon the presentation of properly q�� d vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. A PASSED by ,the City Cotuici� � / , 1942. APPROVED by the Llayor ,5-re-2 ., ,2.5 1942. Attest: City Ckerk. 0 Mayor Lp� OR IDIBANCL IIO. APT ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the immediate appropriation of money for expenditure during the year 1942, from the Current Expense Fund of said city .for the purpose of providing for a system of collection and disposal of Gar- bage and rubbish, end declaring an emergency. INITUR AS,.it appears to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend that it is in the interest of the health of the inhabitants of said city that adequate provision be made for the collection and disposal of garbage and rubbish with said city, and, WHEREAS, the necessity therefor could not have been forseen at' - the time of the adoption of the official budget for the Current Expense fund for the year 1942, and, ea iMEREAS, it now appears that order to provide said system of garbage and rubbish disposal, that there be immediately appropriated the sum of/oO.00 therefore, THis CITY COUI•.CIL OF VIE CITY Or PORT T07RIS IID DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOCTS' Section 1. That an emergency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring the immediate appropriation for expenditure during the year 1942, from the Current Expense fund of said city, the sum of /d>& chargeable to the Health Department of said city, as follows : Capital outlay Salaries and wages o- o0 Gasoline and oil z°s 600. Sundry and miscellaneous; and said sum be and hereby is appropriated. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to dram emergency warrants upon said Current Expense Fund, not exceedine the foregoing amounts, during the year 1942, upon the presentation of propprly/_i� d vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader -to be in force an take effect as provided blaw. PASSED by the City CounciT�� y, 19,12. APPROVED by the Mayor 1942. Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 - f1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 Jam. Tax levy for 1939 (Special) Creates civil service commission for fire department (2.40) Creates civil service commission for police department (2.36) Emergency appropriation (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) 1940 budget (Special) Water department budget for 1940 (Special) Tax levy for 1940 (Special) Regulates parking of motor vehicles (10.04) Emergency appropriation (Special) Regulates use of water (13.12) Pinball machine licenses (Repealed by 1525) Regulates bicycles (Repealed by 1525) Provides for extension of water system (Special) Repeals Ords, 879 and 1036, licensing commercial trucks (Repealed by 1525) Authorizes wharf construction (Special) Establishes street grade (Special) Special election (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Fixes salary of named officers (Not codified) Budget for 1941 (Special) Water department budget for 1941 (Special) Tax levy for 1941 (special) Adopts a system for extension of sewer system (Special) Amends Ord. 1089 (Repealed by 1525) Emergency appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 974 (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Street vacation 1,Special) Provides construction and acquisition of a sewage sys- tem (Special) Street vacation fSpecial) 1942 budget (Special'; Water department budget for 1942 (Special) Tax levy for 1942 (Special) Amends Ord. 815 (Not codified) Amends Ord. 1089 (Repealed by 1525) Emergency appropriation (Special) Garbage regulations (6.04) Emergency appropriations (Special) Emergency appropriations (Special) Blackout and air raid regulations (Repealed by 1525) 173 Emergency appropriations (Special) Emergency appropriations (Special) Street vacation (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Special election (Special) Fixes time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 1525) Street vacation (Special) Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codified) ORI.)!:!I1.IIC _j% OT-U)ITTAITGE of the Ci 1;y of l ort Townsend providinL. for the appropriation and immediate expenditure of :Honey from the Current Expeaso Fund of such city for the purpose of purchcoing additional police cijuipTcnt, and declaring an omer(;ency. ','ammll,,S, at the timo of the adoption of the official budget for the Current Expense Fund of said city for the yens 1942, the necessity for an additional police car could not have been forseen, and vihereas, it now appears to the City Council of the City of Port Tcvmsend that two automobiles are necessary for the purpose of ndequately policing the City of fort Townsend durinE; the period of the present Iintional Emergency, therefore, IFFB CITY CCU:ICII, OF 11•ril; CITY OV PORT `P0":7'1"-5LIID DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That an emergency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring the iiiunediute appropriation of money for expenditure from 'the Current Expense Fund of the City of tort Townsend during the year 1942 as follows: police Department Capital Outlay Sundry and 14iscellaneous / o t:) e- o Total ( 3 00, 00 , and said sum be and the stone is hereby appropriated. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and fie is hereby authorized to dray emerf.,ency i7arrants upon the Current 1;xpense Fund of said city during the year 1942 for the purposes aforesaid, not exceeding the foregoinE amount, upon the preoeritation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader 'to be in force and take effect five days from and after the date of such publicvtion. PASSEM by the City Council April ar-, 1942. by the I.:ayor Ai)ril (D 194y. Attest: _ I,,:ayor City Clark ORDINANCE No. 1_% L AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port 'Townsend providing for the appropriation and immediate expenditure of money from the Current Expense Fund of said City for the purpose of adequately providing for the established system of Civilian Defense within said city, and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the official budget for the Current Expense Fund of said Gity for the year 1942, the exigencies incident to the provisions of an adequate Civilian Defense during the period of the National Emergency could not have been forseen, and, WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of 7,ashington has not seen fit to call a special session of the State Legislature, and make recommendation thereto of such measures as are necessary to meet the problems of coast cities and towns in the State of 'Nashington, and, VVHEREAS, such problems are now local and must be'so met financially, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIM, CI`1'Y OF PORT TO',INSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That as emergency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring the immediate appropriation of money for expenditure from the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend during the year 1942, for the purposes aforesaid, which said sum so appropriated shall -be chargeable as follows: GENr'RAL CITY GOVi RIV4ENT Capital Outlay 200.00 Salaries and Wages, 9 � 700.00 Sundry and Miscellaneous; 100.00 Section 2. That,the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to dravr emergency warrants upon the Current Expense Fund of said city during the year 1942 for the purposes afore- said, not exceeding the foregoing amount, upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once do the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and tape effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council Iday 5, 1942. APPROVED by the Mayor May 6, 1942. Attest: City Clerk I34ayor ORDINAYCE No. // AN ORDINAYCE of the City of Port Townsend vamting a portion of a street in The O.C. Hastings Addition to Port Townsend. The City (buncil ofthe City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section.1. That portion of Kuhn street between the northerly line of 29:th street and the southerly line of the acreage tract lying northerly thereof in The 0. C. Hastings Addition to Port Townsend be and the same is hereby, va cated. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Fort Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect five days from and after the date of such publication. PASSED by the City Council �,�, �,..t ��, 1942. APPROVED by the Mayor f r.. �, 1942. _ _ Mayor Attest: ----- ' � � City Cierk ORDINAME NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port 'Townsend providing for the immediate appropriation of money for expenditure during the year 1942 from the Current Expense Fund for the Police Department of said city, and declaring an emergency. WHERELS, at the time of the adoption of the official budget for the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1942, the necessity of providing for compensation for additional patrolmen for the Police Department could not have been foreseen, and, 117HERPAS, the demands of the National idnergency require that such provision be made at this time and that an emergency exists for the immediate appropriation of money for such purpose, and that the same is a mandatory governmental expenditure, now therefore, The City Cou nci 1 of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That an emergency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring the immediate appropriation of money for expenditure during the year 1942 from the Current Expense Fund of said city, and the same Is hereby appropriated, as follows: POLICE: DEPAR'TL ITT Salaries and Wages $ 120.00 Section 2. f hat the City Me rk of said City be and he is hereby authorized to draw emergency warrants upon said fund not exceeding the foregoing amount upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. Shot this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect fine days from and after itsspubliaation. PASSED by the City Council July 2 � , 1942 APPROVED by the Mayor July .2 Z- .. 1942. ATTEM City Clerk 11 ORDITL ME, I.M. +_ 14 G All ORDI'_,A3,fCE of the City of li ort Tovrnamd providing for and fixing the time of a special election for the qualified voters of the City of Port Townsend to ratify or.reject a pro- position grantint, to the City Council of said city authority to levy taxes on the taxible property of said city in excess of the fifteen (15) mills, now autho- rized by law. tIMEREAS, it now appears to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend that there will be insufficient money returned to the City Treasurer of said city during the year 1943, through tax- ation and otherwise to provide for and carry out all the functions of city government for that ,year; Paid, 7,11EREAS, under the provisions of Chapter 2, Levis of the State of Washington 1939 (Initiative ;treasure No. 129), cities and towns are granted power to levy taxes in excess of fifteen (15) mills, when authorized to do so by the electors of such cities or.towrns; and, 111If7EREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend that an election for that purpose is necessary, and that the following proposition should be submitted to the qualified voters of the city for ratification or rejection, now, therefore, THE CITY COMCIL OF THE CITY OF :,-'OR'T T0.'ilTSEND DO ORDAIPT AS FOLLUNC,: Section 1. That a special election be held in the City of fort Townsend and in the various precincts thereof, on Tuesday, the Sth day of September, 1942, vhich dr.y and date be, and hereby is fixed, as the date upon vhich said election shall be held, and shall be voted by the qualified voters of said city the following proposition and question, to -wit: "Shall the City Council of the City of Port Toansend be autho- rized to collect by taxation during; the year 1943 the sum of approx- imately SOOD.eo , by a special and additional levy of not to ex- ceed S mills, upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city, in excess of the city levy empowered by Chapter 2, Laws of the 12tate of 11Iashington, 1939 (Initiative ;.;easure T,'o. 129), for the purpose of continuing; and maintaining; an adequate system of Civilian Defense in conjunction with the County --City Civilian Defense Council?" section 2. Said election shall be held and conducted in the manner provided by Chapter 2, Lt.rrs of the :;gate of Washington, 1939 (Initiative 1:seesure I:o. 129). Section 3. That this ordinace be published once in the .{ Port Tovmsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after , five (5) days from the date of such publication. Passed by the City Councdl �rt �L, 1942.. r - Approved by the Mayor Alayor ATTEST: City clerk r, ORDINANCE No. 1147 AN ORDINANCE fixing the time of the regular mectingrs of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, and repealing all ordinances in conflict therewith. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That beginning on September 1st, 1942, the meetings of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, shall be held on Tuesday of each week, and said Council shall meet at the hour of 1:30 P.,,,. otclock. Section 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3 That this ordinancebe published once in j the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and to take effect ;I k, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council, August �1942. APPROVED by the P;ayor, August / % , 1942. Mayor . Attest: City Clerk. 1 1148 PJ 0_J)I!V.'.iCL•` of the; City of lo:r°t O'..'z::end vacating.- portions ` of certain ::trrsets in the Orir;inal 9'0 ^nsito of the i:ity of lort ' omisand, ;7eshin(ct:on. `1'ri_. CITY COU `:li 0'' IIIIH CI':: Y C; C':":2; _'0' iT ' U DO OLLOW : Section 1. That, tliot nort;ion of Jackson Street, ?rom the southerly line of Jefferson Street to 'Tront zltreet; r°nd that portion of ,Tashinre, ton -treat, ' Crom the center line co�f.on to '..locks 45 and . 5.2 o C the Ori inal i'o,rnryi to of tine ': ity of .'ort oe:nsend to tha easterly line of Jecls on ;:,troot; end that portion of :;atcr Street a ' lying easterly of the easterly lines of Lot b, 'dock 1.: extonded southerly and Lot C), I31oel_ 4 e,;t:endecl northerly, Ori,.-Anr.l T:mnsitc of the City of I'ort Townsend to the easterly line o.c Jackaon Street, be, and. the shine is hereby vacated. Section 2. That this ordinance be :published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force grid t,:ke Offact as provided by law. • U Passed by the City Cou:7cil�tW6�� k, , 1942. J Approved by the Layor� ,2 194:2. Mayor. Attest: City Clerk' ORDINANCE 140. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsenc City Treasurer for the term The City Council.o£ the City of Port Tows Section 1. That the salary Treasurer for the 4—yeas term commencing the same is hereby fixed at the sum of p: Section 2. That this ordim 1, the,Port Townsend Leader and to take effr first day of January, 1943. 7.:. PASSED by the City Council, APPROVED by the Mayor, Octol Attest: City Clerk F%. ,a fixing the salary of the ommencing January 1, 1943.. and do ordain as follows: o be paid to the City anuary 1, 1943, be and 5.00 monthly. ce be published once in " t and be in force on the ctober / . , 194? r1942. Layor tT r 1�•�.f'�'` � � ;•,'�� �. a, c' `'S ��t'i -1150 1943 budget j Vpec:ial)—,----, 1151 Water department budget for 1943 (Special) 1152 Tax levy for 1943 (Special) 1153 Time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 1790) 1154 Fixes salaries of councilmen (Not codified) 1155 Places tax an admission tickets (Repealed by 1676) 1156 Establishes cumulative fund for waterworks (3.04) 1157 Creates a state aid fund (3.04) 1158 Creates a war liquor tax fund (3.04) 1159 Ratifies plan for addition to sewer system (Special) 1160 Adopts health code by reference (Repealed by 1525) 3161 Emergency appropriations (special) 1162 1944 budget (Special) 1263 Water department budget for 1944 (Special) 1164 Tax levy for 1944 (Special) 1165 Emergency expenditure for park fund (Special) 1166 Vacates portion of named addition (Special) 1167 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1168 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1169 Accepts bid (Special) 1170 Provides for special election (Special) 1171 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1172 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1173 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1174 Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) 1175 1945 budget (Special) 1176 Water department budget for 1945 (Special) 1177 Tax levy for 1945 (Special) 1178 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1179 Fixes sewer rates (Repealed by 1525) 1180 Accepts bid (Special) 1181 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1182 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1183 Provides for relief and compensation of volunteer fire department members (Not codified) 1184 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1185 1946 budget (Special) 1186 Water department budget for 1946 (Special) 1187 Tax levy for 1946 (Special) 1188 Amends Ord. 1091 (Repealed by 1525) 1189 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1190 Street vacation (Special) 1191 Authorizes pipelaying and wharf usage (Sp ial) 1192 Emergency appropriation (special) 1193 Street vacation (Special) 1194 Names street (Special) 1195 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1196 Provides for renovation and repair of cit all (Special) 1197 Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codi d) 1198 1947 budget (Special) 1199 Water department budget for 1947 (Specia OHDINANCS NO. AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting the official budget for the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1943- The City Council of the City of Port Tovinaand do ordain as -follows: Section 1. That the following be and the same is here- by fixed and adopted as the official budget *o? the City of Port Town- send, for the year 1943, for taxation purposes, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budgetj to -wit: 00 Salaries and Wages q Operation and Maintenance 7.5 Capital Outlay Interest and Bond Redemption 12',97f0,06 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Fort Townsend Leader and to be in force and take effect as provided by PASSED by the City, October 13 19h2. APPROVED by the Mayor, October 1942, City Clerk ORDINJUICE P:O. 11,5 AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting a budget for the 17ater Department of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1943. The City Council of the City of Port To•:msnad do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the follovd ng described budget be, and the same is hereby fixed and adopted for the Water Department j the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1943, divided into the total/ amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to —,.At - Salaries and 'Kages Operation and Maintenance w %,� ��D, O O Capital Outlay Interest and Bond Redemption Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to be in force and take effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council, October. 1942 APPROVED by the Mayor, October `/� , 19421 Vayor .r. = Attest: City Clerk Gilt. of Port 1u�illectlr't tm:co for The City Council of i;i.c City o.1' Pori; `lo\.:nc,.!od do or'r+Aiirt ,ag foll.o js: Sectic)n 1. Thaat thea•e :1.s 1'c:rob-y leviod upon' all tax- ablo proporty in i:l:r: Cit;,J oi' Port. `a.`o;rnsend, tho follow- inG suns of t,,oney t:nri rotes of ur.: Levy 1'oz' the diffovont purpo,.os herein tiesi nai;erl, .'o, IcIv: yoar 7.9,13, cane, ',he .,taut of tu:mtion upon t1lo doll f).r n1' a, nea:>c d vclluai:iott 01.' .S:.LI(I C.-iLy .tot• :!aai nuruoses is as follows: First: j''or the pay!;!t:1it: of current cxporwar, and for the Current Lxpen:;e Fund, titc :.tu;a o1.' tir9,'176 121 rind the rate of tux. levy for t!ai.d fuatd :i.s horeby fixocl at 9.50 ar,ill..: on the d.ollnr. Second: For the: rurpofo of mnintoini.r,g a public library and :for L-he Library Fund, _.hc stun of y1,7!5.J7, awl the rage of tag;. levy for said purpose i.s .ae; cby .fixed rA; 1.7: mills on the dollar. Third: -For the purposo of a public mark find for the nary liumd, the sutra of ,,4997.70, and the rate of tr..,, levy for said purpose is hereby fixed ua -, 1.00 rra.ills on the dol.le-v. Fourth: for the n!a•l.ntensnoo and )vovemient of tho public' streets of the Ctty, sand for 'td,-O City Stroei, Fund, tho silxi of `2,743.67.. and the ral.:e of ta:: levy for said ptn'po,-;e ;'.^ hereby fixed at 2.75 :!iillu oyt the Collar. P:i.fth: For the payfaent of interest on bond:, and for bond ' redemption 1911 Refund Bond:; and lntcz•o: t Fund, the stun of :;1'6,983.88, and the rate of t:n.: levy for avid buvpo:se is hereby fixed at 7.00 mills on the dollar. SL,'th: For the paymont of interest on bond.,; and bond ve- demption, General Indebtedness 1931 ';later Bond and lntorest Fund, the sutn of $997.70, oncl the rato of to . levy for raid purpose is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the: do1lox. Seventh: For the pnymcrit of :ir!rlebl.edness of the City of ' Port Townsend l.::o'an ar; the "Indebtedness Fund", the suns of and the rate of ta.c levy for said purpose 1.9 horeeby fixed at 7.00 mills on the dollar. Section 2. That tl;.e and City Cl-e:1-11, of said City are hereby authorized and divectgd to certify to the County Assessor and to tho County i%uditor of Jcfferaon County, %7ashiii6ton, the fore- going tax levy of said City. Section :i. Thrit this ovdinanne be. publishecl once in the Port Townsend Leader, to take et'fect and be in force as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council, October 13, 19,i2. APPROVED by the 1,:o.yor, Ocf:ober 1C�, 1912. a,n �ror At.te;,t: APd, URllIldARCL V xint; the tlme of the reLular mec Lin so the Cit;� Council or the City of Post Tovinvend and ropQolinL all ordinance:+ in conflict thorewith. THE . C ITY COUNG IL OF '' H1`; CITY OF PORT .TU':7:1SIIEND Do ORDIIILI As FoLLO',7s: Section 1. Thai: beLinninf; on January J., 1943, the. meetings of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, 17ash- ." ington , shall be bold on Tuesday of each we c.,Ic, and said Council shall meet ,at the hour of 7:30 o1clock P.M'. Section ".. That all ord:Lnancee, or parts of or- dinanees, in conflict hej� and the same are hereby repealed. w Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend. Leader to be in force Pnc, take oi'i'eot as pro- vided by law. • ORDINANCE NO. 1154 CJ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend fixing the salary and/or compensation of certiin councilmen of said City for the year 1943. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That effective January 5th 1943 the 6ouncilman for the Third Ward ( two year term ); the councilman for the Fourth Ward ( four year term ); and councilman for the Vifth Ward ( four year term ) shall be entitled to compensation at the rate of $5.00 per meeting, providing that no compensation shall be allowed in excess of two meetings per month. SECTION 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as herei.n- befora stated. Passed by the City Council, January 5th 1943. Approved by the Mayor, January loth 1943 MAYOR. Attest: City Clerk. I 0 ORDINANCE N0.1. AN ORDINANCE levying an admission tax on persons paying admissions, or who are admitted free or at reduced rates to any place; fixing the amount and providing for the collec- tion thereof; and prescribing penalties. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions: For purposes of this ordinance, words and phrases shall have the following meanings: "Admission Charge", in addition to its usual and ordinary mean- ing, shall include a charge made for neason tickets or subscriptions, a cover charge or a charge made for use of seats and tables, reserved or otherwise, and similar accommodations; a charge made for food and refreshments in any place where any free entertairu"ent, recrea- tion or amusement is provided, a charge made for rental or use of equipment or facilities for purposes of recreation or amusement, End where the rental of the equipment or facilities is necessary to the enjoyment of the privilege for which a general admission is charged, the combined charge shall be considered as the admission charge; and a charge made for automobile parking where the amount of the charge is determined according to the number of passengers in an automobile. "Clerk" shall mean the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend. "Place" includes, but is not restricted to, theatres, dance halls, auditoriums, carnivals, athletic fields, circuses, side shows, and such attractions as merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels, roller coasters, etc. "Person" means any iddividual, receiver, assignee, firm, co- partnership, joint venture, corporation, company, joint stock company, association, socibty, or any group of individuals acting as a unit, whether mutual, cooperative, fraternal, non-profit or 6therw1se. Section,2. (a) There is herby levied and imposed upon every person (including children, without regard to age) who pays an admission charge to any place, including a tax on persons who are admitted free of charge or at reduced rates to any place for which other persons pay a charge or a regular higher charge for the same or similar privileges or accommodations, which said tax shall be in Page 2 the amount of one cent for each twenty cents or fraction thereof paid for the admission charge. (b) Whenever the admission charge in ten cents or less, no tax shall be payable, nor shall any tax be payable by any bona fide employee of the place or by any federal, state or municipal officer or employee on official visits, or by any newspaper reporter, or by any child under twelve years of age, who is admitted free. (a) Whenever any person is admitted free or at reduced rates to any place at a time when under circumstances an admission charge is made to other persons for the same or similar accommodations, a tax shall be payable by the person so admitted in an amount equal to the tax payable by such other persons for the same or similar accommodations. (d) Whenever the charge to women and children for admission to any place is less than the charge made to men, or when such persons are regularly admitted free, the lesser charge is not deemed to be a reduced rate under this ordinance, and the amount of the tax payable hereunder by such persons shall be determined by the amount of the actual admission charge paid.. (e) Amounts paid for admission by season •ticket or subscription shall be exempt only if the amount which would be charged to the holder or subscriber for a single admission is ten cents or less. (f) Whenever tickets or cards of admission are sold elsewhere than at the ticket or box office of the place, any price or charge made in excess of the established price or charge therefor at such ticket or box office shall be taxable in a sum equal to 10% of the amount of such excess, which tax shall be in addition to the tax on the ticket or box office admission charge, shall be paid by the person paying the admission charge, and shall be collected and remitted in the manner provided in Section 7 hereof by the person selling such tickets. Section 3. Any person who pays an admission charge to any public performance for profit to which the charge of admission is wholly or in part included in the price paid for refreshments, service or merchandise shall pay a tax of one and one-half cents for each ten cents or fraction thereof of the amount paid for admission Page 3 j and the amount paid for such admission shall be deemed to be 20% of the amount paid for refreshment, service or merchandise. if the amount paid for admission is twenty cents or less, no tax shall be imposed; and if a fixed admission charge, including a "hover charge", is imposed upon each person admitted, and it is fair and reasonable in comparison with charges generally made for similar performances or entertainments, such charge is taxable at the rate of one cent for each twenty cents or fraction thereof: Provided, that if no fixed admission charge or cover charge is imposed, but the prices charged for refreshments, service or merchandise are higher during the time entertainment or dancing is provided than at other times, or if the prices charged are substantially higher than are charged by other places furnishing the same Glass of food. or services but which do not furnish entertainment or dancing, an admission charge shall be deemed included in the price paid for refreshments, service or merchandise, and 20% of the total amount so paid shall be subject tb the tax at the rate of one and one-half cents for each ten cents or fraction thereof. If the price paid for refreshments, service or merchandise does not exceed $1,50, no admission charge is deemed included in the price paid; if, however, the price paid for refreshments, service or merchandise exceeds $1.50,'the t6m hereby levied shall be computed upon the total amount thereof, even 'though expended on behalf of more than one person, and the amount thereof shall not be prorated among the persons of the party. If a minimum charge is imposed or a so-called "food ticket" is.vequired to be purchased by the person admitted and such minimum charge or"food ticket" is later accepted by the management in full or part payment of food or other refreshments served, the amount paid for such minimum charge or"food ticket" shall not be deemed an amount paid for admission; and in such case the tax levied shall be equal to one and one-half cents for each ten cents or fraction of the amount paid for admission, which shall be deemed to be 20% of the amount paid for refreshments; service or merchandise. Section 4. Whenever an amount of more than ten cents is re- quirod to be paid to gain admission to any building or enclosure in which a skating rink is located or to the rink itself, the amount ■ 1 • . Page 3 and the amount paid for such admission shall be deemed to be 20% of the amount paid for refreshment, service or merchandise. If the amount paid for admission is twenty cents or less, no tax shall be imposed; and if a fixed admission charge, including a "cover charge", is imposed upon each person admitted, and it is fair and reasonable in comparison with charges generally made for similar performances or entertainments, such charge is taxable at the rate of one cent for each twenty cents or fraction thereof: Provided, that if no fixed admission charge or cover charge is imposed, but the prices charged for refreshments, service or merchandise are higher during the time entertainment or dancing is provided than at other times, or if the prices charged are substantially higher than are charged by other places furnishing the same class of food or services but which do not furnish entertainment or dancing, an admission charge shall be deemed included in the price paid for refreshments, service or merchandise, and 20% of the total amount so paid shall be subject to the tax at the rate of one and one-half cents for each ten cents or fraction thereof. If the price paid for refreshments, service or merchandise does not exceed $1.50, no admission charge is deemed included in the price paid; if, however, the price paid for refreshments, service or merchandise exceeds �1.50,'the tdz hereby lev'i.ed shall be computed upon the total amount thereof, even though expended on behalf of more than one person, and the amount thereof shall not be prorated among the persons of the party. If a minimum charge is imposed or a so-called "food ticket" is.required to be purchased by the person admitted and such minimum charge or"food ticket" is later accepted by the management in full or part payment of food or other refreshments served, the amount paid for such minimum charge or"food ticket" shall not be deemed an amount paid for admission; and in such case the tax levied shall be equal to one and one-half cents for each ten cents or fraction of the amount paid for admission, which shall be deemed to be 20% of the amount paid for refreshments; service or merchandise. Section 2. Whenever an amount of more than ten cents is re- quirad to be paid to gain admission to any building or enclosure in which a skating rink is located or to the rink itself, the amount Page 4 paid, plus the amount, if any, paid for rental or use of equipment or facilities supplied to the person paying for the admission and necessary to the enjoyment of the privilege for which the admission is charged, shall be deemed the admission charge, and a tax is hereby levied on such admission charge of one cent for each twenty cents or fraction thereof, which shall be paid by the person paying the admission charge and which shall be collected and remitted by the person to whom the same is paid in the manner provided in Section 7 hereof. Section 5. Whenever an amount of more than ten cents is required to be paid to gain admission to any resort or picnic grounds, the whole amount so paid is subject to a tax of one cent for each twenty cents or fraction thereof, even though such amount includes a charge for use of equipment and facilities such as tables, stoves, etc. If a lesser amount is charged to persons who do not use such equipment and facilities than those who do use such equipment and facilities, the lesser charge is deemed the admission charge. Where•a-separate charge is made for the use of equipment and facilities, such charge is not subject to the tax herein levied unless it constitutes or is part of an "admission charge" or is a "place", as defined in Section 1 hereof. Whenever an organization or club acquires the sole right to use a resort or picnic grounds, solely for the enjoyment of its members or employees and their friends, the amount paid for such right is an amount paid for an admission charge and subject to the tax herein levied; Provided, that if the organization or club in turn charges its members or employees all or part of the amount so paid, such charge does not constitute an admission charge subject to the tax herein levied. Amounts paid for the privilege of parking cars in a resort or picnic grounds do noL constitute an admission.charge.unless the amount of such charge is determined by the number of passengers in the automobile or the same charge is made to all persons who enter the resort or grounds, whether on foot or by other means of trans- portation. If a charge is made for each passenger in an automobile, in addition to a charge for parking facilities, the amount paid for the passengers is an admission charge and subject to the tax therein Page 5 levied. The tax herein levied shall be paid by the person paying the admission charge and shall be collected and remitted by the person to whom the same is paid in the manner provided in Section 7 hereof. Section 6. The price (exclusive of the tax to be paid by the person paying for admission) at which every admission ticket or card is sold shall be conspicuously and indelibly printed or written on the face or back of that part of the ticket which is to be taken up by the management of the place to which admission is gained; and it shall be unlawful for any person to sell an admission ticket or card on which the name of the vendor or the price is not so printed, stamped, or written, or to sell an admission ticket or card at a price in excess of the price printed, stamped, or written thereon. Section 7. Every person receiving any payment for admissions on which a tax is levied under this ordinance shall collect the amount of the tax imposed from the person making the admission payment. The tax required to be collected under this ordinance shall -be deemed to be hold in trust by the person required to collect the same untilpaid to the Clerk as herein provided. Any person required to collect the tax imposed under this ordinance who fails to collect the same, or, having collected the same, fails to remit the same to the Clerk in the manner prescribed by this ordinance, whether such failure be the result of his own act or the result of acts or condi- tions beyond his control, shall nevertheless be personally liable to the City for the amount of such tax, and shall, unless the remittance be made as herein required, be guilty of a violation of this ordinance. The tax imposed hereunder shall be collected at the time the admission charge is paid by the person seeking admission to any place and shall be reported and remitted by the person receiving the tax to the Clerk in bi-monthly installments and remittances therefor on or before the 15th day of the month next:succeeding the end of the bi- monthly period in which the tax is:collected or received: Provided, that the first return and remittance under this ordinance shall be made on or before the 15th day of July, 1943, and shall cover the period from and `. , , • • e' Page 6 including May 1, 1943, to and including Juno 30, 1943. Payment or remittance of the tax collected may be made by check, unless payment or remittance is otherwise required by the Clerk, but payment by check shall not relieve the person collecting the tax from liability for pay- ment and remittance of the tax to the Clerk unless the check is honored and is in the full and correct amount. The person receiving any payment for admissions shall make out a return upon such forms and setting forth such information as the Clerk may require, showing the amount of the tax upon admissions for which he is liable for the preceding bi-monthly period, and shall sign and transmit the same to the Clerk with a remittance for said amount; Provided, that the Clerk may in his discretion require verified annual returns from any person receiving admission payments setting forth such additional information as he may deem necessary to determine correctly the amount of tax collected and payable. Whenever any theatre, carnival, show, exhibition, entertainment or amusement makes an admission charge which is subject to the tax herein levied, and the same is of a temporary or transitory nature, of which the Clerk shall be the judge, the Clerk may require the report and remittance of the admission tax immediately upon the collection of the same, at the conclusion of the performance or exhibition, or at the conclusion of the series of performances or exhibitions or at such other times as the Clerk shall determine; and failure to comply with any requirement of the Clerk as to report and remittance of the tax as required shall be a violation of this ordinar_c,e. The books, records, and accounts of any person collecting a tax herein levied shall, as to admission charges and tax collections, be at all reasonable times subject to examination and audit by the Clerk. Section 8. Any person conducting or operating any place for entrance to which an admission charge is made shall, on a form prescribed by the Clerk, Make application to and procure fz-om the Clerk a Certificate of Registration, the fec for which shall be one dollar ('?11.00), which certificate shall continue valid until the c t- page 7 31st day of December of the year• in which the .same is issued. Such certificate of Registration, or duplicate original copies thereof to be issued by the Clerk without additional charge, shall be pasted in a conspicuous place in each ticket or box office where tickets of admission are sold. Section 9. Whenever a Certificate of Registration is obtained for the purpose of operating or conducting a temporary or transitory amusement, entertainment or exhibition by persons who are not the pwners, lessees, or custodians of the building, lots or place where the amusement is to be conducted, the tax imposed by this ordinance shall be reported and remitted as provided in Section 7 hereof by said owner, lessee or custodian, unless paid by the person conducting the place. The applicant for a Certificate of Registration for such purpose shall furnish with the application therefor the name and address of the owner, lessee or custodian of the premises upon which the amusement is to be conducted, and such owner, lessee or custodian shall be notified by the Clerk of the issuance of such certificate and the joint liability for collection and remittance of such tax. Section 10. The Clerk shall have power to adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with the terms of this ordinance for carrying out and enforcing the payment, collection and remittance of the tax herein levied; and a copy of said rules and regulations shall be on file and available for public examination in the Clerk's office. Failure or refusal to comply with any such rules and regulations shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance. Section 11. The tax hereby levied and imposed shall be collected and payed on and after May 1, 1943. Section 12. If any portion of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the portions which are not adjudged invalid. Section 13. Each violation of or failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense and ORDINANCE N0. i I AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend authorizing the establishment of a Cumulative Reserve Fund for the Olympic Gravity Water Works system of said City. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT T0. NSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That• under the provisions of Chapter 60, Laws of Washington, 1.941, and with the intent of accumulating money to later provide for the making of additions and betterments to, and extensions and replacements of, the existing municipal water works system of the City of Port Townsend., there be and is hereby established a fund of said city to be known and designated as "CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND f or the OLYMPIC GRAVI`.CY WATER SYSTEM". Section 2. That hereafter, whey► in the judgment of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, there appears to be in the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of said city an amount of money in excess of the instant demands therefor, as fixed by Ordinance No. 947 of said city entitled: "AN ORDINANCE specifying and adopting a system or plan for the making of additions or betterments to and extensions of the excisting municipal water works system of the City of Port Townsend, declaring the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be, providing for the ' issuance and sale of bonds to secure funds therefor, and submitting such plan or system to the qualified voters of said city at a special election to be held therein on August 18, 1927," which said ordinance %vas Passed by City Council July 19, 3.927 and Approved by the Mayor July 19, 1927, said City Council may, by resolution, authorize the transfer of such excess to said "Cumulative Reserve Fund for the Olympic Gravity Water System" and'such transfers shall accumulate from year to year until the City Council shall determine to expend the same for the purposes specified in Section 1 hereof, PROVIDED, the ar►y moneys in said fund shall never be expended for any purpose other than those specified in Section 1, without an approving vote by a majority of the electors of the City of Port Townsend at a general or special election voting on a proposal submitted to them ' r to al ovr other specified uses to be inade of said fund, and, PROV Ell, FURTHER, that this ordinance shall never be construed or'i any particular as an attempt to repeal any of t e provisions of Ordinance No. 947 as aforesaid, nor to impa r the obligation of contract as therein settled. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect from and afte five (5) days of the date of such publication. PASSED by the City Council. May J� , 1943 APPROVED by the Mayon May , 1943 test: I City Clerk ORDINANCE No. 1 f —/ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the: creation of a fund of said city to be known and designated as "STATE AID FUND" and providing for expenditure therefrom. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 81, Lays of Washington, 1943, there be and is hereby created and established a "Fund" of the City of Port To•Nnsend, which shall hereafter be known and designated as "STATE AID FUND". Section 2. The monies in said fund shall be expended by direction of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, as agent# of the State of Washington, for the following purposes only, that is to say, for salaries and wages, supplies, material and equipment for police and fire protection, health and sanitation, library, park and civilian defense, all of which are hereby recognized as, and declared, for the purpose of this ordinance, to be state purposes. During the calendar year 1943, expenditures of money from said fund may be made without regard to budget laws, but expenditures during 1944 and 1945 shall be provided for and made in accordance with the budget laws. Section 3. That this ordinance be published xzxs#once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect from and after five (5) days from the date of such publication. PASSED by the City Council May / Y , 1943. APPROVED by the Mayor May l % , 1943. Attest: City Clerk. 0 0 ORDINANCE Na. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the creation of a Fund of said city to be known and designated as "WAR LIQUOR TAX FMID", and providing for expenditure therefrom. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOMISEYD DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 173, Laws of Washington, 1913, there be and is hereby created and established a "Fund" of the City of Port Townsend, which shall hereafter be known and designated as "WAR LIQUOR `i'AX'_FUND". Section 2. The money in said fund shall be expended by direction of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend exclusively for health, police protection and protection from loss by fire. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect from and after Five (5) days from the date of such publication. Attest: PASSED by the City Council May / , 1943. APPROVED by the Mayor May / , 1943. Mayor City Clerk .;M-,-- Ob ORDINAN CE No. ; ? AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend ratifying a system or plan for the making of additions to and extensions of the existing sewer system of the City of Port Townsend, as specified and adopted by Ordinance No. 1123 of said city, passed by the City Council October 15, 1940, approved by the Meryor October 15,, 1940; declaring and settling the actual cost thereof; ratifying and confirming the transfer of funds from the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of said city to satisfy the construction cost; providing for the issuance and sale of bonds or warrants to secure funds to provide reimbursement therefor; providing for revenue by fixing rates and charges for the furnishing of service to those served by such system and for the collection of such charges, and directing that all property owners within the area served by such newer system be compelled to make connection therewith. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT `!OW71SEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That all of the provisions of Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 1123 of the City of Port Townsend, entitled "AN ORDIN.ANTGN specifying and adopting a system or plan for the making of additions to and extensions of the existing sewer system of the City of Port Townsend, declaring the estimated cost thereof, as near as may be, providing for the issuance and sale of bonds to secure funds therefor, and submitting such plan to the qualified voters of said city at a special election to be -held therein November 5, 1940", passed by the City Council October 15, 1940 and approved by the Mayor October 15, 1940, be, and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed, save and except only wherein any of such provisions may be repugnant to the provisions hereinafter following. Section 2. That the gross cost of the system or plan as in said Ordinance No 1123 specified is hereby declared and settled to be the sum of �7063.00. Section 3. That the resolution of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend dated, 1941, authorizing a borrowi.n rom the unobligated funds of the Olympic Gravity slater System of said city in the sum of 56600.00, to provide for the construction cost thereof', and subsequent overdraft in the sum of y483.00 to coa_plete the sr.!me, is hereby likevise ratified and confirmed, and all expenditures made in accordance therewith are hereby validated. Section 4. That in order to secure funds to provide reimbursement to said Olympic Gravity 'Water Fund, said city shell issue and sell its bonds or warrants, bearing interest not exceeding six psrcent (6%) per annum, in an amount not exceeding 47083.00, said bonds or warrants to be in such form and maturity as the City Council may determine. .section 5. That there be anc. is hereby created acid established a special fund of said city to be known end designated as "Willow Street Sewer Fund", which f!?nd is to be drawn upon Cor the sole purpose of mnking reimt)usement r$or the cost of such additions and extensions. From end after the date of the issuance of said bonds or warrants for the cost of such additions and extensions as herein provided and so long; thereafter as any obligations are outstanding shall set aside and pay into said fund, thirty (30) days prior to the respective dates on which interest, or principal and interest, of said bonds or warrants, shell become due end payable, certain fixed alaounts out of the gross revenues oV scid sewer system equivalent to the respective amounts of interest, or principal and interest, as the.cese may be, so falling due upon any end all bonds or warrants issued hereunder and then outstanding. The City Council of the City of fort Townsend does hereby declare in fixing the amounts to be paid into said fund as aforesaid that it has exercised due regt.rd to the costs of operation and maintenance of said sOier systerr. r:s constructed, and shall not set aside into such i • special fund a greater amount than in its judgment will be available over and above such cost of maintenance and operation, and the fixed amounts of the revenue as previously pledged. Any such bonds or warrants, and interest thereon, issued against such fund, as herein provided, shall be a valid claim of the holder thereof only as against such special fund, and shall not constitute an indebtedness of the City of Port Townsend within the meaning of the constitutional provisions and limitations. Section 6. Each such bond or warrant issued hereunder shall state on its face that it shall be payable solely out of the special fund of the City of Port Townsend known as "Willow Street Sewer Fund", created by Ordinance No. `,-? passed by the City Council l %_,,• 1943 and approved by the Mayor 1943, and said bonds or warrants so issued shall be sold in such manner as the City Council of the City of Port Townsend shall deem in the best interest of the city. Section 7. The City of Port Townsend further binds itself to establish from time to time, and maintain, such rates as will provide sufficient revenues to permit the payment of said sums into such special fund, which said city has pledged to set aside for the payment of principal and interest as herein provided, to be applied to the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds or warrants herein authorized, until such special indebtedness shall have been paid in full, and in addition thereto, all costs of operation and maintenance. Section S. When the rates and charges for the furnishing of sewer service hereunder have been established by the City Council, and the time and method of payment settled, the City Council shall have the right to provide by ordinance for the collection of delinquent and unpaid charges by the filing of a lien agains the premises to which the same has been furnished and foreclose such lien in the manner provided by law, or as an additional and concurrent 1 ti method to enforce such lien by providing, by ordinance, for the cutting off of water service to the premises to which such sewer service has been furnished, until such rates and charges are paid. Section 9. All property owners within the area served by the sewerage provided by this ordinance shall, within a time to be later specified by ordinance, connect their private drains and sewers to such system, or suffer such penalty as said ordinance may direct. Section 10. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect from and after five (5) days of the date of such publication. PASSED by the City Council ,,,�. , r� , 1943.. APPROVED by the Mayor ( Ma yo r Attest: City Clerk oiiulNAACE ]do. / /L.�2 AN ORDINAifCE of the City of Port Townsend providing by reference of the provisions of Part and Regulations of the State Board of H and adopted April 24, 1942, and providi of permits for the operation of any pla of food within the City of Port Townsen penalties. THE CITY C OUN'C IL Q7 THE CITY OF PORT TO!'.'i45 ND DO ORD or the adoption , 13001C V, Rules alth, as revised C for the issuance e for the handling , And providing III AS FOLLO'17S: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of hapter 213, Lati,,s of Washington, 1943, all of the Rules and Regulation of Part 6, Book V, Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health of the State of Washington, relative to Sanitation and Public Food Kindling Establish- ments and Lvinking places, as revised and adopted April 24, 1942, and each thereof, be and the same is hereby adopted. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a res-- taur•ant, an itinerate restaurant, or drinking place Ln the City of Port Townsend, as defined by said Rules and hogulations, -rho does not possess an unrevoked permit from the health officer of the City of Port Tovinsend and in whose place of business such permit is not po�ted in a conspicuous place. only persons who comply with the requirement of this ordinance, or of said Rules and Regulations, as herein adopted,�shall be entitled to receive and retain such a permit. Such a In rmit may be suspended by the health of icer or revolted after an opportunity for a gearing by the health officer u on the violation, by the holder, of any of the terms of this ordinance. Section 3. Any person violating any of the terns of this ordinance shall be deorr,ed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con action shall be punished by imprisonment in the city ,jail for a peri d of not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by a fine of not to exceed 5p100.00, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 4. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Loader to be in force and ta1.o effect as pr vided by law. PASSED by the City Council .,�, '" , 1943. APPROVED by the Mayor `,,. ! , 1943. i Attest: y C1er t ..1150 , 1943 budget (Special) 1151 hater department budget for 1943 (Special) 1152 Tax levy for 1943 (Special) 1153 Time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 1790) 1154 Fixes salaries of councilmen (Not codified) 1155 Places tax on admission tickets (Repealed by 1676) 1156 Establishes cumulative fund for waterworks (3.04) 1157 Creates a state aid fund (3.04) 1158 Creates a war liquor tax fund (3.04) 1159 Ratifies plan for addition to sewer system (Special) 1160 Adopts health code by reference (Repealed by 1525) —"-:C161 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1162 1944 budget (Special) 1163 Water department budget for 1944 (Special) 1164 Tax levy for 1944 (Special) y14 1165 Emergency expenditure for park fund (special) + 1166 Vacates portion of named addition (Special) 1167 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1168 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1169 Accepts bid (Special) 1170 Provides for special election (Special) �f1171 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1172 Amends Ord. 1110 (13,12) 1173 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1174 Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) 1175 1945 budget (Special) 1176 Water department budget for 1945 (Special) 1177 Tax levy for 1945 (Special) 1178 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1179 Fixes sewer rates (Repealed by 1525) 1180 Accepts bid (Special) 1181 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1182 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1183 Provides for relief and compensation of volunteer fire department members (Not codified) 1184 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1185 1946 budget (Special) 1186 Water department budget for 1946 (Special) 1187 Tax levy for 1946 (Special) 1198 Amends Ord. 1091 (Repealed by 1525) 1189 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1190 Street vacation (Special) 1191 Authorizes pipelaying and wharf usage (Sp ial) 1192 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1193 Street vacation (Special) 1194 Names street (Special) 1195 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1196 Provides for renovation and repair of cit all '(Special) 1197 Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codi d) 1198 1947 budget (Special) 1199 Water department budget for 1947 (Specia ORD111,,1 V; : NO. I " '. . AN ORDINANCE of the city of Port Townsend providing For the Immed- iate appropriation of money for the City Street Fund of said city and for expenditure thereof during the year of 1943, and doclaving an emergency. WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the official budget for the City Street Fund of the Cite of Port Townsend for the -year of 1943, the amount of money in the hands of the "`ta!;e Auditor to the credit of the City of Port Townsend i'or the improvement and con- struction of streets of said city, could not have been foreseen; nor could the amount thereof have; been determined at the time of the adoption b-;* the City Council of the City of Port Townsend of the initiating resolution providing for the construction of em- banZunont, Sid-�wallc, retaining wall, guard rail, and other work incidental to the improvement of 1172 feet of .1ashington Street between Taylor and Harrison Streets in said city, otherwise known and designated as City Street Project No. 7, and, B,91EREAS, the amount due the City of Port Townsend from such source has now been received, and the total cost to the City of port Townsend for the completion of said City Street Project No. 7, in - eluding engineering and overhead, has been fixed, settled and deter- mined by the Cite Council of the City of Port Townsend at the sum of 46,600.00, and, WHEREAS, an emergency now exists requiring the immediato ex- ponditure of said sum of 0,600.00 for the purposes aforesaid; therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF 7.HE CITY OF PORT TO'" ASEND DO O16AIPI SS FOLLO`t:S: Section 1. That an omergency be and the sane is hereby declared to ex- ist requiring the immediate appropriation of money for the City street Fund of said city, and for expenditure during the year 1943 from said fund, of the sum of ',�6,600.00 for the cost of construction, including all engineering and overhead, of City Street Project No. 7, as afore- said, and such sum be and the same is hereby so appropriated. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be, and he is, hereby authorized to issue, during the ,car 1943, warrants of the City Street Fund of said city not exceeding said sum of $6,600.00 .. ; upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port, ji Townsend Leader and be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council; July , 1943 Approved by the Mayor, July , 1943 Mayor Attest: City Clerk ORDINANCE 110. � All oliDIilAiiCF of t:ilo city of Port To�rrn::ond providing for the inmred- into appropriation of vionoy £or the City Street Fund of said city and for expenditure thereof during the year of 1rJ45, and declaring an omorronc,y. WHEREAS, at the tirio of the adoption of the official budget for tho City Street Fund of the Cit,S of Pont Townsond for the ,year of 1943, the amount of monoy in tho hands of the Stw o Auditor to the credit of the City of Port Tovnnsond for the improvement and con- struction of streets of said city, could riot have been forenoon; nor could the amourit t:liereof havo been determined tit the time of the adoption b;* the City Council of the City of Port Townsend of the initiating resolution providing, for the construction of em-- bankrr:ornt, sid�:valk, retaining Wall, guard rail, and other work incidental to the improvement of 1172 feet of tashing;ton Street botwoon 'Taylor and Harrison Streets in raid city, othervtiso knovrn and designated as City Street Pro3eet No. 7, and, ;'1111REAS, the amount due the City of Port Tovmsend from such source has now been received, and the total cost to the City of Port TOWLSend for tho completion of said City Street Project No. 7, in - eluding engineering and overhoad, has bean fixed, settled and deter- mined by the City Council of the City of Port Tovnisond at the num of $6,600.00, nnd, .'! L•'REAS, an omergency nova exists raquiring; the immediato ox- p©nditure of said suiu of yr6,600.00 for the purposes aforesaid; thorofore, THE CIVC COUPCIL OF THE CI`T OF POIT 'TO"i•iSEND DO OWA1'ri A; FO1,L07'S: Section 1. That an emergency bo and the same is horoby declared to ex- ist requiring the irmiediato appropriation of money for the City Street Fund of said city, and for oxporiditura during the year 1943 from said fund, of the sum of $6,600.00 for tho cost of construction, including all enginooring and overhead, of City Street Project No. 7, as afore- said, and such sum Teo and tbo saino is hereby no appropriated. Section 2. That the City. Clark of the City of Port Townsend be, and he is, hereby authorizod to issue, during the yoar 1943, warrants of the City Street Fund of said city not exceeding said sum of $6,600.00 upon the presentation of proporly approvod vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be publishod once in the Port Townsend Loader and be in force and take effect as provided by lair. Passed by the City Council, July , 1943 Approved by the Mayor, July , 1943 Mayor Attest: City Glerk ...,., , MW O11D1N!,NCL No. AN ORDIHMICE of the City of fort Townsend fixing. and adopting, :: • the off iciel budget for Nhe City o ort Townsend, for the year 1944. .fr_i CITY COUIlCIL Qa CiIT1. dr' _0 I1T DO ORD,!X': 1:S i'l'LLOViU: Section 1. `i'het the be +:nd thL; score iz hereby fixed end adopted e-s tt:e ofi'icicl buO.fet of the City oC fort Torrn- • send, for the ,, - , Tor to 74 t.1on :uxno..e.,, divided into the total amounts in each of the :Col oviin(; clo-ises coy,;prisin,:; the whole. of said budget, to -grit: Sele-ries and Wages .; Operation cnd I.iF.lntena.nce -' Capital Outlay �, 2 4._49 ;•: Interest and Bond Redal ption Section 2. That this ordinrnee be i.ublished once in the fort Townsend Lender, to be in force rind take effect as provided by levy- ' PASSED by the City Council October„ �� , 19,�3. API -'ROVED by the Mayor October—L_, Attest: Ci ty Clerk-- ORDINANCE NO. ///(' aa7 AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting a budget for the Water Depart- ment of the City of Port Townsend for the year 1944. THE CITY COMICIL OF THE 0112Y OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be, and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1944, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages�w Operation and Maintenanceso0 Capital Outlay Cumulative Reserve Fund /Q 40 0. o0 Interest and Bond Redemption ; S`( goo. -a,, Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, and to be in force and take effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council October , 1944. APPROVED by the Mayor October (, , 1944. ayor Attest: --City Cler r • !L; anti fix.inj� tlic tnx levy for the Ci ty of Fort To::nsend for i,a,_ s "or 1:1,r, recr 19,14. The City Council of the City of I`ort 'i'o,lns^nd do ordain as follorl : Seeti.on 1. hfA th:rc is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of - ort _oJ,Li: :.nd, '-'esh n{ ton, the follorrin;; suns of rroney ad rates of tax levy for the different ?:urpoces horciii dcci;;n, test, for t:he year 1944, end the rate of taxation upon tl,c dollar of Cssessed valuation of said City for ,such purposes is as follows: First: ��or the payment of current e;;penses and for the Current Expense I+und,'the sum of ., �g� 3.3� , end the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at g mills on the dollar. Second: 'For the purpose of maintainine, a public library and for tno Library fund, the sure of ,: � , and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at —3• oo , mills on the dollar. Third: For the purpose of maintaining a public hark and for the Park I'tuid, the sung of !4196 •tea , end the rate of tax levy is hereby filed at / �a mills on the dollar. Fourth: For the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the City, and for the City Street Fund, the sum of 9� a tend the rote of tax levy for soid purpose is hereby fixed at / � o mills on the dollar. Fifth; For the payrnep_ t of interest on bonds and for bond redemption 1911 Refund bonds acid Interest iiund, the sum of 96 z�- , and the rote of tax levy for seid purpose is hereby fixed at 4 • o o Yaills on the dollar. Sixth. For the payment of :interevt on bonds ,aril for bond redemption, General Indebtedness 1931 '.cater Bonl and Interest Fund, the sure of and the rite of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at mills on the dollar. Seventh; For the payment of indebtedness of the City of Port Townsend known as the "indebtedness Fund", the sum of and the rate of tax levy for said purpose is hereby fixed at $- ca mills on the dollar. Section 2. That the ?.:ayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and to the County Assessor of jefferson county, ';dash in{;ton, the foregoing tax, levy of said city. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Lead to be in force and take effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council October r1— , 1943. �.FT1; ITED by the ',I ayor October �5 1943. Toyer 11.L. Anderson Attest: C.F. Christian City Clerk iP. s . prnvlc]; 1'c.r• Owaxnondltuvo of Mora ;� aurin,, tho ycur 1044 M 'clue fats , yepnrtncnt; of tho city a]' find pan orw3oricy. S'IMI AS, at tho, LLLca of tl:f: ui:o_3L it�l: cat' the Of,1101nl budi:;et for the ParkllopnY'trr,ant. fort'.w ;, utlx l r t n;tQ t;�:'nui;ir i.nndvertnnco and a ;. traaa;apo:lit:i.carl Of flj*carat✓, the tl+alr I';I of the Cr..•otal_er V,'R3 fixed Alt the yearly aalnry of ti ].FlM.07 '1110tend of t:ho taut, of Q1620.0:), ctnd, i'i' now npi3euY'3 to tl►u city Cuuticl.l_ t:laut ouch cars oi' should 't� .. a sa tli t• � •a ' c •ac'•• i.�t fltri.• cr: j'oY• • . _i.. a_ l ,. ..ot < , b core .Led .aC] . o de L,n t. i r. hi_ c. ] eTc ics F s 1111 CIV,' CUUMCIL Ur' 'L!il: "`: 1. '. „ !' Lc.' , G I'. u 1 r .; c)� ,, . ;:�� ::u� G aft: ., t, Soction 1. jht.t L•hL,wo be and i:t t:evaby sip-p opri.ntod for a�— x,., penciitaxro cl+xrlra!; tt:o year lc�44 for trio Par!,- i�unO, o!' snid -+:lty the sum ti.. or '�•�;C)0.00, charCcable to t3: , official budget; of toa ld city for said fumy and ouid budc;cit bo iind m.Lime is hur'r.l y tamcy:•c:ccl to rvttd as follows: SnI.Lr'y of cavota;lwr Bection 2. Dint tho city clo:vk of snid c1ty be and lie is horoby ruthorla.-c1 to c!vm: cmel a;z,a pent;n upon vaid Print; r'uYacl . Y ♦ . t. r i 9 during i al- a � i" tl is 1n t � ic] Y u_ _v not c x vod •_ cr .. a lE] L� # 3 Ca ,ill � the ,. .,ax9, .. '�.60•00 a f Ur 5 _ r s upon the presontutlan of propcir•ly ;i ppi'ovod vouchors . Zact•ion a. that: thin ordInnnee bu once in the fort ownsend Lcadex• to ba In fox.ce itno tic}co- ut'f'Or,t t}uprovic.c+d by PA ;:.l:i) by the city Council z , 1 r 10,11LO"VD by the ..:u;ror Attect: y C erk ORDINANCE N0. AN_ORDTNANCE OF THE CITY OF FORT TOWNSEND VACATING PORTIONS OF FOWLER►S PARK ADDITION OF THE CITY OF PORT TOVINSSND, WASHINGTON The City Council of the City of Port Townsend doer ordain as follows: Section I That portion of Fowler's Park Addition to the City of Port Townsend as follows: All of Blocks Seventy-six (75) to Eighty-eight (881 in- olusive, together with the following streets and avenues, as follows, to -wit: All _that portion of Test Lorena Street, West Sapphire Street, West Diamond Street, West Caroline Street, lying easterly of the easterly line of Albatross Street, that portion of Wolcott Street, Man- zanita Street, Davis Street, lying northerly of the northerly line of Cook Avenue and Southerly of the south- erly line of Peary Avenue, but not including any portion of Albatross Street, Peary Avenue or Cook Avenue, be and the same is hereby vacated including the plat thereof and all streets therein situated. section II That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Adopted by the City Council the day of January, 1944. Approved by the Mayor of the City of Port Townsend the day of January, 1944. ATTEST: ORDINANCE NO. Ali ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the immediate appropriation of money for the City Street Fund of said city and for expenditure during the year 1944, and declaring an emez,goncy. . WHEREAS it appears to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend that it is necessary at this time that said city make the. following public improvements, that is to say - the construction of a concrete sidewalk and guard rail on Washington Street, between Polk and Harrison streets, and the construction of a seawall on the south sides of Quincy and Tyler streets, and, WHEREAS, it appears that the value of the abutting prop- erty is insufficient to pay for said improvement by assessment thereupon and that the cost of all of which should be borne by general funds of the City of Port Townsend, and, WHEREAS, the need of said improvements could not have been forseen at the time of the adoption of the official budget of the Street Department of said city for the year 1944, and that an emer- gency now exists requiring the expenditure of money for the purposes aforesaid, and, WHEREAS, the total cost of laid improvements, exclusive of trust funds in the hands of the Mayor which can be used as herein directed is the sum of �4,000.00, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO':iPIUEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLO'NS: Section 1. That an emergency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring the appropriation and expenditu_--e during the year 1944 of the sum of 12;;4,000.00 for the purposes aforesaid, and the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to draw emergency warrants upon the City Street Fund of said city in an amount not exceeding, said $4,000.00 upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Attest: PASSED by the City Council February ,,', 1944. APPROVI D by the ;,:ayor February ;' j� , 1944. Mayor. City Clerk. ORDIUmIcE No. 1 / 6 AN ORD1NAHM, providing for the immediate appropriation of money for expenditure from the City Street Fund of the Cit;y of Port 'Townsend during the year 1944, and declaring an emergency. tiltistt 'AS, fit the time of the adoption of the official budget for the City Street r`und of the City of Port Townsend for the ,year 1944, the total cost of seal coating certain streets within said city could not have been foreseen, and the sum of only $4,500.00 has been budgeted therefor, and, WHMEAS, it now appears from figures submitted by the City Engineer that a sum of tir6,000.00 must be expended to accomplish the results sought to be obtained, and which are wholly necessary, therefore, TiE CITY C0U11C1L 010 THE CITY O'F PORT TWN8ENL DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOVIS: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby declared to exist an emergency requiring the immediate. appropriation of the sum of y$1,500.00 for expenditure during the year 1944 from the City Street Fund of said city for purpose of completing oiling and seal coating program for certain streets of said city. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby author- ized to issue emergency warrants upon said City Street fund not exceeding said sum of ;1,500.00 upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Fort Townsend Leader to be in force and tape effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council ;March �% , 1944. APPROVED by the Mayor Liarch r 1 , 1944. Mayor. City Cle k. O1WINJINUL AN ORDINANCE accopting ti-io bid of Irown 'Lellerbach Corporation for the lease of that part of the waterworks and system of the City of tort Townsend lying outside of the city limits as described in Resolution No. 44-4 passed by the City Council and approved by the 'aayor April 18, 1944, and directing the Wayor and the City Clerk to execute such lease. TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TIiL CITY OF PORT 'i'0:"IdSf:lvll DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the bid of Crown Zellerbach Corporation for the lease of that part of the waterworks and system of the City of Port Townsend lying outside of the city limits, as described in Resolution No. 44-4 passed by the City Council and approved by the Llayor April 16, 1944, be, and the same is hereby, accepted, which bid is in words and figures following: Cii0':ld ZE'LL RBACH GORPOhA`1'IOW 811 White building Seattle, ',lashington. Ltay 22, 1944. City of Fort Townsend, Port 'Townsend, Flashington. Attention: C.F. Christian Gentlemen: City Clerk The undersigned, Crown Zellerbach Corporation, a corpora- tion, hereby bids for the lease for a period of ten (10) years beginning on October 1, 195B, of that part of the waterworks and system of the City of Port 'Townsend lying outside of the city limits as described in the resolution passed by the Mayor and the City Council on the 18th day of April, 1944, and first published on April 20, 1944, on the terms specified in said resolution, as follows, to -wit: The undersigned bidder will pay a rental for each year of the term of said lease for said period of ten (10) years of fifteen thousand dollars (,15,000.00), which rental shall be paid in semi-annual installments of seven thousand five hundred dollars (47,500.00) each. This bid is accompanied by our certified check in the sum of $1,500,00 payable to the order of the City of Port Townsend, which check shall be forfeited to said city if our bid be accepted and we fail to comply therewith within the time specified for such compliance by Sections 9513 and 9514 of hemingtonts Compiled Statutes of the State of Washington. By Yours very truly, Ch0',:t1 Z1.;LLEHi3k011 COKPOhA`i'I0N D. S. Denman Vice President. Section 2. That the Llay*or and the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and they are hereby directed to e�:ecuto a lease of that part of the waterworks and system as described in said Resolution No. 44-4, which lease shall be in the following; form: "'PHIS INDENT'U E OF LEASE, made, in duplicate, this day of , 1944, by and between THE CITY Ol` P T TO;'NSEND, a municipal corpora on of the State of ':lashing;ton (hereinafter called the "City"), party of the first part, and Ctte'l:li ZE'LLLI,13ACH CORPORATION, a corporation (hereinafter called the "Lessee"), party of the second part, ':'ITEESP,E`1'H, V:HLRhAS, that part of the City's waterworks and system herein described and leased is now under lease from the City to CrownLeller- bach Corporation pursuant to an existing lease between the City and National Paper Products Company, a corporation (to which corporation said Crown Zellerbach Corporation has succeeded), bearing; date the 3rd day of ;,larch, 1928, (hereinafter referred to as the "Existing Lease"), and it is now necessary to replace certain portions of the pipe line described in Schedule A below, and will probably become necessary in the course of some five or -more years to replace part or all of the portions of the pipe line described in Schedule B below, and the City desires to make an arrangement For said replacements whereby the cost of the same will be advanced as required by the City and repaid out of rentals of the system accruing under the terms of this lease, IM-1, THERE- OEE, It is agreed as follows: 1. The City hereby leases to the Lessee that part of its water- works and system lying; outside of the limits of said City, more par- ticularly described as follows: The headworks and the diversion dam on.Snov Creek, in Section 4, Township 28 North, Range 2 ''lest 6:.:,,., Jefferson County, ;;ashington, and the pipe line and right of way leading; from said head -works and diversion dam in a general easterly direction to a junction with the pipe line constructed from the Hig; t�uilcene River in the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 1, Tormship 28 North, Range 2 West, e'l.P,;.; also the headviorks and. diversion dam erected under the plan or system known as the "trig; y;uilcene ';rater Extension Project", which dam is constructed across the Big Quilcene River immediately below its confluence with Tunnel Creek at a point located in Section 31, Township 27 Ilorth, Range 2 "'est ':: 1,%, and within the Olympic National Dorest, Jefferson County, V,'ashington, together with right of way and pipe line from said head -works on the Big wuilcene in an easterly and southerly direction to the south line of Section 33, Township 27 North, Range 2 7,est, �'i.L:., and thence in a northerly direction to a junction with the pipe line from Snow Creek, in Section 1, 'Township 28 North, Range 2 :'.'est, ":.::.; thence in a norther- ly direction across Section 6, Township 26 North, flange 1 'r'est 1P.:4., to the north line of said Section 6; thence paralleling the City of Port `Pownsend's water line frdm Snow Creek (known as the Olympic Gravity Water System) in a general northerly direction to the souther- ly boundary line of the City of Port Townsend; also the storage basin formed by City Lake, situated in Section 19, Tovnship 29 ,`North, lunge 1 '!lest 'li.i,:., together with the real estate owned by the City of Port Townsend surrounding the same, described as the northeast quarter (NE4-) of the southeast quarter (SE:,;), the southeast quarter (SE,') of the northeast quarter (IJE.;); and the south half' (S;=) of the northwest quarter (1\7:�:) of the southeast quarter (STE; all in Section 19, Township 29 Noi•th hanf;c 1 West 1;.I.;., together with all water rights, permits, easements, rights of way, diversion works, pipe lines, storage basins, reservoirs and all other equipment and appurtenances of every kind and character, real or personal, used or useful in connection with the operation of the portion of said system hereinbefore described, whether now owned by the City or hereafter acquired; but excluding any pipe lines used in connection with tho sane to supply customers of the City of Port Townsend out- side of said City, and excluding any part of said :aterrYorl{s and system within the city limits of' the City of Port `1'o•rnsend, the property hereby leased being that now under lease to the Crown Zellerbach Corporation pursuant to the Existing Lease. 2. This lease shall be operative and in force for a period of ten (10) years, beginning on October 1, 1958. 3. The Lessee shall have full possession, control, use and enjoyment of said part of said waterworks and system hereby leased throughout the period of said lease, except and provided that the City reserves from said water supply flowing through said waterworks and system a quantity of ti•:ater sufficient to serve the demands of all present and futuro consumers served by the City, either within or without the limits of said City, includinf; such water as may be needed by the City for its own purposes, not exceeding, however, at any time, the maximum amount of four million (4,000,000) gallons of water in any one day, which water so reserved shall be taken by the City at the city limits, by the City there maintaining a con- nection with that part of the waterworks and system so leased; Provided, however, that the City may maintain its present six-inch connection with the main pipe line of said waterworks and system located at approximately Station 1614, and may use said connection to supply the follo;ring users of water, and no others; (a) IIadlock and Irondale; and (b) Users located on Discovery Bay near what is known as °Dour, Corners"; and (c) The United States Government for use only on I.:arrowstone Island; and (d) Chinacum, which grater so supplied to said users shall be a part of and in- cluded in the four million (4,000,000) gallons of water reserved by the City as aforesaid, on the following terms and conditions, namely, that the quantity of water diverted through said connection shall not exceed at any time 300,000 gallons per 24-hour day, the valve located on said six-inch connection will be kept locked in a �posttion to pass only said maximurs amount of 300,000 gallons per 24-hour day, and the City shall maintain at all times in Cood open- ating condition an accurate water :peter on said connection for the purpose of measuring all water passing from the main pipe line tlu•ough said connection. if the City at any time during; the term of said lease should desire to develop the crater supply from Snow Creek to meet its additional municipal crater needs, the Lessee shall, upon roquest of the City, enter into an agroement that the City may so use the Sno^r Creel: water supply and that the City may build a pipe line on and along the right of tray hereby leased, to the City, for the purpose of conducting water from Snow Creek to the City, and the Lossea shall execute and deliver to the City, when so requested by the City, all necessary subleases, assignments and transfers to afford to the City the full use and enjoyment of the Snow Creek ':Inter Supply, in addition to the four million (4,000,000) gallons daily reserv,-d to the City from the Big Quilcene Water Extension Project. 4. (a) The maintenance and repair of that part of the water- works and system hereby leased which is known as the "Big Quilcene Water Extension Project", as dosci•ibed in Ordinance I4o. 947, shall devolve upon the Lessee, and the Lessee shall, at its own cost and expense, maintain and keep said waterworks and system known as the "Big Quilcene Y.atar Extension Project", in good and reasonable state of repair at all times, reasonable wear and tear, deteriora- tion and obsolescence excepted. (b) The maintenance and repair of that part of the water- works and system known as the "Olympic Gravity 79ater System", with head-viorks on Snow Creel:, shall devolve upon the City as Lessor, and the City shall, at its own cost and expense, maintain and keep that part of the leased property in such a state of repair as shall be necessary and proper, so long as the same continues to be used in connection with said system; but the City, at its option, may discontinue the use of that part of the system in connection with that part of the system leased to the Lessee. (c) Immediately upon this lease becoming effective, the City will proceed to replace the portions of the pipe line described in Schedule A below with pipe of a character and construction equal to or better than that, when new, of said pipe to be replaced. If at any time or times hereafter, during the term of either the Exist- ing Lease or this lease, it shall be determined, by joint agreement of the City's Engineer and any duly qualified engineer employed by the Lessee for the purpose, that by reason of deterioration it is necessary to replace all or any part of the portions of the pipe line described in Schedule B below, the City shall iiimiediately pro- ceed with such replacement or replacements with pipe of a character and construction equal to or better than that, when new, of the pipe to be replaced. Schedules A and B referred to in this lease are as follows, all data as shown on the condensed Profile of Gravity 'r,'ater Supply Line from the Big Quilcene lover, prepared by tdessrs. Baar & Cunningham, Engineers, dated October 11, 1928: SCHZDUL A Portions of pipe line originally constructed of plain wood stave pipe as follows: From approximately Station 1500 to Station 1580, and From approximately Station 1680 to Station 1720. SCHEDULE B Portions of pipe line originally constructed of plain wood stave pipe as follows: From approximately Station 810 to Station 820, and From approximately Station 1005 to Station 1050, and From approximately Station 1085 to Station 1095, and From approximately Station 1205 to Station 1215, and From approximately Station 1360 to Station 1375. (d) The actual cost to the City of any and all of the replace- ments referred to in clause (c) of this paragraph, including all reasonable and proper engineering expense (but not in excess of the total reasonable cost: of making said replacements) shall be advanced by the Lessee and shall be made available to the City from time to time as funds are required for the payment of said costs, all as hereinafter provided. For all purposes of this paragraph 4, the term "City's Engineer" shall. mean any duly qualified civil engineer of the requisite training and exporionce to engineer and supervise work of the kind and character herein contemplated, selected and specially employed by the City for any purpose or purposes set forth in said paragraph. All replacements provided for in this paragraph shall be made under the supervision and direction of the C its* ' s Engineer. As funds are required to be disbursed by the City under any contract duly entered into by the City with respect to making of replacements as above provided, the same shall be evidenced by certificate signed by the Cityls Engineer duly certifying (1) the amount or amounts required, (2) the parties to whom the same are payable, (3) that the charges have been incurred under con- tract duly entered into by the City and that the payments proposed to be made are in accordance with the terms of such contract, and (4) that said charges constitute a proper item or items of the cost of making the required replacements. Upon receipt of any such certificate duly made, signed and certified by said Engineer, the Lessee will, within five (5) days thereafter, pay to the City the amount or amounts therein certified, and the City will forthwith disburse such amounts to the parties and for the purposes so certi- fied. All amounts advanced by the Lessee to the City pursuant to the terms of this clause (d) shall be credited against the rentals provided under this lease last falling due and not theretofore absorbed by the cost of replacement theretofore advanced by the Lessee under the terms of this clause. 5. The rent to be paid by the Lessee under this lease shall be as follows; namely: The rental for each year of the term of .this lease shall be fifteen thousand (;M15,000.00) dollars, which rental shall be paid in serai-annual installments of seven thousand rive hundred (��7,500.00) dollars, the first installment to be paid at the time of the com:::encement of this lease, as provided in paragraph 2 hereof, and the succeeding installments to be paid semi-annually thereafter during the said term, provided that the Lessee shall have the right at any time to prepay any installment or install- ments of rental, or fraction thereof, all such prepayments to apply to rentals not theretofore prepaid and last falling due. 6. In case the Lessee shall fail to pay any installment of rent at the time ';.hen the same shall fall due, in accordance with the provisions of this lease, or shall otherwise fail to perform any of the terms and conditions of this lease, and such default or failure shall continue for a period of sixty (60) days after written notice and demand, specifying the amount of rent due or the nature of the default or failure claimed by the City, shall have been personally served upon the Lessee, then the City shall have the right, at its option, to Lorminate this lease and to resume possession and control of said le::sed d. 0 property: provided, that in case of any dispute between the parties in respect to the non-payment of rent or in respect to any claimed default or failure to comply with the provisions of this lease, no forfeiture of this lease shall be declared by the City, while the Lessee is proceeding in good faith to have the point in dispute determined by any court of competent jurisdiction, and Provided, further, that payment of said installments of rent, shall, at the option of the Lessee, be suspended for and during any period or part of said terra during which said leased property, by reason of the failure of the City properly to make necessary replacements, shall fail to function or to supply the Lessee with the quantity of viater which it would supply if such replacements were made. 7. The City covenants, as Lessor, that it, the said City, if and when requested by the Lessee, will make, execute and deliver all assignments and transfers of water rights and water permits and all other assignments and transfers necessary to affordto the Lessee full enjoyment of that part of said waterworks and system hereby leased, reserving to the City the first four million (4,000,000) gallons of water daily from said waterworks and system. The City hereby covenants that said waterworks and system will carry and deliver at the point of diversion to the properties of the Lessee, near the southerly limits of said City, not less than fourteen million (14,000,000) gallons of water daily, at a head of not less than one hundred seventy-five (175) feet. B. The lessee agrees that it will not sell or otherwise dispose of any of the water taken by it from said waterworks and system hereby leased, in competition with the City of Port Townsend, and that it will not use said water except for manufacturing, power and other purposes solely in connection with the manufacturing sites and plants of itself' and/or of its subsidiaries at or near Port Townsend. 9. All the provisions, terms and conditions of this lease shall be binding upon and accrue to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties to this lease. 114 'V'lITTIE'SIS ',%HLHLUF, the City of Port Townsend has caused this lease to be executed in its name and behalf', by its h,ayor and City Clerk, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, after due proceedings had in accordance with law, and the said Crown Geller- bach Corporation has caused this lease to be executed by its officers thereunto duly authorized, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first herein written, in dup- licate hereof. Attest: TEE CliZ Oil FORT T07 iISnND Dy Mayor City Clerk U1107.i" ( uW.POliri'P1Ui1 BY Its President Attest: Its Secretary STATE OF ';'ASIT INGTON ) )ss COUNTY Or JEFT'EESON ) ` hIS IS TO CERT11-1: That on this day of , 1944, before me, a Notary Public in and for -t ie state of 4a�in, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , to me known to be the 11,ayov and to me tnovrn o be the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsena, Me municipal cor- poration that executed the within and foregoing lease, as Lessor, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affiyed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WIT11E.SS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. i�o ary Public in and For o SIr a,e o .%ashington, residing at Port Townsend STATE OF CALIF ORE IA ) CITY MID C O UVTY OF ) s s SAN FRAI7CISCO ) ` hIS IS TO CERIi 1I Y that on this day of , 1944, before me, a notary Public in and foror tre state ofCaI3ornia, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared and , to me known to be the PresIdent and Secretary, respect ve y, of Croan :�ellerbach Corporation, the cor- poration that executed the within and foregoing instrument, as Lessee, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses and pur- poses therein mentioned, and each on oath stated that he was author- ized to execute said instrument, and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. I1_ ary Public City and County of San 1,rancisco Ly commission expires Section 3. This ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, but shall not take effect and be in force until approved by the voters of the City of Port Townsend at a special election to be called for the purpose of submitting the same to the voters of the City for their approval or rejection in accordance with the statutes of the State of 7,ashington. PASSED by the .City Council May a q -, 1944. 'APPROVED by the 1,4ayor .gay ) , ., y / , 1944. Mayor Attest: • City Clerk -APPROVED AS TO FORIi:. "' City Attorney r 0 U A?° nl i!T'Th?TCt; �-rovilinc, for a special •=lection to be held in the City of Pc A Tcrrsend on July.11, 1944, and submitting to tho voters of the City of Fort To,msend at such election for their airroval or rejection, Ordinance To Pntitled: "An Ordinance accepting the bid of Crorm Zell ertach Cbrroration for the lease of ll,hat raxt of the •,,t terrrorks and system of the City of Fort mo ,,mend lying outside. of the city limits as dssoribed in Resolution `To. 44-4 passed by the City Council and aprrcved by the "a,yor AY-ril 18, 1544, and directing the '.Iayor and the City Clerk to execute such lease." TI'.F CITY a)'rr'CIL �)F+' TFE CITY ')F n^F.T TO'+'t'ST?Ip U, ^FI,AIP? AS FOLLO`•"S: Section 1. A srecial election is hereby called to be held in the City of ?Port Townsf,7d in the several established voting precincts therein, on July 11, 1944,,,nc to be held at th-- eame tirne as, and in conr_ otion ,•pith, the C;enrrral -rrirra.ry election to YF, held on th-at date. At said election there shall be aub:i,itte:i to the raters of said City for their arrroval or r-jection, Ordinance Yo. entitli-d: "An Ordinance accepting the bid of Cro4m Tcllnrrs,cb Corporation for the. lea,ae of thr.,,t part of tiie w-ter•:orks and system of the City of -crt To;maerd lyin outside of the city limits as de.cxitnd in Resolution 'To. 44-4 rassed by the City G)urcil and alrrovPd by the '`.ayor A-ril 18, 1944, and :directing the Bator and the City aerk to execute such lease." Section r. Ssid rrcrosition so submitted shall a ... -ear on the ballot in sub9tartially the follo,,.in,- form: Shhll Oxclimince ?'o. li6 cntitlp'd: "An ordinance. aeoertin- the bid of Croxn Zellerttach Corj,oration for the 1- ase of that ,:!art of the waterworks and system, of the City of ?crt To-.^,serd lyin,,; outside of the city limits as lescribed in Fesolution ''-?o. 44-4 I-as3ed by the City Coun oil ai)d a, rrc v d by the "ayor A_:ril 18, 1c44, .find directing the :':ayor and the City Clerk to execute such l�.sse," be a --,-roved or rejected, which ordinance ro vldes for the 1--�asin7; of Tart of the ::a ter, erl s and system of the City of rcrt Toxnsend lyiT�:, outside of its city limits, to the Crown 7ellerbad) Corr..oxation, for a .:ern: of ten years bp -inning on October 1, 1958, at a rehtal of t!'!15,000.00 r1mr -par, :°:hieh leas(- shall be in the form set forth in said Ordinance Yo . / G ? For ar_rreval of said Ordinance ,°o. //w ( ) For rej Potion of said Ordinance i'o. Am: voter who wishes to a„rXove said ordinance shall place an 11Xt1 in the square to the riE;ht of the words "For approval of said Ordinance T.'o. /J 13 " Any voter who wishes to vote for flip rej ection of Said Ordinance shall place an p1X" in the sf�uare to 12le right of the , —is "For rejection of said Ordinance t'o. _1/b -- . Section 3. The ; olls of a.aid election shall be open at 8:00 0' clock A.?'. and shall remain open until 8:00 0' clock n.;r. -otice of said election shall to rublished in the Port To •rnsend I oad^.r on June 8, 19•44, and such noti ca shall be posted e,t each rolling- ,,.lace at which the vc.tnrs of the City of Tort Tn;•;nsend. vote, at Ic-ase thirty :lays (and not :..ore than forte days) �-ricr to staid election. Section 4. In the evert the majr:rity of the voters of the Cit^ of "crt To,snuend wtir_" at _its eli:otion vote to ark --rave said l-sse the same, shall thrre117on be exe uted by the :{ayrr sand City Cl-rk of AiR City of `ort To,;nsend on behalf of said Cite. Section 5. This Ordinance shall re rublished once in the Port Townsend Leader and shell take Fffrct and be in force from and after five days after its r•ublic�-.tion. 7AOUTM by the City CL•uncil, %�3 %�=.. ?� , 1944, Ar-POVFb by the Mayor, C��_—� _Q_, / , 1544 . ri H.F._Anderson _ _ _ I-iayor Att�,gt: C.F. Christian City, Mork Apr_.roved as to form . '. T.J._T?a1y —Cit,, Attorney . �''Y 1150 1943 budget V pecial) 1151 Water department budget for 1943 (Special) 1152 Tax levy for 1943 (Special) 1153 Time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 1790) 1154 Fixes salaries of councilmen (Not codified) 1155 Places tax on admission tickets (Repealed by 1676) 1156 Establishes cumulative fund for waterworks (3.04) 1157 Creates a state aid fund (3.04) 1159 . Creates a war liquor tax fund (3.04) 1159 Ratifies plan for addition to sewer system (Special) 1160 Adapts health code by reference (Repealed by 1525) 1161 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1162 1944 budget (Special) 1163 .Water department budget for 1944 (Special) 1164 Tax levy for 1944 (Special) 1165 Emergency expenditure for park fund (Special) 1166 Vacates portion of named addition (Special) 1167 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1168 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1169 Accepts bid (Special) _ 1170 Provides for special election (Special) " 1171 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1172 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1173 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1174 Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) 1175 1945 budget (Special) 1176 Water department budget for 1945 (Special) AC 1177 Tax levy for 1945 (Special) 1178 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1179 Fixes sewer rates (Repealed by 1525) 1180 Accepts bid (Special) �1181 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1182 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1183 Provides for relief and compensation of volunteer fire department members (Not codified) 1184 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1185 1946 budget (Special) 1186 Water department budget for 1946 (Special) 1187 Tax levy for 1946 (Special) 1188 Amends Ord. 1091 (Repealed by 1525) 1189 Emergency appropriation (Special) } 1190 Street vacation (Special) 1191 Authorizes pipelaying and wharf usage (Sp ial) 1192 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1193 Street vacation (Special) 1194 Names street (Special) 1195 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1196 Provides for renovation and repair of cit all •(Special) 1197 Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codi d) 1198 1947 budget (Special) 1199 Water department budget for 1947 (Specia OIiDIIiAIiC). 1;0. _11 V--- AN ORDINAIQCE Providing for the laiwedinte appropriation of money fox, expenditure for Capital Outlay for the City Street Fund of the City of Port 'Townsend for the year 1944, and declaring an emergency. 7'HEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the official budget for the City Street FFund for the year 1943, it was provided under the item of Capital Outlay a sum sufficient to purchase a grass mower, but upon requisition therefor, the ';,'ar Production Board refused to grant a priority to permit the City of Port Townsend to purchase the same, and said appropriation did thereby lapse, and, d:HEHE.3, under the apprehension that said L7ar Production. Board would adhere to its forrier ruling, no appropriation was made in the budget for the City Street Fund for the year 1944, to purchase such equipment, and, WHEREAS, said city has now been informed that such purchase can be made, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO';,TISEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLMIS: Section 1. That there be and is hereby appropriated for expenditure during the year of 1944 the sum of 4r1500.00 for the City Street Fund, said sum to be chargeable to the budget itern of Capital Outlay, in accordance with the foregoing findings. Section 2. That an emergency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring the appropriation and expenditure of said sum for the foregoing purpose, and the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to draw emergency warrants upon said City Street Fund for the purposes aforesaid in an amount not exceeding $1500.00 upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Attest: PASSED by the City Council Mlay 1944, APPROVED by the '1ayor May ��1944. City Cleric "layer ■ ORDINANCE Ido. 11. AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1110 of the City of Port Townsend entitled "AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend relating to the municipal water supply of said city, regulating the uses of water therefrom, providing for the sale of the same, fixing the price thereof, and providing for a method of collection rates therefor, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith", passed by the City Council December 19, 1939, and approved by the Mayor December 20, 1939. The City Council of the City of Port Torm end do ordain as follows: Section 1. That sections 22 and 23 of Ordinance No.1110 of the City of Port Townsend, entitled "An Ordinance of the City of Fort Towns ern] relating to the municipal water supply of said city, regulating the uses of water therefrom, provi.dingrrfor the sale of the same, fixing the price thereof, and providing a method of collection rates therefor, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict therewith; passed by the City Council December 19, 1939, and approved by the Mayor, December 20, 1939, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 22. A11:iother setviees shall be by meter and the rates for water supplied by meter shall be for the quantity use in any one month as follows; A minimum rate of $2.25 for 5000 gallons or less; 60V for the following 1000 gallons above 5000 gallons, and 300 for the following 1000 gallons above 6000 gallons up to 7000 gallons; all over and above 7000 gallons, 21V per 10DO gallons. In computing meter rates as above provided, results ending in one and two cents will be counted 110"; results ending in three, four, six or seven cents will be counted 115"; and results ending in eight or nine cents will be counted 111011. Section 23. All bills for water by fixed or flat rate are due and payable on the first day of each month in advance, at the office of the City Treasurer, without any notice whatever to the consumer, PROVIDED HOVIMR, that if the same are paid on or before the loth day of each month, a discount of 550 shall be allowed, as to each thereof, but, thereafter, the same shall be considered delinquent. All bills for the use of water by meter shall be due and payable on the first day of each and every succeeding month, and if not paid within ten days from due dete, the same shall be considered delinquent. In the computation of time under this ordinance,.should the loth day of the month fall on a Sunday or a holiday, the ten day grace period hereby authorized shall be extended an additional day. In all cases where water is not paid within the time provided by law,.the payment may be enforced by shutting off the water until all charges including charges for "shut-off" and "turn on" shall have been paid. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in foxed and. take effect September 1, 1944. PASSED by the City Council August /�JJ , 1944. APPROVED by the Mayor August 1.�1944. Mayor Attest: City Clerk Oi,lllliiiiiC:t iio. AN ORLII MIGW' of the City of Port Townsend providiok; for the imiediate appropriation of money for the Cii wont Expense Fund of said city in order to provide funds for the purchase of a Pubbish disposal truck f'or the Garbage (liealth) Depnr tment of said c ity, mic declaring an emerl,oncy. i'l1IEIiEAS, it not: appears to the City Council of the City of port Townsend that the present rubbish disposal truck used by the Health Department of the city is co worn that the cost; of z,epairs thereto is adjudges] to be more L1?nn ordinary and economic administration of that deportment dictates, and, V,HLHLAS, a chassis can no;; be obtained, to be lator i'9.tted with hoist and body, ao as to adequately mesa; the neer's of said deportment, and, ,"EE:REAS, the purchase price thereof is but the aum of 1650.00, and provision therefor could not have been forseen at the time of the adoption of the official budget for said lienith Department for the year 1944, therel'ore, THE. OM COUNCIL 09 liiE CP Y o1" n01"' "" ', r• t.1. 'i'.i,,.,,aa.i.0 Di, Uiil)i:Ils .,.i Section 1. That there be And is hereby appropriated for i.nmiediate expenditure duvinZ, the the sum of ,.;.1650.00, for the purchase urice of.' r, chassis for a rubbish disposal truck for the Health Departi�ient of said city, the same to be charged to budget appropriation as f'ollov;s: Cuhl•;ENT E,PENSE ?UciU health Department Capital Outlay ? 1650.00 Section 2. That an emergency is hereby round and declared to exist for the immediate appropriation of sum, and said swn is hereby appropriated, and the City Cle!�k be and hereb-,, is authorized to draw emergency warrants afMinst said Current F,'xpense Fund, char e- able to the health Department, in an amount not exceeding •"1650.00, upon the presentation of ovonerly aupi�oved vouchers. Section 3. That this ordinance be once in tho fort Townsend Loader to be in foilce and take efz'ect as plovl.becl by law. F.;SSEO by th,3 City Council, ;,el.tembor 1944 A_tRUt7 l5 by the :.'ayor, 'Ontombor mayor . ATTEST: `+ Gity Clem:. z M! ORDUMAN: of the My- of Part To,,inocnd the compt--insation of tiro "-:ayor of th", City of fort 1,tt01TcY f0l• th�,, te1*11- J,nua'y 1, 1945 L2 and C01-1PQ11(',%1t1W1 OF ell COLEMiken Of Emid city J.-IIIIA"ll'y 1, THE CITY CUPTIT OF IT7 7 CY -,W T TO' :010 Do Q Di,11: i,5 Section 1. That tho to be t),ni(l to t',je following numed of ficol"I of laid city f UP the te.rm� coirr.encinE.: January 1, 1045, be and the spame is hereb r fixod a. follow - First: M the office of ;'ayoi- the !!:onthly cm:pensatlon of MOM Scomd: I'ar the ofl'iao of lulov-'.- MI.- monthly co-upensatioli of Third: Pei, the office of Git,,� iitto"110Y the monthly coli'remscktion of -.90.00. Section 2. That coi::i encinG Januar,-y- 1, 19it, e,-,ch an(f, nil councilmen of scid city s"ritill ',,c entiticc to v't the, rate of ,,!:,.Oo Pei- neeting, thA no cou,pc;mv1i-,1-o,,i shal., be In: excess of. two mcetln`s I Section :h Th2t thio ovdinance be p"hl1s::ed1 o:tc in the Port Tovvnsbrld Leafier to be in Pol-cc, v'r-.6 by lav". PV',S1,-',D by the City Coun(.1.1 OctKar 1044. APPT,.C)','T.-'.D by the i.:*.Ay()x- October 190- two :ayor Att'aut: 0 MIM Aid ORDD?A' fl' of L•rc Git;� of 17o-Wc, Toc,nsond fixin(; and -ad opL-inE, . tile. offinial uu6lrof for the City ul' T,.,.t v.,.,nseud, ,:f;•.,' for the your 194L. THE' Cl`i'_ CI U.iC'li: Ul+` ' ' 1'-� LT' _Tii,_ 4'(>': i;.S:., it LIC Gi.i;i,.i., AS T'UL.LO7,5: Section.l. That the, i'olio+::inL, be and the• s„me is httr-eby fixed atad oci.ated a the afi'ieic,l ';ct or tl:e. 03i,y o!' :'ari. `lae:!�send, for taxation purposes, nivJ.r.:oc' into the total D.r:!Ou :ts In ouch of the follot�rin{; clacraes c ca;urj.s i E t hf; ;!}Zolc of cud .r,i., t;o-t•,it,: SalrrieS mnt•"'.-ages 50,330.00 Oncration and :,:airitcnc.nco :fi T'7,95U.00 Canitral- Out:Lttv 39,727).00 ttnd �ottc i,ee.ernpt9.on l.b,�,�o'7.'74 Section 2. That th-is ord; Le t u)-d i ol,ed once in tort 'lot'.nsend a,e�ider to he An foa-ee anC te.ite an proviced bar 1. ,x PASS' D by the City; Council October 3 _ , 1944 D J A t'i OVi; b = the :,:a -or Octobc,r• 1944. P_ Attest.: . City Cle7-k +` ilii 'A,'CE fLAnj; and tldoptlijC j 1'02' t,!IC, of t-,hcity of Poi-t Toano,_,nd fov tire: year 19,1,5. THE CIILY Cotri;cji, oY yii._� (iI* PO �-i, 1):i 07 Section 1. Tmt the ta_nd thIC f ix.�� d and adoptcO as t -he -L'ic, ol" 'al for tile '"ater 'JaparLii:ent of the Citir of PO.' t Totvnsemd, foi' t1hC; Year 19,15, clivic.ed. I(luo tho .total t 1 amounts in oacl-i of thi-,, uoi,prisl nt-- th,� -.,:hole of said budget, to -wit: 6-5o 00 Operation and 1.:a.Intonunco, 9,42b.00 Cumulative 2,asei,vo u­und 20,000.00 Capital Outl,air 20,6C,5 00 lnter,ost ane!Bord 1,11ocemption 6, 9 C) 0 C) C) Section 2: That Minis oi,dinv.nce bo T-WiA's rd, once in t1io Port� Tor, napnd Lead.-r to be in force mi'5 t-Alre, c-ff�Ict no pi-ovidr_d. by lay.,. PASLIED bv the Cit�7 Council October 19441 4 API*RO.'vij) by the :,'vyor October ay or �-ndevson Attest; Vjtir clerk t ian CD F r__ i 1 t 0 1 D".;',; ,. n::a: tni ; end 1 i:. inF; t'rle t(,.. Levy—j r'or Lhe C rt,,. of .'4r t: 4t:lt... ,:d .I'4s• i.n:. Col' tl,e y,)r: r icy,.,,; , Ii C.Ti'? J.:: (;iL i;p i.. C1 i:U' U Lc: 0F.J::1 SectiU:'t 1. llr;t ';h%_ _ is ? ::r ch' lcvicc'_ v-, o:, �.13. f•l:c: ta::r,o1� t p2'Oi)el,ty� in i:1:i/ ijit', OF :Qvt ..UC'11S llU., i:.:_ �.'Oi:ink; sums Of ID411c:� and r; of tF17 levfar tht, pnI'nosee herein dcsi-::atcd, for the yoar 1945, an(. Lhc rate of to ration u,;ol; rho dollar of as e,Used valuation :.. of sQi.d. cit- for 2t10.11 purnose,� in al,fol .0t s: i'irst: 1'or the ua;sr)::c!it; of eur'reilt c._p':'_ and i:ov the kaurrEnt 71xpcnso 1'Uncl, tit lr.; of' 10.`%!J'.�:(1 , alicl. t:le _Ai.0 of Lo levy for said fmid i.s herein; fixcld at. .r), i", mili:, or: 'chr: collar. Second: for the psit ue:s of.' t;,%:irtta.l:li_:,; a tiu+,lic library c:nc for the L�YUr^ry rural, Ulac, stw, of 2,9E;(.i.6 G 2n6 Lhe rc.t; of La., levy - for snid fullrl is hcreby fi:•'.:d` r+t .:(% ..i11s or,. t!:o dolltlr. Third. i`or the pux'r7os o£ ):v.irtai-ni:_r• ti pub.1-ic nark anu fov the. Park 1111 ,—the swr; of 1,� i2.41 , ttne' t110 x'ttte of t8X levy for said fund i; here}>y fi�.ed at7-5 i,:3.1.1a on the 0,ollt,r. i'ourtli: -For tho maintenance: alld imilro: ;rient of the tIle streets of the ',3:Ey, and roe.• the gity Strttet i'tind, tint stu)) of rys rfo , and the rate of tax levy i'or snid fund is hereby fixed at no rrillls on the dollar. b'ifth; 11'02. the nayc:ellt of i.nts;:r-at on uoncls nnrl for borrd redetnpt on 1911 liefund .)ol:dc .uncl lnto.'e, t fund., the ur: of 4977.7'7, and L'hc rate of ta,: lavy for said i'l.t:ld is beret: fixed at 5.C10�:.?l14s on the dollar. Sixth: For the pa;in:cnt of !.> L-cr--t on bond:; and for bond redemption' Genera Inaebtedness 196.1 ..'atop .;on(2 and Inta.l est i':.nd, the sum of } 995.55 , and thU rate of t�,x levy for s::id. �)urpose is hereby fixed at • 1.00 rAIIS 011 t11(,' d011Ar. Seventh: For the pa--ment of indotit, edness of the (;it-,- of fort Tor:nse:_ct srnoa'n as the "tndobtedness Fund", the sta:l of 79G4.42 and the rate of tax levy for 981id fund is hereby* fixed at &,U me 7:3 on the dollar. Section 2. That the '..'ayor and yitr Ulel-l_ of saic t.ity the hereby authorised end divecL- to certii'y to the �0LAI riuditor ctnd to the Uounty Assessor of Tefi'ui•son county, '; Qs lilt;i;on, the foregoi:.f, tar; levy of said c1ty. Section 3. That this orcl:in,,�nc,: be, u-Halted orYL- in the port Townsend Le:.:del, to 1:N 1.1 force i,.nCt tt1;:C ef2'ef:t an nroViclecl by YtiSs::>J by the 6ity i:ouilcil October 3rd , 1:144. APPEL)VLD by the :•:a,,rot uei;ober i.:ayor ' i:. s. ••nc erson ftttetit: • m n?; OTMT1.117-01; of thy_, City of Port Tovi,_:ona nrovirlin.: .or tLe Im%je- diate an•ropriation of Inoue..` f.r•or;: the ,ic,r Li,:ior "ax Fund of raid city for tho imrpose of providin,; aduitior:l contribution to•,.%rd tiro coostruc- tion cost of the pro-,osad Child G,.ro c Icility rithin s•_ri.i cit,r ;nd do- clarinrn an emergency. "j"ITZIPS, at the tine of the adoption of the official bndi of o. tho _ City of Port Townsend i'or the ',,ar l,iauor Tay_ Fund for ?tear, 1�3v_e, there was grovidod 'is the city's contribution to the totni cost of the construction of a axitable Child Care Facility within said tit to meet watching funds of the Federal Covernme.i.t ::nd :;chool ;District !a. 50, Jefferson County, the stun of ,,4,000.00, and, S!?iZRZMS, it nov. aime::rs ur',on a enli for bids an,] openinthereof, that at least the stun of �,4,200.00 additional, is re;iuireu to eornr,leto said project, and, WHI- EAS, Tile City Council of tiro Clty Of port •To.:iw and hac b een Informed that School District Ito. W, Jefferson Comity, i7ariiin to n, will provide one --half of s_1A deficit in tl:o event the City of Port Tmrnsend provides ti:e remainder, and, ;!?? MF.1S, it appears to the City Coiutcil tnmA, it is In thr bast Interests of said. city, ❑nd :all the reo,le. t,ioreot' thaat mch pro-,nsion be made a:nd that the facts rec!uirin;- such additional appropriation could not have been forsoen at the time of the adoption of the official budget of said city for the year ', '. 157iK IrHM 370-RE, THE ci'rr C9U1,'C1L o.' L1:3 Cl'TY of ='o : X..:Ts�::D DO 071DA ld AS VOLIAIS: Section _I. That an emerSency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring ti:e immediato appropriation :and expenditure durinu the your, 1946, of tine sun of ti, ,30U.00, from the liar Liuuor Taff Fund of said city, ns a further and additional contribution on the n.ut of the City of Port Tovncend to'.:ard the total construction cost of the piunosad Child Caro Uneility and ns no,; fixed and determined by contrnot let by School District J-.o. 50, Jefferson County, T;nshin{rton, unrier 2edocal Works .Agency Pro joct 45-303-31. Section 2_. Thpt the City Cler�7 of the City of port Townsend, be end he is hereby authorised to dray: emergency w:irr:ants anon staid ;;ar Li,uor b`und for the purposo aforesaid not excoedini se,ift su.,r of •:2,100.00, upon the presentation of properly arwroved vouc}:ers. Section 3. Th::t this a.Un:anco be published once in tine Fort To,.n- send Joader to be in force :and tcke effect as provided by Inw. -AOSLD by tine City Council �'/.�c��,r-fib ��, 1944. .1PP:ROVi4D by tiro ::ayor�csa.. el,_, 1944, t,T'_: �'ir: C. Christian Cit-t Clark 11. E. : nderson ... yor 1� f AN ORDIIdAECE of the City of Fort Townsend fixing the rates for sewer service within a certain area of said city, providing for the collection of unpaid and delin- quent cliartes, providing for liens therefor and the foreclosure thereof, providing for the shutting off of sinter service and adopting the provisions of Chapter 193 by reference. THE CITY COU1?CII: OF Z']i .' CITY O PORT TO'T�'MEIL D DO ORD IN AS FOLL O`!1S : Section 1: The City of Fort Townsend owns the water system supplying, said city with water and also owns the sewer system providing sewerage facilities to pants of the City of Fort Town- send. This ordinance is enacted to cover such persons and property as are served with both water and sevrer service within an area known and described as +illovr, Rose, Scott, and Van Ness streets to Lovirence street. Section 2: That all property owners within the area served by the sewerage system as described in this ordinance shall connect their private drains and sewers with such system within thirty days after a notice shall have been served upon them so to do. If, within said period they shall not have connected their private drains or private sewers with said system, the City of Port Townsend may make such connection and the cost thereof shall stand as an unpaid and delinquent sewer charge. Rates for monthly service charges for use and connection to such sewerage facility be and hereby is fixed at rI.50 per coach dwelling unit, and all bills for such sewer service are due and payable on the first day of each month in advance at the office of the City Transurer, without any notice to person served. J me Section 3: ThatnCity of Port Townsend shall tiuve a lien for delinquent and unpaid rates and charges, including interest thereon, for sever services against the premises to which the same has been furnished, which lien shall be superior to all other liens and encumbrances except general taxes and local and special assessments. Such delinquent rates and charges shall bear interest at not exceeding eight Ter cent (8j.) per annu.m. Such lien shall be effective: for a total not to exceed six months' delinquent charges without the necessity of any writing or recording. In order to matte such lien effective for more than six months' charges the City 'Treasurer shall cause to be filed for record in the office of the County Auditor of Jefferson County, a notice in substantially the following form: "Sewerage Lien Notice City of Port Townsend -- vsW- Aenuted Owner Notice is hereby given that the City of Port Townsend has and claims a lien for sewer charges against the following des- cribed premises, situated in Jefferson County, I4ashington, to - wit: ('riere insert legal description of premises) Said lien is claimed for not exceeding six months such clinrges and interest now delinquent, omountingto , and is also claimed for future sewerege charges against said premises. Dated City of i ort 'Townsend ,�y i ,aaid lion notice shall be �,it,ned by the City Treasurer or City Clerk or other official in charge of the administration of such utility. Such lien notice shall be recorded no prescribed by law for the recordint; of mechanics' liens. Section 4: The City of 1'ort Townsend may foreclose the lien herein granted in an action in the Sur.erior Court for Jefferson County, in the manner provided by Cheap t.:r 19", Lucre of Virshington, 1941, which said chapter is hereby referred to and by this reference made a part of this ordinance. Section 5: As an additional and concurrent method of en- forcing tZie lien in this ordinance provided and granted, the City of fort Townsend may enforce said lien by cuttinC; off the crater service,from the premises to czhich such se7rer service has been furnished, after the charges become delinquent and unpaid, and until such rates and charges are paid. The right to enforce such lien by cuttinu_ off and refusinU crater service as herein provided shall not be exercised after two years from the date of the recording of secrerage lion notice, as in this ordinance provided, except to enforce payment of six months' charCes for which no lien .notice is required to be recorded. Section 6: If any section, clause, or sentence.of this ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainin(; provisions of this ordinance. Section 7: That this ordinance be published once in the Fort Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect five days from and after the date of such publication. Passers by the City Council ;.:arch 6 1945. Approved by the 1,7vyor 11.arch ; , 1945. 8yor Attest: City Clerk ORDINANCE' No. AN URDINANC : of the City of Port Townsend accepting the bid of The Steel Tank and Pipe Company of Portland, for the caking of curtain replaceunenL-s to the main water supi)ly line of the existi:,r Municipal ','rater Vlorl:s System of said city anc= divecting the vxecu- tion of contract- therefor. WHEREAS ,under the specifications and proposal, aria invitation to bidc:ers to perform the t,:ork outlined anc described for the construction of a pipe line between LLnE71neerls Station lb02 and 1575, and also.between stations 1685 and 1720.of the iiig Quileene River Extension Project as now on rile in the office of the City Clerk of. the City of Port Townsend, it was provided that "The City of Port Townsend reserves the right to rE1ect any or all bids, and to waive informality in bids received, as it deems it to be for the interest of the City of Port Townsend so to do", and, V'HERLAS, after the opening of said bids it appeared to the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, with consent of the lessee corporation of said water line (which said lessee is obligated to pay the cost thereof) that the construction of said line be of steel pipe of type as specified iu said proposal, as amended, and, WHEREAS, The Steel Lank and Pipe Company of Portland, a corporation, has submitted a bid which, in the opinion of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, and said lessee corpor- ation, is for the best interest of said city and should be accepted, now therefore, THE CITY COL.;CI1, Ui' ':HI: CITY Q? POM0 TO1.1.NSLNL DO ORDAIN AS 1?0L1,QWS: Section 1: That the bid of tha Steel rank anc Pipe Company of Portland, a corporation, be and the samo is hereby accepted by the City of Port Townsend upon the unit price as specified in said bid for the c,oinf; of th!> r' ovk outlined, described and con- templated under the Sloecif'ications, Proposal and Offer as here- inbefore indicated, and Lhe i.:ayov an(! City Clerk be and are hereby autklorized and directed to execute and enter into contract with The Steel Tank and Pipe Company of Portland upon its furnish- ing of bond as directed in such proposal. Section 2: That this ordinance be published once in the Port 'Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect five days from and after the date of such publication. Passed by the City Council March, 1945. Approved .by the Mayor March �1945. „ayor Aftest: y C Ter mm 'ordinances, #1181-1190 1150 , 1943 budget (,Special) 1151 Water department budget for 1943 (special) 1152 Tax levy for 1943 (Special) 1153 Time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 1790) 1154 Fixes salaries of councilmen (Not codified) 1155 Places tax on admission tickets (Repealed by 1676) 1156 Establishes cumulative fund for waterworks (3.04) 1157 Creates a state aid fund (3.04) 1158 Creates a war liquor tax fund (3.04) 1159 Ratifies plan for addition to sewer system (Special) 1160 Adopts health code by reference (Repealed by 1525) 1161 Emergency appropriations (special) 1162 1944 budget (Special) 1163 Water department budget for 1944 (Special) 1164 Tax levy for 1944 (Special) 1165 Emergency expenditure for park fund (Special) 1166 Vacates portion of named addition (Special) 1167 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1168 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1169 Accepts bid (Special) 1170 Provides for special election (Special) 1171 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1172 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1173 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1174 Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) 1175 1945 budget (Special) 1176 Water department budget for 1945 (Special) 1177 Tax levy for 1945 (Special) 1178 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1179 Fixes sewer rates (Repealed by 1525) 1180 Accepts bid (Special) 1181 Emergency appropriation (special) 1182 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1183 Provides for relief and compensation of volunteer fire department members (Not codified) 1184 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1185 1946 budget (Special) 1186 Water department budget for 1946 (Special) 1187 Taut levy for 1946 (special) 1198 Amends Ord. 1091 (Repealed by 1525) 1189 Emergency appropriation (Special) } 1190 Street vacation (Special) '191 Authorizes pipelaying and wharf usage (Sp ial) 1192 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1193 Street vacation (Special) 1194 Names street (Special) 1195 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1196 Provides for renovation and repair of cit all -(special) 1197- Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codi d) 1198 1947 budget (Special) 1199 Water department budget for 1947 (Specia of fort Tounsend, in the sum of .,,.9f?1000.00, to meet the fiscal requirements as hereinbefore determined. Section 2: That such sum, as herein appropriated, is hereby established as a temporary fund of this city - to be known and 02- YM/--i c G.?.4v/ 7-Y s ys7-2�'.y designated as "1.Z".�- ;1-."i ,�ater� Replacement b'und", and that'all disbursements heretofore made in contemplation of said Resolution No. 4,1 and as later confirmed by said Ordinances Nos. 1169 and 1180, are hereby now declared to be a debit to the said fund as herein created, and the City Clerk and Cite Treasurer be end hereby are authorized to make appropriate transfer upon the,books of their respective offices in order to meet the tenor and intent of this ordinance, and to provide a medium by which strict accounting can be given to the cost of this public work. Section 3: That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend header to be in force and take effect from and after five days of such publication. PASSED by the City Council April 3 , 1945. Approved by the 1,ayor April 1945. Mayor Attest: City Clerk :1d 0RDI111,1111C B of the City of Fort Townsend providini for the. immndiate appropriation of money for expenditure during; the year 1945 to provide oriflinal capital for the prosecution of that certain public work contemplated under esolution No. 44-4 of said city and as further authorized and directed under Ordinance wos. 1169, and 11e0; fixin{; the nerve of the fund as created hereunder and deelarine.; an ewerF;ency. ',!?UPILU- iS, at the time of the adoption of the official bud{ret of the Olympic Gravity :rater System for the year 19 :u, the amount proposed to be expended under Resolution No. 44-4 and under Ordinance No. 1169 of said city could not, with accuracy, have been foreseen, and, '.�i1L�REAS, under contract heretofore directed to be executed, by and between the City of fort Townsend and The Steel Tank and Pipe Company of Portland, tare amount whereof has been settled and determined at y;68,032.99; arid, that in addition thereto it is necessary that further appropriation be made to provide for the engineering, sales tax, and other incidental expense hereto- fore incurred, and to he hereinafter incurred, in the prosecution of such viork, and, ';�IMER1:A5, the City Council has now fixed and determined that the sum of ;�98,000.00 is a sufficient sum to provide for these purposes and to 'take care of the payment of estimates that Trill be submitted from time to time by the contractor, and awaiting reimbursement from the lessee under the existinC, lease heretofore executed under Ordinance 13o. 1169 as aforesaid, now therefore, UUE CITY C0W7CIL 02 `rj7-CST" OF I'UR`P TU'i?:;'_aTD DO OPMLIN AS '.+OLL011"S: Section 1: That an ei:terbrcncy is horeby found and deele red to exist, requirinc- the ivc;i;ediate annropritition of money charge -- able to the funds of the Olyu:pic Crnvi.t,v ', ste.r E;ystcr. of the City • OIiD11::111OX 1.10. 00112 , of the City of lort: i'ovnlsend confi.riciinr- Ordinance iio. 1173 oi' naid city entitled "An ordinance of the City of Dort Townsf,nd providins- for the immediate appropriation of money far the Current Expense Fund of said city in order to provide funds for the pur- chase of a rubbish disposal truck for the Garbage (11ealth) Department of snid city and declaring an emergency. cossed by the amity Couricil, acpteMber 26, 1944. Approved by the LIayor, September 27, 1944"; rind apnraprin•tinf; additional funds to meet tilt total cost of such acquisition, and declarirnf; an ecnergenoy. tre appropriation provided under Ordinance Ifo. 1175, as entitled aforesaid, has been found to be. irisuffici-ent to pro- perly equip said truck with boy; and frame to meet the uses for which intended, and, -MMUEAS, Such deficiency could. not have been foreseen at the ti:no of the adoption of the official budf;et for said city for the Year 1945 in view of the fact that the voucher for the payment of the body and ellasSis of tine truck, as ordered, was not delivered into the hands of said city until thereafter, now therefore, UH1113 CITY COUI:CIL OF `l E CITY OF I'QIt`I.' TO':i::z;-?'?) DO ORDAIN As I'OLLO';s: Section l: That all of the provisions of said Ordinance No. 1173 of said city entitled "An ordinance of the City of fort Townsend providin(..for the immediate appropriation of money for the Current s'x»ense Fund of said city in order to provide funds for the purchase of a rubbish disposal truck for tide Garbafc (health) Department of said city acid declr:rin,: on emerr:ericy.", be and the sarne is hereby confirmed, end that an emer;.ency is hereby found and declared to exist, requirinf; the i:-"uiediate npnropriatiocl for expenditure dtirini, the year 19Li5 of tide sum of ;f3,50.00, which said sum Qc hereby anfropriat ri, to, eti:er with the tutu of •,,1650.00 as appropriated by said Ordinance ilo. ll7.5, shall be and represent the total cost for the purchase price of body an:I cha.;.is tofuether with labor and material, for construction of sub --frame and other installation thereto, and the City Clem. 6e and is hereby author ized to drag omer_ency warrants chart -cable to the fund of the Health Denartment of this city not execodinf; the amount in the angregate as herein set forth. Section 2: This ordinance to be publishea once in the Fort Townsend Leader to be in force and take affect five days from and after such publication. Passed by the City Council April " ' 194:5. Approved by the ?ti.ayor April , 1945. t.1ayor Attest: City .Clerk r J' J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 C` J AF 0RDIYA1,rCE of the City, of Port To;rsend providing for the relief and comr.ensation of the volunteer fireman of saict oity injured in the perform- ance of their duties; llmdting the t,;enberehip in the Port To,,,rnsend Volunteer Fire Depart- ment; creating a Board of Trustees to administer this ordinance and adopting the provisions of Chapter 261 of the Laws of Washington, 1945, insofar as the same certain to relief and cor;pensation only. THE CITY (X)i?P;CIL OF THE CITY OF AOPT T07111SEi'D DO ORDAIF AS FOLLOV'S : Section 1. T".e mer.bership in the Port To•,;nsend Volunteer Fire Departt,.ent, as now oreati�d- and existing under previcus ordinance, be and the same 15 hereby limited to not to exceed twenty-five (25) firemen for each one thousand (1,000) population or fraction thereof of the City of Port Towraend. Section 2. In order to make provision for the relief and cor.pensation and to provide rrotection for all members of the Port Tcwnsend Volunteer Fire Der-artment and their families from death or disability arising in the performance of their duties as firemen, all the provisions of Chanter 261 of the Lavrs of Tash- ncl:;ton. enacted in the year 1945 (excepting those fe_--.tures as pertain to the pension or retirement of volunteer firefnen) are hereL-.r referred to and by this reference made a part of this ordinance as fully and effectually as if set forth herein. Section 3. There is hereby created and established a Board of Trustees for the administration of this ordinan ce. Such Board shall consist of the Mayor, City Clerk, Chairr:an of the Fire and Light Committee of the City Council, Fire Chief and one (1) r.:er::ber of the Volunteer Fire Der.artment to be elected by the members of such Volunteer Fire Deg a rt:: ent fc r a terra of one (1) year and 1 2 3 4 G 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 annually thereafter. Section 4. Immediately after the effective date of this ordinance, the Ford of Trustees shall organize With the Mayor as Chairman and the City Clerk as Secretary- Treasuxex; enroll the volunteer firemen who shall particip:,ite hereunder; and proceed and continuously adre.inister all the provisions of this ordinance. Section 5. That this ordinance be published once ir_ the Port Townser_d Leader to be in force and take effect from and after five. (5) days fron: the date of such publi cRt ion. PASSED by the City Council September /' 1945. APPDf1VED by the Yayoa September _: 1545. Ma110 r ATTEST: City Clerk 2 Al: or of -ort To'..'Il,7C-n(l virovidi1"I.1-,- for the of I ro"11 the current 3 fund. of S.,All City IUrhi(,, the year 1945, "'or the purpoL�e of dofroyin,-- the administrotive - _ - costs of the civil ;_-'Urvice G01.1flission of said City cad an orierL.-cncy. 6 at, t!x' tila, of tl-lo adol)tion of the official 7 budr,et for the curront fund of tfic Cit:,� of Yort Townsend 8 for the gear 10,15, the _-&jiriistrative costs of the Civil 6ervice 9 ConizAssion of oaid ,-,ity could jiot- liave, j)eerl coresaen. 10 it has been now deterii,ined that tt-.(,. Sum of 11 T,.-ro Hundred is 0, ;5U7! :'AlffiCient to deft -ay stjc,j costs. _1,Al E TE-1 CITI-- "OUITO'L 071 THL Cl`_f OF YORT 12 13 T 1 S B IN D DO 0PA.D.1-IR' "I-s FQUO-.1L 14 section 1. That an ei:ierI-Qncy is hereby found and de- 15 clarad to exist, rc-Q_IiriniZ the irziodizkte ajpTopriation of money 16 for the current 0XI_)I:-)nse Lund Of Said City to bo expended durinS 17 'the year 19.6-5, of the Sum oC T-o Hundred (,�200.00) Dollars, is apportioned to budget class if icatioils as 10110y1s: 19 Salaries and 'dar-es ."175.00 Sundry c.s. Liscellaneouz 2-5. . 00 20 t of SectJ 011 2. _21ic! Nic City Clerk L said City be and he 21 is hereby authorized to issue varrants upon the current 22 IUL � of Said City, not 0:�� �Ceedjn[: the Said SUM Of T expense 1 -1 V.,O 23 HunO.vod (v200.00) Dollars upon the presentation of Properly approv( 24 vouchers, 25 '3ection 5. Thc:t this ordinance be rXiblist-led once in the 26 :fort Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect rive (5) days 27 from and after the date of such uubli.cation. 28 IAL:�!:D by the City Council .-I_0DteP.Lb0r 1945. 29 1ill:R01T D by the I.:ayor ;:epte.-.iber so 31 A T T__PS T City W.Ork kd ORDINANC1 NO.,1 AN OI DINME of the City of Port Townsend fixing and adopting the official budget for the City of Port Townsend for the ,year 1946. THi: CITY COUNCIL 0'.i' THEE CITY OV PORT TO11 NSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; Section 1. That tho following be and the same is here- by fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, for taxation purposes, for the year 1946, divided into the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and 'Nagel Operation and :,.aintenance 2, twz Cj0 Capital Outlay Interest and Bond hodcmption ,� � zz Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port 'Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council uctobor , 1945. APPROVLZI by the idayor October , 1945. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ,23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 O1DII:00E IIo. &6pol AN ORDIIIANCE fixing, and adopting a budget for tre ;'rater Department CC the City of Port Townsend for the yenr 1946. THE CITY COUI'CIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TD'r:i:541ID DO ORDAIN AS FOLLMS Section 1. 'What the followlnrr; be, a:xi th3 same is he,-eby fixed and adopted as the official budget far the Sister ilonartinont of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1946, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages Operation and 3'aintenance ;� 1��0• �� Cumulative Reserve Fund ; jo O 00- vo Capital Outlay Interest and Bond Redemption /CJ� �DD•0� Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in tha Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council October 2 , 1945 APPROVED by the ;!,ayor October 1945. 'V or Al2TMT: City Clark ORDINAIME' tw- 11f7 AN ORDINANCL of the City Of Port Townsend making and fixing the tax levy of said city for taxes for the year 1946. T11E CI`1'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF PORT 1207I11SEAID DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That, .there is hereby levied upon all the taxably property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1946, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city for such purposes is as follovrs: First: For the payment of current expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of c3/��/9 , and the rate of tax levy far said fund is iaereby fixed at �.�.5rmills on the dollar. Second: For the purpose of maintaining a public library and for the Librar r Fund, the sum of 'j� �.5�9, O/G , and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at�51 %J_ mills on the dollar. Third: For the purpose of mr-Intalning and improving public parks and for the Park Fund, the sum of and the rate of tax levy for s, fund is hereby fixed at j 0D mills on the dollar. Fourth: For the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the city and for the City Street Vund, the sum of and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at J.04 , mills on the dollar. Fifth: Wor hospitali:.ati.on rand medical service of in- jured paid firenran nnd. for pensions and for the Firemens, Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of.i! flip. Yf , and the rate of tax levy for srairl fund is 'hereby; fi-xcd at 1.00 mills on the dollar. Sixth: 1br the; payment of iiltc rest on bonds ancJ for bond redompt.ion 1911 hoflmd dondn and Interest Yund; the sum of $2,452.45, and the rate of tax levy for staid fund is hereby fixed at Z. J'O mills on tho dollar. Seventh: Fo.v the payment of interest on bands and for redemption 1931 General Indebtedness rater Dond and interest Fund, the suin of ��`-.} �.�.5l, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed atmills on the dollar. Eighth: 1•or the payment of indebtedness of the City of fort Townsend known !is the "Indebtodne:,s Fund" the sum of and thU rate of .tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at e, DO mills on the Oolltiv. Section 2. That the :•;ayor and City Clerk of said city are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson county, Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said city. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the port Tovmsend Lender to be In force and take effect as provided by 1 aw . pASSE'D by the City Council Uctober , 1945. APPROVED by the L]ayor October o , 1945. L:ayor RTTEST: City Clerk 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 OX)ILAMI., AN OTMINANC2 of the City of Port Townsend mnkinn +nd fixing the tax levy of said city for taxes fcr the year 1946. THE CITY COU MIL OF 211" CITY OF 1'U8'P ITW,ladL'LD DO �'3DaII7 ,.s POLLU".St Section 1. ilea t there lc heroby levied upon all the taxable pronorty In the City of 'Port Tovnsand, the following sums o: money rid rates of tnx levy nor the different nurposes heroin designated, for the ycar 1946, a ad t ho rate o f tn;•.ation upon ih e d ollaar o f asses sed valuation o f said city for ouch pu rpcc as in as follow t F1rat r For the payment of current expom es n d for the Current Dtpenoo Lund, the sun of "' -7 /�cY, l % , Lv1 the rate ofttQx levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 3•')' 1� taIlls on the dollar{ aocond: Por the purposo of maintaining a p. blic library rand for the Library Fund, the sum of ; �! �S-�, C ,and the rate or tux levy for said fund is heroby fixed sat �' 7 mills on the dollar. 711Irdr For the purpose of maintaining aid i=eroving public parks and for trio Park 7und, the sum of �%�/ ��, and the rate of tax levy for an-1 d fuud is hereby fixod at `�'d t] trills on the dollar. P r hi For the maintnnenee and improvemcn t of the public strw is of the city nnd for the City 9troot :'and, the sum of : .?, %�Vl. %S , and the rate of tax levy for said fund In horoby fixed at mills on the dollar. R' ?Iitht For happithization and medical se ►•vice of injnred paid fireman Std for pensions and for the Piremenut Relfef =d Pension rand, the sum of I-S- , and the rate of tax levy ibr sul d fund Is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the dollar. Sixth: For the payment of interest on bonds add for bond redemption 2911 Rofund 3onds :.and Interest Fund, the sum of ;2,452.46, i • J O and the rate of tax levy for snid fund is hereby fixed nt,2-AG mills on tho dollar. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5ovenths For the pays, ont of Interest on bonds m d :or bond redemption 1931 ConernI Indebtedness ',.star fond read Interest land, the cum of r3�98-1.96, ::nd the rate of tnx levy for caid fund is h?roby fixed at d 2, mills on the dollar. A£,hth: , For the pnyiaont of indebtedwns of the City of tort j'ownsond known as tho "Indobtednocs Fund" tho sum of �L�I? 7 , and the rato of tax levy for fund is hereby fIx0d at mills on the dollar. Coot lon 2. mr, t the '" yor and City Clerk or snid city are hereby authorized aid directed to certify to tho County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson county, Vushington, the foro8oing tax la:y of said city. Section 3. That this oriinaneo be nublishcd once in the Port Tmmsond Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by 2=. PASM) by the City Council October , 1945. hns'ROV LD by the ?Vor October , 1945. ATTESTa Ci ty CZ ark Mayor 1 2 3 ,i u G 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 C iDIIC:I:C' I:a. t r� Ai: 0c01Ij1tffCE of the City of Port ^_ov.nsend nrovid_n<r for an offense of neglieF!nt operation of a motor vehicle, card nmendir_g; Ordinance 1;o. 1091 of said city entitle9 "AIT -RDMIF -2 relatt n(;' to vehicles and the use and operation thereof on the public streets, alleys and ways of the City of Port 'rov,nsend; limiting and restricting certain uses of the nublic streets, alloysund says of tine City of Port Townsend, nrescribing rules of tl-e road for vehicles operating upon the same; providing fa• I!a conduct In the event of vehicle accidents; providing procedure for enforcw:e nt of the provisions of this ordinm ee; providing for certain records and reports; providing the nowers and duties of peace officers within the Cite of Port Totnsend relative to the enforcement of this ordinance; nrovidinr for the distribution of fines collected for violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance; defining offenses and fixing penalties, and repealirk�; all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith" - Passed by the City Council, March 15, 1938, Aiiproved by the "mayor, „larch 16, 1938, by addirf, thereto a new section to be Imoti.n as Section 341 under Chapter XI of said ordinance. 'i'HE CITY COUrCI1 OF VE CITY OF PCIT TOT;I;SM;D DO ORDAIN AS FOLIO IS: Section 1. That Ordinance ITo. 1091 of the City of "ort Townsend, entitled m!N 0i1DI2,ANOE relating to vehicles and the use find operation thereof on the nublic streets, alleys and ways of the city of Port Townsend; limitirg and restrictir{; certain uses of the nublic streets; alleys and ways of the city of ?ort Townsend; prescribing rules of the road for vehicles operating upon the same; providing for conduct in the event of vehicle accidents; providing procedure for enforcement of the provisions of th,.s ordinance; providing for certain records an! reports; nroviding the porters and duties of pence officers within the city of °ort Tovasond relative to the enforcement of this ordinance; providinE for the distribution of fines collected for offenses uA penalties, a ni repealing all ordinances or narts of ordinances in conflict herewith"- "assed by City Council 1!arch lb, 1938, approved bythe ',:ayor "arch 16, 1938, be and the same is hereby amended following Section 35 of Chart er :I and befo re Section 36 thereof, by adding; thereto a new section to be known as Section 35}, reading as follows: h u 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 Section 3E�,. it shall be iuilawful for arkv person to oporato a motor vehicle in a noglif-ent manner over m d along the public streets, alleys and/or gays of tiro City of fort Tovnscnd. ror the purpose of this section to "operate in a noglirant manner" shall be ematrued to moan the operation of a vehicle upon the public streets, alleys ardJor stays of this city in such a manner as to endanger (R 58 LIKELY TO E1:DANGER any persons or property. ;he offense of operatiow; a vehicle in a negligent manner shall be considered to be a lesser offense than, but included in, tte offense of operating a vehicle in a r eckl ess mane r,- ani any person ohnrged with operating a vehicle in a reckless manner may bo convicted of the lesser offense of operating a vehicle in a negligent manner. Any person violating the provisions of this section will be guilt;; of a misdemeanor, PROVIDED, the Director of licenses of the State of '::ashir.ton show ld not revoke any license under this ordinnce. BootM-L U this ordinance be published once in t1n Port Tow Beni leader to be in force ird taka effect five (5) days from ant after the date of such publication. PA55ED by the City Council - Betcber 2 , 1945. APPROVED by the ::ayor - October %Z- 1945. ATTEST: Oity Clerk Lis yo r • I E ohDII;Ar;ci NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port To';:'eend providing for the immediate appropriation of i;ionoy for the City Street Funcl for expenditure during the year 1-045 and declaring an omovgency. "'diEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the official Budget for -the City Street Dep,,rtmont for the.year 1945, the cost of aid in the construction of a dirt fill across the swamp as a. foot path for pedestrians could not have been foi•eseen, and V 14EREM3, it is now ;proposed th yet such work be prosecuted through State and county aid rind th.^.t the City provide the use of a truck For the same r:nd th'it the cost thereof im estimated at the sum of :;r500.00, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THIE, CITY OF PORT TO7MS3ND DO ORDAIN AS F'ObLO !3: Sec. 1.. That an emergency requiring tine immediate appropriation of money for the City Street Fund be and the sarne is hereby found and declared to exist, and there be and is hereby appropriated the sum of not to exceed �500.00 for the purposes aforesaid, that is to s:iy, 'Truck I:ental, and the 'Ayor and City Claris be and hereby are authorized to draw -emergency Iuarrants upon said City Street Fund not exceeding the sum of :t,500.00 aforem.tid. upon the presentw- tion of properly approved vouchers. Sec. 2.. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council Ptovcmber-`, 1945. APPROVuD by the i+iayor idovember % , 1945. ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor 11 OEDIVANCL NO. 1190 Ali ORDINANCE OF '2::1; CITY OF POET TO': P;SEUL VACATIaM A F011TION OF HARRISON STRLLT 11; THL CITY OF P0h`P COUNTY, WASHINGTON The City Council of the City of Port Townsend does ordain as falloe;s; Section I Thnt portion of Harrison Street in the City of Port Townsend, County of Jefferson, State of Washington, as per plat recorded in volume 1 of Plats, page 1, records of Jefferson County, to -wit: Beginning at the.Intersection of the y,esterly,-line of Harrison Street with the Northerly line of Street; thence northerly along the ;:esterly line of Harrison Street one hundred ten feet (1101); thence at right angles to the 1esterly line of Harrison Street to the Easterly line of Harrison Street; thence along the Easterly line of Harrison Street to its intersec- tion with -the northerly line of Water Street; thence along the Northerly line of 'rater Street to the point of beginning, :,be and the same is hereby vacated, including the plat thereof. Section TI That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Adopted by the City Council the 21st day of May, 1946. Approved by the I„ayor of the City of Port 'Townsend the 22nd day of 1,�ay, 1946. ATTEST: L{5 1150 1943 budget (,Special) 1151 Water department budget for 1943 (Special) 1152 Tax levy for 1943 (Special) 1153 Time and place of council meetings (Repealed by 1790) 1154 Fixes salaries of councilmen (Not codified) 1155 Places tax on admission tickets (Repealed by 1676) 1156 Establishes cumulative fund for waterworks (3.04) 1157 Creates a state aid fund (3.04) 1158 Creates a war liquor tax fund (3.04) 1159 Ratifies plan for addition to sewer system (Special) 1160 Adopts health code by reference (Repealed by 1525) 1161 Emergency appropriations (Special) 1162 1944 budget (Special) 1163 Water department budget for 1944 (Special) 1164 Tax levy for 1944 (Special) 1165 Emergency expenditure for park fund (Special) 1166. Vacates portion of named addition (Special) 1167 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1168 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1169 Accepts bid (Special) 1170 Provides for special election (Special) 1171 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1172 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1173 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1174 Fixes compensation of certain officers (Not codified) 1175 1945 budget (Special) 1176 Water department budget for 1945 (Special) 1177 Tax levy for 1945 (Special) 1178 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1179 Fixes sewer rates (Repealed by 1525) 1180 Accepts bid (Special) 1181 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1182 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1183 Provides for relief and compensation of volunteer fire department members (Not codified) 1184 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1185 1946 budget (Special) 1186 Water department budget for 1946 (Special) 1187 Tax levy for 1946 (Special) 1188 Amends Ord. 1091 (Repealed by 1525) 1189 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1�90 Street vacation (Special) �1191 Authorizes pipelaying and wharf usage (Sp ial) 1192 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1193 Street vacation (Special) 1194 Names street (Special) 1195 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1196 Provides for renovation and repair of cit all 1197 1198 L1 99 (Special) Fixes salary of city treasurer (Not codi d) 1947 budget (Special) Water department budget for 1947 (Specia ORDINANCE; NO.1/9� An ordinance granting to Standard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its assigns, the right to con- struct, maintain and oporbte pipe lines on certain streets in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, and the right to operate and maintain a wharf on Harrison Street in the City of 'Port Townsend, and to charge and collect tolls for the use of the same. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend,%or- dainj as follows: Section I. There is hereby granted to the Stan- dard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its assigns, the right to construct, .lay, maintain and oper- ate pipe lines for the transportation of petroleum products in Harrison Street in the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, from a point approximately one hundred ten (110) feet north of the northerly line of Water Street at its intersection with Harrison Street, thence under said Harrison Street and across Water Street at its intersection with Harrison Street, and thence to the terminus of Harrison Street; in the City of Port Townsend, Washington; also the right to operate and maintain a wharf with suitable approaches and such other structures as may be necessary in that portion of Harrison Street in the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, lying between the southerly line of Water Street and the inner Harbor line of Port Townsend Bay as laid off and platted by the State of Washington, and shown on the state tide land map of Port Townsend Harbor, and the rigLit to operate and maintain, repair, improve and add to the wharf substantially in the same location and in the same manner as 0 now operated and maintainod, witt, t`,,io right to occupy so much of that part of fiarrison Street above described as may be ne- cessary for dock and wharfage purposes. All of said ri rests are granted for a period of ten (10) years from and after the date of the taking effect of this Ordinance. ' Section 2. Such pipe lines shall be so located as not in any way to interfere 'vdth travel upon such streets nor with the improvement of such streets. If at any time the City Council of the City of Port Townsend deems it advisable to im- prove said streets by relocating, regrading, widening, extend- ing or in other manner changing or altering the same, Standard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its as- signs, shall upon written notice given by said City Council of the City of Port Townsend, immediately so move, change or al- ter its pipes and pipe lines and other equipment used in con- nection therewith, so as to conform to such change in said streets. The cost of so moving, changing or altering such pipes and pipe lines will be at the expense of Standard Oil Company of California and its assigns. Section 3. Standard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its assigns, assumes all liability for damages arising by reason of the location of said pipes or pipe lines in said street or streets. Section 4. The said wharf and its approaches shall be maintained in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and shall be subject to inspection by and approval of the City Engineer of the City of Port Townsend. Section S. That the standard Oil Company of Calif- ornia anti its assigns shall have the right to fix, establish and collect tolls and rates for wharfage, storage and dockage, - 2 - subject to such regulations and supervision as may be from time to timo prescribed by the State of Washington, and said wharf shall be subject to the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinances of said ci ty , regulating wharves. Section 6. That the Standard Oil Company of Califor- nia and its assigns, for the rights and privileges herein grant- ed in Sections 1 and 5 hereof, shall pay to the City of Port Townsend the sum of F'ifty Dollars (.�50.00) per annum for each and every ,year during the term of this franchise, said sum of $50.00 to be payable, in advance, on or before the 29th day of July of each year during the term of this franchise; that in case the said grantee or its assigns shall fail to com- ply with any or all of the conditions of this ordinance, then and thereupon this ordinance shall become null and void and all rights and franchises herein granted shall become forfeited. Section 7. The acceptance of this ordinance by the said grantee shall be deemed an agreement by it to conform said wharf wherever it passes over, along or across streets to the grade of said streets as now established or to be hereafter es- tablished on the request of the City Council. Section B. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage, approval and fil- ing of the acceptance of the same by the said grantee and from and after five days after its publication in the �- Passed by the City Council iyc�. y , 1946. Approved -by the Mayor 1946. Attest: (Aty Clerk - 3 - 01(1)iiii,PICE ti0. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the appropriation of money for expenditure during the year 1946 to meet unforseen costs for street surfacing during said year and declaring an emergency., WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the budget for the Street Department of the City of Pori: Townsend for the year 1946, the cost of surfacing the city streets, as contemplated, could not have been forseen, due to increased labor and material cost, and, WFEREAS, the concluded price therefor as submitted to the City Council, exceeds the budget item by the sum of '$1,146.32, and the same is hereby recognized as a proper and established charge, therefore, TILE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT T07." SE14D DO ORDAIN AS FOLL0',7S: Section 1. That an emergency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring the appropriation of the sum of 4i1,146.32 for the City Street Iund of the City of Port Townsend, to meet unforseen costs for street surfacing as aforesaid during the year 1946, and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to sign emergency warrants upon said fund not exceeding said stun of 1,146.32, upon the presentation of poperly r approved vouchers. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once In the Port Townsend Lender to be in force and take effect from and after fiue days from the date of such publication. PASSED by the City Council September , 1946. APPROVED by the Mayor September , 1946. �w Mayor Attest: City Clerk IV ORD I[;A`:C'.: :i0. 119,1 • AN ORDIPIANCE of the City of r-ort Toatcsencl naming and dosignating a certain gLreet or ,-ray therein. THL CITY COUP+CIL OF 1'1113 CITY OF PORT DO ORDAIIt AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. portion of State: Read ilo. 9 within the City of Port Townsend from its intevsecion with "later and 'balker streets to the c;esterly limits of said city be and the --ame is hereby named and clevignated "Sims 7la,y". Section 2. That the proper officers of the City of Port Townsend are hereby authorized and directed to correct the official map of said city so as to conform herewith, and that a certified cop- hereof be filed with the United States Postoffice in Port Tm,:nsend, 7i'ashington, ane with the County Auditor for Jeffernon county. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect five (5) days from and after the date of such publication. PASSED by the City Council September 17, 1946. APPRm:D by the i:Sayor September la, 1946. :,:ay_or h. E. Anderson ATTEST: City Clerk C. F. Christian ti AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the appropriatiorinoney for expenditure during tho year 1946 to meet unforeseen costs for' drninnl;e purposes and doclarinn on �:mcrl,enc;r. Whoreas, nt Lhe time of tho adoption oI' tho official budget for the street dcpai•tn:ent of tlic City of Port Townsend for the year 1946, the developrucnt , the County of Jefferson of blocks 55 and 54 of th(: aigina:C7own3ite of the City of Port Townsend for o recreational area had not been determined, and 7Jhereas, the County of Jefferson proposes to immediately develop such area for the purpose aforesaid, and in so doing will disturb the present system of street drainage therein, and, Whereas, the City Enginuer of said city has submitted to the City Council an estimate of costs to carry off surface waters within the said area, and has fixed the price thereof at approximately ;;1,600.00, and, Whereas, there are no funds budgeted for the street department for such purpose for expenditure during tho year 19461 7F,- /� I THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT T07,'NSEIND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOI'9S: Section 1. That an emergency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring the immediatepnropriation of the sum of :„1,600.00 for the (city Street end of the City of Port Townsend in order to meet the unforeseen costs as aforesaid, and the City Clerk be, and is hereby authorized to draw emergency warrants upon the said fundfl not exceeding said stun of :;�1,600.00, upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers. Section 2. Thai; this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect five (5) days from and rafter the date of such publication. PASSED by the City Council October,_, 1946. APPEMILD by the i,'.ayor October �_, 1946. ATTEST: City Clerk 10yor 1 or�Dltr.�•: rrc�. _ i;' 1rG 2 3 1.1 OHDIPrAi,]CE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the renovation and repair of the city hall of said city 4 independent of contract. 5 WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the official 6 bud. -et for said city for the year 1946, it was determined 7 by the City Council that certain repairs and renovations be 8 made to the city hall, and, 9 7MEREAS, pursuant to directions of said City Council, 10 there has been prepared and adopted, plans and specifications 11 embracing the contemplated work, together with form of pro- 12 posal and contract and notice given thereunder by call for 13 bids in accordance therewith, which bids were directed to 14 be filed with the City Clerk up to 5:00 o'clock P.M., October 15 1, 1946, and to be opened at the regular session of the City 16 Council of the City of Port Townsend on said date, which said 17 call was regularly published in the Port Townsend Leader and 18 in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce for the time and 19 in the manner as provided by the order of said council, and, 20 VAIERE9S, at said time and place, no bids whatsoever were 21 received, and from information coming to the attention of said 22 City Council, it further appears that no responsible bidder 23 will offer a bid for such work at the present time, and, 24 WHEREAS, said City Council does now find and determine 25 that at least a portion of such .comtemplated work be imme- 26 diately commenced and concluded in order to eonserve public 27 property; prevent further waste and avoid the dissipation 28 of public funds, and that such work can be performed and 29 materials acquired independent of contract cheaper in any 80 event, / 31 TEB52==LF- THE CITY COU3dCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT T031'dSEMD DO ORDAIN IS i:OLL07IS: 1 Section 1. That the plans and specifications for 2 the renovation find repair of the City Hall building of said 8 city as heretofore adopted by the City Council, r;nd referred to 4 in the preamble to this ordinance, are hereby ratifin,j airl 5 confirmed, and by such reference made a part of this ordinance 6 with the same degree and effect as if Bally incorporated 7 1 herein. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 so 31 Section 2. That theCity of Part Townsend shall forth -- CC OM6I L. with by day labor, under such supervision as said Gity^ may, by order or resolution, later determine, proceed toward. the removal of the upper story of said building; the construction of a new roof; the construction of false ceilings; the construction of a s�:yl.ight and storm entrance, and such other end incidental work as in said plans set forth. Section 3. All materials necessary to be acquired in connection herewith shall be purchased by the city on the open market and upon requisition therefor approved by the City Council. Section 4. The hourly'minimum rate of wage, not less then the prevailing r,-te of wage which is paid to leborers, workmen or mechanics in each trade or occupation required for this public work and employed in the performance hereof, shall obtain throughout. Section 5. That this ordinance be published once in the fort T°oti;nsend Leader to be in force and take effect five (5) days from and after the date of such publication. PASSED by the City Council October �1946. APPROVED by the Mayor October _�1946. .Attest: H.1;. lnderson City Clerk C.F. Christian ,6, 7.' i 0!*,Il�,C.l!,.1.!uh or the C.1 L-.,,j of Poi-1, fi.rinrr the of the City I --sur-Inr I*oi, the tern: com cn(An Jan u n i- y 21E, L-CIT'l CoU7-CIL OF 'I'll- f�' C)I,' 1101',T DC 2, 0 L 0', S c,,oct-*,.,,, 1. T 1,. a t the sv -Lu-r to I:)(- pol.0, to the City ary 1, 1947, for the 4�- monthly. be r-lic? ti-le fi5a,c IS llclch,' Ct, SUlfl Of' moi-i -11� -0 -,, ace, -.,f:hllnhed once in 2. That L Is 01- Iii 'I the Poi-t Towv.,,er.6. Lo=ldov ord to effect r.n(I b(, in f'orce on Lho fix-st day of 104?. -icl 1 0 c f; o L, c- r 1.1%, 1.946. by Mwi city Goul A p 1- c)-vLeD by the 1.1ayov octol)c.i, 1948. ATTLST, Glity cler4�. AN ORDIWi 1I'0I1, of the City of Port TGV;,1CCYSd fixing; c;nd. adopting the officinl budget ,fov the City of Port Townsend for the year 2947. i'IlE CITY 00UW, G ' '?i:T� CITY OP 1?01;T ` O:;Ii.i ;D DO O1:DA11i AS rpI,C.05d5: Section 1. That the following; be and the same is hereby fixed. and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port £.:.. Townsend, for taxation purpoLes, foi- the year 1947,' divided into the following classes comprising the ::hoie of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and ':ages r 65,160.00 Operation and L;;.,ance 23,893.75 Capital -Outlay 70,650.00 Interest and Bond i',edemption 14,395.07 J Firemen's Retiramcn't Pay ; 1,200.00 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Fort Townsend bender to be In force and take effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council Octobea 15, 1946. APnI,0VED by the Vayov October 1946. ATTEST: City C erk S. 1%1v ORDILhNCT,of the City of Port Toanscnd fixin�t and adopting a budget for the ',':rater Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the yoar 1947. THE CITY COUiWll, OF THE Ci`i''Y 0r POR'T 'i0:'!;;SjMI;D DO 01JDAI I AS POLLOuS': Section 1. That the i'ollowing be and the some is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for tho ':later Department ofthe City of Port `l'ociusenc , for the year 1947, divided Into the total amounts in each of the; classes co.mprisin the whole of said budget, to -wit: J Salcries and :;ale;: q 11,040.00 1 Operation and ;.'raintenancc 2,950.00 Cumulative Reserve Fund ;,; 9,610,00 Capital outlay �� 23,500.00 o: _ Interest and Bond Redemption 46,900.00 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port. Townsend Leader, ,to be in force and take effect from and after five (5) days of' the date of such publication. PASSLD by the City Council October 15, 1946. APPROVEL by the .:ayor October 1946. J ,r:ay or ATTEST: C ty Cieric'� -' i � ..... ww.Y�4 +Nl��� :+ 1300 Amends Ord. 1281 Y(Repealed by 1897) 1301 Dog licenses (Repealed by 1698) 1302 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1303 Emergency expenditure (Special) 1304 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1305 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1306 Adopts plan for sewer system improvement (Special) 1307 Water department budget for 1955 (special) 1308 1955 budget (Special) 1309 Tax levy for 1955 (Special) 1310 Amends Ord, 1281 (Repealed by 1897) ----1311 Fixes compensation of city treasurer (Not codified) 1312 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1313 Provides for issuance and sale of general obligation bonds (Special) 1314 Appropriation for park fund (Special) 1315 Tax levy for 1956 (Special) 1316 Water department budget for 1956 (Special) 1317 1956 budget (Special) 1318 Plan for improvement of water system (Special) 1319 Accepts bid (Special) 1320 Emergency election (Special) 1321 Authorizes issuance of water revenue bonds (Special) 1322 Authorizes acquisition and acceptance of deeds (Special) 1323 Authorizes appropriation of public water from state (Special) 1324 Authorizes construction of petroleum pipelines and right to operate and maintain wharf (Special) 1325 Adopts plan for change in water system (Special) 1326 Street vacation (Special) 1327 .Tax levy for 1957 (Special) 1328 1957 budget (Special) 1329 Provides sewage regulations (Not codified) ( j 1330 Provides for improvements to water system (Special) 1331 Amends Ord. 1330 (Special) 1332 Amends Ord. 1330 (Special) 1333 Amends Ord. 1255 (Repealed by 1525) 1334 Provides lien against property for unpaid garbage charges (6.04) 1335 Emergency appropriation (special) 1336 (Special) 1337 Requires building permit (Not codified) 1338 Tax levy for 1958 (Special) 1339 1958 budget (Special) 1340 Compensation for named officers (Not codified) 1341 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1342 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1343 Vacates alley (Special) 1344 Regulates mobile homes (Repealed by 1455) 1345 Authorizes execution of deeds (Special) 1346 Establishes building permit fee (Not codified) 1347 Amends Ord. 1138 (6.04) 1348 Street vacation (Special) 1349 Tax levy for 1959 (Special) '.),11)INA ICE 0- 1300 AN ORDINANCE OF THE' CITY JI P')it'I' WA5HI1uf0l, A"FIDAIIG ORDIIAVCE NO. 1.231, CN1'1TLU-,D AS FOLLOWS: AN Jkbll.A';CE I{FLATI'10 T3 '('Iil�F IC AND i:Ff1UU.TI11G T1{I: USE: OF PURIC "aTEi1.)�'TS At1ll i!T(iH.�fAYa OF 'PHL; CITY OF PORT TO. `ND;; F011 THE 11'3'VALL TION, REGULATION AID CONTROL OF PARK110 AID ` iit-F',PIC BY FtRKING 11FT1.Ei3; °1,11•:3GRIBING PARKING TIME LIMITS; PROVIDI;JG FOK Till: F:11FORC1-111-d1T ViJ�iti.'UF; DEFINING OF.'N!JS{?S; ?ftiESCkI13ING PliULTIES; AND PROVIDIt;G FOR 1HE, 11iE'1:AL OF CJ:1.-I,ICT111G by amending Section Ton (10) thereof; and by adding; a new section to be designated as Section 17. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF P(,itT T,.)iiN.55 , D DO ORDAIN AS F;)I, OWS: SFCTION 1. That Section 10 of Ordinance No. 1231 is hereby amended to road as follows: "Section 10.(a) In each case or violation of Section 7 (a) there shall be attached to the vehicle a notice to the owner or operator that said vehicle has been parked in violation of the provisions of this ordinance, and instructing the owner or operator to report to the Police Judge or other designated officer of Lhe City of Port Townsend, in regard to such violation. Each such owner or operator may, within 43 hours of the time of such notice was .attached to the vehicle, pay to the Police Judge as a penalty for and in full satisfaction of such violation, the oum of fifty cents. The failure of such owner or operator to crake such payment within 48 hours shall render such owner or operator subject to the penalties hereinafter provided for violations of this ordinance. (b) Any person, firm or corporation who shall, violate or tail to comply with any provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty, and shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed, $300.00 or by imprisonment not to exceed 60 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment." SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 12BI bo and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto a section to be known as Section 17, which section shall read as follows: "SECTION 17. In addition to the nonalties herein provided, any vehicle found parked in violation of this ordinance may be removed under the direction of the Chief of Police and hold Sor the payment of the costs of moving the same and of ,any fine imposed for violating this ordinance." SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 1st ,lay of Dccembrar, 1953- Approved by the Y.ayor this lst day of December, 19.53• 1.11. G ;;tGE UAN'UJER 'ER, Mayor AT EST: !Mary June Winchester City Clerk Date of Publication: December 3, 1953. 14 ORDINANCE NO. 1_. �(15 6 • AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend providing for the appropriation of money for expenditure during the year 1954 to meet unforseen costs for payment of excise taxes due the State of Washington 'Pax Commission and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, during the month of July, 1954, the State of Washing- ton Tax Commission did audit the records and vouchers of the various departments of the City; and which audit was the first such audit the State had ever made; and VIHEREAS, said audit shows and the State Tax Commission has made demand upon the City for taxes due and owing, and WHEREkS, at the time of the adoption of the official budget of the City of Port Townsend for the ,year 1954, no provision was made for payment of such excise taxes, and %ITHEREAS, the City Clerk has submitted to the Council a showing of need for extra funds for payment of said audit demand, therefore THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or' PORT '1'OWNSEND DO ORDP_IJ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That an emergency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring the appropriation of the sum of 6546.05 for the Current Expense Fund for City Government of City of Port Town- send; the further sum of 5z129.89 for the Park Fund; the further sum of $48.09 for the City Street Fund; the further sum of 4�322.91 for the Parking Meter !Fund; all to meet unforseen costs for excise tax due the State of �iashington during the year 1954 as aforesaid. SECTION 2. That an emergency is hereby found and declared to exist requiring the appropriation of ,-�147.55 for Olympic Gravity Water Fund; and the further stun of 1;436.84 for the Olympic Gravity Water Replacement Fund; all to meet unforseen costs for excise tax due the State of Washington during the year 1954 as aforesaid. SECTION 3. That the City Clerl, be and he is hereby authorized to sign emergency warrants upon the various funds heretofore mentioned, not exceeding said sums as set forth herein, upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers. SECTION 4. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 21 day of Sept. 1954. Approved by the Mayor this 91 day of Sept. 1954. ATTEST: C er PME ORDINANCE 110. 1307 AN ORDINAt4CE fixing and adopting a budget for the. Water Depart - went of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the year 1955. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE: CITY 01-1 POW TOV&TSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the Official Budget for the Water Department of the City of Port,Townsend, for the year 1955, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages........................�19,460.00 Operation and P4aintenance ................ .7,350.00 Capital Outlay ........................... 6750.00 Interest and Bond Redemption ............. 29,716.69 Section II That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 5i;,day of October, 1954. Approved by the Mayor this day of October, 1954. h1MA AY0 ATTEST: � C T11 CL15 ORDINA14CE 110. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend fixing and adopting the official budget for the City of Port 'Townsend, for the ,year 1955. THE CITY COUNCIL OP' THE CITY OP PORT TO.WTSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I That the following be, and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the Official Budget of the City of fort 'Townsend for taxation purpose's, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages...........................f�81,225.00 Operation and Maintenance .................... 32,096.05 Capttal Outlay ............................... 5,912.50 Firer,,W s Retirement, and Pension ............. 2,307.62 Section II That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this.5th day of October, 1954. Approved by the Mayor this day of October, 1954. I%AYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK The above Ordinance :r�s �r�fie;ct by .Ih,) Mayor on :)ctober 15, 7.954. parsed by the C, ly Council 1"'lia 1 dnv of octobi31' 1°:ir tho 'inyor's veto not wlthotrn"li.n-�. A T T ORDINANCE PTO. 1309 AN ORDINA"ICF malting and fixing the tar, levy for the City of .Port Toinisond for taxes for the year 1955. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Sec Lion 1 That there is,,hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port T wnsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for thb different purposes herein designated, for the year 1955, and tho rate of taxation upon the dollar of essessod valuation of said City for such purposes is as follows: FIRST for the payment of Current 2xpenses and for the Current Expense Fluid the su:n of sl7 999.44 and the rate of tax levy for said Fund is hereby fix 7.6 mills on the dollar. SECOND for the purpoge of maintaining a Public Library and for the Lei r~ary Fund, the cum of6461.34 and the rate of taxlevy for said Fund is hereby fixed at 2.8 mills on the dollar. THIRD for the purpose of maintaining a Public Park and for the Park Funk. , the sums of$b461b.24 and the rate of tax levy for said Fund is hereby T x�iieT_ 2.0 mills on the dollar. FOURTH for the maintenance and Improvoment of the Public Streets of the City and for the City Street Fund, the sum of$3230_.67 and the rato of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixad at 1.40 mills on the dollar. FIFTH for Hospitalization and I,oOical Scrvice of Injured Paid F remen and for Pensions and for the Firemen's relief and Pension Fund, the sum of :r2307.62 and the rnte of tax levy for said Fund is hereby fi'xLed at 1.00 mills on the dollar. Section 11 That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and diroctod to cortify to the County Auditor and �'ioinit'y' Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, tho foregoing tax levy of said City. Section Ill That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and 'take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 5th day of October 1954. Approved by the Mayor this day of October 195C•. ATTEST: City Clork The above Ordinance was votood by tha Mayor October 15, 1954. Passed by the City Council this 19th day of October 1954 tho Mayors veto not withstanding. ATTEST: City / •� Clerk n^o' :1. w G . w wa rw ti w �m W r r 't/ N k p to?ti r y. K�ro w n�c w REM r M. r 0 µ o{fin m o:_w rl -eirF' . `"O x 4•r rs F+{$ O • N � E w 1300 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) -- 1301 Dog licenses (Repealed by 1698) 1302 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1303 Emergency expenditure (Special) 1304 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1305 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1306 Adopts plan for sewer system improvement (Special) 1307 Water department budget for 1955 (Special) 1308 1955 budget (Special) 1309 Tax levy for 1955 (Special) 1310 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 13ll Fixes compensation of city treasurer (Not codified) 1312 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1313 Provides for issuance and sale of general obligation bonds (Special) 1314 Appropriation for park fund (Special) 1315 Tax levy for 1956 (Special) 1316 Water department budget for 1956 (special) 1317 1956 budget (Special) 1318 Plan for improvement of water system (Special) 1319 Accepts bid (Special) 1320 Emergency election (Special) y "✓1321 Authorizes issuance of water revenue bonds (Special) 1322 Authorizes acquisition and acceptance of deeds (Special) 1323 Authorizes appropriation of public water from state (Special) 1324 Authorizes construction of petroleum pipelines and right to operate and maintain wharf (Special) 1325 Adopts plan for change in water system (Special) 1326 Street vacation (Special) 1327 Tax levy for 1957 (Special) 1328 1957 budget (Special) 1329 Provides sewage regulations (Not codified) 1330 Provides for improvements to water system (Special) 1331 Amends Ord. 1330 (Special) 1332 Amends Ord. 1330 (Special) 1333 Amends Ord. 1255 (Repealed by 1525) 1334 Provides lien against property for unpaid garbage charges (6.04) 1335 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1336 (Special) 1337 Requires building permit (Not.codified) 1338 Tax levy for 1956 (Special) 1339 1958 budget (Special) 1340 Compensation for named officers (Not codified) 1341 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1342 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1343 Vacates alley (Special) 1344 Regulates mobile homes (Repealed by 1455) 1345 Authorizes execution of deeds (Special) 1346 Establishes building permit fee (Not codified) 1347 Amends Ord. 1138 (6.04) 1348 Street vacation (Special) 1349 Tax levy for 1959 (Special) 4 ORDINANCE 110. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port 'Townsend fixing the comport- sation of the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend for the term commencing June 1, 1955. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO.YNSEND DO ORDATN AS FOLL OYJS : Section 1. That the compensation to be paid to the follow- ing named officer of said city for the term commencing June 1, 1955, .be and the same is hereby fixed as follows: FIRST: Per the office of City Treasurer the monthly com- pensation of J,250.00. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law . Passed by the City Council this 7thday of December, 1954. Approved by the Mayor this/ �day of Dec. 1954. Pro -Tom (� L i t idAYOH Pro -Tom Jx ATTEST': %�'cvv:. 9 / c� -�_. CIT CLERK V L�. ,r i raj '�i ORDINANCE NO, 1319 AN ORDINANCE of the Council of the City of Port Townsend accepting the bid of Crown Zellerbach Corporation to lease the portion of the City's waterworks and system described in Resolution No. 56-1, passed by the City Council and approved by the mayor January 17, 1956, and authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute such lease. WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend now owns, maintains and operates its waterworks and system, both within and with- out the City limits; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City deemed it advisable to lease part of such waterworks and system located outside the City limits and on January 17, 1956, adapted its Resolution No. 56-1, wherein it found that it was advisable and in the best interest of the City and.its inhabitants to lease a cer- tain part of such waterworks and system, which re.�,lution stated the general terms and conditions of such lease and authorized the calling for sealed bids to be filed with the City Clerk stating the amount -to be paid as rent for each year of the term of the proposed lease; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 56-1 and a notice calling for such bids were published in the official City newspaper on the 19th and 26th days of January, 1956 and the 2nd and 9th days of February, 1956, as required by law; and WHEREAS, said resolution and notice provided that such bids should be submitted to and filed with the City Clerk not later than 5:00 p.m., February 21, 1956 and that the same would be opened and considered at the regular meeting of the City Council to be held at 7:30 p.m., February 21, 1956; and WHEREAS, only one such bid was timely filed with the City Clerk pursuant to said resolution and notice, the same being submitted by Crown Zellerbach Corporation; and WHEREAS, after due consideration at said regular meeting, the Council passed by more than a two-thirds majority of its elected members Resolution No. 56-3 wherein the Council, de- clared it advisable to accept -the said bid and directed im- mediate enactment of an ordinance accepting said bid and author izing and directing the execution by the Mayor and the City Clerk of a 'lease to Crown Zellerbach Corporation -of such properties upon the terms and conditions set forth in said Resolution No. 56-1 and at the rental set forth in said bid; and an ordinance calling a special election on March.13, 1956 for submittal of the lease proposition to the qualified electors of the City as required by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The City of Port Townsend hereby accepts the bid of Crown Zellerbach Corporation, timely filed pursuant to Resolution 56-1 and the notice calling for bids, to lease that portion of the waterworks and system of the City of Port Townsend which is described as follows: A. Existing Water System. (1) Snow Creek --Olympic_ Gravity Water System. The head -works and the diversion dam on Snow Creek, in'Section 4, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., Jefferson County, Washington, and the pipe line and right of way leading from said head -works and diversion dam in a general Easterly direction to a junction with the pipe line constructed from the Big Quilcene River in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M. 2. • 0 i • (2) Big Quilcene Water Extension Project. The head -works and diversion dam erected under the plan or system known as the "Big Quilcene Water Extension Project," which dam is constructed across the Big Quilcene River immediately below its confluence with Tunnel Creek at a point located in Section 31, Town- ship 27 North, Range 2 West, W. M., and within the Olympic National Forest, Jefferson County, Washington, together with right of way and pipe line from said head -works on the Big Quilcene in an Easterly and Southerly direction to a point on or near the South line of Section 33, Township 27 North, Range 2 West, W. M., and thence in a Northerly direction to a junction with the pipe line from Snow Creek, in Sec- tion 1, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M.; thence in a Northerly direction across Section 6, Township 28.North, Range 1 West, W. M., to the North line of said Section 6; thence paralleling the City of Port Townsend's water line from Snow Creek (known as the Olympic Gravity Water System) in a general Northerly direction to the Southerly boundary line of the City of Port Townsend. (3) City Lake. The storage basin formed by City Lake, situated in Section 19, Township 29 North, Range 1 West, W. M.; together with the real estate owned by the City of Port Townsend surrounding the same, described as the Northeast Quarter of the South- east Quarter, the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, all in Section 19, Township 29 North, Range fL West, W. M. B. Lords Lake Development. The head -works and diversion dam to be constructed across the Little Quilcene River in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32 in Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., and within the Olympic National Forest, Clallam County, Washington, at a point (Point "A") bearing South 70026' West, 7,827 feet from an iron pipe (Point "0") marking the Northeast corner of Section 33, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., in Jefferson County, Washington, together with the right of way to be acquired and pipe line to be constructed from the said head -works at Point "A" on the'Little Quilcene River in a South- easterly direction across the North Half of the South- east Quarter of Section 32, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M. and within the Olympic National Forest, Clallam County, Washington; thence in a Southeasterly direction across the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., which is located both in Clallam County and in Jefferson County, Washington; thence Easterly and Northeasterly across the East Half of the South- west Quarter of Section 33, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., Jefferson County, Washington, and thence Northeasterly and Northwesterly across portions of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 33 to a point (Point "B") on the North 3. Boundary of the Southeast Quarter of the said Section 33 i-ihich bears South 43015' West 3,625 feet, more or less, from the aforementioned iron pipe at Point "0"; and together with right of way for pipe line, flume or open surface drainage to be located from Point "B" to the Lords Lake Storage Basin and from the Lords Lake Storage Basin to a point on the existing line lying immediately East of the Lords Lake Storage Basin; also the storage basin formed and to be formed by Lords Lake as enlarged, situated in Sections 33 and 28 of the aforementioned Township and Range in Jefferson County, Washington, including dams and spillways to be constructed at Lords Lake and together with the real estate owned by the City of Port Townsend surrounding the Lords Lake Storage Basin and described as those portions of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 33 and the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28, all in Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W, M., in Jefferson County, Washington, which are lo- cated between the outer margin of said Lords Lake Storagie Basin, as enlarged, and a line located in a direction away from the storage basin and 150 feet distant in the horizontal plane from the contour line surrounding the storage basin at the 925 foot elevation, subject to easement for the Forest Service Little Quilcene Access Road which crosses the North- east Quarter, a portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter,' the East Half of the South- west Quarter and a portion of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter.of Section 33, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., in -Jefferson County, Was all of which development is to be accomplished pur- suant to the plan and system specified and adopted in Ordinance No. 1318 approved January 17, 1956; together with all water rights, permits, easements, rights of way, diversion works, dams, pipe lines, storage basins, reservoirs, additions, betterments and extensions and all other equipment, facilities and appurtenances of every kind and character, real, or personal, constructed or to be constructed, used or useful in connection with the operation of the portions of the waterworks and system hereinbefore described, whether now owned by the City or hereafter acquired; but excluding: (a) Any distribution pipe lines (as distinguished from transmission pipe lines) used in connec- tion with the same to supply customers of the City of Port Townsend outside of said City's limits; (b) The City°s chlorinating system and appur- tenances thereto; and excluding also (c) Any part of said waterworks and system within the City limits of the City of Port Townsend; 4. for a period commencing on or about Marcia 16, 1956 and expiring March 15, 2000, and at the following described rentals: Subject to the following terms and conditions, the full rent to be paid by Lessee under the lease to be entered into for the full 44-year termthereof shall be $3,627,042,17, payable in the following amounts at the following times and in the following manner: A. First'Thirty Years. Subject to the follow- ing terms and conditions the rent to be paid by Lessee hereunder during the first thirty years of the term of said lease shall be $3,395,840.50, payable as fol- lows: (1) Payments. During said first 30-year period rent payment shall be made either to the City Treasurer or to an agent or trustee nominated by the City for this purpose and according to the fol- lowing schedule and upon the following terms and con- ditions: (a) Initial Payment. Within thirty (30) days of said lease becominoperative, Lessee shall pay the sum of $189,384.59, said sum being the sum of (i) annual rental stipulated hereinbelow for the period expiring March 15, 1957, plus (ii) the stipulated annual rental for the thirtieth (30th) year of the term, expiring March 15, 1986, less the sum of $36,270.42, the latter sum being the amount deposited by Lessee upon the making of its bid pur- suant to Resolution 56-1 and which amount shall be thus credited to Lessee's rental account. (b) Semiannual Payments. on and after March 15, 1957, rents shall be paid in advance in semiannual installments on or before March 15 and September 15 of each and every year through September 15, 1984 as follows: Consecutive Annual Semiannual Year of Term Rental _Payment 1. 1956-57 $ 111,158.50--------- 2. 1957-58 111,808:50 $ 55,904.25 3. 1958-59 111,398:50 55,699.25 4. 1959-60 111,958.50 55,979.25 5. 196o-61 111,458.50 55,729.25 6. 1961-62 111,928.50 55,964.25 7. 1962-63 111,471.00 55,735.50 8,. 1963-64 1il,986.00 55,993.00 9. 1964-65 112,446.00 56,223.00 10. 1965-66 112,851.00 56,425.50 11. 1966-67 113,201.00 56,600.50 12. 1967-68 113,496.00 56,748.00 13. 1968-69 112,736.00 56,368.00 5. s 4 0 Consecutive Annual Semiannual Year of Term Rental _ Yayment 111. 1969-70 $ 113,9118.50 $ 56,974.25 15. 1970-71 113,908.50 56,954.25 16. 1971-72 113,808.50 56,904.25 17. 1972-73 113,648.50 56,824.25 18. 1973-74 113428.50 56,714.25 19. 1974-75 114:148.50 57,074.25 20. 1975-76 113,699.50 56,849.75 21. 1976-77 114,188.50 57,094.25 22. 1977-78 113,584.50 56,792.25 23, 1978-79 113,918.50 56,959.25 24. 1979-80 114,159.50 57,079.75 25. 1980-81 114,307.50 57,153.75 26. 1981-82 1111,362.50 57,181.25 27. 1982-83 114,324.50 57,162.25 28. 1983-84 114,143.00 57,071.50 29. 1984-85 113,867.00 56,933.50 30. 1985-86 114,496.50 --------- $3,395,840.50 (2) Reduced Rental Contingencies. Not- withstanding anything heretofore set forth to the contrary, rent payments to be made during the first thirty years of the term of said lease may be reduced on and after the occurrence of either one or both of the two following events, to -wit: (a) If any surplus money out of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds is transferred to the Bond Redemption Fund as authorized in Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1318, the semiannual rent payment next coming due after such transfer may be reduced by the amount so transferred. (b) If all the outstandin bonds of the issue authorized by Ordinance No. 1319 of the City and described in Section IV E of said lease or if all the outstanding bonds issued to refund the same are retired by the issuance of refunding bonds that will require smaller amounts to be paid each year for principal and interest coming due thereon than re- quired in the same years for payment of the princi- pal of and interest on the bonds being refunded, the semiannual rental payments provided for in this sec- tion may be correspondingly reduced to the amounts required each year to pay only the principal of and interest on such refunding bonds. Whenever Lessee has paid rentals to the City in an amount that is sufficient, with all interest earned by the investment of any rental payments, to redeem and retire all of such bonds, or any bonds issued to refund the same with interest and premiums if any to the date of such redemption, and all of such bonds have been redeemed in full and retired, then no more rentals need be paid the City by Lessee for the first thirty years of said lease. 9 ■ B. Last Fourteen Years. Subject to the fol- lowing terms and conditions, the rent for the last fourteen years of the term of said lease shall be $231,2ol.67. The City acknowledges hereby that, under the March 3, 1928 lease between the City, as Lessor, and Crown, as Lessee, as modified and ex- tended by the August 7, 1944 lease between the par- tiesthereto (which lease is identified'in Section II of the proposed form of lease, approved by the City Attorney, and now on file in the City Clerk's Office, Lessee has prepaid rent for the period that would have commenced April 1, 1956 and would have expired January 1, 1968 in the sum of $231,201.67 and acknowledges also that Lessee has not received value or consideration for said prepayment under the said 1928 lease, as modified and extended by said 19421 lease, which now shall be terminated. Therefore, the City will credit to Lessee's rental account under the said new lease the sum of $231,201.67, all of which shall be ap- plied to rental falling due on and after March 16, 1986. Section 2. The Mayor and the Clerk of the City are 'authorized and directed hereby to execute on behalf of the City a lease of the property described in Section 1 hereof in the form and on.the terms and conditions generally set forth in Resolution No. 56-1, which lease form, as approved by the City Attorney, now is on file in the Office -of the City Clerk and is open to inspection by any and all qualified electors of the City during regular office hours. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be published once in the "Port Townsend Leader" on March 8, 1956 but it shall not take effect or be in force until approved by a majority of those qualified electors of the City who vote at the special election to be called and to be held on March 13, 1956 as required by Chapter 137 of the Session Laws of.1917, State of Washington. Introduced and read for the first time at the regular meeting of the City Council held on February 21, 1956. 7. y I . • 0 Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council of the City and approved by its Mayor at the regular meeting of the City Council held on March 6, 1956. Mayor of the City of Port Townsend ATTEST: �� d' f C k f the y of Port Townsend OVED AS TO RM: 61 KtOne'y-or e City of Port Townsend FILED by me this 6th day of March, 1956. Clr ofjy tho City0f Port Townsend I, JOSEPH G. RYAN, the duly elected, qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordi- nance No. 1319 of said City, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of March, 1956. r a the ity of Port Townsend i ORDINANCE NO. 1319 AN ORDINANCE of the Council of the City of Port Townsend accepting the bid of Crown Zellerbach Corporation to lease the portion of the City's waterworks and system described in Resolution No, 56-1, passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor January 17, 1956, and authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute such lease. WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend now owns, maintains and operates its waterworks and system, both within and with- out the City limits; and WHEREAS, the Council of -the City deemed it advisable to lease part of such waterworks and system located outside the City limits and on January 17, 1.956, adopted its Resolution No. 56-1, wherein it found that it was advisable and in the best interest of the City and its inhabitants to lease a cer- tain part of such waterworks and system, which resolution stated the general terms and conditions of such lease and authorized the calling for sealed bids to be filed with the .City Clerk stating the amount•to be paid as rent for each year of the term of the proposed lease; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No, 56-1 and a notice calling for such bids were published in the official City newspaper on the 19th and 26th days of January, 1956 and the 2nd and 9th days of February, 1956, as required by law; and WHEREAS, said resolution and notice provided that such bids should be submitted to and filed with the City Clerk not later than 5:00 p.m., February 21, 1956 and that the same would be opened and considered at the regular meeting of the City Council to be held at 7:30 p.m., February 21, 1956; and WHEREAS, only one such bid was timely filed with the City Clerk pursuant to said resolution and notice, the same being submitted by Crown Zellerbach Corporation; and WHEREAS, after due consideration at said regular meeting, the Council passed by more than a two-thirds majority of its elected members Resolution No. 56-3 wherein the Council de - Glared it advisable to accept the said bid and directed im- mediate enactment of an ordinance accepting said bid and author- Izing and directing the execution by the Mayor and the City Clerk of a lease to Crown Zellerbach Corporation of such properties upon the terms and conditions set forth in said Resolution No. 56-1 and at the rental set forth in said bid; and an ordinance calling a special election on March,13, 1956 for submittal of the lease proposition to the qualified electors of the City as required by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The City of Port Townsend hereby accepts the bid of Crown Zellerbach Corporation, timely filed pursuant to Resolution 56-1 and the notice calling for bids, to lease that portion of the waterworks and system of the City of Port Townsend which is described as follows: A. Existing Water System. (1) Snow creek --Olympic Gravity Water System. The head -works and the diversion dam on Snow Creek, in Section 4, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. Jefferson County, Washington, and the pipe line and right of way leading from said head -works and diversion dam in a general Easterly direction to a junction with the pipe line constructed from the Big Quilcene River in the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M. 9 (2) BIG Quilcene Water_ Extension Project. The head -works and diversion dam erected under the plan or system known as the "Big Quilcene Water Extension Project," which dam is constructed across the Big Quilcene River immediately below its confluence with Tunnel Creek at a point located in Section 31, Town- ship 27 North, Range 2 West, W. M., and within the Olympic National Forest, Jefferson County, Washington, together with right of way and pipe line from said head -works on the Big Quilcene in an Easterly and Southerly direction to a point on or near the South line of Section 33, Township 27 North, Range 2 West, W. M., and thence in a Northerly direction to a junction with the pipe line from Snow Creek, in Sec- tion 1, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M.; thence in a Northerly direction across Section 6, Township 28.North, Range 1 West, W. M., to the North line of said Section 6; thence paralleling the City of Port Townsend's water line from Snow Creek (known as the Olympic Gravity Water System) in a general Northerly direction to the Southerly boundary line of the City of Port Townsend. (3) City Lake. The storage basin formed by City Lake, situated in Section 19, Township 29 North, Range 1 West, W. M., together with the real estate owned by the City of Port Townsend surrounding the same, described as the Northeast Quarter of the South- east Quarter, the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, all in Section 19, Township 29 North, Range 'l+ West, W. M. B. Lords Lake Development. The -head -works and diversion dam to be constructed across the Little Quilcene River in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32 in Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., and within the Olympic National Forest, Clallam County, Washington, at a point (Point "A") bearing South 70026, West, 7,827 feet from an iron pipe (Point "O") marking the Northeast corner of Section 33, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., in Jefferson County, Washington, together with the right of way to be acquired and pipe line to be constructed from the said head -works at Point "A" on the'Little Quilcene River in a South- easterly direction across the North Half of the South- east Quarter of Section 32, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M. and within the Olympic National Forest, Clallam County, Washington; thence in a Southeasterly direction across the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., which is .located both in Clallam County and in Jefferson County, Washington; thence Easterly and Northeasterly across the East Half of the South- west Quarter of Section 33, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., Jefferson County, Washington, and thence Northeasterly and Northwesterly across portions of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 33 to a point (Point "B") on the North 3. Boundary of the Southeast Quarter of the said Section 33 which bears South 43015' West 3,625 feet, more or less, from the aforementioned iron pipe at Point "0"; and together with right cf way d'or pipe line, flume or open surface drainage to be located from Point "Ii" to the Lords Lake Storage Basin and from the Lords Lake Storage Basin to a point on the existing; pipe line lying immediately East of the Lords Lake Storage Basin; also the storage basin formed and to be formed by Lords Lake as enlarged, situated in Sections 33 and 28 of the aforementioned Township and Range in Jefferson County, Washington, including dams and spillways to be constructed at Lords Lake and together with the real estate owned by the City of Port Townsend surrounding the Lords Lake Storage Basin and described as those portions of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 33 and the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28, all in Township 28 North, Range 2 West, . W. M., in Jefferson County, Washington, which are lo- cated between the outer margin of said Lords Lake Storage Basin, as enlarged, and a line located in a direction away from the storage basin and 150 feet distant in the horizontal plane from the contour line surrounding the storage basin at the 925 foot elevation, subject to easement for the Forest Service Little Quilcene Access Road which crosses the North- east Quarter, a portion of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter,' the East Half of the South- west Quarter and a portion of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter.of Section 33, Township 28 North, Range 2 West, W. M., in -Jefferson County, Washington, all of which development is to be accomplished pur- suant to the plan and system specified and adopted in Ordinance No. 1318 approved January 17, 1956; together with all water rights, permits, easements, rights of way, diversion works, dams, pipe lines, storage basins, reservoirs, additions, betterments and extensions and all other equipment, facilities and appurtenances of every kind and character, real., or personal, constructed or to be constructed, used or useful in connection with the operation of the portions of the waterworks and system hereinbefore described, whether now owned by the City or hereafter acquired; but excluding: (a) Any distribution pipe lines (as distinguished from transmission pipe lines) used in connec- tion with the same to supply customers of the City of Port Townsend outside of said City's limits; (b) The City's chlorinating system and appur- tenances thereto; and excluding also (c) Any part of said waterworks and system within the City limits of the City of Port Townsend; for a period commencing on or about Marc?, i6, 1956 and expiring March 15, 2000, and at the following described rentals: Subject to the following terms and conditions, the full rent to be paid by Lessee under the lease to be entered into for the full 44-year termthereof shall be $3,627,042.17, payable in the following amounts at the following times and in the following manner: A. First Thirty Years. Subject to the follow- ing terms and conditions the rent to be paid by Lessee hereunder during the first thirty years of the term of said lease shall be $3,395,840.50, payable as fol- lows: (1) Payments. During said first 30-year period rent payment shall be made either to the City Treasurer or to an agent or trustee nominated by the City for this purpose and according to the fol- lowing schedule and upon the following terms and con- ditlons: (a) initial Payment. Within thirty (30) days of said lease becoming operative, Lessee shall pay the sum of $189,384.5, said sum being the sum of (i) annual rental stipulated hereinbelow for the period expiring March 15, 1957, plus (ii) the stipulated annual rental for the thirtieth (30th) year of the term, expiring March 15, 1986, less the sum of $36,270.42, the latter sum being the amount deposited by Lessee upon the making of its bid pur- suant to Resolution 56•-1 and which amount shall be thus credited to Lessee's rental account. (b) Semiannual Payments. On and after March 15, 1957, rents shall be paid in advance in semiannual installments on or before March 15 and September 15 of each and every year through September 15, 1984 as follows: Consecutive Annual Semiannual Year of Term Rental. Payment 1. 1956-57 $ 111,158.50--------- 2. 1957-58 211,808.50 $ 55,9o4.25 3. 1958-59 111,398.50 55,699.25 4. 1959-60 111,958.50 55,979.25 5. 1960-61 111,458.50 55,729.25 6. 1961-62 111,928.50 55,964.25 7. 1962-63 ill,471.00 55,735.50 8. 1963-64 iii,986.00 55,993.00 9, 1964-65 112,446.00 56,223.00 l0. 1965-66 112,851.00 56,425.50 11. 1966-67 113,201.00 56,600.50 12. 1967-68 113,496.00 56,748.00 13. 1968-69 112,736.00 56,368.00 5. Consecutive Annual Semiannual Year of Term Rental Payment 14. 1969-70 15. 1970-71 16. 1971-72 17. 1972-73 18. 1973-74 19. 1974-75 20. 1975-76 21. 1976-77 22. 1977-78 23. 1976-79 24. 1979-80 25. 1980-81 i, 26. 1981-82 j: 27. 1982-83 28. 1983-84 29. 1984-85 30. 1985-86 $ 113,948.50 $ 56,974.25 113,908.50 56,954.25 113, 808.50 56, 901E . 25 113,648.50 56,824.25 113,428.50 56,711E-25 114,148.50 57,074.25 113,699.50 56,849.75 114,188.50 57,094.25 113,584.50 56,792.25 113,918.50 56,959.25 114,159.50 57,079.75 114,307.50 57,153.75 114,362.50 57,181.25 114,324.50 57,162.25 114,143.00 57,071.50 113,867.00 56,933.50 114,496.50 --.---_--- $3,395,840.50 (2) Reduced Rental Contin encies. Not- withstanding anything heretofore set forth to the contrary, rent payments to be made during the first thirty years of the term of said lease may be reduced on and after the occurrence of either one or both of the two following events, to -wit: (a) If any surplus money out of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds is transferred to the Bond Redemption Fund as authorized in Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1318, the semiannual rent payment next coming due after such transfer may be reduced by the amount so transferred. (b) If all the outstandingg bonds of the issue authorized by Ordinance No. 1318 of the City and described in Section IV E of said lease or.if all the outstanding bonds issued to refund the same are retired by the issuance of refunding bonds that will require smaller amounts to be paid each year for principal and interest coming due thereon than re- quired in the same years for payment of the princi- pal of and interest on the bonds being refunded, the semiannual rental payments provided for in this sec- tion may be correspondingly reduced to the amounts required each year to pay only the principal of and interest on such refunding bonds. Whenever Lessee has paid rentals to the City in an amount that is sufficient, with all interest earned by the investment of any rental payments, to redeem and retire all of such bonds, or any bonds issued to refund the same with interest and premiums if any to the date of such redemption, and all of such bonds have been redeemed in full and retired, then no more rentals need be paid the City by Lessee for the first thirty years of said lease. 99 r B. Last Fourteen Years. • Subject to the fol- lowing terms and conditions, the rent for the last fourteen years of the term of said lease shall be $231,201.67. The City acknowledges hereby that, under the March 3, 1928 lease between the City, as Lessor, and Crown, as Lessee, as modified and ex- tended by the August 7, 1944 lease between the par- tiesthereto (which lease is identified'in Section II of the proposed form of lease, approved by the Cit Attorney, and now on file in the City Clerk's Office, Lessee has prepaid rent for the period that would have commenced April 1, 1956 and would have expired January 1, 1968 in the sum of $231,201.67 and acknowledges also that Lessee has not received value or consideration for said prepayment under the said 1928 lease, as modified and extended by said 1944 lease, which now shall be terminated. Therefore, the City will credit to Lessee's rental account under the said new lease the sum of $231,201.67, all of which shall be ap- plied to rental falling due on and after March 16, 1986. Section 2. The Mayor and the Clerk of the City are authorized and directed hereby to execute on behalf of the City a lease of the property described in Section 1 hereof in the form and on the terms and conditions generally set forth in Resolution No, 56-1, which lease form, as approved by the City Attorney, now is on file in the Office of the City Clerk and is open to inspection by any and all qualified electors of the City during regular office hours. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be published once in the "Port Townsend Leader" on March 8, 1956 but it shall not take effect or be in force until approved by a majority of those qualified electors of the City who vote at the special election to be called and to be held on March 13, 1956 as required by Chapter 137 of the Session Laws of.1917, State of Washington. Introduced and read for the first time at the regular meeting of the City Council held on February 21, 1956. 7. ■ Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council of the City and approved by its Mayor at the regular meeting of the City Council held on March 6, 1956, p Mayor a iCity of �-ort Townsend ATTE CIO o h ity 0 Port Townsend APPROVED AS TO FORM: Attorney for the City of Port Townsend FILED by me this 6th day of March, 1956 4 C1 of th it of Port Townsend I, JOSEPH G. RYAN, the duly elected, qualified and acting '•` Cleric of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordi- nance No. 1319 of said City, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of March, 1956. , 4- ZC �- rk' t e Ci of P-dr--t Townsend AN Ultl)INANCH t,l the City lot 11u11atalltiall) the tetanla: 1111111. .141.4:1'It ,,. .. ..,,. t"9 Port Townsend, \Vpabington, pro- UNITED tSTATUS-OF AMERICA, City Clark... 1 , jnn<)lth l:. if�'111 0viding;foeAke, IssuanO-an:l salo':,NO,=;1,000!,...SECTION. 3.igaid,bonds:ahall,be' I? of°:ggt;eCpt oblleatlph Loude;,ot;S STATI#41 H1NGTON ' .' signed ogbelisl�loGaho,chy;by list (:7.n1 )' yr t)1n City t :theletty.,rittho,prl 0ipn1 nun of'- CITY;,Pv OWNSENU l°Tlnydr,•+gtEaeledyby lid CI rlr;'.ndd: POI'{: I.['01711;end, Sta r`;76;ftito,provide:funds forcer• GENfORAS:ipo �(Til)N DOND ''ahalr:Dgye LDO`ottlCiai;eoal;of.tbo -•,. oC .l lnllin ,ton. do tn�n;.oapittil,�purposoe :he' moro� ..t.,•. „1966 "'•' city Impressed WorOont> ash of tho r i (' i.;apoalticSilp, tiuWorizod ht' Grill T.KND k4mix:tl i '--'DY: TI(ES191 Interest":6ouDpne,'• at!ltcltod thereto bor( ,1y certify tha �Stpancs No: 1306 and authorized by',,,,?pfI1gS9Etb1, r� "hall Da``.algned=wlt11 tko4tncalmkla t110 �O••n„(j 1[ Ordi the. qualidefF.olectore of the city : TD�thil�lltYl-of Fort Townsend, slgunLure of"Bald ottidnle,' "-fat u.apodnlbiecllom hold tlierein:�' n.>inulhleidadwio6rporntoo of lha Section •4." All moneys derived rinI1C0 IS n fL111, t'. l•:fmt�loyontbor'2,,196'1, providing Stefe o,bNRYshlhklou,acknon'ledgea' front Lho'snlo gUthe;bonds ""tile- and COrrnct COPY 0 t i tlo'Aito; loan, terms and rim•, ; itliell:toigwli'uud for value received rized heroin almll be cipondud sole- + 131� 'luritlee; of Said heads' and for;: hereby;prpnileea to pay to beater oil ly for the capital purpotieu pro- l)I"t1inri 1Co 1:Oo rgnnual'.'tnx lovlas to be made'. IbA� Ilrat;dny of June, 19�•, the vldcd II Ordinance No. 13OG and nri tinsnod by the C 'without limitation via to into or''' piln0lpal Sum of this ardh ILIM0,; and nano of sold r i gotlnbil ,+ln'i1 0,1� amount to pey,the.principal and ;,:IONOMIOUSANU DOLI,AHS muucya Shalt be need for• •'anteroet-thereot'.ereatliig a fund I together wltlrtldercaf. thereon nt placement of equipment or'for any • Aj1jW0VC(1 by the 'a �.:,-far` ill air Iiiuymdnt and creating � the rate ,of, por annual. other than It capital purpose.-, ..' A1,3,il- 5, 1955 and P ��`.n ConSlructlon Fond. paynblIg: aemiannerlly'bn thq drab, Section 6r That titers bo.aud Is- HFIREA$, `theICouncil of file days oI.dun.. and.,Decomber of, hereby ccouted• a Special fuud�of 1)11.'1110t1 ill t110 P0: 'CltYotWit Wwsound. Wright ngton, each.yenr upon nrasenlntlon Buda tine city In the offlen of thr. City 'l'ornisoncl LoAder Aj t'byjOrdIndicd'No. 1306, passed and Surrender of the; attached Interest: Treasurer to be -known as`Woit j,npproved: September 21, 1954: Pro- coupons as they, severally become 'I,ownooad 1966 Oenoral Obligation 21 1 955 • ; vidad- that'n epechtl election ehotld:;' duo„Holh'Prlgt'tpnl, null Intgrpst oft! Mond Redemption Fund." Tile city. ' bell eldtiwlthinAlid clty•on• NovOm• this,. bold are • payable- ini itiwfu]:j Ieroby, irrevocably covenants .that ber'2;41964;!for the submission to monoyi of the .,United „&latoe of, it vvul make annual levies of taxes Ithli�',qunll0od`ftlectorn thereof. of a '' that ofrffe•.ot. the.-Clty' cpon all the taxable property µ•Itli- `pftoOitlon,ot'•wliether or not the ,11'reasuror In Port Townsend; \Yneb4 In the city whthout•Ihnitation as to /// 1 y (: Or C, pltyNebould�'bonstruct;and Install Ington. ' : rate or a"eunt-in:fill-amount-nut. ,a�tat 't eopPe ldlilproyomonls and;; : "Tina city.hne reserved lho right to : •octant lu.D.. y the principal of'aadi !tn,,yay,Vt13$6 orl:lsaUo lta gouarnlj ; redoorg any or all ai'tile outstand• . Iuterast:eenithSL.b ndgi.nuthorizad . jpbllgga�tloB-tlDnds -!n; lino-princlpall ,Ing•,DOttd9 of this issue It Inverse herein nagttio Iliaipu!sDalt• become l .VPAbf=M.000)'and'^" -Z':" numerleal';order,nt..tho following.i duo, The pity^ furtpeo,'ifrevocably s VVHEREAS,'at'snld'eluiellon the tlm0s_aatl prlcea a covonanta •tbaai,all-Such;tnxoaaso' �npdfbor'andlproportion of the quad- ; -' On Juno 1 and Ddconber.l, 19G0, collected shell' be' Pdld, -into 'ouch : iled",olectors of the,'eltyi requiredl at';102.60' par ;100 par value. Dond Redemptiin Fund. -in amottdts.' kM&Wa ' favor. of Bald props-;.! On Juno 1 and 1lecomber 1, 19G1,., surfi6ioat:to'pay,puati:principal:atid i Salon and• "i;;;; �'tnt•;102,Oa' or4100'pM1r value. Interost-w-le4v thirty%days prier. P3;,W11ER S, dt-ls:idoemod_nacos• 5 -Y to th01-4ntent.upo0which any such'1 c and:ttoo the bast7nldreals of the 1 Ogdµno b and DecentlkeY;1, lOG2' Interest of .principal and Intoret,t" e4 1Q1 Q par ;100 Q }value. ycltv#dcite';:Inbabltanta:'thpt Said nt t t4� lt+tnd I;Oda bsr 1, 19G3, alluil becoluo ilia and payable, M1ed bo d, be -now ,issued, 'And -Bold to..'• that no.Dartgt.euclr.[ P;fi.'TtiS;fufids.noceasary for Said'. a,� : ;IpO;Dar,!VnhtO' used for tiny ,other purpose than nnml nnd3Ja0tl1hboid, 19G4, l�suNOWBTHERI]FORE, DI0 IT OIL' alk61tI0,GQ.yer o and ;100'Pnr.aalua.i/• lour -rest loot euldtabondalpThIt ifull ? O ii+dto�, 19G6;Bld:uvy intoreat RAINED by the'Cottncil of the City, faith, credit and resources of the t pn]aleattita:ahetenttar;'nt nor. ot•PortTawnsend,:NaehingtonI na NoticeFot.ady;euclirintended re• oily tire LorohyifrreVocablc pledged 'fell, 6, denppttloa�lthnll Ho give" by one pub• for the nahhuall.ldvy ;uad1 calleQdon' `Beatlon,,9. That tor' -the purp0ee licatibu� lliereotiln the official city_ of such loxes and Lilo prompt pay. tat DeO. ding- undo to;construct an i keut of such principal and Interest }'1 •fit-nowaptipeL�;not'y,more tharC forty �1q:7tn11,f};e0pe1'.mM1ld With.all,nac0e• ns aforesaid. .•:}•=;.I:::.. nar'1 thirty days prior to �BAi9lltpDitttZatianCOB ;; all'"ae:3nora aald`- `t� date and by`mnll, t ' Sectlorl (ifCl,o,p[ty Clark is here 6poclHeallyaproYidod: fni,l)rdlnanco; ']ng'dlllff��na4l, o at -the same time by authbt zed :and directed. to ad `No✓1800; passed Sad approved Sop-, to tbo:tnalriltiClco.or offlces;ot•the- verties tltese;,bHnds for stile Initile towbar 21,"1069, and as authorized l manner xtiqulroil,by,law,.,ancl•upon�• purchaserb or.$purchasora Hof- Said by -the ;puali(led electors of the the sale o[ 'said bonds the proper bondaintefhtirtfut or alty;, 'a' Special election held to the ltualaess succossor or succes• city -officials tiro hereby authorized t@la on November 2, 1954, the and directed to, do everything nee-. sore, U•,any 'a[ said urchnaar or tydtehaDt aQw;.'Idsuo and sell 11s, , puro idst rd"Idt- ,ate or Ueir l main esetiry too the,prompt. Issuance and 1 bU tiquilionds IIdthe ;tot: • delivery�ot 9nld` Londe' Sad, for the p1M1c�lytlinialdiui . iA , .' Baal of ;76;OOQ:-;,-!-. 01 , ,p6falllbddad ifae of' -no Issue of : proper use �landmappili:addni;otthll':: j �1tW�Doa a ehall.Lendtite�.Juno'. •'god0rtilliatloi! bonds of the city 'the procFFde, of, Buch Sato". .: • . jIYYlzlp 6�%ehall'ae;l dllnoinyi"stlondl of,�IYUDDiilll+dl[to and tonor lu Section 7. That thdro ba'nnd'is" oti;Ill 0:,tiaoh;Iehglly -shill aumberod� iha'�llkftlt/ u3dD'i'If ipnt amount of hereby created-:- anotbei • Special' Iln2dr@? tat 616 [frottio! t6 exceadl' $.79 ODpp�1MdrWAliitHed Wedlectorelit. to tilfune It Treasuof the lrer,u touooffice of be know �8 o • T4bia"sefntannual• oltyUditd,OrdlnaTl6oe No. 13pC. and nil the "Port Townsend Solver Con - a, rat dayA`'6t,June and; Nor-1318ifor;tho purpose oflpro-'; structton.Fund..: The proceeds of- •]krd betM�egrh;Year;as'ovldenced' villing,lupde todconstruot and in- the sale of;the bonds the leautinca l tU1li moo to,boiattached .to, said. slalltlpltloyrprYmt<lR with all "ocOs- of which Is authorized heroin (ex- tbonds,•reEa11 be DayaDle'In, lawful :'" Sorw3 pt6didinrAe, tithes Provided cluetvo` o[ accrued lntorcat; which ) nuouny of., llho , Uultad. Stutca of shall' be paid into the Dead 'Rv- 'Anteilca at' the office of file City!il-b lDrdlnpneBNo,,130G.,.� dampllon Fund. hcrdinbefora crc ITraaeurer-in'PortTowneQd,.Wash• I(�'Tho'City, of rog-Townsend has "led) Shull be paid Into said Fund lggto^ f itiyacribiy.coverlanted-by Said Or! y3 Shalt mature In' dtnance':No.n1313;thnt It will iavy rind all;;odor,tmottoya which t10 o of%d i\ tllabae:ae follows: city'now, ltoe or' will have on hand jcUdfid%, 1967,'i';3,000. tixea annually upou:all tile, taanbla that are: to be used for clue ones propeftyl.within the city' without .JudaNi'; 1968,,i;3,000;.1 . li[nttation,:ne to rate orfnmount in purposes for which aridbonds are r Jura 1s1969, ;3,OD0.: 's. ' Juno,1,1800�..;8,090.`•�,`,:.s',,.. nu,nmouQl suttlalent:;to.-Dny the iSaued shall also be paid Into aald" �'.TJuno'1,s19G1,'$3,000. ...' firiucipal'•!f-nnd intmreet on said Fund. The mone)'s therein nhnll be June_1',°3962,';3,000, bondd dU,tlib eooY e1ik11.-become need for the snln ua^• - JUqne.7,'1903,.;4,000.. • "• dud.1-76r.ttia irotfilit';lisyment`of Ing out thwU uliplUw;.IU1,L.• tv tI0 1 Juno 1,:19G4, $4,000, said riddlpal'Bid Intiraat the full D clly'a Sanitary sowligo disposal June, 1. 1966, $4,000, faith',toredIt' and resources'of the System provided for in Ordinance June 1,: 196G, $4,000. cltyi ei'"dl•aby.lrrevocably p1009e111• No, 1300,'pansed and approved Sop• rJuno•1,11067, $4,000. IL'ae':heroby certified' and da- tomber 21, 1964, and as authorized Juno 1, 1968, $4,000. cinred fUnC' hit nets, conditions and by the qualified electors of the city June 1, 1969, $4,000. lhtago'raqulrod to "'be -doo pro• at' tile special clectioi, held thereto leeu June 1, 1970, $4,000. - cedent'to Lind In lho'-nuce of ,00 November 2, 1954, ••Juno{111971,;fj,000, this bond -'Wive happened, been Section 0, Thin ordinance shall JuneG11=1972,.;;6,000, ' dono''nnd:portarnwd Bud that the take effect live days from and after f •:? total, Indebtedness of.the city, in- its. passage, approval unit publlcn- June' ,11974AG,000. cludin thlslbond, does, list exceed' E?tine 1;y1974„i6,000. g' lion no required le law. any constitutional or: alatutory lint. PASSED by tbo Council of file �JtW91li'.1076,:;6,000:'- Radon;: • ••:1 ..i+ City;'TDe.-tctey',bare by .rosocvea the INij-)VITNIWB'�WHEREOF, the ton, of Part Ted by id, \Vnaklag- rilcht?to'r0 eti any or nil of the a ion, and approved by ile ,,\layer at: out .. ndIn beads o[ said Issue 1n 1 City :ot, Port Urownsond, Washing* a regular meeting of sold Council 1 I ton has•aausdd thin bond Ito be, boll on April 6, 1955. :on order at tie fol- signefty.its Mayor; nitentod by itn CITY OF PORT TOWNSENI , towing -times and prices:. Clark t WASHINGTON Juub..1'and December 1, 19G0, And! that otticlnl. Soul of lh© Dy DR. CL•"OROC DANGERTLSt :r.. city to be imnressed'hereon, find at;102;60�1ar;100parvkluo, lho attached' Untarent'.caupout] to Mayor. Owhco.i'nud December•1, 19G1, bo "tense with the taaslntil0 sigma• A•pTEST: tit';102.00, Dor•;IOO..par'.value. hure,oflanid offfcfals'thin flrnt day JOSEPH G. RYAN dn•June "1'and December1, 19G2„ of Juno, 1966: r�r d64101.60'Der.;100 par value.• Clly Clerk. 205 •CITY. O1`.• POIiTaTO\VN SEN D, "l'Om�Jltne.,t•:and necomber'1, 19G3,' ``�•' • ' ahi101.00:De1.i100'Darvaluo;'': } By DR:GEORGEDANCE RTEit t= Ct{'Stinea'and Dacembor_1; 190{,i • Mayor. ''at'i100:6Q,iDeri.i300`.pat,ya�uei!:''�,�ATT�S y0�•he}.•' i(y.,D4(�Tu,{�e+7; 19G6:n�d,any:lntoiael,�:•J09)PO tI AN yayipebt dite<the'te ttor;'at'par.` ".+.. City plertf,�;,,, rJ a 6C(anySeuch lnl0: ad goat`+,The IglgrO>3t,cootioue to,ba at• �dampltotll%yDalt'•Dli+`glveri:Dy •ease„thcD�d fg, apld':bonds In rottbU ��y�y�y}�l�OLtla::tDtirofllclslA],eubstandally,,tha.following:form: ,t0 ii�per:31 ta0re'tha0 fdrlyFtNO;4 [t.. 5.,.,.;. . pCit(188e thas'thfttrr'dtiyS Drlor•to;�.•'On.lhgtlrstdayg(,-z- . Wastli ngton,.will. pay. to. bearer tit ,the otticaXOMII6 City T;aa.i4mr,ln'. ,Port Towashnid, Vail hlnj!od tlie, ,sum of - .. . .. i Is-- `Americ�'a ('and' Intmual�' eat lie ll`, _ ..L. .WIMULAi3, Elio Connell ul the day" of .tune' ,.rid ,1.:,•. n+t, r of y• � relC,ente$ n .;pe, :, u•n o rcity6f•P&I.Townsond,Nnelilnglon, each year upon praaolltntto¢ lord.• the city in thu ulfte„ c,t !!n• City by;Ordlnaiied'No. 1306, pnaesd and anrrender of the, attached Interest,: Trersuror to be known us 'tPork l.approvOd-Soplember 21, 1D64, pro• coupons as they; Bayorally beentno Towniand 1956. General Obligation rvldod.tlmt'a special election should; •' doo,.Both printipgl, aml.lntprt;Bt oft! Bond Itedempfion Fund.' The city b6,beldi*Ithin the eity_on Novent• thla,,bond are payabloylalhtwfuL; hereby. Irrevocably COvonnnta.that pp ber'2;c3964; for ilia aubntisalon to money, of tho Wilted ••Slalop ' of • It will nlnke annual lovIon of taxes }itho:quailflod oloclors thereof of a ACiarica at ilia, offtao•.ot tile. MY' upon nit Ella tnxnblo properly With- liftoettion, of iybethor or not the Treasurer Ili Port Townsend, Wash•. III tilt; clty wlthout•lluiitation as to C.11y,�ehoul4;aonetruaL,and Install Ington. Cara or nutount-in :art 'attiount•suf-. :Gextalq� "sonar; imjlroyamonte nnd,: Thu city.has reserved the right to . tb,paylithtiritor; tesue Its•gencrali rodooth any or all of (lie outatnnd• flClout tcl�pAy, the princlpal of and iutaron`t:oa'tthotibpxida',:aulhorizad ;4bllg_atloh*::bbnda �ftt; the • prinelpal, 'rhig,,bond6 of title issue In Inverso heroin fin IeaAtptshall bocam6 eu oft;7�r,00D; 'nhd numerical ' Ardor. at rho lo11oR'ing,; due. The%pl(y^furthat< lrrevocnbly ' ".?;WHEREAS,'nVaald election the "•tines nnA prices: ' covonantB •Lhati,nll• such anxow so 'number and proportion of tho quell- On Juno 1 nud Deeenihor .l, 19G0, rollocted ehitll; be jliilcb date such ', fled•.eleclors• of the • c:Ey'; requiradl, : at ;102.60' por 4100 par value, Mond Redemption Fund dh ammuitu-! yyyfltjV. Voted in favor of Bald propo- , - On .lung I and December 1, 1DG1, slllllejanl.Eo'pnY.Nueh:prJhcipnl.and 1 a don;:und ;•:.' Sav*102,0b Rer i100:par vnlno. IMRE S, R'as`'Acoinod �=. •� "}Jeceniltet;l, interost•ntilonBt thirty.daya prit r to ttip'•cyaLowupai0whlch such r �eC�1,�S neces• Dt17Wia k nail , 1DGL, any pry;aud�ln�tile bast'106roets bt the • a nL� 101 �Q pOr $100 pp;}xxlue. rClty;:Apd ltg', Inhabitants:thp! enld� ;k?til'�att�('J;nnil Dalioipbor 1, lOG3, interest or,.�rfncipnl and interei t'' strait liecome dite end payable, and bonds?bo• now •issued'and-soll to.'. { the funds necessary for saidi naOulY•�'JU tlinl no,purt gt•Huch used for ally "other pOrpo8o tlunn p��OoVAdb , 1'rtn l¢Ddct mUOr ], 196•I, ipbrpoeoe`, nt#100sQiper ;lOQ par daluo, ;y } "NO1V, THE1tEFORI]:Dn IT OR•• OiLfQttilalC, 10G6;ndd;nay interoat ilia payment of, ilia principal of and IntareSt on said bonds. 'The vfuil Ilia DA1N13D by the Council of tile City I PayoiOat'11to• Lhoranttor; nL per. of Port Townsend,-WashIngton, no hill, credit and resources' of city aro jiureby,•,Irrevo°ably pledged Ngtlaetof,ady,suclifinlonded ro• tolldwe;_: i : • damptlan'�nhall b0 g[vbn by aao pub- far the nanuntt,lovy?'and, colloctJon =:•8ectlon:j., Thnt tor`.1h6 purpose ltcatl'orivtli�reoftin flu° offlclill city, ;at"providing,tun$a LO,COR'BtCUCt and Lbau forty of such texas and Elio prompt pay- 1Rant Of each jlri)IClhnl and Inlorast -ua;vapapd>'�;notFmoro 1tlstpll'¢ BeweY inplt.Nllh.all;uacoe• nor 1p ttiAnt days After to pdryappitttoaancoB;;nil`. aa° utoro , as uforoaaiit,,:,l•y•'•i :: 'Soettoil, fpklo•Ci4y Clerk is hare••. snid':tlifttats+date and by rnnil• q spoClflcalJyuprovldod •In ;Ordinnnco; ing RCllkbt'•natl,G10 abtho annio Elmo �`• 11 mlthbt fed` nos directed to nd- y lNo,"1800; passed and approved Sop•• to lh°analli;tlQlco.or ofticaeyoC•lho. ; varllso tlieee •litlnils for onto in'tlia Itetnbir 21, 1954, and ns authorized purchaaot$•or•ypurcliasore:of-.said 'I, innunerrequ)eod•by•lnivnand-upon, Iby..tha qualified electors of the or •; bOndstet4ihdirnsale bylthn•city the onto of said bonds the proper city_.,at`a apectnl election hold to Elio buslnOao successor or suecas• Fein. on November 2, 1954, the city "officlals are hereby authorized and directed to- d0 everything pec•. sore,!EG,any of Enid l,,urchaaer or ,. ii1�2(shallt'�npw,A9suo and 'Bell lte• purchrisorui"rrit Its or`thalrtmnli assnry. for Jim .prompt Issuance and "of"sald' t4an0i Hlfption,bonds •in',; L`p ;6utti lit;7G;000::i:•, 1,, Rlncdtof bu4idit�i:r a '' delivery bonds' aiid. for the proper uaw and tapplJeaWoni'ot'n1L: ' 7mis3�2Ie11,s,t n6 of 'an Josue of �[d�bon8e eha11-bat dated:JunB`. , gaifot4iWjatidA bonds of ilia city the proceeds of. such sale. •. ` . 'b° 'nlid'ie'' �19fi6,iehsh?.be,rlt�i d°noml}iatlonn ; oft jj DDO" tatioh; ohAll ti0rat1mbarodl otL9tliblil�ilBbizq ullcto .and tenor a antoitut of i i ihb�A�tltJ)?'Hied Seetloh' 7. That th©re hereby created•.- allotboi 'special, treat:l�'tn�:76 anclueiy6�sh0.11,'"bear: � b. litler�b p tb'exaeoq;' vai�e01 tti6ttuaSifled eltectorellotlthe fund of rho °Il In tile office of - I Elio City Troneurer, to be, kwwn' yiat;lt'ratelof•no a o -' y{lbls'soininmmnty. ol(yvdiidiOrdtaa$Iles No. 130G.and ns Elio 'Tort Townsend Serer Carl - and; r'Bt dnyA''ISL -Joao and, No r1318Ator.; tho purpose o{ 1pro. { 'Dee@�pbern> e�C11'Jear•'at3avidOncad Htrnetlon , Fund.'. Tho procaeda• of.. Lit()onle °f,tho bandit Ehe issuance vtlling•Suads LO1LCOnatrUCt and iIl- . Wy`,7boup6gs;ta.hgtiattachad to. Bald: etallllpiBo�rQrttm@�a with -all noes"- Goads=ghilll be of which Is nuthorized herein (Ox-„ payable;>in awhd,' t'itlou4y`"o[ ,the - Unllud, SEUIiWu otl "sa[W1�pttiMftnepa, alUut provided tAsnerlca nl' the stiles of, the City?i� b} >tIt[ill0rdinanct No.,130G.,:•; elusive of accrued Intereat,•whleh t "bolt' he paid Into iho Itwo 'Stu- . tTreasurer lu.Port Townaolid .SVash• Tit° City, of Pa& Townspild has • ElitBtotu; hall mnturo' !q li't6Yocnbly.covoiianted•.by Bald Orw IlomRtlou 1' itud • her�tnbo[aro cre- nted) nhnll he paid into said Fund the ,'order+ at;0,1%10.jyNiber"as follows: �! dlaiihce:No.r1313ahn,t It will leap tdxeB annuniiy upon•a11 llto, tnxnble and nll..otlmr.imoneys which City' now-kfuu'6r'iviil have on hand I';,idnf j�DG7,i a,a9a. + i plropiifLyl.withhl the city: without Jt11�ep1; 1968,+ i8,000iti to nl Woe>na'to rake arinitiount In that tiro to bit nsod for the same fur ,oeos for which Bald' bondB are f 1 t �. June;tl�*l$69;;,;3,000.-.' •y: Juaq_1, 1800, ;e,ODO pr : ,; an t amoupt. 'surficletit:ilto.•pay ilia issued shail also be paid into Bald^ June! 1. 19G1;};3,060.: .:. %, •. princlna1gL tcnud• In rash`Qn. said '; •iLLno.,P,519G2,.;3,000. boitdd Elll,,t[fb eattft9aB�ie11 become Fund, Tha moneys thereln shrill he need for the !:air I,u ' ;..Jgqne''1,'1903, ;4,000.:; duo;'T"t•!tbh proth� ".1iuythent'at Juna 1, 19G4,,;4,000." Bald priiidipnVand Interest thu full ill; out thuriu ingcru+�:au,t iv tba sanitary Hewaga disposal ;F .' ::.June -1� IDOG, ;4,000; t¢Itli,;0i8di[' atilt resOUrees'df the tdldbp. irrovochbly pledged. ,clly,s system provided for In Ordlr-ance' pro, 1300,'pnssed and approved Sep• June 1,118GG, ;4,000, lt' j •• Lereby certlflod' and da• 'Juno,;1,-19G7,•;4,000, June 1,,1968, $4,000,. ciaied'1'ltas hll acts, condlttone and 'done tautbcr 21, 19G4, and tie nulhorizad by the quailfled electors of the city June, 11.ID69, $4,000,, thloge requited to''hB Ara• ROOD. eadent1to aiiil(Oln the'lssuanco of nl;tho apeclal °lectioi, held therein November 2, 195•1. c June;1,,1970, k'', Juao?1r'1971,;6t000. this boniq-'51lva happened, been ,on Section 8, This ordinance Blmll done -and -poiformed* end that the take effect live days front and after j; Juaetf,aDll8;.;5,000:• tolnlilndebtednese° city, in. thiatbond, does -not its,pnssnge, approval and publics.; Fi i eluding. exceed' �fJuae,:l;,r9�4,;;G,000:' an constitutional or' ltm• .. f g11: ' , Y• {Zkt¢ f.18.76�a;6,DODrc itatton);; ", c;:, • lion as.requlred � 'PASSI7D by tho.Councll of the City of Port Towisend, Washing- rtt' ge;city.'_-lfoleby.:roeeites the rJ(�h.G;ttl+tedeetd'any or all of iho.' 'INIj,WITNEM8'•WFIEREOF, the (city outs o ire ,Goads ot'sald Issue in .k City ,oz Port Wownsend, Washing, hati.enuaod hand be ton, and.approved by its Mayor tit! a regular ineetint; of said Council this -to, liiverbe:numsrical'order at Lilo for• •elgueMby:lts,Mayor,'atlestod by Its aolylpg! times and prices:. held an April G, lO6G. CITY OF PORT TOWNSCND, , It OtVj"b:1"and Docember-1, 19G0,,� Clerk rpndithe :officlnl:'Beef of rho I city to be im6ressed'bercon, and the to, at";1p2iti0 er;d",Dec tyASiI[NGTON By DR,OEORGEBANGERTER'. Mayor. mbee:. On'�Juif6;l;aud;Dacambor;l, 19G1, •at-•;102;OOi:DeCr.;100+par.:�eluo. be signed with the taaefiufl° signs• A•fTEST: ture:ofleald'offiatala:'this flrat day r(�n;Jline;l"and'Deeemhar l;.IDG2;, ""- of :JuinO, 1966: '" Sf II y JOSEPH O. RYAN r tat tf101. O'per.:;100 par va]uo.''t"' ' ;;t= CITYIOF.,PORT,fPOWNSEND, :utdikJttnb�i and December!1 .19G3,'; x=; ,•� `I y, t: City Clerk,' 20u �.•.. ....�VASHINGTON . tt�l;Q�i0.0`epe�il00'Par .value:..,''i� .., •-B DR. GEORGI]HANOERTFJIi 'L pmth ti4a9d-D•ecstnbefi, 19G4;`:..,, 2 .. , ' ;,, ar: env 1QQ6Q,peri, 101parj,Y uG C �tp i a iliaY ..r ; ATTiIjST„ I� '`198b?e li�`7F�I�ctfltere'B� i iJO81?JP N4-V '' t9Atter; fit•Dttr,`'. ` ii_,a .,:.:., t CitY,Aleril1 ;gj '' yAtli¢1ifatefidsd Sre<;l'a,Tha'i e t "D�,+rtiveu';bp�aa 4 li •;Coupans•to',bo at 8t3.•tachgtI iq;'a�pld'•:boads,,Bhatl.Ube 1n ' titisftle.,oRlasln au t6silbgt�nU�1��*thq,,fbllo�vipgtfo}'pi:': LR m6ie:tltrtYR 1,; lif0 i yineR�thft3y`` btilprlor,'to; ^ On'the rat drily pj•-t-�-.., etti Hob' b ,resit?; ;:19 ;. h Jti. t Oity• of Port Tawq end, Tcp. ., ike Pltu `its bate �t}inei( Wnahington, will:pay- to. bearor lit. Ito anyf.':du' iitlti It I'. B" oa. D a _ziinBd,ln b e� �S. °0.1�•;a>>\ t0.::sII'i By'DR, •',ey' ...- ..roc•-;•_ .. -, - ._.. ,r• ..-.. . _. .. .. .... 0I'd m r7 0'T70H rn O t-+• " ti '0 O ra i-S Z m�r a h O I-J cow 0 0 HO 0 m 0 o 0 +-gory at4 W(D CD< µtc 0 O O� ;a yc°et $a, O O 07 m p� Cl- �T`�' O n I-y µ O ;1 pj CD " z -in. F-� �'�• ct O C-A Zl m et m m 4- :7 F J 0 et F- 0 m 1u'114 `-4 N. Fy Ct Ct' 0 s 0.�, 'ari '3� Ls a: is CD + C d 1-• m p m p ed m y p �; 3y� pa to r�b Z ..m!��'a •e r �m Hm 9 � �I-S ',3'O O m ;vr,f:l� :rs��t q. A. @ 0 it co m C� F-r i "h's �.ts at o• m @ C) ID O ri m ct ,'3' Fryi(m p� a"a`a�: c'r m �' 6•q ' ~ `►� i �'iy F~- C] `�j ;''{;Piry'i @ 1--�r4r O @ ct`4;7.:.`wp�'i`�_rSc�a'&.ma.�beCa.y` o =i�,��'C'a"i-L'� p•or�i,Lg L'+� 0 N rots' s • ' � __ - - �_.���.,._or «-6•` ._.._ —_ .__-____-_ _ ter_ ..«•...:.i.arsa.� i . %)I D 114 AI ZU L t4.. 1.111 AI.;, I 14 ll DINANCE reladlug. to and i I AN OILDINANCH fixing aud 'thi lie - o u1ii 0 TO '4ho tillopting,it budget for the NVotor, Department utUto- City. of, Port tolpof. ToWnsed !!l1'! to" the 1r) You' 1956. n 40 TJJH CITY C011NOIE'. Or',T - Im CITY -OF -PORT TOWNSENDDO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS i.)" Section t -LIie.,f.How1nL,'bo-aud tile That: it e)f -same- le' n `herilby flxad;and-ndaptod tivin—, !'0, 11. the Official Budget• f6r.theMa. ter Department of tlio,'City: of I A) pn�1.130,j 11" 1,1­ '1 1 11 fill Ill' I i ]'art Townsend; for ilia* year.1950, "71 divided,, Jnto' the Will 'amounts t 0 o In-eacli'lif the full owl n g 7 classes ifkberecomprising the whole of Sold budg- httiidtfio- U OSnvlenrrnletiand wanaals $20,610,00 Operation and ute- d, io�er_ o Vil-IM6 4XI thals Ire go .. I once In the Port Townsend , lar$2315,60.t, I XI Loader,: to ]is, ill force and take; 'ji , �'X e �_, // - law.' li - off %t 1v Passed' itfaL day of bdtlbVir�iji)5%,k,��'.�"' , 4th 'r ApproVed-by thd_Mfw"L Uj6hIb;4th� MIMI to It! (Iny - -of.CL(obor­ ,'I9GD GEOI(Glil' BANCHRTER, IT_ORD `OXtDINANON,j makifiSr'anal ifi the City of! i -rionpil'.."m ilt)�N, -4,P T 19 ."LOWEI:%, S koft - ­1Dr';taxes for.ttiol City 'Clerk 106 • 1r6mYW?1bAfi raP.,9ervI4ejq3'Ad �t'-THMICIT RIOUNClUt.01' THU eat on ha d t �brj,'POM,TOWNsMM-Dol .0R13INANCE,N6_`1F17 7 'Citi of, if the �.Stoe il WLtrpgqnc'frgof�: thel, Up -,-OA MN,-.,&S4-FOLLO`lNi8-. AN ORDINANCU: rilort Townsond fixing tied i-ndofitlng *IthaollolcvliiMup-�; the official budget for:the Cfty of Port Townsend, ��all.tho tn�ablo­,_p tjjb�year 1966.� roperty fit the; Lots 01W Waie 'five' (5) inal I I gy) . 6rEort ., Townsplid',tho fol.. TIM CITY* COUNCIL OF TIM. 'I nip .' t"'6&Hily�kild' rategi PITY OF PORT,TOWNSIDNP DO' Block! iWoli(spbr�111. n 6, 1 ORDAIN AS' FOLLOWIff. to tbegjfWVf1rdrL a Javy;-!-f6r.jtH8Vdi4qr L.ptir-; hiprej, Et * i. , debig , nr L i ' tbo Sectl6n"I Er an 0 1 appilirt6if ulrtftels�.11 '. �Q. f7taxii. "That the 10110WIL19: .1 Ifl; 'fixe L Oh-andoptedl d the; ilk �a 410% tllon! uboh; t4o.M.31,16ilif 4 AeUestied Same la'heroby d an ft ;eroon .1c 'U0UL,6fP a I 1-Ma a such an tile Official Iludgot,qt;the Clty."4 Vs.' Towneend L 'tor: -:taxation . ;i:v it" I parcei 1048:f1ollo .T I if of Po the -total wrVM8V-fof",.1!lo 'paymout, of., Cur.. "d purposon,':dIvIdell" into the follow- intilliE - in oach'of W amounts offi #fftMerIrr?ILn 50af! ponalls nid.for,thokOurrent et* V. 'follL jill: Istailtdn' �,Hxbeniioh FAA :.'tho:VsuJd�-' Ing CIR11808 coinprisink'tho 1711010, I ' 'an. of., $17,, 'L , 7 eutprlo,�� A "-from . y for of said budget, to-Avit: fi,,Jpet�- ' = M 66'the:104.of tax lQv §Wlic 64N � %, ... f . h Salaries Unit wages rim' A rth irl" said: -quit oreby,, fixed ht 7.4 - I Operation and -mulato- nallco .73 j5otvac dijt� ti�. 09tfor4doroetithel Tllrpgso Of t. Callital'otitlay;_ t! and] �fdfi I f V 4j j -A 1 -to bbiry',flui Firomen's yo�tirement, aud�. ;.. ­..._....._ 2,313.86 ,mor or_ rd;z n Oeunral.Olifigatioll Boud.: h ldefirses, - wast'lld lost mills on t 6 doll af..%, redemption plttezg, intorest; ........................ I_ ri.T ooq o, mn n-,-, Section'll. A� ;abd'-for the,, �'Vrod !Ll ... ... ,; V 'Par .efup -'the,, dt"'$4 fii!7.72" That thin ordinance.,ba publish to 16t ca Once :111 L'tijo 'Jlort::Towusand Iii forc e' and-Auka 6: here 2 3u6h-,I%.T Leader, to; be c (340(lt Uli S provided � a : scree: wfW;thlt: Urk ces?W �'FbU]Ithe'iTH'Idollar. lor, the. maintenance Passed by the City Council this .. -I) UbI G, Ath any of October, J1155. :�gearcblfght.and .114A I -Approved ljy the 'NIftyor this qplpowerlsdial drs liMM11-ligr .tile! I ft J� , "41 . '..-Oli _*The�jlurchaao -prJce�6t!ia!V� - -1, �' 41h any of OCLObOr.;I055. patcela'C' d 'ilia tual 'tbe"gurn' " U95:0 L�bt��eYy UrORGU 13ANG11111ill,11, !'which sum,$279.50,� . Was�ipald�,Wl1�8,J6 and ',*ayor [dad A hereby ed -at !!the offer. of accopia�d and -thbibal'i . . : ".4. L . . .6 -.�- i dollar. Attest:' - 1.ahce'cf-$21115. -,Hospital zaUgn-_Au inual'Anstall JOSEE;Ij G. RYAN,; plilaintiii'me: e -dhd City Clerk. 107 said ]., 'j4­'pjt 3eni [:In. !pdj Ale .Cpl. I I I I:0 i fork n11'1 'tied :1 like 1.11.�,;'­. 111, 'o"! 1. 7 r 'Ir lisko thfil '4 6 dl 1Qq �. 0 1 1 N Q6, A 'hat I!,., fi'llowing !),- 4111d tilt, trPfl}'1614, M". "_Ifil Hurl .,)vv ijamwhi hereby Jlxod vind,7allopted • IN niglo rX, ei'dUvill—, r!(,. 89 the Official Budget. f6r'tho.Wa- 11111 %�, for Dopartment of the . city' of k� h Tbfrh�-Of" ,I I Port, Towneendi for the year.1%6, '160 if �%OH Adnlltililra-'�� A Cnmio clividod $life tho. totpi u1nounta III. each of the following , eltiallus ldlylt4eit It 01; compriulng the whine Of Said blldg- P, ot, to -wit: 9alarlen and wngqn 1.00,G10.00 N *Z,6mA a Overation and midate- nando- 10,02.75 to' or tk 1, . . y I MUNDR )4 4 , DOT Aitl ch'- TlOtt this' Ordlitafice��bb*'Il�tilli'i',,ii- "d Once Ili the Port, Townsend CE&M %I Wilt $261r; 5 I 1eador, to be -ill force and lako "I ell Ir - - *6y1dild by law. a Ji L1,61 a ire' ' e'dd--b i 1 4 Passed bv_,tIIa;,Clty.1COIvjcII 011S !d 1.6V 6%.Z"t "r,iinta4ift 401- day of 'il b Approved by I CP tjonl ';kiidrid ti6pa I i day of October. ,�0HDINANCE--N0_.13T6­ BANGERTER, 1-eAN'i,`0J1DINANOh I makinsr I naa, Atteoi[ the City,of; 0 OP',_POtV,q-'.TGW.NSEND' A 0. ILYAN, m ity P taxes.for the! C LOWS i M r .. Ay �Iork, '-. 10ij, f. Y�--.'*` q IIltt1ikU0U$ PeRitl 0:,' J- Cft• itY, O)il,POItT.,1TO1VNSMND, DO I ORDINANCE-1,10. 1311 110ji . 6 n 0 if 1 -6 1 . , I of the,`Cii� of pgGney;:Gf.1 'the"I" flittd Z _SJAIIUK�As AN OILDINANOU i itates" d2b B 'foll6wffig il Port Towneand fixing and adopting Mes8ribei *44U. .11— 1. �--ThlkOtloro.�Asll Im offil;[nl budget for:the CltY'Of Lite taxable: property Ili the,! Port 'Townsend, for the year I056 Lots one el tij Ity", grMort. Townsend, .,file fol- I TIIO CITY COUNCIL OF TIM Block'iwo`(2)1,brtinlm 6 ILI 10"Iflik'),sunial :;olf rates; CITY OF PORT.-TOWNSENP DO '10 theM. Wof PartTo d;*. s ORDAIN AS' FOLLOWS. or.! the 1 Section I ADVII I rt tlip,'! 14, That the; follOwIlIK be' and'tho'� ��;;aud,�% to ot a 1 11 41 rdto. f--thla- kdoptod! thereou ev '-chIO 118­ fmout'ubohT tbO:1f011ui,1iA':Aoqesded: Srlmo IS, horeby,fliod and i 118 the `*6dutlition, oft,`xald_Clty 'for' such Official Budget of ;We City� of Port Townbond for -.1axation, P., KCMdZfbd -total Lifulf,ge. 1 0 the r1rIRS11,1,fOi�thO ijity 0 ur.' purposes,':divlao' ut A 11 Z.46nt!Hipoubes ati jor� 0� r ant: amounts- in each of 110. follow- Flind 1. 'Rui 17'. Ing Classes eoalprlslilg the whole oiitorjj6" IteA eb'�fr6fiil .122.60 and'ill.w-rato of ins I vY for, of said budget, to -wit:, $02,3D5.00 ..' hereby.., It 7A Salaries and wagessaid flind .IS L — 'I Oporation and -malfito- 604tjgjtlk� " f' dir t olt� up, 0 j,. BE p bli and r bt i?RASIT", Capital Outlay. .4 a 1kifitalillind 4L It' mile , it�,, 0 'fewtp. dt" of; Viramon's ratirontent, andt ;f f 't _qte gh6j, ee�ry, - up o'. ...... ... ............ ation Road-; for 'gald! 1ufidl'1imAorebk,;ff%id at'2.81 General t Oblil degr 1955 nudli- Ilne fed*jiii6tkb 1§ m "tit Interest ........................... . 2,3138 10,! 9f, taftin Section It. aiid for -the) 13A or I ; -$4 d7 72' That this crdiianueo -be publieli- I P ' k1Pdj1kth0r',, V 1110, R 9biR dirgi-laft tell 0 l-Stfid"JUd' iuj'q­olt'j��§- 'jof' Idj ed olice ju`tfio 'P&C'Townuand lhjLeader, to be, In'. force' aud,"take Meet, as provided. by law t on',the" dollar, 'FOUATUIoi ,,the. malatenance I'LLSBCd by the City (301111011 •this f 11 ' ublic mri. 4eareblight- and' WR,1p6Vrei!�bo11drm,;j 4Lqd1.";0 'y o "I tile; �'flh say of October, 'S i _ P Approved by thu Mayor this arcels'ja`� thb�'gupa' ICItyl. Stroet:,'hild,�-1 1E. —.1 It .1th day of October'; 1956,-, 0 um ULOROD 13ANGLItTEII, voV;'$27915.01)1��015 11,4;146,05, and thei Ate, 94�- vilich Ruin ;$2?9.50j'v.fAS7jI�Md'Vj#'ijb .- I . 11 �. drIatill 'fund Ili hereby fixed "At (Mayor �thu offevol a6cipt 41114-thb1bal-.1v ALLOW 1;.P0nllIs;'qn:Ahe I dollar. 26 ital ratlon-' JO9E1111 a ;Once bf:$2P15.50;t4�P 41 Ire 0 �nual �lnotallmezkts,, MAN,: Plug' n ov.o Ae City Clerk. 107 ematili-mmnd" r—reg the, 41gij �A'jjd.-?on, n y r it bII 11"IVIA Ild,1965 .nd 11in-1 j V, V 6-mou, fiCully .1F1W 1`111.1 t rVIA 01,`t a orb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . raeaild 0 t- h law lo, v . ;, R: M lvit X7*1 1 1. I M ORDINANCE NO. 1320 AN ORDINANCE of the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, declaring an emergency requiring a special election; calling a special election to be held in the City of Port Townsend on March 13, 1956, to submit .to the qualified voters at such special election for ap- proval or rejection Ordinance No. 1319 entitled; "AN ORDINANCE of the Council of the City of Port Townsend accepting the bid of Crown Zellerbach Corporation to lease the portion of the City's waterworks and system described in Resolution No. 56-1, passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor January 17, 1956, and authorizing and directing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute such lease." and declaring an emergency making this Ordinance effective immediately upon passage, approval and publication. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No, 1318 passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on January 17, 1956, the Council declared an emergency with respect to the prompt acquisition, construction and installation of certain additions, betterments and improvements to and extensions of the City's water supply and distribution system; declared the estimated cost thereof and authorized issuance of the City's water revenue bonds in the principal sum of $2,200,000 to provide the funds necessary to pay therefor; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 56-1 passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor January 17, 1956, the Council deemed it advisable to lease a part of the City's waterworks and system, stated the general terms and conditions of such lease, and called for bids by prospective lessees pursuant to Chapter 137 of the Laws of 1917; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 56-1 and a notice calling for such bids were published in the official City newspaper on the 19th and 26th days of January and on the 2nd and 9th days of February, 1956, as required by law; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No. 56-1 and notice provided that such bids should be submitted to and Filed with the City Clerk not later than 5:00 p.m. February 21, 1956 and that the same would be opened and considered at the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7:30 p.m. February 21, 1956; and WHEREAS, only one such bid was timely filed with the City Clerk pursuant to said resolution and notice, the same being submitted by Crown Zellerbach Corporation; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 56-3 passed by more than a two-thirds majority of the elected members of the City Council and approved by the Mayor on February 21, 1956, the Council declared it advisable for the City to accept said bid of Crown Zellerbach Corporation and called upon the Council im- mediately to enact ordinances accepting said bid, directing execution of a lease and calling a special election for sub- mittal of the lease proposition to the voters for approval or rejection; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 1319 the City Council ac- cepted said bid of Crown Zellerbach Corporation and authorized and directed the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a lease with said corporation of that part of the City's waterworks 9 and system described in said Resolution No. 56-1 upon the terms and conditions set forth therein and at the rentals set forth in said bid; and WHEREAS, pursuant to law, Ordinance No. 1319 and the said lease shall not take effect until Ordinance No. 1319 is submitted to and approved by the qualified electors of the City voting either at the next following general election or at a special election called for that purpose; and WHEREAS, in the judgment of this City Council, it is so immediately necessary in order to protect and preserve the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend that the submittal of Ordinance No. 1319 to the qualified electors should not be delayed until the next general election and that it should become effective by sub- mittal to and approval by the qualified electors of the City at the earliest possible date; and WHEREAS, whenever, in the judgment of the City Council an emergency exists, the Council, as authorized by law, may call a special election in the City, provided that such special election is conducted and notice thereof is given in the manner provided by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. It is the judgment of the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, hereby found and declared, that an emergency exists which requires the calling of a special election so that there may be submitted to the qualified elec- tors of the City at the earliest feasible date the proposition of whether or not Ordinance No. 1319 shall be approved or re- jected. 3. .4l Section 2. A special election is called hereby as authorized by law, to be held on March 13, 1956 in the regular polling places in each precinct in the City of Port Townsend, said polling places being located at the following addresses, to -wit: Precinct No. Location of Polling Place 1. Recreation Center Tyler and Lawrence Street 2. Court House Cass and•Jefferson Streets 3. Girl Scout House Tyler near Garfield (840 Tyler) 4. Fire Hall 1310 Lawrence Street 5. Cusack's Drive --In Sims Way 6. Grange Hall 24th and Kuhn 7. Yonnsiet's Home 37th and San Juan The polls for such special election shall be open from 8:00 a.m, to 8:00 p.m'. The City Clerk shall supervise this elec- tion, shall provide the places for voting, shall appoint the precinct election officers and provide for their compensation, shall provide ballot boxes and ballots or voting machines, poll books and tally sheets, and shall deliver them to the precinct election officers at each polling place. He shall cause legal notice of said special election to be published in the "Port Townsend Leader" on March 8, 1956; in the form required by Chapter 153, Session Laws of 1955, State of Washington. Section 3. Said proposition to be submitted shall appear on the ballot in substantially the following form: APPROVAL OF WATERWORKS LEA,SE_ORDINANCE Shall the voters of Port Townsend, Washington, approve or reject Ordinance No. 1319 accepting the bid of Crown Zellerbach Corporation to lease that 4. portion of the City's waterworks and system known as: Snow Creek --Olympic Gravity Water System; Big Quilcene Water Extension Project; City Lake; and Lords Lake Development; for a term of 44 years at a total rental of $3,627,042.17, of which $231,201.67 heretofore has been paid, and authorizing and directing the execu- tion of said lease by the Mayor and City Clerk, such lease being in the form and terms as generally set forth in Resolution No. 56-1 of the Council and being in the specific form as now on file at the Office of the City Clerk? FOR APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 1319 . . . . . �% AGAINST APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 1319 . . . = Section 4. In the event the majority of the voters of the City of Port Townsend voting at said election vote to ap- prove Ordinance No. 1319, such ordinance shall take effect and the said lease promptly shall be executed by the Mayor and by the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend on behalf of said City. Section 5. This ordinance shall be published once in the "Port Townsend Leader" on March 8, 1956. Section 6. This ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and.this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first time at the regular meeting of the City Council held on February 21, 1956. 5. Read for the second and third times, pissed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor at the regular meeting, of the Council held on March 6, 1956. Mayor of -the City of Port(, ownsend ATTEST: Clerk o h C ty of ort Townsend P OVED AS RM- Attorney of t e Mty of Port Townsend FILED by this 6th day of March, 1956. rk f the ty of Port Townsend I, JOSEPH G. RYAN, duly elected, qualified and acting Clerk of the City.of Port Townsend, Washington, certify hereby that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 1320 of said City, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its Mayor at the regular meeting; of said Council held on the 6th day of March, 1956. zr C rk f the C of Port Townsend IF J. .t fir^ Box 4 Port Townsend Collection r, The following ordinances arc missing as of4-8-98: Ordinance, # 1322 #1323 .;' 91325 #1330 i. .#1395 #1454 # 1509 , ;... .. This box contains 2 copies of ordinance #1385 as well as an ordinance #1639 and an ' ` . ordinance # 1639a. mOrdinsfice #1321 mi .F.w MI-71 I'll =7 ORDINANCE NO. 1322 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, authorizing the issuance of $2,200,000 of water revenue bonds of the city to provide money for the purposes set forth in Ordinance No. 1318 of the city adopted and approved January 17, 1956; fixing the date, form, terms and maturities of said bonds, creating a Construction•.Fund, creating a Bond Re- demption Fund for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds and a Reserve Account, creating a Trans- mission Line Replacement Fund, providing certain covenants and other protective features safeguarding the payment of such principal and interest, designating a Trustee, and confirming the sale of said bonds, WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1318 of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, adopted and approved January 17, 1956, proposed, specified and adopted a plan for the acquisition, construction and installation of additions, betterments and improvements to and replacements and extensions of the existing water system of the city, found and declared the estimated cost thereof to be, as near as may be, the sum of $2,200,000, and authorized the issuance of water revenue bonds of the city in the total principal sum of $2,200,000 to pay such cost; and WHEREAS, as authorized by the laws of the State of Washington and pursuant to proceedings duly and regularly taken thereunder, including a special election held within the city on March 13, 1956, the city entered into a lease agreement with Crown 2ellerbach Corporation under date of March 15, 1956, whereby it agreed to lease a certain part of its water system outside its city limits at certain stipulated annual rental payments for the full term of such lease to such corporation; and WHEREAS, the additions, betterments and improvements to and replacements and extensions of the existing water system of the city provided for in said Ordinance No. 1318 will all be made to that part of such system. so leased; and WHEREAS, in order to provide the money necessary to acquire, construct and install said additions, betterments, im- provements, replacements and extensions, it is deemed necessary that the city issue its water revenue bonds in the total principal sum of $2,200,000,the principal of and interest on such bonds to be paid out of the rentals received by the city under the terms of said lease; and WHEREAS, on February 21, 1956, the Council accepted the written offer of even date of Blyth & Co., Inc. of Seattle, Washington, and Associates to purchase such bonds under the terms, conditions and covenants therefor and at the price set forth herein; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that a trustee for the owners and holders of such bonds be designated and, after due consideration, the Council has selected The Pacific National Bank of Seattle, Seattle, Washington, to act as such Trustee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. As used in this ordinance the following words have the meanings hereinafter set forth unless the context indicates that another meaning is intended: 2. (a) The word "Lease" shall mean that certain leave dated March 15, 1956 and entered into by and between the City of Port Townsend and Crown Zellerbach Corporation whereby the city leased to said corporation a part (called the "waterworks and system" in said Lease).of its water supply and.distribution system lying out- side its present city limits for a period ending on March 1.5, 2000. (b) The words "Leased System" shall mean that specific portion of the water supply and distribution system of the city leased by it to Crown Zellerbach Corporation in the Lease. (c) The word "Bonds" shall mean the special water revenue bonds of the city issued pursuant to and for the purposes provided in Ordinance No, 1318 and herein. Section 2. That for the purpose of providing money to pay the cost of acquiring, constructing and installing those additions, betterments and improvements to and replacements and extensions of the existing water supply and distribution system of the city as authorized by said Ordinance No, 1318 or to repay any moneys advanced .for any of such purposes, the city shall issue its water revenue bonds (herein called the "Bonds") in the total principal sum of $2,200,000. The.Bonds shall be dated April 1, 1956, shall be in denominations of $1,000 each, and shall be numbered, mature, and bear interest payable semiannually on the first days of April and October of each year as .follows: Interest Bond Nos, Maturity Date Amount Rate 1-45 April 1, 1957 $ 45,000 3% 46-92 April 1, 1958 47,000 3% 93-140 April 1, 1959 48,000 3% 141-190 April 1, 1960 50,000 3% 191-241 April 1, 1961 51,000 3% 242-294 April 1, 1962 53,000 2 3/4% 295-348 April 1, 1963 54,Ooo 2 3/4% 349-404 April 1, 1964 56,000 2 3/4% 4o5-462 April 1., 1965 58,000 2 3A 3. Interest Bond Nos. Maturity Date Amount Rate 463-522 April 1, 1966 $ 6o,000 2 3/4% 523-584 April 1, 1967 62,000 2 3/4% 585-648 April 1, 1968 64,000 2 3/4% 649-713 April 1, 1969 65,000 2 3/4% 714-781 April 1, 1970 68,000 3% 782-851 April 1, 1971 70,000 3% 852-923 April 1, 1972 72,000 3% 924-997 April 1, 1973 74,000 3% 998-1073 April 1, 1974 76,000 3% 1074-1152 April 1, 1975 79,000 3.10% 1153-1233 April 1, 1976 81,000 3.10% 1234-1317 April 1, 1977 84,000 3.10% 1318-1403 April 1, 1978 86,000 3:10% 14o4-1492 April 1, 1979 89,000 3.10% 1493-1584 April 1, 1980 92,000 3.10% 1585-1679 April 1, 1981 95,000 3.10% 1680-1777 April 1, 1982 98,000 3.10% 1778--1878 April 1, 1983 101,000 3.15% 1879-1982 April 1, 1984 104,000 3.15% 1983-2089 April 1, 1985 107,000 3.15% 2090-2200 April 1, 1986 111,000 3.15% Both principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Treasurer in Port Townsend, Washington, or at the option of the holder, at the main office of The Pacific National Bank of Seattle in Seattle, Washington, and shall be obligations only of the special bond redemption fund hereinafter created. Section 3. The city hereby reserves the right to redeem any or all of the outstanding Bonds in inverse numerical order on each of the following interest payment dates at the following prices: On April 1, 1961 through October 1, 1963, at $103.00 per $100 par value On April 1, 1964 through October 1, 1966, at $102.50 per $100 par value On April 1, 1967 through October 1, 1969, at $102.00 per $100 par value On April 1, 1970 through October 1, 1972, at $101.50 per $100 par value On April 1, 1973 through October 1, 1975, at $101.00 per $100 par value On April 1, 1976 through October 1, 1978, at $100.50 per $100 par value On April 1, 1979 and any interest payment date thereafter, at par. Notice of any such intended redemption shall be given by the city by one publication thereof•in the official city newspaper and in a newspaper or financial journal of general circulation within the city of Seattle, Washington, each such publication to be not more than forty nor less than thirty days prior to such redemption date, and by mailing a like notice at the same time to Blyth & Co., Inc. at its office in Seattle, Washington or at its main office if it does not have a Seattle office, or to the successor in business, if any, of said corporation at its Seattle office or, if it does not have a Seattle office, at its main office. Interest on any Bond or Bonds so called for redemption shall cease on such redemption date unless such Bond or Bonds are not redeemed upon presentation made pursuant to such call. Section 4. That for the purpose of securing the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds and to provide the faithful performance of the covenants contained herein and in the Lease for the benefit of the owners and holders of the Bonds, The Pacific National Bank of Seattle, Seattle, Washington, is hereby designated as Trustee hereunder with the powers and duties herein- after set forth and with no liability in connection with any action or omission to act hereunder except for its own negligence or willful breach of trust. The proceeds of the sale of the Bonds pending expenditure thereof as herein provided and the "1956 Bond Redemption Fund" hereinafter created, as well as all moneys which are or should in aecordance..with the terms hereof be paid into the 1956 Bond Re- demption Fund, are hereby pledged to the Trustee and its successors in trust for the purpose of equally securing the payment of both 5. P the principal of and interest on the Bonds as may be outstanding from time to time and the equal pro rata benefit, security and protection of the holders of the.Bonds and the coupons attached thereto. None of the Bonds and coupons attached thereto shall be valid or obligatory for any purpose, nor shall they be en- titled to any right or benefit hereunder unless there shall be endorsed on each such Bond the certificate of authentication in the form hereinafter provided, duly executed by the Trustee. Such certificate of the Trustee upon any of the Bonds shall be conclusive evidence that sudh Bond so authenticated has been duly issued under this ordinance and that the holder thereof is entitled to the benefits of this ordinance. Section 5. following form: NO. The Bonds shall be in substantially the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA $1,000 STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND SPECIAL WATER REVENUE BOND, 1956 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Port Townsend, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereby acknowledges itself to owe and for value received promises to pay to bearer on the first day of April, 19_, the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS together with interest thereon at the rate of ,� per annum payable semiannually on the first days of April and IM October of each year as evidenced by and upon presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Treasurer in Port Townsend, Washington, or, at the option of the holder, at the main office of The Pacific National Bank of Seattle in Seattle, Washington (hereinafter called the "Trustee"), solely out of the special fund of the city known as "Por Townsend 1956 Special Water Revenue Bond Redemption Fund" created by Ordinance No. of the city. The city has reserved the right to redeem any or all of the outstanding bonds of this issue in inverse numerical order on each of the following interest payme t dates at the following prices: On April 1, 1961 through October 1, 1963, at 103, 0 per 100 par value On April 1, 1964 through October 1, 1966, at 102.50 per 100 par value On April 1, 1967 through October 1, 1969, at K02.00 per 100 par value On April 1, 1970 through October 1, 1972, at 101.50 per 100 par value On April 1, 1973 through October 1, 1975, at 101. 0 per 100 par value On April 1, 1976 through October 1, 1978, at 100.50 per 100 par value On April 1, 1979 and any interest payment date thereafter, at par. Notice of any such intended redemption s a.11 be given by one publication thereof in the official city newspaper and in a newspaper or financial journal of general circulation within the City of Seattle, Washington, each such publication to be not more than forty nor less than thirty days prior to such redemption date, and by mailing a like notice at the same time to Blyth & Co., Inc. at its office in Seattle, Washington or at its main office if it does not have a Seattle office, or to the successor in business, if any, of said corporation at its Seattle office or, if it does not have a Seattle office, at its main office, 7. This bond is one of an issue of two thousand two hundred twenty water revenue bonds of like amount, date and tenor in the total principal sum of $2,200,000, which bonds are issued pursuant to ordinances of the city duly and regularly adopted, for the purpose of providing funds to acquire, construct and install certain additions, better- ments and improvements to and replacements and extensions of the existing water supply and distribution system of the city. All of said bonds are payable solely out of the revenue to be derived from the rentals to be paid to the city by Crown Zellerbach Corporation under a lease of a part of such system executed March 15, 1956, or under any subsequent lease of the part of such system so leased if such Crown Zellerbach Corporation lease is ever canceled, or out of the proceeds of sale of such leased properties, or out of moneys the city may receive From its own use and operation of such leased properties. The City of Port Townsend hereby covenants and agrees with the holder of this bond that it will keep and perform all the covenants of this bond and of Ordinances No. 1318 and No. 1321 to be by it kept and performed. The city does hereby pledge and bind itself to set aside all the money received as rentals under said lease or leases, or out of such proceeds of sale, or from its own use and operation of such part of its water system so leased, and to pay the same into said Bond Redemption Fund and the Reserve Account created therein by said Ordinance No. 1321, all within the times provided by said ordinance. Said amounts so pledged are hereby declared to be a prior lien and charge upon such rental payments, upon such proceeds of sale, or upon all moneys which the city may receive from its own use and operation of such part of such system, superior to all other charges of any kind or nature whatsoever. 0 By the terms of said lease the Crown Zellerbach Corporation has agreed to pay all costs of maintaining and repairing the part of the water system so leased, and the city has agreed to replace any part of such leased system that needs replacement by virtue of wear and deterioration, and in order to provide funds necessary for such latter purpose the city has agreed to set aside the sum of at least $15,000 a year over the term of said lease out of surplus moneys derived from the operation of the rest of its water supply and distribution system not subject to said lease. Neither this bond nor any coupon attached hereto shall be entitled to any security or benefit under said ordinance nor shall the same be valid or become obligatory until the authentication certificate hereon endorsed shall have been executed by the Trustee. It is hereby certified and declared that said bonds are issued pursuant to and in strict compliance with the Con- stitution and laws of the State of Washington and ordinances of the City of Port Townsend, and that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issu- ance of this bond have happened, been done and performed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Port Townsend, Washington, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor, attested by its Clerk, the corporate seal of the city to be impressed hereon, and the interest coupons attached hereto to be executed with the facsimile signatures of said officials this first day of April, 1956. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON By ATTEST: Mayor Clerk 91 The interest coupons attached to the Bonds shall be in substantially the following form: NO. On the first day of _ 19_, the City of Port Townsend, Washington, will pay to bearer at the office of the City Treasurer in Port Townsend or, at the option of the holder, at the main office of The Pacific National Bank of Seattle in Seattle, Washington, the sum of DOLLARS in lawful money of the United States of America out of the special fund of the city known as "Port Townsend 1956 Special Water Revenue Bond Redemption Fund," said sum being the semiannual interest due that day on its special water revenue bond dated April 1, 1956, and numbered CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON By Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk The Bonds shall have the following Trustee's authenti- cation certificate endorsed thereon; The undersigned Trustee hereby certifies that this bond is one of the issue of special water revenue bonds described in and secured by the within mentioned ordinance. THE PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK OF SEATTLE SEATTLE, WASHINGTON By Authorized Officer 10. E Section 6. The Bonds shall be signed on behalf of the city by its Mayor, shall be attested by the City Clerk, and shall have the corporate seal of the city impressed thereon. The in- terest coupons attached thereto shall be signed with the facsimile signatures of said officials. Section 7. Upon the execution of this ordinance by the Mayor and the City Clerk, they shall deliver the Bonds to the Trustee for authentication. None of the Bonds shall be authenticated by the Trustee except in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. All coupons and all Bonds paid at or after maturity and all Bonds purchased by the city or the Trustee or redeemed under the provisions of this ordinance and all unmatured coupons attached thereto shall be canceled by the Trustee immediately upon such pay- ment, purchase or redemption. Any coupons and Bonds paid at or after maturity or purchased or redeemed by the city under the pro- visions of this ordinance and all unmatured coupons attached thereto shall be delivered immediately to the Trustee for cancellation. Section 8. The full purchase price of the Bonds shall be paid to the Trustee, and out of such moneys so paid the Trustee shall forthwith deposit in the "Port Townsend 1956 Special Water Revenue Bond Redemption Fund" hereinafter created the accrued interest, if any, received. The balance of the money received from the sale of the Bonds shall be held by the Trustee and deposited in a fund of the city hereby created, to be known and designated as the "Port Townsend Waterworks and System Con- struction Fund," which Fund shall be kept in trust and segregated from all other funds of the city. The money therein shall be paid out or allocated from time to time solely for paying the cost of 11. acquiring, constructing and installing those certain additions, betterments and improvements to and replacements and extensions of the water system of the city authorized in Ordinance No. 1318 and herein or for repaying any moneys advanced for any of such purposes and for paying all costs incidental thereto and to the issuance of the Bonds. Payments from said Construction Fund to cover the amounts due on the contracts let for acquiring, constructing and installing such additions, betterments, improvements, re- placements and extensions and for doing all work incidental thereto and for repaying any advances heretofore made for such purposes shall be made only when there shall first be filed with the Trustee monthly estimates or requisitions signed by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council, stating in respect of each payment (1) the item number of payment, (2) the name of the person, firm or corporation to which such payment is due, (3) the amount to be paid, and (4) the purposes for which the obligation was incurred. Certified excerpts of the minutes of a meeting of the City Council showing the approval of such estimates or requisitions and authorizing the payment of the amounts therein, and a statement from the City Engineer that such obligation has been properly incurred and is then due and unpaid, that the same was incurred for work performed or materials furnished or equipment actually installed in or about the construction of said improvements or delivered at the site of the work for such purpose, that each item thereof is a proper charge against such Construction Fund, and that there has not been filed with or served upon the city notice of any lien or claim affecting the right to receive payment of any of the moneys payable to the persons, firms or corpama;ions named in such estimates or requisitions shall be attached to them, 12. Payments from said Construction Fund to cover engineer- ing charges, the repayment of moneys advanced to carry out any of such purposes and the payment of other costs incidental to the acquisition, construction and installation of such additions, betterments, improvements, replacements and extensions shall be paid upon the Trustee's being furnished with vouchers for such items duly approved by the City Council. As soon as possible after this ordinance becomes ef- fective, the city shall furnish the Trustee with a schedule showing the approximate time that the construction and installation of each part of such additions, betterments, improvements, replace- ments and extensions will be accomplished, the approximate time that the materials necessary therefor will be delivered, and the estimated cost of each. The city shall also give the Trustee at least thirty days' notice in writing when any part of such work is to be started or such materials acquired, and the estimated cost thereof. The Trustee may invest any moneys in the Construction Fund not needed immediately for the purposes above set forth in bonds or other direct obligations of the United States of America maturing not later than five years subsequent to the date of investment therein or which become due at the option of the holder on or before said five-year period. Interest received as a result of any such investment shall be deposited in the Construction Fund, and all bonds or obligations so purchased shall be held by the Trustee to the credit of said Fund. In the event there is any surplus money left in the Construction Fund after all of such additions, betterments and improvements to and replacements and extensions of the waterworks 13. and system authorized in Ordinance No. 1318 and herein have been acquired, constructed and installed, the Trustee, on the written direction of the city, shall either retain such money in the Construction Fund, where it may be used by the city for the purpose of making replacements to the Leased System other than those described in Ordinance No. 1318 and herein, or shall trans- fer such money to the 1956 Bond Redemption Fund hereinafter created. Section 9. That there be and is hereby created another special fund of the city to be known as "Port Townsend 1956 Special Water Revenue Bond Redemption Fund" (herein called the "1956 Bond Redemption Fund"), which shall be a trust fund for the security and payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds, and which shall be at all times completely segregated and set apart from all other funds of the city. All money credited to or paid into the 1956 Bond Redemption Fund shall be deposited with the Trustee and shall be and is hereby pledged and ordered to be used for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Bonds. The city hereby obligates and binds itself to set aside and pay into the 1956 Bond Redemption Fund all rentals received under the Lease of the Leased System or any moneys which it may receive as rentals of such Leased System from any lessee other than Crown Zellerbach Corporation, or from the proceeds of any. sale of such Leased System, or any moneys which the city may receive from its own use and operation of the facilities comprising said Leased System, and further obligates and binds itself to deliver said rentals or money to the Trustee for credit to and deposit in the 1956 Bond Redemption Fund immediately upon the 14. receipt thereof and in no event later than ten days prior to April first and October first of each year hereafter. Whenever there is sufficient money in the 1956 Bond Re- demption Fund and the Reserve Account hereinafter created to pay the principal of and interest on, and premium if any, on the Bonds out- standing, then no further payments need be made into such Bond Re- demption Fund, and all of such money must then be used to redeem and retire all of the Bonds outstanding. The payments heretofore pledged to be made into the 1956 Bond Redemption Fund and the Reserve Account hereinafter created therein are hereby declared to be a prior lien and charge upon such rental payments, sale proceeds, or any and all moneys which the city may receive from its own use and operation of the Leased System superior to all other charges of any kind or nature whatsoever. Section 10. That there be and is hereby created a Reserve Account in the 1956 Bond Redemption Fund, which Account is to be drawn upon for the sole purpose of making up any deficiency in the Bond Redemption Fund, The Lease provides that the rental for the first year of the lease term in the sum of $111,158.50 and the rental for the thirtieth year of the lease term in the sum of $114,496.50 be paid in advance, which payment will be made on or before May 1, 1956, and further provides that on and after March 15, 1957 rents shall be paid in advance in semiannual installments on or before March fifteenth and September fifteenth of each and every year through September 15, 1984. The city hereby agrees that it will set aside and credit to the Reserve Account, and the Trustee is hereby authorized and directed to set aside and credit to the Reserve Account, the rental for the thirtieth year of the lease term in the sum of $114,496.50, 15. The city further agrees that it will maintain such thirtieth year rental payment in the Reserve Account for as long as any of the Bonds are outstanding; provided, that such rental payment and all interest earned by the investment thereof that may be in such Account shall be used for the redemption of the last outstanding Bonds as provided in the preceding section hereof. In the event there shall be a deficiency in the 1956 Bond Redemption Fund to meet maturing installments of either interest on or principal of and interest on the Bonds, such de- ficiency shall be made up from the Reserve Account by the withdrawal of cash therefrom. Any deficiency created in the Reserve Account by reason of any such withdrawal may be made up out of any surplus funds which the city may have on hand and that are available for such purpose. All moneys in the Reserve Account may be kept in cash or invested from time to time in bonds or other direct obligations of the United States of America maturing not later than twelve years from date of purchase and in no event later than the last maturity of the,Bonds then outstanding. Interest earned on any such investments shall be retained in the Reserve Account, and the Trustee's fees for its services as Trustee for the bondholders and Paying Agent of the principal of and interest on the Bonds for the city hereunder shall first be paid from said interest. Such interest may be used by the Trustee to purchase any of the Bonds in the open market at a price not greater than that at which such Bonds may be called for redemption at the time of such purchase, or may be used to call and retire any Bonds at the discretion of the Trustee. 16. Section 11. In the event that the Bonds outstanding are all retired by the issuance of refunding bonds that will require smaller amounts to be paid each year for principal and interest coming due thereon than required in the same calendar years for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds, the semiannual rental payments provided for in the Lease and required hereby to be paid into the 1956 Bond Redemption Fund may be correspondingly reduced to the amounts required each year to pay only the principal of and interest on such refunding bonds,. and if it is necessary to pay any premiums to retire the Bonds outstanding the money for such premiums may be taken out of the interest earned by investment of the money in the Reserve Account. Section 12. That there be and is hereby also created another special fund of the city, to be known as the "Port Townsend Transmission Line Replacement Fund," which Fund shall be kept in trust and segregated from all other funds of the city. For as long as the Lease remains in effect, the money in such Fund may only be used as provided in subsections IV C and F of the Lease for replacements or betterments of the Leased System or any part thereof which shall be made necessary by reason of wear or de- terioration or by reason of any catastrophe or act of God which might cause the Leased System to become inoperative. The city hereby covenants and agrees that on or before November first of each year commencing with the year 1956, and continuing as long as the Lease is in effect, it will set aside from moneys received from the operation of its water supply and distribution system other than the Leased System and from any 17. other moneys which it may have on hand and available for such purposes, the sum of $15,000, and further agrees to deliver said sum on or before said date of each year to The Pacific National Bank of Seattle in Seattle, Washington, for credit to and deposit in such Replacement Fund, such bank being hereby designated as the Trustee of the city in the administration of said Fund and the official depositary of the city of the money on deposit in said Fund. The lien of these payments into said Transmission Line Replacement Fund on the earnings and revenues derived by the city from its operation of its water supply and distribution'system other than the Leased System is hereby declared to be junior and subordinate to all charges which may hereafter be made upon such earnings and revenues for all expenses of normal or necessary maintenance and .operation and repairs of such system other than the Leased System and to all charges for the payment of principal of and interest on any revenue bonds or warrants of the city issued to provide funds for any additions or improvements to or repairs, replacements or extensions of such system other than the Leased System; provided, however, that the city will pay all up to $15,000 such earnings and revenues available after such charges each year into such Replacement Fund; and provided, further, that in any event the city must have paid into such Replacement Fund within the forty -four-year term of the Lease an amount which, with the interest earned on investments of the moneys in such Fund, will be not less than $660,000. In the event the Lease shall be canceled or abrogated and a new lease of the Leased System is not entered into with Crown Zellerbach Corporation in lieu thereof, the obligation of the city to make such payments into the Transmission Line Replacement Fund shall be terminated, and the custody of the moneys in such Fund or other assets thereof may be returned to the city by the Trustee at the discretion of the city. In such event, the city hereby covenants and agrees that any such money in such Fund may be used, if necessary, to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds as the same shall become due. The city agrees that on or before March first of each calendar year it will prepare or cause to be prepared a statement of the status of such Fund for the preceding calendar year containing, but not being limited to, a statement of the amount of money in the Fund at the close of the year, the amount of such money invested, the nature of such investments, and the payments made into and withdrawals made from such Fund during such calendar year. The city further agrees to give the Trustee at least thirty days' notice in writing of any withdrawals that will be made from such Fund, and such payments out of the Fund shall only be made upon receipt by the Trustee of monthly estimates, requisitions or vouchers signed by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council and con- taining the same information and being accompanied by the same docu- ments as required in Section 8 hereof for payments to be made out of the Construction Fund. Any assets of or money left in such Replacement Fund at the end of any Crown Zellerbach Corporation lease term shall be returned to the city by the Trustee. All moneys in the Transmission Line Replacement Fund may be kept in cash or invested from time to time in bonds or other direct obligations of the United States of America maturing not later than twelve years from date of purchase and in no event later than the year 2000. Interest earned on any such investments shall remain in and be credited to such Fund, except that the Trustee's fee3for its services as Trustee of this Fund for the city shall first be paid from said interest. 19. M, Section 13. The corporate authorities of the city hereby declare, in fixing the amounts to be paid into the Trans- mission Line Replacement Fund, that they have exercised due regard to the cost of maintenance, operation and repairs of the water supply and distribution system of the city other than the Leased System and have not obligated the city to set aside and pay into said Fund a greater amount of the revenue of such system other than the Leased System than in their Judgment will be available over and above such cost of maintenance, operation and repairs. Section 14. The City of Port lbwnsend hereby covenants with the owner and holder of each of the Bonds for as long as any of the same remain outstanding as follows: (a) That it will acquire, construct and install those certain additions, betterments and improvements to and replace- ments and extensions of the Leased System required by Ordinance No. 1318 and this ordinance to be acquired, constructed and in- stalled at the proper time or times therefor, and that it will require each contractor employed for the construction and in- stallation of any of such improvements to post a performance bond of a surety company authorized to do business as a compensated surety in the State of Washington in the full amount of his or Its contract price and conditioned as required by the laws of the State of Washington. (b) That it will keep and perform all the terms, con- ditions and covenants required by the Lease or any subsequent lease of the Leased System to be by it kept and performed; that it will at all times enforce all of the terms, conditions and covenants of the Lease or any permitted modification thereof or 20. any subsequent lease of the Leased System or any permitted modi- fication thereof required to be kept and perform�d by l.ho lessee; that in the event any lessee under the Lease or any modification thereof or any subsequent lease or any modification thereof of the Leased System shall fail to perform any of the terms, conditions and covenants of such lease, within thirty days of such default it will notify the Trustee in writing of the date and natizre of such default. (c) In the event the Lease is terminated and the city resumes possession and control of the Leased System, or if Crown Zellerbach Corporation defaults in any of its semiannual rental payments, the city will use its best efforts to again lease the Leased System at such rentals that will be sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds out-,3tan ng as the same shall become due or to sell the Leased System at a price that will provide sufficient money to redeem all of the Bonds outstanding at the times and prices as providers for herein, or will. operate ;such Leased System in such a manner that: wI ll provide sufficient money to pay the principal or and interest on the Bonda outstanding as the Game shall become due. (d) That it will not sell the Leased System unless pro- vision is made for payment into the 1956 !Bond Redemption Fund of a sum sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on all the Fronds outstanding in accordance with the terms therecf. (e) That it will duly and punct:aally hay or cauze:to be paid to the several holders of the Bonds the principal thereof and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. (f) No new lease or modification of the Leasa or a future lease may be made without the written consent of the Trustee or any successor trustee first had and obtained. Section 15. The city hereby irrevocably appoints the 21. Trustee as its agent to receive at its main office notices, presentations and demands in respect of the Bonds and coupons attached thereto or this ordinance. The Trustee hereby accepts the trust and assumes the duties herein created and imposed upon it, but only upon and subject to the following specific terms and conditions. (a) Except for its certificate of authentication upon the Bonds, the Trustee shall not be responsible for any recitals herein or in said Bonds or for the validity of said Bonds or any of the coupons appurtenant thereto. (b) The Trustee shall not be under any obligation to take any action for the execution or enforcement of the trust hereby created or to institute or defend any suit in respect of the Bonds or.of this ordinance unless indemnified from time to time to its satisfaction against any expense or liability connected therewith and unless requested in writing by the holders of thirty per cent (30%) in principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding. (c) The Trustee shall be protected in acting upon any notice, request, consent, certificate, order, affidavit, letter, telegram or other paper or document believed by it to be genuine and correct and to have been signed, sent or delivered by the person or persons by whom such paper or document shall purport to have been signed, sent or delivered. (d) The Trustee shall not be responsible for any loss in principal amount suffered by the city by virtue of any sale of any bonds or other United States Government obligations purchased out of the moneys in any of the funds created herein when such loss was caused by a sale of any such obligation prior to the maturity thereof. 22. (e) The Trustee shall not be answerable for any neglect or default of any person, firm or corporation employed or selected by it with reasonable care. (f) The Trustee will permit the holder of any Frond to inspect any instrument, opinion or certificate filed with it by the city or Crown Zellerbach Corporation or by any person, firm or corporation acting for the city or such corporation. (g) The Trustee may deposit free balances of any of the moneys of the Funds of the city created in this ordinance and entrusted to the Trustee's care in the First American. National. Hank, Port Townsend, Washington, upon such bank securing such moneys so deposited as any trust funds must be secured in accordance with the law requiring security of trust funds on deposit with a national bank. Such deposit, however, shall not relieve the Trustee of any liability to the city for the protection and safekeeping of such moneys so de- posited. (h) The Trustee shall be entitled to reasonable compensation for all services by it rendered in execution of the trusts hereby created, and to be reimbursed for all proper out- lays of every kind and nature by it incurred in the execution of such trusts. (i) The Trustee shall not be bound to recognize any person, firm or corporation as a holder.of any of the Bonds until his or its title thereto shall have been established to its reasonable satisfaction. (J) The Trustee may consult with counsel and the opinion of such counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection in respect of any action taken or suffered by it hereunder in good faith and in accordance with the opinion of 23. such counsel. Section 16. The following events shall be events of default under this ordinance: (a) If the city fails to make the payments into the 1956 Bond Redemption Fund required in this ordinance at the times herein provided. ( b ) If payment of the principal of any of the Bonds at the time herein specified for such payment shall not be made. (c) If payment of any installment of interest due on any Bond outstanding shall not be made on the date specified in the appurtenant coupon for the payment of such interest. (d) If Crown Zellerbach Corporation shall fail to ful- fill any of the terms, conditions or covenants of the Lease or any modification thereof or any subsequent lessee shall fail to ful- fill any of the terms, conditions or covenants of any subsequent lease or any modification thereof of the Leased System and the city shall fail to take the required measures to correct such default and such default shall. continue for a period of thirty days after written notice has been given to the City Council specifying such default and requiring the same to be remedied. (e) If default shall be made by the city in the ob- servance of any other covenants, conditions or agreements of the city under this ordinance or of the Bonds and such default shall continue for a period of thirty days after written notice has been given to the City Council specifying such default and re- quiring the same to be remedied. Section 17. That upon the happening of any event of default specified in Section 16 hereof, then in every such case the Trustee may proceed, and upon the written request of the 24. holders of thirty per cent (30%) of the principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding the Trustee shall proceed, to protect and enforce the rights of the Trustee and/or the Bondholders by a suit, action or special proceeding in equity or at law either for the specific performance of any covenant or agreement or for the execution of any power or for the enforcement of any proper legal or equitable remedy as shall be deemed most ef- fectual to protect and enforce the rights aforesaid. Section 17-a. The Trustee may give its consent to any modification of the Lease or to any new lease or any modi- fication thereof as long as such modification of the Lease or the new lease or modification thereof does not in any way reduce the rentals to be paid by the lessee to the city to amounts less than the amounts necessary to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds outstanding upon receiving the consent to and approval of such new lease or'modifications from -the holders of at least two-thirds in principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding. The Trustee shall not give its consent to any modification of the Lease or to any new lease or modification thereof which would in any way reduce the amount of rentals to be paid to an amount less than that necessary to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds then outstanding unless consent to and approval of such new lease or modification is given by one hundred per cent of the holders of the Bonds then outstanding, 24 -a. Section 18. In case any Bond or coupons of any Bonds secured hereby shall be lost, stolen or destroyed, the city may execute and the Trustee may authenticate and deliver a new bond or bonds and a coupon or coupons of like date, number and tenor to the holder thereof upon the holder's paying the expenses and charges of the city and the Trustee in connection therewith and upon his filing with the Trustee evidence satisfactory to it and to the city that such Bond or coupons were actually lost, stolen or destroyed and of his ownership thereof, and upon furnishing the city and the Trustee with indemnity satisfactory to them. Section 19. 411 rights of action under this ordinance or, under any of the Bonds or coupons may be enforced by the Trustee without possession of the outstanding Bonds or coupons or of any proceedings relative thereto. Any suit, action, or other legal proceedings instituted by the Trustee shall be brought in its own name as Trustee without making the known or unknown holders of any of such Bonds or coupons a party or parties thereto, and any recovery or judgment shall be for the ratable benefit of the holders of the Bonds outstanding and the coupons thereto attached. Section 20. No holder of any of the Bonds shall be entitled to institute any action whatsoever to enforce any rights or remedies granted by this ordinance unless and until such 25. holder shall have first given to the Trustee•written notice of an event of default hereunder, and also unless and until the holders of at least thirty per cent (30%) in principal amount of the said Bonds then outstanding shall have made written request upon the Trustee as provided in Section 15(b) hereof and the Trustee shall have refused or, for a period of thirty days after receipt of such notification and request, shall have neglected to institute any suit, action, or other legal proceedings. It is hereby expressly covenanted by the holder of every Bond and the Trustee that no one or more holders of the Bonds or coupons shall have any right in any manner what- soever to affect, disturb or prejudice the rights of the holder of any other Bond or coupon or in any manner or way to obtain or seek to obtain priority or preference over any such holder or to enforce any right hereunder except in the manner herein provided and for the equal, ratable and common benefit of all holders of the Bonds and coupons. Section 21. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to the Trustee or to the holders of the Bonds or coupons is in- tended to be exclusive of any other remedy or remedies, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute. Section 22. No delay or omission of the Trustee or of any holder of any of the Bonds or coupons to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default occurring and continuing as aforesaid shall impair any such right or power or shall be con- strued to be a waiver of any such default or an acquiescence 26. therein; and every power and remedy given by this ordinance to the Trustee or to the holders of the Bonds or coupons attached thereto may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by the Trustee or by the holders of such Bonds or coupons. Section 23. If at any time before the occurrence of any default in the payment of the principal or interest of the Bonds there shall be deposited with the Trustee such sum as, together with all moneys then held by the Trustee and available for that purpose, constitutes a sufficient sum to pay the whole amount of principal, premium if any, and interest due and payable on the Bonds and coupons then outstanding to the first date said Bonds may be redeemed, and there shall also be paid to the Trustee all the sums payable hereunder including the proper charges and expenses of the Trustee, and the city shall have well and truly kept and performed all of the things required to be kept and performed by it according to the true intent of this ordinance, then these presents and the rights hereby granted shall cease, terminate and be void, and thereupon the Trustee shall proceed in the manner provided herein to pay and redeem all of said Bonds then outstanding. Section 24. This ordinance and the Bonds and coupons are and shall always be construed to be contracts made under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington in force at the time of the date of the execution hereof, and all the terms, covenants, conditions and provisions hereof shall be construed according to such laws; provided, however, that any constitutional or statutory provision enacted after the date of this ordinance which validates or makes legal any 27. provision of this ordinance, or of the Bonds and/or the coupons attached thereto, which would otherwise be invalid or illegal, shall be deemed to apply to this ordinance and to such Bonds and coupons. Section 25. That the Trustee may resign and be dis- charged from the trusts hereby created by notice in writing given to the Mayor of the city and the City Council at least thirty days before such resignation is to take effect. Such resignation shall take effect upon the appointment and quali- fication of a new trustee if the same be appointed and qualified before the time limited by such notice. In case at any time the Trustee shall resign, be removed or discharged, or otherwise become incapable of acting, or in case the position of trustee shall become vacant for any reason, a successor may be appointed by the holders of the majority in principal amount of the Bonds then outstanding, by an instrument in writing signed by such holders and filed with the City Council; provided, that in case at any time there shall be a vacancy in the office of trustee hereunder said City Council shall appoint a trustee to fill such vacancy until a new trustee shall be appointed by the Bondholders as hereby authorized. Any trustee hereafter appointed shall be a trust company or a bank having the powers of a trust company as to trusts holding membership in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, having an officially reported combined capital, surplus, undivided profits, and reserves aggregating at least $1,000,000, being authorized to do and doing business from a principal office in the State of Washington, and being qualified to act as a depositary of funds of a city of the State of Washington. Every successor trustee appointed hereunder shall execute, acknowledge and deliver to its predecessor and also to said City Council an instrument in writing accepting such appointment hereunder. Thereupon such successor trustee, without any further act, shall become fully vested with all the rights, immunities, powers, trusts, duties and obligations of its predecessor. Such predecessor shall, on the written request of the City Council, execute and deliver an instrument transferring to such successor trustee all the rights, powers and trusts of such predecessor hereunder. Should any instrument in writing from said City Council be required by any successor trustee for more fully and certainly vesting in such trustee the rights, powers and duties hereby vested in the predecessor trustee, such an instrument shall, on request, be executed, acknowledged and delivered by,said City Council. Section 26. The provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a contract between the city, the Trustee and the holders of the Bonds upon the acceptance of this ordinance by the Trustee and the issuance and delivery of the Bonds. Section 27. The action of the City Council on February 21, 1956 in accepting the written offer of even date of Blyth & Co., Inc. of Seattle, Washington, and Associates to purchase the Bonds under the terms, conditions and covenants therefor as set forth herein and at the price of $98.32 per $100 par value is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Section 28, If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be held invalid, the invalidity 29. 0 thereof shall not affect any of, the remaining provisions of this ordinance. INTRODUCED and READ for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on March 6, 1956. INTRODUCED and READ for the second and third times, PASSED by the Council of the City, and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on March 20, 1956. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON By _ Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney I, JOSEPH G. RYAN, the duly chosen, qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true'and correct copy of Ordinance No. 1321 of the city, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20th day of March, 1956. City Clerk .�, 30• 1300 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1301 Dog licenses (Repealed by 169B) 1302 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1303 Emergency expenditure (Special) 1304 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1305 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1306 Adopts plan for sewer system improvement (Special) 1307 Water department budget for 1955 (Special) 1308 1955 budget (Special) 1309 Tax levy for 1955 (Special) 1310 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1311 Fixes compensation of city treasurer (Not codified) 1312 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1313 Provides for issuance and sale of general obligation bonds (Special) 1314 Appropriation for park fund (Special) 1315 Tax levy for 1956 (Special) 1316 Water department budget for 1956 (Special) 1317 1956 budget (Special) 1318 Plan for improvement of water system (Special) 1319 Accepts bid (Special) 1320 Emergency election (Special) 1321 Authorizes issuance of water revenue bonds (Special) 1322 Authorizes acquisition and acceptance of deeds (Special) 1323 Authorizes appropriation of public water from state (Special) 1324 Authorizes construction of petroleum pipelines and right to operate and maintain wharf (Special) 1325 Adopts plan for change in water system (Special) 1326 Street vacation (Special) 1327 Tax levy for 1957 (Special) 1328 1957 budget (Special) 1329 Provides sewage regulations (Not codified) t 11330 Provides for improvements to water system (Special) 1331 Amends Ord. 1330 (Special) 1332 Amends Ord. 1330 (Special) 1333 Amends Ord. 1255 (Repealed by 1525) 1334 Provides lien against property for unpaid garbage charges (6.04) 1335 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1336 (Special) 1337 Requires building permit (Not codified) 1338 Tax levy for 1958 (Special) 1339 1958 budget (Special) 1340 Compensation for named officers (Not codified) 1341 Amends Ord. 1110 (13,12) 1342 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1343 Vacates alley (Special) 1344 Regulates mobile homes (Repealed by 1455) 1345 Authorizes execution of deeds (Special) 1346 Establishes building permit fee (Not codified) 1347 Amends Ord. 1138 (6.04) 134B Street vacation (Special) 1349 Tax levy for 1959 (Special) i i • t .%:\:.�i�6�'c��u`" .5 •. �, �.:; - - ':ri'`,..i;%.a`•,. 'rY, .Y _. �. _ •4 ~3] ••'",: �� _ _. _ 0i11)1 ',Ii iTiC':; j-,0. 1324 luz ord:i.nanoc to ,.Lail ,arcl 011 oC Gali.C'oryila, a Do1:.Lt:nvo co?lpol'ation, "-u-,0. It!: ,i,r.;::L ;tz^, L'lto .:.E;:1L Lo con aLrLrct, nalntain and opovato p].,)o llno:s on covLa n r`�rnat^ in L1Le City oV i1or t 'L`ownDonU, ;:ftF:11 '1{;Lr'n, vxl(1 L"lo 1'i,_;Ili 'to 011crate anti mali-d;ain a wharfon Ilavrl ion : troot in the 'its( of Port `form^end and to charJ;o and collcel, Lolls _"or alto itoo of 4the same for felt (10) ycars and rn'ov:i.clo annual pa;..enLs i'or Llle Itri.vilOLO grantod. `1.'he C:i.t;,, Cwncil of tho i3F.ty oC Pori; Tcmnsond ordains as follows : Socti..on 1: .i'lsoro is heroby r;.rantod to the Standard Oil Company, oC' California, a Dola:r:u o corporation, as -Id ito assi ,ns, tho right Lo can.,trucL, lay, i,mllzta:i.n and operate pipe l.inoo for the tran^porLation oC potroleuri products in Itavri.son Street in tho. City of Pori, '.Lomioond, Jof.ferson Go�mty, hin_'on, from a point apnro. imal sly one hundred ten (110 ) foot nortlt of tho northerly line Of :Juter ��troot at its inter- section frith Harrison ,trod, thence under :,aid Harrison Street, and L13onoo to Lilo torminu^ of Iiar_'ison Street; in the City of Port Townsend, ifa2hinCLon; also tho r ,-ht- to oporato and main- tain a wharf u:i.Llt :suitable approaclton aT1(7, ouch ot):er structuros as array be neco:ssary in Ll?at portion of Iiavrison Stroot in tho City of Port Townsend, Jofforson County, WaShin ;ton, lyi1-1G betwoon the sout',arly lino of '.:ator Stroot -md the irmer harbor line of Port 'Townsend :3ay as laid of and, flatted by the State of :'aihi.n ton, and shorn on the state tide laryl. map of Port Townsend Harbor, and the ri1;IiL- to bporate and maintain, repair, imurovo and adcl to the wharf suaatantially in thci Nano location and in the same manner as now operaLed rued ma:intainod, with the rir,ht to OCCUPY ^,o aaucla of that part o.C' luirri:son Stroot above describod as ma; be noco:ssar,r "or c'oc,c and wllarfaf,o pm po:sos. All of said riC;lits. aro �;ra:ltcd for a period of Len (10) years from and after Au,;ust 1, 1c;r6. t�Qctian 2: ,ac:)1 pip-, lisle;; ,,:fall_ :)(3 co locatod. as not :in airy matt to .int-orforo Wit:i Lr;tvcl 1lpo11 �; 1011 L1 eLli7 nor with tho iilr)rovol"Iont Or 'm; Ci; f:I'nC: t L c .1t Mly t d(,' L' 10 U i ty CO'.121C.- 1 Of tho Of Port Ciooli?^ it €.LC1Va,:1aJ1Q to Improva said stroQts by ro:tocntin~, ra{;raciir.,, tr.i.clol-aw., Q::frond:i.n�; or in other niannor cnang.i,n[; or tho s.Lnin, Standard Oil (Company of California, Delaware corporatinn, and its assi,;n.^,, shall upon wr:it•ton notice ,;ivan 1),,- said City co -an- cil of the of Port Townsend, ini-modi.atoly so move, chan,;o or alter its pipos and pipe lines and other equipment i-isod in connection therei-iith, )o as to conform to such chmr-e in said strocts. Tho cost of so movin,, cthan,-inf- or altorinr; such pipes and pipo lines trill i�o at t -io expense oP Standard Oil Co7many of fJalifornj.a and its assi�,n�. Section 3: Standard Oil Coms an r of California, a Dcl azrciro corporation, and its asr.irnr,, ascmios all liability for daraagos arisin.- by roacon of tho location of said pitlon or pipo linos in said street or streots. Soction IL: 1'ho said wharf and its approaches shall be maintainod in a substantial and worla.ianliho manner, and shall be subject to inspection by and al-)proval of the City ;�ZCinoor of the City of Port `Pownsond. Section 5: '1?;,at the Standard Oil Compomy of California and ;its assi ;ns shall havo tho riUht to ix, establish and collect tolls and rates for wharfa-r-o, stora,,(;o, anu dockaro stib ject to sucki roCulations and superv:; s i on as may bo from timo to time proscribed by t)lo Utate of 1,,:iashln ;ton, and. said ttllarf s''iall bo sub joct to the lairs of the State of Waslli.n[.;ton and the ordinances of said city, rorlilatir_G wharfs. , r ' S Ill. `IUocti.on �: :. ,;tL 1;'to �tu�cial'cl 0:11. Of L'ti].ia.'ori:ia and it:: anoiSns, for Lho r:i.r tt: ,tncJ. ,ioro:i.n ,;rmztocl in .Soction0 1 and j lieroof, shall pay LO L1,0 I.4 r Oi Por' oirr OOIld tho mu•n of Pi.fty (.,; 0.00)^ l;)or anniz:i Cov each and ovary yoav dorm;; tho torsi of t iti:; frarus:i:i_co, saicl ;;Lull oC ,,150.00 to bo payablo , in aclvanco, on or be-'oro L?.io 1 ;t day ofAtlt itst of oath -oar durinc Lho, tom of t=tie, ' rmnchiso; t:_mU in caso tho said ,;rantoo or i L s as,hall fail t;a corni,lJ iri.tll any or �1 all of Lho coilcli_Lions of L'Ltis ordin ico, tl-ton and thoroupon i :t this ordinanco -,hall becono null and void and all rim hts and franchinos heroin ;ra: tod shall. bocome forf'eitod. Socti_on 7: '-rho accoptance of orr'_i.nance by tho said grtlntoo :hall bo doomed an aCCroomcnL bey it to conform paid wharf i�horover it rasscs over, along or acrasN strocts to tYte [;rado of said stroots as near ostablishcd or to be ]ioraaftor established on tho roauest of tho City Council. Soction u: That this ardinanco .l.za11 t alcc affect and bo in full, forco from and after its passaCo, approval and filinc of tho accoptanco of tho s<u e by tho said Grant eo and from and aftor Au -;fist 1, 1956. Passed by tl�a City t;ottnciZ this Z9th clay of Juno 1956. Approvod by tho iiayor this 19th day of Juno 1956. Dy l AYOil CITY CL--;P.IC _ ACCI;PM : ---- S an sir Oil Company 0 California 8 ORDINANCE NO. 11-;26 2 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend vacating parts of 3 certain streets in the Eisenbeis Addition to said city. 4 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI`PY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS 5 FOLLOWS: 6 Section 1. That the following parts of streets in the 7 Eisenbeis Addition to the City of Port Townsend, to -wit: 8 That portion of 17th Street lying between the easterly line of McClellan Street and the westerly 9 line of Grant Street; 10 That portion of Hendricks Street lying between the northerly line of 16th Street and the southerly 11 line of 18th Street; 12 That portion of Sherman Street lying between the northerly line of 16th Street and the southerly 13 line of 18th Street; 14 That portion of Hancock Street lying between the northerly line of 16th Street and the southerly 15 line of Discovery Road; 16 be and the same are hereby vacated. 17 Section 2. That a copy of this Ordinance be filed 18 in the office of the County Assessor for Jefferson County 19 and a copy in the office of the County Auditor for Jefferson 20 County. 21 Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once in 22 the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect 23 five (5) days from, and after, the date of such publication. 24 PASSED by the City Council September 18, 1956. 25 APPROVED by the MAYOR September sae _, 1956. 26 27 {- Dr. Good;(" t Ingor or MAYOR 28 ATTEST: 29 30 9_4'��z ZIA Tos()1-i/ G. 111yaA City Clerk 31 a1 f) 1327 Aii C)itlJi:'iili CI.' :r,nt::i.n-1 rind I'i-lit- t;ho Lnx luv;r r t?10 cit;`T of Po.-t 'J'o,msond for taxes 'or tiro -cc,r 1.957. `i`iIi, CITY COUNUTL ,Gi' 1011A1 i.:i'I'Y OP i'(iRT AS iPOLLOVS: ��Ccti.pl7 I That there a-s hereby levied upon all Lho ta---.n:L)1e property in the City of Port To,msond, the fol.lolrilt ; ;tun^ oI' money and rat-os of tax levy for the di,ff'oront purposes Iiorain doyirmatod, for the yoa_r 1957, and the rate of taxation upon tho dollar of assossod valuation of said City 'or. such purposes is as follol•rs: 1; T2ST: for the paymont of C%wront �:cpon^o,t and for the Current 133:ponso Punr3. the sum of ;,l15,01.7.05 and tho .rate of tax lev•, .for said f'tlnd is heroby f.i-ed at 6,1t. mills on the dollar. ::LC0!1D: for the _nurporm of znaintai.nirlj; n Public L:i.brary ancL for the Llbrarl,* Vtind, the sure of .,r0,9.19.9<) and the rate of tm. Levy for said :fund is hereby f:i xod at 2.8 mills on the dollar„ TIIIRD: f or tho purpose of iraintain:ing n Public Park and for the Park fund, the stud of :c1i,91i.2.f�3 and tl..o rate of Laic levy for said Ttuid in hareby fi-ed at 2.0 mills on the dollar. ?OURTII:for the maintenance and improvoriont of the public streets of the city and for U-ia City Street fund, the sun of :r6,919.96 and no rate of Lay, levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.8 mills on the dollar. FIP`l'II: for IIospi.tal3.zat:i.on and Servico of Injured Paid F'iremon and. for Pensions and .for the Firanonts Pol:ief and Pension Fund, the sum of `2,11.71.t;1 and tho rate of tw: levy for said .fund is hereby fi..od at 1.0 ?nill on the dollar. SIIPiII: f'or Port `l'olmnend General Obli,7ation Bond 1955 and i.ntorost, the stun of `7,1111�.21F and tho rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 3.0 mill on the dollar. Soction II: That tho I ayor and City Clark of said City aro hereby authorized and dirocted to cerLi.i.y to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jofferson Col sty, Washington, the forouoin ; ta.c levy of said city. Section III `fiat this Ordinance be published once in the Port `.Co,mzond Leader to be in force, and t.4m effect as provided by lair. Pa.»Lett by the City Council this 2nd Jay of October, 19.56, and oigned by me in authentleation of i.Ls passa-o this 2nd day of October, 1956. Piled by mo tills d y of Octob or, 1956. Atteot: q�l �GI Date ol�' official nubli-cation in tho Leader, Port Yotmsond, ';fash- in,;ton. October 1!., 1956 0 ORDINANCE 110. 1328 AN ORDI14AITCE fixing and adopting the official budget for the City of Port Tmaisend* Weishi.ngton, for the year 1937. THE, CITY COUNCIL Or, THE CITY Cr' PORT TOWNSEIID DO ORDAIN AS F OLL 01,JS : Section I That the following bee and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as tho official Budget of the City of Port Tminsend for taxation purposesp divided into the total mounts in each' of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget to-vrlt: Salaries and wages ......... ........................+. Clkk 765:00 Opergtion and maintenance ...............».............. t37ilkO.O8 Capital outlay ......................... .................. 6i 2;50 Firemen►s retirement and pension .. .......................3i500.29 General _ Obla gation Bond redemption 3.955 and interest .... 7,1EUe24 Section 11 Mat this ordinance be published once in the Port Trnmsend Leatdor, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 2nd day of October 1956. Approved by the Mayor this 2nd day of October, 195t, A Y, Filed by me this.2 day of October 1956. ATTEST: .�- tg• Cl© Date of official publication in the Leader, Fort Toi-insendi Washingtoni October 4.i 1.956. 1 ORDI14lWC I10. L529 2 AN ORIJM IC of the City of Port Townsend providing for the sanitary disposal of human wastes emanating from any building or 4 structure sphere people may reside, congregate or are employed; 6 providing penalties for violations thereof; and requiring permits 6 to construct, alter or repair sewage disposal systems within the 7 corporate limits of the City of Port Townsend. 8 11ErWAS the City of Port Townsend, Washington, now owns and 9 operates sewerage disposal systems And lines for the purpose of 10 preserving and protecting the health, safety and well being of the 11 persons and property of the residents of the said city; and 12 WlaitLAS a cohesive and comprehensive regulation of sewage 13 disposal systems of all descriptions within the corporate limits 14 of the said city is deemed necessary for the adequate protection. 15 of the health, safety and well being of the persons and property 16 of the residents therein; 17 NOS`( THEME FORLO $ BE IT OfWAINLD By `i'IM COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 18 PORT TOWNSEND, Whz:s HIRGTON, AS FOLLOM 19 Section 1:' On and after the effoctive date of this ordinance 20 it shall be unlawful, to maintain any residence, place of business 21 or other building, structure or trailer where people may reside, 22 congregate or are employed unless such building, structure or 23 trailer is connected to a municipal sewerage system or an individ- 24 ual sewage disposal system constructed in accordance with the 25 provisions of this ordinance. 26 Section 2: Every building, structure, or trailer wherein 27 persons may reside, congregate or are employed which abuts upon a 28 street or alley in which there is a public sewer, or where any 29 portion of such building, structure or trailer lies within 160 feet 30 of a public sewer, shall be connected to the said sewer by the 31 owner of such building, structure or trailer in the most direct 32 manner feasible. -1- 9 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2411 251 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Section 6: Every building, structure or trailer whero persons', Imay reside, congregate or are employed which cannot be connected to a public sewerage systom as hereinabove set forth, shall be equipped with and serviced by an individual serfage disposal system of a type approved by the District Health Officer or his authorized representative, the minimum requirements for which are set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the District Board of Health and amendments thereof and additions thereto as may from time to time be made; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any water -carried sewage disposal system existing at the effective date of this ordinance, and that is otherwise lawful, may continue to be used and operated until such time as alteration or repair of such selvage system is neces- sary, and that upon alteration or repair of any such non -conforming system said system shall be reconstructed and maintained according to the provisions of this ordinance. Section 4: It shall be unlawful for any owner or occupier of any building, structure or trailer to allow any sewage or house- hold wastes to flow or seep upon the surface of the ground or into any roadside ditch, stream, lake or body of water within the corporate limits of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. Section 5: Pit type toilets may be used only during temporary periods of construction or with the written approval of the Dist- rict Health Officer or his authorized representative. Section 6: Prior to beginning any construction, alteration or repair of any individual sewage disposal system, the owner or occupier of the affected premises shall submit plans for said system to, and acouire a construction permit in writing from the District Health Officer. Section 7: Any privy or private sewage disposall system existing or being maintained and which does not conform to the provisions of this ordinaLnce shall be and is hereby declared a nuisance and a menace to the public health and safety. -2 - 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 11 Section 8: It shall be t!lo duty of. the District Health Officer or his authorised r.epresontative to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. Section 9: Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate, or shall refuse or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than l.25.00 nor more than }100.00 or by imprison- ment not to exceed a period of 60 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 10: Every person, firm or corporation who shall continue any violation of this ordinance alter 10 days written nbtice to them by the District Health Officer that such violation exists, shall be deemed guilty of a separate violation for each and every day during which the said violation shall continue, and shall be punishable as hereinbefore provided. Section 11: Should any section or portion of this ordinance be found unconstitutional or contrary to statute, the remaining sections or portions shall not thereby be rendered invalid. Section 12: Any ordinance or ordinances or portions thereof which may be in conflict with this ordinance or any provision hereof are hereby repealed. Section lb: This ordinance is hereby declared to be necessar for the preservation of the public health and welfare, and is further declared to be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Introduced and read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council, held on the l9th day of February, 1957. GP211 OF PORT Tow iSE111D P 'tiA61IIIICdTON ( by �A i� e L C c.: �,1 c,J _L­�c' Atto t Dr. Gee e Da gerter, hl yor ' J,��LGiI!-I G./ Ftl-��Iv Appro d as o foz�m: City Clerk GLi31v , , iLi-ulI;i, 3R. , Ci y Attorney � C.�-� �� . '. .: .. ...'.. _ � �.. .'� .. � � i -. - � - � .. ., 'm. .. � � � �.. n .. � � Y '' � � W W , r �� ,' r �, � .. � � - 4. , ". 1300 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1301 Dog licenses (Repealed by 1698) 1302 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1303 Emergency expenditure (special) 1304 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1305 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1306 Adopts plan for sewer system improvement (Special) 1307 Water department budget for 1955 (Special) 1308 1955 budget (Special) 1309 Tax levy for 1955 (Special) 1310 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1311 Fixes compensation of city treasurer (Not codified) 1312 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1313 Provides for issuance and sale of general obligation bonds (Special) 1314 Appropriation for park fund (Special) 1315 Tax levy for 1956 (Special) 1316 Water department budget for 1956 (Special) 1317 1956 budget (Special) 1318 Plan for improvement of water system (Special) 1319 Accepts bid (Special) 1320 Emergency election (Special) 1321 Authorizes issuance of water revenue bonds (Special) 1322 Authorizes acquisition and acceptance of deeds (special) 1323 Authorizes appropriation of public water from state (Special) 1324 Authorizes construction of petroleum pipelines and right to operate and maintain wharf (Special) 1325 Adopts plan for change in water system (Special) 1326 Street vacation (Special) 1327 Tax levy for 1957 (Special) 1328 1957 budget (Special) 1329 Provides sewage regulations (Not codified) t j J]330 Provides for improvements td water system (Special) 1331 Amends Ord. 1330 (Special) 1332 Amends Ord. 1330 (Special) 1333 Amends Ord. 1255 (Repealed by 1525) 1334 Provides lien against property for unpaid garbage charges (6.04) , 1335 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1336 (Special) 1337 Requires building permit (Not codified) 1338 Tax levy for 1958 (Special) 1339 1958 budget (Special) 1340 Compensation for named officers (Not codified) -,--13 41 Amends Ord. 1110 (13,12) 1342 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1343 Vacates alley (Special) 1344 Regulates mobile homes (Repealed by 1455) 1345. Authorizes execution of deeds (Special) 1346 Establishes building permit fee (Not codified) 1347 Amends Ord. 1138 (6.04) 1348 Street vacation (Special) 1349 Tax levy for 1959 (Special) RT Fir 3-18-57 6 0 . ORDINANCE NO. ' " AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washtngton, amendinC. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1330, Passed and approves: March 5, 1957. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follow:,: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 130 of the city, passed and approved march 5, 1015'j, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. The following words have the meanings here- after ue�oz�h unless the conte:ct clearly indicates that another meaning is intended: (a) The word "System" ohall *Wean the -v:ater system of the city as added to, improved and extended out of the proceed: of the sale of the bonds authorized herein and as the same may be otherwise and later added to, improved and extended for as long as any of said bonds arc out- standing; provided, however, that said 1.rord "System" shall not include that part- of the eater supply and distribution system of the city- leased to Crown 'Lellerbach Corporation under date of March 15, 1956. (b) The cord "Bonds" shall mean the water revenue bonds of the city issued pursuant; to and for the purposes provided In this ordinance. (c) Wherever the words "Watcr Revenue Fund" are used In this ordinance to define a specific fund of the city, the same -;hall mein the 1°Olymp.i.c Gr,�vity hater Fund" of the city heretofore created. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. INTRODUCED AND READ FOR THE FIRST TIME at a regular meeting of the City Council held on March 10, 1957. INTRODUCED AND READ FOR THE SECOND AI:D THIRD TINES, PASSED BY THE COUI3CIL OF THE CITY AND APPROVED BY ITS MAYOR at a regular ` meeting n of the City Council held on I�fe}3—�fr 195'7 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASIiINGTON By Mayor ATTEST: UL CIA* Clerk PRO D AS TO FORM: ,y A orney 01'WlkIt.:CL 110. 1632 A14 ORDIIIA (CE of the City of Port Toymnend, Washington, amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. lo;50, passed and approved March 5, 1957. BE IT 01WAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section I. Section;- of Ordinance Be. 1330 of the city, passed and approved March 5, 1957, is hereby amended to read as fol lows Section 4. The City does hereby adopt cis an integral part of the plan for acquisition, construction and installation of the additions and improvements to its water system authorized herein, that to provide the funds necessary to pay the cost thereof it shall issue its wator revenue bonds (herein called the "Bonds") in the principal sum of q�100,000. The Bonds shall be dated April 1, 1957, shall be In denominations of y�1,000 each, shall bear interest payable semi-anrniil:ly on the first days of April and October of each year and shall. be numbored and mature in older of their number as follows: Bond Nos. Maturity Date Amount Interest Rate 1-10 April 1, 1958 4p1031000 ;5',u 11-20 April 1, 1959 10,000 3:L�' 21-30 April 1, 1960 10,000 3 31-40 April 1, 1961 10,000 3�s0 41-51 April 1, 1962 11,000 313/4% 52-62 April 1, 1963 11,000 ;6-5/4%. 65-74 April 1, 1964 12,000 3-;5/4°. 75-87 April 1, 1965 16,000 3 -3 /4% 88-100 April 1, 1966 16,000 3-3/49,0 Both principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Treasurer in Port Townsend, Washineton, and shall be obligations only of the special Bond Redemption Fund of the City created by this ordinance. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. INTRODUCED AND READ POR THE FIRST, SECOND, AND TRIAD TUES , PASSED BY TILLJ COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY ITS MAYOR at a regular meeting of the City Council hold on April 16, 1957. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASH114GTON a ,— — '_-1`-- Idayor TTE5T: /J City 'Clerk APPROVED AS `� FO%if ;: City attorney 1, JOSEPH G. min, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk of the'•City of Port Townsend, Washington, do hereby certify that the. oregoing ordinance is a true and correct.copy Of, Ordinance NO•� of said city, duly passed by its Council ;'. and approved by its Mayor at a, egular meeting of said Council held* on the./ -Lr` day of �46 , 1957. City Clerk in i t • t • 01W INANCE 140. 1333 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, amending Section 1, of Ordinance N0. 1255, passed March 21, 1950 and approved March 22, 1950; thus increasing fees charged for sewer connections from 040.00 to $ 75.00. WHEREAS increased costs of materials and labor have resulted in greater coats to the city for the repair of streets after sever connections have been ►;lade, now therefore, HE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 1255 of the city, passed on March 21, 1950, and approved by the Mayor on March 22, 1950, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. That for the purpose of regulating and minimizing damages to city senors and streets there is hereby provided a fee of 475.00 for each sewer connection hereafter made, for which a permit to connect shall be issued, and the said fee shall be paid before any permit shall be issued. Said fee is for the purpose of I, repairing damage to the city streets occasioned by said connection before work shall commence. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by lave . INTRODUCED AND HEAll FOR ThE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TILUIS, PASSED BY THIS COUNCIL AND .1`6PPHOVE1) BY ITS MAYOR at a regular meeting of the City Council held on May 7, 1957. CITY OI-' PORT TU'INSEND WASHINGTON By Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk APPHOVED AS TO F01.94: city, Attorneq OlUdINANCL 110. 1334 All OILUINia!C% of. the City of Port Townsend, Washington, providing for a lien against real property for delinquent garbage collection charges. 1'RE:HEAS a garbage collection service has herotofoz-e been provided by the city and charges levied therefor, and ti7IEhEAS a lien against property served by said garbage collection service is required in order to effectively collect the said charges, now therefore ` E& CITY COUIXIL Or THI, CITit OF PORT `!.'O'NNSLNL DO ORI)AIN as follows: Section 1. Delinquent charges for collection of garbage in and by the said City shall become a lien against the property for which the garbage service shall have been rendered. Such lien shall be made effective by filing a notice thereof specifying the charges, the period covered b;- the charges and giving a legal description of -the premises at which the service was rendereu. Such lien shall be Filed with the same official and within the time and shall 1,e foreclosed within the time and inanner prescribed by law for filing and foreclosing liens for labor and material. Such lien shall be prior to any and all other liens and encumbrances filed subsequent to the filing of such lien, but shall be subject to all general taxes and local improvement assessments, whether levied prior or subsequent thereto. Section 2. This ordinance is declared to be urgent and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and saftey of the people of said City of Port Townsend, and shall take effect and be in fore. immediately upon, from and after its passage, approval and lawful publication as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved and signed by the Wayor on May 21s1;, 1957. Attest: C'y er�.c nn city Af`orne' y��— Mayor 4L Z1`xR1uCFJ $ifll. 1335 . '` AN 4RATOM O. OF T"N CITY OF "T TOS9`NarbfO, w"TizNGTON. V1eCAT1W0 TMT PORTTOlt Or 59t'h s 6"WT LYINCa EIMS :ai 13LOC'K 46 ANC MOCK 51 OF THU CAToXV MT11A ADVI`t'IQ:i 2'0 SAID C17t o THE CIrl COUNCIL OF TIM CITY Or PMT TOMS'lMD DO ORDAIEt AS MWWSs AsaSjULg Ig That portion of 59th gat eet og! said city lying between Block 46 end Slock 51 of!tho California Addition to saltd al.ty be and hcar"y is vwmtad. ' .. 9 orl 3 n�is ardinanco aball take offer :, #. i- ately upon ito passage, approval and publication an provided by law. Mead for the first -Mime at to session of the council on June kith. IM-a Road for the second and tbIV4 ea at a rfaoul*r se oston of tba . 00undl on , 1957. P815013 by tile, councii earl$ apprWax ama aigned by :the mayor on mayor . Attamta City cleric; Approved .as to Forms City Atto=aley �A • 40 0.. ORDINANCE NO. 1336 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENDITURES DURING THE YEAR 1957, FOR THE CITY LIBRARY FUND AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS it appears that the heating plant in the City Library is in need of and requires the purchase of a certain condenser for said heating plant, and that the need therefor is immediate and unforeseen, and WHEREAS it appears to the Council that the need for the purchase of new condenser for the library is immediate and that the sum of $319.43 is a reasonable sum for the repair or replacement of said condenser and parts thereof, and the Council having determined and found that an emergency exists; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by thn Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular session assembled, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for the Public Library I Fund of the City of Port Townsend for expenditure during the year 1957, for repair or replacement of the heating plant condenser, the sum of $319.43. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue emergency warrants upon the Public Library Fund of the City of Part Townsend, not exceeding the foregoing amount, upon presentation of a properly approved voucher. Section 3. This ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on July 16, 1957. Read for the second and third times, passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on 1957. MAYOR ATTEST CLERK.. . Approved as to form. CIP ATTORNEY Filed by me this day of 1957. Clerk.of the City of Port Townsend I, ZOSEPH G. RYAN, duly elected, qualified and acting Clerk of the-City'of Port Townsend, Washington, certify hereby that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of ordinance No. 1336 of said City, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its Mayor at the regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 1957. CLERK of the City of Port Townsend n LJ dk ORDINANCE NO. 1337 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, requiring a permit for the construction of buildings or additions to buildings. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Prior to the commencement of construction of any building, shed or structure, or any addition to an existing building, shed or structure, there shall be obtained by the owner or agent for the owner of lands on which said construction is contemplated, a building permit. Section 2. Clerk of said City is authorized to issue building permits upon the direction of the City Council, and the Council shall consider and grant or reject each such permit for which application is duly and properly made. Section 3. Application for building permits shall be made to the City Clerk, and no application shall be considered by the Council unless it shall have been presented in triplicate copies to the Clerk at least two days prior to the regular meeting of the City Council at which said application is to be presented. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Read for the first time at a regular session of the Council on September 17, 1957. Read for the second and third times at a regular session of the Council on 1957. Passed by the Council and approved and signed by the Mayor on 1957. MAYOR Attest: CITY CLERK Approved as_to_Form; _ CITY ATTORNEY 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1338 AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY.OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1958. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1958, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city for such purposes is as follows: FIRST: for the payment of Current Expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of $16,653.94 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 6.4 mills on the dollar. SECOND: for the purpose of maintaining a Public Library and .for the Library Fund, the sum of $7,372.78 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.8 mills on the dollar. THIRD: for the purpose of maintaining a Public Park and for the Park Fund, the sum of $5,266.86 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.0 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: for the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the city and for the City Street Fund, the sum of $7,372.78 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.8 mills on the dollar. FIFTH: for the Hospitalization and Medical Service of Injured Paid Firemen and for Pensions and for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $2,633.43 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.0 mill on the dollar. SIXTH: for Port Townsend General Obligation Bond 1955 and interest, the sum of $5,266.86 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby .fixed at 2.0 mills on the dollar. SECTION II That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said city. SECTION III That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 15th day of October, 1957, and signed by me in authentication of its passage this 15th day of October, 1957. MAYOR Filed by me this day of October, 1957. ATTEST CITY CLERK Date of official publication in the Leader, Port Townsend, Washington, October , 1957. as t.4 form: G�-� A - a-*, - ■ ORDINANCE NO. 1339 AN ORDINANCE fixing and adopting the official budget for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for the year 1958. THE CI`.F'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I That the following be, and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official Budget of the City of Port Townsend for taxation purposes, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and wages....................................$123,640.00 Operation and maintenance ............................. 53,267.81 Capital outlay ........................................ 36,381.93 Firemen's retirement and pension ...................... 3,300.00 General Obligation Bond redemption 1955 and interest.. 5,925.00 Section II That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 15th day of October, 1957. Approved by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 1957. M A Y O R Filed by me this day of October, 1957. ATTEST: City Clerk Date of official publication in the Leader, Port Townsend, Washington, October 1957. Approved as to Form: City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1340 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF ',CITE MAYOR, -CITY CLERK AND CITY ATTORNEY OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE TERM COMMENCING JUNE 1, 1958. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the compensation to be paid to the following named officers of said city fo,r the four-year term commencing June 1, 1958, be and the same is hereby fixed as follows: First: For the office of Mayor, the monthly compensation of 8100.00. Second: For the office of City Clerk, the monthly compensation of $375.00. Third: For the office of City Attorney, the monthly compensation of $100.00. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 15th day of October, 1957. Approved by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 1957. MAYOR Filed by this day of October, 1957. ATTEST: City Cleric Date of ofdicial publication in the Port Townsend Leader, Port Townsend, Washington, October , 1957. APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 [' City Attorney 'Ordiliances #1341-1349 k Mw 1300 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1301 Dog licenses (Repealed by 1698) 1302 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1303 Emergency expenditure (Special) 1304 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1305 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1306 Adopts plan for sewer system improvement (Special) 1307 Water department budget for 1955 (Special) 1308 1955 budget (Special) 1309 Tax levy for 1955 (Special) 1310 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1311 Fixes compensation of city treasurer (Not codified) 1312 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1313 Provides for issuance and sale of general obligation bonds (Special) 1314 Appropriation for park fund (Special) 1315 Tax levy for 1956 (Special) 1316 Water department budget for 1956 (Special) 1317 1956 budget (Special) 1318 Plan for improvement of water system (Special) 1319 Accepts bid (Special) 1320 Emergency election (Special) 1321 Authorizes issuance of water revenue bonds (Special) 1322 Authorizes acquisition and acceptance of deeds (Special 1323 Authorizes appropriation of public water from state (Special) 1324 Authorizes construction of petroleum pipelines and right to operate and maintain wharf (Special) 1325 Adopts plan for change in water system (Special) 1326 Street vacation (Special) 1327 Tax levy for 1957 (Special) 1328 1957 budget (Special) 1329 Provides sewage regulations (Not codified) t j 1330 Provides for improvements to water system (Special) 1331 Amends Ord. 1330 (Special) 1332 Amends Ord, 1330 (Special) 1333 Amends Ord. 1255 (Repealed by 1525) 1334 Provides lien against property for unpaid garbage charges (6.04) 1335 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1336 (Special) 1337 Requires building permit (Not codified) 1338 Tax levy for 1958 (Special) 1339 1958 budget (Special) 1340 Compensation for named officers (Not codified) ----1341 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1342 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1343 Vacates alley (Special) 1344 Regulates mobile homes (Repealed by 1455) 1345 Authorizes execution of deeds (Special) 1346 Establishes building permit fee (Not codified) 1347 Amends Ord. 1138 (6.04) 1348 Street vacation (Special) 1349 Tax levy for.1959 (Special) ORDINANCE NO. 1341 AN ORDINANCE of the City of port Townsend, Washington, amending Section 8, of Ordinance No. 1110, passed December 19, 1939 and approved December 20, 1939; and thereby in- creasing the fees charged for installation of water service. WHEREAS increased costs of materials and labor have resulted in greater costs to the city for the installation of water services, and the city now suffers a loss for each such installation made, now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Section 8 of Ordinance 1110 of the city, passed on December 19, 1939, and approved by the Mayor on December.20, 1939, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section B. The fees for the installation of water service as hereinbefore provided shall be as follows: For a half inch (1/2) connection ......................$25.00 For a three -fourth inch (3/4) connection ..............$35.00 For a one inch (1) inch connection ....................$50.00 and sizes larger than one inch, or where it becomes necessary to open a pavement or hard surfaced street, or for services outside city limits, the actual cost of labor and materials in laying such a service and replacing the pavement or hard -surfacing shall be charged. In such cases, and in cases of connections extending along a street on which there is no main, the cost of material and labor shall be estimated by the superintendent and the estimated cost shall be paid to the city treasurer by the person applying for such installation before the work of connecting the main with the property is begun; provided, that whenever the estimated cost is not sufficient to cover the total expense for Labor and material any deficit shall be charged to the -1- property for which such installation was made and to the owner thereof; and provided further that any excess payment shall be returned to the person applying for the installation. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective five days from and afterits passage, approval and publication as required. by law. INTRODUCED AND READ FOR THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIMES' PASSEDBY THE CITY COUNCIL A14D APPROVED BY ITS MAYOR at a regular meeting of the City Council held on 1953. ATTEST: CITY OF PORT, TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON B Mayor City Cleric APPRO 'D AS TO FORM: City ifttorney -2- Ll AP: C)RDLi IPNCP; i'up FOR 71% Cu7:R1 'vl' ?:.,i.l) 11 ;CL..i:.1_S'Cr :1i: I `tEl:GL'i�CY 1.7EIL:!.Gi'S ._c a��1�e< r: t1;,.1. :.,,.. +° .LEt.iu;: a+ h+:em u a to 1:1hc ci.ty of Port �aw�t,x�rr i i��vc i roct'ear;e' lt; i.+r•� i:ir+ ?,a,t rr, wit.Lctt i.nct'ease in oust was 11111=U 1"t_'SC!E.'.I1, alld {VI MIE'AS it appears to the Cou"Cil that the rrcecl [or combined insurance coverage on city oumed vehicles and cjencEral public .liability is immediate and that the stun of $253.72 is a reasonable sum to pay as the premium for such insurance, and the Council having determined and found that an emergency exists; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular session assembled, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for the Current Expense Fund of the General City Government of the City of Port Townsend for expenditure during the year 1958, for premiums on combined insurance coverage the sum of $253.72. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue emergency warrants upon the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend, not exceeding the foregoing amount, upon presentation of a properly approved voucher. Section 3. This ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon .its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on June "� 1958. :teztd fur tile st ' 4 and Ltti,:d 13a� Cd I)y 1-lie Cty C 11CLI anti auprOved 1.'- ulc m'�""'W Lit., a re-yulr aof Llic Council held on )" I ATTEST: (Ae -CLFRGam- Approved as to form: CIT ATTORNEY Filed by me this day of June, 195B. CLERK of the �itytofPirt Townsend 1, GAIVLE I. YOUNGBLOOD, duly elected, qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, certify hereby that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of ordinance No. 1342 ' yb of said city, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its Mayor at the regular meeting of said Council held on the day of June, 1958. CLERK of the City of Poxf Townsend 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1343 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, VACATING THAT ALLEY LYING AND BEING IN BLOCK 20 OF THE O.C. HASTINGS SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT OF SAID CITY, BETWEEN 24th STREET AND 23rd STREET. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Alley located in Block 20 and lying between Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 on the Easterly side thereof and Lots 5, 6, 7 & 8 on the Westerly side thereof, and lying South.of the Southerly line of 24th Street and North of the Northerly line of 23rd Street, all lying and being in the O.C. Hastings Supple- mental Plat to the City of Port Townsend, County of Jefferson, State of Washington, be and hereby is vacated. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect immedi- ately upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Read for the first-time at a regular session of the council on July 1st, 1958. Read for the second and third times at a regular session of the council on July 1958. Passed by the council and approved and signed by the Mayor on July 1958. 17u��G�- ✓��.c=ic MAYOR Attest: Q1 t CIe k Approved as to Form: ORDINANCE NO. 1344 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, regulating the location and occupancy of mobile homes, establishing licenses for mobile home parks and providing for license fees therefor. WHEREAS the unregulated and unrestricted occupancy of mobile homes in the City of Port Townsend is deemed incompatible with the health,safety and welfare of the citizens thereof, and in some in- stances causes a depreciation of land values of the surrounding areas adjacent to such mobile homes, and WHEREAS the establishment of licensed mobile trailer parks will result in the protection of the health,safety and welfare of the citizens of said city, now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Definitions: Mobile Home: The term "mobile home" shall mean any vehicle used, or so constructed as to permit it being used, as a vehicle upon the public streets or highways and duly licensable as such, and constructed in such a manner as will permit occupancy thereof as a dwelling or sleeping place. Likewise, the term "mobile home" shall mean any such vehicle as in this definition heretofore described which has had the wheels removed, or has in any other manner been converted to non -vehicular purposes. Mobile home ark: "Mobile home park" shall mean any plot of ground upon which two or more mobile homes, occupied for dwelling or sleeping purposes, are located. Health Officer: The term "Health Officer" shall mean the health officer of the Olympic Health District or his successors. -1- Section 2. From and after the effective date hereof it shall be unlawful to permanently park or to occupy any mobile home within the limits of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, other than in a licensed mobile home park as hereinafter authorized. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a mobile home park in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, unless such persons shall first have obtained from the City Clerk of said City a valid mobile home park license for the operation thereof. Section 4. Application for initial mobile home park licenses shall include the name and address of the applicant and a legal description of the proposed park, and shall contain the following information: The approximate dimensions of the tract of land, the number of mobile home spaces, the method and plan of water supply, the method and plan of sewage disposal, the method of garbage disposal and a description of the type of neighborhood in which said proposed mobile home park is located. Further, every application for a license for the operation of a mobile home park shall be accompanied by an unrevoked permit for the specific mobile home park issued by the State of Washington through it designated health authority, as may be required under the rules and regulations of the State Board of health. Further, every application for a mobile home park license shall be endorsed with the approval of the District Health Officer, and such approval shall show date not later than ten days prior to the date application is made. Section 5. A fee for the license for mobile home parks is hereby established, and shall be in the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per annum; provided, that the license fee for the balance of the year of 1958 only shall be in the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00). -2- Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to issue mobile home park licenses to such persons as may have complied with all of the terms of this Ordinance and who have paid the fees hereby required. Section 7. violation of this Ordinance shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. Section B. This Ordinance is declared to be necessary for the immediate protection of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. Section 9. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. INTRODUCED AND READ FOR TIE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIMES, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY ITS MAYOR at a regular i/. meeting of the City Council held od"1�) /5" 1958. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON -r l by `- Mayor ATTEST: �' Cot Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: C tY Attorney -3- 1 2 ORINATICE NO. 41 3 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend authorizing and enipowaring the Mayor and the City Clerk A to execute deeds of conveyance and other documents in order to accomplish transfer 5 of title to certain lands and premises due to the relocation of the right-of-way of G the route of the main water supply line to the City of Port Tol•msend. 7 'WHEREAS, due to certain .factors of engineering, it has 8 become necessary that a change be made in the location of the 0 center line of the main water supply line to the City of Port 10 Townsend and in consequence, certain q portions of the original 11 right-of-way have been abandoned, and the same aim of no fur- 12 ther use to the City, and should be reconveyed to the initial 13 grantors, or their successors in title. 14 Now therefore, 15 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOIINSEND DO ORDAIN 16 AS FOLLO'dS: 17 Section 1. That, subject to the approval of the City 18 Attorney, with respect to the form thereof, the Mayor and City Clerk be and are hereby authorized and empowered to 19 execute on behalf of the City of Port Toimsend such deeds and conveyances and other documents that will tend to and 20 completely effectuate the findings recited in the preamble of this ordinance. 21 Section 2. That this ordinance be published'onee in the Port Townsend Leader,to be in force and take effect five 22 (5) days from and after the date of such publication. 23 _L(. PASSED by City Council August 1958. 24 APPROVED by the I•Iayor August r, 1958. 25 26 I•IARILOU LEIGHTON, I,Iayor 27 ATFEST : ` n 20 of e I. `You P, to d, City Clerk 20 AP VED fiS 10 FORM: 30 _ 31 1 n Abr am, Jr., Ci y Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1346 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, establishing a fee for the issuance of building, moving and tear down permits, and requiring that such permits be displayed on the: affQcted premises. WHEREAS it is required by Ordinances heretofore enacted that a permit be obtained for the construction, alteration, improvement, moving or -tearing down of any building or structure in the City of Port Townsend, and WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and urgent that a fee be established for the issuance of such permits, now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. A fee for the issuance of permits for the purposes of building, constructing, altering, improving, moving or tearing down buildings is here and hereby established, and said fee shall be in the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) for each such permit issued, and said fee shall be payable to the City Clerk at the time application for such permit is made. Section 2. Each building permit, moving permit or tear down permit issued by the City Clerk after payment of the required fee shall be prominently displayed upon the building for which such permit was obtained, subject to the inspection of the City Police or City Street Superintendent, and such permit shall be prominently displayed until such time as the building, moving or tear down operation for which the permit was granted is fully completed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective five days after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. -1- INTRODUCED AND READ FOR THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIMES, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY ITS MAYOR at a regular meeting of the City Council held on September t5,.1.958. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON by Mayor ATTEST: �- ity. Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney a ORDINANCE NO. 1347 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Yort Townsend, Washington, amending Sections 6 and 7, of Ordinance No. 1136, passed February 17, 1942 and approved February 18, 1942; and thoreby increasing the fees charged for garbage service in said city. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Dort Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Section 6 of Ordinance 1139 of the city, passed on February 17, 1942, and approved by the Mayor on February la, 1942, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 6. Garbage shall be collected not less than once a week in residence districts of the City of Port Townsend and daily in the business districts of the City of Port Townsend. The rate to be charged for garbage collection shall be $1.50 per can for the collection of one can of garbage per week, provided, however, that rates for collection of garbage from places in the business district requiring more frequent collection than once per week shall be charged at a monthly rate based upon the number of cans collected per week, to -wit, the sum of per month for each can collected per week, and further provided however that where it is permissible under the terms of this Ordinance to keep rubbish in containers utit�:r than cans, the charge for collection of such rubbish shall be equal to the charge for collecting garbage, which charge shall be computed 7s� by the Superintendent of the Garbage Department on the basis of W per week for the equivalent of each can, or other container of similar size, of rubbish collected per week. Section 2. Section 7 of Ordinance no. 1138 of the city, passed on February 17, 1942, and approved by the Mayor on February 18, 1942, is hereby ammended to read as follows: -I- • Section 7. Garbage shall be collected from all tennanted or inhabited buildings of every kind, nature and description in the City of Port Townsend at l.uast unce each week and where sanitary conditions or convenicncc of paLruiis of: Lhe garbage department require more frequent collections the 5uper.i.ntcndenL• of the Garbage Department shall arrange the regular days for collection of garbage during each week, and he shall fix the: rate to be charged for such garbage collection according to the basic rate of $1.50 per month for the collection of each can of garbage per week. In case of any difference between the Superintendent of the Garbage Department and customer of the Garbage Department as to the number of garbage cans which should be provided and for which the customer should pay, the amount of charge fixed by the Superintendent of the Garbage Department shall be final, subject to the right of the customer to appeal in writing to the City Council.and to have a hearing and determination of any and all disputes or disagreements. Such appeals shall be by letter or other written communication. Owners or managers of all apartment houses shall provide the tenants thereof with adequate facilities and cans for the disposal of all garbage, rubbish and ashes, and the charge for such disposal shall be on the basis of the number of cans per week collected, provided however, that nothing in this Ordinance contained shall give any customer of the Garbage Department in the City of Port Townsend the right to demand any rebate or reduction in rate because a can or cans shall not be filled or used during any particular week, it being the intent of this Ordinance that each customer of the Garbage Department shall be charged on a monthly basis according to the number of cans customarily collected and shall pay an additional charge to be fixed by the Superintendent of the Garbage Department, for special loads. -2- . a Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. INTRODUCED AND READ FOR THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIMES, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY ITS MAYOR at a regular meeting of the City Council held on September 16,.1958. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON B a; Mayor. ATTEST: City Clerk APPRO D AS T ORM: City A -orney -77 -3- ■ ■ ORDINANCE NO. 1348 AN ORDINANCE OF TFIE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, VACATING THAT PORTION OF 57th STREET LYING AND BEING BETWEEN THE EASTERLY BOU14DRY OF KUHN AND TEL EASTERN TERMINUS OF THE SAID 57th STRJ:ET. THE CI`i'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of 57th Street lying and being between the Easterly boundiy of Kuhn Street and the Eastern terminus of the said 57th Street, and lying between and abutting upon Lots 1,2,3 & 4 of Block 40 and Lots 5,6,7 & 8 of.Block 41 in the California Addition to the City of Port Townsend, County of Jefferson, State of Washington, be and hereby is vacated. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect immedi- ately upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved and signed by the Mayor on the % Ty day of October, 1958. Attest: - City .Approved as -"to Form: gn�—Ljlo---y' - City Attorney / CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND / RV l' i.'-t/f t {tfe b r it i1�1.L1 MAYOR ORDINANCE NO. 1349 AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY.' FOR THE CITY OF PORT T0117DISEND FOR THE YEAR 19 59 . THE CITY COU0CIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOi•7NSEND DO ORDAIN AS F OLLOWS : Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1959, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said City for such purposes is as follows: FIRST: For the payment of Current Expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of $20,318.7and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 7.5 mills on the dollar. SECOND: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $7179.27 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fired at 2.65mills on the dollar. TIIIRD: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park and for the Park Fund, the sum of $5797.60 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at2.14 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: For the maintainance and improvement of the Public Streets of the City and for the City Street Fund, the sum of $7,341.82 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.71 mills on the dollar. �irxz�fta�t�cxxxittt�]tY.scx�txu�x3:3c�c -l- FIFTH: )GURM: For Port Townsend General obligation Bond 1955 and interest, the sum of $5418.32 and the raise of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.0 mills on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the .foregoing tax levy of said City.' Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and 'take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council and -approved and signed by the Mayor on this rt_h day of October, 1958. ��-,,.�rz•t�tlr ,Yl� �.�C�L,fiz�Y-c-.L`� MAY6R Attest: city C le APpr as tt� 1��f rm: City Attorney -2- ".0rdinancas 01350-1360 �o 1350 1351 1352 1353 - 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 /1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 �1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 137 138 0 9 r 1959 budget (Special) Water department budget for 1959 (Special) Grants right to lay petroleum pipes (special) Amends Ord. 1155 (Repealed by 1676) Empowers mayor to accept quick claim deed for named parcel (special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Transfers funds (special) Authorizes laying of petroleum pipe in streets (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Authorizes mayor and city clerk to lease property (Special) Amends Ord. 1357 (Special) Transfers funds (Special) Appropriates moneys (Special) Water pipeline easement agreement (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Appropriation for garbage dump (special) Establishes garbage collection service (6.08) License for garbage collection (5.20) Establishes sewer maintenance charge (Not codified) Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) Establishes license fee for water utilities holding franchise (Repealed by 1848) Emergency appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) Tax levy for 1960 (Special) 1960 budget (Special) Fixes compensation of city treasurer (Not codified) Budget for garbage collection service (Special) Missing Provides for water system improvements (Special) 9 Provides for issuance of water revenue bonds (Special) Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1 Garbage franchise- (Special) 2 Vacates alley (Special) 3 Emergency appropriation (Special) 4 Grants easement (Special) 5 Emergency appropriation (Special) 6 Emergency appropriation (Special) Tax levy for 1961 (Special) 8 1961 budget (Special) 9 Water department budget for 1961 (Special) 0 Garbage collection budget (Special) 1 Emergency expenditure (Special) 2 Emergency appropriation (Special) 3 Vacates alley (Special) 4 Prohibits furnishing liquor to minors' (Repealed by 1525) 5 Establishes bus loading zone (Repealed by 1638) 6 Emergency appropriation (Special) 7 Emergency appropriation (Special) 8 Vacates alley (Special) Grants lease (Special) IM k 41,i en Y i. 0RDIig1%NC1t: NO. 1351. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TO10!SEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR TFJE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1959. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1959, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages -----•---------------------------------- $ 22,.284.00 Operation and Maintenance ------------------------------$ 12,175.00 Ouapt tlay _____________ --- _______-___ $ 28 880.00 Interest and Bond redemption --------- •-----•----______-_-_ $123,803.50 -------------------------- Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this '%Kh day of October, 1958. MAYOR Attest: JC -L City Ca rk/ Approved as tja /form: 7 City Attorney 1 ORDIN,IiNCE NO. 1350 AN ORDINANCE OF TIM CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, FIXING AND ADOPTING THE OFFICIAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR TILE YEAR 19 59 . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF" PORT TOI9I4TSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: : Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1959, divided into the following classes comprising the whole of said budget to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------------------------- $99,264.75 Operation and Maintenance ------------------------------- $36,517.92 Outlay------------------------------------------------- $ 340.00 Interest and Bond redemption ------------------------ S 4,923.25 Firemen's Relief and Pension --------------------------- $ 2,700.00 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once to the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on the 7TL1 day of October, 1958. Attest: C: L City Cl,r Approved as to form: �J, P,_j , , � t City Attorney / MAYOR ORDINANCE NO. 1351-- AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CON- STRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE AND ILMOVE PIPE- LINES ACROSS CERTAIN STREETS I14 THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WAS1IING`.CON. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to General. Petrolewn Corporation, a Delaware Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee," its successors, and assigns, the right to construct, lay, maintain, operate and remove pipelines over, under and across Water Street, Scott Street and Front Street, all within a strip of land five feet (51), in width across Water Street, Scott Street, and Front Street as Platted in L.B. I-Iasting.V; First Addition to Port Townsend for a period of ten (10) years from and after the date of this Ordinance. The Northerly Boundary of the aforementioned five foot (5') strip of land being more particularly described as follows: "Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 29, of the L.B. Hasting6,, First Addition to Port Townsend, thence continuing Easterly along the South boundary of said Lot l for a distance of 52.0 feet to the true point of beginning. Thence turning a right deflection angle of 450 00' 00" and proceeding diagonally across Water Street in a Southeasterly direction for a distance of 106.0 Feet to a point lying on the North boundary of Block 19 of the L.B. I-lastingV, First Addition to Port Townsend extended 3.0 Feet in a Westerly direction, 'thence turning a right deflection angle of 450 00' 00" and continuing parallel to the I -lest boundary of said Block 19 in a Southeasterly direction for a distance of 220.0 Feet -1- to a point lying on the South boundary of said Block 19 extended 3.0 Feet, thence turning a left deflection angle of 450 00' 00" and proceed- ing diagonally across front Street in a Southeasterly direction for a distance of 91.0 Feet to a point on existing Shell Pier approach lying 11.0' North of the Borth boundary of Block 147 of the L.B. Hasting8' First Addition to Port Townsend and 61.0' East of the West boundary of said Block 147, thence turning a right deflection angle of 450 00' 00" and continuing for a distance of 11.0' to the North boundary of said Block 147." Section 2. if, at any time, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend deems it advisable to relocate, improve or otherwise change said Water Street, Scott Street, or Front Street, the Grantee, its successors, and assigns, shall upon written notice given by said City Council of the City of Port Townsend, immediately so move, change or alter its pipe and pipelines and other equipment used in connection therewith so as to conform to such changes in said streets. The cost of so moving, changing or altering such pipes and pipelines will be at the expense of the Grantee, its successors, or assigns. Section 3. The Grantee, its successors, and assigns, assumes all liability for damages arising by reason of the location of :,. said pipe or pipelines in said streets. section 4. That the Grantee, its successors, and assigns, shall pay to the City of Port- Townsend the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per annum for each and every year during the term of this easement, said sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to be payable, in advance, on or before the 15th day of January of each year during the term of the easement; that in case the said Grantee, its successors, or assigns shall fail to comply with any or all of the conditions of this ordinance then said Grantee shall be in default, and if said default is not corrected within thirty (30) days after the receipts of -2- ■ written notice of any such claimed default specifying same, this easement sliall thereupon become null and void and all 'rights and easement herein granted shall become forfeited. Section 5. `Chat this ordinance shall take effect and be in forcefromand.after its passing, approval and filing of the acceptance of the same by the said Grantee, and from and after five (5) days after its publication as required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this day. of Odtober," 1958. ZQ MAYOR 'Attest -3- ORDINANCE NO. 1353 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1155, passed on April 20, 1943, and approved April 21, 1943; and thereby alter- ing the rate of admissions tax. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance 1155 of the City, passed on April 20, 1943, and approved by the Mayor on April 21, 1943, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2. (a) There is hereby levied and imposed upon every person (including children, without regard to age) who pays an admission charge to any place, including a tag; on persons who are admitted free of charge or at reduced rates to anyplace for which other persons pay a charge or a regular higher charge for the same or similar privileges or accomadations, which said tax shall be in the amount of three per cent (3%) of the admission charge. (b) No tax shall be payable by any bona fide employee of the place or by any Federal, State or Municipal officer or employee on official visits, or by any newspaper reporter, or by any child under twelve years of age who is admitted free. (c) Whenever any person is admitted free or at reduced rates to any place at a time when under circumstances an admission charge is made to other persons for the same or similar accomadations, a tax shall be payable by the person so admitted in an amount equal to the tax payable by such other persons for the same or similar accomadations. (d) Whenever the charge to women and children for admission to any place is less than the charge made to men, or when such persons are regularly admitted free, the lesser charge is not deemed to be a reduced rate under this ordinance, and the amount of the tax payable hereunder by such persons shall be determined by the amount of the actual admission -i- 0) ej charge paid. (e) Amounts paid for admission by season ticket or subscription shall be exempt only if the amount which would be charged to the holder or subscriber for a single admission is ten cents or less. (f) Whenever tickets or cards of admission are sold elsewhere than at the ticket or box-office of the place, any price or charge made in excess of the established price or charge therefore at such ticket or box-office shall be taxable in a sum equal to ten per cent (10%) of the amount of such excess, which tax shall be in addition to the tax on the ticket or bor.-office admission charge, shall be paid by the person paying the admission charge, and shall be collected and remitted in the manner, provided in Section 7 of Ordinance no. 1155 by the person selling such tickets. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. INTRODUCED AND READ FOR THE FIRST TIME at a regular meeting of the City Council held on December, 16, 1958. INTRODUCED AND READ FOR THE SECOND AND THIRD TIMES, at a regular meeting of the City Council held on D CCCM U R 16 1958. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR on hcCM dER )6 1958. ATTEST: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON Mayor /City Clerk APPROVER A7S-__TOiI City At `rney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND EMPOWERING THE MAYOR 707D HE CITY CTFRK TO ACCEPT DBLIVERY OF A QUIT CLAIM DCED FOR A PARCEL, OF LAND TO BE' USED FOR THE ERECTION OF A CITY IDENTIPICATIOt; WHEREAS, a Quit Claim Oced iias b.:c» the City of Port Townsend by Mr. and Mrs. N.A. Whitnaci:, throu(_jh tine Chamber of Commerce of said City,, said deed being for the cotivc.yance of certain lands abutting upon the City Limits of said City on State Lli.ghway No. 9, and it being contemplated that a sign welcoming visitors to the city be erected on said land by the said ChanIl:)er of Commerce, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend are here and hereby authorized and empowered to accept the delivery of a Quit Claim Deed from Mr. and Mrs. N.A. Whitnack for a parcel of land abutting upon the City Limits of said City and State Highway No. 9. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect five days from and after the date, of such publication. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council, and signed by the Mayor on the fj day of 1959. MAYOR ATTESF: 'l> Ca:tiy._. lerk l APPROVED AS TO FORM: CityPtorney i,' ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENDITURES DURING THE YEAR 1959, FOR THE GARBAGE DEPARTMENT AND T33E CURRENT EXPENSE FUND AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS it appears that the Garbage Department of the City is in need of and requires the purchase of a truck to replace existing equipment which is defective, and that the need therefor is .immediate and unforeseen, and WHEREAS it appears to the Council that the need for the purchase of a new true]; for the Garbage Department is immediate and that the sum of $4,500.00 is a reasonable sum for the purchase and alteration of said truck, and the Council having determined and found that an emergency exists, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular session assembled, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for the Current Expense Fund for the purpose of purchasing a truck for the Garbage Department of the City of Port Townsend in the year 1959, the sum of $4,500.00. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue. emergency warrants upon the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend, not exceeding the foregoing amount, upon presentation of a properly approved voucher. Section 3. This ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on February 17, 1959. Read for the second and third times, passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on March 2, 1959. 2,2 Mayor ATTEST: rI CL 3RIS Approved as to .Form: CIT ATTORNEY / l Fil rs`^• / J LG'� ✓� w rr+1w.! FpN.0 navy CZer Off' e. Ci of Art'!ovmsend .. /GA YOUNGB ODtY.dwy—, edquai£a ed andacting Cler;c .of the Crt Town ericl, �1�i1`gt'ur�;'certy l�ereby,•;�hat the within ":and £is�^�ue and.,rcoi�rectcapy,p' 0"xdinance No. of said. City,opted�by�a is `'6ouncili'. i a} p'r"ovedrkiy• its'tttayo" ^^mot --,the regular meeting otr.,saidrtcz" heJ cl "on`�;:f� ";.i3ayV of March, 1959. Clerj� of the,,C' ty of Port Townsend -2- ■ a ORDINANCE NO, _3,6__Jf_ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE OLYMPIC GRAVITY WATER FUND TO THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND OF THE CITY, SAID TRANSFER NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF $10,000.00, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK AND CITY TREASURER TO ACCEPT SUCH TRANSFER AND DRAW WARRANTS THEREON, AND PROVIDING FOR THE REFUNDING OF SUCH FUNDS FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND TO THE OLYMPIC GRAVITY WATER FUND. WHEREAS, it appears that the revenues anticipated for the Current Expense Fund of the City for the year 1959 will be inadequate to balance the expenditures from said Fund until on or about May 1, 1959, and WHEREAS it appears that the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of said City has sufficient funds to enable the temporary transfer from the said Olympic Gravity Water Fund to the Current Expense Fund; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular session assembled, as follows: Section 1. The City Clerk and the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend are hereby authorized and directed to make such transfer of funds from the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of said City to the Current Expense Fund of said City as may be necessary to honor warrants duly drawn on the Current Expense Fund, said transfers to be made from time to time as may be required, but in no event to exceed a total amount of $10,000.00. Section 2. The City Clerk is here and hereby authorized to draw and issue warrants on the funds provided by Section 1 hereof, and the City Treasurer is here and hereby authorized to honor such warrants from.the funds so authorized to be transfered. Section 3. All funds transfered from the Olympic Gravity Water Fund to the Current Expense Fund pursuant to this Ordinance shall be refunded and reimbursed to the said Olympic Gravity Water Fund from the Current Expense Fund on or before May 1, 1959, and the City Clerk'and City Treasurer are here and hereby authorized to make such refund and reimburse- ment. ac Section 4. This Ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first, second and third times at a' regular meeting of the City Council held on March 3, 1959. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor, March 3, 1959. MAYOR ATTEST: CLERK- ' Approved as tb Form: C ATTO sY Filed by me this 3,'P day of March, 1959. -Cle k of the ty f Port Townsend I, GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD, duly elected, qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, certify hereby that the within and foregoing is a true andcorrect copy of Ordinance No.133-(, of said City, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its mayor at the regular meeting of said Council held on the-3.^tO•day of March, 1959. `Cleric of th�Cit, of Port Townsend &a u ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE granting to the Shell Oil Company, Incorporated, a Virginia Corporation, and its assigns, the right to construct, maintain, operate and remove pipe line, across a street in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, and granting to said Shell oil Company, Incorporated, a Virginia Corporation, and its assigns, the r1qhL• to operate, maintain and remove a wharf .in said City of Port Townsend. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to the Shell Oil Company, Incorporated, a Virginia Corporation, and its assigns, the right to construct, lay, maintain, opera -to and remove pipe lines upon and across Front Street in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for a period of ten (10) years from and after the date of the taking effect of this ordinance. Section 2. IfAany time the City Council.of Port Townsend deems it advisable to relocate, improve or otherwise change said Front Street, Shell oil Company, Incorporated, a Virginia Corporation, and its assigns, shall upon written notice given by said City Council of the City of Port Townsend, immediately so remove, change or alter its pipes and pipe lines and other equipment used in connection therewith, so as to conform to such change in said street. The cost of so moving, changing or altering such pipes and pipe lines will be at the expense of Shell oil Company, incorporated, a Virginia Corporation, or its assigns. section 3. Shell Oil Company, Incorporated, a Virginia corporation, and its assigns, assumes all liability for damages arising by reason of the location of said pipes or pipe lines in said street. section 4. That there is hereby granted to the Shell Oil Company, Incorporated, a Virginia corporation, and its assigns, the right to operate, maintain and remove a wharf not to exceed one hundred (100) feet in width, with suitable approaches and such other structures as may be .necessary, in the City of vorL- Townsend, for a period of ten (10) years from and after the date of the taking effect of this said ordinance, Lhe location thereof being substantially as follows: Extending out from Lots Five (5) and Seven (7), in Block Nineteen (19), L.B. H asLings First Addition to Port Townsend, southerly over, upon and across Front Street to its south.line thereof, together with the rightbo install pipes thereon for the transportation of oil, petroleum and its products, water and other fluids, in connection with the operation of said dock. Section 5. The said wharf shall be maintained in substantially the same location and in the same manner that it is now in, with the right and privilege hereby granted the said Shell Oil Company, Incorporated, a Virginia corporation, and its assigns, to repair, improve, add to and maintain or remove the same as herein provided. Section 6. The said wharf and its approches shall be maintained in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and shall be subject to inspection by and approval of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend. Section 7. That the Shell Oil Company, Incorporated, a Virginia corporation, and its assigns, shall pay to the City of Port Townsend ' pllan9 the sum of FortyA(S4.0.00) per annum for each and every year during the term of this franchise, said sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) to be payable in advance on or before the 15t-h day of January of each year during the term of this franchise; that in case the said grantee or its assigns shall fail to comply with any or all of the conditions of this ordinance, then and thereupon this franchise shall become null and void and all rights and franchise herein granted shall become forfeited. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and filing of the acceptance of the same by the said grantee, and from and after five (5) days after its publication as required by law. f Introduced and road for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of Janunry, 1959. Introduced and read for the second and third times at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the f 7 rlt-dny of may, 1959. nnc�RG�t- Passed by the Council and signed by tho Mayor on the /Ira' day of may, 1959. /Vil�ac ft {�L ,IL/! T&AYOH ': ATTEST: ■ 0 Lj ORDINANCE -NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENDITURES DURING THE YEAR 1959, FROM OLYMPIC GRAVITY WATER FUNDS FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF WATER PIPELINES, AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLIS14MENT OF AN OLYMPIC GRAVITY WATER SYSTEM REPLACEMENT FUND AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS it appears that certain water pipelines in the City are in need of and require .immediate replacement and repair, and that the need therefore is immediate and unforseen, and the sum of $27,597.06 is a reasonable and necessary sum for the replacement of said water pipeline, and-�the Council having determined and found that an emergency exists; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular session assembled, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for the Olympic Gravity Water Fund for the purpose of effecting necessary water line replacement in the City of Port Townsend in the year 1959, the sum of $27,597.06. Section 2. That the City Clerk and City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend are hereby authorized and directed to establish a 1959 Olympic Gravity Water System Replacement Fund, for the purpose of financing and servicing the expenditures herein authorized, and to make the necessary transfers, from time to time, from the Olympic Gravity Water Fund to the said 1959 Olympic Gravity Water System Replacement Fund, from time to time as may be required, in an amount or amounts not to exceed a'total of $27,597.06. Section 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue emergency warrants upon the 1959 Olympic Gravity Water System Replacement Fund of the Olympic Gravity Water System of the City of Port Townsend, not exceeding the foregoing amount, upon presentation of a properly approved voucher or vouchers. -1- r; Station 4. This Ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend, Washington an emergency is hereby declared to -exist and this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its Passage* approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on March 17, 1959. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on April 7, 1959. Mayor ATTEST: • � 1 •c,tJC � � C cain � �t/` 1 Approved as to form: (-Z— CITY ORNEY I v Filed by me this day of March, 1959. Clerk of the City of Port Townsend 1, GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD, duly elected, qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, certify hereby that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. of said City, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its Mayor at the regular meeting of said Council held on the day of March, 1959. Clerk of the tyf Port Townsend -zJ �� iw ! 41 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A )(46W T ASF OF THE WESTERN QUADRANT OF THE PLAZA AREA OF FOWLER'S ADDITION TO SAID CITY. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular session assembled, as follows: Section 1. The mayor and City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend are here and hereby directed and authorized to execute and deliver, unto John H. Doll and Florence K. Doll as lessees, a lease for a term of twenty (20) years at a rental of One Dollar ($1.00) per annum, of the following described property: That portion of Fowler's Park Addition to the City of Port Townsend which lies in the Plaza area of said addition, and is bounded on the Northeasterly side by Peary Street and on the Southeasterly side by Cook Street and on the Westerly side by Virginia Place, but not including any portion of any street herein mentioned and not previously vacated. Section 2. This ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first, seconcj and third times, paced by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council held on April 7th, 1959. MARILOU LEIGHTON Mayor ATTEST: TO 'Pig CITY COUNCIL AFORESAID: �=- —.1 � I, I,'ARIMU LEIGEUOIu, Mayor of the GALE I. YOUNGDLOOD cit,r of port Townsend, do hereby City Clerk veto and decline to siEn the above and foregoing Ordinance, for the Approved as 4-to Form: reason that there etas not a sufficient �Y investa.ration made of tho cored bans aurroundinh the subject matter, and � AHJR. that tlae future uao and development Ci Attorney of affected areas of the City was not given adequate consideration. Dated this Bth day of April., 1959. l,iayor ORDINANCE NO. 1360 t3s7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, AND THEREBY GRANTING TO THE SHELL OIL COMPANY, INCORPORATED, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, ALL OF THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES HERETOFORE GRANTED BY THE SAID ORDINANCE NO. 3 I, SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS THEREOF. a' The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: i 3S'1 Section 1. Ordinance No. 1-3547of the City of Port Townsend, 'Washington, passed by the Council and signed and approved by the Mayor on the 1-7'fi day of M914cG, 1959, is hereby amended by the addition of the.following Section, Numbered 9: Section 9. That all of the rights, privileges and obligations of this said Ordinance No. 344 are here and hereby extended to the Shell Oil Company, Incorporated, a Deleware Corporation, and its assigns, subject only to the provision that. -the said Shell Oil Company, a Deleware Corporation, shall abide by the terms and obligations of the said Ordinance 3!#4. 1 'r -7 s' Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 5th day of May, 1959. 4 . MARILOU LEIGHTON Mayor ATTEST: /? City Clerk "1 APPROVED AS TO FORM: .1 Ci Attorney ''Ordinances #1361-1370 M 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 `~1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1959 budget Water department budget for 1959 (Special) Grants right to lay petroleum pipes (Special) Amends Ord. 1155 (Repealed by 1676) Empowers mayor to accept quick claim deed for named parcel (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Transfers funds (Special) Authorizes laying of petroleum pipe in streets (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Authorizes mayor and city clerk to lease property (Special) Amends Ord. 1357 (Special) Transfers funds (Special) Appropriates moneys (Special) Water pipeline easement agreement (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Appropriation for garbage dump (Special) Establishes garbage collection service (6.08) License for garbage collection (5,20) Establishes sewer maintenance charge (Not codified) Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) Establishes license fee for water utilities holding franchise (Repealed by 1848) Emergency appropriation (Special) Amends Ord, 1110 (13.12) Tax levy for 1960 (Special) 1960 budget (Special) Fixes compensation of city treasurer (Not codified) Budget for garbage collection service (Special) Missing Provides for water system improvements (Special) Provides for issuance of water revenue bonds (Special) Amends Ord, 1110 (13.12) Garbage franchise- (Special) Vacates alley (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Grants easement (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Tax levy for 1961 (Special) 1961 budget (Special) Water department budget for 1961 (Special) Garbage collection budget (Special) Emergency expenditure (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Vacates alley (Special) Prohibits furnishing liquor to minors' (Repealed by 1525) Establishes bus loading zone (Repealed by 1638) Emergency appropriation (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Vacates alley (Special) Grants lease (Special) i t': � ,/y :ter^: •, .., .: ' � �10 �10 ORDINANCE 130- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MAKING AN APPROPRIATION IN THE SUM OF $161.58 FOR THE PAYMENT OF PREMIUM ON COMPREHENSIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR THE CITY, FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO DRAW WARRANTS THEREON, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, IT APPEARS THAT the sum of $161.56 is required, in addition to sums regularly appropriated, for the payment of premium on comprehensive liability Insurance for said City, and that the need is immediate and unforeseen, now therefore The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the sum of $161.58 is here and hereby appropriated to the current expense fund of said City for the payment of premium on comprehensive liability insurance of the City for the year 1959, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants thereon upon the presentation.of vouchers duly made and approved therefor. SECTION 2. This ordinance is declared to be one for the protection of the health and welfare of the citizens of said city, and an emergency is hereby declared to exist. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at regular meeting of the City Council on May 19, 1959. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council on June 2, 1959. MAYOR - - ATTEST City C3.erk ORDINANCE NO. 1361 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY TREASURER TO TRANSFER THE SUM OF $2,709.16 FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND.TO THE FIREMENS RELIEF AND PENSION FUND, SAID FUNDS TO BE SUBJECT TO PROPERLY DRAWN WARRANTS THEREON. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. The City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $2,709.16 from the Current Expense Fund of said City .to the Fire- men's Pension and Relief Fund of said City. Section 2. The City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants on the funds hereby transferred upon presentation of properly approved vouchers therefore. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Read for the lst, 2nd and 3rd times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on the 5th day of May, 1959. MARILOU LEIGHTON Mayor ATTEST: J LE I.—YO G OD City-Cl ik APPROVED TO F R��ppM: City Attorney 0 ORDINANCE NO. f i (-;�.. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR OF SAID CITY TO ENTER INTO A CERTAIN WATER PIPELINE EASEMENT AND AGREEMENT WITH SCOTT PAPER COMPANY, A PENNSYLVANIA CORPORATION, ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS the City of Port Townsend is engaged in the relocation and replacement of the Water pipeline of said city, and whereas it is necessary - that said pipeline be relocated on lands owned and possessed by the Scott Paper Company, a Pennsylvania Corporation, and it is in the best interests of said City that the easement and agreement be executed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Wa8hington, in regular session assembled, as follows: Section 1. The Mayor of the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of said city, a water pipeline easement and agreement between Scott Paper Company, a Pennsylvania Corporation, as grantor, and.the City of Port Townsend, a municipal Corporation, as grantee, said easement being for the maintenance of right of ingress and egress for a water pipeline over lands owned by said Scott Paper Company in the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 26 North, Range 2 West, of the Willamette Meridian. section 2. The Mayor of the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby authorized to bind the said city to the terms of the water pipeline easement and agreement herein mentioned, in consideration for the easements and rights therein granted to the City of Port Townsend. Section 3. This ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first, second and third time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on June 16, 1959. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on June 16, 1959. "C _C Mayo):' i -1- W ORDINANCE NO.,/�? l-34y AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENDITURES DURING THE YEAR 1959, FROM FIREMENS' RELIEF AND PENSION FUND FOR RETIRED FIREMENS' COMPENSATION, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS it appears that the laws of the State of Washington require payment to retired firemen from the Firemens' Relief and Pension Fund which were not foreseen, and that the need for payment of such amounts is immediate, and the sum of $1, a reasonable and necessary SUM to meet•the required retirement payments, and the councol having determined and found that an emergency exists; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular session assembled, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for Retired Firemens' Compensation from the Firemens' Relief and Pension Fund, for the purpose of meeting all delinquent payments due under the laws of the State of Washington, and for payment further due during the year 1959, the sum of $1,500.00. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend is hereby authorized and directed to draw Warrants upon the.Firemens' Relief and Pension Fund of said city.for the purpose of paying the expenditures herein authorized, upon presentation of properly approved vouchers therefore. Section 3. This ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on June 16, 1959. -1- 7' Read for the second an third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on July 7, .1959. -2- 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1365 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENDITURES DURING THE YEAR 1959, FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, FOR THE PURCHASE OF LANDS FOR A GARBAGE DUMP, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do Ordain as follows: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Current Expense Fund of said City the sum of $254.82, for the purchase of lands for use as a City Garbage Dump. Said amount to be for expenditure during the year 1959. Section 2. The City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend is hereby authorized to issue an emergency Warrant upon the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend, not exceeding the forgoing amount, upon presentation of a properly approved voucher therefore. Section 3. This Ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on June 16, 1959. Read for the second and third times, passed by the City Council and approved and signed by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on July 7, 1959. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk( APPROVED AS 7�ppFOR City Attornei , &--Td4' ORDINANCE NO. L46 ! :6 G• AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, establishing the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service as an independant public utility, providing for the organization and administration thereof, providing for equipment therefore, establishing a Port Town- send Garbage Collection Service Fund and for the administration of ,receipts and disbursements therein, providing for fees for garbage service, and setting forth the rights and duties of said Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service. BE IT ORDAINED by'.the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. There is here and hereby established, as of January 1, 1960, a Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service, to be a public utility and autonomous within the fritmework of the Port Townsend city structure, which Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service shall be subject to the ordinances of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. The said Garbage Collection Service shall operate within the city limits of the City of Port Townsend, and in such outlying areas as may from time to time be authorized by the superintend- ent of said Garbage Collection service with the approval of the Mayor. Section 3. It shall be the purpose of the said Port Townsend Garbage collection Service to collect and dispose of garbage and refuse 6'A said city and other authorized areas,and the disposal functions of said service shall include the disposal of such garbage and refuse by sanitary means. Section 4. The organization of the said Port Townsend Garbage collection Service shall consist of a Superintendent of said service, appointed by the Mayor, and such employees of said service in such number as !h all from time to time be authorized by the Mayor and the council through the annual city budget, and such employees shall be employed by'the Superintendent subject to the approval of the Mayor. -1- Section 5. Said Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service shall have and own as and for its equipment and machinery, all equipment and machinery pertaining to garbage collection and disposal owned by the City of Port Townsend at the date hereof, and the said Garbage Collection Service is hereby authorized to acquire such garbage collection and disposal equipment as may from time to time be required for its operation, subject to adequate appropriation and funds therefore in the annual City of Port Townsend budget. Section 6. All funds of the said Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service shall be derived from service charges levied by said service for garbage collection and disposal services, and shall be subject to those terms fixed by Ordinance No. 1138, passed February 17, 1942 as Amended by Ordinance No. 1347, passed September 16, 1958, so far as current fens and charges shall be concerned, and all fees and charges for such service shall be provided for by ordinance of�_the City Council. Section 7. Receipts of the said Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service shall be collected by the City Treasurer, at his office in the City Hall, and shall be duly entered in a Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service Fund, and disbursements shall be made only upon properly approved vouchers filed with the City Clerk and approved by the Council, and upon properly drawn and signed Warrants issued therefore upon the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service Fund. The City Clerk and the City Treasurer shall make appropriate entries in the records of the city establishing a Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service Fund. Section S. The Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service shall succeed to all of the rights and duties formerly held and performed by the garbage department of said city, and only those ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed, it being of the essence of this enactment that the garbage service provided for -2- citizens of the City of Por,C Townsend be established in a separate public utility, but that no reduction in service or increase in charge be immediately effected hereby. Section 9. The said Port 'Townsend Garbage collection Service shall have jurisdiction over and control of all properties held by said city, or used by said city, for the purpose of garbage dumps or garbage disposal areas, and the said Garbage Collection Service shall be responsible for the maintenance and care of such dumps or disposal areas, and for the maintenance and care of all other property owned and controlled by them for the purpose of garbage collection and disposal. Section 10. The provisions of this ordinance shall take effect .as of 12:01 A.M., January 1, 1960. Section 11. Any ordinance heretofore enacted by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend which is inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed. Section 12. This ordinance shall become effective five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on July 21, 1959. Introduced and read for the second and third times at a regular meeting of the City Council, and approved by its mayor on , 1959. ATTEST: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON Bv -- - Mayor r / City Clerk AP e O{TEI] AS, ,TO 'FORM: City Attorney ORDINANCE NO, 13,p An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend establishing an annual license and license fee for garbage collection and disposal utilities holding franchises.from said City. Wro6W(,:s,/ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND,�-JN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby established and required an annual license of and for each company, firm, individual, department, system or service engaged in the collection of and disposal of garbage upon and pursuant to a franchise from said city. Section 2. The license hereby required shall be known as "Garbage Collection and Disposal Franchise License," and shall be obtained from the City Clerk of said city on or before the tenth day of each calendar year, shall be a license for the whole year, shall be issued only upon the payment of the fees hereby required and shall be first be required for the year 1960. Section 33. The annual license fee for Garbage Collection and Disposal Franchise Licenses will be the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) per annum, and revenues thereby realized are hereby allocated to the Current Expense Fund of said city. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. r Read for the first., second and third times at a regular meeting ' of the City Council held on August 4, 1959. Approved and signed by the Mayor on August 4, 1959. _ •J /J �1 Mayor r Attest_ L Cit ,Clerk -- Approved as o Form: Cit Attorney •) w� ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend establishing a monthly sewer maintenance charge of $1.00 on each premises connected to a sewer in said city. WA,us,+c*o✓ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOIINSEND,A,IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby levied upon each premises connected to the sewer system of the City of Port Townsend a sewer maintenance charge of $1..00 per month for each premises connected to the sewerage system of said city, beginning and commencing on January 1, 1960. Section 2. The charges hereby levied shall be payable on or before the first day of each and every month, beginning January 1, 1960, and shall be paid on all premises occupied and for which sewer service is provided. All monthly payments hereby required shall be made at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend. Section 3. For the purpose of determining whether or not a sewer maintenance charge is due and owing on any given premises, the test shall be that one charge shall be made for each connection to the sewer system of said city,^ A Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular session of the City Council on August 4, 1959. Mayor5 Attest: �C Ci' i:iirY Gity Clerk i Approved as,to form: ClAtto ney i ORDINANCE NO. !3 $? An ordinance of the City,of APort Townsend amending ordinance No . N �.jq,Fas damen e�ci i�Sy 59, ordinance No. 1172 P�`en there�iy}i�pealing the discount of fifty five cents allowed on monthly water bills paid before the 10th of each month. jjA01FjE,toq THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOYINSEND,A.IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: gIWI QAYSEO 61J DtCEMQCA 1 I Section 1. Section 23 of ordinance No. 1110,Aas amended by ?Mi co G.j n�5--t Ir., 14*41 Ordinance No. 1172,A is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "All bills for water by fixed or flat rate are due and payable on the first day of each month in advance, at the office of the City Treasurer,,without any notice whatever to the consumer, provided that if the same are not paid on or before the 10th day of each month, the same shall thereafter be considered delinquent.' "All bills for the use of water by meter shall be due and payable on the lst day of each and every succeeding month, and if not paid within 10 days from due date, the same shall be considered delinquent. "In the computation of time under this ordinance, should the loth day of the month fall on a Sunday or holiday, the ten day grace period hereby authorized shall be extended an additional day. "In all cases where water is not paid within the time provided by law, the payment may be enforced by shutting off the water until all charges including charges for "shutoff" and "turnon" shall have been paid." Section 2. This amendment to Ordinance No. 1110, as amended by Ordinance No. 1172, shall take effect as to the removal of the aforementioned discount on January 1, 1960. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. -1- READ FOR THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIMES, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL AND SIGNED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY'COUNCIL HELD ON AUGUST 4, 1959. ` Mayon ti Attest: Clerk Approved as to form: C Attorney r j ORDINANCE NO, /3�i`D l"'._? ` An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend establishing an annual license and license fee for water utilities holding franchises from said City, and providing for the protection of Olympic Gravity Water System reserve funds and security. WAStylu(,top THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND,A,IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Each company, firm, individual, department or system which is authorized by franchise from the City of Port Townsend to provide a water supply and services consistent therewith by and for said city is here and hereby required to obtain on or before the tenth day of each and every calendar year, beginning with the year 1960, a license for the said franchise.. Section 2. The license hereby provided for shall be termed a "Water Utility Franchise License," and shall be obtained from the City Clerk of said city upon the payment of the license fee hereinafter provided for. Section 3. The annual license fee for Water Utility Franchise Licenses is Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) per annum, and the revenues therefrom are here and hereby allocated to the Current Expense Fund of said city. Section 4. Nothing herein shall operate to in any manner interfere with or diminish the security of the financial reserves and maintenance allowances heretofore provided for for the Olympic Gravity Water System of said city. Section.5. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times at a regular meeting of the City Council held on August 4, 1959, and approved and signed by the Mayor on August 4, 1959. -Cftj Clerk / 1 -I Approv� to % gYin�r r, t / A _ 1350 1959 budget (Special) 1351 Water department budget for 1959 (Special) 1352 Grants right to lay petroleum pipes (Special) 1353 Amends Ord. 1155 (Repealed by 1676) 1354 Empowers mayor to accept quick claim deed for named parcel (Special) 1355 Emergency appropriation (special) 1356 Transfers funds (Special) 1357 Authorizes laying of petroleum pipe in streets (Special) 1358 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1359 Authorizes mayor and city clerk to lease property (Special) 1360 Amends Ord. 1357 (Special) 1361 Transfers funds (Special) 1362 Appropriates moneys (Special) 1363 Water pipeline easement agreement (Special) 1364 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1365 Appropriation for garbage dump (Special) 1366 Establishes garbage collection service (6.08) 1367 License for garbage collection (5.20) 1368 Establishes sewer maintenance charge (Not codified) 1369 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1370 Establishes license fee for water utilities holding franchise (Repealed by 1848) 1371 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1372 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1373 Tax levy for 1960 (Special) 1374 1960 budget (Special) 1375 Fixes compensation of city treasurer (Not codified) ' ii53 1376 Budget for garbage collection service (Special) 1377 Missing 1378 Provides for water system improvements (Special) 1379 Provides for issuance of water revenue bonds (Special) 1380 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) �381 Garbage franchise- (Special) 1382 vacates alley (Special) 1383 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1384 Grants easement (Special) 1385 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1386 Emergency appropriation (special) 1387 Tax levy for 1961 (Special) 1388 1961 budget (Special) 1389 Water department budget for 1961 (Special) 1390 Garbage collection budget (Special) 1391 Emergency expenditure (Special) 1392 Emergency appropriation (special) 1393 Vacates alley (Special) 1394 Prohibits furnishing liquor to minors' (Repealed by 1525) 1395 Establishes bus loading zone (Repealed by 1638) 1396 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1397 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1398 Vacates alley (Special) 1399. Grants lease (Special) ORDINANCE NO. _•r.3-tF7 An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend making an appropriation for expenditures during the year 1959, in the sum of $467.38, for the City Current Expense Fund and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON,AfIN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend for expenditure during the year 1959, for payment of the State Auditor's examination fee, the sum of $467.38. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue emergency Warrants upon the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend, not exceeding the foregoing amount, upon presentation of a properly approved voucher. Section 3. This ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. INTRODUCED AND READ FOR THE FIRST TIME AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ON AUGUST 4, 1959. READ FOR THE SECOND AND THIRD TIMES, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AT A REGULER MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD ON AUGUST 18, 1959. Mayor Attest; City Clerk r" Approved as to form: Cit�/ Attorney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111.0 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1239, AND THEREBY INCREASING THE MINIMUM RATE FOR MITERED WATER SERVICE. The City Council of the City of. Port To%,rnsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Effective January 1, 1960, section 22 of Ordinance 1110, passed by the City Council on December 19, 1939 and approved by the Mayor on December 20, 1939, as amended by Ordinance No.1239, passed on May 3, 1949, and approved May 4, 1949, is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 22. All other services shall be by meter and the rates for water supplied by meter shall be for the quantity used in any one month as follows: "A minimum rate of $3.00 for 5000 gallons or less; 60c�, for the following 1000 gallons above 5000 gallons, and 30� for the following 1000 gallons above 6000 gallons, up to 7000 gallons; all over and above 7000 gallons, 214 per 1000 gallons. "In computing meter rates as above provided, results ending in one and two cents will be counted 10'; results ending in three, four, six or seven cents will be counted '5'; and results ending in eight or nine cents will be counted '10," Section 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on September 15, 1959. -M_arilou Leigl�lton / - - MAYOR - - ATTESTy.�[ �(` -� APPROVED�'S)TO FORM: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD L ABIHAM VTR . City Clerk t City Attorney L 40 ORDINANCE NO. 1373 AN ORDINANCE, P]AKING AND PIXING TIIL TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT Tu11317SEND FOR TJ1E YEAR 1960. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TTIE CITY OF PORN' TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is horeby levied upon all. the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1960, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city for such purposes is as follows: FIRST: For the payment of Current Expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of $23,062.71 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed a 8.2 mills on the dollar. SECOND: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Library and for,the Library Fund, the sum of $8,437.58 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 3.00 mills on the dollar. THIRD: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park and for the Park Fund, the sum of $5,906.30 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.1 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: For the maintenance and improvement of the Public Streets of the City and for the City Street Fund, the sum of $1,968.77 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at .7 mills on the dollar. FIFTH: For the Hospitalization and Medical Service of injured paid firemen and for Pensions for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $2,812.53 and the rate of ta:c levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the dollar. SIXTH; For the Port Townsend General Obligation Bond 1955 and interest, the sum of $5,625.05 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.00 mills on the dollar. section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing Tax Levy of said City. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port t •'' Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council and approved and signed by the Mayor on -this day of October, 1959. MARTLOU LEIGHTON Mayor Att�S:. 1,7 GALE I . �OUN6BLOOD City Clerk Approved as to form: C'm ABR F3AM JR City Attorney Date of official Publication in the Port Townsend Leader, Port Townsend, Washington, October V 1959. ORDINANCE NO. 1374 AN ORDINANCE OF '11IE, CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, FIXING AND ADOPTING THE OFFICIAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1960. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOws : Section.l. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1960, divided into the following classes comprising the whole of said budget to -wit: Salaries and Wages -------------------------------------- $90,585.00 Operation and 1Maintenance-------------------------------- 37,606.14 Capital Outlay---------------------------------------- 8,500.00 . Interest and Bond Redemption---------------------------- 4,881.00 Firemen's Retirement and Pension------------------------- 4,800.00 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on the lo'� day of October, 1959. MARILOU LEIGHTON Mayor Angst:/ �'- fl�f ~ GALE I . /IYOUN(A$LOOD CJ y CIdrk Approved as to arm: GLENN ABRAIiAh1, JR. City Attorney . Date of Official Publication in the Port Townsend Leader, Port Townsend,, Washington, October _�, 1959. ORDINANCE NO. 1375 AN ORDINANCI, OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1960. TEE CITY COUNCIL OF Vir CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1960, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and 'Wages-------------------------------------------$22, 820.00 Operation and maintenance ---------------------------------- 14,775.00 Capital Outlay--------------------------------- -----30,275.00 Interest and Bond redemption ------------------------------ 123, 983.50 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this day of October, 1959. 4i_ . l MARILOU.LRIGHTON Mayor Attcast: - GALE I. OUN" LOOD City Clerk Approved as to, --form: �GI/ENN ASR f3AM JR . City Attorney a Date of official Publication in the Port Townsend Leader, Port Townsend, Washington, October , 1959. ORDINANCE NO. 1376 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR TIME PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1960. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend Garbage, Collection Service Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1960, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------------------------------- $ 16, 000.00 Operation and Maintenance---------------------------------- 5,000.00 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from�and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this day of October, 1959. MARILOU LSIGHTON Mayor Att, t: y GALE' YOUNGBLOOD CitNvClerk Approved as to form: GLENN "'IiAHAM JR. City Attorney Date of Official Publication in the Port Townsend Leader, Port Townsend, Washington, October g , 1959. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 le 19 2C 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32' ORDINANCE NO. 1377 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF THE trry ��tcns.rtcn, of VIC- CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE TERM COM14ENC- ING JUNE 1, 1960. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the compensation to be paid to the City Treasurer for -the four (4) year term commencing June 1, 1960, be and the same is hereby fixed as follows: The sum of $350.00 per month for each month served during said term, said term being subject to statutory adjustment as to duration. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council and approved and signed by the Mayor on this 6th day of October, 1959. MARILOU LEIGRTON Mayor ATT13ST: �CG;al., I. YoungDlaod Cii: C1§rk' APPROVED AS TO FORM: f �1� , `GI L44-- Abraham Jr . City Attorney U' Date of official publication in the Port Townsend Leader, Port Townsend, Washington, October S , 1959. n U ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, providing for the acquisition, construction and installation of certain additions and improvements to and exten- sions of the water system of the city, declaring the estimated cost thereof, and providing for the issuance of water revenue bonds in the principal sum of $250,000 to provide the funds therefor. WHEREAS, the existing water distribution system of the City of Port Townsend contains wood stave mains and lines which are old and lealry and which require replacement by new and larger facilities in order to provide an adequate and efficient water dis- tribution system for the city;. and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary that the city issue and sell its water revenue bonds in the principal sum of $250,000 in order to provide the funds necessary to acquire, construct and install the additions, improvements and extensions to its water system that will correct such conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The following plan of additions and improve- ments to and extensions of the water supply system of the City of Port Townsend is hereby specified and adopted: The city shall acquire, construct and install water supply lines in, on, along and under the following described streets, avenues, roads, alleys and easements, with pipe of the approximate following size: 1 Size On From To 4" Hastings Ave. Sheridan Ave. Miller Rd. 4" Sheridan Ave. Hastings Ave. Corona 4" 25th St. Sheridan Ave. Discovery Rd. 6" Discovery Rd. Hastings Ave. 24th St. 4" 24th St. Discovery Rd. Haines St. 4" I•Iaines St. 19th St. 24th St. 4" Sheridan Ave. 7th St. 9th St. 4" 7th St. Sheridan Ave. Cleveland St. 4" Cleveland St. 3rd St. 7th St. 4" 3rd St. Cleveland St. Hancock St. 41' 3rd St. 16" Main Logan St. 4" 37th St. San Juan Ave. Kuhn St. 4" San Juan Ave. Cedar St. 45th St. 4" 45th St. San Juan Ave. Haines St. 411 Haines St. 45th St. 49th St. 4" 49th St. Haines St. Hendricks St. 4" Tremont & N San Juan Ave. Cherry St. 41I Cherry St. F St. W St. 4" U St. Cherry St. Fir St. 4" Fir St. I'J" St. U St. 4" J St. Fir St. Rose St. 4" Rose St. Ilia' St. F St. 41' Willow St. "F" St. H St. 81I Walnut St. "P" St. W St. 4" Clallam St. Jackson St. Jackson St. Via Roosevelt & McKinley 41' Jackson St. Monroe St. Monroe St. Via Lawrence & Garfield 4" Roosevelt St. Monroe St. Taylor St. 4" Garfield St. Taylor St. Monroe St. -2 -- Size 411 6" 6" 8" $.. 8" 4" 8" 8u 4" 6'1 4" 4" 611 6" 4" 4" 411 6n 41 4" 411 4 " 4" 6" 681 411 411 On Lincoln St. Clay St. Franklin St. Adams & Jefferson Taylor St. Cosgrove St. Quincy St. Taft & Oak Sts. Tyler St. F St. Clay &-Scott Sts. Cass St. Willow St. Fir - St. Blaine & Pierce Garfield St. Blaine St. Lincoln St. Van Buren St. Harrison & Chestnut E St. Van Ness St. Blaine St. Garfield St. Polk St. Washington St. Thayer & Jefferson Gise St. Tyler & Rose Sts. From Taylor St. Taylor St. Taylor St. Washington St. Jefferson St. Taylor St. Cosgrove St. Taylor St. Lawrence St.. Tyler St. Walker St. Lawrence St. A St. F St. Cass St. Cass St. Taylor St. Taylor St. Lincoln St. Lawrence St. Chestnut St. Harrison St. Harrison St. Harrison St. Lawrence St. Gaines St. Washington St. 19th St. F St. -3- To Monroe St: Monroe St. Madison St. Taylor St. Cosgrove St. Quincy St. Root St. F St. F St. San Juan Ave. Lawrence St. A St. F St. Benton St: Garfield St. Harrison St. Monroe St. Monroe St. Garfield St. F St. Albert F St. Tyler St. Tyler St. Garfield St. Benedict St. Prosper St. 17th to Wilson Taylor St. The above described water lines shall be installed with all hydrants, valves, fittings, equipment and.appurtenances necessary for the proper operation thereof, and shall be connected with the existing water system of the city wherever necessary. The location of such lines is all as more particularly set forth in maps and plans now on file in the office of the Water Superintendent of the city. The city shall acquire all property, real and personal, ease- ments, franchises and rights -of -way necesswy to carry out said plans, which plans shall be subject to such additions or changes in pipe size or location or other details not affecting the main general plans hereinabove set forth as shall be authorized by the City. Council either prior to or during the actual course of construction. Said lines may be constructed and installed in such stages as the Council shall determine to be in the best interests of the city. section 2. The estimated cost of the acquisition, . construction and installation of the above described plan of ad- ditions and improvements to and extensions of the water system of the city is hereby declared to be, as nearly as may beA the sum of $250,000, which cost shall be paid from the proceeds of the sale of the water revenue bonds of the city hereinafter provided for. section 3. The city does hereby propose and adopt as an integral part of the plan for the acquisition, construction and installation of the above described additions and improvements to and extensions of its water distribution system that it shall issue and sell its water revenue bonds in the principal sum of $250,000. The exact date, form, terms, maturities and covenants of said bonds shall be as hereafter fixed by ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required -4- 1 • by law. PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held this 17th day of November, 1959.' CITY OFPORT TOWNSHND, ASHINGTON By Mayor -5- i-'T IMF 11-29-59 7 z '� Oltb7MINCE . 140. 1379 AN ORDIMWCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, providing sor the issuance of $250,000 of water revenue bonds of the city to provide the money necessary to acquire, construct and install certain, additions and improvements to and extensions of the waster; system of the city as authorized by Ordinance No. 1378, passed and approved November 17, 1959, fixing the date, form, terms, maturities and,covenanto of said bonds, creating a special fund for the paynsent of the principal thereof and interest thereon and a reserve account, providing and adoptin4 certain covenants and., protective features s afeguarding. the payment of such principal and interest, creating a Construction Pund, and confirming the sale of said bonds. %11EPxAS, Ordinance No. 137a of tho city, yaosed and approved November 17, 1959, authorized the acquisition, construction and in- stallation oz certain additions and improvements to Ind extensions of the water system of the city, declared the estimated cost thereof, and authorized the issuance of water revenue: bond.*s of the city in the principal sum of $250,000 to p y such cost] and iVIirmrAs, on rtovember 17, 1959, the City Council accented the written offer of blyth a Co., Inc., an investment baulking company of Seattle, Washington, of even data to ,purchase said hmids under the. terms, conditions and covenants as sct forth in said oz:dinzmce and at the price- 'of $98 per $100 par value] and WHEREAS, pursuant to ordinance No. 1330 of the city, passed and approved March 5, 1957, the city issue& ar_d sold $100,000 of its water revenue bonds dated Lpril 1, 1957, and provided in. Section 15 thereon: that additional water revenue bonds of tbo city could be issued on a parity with said outstanding April. 1., 195 7 water revenue bonds if certain conditiono waro mr:t; and WlH> REAS, it appears to the Council t'�aai; said conditions may :^E n:et and that it is to tM ^tint i.nto):,r.::t of 'c'ac, r_ity and in-• habti:satte that: the •bonC:Et aut her incd Lai.ein bri i wF : iera cn Ut 12;,rity with such X%pri.l 1, 1957 '+ani:er r. ifenue bor ds; t NOW, TI EREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Toansend, Washington, as follmis: Sectio 1. As used in this ordinance the following words shall have the m•aningy hereinafter set forth: (a) th word "system" shall mean the existing water system of the city as t e name will be added to, improved and extended as authorized and p vided for. in Ordinance No. 1378 of the city and in this ordinanc and as such system may later be added to, improved and extended for s long as any of the Outstanding Parity Bonds, the Bonds, and any Future Parity Bonds are outstanding; provided, however, that the -system mall not include that part of the water supply and distribution syst m of the city leased to Crown-Zellerbach Corporation under date of mar h 15, 1956. (b) The word "Bonds" shall mean the $250,000 par value of water revenue bon s of the city issued pursuant to and for the pur poses provided in ::said Ordinance No. 1378 and this ordinance. (c) The words "outstanding Parity Bonds" shall mean the water revenue bon s of the city dated April 1, 1957, of which there are $80,000 par v lue now outstanding. The Outstanding Parity Bonds are the only revenue bonds of the city outst nding at this time for the payment of the principal of and interest o which the money in the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of the city has en pledged. (d) The words "Parity Bond Fund" shad mean the Port Townsend 1957 tutor Ravemu Bond Redemption Fund and the Reserve Account therein created by 8ectio s 8 and 9 respectively of Ordinance No. 1330 of the City to pay and s.cure the payment ox theme_ principal of and interest on the outstandin Parity Bonds. (e) The words "Future Parity Bonds" shall mean any water revenue bonds of the city other than the Outstanding Parity Bonds _2_ i r and the Bonds which are hereafter issued under an ordinance wherein the city pledges that the payments to be made out of the Olympic Gravity Water Fund to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on such Future Parity Bonds will be on a parity with the payments heretofore required in ordinance No. 1330 and herein required to be made out of :such Fund into the Parity Bond Fund and the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund and Reserve recount created herein'to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on the outstanding Parity Bonds and the Ronda. Section__2. The city Council hereby finds and determines, as required by Section 15 of Ordinance No. 1330; as follows: First, that the Bonds are being issued for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and installing additions.and improvements to and extensions of the System. Second, that at the time of the adoption of this ordinance the time of the issuance and delivery of the Bonds not -nor will there be any deficiency in the Parity Bond Fund. third, that by Section 7 of this ordinance the city has pledged and bound itself to set aside and pay into the Reserve Account created in said section hereof, within Five years from December, 1, 1959, an amount at least equal to the average annual amount required for debt service on the Bonds until April 1, 1966, . and that on or before said latter date it will pay an additional amount into such Reserve Account so that the total amount therein will at least equal the average annual amount required for debt service on the Bonds for all years thereafter. Fourth, that at the time of the adoption of this ordinance the city has on file an audit from R. W. Mat-hisen, a certified public accountant of Seattle, Washington, showing that the net income.of the System for the period of November 1, 1958 through October 31,.1959 -3- . .. 9 was more than 1.4 times the amount required each calendar year hereafter for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Outstanding Parity ponds and of mid on the Bonds.' The conditions contained in Section 15 of Ordinance No. 1330 having been complied with, the paymento required herein to be made out of the Olympic Gravity ;dater Fund of the city into the 1959 Bond Re- demption Fund and the Reserve Account therein to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on theBondsa shall constitute a lien and charge upon the money in such Fund equal in ran1t with the lien aind.charge thereon for the payments required to be made into the Parity Bond Fund to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on the Outstanding Parity Bonds. Section 3. That for the purpose of providing the money. required to pay the cost of acquiring, constructing and installing those additions and improvements to and extensions of the System authorized by Ordinance No. 1378, the city shall issue the Bonds. The Bonds shall be dated December 1, 1959, shall be in denominations of $1,000 each, shall bear -interest payable on the. first day of October, 1960 and semiannually thereafter on the first. daycs,of April and October of each year at the rates hereinafter stated, and shall be numbered acid mature in order of their number as follovM; Interest Bond Nos. MaturityDate Amount Rate 1-13 April 1., 1967 $13,000 4 3/8% 14-27 April 1, 1969 14,000 4 3/8%, 28-42 April 1, 1969 15,000 4 3/WI. 43-57 April. 1, 1970 15,000 4 3/e% 58-73 April, 1971 161000�=' 4 3/8A� 74-69 ? pril 1, 1072 16, OG0 90-106 April 1, 2973 17,000 � 4 1/2%. 107-124 April 1, 1974 4 1/2% f 125-143 April 1, 1975 19, 000;' 4. 1/27/V 144-163 April 1, 1976 20,000 4 5/81,(, 1G4-184 April 1, 1977 21,000 4 5/8% 185-205 i.Mzil 1, 1978 21,000 4 5/8% 206-227 April. 1, 1979 22, 000, > 4 5/81314 228-250 frril 1, 1980 23100Q. ' 4 5/S7a�1 -4- r Both principal of and interest on the Bonda shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Treasurer in Port Townsend, Washington, and shall be obligations only of the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund of the city created by this ordinance. Section 4. The city hereby reserves the right to redeem the Bonds in whole on the following interest payment dates and at the following prices expressed as a percentage of the principal amount, plus accrued interest to date of redemption: On April 1 and October 1., 1.969, at 104 On April 1 and October 1, 1970, at 103.50 On April 1 and October 1, 1971, at 103 On April. 1 and October 1, 1972, at 102.50 On April 1 and October 1, 1973, at 102 On April 1 and october.l, 1974, at 101.50 On April 1 and October 1, 1975, at 101 On April 1 and October 1, 197G, at 100.50 On April 1, 1977 and any interest payment date thereafter, at 100. The city hereby further reserves the right to redeem say or ` all of'•the Bonds outstanding out of excess earnings of the System only, on any interest ,payment date on and after April 1, 1969; in inverse numerical order and at par plus accrued interest to date of. redemption. Votioe of any such intended redemption shall be given by one publication thereof in a newspaper or business and financial journal of general circulation throughout the City of Seattle not more than .forty nor less than thirty days prior to said redemption date and by mailing a like notice at the same time to Blyth & Co., Inc. at its office in Seattle, Washington, or to the successor in business, if any, of said company at its office in Seattle, Washington or if it has no office in such city,'at its main office. Interest on nny Bond or.Bonds so called for redemption shall cease on such redemption date unless the same are not redeemed upon presentation made pursuant to such call. MM Section 5. There has heretofore been created a special fund of the city known as the "Olympic Gravity Water Fund," into which Fund the city has obligated and bound itself to pay the grows earnings and revenue of the system as collected. All costa of maintaining and operating the System, all pay- ments required by ordinance No. 1330 to be paid into the Parity Bond Fund, all payments required by this ordinance to be made into the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund and the Reserve Account therein hereinafter created, all payments which may be required -by any subsequent ordinances of the city to be,made into any funds or accounts created to pay or secure the payment of the principal of and interest on any other subsequently issued water revenue bonds of the city payable out of the revenue of the System, and all,payments authorized by the city to be made for any proper costs in connection with the operation of the System shall be paid out of said Fund. Section 6. That there be'and is hereby created.another special fund'of the -city to be known as the "Port Townsend'1959.. Water Revenue Bond Redemption Fund" (herein called the "1959 Bond Redemption Fund"), which Fund shall be drawn upon for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Bonda out- standing as the same shall become due.. The city hereby obligateds ana.binds itself to set aside and pay into.the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund out of the money in. the Olympic Gravity Water Fund, the following.. fixed amounts neceaeary to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. Such payments' shall be a charge upon the money in such Olympic Gravity Water Fund ranking equally and ratably and on a parity with the payments re- quired by ordinance No. 1330 to be made into the Parity Bond fund to pay and secure the payment: of the principal of and interest on the Outstanding Parity Bonds. -6- - .0. 0 said payments shall be made into the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund on or 'before the twentieth day oi' each month in the amounts hereinafter specified: (a) Beginning with the month of December, 1959, and con- tinuing through the month of September, 1960, an amount equal to at .east one -tenth of the interest to become due and payable on the Bonds on October 1, 1960. (b) Beginning with the month of ocpbe�,_._X960, and con- tinuing as lone as any of the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, an amount equal to at least opgn-g4xth of the, Lntegnet to become due and payable on the next interent payment date on all of the Bonds then outstanding. (c) Beginning with the month of April, _ 31 6, and continuing as long as any of the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, an amount equal to at least one -twelfth of„the ppngigal of the Bonds to become due and payable on the next principal payment date. Said amounts so pledged to be paid out of the Olympic Gravity Water fund into the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund and the amounts hereinafter pledged to be paid out of such Olympic Gravity Water Fund into the Reserve Account hereinafter created are hereby declared to be a prior lien and charge upon the money in such Fund superior to all other charges of any kind or nature except the necessary coats of maintenance and operation of the System, and equal in rank to the charges on ouch Fund for the payments required to be made into the Parity Bond Fund to pay and aecura, the payment of the principal of and interest an the outstanding Parity Bonds and to any charges which may Later be made upon the money in such Fund to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on any Future Parity Bonds. Section 7. A Reserve T+ count. (herein called the "Reserve Account") is hereby created in the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund, and -7-- 1'a'V't n U R `.. the city hereby covenant; and agrees that it will net aside and pay into the Reserve Account out of the money in the Olympic Gravity Water Fund and out of any other money which it may now ox later have on hand and available :for such purpose, the sum of at least $350 per month commencing with the month of December, 1959, so that by December .1, 1964, the sum of $21,000 shall have been paid into such Recount. The city further covenants and agrees that it will retain the awn of at least $4,000_in the reserve account created by Section 9 of Ordinance No. 133% and that on April 2,.L91�6 it will tr� ansfgr said $4,gtLQ to the Reserve Account created in this seetign. The city further covenants and agrees, when said sums of $21,000 and.$4,000, respectively, have been paid into the Reserve Account, that it will at all times maintain the sums of $21,000 and -.$25,000 therein as above provided until there is a sufficient amount .: in the 1959 Bond Redemptions Fund and Reserve -Account to pay the principal of,. premium if any,. and interest on all of the: Bonds out- standing, at which time the money in the Reserve ,Account may be used to pay such principal, premium if•any, and interest. In the event: the moneys in the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund • over and above the amount there::in.set aside and credited to the Re- serve Account are insufficient to meet maturing installments of either interest on or principal of and interest on the Bonds out, - standing, -such deficiency shall be made up from the Reserve Account by the withdrawal of caDh therefrom. Any deficiency created in the Reserve Account by reason of any such withdrawal shall then be made • up from money in the Olympic Gravity Water Fund first available aster making necessary provision for the required pnymento into the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund. zill moneys in the Reserve Account above provided for may . be kept in cash or invested in direct obligations of the United States • having a guaranteed redemption price or maturing not later than ten years.from date of purchase, and in no event maturing later than the last maturity of the Bonds outstanding at the time of such purchase. Interest earned on any such .investments and/or any profits realized front the sale thereof shall be deposited in and become a part of the 1959 Hone Redemption Fund. Section B. The corporate authorities of the city hereby declare, in fixing the amounts to be paid into the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund and the Reserve Account as hereinbefore provided, theft they have exercised due regard to the cost of maintenance and operation of the System and the amounts necessary to pay the principal of and interest on the Outstanding parity Bonds, and have not obligated the city to set aside and pay into said Fund and Account a greater amount of the revenue of the system than in their judgment will be available over and above such cost of maintenance and operation said the charges.neces nary to pay the principal of and interest on such outstanding. Parity Bonds. Section 99. The City of Port Townsend hereby covenants with the owner and holder of each of the Bonds for as long as any of the same remain. outstanding as follows: (a) The provisions of Section 11 of ordinance No. 1330 are hereby incorporated in this ordinance aaa if set forth herein, and by such incorporation are mode applicable to the Bonds and are hereby made a part of this ordinance with respect to the Bands as though fully set forth 'herein. (b) The city hereby reserves the right to issue Future Parity Bonds under the same terms, conditions and requirements said with the saine limitations and restrictions as provided in Section 15 of ordinance No. 1330 for the issuance of additional or refunding revenue bonds on a parity with the Outstanding Parity Bonds and the Bonds. MM �c 1 section 10.• The Bonds shall be in oubstantially the fol- lowing ,form: UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA NO. $1,000 S'SI OIL WASHIMTON CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND WATER REV HUE BOND,I959 IINOW ALL MEAT BYTiIESE PIMSENTS : That the city of Port Townsend, a municipal corporation of the state of Washington, hereby acknowledges itself to owe and for values received promises to pay to bearer on the first day of April, 19,.the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS together with interest thareon at the rai.e of ��b per annum payable an October 1, 1960 and semiannually thereafter on the'.. first days of April and October of each-year•as.evidenced.by_ and uponpresentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons. ace they severally become due or until the payment of such principal ©tun shall be made or duly provided for. -Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Treasurer in Port Townsend, Washington, solely out of the special fund of the city known as "Port Townsend 1959 Water Revenue Bond..'._ Redemption Lund" created by Ordinance No. 1379 of the city. The City of Port Townsend has reserved the right to redeem the bonds of this issue in whole on the following interest pay- ment date and at the following prices expressed as a percentage of the principal amount, plus accrued interest to date of re- . demption: -10- 0 On April 1 and October 1, 1969, at 104 On April 1 and October. 1, 1970, at 103.50 On April 1 and October 1, 1971, at 103 On April l and October 1, 19721 at 102.50 on April 1 and October 1, 1973, at 102 On April 1 and October 1, 1974, at 101,50 On April 1 and October 1, 1975, at 101 On April 1 and October 1, 1976, at 100.50 On April 1, 1977 and any interest payment date thereafter, at 100. The City of Pori Townsend has further reserved the right to redeem any or all of the bonds of,this issue outstanding out of excests.earninge of the water system of the city only, on any interest payment date on and after April 1, 1969, in inverse numerical order and at par plus accrued interest to data of redemption. Notice of any such intended redemption shall be given by one publication thereof in a newspaper or business and financial journal of general circulation throughout the City of Seattle not more than forty nor less than thirty days prior to said redemption date and by mailing a like notice at the same time to Blyth Co., Inc. at its office in Seattle, Washington, or to the successor in business, if any, of said company at its office in Seattle, Washington or if it has no office in such city, at.' its main office. Thip bond is one of an issue of water revenue bonds of the city of like amount, date and tenor except as to number, interest rater and date of maturity, in the principal, suns of $250,0000 whic h bonds are issued pursuant to ordinances o: the city duly and regularly adopted, for the purpose of providing funds to acquire, construct and install certain additions and improvements to and extensions of the water system of the city. The principal of and interest on said bonds are payable solely out of the above -named Bond Redemption Fund, into which the city has pledged to pay from the money in its Olympic Gravity water Fund amounts -11- rI sufficient to pay such principal and interest, and the city has further pledged and 'bound itself to pay into such Olympic Gravity Water Fund as collected all of the gross earnings and revenue derived by the city from the operation of its crater system no the same is defined in said Ordinance No. J312 and all additions, improvements and extensions which may be made thereto. T The City of Port Townsend hereby covenants and agrees with the owner and holder of this bond that it will keep and perform all the covenants of this bond and of Ordinances No. 1378 and No. 1329. to be by it kept and performed. The City of Port T6wnsend•does hereby pledge and bind itself to set aside from the money in the Olympic Gravity Water Fund and to pay into said"1959 Bond Redemption Fund and the Roserve'Account therein created by said Ordinance_ No. _I37.9 , the various amounts required by said ordinance. to be paid into and maintained in said Fund and Account, all within the times provided by said ordinance. Said amounts so pledged are hereby declared to be a prior lien and charge upon the money in said Olympic Gravity water Fund superior to all other charges of any kind or nature except the necessary cost of maintenance and operation of said water system, and equal, in rank with the charges upon the money in atd Fund for the payment of the principal of and interest on the outstanding hater revenue bonds of the city issued under data of April 1, 1957 and to any charges that may be wade upon the money in said Fund for the payment of the principal of and intarost on any revenue bonds which the city may later issue on a parity with said April 1, 1957 water revenue bonds and the bonds of this issue. -12- The City of Port Townsend has further bound itself to establish, maintain and collect rates and charges for water service for as long as any of said April 1, 1957 water revenue bonds, the bonds of this issue, and any revenue bonds which may dater be issued on a parity therewith are outstanding that will provide revenue'equal to at least 1.4 times the amount required each calendar year 1_%`reafter to pay the principal of and inter' eat on all of such bonds after necessary costa of maintenance and operation of such oys•tem have bean paid but before depre-�_ ciation.' It is hereby certified and declared that the bonds of this issue are.issued pursuant to and in strict compliance With the' r Constitution and laws of the State of Washington and ordinancea. of the - City of Port Tcwnae3nd, and that all acts, conditions . and. things -required to be done -precedent to and in the issuance.of; •. this bond have -happened, been done and -performed. - IN *AITNESS IIIIERLOP, the City of Port Townsend, Washington, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor, to be attested. t by its Clerk, the corporate seal of the city to be impressed -. hereon, and the interest coupons attached hereto to be signed with the facsimile signatures of said officials, this first day of December, 1959. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON .By Mayor ATTEST: City, Cleric The interest coupons attached to the Ronde shall be in sub- stantially the following form:, -13- ■ (Coupon No. 1 on each bond is yor interest due October 1, 1960) Ti0. $ on the first dny of , 19—, tho city of Port Townsend, Washington, will pay to bearer at the office of the City Treasurer in Port Townsend the stun of DOLLARS in lawful money of the United States of America out of the special fund of the city known as "Port Townsend 1959 Water Revenue Fond Redemption Fund,," said sum being the semi- annual interest (Delete ":semiannual" on coupon No. 1) due that date on its water revenue bond dated December 1, 1959 and numbered CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON B Mayor, At ATTEST: city Clerk 1'. Section ll. The Bonds shall be signed on behalf of the city by its Mayor, shall be attested by the City Clerk, and shall, have the corporate seal of the city impressed thereon. The interest coupons attached thereto shall be signed with the facsimile signatures of said officials. Section 12. The action of the City Council heretofore taken on November 17, 1959 in accepting the written offer of Blyth Co., Inc. of Sesttl.e, Washington,, of even date, to purchase the Bonds at a price of $98 per $100 par value and under the terms, conditions and covenants of the Bonds as provided in this ordinance is hereby in all respects ratified and Confirmed. The proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to do everything necessary for the prompt execution, issuance and de -- livery of the Bonds to the purchaser thereof, and for the proper use -14- and application of the proceeds of their sale. Section I . That there ba and is horaby created another special fund of the city to be known as the "Olympic Gravity hater System construction Fun.." The proceeds of the Male of the Bonds (except for accrued interest thereon, which shall be paid Into the 1959 Bond Redemption Fund) shall be paid into such construction Fund and shall be used solely for the purpose of carrying out the plan of improvements authorized in ordinance No. 1378 and this ordinance. The moneys in such Construction Fund may be, and should be at all times possible, investod in direct obligations of the United Staten of America maturing in ouch .mounts and at such times so that the city will always have cash on hand In such Fund sufficient to pay the cost :,qf such plan of improvements at least thirty -days prior to the dates on which such needed. Section 14. This ordinance :shall take effect five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, and approved by its !Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held thin first day of December, 1959. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEUD, VULSHINGTON BY Mayor Fn. —1C� ATTEST: .,•, G-'r11 � „ � . � : ,,., . 1, i �. d City Claris AP I?VED AST FORM: City Attorney��� I, GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD, the duly elected, qualified and acting. Clerk of the city of Port Townsend, Washington, Do HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy of ordinance No. of said city, duly passed by its Council and approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 1st day of December, 1959. City Clerk office of the City Clerk aF^ _ _w •N A4 PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON jcal Y yonngl food, City ` &A t. De c cmhor 28 x 1959 Dolores Hovt City ' Trenaurer e'er t To,rnsend, „'aslington Dear Miss Hoyt: ". This Letter and the attached ordinance No. 1379 conotitutes ;`F;'. •. your aut:zority for setting tip fund as doacai�l��: In the Ord. ... V t il z> 1y y c�c z' s Ise.. c :L gtkl « Ot3 ,a. Cit010 ORDINANCE NO. 1380• An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, amending ordinance no. 1110, passed by the Council on December 19, 1939, as amended by ordinance no. 1172, and thereby making a change in domestic water rates. -w THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 21 of ordinance no. 1110, passed by the Council on December 19, 1939, as amended by ordinance no. 1172, is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 21. That the monthly rates for the use of water, other than measured by meter, shall be known as a fixed or flat rate, as follows: Minimum rate for domestic, family and household purposes only, payable monthly in advance per month--S2.20. Apartment houses and light housekeeping rooms---S2.20 minimum for each unit, plus rate for additional plumbing facilities, or by meter, to each apartment or light housekeeping unit, at election of owner. Barbershops, first chair- $2.20; each additional chair--S.75. Bathtubs, private--40�. Sprinkling--- 754 per lot or fraction thereof, over and above the residence lot. For"extra lot" sprinkling, any sprinkling during a stated month shall be considered sprinkling for the entire month, proAv.ied; however, that by reason of shortage of water, or for any other good reason, the Superintendant, at his discretion, may regulate the hours of "sprinkling period". Water closets, private--404-1.11 Section 2. This amendment to ordinance no. 1110, as amended by ordinance no.,1172, shall take effect as of January 1, 1960, after the,publication of this ordinance and its passage and -1- 11 approval as required by law. READ FOR THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIMES, PASSED BY THE ..COUNCIL,AND SIGNED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AT A REGULAR MEETING -OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON DECEMBER 15, 1959. MAYDA t9e Clerk Ap]#oved as4o fo`rm: i Attorney ~2� � ` . ' '. On 'Oordinances h381-130 0 I --,c�op �F 1�3 135Q 1959 budget (Special) 1351 Water department budget for 1959 (Special) 1352 Grants right to lay petroleum pipes (special) 1353 Amends Ord. 1155 (Repealed by 1676) 1354 Empowers mayor to accept quick claim deed for named parcel (Special) 1355 Emergency appropriation {Special) 1356 Transfers funds (Special) 1357 Authorizes laying of petroleum pipe in streets (Special) 1358 Emergency appropriation (special) 1359 Authorizes mayor and city clerk to lease property (Special) 1360 Amends Ord. 1357 (Special) 1361 Transfers funds (Special) 1362 Appropriates moneys (Special) 1363 Water pipeline easement agreement (Special) 1364 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1365 Appropriation for garbage dump (Special) 1366 Establishes garbage collection service (6,08) 1367 License for garbage collection (5.20) 1368 Establishes sewer maintenance charge (Not codified) 1369 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1370 Establishes license fee for water utilities holding franchise (Repealed by 1848) 1371 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1372 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1373 Tax levy for 1960 (Special) 1374 1960 budget (Special) 1375 Fixes compensation of city treasurer (Not codified) ' 1 1376 Budget for garbage collection service (Special) 1377 Missing 1378 Provides for water system improvements (Special) 1379 Provides for issuance of water revenue bonds (Special) 1380 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) --"1381 Garbage franchise "(Special) 1382 Vacates alley (Special) 1383 Emergency appropriation (special) 1384 Grants easement (Special) 1385 Emergency appropriation (Special) (7� 1386 Emergency appropriation (special) 1387 Tax levy for 1961 (Special) 1388 1961 budget (Special) 1389 Water department budget for 1961 (Special) __,1390 Garbage collection budget (Special) 1391 Emergency expenditure (Special) 1392 Emergency appropriation (special) 1393 Vacates alley (Special), 1394 Prohibits furnishing liquor to minors' (Repealed by 1525) 1395 Establishes bus loading zone (Repealed by 1638) 1396 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1397 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1398 Vacates alley (Special) 1399, Grants lease (Special) ORDINANCE NO. 13BI An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend granting an exclusive franchise and license to the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service for the collection and disposal of garbage in the City of Port Townsend. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION NSSE14BLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby granted to the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service, a utility wholly owned and operated by the City of Port Townsend, an exclusive right of franchis and license for the collection of garbage and waste, and the isposal thereof, within the City of Port Townsend, which franchis shall remain in effect until revoked, and which is subject to all 1'censes and fees which are now or may hereafter be establis ed for holders of such franchises within the City of Port Townsen . Sec ion 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. REA FOR THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIMES, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL ND SIGNED AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AT A REGULAR SESSION OF THE C TY COUNCIL HELD ON December 15, 1959. Mayor Attest: 'City Clerk Approved as to form: -Vy Attorney ,; ORDINANCE NO. 1383. An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, vacating that certain alley lying and being in Block 36'of the Railroad Addition to the City of Port Townsend, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. All of that certain alley lying and being in Block 36 of the Railroad Addition to the City of Port Townsend be and hereby is vacated. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. READ FOR THE FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIMES AT A REGULAR SESSION OF THE COUNCIL HELD ON DECEMBER 15, 1959. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL AND APPROVED AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR ON DECEMBER 15, 1959. Mayor i Attest: clerk// %J Approvedasto Form: 1 CEtW Attorney ll0 ORDINANCE NO. 13 k An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend making and appropriation for expenditures during the year 1959, in the sum of $375.00, for the Olympic Gravity Water Fund operation and maintenance, and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for the operation and maintenance of the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of the City of Port Townsend, for expenditures during the year 1959, for payment of the charges of a Certified Public Accountant for an audit required in connection with ordinance no. 1379, the sum of $375.00. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of'Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue emergency Warrants upon the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of the City of Port Townsend, not exceeding the foregoing amount, upon presentation of a properly approved voucher. Section 3. This ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. INTRODUCED AND READ FOR THE FIRST TIME AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 15, 1959. READ FOR THE SECOND AND THIRD TIMES, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL FIELD ON JANUARY 5, 1960. Mayor Attost: Approved as rt fpprm: City Clerk ORDINANCT. NO. 1.�*,a t/ An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend authorizing and directing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute and deliver to L.H. Mall an easement for the establishment and maintenance of a sewer line over and through a six foot strip through the northerly twenty feet of Lots 1,2,3 and 4 in Block 47 of the California Addition to said City, in consideration of the payment of S1.UU to the City and the payment of costs. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to L.H. Hall an easement, for the establishment and maintenance of a sewer line in a strip of land not to exceed six feet in width and to be located in the northerly twenty feet of Lots 1,2,3 and 4 in Block 47 of the California Addition of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. Said lands being city lands. Section 2. The aforesaid easement shall be grantu3 only on condition that the grantee pay the sum of $1.00 to the said city in consideration therefor, and further on the condition that the said grantee pay all costs of publication and filing of this ordinance and all other costs incidental thereto. Section 3. This ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage,approval and publication as required by law. READ FOR THE FIRST, SECOND AND TKIRD TIMES, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL AND APPROVED AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MARCH 1, 1960. Marilou Leighton MAYOR ATTEST: t AY0�a1-1 Inablood CITY CLERIC Approved a, q form: l� ti. 1 rin Ab h am, ty Attorney ORDINANCE NO, /; i An ordinance: of the City of Port Townsend making an appropriation for expenditures during the year 1960, in the sum of S4,000.u0, for capital outlay for the Fire Department of said city, and declaring an emer- gency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for the purpose of—," purchasing -equipment for and for the repair, of city fire trucks, for expenditure during the year 1960, to the Fire Department of the City of Port Townsend the sum of $4,000.00. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue emergency warrants upon the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend, not exceeding the foregoing amount in total, upon the presentation of properly approved vouchers therefor. Section 3. This ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of .Port Townsend, Washington. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. INTRODUCED AND READ FOR THE FIRST TIME AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL ON MARCH 1, 1960. READ FOR THE SECOND AND THIRD TIMES, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL AND APPROVED AND SIGNED BY TIIE MAYOR AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD ON MARCH 15, 1960. l Mari_lou LeightP MAYOR Attest: Ga< I. Yoluagbldod City Clerk IzPpr6vpCj as/to form: City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance of the City of Port Townsend m-e)cing an atopropriati.on xor enpendit:ures during the year 1960, in Lhe nods of $4, 000.00, for capital outlay for the Pire Department of said c1ty, and declaring an emer- gency. 13E IT ORDAIM-D BY THE COUNCIL ()F TIM CITY Or PORT 'TOWNS8110, WAST]INt3'1ON, IN I.'E 2VW% : S"SCUN ASSF.NBLED, AS POLL010i &ection 1. 'There in hereby -Appropriated for the pvurpote►',off - piafr`haa:ing equI.),sn��rsC for arsd fbr the zenai.r of cityf3.. ej trucks, pe:ire Departaant ofor nwan}if t:he City of Port Totdnrend t:e run of $4,uou.00. ;�'!ct.l.asi ?.. Th3t 6-hhp City L'l��ri: of the City of Port; 'Townsend be and he, i.:: bareby author_zea to is.;.uc amergency wa!rants up:n the Current I'rpanoa rune of the City of Fort 'Townsend, not e:cceoding the foi ::cj-.issy an:vtsnt ` n tUtal, upon the presentation of properly. approved vouchers therefor. Sect3 ara . 'I'hi e ordinance Is declared Gu be one 'aaca:.nary for the i.nymodlate prczar;;af iou of pLoperzy, health and welfare of the pe6ple of the City oI: fort Townsend, Washington. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall go into effect ismtscuiateiy upon it:e pasisage, approval and publication as required by Iasi. ii'Ti:faL�T�Ci D AtM ZF•.i11.. r*_',R '41AE i jRS'.t .'T1tlE AT ?► REGULTIE .SaETING OF TTTr CITY counCYTj On mr'mi 1, 1961). READ FOR THF. SECOND A14D THIRD TIM M. PASSED BY THE COUKCIL AND APPROVED AND SIGNED BY TIM 1�L�Y0$ iiT A REGULAR �r.'TIt1G O$ TFIF. COMCIL HELD ON 2-i}1tICH 15, 1960. ti3� � � U'.i Lisi9i-itUT] .�_...•-..« ^M;oyon Attest: Gale I_._ Yout1910100d. _ r. City Clerk IApproved as to form: , City Tutor, 9y ! �2, Co ORDINANCE NO. f% AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENDITURES DURING THE YEAR 1960, FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT UNDER THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND,AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS it appears that the Fire Department of the City is;-,,. in need of and requires maintenance and repair of a fire truck, that the need therefor is immediate and unforeseen, that the sum of $2,500.00 is a reasonable sum to be expended for such purpose, and the Council having determined and found that an emergency exists; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular session assembled, as follows: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for the Current Expense Fund for the purpose of repairing and maintaining a truck for the Fire Department of the City of Port Townsend in the year 1960, the sum of $2,500.00-. Section 2. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend be and he is hereby authorized to issue emergency warrants upon the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend, not exceeding the foregoing amount, upon presentation of a properly approved voucher consistent with the terms hereinabove contained. Section 3. This ordinance is declared to be one necessary for the immediate preservation of the property, health and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read -for the first time at a regular meeting �•rt- . of the City Council held on September o', 1960. -1- Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council . and approved by,the Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on September 18:i 1960. Mayor/ ATTEST: cL'�RK� Approved as to foL TA-TTORN*Y by me this day of September, 1960. Clerk of the City of Part Townsend x I, GALE 1. YOUNGBLOOD, duly elected, qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Pdrt Townsend, Washington, certify hEre.hy that the within and foregoing is a true and correct copy of OrdinaanceiNo./SFC of said City, duly adopted by its Council and approved by its Mayor at the regular meeting of said Council held on the�`aay of September, 1960- "Llerk`of the City f Pf `t Townsend, Washington ( . -2- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE [TAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1961. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1961, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said City for such purposes is as follows: FIRST: For the payment of Current Expense and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of $25,029.09 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 8.6 mills on the dollar. SECOND: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $3,440.04 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.9 mills on the dollar. THIRD: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park and for the Park Fund, the sum of $6,111.76 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.1 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: For the maintenance and improvement of the Public Streets of the City and for the City Street Fund, the sum of $1,164.14 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at .4 mills on the dollar. FIFTH: For the Hospitalization and Medical Service of injured paid firemen and for Pensions for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $2,910.36 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the dollar. SIXTH: For the Port Townsend General Obligation Bond 1955 and interest, the sum of $5,820.72 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.00 mills on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing Tax Levy of said City. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council and approved and signed by the Mayor on this 4th day of October, 1960, MARILOU LEIGHTON Mayor Attest: ". -- ''- - LE Z� YOU G2 30D City Cle' Approved as tolorm: 1 i GLENN ABRAHAM, JR. f' City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. /3 ;: 7,' AN ORDINANCE OF TUT; CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, FIXING AND ADOPTING THE OFFICIAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1961. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1961, divided into the following classes comprising the whole of said budget to -wit: Salaries and Wages $ 86,845.00 Operation and Maintenance 46,307.95 Capital Outlay 9,542.00 Interest and Bond Redemption 4,624.50 Firemen's Retirement and Pension 3,330.00 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on the 4th day of October, 1960. MARILOU LEIGHTON' Mayor Attest: 'ALE I. YO BLOOD City Clerk Approved as to form: ` !% GT�ENN ABRAHAM, JR. City Attorney 0 ■ ORDINANCE NO. 13 n I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A'BUDGET FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1961, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget .for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1961, divided .into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages------- ---$ 22,920.00 Operation and Maintenance--------------------------------- 19,751.00 Capital Outlay-------------------------------------------- 18,951.00 Interest and Bond Redemption------------------------------ 23,720.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 4th day of October, 1960. MARILOU LEIGHTON Mayor Atte� G LE I. YO GBLOOD City Clerk Approved as to.Eorm: �GLENN ABRAHAM, JR. 11 City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1961. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1961, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------------------------------ $ 16,100.00 Operation and Maintenance----------------------------------- 5,383.00 capital outla------------------------------------- 2,151.00. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 4th day of October, 1960. MARILOU LEIGHTON Mayor Attest: 'GALE I. YOULOOD City Clerk Approved as to form: �._'�GLENN ABRAHAM, JR.� City Attorney 1350 1959 budget (Special) 1351 Water department budget for 1959 (Special) 1352 Grants right to lay petroleum pipes (Special) 1353 Amends Ord. 1155 (Repealed by 1676) 1354 Empowers mayor to accept quick claim deed for named parcel (Special) 1355 Emergency appropriation (special) 1356 Transfers funds (Special) 1357 Authorizes laying of petroleum pipe in streets (Special) 1358 Emergency appropriation (special) 1359 Authorizes mayor and city clerk to lease property (Special) 1360 Amends Ord. 1357 (Special) 1361 Transfers funds (Special) 1362 Appropriates moneys (Special) 1363 Water pipeline easement agreement (Special) 1364 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1365 Appropriation for garbage dump (Special) 1366 Establishes garbage collection service (6.06) 1367 License for garbage collection (5.20) 1368 Establishes sewer maintenance charge (Not codified) 1369 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1370 Establishes license fee for water utilities holding franchise (Repealed by 184B) 1371 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1372 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1373 Tax levy for 1960 (Special) 1374 1960 budget (Special) 1375 Fixes compensation of city treasurer (Not codified) 1376 Budget for garbage collection service (Special) 1377 Missing 1378 Provides for water system improvements (Special) 1379 Provides for issuance of water revenue bonds (Special) 1380 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1381 Garbage franchise- (Special) 1382 Vacates alley (Special) 1383 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1384 Grants easement (Special) 1385 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1386 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1387 Tax levy for 1961 (Special) 1388 1961 budget (Special) 1389 Water department budget for 1961 (Special) ,]390 Garbage collection budget (Special) - `1391 Emergency expenditure (Special) 1392 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1393 Vacates alley (Special) 1394 Prohibits furnishing liquor to minors' (Repealed by 1525) 1395 Establishes bus loading zone (Repealed by 1638) 1396 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1397 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1398 Vacates alley (Special) 1399. Grants lease (Special) ORDINANCE NO. 1391 AN ORDII4ANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE TN THE SUM OF y�500.00 FROM THE PORT TOINNSIQ0 GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE FUNDS FOR THE THE %/,y 1960 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Section 1. There is hero end hereby appropriated for expenditure within the 1960 budget of the Port Tot',,nsend Garbage Collection Service the sum of $500.00 for repair and replacement of equipment, in addition to suns heretofore appropriated in the 1960 .budget, and the need therefore is here and hereby declared to be immediate and unforeseen. Section. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants upon the Fort Townsend Garbage Collection Service for payment of expenditures herein authorized, not to exceed a total of $600.00. Section 3. This ordinance is here and hereby declared to be one for the preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, and shall take affect immediately upon its passage approval and publication in the form and manner prescribed by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th of October, 1960. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the lst day of November, 1960. Mayor Attest: City Clerk Approved as to form: K i— . / . 6"L=?'- 7 torney 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1392 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $165.00 FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE 1960 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for expenditure within the 1960 budget of the Port Townsend current expense fund the sum of $165.00 for purchase of parking meter curb - boxes and traffic tickets, in addition to sums heretofore appropriated in the 1960 budget, and the need therefore is here and hereby declared to be immediate and unforseen. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants upon the Port Townsend Current Expense Fund for payment of expenditures herein authorized, not to exceed a total of $165.00. Section 3. This Ordinance is here and hereby declared to be one for the preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage approval and publication in the form and manner prescribed by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 15th day of November, 1960. Read for the second and third time, passed by the Council and approved and signed by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of December, 1960. Mayor Attest: r- _:--1 City Clerk FApproVed as o�+for • J ; } l� ems.. �,��"— `—�--� � . ORDINANCE NO. 1393 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, VACATING THAT ALLEY LYING AND BEING IN BLOCK 49 OF THE EISENBEIS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That alley located in Block 49 of the Eisenbeis. Addition to the City of Port Townsend, and running in a northerly - southerly direction through the center of said Block 49, per the Plat of the Eisenbeis Addition to the said City of Port Townsend, County of Jefferson, State of Washington, be and it is hereby vacated. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Read for the First, Second and Third times at a regular session of the Council held on December 20, 1960, approved and signed by the Mayor on the same date. MAYOR Attest: —, ity Clerk Approved as to form: City At orney ORDINANCE NO. 1394 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, PROHIBITING THE FURNISHING OF LIQUOR TO MINORS OR THE PURCHASE OF LIQUOR BY MINORS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Except in the case of liquor given or permitted to be given to a person under the age of twenty-one (21) years by his parent or guardian for beverage or medicinal purposes, or administered to him by his physician or dentist for medicinal purposes, no person shall give or otherwise supply liquor to any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years, or permit any person under that .age to consume liquor on his premises or on any premises under his control. It is unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to acquire or have in his possession or consume any liquor except as in this Section provided and except when such liquor is being used in connection with religious services. Section 2. Every person under the age of twenty-one (21) years who purchases or consumes any liquor shall be guilty of a violation of this t0N&rx.-0RP1Aj7NGr Section 3. Each violation of this Ordinance shall be punished as a gross misdemeanor. Read for the First, Second and Third time at a regular session of the Council held on December 20, 1960, approved and signed by the Mayor on December 20, 1960. MAYOR ATTEST: i' - City Clerk AppLved as t / rm: 9 ORDINANCE NO. 1396 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MAKING AN APPROPRIATION IN THE SUM OF $500.00 FOR THE PAYMENT OF HANDLING AND SERVICE CHARGES ON THE DELIVERY OF A CERTAIN FIRE TRUCK TO SAID CITY FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO DRAW WARRANTS THEREON, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, IT APPEARS THAT the sum of $500.00 is required, in addition to sums regularly appropriated, for the payment of the service and handling charges on an American LaFrance fire truck acquired by said City for the fire department thereof, and that the need is immediate and unforeseen, now therefore The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the sum of $500.00 is here and hereby appropri- ated to the fire department of said City fxon the current expense fund for the purpose of paying service and handling charges on a certain fire truck acquired from General Services Administration, in the 1961 City Budget, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants thereon upon the presentation of vouchers duly made and approved therefore. SECTION 2. This Ordinance is declared to be one for the protection of the health and welfare of the citizens of said City, and an emergency is hereby declared to exist. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council on February 21, 1961. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council held on March 7, 1961. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TG'P.ORM: Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 1397 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MAKING AN APPROPRIATION IN THE SUM OF $55.40 FOR THE PAYMENT OF FIRE INSURANCE PREMIUM ON CHETZEMOKA PARK BUILDING FROM PARK DEPARTMENT FUNDS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO DRAW WARRANTS THEREON, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, it appears that the sum of $55.40 is required, in addition to sums regularly appropriated, for the payment of Fire Insurance Premium on the building located in the Northwesterly end Of Chetzemoka Park, and that the need is immediate and unforseen, now therefore The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. That the sum of $55.40 is here and hereby appropri- ated to the Park Department of said City from Park Department funds for the purpose of paying the premium on Fire Insurance on that building located in the Northwesterly portion of Chetzemoka Park, for the 1961 City Budget, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to draw Warrants theron upon the presentation of vouchers duly made and approved therefore. SECTION 2. This Ordinance is declared to be one for the protection of the health and welfare of the citizens of said City, and an emergency is hereby declared to exist. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council on February 21, 1961. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council held on March 7, 1961. Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: l City Clerk City Attorney M.>� ij 0'4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A, CLr:MF:Ng GRADY AnanucY AT LAW 112 TAILOR 6TRCCT PORT TOWNSEND. WAi111NOTON ORDINANCE NQ. An Ordinance of the City of Port To nSend vacating a street or alley, known as Dodd Place:, abutt_inL3 upont Lots (1, 6 and 8 of Block 7 of Pettygrove':� FirS t Addition to the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Stnte of Washington. TM CITY COUNCIL OF '1HL- CITY OF PORT TOMMEND DO 011D1I1d AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That that certain Street or alley, known as Dodd Place, thirty (30) feet in width, running Easterly and Westerly abutting upon Lots 4, 6 and 8 of Block 7 of Pettygrove's First Addition to the City of Port Townsend, lying Easterly of the Easterly line of Fir Street in Pot7tygrovelo First Addition to the City of Port To«ie4nd, Jefferson County, State of Washingt be .and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2. That the City of Port Townsend does hereby and herewith retain all existing easements and the right to exercise and grant future casements in respect to the vacated portion of the alley aforesaid for the construction, repair and maintenance of public utilities and services. Section 3. This Ordinance shall in no form or maA#-r require the City to maintain any care or supervision over the portion of said street or alley hereby vacated, and the City shall not be 11,0.0 liable for any failure to exercise care or supervision o of: the vacated portion of the said alley. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect no provided by law. Passed by the City Council thin � s c°ay of J����1-, ,1961. 2 Approved by the May or of the City of Port Townsend, this _i'l 3 day of A!g-A-eL .1961. 4 6 7 IATTEST c 81 9 t "-GAU:- YOUNGB QI) City Clerk of- th©City of 10 Port Townsend. 11. 12 APP l7 AS TO QIuA: 13 14 , 15 C y Attorney. 16 18 19 20 '21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A 4MENg GRADY ,ONCY AT LAW 1VLOA OTRCL'T 'TOWH5CNO' ' ■HINOTON ,1 ORDINANCE NO. lam` S AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, GRANTING A LEASE OF A CERTAIN PORTION OF A STREET OR ALLEY LYING AND BEING IN BLOCK 188 OF THE B18ENBEIS ADDITION TO SAID CITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID LEASE ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY. THIS' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, � IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a Lease of that portion of the street or alley which bi-sects block 188 of the Eisenbeis Addition in said City, and which street or alley runs in a Northerly - Southerly direction through said Block, and limited to that portion of said street or alley lying immediately Westerly of Lots 1, 2, 3 ttxd fG41-7 4j.f said Block in the City of Port Townsend, on condition that the consideration for the granting of said Lease shall be the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) per year, that the terms shall be for a period offiFive years �5), and that the Lessee shall agree that during said term he will not in any manner interfere with the existing improved surface of Hill Street in said City as it is maintained at the date hereof. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to enter into and execute the above mentioned Lease with Stanley Kowalkowski, as the Lessee therein. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times at a regular session of the City Council held on May 2, 1961, passed'by the Council -1- ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM- m LI city clerk city'Attorney -2- r 1400 y Authorizes mayor and clerk -fo eic , lease (Special) - 1401 Establishes sewage disposal service (Repealed by 1525) 1402 Licenses sewage disposal utility ho ding franchise (Repealed by 1848) 1403 Amends Ord. 1370 (Repealed by 184 ) 1404 Amends 1367 (5.20) 1405 Emergency appropriation (Special) �1406 Tax levy for 1962 (Special) 1407 Fixes compensation of certain offi es (Not codified) 1408 1962 budget (Special) 1409 Water department budget for 1962 Special) ,1410 Garbage collection budget for 1962 (Special) 1411 Budget for sewage disposal system (Special) 1412 Directs mayor and clerk to renew lease (Special) 1413 Street vacation (Special) 1414 Grants sewage disposal franchise (Special) 1415 Authorizes lease to Washington State Patrol (Special) 1416 Authorizes mayor and clerk to enter into lease (Special) 1417 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1418 Amends Ord. 1416 (Special) 1419 Street vacation (Special) 1420 Street vacation (Special) 1421 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1422 Street vacation (Special) 1423 Declares female dogs in streets a nuisance (Repealed by 1424 Provides for lease of certain street (Special) 1425 Amends Ord. 1138 (Special) 1426 Tax levy for 1963 (Special) 1427 1963 budget (Special) 1428 Water department budget for 1963 (Special) 1429 Garbage collection budget for 1963 (Special) 1430 Sewage disposal budget for 1963 (Special) 1431 Authorizes establishment of planning commission (2.32) 1432 Street vacation (Special) 1433 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1434 Provides for sale and conveyance of named lots (Special) 1435 Authorizes a lease (Special) 1436 Repeals Ord. 1203 (Repealer) 1437 Amends Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1438 Authorizes water department to replace named pipelines (Special) 1439 Provides for civil defense (2.24) 1440 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1441 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1442 Budget for water department for 1964 (Special) 1443 1964 budget (Special) 1444 Garbage collection budget for 1964 (Special) 1445 Sewage budget for 1964 (Special) 1446 Fixes compensation of city treasurer and 6uncil (Not codified) 1447 1964 tax levy (Special) 1448 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1449 Authorizes mayor and clerk to grant easem t (Special) �1 h ��t .� 1• �r'�f riF �, 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1400 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO A LEASE OF THAT PORTION OF MONROE STREET IN SAID CITY LYING BETWEEN A POINT FIFTY FEET FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY BONDARY OF WATER STREET AND EXTENDING TO THE LINE OF LOWER LOW WATER IN PORT TOWNSEND BAY, FOR A TERM OF TWENTY YEARS AND FOR A RENTAL OF $1.00, AND LIMITING THE USE THE DEMI88D FR(Mls«TO.-.THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF A PUBLIC BOAT LAUNC ING RAMP, AND NAMINGuTHE PORT OF PORT TOWNSEND, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATI N AS LE&SES .°'I- t The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, in regular session assembled, do ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of said City are here and hereby authorized and directed to enter into a lease or behalf of said City, as lessor, by which the Port of Port Townse d, a municipal corporation residing in Jefferson County, Washington, shall lease a portion of Monroe street in said City which shall be described as: That Portion of Monroe Street bounded on the the Northwesterly side by a line lying fifty (50) feet Southeasterly of Watex Street, which line shall be perpendicular to the side�(s of Monroe Street, and bounded on the Southeasterly side by the line of low r low water in Port Townsend Bay. Section 2. The consideration for the lease shall a the payment to the City by the said Port of Port Townsend of the sum of $1.00, and that said Port of Port Townsend shall pa the costs of Publication of this ordinance. Section 3. The lease shall have a term of Twenty 20) years from July 18, 1961, and the lease shall limit the use f the demised premises to the operation and maintenance of a boat /R(PK9 launching ramp open to the public. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage,approval and publication as provided by la . Passed by the Council, after first, second and th rd reading, and approved and signed by the Mayor, this 18th day of July, 1961. ATTEST: C —CITY CLERK-- APPB.OV-P_D AS TO/6;6RM: CITYATTORNEY MAYOR ORDINANCE NO. 1401 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, establishing the Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal service as an independent Public Utility, providing for.the organization and administration thereof, providing for equipment therefore, establishing a Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal fund and for the administration of receipts and disbursements therein, providing for fees for Sewer Service, and setting forth the rights and duties of said Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Porgy` Townsend, Washington, as follows: Section 1. Effective January 1, 1962, there is here and hereby established a Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service, to be a Public Utility and autonomous within the framework of the Port Townsend Municipal structure, which Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service shall be subject to the ordinances of. the City Council of 'the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. The said Sewerage Disposal Service shall operate within the City limits of the City of Port Townsend, and in such outlying areas as may from time to time be authorized by the Superintendent of said Sewerage Disposal service with the approval of the City Council. Section 3. It shall be the purpose of the said Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service to make provision for, install, maintain, operate, charge for, collect for and in all matters be responsible for a system and works for the disposal of sewage and waste, whether by water -carried means or otherwise, including all collection,draining, treatment, disposal and regulation of such sewage. section 4. The organization of the said Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service shall consist of a Superintendent of said service, appointed by the Mayor, and such employees of said Service -1- in such number as shall from time to time be authorized by the Mayor and the Council through the annual City Budget, and such employees shall be employed by the Superintendent subject to the approval of the Mayor. Section 5. Said Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service shall have and own as and for its equipment and machinery, all equipment and machinery pertaining to Sewerage Collection and disposal owned by the City of Port Townsend at the date hereof, including all sewer lines, and the said Sewerage Disposal Service is here and hereby authorized to hold and own such equipment as may from time to time be required for its operation, subject to adequate and proper appropriation of funds therefore in an annual City of Port Townsend Budget. Section 6. All funds of the said Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service shall be derived from services charges levied by said service for Sewerage Disposal Services, and shall be subject to those terms fixed by Ordinance No. 1368, passed August 4, 1959, so far as current fees and charges shall be concerned, and all fees and charges for services by said Sewerage Disposal Service shall be provided for by Ordinance of the City Council. Section 7. Receipts of the said Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service shall be collected by the City Treasurer, at his office in the City Hall, and shall be duly entered in a Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service fund, and disbursements shall be made only upon properly approved vouchers filed with the City Clerk and approved by the Council, and upon properly drawn and signed Warrants issued therefore upon the Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service fund. The city Clerk and the City Treasurer shall make appropriate entries in the records of the city establishing a Port Townsend Sewerage -2- Disposal Service fund. Section ©. The Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service shall succeed to all of the rights and duties formerly held and performed by the Sewer Department of said City, and only those Ordinances inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed, it being of the essence of this enactment that the Sewerage Disposal Service provided for Citizens of the City of Port Townsend be established in a separate public utility, but that no reduction in service or increase in charge be immediately effected hereby. Section 9. The said Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service shall have the power and authority to hold, own and properly lease and convey any property, real or personal, which may be consistent with the functions and purposes of the said Sewerage Disposal Service. Section 10. Provisions of this Ordinance shall take effect at 12.01 A.M., January 1, 1962. Section 11. Any Ordinance heretofore enacted by the City Council of the City of Part Townsend which is inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed. Section 12. This Ordinance shall become effective five days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required -by law. Introduce9 and read for the first, second and third times at a regular meeting of the City Council held on August 1, 1961. M A Y O R ATTEST:. City Clerk APPROVED AS TO OR14: Ci n Attorney -3- ORDINANCE NO. 1402 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend establishing an annual license and license fee for Sewerage Disposal Utilities holding franchises from said City. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Each company, firm, individual, department or system which is authorized by franchise from the City of Port Townsend to provide a sewerage disposal service by and for said City is here and hereby required to obtain on or before the loth day of each and every calendar year, beginning with the year 1962, a license for said franchise. Section 2. The license hereby provided for shall be termed a Sewerage Disposal Franchise License, and shall be obtained from the . City Clerk of said City upon the payment of the license fee hereinafter provided for. Section 3. The annual license fee for Sewerage Disposal Franchise Licenses is Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) per annum, and the revenues therefrom are here and hereby allocated to the current expense fund of said city. section 4. This ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times at a regular meeting of the City Council held on August 1, 1961, and approved and signed by the Mayor on August 1, 1961. M A Y O R ATTEST: City Clerk APPR4�D AS T9/ 9RM: A . 0 • ORDINANCE NO. 1403 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend amending ordinance No. 137U, as to Section 3 thereof, and thereby increasing the annual license fee for Water Utilities Franchise Licenses from $2,000.00 per annum to $3,000.00 per annum. The City Council of the.City of Port Townsend, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. ordinance No. 1370 of the City of .Port Townsend, Washington, passed by the Council and signed and approved by the Mayor on August 4, 1959, is hereby amended by repealing the former Section 3 thereof, and adopting in the place thereof, the following Section No. 3: Section 3. The annual license fee for Water Utility Franchise Licenses is Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) per annum,. and the revenues therefrom are here and hereby allocated to the current expense fund of said City. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law, but the License Fee as it is hereby increased shall not take effect until. January 1, 1962. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 1st day of August, 1961. MAYOR -- ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: �?- (I_-fl. 0-_ Cify Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1404 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend amending Ordinance No. 1367 of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as to Section 3 thereof, and thereby increasing the Garbage Collection and Disposal Franchise License Fee from $2,000.00 per annum to $3,000.00 per annum. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Ordinance No. 1367 of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, passed by the Council and signed by the Mayor on August 4, 1959, is hereby amended by repealing section 3 thereof and substituting therefore the following: section 3. The annual license fee for Garbage Collection and Disposal Franchise Licenses will be the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) per annum, and revenues thereby realized are hereby allocated to the current expense fund of said City. Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect immediately . upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law, but that the license fee hereby altered shall take effect as of January 1, 1962. Read for the first, second and third times at a regular meeting of the City Council held on August 1, 1961. Approved and signed by the Mayor on August 1, 1961. M A Y O R ATTEST: - City Clerk APPROVED AS, O 'FORM: City 4ttorney .01'Al:7 .'C- V105 .7 !� -! T, M7 �,F TEL ',:I'F� OF PCI`11' $1,5n0.00 TO TH" OF Cr of ScId bullAilv: arc, of a;t4 -� p�, v�lr, and U-v uH BE IT ORDAI-FO D"f T!11? Cif".J COT'CIT, OF CITY OF PORT TQlJ',lSSND, IN RrGL' SUSSIC"! AS,=' 7,7f) ham. cnd �,---J to Uplcr-��p of Uie CityWt� Lior, 1. Tht= i.- hall -Puil-diric, un&r the Cum%i-,L 7uii:3 L,, L'a., 7961 l,)u.J[:--A ai�. the City of Part Toxiiscr-, the ;un of $1100.00, and U.- 'City C- ij lv-rc and herc by aixthorlzod and directed to drn`,t th'i --on 1113oll tha pr:��-�ntatioll of properly approv.-d vouchQrs, th."r,ccor. Section 2. i� !-.�-,-,Aly 0!'MT'Sr.r.Cy rCIJU!Viw� 1•AIL:71; Gun3il.ioY1 n) t1i, ordi n. Im na c or�, 1,-�44'arrt 'and of LIc cltl-,0117, of tho i�, for L -h City of Port. To-,,,nmcn. 5Ccticn ?. Thll; ordin-7n(--� :shell tDffc-,ot upcn Its pazzage, approval ar.3 publican lon in Lh.,- "L.;%ll Lw3 �-Y law. a CiLy Comn�ll on Au�u t 7 f0t, '.h of h, 3 � I 1961. R^nd Cor the S CC] by the al apFrc)Vad by the at a r:7_uT-ar muAin'C cf tlic- Cciin�,-il --7 -3n .. I -,--?j c cy--� --1 I ATTEZU: APPROVYD AS J-O-ZL� ttorn-2y ORDINANCE NO. 1406 AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1962. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1962, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of ..assessed valuation of said city for such purposes is as follows: FIRST: For the payment of Current Expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, in the sum of $21,375.55 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 7..1 mills on the dollar. SECOND: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $9,031.93, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 3.00 mills on the dollar. THIRD: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park and for the Park Fund, the sum of $5,720.22, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.9 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: For the maintenance and improvement of the Public Streets of the City and for the City Street Fund, the sum of $6,021.28, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.0 mills on the dollar, FIFTH: For the Hospitalization and Medical Service of injured paid firemen and for Pensions for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $3,010.64, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the dollar. SIXTH: For the Port Townsend General Obligation Bond 1955 and interest, the sum of $6,021.28, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.00 mills on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing Tax Levy of said City. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council and approved and signed by the Mayor on this 3rd day of October, 1961. MARILOU GREEN Mayor J:' ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GL ABRAHAA,JR., City Attorney •1 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1407 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF THE MAYOR, CITY CLERK AND CITY ATTORNEY OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR TIME TERM COMMENCING JUNE 1, 1962. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the compensation to be paid to the Mayor of the'City of Port Townsend for the four (4) year term commencing June 1, 1962, be and the same is hereby fixed as the sum of $100.00 per month for each month served during said term, said terms being subject to statutory adjustments as to duration; that the compensation to be paid to the City Clerk for the four (4) year term commencing June 1, 1962, be and the same is hereby fixed as the sum of $425.00 per month for each month served during said term, said term being subject to statutory adjustment as to duration; and that the compensation to be paid to the City Attorney for the four (4) year term commencing June 1, 1962, be and the same is hereby fixed as the sum of $100.00 for each month served during said term, said term being subject to statutory adjustment as to duration. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council and approved and signed by the Mayor on this 3rd day of October, 1961. MARILOU GREEN Mayor ATTEST: GALx I. YOUNGBLOOD City clerk Ap O D AS FO C Ll ORDINANCE NO. 1403 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, FIXING AND ADOPTING THE OFFICIAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1962. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSENO DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1962, divided into the fallowing classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------------------------ $62, 900.00 Operation and Maintenance----------------------------- 42,375.20 Capital Outlay---------------------------------------- 11,902.00 Interest and Bond Redemption--------- 4,667.25 Firemen's Retirement and Pension----------------------- 3,300.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on the 3rd day of October, 1961. MARILOU GREEN Mayor ATTEST: GhLE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ABRA M JR. City Attorney r� L- ORDINANCE NO. 1409 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1962. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1962, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages----------------------- 023 280.00 x• Operation and Maintenance----------- --- 14,611.00 Capital outlay ----------------------------------------- 39,636.25 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 3rd day of October, 1961. MARILOU GREEN Mayor ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: G ABRA , JR . �' City Attorney ORDINANCE N0, 1410 AN.ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT.` TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1962. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1962, divided into the total amounts in each of the fallowing classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries.and Wages ------------------------------------ $15,840.00 Operation and Maintenance----------------------------- 7,423.00 Capital Outlay ---------------------------------------- 3,500.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 3rd day of October, 1961. MARILOU GREEN Mayor ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: aAB_17HAM,. JR. City Attorney =20rdimmnces #.1411-1420 s EU l �.alr�iT (•; V��•� 1400 Authorizes mayor and clerk to eicacu lease (Special! 1401 Establishes sewage disposal service (Repealed by 1525) 1402 Licenses sewage disposal utility ho ding franchise (Repealed by 1848) 1403 Amends Ord. 1370 (Repealed by 184 ) 1404 Amends 1367 (5.20) 1405 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1406 Tax levy for 1962 (Special) 1407 Fixes compensation of certain offi es (trot codified) 1408 1962 budget (Special) 1409 Water department budget for 1962 Special) 1A10 Garbage collection budget for 1962 (Special) /1411 Budget for sewage disposal system (Special) 1412 Directs mayor and clerk to renew lease (Special) 1413 Street vacation (Special) 1414 Grants sewage disposal franchise (Special) 1415 Authorizes lease to Washington State Patrol (Special) 1416 Authorizes mayor and clerk to enter into lease (Special) 1417 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1418 Amends Ord. 1416 (Special) 1419 Street vacation (Special) 1420 Street vacation (Special) -! 1421 Emergency appropriation (Special) r 1422 Street vacation (Special) 1423 Declares female dogs in streets a nuisance (Repealed by 1424 Provides for lease of certain street (Special) 1425 Amends Ord. 1138 (Special) 1426 Tax levy for 1963 (Special) 1427 1963 budget (Special) 1428 Water department budget for 1963 (Special) 1429 Garbage collection budget for 1963 (Special) 1430 Sewage disposal budget for 1963 (Special) 1431 Authorizes establishment of planning commission (2.32) 1432 Street vacation (Special) 1433 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1434 Provides for sale and conveyance of named lots (Special) 1435 Authorizes a lease (Special) 1436 Repeals Ord. 1203 (Repealer) 1437 Amends Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1438 Authorizes water department to replace named pipelines (Special) 1439 Provides for civil defense (2.24) 1440 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1441 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1442 Budget for water department for 1964 (Special) 1443 1964 budget (Special) 1444 Garbage collection budget for 1964 (Spec al) 1445 Sewage budget for 1964 (Special) 1446 Fixes compensation of city treasurer and 'ouncil (Not codified) 1447 1964 tax levy (Special) 1448 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1449 Authorizes mayor and clerk to grant easem t (Special} t ORDINANCE NO. 1411 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND SEWERAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1962. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1962, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages------- $ 6,360.00 Operation and Maintenance------------------------------ 6,599.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend header, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and.approved by the Mayor this 3rd day of October, 1961. _ t` MARILOU GREEN Mayor ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1412 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO E}MCUTE A RENEWAL OF A LEASE OF THE PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE IN SAID CITY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend are here and hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Lodge No. 317, a corporation, a renewal of that certain Lease of the Port Townsend Municipal Golf Course, which renewal shall have a term running from the effective date hereof to July 1, 1986, and which renewal shall be for and in consideration of the improvements and benefits to the said Municipal Golf Course to be derived from the operation and maintenance thereof by the said Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The renewal shall be of that certain Lease originally entered into by and between the City as Lessor and the Port Townsend Municipal Golf Club, as Lessee, on June 25, 19W , the term thereof extending from July 1, 1927 to July 1, 1942, which Lease was extended to 1952, and subsequently to 1967, and which Lease was further assigned by the Port Townsend Municipal Golf Club to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Lodge No. 317, by assignment dated February 23, 1961. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. Introduced and read for the first, second and third times, approved and signed by the Mayor this 3rd day of October, 1961. MARILOU GREEN Mayor ATTEST: APPR.OVED AS T/'OR;4: 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .27 28 29 30 31 32 A. CLEMENS GRADY ATTOIINCY AT LAW 912 TAYLOA STAKKT PONTTOWNsaND. WAS"INGTON olu�lar,,ICI; An Ordinance of the City of )ore `loansen6 vacating a L)ortion of Fowler Park A66 ition to thL City v:: Dort Townsend, including streets and alleys abutting at. -)on Lvts anti blocks hereinafter described, all in Jcf -ersori County, ;Matt of Idashington. THE CITY COUNCIL, OF TAE' CITY 0, PUAT '1'0�'1115END DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section 1. That all those certain streets and alleys abutting upon Blocks 51, 52, 53, 54, GO, 61, 62, 63, 64, 69, 65, 70, 71, 72, 74, and Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 7, 8, 13, and 14 in Block 75 of Fowlers Park Addition to the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, State of. Washington, including said Lots and Block and. excepting those streets known as Pennsylvania Place, North Pearl Street, Cook Avenue, and Lot 14 in 13lock 62 and that portion of Magnolia Street abutting upon Block 63 of said Plat,. be and the same are hereby vacated. Section 2-That the City of Port Townsend does hereby and herewith retain all existing easements and the right to exercise and grant further easements in res.3ect to the vacated portions of said Plat aforesaid for the construction, repair and maintenance of public utilities and services. Section 3. This Ordinate shall in no form or matter require the City to maintain any care or supervision over die portions of said plat hereby vacated, and the City shall- not be held liable for any failure to exercise care or supervision of the vacated portion:. of said plat. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be ,published once in the Port- Townsend Leader_ I-.o be in force and tahe effect as provided by law. 1 Passed by the City Council this _L1�,iay of CT.{.RR,1961. 2 Al?Proved by the! Mayor of the City of Port Townsend, this 1-7 1 3 day of OcrAFR 19G1. 4 5 7 8' 9 10 AM T. ! l�c� _�J,�-� ;r:.. 12 G� YUDFVFiII �00 ' City CleFk o theCity of Port Townsend. 14 15 16 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 17 18 . 4tyA M J ey 20 21 :{ 22 23 24, 25 26. 27 28 29 30 32 A, CLEM!!JY GRADY . ATTORN LT AT LAW 112 TAVLOR STFIX" PORTTOWNS[NO, t WAANINGTON ' • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1414 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND ESTABLISHING A FRANCHISE FOR SEWARAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES, GRANTING SAID FRANCHISE TO THE PORT TOWNSEND SEWARAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE, AND PROVIDING FOR A FRANCHISE FEE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS F0LLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby established a franchise and right of use and operation in the maintenance of sewarage disposal lines, works and facilities in the City of Port Townsend, which shall entitle the grantee thereof the exclusive right and privilege to maintain and operate all sewarage disposal facilities within the.City of Port Townsend, to use city streets and other city property in the proper management and maintenance thereof, to make charges upon the public therefore, and to account for and disburse such fiends derived therefrom pursuant to the annual budget adopted by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, and said franchise is here and hereby granted to the Port Townsend Sewarage Disposal Service, to continue until revoked by the said City Council by its ordinance or ordinances. Section 2. The franchise established in Section 1 hereof, shall commence on January 1, 1962, and shall be in consideration, of the payment to the City by the Port Townsend Sewarage Disposal Service of the sum of $3,000.00 per annum, payable in advance of each year, which fee for said franchise shall be subject to change from time to time by ordinance or ordinances of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend throughout the full term of said franchise or any extension or renewal thereof. Section 3. The City shall have the right to discontinue the franchise hereby granted at any time, by its acts eompfted in the form of ordinances. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approued and signed by the Mayor this 19th day of December, 1961. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerl APP7ZoJPS T �OR�M: City ttorney tl 6 • ORDINANCE NO. 1415 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO A LEASE WHEREBY THE WASHINGTON STATE PATROL SHALL LEASE FROM THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CERTAIN SPACE IN THE CITY HALL FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR, AND PROVIDING RENTALS THEREFOR. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and the City Clerk are here and hereby auhorized and directed to enter into a lease of space in the City Hall of said city to the Washington State Patrol, acting through the Department of General Administration of the State of Washington, which space shall be that now occupied by the Port Townsend Police Department, and which space shall be granted to the said State Patrol subject to a right of equal use in the Port Townsend Police Department, and further provided that said lease shall have a term commencing on November 1, 1961 and terminating on October 31, 1962, for a rental $20.00 per month during each month of said term. . Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Read for the. first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved and signed bythe Mayor this 19thX day of December, 1961. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED:AS TO FORM: . 6-- t" - City Attornel D v • ORDINANCE NO. 1416 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO A LEASE FROM YEAR TO YEAR FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEASING FROM THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON A SITE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SANITARY FILL GARBAGE AND REFUSE DUMP, AND SPECIFYING LIMITATIONS THEREON. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend is confronted with the necessity of providing a suitable site for city garbage disposal, and WHEREAS, it appears that such need can best be met by the leasing from Jefferson County, a county of the State of Washington, of lands for this purpose, now therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and city Clerk of said city are here and hereby authorized and directed to enter into a lease, from year to year, of real property owned by the County of Jefferson, State of Washington, and located in said county and state, and described as follows: The east 660 feet of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 and the west 330 feet of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Sect. 8, Township 30 N, Range 1 W, W.M., said lease to be for a rental not to exceed $50.00 per annum and other valuable considerations which will allow the said county and its citizens to utilize the described property for garbage dump purposes. Section 2. The lease mentioned in Section 1 ljereof shall be for the purpose of establishing and providing for a sanitary fill garbage and refuse dump, operated pursuant to all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to such dumps, prohibiting burning therein, providing for rodent control, control of flies, odors and unsightli- ness, and further providing for such compacting and covering of garbage and refuse as is required to attain the objectives hereinabove set forth. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be necessary for the preservation of the Health, safety and welfare of the people of the City of Port Townsend. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved and signed by the Mayor at a regular session of the City Council held on February 6, 1962. MARILOU GREEN Mayor • ORDINANCE NO. 1417 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $5,000.00 TO THE SANITARY FILL MAINTENANCE FUND IN THE 1962 BUDGET OF THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for the Sanitary Fill Maintenance Fund in the 1962 budget for the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service the sum of $5,000.00, for maintenance and operation of a sanitary fill dump. Section 2. here and hereby declared to be an emergency, and this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage approval and publication in the form and manner required by taw. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council on February 20, 1962; read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved and signed by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council on March 6, 1962. MARILOU GREEN MAYOR ATTEST: ALE N BLO I. XOU G OD City, Clerk' APPROVED AS TO FORM: ty Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 141% AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1416 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 6, 1962. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1416, passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on February 6, 1962, is here and hereby amended to read as follows, "Section 2. The Lease mentioned in Section 1 hereof shall be for the purpose of establishing and providing for a sanitary fill garbage and refuse dump, operated pursuant to all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to such dumps, providing for rodent control, control of flies, odors and unsightliness, and further providing for such compacting and covering of garbage and refuse as is required to attain the objectives hereinabove set forth." Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the.form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved and signed by the Mayor at a regular session of the City Council held on March 20, 1962. -ILOU GREEN Mayor Attest: fGA`LE I. YOLINGBWOD City Clerk J Approved as to Form: GLE ABRAHAM, JR. Cit Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1419 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND VACATING THAT PORTION OF CLEVELAND STREET LYING BETWEEN SEVENTH STREET AND NINTH STREET, AND FURTHER VACATING THAT PORTION OF EIGHTH STREET LYING BETWEEN CLEVELAND STREETS AND WILSON STREET. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of Cleveland Street lying between Seventh Street and Ninth Street, and that portion of Eighth Street lying between Cleveland Street and Nilson Street are here and hereby vacated and removed from the Public Street System of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 3rd day of April, 1962. M A Y O R ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attor ey `J 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1420 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND VACATING THAT PORTION OF MAPLE STREET LYING BETWEEN LOTS 1 and 8 OF BLOCK 1 OF ALDRICH'S ADDITION AND BETWEEN LOTS 4 and 5 OF BLOCK 11 OF ALDRICH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That portion of Maple street lying between Lots 1 and 8 of Block 1 of Aldrich's Addition and between Lots 4 and 5 of Block 11 of Aldrich's Addition are here and hereby vacated and removed from the public street system of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect'immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner . required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 17th day of April, 1962. ^TT M A Y O R _— ATTEST: %City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attor ey 'Mmordinanc'es #1421-1430 9= mn-m-mm art'T'n-VIO-Mun M. "IMME E T 1400 Authorises mayor and clerk --to •execu "lease •-' (Special) c. 1401 Establishes sewage disposal service (Repealed by 1525) 1402 Licenses sewage disposal utility ho ding franchise (Repealed by 1848) E 1403 Amends Ord. 1370 (Repealed by 184 ) 1404 Amends 1367 (5.20) 1405 Emergency appropriation (Special) r 1406 Tax levy for 1962 (Special) 1407 Fixes compensation of certain offices (Not codified) 1408 1962 budget (Special) 1 1 1409 Water department budget for 1962 Special) 1410 Garbage collection budget for 1962 (Special) 1411 Budget for sewage disposal system ,(Special) 1412 Directs mayor and clerk to renew lease (Special) 1413 Street vacation (Special) 1414 Grants sewage disposal franchise (Special) 1415 Authorizes lease to Washington State Patrol (Special) 1416 Authorizes mayor and clerk to enter into lease (Special) 1417 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1418 Amends Ord. 1416 (Special) 1419 Street vacation (Special) 1420 Street vacation (Special) ,�1421 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1422 Street vacation (Special) 1423 Declares female dogs in streets a nuisance (Repealed by 1424 Provides for lease of certain street (Special) 1425 Amends Ord. 1138 (Special) 1426 Tax levy for 1963 (Special) tip 1427 1963 budget (Special) 1428 Water department budget for 1963 (Special) 1429 Garbage collection budget for 1963 (Special) 430 Sewage disposal budget for 1963 (Special) ,----11431 Authorizes establishment of planning commission (2.32) 1432 Street vacation (Special) 1433 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1434 Provides for sale and conveyance of named lots (Special) 1435 Authorizes a lease (Special) 1436 Repeals Ord. 1203 (Repealer) 1437 Amends Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1438 Authorizes water department to replace named pipelines (Special) 1439 Provides for civil defense (2.24) 1440 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1441 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1442 Budget for water department for 1964 (Special) 1443 1964 budget (Special) 1444 Garbage collection budget for 1964 (Special) 1445 Sewage budget for 1964 (Special) t 1446 Fixes compensation of city treasurer and •ouncil (Not codified) 1447 1964 tax levy (Special) 1448 Emergency appropriation (Special) _- 1449 Authorizes mayor and clerk to grant easeme t (Special) 4 i ORDINANCE NO, 142.1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MAKING AN APPROPRIATION OF SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS TO THE PORT TOWNSEND FIRE DEPART- MENT IN THE 1962 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. The City Council of the City of Port'Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1.,There is here and hereby appropriated to the Port Townsend Fire Department, for repair and remodeling of a fire truck, the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($7UU.00) for the 1962 budget, and the City Clerk is authorized to draw warrants therefore. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appripriation made in Section 1 hereof, and the need therefore is immediate and unforseen. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on April 17, 1962. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council held on May 1, 1962. M A Y O R ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: J)j > City Attofney 0 i ORDINANCE NO 1422 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, VACATING THAT PORTION OF FOURTII LYING BETWEEN THE WESTERLY LINE OF ROSECRANS STREET AND THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOGAN STREET IN THE EISENBEIS ADDITION TO THE, CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section 1. That portion of fourth Avenue lying between the Westerly line of Rosecrans Street and the Easterly,line of Logan Street ame here and hereby vacated and removed from the public street system of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, EXCEPTING only that the City here and hereby reserves and establishes for the b"-nefit of the City an Easement over and through said vacated street for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and providing utilities of all descriptions, including but not limited to water and sewage disposal utilities. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 5th day of June, 1962. M A Y O R ATTEST: �1 City Clerk APPROVED AS TO, -FORM: Ci�tA J_orne ORDINANCE No. 1423 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DECLARING FEMALE DOGS IN SEASON A PUBLIC NUISANCE, AUTHORIZING TTIE SEIZURF, AND CONFINEMENT OF FE14ALE DOGS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES , FINDS AND CHARGES FOR T14E VIOLATION THEREOF. T9E CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Any canine of female sex,,when in:season, is here and hereby found and declared to be a public nuisance, unless confined in such manner as to be inaccessible to any other canine roaming at large. Section 2. All police officers, humane officers and animal control officers of the City Of Port Townsend are here and hereby authorized and empowered to take into custody and confine in a suitable place any unconfined female canine in season found within the limits of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. Section 3. In the event that any female canine in season shall be taken into custody and confined, in the manner provided in Section 2 hereof, the owner of such female canine may, within ten days of such confinement, reclaim and retake the same by payment to the.City of Port Townsend of,the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for service charges, and.payment to the agency keeping said animal confined on behalf of the City of all board bills and veterinary bills accrued by reason of the keep and care of the animal. Section 4. in the event that any female canine in season shall be taken into custody and confined in the manner provided in Section 2 hereof, and shall not be reclaimed by the owner of said animal in the time and manner provided in Section 3 hereof, the Humane officer or Chief of Police of the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby authorized to dispose of said animal in a humane and accepted manner, consistent �gith the provisions of ordinance No. 1301 of the City of Port Townsend and all other applicable ordinances and State statutes relating to strayed and abandoned animals. Section 5. Every person who shall petition the City Police Court of the City of Port Tocrosend, Washington, for a determination of fact or law under the provisions of this ordinance, shall be entitled to a prompt hearing of the matter, and no disposition of the animal involved shall be made until the conclusion of any such hearing and consistent with the orders of the Court therein made. No such petition for hearing shall be permitted or allowed unless the petition shall have been made within ten days of the confinement of the animal involved. Section 6. The keeping or maintenance of a female canine in season in such manner as to create a public nuisance, as in Section 1 hereof provided, shall be punishable as a misdemeanor. Section 7. Nothing herein shall be construed to repeal or amend any of the provisions of Ordinance No. 1301 of the City of Port Townsend. Section Q. The ownership or possession of a license issued by the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for any canine, shall not be material to any matter of fact or law related to this ordinance. Section 9. This ordinance is declared to be necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, and shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved and signed by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, held on .Tune 19, 1962. V Mayor Att eSt: An ed s tOty—Atta`rney� Cit Clerk • 6 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A. CLEMENS GRADY A-AN[Y AT LAW I IR TAYLOR IST1I[CT PORYTOWNOCNO. WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance of the City of Port Townsend providing for the leasing of the portion of Front Street of the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, lying between the Westerly line of Taylor Street and the Easterly line of Harrison Street. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Port Townsend be authorized to lease to ADMIRALTY HOTELS, INC., that portion of Front Street in the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, state of Washington, lying between the Westerly line of Taylor Street and the Easterly line of Harrison Street. Section 2. That said lease shall contain the following provisions: 1. The term of the lease shall be for a period of twenty (20) years. 2. The annual rental shall be the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars. 3. The said lease shall enable Lessee to use the said street for the purpose of contstructing thereupon a float or landing dock for boats. 4. Said facilities shall be under the sole management of Lessee, without expense or liability to the City in any respect or fashion whatsoever. 5. That the general public shall be allowed to use the facilities constructed upon the said street for the purposes for which they are intended so long as such useage conforms with all reasonable charges, rules and regulations which Lessee may make in connection therewith. 6. That such lease shall provide that the same shall be subject to all existing rights and franchises of the City, abutting owners, or otherwise. Section 3. Said lease shall further provide that should the 1 City require the use of the said Front Street for Street purposes, 2 this Lease may be terminated by giving Lessee six months written 3 notice in advance thereof. 4 section 4. This ordinance shall be published once in the 5 Port Townsend Leader -to be in force and take effect as provided by law. a 7. Passed by the City Council this day of ,1962. 8 Approved by the Mayor of the City of Port Towns d, Lhis 7 9 day of _f ,1962. 10 // I i ✓lam 11 , MAYOR - 12 13 ATTE 14. 15 Gal ..Youn bloo 1fiCity Jerk of a City of Port Townsend. 17 A RO AS ORMQ 18 LE ABRA 19 7'Attorney. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A.CLEMIENS ORAGY ATTORNEY AT LAW 111 TAYLOR STREET PORTTOWNSENO. WAiNINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 1425 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING SECTION 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1138, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1347, AND THEREBY INCREASING RATES FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION. The City Council of the City of port Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 6 of Ordinance No. 1136 of the City of Port Townsend, passed on February 18, 1942, and amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1347 of said City, is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 6. Garbage shall be collected not less than once a week in residence districts of the City of Port Townsend and daily in the business districts of the City of Port Townsend. The rate to be charged for garbage collection shall be $2.00 per can for the collection of one can of garbage per week, provided, however, that rates for collection of garbage from places in the business district requiring more frequent collection than once per week shall be charged at a monthly rate based upon the number of cans collected per week, to -wit: the sum of $.75 per month for each can collected per week, and further provided however that where it is permissible under the terms of this Ordinance to keep rubbish in containers other than cans, the charge for collection of such rubbish shall be equal to the charge for collecting garbage, which charge shall be computed by the superintendent of the Garbage Department on the basis of $.75 per week or the equivalent of each can, or other container of similar size, of rubbish collected per week.0 section 2. This Ordinance shall be published once, in the form and manner required by law, and shall take effect on October 1, -1- ' 'Ir 1962. Section 3. This Ordinance is declared to be one for the protection of the health and welfare of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend. Read for the first, second and third times at a regular meeting of the City Council held on September 18, 1962, passed by the Council on said date, and signed by the Mayor on September 24, 1962. ATTEST: CAL tI. YOUN BLO. D City Clerk ' APPROVED .AS TO FORM: G ABRAI JR _ Civ Attorney f_J J DENNIS SU LIVAN/�` Mayor -2- ORDINANCE NO. 1426 AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1963. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI1E CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1963, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said City for such purposes is as follows: FIRST: For the payment of Current Expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, in the sum of $26,574.93 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 3.5 mills on the dollar. SECOND: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $10,942.62, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fired at 3.5 mills on the dollar. THIRD: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park and for the Park Fund, the sum of $6,252.93, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.0 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: For the Hospitalization and Medical Service of injured paid firemen and for Pensions for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $3,126.46, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mill on the dollar. FIFTH: For the Port Townsend General Obligation Bond 1955 and interest, the sum of 36,252.93, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby f'_xr;d at 2.00 mills on the dollar. -l- Section 2. That -the Mayor and City Clerk of s id City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the Cou ty Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing Tax Levy of said City. Section 3. That this ordinance be published oice in the Port.Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as p ovided by law. Passed by the City Council and approved and si ned by the Mayor on this 2nd day of October, 1962. iliy� G DENNI ULLIV N� i Mayor ATTEST: 4�G- Z. E I.YOU LOlOD s City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GL BRAHAM JR. City Attorney -2- ORDINANCE NO. 1427 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF,PORT TOWNSBND, WASHINGTON, FIXING AND ADOPTING THE OFFICIAL, BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1963. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN As FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1963, divided into the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages-------------------------- $88,715.00 Operation and Maintenance------------------- 76,652.40 Capital Outlay---------------------.--------- 7,630.00 Interest and Bond Redemption----------------- 5,567.50 Firemen's Retirement and Pension------------ 3,300.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on the 2nd day of October, 1962. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATT ST GAT, „ I . YAUN BL OD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: G R HA CiL•y Attorney • I] ORDINANCE NO. 1428 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATER DEPART14ENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1963. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the Official Budget for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1963, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages---------------- -------- $26 320.00 Operation and Maintenance-------------------- 14,671.00 Capital Outlay ------------------------------- 41,023.75 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 2nd day of October, 1962. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: c G E T . YO Q7 BLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: G 1 if City Attorney • •. ORDINANCE NO. 1429 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOI'MSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1963. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIJE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN As FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adapted as the Official Budget for the Port Townsend Garbage Collection service of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1963, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------------- $24 360 00 Operation and Maintenance-------------------- 13,284.00 Capital Outlay----------------------------- 13,200.00 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader,'to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. a Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 2nd day of October, 1962. ` DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: GLI I. YO LOOD City Cleric APPROVED AS TO FORM: GL N AB RA JR. City Attorney • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1430 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND SEWERAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOwNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1963. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the Official Budget of the Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service of the City of Part Townsend, for the year 1963, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and wage's----µ----------------------- $5,250.00 Operation and Maintenance------------------- 6,391.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to bein force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 2nd day of October, 1962. 'l DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: GA I. YO GBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: G N ABRA JR. City At•.orney -, wz ' m m r w i r A O r �f 140E Authorizes mayor and clerk'toexecu -lease•-(Special) 1401 Establishes sewage disposal service (Repealed by 1525) 1402 Licenses sewage disposal utility ho ding franchise (Repealed by 1848) 1403 Amends Ord. 1370 (Repealed by 184 ) 1404 Amends 1367 (5.20) 1405 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1406 Tax levy for 1962 (Special) 1407 Fixes compensation of certain offi es (Not codified) 1408 1962 budget (Special) 1409 Water department budget for 1962 Special) 1410 Garbage collection budget for 1962 (Special) 1411 Budget for sewage disposal system (Special) 1412 Directs mayor and clerk to renew lease (Special) 1413 Street vacation (Special) 1414 Grants sewage disposal franchise (Special) 1415 Authorizes lease to Washington State Patrol (Special) 1416 Authorizes mayor and clerk to enter into lease (Special) 1417 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1418 Amends Ord. 1416 (Special) 1419 Street vacation (Special) 1420 Street vacation (Special) 1421 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1422 Street vacation (Special) 1423 Declares female dogs in streets a nuisance (Repealed by 1424 Provides for lease of certain street (Special) 1425 Amends Ord. 1138 (Special) 1426 Tax levy for 1963 (Special). 1427 1963 budget (Special) 1428 Water department budget for 1963 (Special) 1429 Garbage collection budget for 1963 (Special) �430 Sewage disposal budget for 1963 (Special) 1431 Authorizes establishment of planning commission (2.32) 1432 Street vacation (Special) 1433 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1434 Provides for sale and conveyance of named lots (Special) 1435 Authorizes a lease (Special) 1436 Repeals Ord. 1203 (Repealer) �/ q 1437 Amends Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1438 Authorizes water department to replace named pipelines (Special) 1439 Provides for civil -defense (2.24) 1440 Emergency appropriation (Special) /1441 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1442 Budget for water.department for 1964 (Special) 1443 1964 budget (Special) 1444 Garbage collection budget for 1964 (Special) 1445 Sewage budget for 1964 (Special) 1446 Fixes compensation of city treasurer and Council (Not codified) 1447 1964 tax levy (Special) 1448 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1449 Authorizes mayor and clerk to grant easeme t (Special) ORDINANCE NO. 1431 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHOR12ING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PLANNING COMMISSION, AND PROVIDING FOR THE NUMBERS OF MEMBERS THEREOF. The City Council Of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. There is here and hereby created and authorized to act.a Planning Commission, which shall be an instrumentality of the City of Port Townsend, and which shall be formed and shall operate pursuant to the Laws of the State of washington of 1935, Chapter 44, and the Sessions Laws of 1957, Chapter 130. Section 2. The membership of said Commission shall be limited to in number, and the Mayor shall submit his appointments thereto within one (1) month .from the date hereof. Section 3.- This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third time, approved by the Mayor and passed by the Council at a regular session of the City Council held on this 6th day of November, 1962. DENNIS SULLIVAN ATTEST: Mayor GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk AP PRO -D AS T,9 FORM: GL BRAH0, JR. CitV Attorney ORDINANCE NO, r AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND VACATING THAT PORTION OF FOURTH STREET LYING BETWEEN THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF HANCOCK STREET AND THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SHERMAN STREET, AND RESERVING EASEMENTS THEREIN. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That portion of Fourth Street lying between the Easterly boundary of Hancock Street and the Westerly boundary of Sherman Street in the Eisenbeis Addition of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, is here and hereby vacated, subject to the reservations made in Section 2 hereof. Section 2. There is hereby reserved by the City, in malting the foregoing Vacation of Street, an casement and right-of-- way over, through and across said vacated street for the purposes of installing, maintaining and providing water lines, sewer lines, and utility lines of every description. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third time, approved by the Mayor and passed by the Council at a regular session of. the City Council held on this2Oth day of November, 1962. DENNIS SULLIVAN ATt EST: Mayor i GA I.`Y U BLOOD City Clerk APPR s AS T ORM: G ABRAR M. JR . Ci Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1433 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $200.00 TO THE PARK DEPARTMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVE- MENT OF GROUNDS, IN THE 1962 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, a storm of unusual severity has uprooted and felled some forty (40) trees in City Parks, which damage to Parks is unusual and unforeseen, now therefor The City Council of the City of Part Townsend, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section 11. There is here and hereby appropriated, for maintenance and improvement of grounds, to the Park Department of the City of Port Townsend, in the 1962 budget, the sum of $200.00, in addition tq sums previously appropriated. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on November 20, 1962. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 4, 1962. M A Y O R ATTEST: Cit ._ Clerk-�" APPROVED AS.)TO FORM: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SALE AND CONVEYANCE OF LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4 IN BLOCK 47, CALIFORNIA ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. WHEREAS, the City Council has ascertained by its own investigation, the report of the City Street Department, and the representations made to it in open session, that the property herein- after described is not now and will not be used or useful to any Department of said City for any purpose, now, therefore, HE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the offer of Lester E. Hall to purchase the following described property in Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, to -wit: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block 47 of the California Addition to the City of Port Townsend, for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) cash, is hereby accepted.: Section 2. That upon payment of the purchase price, the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed for and on behalf of the City to make, execute and deliver to said Purchaser a Quit Claim Deed for the described property. Section 3. That the City Treasurer, upon receipt of the purchase money, shall credit the same to the Current Expense Fund. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and signed by the Mayor this 18th day of December, 1962. ATTEST: M A Y O R City Clerk APPROVE AS TO FO C ty Attorney i 40 1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEASING TO L. H. HALL THAT PORTION OF 59th STREET LYING BETWEEN LANDER AND HILL STREETS, AND THAT PORTION OF THE WESTERLY ONE -HALE' OF LANDER STREET LYING BETWEEN 58th STREET AND 59th STREET IN THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, AND FIXING RENTAL THEREFOR. THE CITY COUNCIL, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Upon payment of the rental herein provided in advance, the Mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directed to execute a Street Lease, in usual form, for a term of ten (10) years, at a rental of Ten Dollars (S10.00) for the whole term, to L. H. Hall as Lessee, of the following described portions of Streets: That portion of 59th street lying between Lander Street and Hill Street, and that portion of the Westerly one-half of Lander Street lying between 58th street and 59th street in the City of Port Townsend, Washington. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on January 8, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: 7 G LE I. Y U Gi3LOOD City Clerk' - APPROVED AS TO FORM: G ABRAH JR. Ci Attorney • ORDINANCE NO. P13 C AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ALL OF ORDINANCE NO. 1203, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 17, 1946 AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR ON DECEMBER 1d, 1946. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, IN REGUALR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 1203, passed by the City Council on December 17, 1946, and approved by the Mayor on December 18, 1946, published on December 26, 1946, and providing for the licensing for revenue and regulation of mechanical music machines and fixing license fees and locations and providing penalties therefor, is hereby in all respects repealed. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately Upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Passed by the City Council on the Cj day of 1963, and approved by the Mayor on the same day,and date. DENNIS SULLIVAn Mayor AT BST : GA E Z. Y NG9LOOD City Clerk ,APPROVED AS TO FORM: ABR M SIR. Ci y Attorney E • ORDINANCE NO. N2 7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION ONE OF ORDINANCE 1204, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 17, 1946, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR ON DECEMBER 13, 1946, AND THEREBY INCLUDING MECHANICAL MUSIC MACHINES IN SAID ORDINANCE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1204, passed by the Council on December 17, 1946, and approved by the Mayor on December 18, 1946, is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Each and every person, firm or corporation having at any place or places within the City of Port Townsend, a device, devices, machine or machines which are mechanical music machines or are for playing games of amusement, commonly known as pin and ball machines or devices or machines in which coins may be dropped for the purpose of operating the same,(unless specifically exempted by this Ordinance) and which may be legally operated within the State of Washington, shall pay an annual license fee of One Thousand Dollars (81,000.00) for an owner's or operator's license and, in addition thereto, shall pay a fee of Two and 50/100 Dollars ($2.50) per month, payable monthly in advance, for each and every machine or devise owned and operated by such licensee." Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on this d J J day of 1963.�rcr�/�/ DENNIS SULLIVAN A EST: / Mayor A E I YOU GBLOOD City Clerk APPAED AS T FORM: Of 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1434 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND TO REPLACE PIPELINES EXTENDING FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE IRONDALE ROAD WITIi THE CHIMACUM ROAD IN JEFFERSON COUNTY TO ANDERSON STREET, THENCE TO 7th STREET, THENCE TO MOORE STREET, THENCE TO 45th STREET, IN THE IRONDALE ADDITION TO JEFFERSON COUNTY, APPROPRI- ATING THE SUM OF $9,319.34 VOR SAID PROJECT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Water Department of the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby authorized and directed to replace water pipeline of the City System lying outside the boundaries of the City of Port.Townsend, and including that portion of pipeline beginning at the intersection of the Irondale Road with the Chimacum Road in Jefferson County, thence extending to Anderson Street, thence to Seventh Street, thence to Moore Street, and thence to 45th Street in the plat of Irondale, Jefferson County, Washington, a distance of approximately 1.5 Miles. Section 2. The sum of $9,319.34 is here and hereby appropriated for the work hereinabove mentioned, which appropriations shall be made and spent entirely from the proceeds of Ordinance No. 1379, the 1959 Water Construction and Replacement Fund. Section 3. An emergency is found to exist, and said emergency is here and hereby declared to be in effect, and the need for the appropriation herein made is immediate and unforseen. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on March 4, 1963. Read for the second and third times -l- -2- ORDINANCE 1439 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A JOINT LOCAL ORGANIZATION FOR CIVIL DEFENSE FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AND JEFFERSON COUNTY AND FOR A DIRECTOR THEREOF: AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION THEREOF THRU JEFFERSON COUNTY AND FOR A DIVISION OF THE COST; AND CREATING A SPECIAL POOLED FUND IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AS FOLLOWS_ Section 1. That the State Director of Civil Defense has authorized and the Mayor of the City of Port Townsend and the Board of County Commissioners of Jefferson County, as executive heads of said City and County; may agree to establish and operate a joint local organization for civil defense to be }mown as the "Port Townsend -Jefferson County Civil Defense Organization", and upon the appointment of a Director, who shall have direct responsibility for the administration and operation of such joint local organization for civil defense, subject to the direction and control of said executive heads; all under authority of Section 8, Chapter 178, Laws of Washington 1951 and effective as of Ratification by said Board of County Commissioners. Section 2. There is further authorized to be created and established a special pooled fund to be administered thru the Treasurer of Jefferson County, which fund shall be known as the "Port Townsend --Jefferson County Civil Defense Fund," into which shall be paid all funds budgeted by the City of Port Townsend and by Jefferson County for such joint organization and operation and out of which shall be paid all expenses thereof. Section 3. The City and Jefferson County will each contribute from time to time one-half of the cost and expense of such joint organization and operation; and an annual budget estimate -1- Shall be prepared by the Director thereof, subject to the approval Of the executive heads thereof for adoption by Jefferson County; and that the use of all physical assets and equipment, including real estate and buildings thereon, now allocated to each such local organization for civil defense, shall, unless otherwise provided by law, be transferred to such joint organization, and shall be carried on separate inventories kept by Jefferson County; and that the joint organization and operation will be conducted thru Jefferson County and the officers and employees of such joint organization for civil defense shall be responsible to the Director thereof, subject to the direction and control of said executive heads, and that such officers and employees, including the Director, shall be employees of the county, which shall exercise such legislative authority as may be necessary to effectuate such employment. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication, in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the City Council this 5th day of March, 1963, and approved by the Mayor the llth day of March, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN M A Y O R ATTEST: GA SI. X;fNrBLD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GLEN ABRAH M. JR. City Attorney -2- C� • ORDINANCE NO. 1440 AN ORDINANCE MAKING AN APPROPRIATION TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT IN THE 1963 BUDGET IN THE SUMS OF $500.00 FOR PURCIIASE OF A VEHICLE, $100.00 FOR POLICE TRAINING, AND $200,00 FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES AND POLICE EQUIPMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT `i'OWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for the 19G3 Budget of the City, to the Police Department, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (0500.00) for capital outlay for the purchase of a Patrolcar, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for purchase of office supplies and police equipment, and the sum of One Hundred Dollars (6100.00):for police training, all of said sums to be in addition to sums appropriated in the regular 1963 Budget. Section 2. An emergency is found to exist, and said emergency is here and hereby declared to be in effect, and the need for the appropriation herein made is immediate and unforeseen. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on March 19, 1963. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and signed by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council held on April 2, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN M A Y O R ATTEST : .e iEI. ^( YOl tiG'D�LOOD y Clerk ^� APPROVED AS TO FORM: Glenn Abraham, Jr. Cites Attorney d•�•��E. 1400 Authorizes mayor and clerk to execu _ lease (Special) 1401 Establishes sewage disposal service (Repealed by 1525) 1402 Licenses sewage disposal utility, hI'Special) ding franchise (Repealed by 1848) 1403 Amends Ord. 1370 (Repealed by 1841404 Amends 1367 (5.20) 1405 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1406 Tax levy for 1962 (special) 1407 Fixes compensation of certain offis (Not codified) 1408 1962 budget (Special) 1409 Water department budget for 1962 pecial) 1410 Garbage collection budget for 1962(Special) 1411 Budget for sewage disposal system 1412 Directs mayor and clerk to renew lease (Special) 1413 Street vacation (Special) 1414 Grants sewage disposal franchise (Special) 1415 Authorizes lease to Washington State Patrol (Special) 1416 Authorizes mayor and clerk to enter into lease (Special) 1417 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1418 Amends Ord. 1416 (Special) 1419 Street vacation (Special) 1420 Street vacation (Special) 1421 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1422 Street vacation (Special) 1423 • Declares female dogs in streets a nuisance (Repealed by 1424 Provides for lease of certain street (Special) 1425 Amends Ord. 1138 (Special) 1426 Tax levy for 1963 (Special) 1427 1963 budget (Special) 1428 Water department budget for 1963 (Special) 1429 Garbage collection budget for 1963 (Special) 1430 Sewage disposal budget for 1963 (Special) 1431 Authorizes establishment of planning commission (2.32) 1432 Street vacation (Special) 1433 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1434 Provides for sale and conveyance of named lots (Special) 1435 Authorizes a lease (Special) 1436 Repeals Ord. 1203 (Repealer) 1437 Amends Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1438 Authorizes water department to replace named pipelines (Special) 1439 Provides for civil defense (2.24) 1440 Emergency appropriation (Special) -- -1441 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1442 Budget for water department for 1964 (Special) 1443 1964 budget (Special) 1444 Garbage collection budget for 1964 (Special) 1445 Sewage budget for 1964 (Special) !lIVI 1446 Fixes compensation of city treasurer and council (Not codified) 1447 1964 tax levy (special) 1448 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1449 Authorizes mayor and clerk to grant easem t (Special) ORDINANCE NO. 1441 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Ok PORT TOWNSEND APPROPRIATING TIIE SU14 OF $379 .60 TO THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND IN THE 1963 BUDGET FOR PREMIUM OIL COMBINED INSURANCE COVERAGE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Current Expense Fund of the 1963 budget the sun of $379.60, in addition to sums heretofore appropriated, for premium on Combined Insurance Coverage. Section 2. There is here -and hereby found to exist and declared to be an emergency, and this Ordinance is declared to be for the protection of the health, welfare and property of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect five (S) days after its passage, approval and publication. Read for the first time on May 7, 1963. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on May 21, 1963. / DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATT �T: i GA I,`YOUQ OOD Ci Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cit Attorney ORDINANCE NO. IYyZ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY FOR THE YEAR 1964. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1964, divided into the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and wages ------------------------- $149,245.00 Maintenance and Operation ------------------ 116,474.77 Capital Outlay ----------------------------- 88,401.75 Interest and Debt Redemption --------------- 29,946.00 Firemen's Retirement and Pension ----------- 3,300.00 Section 2- That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor AMTEST*. LOOD Cty Cler APPROVED AS TO FORM: 4 /12 City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. NIq 31 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY FOR THE YEAR 1964. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1964, divided into the amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages $26,420.00 Operation and.Maintenance 20,575.00 Capital Outlay 25,000.00 Interest and Debt Redemption 24,492.50 Section 2. That this ordinance be in force and take effect after its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: GA lE I . YO BLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ci / Attorney I • • ■ ORDINANCE NO. I VYy AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1964. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fined and adopted as the official budget for the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1964, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages------------------------$28,500.00 Maintenance and Operation ----------------- 9,424.00. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner, required by law. Passed by the Council and Approved by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: GA E I. YO LOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: G ABRA JR. C' y Attorney 0 • 0 ORDINANCE NO. I44bs AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND SEWERAGE DISPOSAT• SERVICE OF THE CITY FOR THE YEAR Iq�4. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Dort Townsend Sewarage Disposal Service of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1964, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages -------------------------- $5,300.00 Maintenance and Operation ------------------- 8,696.00. Section 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner prescribed by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 1963. Zo DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: 4GAI. YO GBLOOD City.Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City ttorney ORDINANCE NO. fggT AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF THE CITY TREASURER AND CITY COUNCILMEN OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE TERM COMMENCING tM=- 1, 1964. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLWS: Section 1. That the compensation to be paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend for the four (4) year term commencing June 1, 1964, be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $425-00 per month for each month served during said term, said term being subject to statutory adjustment as to duration; that the compensation to be paid city Councilmen for terms commencing on or after June 1, 1964, be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $10.00 for each meeting attended during one month, up to and including but not exceeding two meetings in any one month, and providing that -such attendance shall be allowed only for regular meetings of the City Council. Section 2. That this ordinance be published once and take effect in the form and manner provided Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 15, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: GIE I. YO f3BL00D City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cityi7ttorney G ORDINANCE NO. 1%447 AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1964. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Do ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1964, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said City for such purpose is as follows: FIRST: For the payment of Current Expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, in the sum of $29,331.62 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 9.0 mills on the dollar. SECOND: For the purpose of maintaing City Streets and Roads and for the City Street Fund, in the sum of $2,280.45 and the gate of the tax levy for said fund is 0.7 mills on the dollar. THIRD: For the purpose of maintaining a library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $7,495.86, and the rate of taxation on the dollar for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.3 mills. FOURTH: For the purpose of maintaining a public park and for the Park Fund, the sum of $6,518.14, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.0 mills. FIFTH: For the Hospitalization and Medical Service of injured paid firemen and for pensions for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $3,259.07, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.0 mill on the dollar. SIXTH: For the Port Townsend General Obligation Bonds of 1955 and interest thereon, the sum of $6,518.14, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.0 mills on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and county Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing Tax Levy of said City. Section 3. That this ordinance take effect after its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 15, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN .. __.... „ Mayor - — --- A -ST: A _J_. � //ram�`//�I-fit " ALE I: YODNGBLOOD City Cle ;c App_rov_ed as to Form: Cis jay Attor5ey 1 ORDINANCE NO. J((q J( AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION IN THE 1963 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Police Department of said City for the 1963 budget, the following sumst For gasoline and oils, $400.00; for maintenance and repair of equipment, $200.00; for maintenance and repair of radios, $100.00, for telephone and telegraph, $50.00. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be for the protection of the health, welfare and morals of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, and there is hereby found and be an emergency. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its approval, passage and publication in the manner provided by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the Council held on October 1, 1963. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved and signed by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN MAYOR Attest: GA-3,E I. YOUNGBLOOD CITY CLERK A ov d as o Form: n Abr am C y Attorney ORDINANCE NUMBER /,/1% AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER AN EASEMENT AND PERMIT IN FAVOR OF TUE PORT OF PORE' TO;-MSEUD, PERMITTING SAID PORT TO DEPOSIT FILL EARTR AGAINST AND UPON THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR STATE HIGIi1gAY NUMBER 9 LYING BETWEEN HILL STREET AND KEARNEY STREET IN TIME CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, AND TO FILL TO THE LEVEL OF THE GRADE OF SAID STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 9 PIk CITY STREETS AND ALLEYS LYING BETWEEN �,IkYiRi#iE-B STREET AND 14th STREET ON THE NORTH AND SAID STATE HIGHWAY NUMBER 9 ON THE SOUTH BETWEEN SAID HILL STREET AND KEARNEY STREET AND PROVIDING THAT SAID PORT SHALL PAY ALL COSTS THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver an Easement.and Permit to the Port of Port Townsend, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington, authorizing and permitting said Port of Port Townsend to deposit fill earth upon and against the right of way of State Highway Number 9 lying between the Easterly boundary of Hill Street and the Westerly boundary of Kearney street in said City, providing that said fill shall not be deposited at a level higher than the existing grade of said Highway, and further providing that said Port shall be xagxiXffd *m and is authorized to fill all city streets and alleys lying between the Northerly boundary of C� Street and 14th Street on the North and the Northerly boundary of said State Highway Number 9 on the South and between .the Easterly boundary of Hill Street on the West and the Westerly boundary of Kearney Street on the East, with fill earth to the elevation of the existing grade of said State Highway No. 9 ; and further providing that said Port shall be required to construct, install and maintain drainage culverts and ditches adequate for the drainage of the entire area affected by the deposit of fill earth in the area described, and said Port is further authorized to construct under said State Highway No. 9 such culverts and drains as may be required for adequate drainage and pumping of dredged materials as are deposited in filling the described area. Section 2. The Easement and Permit provided in Section 1. hereof shall be granted only upon the condition that there shall be no obstruction of said State Highway No. 9, nor any interference with traffic thereon. Section 3. The Easement and Permit herein authorized is granted only upon the condition that the said Port of Port Townsend shall pay all costs of publication of this Ordinance, and shall stand all costs of every kind in connection with the transfer and placement of fill earth, and that the said Port of Port Townsend shall further hold the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all liability of any kind whatsoever in connection with or arising from the transfer and depositing of fill earth in connection with the authorization and granting of said easement and permit. {rq�7c�xordinancc6 014kn t5m05-146Q i1S��n1•/G�i,Diu'it�iYi+vi',�C'tx.L...smis3l:f�r.'i.^ 1450 Grants easement (Special) 1451 Elects to join statewide city employees retirement system (Special) 1452 Establishes LID No. 101 (Special) 1453 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1454 Grants a street lease (Special) 1455 Fixes boundaries and numbers of voting precincts (1.04) 1456 Regulates location and occupancy of mobile homes, re- peals Ord. 1344 (9.20) 1457 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1458 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1459 Tax levy for 1965 (Special) 1460 Garbage collection budget for 1965 (Special) �1461 Sewage disposal service budget for 1965 (Special) 1462 Water department budget for 1965 (Special) 1463 1965 budget (Special) 1464 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1465 Amends Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1466 Street vacation (Special) 1467 Street vacation (Special) 1468 Street vacation (Special) 1469 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1470 Amends Ord. 1346 (Not codified) 1471 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1472 Transfers funds (Special) 1473 Emergency appropriation CSpecial) 1474 Tax levy for 1966 (Special) 1475 1966 budget (Special) 1476 Budget for water department for 1966 CSpecial) 1477 Sewage budget for 1966 (Special) 1478 Garbage collection service budget for 1966 (Special) 1479 Special election (Special) 1480 Provides for loading zones on city streets (10.16) 1481 Authorizes purchase of named lots (Special) 1482 Directs lease of city -owned fire truck CSpecial) 1483 Repeals Ords. 1034 and 1041 (Repealer) 1484 Street vacation (special) 1485 Vacates portions of a supplemental plat (Special) 1486 Street vacation (Special) 1487 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1488 (Special) 1489 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1490 Amends Ords. 1078 and 1091 (10.04) 1491 Provides for traffic control (Repealed by 1778) 1492 Approves plat of an addition (Special) 1493 Street vacation (Special) 1494 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1495 Street vacation (Special) 1496 Authorizes laying of pipeline (Special) 1497 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1498 Amends Ord. 1090 (5,04) 1499 Tax levy for 1967 (Special) "s 7rr ,�.�t:�:: r� ... •�'` ` 'a i.' ,ref: n`. _ ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE GRANTING AN EASEMENT TO PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR THE PRIVILEGE AND AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH LINES THROUGH A STRIP OF LAND IN AND NEAR SEAVIEW ESTATES DIVISION NO. 1 OF THE CITY'OF PORT TOWNSEND, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK AND MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND EASEMENT FOR THAT PURPOSE AND PROVIDING CHARGES THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby granted, and the mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver, an Easement to Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, a Washington Corporation, its successors and assigns the right, privileges.: and authority to construct, reconstruct, operate, inspect, maintain or remove lines of telephone and telegraph, or other signal or communi cation circuits consisting of such underground conduits, cables, manholes;, poles and other markers, fixtures and appurtenances as said Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company may from time to time require, upon, across, over or under the following described property and the roads, streets or highways thereto adjoining, situated in the County of Jefferson, State of Washington, and in the City of Port Townsend, and described as: A portion of the Benjamin Ross D.L.C. No. 39, located in Section 33, Township 31 North, Range 1 West, W.M., described as follows: A strip of land ten feet in width, center line of said strip of land is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of lot 24, of Seaview Estates Division No. 1, City of Port Townsend, as recorded in Volume 4 of Plats, Page 26, Records of Jefferson County, Washington, said point of beginning is located seven feet North of the Southwest corner of said Lot 24; thence North 880 57' 50" East 205.92 Feet more or less to the'East line of Seaview Drive and TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing North 880 57' 50" -1- East 56.00 feet more or less; thence North 890 04' 00" East 525.69 feet; thence South 480 46' 35" East 54.00 feet more or less to the Northwesterly line of Cook Avenue and terminus of Center line of this easement, all located in vacated portion of Fowlers Park Addition to the City of Port Townsend, as recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 16, Records of Jefferson County, Washington, vacated by Ordinance No. 1413, October 17, 1961, City of Port Townsend. Section 2. The Easement herein provided is granted only upon the condition that all costs pertinent to this Ordinance, including costs of publication, shall be paid by the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company, a Washington corporation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Section 4. This Ordinance is made pursuant to the reservation of Easements for Utilities contained in Ordinance 1413 of the City of Port Townsend. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council held on November 19, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST-. Cit� Clerk' APPROVED AS TO FORM: CiV Attorney -2- n U ORDINANCE NO. /. ' AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO A PENSION, RELIEF, DISABILITY, AND RETIREMENT SYSTEM; MAKING AN ELECTION TO JOIN THE STATEWIDE CITY EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 41.44 RCW; ELECTING A CHOICE OF 'PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT', SOCIAL SECURITY COORDINATION OR SUPPLEMENTATION, AND PROVIDING FOR PROPER NOTIFICATION OF THE HOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE STATEWIDE SYSTEM OF SUCH ELECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Section 1. That the City of Port Townsend has elected and does hereby elect to participate as a member of Statewide City Employees Retirement System for pension, relief, disability, and retirement for the employees of the City as provided by Chapter 41.44 RCW: that all employees and officials of said city shall be included in said System except members of the Fire Department provided that no elective official shall be included unless said official so elects and files a written notice of such election with the Board of Trustees of said Pension System and with the City Clerk. Section 2. That the number of employees and officials, other than elective officials who shall be included as members of said Pension System is approximately Section 3. That a certified copy of this ordinance shall be transmitted to the Board of Trustees of said Statewide System as evidence of an election of the City to join such Pension System. Section 4. That the basis for prior service credit shall be 1..55per cent of final compensation known as Prior Service Credit'. Section 5. That the basis for Social Security coverage will be coovdiMR t E on Section 6. That the basis for contribution shall be full. conrnt1on. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication in the manner provided by law. Passed by the City Council at a regular meeting this 19th day of November, 1963. ATTEST: MAYOR CLERK (i Anpi'r 'd �As `'i, �0i'm: q % • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1452 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS "LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO.101 " EMBRACING THAT AREA OF THE CITY BOUNDED30N"THE NORTH BY 3RD STREET, ON THE SOUTH BY THE CITY LIMITS, ON THE EAST BY A LINE PARALLELL TO AND 133 FEET EASTERLY OF THE CENTER LINE OF GRANT STREET, AND ON THE WEST BY A LINE PARALLEL TO AND 133 FEET WESTERLY OF THE CENTER LINE OF GRANT STREET, PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A WATER LINE IN GRANT STREET OF SAID LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, DIRECTING THAT COSTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID WATER LINE BE PAID IN WHOLE BY ASSESSMENT AGAINST THE PROPERTY IN SAID LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, PROVIDING FOR AN ESTIMATED COST OF $1,250.00, AND DIRECTING THE ENTRY OF ASSESSMENTS ON THE ASSESSMENT ROLLS AND THE FILING OF SAID ASSESSMENT ROLL WITH THE CITY CLERK. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby created a local improvement district in the City of Port Townsend to be known as "Local Improvement District No.10( which shall embrace that area in said City bounded on the North by Third Street, bounded on the South by the City limits, bounded on the West by a line parallel to and 133 feet westerly of the center line of Grant Street, and bounded on the East by a line parallel to and 133 feet easterly of Grant Street. Section 2. The Water of the City of Port Townsend shall construct, as a local improvement, within the boundaries of Local Improvement District No.101, hereby created, a water line in Grant Street, extending from 3rd Street to the city limits, sufficient to supply domestic water to all of the property within said Local Improvement District No. 101. Section 3. The costs of construction of a water line in the said local improvement district, together with the engineering, legal, accounting and clerical work costs thereto pertaining shall be paid in whole by assessment against the property within the said Local Improvement District No.101, in the form and manner provided by law. -1- %A. 0 • Section d. The estimated cost of said local improvement, including proper costs incidental thereto, is $1,250.00. Section 5. It is hereby directed that assessments be entered upon the assessment rolls for the cost of said local improvement, that said.assessment roll be filed with the City Clerk, that said assessments be determined in the manner provided by law, and that a hearing thereon be had, upon due notice given, and that said hearing be held before the City Council as a whole. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the, Council and approved by the Mayor this 3rd day of December, 1963. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor Attest: 6A��c`•Ct� Lam" , ✓� F --1 . UN OOD City Clerk Approved as to form: c1f Attorney J. -2- k ORDI11,ANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21 AND SECTION 23 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1110, AS AMENDED, THEREBY INCREASING FIXED WATER RATES AND PROVIDING FOR A DISCOUNT ON WATER RATES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 21 of Ordinance No. 1110, passed on December 19, 1939, as amended by ordinances numbered 1172, 1239, 1341 and 1380, is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 21. That the monthly rates for the use of water, other than measured by meter, shall be known as fixed or flat rate, as follows: Minimum rate for domestic, family and household purposes only, payable monthly in advance per month - S2.70. Apartment houses and light housekeeping rooms--$2.70 minimum for each unit, plus rate for additional plumbing facilities, or by meter, to each apartment or light housekeeping unit, at election of owner. Barber Shops, first chair--$2.70, each additional. chair --754. Bath tubs, private --404. Sprinkling --754, per lot or fraction thereof, over and above the residence lot. For "extra lot" sprinkling, any sprinkling during a stated month shall be considered sprinkling for the entire month, provided, however, that by reason of shortage of water, or for any other good reason, the superintendent, at his discretion, may regulate the hours of "sprinkling." Water closets, private --40�. SECTION 2. Section 23 of Ordinance No. 1110, passed December 19, 1939, as amended by ordinances numbered 1172, 1239, 1341 -1- w • 0 and 1369, is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 23. All bills for water by fixed or flat rate are due and payable on the first day of each month in advance, at the office of the City Treasurer, without any notice whatever to the Consumer, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if the same are paid on or before the 11 th day of each month, a discount of SN: shall be allowed, as to each thereof, but, thereafter, the same shall be considered delinquent. All bills for the use of water by meter shall be due and payable on the first day of each and every succeeding month, and if pFTr=r r/ not paid within•tecr days from due date, the same shall be considered delinquent. In the computation of time under this ordinance, should the th day of the month fall on a Sunday or a holiday, the t-en-day grace period hereby authorized shall be extended an additional day. in all cases where water is not paid within the time provided by law, the payment may be enforced by shutting off the water until all charges including charges for "shut off" and "turn on" shall have been paid. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect on January 31, 1964, after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on January 7, 1964. ATTEST: 1 ' City Clerk APPROUii.1) AS TO FORM: MAYOR -2- ORDINANCE NO.•1455 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE BOUNMRIES AND NU14BERS OF VOTING PRECINCTS WITHIN THE CITY OF PORT TOWN - SEND, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEI EWITH The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 2: That ..wherever any reference shall be.made to "Streets" as boundaries herein, the term shall mean the centerline of said k reet. Section 3: That the City of Port Townsend be and the same is hereby divided into nine (9) Voting Precincts, numbered and bounded as follows: 0 Voting Precinct No. l is bounded as follows: on the northwest by Lawrence Street, on the southwest by i arrison Street, and on the southeast and northeast by the inner Harbor Line. Voting Precinct No. 2 shall be bounded as follows: on the northeast by Harrison Street, on the northwest by Lawrence Street, on theve-stby San Juan Avenue, and on the southeast by the inner Harbor Line. Voting Precinct No. 3 shall be bounded as follows: on the southeast by Lawrence, on the northeast by the inner Harbor Line; on the northwest by a line extending from the inner Harbor Line to the intersection of Cosgrove Street with Oak Street, thence extending the westerly line from the intersection of Cosgrove Street with oak Street southerly along Oak Street to F Street, thence east- erly along F Street to Tyler Street, thence southeasterly along Tyler Street to Lawrence Street. Voting Precinct No. 4 shall be bounded as follows: on the southeast by Lawrence Street, on the northeast by a line from the intersection of Lawrence street with Tyler Street, thence north- westerly along Tyler Street to F Street, thence westerly along F Street to Willow Street, thence southerly along Willow Street to Calhoun Street, thence southeasterly along Calhoun Street to Lawrence street. Voting Precinct No. 5 is bounded as follows: on the east by San Juan Avenue, on the north by l6th Street, on the west by the City Limits Boundary, and on the south by the City Limits Boundary and the inner Harbor Line. Voting Precinct No. 6 is bounded as follows: by a line commencing at the intersection of 25th Street with the westerly City Limits Boundary, thence cast along 25th Street to the intersection of lath Street with San Juan Avenue, thence to the northeast corner of Black 7 of Kuhn's Ranch Addition to the City of Port Townsend, Washing- ton, thence northeasterly along the northwest boundary of Block 7 and BlockA of said Kuhn' s Ranch Addition, thence southeasterly along Calhoun Street to Lawrence Street, thence southwesterly along Lawrence Street to San Juan Avenue, thence north along San Juan Avenue to inter- sect with 16th Street, thence west along 16th Street to the west City Limits Boundary, thence north to the point of beginning. Voting Precinct No. 7 is bounded as follows: on the north by the meander line, on the east by San Juan Avenue and extended San Juan Avenue, on the south by 25th Street, and on thewest by the westerly City Limits Boundary. Voting Precinct No. 8 is bounded as follows: beginning at the intersection of "W"Street with the meander line, thence wester- ly along "W" Street to Willow Street, thence southerly along Willow Street to the northwest corner of Block A in Kuhn's Ranch Addition to the City of Port Townsend, Washington, thence south westerly along the northwest boundary of Block A and Block 7 of Kuhn's Ranch Addition to the City of Port Townsend to the northwest corner of said Block 7 of said Kuhn's Ranch Addition, thence to the intersection of 25th Street and San Juan Avenue, thence north along San Juan Avenue and San Juan Avenue extended to the meander line, thence following east and south along the meander line to the point of beginning. Voting Precinct No. 9 is bounded as follows: beginning at the intersection of the inner Harbor Line with Cosgrove Street, thence southwesterly to the intersection of Cosgrove Street with Oak' Street, thence southerly to F. Street, thence westerly along F Street to Willow Street, thence northerly along Willow Street to "W" Street, thence easterly along "W" Street to the inner Harbor Line, thence to the point of beginning. Section 4. This ordinance shall take five days after its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Passed by the Council on ,Tune 2, 1964. Approved by the Mayor June 3, 1964. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor /Q T 7f'ST: E GALE I. Y U LOOD City Clerk Approved as to Form: ?NA B 4, OR. City Attorney ORDINANCR NO. 1456 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHING`1'ON, REGULATING THE LOCATION ARID OCCUPANCY OF MOBILE IOMES, ESTABLISHING LICENSES FOR MOBILE HOME PARKS AND PRO- VIDING FOR LICENSE FEES THEREFORE, AND REPEALING ORDIN- ANCE NO. 1344. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, in regular Session assembled, as follows: Section 1. Definitions: Mobile Home: tine term "Mobile Home" shall mean any vehicle used, or so constructed as to permit it being used, as a vehicle upon the public streets or highways and licensable as such, and constructed in such manner as will permit ocmupancy thereof as a dwelling or sleeping place. Likewise, the term "Mobile Home" Shall mean any such vehicle as in this definition heretofore described which has had the wheels removed, or has in any other manner been con- verted to non -vehicular purposes. Travel Trailer: the term "Travel Trailer" shall mean any vehicle of a type consistent with the definition of Mobile Home hereinabove set forth, which is less than twenty feet in length. Mobile HOme ParK: "Mobile F ome Park" shall mean any plot of ground upon which two or more mobile homes, occupied for duelling or sleeping purposes, are located. Health Officer: The term "health Officer" shall mean the Health Officer of the Olympic Health District or his successors. Section 2. From andafter the effective date hereof it shall be unlawful to park or to occupy any Mobile Home within the limits of the City of Port 'Townsend, Washington, except in a licensed Mobile Home Park as hereinafter authorized, for a period of more than eight hours, unless the owner, occupant, user or other person in charge of said Mobile Home, or any Travel Trailer parked for more than eight hours as aforesaid, shall have obtained from -1- 1 the City Clerk of the City of Dort Townsend a permit as provided in Section 3 hereof. Section 3. Upon application to the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, and the payment of a fee of $1.00 therefore, it shall be permissible to part. a Mobile Home or Travel Trailer on private property within the City Limits of the City of Port Townsend, which Mobile Home or Travel Trailer shall be used for sleeping purposes only.if occupied, and which permit shall be limited to a period of not more than two weeks from the date of issue, and failure to obtain such a permit shall constitute a mis- demeanor for each day of noncompliance. Nothing herein shall prevent a resident of port Townsend from keeping and maintaining on his own premises an unoccupied Travel Trailer for his own use, nor shall it prevent the keeping of Travel Trailers or Mobile Homes on a lot or in a garage or warehouse where such Travel Trailers or Mobile Howes are displayed for sale, provided that the same are not occupied for purposes of laving accommodations of any kind. Section 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a Mobile Home Park in the City of port Townsend, Washington, unless such person shall first have obtained from the City Clerk of said city a valid Mobile Home Park license for the operation thereof. Section 5. Application for initial Mobile Home Park licenses shall include the name and address of the applicant and alegal description of the proposed park, and shall contain the following information: the approximate dimensions of the tract of land, the number of mobile home spaces, the method and plan of water supply, the method and plan of sewage disposal, the method of garbage disposal and a description of the type of neighborhood in which said proposed Mobile Home Park is located. Further, every application for a -2- license for the operation of a Mobile Home Park shall be accompanied by an unrevoked permit for the specific Mobile t:lome Park, issued by the State of Washington through its designated health Authority, as may be required under the Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Heath. Further, every application for a I-iobile tiome Park license shall be endorsed with the approval of the District Health Officer, and such approval shall show date not later than ten days prior to the date application is made. Section 6. A fee for the license for Mobile Home Parks is hereby established, and shall be in the sum of $10.00 per annum. Section7. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to issue Mobile Home Park licenses to such persons as may have complied with all of the terms of this Ordinance, and who have paid the fees hereby required. Section B. from and after the effective date of this Ordinance, no Mobile Home or Travel Trailer shall be connected to any water system or sewerage disposal system within the City of Port Townsend, exc@pr %% a 11c►•+sowl r.•Irrlt 1+9a e pox1r. Section 9. Ordinance No. 1344 of the City of Port Townsend passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on jolt' 115' ,1956, is hereby repealed. Section 10. This Ordinance is declared to be necessary for the immedi- ate protection of the Health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. Section 11. This Ordinance shall become effective immmediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council held on July 7, 1964. i Mayor Attest: Approved as to .Form: (/`�� City Attorney • 6 ORDINANCE NO. 1457 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING '215B SUM OF $1,400.1 0 TO CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OF TF!E 1964 BUDGET OF THE OLYMPIC GRAVITY'WATER FUND, AUTHORIZING TEE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO .r.N AGREEMENT WITH THE ATT RNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE PR SECUTION OF A LAW SUIT, AND OECL7ARING AN EMERGENCY. VIBEREAS, the Attorney General of the State of Washington has determined that certain v.blations of State and Federal Antitrust Statutes have occurred in which the State, the City of Port Townsend, and various other minicipal corporations, have a common interest an may join as plaintiffs, and WHEREAS, the said Attorney General has proposed that the City of Port Townsend and other municipalities shall share the cost. and prosecute said law suit under the direction of said Attorney General, to the end that the rights of each may be adjudicated ii a joint and common.action at law in the Federal Courts. NOW THEREFORE be it ORDAINED, by the City Couicil of the City of Port Townsend, in regular session assembled, as ollows: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to con- tractual services of the 1964 budget for The Olympic Gravity Water Fund the sum of $1,400.00, for disbursement, upon demand for any portion thereof, to the Pipe Litigation Cost Advance Fund administered by the Office of the Attorney General of the State of W shington, pursuant to agreement with the City, for payment of the City of Port Townsend share of costs of a law suit to be prosecuted ointly by the City, the State and other municipal corporations. Section 2. The Mayor is here and hereby auth rized and dir- ected to enter into an agreement with the Attorney Gene al of the State of Washington, and other municipal corporations having n interest in the subject matter as Plaintiffs, wherein and whereby tle City shall authorize the Attorney General to act for the City as ounsel in Chief for the prosecution of a law suit for the violation of antitrust statutes by various defendants who have allegedly conspired to f-x prices in bids made for pipe sold to the City, for a consideratio paid by the City of a sum which shall approximate $1,400.00, and pr viding for City participat.on in the management of the suit. Section 3. The Attorney General of the State of Washington is hereby authorized to sign pleadings in behalf of the City of Port Townsend in connection with the law suit hereinabove mentioned. Section 4. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the Council on ;duly 21, 1964; read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City council held on August 4, 1964. DENNIS SULLIVAN - — Mayor-W... Attest: GALE I. O[3NGBLOOD _ City Clerk Approved as to fpxmz NN ABRAHAM, VTR. City Attorney { • .. .. � Ali ORDINANCE NO. 1458 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND APPRO- PRIATING THE SUM OF $20,848.30 TO UTILITY TAX IN THE 1964 BUDGET OF THE PORT TOWNSEND WATER DEPARTMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for payment of utility tax to the State of Washington in the budget of the Port Townsend Water Department, for the year 1964, the sum of $20,848:38. Section 2. There is hereby found and declared to be an emergency. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council on August 18, 1964. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and ,approved by the Mayor on September 1, 1964. .. /,•'i�J'?i;!�A.t�7 ./ � .j,. ,'/.G/� Win/ Mayor Attest: C ty Clank, Approved as to Form: (I Attor{y y r ' i ■ ORDINANCE NO. 1459 AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1965. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and ratescf tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1965, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city for such purposes is as follows: FIRST: For the payment of Current Expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, in the sum of $19,802.02 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 5.70 mills on the dollar. SECOND: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $10,769.51, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 3.10 mills on the dollar. THIRD: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park and for the Park Fund, the sum of $6,948.07, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.00 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: For the maintenance and improvement of the Public Streets of the City and for the City Street Fund, the sum of $11,116.92, and the rate of tax levy for s aid fund is hereby fixed at 3.20 mills on the dollar. FIFTH: For the hospitalization and medical service of injured paid firemen and for Pensions for the Firemen's RElief and Pension Fund, the sum of $3,474.04, and the rate of tax levy for said Pension Fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the dollar. SIXTH: For the Port Townsend General Obligation Bond 1955 and interest; the sum of $6,948.07, and the rate of the tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.00 mills on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are herby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, foregoing Tax Levy of said City. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. .. C, J ORDINANCE NO. 1460 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR OF 1965. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adoptedas the official budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service of the City of Port Townsdnd, for the year 1965, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole di said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages---------------------------------$30,940.00 Operations and Maintenance --------------------------- $ 9,576.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port.Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 6th day cE October, 1964. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: GALE I. YOU OOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: G ABRAH , JR. City Attorney ��� `,: .r� :�?Yf .. _ ::j: 1450 Grants easement (Special) 1451 Elects to join statewide city employees retirement system (Special) 1452 Establishes LID No. 101 (Special) 1453 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1454 Grants a street lease (Special) 1455 Fixes boundaries and numbers of voting precincts (1.04) 1456 Regulates location and occupancy of mobile homes, re- peals Ord. 1344 (9.20) 1457 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1458 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1459 Tax levy for 1965 (Special) 460 Garbage collection budget for 1965 (Special) 1461 Sewage disposal service budget for 1965 (Special) 1462 Water department budget for 1965 (Special) 1463 1965 budget (Special) 1464 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1465 Amends Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1466 Street vacation (Special) # (ram 1467 Street vacation (Special) 1468 Street vacation (Special) 1469 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) _1470 Amends Ord. 1346 (Not codified) 1471 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1472 Transfers funds (Special) 1473 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1474 Tax levy for 1966 (Special) 1475 1966 budget (Special) 1476 Budget for water department for 1966 (Special) 1477 Sewage budget for 1966 (Special) 1478 Garbage collection service budget for 1566 (Special) 1479 Special election (Special) 1480 Provides for loading zones on city streets (10.16) 1481 Authorizes purchase of named lots (Special) 1482 Directs lease of city -owned fire truck (Special) 1483 Repeals Ords. 1034 and 1041 (Repealer) 1484 Street vacation (Special) 1485 Vacates portions of a supplemental plat (Special) 1486 Street vacation (Special) 1497 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1488 (Special) 1489 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1490 Amends Ords. 1078 and 1091 (10.04) 1491 Provides for traffic control (Repealed by 1778) 1492 Approves plat of an addition (Special) 1493 Street vacation (Special) 1494 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1495 Street vacation (Special) 1496 Authorizes laying of pipeline (special) 1497 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1498 Amends Ord. 1090 (5.04) 1499 Tax levy for 1967 (Special) ORDINANCE NO. 1461 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND SEWERAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1965. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1965, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages------------------------------ ------$ 5,600.00 Operation and Maintenance---------------------- $13,372.00 Section 2. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 6th day of October, 1964. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: _� GALE I. YO LOOD City Clerk APPR AS TO FORM: G ABRAH dR. City Attorney M ORDINANCE NO. 1462 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1965. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsenj for the year 1965, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ---------------------------------- $26,040.00 Operation and Maintenance-------------------------- $24,396.00 Capital Outlay------------------------------------- $24,000.00 Interest and Debt Redemption------------------------ $24,023.75 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 6th day of October, 1964. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: GALE I. 0 NOBLOOD City Clerk aR:A TO ORM: , 3R. City Attorney 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1463 = AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND WASHINGTON, FIXING AND ADOPTING THE OFFICIAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR OF 1965. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and Apted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1965, divided into the fallowing classes comprising the,whole of said budget, to -wit: Sahries and Wages--------------------------------- $159,925.00 Operation and Maintenance-------------------------- 115,339.40 Capital Outlay -- ------ 86,644.15 Interest and Bond Redemption----------------------- 29,363.25 Firmen's Retirement and Pension-------------------- 3,800.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on the 6th.�'day of October, 1964. r/lZGt% DENNIS SUL IVAN Mayor ATTEST: GA T. YQ N, LOO DD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GLE ABRA , JR. Dity Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1464 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $4,048.06 TO TI3E 1964 BUDGET OF THE PORT TOWNSEND WATER DEPT., FOR PAYMENT OF STATE UTILITIES TAX, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, in regular session assembled, do ordain: Section-1. There is hereby appropriated to the 1964 Budget of the _'Port Townsend Water Department, the sum of $4,048.OG for payment of State of Washington utilities tax assessed against said Port Town- send Water Department. Section 2. There is hereby found and declared to be an emergency, requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular session of the City Council held on December 15, 1964. Read for the Second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held on January 5, 1965. 1 1 -Mayor Attest: Ci C1erk� Approved as to form: - 61 M Attor ey ORDINANCE NO. 1465 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 1204, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE No. 1437, and THEREBY REDUCING A LICENSE FEE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWSEND, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 1204, passed on December 3.7, 1946 and approved on Decemberl8, 1946, and there after amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1437 which was passed and approved on February 19, 1963, is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Each and every person, firm or corporation having at any place or places of business within the City of Port Townsend, a device, devices, machine or machines which are mechanical music machines or are for playing games of amusement, commonly known as pin and ball machines or devices, or machines in which coins may be dropped for the purpose of operating the same (unless specifically exempted by this Ordinance ) and which may be legally operated within the State of Washington, shall pay an annual license fee of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) for an owner's or.operator's license t�rr"'tYi'`it1";`""5tr�3if►a a • fee Hof �wLr•.�arid15.0yi{3f��Eiol lars�•('¢-2r50 j^^pe�Msnolrth.;.•*.psyab],e>w. giant�il;y.�:in,:adva�ae-��:•.:fnr•:eaeh3:andreua.ry.�.snack�nawor..devise awned:-and,a;opera�erl•^�b+�r"suoit•.�.3:icensee=. ;:: •: Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 5th day of January, 1965. blaycor Attest: Approved as to form: City ttorney 0 ORDINANCE 110. ! L � AN ORDINANCE VACATING TRAT PORTION OF FILMORE STREET AND POLK STREET LYING BETWEEN WATER STREET AND FRONT STREET, AND THAT PORTION Or FRONT.` STREET LYING BETWEEN HARRISON STREET AND A POINT 78 FEET EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF POLK STREET, AND PROVIDING FOR A CONDITIONAL REVERSION THEREOF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS. FOLLOWS: Section 1. Upon the condition stated in Section 2 hereof, That portion of Filmore Street lying Southerly of Water Street and Northerly of Front Street, and that portion of Polk Street lying Southerly of Water Street and Northerly of Front Street, together with that portion of Front Street lying between the Easterly line of Harrison Street and a point 78 feet Easterly of the Easterly boundary of Polk Street, is, as to each of said portions of said streets, vacated. Section 2. The vacation of portions of streets provided in Section l hereof is made upon the condition that if the area embraced within the area vacated shall not be filled to the level of the grade of Water.Street existing at this elate, within 111 years from the date hereof, said vacation shall be a nullity, and the portions of streets therein mentioned shall revert to the City of Port Townsend for the purposes and in the manner of their original dedication. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon lts passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by statute. READ FOR THE FIRST,SECOND AND THIRD .TIMES, PASSED BY THE COUNCIL AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR, this 2nd day of March, 1965. DENNIS SULLIVAN _ mayor ATTEST: GAZ I. YOLI G LOOD City Clerk APPR yED AS TO/ORI1: G N ABRAI AM Cir Attorney 0 E ORDINANCE NO. 1467 AN ORDINANCE VACATING HAINES AND MC NEILL STREETS BETWEEN 12TH STREET AND SIMS WAY, AND LANDES STREET AND KUHN STREET BETIM-EN 12th ST. AND SIMS WAY, AND ALSO VACATING TIIOSE ALLEYS LYING IN BLOCKS 19, 20 and 30 of THE EISENBEIS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AND TIIE ALLEY IN BLOCK 4 OF THE RAILROAD ADDITION TO TIIE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, AND THAT ALLEY LYING BETWEEN BLOCK 10 OF EISENBEIS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AND BLOCK 5 OF THE RAILROAD ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Those portions of Haines St., McNeill St., Landes St. and KKuliri St. lying between the southerly boundary of 12th St. and the northerly boundary of Sints Way, in the City of Port Townsend, are here and hereby vacated and removed from the public street system of the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. Those public alleys lying in block 19, block 20 and block 30 of the Eisenbeis Addition to the City of port Townsend, and block 4 of the Railroad Addition to the City of Port Townsend, together with that alley lying between block 10 of the Eisenbeis Addition to the City of Port Townsend and block 5 of the Railroad Addition to the City of Port Townsend, are hereby vacated and removed from the public street system of the City of Port Townsend. Section 3. The vacation herein provided is made upon the condition that the petitioner for vacation, H.J. Carroll, shall pay the expenses of publication of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the farm and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third time, passes by the Council and approved by the Mayor on March 16, 1965. ATTEST: DENNIS SULLIVAN GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD C) City Clerk Ap roared... -as to .,form: Attorney mayor ( C' 2' '3 41 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2e 29 3C 33 34e GL[NN ABRAHAM A770lN9r AT LAW NOUNT RAKRR RLOCN PORT TOW"KNo, �A 'NARNINOTON 98369 i..2--ONR aid•3.10 ORDINANCE NO. 1468 AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF 5th ST., LYING BETWEEN HENDRICKS STREET AND SHERf.AN STREET IN THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, AND PRO- VIDING FOR PAY:1ENT OF COSTS 3Y APPLICANT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THL; CITY OF PORT TOIV:75END, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. That portion of 5th St. lying between the westerly line of Hendricks St. and the easterly line of Sherman St. in the Eisenbeis Addition to the City of Port Townsend, be and it is hereby vacated and removed from the City Street System of the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. This vacation is made an condition that the applicant, G~iTbert Condon, shall pay all costs of publication and other expenses incurred by the City incident to the vacation herein provided. Sectton 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its pass- age, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the ouncil and approved by the Mayor this 6th day of April, 1965. i Ma o ttest: It C 1 e ' pproved as to Form: 0- Attorney 9j/8/ 9� d lVe6 i ORDINANCE 1469 A14 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION S, SLCTION 22, SECTION 24 and SECTION 25 of ORDINANCE 1110, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 13dl and ORDI14t'NCE 1,10. 1172, AND 'I'IIEREI3Y CIIA4GING INSTALLATION FEES AND CERTAIN i!IWIMU:I FEES FOR WATER SERVICES Ai4D IdLTERS . TI'IE•' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT `i'OWNSE:ND, IM K GUL7111 SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. Section 1. Section 8 of OrdinanceNo. 1110 of the City of Port Townsend, passed by the City Council on December 19, 1939 and approved by the 11ayor on December 20, 1939, as amendecl by Ordinance No. 1341 whbh was passed anu approveu on i:iay 5, 1958, be and the same is herebv amended to read as follows. "Section S. The fees for -the installation of water service as hereinbefore provided shall be as follows: for all installation of pipe up to and including 3/4 inch diameter connection, the sum of $75.00,for any service within the municipal limits of the City of Port Townsend, and for any service of a connection of pipe in excess of 3/4 inch in diameter the sum of $100.00, and provided that for sizes larger than 1 inch in diameter, or,where it becomes necessary to open a pavement or hard surface street, or for services outside city limits, the actual cost of labor rind material in laying such a service and replacement of pavement or hard surfacing shall be charged, PROVIDED, however, that charges for all such installation and connection service outside the ielnicipal limits of theCity of Port Townsend shall be not less than $100.00, regardless of diameter of pipe used. in such cases, ana in cases of connection extending along the street on which there is no main, the cost of material ana labor shall be estimated by the superintendent and the estimated cost shall be paid to the City Treasurer by the person a, -,)?.lying for such installation before the work of connecting the main with the property is begun; provided, that whenever the estinatec? cost is not sufficient to cover the total expense for labor anti material any deficit shall be charged to the property for which said installation was made and to the owner thereof; and provided furt',ier that any exccss payment shall be =turned to the person applying for -the installation." -1- Suction 2. Section 22 of Ordinance No. 1110, hereinabove mentioned, as amended by Ordinance No. 1172, }gassed by the City Council on Aug. i 15, 1944 and approved by the I�iayor on Aug. 16, 1944, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 22. All other services shall be by meter and the rates for water supplied by meter shall be for the quantity use in any one month as follows: a ❑iinimum rate of $2.50 per month for 5,000 gallons or less; 604! for the following 1,000 gallons above 5,000 gallons, and 30,� for the following 1,000 gallons above 6,000 gallons, up to 7,000 gallons; all over and above 7,000 gallons, 21fi per 1,000 gallons. In computing meter rates as above provided, results ending in one and two cents will be counted zero; results ending in three, Fours, six or seven cents will be counted "five"; and results ending in eight, or nine cents will be counted "ten." Section 3. Section 24 of Ordinance No. 1110, as hereinabove mentioned, shall be an d the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 24. C^ihenever, because of the conduct of the owner or A — at his request, the water has been shut off,fany premises, or whenever the same shall be turned on, there shall be a chargolmade against the owner and the property and paid to the City in the sum of $2A0 for any such %hut off" or "turn on" within the municipal limits of the City of Port Townsend, and a like sum of $4.00 for any such "shut off" or "turn on" outside of the mu6cipal limits of the City of Port Townsend." Suction 4. Section 25 of Ordinance No. 1110, as hereinabove mentioned, shall be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 25. That in the instances where the owners of premises have not paid for meters, the City may rent the same and the rent for such meters shall be at the following rates per month: Meter for 3/4 inch diameter or less --------------------- $ .25 One inch or One and 1/2 inch meter --------------------- .50 Twoinch meter -------------------------------------------- .75 Three inch meter ------------------------------------------ 1.00 Four inch meter ----------------------------------------- 2.00 Six inch meter --------------------------------------- 3.00 -2•- • provided, however, thatAany and every premises at whbh a 'I"' or connection is provided outside the municipal limits of the City of Port Towasend, the premises and owner shall be subject: to payment of the minimum metered water monthly rate, together with the meter rental hexeinabove provided, whether or not water shall be drawn from such "T" or connection, and whether or not any water shall be used from any such connection." Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third time, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 18th day of May, 1965. t tayo r Attest: Clerk Approved as to Form: C' y l�ttor ey -3- • ORDIrIANCE 1;0. 1470 AN ORDINANCE SECTION 1 of: ORDINAIICE NO. 1346, AND ADDING SECTION 4 to SAID ORDIN- ANCE 1346, ?1Nll TIiERIMY CHANGING PEES FOR BUILD— ING P1:'!U1ITS AND PROVIDING POR A BUILDING IiJSPRC—• TOR. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO[MSLND, IN REGULAR SBSSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDeAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordnance 1346, passed by the Council and approved by the Idayor. on September 16, 1950, be and the same is hereby amended to read: "Section, 1. There is here and hereby charged and levied for building permits required for the building, Moving, or tearing down of any buildings in the City of Port Townsend, which permits are required by Ordinances of this City heretofore enacted, a minimum charge of $1.00 for all such permits, and, in addition tirreto all permits for the construction of buildings shall be subject to the following schedule of payment for the granting of said permit: For the construction of any improvement to real property up to and including building materials valued at $100.00, $1.00; for any im- market provement to property in which the fair/ wlLe of the total improve- ment shall amount to a sum ranging from *101.00 to $400.00, the sum of $2-X00; for any improvement where the fair market value of: the im- provement shall range from $401.00 to $700.00, the sum of $4.00; for any improvement where the improvement shall result in an increase of fair market value ranging from $701.00 to $1,000.00, the sum of $6.00; for any improvement the fair market value of which ranges from $1,001.00 to $2,000.00 the sum of $6.00, plus the additional sum of $2.00 for each $1,000.00 of improvement up to and including $15,000.00; for any improvement in which the fair market value of the improvement shall range from $15,001.00 to $50,000.00, the sum of $34.00 plus $1.00 for each $1,000.00 in excess of $15,000.00; and for any improvement the fair market value of which is in excess of $50,000.00, the sum of $69.00, plus 504 for each $1,000.00 of fair market value of the impeo—t—r exceeding $50,000.00." Section 2. There is here and hereby added to Ordinance 1346, -1-- t ; • • as hereinabove mentioned, Section 4, the same- to read as follot•Is: `There is here anCI hereby established the office;.of "building in- spector" for the City of port 'lTowrisenci, which building inspector shall be the City Engineer„ and whose function, duty and responsi-- bility shall be to detormine the fair Jnarket value of the improve- ments to real property within the scope of this Ordinance, and the determination of said building inspector shall be prima facie evidence of fair market. value for the purposes of this Ordi;.'nce. Upon any party being a95.rieved by the determination of the building inspector lie shall have the right to appcal to the whole City Council, and upon application Ding made in writing, shall be granted a hearing before V the Council within 30 days of the date of his notice of appeal. Section. 3. Thiy Ordinance shall tale effect imaodiately upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by late. Read for the first, second and third time, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 19th day of May, 1965. Attest: �l. Approved a, to Form: A ttor{l, i • •i k i "M ayf or- " --2- ordinances #1471-1480 . 1450 Grants easement (Special) 1451 Elects to join statewide city employees retirement System (Special) 1452 Establishes LID No. 101 (Special) 1453 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1454 Grants a street lease (Special) 1455 Fixes boundaries and numbers of voting precincts (1.04) 1456 Regulates location and occupancy of mobile homes, re- peals Ord. 1344 (9.20) 1457 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1458 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1459 Tax levy for 1965 (Special) 1460 Garbage collection budget for 1965 (Special) 1461 Sewage disposal service budget for 1965 (Special) 1462 Water department budget for 1965 (Special) 1463 1965 budget (Special) 1464 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1465 Amends Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1466 Street vacation (Special) 1467 Street vacation (special) 1468 Street vacation (Special) 1469 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) _1470 Amends Ord. 1346 (Not codified) /" 1471 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1472 Transfers funds (special) 1473 Emergency appropriation CSpecial) -r1 Er 1474 Tax levy for 1966 (Special) 1475 1966 budget (Special) 1476 Budget for water department for 1966 (Special) 1477 Sewage budget for 1966 (Special) 1478 Garbage collection service budget for 1966 (Special) 1479 Special election (Special) 1480 Provides for loading zones on city streets (10.16) ---1481 Authorizes purchase of named lots CSpecial) 1482 Directs lease of city -owned fire truck (Special) 1483 Repeals Ords. 1034 and 1041 (Repealer) 1484 Street vacation (Special) 1485 vacates portions of a supplemental plat (Special) 1486 Street vacation (Special) 1487 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1488 (Special) 1489 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1490 Amends Ords. 1078 and 1091 (10.04) 1491 Provides for traffic control (Repealed by 1778) 1492 Approves plat of an addition (Special) 1493 Street vacation (Special) 1494 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1495 Street vacation (Special) 1496 Authorizes laying of pipeline (special) 1497 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1498 Amends Ord. 1090 (5.04) 1499 Tax levy for 1967 (Special) • ORDINANCE NO. 1471 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. Z110, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. Z372 and ORDINANCE NO. 4469. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section Z. Section 22 of Ordinance No. 1140, passed by the Council on December Z9, 1939, and approved by the Mayor on December 20, 1939, as amended by Ordinance No. 1372, passed and approved an September Z5, 1959, and as further amended by Ordinnnce No. Z469, passed and approved on May 18, Z965, is:hereby read as follows: . Section 22. All other services shall be by meter and the rates for water supplied by meter shall be for the quantitty use in any one month as follows: A minimum rate of $3.00 for 5,000 gallons or less,; 600 for the following 1,000 gallons above 5,000 gallons, and 300 for the following Z,000 gallons above 6,000 gallons, up to 7,000 gallons; alll over and above 7,000 galZons, 210 per Z,000 gallons. In computing meter rates as above provided, results ending in one and two cents will be counted "0"; results ending in three, four, six or seven cents will be counted "S"; and results ending in eibht or nine cents will be counted "ZO". Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately_ upon tits passage, approval and publication in theform and manner required by law. Paseed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor this lst day of June, 1965. Attest: 'GAZE I. YO GBLOOD City Clerk Approved as to form: % f% jI 1 1 wit-,�•u.�o �1�t.c.CL=,Lr� DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor, ORDINANCE NO. 1472 �•� ti i 1 .l.1�Jl11•lu:; !:'ltii13F:�a;si3 iyiT .iFl~ Use: OIL,'sr�.�, _ O;,I ME Cx`.PY STRJQ` T UND TO `Pit" SPwCIAL i1`�'I�1 AL :ii(4:;':iAY FUND.�i•I TiT 1965 CITY BUDGET, AND 1) (LAR1il(l, AN .AERGENCY. The City Council. of'. tho City of Fort `Io msond, in 1-o.;ulav so.,s:i.on assembled, do ordain as fol.1ows : Section 1. ` hero is horo and horoby t�-ansforred from, tha City Street Fund to - tho Special Arterial Highway l ii-tand In the 1.9G5 budgot, the sum of 1,5, 000. 00, which sum in appropri�ited to th© maintenance and improvement of artor"gal city strcots, p arsuant to Reso1.ution No. 65-5 of the City Council passed on julyl6, 1965. Section 2. `ahoro is hero and horoby fiaund and declared to be an emer;ency which ronders t;bo forco-oing approf)ria.ti_on necossary. Section 3. This ordinanco shall. take Offect upon Its passage, approval and publication in the form anti manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular m eting hold on July 6, 1965. Read for the second and third Limos, passed by the Council and approvod by the i;1ayor at ra reini'l ar meeting hold on 17 1965. ; i DEifIr1S SULLIVAN i•.R .ror A test: f✓ Gle rrrb ood City1 ;lorls Approvod as to Form: 9 . ORDINVICE W. 1473 AN OftDI:NUICE APPROPRIATING 'rn 3111, OF $8,W40.00 FOR TEIL: 1965 BUUL;ET OF THL AitTE-RUL HIGH':uAY FUND OF VIE CITY, f:NU DECLAitING Ai: EMERGENCY THE CITY CO"NCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOt,"']'SEIID, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriatod to the arterial highway fund, in the budget of the City of PortTownsend for the year 1965, the sump. of $8,44o.00, in addition to any and all other sums previously appropriated therefore. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency which renders the foregoing appropriation necessary. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time September 7, 1965; read for the second and third time, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor the 21st day of September, 1965. Mayor ATTEST: ■ ORDINANCE W . 147'q-- AlN ORDINANCE i LAY.ING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNS3'ND FOR THE YEAR 196G. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUL•: CITY OF PORT TOMISEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is levied upon all the taxable property in thL City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1966, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said City for such purposes is as follows: FIRST: For the payment of Current Expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, in the sum of $9,793.33, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.6 mills on the dollar. SECOND: For the nurnose of maintaining a Public Library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $11,676.73, and the rate of tax levy for said .fund is hereby fixed at 3.1 mills on the dollar. THIRD: For the purpose of maintaining a Public Park and for the Park Fund, the sum of $8,663.38, and the rate of tax levy .for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.3 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: For the maintenance and improvement of the Public Streets of the Citv and for the Citv Street Fund, the sum of $22,600.12, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 6.00 mills an the dollar. FIFTH: For the Hospitalization and Medical Service of injured Laid firemen and for Pensions for the b'iremen's Relief. and Pension Fund, the sum of $3,766.69, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the collar. SIX1'U: For the Port Townsend General Obligation Bond 1955 and interest, the sum of $7,533.37, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby .Fixed at 2.00 mills an the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are -1- 0. hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing Tax Levy of said City. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council and approved and signed by the Mayor on this 5th day of October, 1965. �•CL-n��� Lam(:-� llEtINIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST 4' ALE IUNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: qdRqLAB HAM City Attorney -2- ORDINANCE 140 . 14 75 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, FIXING AND ADOPTION THE OFFICIAL .BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR T11E YEAR 1966. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OI.' PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1966, divided into the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages --------------------- $175,440.00 Operation and Maintenance-------------- 124,625.40 Capital outlay------------------------- 22,550.00 Interest and Frond Redemption----------- 29,761.75 Firemen's Retirement and Pension------- 3,800.00 Arterial Highway Fund------------------ 40,000.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Part Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. PASSED by the Council and approved by the Mayor on the 5th day of October, 1965. DENNIS'SULLIVAN Mayor ._._ �•_..��. ATTEST: ALE I��ii G� BLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORMt A13RAI M _ _.� City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1+7� AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOY7NSEND FOR THE YEAR 1966. THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'TIIE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1966, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages --------------------- $27,380.00. Maintenance and Operation-------------- 24,a70.00 Capital Outlay------------------------- 19,000.00 Interest and Debt Redemption------------ 24,536.25 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. PASSED by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 5th day of October, 1965. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: �.��. fir_.-�_�,�D GALE 3 . U' GGI3L00D City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,NN AB HAM City Attorney • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THL CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND SEWERAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE FOR THE YEAR 1966. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOW'DISEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service, for the year 1966, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages --------------------- $6,700.00 Maintenance and Operation--------------- 8,532.00 Capital Outlay------------ --------------- 1,000.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the. Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. PASSED by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 5th day of October, 1965. DENNIS SULLIVAN_ _ Mayor ATTEST. 41 GALE I. IOUNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: r _ N AB1 HAN1 City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. (4`l 9 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY Of' PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE FOR THE YEAR 1966. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' PORT TOldNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service, for the year 1966, divided into the total amounts in each of the .following classes comprising the whole of: said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages --------------------- $28,800.00 Operation and Maintenance---------------- 9,960.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader, to be in force and take effect from and after five days of the date of such publication. PASSED by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 5th day of October, 1965. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor - ATTEST: GALE I. OjUNGBLOOD ----------- City-[lerl; APPROVED AS TO FORM: PIHA _ .�3N ti}'ilttorney R OM)INAOC; e!O. 1479 11i,T O` 01;,.1ANC E PUOVIDING PULZ 'i'I11' SU L'IISSION TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY IN Tiil: C�M]LtIAL E.I.FCTION OF i;OVi 1Ii ;i: 2, 1965 01. A PROPOSITION TO COI:TINUS THL PROPERTY TAX LCVY LT rt OF 15 i�!ILLS, O:d '1'I-II: BASIS O? --,-,P U.IZE,0 VhLU:1TION OF 'i't1XABLi: PROPERTY, t1UTUO's?IZING 'iUE CITY C LERK s0 CERTIFY TUE PROPOSITION TO TiiE SUP 1,RVISOR OF ELECTIONS, DL•CL.ARING AN L':ii;?GFiiCY, AND IiAAKRi G AI ZPP1`011:IATIO"I FO1: ELECTION I2WEH1ISE NOT TO EXCEED $ 2 ,000.00. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TiD, CITY OF PORT 'I'Ut:tdsi ^ill, IN PEGULAR SESSION ASSELIBLED, DO Gi2DA'LN AL I'OLLO;'.S: Section 1. For the pui:pose of providing sufficient funds for the oi�eratioii of the general city government in the year 1967, anC1 tile years following, a levy not to e::teed 15 mills permissable by law within the constitutional 40 mill limit of: taxation should continue to be ma(Ie on the uroperty within the corporate limits of the City of Port Townsend, based upon the equalized valuation of of said property as now provideci by statute, for collection in the year 1967 and in the years thereafter, notwithstanuina the limitat- ions contained in Charter 174, Laws of 1965, i�xtraorrAnary Session. Section_ 2. The City clerk is here and hereby authorizedd and �lirec eci�lo certify an(! submit to the Jefferson County Su-pervisor of Elections, for submission on the ballot of the general election of the 17overnber 2, 1965, in the manner provided by late, a proposition in the following form: "CITY OF PORT ` 0iV;�7Sl.`ND PROPo5ITIDIN CON`.l'INUATION OF 15 [TILL CURRENT B.KPENS s LWY May the regular tax levy of not to exceed 15 mills, pormissable by law within the constitutional 40 mill ta:: limitation, continue to be made by the City ck Port Townsend on the basis of equalized valuation of the taxable nrolaorty within said City, notwithstandinq the limitations contained. in Chapter 174, Laws of 1965, Extraordinary Session. This shall not be construed to be an e.:d1ress levy." "YES NO L7 section 3. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the uxpenOiture of funds front the Current 2::pense Fund for election e.:pensc incident to tile submission of the 'proposition hereinabove set forth to. the voters of the City, anu the appropriation hereinafter made is reultarkt of said emergency. Section d. The City Clerk and. Mayor are here and hereby authorized to draw and —sign warrants for the purpose of paying; to the Jefferson County supervisor of lcctions the costs of election incident to the aforesaid ballot proposition, and a sum not to escecc $2,000.00 is here and hereby appropriated to the 1966 budget of the Current Expense Fund of said City for that pur}:ose. sectionf, 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, anproval ana publication in the form and manner required by law. Paaserl by the Council any.! '1-pijrovcd- by the z,iayor on the 12th day October, 1965. _z_ ,::y+: 4" !� �� ORDINANCE NO. 1480 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LS'I BLISII- MENT OF LOADING ZONES ON CITY S`1REET5, FEES AND METHODS OF APPLICATION TIEREFOR, PROIII ITING PARKING THEREIN, PROVIDING FOR MARKING THEREOF AND PROHIBITING PAINTING OF CURBS OF CITY STREETS EXCEPT.' AS PROVIDED HEREIN, AND PRE- SCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT `1'OWNSEND, WASHItjGTON, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: , Section 1. The Police Department of the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby authorized to grant to qualified applicants a reserved area of City Streets along and upon City 'treets for the purpose of permitting the loading and unloading of v hicles in said zones in the servicing of adjacent places of busines . Such loading zones shall be created only upon application of pers ns operating a business adjacent to the requested zone, and upon pa ment of the fees as hereinafter provided. Section 2. Any such loading zone shall co sist of an area along the curbing of the street which shall comprise that amount of space which would ordinarily be designated for the p rking area controlled by a single parking meter in the metered areas of the City. In the event that the area requested and granted for a parking zone shall comprise more area than ordinarily delegated to a single parking meter, as aforesaid, then the fees charged for said loadin zone shall be in ratio to the area reserved in the loading zone as m-asured by space ordinarily delegated to a single parking meter. Section 3. Applications for loading zones shall be made to the Chief of Police, in writing, and shall state th name of the applicant, the name of the business to be served, a d the nature of the business, together with a description of the area r quested to be reserved for loading zone purposes. Section A. Upon the creation of a loadin zone, as herein - above provided, the Chief of Police shall cause the curbing adjacent to the loading zone to be painted white, and the white painted area to be stenciled or otherwise marked to read "Loading zone No Parking." -1- E Section 5. The parking of vehicles, other than for purposes Of loading or unloading in connection with the business served by the loading zones, in any loading zone established under the terms of this Ordinance, shall be prohibited, and the LI violation hereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed Twenty -Five Dollars ($25.00). Parking for other than loading or unloading in the loading zones herein - above described shall be permitted to vehicles of all kinds on Sundays, legal holidays, and from 6:00 P.M. until 9:00 A.M. the following morning on any day. Section 6. Any person who shall paint, or cause to be painted, any portion of any curbing along any City Street in the City of Port Townsend, excepting as in this Ordinance provided, shall be in violation Of this Ordinance and shall be subject to a penalty not to exceed One Hundred dollars ($100.00). Section 7. Upon receiving any application for a loading zone, the Chief of Police shall investigate the application to determine the need and feasibility in establishing said loading zone, and is empowered to grant or deny the application. Any person who feels himself aggrieved by reason of the granting or denial of a loading zone, as hereinabove provided, may, within thirty (30) days of the granting or denial thereof, appeal to the City Council, and the City Council may, by motion, affirm or reverse the decision of the Chief of Police. Section 8. Every person who shall be granted a loading zone, upon his request as herein provided, shall pay a fee therefor in the sum of Eight Dollars ($8.00) per month, for each space occupied by said zone in ratio to the space ordinarily delegated to a parking meter space, as hereinabove provided, and said payment shall be made in advance either monthly or by longer periods. Section 9. This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 1966, Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and Approved by the Mayor this 16th day of November, 1965. I. .mayor -2- u ATTEST: City Elerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: tt City Attorney :e " -3- Ordinances 91481-1490 J 1450 Grants easement (Special) 1451 Elects to join statewide city employees retirement system (Special) 1452 Establishes LID No. 101 (Special) 1453 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1454 Grants a street lease (Special) 1455. Fixes boundaries and numbers of voting precincts (1.04) 1456 Regulates location and occupancy of mobile homes, re- peals Ord. 1344 (9.20) 1457 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1458 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1459 Tax levy for 1965 (Special) 1460 Garbage collection budget for 1965 (Special) 1461 Sewage disposal service budget for 1965 (Special) 1462 Water department budget for 1965 (Special) 1463 1965 budget (Special) 1464 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1465 Amends Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1466 Street vacation (Special) 1467 Street vacation (Special) 1468 Street vacation (Special) 1469 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1470 Amends Ord.'1346 (Not codified) 1471 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1472 Transfers funds (Special) 1473 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1474 Tax levy for 1966 (Special) 1475 1966 budget (Special) 1476 Budget for water department for 1966 CSpecial) 1477 Sewage budget for 1966 CSpecial) 1478 Garbage collection service budget for 1966 (Special) 1479 Special election (Special) 1480 Provides for loading zones on city streets (10.16) - - i481 Authorizes purchase of named lots (Special) 1482 Directs lease of city -owned fire truck (Special) 1483 Repeals Ords. 1034 and 1041 (Repealer) 1484 Street vacation (Special) 1485 Vacates portions of a supplemental plat (Special) 1486 Street vacation (Special) 1487 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1488 (Special) 1489 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1490 Amends Ords. 1078 and 1091 (10.04) i 1491 Provides for traffic control (Repealed by 1778) 1492 Approves plat of an addition (Special) 1493 Street vacation (Special) 1494 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1495 Street vacation (Special) 1496 Authorizes laying of pipeline (Special) 1497 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1498 Amends Ord. 1090 (5.04) 1499 Tax levy for 1967 (Special) 0 ORDINANCE 1481 • AN ORDrIANICF AIIT90RIUNG THE PURCITASE OF LOTS l THROUGH 8 IN BLOCK 21 OF THE CALIFORNIA ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSIND, MAKING AN APPROPRIATION It] THE S11M OF $3,500.00 FOR THE PURCHASE THEREOF, AND DECLARING AN EMERGEAICY. THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO`ORSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEnLFD, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directed to ourchase and acquire title to certain lands in Jefferson County, State Of Washington, described as: Lots I through 81 inclusive, in Block 21 of the California Addition to the City of Port Townsend, per plat of said Addition recorded with the Auditor -of said Jefferson County; and to take a full warranty deed and title insurance therefor in the name of the City of Port Townsend, a municipal cornoration, and .further to nay to the seller the sum of $3,500.00 therefor. Section 2. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Capital Outlay annropriation of the Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service, for the land purchase hereinabove authorized, the slim of t3,500.00, for the 1965 budget. Section There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect after passage, aoproval and nubli"cation in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council on December 21, 1965;.read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved and signed by the Mayor at a regular meeting of the City Council held on January 4, 1966. .� �� ;';"��G� ��•4-�-���✓� Sul �% DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor A test: GA ,E 1. Y >atrOD"5 City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 1482 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE LEASE OF A CITY OWNED FIRE TRUCK TO JEFFERSON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT NO. 3, AND DECLARING SAID TRUCK. SURPLUS TO CITY NEEDS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directed to execute, in behalf of the City of Port Townsend, a Lease of the Fire Truck of Mack manufacture, owned by the City, to Jefferson County Fire District No. 3, on a year to year Lease, at a rental of One Dollar ($1.00) per year, and conditioned upon the maintenance of said Fire Truck by the Lessee, and the return of said Fire Truck to the City of Port Townsend when it is no longer used for fire -fighting purposes by the Lessee, said Truck to be returned in as good condition as at the beginning of the Lease less normal wear and tear. Section 2. The fire Truck mentioned in Section 1 hereof is here and hereby found and declared to be surplus to City needs. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times at a meeting of the City Council held on January 4, 1966, approved and signed by the Mayor at the same time and place. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ,TEST: Ile ALE Z . 'Y UN LOOD Ci L Glerk APPROVED AS TO FO d: L-.- ABRAHAM City Attorney E • Oi2DTIdANCE NO. 11183 1U11 ORDINANCE. REPEALING ORDIOA4Ct 'NO. 1034 AND ORDINANCE NO. 1041, PROVIDING THAT ALL CITY COUNCILKAN POSITIONS SHALL BE AT LARGE, DL:SIG- NATING NUMBERS FOR SAID POSITIONS, AND ESTABLISH- ING IdETHODS OF FILING FOR AND ELECTION TO ARID TERMS OF OFFICE FOR CITY CO UNCIUMN . THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEi-MLLD, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOLVS : Section 1. Ordinance coo. 1034, passed by the Council an November 28, 1933, anu Ordinance No. 1041, passed by the Council on August 7, 1934, be and they are each here and hereby repealed; and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with Ordin- ance No. 1483 are here and hereby repealed. Sec tion 2. From and after the effective uate of this ordinance, theiion of City Councilman in the City of Port Townsend, as to all City Council positions, shall be at large; which is to say; that candidates J_or all City Council positions shall be voted upon and elected by the registered voters of the City of Port 'Townsend as a whole. Section 3. From and after the effective date of this ordinance, every person residing within the City of Port Townsend and who shall be a registered voter therein, and otherivise qualified by law, shall be eligible for election to and qualification for any City Councilman position in said City. Section 4. The respective positions of City Councilman shall hereafter be designated by numbers from one to seven, and shall be allocated and elected, and terms of office fired, as follows: There shall be one position, which is hereby designated "Position No. 4," which shall be for a two year term, and which shall first be placed upon the ballot at the General City Election in the year 1967. There shall be three positions, respectively designated "Position No, 1, Position No. 2, and Position No. 3," which shall each be for a four year term, and which shall be first placed upon the ballot at the General City Election in the year 1967. Each position subject to election in the year 1967 shall be in replace- ment of councilman terms expiring at that time. There shall be -three positions, respectively designated "Position No. 5, Position No. 6 and Position No. 7," which shall each be for a four year term, and which shall first be placed upon the ballot at the General City Election in the year 1969. Each position subject to election in the year 1969 shall be in replacement of Councilman terms expiring at that time. Section 5. Every person who shall file a Declaration of Candidacy for the position of City Councilman, as provided by law, shall declare in writing, and as a part of his Declaration of Candi- dacy, the ntunber of the position for which he then declares, and he shall not thereafter be permitted to declare or file for a councilman position of any other number at the election then impending and for which filings are then open, nor to change his declaration to embrace any position not named in his original Declaration of Candidacy. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on January 13, 1966. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor �� --2- +,;:: :�. � ; S.� "7i`, i:�' F ORDINANCE NO.1404 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF LINCOLN STREET, LYING BETWEEN KEARNEY STREET AND DECATUR STREET, RESERVING AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES TIiEREIN, AND PROVIDING FOR TERMINA- TION OF THE VACATION IF NOT IMPROVED WITHIN FIVE YEARS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of Lincoln Street lying between the west line of Kearney Street and the east line of Decatur Street be and it is hereby vacated, provided, however, that there is hereby reserved over, across and through said vacated portion of street an easement for water and sewer lines, which easement is reserved in the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. In the event that the portion of street hereby vacated is not improved as a portion of new construction to the nursing home adjacent thereto, within a period of five years, the: vacation herein made shall be at an end and the portion of street hereinabove mentioned shall revert to the City of Port Townsend and shall thereupon resume its character as a part of the public city street system of the city. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect when the cost of publication is paid by petitioner, and upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times; passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor�on February 1, 1966. DENNIS SULLIVAN mayor ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk byG 1 7 )11-t -l' ov c ;M iv Norwood Deputy PPR VED f�T— AMORM: C' y Attorney 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1485 AN ORDINANCE VACATING TI•IAT PORTION OF THE SUPPLE- MENTAL PLAT OF THE EISENBEIS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND WHICH IS EMBRACED WITHIN AND BOUNDED -BY -THE OUTER PERIMETERS OF BLOCKS 203,204, 225, 226, 227, 232, 233, 234, ems, 252, 253 and 254, INCLUDING ALL PLATTED STREETS THEREIN. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOTINSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.7,jkpon condition that costs of publication of this Ordinance be ird by Bishop Development Corporation, that portion of the supplemental plat of the Eisenbeis Addition embraced within the boundaries of and contained within Blocks 203, 204, 225, 226, 227, 232-, 233, 234, VS, 252, 253 and 254, includ- ing all platted streets lying within and,between said Blocks be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 15th day of March, 1966. DENNIS �ULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: . 1 pLE I.- YO GffjOOD City Clerk � 1-/ P`ROV ' As FORM: NN ABRIMIAM ty Attorney ORDINANCE NO.1486 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF 4th STREET.' LYING BETWEEN I1ENDRICKS STREET AND GRANT STREET. a THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of 4th Street lying between I[endricks' Street and Grant Street, be and the same is hereby vacated, pro- vided, however, that if Victor Coster does not with diligence pay the cost of publication of this Ordinance, the same shall be nullified. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the First, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 15th day of Marc h, 1966.. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor AT ST: G E I. Y SLOOD Czt— y Clerk. ROVE p AS TO FORM: C y Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1487 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $2,500.00 TO CAPITAL OUTLAY IN THE 1966 BUDGET OF THE PORT TOWNSEND SEWER DEPARTMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to capital outlay, for the purchaee of sewer rods, in the 1966 budget of the City of Port Townsend Sewer Department, the sum of $2,500.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation made in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Read for the first time on March 15, 1966; read for the second time and third time , passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on April 5, 1966. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATT T: G E 1<.OLA&BLOOD City Cler ORDINANCE NO. 1488 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE PLAT OF BISHOP'S PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. Section 1. It being found that due and.proper notice of all hearings has been given, that the matter has been referred to the Planning Commission of the City of Port Townsend, all of which is by statute required, and that all and every other statutory re- quirement has been met, the Plat of Bishop's Park Addition to the City of Port Townsend, hereunto annexed and by this reference incorporated herein, is here and hereby approved and accepted as and for a Plat of a portion of the City of Port Townsend. Sec.2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law, and upon payment of the costs of the publication of this Ordinance by the petitioners for whom the Plat was approved. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this_5th day of April, 1966. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: 4GALE_�:31 L\ J UNGBLOOD City Clerk FAPPROVED-S T IRM: G ENN AA(IF City Attorney I ORDINANCE NO. 1489 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.1281 WHICH WAS PASSED ON AUGUST 5, 1952 AND APPROVED ON AUGUST 6, 1952, AND ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TRAFFIC AND REG- ULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGII- WAYS OF THE CITY OF PORT TONNSEND; PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION, REGULATION AND CONTROL OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC BY PARKING METERS; PRESCRIBING PARKING TIME LIMITS; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT THEREOF; DEFINING OFFENSES; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES." THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1281, passed on Rugust 5, 1952 and approved on August 6, 1952 is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2. PARKING METER ZONE AND SPECIAL TIME LIMITS. The following named and described areas, streets or portions of streets, lying within thecorporate limits of the City of Port Townsend, together with all areas, streets or portions of streets as may hereinafter be included by action of the City Council, shall constitute the parking meter zone, and further providing that as to all streets, areas or portions of streets or areas not in this Section specifically mentioned, the general provisions of Section 6 shall obtain as to time limits in the parking meter zone, and the payments provided in Section 6, as to amounts pay- able for periods of time, shall apply as to requirements for pay- ment in all of the parking meter zone; and said streets included in the parking meter zone are as follows: on Water Street from Adams to Polk Street, with a 1 hour time limit; that portion of Water Street between Adams and Quincy Street; that portion of Tyler Street from Washington to Front Street, on which there shall be a 1 hour time limit for parking; that portion of Taylor Street from Water to Front Street, on which there shall be a 1 hour time limit; that portion of Taylor Street from Washington to Water Street; that portion of Adams Street from Washington to Water Street; -1- that portion of Washington Street,from Taylor to Adams Street; and, further providing, that there may, for purposes of traffic control under the direction of the Chief of Police, be installed parking meters having a maximum 24 mini{time limit, but further providing that said 24 minas parking meters shall be limited to 4 in number in any one block of the City of Port Townsend, and as to parking areas controlled by said 24 mimic parking meters, viola- tions for parking beyond the time allowed by said parking meters shall be punishable in the manner herein provided for other parking meter violations." Section 2. Section 4 of ordinance 1281, passed on August 5, 1952 and approved August 6, 1952, is hereby amended to provide as follows: " Section 4. INSTALLATION OF PARKING METERS. In said parking meter zones the Chief of Police and Street Superintendent of the City of Port Townsend shall cause parking meters to be installed upon the curb or sidewalk immediately adjacent to the parking spaces provided in Section 3 of this Ordinance, said installation to be placed not more than 2 fgz from the curb nor more than 4 ffW from the front or rear line of the indicated parking space, or not more than 4 fW, from either side line in places where diagonal parking is employed, and the Chief of Police shall be responsible for the regulation, control, operation, maintenance and use of such parking meters. Each device shall be set to display as signal showing legal parking upon the deposit of appropriate coin or coins for the period of time prescribed by this ordinance. Each device will be so arranged as to show an appropriate signal when parking time has elapsed, and the right of occupancy of any vehicle in the indicated space shall thereupon cease, and the owner, operator or possessor thereof shall be subject to the penalties hereinafter provided." -2- Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 19th day of April, 1966. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: G E I. YpUr GBLOOD City Clerk -3- ORDINANCE NO. 1490 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1078 AND SECTION 24 OF ORDINANCE NO.1091 OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, INSOFAR AS SAID ORDINANCES RELATE TO THE PARKING AND STANDING OF VEHICLES ON CITY STREETS AND THE CREATION OF NO PARKING AREAS THEREIN. Whereas, an examination of Ordinances No. 1078 and 1091 of the City of Port Townsend reveal certain conflicts relating to the parking or standing of vehicles on city streets, and WHEREAS, it is deemed useful and proper to the exercise of the police powers of the City of Port Townsend to clarify and consolidate rules rehting to parking of vehicles on city streets, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or PORT TOZtiNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, do ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance no. 1078, passed on May 25, 1937 and approved on May 26, 1937, and Section 24 of Ordinance No. 1091, passed on March 15, 1938 and approved on March 16, 1938, are each here and hereby amended to provide as. follows: " SECTION (1 or 24 as.may be appropriate). On all streets of the City of Port Townsend no motor vehicle will be permitted to stand or park unless the same has been placed with the right hand wheels parallel with the curb and within 12 inches thereof, EXCEPTING that on that portion of Taylor Street between Washington Street and Plater Street, and on that portion of Tyler Street between Washington Street and Front Street, no vehicle will be permitted to stand or park unless the same has been placed with the longitudinal line of its chassis at an angle of 45° to the curb and with its front wheels within 6 inches of the curb; PROVIDED, HOWEVER that no standing or parking whatsoever of motor vehicles will be permitted upon the streets of said city within those certain zones which the Chief of Police or City Council have caused to be marked with the words "No Parking," whether by lettering upon the curt) or on signs erected for the purpose, and FURTHER PROVIDED that parking only for special purposes will be permitted upon streets or portions of streets where the Chief of Police or City Council have caused to be -1- placed signs reading "No Parking" except for purposes designaged on said signs, as, for example and not in limitation, "No Parking - Ferry Traffic." Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on April 19, 1966. DENNIS SULLIVAN ATT•E ST : (GALE I : ' YOUNGBLOOD .City Clerk APPROVED AS TO �FORM: aNN Cit T Attorney -2- Mayor ordinances #L491-1499 am ug—=2 ==T-1A E7 J 1450 Grants easement (Special) 1451 Elects to join statewide city employees retirement system (Special) 1452 Establishes LID No. 101 (Special) 1453 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1454 Grants a street lease (Special) 1455 Fixes boundaries and numbers of voting precincts (1.04) 1456 Regulates location and occupancy of mobile homes, re- peals Ord. 1344 (9,20) 1457 Emergency appropriation (Special.) 1458 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1459 Tax levy for 1965 (Special) 1460 Garbage collection budget for 1965 (Special) 1461 Sewage disposal service budget for 1965 (Special) 1462 Water department budget for 1965 (Special) 1463 1965 budget (Special) 1464 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1465 Amends Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1466 Street vacation (Special) 1467 Street vacation (Special) 1468 Street vacation (Special) 1469 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1470 Amends Ord. 1346 (Not codified) 1471 Amends Ord. 1110 (13.12) 1472 Transfers funds (Special) 1473 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1474 Tax levy for 1966 (Special) 1475 1966 budget (Special) 1476 Budget for water department for 1966 (Special) 1477 Sewage budget for 1966 (Special) 1478 Garbage collection service budget for 1966 (Special) 1479 Special election (Special) 1480 Provides for loading zones on city streets (10.16) 1481 Authorizes purchase of named lots (Special) 1482 Directs lease of city -owned fire truck (Special) 1483 Repeals Ords. 1034 and 1041 (Repealer) 1484 Street vacation (Special) 1485 Vacates portions of a supplemental plat (Special) 1486 Street vacation (Special) 1487 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1488 (Special) 1489 Amends Ord. 1281 (Repealed by 1897) 1490 Amends Ords. 1078 and 1091 (10.04) �1491 Provides for traffic control (Repealed by 1778). 1492 Approves plat of an addition (Special) 1493 Street vacation (special) 1494 Emergency appropriation (Special) }r 1495 Street vacation (Special) 1496 Authorizes laying of pipeline (special) 1497 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1498 Amends Ord. 1090 (5.04) 1499 Tax levy for 1967 (Special) r� u ORDINANCE NO. 1491 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL AND PROHIBITING DRIVING IN A 9i► N�'��rHeillS' DIRECTION ON THAT PORTION OF TAYLOR STREET LYING BETWEEN WATER STREET AND WASHINGTON STREET, PROVIDING FOR PARKING ON EITHER SIDE OF SAID STREET: AND PROVIDING PENALTIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. No vehicle of any kind, excepting only emergency vehicles in the performance of emergency operations and such vehicles as may be participating in parades under the supervision of the Chief of Police, shall be driven in a Northerly direction on that portion of Taylor Street lying between Water Street and Washington Street in the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. 01?C9stk4CMrX#�X�X4XRRCX4X�Xi1C}¢�XCX �Ctf0((p[�DcS;iXQSRXSCk�iX4gXX9CC�cX Vehicles proceeding southerly on that portion of Taylor Street lying between Water Street and Washington Street shall be permitted to park, subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 1281, as amended, Ordinances No. 1078 and 1091 as amended by Ordinance No. 1490, and other applicable statutes and ordinances, on either side of said portion of Taylor Street. Section 3. Penalty for the violation hereof shall be by•a fine not to exceed $100.00, or imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approvaland publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the [Mayor on April 19, 1966. Mayor Attest: ORDINANCE NO. 1492 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE PLAT OF THE ELLIS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF COSTS OF PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. After public.hearing duly had, and upon compliance with the statutes and ordinances made and provided, the Plat of Ellis Addition hereunto annexed, and by this reference incorporated herein the same as though a part hereof, is here and hereby accepted and approved as an official plat of a portion of the City of Port Townsend, and the Mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized to execute certification of the same upon said Plat. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval, publication and the payments of cost of publication by those persons presenting the aforesaid Plat, in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on April 19, 1966. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor MTEST: 5 - ALE I.(YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS T ORM: kEjqN AB Ci Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1493 A14 ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF MAPLE STREET LYING BETWEEN S STREET AND T STREET, AND RESERVING EASEMENTS THEREIN. THE CITY.COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of Maple Street lying between S. Street and T Street in the City of Port Townsend is hereby vacated, provided that there is hereby reserved unto the City of Port Townsend an easement over, across and through said portion of vacated street for the purpose of installing and maintaining utility lines and services of all kinds, and for the inspection and servicing thereof. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law, and upon the payment of costs of publication by the abutting owners of the vacated portion of street. Read.for the first, second and third times, passed and approved on May 3, 1966. �r / ' . •r , • � DENNIS s LivAN; Mayor if� r le I:,Y blood tev Cler Approved as to Form: Cit ttorney 4 ORDINANCE NO. 1494 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,618.25 TO THE ARTERIAL STREET FUND IN THE 1966 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TowN SEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Arterial Street Fund in the 1966 budget of the City of Port Townsend the sure of $1,618.25, for the resurfacing of portions of Sheridan Avenue and 19th Street in said City, in accordance with the comprehensive arterial street plan of the City, and pursuant to the requirements of State statutes thereto pertaining. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation herein made. Section-J. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read formthe first time at a meeting on May 3, 1966, read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor of May 17, 1966. Mayor ATTEST: -e Z7- LE I. YOU BLO�D City Clerk Approved as to form: 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1495 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE WE-S'.[',EERLY 1.10 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF- FRANKL:IN STREET LY11IG PET;iEEN MONROE STREET AND JACKSON S'. HEET, RESMING EASEMCNTS THEREIN AND PROVSDING FOR COSTS OF PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POHT `i'OMMEND, III REGULAR SESSION ASSEMMED, DO CR DAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Westerly 110 feet of that portion of i"Amanklin Streelying Uetween Monroe Street and Jackson Street in the City of Port Toimsend is here and hereby vacated, provided, however, that there is here and hereby reserved unto the City of Port Townsend and its successors and assigns a perpetual easement over, through and across said vacated portion of street for the installation, mainten ante and repair of utility lines of all binds, including but not being limited to crater, sewage, electricity., telephone and gas lines, a;PAA. including the right of ingress and egress fx)D purposes of installation, maintenance and repair. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in.the form and manner provided by law, and upon Payment of costs of publication of this ordinance by petitioners for the above mentioned vacation. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council And approved by the mayor at a meeting held on June 71 1966. DENNIS SULLIVAN Idayor ATTEST: l L _ J G LET Y ��3C� LOOD City Clerk{/ APPROVED AS TO FOR►Q: ORDINANCE NO. 149,k AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO STANDARD OIL COMPANY, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, AND ITS ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE PIPE LINES ON CURTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, AND THE RIGHT TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A WHARF ON HARRISON STREET IN THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AND TO CHARGE AND COLLECT TOLLS -FOR THE USE OF THE SAME FOR TEN(10) YEARS AND PROVIDE ANNUAL PAYMENTS FOR THE PRIVILEGE GRANTED. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO. ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Sectional. There is hereby granted to the Standard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its assigns, the right to construct, lay, maintain and operate pipe lines for the transpor- tation of petroleum products in Harrison Street in the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, from a point approximately one hundred ten (110) feet north of the northerly line of Water Street at its intersection with Harrison Street, thence under said Harrison Street, and thence to terminus of Harrison Street; in the City of Port Townsend, Washington; also the right to operate and maintain a wharf with suitable approaches and such other structures as may be necessary in that portion of Harrison Street in the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, lying between the southerly line of Water Street and the inner Harbor line of Port Townsend Bay as laid off and platted by the State of Washington, and shown on the state tide land map of Port Townsend Harbor, and the right to operate and maintain, repair, improve and add to the wharf substantially in the same location and in the same manner as now operated and main- tained, with the right to occupy so much of that part of Harrison Street above described as may be necessary for dock and wharfage pur- poses. All of said rights are granted for a period of ten (10) years from and after August 1, 1966. Section 2. Such pipe lines shall be so located as not in any way to interfere with travel upon such streets nor with the improve- ment of such street or the placing of or maintenance of any sewer, water or other utility line thereon. If at any time the City Council -1- of the City of Port Townsend deems it advisable to improve said streets by relocating, regrading, widening, extending or in other mannner changing or altering the same, or by constructing, moving or main- taining any sewer, water or other utility line therein. Standard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corporation, and its assigns, shall upon written notice given by said City Council of the City of Port Townsend, immediately so move, change or alter its pipes and pipe lines and other equipment used in connection therewith, so as to conform to such change in said streets. The cost of so moving, changing or alter- ing such pipes and pipe lines will be at the a xpense of Standard Oil Company of California and its assigns. Section 3. Standard Oil Company of California, a Delaware corp- oration, and its assigns, assumes all liability for damages arising by reason of the location of said pipes or pipe lines in said street or streets. Section 4. The said wharf and its approaches shall be main- tained in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and shall be subject to inspection by and approval of the City Engineer of the City of Port Townsend. Section 5. That the Standard Oil Company of California and its assigns shall have the right to fix, establish and collect tolls and rates for wharfage, storage, and dockage subject,to such regulations and supervisions as may be from time to time prescribed by the State of Washington, and said wharf shall be subject to the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the said city, regulating wharfs. Section 6. That the Standard Oil Company of California and its assigns, for the rights and privileges herein granted in Sections 1 and 5 hereof, shall pay to the City of Port Townsend the sum of Fifty (150.00) dollars per annum for each and every year during the term of this franchise, said sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars to be payable, in advance, on or before the 1st day of August, of each year during the term of this franchise; that in case the said grantee or its assigns shall -2- • fail to comply with any or all of the conditionsof this ordinance, then and thereupon this ordinance shall become null and void and all rights and franchises herein granted shall become forfeited. Section 7. The acceptance of this ordinance by the said grantee shall be deemed an agreement by it to conform said wharf wherever it passes over, along or across streets to the grade of said streets as now established or to be hereafter established on the request of the City Council. Section 8. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage, approval and filing of the acceptance of the same by the said grantee and from and after August 1, 1966. passed by the City Council this �day of 1966. A.T7ST: G z. YOUNG$ D City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GLENN ABRAHAM City Attorney -3- DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor • ! ORDINANCE NO. 1.497 AR AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $2,000.00 TO THE CITY STREET FUMD BUDGET Fox 1966, FOR REPAIR OF EQUIPHETT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT 'IOrINSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLL0dS: SWAon_1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the City Street Fund in the 1966 budget the sum of $2,000.00 for repair of City Street Department equipment. h Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation herein made. Section 3• This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication, in the form and manner required by law. Read, for the first time at a regular meeting on July 192 1966; read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting on August 2, 1966. JOHN H. SIEBENBAUM MAYOR PRO. -IT ATTEST: Ga. I. Ycunf 1oo City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 1498 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES NO. 1090, WHICH ORDINANCE WAS PASSED ON DECEM13ER 7, 1937, APPROVED DI;C1vMBER 8, 1937, AND RL:LATED TO A LICENSE UPON CERTAIN BUSINESSES AND OCCUPATIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1090, passed by the Council on December 7, 1937 and approved on December 8, 1937, which Ordinance is an Ordinance related to and providing for a license or tax upon certain business, occupations, pursuits and privileges, and which defines offenses and provides penalties, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 5. OCCUPATIONs SUBJECT TO TAX --- AMOUNT: There are hereby levied upon, and shall be collected from, the persons on account of the business activities annual license fees or occupa- tion taxes in the amounts to be determined by the application of the rates against gross income as follows: Xa) Upon every person engaged in or carrying on a telegraph and/ or telephone business, a Lee or tax equal to Four Per Cent (4%) of the total gross income from such business in the city during his fiscal year next preceding the tax year for which the license is required. (b) Upon every person engaged in or carrying on the business of selling or furnishing gas for hire, a fee or tax equal to Four Per Cent (%') of the total gross income from such business in the city during his fiscal year next preceding the tax year for which the license is f required. (c) Upon every person engaged in or carrying on the business of selling or furnishing electric light and power, a fee or tax equal to Four Per Cent ('43) of the total gross income from such business in the city during his fiscal year next preceding the tax year for thich the license is required." Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 1967, and after its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. 5C Passed by the City Council, and approved by the Mayor on this 16th day of August, 1966. DENNIS SULLIVAN mayor 7ATTE T: rig . G E I . YOUNGl3 Opp Cit Clerk / 'R ' 1 F ORDINANCE NO. 1499 AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1967. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the .following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1967, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city property for such purposes as is follows: FIRST: for the payment of current expenses and for the current expense fund, the sum of $25,116.09, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 5.20 mills on the dollar. SECOND: for the purpose of maintaining a public library and for the library fund, the sum of $13,040.64, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.70 mills on the dollar. THIRD: for the purpose of maintaining a public park and for the park fund, the sum of $7027.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.60 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: for the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the city and for the city street fund, the sum of $21,734.40, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 4.50 mills on the dollar. FIFTH: for the hospitalization and medical service of injured paid firemen and for pensions and for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $4,829.87, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said city are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said city. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. -1- Passed by the City Council this 4th day of October, 1966, and signed by the Mayor on the same date. DGNNIS SULLIVAI3 Mayor AT'T T ALE Irya.UQVGBLOOD y Clerk APPROVED A5 TO FORM: -2- m_ a - O r 1501 Water department budget for 1967 (Special) 1502 Garbage collection service -budget for 1967 (Special) 1503 SewKge di-jposal service budglet for 1967 (Special) 1504 Street vacation (Special) 1505 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1506 Plan for improvement of sewage system (Special) 1507 Authorizes superintendent of garbage disposal service to fix fees (6.04) 1308 Requires connection with sewer system (13.04) 1509 Regulates traffic and fixes maximum hours of parking C10.04) 1510 Establishes street grade (Special) I511 Grants franchise to Union Oil Company (Special) 1512 Contractual services appropriation for planning dommis- sion (Special) 1513 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief fund (Special) 1514 Street vacation (Special) 1515 Authorizes city clerk to make withholdings from city employees pay (2.48) 1516 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief funC (Special) 1517 Salaries (Special) 1518 Tax levy (Special) 1519 1968 budget (Special) 1520 Water -sewer department budget (Special) 1521 Garbage collection service budget (Special) 1522 Adopts fire prevention code (15.04) 1523 Appropriates sum to employee benefits appropriation (Special) 1524 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief fund (Special) 1525 Repeals Ords. No. 1 (February 20, 1878), No. 1 (Septem- ber 1, 1882), No. 1 (February 10, 1883), No. 2, No. 4, No. 5 (March 7, 1878), No. 5 (November 1, 1880j, No. 7, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 14, unnumbered of April 6, 1878, No, 15, No. 16, No. 18, No. 27, No. 31, No. 32, No. 38, No, 40, No. 58, No. 59, No. 101, No. 103, No. 112, No. 116, No. 121, No. 123, No. 129, No. 144, No. 157, No. 189, No. 211, Secs. 7 and 8 of No. 215, No. 218, No. 221, No. 224, No. 231, No. 250, No. 252, No. 269, No. 281, No. 288, No. 297, No. 305, No. 307, No. 312, No. 315, No. 318, No. 319, No. 324, No. 333, No. 334, No. 338, No. 353, No. 372, No. 377, No. 429, No. 430, No. 439, No. 452, No. 461, No. 469, No. 487, No. 495, No. 547, No. 552, No. 554, No. 564, No. 569, No. 573, No. 580, No. 584, No. 585, No. 590, No. 608, No. 609, No. 617, No. 618, No. 619, No. 620, No. 621, No. 622, No. 635, No. 633, No. 638, No. 639, No. 641, No. 647, No. 651, No. 654, No. 665, No. 667, No. 676, No. 678, No. 680, No. 681, No. 683, No. 684, No. 685, No. 688, No. 692, No. 693, No. 694, No. 699, No. 705, No. 106, No. 710, No. 714, No. 715, No. 716, No. 722, No. 727, No. 728, No. 733, No. 740, No. 752, No. 757, No. 159, No. 761, No. 763, No, 772, No. 776, No. 784, No 791, No. 793, No. 798, No. 805, No. 808, No. 823, No. 824, No. 834, No. 836, No. 842, No. 850, No. 857, No. 863. No. 861, No. 898, No. 889, No. 900, No. 502, No. 906, No. 909, No. 920, No. 934, No, 945, No. 948, No. 958, No. 961, No. 963, No. 987, No. 989, No. 1026, No. 1027, No. 1028, No. 1030, No. 1036, No. 1039, No. 1049, No. 1050, No. 1051, No. 1053, No. 1061, No. 1078, No. 1089, No. 1091, No. 1092, No. 1093, No. 1111, No. 1112, No. 1114, No. 1124, No. 1136, No. 1141, No. 1147, No. 1160, No. 1179, No. 1188, No. 1207, No. 1208, No. 1243, No. 1252, No. 1255, No. 1292, No. 1333, No. 1368, No.•1394, and No. 1401 (Repealer) 1526 Adopts definitions and penalty clause for the codifica- tion (1.01) 1527 Establishes administrative code regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains (13.08) 1528 Vacates alley (Special) 1529 Appropriation to current expense fund (Special) 1530 Building code (16.04) 1531 Amends 51 of Ord. 1078, S24 of Ord. 1091 and Sl of Ord. 1490, parking (10.04) 1532 1968 budget (Special) 1533 Street dedication (Special) 1534 Appropriation (Special) 1535 Disorderly conduct on school grounds (Repealed by 2014) 1536 Addition to ballot at general election (Special) 1537 Appropriation (Special) 1538 Street vacation (Special) 1539 Franchise (Special) 1540 1968 budget (Special) 1541 1968 budget (Special) 1542 Appropriation (Special) 1543 1968 budget (Special) 1544 Amends SS1, 2 of Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1545 1969 budget (Special) 1546 1969 budget (Special) 1547 1§69 budget (Special) 1548 -Tax levy for 1969 (Special) 1549 Glue sniffing (Repealed by 2014) ORDINANCE NO. 1500 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHING - TON FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY FOR THE YEAR 1967. THE CITY.COUNCIL, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS.: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1967, divided into the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------------------- $183,525.00 Maintenance and operation ------------------------ $134,083.00 Capital Outlay---------------------------------- $ 32,050.00 Interest and Bond Redemption ---------------------- $ 29,120.50 Firemen's Retirement and Pension ----------------- $ 4,829.87 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by t1e Mayor this 4th day of October, 1966. ,j r NENNS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: �G E I. YO GBLOOD City Clerk APPRO _AS TO ARM: G ABRA M Cit Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1501 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY FOR THE YEAR 1967. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budged for the Water Department of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1967, divided into the amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and WageS------------------------- $28,940.00 Maintenance and Operation ---------------- $27,766.00 Capital Outlay---------------------------- $21,800.00 Interest and Debt Redemption-------------- $24,009.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be in force and take effect after its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 4th day of October, 1966. f , i DE N S SULLIVAN Mayor ATTE T: GALE I. SrOUU.QBLOOD V APPROVED -•.AS TO FORM: AB AM City r ttorney ORDINANCE NO. 1502 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1967. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT.' TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby frixed and adopted as the official budget for the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1967, divided into the total amounts'in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages--------------------------$30,300.00 Maintenance and Operation $11,609 00 > Capital Outlay ------------------------------$ 4,000.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 4th day of October, 1966. DENIMS' SULLI AN Mayor ATTEST: -G E I. "UWNBLrOD City Clerk APP VED AS TO 4RM: ABRAH Cir Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1503 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND SEWERAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE OF THE CITY FOR THE YEAR 1967. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend Sewerage Disposal Service of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1967, divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes com- prising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------------ $7,000.00 Maintenance and Operation ----------------- $8,283.00 Capital Outlay ---------------------------- $ 800.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner prescribed by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 4th day of October, 1966. i8e DENrNV�'ILIL VAN Mayor ATTEST: GALE I. (YO GBLOOD City Clex APPROVED AS TO FORM: �. N AB AM City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1504 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE DEDICATION, AS A CITY STREET, OF THAT PORTION OF VACATED SHERMAN STREET LYING BETWEEN 14th STREEET and 16th STREET. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLL WS: Section 1. Pursuant to a dedication of street dated Augus 31, 1966, wherein all of the abutting owners of said dedicated area have executed a grant of certain real estate, the City of Port Towns nd here and hereby accepts, as a dedicated and established street 'n the City of Port Townsend, the following described real estate: That certain tract which is composed of that portion of vacated Sherman Street, lying between 14th Street and 16th Street, as the same were formerly established in the Eisenbeis Addition to the City of Port Townsend Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its pas age, approval and publication in the form and manner required by la . Passed and approved this 4th day of October, 1966. %1 ENNI SULLI Mavor ATTEST: GALE I. Y /GBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: G N ABRAH " Cit Attorney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,500.00 FOR MAINTENANCE OF BUILDING IN THE APPROPRIATION FOR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES IN THE 1966 BUDGET FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT,AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, by reason of explosion and casualty loss in which damage was inflicted to the Fire Hall of the City of Port Townsend, there is an emergency requiring that repairs be made forthwith in order to preserve said Fire Hall and make it safe for occupancy and use, now,,therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for contractual services in the maintenance of building in the 1966 budget of. the City of Port Townsend Fire Department, the sum of $1,500.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation made in Section 1 hereof.. Section B. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time on November 15, 1966. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 6, 1966. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: `-17 ��,,� G E I. BLOOD City C erk APPR D AS TO ORM: j ABRA iAM Cr Attorney AN ORDINIANC!? of the City of Port To-vinsend. 4; nhinF;tcn adopting; a nlan for the. aen}11sit:ion, ^nnstructlorl and installation of certai-n .ddit:ion.;; ,end 7.mnrove•- ments to and extensions of the s.:x!..t+nr, sanitary sewage system of the cii;v , and : al lnr>. e..:iicl system as so unproved a part or and belonr* : n,. to the water system of the city . dec.larinn; the e:;t. tmat4-d cost of such additions, improvements and Fir tens ions ; pro viding; as a part of said plan for the issuance and sale of $950,000 principal amount of water -sewer revenue bonds of the city for payment of Bart of the cost of such additions, tmrrovements and ex- tensions; fixing; the date -form, terms maturities and covenants of said bonds- F)rovIdior, that bhe same will be issued on a parity with certain cut, - standing; water revenue bonds of the city; creating a construction fund; crea.tinf; a bond redemption fund for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds, and a reserve account; providingr, and adopting certain covenants and protective provisions safeguarding; the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds; confirming; the sale thereof and declaring; an emergency. WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend, Washington (hereinafter called the "City"), now owns, maintains and operates separate water and sanitary sewage collection, treatment and disposal systems, and such sewage system is in need of certain additions, Improvements ,and exten- sions in order to provide the City, Its Inhabitants and people livinct in the vicinity thereof with adequate sanitary sewag;e collection, treat- ment and disposal facilities; and WHEREAS, in order to pay part of the cost, of such additions, Improvements and extensions it is deemed necessary that the City issue and sell its revenue bonds In the principal amount of $950,000 and, in order to make such bonds more salable, that it combine its sanitary sewage system with its water system as authorized by law- and [4HEREAS, the City Council has heretofore accepted the written offer of McLean & Company, Inc., investment bankers of Tacoma, Washing- ton, to purchase the bonds authorized herein under the terms, conditions and covenants thereof hereinafter set forth; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by grit,. Council of the City of Port Townsend, Vashinr;ton, as follows: Section ]. 'it ,s hereby found and declared that the Dublic health is being endangered by the lack of an adequate _anitary sewage collection, treatment and disposal. system of thQ City, and that the danger to the public health will be abated by th- construction, main- tenance and operation of the additions and improvements to and extensions Of the existing sewage system as hereinafter provided. Section 2. From the date that this ordinance becomes ef- fective the sewage system of the City, including the additions and improvements thereto and extensions thereof hereinafter provided for, shall be considered as a part of and belonging to the waterworks utility of the City. The cost of construction of said additions, improvements and extensions and the maintenance and operation thereof and of the sewage system shall be chargeable to the waterworks utility of the City, and all charges and rates collected for sewage system service shall be paid into the Water Fund (hereinafter defined) of the City. Section 3.. As used in this ordinance the following words shall have the following meanings: a. The word "System" shall mean the combined water and sewer- age system of the City as the same may be added to, improved and extended for as long as any of the Outstanding Parity Bonds, the Bonds and any Future Parity Bonds are outstanding. It is hereby provided, however, that the System shall not include that part of the water supply and distribution system of the City leased to Crown-Zellerbach Corporation under date of March 15, 1956. b. The words "Water Fund" shall mean the "Olympic Gravity Water Fund" of the City heretofore created and into which Fund the City has agreed and by this ordinance does hereby agree to pay all of the gross earnings and revenue of the System. c. The words "Outstanding Parity Bonds" shall mean the out- standing water revenue bonds of the City issued under date of December 1, 1959 pursuant to Ordinance No. 1379 of the City. 2. The out: Parity Fronds are. L ,c onl.;, Lond:, of the C11"1' now outstanding which have a lien upon the money i.r: t,hc• Vater rend for the payment of the nrincine.l thereof and interest thereon. d. The words "Parity Bond Redemption rund" shall mean the special fund of the City known as the "Poet Townsend 1959 '+-later Revenue Bond Redemption Fund" created by Section 6 of :,aid Ordinance No. 1379 for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Outstanding Parity Bonds, and shall include the reserve account created therein by Section 7 of said ordinance. e. The word "Bonds" shall mean the t950,000 principal amount of water -sewer revenue bonds of the City issued for the purpoFes pro- vided in and pursuant to this ordinance. f. The words "1967 Bond Redemption Fund" shall mean the special fund of the City known as the "Port Townsend 1967 Water -Setter Revenue Bond Redemption-Vund" created by this ordinance for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Fronds, g. The words "Reserve Account" shall mean the account of that name created in the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund by this ordinance for the purpose of securing the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds. h. The words "future Parity Bonds" shall mean all revenue bonds of the City issued after the date of the :Issuance of the Bonds and having a Lien upon the money in the Water Fund for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon equal to the lien upon the money in such Fund for the payment of the principal of and Interest on the Outstanding Parity Bonds and the Bonds. Section 4. The City Council hereby finds and determines, as required by Section 9(b) of Ordinance No. 1379, as follows: First, that the Bonds are being issued for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and installing a.dditaans and Improve- ments to and extensions of the System, Second, that at the time of the adoption or this ordinance 3. and at the timfl of the issuance and delivery of the Bonds there is not nor will, there be any deficiency in the Parity Bond Redemption Fund. Third, that this ordinance ronUains the provisions and covenants required in subparagraph A(2) of Section 15 of Ordinance No. 1330 of the City as required by Section 9(b) of Ordinance No. 13r9. Fourth, that the City Council has been assured that prior to the issuance and delivery of the Bonds 1t will have on file a certificate from Carey and Kramer signed by Harrison W. Kramer, an independent licensed professional engineer and partner of said firm, showing that in his professional opinion the "net income" of the System for each calendar year hereafter will equal at least 1.4 times the amount required in each such calendar year for payment of the principal of and interest on the Outstanding Parity Bonds and the Bonds. "Net income" as used in the paragraph immediately above shall be determined as provided in the second paragraph of Section 15A (3)(b) of Ordinance No. 1330. The limitations contained in Section 9(b) of Ordinance No. 1379 having been compiled with or assured, the payments required herein to be made out of the Plater Fund to pay and secure the payment of the prin- cipal of and interest on the Bonds shall constitute a lien and charge upon the money in the Pater. Fund equal in .rank to the lien and charge thereon of the payments required to be made into the Parity Bond Redemp- tion Fund to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on the Outstanding Parity Bonds, The City hereby covenants that it will not issue the Bonds until. It has on file the above -described certificate from Carey and Kramer. Section 5. The following plan of additions and :improvements to and extensions of the System as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference thereto made a part of this ordinance, is hereby 4. •i • . proposed, specified and adopted, a�d the City shall proceed to carry out the same. The above -described impr vements shall be constructed and in- stalled with all necessary manholes, wyes, appurtenances and facilities, and shall be connected to the existing System wherever necessary. The City shall acquire all property, both real and personal or any interest therein, equipment, rights -of --way, easements and franchises necessary to carry out said plan, which is all zs more particularly set forth in maps, plans and specifications prepared t,y Carey and Kramer, consulting en- gineers of Seattle, Washington. The City Council may makt such changes in the details of said plan, either prior to or during th course of actual construction, which may be found necessary and desirable as long; as such changes do not. substantially affect or change the main general parts of said plan or the service to be rendered thereby Section 6. The estimated cost of the acquisition, construc- tion and installation of the additions and improvements to and exten- sions of the System hereinbefore authorized is hereby declared to be, as near as may be, the sum of $1,Z 8,000, $950,000 of which shall be paid out of the proceeds of sale o the Bonds and $218,000 of which shall be paid out of government gr nts. Section 7. The City does hereby propose and adopt as an integral part of the plan for acqu ring, constructing and installing the additions and improvements to ind extensions of the System above provided for, that it shall issue he Bonds. The Bonds shall be dated January 1, 1967, shall be in the denomination of $5,000 each, and s all be numbered, mature and bear interest at the following rates pa able on the first day of July, 1967 and semiannually on the first days of January and July of each year thereafter: 5. Interest Bond Nos. Maturity Date Amount Rate 1 January 1, 1971 $ 5,000 4.50% 2 January 1, 1972 5,000 4.50 3 January 1, 1973 5,000 4.50% 4 January 1, 1974 5,000 4,.50% 5 January 1, 1975 5,000 4,565 6 January 1, 1976 5,000 4,50% 7-8 January 1, 1977 103000 4,50% 9-10 January 1, 1978 103000 4.75% 11-12 January 1, 1979 10,000 4.75% 13-14 January 1, 1980 10,000 4.75% 15-21 January 1, 1981 35,000 4.75% 22--28 January 1, 1982 35,000 4.75m 29-35 January 1, 1983 35,000 5.00% 36-43 January 1, 19811 40,000 5.001-V 44-51 January 1, 1985 110,000 5.O00, 52-60 January 1, 1986 45.000 5.00% 61-69 January 1, 1987 45,000 5.00% 70-79 January 1, 1988 50,000 5.00% 80-89 January 1, 1989 50,000 5.00% 90-99. January 1, 1990 50,000 5.000% 100--110 January 1, 1991 55,000 5.0051 111-122 January 1, 1992 60,000 5.00% 123-134 January 1, 1993 6O,o0o 5.00% 135-147 January 1, 1994 65,000 5.00% 148-161 January 1, 1995 70,000 5.00% 162-175 January 1, 1996 70,000 5.00% 176-190 January 1, 1997 75,000 5.007 Both principal of and interest on the Bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Treasurer in Port Townsend, Washington, and shall be obligations only of the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund. Section 8. The City hereby reserves the right to redeem any or all of the Bonds outstanding in whole, or in part in inverse numerical order. on the following; interest payment dates, and at the following prices expressed as a percentage of the principal amount, plus accrued interest to the date of redemption: On January 1 and July 1, 1977, at 103 On January 1 and July 1, 1978, at 102 1/2 On January 1 and July 1, 1979, at 102 On January 1 and July 1, 1980, at 101 1/2 On January 1 and July 1, 1981, at 101 On January 1 and July 1, 1982, at 100 1/2 On January 1, 1983 and any interest payment date thereafter, at 100. Notice of any such intended redemption shall be given by one publication thereof in a newspaper or business and financial journal of general circulation throughout the City of Seattle, Washington, not more than forty nor less than thirty days prior to said redemption date, and M .by mailinr; a like natIce at the same time to McLean & Company, Inc. at its office in Tacoma t•.ashin7ton, or to the successor in business, If any, of said comnany at its main office. Interest on any Bond or Bonds so called for redemption shall cease on such redemption date unless the same are not redeemed upon presentation made pursuant to such call. At the time of r;ivinr; any such notice the City Clerk is hereby requested to send copies thereof to Standard & Poor's Corporation and Moody's Investors Service, Inc. at their offices in New York, Neap York. however, the giving of such notice shall not be a condition pre- cedent to the redemption of the Bonds being called. Section 9. A special fund of the City to be knot -in as the "Port Townsend 1967 Seaver Construction Fund" is hereby created. The moneys received from the sale of the Bonds (except for accrued interest, which shall be paid into the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund) shall be paid into the Construction fund for the uses and purposes provided in Section 5 hereof. Any other moneys which the City may receive or have on hand for the purposes for which the Bonds are issued shall also be paid into the Construction Fund. All moneys remaining; in the Construction Fund after the pay- ment of the costs of all of the additions and improvements to and exten- sions of the System as hereinbefore provided and the payment of all costs incidental thereto shall be transferred to the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund for the uses and purposes herein provided. Section 10. There has heretofore been created a special fund of the City knoxn as the "Olympic Gravity Water Fund" (hereinbefore defined as the "Water Fund"), into which Fund the City has obligated and bound itself and does hereby obligate and bind itself to pay the gross earnings and revenue of the System as collected. All costs of maintainin7, and operating the System, all pay- ments required by Ordinance No. 1379 to be paid into the Parity Bond Redemption Fund, and all payments required by this ordinance to be made 7. into the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund and Reserve Account shall be paid out of the Water Fund. Section 11. That there be and is hereby created another special fund of the City to be known as the "Port Townsend 1967 Water -Sewer Revenue Bond Redemption Fund (hereinbefore defined as the "1967 Bond Redemption Fund"), which Fund is to be drawn upon for the sole purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Bonds. The City hereby obligates and binds itself to set aside and pay into the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund out of the money in the Water Fund the following fixed amounts necessary to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds outstanding as the same respectively become due and payable. Such payments shall be made into the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund on or before the twentieth day of each month in the following amounts: a. Commencing with the month of January, 1967 and continuing for as long as any of the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, an amount equal to at least one --sixth of the interest to become due and payable on the next interest payment date on all of the Bonds then outstanding. b. Commencing with the month of January, 1970 and continuing for as long as any of the Bonds are outstanding and unpaid, an amount equal to at least one -twelfth of the principal of the Bonds to become due and payable on the next principal payment date. Such payments shall be a charge upon the money in the Water Fund ranking equally and ratably and on a parity with the payments heretdbre required by Ordinance No. 1379 of the City to be paid out of the Water Fund into the Parity Bond Redemption Fund. Said amounts so pledged to be paid out of the Water Fund into the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund and into the Reserve Account as herein- after provided are hereby declared to be a prior lien and charge upon a the money in the plater Fund superior to all other charges of any kind or nature except the necessary costs of maintenance and operation of the System, and equal in rank to the charges upon the money in the Water Fund required to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on the Outstanding Parity Bonds and to any charges which may be made later on the money in such Fund to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on any Future Parity Bonds. In the event that money and/or direct obligations of the United States of America maturing; at such time or times and bearing interest to be earned thereon in amounts (together with such money if necessary) sufficient to redeem and retire the Bonds in accordance with their terms are set aside in the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund to effect such redemption or retirement, and such money and the principal of and interest on such obligations are irrevocably set aside and pledged for such purpose, then no further payments need be made into the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds, and the Bonds and the appurtenant coupons shall cease to be entitled to any lien, benefit or security of this ordinance except the right to receive the funds so set aside and pledged, and the Bonds and such coupons shall be deemed not to be outstanding; hereunder. Section 12. A Reserve Account is hereby created in the 1967. Bond Redemption Fund for the purpose of securing the payment of the prin- cipal of and interest on the Bonds. The City hereby covenants and agrees that by January 1, 1972 it will pay into the Reserve Account, by peri- odic equal payments which shall be made at least annually, a sum equal to the average annual amount required for debt service on the Bonds. In the event the Bonds outstanding are ever refunded, the money'set aside in the Reserve Account to secure the payment thereof may be used to retire Bonds or may be transferred to any other reserve account which may be created to secure the payment of any bonds issued to refund the Bonds. In the event the money in the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund, over 9• • 0 and above the amount therein set aside and credited to the Reserve Account. is insufficient to meet maturingr installments of either interest on or principal of and Interest on the 13onds, such deficiency shall be made up from the Reserve Account by the withdrawal of money therefrom. Any deficiency created in the Reserve Account by reason of any such withdrawal shall then be made un from the money in the eater Fund first available after makinf; necessary provision for the payments re- quired to be made into the 1967 Pond Redemption Fund to nay the principal of and interest on the Ponds next coming due. All money in the Reserve Account above provided for may be kept in cash or invested in direct obligations of the United States of America having a guaranteed redemption price prior to maturity or maturing not later than ten ,years from date of purchase and in no event maturing later than the last maturity of the Bonds outstanding at the time of such purchase. Interest earned on or any profits realized from the sale of any of such investments shall be deposited in and become a part of the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund. Section 13. The corporate authorities of the City hereby declare, in fixing the amounts to be paid into the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund and Reserve Account as hereinbefore provided, that they have exer-' cased due regard to the necessary costs of maintenance and operation of the System and the amount of the revenue of the System previously pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Out -- standing Parity Bonds, and have not obligated the City to set aside and pay into said Fund and Account a greater amount of the revenue of the System than in their ,judgment will be available over and above such costs of maintenance and operation and the charges necessary to pay such principal and interest. Section 14, The City hereby covenants with the owner and holder of each of the Bonds for as long as any of the same remain out- standing as follows: 10. 0 a • r16 a. That it will establish, maintain and collect rates and charges for water and for sanitary sewage collection and disposal service for as long as any of the Outstanding Parity Bonds, the Bonds, and any' Future Parity Bonds are outstanding that will make available for the payment of the principal of and interest on all of such bonds as the same shall become due an amount equal to at least l.h times the amount required each calendar ,year hereafter for the payment of such principal and interest. The amount "available for the payment of the principal of and interest on all of such bonds as the same shall become due" is hereby defined as the "cross revenue of the System, less necessary costs of maintenance and operation thereof but before depreciation." b. That it will at all times keep and maintain the System in good repair, working order and condition, and will at all times operate the same and the business in connection therewith in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. C. That it will not sell or dispose of the System or any of the properties thereof (unless such properties are no longer used, use- ful or necessary in the operation thereof) unless provision is made for payment into the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund of a sum sufficient to re- deem and retire all of the Bonds in accordance with the terms thereof. d. That it will not furnish water or sanitary sewage collec- tion and disposal service to any customer whatsoever free of charge, and will promptly take all legal action or actions necessary to enforce collection of any and all delinquent accounts. Section 15. The City hereby further covenants and agrees with the owner and holder of each of the Bonds for as long; as any of the same remain outstanding as follows: A. That it Will not issue any Future Parity Bonds except that it reserves the right for, First, the purpose of acquiring, construet_ng and installing additions niid improvements to and extensions of acquiring; 11 . necessary equipment for, or making; necessary replacements or re- pairs and capital improvements to the System, or Second, the purpose of refunding.*, or purchasing; and retiring at or prior to their maturity any outstanding; revenue bonds or coupon warrants of the City that may have a lien upon the money in the Water Fund for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon junior and inferior to the lien on such Fund for the payment of the principal of and.interest on the Outstanding Parity Bonds and the Bonds, to issue additional or refunding Future Parity Bonds therefor and to create a special fund or funds for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon into which fund or funds payments may be made out of the Water Fund sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such additional or refunding Future Parity Bonds and to maintain the reserves required therefor, which such payments may rank equally with the payments out of such Water Fund into the Parity Bond Redemption Fund, the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund and the Reserve Account, upon compliance with the following conditions: (1) That at the time of the issuance of such additional or Parity refunding Future Parity Bonds there is no deficiency in the/Bond Re- demption Fund, the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund and the Reserve Account or in any bond redemption fund and reserve account which may have been created to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on any revenue bonds issued on a parity with the Outstanding Parity Bonds and the Bonds and prior to the issuance of such additional or refunding Future Parity Bonds. (2) That the ordinance providing for the issuance of such additional or refunding; Future Parity Bonds and providing; for the pay- ment of the principal thereof and interest thereon out of a bond redemption fund shall create a reserve account in such bond redemption fund for the purpose of making up any deficiency therein, and such ordinance shall further provide for the payment into such reserve account 12. 0 • 0 • within five years from the date of the issuance of such additional or refunding Future Parity Bonds of a sum at least equal to the average annual amount required for debt service on such additional or refunding Future Parity Bonds. (3) (a) That at the time of the issuance of such additional or refunding Future Parity Bonds the City shall have on file an audit from a certified public accountant shorting that the net income of the System for a period of any twelve consecutive months out of the fifteen months immediately preceding the month of delivery of such additional or re- funding Future Parity Bonds shall have been at least 1.11 times the amount required each calendar year thereafter for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Outstanding Parity Bonds and the Bonds outstanding;, any revenue bonds which may have been issued on a parity therewith, and such additional or refunding; Future Parity Bonds. Or (3) (b) In the event that the certified audit required in subparagraph (3) (a) immediately above may not be obtained, such addi- tional or refunding Future Parity Bonds ma,y still be issued on a parity with the Outstandinv Parity Bonds, the Bonds and any outstanding revenue bonds issued on a parity therewith if at the time of the issuance of such additional or refundinrr Future Parity Bonds the City shall have on file a certificate from an independent licensed professional engineer or engineering firm showing that in his or its professional opinion the net income of the System for each future calendar ,year will equal at least 1.4 times the amount required each such future calendar year for the payment of the principal of and interest on the outstanding; Out- standing Parity Bonds, the outstanding Bonds, any outstanding revenue bonds which may have been issued on a parity therewith, and such addi- tional or refunding; Future Parity Bonds. The words "net income" as used in subparagraph (3) (b) immediately above shall be construed as the gross revenue of the System, including all additions and improvements thereto and extensions 13. thereof to be constructed or installed out of the proceeds of the sale Of sucli additional Future Parity Bonds, less necessary projected ex- penses of maintenance and operation of the System, but before depre- ciation, and such "net income" may include any increase in revenues to be derived by an increase in rates and charges made for water and sanitary sewage collection and disposal service authorized by the City Council up to the time of delivery of such additional or refunding Future Parity Bonds. B. The City further reserves the right to issue refunding; Future Parity Bonds and to create a special fund or funds for the pay- ment of the principal thereof and interest thereon into which fund or funds payments maybe made from the Water Fund sufficient to pay the principal thereof and interest thereon and to maintain any reserves which may be required therefor, which such payments may rank equally with the payments required to be made out of the 11ater Fund into the Parity Bond Redemption Fund and the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund and Reserve Account upon compliance with the following conditions- (1) Such refunding; Future Parity Bonds or the proceeds of their sale are used to exchange with or purchase and retire prior to their maturities an equal or greater principal amount of the Outstanding; Parity Bonds, the Bonds or any other revenue bonds which may be here- after issued on a parity therewith, or any part of the bonds of any of said issues: And (2) The issuance of such refunding; Future Parity Bonds and retirement of outstanding; bonds does not require a greater amount to be paid out of the ;dater Fund in any calendar ,year thereafter for prin- cipal and interest over the life of the refunding; Future Parity Bonds to be issued than required to be paid out of the Water Fund for prin- cipal and interest over the life of the bonds to be redeemed; Or (3) If the maturities of such refunding Future Parity Bonds 14. are shorter in time than such bonds rein; refunrind .=nd ti.r total interest cost to be paid over the life of the refundln:- Fur.iire �,arity Ponds, plus any premium required to redeem the bonds to be t,efur.ded, is less than the total interest cost over the 111'e of the latto,r bends. C. Nothinr here.ln contained shall prevent: the City from issuing any revenue bonds or e.arrantr which .re r, char,,7ii upon the money in the ;later Fund junior or inferior to the P,,ymen:: required to be made into the rarity Bond Redemption Fund and the 1967 '',,)nd Redemption Fund and the Reserve Account. Section 16, The Bonds shall be in substantially the followin-". form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NO. �5,000 STATE OF WASHINGTON CITY OF PORT TO'r1NSEND WATER-SEVIER REVENUE BOND, 1967 The City of fort Townsend, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereby acknowledges itself to owe and for value received promises to pay to bearer on the first day of January, 19^, the principal, amount of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS together with interest thereon at the rate of "' per annum payable on the first day of July, 1967 and semiannually on the first days of January and July of each ,year thereafter as evi- denced by and upcn presentation and surrender of the attached interest coupons as they severally become due, or until the payment of such principal sum shall be made or duly provided for. Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Treasurer in Port Townsend, WashinCten, solely out of the special fund of the city known as "Port Townsend 1967 15, �'-'ater-Sewcr Revenuo i,ond 13i'LIo_,1rt 1f ii 1?U lfi' C. �_v (Drdina nce No. __ of the city. The City of Port ':ownser.d has reserves} Une rLr,,ht to redeem any or all of the bends of thLs issue outctandin� In tirhole. or In part in inverse numerical order, on the folloi�:In-, Interest payment dates. and at the follcwin7, Brine:) as a per- centare of the principal amount, plus accrued interest to the date of redemption: On January 1 and July 1, 1977, at 103 On January 1 and July 1, 1978, at 102 1/2 On January 1 and July 1, 1979, at 102 On January 1 and July 1, 1980, at, 101 112 On January 1 and July 1, 1�81, at 101 On January 1 and July 1, 1982, at 100 1./2 On January 1, 1983 and any interest payment date thereafter, at 100. Notice of any such intended redemption shall be given by one publication thereof in a newspaper or business and financial journal of general circulation throughout the City of Seattle, Washin.cton, not more than forty not, less than thirty days prior to said redemption date, and by mailing; a like notice at the same time to McLean & Company, Inc. at its office in Tacoma, Vlashing.- ton, or to the successor in business, if any, of said company at its main office. This bond is one of an Issue of one hundred ninety bonds of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, of like amount, date and tenor extent as to number and date of maturity, aggregating the total principal amount of $950,000, which bonds are issued pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington and ordinances of the city duly and regularly adopted, for the purpose of providing funds to acquire, construct and in- stall certain additions and improvements to and extensions of the combined water, and sewerage system of the city as such system is defined 1.n Ordinance No. of the city. All of the bonds of this issue are payable solely out of the gross earnings and revenue of such combined system and all additions 16. and Improvements thereto and extenniorin there,-,('. The City of Port. Townsend hereby covenants and agrees with the owner and holder of this bond that it tall. keep and perform all the covenants of this bond and of Ordinances No. 1379 and No. to be by it kept; and performed. The City of Port Townsend does hereby pledp;e and bind itself to set aside from the money in its Olympic Gravity Water Fund (hereinafter called the "Water Fund"), and to pay into the 1967 Bond Redemption Fund and the Reserve Account cheated therein, the various amounts required by said Ordinance No. to be paid into and maintained in said Fund and Account;, all within the times provided by said ordinance. The city has further pledged and bound itself to set aside and pay Into such Water Fund as collected all of the gross earnings and revenue derived by it from the operation of its combined water and sewerage system and all additions and improve- ments thereto and extensions thereof. Said amounts so pledged to be paid out of said Water Fund into said 1967 Bond Redemption Fund and Reserve account are hereby declared to be a prior lien and charge upon the money in said Water Fund superior to all other charges of.any kind or nature except the necessary costs of maintenance and operation of said combined water, and sewerage system, and equal in rank to the charges made upon the money in said Water Fund to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on the out- standing water revenue bonds of the city issued under date of December 1, 1959 and to any charges that may be made upon the money in said 'dater Fund to pay and secure the payment of the principal of and interest on any revenue bonds which the city may issue later on a parity with said outstanding; December 1, 1959 revenue bonds and the bonds of th.ts iss:.e. The City of Port Townsend has further bound itself Lo maintain said combined Starer and sewerage system in good repair, 17. working order and condition, to overate tht same J.n an efficient; manner and at, a reasonnb.le cart, and to csti;ilis;,. r:al.ntain anal collect rates and charmer for water and for sanita.ry sewai-,e col- lection and disposal service for as lonr; .is any cf said December 1, 1959 water revenue bonds, the fonds or thin issue, and any bonds that may later be issued on a narlt,y therewith are outstandinr; that will make available for the payment of the principal of and interest on all of such bonds as the same shall become due an amount equal to at 'least 1.4 times the amount required each calendar ,year after the date hereof for the payment. of such prin-- cipal and interest, after necessary costs of maintenance and operation of said combined system have been paid but before depreciation. It is hereby certified and declared that the bonds of this issue are issued pursuant to and in strict compliance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Washinr;ton and ordinances of the City of Port Townsend, and that all acts, conditions and things required to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened, been done and performed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Port Townsend, Washington, has caused this bond to be signed byits :Mayor, to be attested by its Clerk, the corporate seal of the city to be impressed hereon, and the interest coupons attached hereto to be signed with the facsimile signatures of said offi.cials, this first day of January , 1967 . ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON By Mayor The interest coupons attar.hed to the Bords.shall be in sub- stantially the following form: 18'. NO, On the first day of C 7.t,14 of Port Townsend, is'ashington, will pay tr bearrr �L -'r,r �fice of the City Treasurer 1n Port Townsend the amour:i, ,-,hown hereon In lawful money of the United ST. aTl-e:_ of Arr�rtra, out ..f the special fund of the city known as the "Povt Tourrizend 1967 Water -Sewer Revenue Bond Redemption Fund," ,•aid amoui:t being; the semiannual interest due that date on its Vater-Sewer Revenue Bond dated January 1, 1967,.and numa;bcrc:d CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON By Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Section_17, The Bonds shall be signed on behalf of the City by its Mayor, shall be attested by the City Clerk, and shall have the corporate seal of the City impressed thereon. The interest; coupons attached thereto shall be signed with the facsimile signatures of said officials, Section 18. The action of the City Council heretofore taken in accepting the written offer of McLean & Company, Inc. of Tacoma, Washington, to purchase the Bonds under the terms and covenants thereof as set forth herein is hereby in all respect, ratified and confirmed. The proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to do everything necessary for the prompt issuance, execution and delivery of the Bonds to said purchaser and for the proper use and application of the funds derived from their wale. Section 19. An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, 19, 20. 7 . i 5 . a. 1 1 . i : 'r BvL A 3 ni;0 T.iC`i L) SC iVITZON COnGtitutQS the COnStruCL'ion to be undcrtuicea at; Dart eI aetnenc ' aci i.ities i.J:lut:ZCt r,::i.nary Se1a-c tYCaatiI1C-nt plant With noi;izal ty of G2D '_34ae� cast of Kuhn SL et and beweea unopened 53-zd and 1t'<ti Street Lli., 21 California Addition. :�. `r--nD l6t- ar 5i:ila c Pump Statia.:z O : public t the Wate:: Street and at ncc inLer::e::tion of Gaines ar,d W7,ter Strcec, ..::tend ',nL, .:.__Ming cutfall liaa north 500 ft. farther. out into the ..._.__ of it r.^z zuca, COIIStr.:Ct L: ,,u ]:O1ry OWin&' w3reiCCra"s and gravitf GGCIer linen along right -Of" uz j:. and aver c.nsa—,enLa. Pipe Location S� e rr:. , To Easm't. Thru Blk 30, 31, 40 & 41, Calif. Add. Sir Bik. 21 C;.lif. Add. 56th St. 58th St. & Easm't. 3" 175' E. of Kuhn St. 4.50' W. of Hill St. 47th St. & Easm't. 121' E::ist irunlc Se,,,er Spruce: Street it: :air Ground Ft. Worden RD. i,L5 Easm't. 10" Sr;:.rc4 St. 295' bast of RD No. 6 Ft. Worde: Paraca Grounds 8" 295' E. of RD No.6 Ea::t to RD No. 10 Spruce St. 10" 47t:: Zt. r'C+T'r Street 1n" Sprucc: Street t,eh Sm-eet IV' Street 2" Ash Sc:reet Chesnut Street Chestnut S:.. 8" "U'll Street ':`7" Stzccv Street 8" Chcst:,ut Street ;walnut Street Walnut Street 8" "V" Strew Cherry Street- 8'r "u" Street "Sr' Street "U" Street S" Chein.-y Street Fir Street Fir Street o" "U" Street 165' --outh of "i7'' St. 'IT" Streot 31' CI:erry Street rir Street "S" Street 3" Cherry Street Fir Street Roses Street 3:1 11S1: street 150' Scttzh of ',S:r St. Roar. Street S" Street "V" St'Gia L' Strut 8" Rosa Strut it: ,sic Street 1w471ow St. 8:1 iV' Street Pull Street Maple St. 8" "V" Street 'IT" Street "R," Street x 8" Walnut Street Maple Street City Ball Field 81' Jefferson & Monroe & Nash. St. Rainey S t . I I ' Ppe I,ocf'-.- •tf on -._�ti S n Frn ,. �'o Monroe St. lz" Waohington St. Wntcr Street i I Water St. loll :SOnrcte S1:7Cct Ha.~risoa Street loll a rr n rt Pressure ads is SC. 8" G:atet Street- Washington Street Taylo�: St. 8" Water Street Washington Street [Dater St. 12" llar:ison St. Van Lurea St. Water St. 14" Gaines Street Van Buren St. Gaines SC. sit Water Street Washin-ton Street 12" It it It if Pressure Washington St. 811 Street Kearney St. 121t n n n rr 1�ressure • Keazzey St. 8" i•Tashin;;ton St. Lawrence St. Kearney St. 121' Washington St. Blaine St. City Golf Cou.9e 12" Blaine St. San Juan Avenue j San Juan Ave. loll. list St. 2211d St. Easement 8't 7th & Holcomb a Gist- & St. Hi -way State Hi -way 8n Gisc Strcet Hancock St. Cleveland St. II° State Hi -way 5th St. Eascraent Sir St. iii-way & Use 1301 E. of Wilson on' 3rd St. . �;cmant sit 130' E. of Wilson Cleveland & 3rd St. on3:dSt. Cleveland St. 81' State Hi -way 2nd Street S:..:rldan St. 8" State Hi -way 2nd Street G•r -t St. 8" 3rd Street South to end of St. 3t:6 St. all Cleveland St. 'McClellan St. ; 8 Pipe Location Size From To Hancock St. 8" State Hi -way 500' South of 3rd St. Sherman St. S" State x;i-Wray 150' South of 3rd St. State I?i-way 8" Sherman St. Thomas Street State Hi -way 8" Logan St. McPherson Street McPherson St. o" State 'i-way 750' N. of St. Ili -way Basement all McPhczeon St. West 245' Logan St. S" State Hi -way 500' South Thomas St. 8" Stag- Ili -way 3-d Street - , 4th Street 8" Thomas Street Crest to end of St. 10th Street all Holcomb St. Cleveland St. 14th Street 811 1101co7b St. Cleveland St. 14th Streec S" Grant Street Hancock Street Hancock St. all State Hi -tray Memory Lane Memory Lane 8° Hancock Street Xwly 330' Parkside Diva sit Rancock Street 9th Street Sunrise Place S" Par1<side Drive End of Cul De Sac I, GALE I.YOUNGBLOOD, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Clerk 'of the City of Port Tovinsend,.Washington, 0 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. ffe4� of said City, duly passed by its Council and approved -by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day Cf December, 1966. ,4 City ff-l-crk 21. :KL.-,S',d4i''�' t]!.'•,•F ; tl,�,A••r��.t'`�T. �: .. .F.•f+r ,� - (r�r1}��{1•• �A�Y'�f71S rT:�:'.�`�y'1(�.�,1 s` �,i'r�r •:.` .� � ti.�-e� •_ ff � � � � : t.. �.i ;'�; �.'L�i� i � r C l,t�; ' f,r�'•( �".C7,�1�f1'II"'h�. `, `j� j �`r �,��nf+;4.�..�Ei � i � r_� � �. � ^ .>., •14 ' � .t,4 yy't �,,'� �:� ' }�.'r.. ��tl �..�. rt; m Iar� fir' r, YrFIRMA T[(]Nri 4 AID STATEMENT ' � � ;'4.II�IV�RT1AtNT ■tOUR1TI1iR„�'.�y '»1 COMMFRCX TACOMA t, wAGH. 7=� oNr�Os frede [)at• aea1Z' s bli We Confirm the CI t 2] Purchaia From You t 1 i y H 7 Said to You "' Purchase for You Sale For You As �i Principal and for Our Own Account Aganf for Your Account and RM -1 Agent for Another $950, 000 C1 t y of Fort ToWaSend, Wash. Dater and Sewer Rltir:emi^ hondp, 1967, dated 1/1/6711 is tollovrs: 000 4. 501 1;.�- 1 r1 7 1 i,000 .... : '. 7_ 5,000 <a�z 1/1 13 3, 000 :.'• 1 1 • 7 4 31000 i>.F i t/75 3,000 1/1/76 10,000 1/1/77 1C,GOO 4 3f41 J i/1i71%+ 10', 00Q d•: 1 / 10, Oct) '15,nl�f; 1Vklr% at PI-Iget. .3oull! �It al Ba::k, Taco�ra t i..r.r .w«w wsM �KwrY} .a ►.rry.r. w ti rrlNa{1iM .rl� � I�wJ,%y, .h11 f.{NM, Z 000 5't -lue 1/1/83 5t duo 41',C'00 Yji� 1%1,8.4 70,Mo " :-se :• :. -10,000 due 1: 1/85 70,000 '• L` 1, 1 /9, 43,000 dux- I; 1 /86 75,000 •' due 1 1 %97 45,000 JUC 1; 1/87 50,000 " due 1,1%86 50.000 lu+? 1 '1 '89 50,000 Fxue 1r 1 ; al; 55,000 '' 1u,- 1 '1/9 i 61) , 000 .. ±Ll• Setfltrnent Live and :.or,- I * 1ea! 'tf1C3'.e !T{N �KI�.� i11rdM :1•S aTii lnG rl '1?r �rryrH rM c.rnnF��rFwq f�.r.�i .Iri r.osr�rr.s C Nf+.Q tir Mr. •G[Pr•r tlF .+lr.r :ufln•-.•r 47, WD pug R n Jim n on C] pia� for Y64 $66 for Yom As , 11 29 MWFWI SrA fOr 01W- 0 AjM, for '.Y sty `.of Fort Towsise". Xash, Witet.­izd Bower ',-16*vnue bonds,-'19" 0,40-50% due 1/1/71 15"000'.5% due' 1/1/4`3 65, 000 W."du4-1/1-A INP 0 1.;• ''due 1/1/72 40; 000 due 1/1/84' - 70, 000 die 1/11/9' V. r due I/l/73 40- 000 -'dixe 1/1/43 70 000 due' 1/1/74 Ot due IL/IM 75:000 ' ddcz due-1/l/75. OW Us: 60 1/1/87 VIM' due 1/1/88 'due 1/1/77 508000 due 1/1/89 0'4 3/4% due 1/1/78 509000 due 1/1/90 due 1/1/79 55 000 due 1/1/91 -:-10000- due I/l/80 60p000 due l/l/92 35,000 due 1/1/81 60,000 due 1/1/93 all 4 95 35POO4 11 due 1/1/82 ivory at Puget Sound tonal Ssak, Tacoma) I O"a, w b. Now "O"MMMI. ~ IMM gum as& s. W" �ik of Ow -==.3 bo Z. 4 4:1 SwOkwosof D" Plus ace. int. to as of delivery.and with" approvi and non-�-]:itigii'ti'*on'-*C*,�-0"', I t If icate. I%* mcwWo &be" dowfbW w6 w -avy Im bnmW%WAW M&W GWINMOMM I" "M-0 f., all I ORDINANCE NO. 150.7 Ali ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SUPERINTENDA11T OF THE PORT TOWNSI:ND GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE TO FIX FEES FOR THE DUMPING OF GARBAGE IN CITY OPERATED GARBAGE DUMPS AND DISPOSAL SITES, UPON APPROVAL OF SAID FEES BY THE CITY COUNCIL, FOR COMMERCIAL USERS OF SAID DUMPS IN CERTAIN CASES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Subject to the approval of the City Council, which approval may be granted by motion at a regular meeting of the Council, the Superintendant of the Port Townsend Garbage Disposal Service is here and hereby authorized and directed to set and collect for the dumping of garbage and refuse in city -operated garbage dumps and disposal sites, reasonable fees, based upon quantity of dumpage, to be imposed upon commercial users of said dumps and disposal sites, excepting for such commercial users as may make occasional use of such dumps and who are also users who are regularly paying monthly charges to the Port Townsend Garbage Disposal Service. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the mayor on December 20, 1966. ,'Ci'i'EST : :o }n" to a1 City- C1er3: It-n rotted as to Form: t :1:t07."��y ' r ORDII;AN'CL NO. AID ORDINANCE of the City of Port `lo%-nisend, l,fashington, requiring the connection of buildint7s and residences with the sewerage system of the city; determining and establIchinp classes of users of sewerage service; fixing rates and charges for sewerage service, and for connections to the sewerage system, and providing for the collection thereof; establishirig penalties and liens for failure to connect to the sewerage system, and for failure to pay sewer rates and charge3, and providinf; for the enforcement of such penalties and liens, and repealing; Ordinances Nos. 1333, 1368 and 1401, and all other ordinances or thereof in conflict herewith. WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend, Washington, presently owns, maintains and operates a combined water and sewage system; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 1506 passed and approved December 6, 1966, it was provided that the City should issue and sell its water and sewer revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $950,000 for thepurpose of providing funds to acquire, construct and install certain additions and improvements to and extensions of the sanitary sewage collection and disposal portion of such system, the principal of and interest on which bonds must be paid from rates and charges made for water and for sanitary sewage disposal service; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable that the property owners connecting to and using such additions and improvements to and extensions of said system pay part of the cost of their own collection lines through connection charges and increased sewer service charges; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council that said increased charges be maintained onl; as long; as necessary to pay for such additions, improvements and extensions; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and advisable that a schedule of connections and sewer service charges be no,.-,, fixed; NOW, rI'IiEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, as follows: .• ! Section 1. It is thereby found and declared to be necessary for the public welfare, health and safety of the City of Port Townsend and its inhabitants that the o-wner of each lot or parcel of real property within the coroorat•e limits of the City not already connected to the City's sanitary, sewage system, the property line of which lot or parcel of real property is 160 feet or less fron a public sewer, and upon which lot or parcel of property there is now situated any building or structure for human occupation or use, shall install ouitable toilet facilities therein and shall connect such facilities, together with all other facilities therein the use of which results in the existence of sewage, with the City's sanitary sewage system at his own expense within ninety days after the adoption of a resolution of the City Council signifying that the sewage system is ready to receive sewage. Where such building or structure has not been completed within ninety days after the adoption of such resolution, such connection shall be made on or before the completion of the construction of such building or structure and before any use or occupation thereof. If any such connection shall not be made within the time herein provided, the water and sewer superintendent or such other employee of the City as the Council may hereafter designate is hereby authorized and directed to cause such connection to be made and to file a statement of the cost thereof with the City Clerk, and thereupon a warrant shall be issued under the direction of the City Council by the City Treasurer and drawn on the Olympic Gravity Plater Fund of the City. Such amount, together with the penalty of J p ,q of such cost plus interest at the rate of F3;S per annum upon the total amount of such costs and penalties shall be assessed against the property upon which said building or structure is located and shall become a lien thereon as herein provided. Such total amount, when collected, shall be paid into the Olympic Gravity :later Fund. Where a public sewer line is more than 160 feet from the property line of any lot or parcel of real property within the corporate limits of the City, the owner thereof may install a side sewer at his 2. own expense and connect- the same to the City's sanitary sewage system in the manner provided by ordinance, and shall pay the rate hereinafter Provided. In addition to the above, the City shall charE;e a penalty against all properties failing to connect to the sewerage system as above provided in the amount of the sewerage charge that would be applicable to such property if connected to the system. Section 2. The classes of users connected and to be connected to the sanitary sewage system of the City are hereby fixed as follows: A. Class 1 shall consist of all properties within the City now or hereafter connected to the presently existing system of sewerage of the City as shown on the maps and plans attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. B. Class IA shall consist of all Class 1 properties which do not have metered water service. C. Class 1B shall consist of all Class 1 properties which have metered vrater service. D. Class 2 shall consist of all properties within the City which will be connected to the additions and betterments to the sewerage system authorized by Ordinance No. 1506. E. Class 2A shall consist of all Class 2 properties which do not have metered water service. P. Class 2B shall consist of all Class 2 properties which have metered water service. G. Class 3 shall consist of all properties outside the City. Section 3. The followin- rates and charges for the various classes of sewerage service are hereby established: Classification of Collection A. Class lA B. Class 1B 3• Monthly Charge $11.00 100% of the amount of the water bill for such month, provided that in no event shall the charge be less than $4.00 0 Classification of Collection (cont.) C. Class 2A n. Class 2!, i;. Class 3 Monthly Charge (cont.) $5.00 125% of the amount of the water bill for such month, provided that in no event shall the charge be less than $5.00 150% of the charge that would be applicable if the property was within the City limits. The Water and Sewer Superintendent is hereby authorized to adjust sewerage rates and charges based on metered water rates on a pro rata basis where it is established to his satisfaction that a substantial amount of such metered water does not enter the sewerage system. In the event any property owner or owners shall require an unusually large use of the sewerage system, special rates for such user may be fixed by agreement with the City without the necessity of amending this ordinance. Section 4. All sewage service rates and charges shall be billed monthly, shall be due and payable not later than the first day -flle f+r"r(&uTri DA? aFTrrf a+n..rr� of each such month, and shall become delinquent afterhth=t=z1ate. All delinquent rates and charges shall bear interest at the rate of 85 per annum from the date of delinquency. All rates and charges provided herein shall be billed to the ovrner, contract vendee or authorized anent of the owner of the particular premises to which the service is provided. All permits which may be required by the City to be obtained shall be obtained by and issued to such owner, contract vendee or authorized agent, provided that tenants shall not be deemed agents of the ovrner or contract vendee by virtue of their tenancy alone, although such owner or contract vendee may in writing authorize the billing of tenants and the issuance of permits to such tenants directly. Section 5. In addition to the foregoing rates and charges, the City shall chart,,c the owner, contract vendee or authorized agent of 0 owner of the particular premises hereafter connecting to the sewerage system of the City a connection charge of 'M- 00. Such connection charge shall become due and payable at th(. time each connection is completed, and if not paid on or before said date, the same shall become delinquent and shall bear interest at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of delinquency until paid. Section 6. All rates and charges provided for in this ordinance together with any penalties and interest thereon at the rate of 8;o per annum from the date of delinquency, and all costs and fees of collecting or foreclosing upon the premises served to collect the same shall be a lien upon the property and premises with which said connection is made or sewage disposal service furnished, superior to all other liens or encumbrances except those for general taxes and special assessments. Enforcement of such lien or liens shall be in the manner provided by law. Section 7. In the event that any such bill for sewage service rates and charges, or connection charges is not paid within sixty days from the date the same becomes delinquent, the City may shut off the water furnished the premises to which such service was rendered or connection made without further notice. Said water shall not be turned on again until such bill, together with all penalties and interest due thereon, plus a charge of $2.00 for turning on said water has been paid. Section 8. The City Treasurer shall collect all the rates and charges herein provided for and accruing from time to time, and all of such sums, when collected, shall be paid by the Treasurer into the Olympic Gravity Water Fund of the City. In the event of tender of an amount less than the sewer service charge owing hereunder and the water charge, acceptance of such tender shall be conditioned upon pro- ration of the amount tendered between the sewer bill and the water bill. Section 9. Ordinances Nos. 1333, 1368 and 1401, and all other ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 10. This ordinance shall become effective on the date the sewage treatment facilities authorized by Ordinance No. 1506 commence operation or one year from date hereof, whichever is sooner. PASSED by the Council of ,the City of Port Townsend, Washington, and approved by its Kayor at a regular meeting of said Council held this 3rd day of January, 1967. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGT0N BY Mayor Attest: City Clerk Approved as to Form: City Attnrnev 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1510 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING GRADES ON SAN JUAN AVENUE AT THE CENTERLINE OF SIMS WAY, AND OF 12TH STREET FROM THE CENTERLINE OF SAN JUAN AVENUE TO THE CENTERLINE OF LANDES STREET THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Grades of portions,of San Juan Ave. and 12th St. shall be at the following elevation according to City Datum: 60 San Juan Avenue, at the centerline of Sims Way, shall be at elevation (minus) -0.31 and at the center- line of 12th St. the elevation shall be 0.00. (B) 12th St., from the eenterline of San Juan Avenue to the centerline of Landes Street, shall be at eleva- tion 0.00. Section 2. That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith and the same are hereby repealed. Passed and approved at a regular Council Meeting held on June 20, 1967. �DENNI8 SU© VAN Mayor ATTEST: E I,/ OUP GBLOOD City Cler / APPROVED AS TO FORM: _ NN AB AM QAIty Attorney 1501 Water department budget for 1967 (Special) 1502 Garbage collection service budget for 1967 (Special) 1503 Sewage di-sposal service budget for 1967 (Special) 1504 Street vacation (Special) 1505 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1506 Plan for improvement of sewage system (Special) 1507 Authorizes superintendent of garbage disposal service to fix fees (6.04) 1508 Requires connection with sewer system (13.04) 1509 Regulates traffic and fixes maximum hours of parking (10.04) 1510 Establishes street grade (Special) --="1511 Grants franchise to Union Oil Company (Special) 1512 Contractual services appropriation for planning commis- sion (Special) 1513 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief fund (Special) ! 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 �1521 1522 1523 P9• I U 1524 1525 Street vacation (Special) Authorizes city clerk to make withholdings from city employees pay (2.48) Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief funr, (Special) Salaries (Special) Tax levy (Special) 1968 budget (Special) Water -sewer department budget (Special) Garbage collection service budget (Special) Adopts fire prevention code (15.04) Appropriates sum to employee benefits appropriation (Special) Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief fund (Special) Repeals Ords. No. 1 (February 20, 1878), No. 1 (Septem- ber 1, 1882), No. 1 (February 10, 1883), No. 2, No. 4, No. 5 (March 7, 1878), No. 5 (November 1, 1880), No. 7, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 14, unnumbered of April 6, 1878, No. 15, No. 16, No. 18, No. 27, No. 31, No. 32, No, 38, No. 40, No. 58, No. 59, No. 101, No. 103, No. 112, No. 116, No. 121, No. 123, No. 129, No. 144, No. 157, No. 189, No. 211, Secs. 7 and 8 of No. 215, No. 218, No. 221, No. 224, No. 231, No. 250, No. 252, No. 269, No. 281, No. 288, No. 297, No. 305, No. 307, No. 312, No. 315, No. 318, No. 319, No. 324, No. 333, No. 334, No. 338, No. 353, No. 372, No. 377, No. 429, No. 430, No. 439, No. 452, No. 461, No. 469, No. 487, No. 495, No. 547, No. 552, No. 554, No. 564, No. 569, No. 573, No. 580, No. 584, No. 585, No. 590, No. 608, No. 609, No. 617, No. 618, No. 619, No. 620, No. 621, No. 622, No. 635, No. 637, No. 638, No. 639, No. 641, No. 647, No. 651, No. 654, No. 665, No. 667, No. 676, No. 678, No. 680, No. 681, No. 683, No. 684, No. 685, No. 688, No, 692, No. 693, No. 694, No. 699, No. 705, No. 706, No. 710, No. 714, No. 715, No. 716, No. 722, No. 727, No. 728, No. 733, No. 740, No. 752, No. 757, No. 759, No. 761, No. 763, No. 772, No. 776, No. 784, No 791, No. 793, No. 798, No. 805, No. 808, No. 823, No. 824, No. 834, No. 836, No. 842, No. 850, No. 857, No. 863. No. 867, No. 888, No. 889, No. 900, No. 902, No. 906, No. 909, No. 920, No. 934, No. 945, No. 948, No. 958, No. 961, No. 963, No. 987, No. 989, No. 1026, No. 1027, No. 1028, No. 1030, No. 1036, No. 1039, No. 1049, No. 1050, No. 1051, No. 1053, No. 1061, No. 1078, No. 1089, No. 1091, No. 1092, No. 1093, No. 1111, No. 1112, No. 1114, No. 1124, No. 1136, No. 1141, No. 1147, No. 1160, No. 1179, No. 1188, No. 1207, No. 1208, No. 1243, No. 1252, No. 1255, No. 1292, No. 1333, No, 1368, No. 1394, and No. 1401 (Repealer) 1526 Adopts definitions and penalty clause for the codifica- tion (1.01) 1527 Establishes administrative code regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains (13.08) 1528 Vacates alley (Special) 1529 Appropriation to current expense fund (Special) 1330 Building code (16.04) 1531 Amends S1 of Ord. 1078, S24 of Ord. 1091 and 51 of Ord. 1490, parking (10.04) 1532 1968 budget (Special) 1533 Street dedication (Special) 1534 Appropriation (Special) 1535 Disorderly conduct on school grounds (Repealed by 2014) 1536 Addition to ballot at general election (Special) 1537 Appropriation (Special) 1538 Street vacation (Special) 1539 Franchise (Special) 1540 1968 budget (Special) 1541 1968 budget (Special) 1542 Appropriation (Special) 1543 1968 budget (Special) 1544 Amends SS1, 2 of Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1545 1969 budget (Special) 1546 1969 budget (Special) 1547 1§69 budget (Special) 1548 -Tax levy for 1969 (Special) 1549 Glue sniffing (Repealed by 2014) ORDINANCE NO. 1511 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, AND ITS ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPER- ATE AND REMOVE PIPE LINES ACROSS A STREET IN THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, AND GRANTING TO SAID UNION OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, A CALIF- ORNIA CORPORATION, AND ITS ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO OPERATE, MAINTAIN AND REMOVE A WHARF IN SAID CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN RENEWAL OF RIGHTS GRANTED IN ORDINANCE NO. 1299. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. In extension of the rights and privilges granted in ordinan"� ce No. 1299, passed and approved October 20, 1953, there is hereby granted to the Union Oil Company of California, a Calif- ornia corporation, and its assigns, the right to construct, lay main- tain, operate and remove pipe lines upon and across Front Street in the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for a period of ten (10) years from and after April 8, 1967. Section 2. If, at any time, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend deems it advisable to relocate, improve or otherwise change said Front Street, Union Oil Company of California, a Calif- ornia corporation, and its assigns, shall upon written notice given by said City Council of the City of Port Townsend, immediately so remove, change or alter its pipes and pipe lines and other equipment used in connection therewith, so sas to conform to such change in said street. The cost of moving, changing or altering such pipes or pipe lines will be at the expense of Union Oil Company of Calif- ornia, a California corporation, or its assigns. Section 3. Union Oil Company of California, a California corporation, and its assigns, assumes all liability for damages arising by reason of the location of said pipes or pipe lines in said street. Section 4. That there is hereby granted to Union Oil Company of California, a California corporation, and its assigns, the right to operate, maintain and remove a wharf not to exceed 100 feet in width, with suitable approaches and such other structures as may be necessary, in the City of Port Townsend, for a period of ten (10) years from and after April 8, 1967, the location thereof being substantially as follows: Extending out from lots 1,3, and 5 in Block 4, Orig- inal Townsite of the City of Port Townsend, southerly over, upon and across Front Street to its south line thereof. together with the"right to install pipes thereon for the transpor. tation of oil, petroleum and its products, w9ter and other fluids, in connection with the operation of said dock. Section 5. That said wharf shall be maintained in substantially the same location and in the same mamner that it is now in, with the right and privilege hereby granted unto the said Union oil Com- pany of California, a ealifornia corporation, and its assigns, to repair, improve, add to and maintain or remove the same as herein provided. Section 6. That said wharf and its approaches shall be main- tained in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and shall be subject to inspection by and approval of the City Engineer of the City of Port Townsend. -1- Section 7. That the Union Oil Company,�.a California corporation, and its assigns, shall pay to the City of Port Townsend the sum of dollars per annum for each and every year during the term of this franchise, said sum of ,.2 5 � dollars to be payable in advance on or before the 15th day of April of each year during the term of this franchise; that in case the said grantee or its assigns shall fail to comply with any or all of the conditions of this ordinance, then and there- upon this franchise shall become null and void; all rights and franchise herein granted shall be come forfeited. Section 8. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and filing of the acceptance of the same by the said grantee, and from and after five (5) days after its publication in the Port Townsend Leader. Passed by the City Council this 20th day of June, 1967. Approved by the Mayor this 20th day of June, 1967. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor -ATTEST: ALE 'I. /YOU GBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1512 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $75.00 FOR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES IN THE PLANNING COMM- ISSION BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1967, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TONNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated, for the year 1967, to the contractual services appropriation for the City Planning Commission the sum of $75.00, for the purpose of paying tuition and expenses of education for the Chairman of the Planning Commission to the University of Washington, in a land use planning institute. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and be an emergency requiring the expenditure and appropriation author- ized in Section 1 hereof. Section 37 This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at regular meeting held on June 20, 1967. Read for the second and third time, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor, at a regular meeting on July1967. DENNIS SUZLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: GAL E I. YO NGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GL ,1�I3RAHAM CIEy "Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1513 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,000.00 TO THE FIRE41ENIS PENSION AND RELIEF APPROPRIATION FOR THE 1967 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. ThereAs here and hereby appropriated to Fire- men's Pension and Relief in the 1967 Budget of the City of Port Townsend the sum of $1,000.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency, arising from disability and injuries occurring to firemen, which requires the appropriation made in Section 1. hereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon is passage, approval and publication in the ,form and manner required by law. Read for the first timeat a regular meeting of the City Council held on:June 20, 1967. Read for the second and third -time, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular session on July /1 1967. ,��� 2;72�1 �� /I {.GLUj�t✓}ram DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: ,•J GE I. YpUNGDLOQD City Cler ✓ AP:",E VD AS TO RM: GLBAR Ci 7 Attorney ORD]_?IA'viC}s NO. 1514 AN ORDINADCE VACA'!11IG THAT VOR'?'.T.Oi? OF PftOITT STR a=sT LYTi G I -AST OP A Lrii_" OAIIAI,LLL TO A31D '78 F C-�]'P EAST OF T:TL," LAST LIi•I;_; OF VAC92:!..) ?OLIO STR.'3ET Ai;D 0-+' TED] PROLOi•iGA`II ON SAP TEE :!,A3'2 LT.I•IL OF T--: ; UES T 27.5 i �sT OF ;'ORT ' o"'I SE"1iD P7:RST CLASa TID.:',LAID DISTRTCT NO. 56, Ai;D PROVIDIDG FOIZ OF COSTS f):i P [BMCA`i'2OIt. THE C ITY COUNCIL OP TiU7' C i `. f 01' PORT TJ-,;ITS:sIID, IN I:t"GIILAR STESSION ASSEMBLZ), DO OIZDUH AS FOTjLOW3: Section 1. 'fftero is hero nand hereby vacated that portion of City Street in the City of Port Tomscnd, doscrib©d as follovm: That portion of front Street lyin oast of a lino parallel to and 78 feet east of the cast lino of vacated Folk Street and Wiest of the prolonrat;i.on of the cast line of the *crest 27.5 feet of Fort Tocrosend Pirst Class Tideland District No. 56. Section 2. 'Mis ordinanco shall take ef.i'oct ui?on :its pasaar;o, approval and publication in the form and mannor roquired by law, and up n na miont of costs of publication of tYzo ordinance by the parsons petitioning for the vacation heroin mado. Read for the first, second and third times; passed by the Council and approved by the :,iayor this llth day of July, 1 *67. i 'dayor Attu s t: Zee, �eer y Cle Approved as to Porn: .L Cit; Attorr ey ORDINANCE NO. 1510( AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TILE CITY CLERK TO MAKE WITHHOLDINGS FROM MONTHLY PAY OF CITY EMPLOYEES, TO DISBURSE SUMS WITHHELD TO A CREDIT UNION, AND PROVIDING FOR THE APPLICATION OF EMPLOYEES FOR SUCH WITHHOLDING. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby authorized and directed to make withholdings of such sums of money as may be directed by employees of the City from the monthly pay of said City employees, and to remit to the Fort Worden - Jefferson County Public Employees Federal Credit Union such sums, and to draw vouchers and warrants therefor. Section 2. NO withholding of any sum for credit union pur- poses shall be made from any employee's pay unless and until said employee shall make application, in writing, to the City Clerk for such withholding, setting forth the amount to be withheld each month. Section 3. The City of Port :Townsend shall assume no liability for, and shall not be responsible for any acts or omissions of the Fort Worden - Jefferson County Public Employees Federal Credit Union, or any other credit union, whether by reason .-of the appli- cation of funds withheld from the pay of city employees, or for any other reason. The forwarding by the City Clerk of sums directed by employees to be withheld for such credit union purposes shall be deemed the final and only act required of the City Clerk or the City of Port Townsend with regard to allocation of withholdings for such credit union purposes. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law, Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 18th day of July, 1967. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST. AP P \IE AS 0, FORM: -r. YOU GBLOOD ity dl rK r—�(� B1AM.\ ORDINANCE NO. 1516 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,220.40 TO THE FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Firmmen's Pension and Relief Fund, for the 1967 Budget, the sum of $1,220.40. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the -.appropriation made in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a reqular meeting of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend held on 18th of July, 1967. Read for the second and third time at a regular meeting of the City Council.on August 1, 1967, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor: DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: :. LC� .�'C/� / i � LE I .` XO NGBLOOD City Clerk APR VED AS TO FORM: HAP1 C y Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1516— AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT.' TOWNSEND FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY ATTORNEY AND MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE TERM COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1968, AND TERMS FOLLOW- ING. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the compensation to be paid to the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend for the term commencing January 1, 1969 be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $550.00 per month for each month served during said term; that the compensation to be paid the -City Attorney for the term commencing January 1, 1968 be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $200.00 per month; and that the compensation to be paid the Mayor of the City of Port Townsend for the term commencing January 1, 1968 be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $100.00 per month; that all said monthly payment shall be paid in each month served during said term, and terms following there- after. Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once and take effect in the form and manner provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 3, 1967. r" DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST I. OUN;i LOOD City Cl'e k ATTES�,J C4LERAHAM-i" Cly Attorney it ORDINANCE NO. 1-31-7' AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1968. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for theclifferent purposes herein designated, for the year 1968, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city for such purposes as follows: FIRST: for the payments of Current Expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of $25,609.17 and the rate of tax levy for said Fund is hereby fixed at 4.9 mills on the dollar. SECOND: For the purpose of maintaining City Streets and roads and for the City Street Fund, in the sum of $22,995.98 and the rate of the tax levy for said Fund is 4.4 mills on the dollar. THIRD: For the purpose of maintaining a Library and for the Library -Fund, the svm of $15,679.08, and the rate of taxation on the dollar for said Fund is hereby fixed at 3.0 mills. FOURTH: For the purpose of maintaining a public park and for the Park Fund, the sum of $8,884.81, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.7 mills. FIFTH: For the Hospitalization and Medical service of injured paid firemen and for pensions for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $5,226.36, and the rate of tax levy for said Fund is hereby fixed at 1.0 mill on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said City are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and county Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing V Tax -Levy of said City. Section 3. That the Ordinance take effect after its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 3, 1§67. bENNIS SULLIVAN t Mayor i• t: ; ATTEST: UN LOOA J _....'..', .-City C Ric If APPROVE AS TWTORM: L AB_AK Attorney I -2- ORDINANCE NO.-1-5-le- 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1968. THE CITY COUNCIL, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as ,the Official Budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1968, divided into the following classes comprising the whole of said Budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------------------- $221,020.00 Maintenance and Operation ----------------------- 154,179.00 Capital Outlay ---------------------------------- 33,834.25 Intenst and Debt Redemption --------------------- 93,036.93 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published onee, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. ;'.;... Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 3rd day of October, 1967. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: J G I. UNCBLOOD CtgCerc� APPRQVIa AS TQ FORM: GL rt .r`ABRAHAMI� Citsl Attorney 0 0 ORDINANCE NO..L- 19� f " 7. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATER -SEWER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY FOR THE YEAR 1968. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section i. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the Official Budget for the Water -Sewer Department, segregated as to the departments, ofthe City of Port Townsend, for the year 1968, divided into the amounts in each of the following classes comprising thewhole of said Budget, to -wit: WATER DEPARTMENT Salaries and Wages------------------------------$23,540.00. Maintenance and Operation ----------------------- 30,250.00 Capital•OUtlay--------------------------------- 24,904.25 Interest and Debt Redemption -------------------- 24,417.43 SEWER DEPARTMENT Salaries and Wages ----------------------------- $ 7,000.00 Maintenance and Operation --------------------- 15,610.00 Capital Outlay -------------------------------- 4,500.00 Interest and Debt Redemption ------------------ 63,622.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be in force and take effect after.its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 3rd day of October, 1967. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: Utj BLOOD City c rb 1�f k APPROVED A3 T yF GLENN ABRAH City Attorney a �� t 1 1501 Water department budget for 1967 (Special) i 1502 Garbage collection service budget for 1967 (Special) i 1503 SeNW-ge di-sposal service budget for 1967 (Special) 1504 Street vacation (Special) 1505 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1506 plan for improvement of sewage system (Special) 1507 Authorizes superintendent of garbage disposal service to fix fees (6.04) 1506 Requires connection with sewer system (13.041 1509 Regulates traffic and fixes maximum hours of parking (10.04) 1510 Establishes street grade (Special) 1511 Grants franchise to Union Oil Company (Special] 1512 Contractual services appropriation for planning commis- sion (Special) 1513 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief fund (Special) 1514 Street vacation (Special) 1515 Authorizes city clerk to make withholdings from city employees pay (2.48) 1516 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief funs. (Special) 1517 Salaries (Special) 1518 Tax levy (Special) 1519 1968 budget (Special) j3520 Water -sewer department budget (Special) 1521 Garbage collection service budget (Special) 1522 Adopts fire prevention code (15.04) 1523 Appropriates sum to employee benefits appropriation (Special) 1524 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief fund (Special) 1525 Repeals Ords. No. 1 (February 20, 1878), No. 1 (Septem- ber 1, 1882), No. 1 IFebruary 10, 1883), No. 2, No. 4, No. 5 (March 7, 1878), No. 5 (November 1, 1880), No. 7, No. 10, No, 11, No. 12, No. 14, unnumbered of April 6, 1878, No. 15, No. 16, No. 18, No. 27, No. 31, No. 32, No. 38, No. 40, No. 58, No. 59, No. 101, No. 103, No. 112, No. 116, No. 121, No. 123, No. 129, No. 144, No. 157, No. 189, No. 211, Secs. 7 and 8 of No. 215, No. 218, No. 221, No. 224, No. 231, No. 250, No. 252, No. 269, No. 281, No. 288, No. 297, No. 305, No. 307, No. 312, No. 315, No. 318, No. 319, No. 324, No. 333, No. 334, No. 338, No. 353, No. 372, No. 377, No. 429, No. 430, No. 439, No. 452, No. 461, No. 469, No. 487, No. ? 495, No. 547, No. 552, No. 554, No. 564, No. 569, No. �t 573, No. 580, No. 584, No. 585, No. 590, No. 608, No. 609, No. 617, No. file, No. 619, No. 620, No. 621, No. 622, No. 635, No. 637, No. 638, No, 639, No. 641, No. 647, No. 651, No. 654, No. 665, No. 667, No. 676, No. 678, No. 680, No. 681, No. 683, No. 684, No. 685, No. 689, No. 692, No. 693, No. 694, No. 699, No. 705, No. 706, No. 710, No. 714, No. 715, No. 716, No. 722, No. 727, No. 128, No. 733, No. 740, No. 752, No. 757, No. 759, No. 761, No. 763, No. 772, No. 776, No. 784, No 791, No. 793, No. 798, No. 805, No. 808, No. 823, No. 824, No. 834, No. 836, No. 842, No. 850, No. 857, No. 863. No. 867, No. 888, No. 889, No. 900, No. 902, No. 906, No. 909, No. 920, No. 934, No. 945, No. 948, No. 958,No. 961, No. 963, No. 987, No. 989, No. 1026, No. 1027, No. 1028, No. 1030, No. 1036, No. 1039, No. 1049, No. 1050, No. 1051, No. 1053, No. 1061, No. 1078, No. 1089, No. 1091, No. 1092, No. 1093, No. 1111, No. 1112, No, 1214, No. 1124, No. 1136, No. 1141, No. 1147, No. 1160, No. 1179, No. 1188, No. 1207, No. 1208, No. 1243, PIS• 8 Z No, 1252, No. 1255, No. 1292, No. 1333, No. 1368, No. 1394, and No. 1401 (Repealer) 1526 Adopts definitions and penalty clause for the codifica- tion (1.01) 1527 Establishes administrative code regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains (13.08) 1528 Vacates alley (Special) 1529 Appropriation to current expense fund (Special) r1530 Building code (16,04) 1531 Amends 51 of Ord. 1078, S24 of Ord. 1091 and 81 of Ord. 1490, parking (10.04) 1532 1968 budget (Special) 1533 Street dedication (Special) 1534 Appropriation (Special) 1535 Disorderly conduct on school grounds (Repealed by 2014) 1536 Addition to ballot at general election (Special) 1537 Appropriation (Special) 1538 Street vacation (Special) 1539 Franchise (Special) 1540 1968 budget (Special) 1541 1968 budget (Special) 1542 Appropriation (Special) 1543 1968 budget (Special) 1544 Amends SS1, 2 of Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1545 1969 budget (Special) 1546 1969 budget (Special) 1547 1§69 budget (Special) 1548 -Tax levy for 1969 (Special) 1549 Glue sniffing (Repealed by 2014) ORDINANCE NO. 1520 f_ �� k AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GAR- BAGE COLLECTION SERVICE FOR THE YEAR 1968. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the Official Budget for the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service of the City of Port Townsend for the. year 1968, divided into the total amounts in each of the follow- ing classes comprising the whole of said Budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages--------------------------_------$30,600.00 Maintenance and Operation ------------------------- 12,775.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 3rd day of October, 1967. DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTES GALE I.. OMBLOOD City Cleek- APPR03ZED AS j 0 FORM: 6YN ABni M C ty.Attorney ORDINANCE NO. L. Z AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A FIRE PREVENTION CODE PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION, AND ESTABLISHING A BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION AND PROVIDING OFFICERS THEREFOR AND DEFINING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES. Be it ordained bythe City Council of the City of Port Town -- send, in regular session assembled: Section 1. ADOPTION OF FIRE PREVENTION CODE. There is hereby adopted by the City of Port Townsend for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditons hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Fire Prevention Code recommended by the American Insur- ance Association, being particularly the 1965 edition thereof and the whole thereof, including the October 1966 Revision thereof, of which code not less than three (3) copies have been and now are filed in the office of the Clerk of the City of Port: Townsend and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this Ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling with- in the limitscf the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. ESTABLISHMENT AND DUTIES OF BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION. a. The Fire Prevention Code shall be enforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Fire Department of the City of Port Town- send which is hereby established and which shall be operated under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department. b. The Chief in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, on the basis of examination to determine his qualifications. His appointment shall continue during good behavior and satisfactory service, and he shall not be removed from office except for cause after public trial. -1- 0 c. The Chief of the Fire Department may detail such members of the fire department as inspectors as shall from time to time be necessary. The Chief of the Fire Department shall recommend to the Mayor the employment of technical inspectors, who, when such author- ization is made, shall be selected through an examination to deter- mine their fitness for the position. The examination shall be open to members and non-members of the fire department, and appointments made after examination shall be for an indefinite term with removal only for cause. d. A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the chief executive officer of the munic- ipality; it shall contain all proceedings under this code, with such statistics as the Chief of the Fire Department may wish to include therein; the Chief of the Fire Department shall also recommend any amendements to the code which, in his judgment, shall be desirable. Section 3. DEFINITIONS. a. Wherever the word "Municipality" is used in the Fire Pre- vention Code, it shall be held to mean the City of Port Townsend. b. Wherever the term "Corporation Counsel" is used in the Fire Prevention Code, it shall be held to mean the Attorney for the City of Port Townsend. Section 4. ESTABLISHMENT OF LIMITS OF DISTRICTS IN WHICH STORAGE OF EXPLOSIVES AND BLASTING AGENTS IS TO BE PROHIBITED. The limits referred to in Section 12.5 b of the Fire Prevention Code., in which storage of explosives and blasting agents is pro- hibited, are hereby established as follows: All that area lying East of McPherson Street extended in said City of Port Townsend. Section 5. ESTABLISHMENT OF LIMITS OF DISTRICTS IN WHICH STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS IN.OUTSIDE ABOVEGROUND TANKS IS TO BE PROHIBITED. The limits referred to in Section 16.22 a of the Fire Prevention Code in which storage of flammable liquids in outside aboveground tanks is prohibited, are hereby established as follows: All areas 0 lying more than one block above the line of mean high water. Section 6. ESTABLISHMENT OF LIMITS IN WHICH BULK STORAGE OF LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GASES IS TO BE RESTRICTED. The limits referred to in Section 21.6 a of the Fire Prevention Code, in which bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas is restricted, are hereby established as follows: All areas more than two blocks above mean high water and East of Harrison Street and West of Polk St. Section 7. MODIFICATIONS. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall have power to modify any of the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code upon application in writing by the owner or lessee, or his duly authorized agent, when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the code, provided that the spirit of the code shall beobserved, public safety secured, and substantial justice done. The particulars of such modifications when granted or allowed and the decision of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention thereon shall be entered upon the records of the department and a signed copy shall be furnished the applicant. Section 8. APPEALS. Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department shall disapprove an application or refuse to grant a permit applied for, or'when it is claimed that the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department to the City Council within 30 days from the date of the decision appealed. Section 9. NEW MATERIALS, PROCESSES OR OCCUPANCIES WHICH MAX REQUIRE PERMITS. The -City Engineer, City Attorney, the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment and the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall act as a committee to determine and specify, after giving affected persons an opportunity to be heard, any new materials, processes or occupancies, which shall require permits, in addition to those now enumerated in • 6V,ttAO said code. The Chief of the Fire PreventionAshall post such list in a conspicuous place in his office, and distribute copies thereof to interested persons. Section 10. PENALTIES. a. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of the code hereby adopted or fail to comply therewith, or who shall vio- late or fail to comply with any order made thereunder, or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or per- mit issued thereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken, or who shall fail to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by the City Council or by a Court of competent jurisdiction, within the time fixed herein, shall severally for each and every such vio- lation and noncompliance respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $200.00 or by imprisonment for not less than 5 days mr more than 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, each ten days that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. b. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to .prevent the enforced removal- of prohibited conditions. Section 11. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. All former Ordinances or parts thereof conflicting or incon- sistent with the provisions of this ordinance or of the.code hereby adopted are hereby repealed. Section 12. VALIDITY. The City Council hereby declares that should any section para- graph, sentence, or word of this ordinance or of the code hereby for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of said Council that it would have passed all other portions of this -4- } ordinance independent of the elimination.herefrom of any such portion as may be declared invalid.. Section 14. DATE OF EFFECT. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after.. its .approval• as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the °:.`• Council, approved by the Mayor this 17th day of October, 1967. bj DENNIS SULLIVAN Mayor ATTEST: E I. OOD City.Cle APPROV D AS TO-)]F RM• ~ 'GFZNN ABRAHAMJ C? F. Attorney \SIP, ORDINANCE NO.IS�3 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,600.00 to THE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS APPROPRIATION IN THE 1967 BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Employee Benefits appropriation in the 1867 budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service the sum of $1,600.00. Section 2. There is hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation made in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon•its passage, — approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular council meeting on November 7, 1967; read for the second and thins times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting held on November 21, 1967. X)- MAY R " ATTEST: • _ UGC • ' %, Ci y Cle r A APPROVED AS .TO FORM: �% .l_ G y_.Attorney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1000.00 TO THE FIREMENS PENSION AND RELIEF FUND OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FOR THE EMPLOYEE BENEFITS APPROPRIATION OF SAID FUND IN THE 1967 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, INREGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Employee Benefits appropriation in the 1967 budget for the Port Townsend Firemens Relief and Pension Fund the sum of $1,700.00, to be allocated as follows: $1,100.00 to employee pensions, and the sum of $600.00 to medical expense. Section 2. There is hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation made in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first tirie at a regular meeting of the Council held on November 7, 1967; read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting on November 21, 1967. W Mayor ATTEST: Cz y Cle k APPROVED -AS TO FORM: ORDINANCE An Ordinance Repealing Ordinances No. 1 (February 20, 1878), No. 1 (September 1, 1882), No. 1 (February 10, 1883) , No. 2, No. 4, No. 5 (March 7, 1878) , No. 5 (Novem- ber 1, 880), No. 7, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 14, un- numbere of April 6, 1878, No. 15, No. 16, No. 18, No. 27, No. 31, No. 32, No. 38, No. 40, No. 44, No. 58, No. 59, No. 101 No. 103, No. 112, No. 116, No. 121, No. 123, No. 129, No 144, No. 157, No. 189, NO. 211, Sections 7 and 8 of NO. 15, No. 218, No. 221, No. 224, No. 231, No. 250, No. 252 No. 269, No. 281, No. 288, No. 297, No. 305, No. 307, NO 312, No. 315, No. 318, No. 319, No. 324, No. 333, No. 334 No. 338, No. 353, No. 372, No. 377, No. 429, No. 430, No 439, No. 452, No. 461, No. 469, No. 487, No. 495, No. 547 No. 552, No. 554, No. 564, No. 569, No. 573, No. 580, No 584, No. 585, No. 590, No. 608, No. 609, No. 617, No. 618 No. 619, No. 620, No. 621, No. 622, No. 635, No. 637, No 638, No. 639, No. 641, No. 647, No. 651, No. 654, No. 665 No. 667, No. 676, No. 678, No. 680, No. 681, No. 683, No 684, No. 685, No. 688, No. 692, No. 693, No. 694, No. 699 No. 705, No. 706, No. 710, No. 714, No. 715, No. 716, No 722, No. 727, No. 728, No. 733, No. 740, No. 752, No. 757 No. 759, No. 761, No. 763, No. 772, NO. 776, No. 784, No 791, No. 793, No. 796, No. 805, No. 808, No. 623, No. 824, No. 834, No. 836, No. 842, No. 850, No. 857, NO. 863, No. 867, No. 888, No. 899, No. 900, No. 902, No. 906, No. 909, No. 920, No. 934, No. 945, No. 948, No. 958, No. 961, No. 963, No. 987, No. 989, No. 1026, No. 1027, No. l '1l 1028, NO. 1030, No. 1036, No. 1039, No. 1049, No. 1050, No. 1051, No. 1053, No. 1061, No. 1078, No. 1089, No. 1091, No. 1092, No. 1093, No. 1111, No. 1112, No. 1114, No. 1124, No. 1136, No. 1141, No. 1147, No. 1160, No. 1179, No. 1188, No. 1207, No. 1208, No. 1243, No. 1252, No. 1255, No. 1292, No. 1333, No. 1368, No. 1394 and No. 1401. The city council of the city of Port Townsend do or- dain as follows: Section 1. Ordinances No. 1 (February 20, 1878, per- taining to the council, No. 1 (September 11, 1882), pertain- ing to the council, No. 1 (February 10, 1883), pertaining to the council, No. 2, pertaining to the treasurer, No. 4, pertaining to the fire department, No. 5 (February 20,,1878), pertaining to business taxes, No. 5 (November 1, 1880), per- taining to business taxes, No. 7, pertaining to dog and cat licenses and rules and regulations, No. 10, pertaining to hacks, No. 11, pertaining to the assessor, No. 12, pertain- ing to the clerk, No. 14, pertaining to garbage, unnumbered of April 6, 1878, pertaining to business taxes, No. 15, pertaining to the street commission, No. 16, pertaining to the street commission, No. 18, pertaining to assess- ments, No. 27, pertaining to the street commission, No. 31, pertaining to laundries, No. 32, pertaining to the assessor, No. 30, pertaining to hogs, No. 40, pertaining to sidewalks, No. 44, pertaining to liquor, No. 58, per- taining to assessments, No. 59, pertaining to the fire f� - .J department, No. 101, pertaining to bonds, No. 103, per- taining to bonds, No. 112, pertaining to subdivisions, No. 116, pertaining to crimes, No. 121, pertaining to nuisances, No. 123; pertaining to the assessor, No. 129, pertaining to the fire department, No. 144, pertaining to the attorney, No. 157, pertaining to vehicle licenses, No. 189, pertain- ing to liquor, No. 211, pertaining to the police depart- ment, Sections 7 and 8 of No. 215, pertaining to the police department, No. 218, pertaining to theaters and shows, No. 221, pertaining to peddlers and solicitors, No. 224, per- taining to animals, No. 231, pertaining to the fire'de- partment, No. 250, pertaining to laundries, No. 252, per- taining to parking regulations, No. 269, pertaining to destruction or injury of property, No. 281, pertaining to traffic, No. 288, pertaining to peddlers and solicitors,' No. 297, pertaining to traffic, No. 305, pertaining to voting precincts, No. 307, pertaining to bill posting, No. 312, pertaining to bonds, No. 315, pertaining to the coun- cil, No. 318, pertaining to sewers, No. 319, pertaining to the health officer, No. 333, pertaining to liquor, No. 334, pertaining to voting precincts, No. 338, pertaining to the city surveyor, No. 353, pertaining to liquor, No. 372, per- taining to bonds, No. 377, pertaining to street poll tax, No. 429, pertaining to the fire department, No. 430, per- taining to liquor, No. 439, pertaining to liquor, No. 452, pertaining to traffic, No. 461, pertaining to peddlers and solicitors, No. 469, pertaining to wards, No. 487, '7 • • • pertaining to the assessor, No. 495, pertaining to the mayor, No. 547, pertaining to opium, No. 552, pertaining to bonds, No. 554, pertaining to the assessor, No. 564, pertaining to vehicle licenses, No. 569, pertaining to assessments, No. 573, pertaining to false alarms, No. 580, pertaining to health regulations, No. 584, pertaining to liquor, No. 585, pertaining to the council, No. 590, per- taining to liquor, No. 608, pertaining to bonds, No. 609, pertaining to bonds, No. 617, pertaining to the harbor master rules and regulations, No. 618, pertaining to the harbor master --rules and regulations, No. 619, pertaining to the treasurer, No. 620, pertaining to street poll tax, No. 621, pertaining to dog licenses and regulations, No. 622, pertaining to bicycles, No. 635, pertaining to animals, No. 637, pertaining to wards, No. 638, pertaining to bonds, No. 639, pertaining to street poll tax, No. 641, pertaining to bicycles, No. 647, pertaining to animals, -No. 651, per- taining to liquor, No. 654, pertaining to slot machines, No. 665, pertaining to peddlers and solicitors, No. 667, pertaining to theaters and shows, No. 676, pertaining to animals, No. 678, pertaining to peddlers and solicitors, No. 680, pertaining to theaters and shows, No. 681, per- taining to peddlers and solicitors, No. 683, pertaining to the'fire department, No. 684, pertaining to the street superintendent, No. 685, pertaining to the police depart- ment, No. 688, pertaining to bonds, No. 692, pertaining to the council, No. 693, pertaining to street poll tax, No. V� • 694, pertaining to the water system and regulations, No. 699, pertaining to bonds, No. 705, pertaining to the poundmaster, No. 706, pertaining to the water superinten- dent and auditor, No. 710, pertaining to animals, No. 714, pertaining to bonds, No. 715, pertaining to liquor, No. 716, pertaining to the council, No. 722, pertaining to the treasurer, No. 727., pertaining to duties of officers col- lecting moneys, No. 728, pertaining to liquor, No. 733, pertaining to the police department, No. 740, pertaining to the city engineer, No. 752, pertaining to the water system and regulations, No. 757, pertaining to vehicle li- censes, No. 759, pertaining to traffic, No. 761, pertain- ing to crimes, No. 763, dog licenses, No. 772, pertaining to garbage collection and disposal, No. 776, pertaining to the council, No. 784, pertaining to crimes, No. 791, pertaining to plumbers, No. 793, pertaining to the water system and regulations, No. 798, pertaining to crimes, No. 805, pertaining to liquor, No. 808, pertaining to theaters and shows, No. 823, pertaining to peddlers and solicitors, No. 824, pertaining to fireworks, No.'834, per- taining to liquor, No. 836, pertaining to the water system and regulations, No. 842, pertaining to the city engineer and the water superintendent, No. 850, pertaining to liquor,. No. 857, pertaining to the council, No. 863, pertaining to traffic, No.'667, pertaining to liquor, No. 888, pertaining to theaters and shows, No. 899, pertaining to the water system and regulations, No. 900, pertaining to the water system and regulations, No. 902, pertaining to the water system, No. 906, pertaining to garbage collection and dis- posal, No. 909, pertaining to wards, No. 920, pertaining to the water system and regulations, No. 934, pertaining to traffic, No. 945, pertaining to the water system and regulations, No. 948, pertaining to traffic, No. 958, per- taining to traffic, No. 961, pertaining to electricians, No. 963, pertaining to the water system and regulations, No. 987, pertaining to dog licenses, No. 989, pertaining to theaters and shows, No. 1026, pertaining to liquor, No. 1027, pertaining to liquor, No. 1028, pertaining to barbershop opening and closing hours, No. 1030, pertain- ing to liquor, No. 1036, pertaining to -vehicle licenses, No. 1039, pertaining to vehicle licenses, No. 1049, per- taining to the water system and regulations, No. 1050, per- taining to slot machines; No. 1051, pertaining to card rooms, No. 1053, pertaining to the water system and regu- lations, No. 1061, pertaining to liquor, No. 1078, pertain- ing to parking regulations, 1089, pertaining to slot machines, No. 1091, pertaining to traffic and parking regu- lations, No. 1092, pertaining to peddlers and solicitors, No. 1093; pertaining to vehicle licenses, No. 1111, pertain- ing to slot machines, No. 1112, pertaining to bicycle li- censes and regulations, No. 1114, pertaining to vehicle li- censes, No. 1124, pertaining to slot machines, No. 1136,, pertaining to slot machines, No. 1141, pertaining to blackout and air raid regulations, No. 1147, pertaining to the council, No. 1160, pertaining to health regulations, No. 1179, pertaining to sewers, No. 1188, pertaining to traffic and parking regulations, No. 1207, pertaining to traffic and parking regulations, No. 1208, pertaining to the de- partment of services and public property, No. 1243, per- taining to trade stimulators, No. 1252, pertaining to slaughterhouses, No. 1255, pertaining to sewers, No. 1292,, pertaining to crimes, No. 1333, pertaining to sewers, No. 1368, pertaining to sewers, No. 1394, pertaining to li- quor, and No. 1401, pertaining to sewers, are hereby re- pealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective upon: 'itI passage , approval. aisi publication in the i'and r:anner roquirod by lair. Rend for tl-u first, secoyi(i ancu third tit,,ies, passed Vy tb.e Council and approved b;,y the 1,Iafor at a regular meeting held on cam-� �r 'ity C er' AFP nOV-;it ii5 '20 FORhi : Att orn • ! ORDINANCE NO. ,5_2_ An Ordinance in Furtherance of Codification, Adopting Certain Definitions, a General Penalty Clause and Procedure to be Followed When a Defendant rails to Pay Judgment Ren- dered Against Him for Violating the Provisions of an Ordi- nance of Port Townsend and Generally Repealing Certain Provi- sions. The city council of the city of Port Townsend do ordain as follows: Section I.'' Definitions and construction. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and phrases where used in the ordinances of Port Townsend shall have the meaning and construction given in this section: (a) "Code" means the "Port Townsend Municipal Code." (b) "City" means the city of Port Townsend. (c) "City council." means the city council of the city of Port Townsend. (d) "County" means the county of Jefferson. (e) "Person" means any natural person, firm, associa- tion, joint venture, joint stock company, partnership, or- ganization,•club, company, corporation, business trust, or their manager, lessee, agent, servant, officer, or employee of any of them. (f) "Oath" includes affirmation. (g) "State" means the state of Washington. (h) Gender. The masculine gender includes the femi- nine and neuter. (i) Number. The singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular. (j) Tenses. The present tense includes the past and"' future tenses, and the future tense includes the present tense. (k) Shall, May. "Shall." is mandatory, "may" is per- missive. (1) Title of office. The use of the title of any of- ficer, employee, department, board or commission means that officer, employee, department, board or commission of the city of Port Townsend. s fiU • 0 Section 2. Violations --Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions or^failing to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of the ordinances of Port Townsend shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of a misdemeanor under the ordinances of Port Townsend shall be pun- ished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of the ordinances of Port Townsend is committed., continued, or permit- ted by any such person, and he shall be punished accord- ingly. Section 3. railure to pay fine, costs. Upon the rendition of judgment against any defendant for violation of any ordinance of this city, the police magistrate or justice of the peace shall make an order and enter the same upon his docket, that if the defendant shall neglect or refuse to satisfy such judgment and costs of suit, he shall be confined in the city jail or other place of con- finement provided for that purpose, one day for each teri, dollars of such judgment and costs, and during such confinement he may be required to labor upon the streets or do other work for the city under the supervi- sion and direction of the chief of police. Execution shall be issued immediately upon the rendition of judgment. Section 4. 'Provisions repealed. All prior defini- tions of the ordinances of Port Townsend which are in conflict with the definitions of Section 1 of this ordinance are hereby repealed. All prior penalty provisions of the or- dinances of Port Townsend are hereby repealed. Section's. Effective date. This ordinance shall be- come a fective' itoor. its OasSaZTII , approval aru publication in the fora and manner by lavi. passed and approved the day of i:otie_nber, J,gLi7: ORDINANCE NO. /, ~J,7 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN ADMINISTRATIVE CODE REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SEWERS AND DRAINS, PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL, THE INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION OF BUILDING SEWERS AND THE DISCHARGE OF WATERS,ANr WASHES INTO THE PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM OF THE T AND PRO- VIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. ' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE I Definition of Terms Words and phrases used herein, unless the same shall be con- trary to or inconsistent with the context, shall mean as follows: Section 1.'01: "B.O.D"(denoting biochemical oxygen demand) means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 200 Centigrade, expressed in parts per million by weight. Section 1.02: "Cover" means the depth of material lying between the top of the sewer and the finished grade immediately above it. Section 1.03: "Downspout" means the leader or pipe above ground which is installed to conduct water from the roof gutter. Section 1.04: "Drain" means any conductor of liquids. Section 1.05: "Garbage" means solid waste from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food and from the handling, sale and storing of produce. Section 1.06: "Health Officer" means the official responsible for the public health or his authorized representative. Section 1.07: "House Drain" or "building drain" means the castiron pipe used for conveying sewage from the building to a point 2 1/2 feet outside the foundation wall, and if there be no foundation wall, to a point 2 1/2 feet beyond the outer line of any footing, piling, building support or porch under which it may run; whether such drain consists of one line extending from the building --1- or of two or more such lines. Section 1.08. "Industrial Waste" means the wastes from indus- trial process as distinguished from sanitary sewage. Section 1.09: "Licensed side sewer contractor" means a bonded and licensed person approved by the superintendent as quali fled and competent to do work incidental to the construction or repair of side sewers under a permit issued under this ordinance. Section 1.10: "Occupant" means any person or owner in physical possession of the building or structure to which sewer service is available. Section 1.11: "Permit Card" means a card issued in conjunction with any permit and such card shall be posted on the premises and shall be readily and safely accessible to the superintendent. Section 1.12. "Person" or "Owner" means any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation, or group. Section 1.13: "PH" means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution. Section 1.14: "Private sewer" means the sewer line and disposal system constructed installed, or maintained where connection with the public sewer system is not required herein. Section 1.15: "Properly shredded garbage" means garbage that has been shredded to such a degree that all particles %gill be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particles greater than 3/8 inch in any dimension. Section 1.15: "Public place" or "Public area" means any space dedicated to or acquired for the use of the general public. Section 1.17: "Public sewer" means a sewer in which all owners of abutting properties have equal rights, and is controlled by public authority. Section 1.18. "clerk" means the clerk of the City of Port Townsend. Section 1.19: "Sewage" means the combination of the water carried washes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments, which wastes contain polluted saner --2- 1 Y, f 1� subject to treatment at the sewage treatment plant; i.e. sanitary sewage. Section 1.20: "Sewer" means a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage. Section 1.21: "Sewer plat" means a plat issued by the superin- tendent in conjunction with any permit and the plat shall serve as his record of all matters pertaining to said permit. Section 1.22: "Side Sewer" means the extension from the public sewer to the house or building dnin. Section 1.23: "Superintendent" means the superintendent of the Port Townsend Water -Sewer Department or his authorized deputy, agent or representative. Section 1.24: "Suspended solids" means solids that either float on the surfacr of or are in suspension in water, sewage or other liquids, and which are removable by filtering. ARTICLE II Use of Public Sewer Section 2.01: It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner upon public or private property with the'City of Port Townsend, or in any area under the jurisdiction of the City, any human or animal excrement, garbage or other objectionable waste. - Section 2.02: Ex cept as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, septic tank, cesspool or other facilities intended or used for the disposal of sewage. Section 2.03: The owner of each lot or parcel of real property with the City of Port Townsend, upon which a lot or parcel there is situated any building or structure for human occupancy or use for any other purpose, and whenever there is a public sewer line within 160 feet of the property line of such lot or parcel and said public sewer line is capable of serving the property, shall install suitable toilet facilities therein and shall connect such facilities, together with all other facilities therein the use of which results in the -3 --�' existence of sewage as defined herein, with the public sewer system at his own expense within 30 days after acceptance by the City of Port Townsend of the public sewer line capable of serving such lot or parcel. All property shall be deemed capable of being served by sewer lines of the City if the .first floor plumbing of any building or structure located thereon can be served into the City sewer lines by gravity flow, even though the basement drains of such building or structure cannot be served by gravity flow into the City sewer lines. Section 2.04: Where a public sewer line is not available under the provisions of the foregoing section, a private sewer and sewage disposal system shall be constructed'in accordance with provisions herein. Section 2.05: Whenever a public sewer becomes available to a lot or parcel served by a private sewage disposal system as pro- vided in the foregoing section, a direct connection shall be made to the public sewer in compliance with this ordinance and any septic tanks, cesspools and similar private sewage disposal facil- ities shall be abandoned and filled with suitable material. Section 2.06: In the event the side sewer and connectinn to the public sewer are not.made within the time herein provided, following notice as provided, the superintendent is hereby author- ized and directed to cause the same to be made and file a statement thereof with the City Clerk and thereupon warrant shall issue under the direction of -he City Council for payment of such costs. Such amount, together with a.penalty, shall he assessed against the property upon which side sewer and connection has not been placed as required and shall become a lien thereon as herein provided. Section 2.07: The type, capacities, location and layout of a private sewage system shall comply with all recommendations and regulations of the Department of Public Health of the State of Wash- ington, and of the regulations of the City. No septic tank or cess- pool shall be permitted to discharge to any public sewer or natural outlet or to ground surface. The owner shall operate and maintain r�� the private sewage disposal facilities in a sanitary manner at all times at no expense to the City. Section 2.08: Any building hereafter constructed or made available for human occupation and use upon a lot or parcel or real estate capable -of being served as defined in Section 2.03, shall, within ninety (90) days after an application for a side sewer permit shall have been made, or prior to occupancy of said premises, whichever event first occurs, be connected to the sewer system of the City. ARTICLE III Side Sewer Permit Required Section 3.01: It shall be unlawful for any person to make any connection with any public or side sewer without complying with all of the provisions of this ordinance in relation thereto and,having first procured a permit to do so from the superintendent. Section 3.02: Application for the permit required by the fore- going Section shall be filed in the City Clerk's Office, stating the name of the owner, the correct address and proper legal desc*- tion of the property to be served, dimensions and locations of any buildings on the property, and the whole course of the side sewer from the public sewer to its connection with the building or property to be served. The application shall be submitted to the superintend- ent for approval, who may change or modify the same and designate the manner and place in which such sewers shall be connected with the public sewer, and shall endorse his approval upon the application if the same is acceptable to him. The superintendent may requite the permitee to furnish him plans pertaining to the application and issuance of the permit. Section 3.03: Upon approval of said application, the superin- tendent shall issue for his own records a sewer plat showing the size and location of the public sewer, the point of connection, the location of any buildings on the lot, the course of the side sewer to its connection with the beuse or other building, the grade of such side sewer, and such other information as may be deemed pertinent. Section 3.04: Upon approval of the application and issuance of the permit, it shall be unlawful to alter said permit or to per- form any work other than is provided for in said permit. Section 3.05: The superintendent shall prepare and keep on file in his office all cards and records of sewer connections show-- ingthe information obtained in the course of inspection of completed work done under such permit. Section 3.06: It shall be unlawful to construct, extend, re- lay, repair or to make connection to any side sewer inside the pro -- party line without obtaining a permit from the superintendent as hereinabove provided. The superintendent may issue such permit to the owner or occupant of any property to construct, extend, relay, repair or make connections b any side sewer inside the property lines; in such event, however, such owner or occupant shall comply with the applicable provisions d this ordinance, except that he need not employ a licensed side sewer contractor to do the work if he make the installation himself. However, should the owner or occupant employ another person to make the installation of the side sewer, it must be a licensed side sewer contractor, and such contractor shall secure the permit, but in such event the owner, occupant, or other person shall ]ay no pipe pursuant to such permit. Section 3.07: It shall be unlawful to make any connection to any public sewer, or to lay, repair, alter or connect any side sewer in any public area except by the holder of a side sewer con -- tractor's license issued by the superintendent. Section 3.08: No licensed side sewer contractor shall break, alter, or tamper with any public sewer, except that he may connect a wye or tee which exists for that purpose, under the supervision of the superintendent. Section 3.09: It shall be unlawful for any person, whether owner, occupant or side sewer contractor, to leave unguarded any excavation made in connection with the construction or repair of any side -6- �, sewer within four feet of any public place or fail to maintain the lateral support of any public place in connection with the construction, alteration or repair of any side sewer. Section 3.10: when a permit has been issued for a side sewer as herein provided, no work other than that covered by the permit shall be done without the approval of the superintendent; and he may, if he deems the additional work of sufficient consequence, require a new permit to cover the same. Section 3.11: It shall be unlawful to disconnect any side sewer, or remove any portion of a side sewer without securing a permit from the superintendent to do so. The disconnected service shall be plugged at the property line to the satisfaction of the superintendent. There will be no charge made for a permit to dis- connect or remove and service the sewer. ARTICLE IV Obtaining Side Sewer Permit Section 4.01: Application for such permit shall be made on a printed form furnished by the City and the applicable permit fee and connection charge shall be paid by each applicant, which shall include an inspection fee. Section 4.02: The permit fee and connection charge, payable by each property owner seeking to connect to the City system of sewers, imposed pursuant to RCW 56.08.010, shall be as follows: "Multiple dwellings, apartments $75.00 for each unit, apart - and trailer courts: ment, or trailer.stall. "Single family residences: $75.00 "Commercial buildings, including $75.00, plus $0.01 per square schools, churches and all other foot of floor space, with a non-residential structures: maximum fee of $100.00 per separate structure." Section 4.03: No permit issued under this ordinance shall be valid for a period of longer than ninety (90) days unless extended or renewed bythe superintendent upon application therefor prior to the expiration of same. failure to renew said permit prior to the expiration thereof shall require the payment of a new permit fee. Section 4.04: The permit card required by the ordinance must at -7 - r 1 i i all times during the performance of the work, and until the completion thereof, and approval by the superintendent be posted in some con- spicuous place at or near the work and must be readily and safely accessible to the superintendent. ARTICLE V Inspection Section 5.01: No side sewer trench shall be filled or any sewer covered until the work shall have been inspected and approved by the superintendent. Section 5.02: Any person performing work under permit pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall notify the superintendent when the work will be ready- br inspection and shall specify in such notification the location of the premises by address and the file number of the permit. The superintendent or a member of his staff shall make such inspection witW"forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of notice, excluding Saturday, Sunday or holidays. Sectinn 5.03: In the case of a licensed side sewer contractor either the cnntractor or a competent representative shall be available to meet the superintendent on the premises when so directed. Section 5.04: If the superintendent finds the work or materials used is not in accordance with the ordinance, he shall notify the person doing the work and also the owner or occupant of the premises by postag a written notice on the permit card and such posted notice shall be all the notice required to be given of the defects in the work or materials found in such inspection. Section 5.05: All work within the limits of any public area shall be prosecuted to completion with due diligence, and if any excavation is left open and beyond a time reasonably necessary to fill the same, the superintendent may cause the same to be backfilled and the public area restored forthwith. Section 5.06: If any work done under a permit granted as pro- vided herein is not done in accordance with the provisions of this ordirtemce and the plan and specification as approved by the super- intendent, or when any side sewer is constructed, laid, connected or repaired and does not comply with the provisions of this ordin- ance, or where it is determined by the health officer or the super - intendant that a side sewer is obstructed, broken, or inadequate and is a menace to health or is liable to cause damage to either public or pritiate party, or Section 5.05 above is violated, then, after notice by the health officer or superintendent, the contractor, owner or person doing the work, as the case may be, refuses to properly construct, repair or complete such work within the time specified in such notice, the superintendent may perform such work as may be necessary to comply with this ordinance and the cost of such work so done shall be charged to the propetty owner, occupant or contractor, as the case may be, and shall become immediaiply pay- able to the City upon written notice of such amount being delivered to such owner, occupant or contractor, or posted upon such premises. ARTICLE VI Side Sewer Construction Section 6.01: All side sewers shall be laid on a grade 3/16" per foot for four -inch pipe and 1/8" per foot for six-inch pipe or greater. Section6.02: The applicant for permit shall be responsible fcrdetermining the available grade between building drain and sewer tee or stub. Section 6.03: In any case where the house or building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, t1e same shall be lifted by artificial means and discharged into the public: sewer. Section 6.04: The requirements of Section 6.01 may be waived by the superintendent in his discretion, but in such cases the following requirements will be adhered to: (a) Upom the approval by the superintendent, a backwater valve shall be installed on all side sewers below grade as above prescribed unless the superintendent waives this requirement; (b) The effective operation of any backwater valve shall be the responsibility of the owner of the side sewer; -9- v�'\ 1J 0 (c) No installation of any side sewer below grade as above prescribed nor any installation of any backwater valve shall be approved by the superintendent until the application has been executed and a grade release in form prescribed by#he superintendent agreeing to save the City of Port Townsend harmless from all damage resulting therefrom, together withihe sum of $1.50 to cover the costs of recording same, have been delivered to the City. of Port Townsend. Section 6.05: Side sewers shall be .laid out not less than 30 inches from any foundation wall, outer lanes of any footings, pil- ings or building supports. Section 6.06: Except as provided in Section 7.05 hereof, minimum cover for side sewers shall be 3 1/2 feet in outside park- ing strip, two feet in inside parking strip, 2 1/2 feet in a public alley at the property, 2 1/2 feet where side sewer crosses under a ditch, and 18 inches on private property. Section 6.07: All connections shall be made to the tee or stub out assigned at the time the permit is issued, and no side sewer belonging to another owner shall be used unless written per- mission for such use accompanies the side sewer agdication. Section 6.08: If a building sewer is to serve more than one property, by joint agreement of the owners, an approved document insuring that all properties involved shall have perpetual use of the side sewer, and having provisions for maintenance and for access for repair purposes, shall be signed by the recorded owner. This document shall be notarized and recorded with the County Auditor and shall be referred to as an "Easement." Section 6.09: Excavation should be made at the measure- ment given by the superintendent at the time the permit is issued, but the side sewer contractor shall prospect two feet in all direc- tions from the distance and depth given. Section 6.10. If a side sewer is to serve two, three or four houses, the use of 6" pipe shall be specified. A 6" cleanout extending to within 12 inches of the ground surface will be required at the wye where the upper -grade connections are made. Section 6.11% If more than four buildings are to be connected to a single side sewer, the superintendent may require plans pre- 10- 4 pared by a registered professional engineer to be submitted to the City for approval, showing the size of pipe and grade proposed. Upon approval of these plans by the City Council, the superinten- dent may issue the permit. Section 6.12: Except as provided in Section 7.04 hereof, all side sewers servicing a single house may be of 4" pipe or larger. All side sewers servicing multiple dwellings, commercial establish- ments, schools, or any building other than single family residences shall be 6" pipe or larger. Section 6.13: Any connections to a septic tank, cesspool, or privy vault will be removed and direct connection made to the house or building drain; provided, however, that connection may be made through existing septic tanks or cesspools, but in such event cast iron pipe shall be used through such cesspool or septic tank. In all cases, such cesspool or peptic tank. shall be properly dininfected and filled with suitable material. Section 6.14: The use of any existing side sewer may be per- mitted by the superintendent if it conforms to all requirements of this ordinance in cases where a new or converted building or new installation replaces an old one. Section 6.15: No side sewer connection shall be made to the public sewer until that section of sewer main has been approved by the City for side sewer connections. Section 6.16: The side sewer contractor or other persons doing the work shall prevent any dmage to the sewer main, tee or stub out, and shall so conduct his trenching operatinns as to prevent the possibility of damage occurring, Undercutting of sewer main and wye is prohibited. Section 6.17: In the event there is no suitable tee or stib out, a tap to the main may be made by a licensed side sewer con- tractor, under the direct supervision of the superintendent. The tap shall be made with the approved rubber joint saddle on all types of sewer main. Grouting in a tee or wye is not permitted. Great -11- 1 n care shall be taken in cutting a neat hole into the sewer main, and in the event of breakage of the sewer main, the broken section shall be removed and replaced at no cost to the City. Section 6.18: The bottom of the trench must be smooth and free of large rocks which may injure the side sewer pipe, Where unsuit- able beddingis found, as determined by the superintendent, tte side sewer contractor or other persons doing the work, shall overexcavate and prepare a bedding as follows: (a) Soft Foundation: Overexcavation as directed by the superintendent and instil l 1" to 2" washed rock or 1 1/2" maximum size concrete aggregate, properly graded, to a point 3" below the pipe. From this point to the pipe, install properly graded concrete sand bedding. (b) Hard foundation: Overexcavate a minimum of 3" and install a bedding of properly graded concrete sand. Section 6.19: Any unauthorized overexcavation below the pipe grade shall be filled with bedding material as outlined in Section 6.18 b. Section 6.20: The side sewer contractor or other persons doing the work shall carefully revmove the plug from the tee or stub out and shall prevent entrance of.all foreign material into the pipe. The type of joint to be used for connecting the side sewer pipe to the tee or stub out shall be that for which the wye was designed. Rubber or plas tic joint adapters shall be used as required to connect pipes and wyes of different materials or joint designs. Selected bedding material as outlined in Section 6.18 shall be hand - tamped in a moist condition under and around the wye and connec- tion to the wye made so as to prevent any pressure on the wye. Care shall be taken to prevent the dislodging of this hand -tamped material during the balance of the backfull and water settling oper- ation. All sewers shall be laid true to grade with the bells up- grade. Pipe shall be firmly bedded for the full length of the barrel in the prepared trench bottom. Pipe shall be carefully centered prior to the joining. Joints shall be installed in strict com- pliance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Spigots ends shall be thoroughly cleaned before applying gasket cement and -12 -- `1' rubber gaskets. The interior surface of the bell previously laid shall be thoroughly cleansed and coated with gasket cement or lubricant as recommended by the manufacturer. After the section being laid has been carefully aligned, the joint shall be completed. Section 6.21: The first joint of pipe inside the property line shall be a tee with the branch installd upward. The tee con- nection shall be of the same size as the service run. A vertical riser shall be installed in the tee after testing the side sewer as outlined in Article VIII. This riser shall be brought to witlin 12" of the finish grade and capped with an approved cast iron plug. The plug shall be machined to fit the standard joint of the pipe be- ing used, with the standard gasket. If the inspection riser is un- der a paved driveway, then it shall be brought to a point just be- neath the surface and the plug enclosed in a suitable cleanout casting and cover. Section 6.22: The connection to the cast iron pipe at the building shall be suitable rubber gasket sleeve or adaptor. Grout joints will not be allowed. In exceptional cases, the superintend- ent may allow a connection using a hot pour jointing material JC 60 or approved equal. Section 6.23: Backfill of the trench shall be done in a manner which will prevent damage to the pipe. All backfill between the sewer main and private property line, where applicable, shall be water settled or mechanically tamped in a manner approved by the superintendent. Section 6.24: Parallel water and sewer lines, wherever possible, shall be laid at least 10 fret apart horizontally. Wherever it is necessary for sewer and water lines to cross each other, the crossing shall be made at an angle of approximately 90°, and the sewer shall be located three of more feet below the water line if possible. Section 6.25: Where physical conditions render compliance with the foregoing provisions of this article impracticable, the -13 - r;. 0 • superintendent may issue a special permit for installation of a side sewer requiring compliance with said provisions insofar as is reasonably possible, but such permit shall be isuued only upon condition that the permitee execute and deliver to the City of Port Townsend, an instrument, in form furnishes] by the superin- tendent, agreeing to save harmless and indemnify the City of Port Townsend from any damage or injury resulting from such sub- standard installation, together with the fee of $1.50 to cover the cost of the recording. Section 6.26: The point of connection to th_City's sewer line of any side sewer serving any multiple -family dwelling shall be as directed by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend. ARTICLE VII Pipe Materials Section 7.01: The following pipe may be used between the sewer main and the property line: Cast iron - Federal Spec. 1,91-P-421 Cement Lined Class 150 Concrete pipe - A S T M Spec. C-14-57 T Vitrified Clay Pipe - A S T M Spec. C-200--57 T Asbestos Cement Pipe - A S T M Spec. C-428--59 T Class 2400 The concrete pipe shall be rubber gasket pipe using "Tylox," "Flex-Tite," "Press Seal" or other approved units. The clay pipe joining shall be rubber or plastic conforming to A S T M Specification C-425-58 T. The Asbestos Cement Pipe coupling shall be "Ring Tite" or approved equal. The Cast Iron pipe shall have mechanical joints or "o" ring rubber gasket joints Tyton or equal. Section 7.02: on all side sewers between the property line and the building drain, the pipe and jointing shall bonform to Section 7.01. ARTICLE VIII Illegal Connections Section 8.01: It shall be unlawful to divert or cause to be diverted any storm water, surface runoff, or underground dizinage to any sewer, manhole or other appurtenant structure or portion of the sewer system. Section 8.02: No person shall discharge or cause to be dis- charged any storm water, surface water, ground water, roof run-off, sub -surface drainage, cooling water, or unpolluted industrial process water to any portion of the sewer system, and no roof drains, yard drains, or roofing drains of any type shall be connected to the sanitary sewers in any manner. Section 8.03: At the time of inspection of the service sewer, it shall be visibly demonstrated to the superintendent or his representative that these is no illegal connection to the service sewer by running water into the roof drains and observing the flow at the inspection riser, or by such other measures as the superintendent may deem necessary. ARTICLE IX Unlawful to Tamper with System Section 9.01: It shall be unlawful to break, damage, destroy, deface, alter or tamper with any structure, appurtenances, or equipment which is part of the sewer system of the City of Port Townsend, or without authority from the superintendent, to.break, damage, destroy, or deface any public walk, curb, or pavement, or to make openings or excavations in a public area for the purpose of connecting to any public sewer. Section 9.02: All excavations made by any person in any public area shall be made and backfilled in accord with the stand- ards and regulations promulgated by the superintendent. ARTICLE X Substances Prohibited in System Section 10.01: It shall be unlawful to discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described water or wastes in any public sewer, drain ditch or natural outlet: -15- • (a) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature of higher than 1500 F. (b) Any water or waste which contains more than one hundred parts per million by weight of fat, oil or grease. (c) Any gasoline, benzine, naphtha oil, or other flam- mable or explosive liquids, solids or gas. (d) Any garbage that has not been properly shredded as herein defined. (e) Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, hair, shav- ings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plactic, wood, manure, or any other solid or viscous substance capable of causing obstruction to the flow of sewers or other in- terference with the proper operation of the sewage works. (f) Any waters or wastes having a PIi lower than 5.5 or higher than 8.5 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equip- ment or personnel of the sewage works. (g) Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans, animals, fish or fowl, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant. (h) Any waters or wastes containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusual attention or ex- pense is required to handle such materials at the sewage treatment plant. (i) Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance capable of creating a public nuisance. Section 10.02: No grease, oil, sand, liquid or other waste containing grease or flammable material or other harmful ingred- ients in excessive amounts shall be dishcarged to any public sewer without the installation of interceptors of a type and capacity to be approved by the superintendent, and located so as to be readily ac- cessible for cleaning and inspection, Such intereceptors shall be maintained at the expense of the owner and shall be in continuously efficient operation at all times. Section 10.03: Whenever preliminary treatment is necessary to reduce the D.O.D. to 300 parts per million by weight, or to reduce the objectionable character or constituents to within the maximum limits prescribed by Section 10.01 of this Article, such prelim- inary treatment shall be at the sole expense of the owner of the premises and shall be installed when the superintendent determines that the same is necessary to comply with the standards prescribed. -1G- r \ v� �a 0 i In such cases, all plans, specifications and other pertinent information relating to such proposed preliminary treatment facil- ities shall be submitted to the superintendent prior to commence- ment of construction, and no construction thereof shall be commenced until the superintendent's approval is noted on the plan. in the event of such installations, they shall be maintained continuously in efficient operation by the owner at his own expense. Section 10.04: where any property served by a side sewer carries industrial waste, the owner or occupant shall install a control manhole in the side sewer to facilitate observation, samp- ling and measurement of the wastes when the same may be required by the superintendent. Such manhole shall be accessibly and safely located and shall be constructed and ,installed in accordance with plans approved prior to installation by the superintendent, and shall be maintained and installed by the owner or occupant at his sole expense, Section 10.05: All measurements, tests and analyses of the characteristics of waste and waters to which reference is made in this ordinance shall be determined in accordance with the standards prescribed in "Standard methods fDr the Examination of Water and Sewage" published jointly by the American Health Aseo-- ciation and the American waterworks Association. Section 10.06: The superintendent shall make recommendations to the City Council in regard to entering into any agreement whereby any waste of unusual character may be accepted by the City for treatment before passage into the public sewer, the payment for such treatment to be such as is fixed by the City Council. ARTICLE XI Restrictions on Trees and Shrubs Section 11.01: It shall be unlawful for any person to plant within thirty-five (35) feet of any public sewer any willow, poplar, cottonwood, soft maple, gum tree, or any other tree or shrub and whose roots are likely to enter and obstruct the flow of sewers. Section 11.02: The superintendent is authorized to cause the -17 - ; -j- removal of any trees and shrubs from any public area, or the roots of any trees and shrubs which extend into any public area when such trees and shrubs or the roots thereof are obstructing or are liable to obstruct any public sewer, Before making any such re- moval, the superintendent shall give ten days' notice in writing to the owner or occupant of the abutting property upon which such trees or shrubs are located, requiring such owner or occupant to remove same, or such notice may be posted on the premises or on such trees or shrubs. If such owner or occupant fails to remove such trees or shrubs and roots within the time specified by such notice, the superintendent is authorized to do so, and the cost thereof shall be charged to the owner of the property or the occupant, and upon giving written notice of the amount thereof to the owner or occupant thereof or by posting such notice on such per•schb property, the cost thereof shall be immediately payable to the City by such owner or occupant. ARTICLE XII Authority of Superintendent Section 12.01: The superintendent or his representatives,. bearing proper credentials and identification, shall be permitted to enter upon all and any premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection, observatDn, measurements, samplings, test- ing of sewers and sewage waste and performing all other acts or duties required of him in accordance with the provisions cE this ordinance, and it is unlawful for any person to prevent or attempt to prevent any such entrance or obstruct or interfere with any such officer or employee while so engaged. Section 12.02: The superintendent may make rules and regu- lations and amend the same from time to time, not consistent with the provisions of this ordinance, as he shall deem necessary and convenient to carry out the provisions of this ordinance. -18- •� r; . ARTICLE XIII Licensing_ of_.Side Sewer Contractors Section 13.01: As a condition precedent to entering into contracts with the property owners in the City of Port Townsend for the installation of side sewers connecting with the sewers installed by the City and of soliciting said work, the contractors shall be accepted and licensed in writing as qualified side sewer contractors by the City. Section 13.02: The licensed side sewer contractor shall ex- ecute and deliver a dual -obligee surety bond of the amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) in favor of said City conditioned that he will perform all of the side sewer work in conformance with this ordinance. Section 13.03: Before being issued a license, a side sewer contractor must comply with the requirements established from time to time by the superintendent. Upon fulfilling such require- ments of the superintendent and delivering the bond required in Section 13.02, the contractor will be issued a license by the City upon payment of an annual fee of $25.00. Section 13.04: If the licensed side sewer contractor violates any provisions of this ordinance, his license shall be drawn immedi- ately by the superintendent and it shall only be re -issued upon a review of the case by tia City Council. This cancellation of license shall notexempt the side sewer contractor from any other penalties provided elsewhere in this ordinance. ARTICLE XIV Side Sewer Contract With Owner Section 14.01: All costs and expense incidental to the in- stallation, connection and maintenance of a side sewer shall be borne by the owner or occupant of the premises served by the side sewer. Section 14.02: Contracts between property owners and side sewer contractors shall provide that the side sewer contractor will comply with all City regulations. Section 14.03: The contractor will furnish the property owner with a release of lien from both labor and material or an affidavit stating same has been paid before payment is accepted for side sewers. ARTICLE XV Safety Equipment Section 15.01: The side sewer contractor before beginning in a public area shall have at the site sufficient barricades to properly protect the work. The barricades shall be illuminated during the night time hours with a minimum of four (4) flares or flashing signals. Section 15.02: During the pipe laying operation, a ditch pump shall be available at the site. The contractor shall have stock piled, within the City of Port Townsend and immediately available for use, sufficient shoring to adequately protect workmen-, where unstable ground conditions are encountered. Section 15.03: In addition to the foregoing provisions, the side sewer contractor shall comply with all laws, o.xUnances and regulationscf the State, County or City, relating to the safety and protection of the area affected. ARTICLE XVI Restoration of Roadways Section 16.01: It shall be the responsibility of the licensed side sewer contractor to cut the road surface, dig a trench, lay the pipe, make the connection to the wye, backfill the trench and restore the roadway surfacing within the limits of any public thoroughfare of right--of-way. Such work shall be conducted in strict accordance with the rules and regulations of the County or City having jurisdiction of said thoroughfare or right-of-way. In the event that the County or City does not have specific rules or regulations regarding restoration of roadways, restoration shall be performed as described elsewhere in this Ordinance. Section 16.02: On gravel roads, the compacted backfill shall be brought up to within 6 inches of the finished surface. A layer of 1 1/2 inches minus crushed stone shall be then applied to a compacted depth of• 4 inches. A layer of 3/4 " minus crushed stone shall then be applied to a compacted depth of 2 inches to bring the surface to finished grade. Section 16.03: The compacted backfill shall be brought up to within 6 inches of the finished surface. A layer of 1 1/2" minus eruahed stone shall then be applied to a compacted depth of 4 inches. Edges of the existing pavement shall be thoroughly cleaned and then primed with emulsified asphalt. Plant mix asphalt, Washington State Highway Department, Type 1--1, Class C, shall then be applied to a compacted depth of 2 inches to bring the surface to a finished grade. Section 16.04: The edges of the concrete pavement shall be trimmed to a neat line. The compacted backfill shall be brought to within 12" of the finished grade. A hollow shall be excavated under the existing concrete pavement to a depth and distance back from the edge thereof equal to the thickness of the concrete pave- ment. The center of the trench may be built up to the base of the original pavement with compacted 3/4" crushed stone. The pave- ment shall then be poured, using a five sack highway standard mix. Care shall be taken in pouring thVconcrete into the hollows under the edge of the existing pavement. The surface shall be carefully finished to match the existing concrete surface. ARTICLE XVII Validity Section 17.01: If any section or portion of this ordinance or any application thereof is adjudged to be invalid, such adjudica- tion shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of the ordinance or other application thereof. ARTICLE XVIII Ordinances Repealed Section 18.01: All ordinances in conflict herewith are here and hereby repealed. -21- r \ J .4, Approved by the: Mayor, passed by the City Council, at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of November,..19,61. Z Mayot ATTEST: ' GLE I. YOT40BLOOD City Clerk APPPOVE) AS T94ORM: AB CJdF—V AttOrnev -22- 0 A ORDINANCi; NO._L�72 b/ AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 215 IN THE EISENBEIS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF POI2C TOWNSEND, AND THAT PORTION OF THE ALLEY SOUTH OF THE STATE HIGHWAY IN BLOCK 188 OF SAID EISENBEIS ADDITION, TOGETHER WITU THAT PORTION OF JACKMAN STREET LYING BETWEEN SIXTH STREET AND THE STATE HIGHWAY; RESERVING EASEMENTS THEREIN AND PROVIDING FOR PRESERVATION OF ELECTRIC POWER LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY THEREIN. THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Subject to the reservation of an easement or easements in favor of the City of Port 'Townsend for the purpose of constructing and maintaining water, sewer, gas and other utility lines over, across and through the portions of streets hereinafter mentioned, that certain alley lying in Block 215 of the Eisenbeis ,Addition to the City of Port Townsend, Washington, and that por- tion of alley lying South of the State Highway in Block 18B of said Eisenbeis Addition, and that portion of Jackman Street lying between Sixth Street and the Southerly Boundary of the State High- way are here and hereby vacated, PROVIDED, that nothing herein shall be construed to alter, diminish or revoke the franchise and easement rights of Puget sound Power and Light Company in, over and across Jackman Street, the State Highway, or Eighth Street. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the ;form and manner required by law, and upon payment by the Petitioners for vacation of the costs of publication of this Ordinance. Passed and approved at a regular meeting of the City Council held on December 5, 1967. FRANK M. SMITII Mayor AT�ST G E I . , C LOOD City Cler I/ 1 PPR. ED ASO F GT. ABRLlLIIAPI _ - � :i i -y orney , • A ORDINANCE, NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,100.00 TO THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND IN THE 1967 BUDGET FOR ELECTION EXPENSE, A14D DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Current Expense Fund in the 1967 budget of the City of Port Townsend the sum of $1,100.00, for Election Expense. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation made in Section l hereof. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting held on December 19, 1967; read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on January 2, 1968. FRANK M.- SMITH Mayor AT •ST: _ _E I. UN OOD City C1 k APPR ED AS TO FORM: 4 ABRAI 4'Nr Ci Attorney ,- �s�a ORDINANCE NO. `3 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR FIRE LIMITS, AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTER- ATION, REMOVAL, DEMOLITION, EQUIPMENT, USE AND OCCUPANCY, LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILD- INGS AND STRUCTURES Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, in regular session assembled: Section 1. ADOPTION OF BUILDING CODE. There is hereby adopted by the City of Port Townsend for the purpose of establishing the rules and regulations for the construc- tion alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including per- mits and penalties that certain building code known as the National Building Code recommended by the American Insurance Association, successor to the National Board of Fire Underwriters, being parti- cularly the 1967 edition thereof and the whole thereof, save and except such portions as are hreinafter deleted, modified or amended, of which not less than three (3) copies have been and now are filed in the office of the Clerk of the City of Port Townsend and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and structures therein contained within the corpor- ate limits of the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE OF BUILDING OFFICIAL. (a) The office of the building official is hereby created and the executive official in charge shall be known as the building off is ial . (b) The building official shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council. His appointment shall con- tinue during good behavior and satisfactory service. He shall not be removed from office except for cause after full opportunity has been given him to be heard on specific charges, or until he has 1y- attained the age of 55 years. (c) During temporary absence or disability of the building official the appointing authority shall designate an acting building official. Section 3. QUALIFICATIONS OF BUILDING OFFICIAL. To be eligible to appointment, the candidate for the position shall have had experience as an architect, structural engineer, building inspector, or superintendent of building construction, or be qualified in the building trades by reason of experience. He shall be in good health, physically capable of making the nec- essary examinations and inspections. He shall not have any interest whatever, directly or indirectly, in the manufacture of any material, or device entering into or used in or in connection with building construction, alterations, removal and demolition. Section 4. DUTIES OF BUILDING OFFICIAL. (a) The building official shall receive applications required by City Ordinances. He shall examine premises for which permits have been issued and shall make necessary inspections to see that the provisions of law are complied with and that construction is prosecuted safely. He shall enforce all provisions of the building code. He shall, when requested by proper authority, or when the public inter- est so requires, make investigations in connection with matters referred to in the building code and render written reports on the same. To enforce compliance with law, to remove illegal or unsafe conditions, to secure the necessary safeguards during constuction, or to require adequate exit facilities in buildings and structures, he shall issue such notices or orders as may be necessary. (b) Inspections required under the provisions of the binding code shall be made by the building official or his duly appointed assistant. The building official may accept reports of inspectors of recognized inspection services, after investigation of their qualifications and reliability. No certificate called for by any provision of the building code shall be issued on such reports unless the same are in writing and certified to be a responsible -2- officer of such service. (c) The building official shall keep comprehenseive records of applications, of permits issued, of certificates issued, or inspec- tions made, of reports rendered, and of notices or orders issued. He shall retain on file copies of required plans and all documents relating to building work so long as any part of the building or structure to which they relate may be in existence. (d) All such records shall be open to the public inspection for good and sufficient reasons at the stated office hours, but shall not be removed from the office of the building official without his written consent. (e) The building official shall make written reports to the immediate superior once each year, or oftener if requested, includ- ing statements of permits and certificates issued, and orders promulgated. Section S. LIABILITY OF BUILDING OFFICIAL. The building official or any employee charged with the enforce- ment of this Code, acting in good faith and without malice for the city in the discharge of his duties, shall not thereby render himself liable personally and he is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or by reason of any act or omission in the dis- charge of his duties. Any suit brought against the building official or employee, because of such act or omission performed by him in the enforcement of any provisions of this code, shall be defended by the legal department of the city until final termination of the proceedings. Section 6. COOPERATION OF OTHER OFFICIALS. The building official may request and shall receive so far as may be necessary, in the discharge of his duties, the assistance and cooperation of other officials of the municipality. Section 7. RIGHT OF ENTRY. The building official, in the discharge of his official duties, and upon proper identification, shall have authority to enter any -3 - building, structure or premises at any reasonable hour. Section 8. DEFINITIONS. (a) Wherever the word "Municipality" is used in the building code, it shall be held to mean the City of Port Townsend. (b) Wherever the term "Corporation Counsel" is used in the building code, it shall be held to mean the Attorney for the City of Port Townsend. Section 9. FIRE LIMITS ESTABLISHED. The fire limits of the City of Port Townsend are hereby estab- lished as follows: Beginning at the intersectinn of Jefferson Street and Walker Street, thence along the center line of Jefferson Street easterly to the Meander Line, thence following southerly and westerly along the Meander Line to the center line of Walker Street, extended, thence along the center line of Walker Street to the intersection of the center line of Jefferson Street and Walker Street. And further including that area bounded on the north by Lincoln Street, on the south by Clay Street, on the West by Harrison Street snd.on the east by Taylor Street; and further including that strip of land ly- ing 250 ft. on either side of the center line of State Hiway No. 9 and between the westerly boundary of Sheridan Avenue and the City Limits. Section 10. SAVING CLAUSE. Nothing in this ordinance or in the building code hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding now pending in any court, ar any rights acquired, or liability incurred, nor any cause or causes of action accrued or existing, under any act or ordinance repealed hereby. Nor shall any right or remedy of any character be lost, impaired or affected by this ordinance. Section 11. VALIDITY. The invalidity of any section or__provision of this ordinance or of the building code hereby adopted shall not invalidate other sections or provisions thereof. Section 12. INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES REPEALED. Ordinances or parts threof in force at the time that this ordinance shall take effect and inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 13. DATE OF EFFECT. This Ordinance shall take effect 5 days after it s approval as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this day of 1961. Mayor ATTEST: E I. UN BLOOD City Cler V APPROVED AS TO FORM: N Nr' AB AM C y Attorney 1501 water department budget for 1967 (Special) y 1502 Garbage collection service budget for 1967 (Special) 1503 Serwtge disposal service budget for 1967 (Special) 1504 Street vacation (Special) 1505 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1506 Plan for improvement of sewage system (Special) 1507 Authorizes superintendent of garbage disposal service to fix fees (6.04) 1508 Requires connection with Sewer system (13,04) 1509 Regulates traffic and fi«es maximum hours of parking (10.04) 1510 Establishes street grade (Special) 1511 Grants franchise to Union Oil Company (Special) 1512 Contractual services appropriation for planning commis- sion (Special) 1513 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief fund (Special) 1514 Street vacation (Special) 1515 Authorizes city clerk to make withholdings from city employees pay (2.48) 1516 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief func (Special) 1517 Salaries (Special) 1518 Tax levy (Special) 1519 1968 budget (Special) 1520 Water -sewer department budget (Special) 1521 Garbage collection service budget (Special) 1522 Adopt$ fire prevention code (15.04) 1523 Appropriates sum to employee benefits appropriation (Special) 1524 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief fund (Special) 1525 Repeals Ords. No. 1 (February 20, 1878), No. 1 (Septem- ber 1, 1882), No. 1 (February 10, 1883), No. 2, No. 4, No. 5 (March 7, 1878), No. 5 (November 1, 1880), No. 7, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 14, unnumbered of April 6, 1878, No, 15, No. 16, No. 18, No. 27, No. 31, No. 32, No. 38, No. 40, No. 58, No. 59, No. 101, No. 103, No. 112, No. 116, No. 121, No. 123, No. 129, No. 144, No. 157, No, 189, No. 211, Secs. 7 and 8 of No. 215, No. 218, No. 221, No. 224, No. 231, No. 250, No. 252, No. 269, No. 281, No. 288, No. 297, No. 305, No. 307, No. 312, No. 315, No. 318, No. 319, No. 324, No. 333, No. 334, No. 33B, No. 353, No. 372, No. 377, No. 429, No. 430, No. 439, No. 452, No. 461, No. 469, No. 487, No. 495, No. 547, No. 552, No. 554, No. 564, No. 569, No. 573, No. 580, No. 584, NO. 585, No. 590, No. 608, No. 609, No. 617, No. 618, No. 619, No. 620, No. 621, No. 622, No. 635, No. 637, No. 639, No. 639, No. 641, No. 647, No. 651, No. 654, No. 665, No. 667, No. 676, No. 678, No. 680, No. 681, No. 683, No. 684, No. 685, No. 688,'No. 692, No. 693, No. 694, No. 699, No. 705, No. 706, No. 710, No. 714, No. 715, No, 716, No. 722, No. 727, No. 728, No. 733, No. 740, No. 752, No. 757, No. 759, No. 761, No. 763, No. 772, No, 776, No. 784, No 791, No. 793, No. 798, No. 805, No. 808, No. 823, No. 824, No. 834, No. 836, No. 842, No. 850, No. 857, No. 863. No. 867, No. 888, No. 889, No. 900, No. 902, No. 906, No. 909, No. 920, No. 934, No, 945, No. 948, No. 958, No. 961, No. 963, No. 987, No. 9891 No. 1026, No. 1027, No. 1028, No. 1030, No. 1036, No. 1039, No. 1049, No. 1050, No. 1051, No. 1053, No. 1061, No. 1078, No. 1089, No. 1091, No. 1092, No. 1093, No. 1111, No. 1112, No. 1114, No. 1124, No. 1136, No. 1141, No. 1147, No. 1160, No. 1179, No. 1188, No. 1207, No. 1208, No. 1243, �j• �8 Z No. 1252, No. 1255, No. 1292, No. 1333, Na. 1368, No. 1394, and No. 1401 (Repealer) 1526 Adopts definitions and penalty clause for the codifica- tion (1.01) 1527 Establishes administrative code regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains (13.08) 1528 Vacates alley (Special) 1529 Appropriation to current expense fund (Special) 1530 Building code (16.04) 1531 Amends Sl of Ord. 1078, 524 of Ord. 1091 and 51 of Ord. 1490, parking (10.04) 1532 1968 budget (Special) 1533 Street dedication (Special) 1534 Appropriation (Special) 1535 Disorderly conduct on school grounds (Repealed by 2014) 1536 Addition to ballot at general election (Special) 1537 Appropriation (Special) 1538 Street vacation (Special) 1539 Franchise (Special) 1540 1968 budget (Special) 1541 1968 budget (Special) 1542 Appropriation (Special) 1543 1968 budget (Special) 1544 Amends SS1, 2 of Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1545 1969 budget (Special) 1546 1969 budget (Special) 1547 1§69 budget (Special) 1548 -Tax levy for 1969 (Special) 1549 Glue sniffing (Repealed by 2014) ORDINANCE NO. 1531 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE 1078, SECTION 24 OF ORDINANCE 1091 AND SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE 1490, INSOFAR AS SAID ORDINANCES RELATE TO THE PARKING OF AND STANDING OF VEHICLES ON CITY STREETS AND THE CREATION OF NO PARKING AREAS THEREIN. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 1078, passed on May 26, 1937, Section 24 of Ordinance No. 1091, passed March 15, 1938, and Section 1 of Ordinance 1490, passed on April 19, 1966, are each here and hereby amended to provide as follows: "Section 1. (or Section 24, as may be appropriate). On all streets of the City of Port Townsend no motor vehicle will be per- mitted to stand or park unless the same has been placed with the right hand wheels parallel with the curb and within 12 inches thereof, EXCEPTING for the following streets, to -wit: Tint on that portion of Taylor Street between Washington Street and Water Street, and on the South 100 ft. of the West Side of Harrison Street between Washington Street and Jefferson Street, no vehicle will be permitted to stand or park unless the same has been placed with the longitudinal line of its chassis at an angle of 45° to the curb and with its front wheels within 6 inches of the curb; and that on the East Side of Tay-. for Street between Water Street and Front Street no vehicle will be permitted to stand or park unless the same has been placed with the longitudinal line of its chassis at an angle of 90° to the curb and with its front wheels within 6 inches of the curb; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that no standing or parking whatever of motor vehicles will be per- mitted upon the streets or portions of streets of said city within those cera-ain zones which the Chief of Police or City Council have caused to be marked with the words "No Parking," whether by lettering on the curb, street, or on signs erected for the purpose; and FURTHER -1- 1 PROVIDED that parking only for special purposes will, be permitted upon streets or portions of streets where the -Chief of Police or City Council have caused to be placed signs reading "No Parking" except for purposes designated on said signs, as, for example and not in limitation, "No parking ----- Ferry Traffic." Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read the first, second and third time, passed by the Council r. and approved by the Mayor on February 6, 1968. FRANK M:LSMITIi� Mayor ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk A PAVE AS TO F i Nd ABRA C y Attorney 5, 0 ORDINANCE NO. ,I-SJ. _ AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $2,398.98 TO CAPITAL OUTLAY IN THE STREET DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION OF THE 1968 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here. and hereby appropriated to the Street Department appropriation in the 1968 City Budget the sum of $2,398.98, for capital outlay to permit :the purchase of a pick-up truck. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation.made in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting held on February 20, 1968. Mead for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting on March FRANK M. SMITH Mayor ATTEST: GA I. 0 NG OD City C erk APPROVED AS TO FORM: orney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE DEDICATION OF AN EXTENSION OF IVY STREET, 1,000 FEET SOUTH FROM THE SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF IVY STREET. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Port Townsend here and hereby accepts, as a part of the Public Street System of the City of Port Townsend, the dedication of a certain strip of land by Paul Craton and Mrs. Paul Craton, which strip of land is described as follows: A strip of land Sixty (60) feet in width, the center line of which has its beginning at the Southwest Corner of Learned's Addition to the City of Port Townsend, thence extends 1,000 f t. south, being an extension of Ivy Street in said City of Port Townsend. Section Z. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for thfirst, second and third times, passed by the Council, approved by the Mayor on April 2, 1968. �--7 -_"_FRACNt_ M:II'TH Mayor 4ATST:I. 0 NG LOOD y qi AP V, PAM FORM: C- -NN AHR y Attorney ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $6,000.00 TO THE REPAIR AND MAINTEN- ANCE APPROPRIATION FOR THE 1968 PORT TO[TNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSENb, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for the repo it and maintenance of equipment in the 1968 Budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service, the sum of $6,000.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiringibe foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This Ordiance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the foam and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on April 2, 1968; read for the second and third time, passed by the.Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular meet- ing on April 16, 196B. :r' J AT .-ST : E I. LOOD Cit 1 k APP V AS TO •O.M: - RAi3A City Attorney ORDINANCE NO._I .?J' AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE PUBLIC PEACE, SAFETY AND 1%T;LFARE, TO REGULATE, CONDUCT' IN AND ABOUT THE SCHOOLS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. It is unlawful to engage in any noisy, boister- ous or, disorderly conduct at or in the vicinity of any public or private school which is intended to do and does interrupt, hinder or disturb the educational processes and functions of any such school. It is further unlawful to remain in any public or private school building or upon any public or private school grounds dur- ing the time any such school is open and in use for educational purposes and functions, or to loiter in the vicinity of any pub- lic or private school, after being ordered by the person in charge of such school to leave such buildings or grounds; provided, that no person shall be convicted of violating this Ordinance who is: 1. A student regularly enrolled at such school;or 2. The parent or guardian of any regularly enrolled student therein; or 3. A person present by permission of the appropriate school autnoritiesi or 4. A person conducting lawful business at such school:. or 5. A person attending a school function which is open to members of the public; or G. A person otherwise authorized by law to enter upon or use school property. Section.2. The invalidity of any section, provision, clause or portion of this Ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof •to any person or circumstance shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Ordinance or the validity of its applica- tion -to other persons or circumstances. -1- Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner pro- vided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved bythe Mayor, this 16th day of April, 1968. AT ST: G E I. Ci y Cle AS I TA' rORM: JOHN H. SIEBENB UM _ Mavro Te -2- zrz ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOY, THE SUBMISSION OF A BALLOT PROPOSITION IN THE' GENERAL BLECTION OF 17 , 1963, TO PER11IT TIIE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF PORT T04NSUND TO INDI- CATE THEIR PREFERENCES WITII PtGARD TO THE FLUORIDATION OE' THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY OF ,SAID CITY, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO PAY ELECTION EXPL•'NSES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOUS: Section 1. The City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby authorized and directed to certify and submit to the Jefferson County Supervisor of Elections for Jefferson County, Washington, for inclusion on the ballot for the General Election Of 5 �'"<<"' �� 1­7 , 1963, in the manner provided by law, for sub- mission to the voters in the City of Port Townsend at said election, a proposition in the manner following-- " Shall the City of Port Townsend implement fluoridation of the city's• public water supply? YES 71 NO [ ] " Section 2. The City Clerk and the Zdayor are lxee and hereby authorized and d.irectud to draw and e..ecute warrants for the election expense incurred in connection with the submission of the ballot proposition provided in Section 1 horcoi. Section 3. This Oreinance shall take effect upon its -passage, appro k,l and publication in the form and .canner required by law. Read [or the first, second ayjt, t'riird timas, passed by -the Council and approved by the Mayor on 1968. . lF1u�uIKli•i.�SI4TrPIi- AP 120VED AS i'0 FOR!' 1, y .xttor.ney V ORDINANCE NO. /-"J7 AND ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $242.16 TO THE MISCELLANEOUS FUND IN THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND IN THE 1968 BUDGET, FOR THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY, AUIITORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXPEND THE SAME FOR PURCHASE OF PROPERTY FROM JEFFERSON COUNTY, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Thereis here and hereby appropriated to the Miscellaneous tuna of the Current Expense Fund,for expenditure under the "other expense" item thereof, the sum of $242.16 in the 1968 budget of said City. Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directedto expend the funds hereby appropriated for the purchase from Jefferson County, Washington of real property in said Jefferson County described as: Lots q, G , 7, and fin Block 52 of the City of Port Townsend. Section 3. There is hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring t-He appropriation herein Made. Read for the first time on July 2, 1968. Read for the second and third times, passed by the.Council and approved by the Mayor on July 16th, 1969. _ RANK M. SMITH Mayor ATTEST: Gale I. ou gjd ood City Cler APPROVED AS TO FORM: C1 fAttorn ■ 0 C� J ORDINANCE No. iS�~ AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF HOOD STREET NORTIiERLY FROM THE NORTH LINE OF 35TIl STREET EXTENDING TO THE SOUTHERLY. BOUNDARY OF BLOCK 9 IN THE PLAT OF DAVID'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT T0WNSEND, RE- SERVING EASEMENTS THEREIN, AND PROVIDING FOR A CONDI`1'ION OF CONSTRUCTION OF ACCESS AND PAYMENT OF COST. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of Hood St. extending northerly from the North Boundary of 35th ST. to the Southerly Boundary of Block 9 in the Plat of David's Addition to the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby vacated, subject tothe reservation in said street of an easement for the installation of water, sewer, power and other utility lines, and subject to the conditions set forth in Section 2 hereof. Section 2. This vacation is granted only upon the condition that the petitioner, Roger Dickerson, shall cause access, other than the vacated portion of street, to be provided to the plat of David's Addition within six months hereof, and shall further pay the costs of publication of this Ordinance, and in the event of his failure so to do this Ordinance shall be nullified. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this Gth day of August-j-1968. PRANK M. SMITH.% Mayor �---------- ATTZEST: -- GALE. % Q NGBLOOD City C1er i APPROV'D AS T FORM: r G_' I` A 1 IAM _ City ttorney Tract No. 3SF-174A Contract No. 14-03-82830 ORDINANCE NO.�/���/ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Townsend granting to the United States of America and its assigns a right of way for a term of ,r _ years for the construction, operation and maintenance of electric power transmission circuits, together with the necessary equipment and facilities appurtenant thereto, over and across the City of Port Townsend's water pipe line in Section 31,Township 29 North, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Jefferson County, Washington. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Port Townsend does hereby grant unto the United States of America and its assigns the right and privilege for a term of.5�_ years to construct, operate and maintain one or more electric power transmission circuits together with all necessary equipment and facilities appurtenant thereto that may be necessary or convenient for the efficient operation and maintenance of said electric power transmission circuits over and across property of the City of Port Townsend as follows: Shelton -Fairmount No. 3, 230 ky transmission line crossing over water main at BPA survey station 2434+17.7 and encroach- ment from BPA survey station 2431+75 to BPA survey station 2475+50, being in Lots 11 21 3 and 4 of Section 31, Township 29 North, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Jefferson County, Washington; the exact location and manner of construction of said electric power transmission circuits, together with a more particular description and explanation thereof is net forth on BPA drawing, Serial No. 144259 DTM-D, on file in the office of the cleric of the City of Port Townsend, Washington. Section 2. The foregoing grant is made subject to the following conditions: (a) The United States of America or its assigns shall give to the City of Port Townsend a ten-day written notice of its intention to construct, operate and maintain any additional electric power transmission circuits not herein described. (b) That all work performed and material used in construction, operation and maintenance of the said electric power transmission circuits and the necessary equipment and facilities appurtenant thereto shall be in accordance with the applicable state laws and the specifications, rules and regulations in the latest edition of and supplements to the National Electrical Safety Code now or hereafter to be formulated or promulgated by the United States Bureau of Standards. (c) All cost of construction, operation and maintenance of said electric power transmission circuits shall be paid by the United States of America or its assigns. (d) If at any time it becomes necessary in the opinion of the City of Port Townsend to change the location, elevation or type of construction of said electric power transmission circuits and appurtenances, such change will be made by and at the expense of the United States of America or its assigns within the limits of appropriations available therefor. (e) Any and all damage or injury done or caused to any of the said property of the City of Port Townsend in the construction, operation and mainte- nance of the said electric power transmission circuits shall be immediately repaired and reconstructed by the United States of America or its assigns within the limits of appropriations available therefor and in a manner satisfactory to the City of Port Townsend. Upon the failure, neglect or refusal of the United States of America or its assigns to immediately make the necessary repairs or reconstruction of the properties of the City of Port Townsend as herein required of the United States of America or its assigns, the City of Port Townsend may undertake to perform and complete such repairs and reconstruction and the cast thereof will, within the limits of the appropriation then or thereafter available therefor, be paid by the United States of America or its assigns upon the presentation of the properly executed vouchers therefor; provided, however, that the City of Port Townsend shall submit an estimate of the cost of such repairs or reconstruction to the United States of America, Department of the Interior acting through the Bonneville Power Administrator at Portland, Oregon, and shall obtain the approval of the Bonneville Power Administrator of the cost thereof before making any such repairs or recon- struction; provided further that if in an emergency, the determination of which rests with the City of Port Townsend, it becomes necessary for the City of Port Townsend to make such repairs or reconstruction without having thus obtained the approval of the cost therecf, the United States of America shall not be required to make any payment therefor unless the sum expended or some lesser reasonable sum shall be later approved by the United States of America herein provided. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force and effect F�v days from and after its passage, approval and publication in the f/ P•R: �•✓hfrwl t_EApPK _ _ , the official newspaper of the said city, published in the City of Port Townsend, Washington. z �' s: PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, Washington at regular meeting thereof day of r—, 1966. ORDINANCE NO.�O AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $2,100.00 TO THE 1968 BUDGET OF THE CITY STREET FUNDS FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the 1968 Budget of the City Street Fund the sum of $2,100.00, for capital outlay for the purchase of a loader. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriating made in Section 1. hereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council. held on September 17, 1968, read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 1, 1968. L" Rh T M��SMIT Mayor ATTIST: /.•� T. ODD City ClerkJ APPIt D AS ORM: G ABRA Cif Attorney . �t R tk... - 'K=.=' C: ' .. r �>,._ _ t?. _ � Nr. 7 . m n ro . .. � i �-:. �, ,. � � . Pkj. I WZ 1501 slater department budget for 1967 (Special) S 1502 Garbage collection servicebudget for 1967 (special) r 1503 SewYge disposal service budget for 1967 (Special) 1504 Street vacation (Special) 1505 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1506 Plan for improvement of sewage system (Special) 1507 Authorizes superintendent of garbage disposal service to fix fees (6.04) 150E Requires connection with sewer system (13.04) 1509 Regulates traffic and fixes maximum hours of parking (10.04) 1510 Establishes street grade (Special) 1511 Grants franchise to Union Oil Company (Special) 1512 Contractual services appropriation for planning commis- sion (Special) 1513 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief fund (Special) 1514 Street vacation (Special) 1515 Authorizes city clerk to make withholdings from city employees pay (2.48) 1516 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief funs (Special) 1511 Salaries (Special) 1518 Tax levy (Special) 1519 1968 budget (Special) 2520 Water -sewer department budget (Special) 1521 Garbage collection service budget (Special) 1522 Adopts fire prevention code (15.04) 1523 Appropriates sum to employee benefits appropriation (Special) 1524 Appropriates sum to firemen's pension and relief fund (Special) 1525 Repeals Ords. No. 1 (February 20, 1878), No. 1 (Septem- ber 1, 1882), No. 1 (February 10, 18831, No, 2, No, 4, No. 5 (March 7, 1878), No. 5 (November 1, 1880), No. 7, No. 10, No. 11, No. 12, No. 14, unnumbered of April 6, 1878, No. 15, No, 16, No. 18, No. 27, No. 31, No. 32, No. 38, No. 40, NO. 58, No. 59, No. 101, No. 103, No. 112, No. 116, No. 121, No. 123, No. 129, No. 144, No. 157, No, 189, No. 211, Secs. 7 and 8 of No. 215, No. 21B, No. 221, No. 224, No. 231, No. 250, No. 252, No. 269, No. 281, No. 288, No. 297, No. 305, No. 307, No. 312, No. 315, No. 318, No. 319, No. 324, No. 333, No. 334, No. 338, No. 353, No. 372, No. 377, No. 429, No. 430, No. 439, No. 452, No. 461, No. 469, No. 487, No. 495, No. 547, No. 552, No. 554, No. 564, No. 569, No. 573, No. 580, No. 584, No. 585, No. 590, No. 608, No. 609, No. 617, No. 618, No. 619, No. 620, No. 621, No. 622, No. 635, No. 637, No. 638, No. 639, No. 641, No. 647, No. 651, No. 654, No. 665, No. 667, No. 676, No. 678, No. 680, No. 681, No. 683, No. 684, No. 685, No. 688, No. 692, No. 693, No. 694, No. 699, No. 705, No. 706, No. 710, No. 114, No. 715, No. 716, No. 722, No. 727, No. 728, No. 733, No. 740, No. 752, No. 757, No. 759, No. 761, No. 763, No. 772, No. 776, No. 784, No 791, No. 793, No. 196, No. 805, No. 808; No. 823, No. 824, No. 834, No. 836, No. 842, No. 850, No. 857, No. 863. No. 667, No. 888, No. 889, No. 900, No. 902, No. 906, No. 909, No. 920, No, 934, No. 945, No. 948, No. 958, No. 961, No. 963, No. 987, No. 989, No. 1026, No. 1027, No. 1028, No. 1030, No. 1036, No. 1039, No. 1049, No. 1050, No. 1051, No. 1053, No. 1061, No. 1078, No. 1089, No. 1091, No. 1092, No. 1093, No. 1111, No. 1112, No. 1114, No. 1124, No. 1136, No. 1141, No. 1147, No. 1160, No. 1179, No. 1188, No. 1207, No. 1208, No. 1243, No. 1252, No. 1255, No. 1292, No. 1333, No. 1368, No. 1394, and No. 1401 (Repealer) 1526 Adopts definitions and penalty clause for the codifica- tion (1.01) 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1�540 ___1541 1542 1543 1544 Establishes administrative code regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains (13.08) Vacates alley (Special) Appropriation to current expense fund (Special) Building code (16.04) Amends S1 of Ord. 1078, S24 of Ord. 1091 and 51 of Ord. 1490, parking (10.04) 1968 budget (Special) Street dedication (Special) Appropriation (Special) Disorderly conduct on school grounds (Repealed by 2014) Addition to ballot at general election (Special) Appropriation (Special) Street vacation (Special) Franchise (Special) 1968 budget (Special) 1968 budget (Special) Appropriation (Special) 1968 budget (Special) Amends 551, 2 of Ord. 1204, pinball machines (Repealed by 1643) 1545 1969 budget (Special) 1546 1969 budget (Special) 1547 1§69 budget (Special) 1548 -Tax levy for 1969 (Special) 1549 Glue sniffing (Repealed by 2014) l 9 ORDINANCE NO.' I AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $413.00 IN THE 1968 BUDGET TO THE CITY CLERK APPROPRIA- TION IN THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, and DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the City Clerk appropriation in the 1968 Budget of the current a xpense fund of the City, the sum of $413.00, for salaries and wages of Deputy City Clerk. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation made in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. This Orda.nance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read forthe first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on September 17, 1968, read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 1, 1968. "-FRANK M. ' 6MITH --' Mayor ATST: . I �� ..n� . UN BLOOD City Clerk APP AS T ORM: rN RA c"'r AttorndY C� • ORDINANCE NO.4t:q�— AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $360.00 TO SALARIES AND WAGES IN THE OLYMPIC GRAVITY WATER FUND BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1968, AND DECLAR- ING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the salaries and wages appropriation in the 1968 budget of the Olympic Gravity Water Fund the sum of $360.00, for payment of clerical salaries. Section Z. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation made in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting o f the City Council held on September 17, 1968, read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 1, 1968. FRANK' M._S'MI' iH- ' Mayor ATTF�ST: :.I. Y UNGBLOOD City C 0 v ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $120.00 TO THE SALARIES AND WAGES, CITY TREASURER, APPROPRIATION IN THE 1968 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the ;.'City Treasurer appropriation in the current expense fund in the 1968 Budget, for salaries and wages of Deputy City Treasurer, the sum of $120.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation made in Section l hereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on September 17, 1968, read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 1, 1968. `.FRANK M. (SMITH. - Mayor ZEASI. Y UNGBLOOD City Clerk ✓ . APP AS FORM: 1 C y Attorney ORDINANCE NO. ;CL! AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 1 and 2 of ORDINANCE NO. 1204, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCES NO. 1437 ;' and 1465, and THEREBY EXTENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS FOR THE LICENSING OF COIN OPERATED DEVICES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 1204 of the City of Port Townsend, passed on December 18, 1946, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. Each and every person, firmer corpor- ation Saving rat any plaee or places of business within the City, a device, devices, machine or machines which are mechanical music machines or are for playing of games of amusement, commonly known as pinball machines or devices, or machines in which coins may be dropped for the purpose of operating the same, even though the same may be such machines as are attached to pool tables, shuffle boards and other amusement or game devices, and which may be legally operated within the State of Washington, shall pay an annual license fee of $500.00 for an owner's or operator's license. Nothing herein shall be construed to alter or amend the licensing requirements of pool tables or shuffleboards which do not have coin operated devices attached to them." Section 2. Section 2 of Ordinance 1204, passed on December 18, 1946, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2. The City Council shall have the right to reject any and all applications for an owner's or operators license as contemplated hereunder, and before any license is granted the application therefor must be approved by the City Council, likewise the bcation or place within the City where such machine or device licensed hereunder is to be operated shall be only upon the approval and approbation of the City Council." Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect an January 1, 1969, after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 1, 1968�. FRANK M. SMITH Mayor A TEST: E I. � UN BLOOD City Cler APPR79 AS T ORM: GLE AttoVhey for City of Port Townsend ORDINANCE NO. Y AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY FOR THE YEAR 1969, TIIE CITY COUNCIL, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1969', divided into the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ----- ------------------------ $175,990.00 Maintenance and Operation-----------------------$100,152.05 Capital Outlay ---------------------------------$ 40,480.00 Interest and Bond Redemption =----------------- $ 4,883.50 Firemen's Retirement and Pension ---------------$ 5,100.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once, to be in .force andtake effect as provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 1966. --"`y FRANK M. SMITH c. Mayor AT EST: 1 GAbE I O rGBLOOD City C er AP O I AS TO O ABRAH TAttorney I 0 ORDINANCE NO. If �- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATER - SEWER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY FOR THE YEAR 1969. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASEEMBLED, DOR ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as thecfficial budget for the Water -Sewer Dept. of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1969, divided into the amounts ifi each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------- $34,744.00 Maintenance and Operation ------------- $40,072.00 Capital Outlay ----------------------- $24,600.00 Interest and Debt Redemption --------- $88,445.05 Section 2. That this Ordinance be in force and take effect after its passage, approval and publication in the formand mannner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 1968. , ?/ c / CRANK M. SMITH Mayor ATTF.,ST : GALE I. tYrGBLOOD City Clerk 0 ORDINANCE NO. Lf/2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIX- ING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1969. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1969 divided into the total amountsin each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages-------------------$25,980.00 Maintenance and Operation ----------$ 9,085.00 Capital Outlay -------------------- $11,800.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 15th day of October, 1968. FRANK M. SMITH Mayor ATTEST: GALE I. (BLOOD City Clerk � 'a Ll • 0 ORDINANCE NO. j�- AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1969. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1969, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city property for such purposes as is follows: FIRST. for the payment of current expenses and for the current expense fund, the sum of $24,852.09 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 4.50 mills on the dollar. SECOND: for the purpose of maintaining a public library and for the library fund, the sum of $13,806.71, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.50 mills on the dollar. THIRD: for the purposes of maintaining a public park and for the park fund, the sum of $8,836.30, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed dr 1.60 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: for the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the city and for the city street fund, the sum of $29,822.50, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 5.40 mills on the dollar. FIFTH: for the hospitalization and medical service of injured paid firemen and for pensions and for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $5,522.69, and the.rate of the tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the dollar. SIXTH: for the retirement and debt service of General Obli- gatbn Bonds 1955, the sum of $5,522.69, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mill on the dollar. Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said city are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and -1- r CLIt County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing tax levy of said city. Section 3. That this ordinance be published once in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council this 15th day of October, 1968, and signed by the Mayor on the same date. Mayor—"" ORDINANCE NO. 15*4 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SOLVENT INHAL- ATION; DECLARING THE VIOLATION THEREOF TO BE A MISDEMEANOR AND PROVIDING PENALTIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to smell or inhale, for the purpose of becoming intoxicated, inebriated, excited, or stupefied, the fumes from any glue; cement, or any other adhe- sive containing one or more of the following chemical compounds: acetone, acetate benzine, butyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, anthylene, dicloride, isopropyl alcohol, mentyl ethyl ketone, pentacholorophanol, petroleum ether or toluene. Section 2. That any probative evidence relevant, competent and material offered at a trial for the violation of this Ordinance shall be deemed and considered prima facie of intent upon the part of the accused to induce intoxication, inebriation, excitement, or stupefaction, PROVIDED HOWEVER, that this Ordinance shall never be construed as prohibitive of the inhalation of any anesthetic for medical or dental purposes. Section 3. Any person violating any of theprovisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment in the County jail for not more than six months. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor this 5th day of November, 1958. SM ITH Mayor - ATft ST : c1�I�E: I. OPOGBLOOD City CTe APPR AS T I. � � ;Pl GLENN RAHAM , City Attorney Ordinances #1550-1560 ozm .uetj a�ns*r�gc{er4Tty;' x✓r1y s7hr ,., "^� 'fit i�d A� 9 �'1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 Franchise (Special) Franchise (Special) / Street vacation (Special) Business licenses (5.04) Door to door sales license (5.72) Repeals Ords. 878, 881, 1237, and 51 of Ord. 1052 (Repealer) Amends 53 of Ord. 1367, garbage collection license (5.20) Amends 53 of Ord. 1402, sewage disposal franchise licenses (Repealed by 1848) Water utility franchise license (Repealed by Ord. 1582; Appropriation (Special) Amends 51 of Ord. 1446, salary of city treasurer (Not codified) Labor agreement (Special) Franchise (Special) Adopts comprehensive plan (Not codified) Franchise (Special) Arterial street fund (3.04) Alley vacation (Special) Street maintenance agreement (Special) 183 (Port Townsend 6/86) Street vacation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Cumulative reserve fund (3.04) Bonds (Special) Tax levy (Special) Street vacation (Special) Appropriation (Special) 1969 budget (Special) Garbage collection budget (Special) Water -sewer budget (Special) Tax levy (Special) Street vacation {Special) Appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 1370 53, repeals Ord. 1558 (Repealed by 1848 Plat approval, Pederson Addition (Special) Street vacation (Special) Transfer of funds (Special) Sales or use tax (3.12) Repair of reservoir contract (Special) Amends 57 Ord. 1301, dog licenses (Repealed by 1698) Emergency appropriation (Special) 1970 budget, appropriation (Special) Street vacation (Special) Street vacation (Special) Alley vacation (Special) Streets vacation (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Lease of portion of Madison Street (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) i Emergency appropriation (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) 0 ORDINANCE NO. _15�Ep AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A LICENSE TO TELETRONICS-PORT TOIVNSEND,INC., A WASSHINGTON CORPORATION, FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND SALE OF USE OF TELEVISION COAXIAL CABLE, PROVIDING REGULATIONS THEREOF AND LICENSE FEES THEREFOR. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Rights and Privileges of Grantee. The City grants to Teletronics- Port Townsend,Inc., a Washington Corporation, herein- after called licensee, and to its successors and assigns, the non- exclusive right, privilege and authority to install, lay down, main- tain and operate a coaxial cable subscriber system for television, radio and other audio-visual electrical signal distribution in, over, on and under the streets, alleys and public highways of the city, With the necessary manholes and other apputenances therefor, and to erect poles, with or without crossarms, and to stretch wires and cables on, across and under all streets; to maintain and use the same for the purpose of constructing and operating a coaxial cable dis- tribution to subscribers; and whenever it is practicable and with written consent or permission of the owner to make use of poles already erected in the streets, licensee shall make use of such poles, except that in any district which has been or hereafter shall be by this code or any ordinance designated as a district in which telephone, telegraph and electric wires and cables shall be laid underground, licensee's coaxial cable must be in said areas or districts likewise run underground, and licensee shall likewise place underground its existing cables in those districts whenever designated by this code or any ordinance as a district requiring other utilities to place their wires and dables underground. Section 2. Duties of Licensee. (a) all poles, cables, wires, antennas, conduits or appurtenances shall be constructed and erected in a neat, workmanlike manner. The city shall not be held liable for -1- any disturbance of licensee's installations resulting from the city's use or occupancy of the right of way for any reason. The licensee shall at its own expense move or relocate any of the licensee's installations, at the request of the city, where licensee's install- ations will at any time interfere with a city installation, or any proposed changes thereof or extensions thereto. (b) This chapter shall not be construed so as to deprive the city of any rights or privileges which it now has or may hereafter have, to regulate the use and control of its streets. (c) The licensee shall provide free coaxial cable television service to all schools within the city, to the city's youth activities building, and to the city hall; provided that the buildings are ad- jacent to a street upon which the coaxial cable is run by licensee; and provided further that the free service shall be limited to run- ning the cable ia,the buildings and providing free signal without any monthly charge whatsoever. Any cost of hooking up the cable to tele- vision sets or radios within the buildings and running of cables or wires within the buildings shall be borne by the school district involved, or the city. Section 3. Use of Licensee's poles. The city shall at all times have the right to make free use of any or all of the licensee's poles for attachment of wires and equipment used in connection with any city -owned signal or control system. section 4. Conformance to Construction Regulations. All the con- struction of the licensee, including installation, shall conform to the National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code, State Wiring Code, and the city's regulations governing overhead and under- ground construction and maintenance of wires and cables ca=3yhg low voltage electricity. Licensee shall submit all plans required by the city before beginning any construction. Section 5'. Restoration of Streets After Construction. After any construction or repair work, the licensee shall restore the streets promptly to their original condition and to the satisfaction of the -2- city engineer. The licensee shall comply with Ordinance 196 in all respects, and shall obtain permits as required thereby. Section 6. Liability of Licensee. The licensee shall indemnify and save the city harmless from any liability, loss, cost, damage or expense due to casualty, accident or damage, either to the city or to other persons or property, which may at any time arise or occur by reason of the exercise of the rights and privileges herein granted. Section 7. Authority to Charge Fees. Licensee shall lay all cables, wires and lines both on the public and private properties of the city at its own expense, but licensee shall have the privilege of charging its customers both a connection fee to bring the service to their properties and a monthly fee for their continued use of the service. Section S. Insurance Required. Licensee agrees that during the life of this license, and/or renewals thereof, it will maintain in full force and effect, with a carrier or carriers satisfactory to the city,.the following: (1) Compensation insurance complying with all the workman's insurance and safety laws of the State of Washington, and amendments thereto; (2) Bodily injury liability insurance with limits as may be required by the city, but not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars each person and five hundred thousand dollars aggregate; (3) Property damage liability insurance, with limits as may be required by the city, but not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars each accident. Section 9. Bond. During the term of this license remains in effect, licensee shall post with the city a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars conditioned upon the faithful performance of the con- ditions and terms of the license, and providing a recovery on the bond in case of failure to perform the terms and conditions of license. The bond may be for a period of one year or more provided that a bond is -3- • in effect at all times during the term of this license. Section 10. Period of Franchise. The rights and privileges of the license shall continue for a period of twenty years from January 1, 1969 and the licensee, at the termination of this period, or earlier if the facilities of the licensee cease to be used or served by the licensee shall at its own cost and expense remove all construction and installations hereby authorized from the city streets, and shall restore all portions of the streets that may have been dis- turbed to the condition of the surrounding street at the time of such repair, to the satisfaction of the city engineer; provided, that said rights and privileges shall terminate on July 1, 1970 if licensee has not by that date made substantial progress in providing service pursuant to the license. Section 11. License Fee. Licensee shall pay the city a license fee of four per cent (4%) of revenue collected by licensee in the city, which amount shall be subject to increase or decrease in the' same manner and same amount as may be imposed upon electricity, gas, telephone and other utilities. This license fee shall; -be in lieu of any business and occupation tax or other tact required to be paid by licensee. This section only of this chapter, and the license fee con- tained herein, shall be subject to renegotiation at the option of the city for each additional five year period of the remainder of the term of this license; provided, however, that if the city wishes to reneg- otiate the section and license fee, the city shall give the licensee written notice of the city's intent to renegotiate the section and fees, on or before thirty days from the fifth, tenth and fifteenth anniversary of the passage of this chapter on the second reading. Section 12. Acceptance of Franchise. This chapter shall be null and void unless the licensee shall file, by January 1, 1969► with the City Clerk its written acceptance of all terms and conditions of this chapter. -4- i Section 13. Publication Expenses. The licensee shall pay all expenses connected with the publication of the ordinance granting this franchise. Section 14. Safety and Maintenance Required. The city reserves the general right to see that the system of the licensee is constructed and maintained in a safe condition, and if an unsafe condition is found to exist, to order the licensee to make necessary repairs and alterations forthwith, and if the licensee shall fail to make the necessary repairs and alterations, the city may make them or have them made and collect all cost and expense thereof from the licensee. Section 15. rorfeiture of License. Upon the failure of the licensee to comply with any of the provisions or conditions thereof, within sixty days after service of notice to comply with any such provisions, conditions, restrictions or limitations, made and served by order of the city council upon the licensee, the council shall be authorized upon behalf of the city to declare by ordinance an immediate forfeiture of this license, and the council may in such case declare' and enforce such forfeiture. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the council and approved by the Mayor this fcV day of November, 1968� FRASK 1. SMITEI Mayor AT EST: /Tr;t.�(yirl Ga E I. `YOV 5LOOD City Clerk' APP AS TO . GL RAIIA Cit ttorM ney -5- ORDINANCE NO._L,(Z/ AN 01DINANCE GRANTING TO MOBIL OIL CORPOR- ATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN OPERATE AND REMOVE, PIPE LINES ACROSS CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF POET TOWNSEND , WASHINGTO11 . THE CITY COUNCIL Or TIME CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is here and hereby granted to Mobil Oil Corporation, A Delaware Corporation, hereinafter referred to as the"Grantee", its successors, and assigns, the right to construct lay, maintain, operate and remove pipelines over, under and across Water Street, Scott Street and FRont Street, all within a strip of land five feet (51) in width across (dater Street, Scott Street, and Front Street as platted in L.D. Hasting's First Addition to Port Townsend for a period of ten (10) years from and after the date of this ordinance. The northerly boundary of the aforementioned five feet (5') strip of land being more particularly described as follows:' "Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 29, of the L.B. Hastings' First Addition to the City of Port Townsend, thence continuing easterly along the south boundary of said Lot 1 for a distance of 52.0 feet to the true point of beginning; thence turning a right deflection angle of 45000100" and proceeding diagonally across ]dater Street in a southeasterly direction for a distance of 106.0 feet to a point lying on the north boundary of Block 19 of the L.B. Hastings' First Addition to the City of Port Townsend extended 3.0 ft. in a westerly direction, thence turning a right deflection angle of 45000'00" and continuing parallel to the west boundary of said bloc]: 19 in a southeasterly direction for a distance of 220ft. to a point lying on the south boundary of said Block 19 extended 3.0 ft., thence turning a left deflection angle of 450 00'00" and proceeding diagonally across Front Street in a southeasterly direction for a dis- tance of 91D ft. to a point on existing Shell Pier approach lying 11.0' North of the North Boundary of Block 147 of the L.B. Hastings' First Addition to Port Townsend and 61.0 ft. east of the west boundary of said Block 147, thence turning a right deflection angle 45000'00" and continuing for a distance of 11.0' tothe North boundary of said Bbck 147." Section 2. If at any time, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend deems it advisable to relocate, improve or otherwise . change said ]dater Street,/gpp�oRtrg�teet, the Grantee, its successors, and assigns, shall upon written notice given by said City Council of the City of Port Townsend, immediately so move, I hange or alter its pipe and pipelines and other equipment used in connection therewith so as to conform to such changes in said streets. The cost of so moving, changing or altering such pipes and pipelines will be at the expense of the Grantee, its successors and assigns. Section 3. The Grantee, its successors and assigns, assumes all liability for damages arising by reason of the location of said pipe or pipelines in said streets. Section 4. That the Grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pay to the City of Port Townsend the sum of nifty Dollars ($50.00) per annum for each and every year during the term of this ease- ment, said sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to be payable, in advance, on or before the 15th day of January of each year during the term of the easement; that in case the said Grantee, its successors or. assigns, shall fail to comply with any or all of the conditions of this ordinance then said Grantee shall be in default, and if said default is not corrected within thirty (30) days after the receipts of written notice of any such claimed default specifying the same, this easement shall thereupon become null and void and all rights and easement herein granted shall become forfeited. Section 5. Grantee may terminate this easement by giving notice to the City of Port Townsend of its intention so to do by the first day in September, of the year prior to such termination. Section 6. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passing, approval and filing of the acceptance of the same by the said Grantee, and from and after five (5) days after its publication as required by law. -2- 2 3 ORDINANCE NO. , AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF FOURTH STREET TYING BETWEEN HANCOCK STREET. AND ROSE- CRANS.STREET, RESERVING EASEMENTS AND PROVID- 5 ING FOR COSTS OF 'PUBLICATION. 0 '.THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION :I 7 ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: r a Section 1. Subject to the reservation therein of an easement 9 'for water, sewer and other utility lines, that portion of Fourth I 10 Street lying between the westerly line of Hancock Street and the_..'11 I.'...; easterly] of McClellan Street, and that portion of Fourth Street! 12 !dying between the easterly line of Rosecrans Street and the westerly 13 ine of McClellan Street, in the Supplemental Plat of the Eisenbeis 14 :Addition to the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby vacated. 15 Section 2. This Ordinance shalltake effect upon its passage,,,.f` 16 ;'approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law, 17 and subject to the payment of costs of publication of this ordin- 18 ance by the petitioners for vacation. { 19 Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the 20 ,Council and a T pproved by the Mayor on November 19, 19G8. �. 21 22 C-- FRANK M. SMITH I 23 Mayor . • Y 24 7�77ST25<-GI. 0 NGJL00D 26 ;City Clerk` V 27 APP D AS ORM: 211 NN ABRAHAM 29 ,Ciy Attorney 30 31 32 6L£1JN ABRAHAM `f . 1 MOUNT BAKER OI.00K 1 PORT TOWNBCNO, WABHINOTON T ORDINANCE NO. �J AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO AND PROVIDING FOR THE EXTRAC- TION AND COLLECTION OF A LICENSE UPON THE ACT AND/OR PRIVILEGE OF ENGAGING IN CERTAIN BUSINESS ACTIVITIES, OCCUPATIONS, PURSUITS AND PRIVILEGES; PROVIDING THE NECESSARY ADMINISTRATIVE MACHINERY FOR THE COLLECTION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE LICENSES HERE"IN AND DECLARING CERTAIN ACTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH UNLAWFUL; AND PROVIDING PENALTIES; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH EXCEPT ORDINANCE NO. 1090, ORDINANCE NO.1498, ORDINANCE NO.1155, ORDIN- ANCE NO. 1353, ORDINANCE NO. 724, ORDINANCE NO, 873, ORDINANCE NO. 766, ORDINANCE NO. 1235, ORDINANCE NO. 871, ORDINANCE N0.1237, ORDINANCE NO. 1465, ORDINANCE NO. 1437, ORDINANCE NO. 1204 and ORDINANCE NO. 571. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. EXERCISES OF REVENUE POWER: The provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed in exercise of the power of the City of Port Townsend to license for revenue. Section 2. DEFINITIONS. In construing the provisions of this ordinance, save when otherwise declared or clearly apparent from the context the following definitions shall be applied: (a) TAX YEAR The term "tax year" or "taxable year" shall mean either the calendar year, or the taxpayer's fiscal year when per- mission is obtained from the City Clerk to use a fiscal year in lieu of the calendar year. (b) PERSON The word "person" or word "company", herein used interchangeably, means any individual, receiver, assignee, trustee in bankruptcy, trust, estate, firm, co -partnership, joint venture, club, company, joint stock company, business trust, municipal corp- oration, corporation, association, society, or any group of indivi- duals acting as a unit, whether mutual, cooperative, fraternal, non- profit or otherwise and the United States o[L any instrumentality thereof. (c) SALE The word "sale" means any transfer of the ownership of, title to, or possession of property for a valuable consideration and includes any activity classified as a "sale at retail" or "retail sale" under subsection (d) of this section. It includes conditional sales contracts, leases with option to purchase and any other contract under which possession of the property is given to the purchaser but title is retained by the vendor as security for the payment of i 4 the purchase price. It shall also be construed to include the furnishing of food, drink, or meals for compensation whether con- sumed upon the premises or not. The term t asual or isolated sale" means a sale made by a person who is not engaged in the business of selling the type of property involved. (d) SALE AT RETAIL The term "sale at retail" or "retail sale" means every sale of tangible personal propetty (including articles produced, fabricated or imprinted) other than a sale to one who pur- chases.for the purpose of resale as tangible personal property in the regular course of business or for the purpose of consuming the property purchasedin producing for sale a new article of tangible personal propetty or substance, of which such property becomes an ingredient or component or is a chemical usedin processing, when the primary purpose of such chemical is to create a chemical reaction directly through contact with an ingredient of a new article being produced for sale. The said term also means every sale of tangible personal property to persons engaged in any business which is taxable under Section 3 (e) and (f) hereof. The term "sale at reta il" or "retail sale" shall be construed to include the sale of or charge made for tangible personal property consumed and/or for labor and services rendered in respect to the following: (1) the installing, repairing, cleaning, altering, imprinting or improving of tangible personal property of or for consumers, excluding, however, services rendered in respect to live animals, birds and insects; (2) the con- structing, repairing, decorating or improving of new or existing build- ings or other structures under, upon or above real property of or for consumers, including theinstalling or attaching of any article of tangible personal property therein or thereto, whether or not such personal property becomes a part of the realty by virtue of installation and shall also include the sale of services or charges made for the clearing of land and the moving of earth to the extent necessary for -2- 4 0 Such constructing or improving, unless the charge t1irefor is stated separately from other charge; made in connection with the work per- formed, under such rules as the City Clerk may prescribe. The said term shall not include the sale of or charge made for labor and services rendered in respect to the mere cbaning, fumigating, razing, or moving of existing buildings or structures, or the building, repairing or improving of any publicly owned street, place, road, highway, bridge or -trestle which is used or to be used primarily for foot or vehicular traffic, nor sh U. it include sales of feed seed, fertilizer, and spray materials to persons for the purpose of produc- ing for sale any agricultural, product whatsoever, including milk, eggs, wool, fur, meat, honey or other substances obtained from animals, birds or insects. (e) SALE AT WHOLESALE The term "sale at wholesale" or "wholesale sale" means any sale of tangible personal property and any sale of or charge made for labor and services rendered in respect to real or per- sonal property, which is not a sale at retail. (f) GROSS PROCEEDS OF SAFES The term "gross proceeds of sales" means the value proceeding or accruing from the sale of tangible personal property and/or for services rendered without any deduction on account of the cost of property sold, the cost of materials used, labor oosts, interest, discount paid, delivery costs, taxes, or any other expense whatsoever paid or,accrued and without any deduction on account of losses. (g) GROSS INCOME The term "gross income•of the business" means the value proceeding or aca Ling by reason of the transaction of the business engaged in and includes gross proceeds of sales, compensation for the rendition of services, gains realized from trading in stocks, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness, interest, discount, rents, royalties, fees, commissions, dividends, and other emoluments however designated, all without any deduction on account of the cost of tang - ible property sold, the cost of materials used, labor costs, interest, discount, delivery costs, taxes or any other expense whatsoever paid or adcrued and without any deduction on account of losses. (11) VALUE ACCRUING The term "value proceeding or accruing" means the consideration, whether money, credits, rights or other property expressed in terms of money,. actually received or accrued. The term shall be applied, in each case, on a cash receipts or accrual basis according to which method of accounting is regularly employed in keep- ing the books of the taxpayer. The City Clerk may provide by regu-- lation that the value proceeding or accruing from sales on the installment plan under conditional contracts of sale may be reported as of the dates when due payments become due. (i) E)[TRACTOR The word "extractor" means every person who from his own land or from the land of amther under a right or license granted by lease or contract, either directly or by contracting with others for the necessary labor or mechanical services, for sale or for com- mercial or industrial use mines, quarries, takes or produces coal, natural gas, ore,.stone, sand, gravel, clay, mineral or other natural resource product, or fells, cuts ortakes timber or other natural pro- ducts, or takes, cultivates, or raises fish, shell fish, or other sea or inland water foods or products;. it does not include persons per- forming nnder the contract the necessary labor or mechanical services for others. (j) MANUrACTURRR The word "manufacturer" means every person who, either directly or by contracting with others for the necessary labor or mechanical services, manufacturers for sale or for commercial or industrial use from his own materials or ingredients any articles, substances or commodities. When the owner of equipment or facilities furnishes, or sells to the customer prior to manufacture, all or a portion of the materials that become a part or whole of the manufactured article, the City Clerk shall prescribe equitable rules for determining tax liability. (k) TO MANUrACTURR The term "to manufacture" embraces. all -4 - activities of a commercial or industrial nature wherein labor or skill is applied, by hand or machinery to materials so that as a result thereof a new, different or useful article of tangible personal property or substance of trade or commerce is produced and shall include the production or fabrication of special made or custom made articles. (1) COMt0RCIAL USE The term " commercial or industrial use" means the following use of products, including by-products, by the extractor or manufacturer thereof: (1) Any use as a consumer; and (2) The manufacturing of articles, substances or commodities from extracted products, including by-products. (m) BUSINESS The word "business" includes all activities engaged in with the object of gain, benefit or advantage to the taxpayer or to another person or class, directly or indirectly. (n) ENGAGING IN BUSINESS The term "engaging in business" means commencing; conducting or continuing in business and also the exercise of corporate or franchise powers as well as liquidating a business when the liquidators thereof hold themselves out to the public as conducting such business. (o) CASH DISCOUNT The term "cash discount" means a deduction from the invoice price of goods or charge for services which is allowed if the bill is paid on or before a specified date. (p) TUITION FEE The term "tuition fee" shall be construed to include library, laboratory, health service and other special fees, and amount charged for room and board by an educational institution when the property o lk service for which such charges are made is fur- nished exclusively to the students or faculty of such institution; PROVIDED, that the term, "educational institution" is used herein, shall be construed to mean only those institutions created or generally accredited as such by the state and offering to students an educational program of a general academic nature or those institutions which are -5- 0 not operated for profit and which are privately endowed under a deed Of trust to offer instructions in trade, industry and agriculture, but not including specialty schools business colleges, other trade schools or similar institutions. (q) SUCCESSOR The word "successor" means any person who shall, through direct or mesne conveyance, purchase or succeed to the business, or portion thereof, or the whole or any part of the stock of goods, wares, merchandise or fixtures, or any interest therein of a taxpayer quitting, selling out, exchanging or otherwise disposing of his bus- iness. Any person obligated to fulfill the terms of a contract shall be deemed a successor to any contractor defaulting in the performance of any contract as to which such person is a surety or guarantor. (r) CONSUMER The word "consumer" means the following: 1. Any person who purchases, acquires, owns, holds or uses any article of tangible personal property other than for the pur- poses of resale as tangible personal property in the regular course of hisiness or for the purpose of consuming such property or a new substance, of which such property becomes an ingred- ient or component or is a chemical used in processing, when the primary purpose of such chemical is to create a chemical reaction directly through contact with an ingredient of a new article produced for sale; 2. Any person engaged in the business of rendering professional or personal services to persons (as distinguished from services rendered to property of persons) and who are taxable under Section 3 (f) hereof. 3. Any person engaged in the business of contracting for the building, repairing or improving of any publicly owned street, place, road, highway, bridge or trestle which is used or to be used primarily for foot or vehicular traffic, in respect, however, only to tangible personal property used or consumed in such business; grin 4. Any person who is an owner, lessee or has the right of poss- ession to or an easement in real or personal property which is being constructed, repaired, improved, cleaned, imprinted or otherwise altered by a person engaged in business, exclud- ing only the United States of America, the State of Washington and its political subdivisions in respect to labor and services rendered to their real property which is used or held for public road purposes. (s) CITY -The word "city" shall mean Port Townsend, a municipal corporation. The term "in this city" or "within this city" as used herein includes all Federal areas lying within the exterior boundaries of theCity of Port Townsend. (t) BY-PRODUCT The term "by-product" means any additional pro- ducts, other than the principal or intended product, which results from extracting or manufacturing activities and which has a market value, without regard to whether or not such additional product was an expected or intended result of the extracting or manufacturing activities. (u) TAXPAYER The word "taxpayer" includes any individual, group of individuals, corporation or association required to have a Business License hereunder, or liable for any license fee or tax, or.for the collection of any license fee or tax hereunder, or who engages in any business, or who performs any act, for which a license fee or tax is imposed by this ordinance. (v) Words in the singular number shall include the plural, and the plural shall include tlr,singular. Words in one gender shall include all other genders. (w) QUARTERLY "Quarterly period" shall mean a three month period beginning with the lst day of July, October, January and March and including the last day of the next succeeding three month period. (x) CLERK The word "clerk" shall mean the City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend, a municipal corporation. -7- 0 0 Section 3. ENUMERATION OF PERSONS SUBJECT TO TAX - AMOUNT: On or after the first day of January, 1969, there is hereby levied upon and shall be collected from and paid as hereinafter provided by every per- son on account and for the privilege of engaging in businesss activities, a license fee or occupation tax, sometimes herein referred to as the "tax" in amounts to be determined by application of rates given against value of products, gross proceeds of sale, or gross income of business, as the case may be, for the three calendar months next preceding the beginning of each quarterly period, as follows: (a) Upon every person engaging within this City in business as an extractor; as to such persons the amount of the tax with respect to such business shall be equal to the value of the products, including by-pro- ducts, extracted for sale or for commercial or industrial use, multi- plied by the rate of bI.E• Tckrl, of one percent; The measure of the tax is the value of the products, including by-products, so extracted, regardless of the place of sale or the fact that deliveries may be made to p4oints outside the city. (b) Upon every person engaging within this city in business as a manufacturer; as to such persons the amount of the tax with respect to such business shall be equal to the value of the products manufactured, including by-products, multiplied by the rate of of one percent. (c) Upon every person engaging within this city in the business of making sales at wholesale or retail, except persons taxable under subsection (d) of this section as to such persons, the amount of tax with respect to such business shall be equal to the gross proceeds of such sales of the business without regard to the place of delivery of articles, commodities, or merchandise sold, multiplied by the rate of %ee, 7( Ya ) of one per cent. (d) Upon every person engaging within this city in the business of buying wheat, oats, corn and barley, but not including any manufact- ured or processed products thereof, and selling the same at wholesale; -8- ,the tax herein imposed shall be equal to the gross proceeds derived from such sales multiplied by the rate of Ow. Ttail., ( Y'n ) Of one per cent. (e) Upon every person engaging within this City in the business of 0.) printing and of publication of newspapers, periodicals or magazines; (2) building, repairing or improving any publicly owned street, place, road, highway, bridge or trestle which is used, or to be used, primarily for foot or vehicular traffic or any purpose; as to such persons the amount of tax on such business shall be equal to the gross income of the business multiplied by the rate of /a ) of one per cent. (f) Upon every person engaging within this City in any business activity other than or in addition to those enumerated in subsections (a), (b), (c),(d) and (e) above; as to such persons the amount of tax on account of such activities shall be equal to the gross income of the business multiplied by the rate of �wo--�Ehr(��{ Ia ) of one per cent. This subsection includes, among other things, and without limiting the scope hereof (whether or not title to material used in the performance of such business passes to another by accession, confusion or other than by outright sale), persons engaged in the bus- iness of rendering any type of service which does not constitute a "sale at retail" or a "sale at wholesale" as herein defined. Section 4. TAXABLE AS TO EACH ACTIVITY: Every person engaging in activities which are within the purview of the provisions of two or more paragraphs (a), (b), (c),(d) and (e) and (f) of Section 3, shall be taxable under each paragraph applicable to the activities engaged in; Provided, however, that persons taxable under paragraph (c) of sai,. Section shall not be taxable under paragraphs (a) or (b) of said section with respect to making sales at retail or wholesale of products extracted or manufactured within the City by such persons. Section 5. DETERMINATION OF VALUES: the value of products, including by-products, extracted or manufactured shall be determined by the gross proceeds derived from the sale thereof whether such sale is at wholesale -9- E 0 or at retail, to which shall be added all subsidies and bonuses received from the purchaser or from any other person with respect to the extraction, manufacture, or sale of such products or by-products by the seller, except: (a) Wherksuch products, including by-products, are extracted or manufactured for commercial or industrial use; (b) Where such products, including by-products, are shipped, trans- ported or transferred out of the City, or to another person, without prior sale or are sold under circumstances such that the gross proceeds from the sale are not indicative of the true value ofthe subject matter of the sale. In the above cases, the value shall correspond as nearly as possible to the gross proceeds from the sales in this city of similar products of like quality and character, and in similar quantities by other tax- payers, plus the amount of subsidies or bonuses ordinarily payable by the purchaser or by any third person with respect to the extraction manufacture, or sale of such products. The City Clerk shall prescribe uniform and equitable rules for the purpose'of ascertaining such values. section G. SEGREGATION BETSVEEN LOCAL AND OUTSIDE BUSINESS: Persons engaging in the business of rendering services,inth within and without the city, or partially without and partially within the city, and main- taining an office or place of business within the city and not else where, shall be taxable on the gross income from the business without regard to the place where the services are rendered. Persons engaged in the business of rendering services without the city, having an office both inside and outside the city, shall be taxable on the gross income from the business rendered outside the city which is administered and/or processed in any way through an office located within the city. A credit shall be given to a taxpayer as to gross income subject to occupational tax of another city for services rendered outside the City of Port Townsend and within another city. ESTABLISHMENTS PARTLY WITHIN ARID PARTLY WITHOUT.' THE CITY : Persons maintaining an office, plant, warehouse or other business establish- -10- ment which is partly within and partly outside of the city, shall be taxable on the value of products, gross proceeds of the sale, or gross income of the business attributable to business within the city, ascer- tained whether (1) by a segregation of business within the business outside the city, shown and supported by separate accounting records, or (2) if such segregation cannot be practicably made, by an apportion= ment to the city of that part of the total value.of products, gross proceeds of sales, or gross income of the business derived from bus- iness both within and outside the city (a) in the proportion that the cost of doing business within the city bears to the cost of doing business both within and outside the city, or (b) when the use of such apportionment factor is impractical or inequitable, by a fair and equitable apportionment of such values, proceeds, or income between business within the city and business outside the city upon such basis, comparable in character to that prescribed in (a) above, as shall be agreed upon by the clerk and the taxpayer after consideration of the facts. Section 7. SALES BY CONSIGNEE, BAILEE, FACTOR OR AUCTIONEER: Every consignee, bailee, factor or attittioneer having eithr actual or constructive possession of tangible personal property, or having poss- ession of the documents of title thereto, with power to sell such tangible personal property in his or its own name and actually so selling, shall be deemed the seller of such tangible personal property within the meaning of this ordinance; and further, the consignee, bailor, principal or owner shall be deemed a seller of such property to the consignee, bailee, factor or auctioneer. The burden shall be on the taxpayer in every case to establish the fact that such taxpayer is not engaged in the business of selling tangible personal property but is acting merely as broker or agent in promoting sales for a principal; such claim will be allowed only when the taxpayer's account records are kept in such a manner as the Clerk shall by general regulation provide. -11- Section 8. EXEMPTIONS: The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to: (a) Any person engaging in any business activity where the value of products, gross proceeds of sales or gross income of the business is less than Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars for a quarterly period; Provided, however, that where one person engagesin more than one business activity and the combined measures of tax appli- cable to such businesses equal or exceed Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars for a quarterly period, no exemption or deduction from the amount of tax is allowed by this provision; Provided, however, that any person clairAxemption under the provisions of this subsection shall be required to file returns as provided herein, even though no tax may be due. (b) All personsl subject to occupational tax under provisions of Ordinance No. 1090 or exempted from payment of occupational tax under Ordinance No. 1550 by reason of payment of a franchise tax upon the gross income or gross earnings of said business are hereby exempted from a levy of an occupational tax under provisions of this ordinance. (c) Any person in respect to insurance business upon which a tax is based on gross premiums is paid to the State of Washington; Provided, however, that the provisions of this subsection shall not exempt any person engaging in the business of representing any insurance company whether as general or local agent or acting as broker for such companies, and provided, further, that the provisions of this subsection shall not exempt any bonding company from tax with respect to gross income derived from the completion of any contract as to which it is a surety, or as to any liability as successor to the liability of the defaulting contractor. (d) Any person in respect to the business of growing or pro- ducing for sale upon his own lands or upon lands in which he has a present right of possession, any agricultural or horticultural product or crop, -12 - ,�'l including the raising for sale of any animal, bird or insect, or the milk, eggs, wool, fur, meat, honey or other substance obtained therefrom, or in respect to the sale of such products at wholesale by such grower, producer or raiser thereof. This exemption shall not apply to any person selling such products at retail; nor to the sale of'any animal or substance obtained th�.xefrom by a person in connection with his busi- ness of operating a stock yard or a slaughter or packing house; nor to any association of persons whatsoever, whether mutual, cooperative or otherwise, engaging in any business activity with respect to which tax liability is imposed under the provisions of this title; (e) Any person in respect to the business of conducting boxing contests and sparring and/or wrestling matches and exhibitions for the conduct of which a license must be secured from the State Athletic Commission. (f) Any person in respect to his employment in the capacity of an employee or servant is distinguished from that of an independent contractor. (g) Fraternal benefit societies, fraternal fire insurance assoc- iations, and beneficiary corporations or societies; PROVIDING, that such corporations or societies provide in their by-laws for the payment of death benefits. (h) Any person in respect to the business of conducting race meets for the conduct of which a license must be secured from the State Horse Racing Commission. (i) The gross sales or the gross income received by corporations which have been incorporated under any act of the Congress of the United States of America and whose principal purposes are to furnish volunteer aid to members of the armed forces of the United States and also to carry on a system of national and international relief and to apply the same in mitigating the sufferings caused by pestilence, famine, fire, floods and other national calamities and to devise and carry on -13- measures for preventing the same. (j) Amounts derived from the lease, rental or sale of real estate; Provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to allow a deduction of amounts derived from engaging in any business wherein a mere license to use or enjoy real property is granted, or to allow a deduction of amounts received as commissions from the sale or rental of real estate. (k) National banks, state banks, trust companies, mutual savings banks, building and loan and savings associations with respect to their banking business, trust business or savings and loan business but not with respect to engaging in any other business taxable -here- under, even though such other business be conducted primarily for the purpose of liquidating the assets thereof; all finance companies, loan companies, individuals or others engaged in making loans are taxable on their grossinterest income. (1) The business of manufacturing, selling or distributing motor vehicle fuel, persons operating motor vehicle service stations on a commission basis are taxable on all commissions, including commissions for the sale of motor vehicle fuel. (m) Liquor as defined by State Law RCIV 66.04. (n) Amounts derived by persons engaged in operating chick hatch- eries from the production and sale of chicks and hatching eggs. Section 9. DEDUCTIONS ALLOWED IN COMPUTING LICENSE FEES: In com- puting the license fee or tax there may be deducted from the measure of tax the following items: (a) Amounts derived by persons, other than those engaging in bank- ing, loan, security or other financial businesses, from investments or the use of money as such. (b) Amounts derived from bona fide initiation fees, dues, contri- butions, donations, tuition fees and ondowment funds. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed to exempt any persons, assoc- iation or society from tax liability upon selling tangible personal property or upon providing facilities or services for which a special -14- , charge is made to members of others; Provided that dues which are for, or graduated upon, the amount of service rendered by the recip- ient thereof are not permitted as a deduction hereunder. (c) The amount of cash discount actually taken by the purchaser. This deduction is not allowed in arriving at the taxable amount under the extractive and/or manufacturing classifications with respect to articles produced or manufactured the reported values of which, for the purpose of this tax, have been computed according to the provisions of Section 5 hereof. (d) The amount of credit losses actually sustained by taxpayers whose regular books of account are kept upon an accrual basis. (e) Amounts derived by any person as compensation for the receiv- ing, trashing, sorting and packing of fresh perishable horticultural products and the material and supplies used therein when performed for the person exempted in subsection (d) of Section 8 herein, either as agent or as independent contractor, (f) Amounts derived from business which the City -is prohibited' from taxing under the Constitution or laws of the State or the Consti- tution or laws of the United States. (g) Amounts derived as compensation for services rendered jor to b@ kendered to patients by a hospital or other institution devoted to the care of human beings with respect to the prevention or treatment of disease, sickness or suffering, when such hospital or other insti- tution is operated by the United States of America or any of its instru- mentalities, or by the State of Washington, or any of its political subdivisions. (h) Amounts derived as compensation for services rendered to patients by a hospital or other institution which is organixed as a non-profit corporation devoted to the care of human beings with respect to the prevention of treatment of disease, sickness or suffering; Provided, that no part of the net earnings received by such an insti- tution shall inure, directly or indirectly, to any person other than -15- ft M the institution entitled to deduction hereunder; Provided further, that in no event shall any such deduction be allowed, unless -the hospital building is entitled to exemption from taxation under the property tax laws of thisstate, and unless the superintendent or other proper officer of the institution shall, under oath, make annual reports to the State Board of health of its receipts and disbursements during the preceding year, specifying in detail the sources from which receipts have been derived, and the subject to which disbursements have been applied, and shall furnish in said report full and complete vital statistics for the use and infor- mation of the State Board of Health. Section 10. BUSINESS LICENSE REQUIRED: on and after the first day of January, 1969, no persons, whether subject to the payment of a tax or not, shall engage in any business or activity in Port Townsend, a municipal corporation, for which a license fee or tax is imposed by this ordinance without having first obtained and being the holder of a valid and subsisting license so to do, to be known as a "Business License" issued under the provisions of this ordinance, as hereinafter provided, and without paying the license fee or tax imposed by this ordinance. The fee or tax for the "Business License" shall be the license fee or tax imposed by this ordinance, and in addition the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00), as a license fee which shall accompany the application for the license, Such license shall expire at the end of the calendar year in which it is issued, and a new license shall be required for each calendar year; PROVIDED, THAT ANY SUCH LICENSE MAY BE RENEWED FROM YEAR TO YEAR UPON APPLICATION WITHOUT TIME PAYMENT OF SUCH FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00) LICENSE FEE. Applications for the license shall be made to and issued by the Clerk on forms provided by him. Said license shall be personal and nontransferable. In case business is transacted at two or more separate places by one tax- payer, a separate license for each place at which business is tran- sacted with -16- 1 i E the public shall be required, but for such additional licenses no additional Five Dollar ($5.00) fee shall be required. Each license shall be numbered, shall show the name, place and character of busi- ness of the taxpayer, such other information as the Clerk shall deem necessary, and shall at all times be Conspicuously posted in the place of business foruhich it is issued. Where a place of business of the taxpayer is changed, the taxpayer shall return to the Clerk the license and new license shall be issued .for the new place of business free of charge. No person to whom- a license has been issued pursuant to this ordinance shall suffer or allow any other person for whom a separate license is requiredto operate under or display his license; nor shall such other person operate under or display such license. Section 11. QUARTERLY PAYMENTS OF BUSINESS LICENSE FEE: the_linense fee or tag: imposed by this ordinance: except the Five Dollars($5.00) . required to accompany the application for this license, shall be due and payable in quarterlyinstallments, and remittance therefor shall be made on or before the fifteenth day of the month next succeeding the end of the quarterly period in which the tax accrued. The remit- tance -shall be made as hereinafter provided and shall be accompanied by a return on a form to be provided and prescribed by the Clerk. To the return the taxpayer shall be required to swear or affirm that the information therein given is full and true and that the taxpayer knows the same to be so. ANNUAL RETURN: Whenever the total tax for:which any person is liable under this ordinance does not exceed the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) for any quarterly period, an annual return may be made upon written request and subject to the approval of the City Clerk. PARTIAL PERIODS: Whenever a taxpayer commences to engage in business during any quarterly period, his first return and.the license fee or tax shall be based upon and cover the portion of the quarterly period during which he is engaged in business. -17- First payments and returns under His ordinance shall be made on or before March 15, 1969. Section 12. PAYMENT OF LICENSE FEES: The license fee or tax payable hereunder shall at thetime the return is required to be filed hereunder be paid to the City Treasurer by bank draft, certified check, cashier's check, personal check or money order, or in cash. If pay- ment is made by draft or check, the tax or fee shall not be deemed paid unless the check or draft is honored in the usual course of busi-- ness; nor shall the acceptance of any sumby the Treasurer be an acquit- tance or discharge of the tax or fee due unless the amount of the pay- ment is in the full and actual amount due. The return shall first be presented to the City Treasurer, who shall endorse thereon the date and amount of the payment received by him and return the same to the taxpayer who shall thereupon forthwith file the return with the Clerk. FORMS: The Clerk is authorized, but not required, to mail to taxpayers forms for applications for license and forms for returns, but failure of the taxpayer to receive any such forms shall not excuse the tax- payer from making application for and securing the license required making the returns, and payment of the license fee or -tax, when and as due hereunder. Section 13. BOOKS OF ACCOUNT: it shall be the duty of every person liable for the payment of any fee or tax imposed by this ordinance to keep and preserve for the period of three years such books and records as will accurately reflect the amount of his gross income, gross pro- ceeds of sale or value of products, as the case may be, and from which can be determined the amount of any fee or tax for which he may be liable under the provisions of this ordinance; and all books, records, invoices, inventories and stocks of goods, wares and merchandise shall be open for examination at all reasonable times by the Clerk or his duly authorized agent. Section 14. FINAL PAYMENT PUBLIC WORK CONTRACT - LICENSE FEES TO BE PAID FIRST: The Clerk shall, before issuing any warrant making final -ls- • • Payment to any person performing any public work contract for the City, require such person to pay in full all license fees or taxes due under the ordinance from such person on account of such contract, or other- wise. Section 15. EXTENSION OF TIME: The Clerk for good cause shown may extend the time for making and filing any return as required under this ordinance, and may grant such reasonable additional time within which to file such return as he may deem proper. Provided, that any extension in escess of 30 days shall be conditioned upon payment of interest of 1/2 of 13 for each 30 days or portion thereof on the amount of the tax from the date upnn which said tax becomes due. If tax return and/or payment are not received within 15 days of due date a penalty must be included as follows: If 16 to 45 days are delinquent, 10% of the tax with a minimum penalty of $1.00. If 46 to 75 days delinquent, 15% of the tax with a minimum penalty of $2.00. If 76 or more days delinquent, 20% of the tax with a minimum penalty of $3.00. Section 16. SALE OR TRANSFER OF BUSINESS: Upon the sale or transfer during any quarterly period of a business on account of which a license fee or tax is hereby required, the purchaser or transferee shall, if the fee or tax has not been paid in full for said quarterly period, be responsible for the payment of the fee or tax for that portion of the quarterly period during which he carried on such business. Section 17. APPLICATIONS.AND RETURNS CONFIDENTIAL: The applications and returns made to the Clerk pursuant to this ordinance shall not be made public, nor shall they be subject to the inspection of any person except the Mayor, City Attorney, City Clerk or his authorized agent, and members of the City Council; and it shall be unlawful for any person to make public or to inform any other person as to the con- tents of any information contained in or to permit inspection bf any application or return except as in this section authorized. -19- Section 18. OVER OR UNDER -PAYMENT OF TAX: If the City Clerk upon investigation or upon checking returns finds that the fee or tax paid Oil any of them is more than the amount required of the taxpayer, he shall refund the amount overpaid by a warrant upon the General Fund. If the Clerk finds that the fee or tax paid is less than required, he shall mail a statement to the taxpayer showing the balance due, who shall within three (3) days pay the amount shown thereon. Section 19. FAILURE TO MAKE RETURN: If any taxpayer fails, neglects or refuses to make his return as and when required herein the Clerk is authorized to determine the amount of the tax payable, and by mail to notify such taxpayer of the amount so determined. The amount so fixed shall thereupon become the tax and be immediately due and payable. Section 20. APPEALS TO THE CITY COUNCIL: Any taxpayer aggrieved by the amount of the fee or tax found by the Clerk to be required under the provisions of this ordinance, may appeal to the City Council from such finding by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within five days from the time such taxpayer wa!s given none of such amount.The Clerk shall, as soon as practicable, fix a time and place for the hearing of such appeal, which time shall be not more than ten days after the filing of the notice of appeal, and he shall cause a notice of the time and place thereof to be mailed to the appellant. At such hearing the taxpayer shall be entitled to be heard and to introduce evidence in his own behalf. The City Council shall thereupon ascertain the correct amount of the fee or tax by resolution and the City Clerk shall immediately notify the appellant thereof by mail, which amount, together with costs of the appeal, if appellant is unsuccessful therein, must be paid within three days after such notice is given. -20- The Mayor or the Chairman of any committee of the City Council before which the appeal is to be heard, may, by subpoena, require the attendance thereat of any person, and may also require him to produce any pertinent books and records. Any person served with such subpoena shall appear at the time and place therein stated and produce the books and records required, if any, and shall testify truthfully under oath administered by the Chairman in charge of the hearing on appeal as to any matter required of him pertinent to the. appeal, and it shall be unlawful for him to fail or refuse so to do. Section 21. CLBRIC TO MAKE RULES: The Clerk shall have the power, and it shall be his duty, from time to time, to a dopt, publish and enforce rules and regulations not inconsistent with this ordinance orwith law for the purpose of carrying out the provisions hereof, and it shall be unlawful to violate or fail to comply with, any such rule or.regulation. Section 22. MAILING OF NOTICES: Any notice required by this ordinance to be mailed to any taxpayer shall be sent by ordinary mail, addressed to the address of the taxpayer as shown by the records of the Clerk, or if no such address is shown, to such add- ress as the Clerk is able to ascertain by reasonable effort, fail- ure of the taxpayer to receive any such mailed notice shall not release the taxpayer from any tax or any penalties thereon, nor shall such failure operate to extend any time limit set by the pro- visions of this ordinance. Section 23. rALSE RETURNS, LTC.: it shall be unlawful for any person liable to tax hereunder to fail or refuse to secure the license, to make the returns as and when required or to pay the fee or tax when due, or for any person to make any false or fraud- ulent application or return or any false statement or representa- tion in, or in connection iwth, any such application or return, or to aid or abet another in any attempt to evade payment of the fee or tax, or any part thereof, or for any person to fail -21- ;, to appear and/or testify in response to subpoena issued pursuant hereto, or to testify falsely upon any investigation of the correct- ness of a return, or upon the hearing of any appeal, or in any manner whatsoever to hinder or delay the City or any of its officers in carrying out the provisions of this ordinance. Section 24. LICENSE FEE ADDITIONAL TO OTIiERS: The license fee and tax herein levied shall be additional to any license fee or tax imposed or levied under any law or any other ordinance of Port Townsend, a municipal corporation, except as herein other- wise expressly provided. Section 25. TAX CONSTITUTES DEBT: Any license fee or tax due and unpaid under this ordinance, and all penalties thereon, shall constitute a debt to Port Townsend, a municipal corporation, and may be collected by court proceedings in the same manner as any other debt in like amount, which remedy shall be in addition to all other existing remedies. The right of recovery by the City of Port Townsend from the taxpayer for any tax provided hereunder shall be outlawed after the expiration of three, (3) years and the right of recovery against the City of Port Townsend because of overpayment of tax by any taxpayer shall be outlawed after the expiration of three (3) years after which time the taxpayer shall have no right to recovery against the City of Port Townsend. Section 26. APPLICATION TO CITY'S BUSINESS ACTIVITIES: When- ever Port Townsend, a municipal corporation, through any depart- ment or division shall engage in any busness activity which if engaged in by any person would under this ordinance require a Business License and the payment of a license fee or tax by such person, the City department or division engaging in such business activity shall as to such business activity at the same time and in the same manner as persons are required hereunder make returns and from the funds of such department or division pay the license fees or taxes imposed hereunder. Section 27. REVOCATION OF LICENSE: The Clerk may revoke the license issued to any taxpayer who is in default in any payment of any license fee or tax hereunder, or who shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance. Notice of such revocation shall be mailed to the taxpayer by the Clerk, and on and after the date thereof any such taxpayer who continues to engage in business shall be deemed to be operating without a license and shall be subject to any or all penalties herein provided. Section 28. PENALTIES: Any person Violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance or any lawful rule or regulation adopted by the Clerk pursuant thereto, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine in any sum nbt to exceed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both fine and imprisonment. Any taxpayer who engages in, or carries on, any business sub- ject to a tax hereunder without having his "Business License" so to do shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance for each day during which the business is so engaged in, or carried on; and any taxpayer who fails or refuses to pay the license fee or tax, or any part thereof, on or before the due date, shall be deemed to be operating without having his license so to do. Section 29. EFFECT OF PARTIAL INVALIDITY: if any provision or section of this ordinance shall be held void or unconstitutional all other parts, provisions and sections of this ordinance not expressly so held to be void or unconstitutional shall continue in full force and effect. Section 30. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of January, 1969. -23- Section 31. SPECIFIC NONREPEALER. Nothing herein shall construed as a repeal of any of the provisions of Qddinances of the City of Port Townsend numbered as follows: 571, 871, 724, 873, 766, 1090, 1155, 1204, 1235, 1237; 1353, 1437, 1465 or 1498. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor, this 19th day of November, 1968. ATTEST: Al r,/1 �. �G�� � co Ga-] I. Xo ILLod C yi'Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Gl�raS Citj Attorney CKIC FRANK M. SMITH Mayor 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1554 2 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING A DAILY LICENSE FOR 3 DOOR TO DOOR SALES, PROVIDING LEES THEREFOR, ESTABLISIIING APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS, AND 4 REQUIRING DISPLAY OF LICENSE, ANa PR.vfAlm& Phi Myifs. 5 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT T0�4NSEND in regular session p .assembled, do ordain as follows:' 7 Section 1. From and after January 1, 1969, every person who .8 ''shall make any offering or solicitation of sale at any private i 9 residence in theCity of -Port Townsend, whether or not a transfer 10 of goods, intangibles, services or money take place at the time, 11 I.shall be required to have first made ap,p;>lication for and received; 12 ;a license for "door to door sales," from the City Clerk, and to 13 ;have paid the fee therefor. i 14 ,, Section 2. The Term "Sales" as used in Section 1 hereof shall, 15 ':embrace every transaction in which any exchange of goods for money, 16 ".services for money, or goods for goods, shall be involved, whether 17 or not the transaction shall involve real property, personal pro- . 18 :,perty, improvements to real property or any other tangible or 19 intangible property interest. 20 Section 3. Each person required to obtain such license shall: 21 `'make application therefor to the City Clerk and shall supply his; 22 ;'name, firm name, if any, address, nature of business, length of 23 .,time that operations will be conducted in theCity, and such other 24 information as the City Clerk may reasonably require, together 25 'with two references as to character and responsibility of the 26 ..applicant. 27:` Section 4. The City Clerk may make such inquiry as to the 28•identity and background of the applicant as may be reasonable, 29 and the City Police Department shall cooperate with the City Clerk 30 in such inquiry. 31 Section 5. No license shall be issued by the City Clerk until. 32 the sum of $ 25.)0• shall have been paid, as the license fee �\ 13LENN A13RANAM � MOUNT UAKCR GLUuK �f PORT TOWNGCNO, WAONINGTON ■ 1 THEREFOR. 2 Section 6. The license herein provided shall be for one day 3 only, provided, however, that upon application being made, the . 'City Cl¢k may issue: such license for more than one day upon payment! 5 '.of the sum of $'p by the applicant for each additional 0 day so granted. 7 Section 7. Every person who engages in any transaction pur- 8 suant to the license: herein provided shall display said license 9 to the householder, or such other person as may be involved, prior 10 `:to engaging in any negotiation, solicitation or presentation in i 11 :;connection with such transaction. 12 Section 8. The conduct of any business, negotiation or i 13 •:solicitation forViich a license is required by this Ordinance 14 "shall be deemed a misdemeanor, unless said license shall first have' 15 '':been obtained, and each such act shall constitute a separate mis- '• 1a :;demeanor and may be prosecuted as such. 17 Section 9. This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 18 1969, and after its passage, approval and publication in the form 19 ;and manner required by law. 20 Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the 21 i:Council and approved by the Mayor,on December , 1968. - 22 23 L1 -FRANK-M./SMITH _ 24 Maydr. TT ST: 25 A 26 �G E �s.I YAt&GBL00D 27 City cl rk 28 AP -D AS FO 29 G • AB RA AM 30 CiW Attorney 31 32 GLENN A13RAHAM MEANT RAKER PLUCK PURTTCWNOENU. WAUHM12TCN r , ORDINANCE NO. 1555 1 , AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCES NUMBER 878, 2 881, 1237, and Sec. 1 of 1052. 3 'THE CITY COUNCIL Or THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, in regular session 4 ,assembled, do ordain as follows: 5 Section 1. Ordinance No. 878, passed February.20, 1917, - — 1 i 6 :as amended by Ordinance 881, passed May 1, 1917, relating to the 7 (,licensing of bowling alleys, billiard tables, pool tables and 8 ;;shooting galleries; Ordinance No. 1237, passed March 2, 1949, il 9 'irelating to the licensing of shuffleboards; and Section 1 of 10 :;Ordinance No. 1052, passed May 28, 1935, relating to the licensing. i 11 ;;of theatres; are each here and hereby repealed. 12 I° Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its 13 ;,passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required i 14 j�by law. i , 1 15 Read for the first, second and third tames, passed by the 16 !;Council and approved by the Mayor this 17th day of Decembep, 1968.' 17 18 i'RA1 K M. SMITH Mayor ! AT ST: 20 21� E 1. - O GB OOD I ! CityClerk.) 22 23 APPAWa. AS TO 1: 24 i F 25 is WN 26 ;;cl Attorne 27 . 28 . 29 30 31 ti 32 :.,.. GLENN ABRAHAM \ MOUNT BAKER OLOOK PORT TOWNBLNO. WABHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 1556 1 AN ORDINANCE AMLNUING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1367, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1404. 2 ;,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, in regular session 3 ,,assembled, do ordain as follows: 4 :': 1, Section 1. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1367, passed August 5€ i 14, 1959, as amended by Ordinance No. 1404, passed August 1, 1961, ,is here and hereby amended to read as follows: I 7. $ "Section 3. The annual license fee for garbage collection j 9 .and disposal franchise licenses will be the sum of $1.00 per year,. -and revenues thereby realized are hereby allocated to the Current 10 ,,Expense fund of City." 1I i� Section 2. This Ordinance shall take affect January 1, 1969,� ' 12 Wafter its passage, approval and publication as required by law. 13 i Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the a 14 :iiCouncil and approved by the Mayor December 17, 1968.15 ; Mayor 1g ;;• k 19 ;'ATTEST:. 20 ��GLi �� rt f �. E I..Y UNOD 22;,City Cler 22 APPD AS TO. RM: 23 i ,1 2 ;G ABRAIiAM 25 Ci Attorney 26 27 ' 28 . 29, 30 31 32 GLHNN ARRAHAM MOUNT DAKCR BLOCK • PORT TOWNOCNO, WAOHINOTON W'., ORDINANCE NO. 1557 1 IAN ORDINANCE: AMENDING SECTION 3 of ORDINANCE NO. 1402, PASSED AUGUST 1, 1961. 2 3 ;THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or PORT TOWNSE,ND, in regular session 4 ;;assembled, do ordain as follows: 5 Section I. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1402, passed August 1,i g ;.1961, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 7 "Section 3. The annual license fee for sewage disposal a ;'franchise licenses is $1.00 per year, and the revenuEs therefrom . i ' g �:are here and hereby allocated to the Current Expense Fund of the 10 `'City." 11 Section 22. This Ordinance shall take effect on January .I- 12 �1969, after its passage, approval and publication as required by i 13 'Maw. 14`1 Read for the first, second andthird tunes, passed by the 15 "Council and approved by the Mayor December 17, 1968. i 16 4+- 67 17 Mayor 19 .ATTEST: 20 'GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD 21 ;j City Cler 22 ;APPR AS TO F 23 24 G rJN M 25 ° Ci ttorney - -- - - 26 i; 27 28 29 : 30 31 32 V, 13LENN ABRAHAM MOUNT BAKER DLO0K PORT TOWNSEND, WABNINOTON ORDINANCE NO. 1558 1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1370, as AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1403. 2 3 ',,TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN regular session 4 ;'assembled, do ordain as follows: g ',; Section 1. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1370, passed August 4,� 8 ',i1959.,. as amended by Ordinance No. 1403, passed August 1, 1961;. 7 j s here and hereby amended to read as follows: 8 ' "Section 3. The annual license fee for water utility 9 � franchise license is $1.00 per year, and the revenues therefrom 10 ` are allocated to the Current Expense Fund of the City." 11 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 12 i•1969, after its passage, approval and publication as required by 13 law. 14 '.° Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the 15 „Council and approved by the Mayor on December 17, 1968, 17 �RANIM: �SMITII� ' Mayor j l8 j :!ATTEST: 19 i� i 20 'GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk f 21 i1 ' 1J 22 i, I E, APP AS T 0RM 23 24 6 G • HRAH i C3.t Attorney 25 26 i 27 , 28 r . 29 30 31 32 BLENN ABRAHAM ' MOUNT OAKER OLOOK J AORTTOWNCCNO, WADHINOTON �f , ORDINANCE.' NO._/,jC 1 . AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUN OF $2,309.00, 2 TO THE CAPITAL OUTLAY APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY STREET FUND IN THE 1969 BUDGET AND DECLARING AN 3 Lill;RGI:�FCY. 4 'THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT. TO'WNSEND in regular session 5 :!assembled, do ordain as follows: _ i Section 1. 'There is here and hereby appropriated to the capital 7 .,outlay appropriation for the street fund in t1-1969 Budgetof the © City of Port Townsend the sum of $2,309.00, for purchase of a g ;.certain truck, in addition to any other sum or sums appropriated i •, i 10 :for capital outlay in said budget. 11 Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be i _ i 12 -an emergency requiring appropriation made in Section 1 hereof. 13 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, I i 14 i4approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. 15 i Read for the first time'and at a regular council meeting held, j lg !on January 7 , 1969, read for the second and third times, passed 17 :by the Council and approved by Sze Mayor at a regular meeting on 18 ;?January,21, 1969. � • 20 tf" FRANK ' P . -SMITH mayor 21 i 22 ATT4-ST 23 G I.T-YO NG LOOD 24 i'City Clerk I 25 !'AP AS TO ORM: 2B G�ABRAH A 27 •CiLfy Attorney a 28 j i 29 ' 30 31 r � 32 GLENN A13RAHAM MOUNT UAKER PLOOK PORT TOWNUENO. WAONINOTON I1 ORDINANCE NO. 1- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION l OF ORDINANCE NO. 1446, AND THEREBY INCREASING THE SALARY OF THE CITY TREASURER. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1446, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 15, 1963, be and is J hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. That commencing with the month of February, 1969, the compensation to be paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Port Townsend for the balance of the four year term which commenced on April 1, 1964, be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $550.00 per month for each month served during the remainder of said term, said term being subject to statutory adjustment as to duration. That the compensation to be paid to City Councilmen for terms commencing on or after April 1, 1964, be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $10.00 for each meeting attended during one month, up to and including, but not exceeding, two meetings in any one month, and providing that such attendance shall be allowed only for regular meetings of said City Council." Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form -and manner required by law. �. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Coun- cil and approved by the Mayor this 21st day of January, 1969. FRANK hS: SMITH -- Mayor ATTEST: E I. UN LOOD City ClerkV APPROVED AS TO'FORM: GLENN AI3RAHAM ity Attorney �71550 Franchise (Special) 1551 Franchise (Special) 1552 Street vacation (Special) 1553 Business licenses (5.04) 1554 Door to door sales license (5.72) 1555 Repeals Ords. 878, 881, 1237, and 51 of Ord. 1052 (Repealer) 1556 Amends 53 of Ord. 1367, garbage collection license (5.20) 1557 Amends §3 of Ord. 1402, sewage disposal franchise licenses (Repealed by 1848) 1558 Water utility franchise license (Repealed by Ord. 1559 Appropriation (Special) 1560 Amends §1 of Ord. 1446, salary of city treasurer (Not codified) 1561 Labor agreement (Special) 1562 Franchise (Special) 1563 Adopts comprehensive plan (Not codified) 1564 Franchise (Special) 1565 Arterial street fund (3.04) 1566 Alley vacation (Special) 1567 Street maintenance agreement (Special) 183 (Port Townsend 6/86) 1568 Street vacation (Special) 1569 Appropriation (Special) 1570 Appropriation (Special) 1571 Cumulative reserve fund (3.04) 1572 Bonds (Special) 1573 Tax levy (Special) 1574 Street vacation (Special) 1575 Appropriation (Special) 1576 1969 budget (Special) 1577 Garbage collection budget (Special) 1578 Water -sewer budget (Special) 1579 Tax levy (Special) 1580 Street vacation (Special) 1581 Appropriation (Special) 1582', 1582 Amends Ord. 1370 53, repeals Ord. 1558 (Repealed by 1848 1583 Plat approval, Pederson Addition (Special) 1584 Street vacation (Special) 1585 Transfer of funds (Special) 1586 Sales or use tax (3.12) 1587 Repair of reservoir contract (Special) 1588 Amends $7 Ord. 1301, dog licenses (Repealed by 1698) 1589 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1590 1970 budget, appropriation (Special) 1591 Street vacation (Special) 1592 Street vacation (Special) 1593 Alley vacation (Special) 1594 .Streets vacation (special) 1595 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1596 Lease of portion of Madison Street (Special) 1597 Emergency appropriation (Special) a 1598 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1594 Emergency appropriation (Special) I •0 •• ORDINANCE NO.� AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT T111 MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO LABOR UNION AGREEMENTS WITH THE SERVICE.EMPLOYwES INTERNATIONAL UNION, LOCAL No. 262, GOVLtN- ING WORKING CONDITIONS AND WAGES FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE EMPLOYEES AND THE PORT TOWNSEND POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES FOR THE YEAR 1969. r TI•IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND,. IN REG �,AR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are here,and here- by authorized and directed to execute, in behalf of the City of Port Townsend, contracts governing wages and working eqn- ditions for the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service Employees and Port Townsend Police Department classified employees, for the year 1969, which contract shall be made with Service Employees International Union, 262, AFL-CIO of Bremerton, Washington, for the year 1969, copies of which contract shall be retained on file by the said i City Clerk, and which contracts have bean negotiated by the City Council and the said Service Employees International Union, Local No. 262, the certified bargaining agent for the i said Police Department and Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service. t . Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner requir- ed by law. �. i Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the jCouncil and approved by the Mayor at a regular meeting on Febru- ary 18 1969. FRANK M. SMITH Mayor AT' EST: GBLOOD City Cl'e�.k'-- APP D ASS ORD Citfy Attorney 0 ORDINANCE N'.) . AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SHELL OIL COMPANY, INCORPORATED, A VIRGINIA CORP- ORATION, AND ITS ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE AND RE- MOVE PIPE LINES ACROSS A STREET IN THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, AND GRANTING TO SAID SHELL OIL COMPANY, INC., A VIRGINIA CORPORATION, AND ITS ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO OPERATE , MAINTAIN AND REMOVE A WHARF IN SAID CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to the Shell Oil J Company, Inc., a Virginia Corporation, and its assigns, the right to construct, lay, maintain, operate and remove pipe lines upon and across Front Street in the City of Port Townsend, Wash- ington, for a period of one year from and after March 21, 1969. Section 2. If at any time the City Council of Port Town- send deems it advisable to relocate, improve or otherwise change said Front Street, Shell Oil Company, Inc., a Virginia Corpor- ation, and its assigns, shall upon written notice given by said City Council of the City of Port Townsend, immediately so remove, change or alter its pipes and pipe lines and other equipment used in connection therewith, so as to conform to such change in said street. The cost of so moving, changing or altering such pipes and pipe lines will be at the expense of Shell Oil Company, Inc., a Virginia Corporation, or its assigns. Section 3. shell Oil Company, Inc., a Virginia Corporation, and its assigns, assumes all liability for damages arising by reason of the location of said pipes or pipe lines in said Street. Section 4. That there is hereby granted to the Shell oil Company, Inc., a Virginia Corporation, and its assigns, the right to operate, maintain and remove a wharf not to exceed one hundred (100) ft. in width, with suitable approaches and such other struc- -1- -Y L\ID N) tures as may be necessary, in the City of Port Townsend, for a period of ten (10) years from and afterthe date of t*dry effect of this said Ordinance, the location thereof being substantially as follows: Extending out from Lots 5 and 7, in Block 19, L.B. Hastings rirst Addition to the City of Port Townsend, southerly over, upon and across Front Streetto its south line thereof, together with the right to install pipes thereon for the transporthtion of oil, petro- leum and its products, water and other fluids, in connection with the operation of said dock. Section 5. The said wharf shall be maintained in substan- tially the same location and in the same manner that it is now in, with the right and privilege hereby granted the said Shell Oil Company, Inc., a Virginia Corporation, and its assigns to repair, improve, add to and maintain or remove the same as herein provided. Section 6. The said wharf and its approaches shall be maintained in a substantial and workmanlike manner, and shall be subject to inspection by and.approval of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend. Section 7. That the Shell Oil Company, Inc., a Virginia Corporation, and its assigns, shall pay to the City of Port Town- send the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per annum for each and every year during the term of this franchise, said sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) to be payable in advance on or before the 25th day of March, 1969; that in case the said grantee or its assigns shall fail to comply with any or all of the conditions of this Ordinance, then and thereupon this franchise shall become null and void and all rights and franchise herein granted shall become forfeited. Section 8. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and filing of the acceptance of the same by said grantee, and from and after five -2- (5) days after its publication as required by law. Introduced and read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of February, .1969. Introduced and'read for the second and third times at a• regular meeting of the City Council held on the day. of 1969. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 18th day of February, 1969. �- TFRANK M. SMITH Mayor, ATTEST: E I. YQ BLO00D City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: r CJkFy Attorney -3 - "t� 0 Ll .i 11 Lf ORDINANCE NO._LIZJ CQMP)(6H* Nf1 V t AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE el-TYAPLAN SUB- MITTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL BY THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ON FEBRUARY 4, 1969. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Port Townsend has duly and regularly submitted to the City Council a proposed Comprehensive Plan for said city, which plan was submitted on February 4, 1969, and the Council having duly considered the same, does ordain as follows: Section 1. The Comprehensive Plan submitted to the City Council by the City Planning Commission at a regular meeting of the City Council on February 4, 1969, be and is hereby adopted as the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on February 18, 19f 9. FRANK M. SMITH Mayor ATT• T: E I Y U BLOOD C3.ty C e� I APP AS T �O�RMJ GL ;BRAHAIN City ttorney ry,� TOWN OF PORT TOWNSENB 1' ORDINANCE An ordinance granting to Puget Sound Power & Light Company, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to set, erect, construct, maintain and operate poles and wires in, over, under, upon,, along and across the streets, avenues, alleys and public places of the To vh of Port Townsend for the purpose of transmission, distribution and sale of electric power, heat and light, and for any other purpose or purposes for which electricity may be used, C'r r yy- Be it ordained by the council of the 'Fo% of Port Townsend: SECTION I That there be and is hereby granted to Puget Sound Power & Light. Company, a corporation, hereinafter called the grantee, and to its successors and assigns for a period of thirty ( 30) years from and after the passage of this ordinance, subject to all the terms and conditions hereof, the right, privilege, authority and franchise for itself, its successors and assigns, to construct, erect, alter, improve, renew, repair, operate and maintain electric transmission and distribution lines, consisting of poles with necessary anchors, and with or without crossarms, and transmission, distribution, service and private telephone and signal wires and other appurtenances attached thereto, or underground cables together with appurtenances necessary thereto where such underground facilities have been specially contracted for, and to transmit and distribute thereover electric current and energy for power, light, heat and all other purposes for which such current and energy may be used, upon, Page 2 SECTION I (Continued) over, under, across and along all of the streets, avenues, alleys and public o yy places within the To7iv'n of Port Townsend for municipal, domestic and mane- ' factoring uses, and for any other purpose or purposes, use or uses, to which i electricity may be put, and to charge and collect tolls, rates and compensation for such current, power, heat, light and other uses. The grant hereby made is intended to, and does, include any, all and i • every of the streets, avenues, alleys, highways, and public grounds and 3 places of the Town of Port Townsend as now laid out, platted and dedicated, i and of record in the office of the County Auditor of Jefferson County, Washington, and all avenues, streets, alleys, highways.and public grounds and places that may be hereafter laid out and dedicated within the present limits of the said Tavof Port Townsend, and within the limits thereof as the same may hereafter be extended. i SECTION II All poles shall be erected and maintained at such places and position upon said streets, avenues, alleys and public places as shall least interfere j: with the free passage of traffic and in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington regulating such construction, Whenever it shall be necessary in the erection, repair or substitution of any such poles or.other apparatus to make an excavation in an street avenue alley or public lace said grantee, I Y Y Y p. p g' , its successors and assigns shall without delay restore the surface of said street, avenue, alley or public place as nearly as practicable to the same condition it was in before the doing of such work. SECTION Ill The said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pay all damages 1 Page 3 SECTION III (Continued) C'17/ suffered by the Town of Port Townsend or by any person, firm or corporation, resulting from the construction, maintenance or operation of said poles, wires, appurtenances, equipment and facilities and shall indemnify the Town of Port Townsend against and hold it harmless from any and all claims made against C( the T of Port Townsend arising out of such construction, maintenance and C r' operation, provided, however, that in case any claim is filed with the T� of Port Townsend or any suit or action is institated against said town by reason of any such damage or injury, the Council shall cause written notice thereof to be given said grantee and the said grantee shall have the right to defend any such suit or action, SECTION IV That whenever any person shall have obtained permission of the FQsvtr of Port Townsend to use any street of the said town for the purpose of moving any building, the grantee, its successors and assigns upon seven (7) days' written notice from the �-cWn,Clerk of said Town -shall raise or remove at the expense of the person desiring to move such building any of its or their wires which may obstruct the removal of such building, provided, that the moving of such building shall be done in accordance with the regulations and general G, ordinances of the TGwwn in such reasonable manner as shall cause least inter- ference with the business of said grantee, its successors and assigns, and where more than one street is available for the moving of such building the building shall be moved on such street as shall cause least interference with the lines of said grantee, its successors and assigns, It is further provided that the person or persons moving such building will indemnify and save said grantee harmless of and from any and all damages or claims of whatsoever kind or Page 4 SECTION IV (Continued) nature caused directly or indirectly from such temporary arrangement of the lines and poles of the grantee. SECTION V If the To.X%In of Port Townsend shall acquire by purchase or condemnation during the term of this franchise any of the grantee's property erected here- under, the addition to the sum of all other elements of value by reason of the element which is the right to occupy the public ways evidenced by this franchise, shall be no greater than the actual cost of obtaining such franchise. SECTION VI The F-6"1 of Port Townsend shall have the right during the entire period of this franchise, to place and maintain at its own expense and risk upon the poles erected or maintained by the grantee, its successors or assigns, free of charge, police and fire alarm wires and other related apparatus, SECTION VII This franchise is granted upon the express condition that it shall not be deemed or held to be an exclusive franchise and shall not in any manner prohibit the Tmv�n of Port Townsend from granting other and further franchise over, under, upon and along any of said public, streets, avenues, alleys or public places. SECTION VIII That in order to claim any right or benefit under this ordinance said grantee shall within thirty ( 30) days after the approval hereof file with the c`!r% Town Clerk its acceptance in writing of this ordinance, 0 Page 5 SECTION 1X This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. INTRODUCED THE ($ DAY OF >!Fbit vn T r M 19 Q . —T-- PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN'OF PORT TOW\SEND ON THE I f _ DAY OF Fei K v,0621 19 E . APPROVED BY ME THIS _ � DAY OF 1907 �• Signed: C t�?;�: �'i�1S�I Mayor of the Tawrt of Port Townsend ATTEST BY: Signed:���� " Cle—r'of th v/nf Port Townsend 7 J C��r �QT4iktify� ORDINANCE NO.1,LSC+1 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN URBAN ARTERIAL STREET FUND, AUTHORIZING DEPOSIT'S THEREIN AND WITHDRAWALS THEREFROM. TUB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. There is here and hereby established for the City tit of Port Townsend an urban arterial street fund, for the purpose of creating a depository and fund for expenditure of urban arterial street funds consistent with the allocations to said fund provided by the laws of the state of Washington. Section 2. The Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are here and hereby authorized to make such deposits, draw warrants and honor warrants for and upon said urban arterial street fund as may be permitted by statute. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor this lst day of April, 1969. 114Y.+c PRO z6" ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk, APPR AS TO RM: GL APO BRAHA CCtf Attorney ORDINANCE NO.,d�� AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT CERTAIN ALLEY LYING IN BLOCK 32 OF THE RAILROAD ADDITION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That certain alley lying in Block 32 of the Railroad Addition to the City of Port Townsend be and the'same is.hereby vacated. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided by law, and upon payment of costs by Petitioners for vacation. Section 3. An easement is here and hereby reserved through the portion of alley vacated, for the purpose of installing and maintaining water, sewer and other utility lines. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the /J Council and approved by the Mayor, this 17th day of June, 1969. L- MITH- ��i RAtvx Mayor ATI#ST ro E. G LIY OG OOD City Clerk . APP �DAS T FORM: tL N"ABRAHAY4 C y Attorney CITY OF POr[f '+f,W,1,;E1JD ORDINANCE 110. 2 VIIiEREAS, there are My Streets in the City of Port Toi-msond which are in need of mainhenance and repn r, and, -1-91EtiEAS, the county has a,.;reed to perform said work, MaJ THEREi ORB-- BE IT ORDATUED BY THE GUY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POW TO11I4SEIM: That the uFreement, copy of which is attachod heretu;3 by and botween the County of Jeffemon, and the City of Fort Toim and for work on city streets, be'and the sam is hereby approved. DATED this dad* of A pe 1),V R S T-o �• k M; 9 r] ORDINANCE NO. j, G AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF l3TH STREET LYING BETWEEN THE EAST BOUNDARY OF GISE STREET AND WEST BOUNDARY OF HOLCOMB STREET. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of 13th St. lying between the East �. boundary of Gise St. and the West boundary of Holcomb St. be and the same is hereby vacated. Section 2. The foregoing vacation is granted on the condi- tion that easements for water, sewer, and other utility lines be and are hereby reserved in said portion of street, and on the further condition that costs of publication of this Ordinance be paid by petitioners. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its pas- sage, approval and publication in tlieform and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor, this.,.15th day of July, 1969..---�? iv Ma AT ST: I. _ GB OOD City Clerk APPR -V. D AS T FORM: G �AB�11' Ci Attorney ;I r • ORDINANCE NO . _I'_o AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,500.00 TO SALARIES AND WAGES IN THE 1969 BUDGET OF THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE:, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to salaries and wages in the 1969 Budget of the Port Townsend Collection Service the sum of $1,500.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appro- priation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read ,for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council on August 5, 1969; read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on August 19, 1969. RANK PI GSM T h Mayor A` EST: OU GBLOOD City C1 r>� APP AS A T: G ABRAIiA Ci Attorney IS7G ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1246.00 TO SALARIES AND WAGES IN THE 1969 BUDGET OF THE PORT TOWNSEND PUBLIC LIBRARY, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Thereis here and hereby appropriated to salaries and wages in the 1969 Budget of the Port Townsend Public Library the sum of $1,246.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a regular meeting of the City Council on August 5, 1969; read for the second and third times,passed by the Council and approved by thaMayor on August 18, 1969. /1 FRANK NI lSA1ITH'' Mayor AT " ST: E I. 0 GBLOOD City Clerk' APP AS TO M: G RAI C' y Attorney __(Special) Uri 1550 Franchise 1551 Franchise (Special) 1552 Street vacation (Special) 1553 Business licenses (5.04) r 1554 Door to door sales license (5.72) 1555 Repeals Ords. 878, 881, 1237, and §1 of Ord. 1052 (Repealer) 1556 Amends 93 of Ord. 1367, garbage collection license (5.20) 1557 Amends 53 of Ord. 1402, sewage disposal franchise licenses (Repealed by 1848) ) 1558 Water utility franchise license (Repealed by Ord. 1582: 1559 Appropriation (Special) 1560 Amends 91 of Ord. 1446, salary of city treasurer (Not codified) 1561 Labor agreement (Special) 1562 Franchise (Special) 1563 Adopts comprehensive plan (Not codified) 1564 Franchise (Special) 1565" Arterial street fund (3.04) 1566 Alley vacation (Special) 1567 Street maintenance agreement (Special) 183 (Port Townsend 6/86) 1568 Street vacation (Special) 1569 Appropriation (Special) 1570 Appropriation (Special) --'1571 cumulative reserve fund (3.04) 1572 Bonds (Special) 1573 Tax levy (Special) 44 1574 Street vacation (Special) i 1575 Appropriation (Special) �3 1576 1969 budget (Special) 1577 Garbage collection budget (Special) 1578 Water -sewer budget (Special) 1579, Tax levy (Special) 1580 Street vacation (Special) /1581 Appropriation (Special) 1582 Amends Ord. 1370 §3, repeals Ord. 1558 (Repealed by 1848 1583 Plat approval, Pederson Addition (Special) 1584 Street vacation (Special) 1585 Transfer of funds (Special) 1586 Sales or use tax (3.12) 1587 Repair of reservoir contract (Special) 1588 Amends 57 Ord. 1301, dog licenses (Repealed by 1698) 1589 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1590 1970 budget, appropriation (Special) 1591 Street vacation (Special) 1592 Street vacation (Special) 1593 Alley vacation (Special) 1594 Streets vacation (Special) 1595 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1596 Lease of portion of Madison Street (Special) 1597 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1598 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1599 Emergency appropriation (Special) ORDINANCE NO. 1571 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A CUMULATIVE RESERVE FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING, PLANNING AND MAINTAIN - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, PROVIDING FOR A METHOD OF DISBURSEMENT THEREFROM AND AUTHORIZING INVESTMENT OF BALANCES IN SAID FUND. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEYD, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby established a fund for the depositand expenditure of monies appropriated thereto in. annual budgets of the City of Port Townsend, to be known as the "Cumulative Reserve Fund." Section 2. The Cumulative Reserve Fund shall be a fund established for the accumulation,of funds for capital improvements for said City, and its various departments, and shall be used upon proper and lawful budget procedures, as provided by the Laws of the State of Washington and the City of Port Townsend. Section 3. The Cumulative Reserve Fund shall be for the purchase, p anning and construction of capital improvements of the said City, both for improvement and acquisition of real property, and for the acquisition of personal property and equipment for which the City Council has made lawful authorization and appropriation. Section 4. No expenditures shall be made from said Cumulative Reserve Fund except upon appropriation in an annual City budget or emergency ordinance as provided by law. Section 5. The City Treasurer is here and hereby authorized, with the consent of the Finance Committee of the City Council first being required, to invest the monies held in the said Cumulative Reserve Fund, and to reinvest the same, in such government securities and bank accounts as may be permitted by the laws of the State of Washington. Section 6. Vouchers shall be drawn, and warrants shall be issued and paidYnsaid Cumulative Reserve fund in the same manner as for other City funds. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval ancdpubl.ication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on September 16, 1969. AT EST: y i E I O GBLOOD City C e APPROVED AS TO FORIA: 4; G ABRAHAhI' Cites Attorney Mayor f ORDINANCE NO. 1. %1 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DECLARING THAT THE PUBLIC SAFETY, WELFARE AND CONVENIENCE REQUIRE C A P.ITA L IMPROVEMENTS TO THE EXISTING CITY HALL AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING, AND ACQUISITION OF LANDS FOR CITY PURPOSES AND, FINDING THAT THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IS NECESSARY FOR SUCH'PURPOSES, AND PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION TO THE ELECTORS OF TILE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND OF A PROPOSITION FOR THE ISSUANCE AND PAYMENT OF GENERAL OBLIGA- TION BONDS FROM GENERAL TAX LEVIES FOR SAID PUR- POSE TO MATURE IN TWENTY YEARS AT AN INTEREST RATE NOT TO EXCEED 8%, AND TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS OF SAID CITY AT THE GENERAL ELECTION OF NOVEMBER 4, 1969. WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that the City of Port Townsend, hereinafter called "The City," construct and install necessary capital improvements to the existing City Hall, acquire real estate therefor and construct a Public Works Building, and WHEREAS, in order to provide funds necessary for the cost of such capital improvements it is also deemed necessary to sell general obligation bonds in the principal sum of $335,000.00, to , be paid from general tax levies, now therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. It is hereby found and declared that the public safety, welfare and convenience require that capital improvements be constructed and installed for the existing City Hail, that a Public Works Building be constructed, and that lands be acquired for the purpose of expansion of the City Hall and related city ser- vices. Section 2. For the purpose of providing funds for such capi- tal improvements it is found that the issuance and sale of general obligation bonds in the principal sum of $335,000.00, at an interest rate not to exceed 8%, is necessary, and that a proposition for the issuance and sale of such bonds in said amount, providing for pay- ment therefor from general tax levies over a period not to exceed 0 twenty years, should be spu*mitted to the electors of the City of Port Townsend in the general election to be held on November 4, 1969. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby authorized and directed to cettify to the Auditor of Jefferson County, Washington, as ex•-officio supervisor of elections for said Jefferson County, a proposition to be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Port Townsend, in all precincts thereof, at the general election to be held on Tuesday, November 4, 1969, the said proposition to be as follows: PROPOSITION NO. 1 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CITY HALL AND PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS, $335,000.00 Shall the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Wash- ington, issue its general obligation bonds in the principal amount of $335,000.00, or so much thereof as may be issued and sold under the laws governing the limitation of indebted- ness of cities of the third class, such bonds to be payable, both principal and interest, out of annual tax levies to be made without limitation as to rate or amount, to bear inter- est at a rate not to exceed 8% per annum, and to mature as provided bylaw and ordinances of the City Council ofthe City of Port Townsend within twenty years from the date of issue, for the purpose of providing the funds to pay part of the cost of constructing and equipping capital improvements to the City Hall of said City, for the construction of a Pub- lic Works Building for said city, and for the acquisition and purchase of lands needed for expansion of the City Hall and city services. BONDS, YES . . . . . . . . . . . . .. [ 1 BONDS, NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October;7, 1969. M .y_or ATTEST: •�v GALE I:` YO NGIZOOD City Cler3� APkyrtOVA'o AS %40RM: �T -2- 1 62 ri 1 2 ORDINANCE NO. 3 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRI:;C`1'ING THE CITY CLERK TO CERTIFY TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR 4 j OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, A TOTAL LEVY FOR CITY PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 1970 OF SIXTEEN 5 MILLS ON THE DOLLAR, TO BE DIVIDED INTO APPRO- PRIATIONS FOR CURRENT EXPENSE, GENERAL OBLIGATIONS (3;.' BONDS AND FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF. 7 'j THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR 8 "SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 t i i 9 j; Section 1. The City Clerk is here and hereby authorized { 10 i;and directed to certify to the County Auditor of Jefferson County, 11 !iWashington, for a levy in the year 1970, a levy of 16 mills on 12 jthe dollar of assessed valuation in the City, which millage shall ! 13 ';be appropriated as follows: 14 mills for current expense, park, i 14 libraries and streets, 1 mill for 1955 general obligation bonds 15 ;:and 1 mill for Firemen's Pension and Relief. i 16 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its ;i 17 ,passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required i t 18 ;by law. { 19 Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the 20 ';Council and approved by the Mayor on October 21, 1969. 21 22 <..-...... `-r PRANK PZi. SMITH Y Mayor 23 iIATTTST: y 24 c J E I. rL''OL`�NGLOOD 25 j'City Clerk 26 APPRO AS T' RM: 27 , 23 ' GL BRAH 29,Cit Attorney 30 31 ; 32 BLENN ABRAHAM .•� MOUNT LIAKER BLOCK j�•� PORT TOWNBENO, WABHINOTON �\ ORDINANCE: NO. S7' AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF ROSECRANS _ STREET LYING BETWEEN TIIL NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF FOURTH STREET AND TIIt SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF STATEHIGHWAY NO. 9, IN TH2 EIS WBEIS ADDITION OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, RESERVING EASE- ' MENTS THEREIN, AND PROVIDING: FOR PAYMENT OF PUBLICATION COSTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, in regular session 1 assembled, do ordain as follows: �i Section 1. That portion of Rosecrans Street .lying between the Northerly boundary of Fourth Street and the Southerly Boundary of State highway No. 9, in the Eisenbeis Addition of the City of Port Townsend, be and it is hereby vacated, subject to the reservation of an easement over, across and through said portion of street for ..,J the installation and maintenance of water, server and utility lines of every kind. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided by law, and upon J payment of the costs of publication of the same by Matt Ellis, petitioner for vacation. Read for the first, second and third times at a regular meeting of the City Council held on November 18, 1969. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on said date. A �/�. -- GAiE I— dGBL00D ity Cler APP AS TO FOR GL AB ARAM N C t r t orney 0 FRANK M. SMITH mayor ORDINANCE NO. �s�3 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,000 TO THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY CLERK IN TIME 1969 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the City Clerk's appropriation in the 1969 Budget of the City of Port Town- send the sum of $1,000, to•be apportioned as follows: the sum of $205.00 for election expense, the sum of $695.00 for office supplies, and the sum of $100.00 for other contractural services. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication inthe form and manner required by law. Read for the first time, at a regular council meeting held on November 18, 1969. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved bythe Mayor at a reqular meeting,oh December 2, 1969. - FRANK M. SMI`H Mayor ATFEST: - 'rGALE I `YOU[IGBLOOD City Cierk, 7GOABLRAHA ASTOFM � `7 Attorney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY FOR THE YEAR 1970. THE CITY COUNCIL„ IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for taxation purposes, for the year 1970 divided into the following classes and comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------- $252,863.00 Maintenance and Operation -------------- $152,600.00 Capital Outlay ----------------------- $ 31,649.00 Interest and Bond Redemption --------- $ 5,915.65 Firemen's Retirement and Pension ----- $ 12,600.00 Arterial Highway Fund ----------------- $ 85,000.00 Section 2. That this Ordinance be published once, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 2nd_...- day of December, 1969. r F--- FRANK M. SMITH Mayor AT�ST: G'""' r E OU GBLOOD City Cle A PRM: Ciffy Attorney • ORDINANCE NO. !r`� AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FIX- ING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1970. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS:. Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1970 divided into the total amounts in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ----------------- $29,913.00 Maintenance & Operation--------�------ $ 8,979.00 Capital Outlay --------------------- $ 300.00 Section 2. Estimated revenue for the year 1970 for the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service is $39,192.00. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in.the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 2nd day of December, 1969. FRANK M. SMITH` Mayor ATTEST: �GA�E I. BLOOD City C1e k APPBPUZP AS TO RM: GL ABRA Cit Attorney • ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE WATER - SEWER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1970. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the Water -Sewer Department (if the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1970, divided into the amounts in each ofthe following classes comprising the whole . of said budget, to --wit: Salaries and Wages ----------------------- $43,220.00 Maintenance and Operation --------------- $48,542.00 Capital Outlay --------------------------- $19,623.00 Interest and Debt Redemption ------------ $92,636.G0 Section 2. The estimated revenue for the Water -Sewer Depart- ment in 1970 is $204,221.00 Section 3. That this Ordinance be in force and take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor (this 2nd day of December, 1969. �'_- FRANK M. SMITH Mayor ATTEST: LE UNGBLOOD City; �l x APP D AS TO FORM: G ABRAHA CiF Attorney • ORDINANCE NO. 1 J, AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE `PAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOKNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1970. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the taxab.l•e property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1970, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city property for such purposes as is follows: FIRST: for the payment of current expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of $24,845.70 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 4.20 mills on the dollar. SECOND: for the purpose of maintaining a public library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $16,563.81, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.80 mills on the dollar. THIRD: for the purposes of maintaining a public park and for the park fund, the sum of $9,465.04, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.60 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: for the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the city and for the City Street Fund, the sum of $31,944.50, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 5.40 mills on the dollar. FIFTH; for the hospitalization and medical service of injured paid firemen and for pensions and for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $5,915.65, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the dollar. SIXTH: for the retirement and debt service of General Obliga- tion Bonds 1955, the sum of $5,915.65, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.00 mills on the dollar. -1- Section 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk of said city are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the foregoing tax. levy of said city. Section 3. That this Ordinance'be published once- in the Port Townsend Leader to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on this 2nd day of December, 1969. •'PRANK M. SMITH Mayor ATT T: E I. OVNGBLOOD "City C k APPRO AS TO ORM: GL RAHAA Cit ttorne --2- EJ` n • ORDINANCE NO. 1. L U AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF "0" STREET LYING BETWEEN CHERRY STREET AND BEACH STREET, RESERVING BASEMENTS THEREIN, PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF COSTS AND PUBLICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of "0" Street lying between Cherry Street and Beach Street be and it is hereby vacated, subject to the reservation of easements therein for the construction and maintenance of Water, sewer, and other utility lines. Section 2. This Ordinance shall takct. cffect upon Its passage, approval and publication in the form and malxner provided by law, and upon payment of costs of the publication of this Ordinance by petitioners for vacation. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Co.:cil and approved by the Mayor on December 2, 19 9. J FRANK M. SMITH` Mayor AT BST: GE Q�NGBLOOD Cit Clerk APP �D AS TO M: G IABRAHAM City Attorney Ordinanccs.#1581-1590 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 Franchise --(Special) Franchise (Special) }/ Street vacation (Special) Business licenses (5.04) , Door to door sales license (5.72) Repeals Ords. 878, 881, 1237, and 51 of Ord. 1052 (Repealer) Amends S3 of Ord. 1367, garbage collection license (5.20) Amends 53 of Ord. 1402, sewage disposal franchise licenses (Repealed by 1848) water utility franchise license (Repealed by Ord. 1582; Appropriation (Special) Amends 51 of Ord. 1446, salary of city treasurer (Not codified) 1561 Labor agreement (Special) 1562 Franchise (Special) 1563 Adopts comprehensive plan (Not codified) 1564 Franchise (Special) 1565 Arterial street fund (3.04) 1566 Alley vacation (special) 1567 Street maintenance agreement (Special) 183 (Port Townsend 6/86) 1568 Street vacation (Special) 1569 Appropriation (Special) I' 1570 Appropriation (Special) 1571 Cumulative reserve fund (3.04) 1572 Bonds (Special) 1573 Tax levy (Special) 1574 Street vacation (Special) 1575 Appropriation (Special) I 1576 1969 budget (Special) 1577 Garbage collection budget (Special) 1578 Water -sewer budget (Special) 1579 Tax levy (Special) 1580 Street vacation (Special) '" 1581 Appropriation (Special) 1582 Amends Ord. 1370 S3, repeals Ord. 1558 (Repealed by 1848 1583 Plat approval, Pederson Addition (Special) 1584 Street vacation (Special) 1585 Transfer of funds (Special) 1586 Sales or use tax (3.12) 41 1587 Repair of reservoir contract (Special) . 1588 Amends 57 Ord. 1301, dog licenses (Repealed by 1698) 1589 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1590 1970 budget, appropriation (Special) �__1591 Street vacation (Special) 1592 Street vacation (Special) 1593 Alley vacation (special) 1594 Streets vacation (Special) 1595 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1596 Lease of portion of Madison Street (Special) f 1597 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1598 Emergency appropriation (Special) ' 1599 Emergency appropriation (Special) 9 ORDINANCE NO. o I AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $2,298 TO THE GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE BUDGET FOR 1y�5'a 1969, TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN THE SUMS OF $1,706 TO CAPITAL OUTLAY AND $592 TO SOCIAL SECURITY, / AND FINDING AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated in the 1969 Budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service the sum of $2,298, which shall be designated to be in the sum of $1,706 for Capital Outlay and in the sum of $592 for Social Security in said budget. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time, at a regular Council meeting, on December 2, 1969. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor at a regular Council meeting on December 16, 1969. �J•.1 :'v• -�Jv- `FRANK M. SMITH` Mayor ATTEST: G I. KOD City Clexlc APPR L TO OR14: G ABRAH Ci f Attorney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF ORDIN- ANCE NO. 1370, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1558, AND THEREBY INCREASING THE LICENSE FEE FOR WATER --UTILITY FRANCHISE LICENSE TO THE SUM OF $3,000 ANNUALLY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1370, passed on August 4, 1959, is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 3. The annual license fee for water -utility franchise icense is the sum of $3,000 per year, and the revenue therefrom are allocated to the Current Expense Fund of the City." Section 2. Ordinance No. 1558, passed on December 17, 1968 is here and hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect on January 1, 1970, after passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 16, 1969:1 FRANK SMITH - Mayor ATTEST: GALE __I YOUNGBLOOD, City Clerk Depq y APP D P.S T MI: ABRA Cify Attorney ORDINANCE NO. B: AN ORDINANCE" ACCEPTING AND APPROVING THE PLAT OF PEDERSEN ADDITION TO TIME CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Plat of Pedersen Addition to the City of Port Townsend, as submitted to the City Planning Commission and City Council by Jeffery and James Pedersen, platters therein named, is here and hereby found and declared to be adequate, and the same is here and hereby approved. Section 2. It is here and hereby found and declared that all notices, hearings and certifications required by law with regard to the approval and acceptance of plats have been accom- plished insofar as the plat of Pedersen's Addition to the City of Port Townsend is concerned. Section 3. The plat of Pedersen's Addition to the City of Port Townsend, Washington, lying entirely within the boundaries of said City of Port Townsend in the County of Jefferson, State of Washington, be and is hereby adopted to embrace that area -in said Jefferson County, and within the City of Port Townsend, described as follows: That portion of Tax No. 2, Sec. 3, Township 30 North, Range 1 West of W. M., described as: Beginning at a point 1430 ft. North and 580 ft. West of the corner common to Sections 2, 3, 10 and 11 in Township 30 North, Range 1 West, W. M., which is the West line of Haines Ave. in O.C. Hastings Addition to the City of Port Townsend; running thence North 100 ft.; thence West 27.8 ft.; thence North 57 ft.; thence West 114.2 ft.; thence North 212.8 ft.; thence West 205.82 ft. to the Easterly line of Port Discovery Road; thence South 25040' West along the Easterly line of said road 410.28 ft. to a point due West of the Point of Beginning and thence East 525.53 ft. to the Point of Beginning, including Lots 3 and 4 in Block 29 of 0. C. Hastings Addition. -1- Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its pass- age, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law, and upon payment of cost of publication of the Ordinance and proper recording and filing of the Plat as required by law by Petitioners. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on January 6, 1970. . �a�✓� ,'1rS�� r� ate.-. ti_ PRANK M� S;MITH Mayor AT TEST: GeLE�0 GBLOOD City Cleft,,ti APP S TO FO GL HAM Cit ttorney -2-- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF BAKER STREET LYING BETWEEN BLOCKS 1, 2, 3 and 4 of TIIE FAIRMOUNT ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, RESERVING EASEMENTS & PPOVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF COSTS OF PUBLICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED , DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of Balser Street lying between Blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the Fairmount Addition of the City of Port Townsend, be and the same is here and hereby vacated. Section 2. The City of Port Townsend here and hereby reserves an easement over, across and through said portion of vacated street hereinabove described for the installation of water, sewer and other utility lines, and for the repair and maintenance thereof. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law, and upon payment of costs of publication of the Ordinance by the Petitioner. Read for the first, second and third timeq passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on February_ , 1970. y FRANK, lj-SMI--'fi-f Mayor-' AT r,ST: r GAGE I. Y N LOOD City Clerk AP D AS FORM- 1;,•��.,,,r.•..... ,.. GBRAI C' y Attorney ow - ORDINANCE•' NO.419WO AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING T11E TRANSFER OF THE SUM OF $4,000 FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND TO THE LIBRARY FUND, PROVIDING FOR REPAYMENT THEREOF ON OR BEFORE JULY 1, 1970, AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF INTEREST THEREFOR. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT `1'OWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, The City Clerk and the City Treasurer are here and hereby authorized and directed to cause the sum of $4,000 to be.transferred from the Current Expense Fund to the Library Fund of said city. Section 2. The City Clerk and the City Treasurer are here and hereby authorized and directed to repay to the Current Expense Fund, from the Library Fund, the sum of $4,000, on or before July 1, 1970, together with interest at the rate of 5% per annum on said amount, computed over the period for which said sum remains unpaid. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on February 4, 1970.;' FRANK M. SMITH , Mayor AT 5T: i J ''-•G E I. Y N LOOD City Cler APPR D AS TfO-FORM: .ram GN ` ABRAHAM' CitJAttorney ORDINANCE 140. AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING A SALES OR USE TAX, PRO- VIDING RATES THEREFOR, AUTHORIZING CITY OFFICERS TO EXECUTE AGREEKENT FOR COLLECTION OF TAX 13Y STATE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT T0WNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is hereby imposed a sales or use tax, as the case may be, upon every taxable event, as defined in Section 3, Chap. 94, Laws of 1970, First Extraordinary Session, occurring within the city of Port Townsend. The tax shall be imposed upon and collected pursuant to chapters 82.08 and 82.12 RCW. Section 2. The rate of the tax imposed by Section 1 shall be one• -half of one percent of the selling price or value of the article used, as the case may be. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that during such period as there is in effect a sales or use tar, imposed by Jefferson County, the rate of tax imposed by this Ordinance shall be four hundred twenty-five/ one -thousands of• one percent. Section 3. The administration and collection of the tax imposed by this Ordinance shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 6, Chap. 94, Laws of 1970, First Extraordinary Session. Section 4. The city hereby consents to the inspection of such records as are necessary to qualify the city for inspection of re- cords of the Department of Revenue, pursuant to RCW 82.32.330. Section 5. The mayor and city clerk are here and hereby author- ized and directed to enter into a contract with Department of Revenue of the State of Washington for the administration and collec- tion of said tax, pursuant to the Law of the State of Washington. Section 6. Any seller who fails or refuses to collect the tax as required with the intent to violate the provisions of this Ordinance, or to gain some advantage or benefit, either direct or --1- N, VA indirect,. and any buyer who refuses to pay any tax,due under this Ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect April 1, 1970-, and after its approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on March 17, 1970. Y . Mayor AT�ST: /► . AEi BYO LOOD APPRO ED As TO RM: G E �AIBIA Ci Attorne -2- ORDINANCE NO. 1587 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TO EXIST IN THE LOSS OF USE OF A RESERVOIR, AND AUTIiORIZING AND DIRECTING THE NEGOTIATION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE REPAIR THEREOF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency imminently imperiling the health and welfare of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, in that inspection has dis- closed that the smaller of the two existing City dater Reservoirs has deteriorated to a point of being unus able, and that immediate repair is required in order to provide adequate fire protection and sanitation to said city. Section 2. The Mayor is here and hereby authorized to enter into a contract negotiation and to contract on behalf of the City for the repair of the smaller city reservoir at the earliest possible date, and without the necessity of calling for bids therefor. . Section 3. This Ordinance is for the protection of the public health and welfare, and shall take effect upon its passage, appro- val and publication as required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, and passed by the City Council on March 17, 1970. Approved by the Mayor on March 1970. ' FRLA41 t�S:1 `S!�7I TFi - - Mayor_ A RJEST : -- E I Y IR LOOD City Cler APP - AS TO F G ABRAHAM Cit Attorney 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1588 AN ORDINANCE &MENDING SECTION 7 OR ORDINANCE NO. 1301, PASSED AND APPROVED ON APRIL 6, 1954. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 7 of Ordinance 1301, passed by the Council and approved by the mayor on April 6, 1954, be and it is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 7. Any dog or cat impounded for a violation hereof shall be held for a period of at least 48 hrs. during which' period the owner or custodian thereof may redeem and regain cus-- tody thereof by paying to the City any license fee that may be due for such animal; by further paying to the humane Society the sum of $4 fcr a pick-up charge for taking such animal into custody; and pay a charge of $1.50 to the Humane Society for compensation for board and care for such impounded animal for. each 24 hr. period for which said animal is retained. Any dog or cat held so impounded for more than 48 hrs. may be so redeemed by the payment of the sum of. $1.50 for each 24 hr. period that such animal has been in excess of 48 hrs., in addition to all other license fees and penalties herein provided for, said sum payable to the Humane Society. Provided, however, that if any dog or cat so impounded shall be suffering from injury or disease of such nature as to require the services of a veterin- arian, the same shall not be released from the Pound or other place where the same may be held except to a licensed veterinarian for treatment. If any impounded cat or dog has need of medical treatment, the cost thereof shall be paid before being released. Any impounded dog of cat suffer- ing from any incurable injury or disease, or any disease or condition which shall cause the same to be a menace to public health or safety shall be destroyed by the custodian of the pound in a humane manner, and disposed of in such a manner as to pro- perly safeguard and protect the public health and safety. Any impounded dog or cat not suffering as above, shall, after bEing held for 48 hrs., be humanely destroyed by the custodian of the Pound: Provided, however, that in the descretion of the Jefferson County Humane Society such animal may be held for a reasonable period in excess of 48 hrs. for the purpose of redemption. At any time during the period of such descretionary holding, ••1- . z, any person may redeem such animal by payment of the license fee and penalties and charges herein provided for." Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on April 7, 1970. ' .._ ��PI2A1V�..•M��SMZTIi �` 11 . . Mayor • AT EST: GAL I. Y6Ut4 I3I:60D City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: LG A RAHAM Ci Attorney- -2- 0 1P ORDINANCL•' NO. AN ORDINATICE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $43,000.00 TO CONSTRUCTION FUND UNDER CAPITAL OUTLAY IN THE 1910 BUDGET OF THE WATER -SEWER DEPAIVT14ENT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY CO&LNCIL OF TILE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Construction Fund, under Capital Outlay, in the 1970 budget of the Rater Sewer Department, the sum of $43,000.00 for the emergency repair of a City Reservoir, and the Mayot and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized to draw warrants.for the payment of the same. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the appropriation herein made. Section 3. This.ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read fory- the first time on April 7, 1970. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on April 21, 1970. _a 1. SUIT yo ATTEST: �a e 3: b Yg6d City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cit t'troney ORDINANCE NO.%J AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $2,450.00 TO THE MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT APPROPRIATION IN THE 1970 BUDGET OF THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appriated for the 1970 Budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service the sum of $2,450.00 for the Maintenance of Equipment Fund in said Budget. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon the pass- age, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time at a meeting on June 2, 1970. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor in June 16, 1970. `. FWK-11 SM3 mayor---' ATT ST : �L� T �,�s E I. �INGi3&OD City Cler APPROVER AST /� GZV ABRAH Ci Attorney f j Y 1 1550 Franchise (Special)' ' 1551 Franchise (Special) 1552 Street vacation (Special) 1553 Business licenses (5.04) 1554 Door to door sales license (5.72) 1555 Repeals Ords. 878, 881, 1237, and §1 of Ord. 1052 (Repealer) 1556 Amends 93 of Ord. 1367, garbage collection license (S.20) 1557 Amends 53 of Ord. 1402, sewage disposal franchise licenses (Repealed by 1848) 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 --1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 Water utility franchise license (Repealed by Ord. 1582; Appropriation (Special) Amends 91 of Ord. 1446, salary of city treasurer (Not codified) Labor agreement (Special) Franchise (Special) Adopts comprehensive plan (Not codified) Franchise (Special) Arterial street fund (3.04) Alley vacation (Special) Street maintenance agreement (Special) 183 (Port Townsend 6/86) Street vacation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Cumulative reserve fund (3.04) Bonds (Special) Tax levy (Special) Street vacation (Special) Appropriation (Special) 1969 budget (Special) Garbage collection budget (Special) Water -sewer budget (Special) Tax levy (Special) Street vacation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 1370 53, repeals Ord. 1558 (Repealed by 1848 Plat approval, Pederson Addition (Special) Street vacation (Special) Transfer of funds (Special) Sales or use tax (3.12) Repair of reservoir contract (Special) Amends §7 Ord. 1301, dog licenses (Repealed by 1698) Emergency appropriation (Special) 1970 budget, appropriation (Special) Street vacation (Special) Street vacation (Special) Alley vacation (Special) Streets vacation (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Lease of portion of Madison Street (Special) i Emergency appropriation (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special) iMINN � �. 1►fir.. i ;iP • i:ji UL 2 34 308859 ;i Ali; j ORDINANCE NO " AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF C STREET LYING BETWEEN WILLOW STREET AND ROSE STREET, RESERVING EASEMENTS THEREIN, AND REQUIRING PAY- MENT OF COSTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of C Streety lying between Willow Street and Rose Street in the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby vacated, subject to the reservation of easements over, accross and though said portion of street for waterlines, sewer lines and other public utility lines. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect- upon the passage: approval and publication in the form and manner required by law, and upon payment of the costs of publication of this Ordinance by petitioners for the street vacation. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor, this 16th day of June, 1970..-�� X-RAN �414iH Mayor AT T- Ygd"GBL00D city -1,br APP AS TO F G ABRAHAM Ci. Attorney I,;i JOU -2 3k 308860 ORDINANCE NO.LF�� AN ORDINANCE VACATING TIIAT PORTION OF LANDES STREET LYING BETWEEN TILE NORTH BOUNDARY OF 28th STREET AND THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF 29th STREET, RESERVING EASEMENTS THEREIN AND REQUIR- ING PAYMENT OF COSTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, III -REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DOCRDAIN ASEOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of Landes Street lying between the North Boundary of 28th Street and the South Boundary of 29th Street is here and hereby vacated, subject to the reservation of an easement therein for the installation and maintenance of waterlines, sewerlines, and other public utility. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its pass- age, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law, and upon payment of the cost of the publication of this Ordinance by the Petitioners for vacation. Read for the first, second and third tames, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 16th day of June, 1970. �- SMITH May -or ATT D GA I.._,Y UN BLOOD ,City,,Cler ORDINANCE NO._bC13 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT ALLEY LYING WITHIN BLOCK 35 OF THE RAILROAD ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, RESERVING EASEMENTS THEREIN, AND REQUIRING PAYMENT OF COSTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION. ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That certain alley lying within Block 35 of the Railroad Addition to the City of Port Townsend is here and hereby vacated, subject to the reservation therein of an easement for the installation and maintenance of waterlines, sewerlines, and other public utilities. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval.and publication in the form and manner required by law, and upon payment of costs of publication of this Ordinance by the Petitioners for Vacation. Read for the first, second and third times, and passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 16th day of June, 1970 �. FFtANIC�T} Mayor AT ST: .-- . GBLOOD . YO LE I[� �Ci.ty Clerk APP AS TO AORM: CrAttorne ORDINANCE NO.!C9� AN ORDINANCE VACATING THOSE PORTIONS OF CLARE-- MONT 6 CALUMET STREETS LYING BETWEEN PEARY AVE. & NORTH PEARL STREET, VACATING THE UTILITY ALLEYS EXISTING IN BLOCK 68, 73 & THE EAST ONE-HALF OF BLOCK 66 AND FURTHER VACATING THAT PORTION OF MADRONA STREET LYING UNDER WATER AND ABUTTING BLOCK 68, ALL LYING AND BEING IN FOWLER PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, RESERVING EASEMENTS, & PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF COSTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Those portions of Claremont and Calumet Streets lying between Peary Ave. and North Pearl St. and the utility lying in Block 68, 73 and the East One -Half of Block 66, together with that portion of Madrona Street lying under water and abutting Block 68 be and they are hereby vacated, subject to the reservation by the City of an easement over, across and through said streets and alleys for the construction and maintenance of water, sewer and other utility lines. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its pass- age, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law, and upon payment of the costs of publication by the Petitioner for vacation. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on August.._q, 1970. l_. s-_%FRANK . •i `PCI" . � Ma r_�-------' I. YT] NG OOD Ci- ty lerk APP AS TO F G ABRA , Cit Attorney ORDINANCE NO. j'ir AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $3,764.45 TO THE URBAN ARTERIAL STREET FUND 71NEVVERROU T, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.I"C'is here and hereby appropriated, i3st the sum of $3,764.45 for the Urban Arterial Streit Fund. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This Ordinance shalltake effect upon its pass- age, approval and publication in the form and tranner required by law. Read for the first time on September 1, 1970. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor September 15, 1970. --~TTtANK M. MITH— Mayor AI?8ST: �tP4U I 0 GIIT-OO D Ci y Clerk 1-1 APP OBE AS TO FO ABI JAM Ci Attorney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF LEASE OF THAT PORTION OF MADISON STREET LYING BETWEEN WATER STREET AND FRONT STREET, EXTENDED INTO THE WATERS OF PORT TOWNSEND BAY, AND PROVIDING FOR RENTAL. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized.and directed to execute a lease of that portion of Madison Street lying between Slater Street and Front Street, and extending .into the waters of Port Townsend Bay, to Cotton Corporation, a Washington corporation, as lessee, for a term of one year commencing October 1, 1970, for an annual rental, payable in advancd of Fifty Dollars, and to deposit said rental to the account of the Current Expense Fund. Section 2. This ordiance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read fmr'the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 6, 1970. - RAN IT May ATTEST: 'ty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ftiAy Attor y ORDINANCE NO.f7f7 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $2,900 TO THE MISCELLANNEOUS APPROPRIATION OF THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1970, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL Or TILE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section_1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the ---------- - --- - - -- appropriation For Miscellaneous Expense in the Current Expense Fund for the year 1970, the sum of $2,900, to cover cost of job analysis. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declwed to be anemergency requiring the above and foregoing expenditure and appropriation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, ' approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. L' Read for the first time on October 20, 1970. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the. Mayor on November 3, 1970. FR ANK M: 86SITII'". .: Mayor AT' ST: m a I. b� cod r Cx y Cle APP.R ED S TO F I Glenn raham City ttorney� ORDINANCE NO.�� AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $4,000 TO THE 1970 BUDGET OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND, FROM THE PROCEEDS OF CITY SALES TAX, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated, from the proceeds of City Sales Tax levied pursuant to State law, to the Public Library Fund for an operating expense reserve fund in the 1970 budget, the sum of $4,000. Section 2. The3n is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first,time on November 3, 1970. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on November 17, 1970. % Mayor A4;CEST : I. O,UNGBLOOD City -Clerk c:� ORDINANCE NO. .a AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,000 TO THE PARK DEPARTMENT OPERATING RESERVE FUND IN THE 1970 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TONNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated from the proceeds of City Sales Tax, levied pursuant to State law, the sum of $1,000 to the Park Department for an Operating Reserve Fund in the 1970 Budget. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to ^'`{ be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. , Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, { approval and publication in the form and maaner required by law. s Read for the first time on November 3, 1970. Read for the second and third time, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on November 17, 1970.. F. L+� .� FRANK t, . JsM1-Tfi�� C� Mayor ATPYST/: ALE I. jYSBLOOD City Cl z Ikj APP VE AS TOOF NL: rat G RAH Clt Attorney m m i 1600 Street vacation (Special) 1601 Amends Ord. 1110, water system (13.12) 1602 Emergency appropriation (Specials• 1603 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1604 1971 budget (Special) - 1605 1971 tax levy (Special) 1606 Building permits, setback standards, minimum tract size (16.04) 1 1601 Amends S2, Ord. 196, street improvements (12.04) 1608 Emergency appropriation Sspecl�U 1609 Emergency appropriation (SpeciallS ),610 Dances for persons under twenty --one (Repealed by 1714) ./1611 Budget transfer (Special) , 1612 open space, agricultural and timb rland use assessment (3.16) 1613 Street vacation (Special) 1614 Budget allocation (Special) 1615 Loan to Port Townsend garbage col ection service (Special) 1616. Emergency appropriation (Special)! 1617 Emergency appropriation (Special} 183-1 (Port Townsend 7/80) 1618 Load authorized (Special) 1619 Adopts part of Building Code apps ix (16.04) 1620 Appropriation (Special) .1621 Street vacation (Special) 1622 Lease authorized (Special) 1623 Appropriation (Special) 1624 Port Townsend historical district stablished (Repealed by 1779) 1625 Zoning (Title 17) 1626 Street vacation, variance and coed tional use permit procedure (17.56) 1627 Lease authorized (Special) 1628 Appropriation (Special) 1629 Tax levy for 1972 (Special) 1630 Budget for 1972 (Special) 1631 Amends 53 of Ord. 1370, water util' y franchise license fee (Repealed by 1848) 11 1632 Amends 523 of Ord. 1110, water!bil (13.12) 1633 Individual sewage disposal sysiems (13.10) 1634 Adopts State Rules of the Road (1 .24) 1635 Criminal Code (9.02) 1636 Street vacation (Special) 1637 Alley vacation (Special) 1638 Repeals Ord. 1395, bus loading zon (Repealer) 1639 Amends Sl of Ord. 1490, parking 10.04) 1639 Appropriation (Special) 1640 Funding for alcoholic rehabilitate n (2.56) 1641 Appropriation (Special) 1642 Amusement and vending machine lice ses (5.76) 1643 Repeals Ords, 1204, 1437, 1465 and 1544, pinball machines• (Repealer) 1644 Amends SS4 and 6 of Ord. 818, house numbering (12.16) 1645 Appropriation (Special) 1646 Repeals Ord. 571, sale and manufacture of cigarettes (Repealer) 1647 Adds 55 to Ord. 1346, building permit valuation (Not codified) 1648 Amends S1 of Ord. 1640, funding for alcoholic reha- bilitation (2.56) 1649 Appropriation (Special) eA • ! 4`.s 1 0 6 f6 0 G ORDINANCE NO.•40W_ AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION -OF HOOD STREET LYING WEST OF COWLES ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, RESERVING EASEMENTS THEREIN, AND PROVIDING FOR COSTS OF PUBLICATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR 5E5$ION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of Hood Street lying West of Cowles Addition to the City of Port Townsend, as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, at page 23, records of Jefferson County, Washington, is here and hereby vacated, subject to the reservation therein to the City of Port Townsend of an easement for the purpose of installing and maintaining, water, sewer and other utility lines authorized by said f City, and further subject to payment costs of the publication of this ordinance by petitioners for vacation of said Street. Section 2. This ordincance shall take effect upon its passagel. approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and hird times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor, the 17th day of November, 1970. L� Mayo == ATTEST. -GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City ClerW ; /6 °/ ORDINANCE NO. . @- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 6, 8, 21, 22,.23 AND 24 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1110, AS THE SAME ARE NOW STATED AFTER AMENDMENT BY ORDINANCES NUMBERED 1172, 1239, 1369, 1372, 1380, 1453, 1469 AND 1471. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLEDi DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 6 of Ordinance No. 1110, passed December 19, 1939, is hereby as follows: "Section 6. Service connections -- Installation. Upon the presentation at the office of the superintendent, of the treasurer's receipt for the installation fees and, the execution of the contract provided for in this ordinance, the superintendent shall cause the premises described in the application, if the same abut upon a street in which there is a City water main, to be connected with the City water main by a service pipe extending at right angles from the main to the property line and including a stop cock placed approximately one foot outside the sidewalk area, which connection shall thereafter be maintained by and kept within the exclusive control of the eity. In case of application for water service on premises not abutting upon a street in which there is a'City water main, the City will tap the water main at the closest practhal point to the premises making such application, and permit connection thereof by means of a union and pipes laid at the expense of the owner and thereafter maintained by the owner, and such water line shall be deemed "temporary" and be replaced at the property owner's expense when a water main is laid in front of or along said property's bo%dary or boundaries. Upon the discretion of the Superintendent, the City may, upon payment of all costs by the owner, extend any water main or water line along or through any street, alley or road in the City. Nothing herein shall be deemed in conflict with the provisions for extension and construction of water mains and lines under Section 8 hereof, the option for such mode and means of construction and payment being retained in the Superintendent, nor shall such options be deemed to have priority over any Local Improvement District, general -1- Ilk project, or special assessment program which may apply to property affected by the terms hereof. Where there is a water main in front of any premises, every house supplied by said main or extension thereof must install its own separate service connection with the City water system, and the premises so supplied shall not be permitted to supply water to any other premises, except upon the express approval of the superintendent for temporary service only, or where no service can otherwise be supplied in a practical manner, and provided that existing agreements as to such service shall not be rescinded hereby. Provided, further, that where two or more buildings are supplied by one service through a meter not less than the minimum rate for premises supplied by meter provided for in this ordinance shall be assessed for each separate building or premises so supplied." Section 2. Section 8 of Ordinance 1110, passed on December 19, 1939 and amended by Ordinances No. 1239, passed on May 3, 1949, and No. 1469, passed on May 18, 1965, is amended to read as follows: "Section 8. Fees For Service Connections, and CREATION of Water Main Revolving Fund. The fees for the installation of pipe up to and including three -fourths (3/4) inch diameter connection, the sum of One Hundred Ten Dollars ($110.00); for one inch connection, the sum of One Hundred Sixty Dollars ($160.00); and provided that for pipe connection sizes larger than one inch diameter or where it become$ necessary to open pavement or hard surface streets the actual cost of labor and materials in the laying of such service and replacement of pavement or hard surface shall be charged. For services outside the City limits of the city of Port Townsend, the cost of such service shall be the same as hereinabove provided, excepting that the sum of.Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) shall be added thereto. In the case of installatAn of service along a City street in which no main exists, the above fees shall apply, and, in addition thereto, the applicant for service shall pay all costs of labor and material for the laying of such service and water lines and the repair of street$, payable in advance by said applicant; PROVIDED, that, upon direction of the City Council of the City of Port Townsend, by motion duly passed at a regular meeting of said Council, water mains may be laid in any City street, alley, easement or road and the cost thereof shall be paid from the WATER MAIN REVOLVING FUND hereinafter established, and, in such event, the cost of connection for service to any such main shall be the same as those fees hereinbefore provided, and.,in addition thereto,the additional sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) per lineal foot for each foot of frontage of any lot, tract or premises to which such service is connected, and further provided, that the computation of frontage served shall be made by measurement of all frontage owned or controlled by the owner or applicant requesting the connection, whether or not any building or structure shall be located on the property embracing the frontage, and further provided that such frontage charges shall apply to both sides of any street, easement, alley or road involved, and further provided, that all sums collected for such frontage charges shall be deposited in the WATER MAIN REVOLVING FUND. There is here and hereby established a "Water Main Revolving Fund," which shall be funded by appropriations made by the City Council from time to time, and by the payment thereto of the frontage charges hereinabove provided." Section 3. Section 21 of Ordinance 1110, passed on December 19, 1939, as amended by Ordinances No. 1380, passed December 15, 1959, and No. 1453, passed January 7, 1964, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 21. ,Monthly Rates. The monthly rates for the use of water, other than measured by meter, shall be known as fixed or flat rate, and shall be as follows: (1) Minimum rate for domestic, family and h4ehold purposes or construction only, payable monthly in advance, three dollars ($3.00) . (2) Multiple unit dwellings, apartment houses, and light house- keeping rooms, Three Dollars ($3.00), payable monthly in advance, for each unit, or by meter for each unit at the option of the owner. The owner shall be liable for payment -3- for all such charges. (3) Sprinkling, Seventy -Five Cents (754) per lot or fraction thereof, over and above the residence lot. For "extra" lot sprinkling, any sprinkling during a stated month shall be considered sprinkling for the entire month, provided, however, that whether by reason of%,water shortage, or other good reason, the superintendent may regulate the hours of sprinkling." Section 4. Section 22 of Ordinance 1110, passed December 19, 1939, as amended by Ordinances No. 1172, passed August 15, 1944, No. 1372, passed September 16, 1959, and No. 1471, passed June 1, 1965, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 22. Meter Rates. All other services shall be by meter, and the rates for water supplied by meter shall be for the quantity used in any one month as follows; (1) A minimum rate of Three Dollars ($3.00) for five thousand gallons or less;. Sixty Cents (60(�) for amok one thousand gallons above the first five thousand gallons; Thirty - Cents (304) for the first one thousand gallons above six thousand gallons; and all over seven thousand gallons at the rate of Twenty -One Cents (21p) per thousand gallons. In computing meter rates as above provided, results ending in one and two cents will be counted "zero," results ending in three,' four, six or seven cents will be counted "five," and results ending in eight or nine cents will be counted "10." Any inactive water tap located outside the incorporated limits of the City of Port Townsend, whether there -be construction or improvement of any kind upon the premises or not, shall be charged and shall pay a minimum monthly charge of Three Dollars ($3.00), payable monthly in advance, to be known as a "standby charge," and said standby charge shall apply to all taps outside said City limits, whether or not said tap has ever been active. In the event of nonpayment of standby charge for a period of three months or more, the tap shall be deemed abandoned, and the City shall assume no U� -4- further liability or responsibility for supplying water to or through such tap, and the right of the owner thereof to draw water from the City supply shall terminate.11 Section 5. Section 23 of Ordinance No. 1110, passed December 19, 1939 and amended by Ordinance No. 1369, passed August 4, 1959, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 23. Payment of Bills. All bills for water are due and payable on the first day of each month, being payable in advance for fixed._, rate and on the succeeding month for metered rate, at the office of the City Treasurer, without any notice what ever to the consumer, provided, however, that if any such bill is not paid on or before the fifteenth day of the month in which it accrues, it shall be considered delinquent and a penalty of Fifty Cents (50C) shall be added to the charged amount. in the computaion of time for this section, should the fifteenth day of the month fall on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the first working day for the City Treasurer's office thereafter shall be treated as the fifteenth day of the month. In all cases where charges for water are not paid within the time provided by ordinance, payment may be enforced by shutting off of the water until all charges, including shut-off and turn -on charges, are paid. Section 6. Section 24 of Ordinance No. 1110, passed December 19, 1939, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 24. Water "Shut-off" and "Turn -on" fees and Penalties. When water has been shut off to any premises for non-payment of water charges, the same will not be turned on until said charges have been paid in full, together with a penalty of One Dollar ($1.00) each for "shut-off" and for "turn -on," providing, however, that nothing shall prevent the superintendent from making special contracts for the purpose of liquidating water accounts. When, at the owner's request, the water is shut-off or turned on at any premises, there shall be a charge made against the owner and the property and paid to the City in the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) for each of any such abut -off or turn inside` & -5- \� the City limits, and a charge of Four Dollars ($4.00) for each of any such shut-off or turn -on outside the City limits.�� Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on November 17, 1970. L_-✓FRANK— 1�II Ma&yor ATTEST GAty I. /YOUN.GBLOODD__ City ClerJ?c APPROVED AS TO FORM: G ABRA Ci tr Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1602 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $15,000.00 TO THE WATER MAIN REVOLVING FUND IN THE 1970 BUDGET OF THE WATER -SEWER DEPARTMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the Water Main Revolving Fund of the 1970 budget of the Water -Sewer Department, the sum of $15,000.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be and emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage,, approval and publication, in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time on November 17, 1970. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 1, 1970. --- ` FRANK M. SMITHi Mayor ATTEST: Blood City Clem/ APPROVED AS.TO FORM: 31AAbra C� Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 1603 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1200.00 TO SALARIES AND WAGES, THE SUM OF$1,000.00 TO MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF EQUIPMENT, AND THE SUM OF $500.00 MOTOR FUELS AND OILS, AND DECLARING -AN EMERGENCY, FOR THE 1970 BUDGET OF THE GARBAGE SERVICE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for the 1970 budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service, the following sums for the purposes stated: $1200.00 for salaries and wages; $1,000.00 for Maintenance and Repair of Equipment; and $500.00 for Motor Fuels and Oils. Section 2. There is hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the forma and manner required by law. Read for the. first time on -December 1, 1970. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 159 1970. .mot FRANK M: S 'P�1 Mayor ATTEST: Iahe I. Youngs7b,d City Clerk \ APPROVED AS TO FORM: G Abrah Fir Attorney a ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE GENERAL CITY GOVERNMENT :'OE THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND WATER -- SEWER DEPARTMENT, AND FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE FOR TIME YEAR 1971, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR.. SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the General City Government of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1971, divided into the total amount in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages -------------------- $273,190.00 Maintenance and Operation -------------- $161,716.00 Capital Outlay ------------------------ $159,674.00 Interest and Bond Redemption ---------- $ 5,641.25 Firemen's Pension & Relief Fund ------- $ 17,346.34 Cumulative Reserve Fund ---------------- $ 20,000.00 Arterial Highway Fund ----------------- $1.80,000.00 Section 2. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend Water — Sewer Department, for the year 1971, divided into the following classes and comprising the whole of said budget, to - wit: Salaries and Wages --------------------- $ 45,240.00 Maintenance and Operation ------------- $ 48,046.00 Capital Outlay------------------------.$•27,760'.00 Interest and Bond Redemption -------•---- $ 92,929.00 - 1 - i Section 3. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service, for the year 1971, divided into the following classes and comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages-------------------T-- $ 30,600.00 Maintenance and Operation ----------------- $ 9,034.00 Capital Outlay -.--------------------- ----- $ 9,300.00 Section 4. That this ordinance shall be published once, to be enforced and.take effect as provided by law. Passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor this 15th day of December, 19} ATTEST : GALE I. i3 BLOOD City Cl k PRANKk�MITH Mayor APP 0VED)AS TO M: GLE ABRAH Ci Attorney -z- 0 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1971. THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there`is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for the year 1971, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assess sed valuation of said city property far such purposes as is follows: FIRST: for the payment of current expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of $35,334.00 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.38 mills on the dollar. SECOND: for the purpose of maintaining a public library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $19,003.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.28 mills on the dollar. THIRD: for the purposes of maintaining a public park and for the park fund, the sum of $9,799.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 0.66 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: for the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the city and for the City Street Fund, the sum of $39,788.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 2.68 mills on the dollar. FIFTH: for the hospitalization and medical service of injured paid firemen and for pensions and for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $7,423.17, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 0.5 mills on the dollar. SIXTH: for the retirement and debt service of General Obli- gation Bonds 1955, the sum of $7,423.17, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 0.5 mills on the dollar. j'. Section 2. The the Mayor and City Clerk of said city are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, and fore- going tax levy of said city. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on this 15th day of December, 1970. i ` FRANK/ .SMITH Mayor ATTFPST. r, J OOD City Cl APPRO S TO FORM: GLEN RAHAbi �r City/Attorney 2 - „ • ORDINANCE NO. /,' ” AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REQUIRING SET -BACK STANDARDS AND MINIMUM BUILDING TRACT SIZES, AND REQUIRING COMPLIANCIS WITH THE SAME AS A CONDITION FOR OBTAINING BUILDING PERMITS, AUTHORIZING VARIANCES AND APPLICATION FOR BEARING THEREOF, AND DECLARING THE ORDINANCE NECESSARY FOR TILE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. From and after the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued, and no building shall be constructed, in the City of Port Townsend upon any tract, lot or site, unless said tract, lot or site shall contain a total of 5000 square feet in area. Section 2. From and after the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued, and no building shall be constructed, on any tract, lot or site in the City of Port Townsend, unless said building shall be situated on such tract, lot or site in such manner that the front wall thereof shall be set back not less than twenty feet from the front boundary, the rear wall shall be set back not less than twenty feet from the rear boundary, and that said walls of the building shall be set back from the side boundaries in such manner that there shall be a combined total distance of fifteen feet from the side walls to the side boundaries and no sidewall shall be less than five feet from the nearest side boundary. Section 3. In the event that a building permit shall be denied to any applicant be reason of failure of compliance with the terms of this ordinance, said applicant may appeal said denial by submitting written notice of such appeal to the City Planning Commission and the City Council. Said notice of appeal shall contain a concise statement of the grounds upon which the applicant requests a variance from the requirements of this ordinance, supported by appropriate maps, sketches and photographs to illustrate the problem or problems at issue. Within thirty days% after receipt of such application the Planning Commission shall set a date for a public hearing on the application for variance, which hearing shall be held not later than thirty days from the date of the Planning Commission meeting at which said hearing date is set. The applicant, the Building Official and the City Council shall receive notice of such hearing by mail from the Planning Commission and public notice shall be made by posting in three prominent places in the City for not less than ten days prior to the hearing. The Building Official, the applicant and any witnesses called by either of them or by the Planning Commission shall be heard at such hearing, and the general public shall likewise be heard. Within ten days following the conclusion of the public hearing, which may not be continued for ;,more than one week from its commencement, the Planning Commission shall forward its findings and decision to the applicant and to the City Council. If the applicant is aggriev- ed by the decision of the Planning Commission, said applicant may, within fifteen days of the rendering of said decision and the mailing thereof to him, make written application to the City Council for review of said decision, and the City Council, at its next regular meeting after receipt of the application for review, shall set the matter for public hearing within forty-five days from said regular meeting. At said public hearing before the City Council, the Council shall have full authority of review and disposition of the matter, and all interested parties will be heard. The decision of the City Council, after such public hear- ing, shall be binding on the City of Port Townsend and the applicant. Section 4. This ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, and shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. 2 - U w Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 15, 1970.- i FRANK� M SNbITL; Mayor ATTEST: 7 E Z. G OD dC� ?' cui s� ' City Cle APP VED) AS TO /J GL AB RAYI Cit Attorney �' 0 ORDINANCE NO. i AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 196, AND THEREBY ESTABISHING S-ANDARDS FOR GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF STREET,JMPROVEMENTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 196, passed on April 6, 1888, he and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2. Any person or persons wishing to grade, lay or construct any street, alley or. roadway, or make any kind of improvements in or upon any street, alley or roadway within the City shall, before commencing the same, procure from the Street Superintendent of the City 6t permit specifying the number of the lots and blocks in front of, or through which, the work is proposed to be performed, the name of the street, alley or roadway, a particular designation of the proposed improvements, and the length of time allowed for the completion thereof. All such streets, alleys and roadways shall be constructed to the grade established by the City Engineer, shall be surfaced with Class F Asphalt paving, or equal, shall have water and sanitary sewer lines installed, shall be bounded by concrete curbs, with paving extending from curb to curb not Less than thirty-six feet between curbs, and shall have installed therein storm drains and catch basins. Standards of construction shall be those standards established by the State of Washington Highway Department for "neighborhood streets." Any person procuring AND FA1wv6 To cor1%PLtrC 'TNE .446 such permit, and commencing the proposed improvementsAwithin the time allowed is by such permit shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, provided, however, that the Street Suprintendent may extend the time for the completion of such improvements." 4' Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and a bl P P 5 , PP P manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 15, 1970. �F K—M. SMTTTITH May r-- ATTEST: r; GALE I rJOUMGBLOOD is City Clerk` APP AS TO F M: GLEN ABRAHAM Cit ttorney ORDINANCE NO.J _r AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $3,000.00 OTHER. CONTRACTURAL SERVICES OF THE 1970 BUDGET OF THE SEWER DEPARTMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Sectionl. There is here and hereby appropriated to the "Other Contractural Services" appropriation of the 1970 Budget of the Sewer Department the sum of $3,000.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time on December.15, 1970. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on January 5, 1971. c _. FIL�IV 'SMx'Ptt y Mayo ATTEST: �7 "GA�E I., J61hiGBLOOD City APPROVED AS TO FORM: GLE ABRAHAM L Clt. Attorney ORDINANCE No. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1,S00.00 FOR THE 1970 BUDGET OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated tosslaries and wages the sum of $1,000.00, and to mairb3nance and repairs of cars the sum of g00.00, in the 1970 budget for.the Port Townsend Police Department. Section 2. There is hereby found and declared to emergency requiring the above appropriation for the 1970 budget. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval a�nc publication in the form and manner requirdd by law. Read for the first time December 15, 1970. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on January 5, 1971. FRANK."M-ASMIT May r ATTEST: Ga- a I. Yo n blood City Clem APPROVED AS TO FORM: C"torney �-----. ORDINANCE NO. / 6 11 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF DANCES FOR PERSONS LESS THAN TWENTY-ONE (21) YEARS OF AGE &MT= WHERE A= NO ALCOIIOLIC BEVERAGES ARE SERVED, SETTING LICENSE FEES THEREFOR, AND PROVIDING rOR THE REGULATION THEREOF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO OR DAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Not withstanding the provisions of ordinance no. 1079 and ordinance no. 871, any person who shall first obtain a license, as herein provided, shall be permitted to conduct a public dance for persons under 21 years of age or exceeding 21 years of age. Section 2. Any person desiring to obtain such license shall first pay into the City Treasury the sum of $25.00, which sum shall be sufficient to provide a license for the balance of the year in which application is made, and shall file with the City Clerk his application giving his residence, the location where such dance will be conducted, and stating that the applicant will comply with all Ordinances of the City of Port Townsend and laws of the State of Washington, and that the premises will at all times be under the supervision and control of some person or persons over the age of 21 years, and that no alcoholic beverages will be permitted therein. Section 3. Each such application shall be presented to the City Council by the City Clerk, and the City Council shall have the right to inquire as to the purposes, backgrounds and character of the applicant, as well as to determine the suitablity of location, the safety and sanitation questions pertaining thereto and all other matters relative to the conduct of the premises and the activity thereon. Section 4. Upon favorable motion of the City Council, the City G:ierk shall grant said license, and the same shall be made in full force and affect until the end of the calendar year in which granted, subject to the supervision of the police department of the City of Port Townsend, and further subject to revocation in the event that the premises shall not be conducted in a lawful and orderly manner, or shall in any way become unsafe or unsanitary. Section S. Every part of the premises upon which said dances are to be conducted shall be open and available to view from the dance floor of the premises, and the City Police shall have the right of entry into all and every portion of the premises upon which said dances are conducted. Section 6. No license shall be issued to any person of less than 21 years of age, and the licensee will be personally and strictly, responsible and accountable for acts comitted upon the premises, whether said acts be comitted by licensee, it's agents or by the active conduct of licensee rior the permissive conduct of licensee. Section 7. This Ordinance shall take affect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the. Council and approved by the Mayor c �anuary 5 1. _ FRANK . SMITH MAYOR AT, T T: / ar I. O NGB�OOD City Cle v APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ci ttorne ;:2M j ,:. , 1600 Street vacation (Special) ' 1601 Amends Ord. 1110, water system 1602 Emergency appropriation (Special)' 1603 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1604 1971 budget (Special) - 1605 1971 tax levy (Special) 1606 Building permits, setback standards, minimum tract size (16.04) I( 1607 Amends 52, Ord. 196, street improvements (12.04) 1608 Emergency appropriation Cspeci�l)( 1609 Emergency appropriation (Special;) 1610 Dances for persons under twenpealed by 1714) •`1.611 Budget transfer (Special) 11 1612 Open space, agricultural and timb rland use assessment (3.16) 1613 Street vacation (Special) 1614 Budget allocation (Special) 1615 Loan to Port Townsend garbage col 'ection service (Special) 1616 Emergency appropriation (Special)' 1617 Emergency appropriation (Special 183-1 (Port Townsend 7/80) 1618 Load authorized (Special) 1619 Adopts part of Building Code appe ix (16,04) 1620 Appropriation (special) ��1621 Street vacation (Special) 1622• Lease authorized (Special) 1623 Appropriation (Special) 1624 Port Townsend historical district stablished (Repealed by 1779) 1625 Zoning (Title 17) 1626 Street vacation, variance and cord tional use permit procedure (17.56) 1627 ,Lease authorized (Special) 1628 Appropriation (Special) 1629 Tax levy for 1972 (Special) 1630 Budget for 1972 (Special) 1631 Amends 53 of Ord. 1370, water util' y franchise license fee (Repealed by 1848) 1632 Amends 523 of Ord. 1110, water.bil (13.12) 1633 Individual sewage disposal systems (13.10) 1634 Adopts State Rules of the Road (1 .24) 1635 Criminal Code (9.02) 1636 Street vacation (Special) 1637 Alley vacation (Special) 1638 Repeals Ord. 1395, bus loading zon (Repealer) 1639 Amends 51 of Ord. 1490, parking 10.04) 1639 Appropriation (Special) 1640 Funding for alcoholic rehabilitati n (2.56) 1641 Appropriation (Special) 1642 Amusement and vending machine lice ses (5.76) 1643 Repeals Ords. 1204, 1437, 1465 and 1544, pinball machines (Repealer) 1644 Amends 554 and 6 of Ord. 818, house numbering (12.16) 1645 Appropriation (Special) 1646 Repeals Ord. 571, sale and manufacture of cigarettes (Repealer) 1647. Adds 55 to Ord. 1346, building permit valuation (Not codified) 1648 Amends 51 of Ord. 1640, funding for alcoholic reha- bilitation (2.56) 1649 Appropriation (Special) ■ i • ORDINANCE NO. /&,// AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERING THE SUM OF $3,000.00 FROM THE WATER -- SEWER FUND TO THE URBAN ARTERIAL STREET FUND IN THE 1970 BUGDET. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLE, DO OR RAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. TheAs here and hereby transferee from the water_ sewer fund, from mona"O.e aad :,.iry contractual services, to the urban arterial street fund the sum of $3,000.00. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the council and signed by the mayor on January 19, 1971. Roy Lindsey I �/� /' 1 e., Mayor Pro - Tem �_j ATT T: G E I. _x U BLOOD City 'Clerk " APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0 ORDINANCE NO. /�,/ I' AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING BY REFERENCE TILE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 87 OF THE 2ND 1970 EXTRA -ORDINARY SESSION LAWS OF THE WASHINGTON STATE LEGISLATURE AND FIXING FOR LAND CLASSIFICATION HEREUNDER A REASONABLE APPLICATION PROCESSING FEE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLE, DO OR DAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the purpose and intent of Chapter 87 of the 2nd Extra -ordinary Session of the Forty-first Legislature of the State of Washington, and all the provisions thereof insofar as they pertain to the City of Port Townsend, are hereby referred to and by this reference be and the same are hereby , established, adopted and settled as legislative policy and procedure of the City of Port Townsend. Section 2. That to accomplish the objectives herein sought to be obtained and to permit an owner of land desiring cur ent use assessment under said legislative act and this r�F upon the filing of application therefore, the applicant shall accompany such application with processing fees as follows: $25.00 to be credited to the Current Expense Fund, and non -returnable, and $50.00 upon. approval thereof. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the council and signed by the mayor on January 19, 1971. ROY LINDSEY ff Mayor Pro-Tem ATT ST: �� LOOD City Cidr-ki APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0 ORDINANCE NO. % AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF 10`H STREET BE"IEEN THOMAS AVENUE ARID LOGAN AVENUE, AND THAT PORTION OF l9.TS STREET BETWEEN TH014AS AVENUE AND LOGAN AVENUE, ON CONDITION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CITY ENGINNERING STANDARDS AND PERFORMANCE WITIIIN TWO YEARS, TOGETHER WITH 11th STREET CROH LOGAN AVENUE TO ROSECRANS AVENUE. THE COTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWZTSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, n0 ORDAI N AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of loth Street between the East margin of Thomas Avenue and the West margin of Logan Avenue, and that portion of llth Street between the East margin of Thomas Avenue and the West margincof Logan Avenue, and 11th Street from East margin of Logan Avenue to the West margin of Rosecrans Avenue, be and they are hereby vacated, on condition, owever, that the petitioner for vacation shall comply with al ity engineering standards for improvement of streets and installation of utilities in Rosecrans Avenue, Logan Avenue, Thomas Avenue and loth Street, that said streets subject to said improvement shall be improved within two years from the date hereof, or, in the alternative, that prior to the issuance of any building permit or permits for construction on blocks adjacent to any such vacated street the builder shall provide the City with a bond satisfactory to the City Council to secure the costs of such improvement to said City streets and utilities, and, further provided, that no building permit shall be issued for construction in any block adjacent to any of said vacated streets unless and until the said improvements shall be installed or bond provided. Section 2. This ordinance stlall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law, and upon payment of the cost of publication of this ordincance by petitioner. Section 3. In the event that no building permit shall have been issued for construction upon any of the blocks adjacent to the streets hereby vacated within two years from the date hereof, the vacations herein provided shall be void and to no effect, and said dedeicated and platted streets shall revert to the City street system. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved byX the Pfayor on January 19, 1971. ROY LINDSEY _ Mayor P to--Tem Y ATTD �-- �C,'.--f�'�� r_GAL I. 0 G LOOD f City Clerk Approved as to form: P�.tozn y (IT 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING AND ADOPTION A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET FOR THE WATER MAIN REVOLVING FUND, IN THE 1971 BUDGET, AND DIRECTING THE ALLOCATION OF $15,000.00 THEREFOR. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLE DUE OR DAIN AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, by ordinance no. 1602, passed by the City Council, and approved by the Mayor, on December 1, 1970, there was R established Water Main Revolving Fund in the water -sewer depart- ment of the City of Port Townsend, and the'sum of $15,000.00 was provided and appropriated therefor, and WHEREAS, said ordinance no. 1602 did not take effect until after the budget hearings held in the manner provided by law for the 1971 budget, so that said sums and appropriations were not included in said 1971 budget, but were properly allocated therefor, now, therefor, be it orfdained: Section 1. There is here and.hereby allocated to the 1971 budget of the Water -sewer Department, the sum of $15,000.00 for Water Main Revolving Fund, and said 1971 budget is hereby sup- plemented and amended accordingly. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the-..y council and approved by the mayor on February 2, 1971. ' FranyM. 5mi h/ - - — -- Mayor ATTEST: 'G IE y I. Y8 G 0/OD City '-.Ltup APPROVE AS TO FORM: Ci Attorne 0 ORDINANCE NO. /�, f j AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LOAN OF THE SUM OF $25,600.00 BY THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND TO THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, FORTHWITH, TO BE REPAID WITHIN SIX YEARS, AND TO BE LOANED ON INTEREST OFe,9f& PER CENT PER ANNUM ON DECLINING PRINCIPAL BALANCES, AUTHORIZING AND APPROPRIATING SAID SUM FOR PAYMENT FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for the 1971 budget of the Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Townsend, the sum of $25,600.00, for the purpose of making a loan to the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service. Section 2. The Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are here and hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the Current Expense Fund of the City to the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service the sum of $25,600.00, as a loan to said Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service for a term of six years, to be repaid in six equal instalments during the term, together with interest at the rate off% per annum on declining principal balances. Section 3. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage approval and publication in the formo and manner required by law. Read for he f irst time on March 2, 1971• Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approked by the Mayor on March 16, 1971. (— F TH Mayor ATTEST: '4411ZGC -�1' GALE I. YOUN B OOD City Clerk: APPROVED AS TO FORM: -z a. i • ORDAIA NCA NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $ t ST. f� , S� FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY IN THE 1971 BUDGET OF THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to Eapital Outlay, for acquisition of equipment, in the 1971 budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collectiojm Service, the sum of $ 2!!; 5; o Section 2. There is hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3'. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time on March 21 1971. Read for the second.and third times, passed by the Gbuncil and approved by the Mayor on March 16, 1971- / �I/LC7z K M. SM C Mayor ATTEST: I. Y G LO City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City torney ORDINANCE N0. I(, 1 :2 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $ 21, 7. �6 FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY IN THE 1971 BUDGET OF THE WATER -SEWER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to Capital Outlay, for acquisition of equipment, in the 1971 budget of the Port Townsend Water -Sewer Department, the sum of $ 21. A97. So Section 2. There is hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time March 2, 1971. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor the 16th day of March, 1971• NK S Mayor ATTEST: �a a I. You to City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: atorney 0 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE LOAN OF $4,237.50 FROM THE CURRENT EXPENSE FUND TO THE CITY STREET FUND, AT INTEREST OF 5% PER ANNUM OVER SIX YEARS, APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $4,237.50 TO CAPITAL OUTLAY IN THE 1971 BUDGET OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby authorized a loan in the sum of $4,237.50 from the Current Expense Fund of the City to the Street Fund of the City, over a term of repayment of six years, or sooner, with interest on decling principal balances at the rate of 5% per annum, for distribution to the Capital Outlay appropriation of the Street Fund. Section 2. There is here and hereby appropriated to the City Street Fund, for capital outlay, in the 1971 budget of said Street Department, the sum of $4,237.50, for the purchase of a motor grader. Section 3. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time on April 6, 1971. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on April ,20, 1971. j '% ✓2 Z 41IT Mayor ATTEST: T >/ Gir I. Y UNGI3LOOD Cy Cle k APPROVED AS TO FORM: G C4WABRAII�AM Ci Attorney �n u 6 C-I ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A PORTION OF THE APPENDIX OF THE 1967 -'EDITION OF THE NATIONAL BUILDING CODE REGARDING PROVISIONS FOR WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION, HEAT AND VENTILATING APPLIANCES, WOOD ROOFING AND FOOTING DESIGN AND SOIL 'PEST. TILE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DUE (:ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. In addition to the portion of the 1967 :edition of the National al building Code heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 1530, the city Council of the City of Port Townsend does hereby adopt and by this reference incorporates in the City Ordinances the same as though a part thereof, that portion of the 1967 addition of the Vational building code designated appendix A, appendix I, appendix L and appendix M. Said Appendices are titled and relate to the following matters: Appendix A - Supplementary provisions -for wood frame construction; Appendix I - Heat producing appliances, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, blower and exhaust systems; Appendix L - Wood Shingle or shake roof covering; Appendix M -- Footing design and soil test. Section II. Those:., portions of the said 1967 ::edition of the National $ code shall be enforced in the same manner and on the conditions provided in the said building code as heretofore adopted in Ordinance No. 1530. Section III. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, pasfi�by the council and approved by the mayor on April 20, 1971. ``FRANK :SMITH Mayor ATTEST: 1e I, Y n'^ lood city Cle APPROVED THIS TO FORM: Cit j Attorney 1 4 i ORDINANCL N0. Zv AN►)ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM, OF 4400.00 TO TEE 1971 BUDGET OF THE CURRENT EXEPENSE FUND FOR : COMPREHENSIVE LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWSEND+ IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBIED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the 1971 budget of the Current Expanse Fund, for the premium payment on comprehensive liability insurance for the City, the sum of 0400.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time on May 18, 1971. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on June• 1, 1971. /ll� J. `-- '4- ANK m -SMITH-- Mayor ATT 37 —0 A14 I. YO SL00. City Clerk APBDV=- AS TO F R f _ty/�orneyti +r .. - ,. i, 1600 Street vacation (Special) 1601 Amends Ord. 1110, water systen (13.12) 1602 Emergency appropriation (Special)' 1603 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1604 1971 budget (Special) - 1605 1971 tax levy (Special) 1606 Building permits, setback standards, minimum tract size (16.04) + 1607 Amends 52, Ord. 196, street imoroSements (12.04) 1608 Emergency appropriation lSpeci�1)1 1609 Emergency appropriation (Speciall` 1610 Dances for persons under twenty-one (Repealed by 1714) 1611 Budget transfer (Special) ( 1612 Open space, agricultural and timb rland use assessment 1613 Street vacation (Special) 1614 Budget allocation (Special) 1615 Loan to Port Townsend garbage col'ection service (Special) 1616 Emergency appropriation (Special 1617 Emergency appropriation (Special 183-1 (Dort Townsend 7/80) 1618 Load authorized (Special) 1619 Adopts part of Building Code app: ix (16.04) f_1. 20 Appropriation (Special) 1621 Street vacation (Special) 1622 Lease authorized (Special) 1623 Appropriation (Special) �('7 1624 Port Townsend historical district `stablished (Repealed by 1779) 1_____1625 Zoning (Title 17) 1626 Street vacation, variance and cond tional use permit procedure (17.56) 1627 Lease authorized (Special) 1628 Appropriation (Special) 1629 Tax levy for 1972 (Special) 1630 Budget for 1972 (Special) 1631 Amends 53 of Ord. 1370, water util' y franchise license fee (Repealed by 1848) 1632 Amends 523 of Ord. 1110, water bit (13.12) 1633 Individual sewage disposal systems (13.10) 1634 Adopts State Rules of the Road (1 .24) 1635 Criminal Code (9.02) 1636 Street vacation (Special) 1637 Alley vacation (Special) 1638 Repeals Ord. 1395, bus loading zon (Repealer) 1639 Amends §1 of Ord. 1490, parking 10.04) 1639 Appropriation (Special) 1640 Funding for alcoholic rehabilitati n (2.56) 1641 Appropriation (Special) 1642 Amusement and vending machine lice ses (5.76) 1643 Repeals Ords. 1204, 1437, 1465 and 1544, pinball machines- (Repealer) 1644 Amends 554 and 6 of Ord. 818, house numbering (12.16) 1645 Appropriation (Special) 1646 Repeals Ord. 571, sale and manufacture of cigarettes (Repealer) 1647 Adds §5 to Ord. 1346, building permit valuation (Not codified) 1648 Amends 51 of Ord. 1640, funding for alcoholic reha- bilitation (2.56) 1649 Appropriation (Special) M ORDINANCE No. 1621 All ORDINANCE VACATING TllAT PORTION OF WASIMNGTOM STRI:IsT 11EMNLEN IIL;NEMIC`L' AND PROSPER STRT-. TETS , TIM! PORTION OF BENEDICT S1'RELT LYING SOUTH OF WASHINGTON STREET, THAT PORTION OI' PROSPER STREET BETWEEN I.7AS11IN000N STRL;ET AND 1'j1,,'FFERSON STREET, AND THAT PORTION OF T3ELLE S'1'Il.I;I;T LTr:'I W"Li 14 .JJ\ iUNC'IT0111 7cll) iJEFTERSOM STR1;E`L';i, A14LI REQUIRI`IG PAYMENT 0, COSTS. TIIL•' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOI:'NSFMD, 1N REGULAR SESSION ASSL'yiI3:I,I;i3, DO ORDAI`I j•1S FOLLOI.7S : Section 1. The following portions of city streets, subject to the reservation of easements therein for :rater, sewer and other public utilities, are here and hereby vacated: That portion of Washington Street between Benedict Street and Prosper Street; that portion of Benedict Street lying South of Washington Street; that portion of Pros/ -per Street lying between Washington Street and Jefferson Street; and that portion of Belle Street lying between Washington and Jefferson Streets. Section 2. This ordinance shall talc effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law, anc: upon payment of costs of publication by the petitioner for vacation. Read for the first, second and third tunes, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on July, oth, 1971. i • • 1211AI I: PI . S, II 'II I•Iayor ATTEST: �`'CrAT I. Y LJ (1nL OD Ci y Clezi};� — APPROVED AS TO FORA: Crfif— �ttorneyl ORDINANCE NO. 1622 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING 'IT11B EXLCUTION AND GRANTING OF A LEASE ON A PORTION OF THE CITY HALL BUILDING AND ON THE FIRE DELL TOWER TO THE JEFFERSON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR A TERM OF NINETY-NINE YEARS, COMMENCING AUGUST 1, 1971 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POI:'P TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directed to execute a lease of that portion of the City Hall now occupied by the Jefferson County Historical Society, and the Fire Bell Tower situate on Tyler Street between Washington and Jefferson Streets for a term of ninety-nine years, commencing August 1, 1971, at a rental of $1.00 per year, subject to termination of the City Hall lease in the event said City Hall can not be maintained oe shall become unsafe during the term of the lease, the lessee to be the Jefferson County Historical Society, a Washington Corporation, and a true copy of which lease is on file with the City Clerk and by this rference incorporated herein the same as though a part hereof. Section 2. This lease is granted pursuant to R.C.W. 35.24.300, and R.C.W. 35.24.290 (9). Section 3. This ordincnace shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on July 20, 1971. NK S Mayor Zs,T, MCA r I. YO 14G LOOD City Cle3 ]W " APF�M� Cit Attor ey �,L, ORDINANCE NO. 1623 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $200.00 TO THE TREASURER'S CASH APPROPRITAINN IN THE 1971 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to "Treasuer's Cash" in the 1971 budget the additional sum of $200.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time on July 20, 1971. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on August 3, 1971. P'IA M: ml TH Mayor ATTES: GAL T. YOUNG OD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CifvAttoey ORDINANCE NO. 1624 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE PORT T019NSEND HISTORICAL DISTRICT, STATING THE PURPOSES THEREOF, AND PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATION IN HISTORICAL PRESERVATION PROGRAMS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby established, provided and created in the City of Port Townsend the "Port Townsend Historical District." Said Port Townsend Historical District shall be composed of that area of the City of Port Townsend bounded on the NorthWast by Blaine Street, on the tM100€ast by the Inner Harbor Line in Admiralty Inlet, on_the South by the Inner Harbor Line in Port Townsend Bay, and on the of 16est by Kearney Street. Section 2. It is the purpose of the City of Port Townsend to encourage and promote the preservation and restoration of historical sites, structures and places within the Port Townsend Historical t- I District. Section 3. Without assuming prior financial obligation for the same, the City Council here and hereby authorizes the Mayor and other City officers and employees to engage in and cooperate with other governmental agencies and historical organizations, for the purpose of carrying out and promoting the purposes herein set forth. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, lbassed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on August 3, 1971. ATTEST: 4E I. Y U G LOOD C1 y Clerc APPEOVED AS TO FORM: aNtBIR—Al Ci Attorney v\ J 1600 Street vacation (Special) 1601 Amends Ord. 1110, water systen i.12) 1602 Emergency appropriation (Special 1603 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1604 1971 budget (Special) 1605 1971 tax levy (Special) 1606 Building permits, setback standards, minimum tract size (16.04) ss 1601 Amends 52, Ord. 196, street improdements (12.04) 1608 Emergency appropriation (Speci,l)1 1609 Emergency appropriation (Speciz.0 1610 Dances for persons under twenty -•one (Repealed by 1714) 1611 Budget transfer (Special) I 1612 Open space, agricultural and timh rland use assessment (3.16) 1613 Street vacation (Special) 1614 Budget allocation (special) 1615 Loan to Port Townsend garbage col ection service (Special) 1616 Emergency appropriation (Special 1617 Emergency appropriation (Special 183-1 (P*t Townsend 7/80) 1618 Load authorized (Special) 1619 Adopts part of Building Code app: ix (16.04) 1620 Appropriation .(Special) 1621 Street vacation (Special) 1622 Lease authorized (Special) 1623 Appropriation (Special) 1624 Port Townsend historical distric- tablished (Repealed by 1779) :1625 Zoning (Title 17) 1626 Street vacation, variance and cond tional use permit procedure (17.56) 1627 Lease authorized (Special) 1628 Appropriation (Special) 1629 Tax levy for 1972 (Special) 1630 Budget for 1972 (Special) 1631 Amends 53 of Ord. 1370, water util' y franchise license fee (Repealed by 1848) 1632 Amends 523 of Ord. 1110, water bil i (13.12) 1633 Individual sewage disposal systems (13.10) 1634 Adopts State Rules of the Road (1 .24) 1635 Criminal Cade (9.02) 1636 Street vacation (Special) 1637 Alley vacation (Special) 1638 Repeals Ord. 1395, bus loading zon (Repealer) 1639 Amends S1 of Ord. 1490, parking 10.04) 1639 Appropriation (Special) 1640 Funding for alcoholic rehabilitati n (2.56) 1641 Appropriation (Special) 1642 Amusement and vending machine lice ses (5.76) 1643 Repeals Ords. 1204, 1437, 1465 and 1544, pinball machines- (Repealer) 1644 Amends 554 and 6 of Ord. 818, house numbering (12.16) 1645 Appropriation (Special) 1646 Repeals Ord. 571, sale and manufacture of cigarettes (Repealer) 1647 Adds 55 to Ord. 1346, building permit valuation (Not codified) 1648 Amends S1 of Ord. 1640, funding for alcoholic reha- bilitation (2.56) 1649 Appropriation (Special) j 4 ORDINANCE NO. z AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A NEW COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE. CITY OF PORT TO'0 SEND; REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE USE OF LAND; THE USE, BULK, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; DETER- MINING THE AREA AND REGULATION OF YARDS, COURTS, PARKING PLACES, LOADING AREAS, FENCES, PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT; DIVIDING THE CITY OF PORT T014NSEND INTO DISTRICTS FOR SUCH PURPOSES; ADOPTING AN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FOR SAID CITY SHOWING BOUNDARIES AND THE CLASSIFICATION OF SUCH DISTRICTS; PROVIDING FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS'AND VARIANCES; REGULATING USES THAT DO NOT CONFORM TO THE PROVISIONS HEREIN; AND PROVIDING FOR ABATEMENT PROCEEDINGS AND PEN- ALTIES FOR THE VIOLA'PION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend has undertaken review and contin- uing study of its planning policies, Comprehensive Plan, Ordinances and Official Maps, and WHEREAS, said Comprehensive Plan should be implemented by a Zoning Ordinance and an Offical Zoning Map, and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to protect property values and to maintain the residentual characteristics significant in the history of the city as may be generally possible, and ' WHEREAS, the City Council having received recommendations from the Planning Commission, and being fully advised in the premises, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: CHAPTER I TITLE AND PURPOSE Secti,on_1.01 This ordinance and maps shall be known as, and be cited and referred to as "The Port Townsend Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance" in accord- ance with and exercising the authority of Chapter 44, Law of 1935, Laws of the State of Washington, and among other provisos to: A. Regulate and restrict the location and use of buildings, structures I and land for residence, trade, commerce, industrial and other purposes; B. Regulate the height, number of stories, size, construction and design of buildings and other structures; the size of yards, courts and other open.spaces; the density of population; and the setback of buildings along public streets and road rights -of -way, parks, and waterfront; C. For any or all of such purposes may divide the City of Port Townsend or any portion thereof into districts of such size, shape and area, or may establish such official maps as may be deemed best suited to carry out the regulations and provide for their enforcement. Section 1.02 Such regulations are deemed necessary in order: A. To promote the interest of health, safety, morals and the general welfare; B. To secure safety from fire and to provide adequate open spaces for light and air; C. To prevent the overcrowding of land; D. To avoid undue concentration of population; E. To conserve and stabilize property values; F. To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewer- age, schools, parks and other public requirements, and to carry out the goals and objectives as set forth in Chapter 44, Laws of 1935, and other applicable Laws of the State of Washington. I-1 CHAPTER II DEFINITIONS Section 2.01 For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain words and terms used herein are defined as follows: All words used in the present tense include the future tense; all words in the plural number include the singular number, and all words in the singular number include the plural num- ber; unless the natural construction of the wording indicates otherwise. The word "lot" includes the word "plot;" the word t'building" includes the word "structure;" and the word "shall" is -.mandatory and not discretionary. The word "used" shall be deemed also to include "designed, intended or ar- ranged to be used." unless otherwise specified, all distan- ces shall be measured horizontally. The word "City" means the City of Port Townsend, in Jefferson County, State of Washington; The term "City Council" means the City Council of said City; The term "Building Inspector" means the Build- ing Inspector of said City. Section 2.02 Accessory Building. A subordinante building, the use of which is incidental to the use of the main building on the same lot. Section 2.02 Accessory Use. A use incidental and subordinate -to the principal use and located on the same lot or in the same building as the principal use. Section 2.04 'Alley. A passageway open to public travel which affords generally a secondary means of vehicular access to abutting lots and is not intended for general traffic circulation. Section 2.0 Alterations. A change or rearrangement of the structural parts of existing facilities, or an enlargment by extending the sides or increasing the height or depth, or the moving from one location to another. In buildings for business, commercial.,industrial or similar uses, the installation or rearrangement of partitions affecting more than one-third of a single floor area shall be considered an alteration. Section 2.06 Apartment House. A building or portion of a building arranged or designed to be occupied as three or more separate dwelling units. Section 2.07 Area, Building. The total ground coverage of a building or structure which provides shelter measured from the out side of its external walls or supporting members or from a point four feet in from the outside edge of a cantilevered roof, whichever covers the greatest area. Section 2.08 Basement. That portion of a building partly underground and having at least one-half of it height more than five feet below the adjoining finished grade. Section 2.09 Billboard. (See Sign). Section 2.10 Board of Adjustment. A quasi. -judicial body, created under Section 6.05 of this Ordinance, empowered to hear appeals from orders or determinations made by an administrative official charged with the enforce- ment of this Ordinance and to vary or modify certain provisions of this Ordinance relating to the use, construction or alteration of buildings or structures or the use of land, so that the spirit of this Ordinance is observed, public safety and welfare secured and substantial justice done. Section 2.11 Boarding House. A dwelling in which not more than four roomers, lodgers, and/or boarders are housed or fed. Section 2.12 Building. "Building" means any structure having a roof, but excluding all forms of vehicles even though immobilized. When a use is required to be within a building, or where special authority granted pursuant to this Ordinance requires that a use shall be within an entirely enclosed building, then the term "building" means one so designed and constructed that all exterior walls of the structure shall be solid from the ground to the roof line, -and shall contain no openings except for windows and doors which are designed so that they may be closed. Section 2.13 Building Height. The height of a building is the vertical distance from the established grade to the highest point on the roof or parapet wall.. Section 2.14 Building Inspector. A duly appointed officer of the City of Port Townsend charged with the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 2.15 Building Line. The line of that face, corner, roof or part of a building nearest the property line. Section 2.16 Carport. A structure to house or protect motor vehicles owned or operated by the occupants of the main building and which is at least 40 percent, of the total area of its sides, open to the weather. Section 2.17 Certificate of Occupancy. A permit to occupy a premises issued by the Building Inpector after inspection has verified compliance with the requirements and provisions of this Ordinance and applicable building codes. • LI Section 2.18 Clinic. A building designed and used .for the medical, dental or surgical diagnosis or treatment of patients under the care of doctors and/or nurses. Section 2.19 Club. An incorporated or unincorporated association of persons organized for a social, fraternal, athletic, educational, literary or charitable purpose. Property occupied by a club shall be deemed to be semi -private in character and shall be subject to the regulations governing public buildings and places, excluding groups organized primarily to render a service which is normally considered a business. Section 2.20 Commercial Use. An activity with goods, merchandise or services for sale or involving a rental fee. Section 2.21 Commerical Vehicle. A motor vehicle used for purposes other than a family car, such as a taxi, delivery, or service vehicle. Section 2.22 Conditional (Special) Use. "Conditional Use" means a use permitted in one or more zones as defined by this Ordinance but which, because of characteristics peculiar to such use, or because of size, technological processes or equipment, or because of the exact location with reference to surroundings, streets, and existing improvements or demands upon public facilities, requires a special degree of control to make such uses consistent with and compatible to other existing or permissible uses in the same zone or zones. A conditional use is a form of special exception. Section 2.23 Conditional Use Permit. "Conditional Use Permit" means the documental evidence of authority granted by the Board of Adjustment to locate a Conditional Use at a particular location. Section 2.24 Condominium Apartment. (See Apartment House). Section 2.25 Cooperative Apartment. (See Apartment House). Section 2.26 Court. An open, unoccupied space other than a yard, on the same lot with a building or buildings and which is bounded on two or more sides by such buildings or building including the open space in a house, court or apartment, providing access to the units thereof. Section 2.27 Covered Moorage Building Area. Shall be deemed to be the area of water lying directly beneath that portion of a structure covered by a roof. Section 2.28 Detached Building. A building surrounded on all sides by open space. Section 2.29 Dock. A basin for moorage of boats, including a basin formed between the extension of two piers or the area between a bank or quay and a pier. pocking facilities may include wharves, moorage or docks or any place or structure connected with the shore or upon shorelands provided for the securing of a boat or vessel. 11_3 Section 2.30 Dwelling, Single -Family. A detached building designed for and occupied exclusively by one family and the household employees of that family. Section 2.31 Dwelling, Multi -Family. A building designed to house two or more families living independently of each other and having one yard in common. Section 2.32 Dwelling Unit. A building or portion thereof providing complete housekeeping facilities for one family. The term "dwelling" shall not be deemed to include motel, tourist court, rooming house, or tourist home. Section 2.33 Electrical Distribution Substation. An assembly of equip- ment designed to receive energy from a high voltage distribution supply system, to convert it to a form suitable for local distribution and to distribute the energy to feeders through- switching equipment designed to protect the service from the effects of faults. Section 2.34 Essential. Use. That use for the preservation or promotion of which the use district was created, and to which all other permitted uses are subordinate. Section 2.35 Established Grade. The high point of the sidewalk at the front or side lot line as established by the City. Section 2.36 Family. One or more persons related by blood, e marria , adoption, or a group of not more than six persons (excluding servants not related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit. Section 2.37 Floor Area. The sum of the gross horizontal areas of the floors of a building or buildings, measured from the exterior faces of ex- terior walls and from the centerline of division walls. Floor area shall include: basement space, elevator shafts and stairwells at each floor, mechanical equipment rooms or attic spaces with headroom of 7'6" or more, penthouse floors, interior balconies and mezzanines, enclosed porches. Floor area shall not include: accessory water tanks and cooling towers, mechanical equipment or attic spaces with headroom of less than 71611, exterior steps or stairs, terraces, breezeways and open spaces. Section 2.38 Fraternity, Sorority, or Student Cooperative. A building occupied by and maintained exclusively for students affiliated with an academic or professional college or university, or other recognized institution of higher learning and regulated by such institution. Section 2.39 Garage, Commercial. A building or portion thereof designed and used for the storage, repair or servicing of motor vehicles or boats as a business. Section 2.40 Gasoline Station. Any area of land, including the structures thereon that is used for the sale of gasoline or other motor fuels, oils, lubricants and auto accessories and which may or may not include washing, lubricating, and other minor servicing but no painting operation. 11-4 Section 2.41 Greenbelt. A strip of Land, variable in width, for the planting, growing and maintaining of cultivated landscaping. Section 2.42 Guest House. A detached structure, being an accessory to one -family dwelling with not more than two bedrooms, having no kitchen facilities, and which shall be used and/or designed for use primarily by guest and/or servants for sleeping quarters only. Section 2.43 Home: Rest, Convalescent, For the Aged. "Rest home," "convalescent home," and "home for the aged," means a home operated simil- arly to a boarding house but not restricted to any number of guests or guest rooms, and in which nursing, dietary and other personal services are furnished to convalescents, invalids and aged persons, but in which homes are kept no persons suffering from an acute mental sickness, or from a contagious or communicable disease, and in which homes are performed no surgery or other primary treatments such as are customarily provided in hospitals, and in which no persons are kept or served who normally would be admitted to a mental hospital. Section 2.44 Home, Retirement. A place of residence for several families or individuals in apartment -like quarters, rented, cooperative, or condominium, which may feature services to retired persons such as limited nursing facilities, minimum maintenance living accommodations, and recreation programs and facilities. Section 2.45 Home Occupation. Any use.customarily conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by the inhabitants thereof, which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change the character thereof. The conducting of a hospital, barber shop, beauty shop, tea room, tourist home, animal hospital, retail sales of any type or similar use, shall not be deemeU to be a home occupation. Section 2.46 Hospital. .An establishment which provides accommodations, facilities and services over a continuous period of 24 hours or more, for observation, diagnosis and care, of two or more individuals, not related by blood or marriage to the operator, who are suffering from illness, injury, deformity or abnormality, or from any condition requiring obstetrical, medical or surgical services. 5ection__2.47 Hospital, Animal. A building or premises for the medical or surgical treatment of animals or pets, including dog, cat and veterinary hospitals, including the boarding of hospitalized animals, but excluding the boarding of animals not subjected to medical or surgical treatment. Section 2.48 Hotel. Any building or portion thereof containing five or more rooms that are rented, or hired out to be occupied or which are occupied for sleeping purposes for compensation, whether the compensation be paid directly or indirectly. A central kitchen and dining room and accessory shops and services catering to the general public can be provided. Not included are institutions housing persons under legal restraint or requiring medical attention or care. 1I-5 3 Section 2.49 Institution, Educational. A college, junior college or university supported by public or private funds, tuitions, contributions or endowments, giving advanced academic instructions as approved by the State Board of Education or by recognized accrediting agency, excluding pre-school, elementary and junior and senior high schools, and trade and commercial schools; including fraternity and sorority houses. Section 2.50 Instructional Home. A place for the care of babies, children, pensioners, or the aged, except those for mental therapy or for correction or detention. Section 2.51 Junk Yard. A lot, land or structure, or part thereof, used for the collecting, storage and sale of waste paper, rags, scrap metal or discarded material, or for the collecting, dismantling, storage, salvaging or sale of parts of machinery or vehicles not in running condition. Section_2.52 Kennel, Commercial. Any lot or building in which four or more dogs and/or cats at least four months of age are kept commercially for board or propagation or treatment. Section 2.5) Kitchen. Any rooms used or intended or designed to be used for cooking and/or preparation of food. Section 2.54 Lot. A lot, in the meaning of this Ordinance, is a single tract of land, no matter hots legally described, whether by metes.and bounds and/or by lot or lots and block designation as in a recorded plat, which at the time of applying for a building permit is designated by'its owner or developer as the tract to be used, developed or build upon as a unit of land -under single ownership or control and assigned to the particular use for which the building permit is being secured and having frontage on or access to a public street. Section 2.55 Lot Area. The total horizontal area within the boundary lines of a lot. Where utility or street easements are located within or bordering a parcel, lot area computation shall not include that area con- tained within the easement. Section 2.56 Lot, Corner. A lot at the junction of and fronting on two or more intersecting streets. Sectio_n2_.57 Lot, Depth, The mean dimension of the lot from the front street line to the rear line. Section 2.58 Lot, Interior. A lot fronting on one street. Section Z.52 Lot, Through. A lot fronting on two streets that do not intersect on the parcel's lot lines. Section 2.60 Lot, Width. The dimension of the lot line at the street, or in an irregular shaped lot the dimension across the lot at the building line, or in a corner lot the narrow dimension of the lot at a street or building line. II-6 6 Section 2.61 Mean Depth. The mean depth of a lot is the depth of such lot measured on a line approximately perpendicular to the fronting street and midway between the side lines of such lot. Section 2.62 Mean Ground Level. The average of the finished ground level at the center of all exposed walls of a building. Where walls are parallel to and within five feet of a sidewalk, the sidewalk shall be considered the mean ground level. Section 2.63 Moorage. A place to tie up or anchor a goat or vessel. Section 2.64 Motel. A motel is a building or buildings, detached or in connected units or designed as a single structure, the units of which are used as individual sleeping or dwelling units, having their own private toilet facilities and may or may not have their own kitchen facilities, and are designed primarily for the accommodation of transient automobile travelers. Accommodations .for trailers are not included. This term includes tourist court, motor lodge, auto court, cabin court, motor inn and similar names. Section 2.65 Motor Hotel. A specialized hotel designed and operated to provide hotel services and accommodations to the motoring public and where the sleeping accommodations normally do not exceed one week's duration. Section 2.66 Non -conforming Building Use. The use of a building which was a lawful use at the time this Ordinance became effective but which use, because of the passage of this Ordinance, does not conform to the regulations of the district in which the use exists. Section 2.67 Non -conforming Land Use. The use of land which was a lawful use at the time this Ordinance became effective but which use, because of the passage of this Ordinance, does not conform to the regulations of the district in which the use exists. Section 2.68 Non -conforming Use. A use which lawfully occupied a building or land at the time this Ordinance became effective and which does not conform with the use regulations of the district in which it is located. Section 2.62 Nursery, Day. An agency or institution which provides sup- plemental parental care during the day or by the hour fora group of children, with or without compensation. Section 2.70 Off -Street Parking. Parking facilities for motor vehicles on other than a public street or alley. Section 2.71 Open Space. Any part of a lot unobstructed from the ground upward. Section 2.72 Outdoor Advertising Display. Any card, cloth, paper, metal painted signs, wooden, plaster, stone or other sign of any kind or character whatsoever placed for outdoor advertising purposes on the ground or on any tree, wall, bush, rock, post, fence, building, structure or thing whatsoever. The term "placed" as used in the definitions of "outdoor advertising sign" and- 11-7 "outdoor advertising structure" shall include erecting, construction, posting, painting, printing, tacking, mailing, gluing, sticking, carving or otherwise fastening, affixing or making visible in any manner whatsoever. Section_2.73 Parking Space. A space within or without a building, exclusive of driveways, at least 10' by 201, used to temporarily park a motor vehicle and having access to a public street or alley. Section 2.74 Permitted Use. Any use authorized or permitted alone or in conjuction with another use in a specified district and subject to the limitations of the regulations of such use district. Section 2.75 Place. An open unoccupied named space, other than a street or alley, at least 25 feet in width, permanently reserved and so recorded in the County records as the principal means of access to abutting or adjacent property. Section 2. b Primary Use. The principal or predominant use to which the property is or may be devoted, and to which all other uses on the premises are accessory. Section 2.77 Professional Offices. Offices maintained and used as a place of business conducted by persons engaged in the healing arts for human beings, such as doctors and dentists (but wherein no overnight care for patients is given), and by engineers, attorneys, architects, accountants and other persons providing services utilizing training in and knowledge of the mental discipline as distinguished from training in occupations requiring mere skill or manual dexterity or the handling of commodities. Section 2.78 Public Utility. A public service corporation performing some public service and subject to special governmental regulations, or a gover- nmental agency performing similar public services, the services by either of which are paid for directly by the recipients thereof. Such services shall include, but are not limited to, water supply, electric power, gas and transportation for persons and freight, telephone companies, and cable television. Section 2.79 Recreation Facilities. Facilities, such as boat or yacht clubs, swimming pools, athletic clubs, golf and country clubs, for the use of the general public and operated by the municipal corporation. Section 2.80 Riding Academy. Any establishment where horses are kept for riding, driving or stabling for compensation or as an accessory use in the operation of a club, association, ranch or similar establishment. Section 2.81 Rooming House. Same as `Boarding House." Section 2.82 Sanitarium and Nursing Home. (See Home: Rest). Section 2.J School, Commercial. A building where instruction is given to pupils in arts, crafts or trades, and.operated as a commercial enter- prise as distinguished from schools endowed and/or supported by taxation. II-8 Section 2.84 School: Elementary, Junior or Senior High, Including Public, Private and Parochial. An institution of learning which offers instruction in the several branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools by the Washington State Board of Education. Section 2.85 Secondary Use. (Incidental or Accessory). A minor or second use for which a lot, structure or building is designed or employed in conjunction with but subordinate to its primary use. Section 2.86 Semi -Private Facility. Any facility to which a class or a group of the public is permitted to attend or use subject to the regulations of a club or other organization owning or regulating such facility. Section 2.87 Setback. Yard requirements. The distances that buildings or uses must be removed from their lot lines. Setbacks shall be measured, where applicable, from proposed or actual public or private street right-of-way lines. Section 2.88 Shelter Station. A shelter for the protection from the elements of the waiting customers of a public transportation system. Section 2.89 Sign. Any device for visual communication that is used for the purpose of bringing the subject thereof to the attention of the public. Section 2.90 Solid Planting. A planting of evergreen trees and shrubs which will prevent a thorough and unobscured penetration of sight or light. Section 2.21 Sorority. (See Fraternity)• Section 2.92 Story. That part of a building lying between two floors or between the floor and ceiling of the highest usable level in the building. Section_2.93 Street. A public thoroughfare which affords the principal means of access to abutting properties. Section 2.94 Structure. A combination of materials constructed and erected permanently on the ground or attached to something having a permanent location on the ground. Not included are residential fences less than six feet in width, retaining walls, rockeries and similar improvements of a minor character less than three feet in height. Section 2.95 Structural Alterations. Any change in load or stress of the loaded or stressed members of a building or structure. Section 2.96 Temporary. Not having or requiring permanent attachment to the ground, or involving structures which have no required permanent attach- ment to the ground and not to exceed a period of time of six months. Section_2.97 Tourist Home. A private residence having not more than three rooms for hire to transients for only sleeping accommodations and whose trade is seasonal in character. Section 2.98 Trailer. (Mobile Home). A vehicle used for living or sleeping purposes. TI-9 Section 2.99 Trailer Camp or Mobile Nome Park. Land designed or used for temporary or permanent parking of two or more vehicles used for human habitation. Section 2.100 Use. The purpose land or buildings or structure now serves or for which it is occupied, maintained, arranged, designed, or intended. Section 2.101 Use District. A portion or portions of Port Townsend designated on Official Zoning Maps as one or more of the categories listed and described in this Ordinance. Section 2.102 Used Car Lot. Any place outside a building where two or more automobiles are offered for sale or are displayed. Section 2.103 Variance. A variance is the means by which an adjustment is made in the application of the specific regulations of this Ordinance to a particular piece of property, which property because of special circum- stances applicable to it, is deprived of privileges commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zone or vicinity and which adjustment remedies disparity in privileges. A variance is a form of special exception. Section 2.104 Yard. An open space in front, rear or side on the same lot with a building or proposed building, Section 2.105 Yard, Front. An open space extending from 30 inches above the general ground level at the principal street line to the building line and including the full width of the lot to its side lines. Section 2.106 Yard, Rear. An open space extending from 30 inches above the general ground level at the rear lot line to the main building line and including the full width of the lot to its side lines. Section 2.107 Yard, Service. An open area, usually paved, with access to a street or alley, to allow vehicular access to a building or use for pur- poses of loading or unloading equipment, freight, livestock or people. Section 2.108 Yard, Side. An open space extending from 30 inches above the general ground level at the front yard to the rear yard and from the main building line to the side lot line. II-10 CHAPTER III ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS Section 3.01 Intent. The purpose of this chapter is to establish dis- tricts wherein compatible uses of land may be located and grouped to create, protect or maintain a living environment for the citizens of Port Townsend. Three broad categories of uses are established: residential, commercial and industrial, and it is the intent of this chapter to stabilize and protect the uses contained within these districts by excluding mutually interfering uses and to allow a maximum degree of latitude within the regulations to promote residential harmony, conduct profitable business, or contribute to the economy of the community. It is also the purpose of this classification to make it possible to more efficiently and economically design and install all physical public service facilities in terms of size and capacity to adequately and permanently meet needs resulting from a defined intensity of land use and to provide for the health, safety, morals, prosperity and well-being of the community at Large. Section 3.02 Establishment of Districts. The City of Port Townsend is hereby divided into ten classes of districts with the designations and general purposes listed" -below and the specifically permitted and prov- isional uses tabulated in Section 3.03. Section 3.03 Table of Permitted Uses. Within the various use districts as indicated on the Official Zoning Map of Port Townsend, Washington, and subject to the requirements of Sections 3.04 and 3.05, no land, building, or structure shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected which is intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any of the uses indicated in the "conditional" column without specific approval of the Board of Adjustment. The criteria of Section 6.08 shall guide the Board in granting or withholding approval. Permitted uses in the various use districts are indicated by an "x" in the appropriate column of the accompanying table. With the exception of conditional uses, as regulated in Sections 6.08 through 6.10, only those uses appearing below are deemed to be in the interests of public health, safety, morals, and the general welfare of the citizens of Port Townsend. DISTRICT Public P-I Single -Family Residential R-I PURPOSE Primarily a public use district devoted to schools, public buildings, parks and related uses. Exclusively a single-family residence district with adequate plot areas required and including the customary accessory and secondary uses. DISTRICT PURPOSE Single -Family Residential Primarily a single-family residence district R_I(A) with adequate plot areas required and including the customary accessory and secondary uses, with agricultural use also allowed. Single -Family Residential Primarily a single-family residence district, and R-II low density multiple residence district, with ad- equate plot areas required and including the customary accessory and secondary uses. Multiple -Family Residential Primarily a multiple -family residence district R-III with adequate plot areas required and including some single-family residences and the customary accessory and secondary uses. Neighborhood Commercial Exclusively a neighborhood district for the pro- C-I vision of convenience shopping for a limited residential area and which involves retail enter- prises dispensing commodities, providing profes- sional services, or providing personal services to the individual. General Commercial Primarily a general commercial district for the C-II conduct of enterprise which depends on proximity to major streets or arterials for trade or trans- portation. Community Commercial Primarily for the conduct of retail trade, admin- C-III istrative and professional offices, and service to the general public, in the central business district, with emphasis on large scale stores and specialized shops serving,, the..,,,.,,.,,,,,, area. Partially use as apartments is a permitted use. Light Manufacturing or Primarily for light manufacturing,`processing, Industry fabrication and assembling of products or mater- M-I ials, warehousing and storage, and transportation facilities. Manufacturing or Industry Primarily for heavy manufacturing, processing, M-II fabrication -and assembling of products or materials. III-2 PEliI4ITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES a ^l. a E� r-I M H H H H ^ v a Abattoirs x x Accessory uses and structures incidental to any permitted residential use, such as servants' quarters, garages, greenhouses or workshops, provided that none shall be rented or occupied for gain, that no accessory building to be used for living quarters shall be constructed upon a plat until the construction of the main build- ing has commenced. x x x x x Accessary uses clearly incidental to a permitted use and which will not create a nuisance or hazard x x x x x Acetylene gas manufacture and/or storage x x Acid manufacture x x Agencies as follows, rendering special- ized services not involving retail trade with the general public nor maintenance of a stock of goods for sale: real estate insurance, advertising, brokerage. x x x Airports and landing fields x x x x Alcohol and alcoholic beverage manufacture x x x Alcohol beverage packaged retail sales x x Ammonia, bleaching powder or chlorine manufacture. x x Amusement enterprises similar to billiards pool, bowling, shooting gallery, roller rink, dance hall, but not including theater. x x x x Amusement park or zoo. x x x Animal farm and livestock barns (except hog farms) on a commercial scale. x x x Antiques and gift sales. x x Apartment house. x x x • PERMITT M AND CONDITIONAL USES d l d H p H H FH-i FH-i Irl H H f-i _ �-4 H Apotheca y shop operated as a retail use within a building, the primary use of which is for a hospital, clinic or physi- cians' o flees, provided that said apoth- ecary sh n shall sell only drugs, pre- scriptio medicine (both ethical and propriet ry), medicinal supplies and applianc s and pharmaceutical products: and prov ded further, that not more than fifty pe cent of the ground floor area of such.bui ding be used for such apothecary shop x x x x X. Applianc distributors for wholesale x x x x Art sup ly retail sales x x Asphalt manufacture or refining x x Assembl halls, coliseums, stadiums x x x x x x x x x Assembl of machines and appliances from previou ly prepared parts x x Automob le (new and used) and accessory sales x x x Automobile commercial parking enterprise x x x Automob le ,laundry x x x Automob le parking operated -in conjunction with pe m'tted uses and in accordance with the req irements of Chapter IV. x x x x x x x x x x Automo 'b repair garages x x x x Automo 'le and truck assembly x x Bakeri s or Making plants x x Bakery shops and confectionaries oper- ating oth wholesale and retail business, provid d such operations are limited to 1,500 quare feet of manufacturing area and to the use of non -smoke producing types f furnaces x x x x III_4............-------�-_--__ PE101ITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES a l O H A � H H µ � M � H 0 M ci FHi FH-1 H _ H H Banks x x x x Barber, beauty and other personal services x x x x x Bedding, carpet and pillow manufacturing, and renovating x x Billboards as defined in Section 2.89 x x x x x Blacksmith or horseshoeing shops x x Blueprints and photostating establishments x x x x Boat building and repair x x x Boat marinas, docks and piers for pleasure craft, public and private x x x x x xl Boat sales, new and used x x x x x Book bindery x x x Book and stationery stores x x x Bottling works for soft drinks x x Brick, tile or terra cotta manufacture x x Bus passenger stations x x x Bus repair and storage terminals x x x Candy products manufacture x x Canvas and burlap products manufacture, sale and storage x x Catering establishments x x x x Catering establishments conducted as an incidental home occupation except that not more than five temporary employees may be employed on these premises x x x Cellophane manufacture x x Cement, lime, plaster manufacture x x i • 0 E- . . r H F-i M kH H I M H H PEW41TTED AND CONDITIONAL USES U 1-1 t= �- " " " '� '� °: Cemeteries, mausoleums, columbariums and crematories x Churches and other places of worship, including parish houses and Sunday School buildings Clinics Clothing manufacture Clothing sales Clubs and other places of entertainment operated as commercial enterprises x I x Ex I x I x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Coal or coke yards x x x Coffee roasting x x Cold storage plants x x Colleges, business colleges, trade schools, music conservatories, dancing schools and similar organizations, all without student in residence, offering training in specific fields x Contractors' plants or storage yards Convalescent and nursing homes and homes for the care of children or the aged x Convalescent, nursing and foster homes conducted within the principal building as an incidental home occupation Cooperage works x Cosmetics and perfume manufacture x Creosote manufacturing or treatment plants x Crop or tree farming, greenhouses, and truck gardening including the sale of products raised on the premises x x xI x xI x x I x! x Ix Ix Ix I I x x ix F-MU s 0 P110TI`1'TED AND CONDITIONAL USES ti O H OH cU 11 H X, H U HW c1 H H c1 cz a H x H x i H °• Crop or tree farming greenhouses and truck gardening including the sale of products raised on the premises, provided that no retail stand or other commercial struct- ure shall be located thereon and no green- house heating plant shall be operated within 20 feet of any plot line x x x x x x Dairy products processing, bottling and distribution, ice cream manufacture, all on a wholesale basis x x Dairy bars and ice cream manufacture for retail sale on the premises only x x x Department and variety stores x x Distillation of bones, coal, petroleum, refuse grain, tar and wood x x Drive-in theaters x x x x Drug stores x x x x Dry cleaning pick-up stations x x x x Dry cleaning plants x x Dry cleaning, pressing and dyeing plants operated in conjuction with retail service counter, provided that not more than 2,000 square feet is devoted to these processes x x x x Dwelling, multi -family attached row with- out common interior halls or entrances x x x x Dwelling, other multi --family x x x x x x Dwelling, single-family x x x x x x Dwellings, two-family x x x Dye stuff manufacture x x Eating and drinking establishments x x x x x ...��.._._..._._._..___..r.. _...,___..... �.- .._. __......- ... III-7 _...--- ___, ��.--------�....__ .._._.....�._.... •---�_---___..._.... PEHMI.TTE�p AND CONDITIONAL USES ;: v v v cx as i a Eating and drinking establishments when operated as an accessory (incidental) use to a motel x x x Electric light or power generating station x x x x x x Emery cloth or sandpaper manufacture x x x Enameling, japanning, lacquering, or the plating or galvanizing of metals x x x Excavations, other than simple foundation x x x x x x x x x x x Excelsior and fiber manufacture x x x Explosives, ammunition, fireworks, gun- powder manufacture x x Farm machinery assembly, repair and sales x x Fat rendering, production of fats and oils from animal or vegetable products by boil- ing or distillations x x Feed and seed processing x x x Feed and seed retail sale x x x x Felt manufacture x x Fertilizer manufacture x x Fertilizer wholesale sales x x Fertilizer retail sales x x x x Finance and loan companies x x Florists, retail x x x Flour, feed and seed processing x x x Food processing in wholesale quantities except meat, fish, poultry, vinegar and yeast x x x H H M H d PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES Food processing; for sale at retail on the premises, but excluding the killing and dressing of any .flesh or fowl x x x x Food stores (retail only): Grocery, delicatessen, moat and fish, but exclud- ing the killing and dressing of any flesh or fowl x x x x Forging plants x x Foundries or metal fabrication plants using plate and structural shapes x x Frozen food lockers x x x x Fuel oil and kerosene for domestic heating purposes in ground containers not exceeding 750 gallons capacity x x x x x x x x x x Fuel oil and kerosene: the incidental sale at retail of same in cans of not over five -gallon capacity x x x x x Furniture retail sales x x x Furriers, retail sales x x x Fur storage x x x x Garages for storage only of automobiles as an accessory to a public or quasi - public institution x x x x x x x x x x Garbage, offal, and animal reductions, or processing x x Heavy industry not otherwise listed, pro- vided Board of Adjustment finds such industry is similar to other industries in M-II district x x Home occupations as regulated in Sections 2.45 and 6.08 x x x x x x x Home, retirement x x x x ix x x Q. Q H HH Gl FH-1 H H H PEWAITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES L) 1 1 1 Horse riding stables x x x Hosiery manufacture x x x Hospitals x x x x x x x Hotels and inns x x x x Hotels not catering to transient guests and not carrying on merchanising except that which is incidental to the operatibn of the hotel, and for the convenience of guests and where there is no exterior display of merchandise x x x x x Ice manufacture storage and sales x x Incidental accessory retail uses such as cafeterias, gift or variety shops, soda bars conducted solely for the convenience of the employees, patients, patrons or visitors on the premises wholly within the principal building and without exterior advertising display x x x x x Incidental keeping of non -transient boarders or lodgers by a resident family, provided not more than 50 percent of the total floor area in one dwelling unit used for living purposes is devoted to such occupancy x K x Incidental keeping of non -transient boarders or lodgers by a resident family, provided not more than 25 percent of the total floor area in one dwelling unit used for living purposes is devoted to such occupancy x K x Industrial chemical manufacture except highly corrosive materials x Insulation material manufacture and sale x Jails and penal institutions x X K x x x Jewelry and watch sale PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES 0 H cC)i .'�.I. _ Junk yards and auto wrecking, but only when conducted within an enclosure not less than eight Feet in height and with a solidity of not less than 60 percent; said enclosure shall be located at least 50 feet from any public street x x x x Kennels, commercial x x x Laboratories For research and testing x x x x Land Fills, reclamation to improve steep, low or otherwise unusable land x x x x x x x x x x x Land fills, sanitary, for disposal of stumps, trash and garbage x x x x x Laundries: all hand laundries and any small power laundries operated in con- junction faith a retail service counter on the premises where not more than 2,000 square feet of floor space is devoted to the laundering and finishing processes, provided the total operating capacity of all commercial washing machines shall not exceed 400 pounds and no coal -burning or smoke -producing equipment is used x x x x Laundries, steam x x x Launderette service: where individual family -sized laundry equipment is rented For use by the customer x x x x Laundry pick-up stations x x x x Leather goods, manufacture x x Libraries, museums, and art galleries x x x x x x x Light manufacturing or processing not otherwise named herein, provided no ooer- ations are carried on, or are likely to be carried on which will create smoke, fumes, noise, odor or dust, as regulated in Section 3.05F which will be detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of the community x x x 4. PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USirS ,a Q J H H 7 0 hH-5 4-i % � H H ci M 01 i.i ci H H FH-S Fi _ d 1~-i F"ti Linseed oil, shellac, turpentine, manu- facture or refining x x Lock and gunsmiths x x x x Lodges, fraternal and social organizations provided that any such establishment shall not be conducted primarily for gain x x x x x x x x Lumber yards, building materials,storage and sale x x x Machine shops x x Machine tool manufacture x x x Marguee as permitted by building code with sign or signs x x i Meat processing and packing other than slaughter x x x Metal fabrication and boiler or tank works x x x Microwave relay stations x x x x x Mixing plants for concrete or paving materials and manufacture of concrete products x x x Motorcycle sales and repair x x x x Motels and motor hotels x x x x x x x Music stores x x News stands x x x Nursery, landscape materials x x x x x Office buildings: governmental and pri- vate office buildings including profess- ional offices x x x x x x Office buildings and professional offices in which no actiizity is carried on cater- ing to retail trade or service with the Gia aci.Ln`V`8 ` Qa e 'sV J VV y�1 Vl r_UA. JL _ PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES Offices. for doctors, lawyers, dentists, architects and engineers, conducted with- in the principal building, but only by a person resident in the building provided that not more than one person not a res- ident of the premises is employed and that not more than 25 percent of the total floor area in any dwelling unit is devoted to such use Office equipment and supplies sales and service Office and secretarial service estab- lishments Offices operated as an incidental home occupation where no contact is made with the general public, and subject to Section 6.08 Oilcloth or linoleum manufacture Optical and scientific instrument, jewelry and clock, musical instrument manufacture Opticians and optical supplies sales Ore reduction Orphanage and charitable institutions, all provided that no.buildings so used shall be within 100 feet of any plot line Oxygen manufacture and/or storage Paint and enamel manufacture Paint retail sales Paper, pulp, cardboard, and building board manufacture Pawn shops or second-hand stores Pet shops, bird stores, taxidermists 0 M E- x x x x x S PEIi,4iITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES H o 0 0 x a a a a Petroleum and petroleum products in un- pressurized tanks of more than 15,404 gallons capacity, bulk storage x x Pharmaceutical products manufacture x x Photographic studios and camera supply stores x x Physical culture establishments X x Planing or saw mills x x Plastics manufacture x x Plating works x x Plumbing shop and yard x x x x Pottery, porcelain and vitreous china manufacture x x x x Poultry dressing for wholesale x x x Printing, publishing and reproduction establishments X x x Printing, publishing and reproduction establishments operated by three persons or less x x x Produce stands x x x x x x Public grade schools and private schools having curricula approximately the same as ordinarily given in public schools including gymnasiums and assembly halls in conjunction therewith x x x x x x Public or private colleges or universities x x x x x x Public transportation shelter stations x x x x x x x x x x x Public utility installations x x x x x x x x x x x Quasi -public buildings, non-profit in character x x x x x x x x x x x PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES Q 0 p � H =i � H � H 0 � H W. H v Radio, television, retail sales and service x x x Radio and television broadcasting stations and masts x x x x x x x Rag, bag, and carpet cleaning establish- ments x x x x Rapid transit routes and terminals x x x x x x x xc x x x Repair and servicing of office and household equipment x x x x Repair and servicing of industrial equipment machinery x x Residential uses: all uses permitted in any residential district as set forth in this table may be continued as non -con- forming uses as provided in Section 2.66, 2.67, and 2.68 and Further may be estab- lished or changed to ether such resi- dential use, provided such use is carried on within preexisting buildings occupied by or designed For any residential use at the time of the establishment of the industrial and commercial districts and provided that any building and plot containing one or more dwelling units shall comply with the dimensional requirements of the R-III distract set forth in Section 3.04 x x x Retail stores not otherwise named on this list including those conducting incidental light manufacturing or processing of goods above the First floor or in the basement to be sold exclusively on the premises and employing not more than ten operatives x x Retail�tores similar to those otherwise named an this list x x x x x Rock crushers x x x PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES Rodenticide, insecticide and pesticide mixing plants Rubber manufacture Schools, commercial Scrap paper or rag storage, sorting or baling when conducted within a building Sheet metal shops Shoe repair Signs, illuminated or otherwise, as regulated in Section 3.04, but not billboards Signs: a small professional or announce- ment sign, not over four square feet in area, mounted flat to the main wall of the building. Signs: marquee as permitted by building code with sign or signs Signs designed to overhang a public sidewalk not more than three feet and only if illuminated Sign manufacture, painting, and maintenance Soap, detergent and washing compound manufacture Sporting goods sales Storage, under cover, of goods intended for retail sale on the premises, but not including combustibles Storage warehouses and yards Stone cutting, monument manufacture and sales PEitNTTTSD AND CONDITIONAL USES a 0 H M H ti U 01 H a 94, a,: _ a CA 0! Swimming pools or beaches, public or semi -private x x x x x x x x x 'tailors, dressmakers, milliners x x Tanning, cutting, curing, cleaning or staring of green hides or skins x Tar and waterproofing materials manu- facture, treatment and storage x Taxi stands x x x x Taxi stands limited to five taxis 'temporary buildings or structures x x x x x x x x Text;zle machinery manufacture x x 'textile manufacture x x `theaters, coliseums and assembly halls housed in a permanent indoor structure x x x x x Tire recapping -and retreading x x x x Tourist homes, catering to seasonal trade x x x x x Trailer camps x x x Trailer sales areas x x x Truck terminals, repair shops, hauling and storage yards x x x Undertaking establishments, mortuaries, funeral homes or parlors x x x x Upholstery, paperhanging, and decorator shops x x Used car lots x x Veterinary hospitals x x x x x Waste paper and rags, collection and baling x x x x • 0 PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES 4 7 Q A FM-4 H H H 1.-I H IH-4 H H I-•1 Water and sewage treatment plants and water towers x x x Y x x x Wholesale and jobbing establishments including incidental retail outlets for only such merchandise as is handled at wholesale x x Woodworking shops, millwork x x i I Section 1.04 Bulk and Dimensional Requirements. In recognition of the various topographical conformations and geographic relationships in the City of Port Townsend and with consideration for the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizenry, bulk, dimensional and general require- ments for the several districts are herewith established and set down opposite in the table: Bulk, Dimensional and General Requirements. BULK, DIMENSIONAL AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Continued on next page) MINIMUM LOT REQUIREMENT MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENT MAX. LOT MAXIMUM ZONE AREA WIDTH FRONT SIDE REAR COVERAGE HEIGHT (Sq.f t.) (Feet) (In feet) (Feet) P-I None specified 20 10 each 20 45% 50 R-I(A) 5,000 50 20 15;10 on 20 35% 30 l side R_11 5000 50 20 15;10 on 20 35% 35 1 side R-III* None specified 70 20 20;15 on 20 45% 35 or 3 1 side stories C-I None specified 20 5 each 20 1 sq.ft. 35 of gross floor area per 3 sq.ft. of lot C-II No restrictions No restriction's except 1 sq.ft. of 35 when abutting an R-zone gross floor then: area per 1 sq. None 10 each 25 ft. of lot area C-III No restrictions Requirements same Gross floor 50 as above area not to exceed 3 times lot area M-I No restrictions 20 10 each 20 1 sq.ft. of 35 gross floor 1:_", : �; �► E ,� area per 1 sq. ft. of lot area M-II No restrictions 40 20 each 40 Same as above 35 III-20 BULK, DIMENSIONAL AND GENERAL REQUIREMENT (Continued from proceeding page) SIGN FENCE ZONE LIMITS LIMITS NOTES (Feet) P-I Unlighted Front 3 Off-street parking required in 10 sq. £t. Side 6 accordance with Section 3.05D and Rear 6 Chapter 4 R-I(A) Unlighted Front 3 Parking - same as above 3 sq. ft. Side 6 Rear 6 R-II Unlighted Front 3 Parking - same as above. 4 sq. ft. Side 6 Maximum number of units per lot Rear 6 shall be restricted to four (4) units. R-III Unlighted Front 3 Parking - same as above. All 4 sq. ft. Side 6 service drives and parkings areas Rear 6 shall be hard -surfaced. C-1 Simple illum- Minimums Parking - same as above. ination only; Side 6 area not to ex- Rear 6 ceed 50 sq. ft. C-II Simple illum- Minimums Parking -. same as above. ination only; Side 6 area not to ex- Rear 6 ceed 100 sq.ft. C-III Same as above Minimums Parking .- same as above. Side 6 Rear 6 M-I Same as above Minimums Performance standards, Sec. 3.O5F shall Side 10 apply. Off-street parkings and loading Rear 10 areas required in accordance with Sec. 3.O5D and Chapter 4. M-IT Same as above Minimums Same as above. Side 10 Rear 10 *When the number of bedrooms Minimum Lot Area per -dwelling unit is: ner dwelling unit Bachelor - 6 bedrooms 1,000 sq. ft. 1 bedrooms 1,500 sq. ft. 2 bedrooms 29000 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms 2,500 sq. ft. III-21 Section 3.09 Greenbelt requirements. Where M and C zones abut R zones, the request for permit must be accompanied by landscape plans to obscure view and limit access. Section 3.06. Limitations on Uses. Those permitted uses locating in the several zones shall be subject to the following limitations: A. All sites in a "M" classified zone having a common boundary with an "R" classified property, shall have planted and maintained along such common boundary.a view -obscuring greenbelt of shrubs, trees and native vegetation not less than eight feet in height nor less than ten feet in width, for screening purposes and controlling access; B. All permitted uses established after the effective date of this Ordinance or enlargements amounting to an increase of 20 percent in gross floor area of a use established prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, shall provide off -.street parking and loading areas for each use and enlargement in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV of this Ordinance; C. Where lighted signs and illuminated areas are permitted, such illuminating devices shall be shaded and directed so as not to provide glare toward any "R" classified property; D. Industrial uses shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. In all industrial districts, the noise emanating from the premises used for industrial activities shall be muffled so as to not become objectionable due to intermittent beat, frequency or shrillness, and where and industrial zone adjoins a residential district the noise loudness measured at the boundary line shall not exceed 40 decibels between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., and 60 decibels at other hours. 2. Industrial and exterior Lighting shall not be used in such a manner that produces glare on public highways and neigh --- boring property. Are welding, acetylene torch cutting or similar processes shall be performed so as not to be seen from any point beyond the outside of the property. 3. In terms of fire and safety hazards, the storage and hand- ling of inflammable liquids, liquified petroleum, gases and explosives shall comply with rules and regulations falling under the jurisdiction of the City Fire Chief, the laws of the State and other local ordinances. Hulk storage of inflammable liquids below ground shall be permitted, and the tank shall be located not closer to the property line than the greatest dimension (diameter, length, or height) of the tank. 4. Provisions must be made for necessary shielding or other preventive measures against interferences occasioned by mechanical, electrical and nuclear equipment, uses or processes with electrical apparatus in nearby buildings or land uses. S. Liquid and solid wastes, storage of animal or vegetable waste which attract insects or rodents or otherwise create a health hazard shall be prohibited. No waste products shall be exposed to view from eye level From any property line in a "M" district. 111_23 ■ 0 CHAPTER IV GENERAL PROVISIONS 0 OFF STREET PARKING, LOADING AREAS, FENCES, GREENBELTS, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS,.TRAILER Olt MOBILE HOME PARKS, PUBLIC AND HISTORIC ZONES. Section 4.01 Intent. Provisions of this chapter are of general applica- tion to one or more of the districts described in Chapter III. It is the in- tent of this chapter to set down provisions for off-street parking, loading areas, etc., to prevent congestion in the streets, promote and protect property values and to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizenry. Section 4.02 General Requirements, Parking. Each off-street parking space shall have a net area of not less than 200 square feet, exclusive of drive- ways or aisles, and shall be of usable shape and condition: to determine on a gross area basis, 300 square feet shall be allowed per vehicle. If the required parking space for a one- or two-family dwelling is not provided in a covered garage, then such space shall be not less than 200 square feet, and shall be so located and/or constructed that it may later be covered by a garage structure in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and the City Building Code. A. Location: off-street parking facilities shall be located as herein- after specified; where a distance is specified, such distance shall be the walking distance measured from the nearest point of the park- ing facility to the nearest point of the building that such facility is required to serve; 1. For one- and two-family dwellings: on the same lot with the building they are required to serve; 2. For multiple dwellings: not more than 100 feet; 3. For hospitals, sanitariums, homes for the aged, rooming and boarding houses, fraternity and sorority houses: not more than 300 feet; 4. For uses other than those specified above: not more than 500 feet. B. Expension and Enlargement: whenever any building is enlarge in height or in ground coverage, off-street parking shall be provided for said expansion or enlargement in accordance with the require- ment of the schedule, provided, however, that no parking space need be provided in the case of enlargement or expansion where the number of parking spaces required for such expansion or en- largement is less than ten percentof the parking spaces specified IV-1 0 11 In the schedule for the building. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to require off-street parking spaces for the portion of such building existing at the time of passage of this Ordinance; C. Mixed Occupancies: in the case of mixed uses, the total require- ments for the various uses shall be computed separately. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as hereinafter specified for joint use; D. Uses Not Specified: in the case of a use not specifically mentioned in parts below, the requirements for off -.street parking facilities shall be determined by the Board. Such determination shall be based upon the requirements -Tor the most comparable use listed; E. Joint Use: the Board may authorize the joint use of parking facilities for the following uses or activities under conditions specified: 1. Up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this chapter for primarily "Nighttime" uses such as theaters, bowling alleys, bars, restaurants and related uses, may be supplied by certain other types of buildings or uses herein referred to as "daytime" uses such as banks, offices, retail and personal service shops, clothing, food;,furniture, manufacturing or wholesale and related uses; 2. Up to 50 percent of the parking facilities required by this chanter for primarily "daytime" uses may be supplied by primarily "nighttime" uses; 3.. Up to 100 percent of the parking facilities required by this section for a church or for an auditorium incidental to a public or parochial school, may be supplies by the off-street parking facilities provided by uses primarily of a "daytime" nature. F. Conditions Required For Joint Use; the building or use for which application is being made to utilize the off-street parking facil- ities provided by another building or use shall be located within 500 feet of such parking facilities in addition to which: 1. The applicant shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the two buildings or uses .for which joint use of off-street parking facilities is proposed; 2. The applicant shall present a properly drawn legal instrument to be recorded with the County Auditor, executed by the parties concerned for joint use of off-street parking facilities and approved as to form and manner of execution by the City IV-2 Attorney; such instrument to be filed with the Building Inspector upon approval by the Board. G. `fable of Minimum Standards: required parking spaces shall be in conformance with the following Table and where alternative stand- ards prevail, the greater applies in conflicting computations: Table of Minimum Standards USE Residential, single-family Residential, duplex or multi -family Rooming houses, similar uses Motels hotels, Motor Hotels Hospitals Theaters Churches, auditoriums and similar enclosed places of assembly Stadiums, sport arenas and similar open assemblies Bowling alleys Convalescent homes for ages Banks, business and professional of- fices (other than medical and dental offices) with on -site customer service Medical and dental offices Offices not providing customer services Mortuaries Warehouse, storage and wholesale business Iv-3 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 2 per dwelling unit 1.5 per dwelling unit 1 per rooming unit 1 per unit 1 per sleeping room 1 per two beds, excluding bassinets 1 per 4 seats 1 per 4 seats or 60 lineal inches of pew or CFO square feet of gross floor area used for assembly purposes 1 per 8 seats and/or 1 each per 100 square feet of assembly space without fixed seats 8 per alley 1 per 5 beds 1 per 400 sq. ft. gross floor area 1 per each 150 gross sq. ft. of floor area 1 per 4 employees or 1 per 400 sq. ft. gross floor area 1 per 75 sq. ft. of gross floor area used for assembly 1 per each 2 employees on maximum working shift USE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED Food and beverage places with sales and comsumption on premises if less than 4,000 sq. ft. floor area 1 per 200 sq. ft. gross floor area if over 4,000 sq. ft. floor area Furniture, appliance, hardward, cloth- ing, shoe, personal service stores 20 + 1 per 100 sq. ft. gross floor area in excess of 4,000 sq. ft. 1 per 600 sq. ft. gross floor area Motor vehicle, machinery, plumbing, 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. gross floor area heating, ventilating, building supplies or 1 per each 3 employees stores and services Other retail if less than 5,000 sq. ft. floor area 1 per 300 sq. ft. gross floor area if over 5,000 sq. ft. floor area Manufacturing uses, research testing and processing, assembling, all industries Libraries and museums Schools, elementary and junior high Schools, high 17 + 1 per each 100 sq. ft. in ex- cess of 5,000 sq. ft. 1 per each 2 employees on maximum shift and not less than 1 per each 800 sq. ft. gross floor area 1 per each 200 sq. ft. gross floor area 1 per each employee and faculty member l per each 50 students + 1 per each employee and faculty member H. Plans: the plan of the proposed parking area shall be submitted to the City Engineer at the time of the application for the building for which the parking area is required. Said plan shall clearly in- dicate the proposed development, including location, size, shape, design, curb cuts, lighting, landscaping, construction details, and other features and appurtenances required: 1. All traffic:, control devices such as parking stripes designating car stalls, directional arrows or signs, bull rails, curbs, and other developments, shall be installed and completed as shown on the approved plans. Hard -surfaced parking areas shall use paint or similar devices to delineate car stalls and directional arrows. Gravel parking areas shall use wood or concrete bull rails or wheelstops and posted signs to delineate car stalls and direction of traffic. Where Qedestrian walks are used in parking lots for the use of foot traffic only, they shall be curbed, or raised six inches above the lot surface. All drive- ways, off-street parking areas and public off-street areas im- mediately adjacent to a service driveway which leads to a hard - surface public street shall be hard -surfaced with a minimum of two inches of asphaltic concrete, and for a driving distance of at least 50 feet from said service driveways; IV-4 2. Minimum dimensions of off-street parking areas shall be not less than as shown on Figure 1, Minimum Parking Lot Require- ment; 3. Landscaping shall be included, as a part of lot design and shall include tree and shrub plantings within and around the parking area at approximately 70 feet on center each way; 4. Plans for screening in the form of a solid mansonry wall., architectural fences or dense hedges shall be submitted with request for permit when lot has common boundary with any "R" classified property; 5. Lighting of areas provided for off-street parking shall be so arranged to not constitute a nuisance or hazard to pass- ing traffic and where said lots share a common boundary with any "R" classified property, the illuminating devices shall be so shaded and directed to play their light away from "R" classified property; 6. Maintenance of all areas provided for off-street parking shall include removal and replacement of dead and dying trees, grass and shrubs, removal of trash and weeds, and repair of traffic control devices, signs, light standards, fences, walls, surfacing material, curbs and railings. Section „4.03 General Requirements, Loading Areas. Each off-street load- ing space shall measure not less than 30 feet by 12 feet and shall have an unobstructed height of 14 feet 6 inches and shall be made permanently avail- able for such purposes, and shall be surfaced, improved and maintained as required in Section 4.02 H. Required loading spaces shall be in conformance with the following Table: Deparment stores, freight terminals, hospitals, sanitariums, industrial or manufacturing establishments, retail or wholesale stores or storage warehouses or any similar use which has, or intends to have 10,000 square feet or more, shall provide truck loading or unloading berths: Square -feet of aggregate gross floor area 109000 to 15,999 16,000 to 39,999 40,00a to 65,000 each additional 16,000 Required number of berths 1 2 3 1 additional Auditoriums, convention or exhibit halls, sports arenas, hotels, office buildings, restaurants or similar uses which have, or in- tend to have an aggregate gross floor area of 400000 square feet or more, shall provide truck loading or unloading berths: IV-5 Square feet of aggregate Required number gross floor area of berths 40,aoo to 59,999 1 60,000 to 99,999 2 100,000 to 160,000 3 each additional 60,000 1 additional Section 4.04 General Requirement, Fences and Greenbelts. Fences or hedges providing a maximum of six feet sight obstruction from adjacent properties may be built on the side and rear property lines, and across the front of the property line with the front of a building, but not closer to the street right-of-way than 20 feet. Corner lots must observe the 20-foot fence set -back on both streets. From the 20-foot fence set- back line to the street right-of-way, solid fences a maximum of three feet high, measured from the ground on which the fence stands, are permitted; open rail fences a maximum of four feet six inches in height are permitted where the rails and posts constitute not more than one-third of the fence area. Where fence heights greated than those contained herein are directed, the greater shall apply. A. Greenbelt or sight -obscuring constructions, where required by pro- visions in this Ordinance shall be of evergreen plantings, or climbing varieties of non -deciduous vines on permanently installed mesh or architectural fencing of such design and material that retains it attractiveness with nominal maintenance. B. Greenbelt, open -space preservation and/or landscaping shall be in keeping with local conditions and plant materials. There shall be proper maintenance and injurious or unsightly weeds, etc. will not be permitted. Section 4.05 General Requirements, Planned Unit Developments Residential. The unified and planned development of a site, in single or corporate owner- ship at the time of development, may be permitted in a PUD Planned Development Overlay District without the customary division into individual lots, or without specific compliance to the district regulations as applicable to individual lots subject to the regulations as hereinafter provided in this section and as previously proveded in Section 3.4. A. Application of Regulations 1. In addition to the uses permitted in the underlying district any other use may be permitted as previously designated in Section 3.03 consistent with the criteria established in sub- paragraph "C" following 2. Individual uses and structures in a Planned Unit Development Project District need not comply with the specific building location, height, building size, floor area, lot size, and open space requirements of the underlying basic district provided that the spirit and intent of such requirements are complied with in the total development plan for such project consistent with the criteria as established in subparagraph Iv-6 • MINIMUM PARKING LOT REQUIREMENTS W J h S ii O ■ WHEEL EEL % 4 4*WIDE MINT STAiPE PERPENDICULAR J ' rA t o _ C J yJ.7 lo � i32 u c /a PARALLEL •� PARKING /GRAVEL PARKING TURNING CLEARANCES TWO--%%IAY TRAFFIC a b a d c I f b' c' PARKING ANGLE PARK ihtl 5ECYION WI N HARKING BANK TRAFFIC AISLC CURB LENGTN PER CAPWIDTH CAR STALL PARKIN SECTIO PAHKING DANK 0• 36' 8' 20' 23' 8' 350 56' 18' 20' 14.8' 8.5' 49' 1 14.5' 40' 57 18.5' 20 13.2' ON 50' 15' 45•V58'19'20' 12.0' 8.5' 5 I' 15.5' 50 20' II.I' 8.5' 53' 16.5' 55' 20 10.4 0.5 55' 175 60 20' 9.8' 8.5' 55' 17.5'65' 20' 9.7' 8.8' 56' IS' 70 20' 9.6 9' 57' 18.5' 90• 64 20 24 9 9 ONE - WAY TRAFFIC IV-7 a b I c d 1 e ( 1 b' C' AARK3NG ANGLE PANKING SECTION WIDTH PARLING DANK WIDTH TRAFFIC AIM WiOTH CIj"II LENGTH PER CAR CAR STALL WIOTN PARKII11 SECTID 41OTH PANKING BANK WIDTH 0• 28' p' 12 23' 8' 35• 48' 1 18` 12 14.8 8.5 41 14.5 40• 49' 10.5' 12' 13.2' SW 42' 15' '45• 50' 19 12 12.0 8.5 43 15.5 50• 51 19.5 12 l 1.1 8.5 45 I6.5 55• 53' 20 13' 10.4' p.5' 4p' 17.5' 60' 55' 20 15' 9.8 8.5' 50 1T5' 65• 57' 20' 17' 9.7' 8.8' 53' 18' 70• 59 2O 19' 9.6 9 s6' 10.5 FIG. 1 "C" following, and subject to such further requirements as were previously specified under Section 3.04. B. Procedure. 1. Petition. Petition may be made to the City Council by the owner or agent of property proposed for such development, to amend the zoning map by the overlaying of a PUD District in order to permit the application of the provisions of this section to such development. Such petition shall be accom- panied by a fee of $25.00 plus $1.00 for every acre or frac- tion thereof in the project area, and the following inform- ation: a. A statement describing the general character of intended development along with such other peiUnent information as may be necessary to a determination that the comtem- plated arrangement or use makes it desireable to apply regulations and requirement differing From those ordi- narily applicable under this Chapter. b. A general development plan of the project showing at least the following information or such additional information as may be required by the Punning Commission in a specif- ic situation in sufficient detail to allow the Planning Commission and the City Countil to apply the criteria for approval as hereinafter set forth: (1) An accurate map of the project area including its re- lationship to surrounding properties. (2) Statistical data on total -size of project area, area of open space, density computation and proposed number of residential units, population analysis, market analysis, economic analysis, impact upon municipal services and any other data pertinent to a comprehen- sive evaluation of the propnmd development. (3) The pattern of public and private roads, driveways, and parking Sacilities, intended design standards. (4) The size, arrangement, and location of lots or of proposed building groups. (5) The type, size and location of structures. (6) The location and sizes of sewer and water facilities (7) Architectural drawings and sketches illustrating the design and character of proposed structures. (8) The location of recreational and open space areas and areas reserved or dedicated for public uses such as school, park, etc. IV-8 6. 6 (9) General landscape treatment. (10) Existing topography and storm drainage pattern and proposed storm drainage system showing basic t000- graphic changes. (11) General outline of intended organizational structure related to property owner's association, deed restric- tions, and provision of services. 2. referral. to Planning Commission. Such petition shall be re- ferred to the Planning Commission and processed as any other petition for zoning change. Upon completion of necessary study and investigation the Planning Commission shall make its recommendation to the City Council as to the appropriateness and desirability of the proposed zoning change, the suitability of the building, site, and development plans, and any addition- al conditions which it may feel necessary or appropriate. 3. Public Hearing. Upon receipt of the Planning Commission's recommendations, the City Council shall cause a public hearing to be held pursuant to Section 6.15. C. Basis for Approval. The Planning Commission in making its recom- mendations and the City Council in making its determination shall give consideration and satisfy themselves as to the following: 1. That the proponents of the proposed development have demonstra- ted that they intend to start construction within a reasonable period -'following the approval of the project and requested overlay of the PUD District, that the project appears economi- cally sound, that adequate financing is possible and that the development will be carried out according to a reasonable con- struction schedule satisfactory to the City. 2. -That the proposed development is consistent in all respects to the spirit and intent of this Chapter, is in conformity with the general plans for community development, Mould not be con- trary to the general welfare and economic prosperity of the City or of the immediate neighborhood, that the specific de- velopment plans have been prepared with competent professional advice and guidance, and that the benefits and improved design of the resultant development justifies the variation from the normal requirements of this Ordinance through the application of the Planned Unit Development Overlay District. 3. In the case of proposed residential developments: a. That such development will create an attractive residential environment of sustained desirability and economic stability, compatible with the character established for the area by the community Comprehensive Plan, and where the economic impact of the development in terms of income levels, proper- ty values, and service demands is at least as beneficial Iv-9 to the community as that which could be anticipated under the basic zoning. b. That the population composition of the development will not alter adversely the impact upon school or other municipal service requirements as anticipated under the existing basic zoning and Comprehensive Plan. c. That the project will not create traffic or parking demand incompatible with that anticipated under the Comprehensive Plan. d. That the total average residential density of the project will be compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. An increase in the computed allowable maximum density may be permitted upon recommendation of the Planning Commission that the increased density is justified in terms of the relationship to open areas, service demand, and the total quality and character of the project. e. The minimum size of parcel which will be considered by the Planning Commission for a Planned Unit Development will be two acres (870120 sq. ft.). f. That adequate guarantee is provided for permanent retention as "open area" of the residual open land area resulting from the application of these regulations, either by private reservation as an enhancement to the development or by dedi- cation to the public. g. In the case of private reservation the open area to be re- served shall be protected against building development by conveying to the City as part of the conditions for pro- ject approval an open space easement over such open areas restricting the area against any future building or use except as is consistent with that of providing landscaped open space for the aesthetic and recreational satisfaction of the surrounding residence. Buildingsoor uses for non- commercial recreational or cultural purposes compatible with the open -space objective may be permitted only where specifically authorized as part of the development plan or subsequently with the express approval of the City Council following approval of building, site, and operational plans by the Planning Commission. h. The care and maintenance of such open space reservations shall be assured either by establishment of appropriate management organization for the project or by agreement with the City for establishment of a special service dis- trict for the project area on the basis of which the City shall provide the necessary maintenance service and levy the cost thereof as a special assessment on the tax bills of properties within the project area. In any case the City shall have the right to carry, out, and levy an Iv-10 assessment for the cost of, any maintenance which it feels necessary if it is not otherwise taken care of to the satis- faction of the City. The manner of assuring maintenance and assessing such cost to individual properties shall be determined prior to the approval of the final project plans and shall be included in the title to each property. i. Ownership and tax liability of private open space reserva- tion shall be established in a manner acceptable to the City and made a part of the conditions of the plan approval. D. Determination 1. The City Council after due consideration may deny the petition, approve the petition as submitted or approve the petition sub- ject to additional conditions. 2. The approval of a petition and consequent amending of the zoning map by overlay of the PUD District shall be based on and include as conditions thereto the building, site and operational plans for the development as approved as well as all other commitments offered or required with regard to project value, character or other factors pertinent to an assurance that the proposed development will be carried out basically as presented in the official submittal plans, and shall be mapped and recorded as provided for under conditional use requirements. Detailed construction and engineering plans need not necessarily be completed at the time the overlay zoning is granted, but the approval of such preliminary plan shall be conditioned upon the subsequent submittal and approval of more specific and detailed plans as the development progresses. 3. The developer shall enter into an appropriate contract with the City to guarantee the implementation of the development accord- ing to the terms and conditions established as a part of the development plan approval. 4. Any subsequent change or addition to the plans or use shall first be submitted for approval to the Planning Commission and if in the opinion of the Planning Commission such change or addition constitutes a substantial alteration of the orig- inal plan, a public hearing shall be required. 5. The provisions of Section 6.08 governing Conditional Use criteria shall apply to Planned Unit Developments. IV-11 • i . Section 4.06 Trailer or Mobile Home Parks. As noted in Chapter III of this Ordinance, all proposed trailer or mobile home parks will be considered only as conditional uses in the "R-I (A)" or "P_I" zones. Furthermore, all proposed trailer parks shall abut an arterial street and be in compliance with applicable State laws and meet County Health requirements. All public utilities must be readily available to the proposed site. Together with the fee and request, petitioner must be prepared to submit a detailed develop- ment plan showing as a minimum: lot tines, trailer locations, community facilities and open space, roadways and walkways, utilities and general types and locations of screening, and landscaping. A brieg written desc- ription of the plan, staging of development and photos or sketches of the trailers may also be required of the petitioner. Minimum parcel size for consideration must be 3 acres. Section 4.07 Public Zone (P-1). This zone is designated for and shall be interpreted to apply to all public lands and.buildings within the City of Port Townsend and may also be applied to quasi -public land and buildings. The general purpose of this section in the Ordinance conforms to the basic provision for the health, safety and welfare of the citizenry, which purpose shall be equitably interpreted for both public and private development. The more specific purpose, especially in view of the numerous and important lands and buildings owned and/or occupied by public agencies in the City, is to herewith provide a mandatory referral clause affecting all development plans of all public ventures within or abutting the corporate limits of the City. Public agencies as herein defined include, but are not limited to, Federal and State agencies, Jefferson County, School, Port and Utility districts and the City itself. Said agencies shall submit to the Planning Commission ten days prior to their respective public hearings two sets of their site development plans. The Planning Commission shall review the submitted plans for compatability with the Comprehensive Plan and may transmit their findings to the Mayor and the relevant public agency. IV_12 CHAPTER V DISTRICT AND BOUNDARIES ViEaEON Section 5.01 The locations and boundaries of the zoning districts shall be as shown on the map accompanying this Ordinance and made a part of, entitled, "Official Zoning Map, Port Townsend, Washington." The Official Zoning Map and all the notations, references, and amendments thereto and other information shown thereon are hereby made a part of this Ordinance, just as if such information set forth on the map were fully described and set out herein. The Official Zoning Map, attested by the signature of the Mayor and the City Clerk, with the seal of the municipality affixed, shall be kept on file in the office of the Building Inspector, and shall be available for inspection by the public. Section 5.02 Boundaries. The boundaries of such districts are as shown upon the Official Zoning Map, which is hereby adopted. The pro- visions of this Ordinance are hereby attested by the signature of the Mayor and the City Cleric, with the seal of the municipality affixed, shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk. Copies shall be available for inspection by the public. Section 5.03 Boundary Interpretation. Where uncertainty exists as to boundaries of any district shown on said map, the following rules shall apply: A. Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following street lines, alley lines, or lot lines, such lanes shall be construed to be such boundaries; B. In subdivided property or where a district boundary divides a lot, the location of such boundary, unless the same is indica- ted by dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on the map. Where a district boundary line, as appeari;ng.,on the Official Zoning Map, divides a lot in single ownership, which is of record at the time of this enactment, the district requirement for the least restricted portion of such lot shall be deemed to apply to the whole thereof, pro- vided that such extension shall not include any part of such lot more than 35 feet beyond the district boundary line; C. Where any street, road, or alley is hereafter officially vacated or abandoned, the regulations applicable to each parcel of abutting property shall apply to that portion of such street, road, or alley added to the property by virtue of such vacation or abandonment; D. All land hereafter annexed to the City shall be considered tentatively as having the Zone (district) classification such land enjoyed while in the County, pending study, public hear- V-1 ! - i ing and specific classification. If there is no County zoning, then the Board may assign an interim zone. Section 5.04 Application of Regulations A. Except as hereinafter provided, no building shall be erected, reconstructed, or structurally altered, nor shall any building or land be used, except in compliance with all the district regulations established by this Ordinance for the district in which the building or land is located; B. The minimum yards or other open spaces required by this Ordi- nance, including those provisions regulating intensity of use, for each and every building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall not be encroached upon or considered as meeting the yard or open space requirements or the intensity -of -use provisions for any other building. In the event of any such unlawful encroachment or reduction, such building shall be deemed to be in violation of the provisions of this code and the certificate of occupancy for such building thereupon shall be null and void; C. Where the lot is formed from part of a lot already occupied by a building, such separation shall be effected in such manner as not to impair any of the requirements of this Ordinance with respect to the existing buildings, and all yards and other open,-spaoes in connection therewith, and no permit shall be issued for the erection of a new building on the new lot thus created unless in complies with the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 5.05 Continuance of Non -Conforming Use of Buildings. Any non --conforming building or structure may be continued and maintained provided there is no physical change other than necessary maintenance and repair in such building or structure. Section 5.06 Change of Use. Any part of a building, structure, or land occupied by a non -conforming use may be changed to a use which is of the same or of a more restricted nature; but where the use of a non -conforming building, structure, or land is hereafter changed to a more restricted classification, it 'shall not thereafter be changed to a use of a less restricted classification. Section 5.07 Vacancy: Termination of Non -Conforming Use. Any part of a building, structure, or land occupied by a non -conforming use, which hereafter is not so used for a continuous period of 180 days shall not thereafter be occupied except by a use which conforms to the use regulations of the district in which it is located. Section 5.08 Change of Tenancy or Ownership. There may be a change of tenancy, ownership or management of an existing non -conforming use, provided there is no change in the nature or character of such non -conforming use. V-2 Section 5.09 Completion of Pendi Ordinance shall not :Limit the cons permit has been obtained prior to though such building does not conf g Construction. The adoption of this ruction of any building for which a is adoption and publication, even rm to the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 5.10 Maintenance Permitted. A non -conforming building or struc- ture may be repaired and maintains as provided in and as limited bars this section. The maintenance of such tuilding or structure shall include only necessary repairs and inciden al alterations,.which alterations, however, shall not extend the extent or degree of non -conformity of such building or structure, provided th t necessary alterations may be made required by other law or ordinance Section 5.11 Restoration of Dama ed Building. A non -conforming build- ing or structure having been damag d or partially destroyed by fire, or other calamity, to an extent not exceeding 50 percent of its real value, exclusive of foundations, at that time, may be restored and its immedia- tely previous occupancy or use existing at the time of such partial des- truction, may be continued or be r sumed, provided the work of recon- struction is commenced within one year of the date of such partial des- truction. Whenever a non -conforming building or structure is damaged in excess of 50 percent of its rea valuation, exclusive of foundations, at the time, the repair or reconst uction:sof such building shall conform to all of the regulations of the district in which it is located and it shall be treated as a new build ng. In addition, if such building is moved for any reason for any di.tance whatever, then in any such event, the said building and the l.nd on which said destruction or moving shall be subject to all the regulations specified byp this Ordinance for the district in which such Ian and buildings are located. Section 5.1.2 Additions, Enlargemonts, Moving. A. A building or structure which is non -conforming as to use regul- ations, shall not be added to or enlarged in any manner unless such building or structure, i eluding such additions and enlarge- ments, is made to conform to 11 regulations of the district in which it is located; B. A building or structure, non - regulations, may be added to enlargement conforms to the r it is Located. In such case, be treated as a separate buil conformity to all of the requ onforming as to height or density r enlarged if such addition or gulations of the district in which such addition or enlargement shall ing or structure in determining rements of this Ordinance; C. When a building or structure or portion thereof is moved from one district to another or to another location within the same district, it must conform or le made to conform to all of the regulations of the district t which it is moved. -3 Section 5.13 Exp portion of a build! otherwise conforms extended or expande building or structu non -conforming use period, or changed building, structure regulations of the is located. 11 ansion Prohibited. A-inon-conforming use of land, a ng or structure, which land, building or structure to the provisions of this Ordinance, shall not be d into any other portion of such conforming land, re, not changed except to a conforming use. If such or portion thereof is discontinued for a 180--day or more to a conforming use, any future use of such land, or portion thereof shall be in conformity to the district in which such land, building or structure Section 5.14 Continuance of Non -Conforming Use of Land. The non -con- forming use of land (where no building is involved) existing at the date of this Ordinance becomes effective, may be continued, provided that: A. No such non -conforming use of land shall in any way be expanded or extended either on the same or adjoining property; B. All non -conforming signs, billboards, commercial advertising structures and objects and their supporing members located in all the various zoning districts are hereby declared to be injuriousto the health, safety and welfare and destructive of aesthetic and environmental living conditions sought to be created by the passage of this Ordinance and shall be re- moved or made conforming within one year from the effective date of this Ordinance. Section 5.15 Notice of Abatement or Required Conformance. Whenever the owner shall fail to comply with provisions of this Ordinance relating to the removal or discontinuance of a non -conforming use, the City of Port Townsend shall take action as may be necessary to cause compliance with the provisions hereof. When any non -conforming condition exists which is subject to abatement, it shall be the responsibility of the Building Inspector to ascertain to the extent possible, the date upon which the non -conforming use was established or acquired. The Building Inspector shall, notify the owner and/or occupant of the subject property of the intent to consider all perti- nent data in connection therewith and provide the opportunity for the owner and/or occupant to present such evidence which properly relates to such case. The Building Inspector shall establish the facts upon which the determination is made to require such property owner to abate or make the use conforming, and shall formally notify the owner of record and the occupant in writing, of the decision and of the date by which such use or uses shall be abated or made conforming. Such formal notification shall be by certified mail to the property owner and a copy mailed to the occupant at the address of the premises. In the event the non -conforming condition is not abated or made conforming within 90 days of such mailing, the owner and/or occupant shall be deemed in violation of this Ordinance, and subject to the penalties herein. V-4 Section 5.16 District Changes. Whenever the boundaries of a district shall be changed so as to transfer an area from one district to another district of a different classification, the.foregoing provisions shall also applay to any non --conforming uses existing therein. v_5 ■ CHAPTER VI ADMINI6TRATION Section 6.01 Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this Ordinance. The Build- ing Inspector, and his duly authorized assistants, shall have the right to enter any building or enter upon any land during the daytime in the course of their duties, upon showing proper identification and upon giving reasonable notice. Section 6.02 Records. The Building Inspector shall maintain in his office, all building permits issued, applications for building permits, non -conforming uses in the City, and certificates of occupancy issued by him which shall be open to the public for inspection. The Building Inspector shall keep a record of each and every identifiable complaint of a violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, the action taken, consequent to any such complaint, which records shall be open to the public for inspection. Section 6.01 Permits Issued Contrary to this Ordinance. Any such building permit, certificate of occupancy, or other authorization issued, granted or approved in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be null and void and of no effect without the necessity of any proceedings for a revocation or nullification thereof, and any work undertaken or use established pursuant to any such building permit, certificate of occupancy, or other authorization shall be unlawful, and no action shall be taken by any Board officer, or any employee of the City purporting to validate any such violationl Section 6.04 Certificate of Occupancy and ton -Conforming Uses. All non -conforming uses of buildings or land shall, within one year of the date when said use of building or land becomes non -conforming, obtain a similar certificate of occupancy. The Building Inspector shall make his best efforts to notify non -conforming users and inform them that they must apply for said certificate, but his failure to do so shall not excuse the property owner from securing said certificate. Non ee �r hexcis;y-,sh.,, -h a us4vol3= med in vlelatleA-ef and may be abated as-previded erexn. Section 6.0Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment will be established by the Mayor when so directed by the City Council. Until such time as the Board is established, the Council will perform the function of the Board in the manner prescribed herein. The word "Board" when used herein shall mean the Board of Adjustment. The Board shall consist of five members and shall be appointed by the Mayor with consent of the Council. In case any vacancy should occur in the membership of the Board, for any cause, the Mayor shall fill VI-1 such vacancy by making an appointment with the consent of the Council. The new appointee shall fulfill the unexpired term. The membership of the Board may be removed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Coitnell, for neglect of duty, failure to attend three consecutive meetings without excuse, or acts involving a bueach of moral turpitude. The Board of Adjustment shall determine that a vacancy throught absence, delinquency, or other reasons exists and shall convey such determination to the Mayor. Before the re:,ioval of any member of the Board of Adjustment, the alle-ations upon which the removal is based, shall be set forth in writing and the members being removed shall be given reasonable notice thereof and he shall be given an opportunity to be heard before the Council. The initial membership shall consist of one member appointed for one year, one member for two years, one member for three years, and two members for four years; and each appointment thereafter shall be for four years. Section 6.06 Powers of the Board. The Board shall hear and decide appeals from any determination made by the Building Inspector, applications for conditional use and for variances. Section 6.07 Conditional Uses. The Board shall have the authority to grant in particular cases and subject to appropriate conditions and safe- guards, conditional use permits as authorized by this Ordinance. The application for a conditional use permit shall accompany the application for a building permit and/or a certificate of occupancy. Only those uses contained in the column of Conditional Uses, Chapter III, will be con- sidered and only for the zone indicated by an "x" opposite the use. The application shall . be made � too the Bui.lding•:Inspector: who shall transmit the application to the Planning Commission and to the Board for review and recommendations. Thereafter, the Board may conduct special public hearings and may grant or deny the conditional use requested. Section 6.OB Conditional Use Criteria. The standards and criteria governing the issuance of conditional use permits are as follows: A. That the use will not endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed, and that the use will not allow conditions which will tend to generate nuisance conditions such as noise, dust, glare, vibration; B. That the use meets all required conditions and specifications set forth in the zone where it proposes to locate; C. That the use will not be injurious or detrimental to adjoining or abutting property; or that the use is a public necessity; D. That the location and character of the use, if developed ac- cording to the plan as submitted and approved, will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the Comprehensive Plan of development of fort Townsend and its environs; VI_2 E. In addition, the Board may impose specific conditions precedent to establishing the use and said conditions may include: 1. Increasing requirements in the standards, criteria or polices established by this Ordinance; 2. Stipulate the exact location as a means of minimizing hazards to life, limb, property damage, erosion, land slides or traffic; �. Require structural features or equipment essential to serve the same purposes as set forth in item (2) above; 4. Impose conditions similar to those set forth in items (2) and (3) above, as deemed necessary to establish parity with uses permitted in the same zone in their freedom from nuisance generating features in matters of noise, odors, air pollution, wastes, vibration, traffic, physical hazards. F. All conditions required by the Board shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting at which the permit is granted and also on the certificate of the conditional use permit; G. To ensure the establishment of the above conditions, the Board of Adjustment, shall have the authority to require and approve of specific plan, to increase the requirements set forth above and vnouirements elsewhere in the Ordinance, but in no case, shall the Board have the authority to decrease the requirements (! of this Ordinance for any use in the zone it proposes to locate. tt Any such decrease in the requirements of this Ordinance shall only be granted upon the issuance of a variance. Section 6.02 Denials, Compliance. If the Board denies the conditional use permit, the reasons therefor shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting at which the permit is denied: A. In the event of failure to comply with the plans approved by the Board or with any conditions imposed upon the conditional use permit, the permit shall thereupon immediately become void and of no effect; B. Where plans are required to be submitted and approved as part of the application for a conditional use permit, modifications of the original plans may be made by the Board after review. Section 6.10 Variances: Conditions Governing Applications. Procedures. The Board of Adjustment shall have the authority to grant a variance from the requirements of this Ordinance, after considering the matter at a public hearing duly called, giving notice to adjoining property owners as provided herein. VI-3 A. Before any variance can be granted, the Hoard shall make findings of fact setting forth and showing that the following circumstances exist: I. In considering; akl proposed variances to this Ordinance, the Board shall, before making any finding in a specified case, first determine that the proposed variance will not amount to a rezone and constitute change in the district boundaries shown on the Official Zoning Map; 2. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land such as size, shape, topography or location, not applicable to other lands in the same district and that literal interpretation of the provisions of this Ordinance would deprive the property owner of the rights commonly enjoyed by other properties similarly situated in the same district under the terms of this Ordinance; 3. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; 4. That granting the variance requested will not confer a special privilege to subject property that is denied other lands in the same district; 5. That the granting of the variance will not be materially deterimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; 6. The Board of Adjustment shall further make a .finding that the reasons set forth in the application ,justify the grant- ing of the variance, and that the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of, the land; 7. The Board of Adjustment shall further make a finding that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Ordinance and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare; 8. The fact that property may be utilized more profitably will not be an element of consideration before the Board of Adjustment. B. In granting any variance, the Board of Adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards that will ensure that the purpose and intent of this Ordinance shall not be violated. Violation of such conditions and safeguards when made part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of this Ordinance and punishable under Section 6.16, "Penalties." VI-4 4 t C. 4ith respect to uses of land, buildings and other structures, this Ordinance is declared to be a definition of the public interest by City Council, and the spirit of this Ordinance will not he observed by any variance which permits a use not gen- nerally or b: conditional use, permitted in the district invol- ved, or any use expressly or b,j implication prohibited, by terms of this Ordinance in said district. Section 6.11 Time. liccision Effective. The decision of the Board granting or denying; a conditional use permit or a variance, shall not become final until the expiration of five days from the date of such decision, unless the Board shall find that the making of the decision effective immediately is necessary for the preservation of property or personal rights and shall so certify on the record of the request for a conditional use permit; and if a building permit and/or occupancy permit is not obtained for the subject property within one year from the date of the Board's decision, the conditional use permit shall be cancelled and automatically become null and void. Section 6.12 Meetings. Meetings of the Board shall be held at least once a month, provided that there is business to transact and at such other times as the Chairman of the Board may determine. The meetings shall be held in the Port 'Townsend City Hall and all regular Board meetings shall be open to the public. The Board shall adopt its own rules of procedure and keep minutes of it proceedings, findings and action in each case, and the vote of each member present on each question considered in the proceedings, unless a member disqualifies himself. The presence of three members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum and three affimative votes shall be necessary for granting a variance or a conditional use permit. Not proxy vote is permissible. Section 6.1 Procedure. Application for conditional use permits, variances, or aopeals from the ruling of the Building Inspector concerning the provisions herein contained may be made to the Board within 30 days. A. At least ten days before the date of the hearing on the appeal or application before the Board, the Secretary of the Board shall transmit to the Planning Commission a copy of said application or appeal, together with a copy of the notice of the aforesaid hearing and shall request that the Planning Commission shall submit to the Board its advisory opinion of said application or appeal:, and the Planning Commission shall submit its recom- mendation prior to the date of hearing. Section 6.14 Stay. When any appeal is made to the Board from the decision of the Building Inspector, any further findings of;the matter shall be stayed until the final determination. A. Mhen an appeal is taken to the Superior Court from any decision of the Board, all proceedings therein shall be stayed until final determination by the Superior Court. Section 6.15 Public Notice and Hearing. Proper notice of a hearing before the Board shall be: VI-5 A. One nublication in the official newspaper of the City of Port Townsend at Least ten days prior to the dnt.e of hearing; B. Posting of copies of the Notice ol'llearing at least ten days prior to the hearing in ( 1 ) the fort lbwn:;end City lull, (2) the United States Port, Office In Lho City of fort Townsend, and (3) in n conspicuous place on the property which is the subject matter of the applirat.inn to Lhc Hoard; C. Written notice mailed to the owner or reputed owner of' the properties within 200 feet of the property which is the subject matter of the application to the Hoard, which ownership is deemed to be that of the last owner of record in the office of the City of Port Townsend Water Department, said notice to be mailed at least ten days prior to the date of the proposed hearing; D. The Board shall diligently observe the foregoing requirements with respect to mailing and posting notices, but minor inaccuracies in giving such notice shall not invalidate the proceedings. The Secretary of the Board shall cause said notice to be mailed and the Building Inspector shall cause raid notices to be published. Section 6.16 Violations and Penalties. A. Any person or corporation, whether owner, lessee, principal, agent, employee, or otherwise, who violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance or permits any such violation or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof, or who erects, constructs, reconstructs, alters, enlarges, converts, moves, or uses any building or uses any land in violation of any detailed statement or plans submitted by him and approved under the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- viction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $300.00 ' e)r imprisonment for.a period not to exceed 90 days, or both. Each,. �j 30 day continued violation shall constitute a separate additional violation B.-'.In case any building or structure is erected., constructed, recon- structed, altered, converted or maintained, or any building, structure or land is used in violation of this Ordinance, the proper legal authorities of the City of Port Townsend, in add- ition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceedings to prevent such unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, conversion, maintenance or use, to restrain, correct or abate such violation, to prevent the oc- cupancy of said building, structure, or land, or to nrevent any illegal act, conduct, business or use in or about such building, structures, or land. C. Upon the Building Inspector's awareness of any violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance, the Building Inspector shall serve notice of such violation on the person or corporation committing or permitting the same, and it such violation has not VI-6 ceased within such reasonable length of time as the Building Inspector may determine, he will recommend such action to the Council as may be necessary to terminate the vi6lation. Section 6.17 Amendments. A. Proposed amendments, supplementations, or modifications of the text of this Ordinance, or the Official Zoning Map made a part hereof, shall first be heard by the Planning Commission and the decision shall be made and reported by resolution by,the Planning Commission within 90 days of the time that the proposed amend- ments, supplementations, or modifications were made. The City Council, pursuant to public hearing called by them as provided herein may affirm, modify or disaffirm any decision of the Planning Commission. B. Proposed amendments, supplementations, or modifications may be initiated as follows: l.' By motion of the City Council or the Planning Commission; 2. By any interested party by making application to the Planning Commission on forms prescribed by said Commission, accompan- ied by a filing fee of $25.00 to cover costs of processing. C. Upon the initiation of the proposed amendment, supplementation or modification, the Planning Commission shall give proper notice and hold a public hearing at the time and date set forth in the notice. Proper notice of a hearing before the Planning Commission shall be: 1. One publication in the offical newspaper of the City of Port Townsend at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing; 2. Posting of copies of the Notice of Hearing in (1) the Port Townsend City Hall, (2) the United States Post Office in the City of Port 'Townsend, and in the event the proposed amend- ment, supplementation, or modification involves a change in the Official zoning Map, (3) Posting notices thereof along every road or street abutting the land as proposed to be changed. Section 6.18 Constitutionality or Invalidity. If any section, chapter, subsection, clause or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, it being hereby expressly declared that this Ordinance, and each section, chanter, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof would have been prepared, proposed, adopted, approved and ratified irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, chapters, sub- sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid or uncon- stitutional. VI-7 W . Section 6.1 When Effective. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days from and after its passage, approval, and legal publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THIS 3d DAY of Auf;ust 1971 SIGNED IN AUTHENTICATION THEREOF THIS 3 d DAY of A.urus t 1971 ATTEST: rRXNK M. SMITH MAYOR GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD CITY CLERK PUBLISHED: Aug. 12, 1971, Port Townsend Leader VI-8 Seal. am i IMM 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 5t� 1629 1630 ..'_'16 31 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 Street vacation (Special) yY Amends Ord. 1110, water sysiten (�3.12) Emergency appropriation (5pecial Emergency appropriation (Special) 1971 budget (Special) - 1971 taX levy (Special) Building permits, setback standards, minimum tract size (16.04) Amends S2, Ord. 196, street improjements (12,04) Emergency appropriation tspecia,J.)1 Emergency appropriation (Special)( Dances for persons under twenty --one (Repealed by 1714) Budget transfer (Special) Open space, agricultural and til rland use assessment (3.16) Street vacation (Special) Budget allocation (Special) Loan to Port Townsend garbage col ection service (Special) Emergency appropriation (Special Emergency appropriation (Special 183-1 ('(Jit Townsend 7/80) Load authorized (Special) Adopts part of Building Code appa ix (16.04) Appropriation (Special) Street vacation (Special) Lease authorized (Special) Appropriation (Special) Port Townsend historical district tablished (Repealed by 1779) Zoning (Title 17) Street vacation, variance and cord tional use permit procedure (17.56) Lease authorized (Special) Appropriation (Special) Tax levy for 1972 (Special) Budget for 1972 (Special) Amends 53 of Ord. 1370, water util' y franchise license fee (Repealed by 1848) Amends 523 of Ord.. 1110, water bit (13.12) Individual sewage disposal systems (13.10) Adopts State Rules of the Road (1 .24) Criminal Code (9.02) Street vacation (Special) Alley vacation (Special) Repeals Ord. 1395, bus loading zon (Repealer) Amends 51 of Ord. 1490, parking 10.04) Appropriation (Special) Funding for alcoholic rehabilitati n (2.56) Appropriation (Special) Amusement and vending machine lice ses (5.76) Repeals Ords. 1204, 1437, 1465 and 1544, pinball machines' (Repealer) Amends SS4 and 6 of Ord. 818, housa numbering (12.16) Appropriation (Special) Repeals Ord. 571, sale and manufacture of cigarettes (Repealer) Adds g5 to Ord. 1346, building permit valuation (Not codified) Amends 51 of Ord. 1640, funding for alcoholic reha- bilitation (2.56) Appropriation (Special) U ORDINANCE NO. (6� AN ORDINANCE STATING A POLICY REGARDING APPLICATIONS FOR STREET VACATIONS, CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS AND VARIANCES, AND PROVIDING APPLICATION FEES THEREFOR WHEREAS, costs of administration, posting and publication are a significant annual item of expense to the City in applications for street vacations, conditional use permits and variances, and WHEREAS, the benefits arising from the administration and processing of such applications generally are for private interest rather than the public good, and WHEREAS, it is deemed proper that applicants for such benefits should pay a reasonable charge for the services and costs incurred, now therefore, THE CITY COUINCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. No application for a street vacation, conditional use permit or variance shall be considered, nor any public hearing set therefor, unless and until an application fee shall have been paid to the City Treasurer for such application, which fee shall not be refundable under any circumstances. Section 2. Application fees for applications for street vacations, conditional use permits and variances shall be paid at the time the application is submitted, and shall be as follows: (a) For street vacations, the sum of $25.00. (b) For conditional use permits, the sum of $25.00. (c) For variances, the sum of $25.00. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second Council and approved by the Mayor on ATTEST: E I. YQ1XQa0OD Cs y Cle APPROVED AS TO FORM: GL ABRAI M C' y Attorney and third times, passed by theme October 5, 1971. \ FRANK M. SMITH Mayor i ORDINANCE NO. L 2� 'AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ANY) DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO A LEASE OF THAT PORTION OF MADISON STREET LYING BETWEEN WATER STREET AND FRONT STREET TO THE COTTON CORPORATION, FOR A PERIOD OF V*E YEARIL COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 1971, FOR A RENTAL OF FIFTY DOLLARS PER YEAR. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directed to enter into a lease for a term of t%A#O-- (e) yeart from October 1, 1971, with Cotton Corporation, a Washington corporation, as lessee, of that portion of Madison Street lying between Water Street and Front Street, and a rental of fifty dollars ($50.00) per year, and for the purpose only of keeping and maintaining a pier and related uses. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by_ the Mayor on October 5, 1971. Mayor ZAT' . ST : E I. Y G LOOD City Cler APPROVED AS TO FORM: GL A13RAHAM City Attorney 1 0 ORDINANCE NO. il�'LS;i AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF ONE TIiOUSAND DOLLARS TO THE CURRE14T EXPENSE FUND UNDER NON --DEPART- MENTAL EXPENSE FOR ADVERTISING OF ORDINANCES, IN THE 1971 AUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEM)3LED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the current expense fun under non -departmental expense, for adver- tising ordinances, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in the 1971 budget of the City. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required. by law. Read for the first time on October 5, 1971. Read for the second and third time, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on October 19, 1971. F S I Mayor ATTEST: r) ', GAL, I. YOSN� LW D City Clerk APPROV• AS TO FOR % GLEN BRA IJAI4 CitAttorney ORDINANCI; NO. AN ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING THE 'TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1972. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the tax- able property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different purposes herein designated, for'the year 1972, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city property for such pur- poses as is follows: FIRST: for the payment of current expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of $23,179.00 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.54 mills on the dollar. SECOND: for the purpose of maintaining a public library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $22,436.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.46 mills on the dollar. THIRD: for the purposes of maintaining a public park and for the park fund, the sum of $9,633.00 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 0.64 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: for the maintenance and improvement of the public' streets of the city and for the City Street Fund, the sum of $50,573.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 3.36 mills on the dollar. FIFTH: for the hospitalization and medical service of injured paid firemen and for pensions and for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $7,526.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 0.5 mills on -the dollar. SIXTH: for the retirement and debt service of General Obli- gation Bonds 1955, the sum of $1,505.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 0.1 mills on the dollar. ■ Section 2.. The Mayor and City Clerk of said city are hereby authorized and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the fore- going tax levy of said city. Section 3. That this Ordinance be published once, to be in force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on this 7th day of December, 1971. ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk Deputy Clerk Mayor ADDV0I7T.In XC Mn V^"M Vt� CitV Attorney f - 2 - r I � ORDINANCE NO. a D AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE GENERAL CITY GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND WATER - SEWER DEPARTMENT, AND FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE FOR THE YEAR 1972. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the General City Government of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1972, divided into the total amount in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------------ $221,928.00 Maintenance and Opertaion----------------- $ 79,975.00 Capital Outlay ---------------------------- $ 22,845.00 Interest and Bond Redemption--------------$ 5,498.75 Firemen's Pension & Relief Fund ----------- $ 17,100.00 Cumulative Reserve Fund ------------------- $ 34,384.00 Arterial Highway Fund---------------------$ 70,000.00 Section 2. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend Water - Sewer Department, for the year 1972, divided into the following classes and comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages ------------------------ $ 52,604.00' Maintenance and Operation ----------------- $ 42,330.00 Capital Outlay ---------------------------- $ 9,700.00 Interest and Bond Redemption -------------- $ 75,339.00 Section 3. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend -1- ` Garbage Collection Service, for the year 1972, divided into �*u f���^=��" °�°"=�" ""a ~"�",�=in" the "*"`" of -mid bud et ` _-- -----'--" ------- _'-- ---,-_ . to -wit: ` ' Salaries and Rageo--------~' Maintenance and Operation— Capital outlay--~-~-------- Debt Gervicm--------------- Section .' That this ordim ^ to be enforced and take affect a' Passed by the Council and a| day of December, 1971, � - ATTEST: GALE z,YoomGoL000 ' ' - - , =~ - ' rue� � � /^ ---------------$ 37,578.00 ---------------$ 4,849�8O ---------------$ 300.00 , ---------------$ 5,547.00 ! ^ aooe shall be published once, o provided by law. � �proved by the Mayor this ?tb � ' `. ' �. (44T` Mayor ' , ' ` -2- 1600 Street vacation (Special) 1601 Amends Ord. 1110, water system (13.12) 1602 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1603 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1604 1971 budget (Special) - 1605 1971 tax levy (Special) 1606 Building permits, setback standards, minimum tract size (16.04) t 1601 Amends S2, Ord. 196, street improvements (12.04) 1608 Emergency appropriation ispeci�l)( 1609 Emergency appropriation (SpecialL 1610 Dances for persons under twenty-jne (Repealed by 1714) 1611 Budget transfer (Special) 1612 Open space, agricultural and timb rland use assessment (3.16) 1613 Street vacation (special) 1614 Budget allocation (Special) 1615 Loan to Port Townsend garbage collection service (Special) 1616 Emergency appropriation (Special), 1617 Emergency appropriation (Special �r 183-1 (Port Townsend 7/80) 1618 Load authorized (Special) 1619 Adopts part of Building Code app: ix (16.04) 1620 Appropriation (Special) 1621 Street vacation (Special) 1622 Lease authorized (special) 1623 Appropriation (Special) 1624 Port Townsend historical district stablished (Repealed by 1779) 1625 Zoning (Title 17) 1626 Street vacation, 'variance and cozd tional use permit procedure (17.56) 1627 Lease authorized (Special) 1628 Appropriation (Special) 1629 Tax levy for 1972 (Special) 1630 Budget for 1972 (Special) _-/1631 Amends §3 of Ord. 1370, water utily franchise license fee (Repealed by 1848) 1632 Amends S23 of Ord. 1110, water bit (13.12) 1633 Individual sewage disposal systems (13.10) 1634 Adopts State Rules of the Road (1 .24) � 1635 Criminal Code (9.02) s�F 1636 Street vacation (Special) Lo 1637 Alley vacation (Special) �t}g1^1,� 1638 Repeals Ord. 1395, bus loading zon (Repealer). L�` •x�11 1639 Amends 51 of Ord. 1490, parking 10.04) 1639 Appropriation (Special) c,tr 1640 Funding for alcoholic rehabilitati n (2.56) -'`�1641 Appropriation (Special) 1642 Amusement and vending machine lice ses (5.76) 1643 Repeals Ords. 1204, 1437, 1465 and 1544, pinball machines- (Repealer) . 1644 Amends 554 and 6 of Ord. 818, house numbering (12.16) 1645 Appropriation (Special) 1646 Repeals Ord. 571, sale and manufacture of cigarettes (Repealer) 1647 Adds §5 to Ord. 1346, building permit valuation (Not codified) 1648 Amends S1 of Ord. 1640, funding for alcoholic reha- bilitation (2.56) 1649 Appropriation (Special) 1 ORDINANCE NO./,� AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 1370, AS Ab1ENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1403 AND 1558. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1370, passed in - 1959, and amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1403 and Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1558, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. The annual license fee for Water -Utility Franchise License is Six Thousand Dollars per year, and the revenues therefrom are allocated to the Current Expense Fund of •the City." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by..the Mayor on December 21, 1971. i1 �E{RANK M ' SMITH, Mayor ATT ST : ' 1 LR I. N BLOOD City.Cler APPROVED AS TO FORM: AB Cr Attorney ORDINANCE NO._LL_LL-^ An Ordinance amending Section 23 of Ordinance 1110, as amended, and thereby changing the penalty date for payment of water bills. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 23 of Ordinance No. 1110, approved Decem- ber 20, IM , as amended by Section I of Ordinance No. 1172, Section 1, of Ordinance No. 1369, Section 2 of ordinance No. 1453 and Section 5 of Ordinance No. 1601, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 23. All bills for water are due and payable on the first day of each month, being payable in -advance for fixed rate and on the succeeding month for metered rate, at the office of the City Treasurer, without any notice whatever to the consumer, provided, however, that if any such bill is not paid on or before the tenth day of the month in which it accrues, it shall be considered delinquent and a penalty of fifty cents shall be added to the charged amount. In the computa- tion of time for this section, should the tenth day of the month fall on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the first working day for the City Treasurer's office thereafter shall be treated as the tenth day of the month. In all cases where charges for water are not paid within the time provided by ordinance, payment may be enforced by shutting off the water until all charges, including shut-off and turn -on charges, are paid." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect on February 1, 1972, ti after its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner pro- vided by law. Read for the first, second and third times on January 4, 1972, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on said January 4, 1 72., ----�FRANY, M. MITH Mayor ATTEST: GA E I. Y3pNG' OOD City Cler APPROVED AS TO FORM: ytyto&rzn!e�yVa-_ 11 M ORDINANCE' NO._1 �33 AN ORDINANCE of".City of Port Townsend defining and regulating the in- stallation or modification of individual sewage disposal systems; setting standards; requiring permits; setting fees; authorizing the Olympic ifealth District Health Officer to promulgate reasonable and necessary regulations to carry out the purpose and intent of this ordinance and providing penalties. WHEREAS, the unregulated design, construction, repair and in- stallation of individual sewage disposal facilities in the City of Port Townsend has been observed to create public health and nuisance problems due to faulty installation of improper location, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the general public that the installation repair and maintenance of individual sewage disposal systems be inspected by the health department and approved prior to use, now, there, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, in regular session assembled, do ordain as follows: Section 1. Definitions. The following words and terms shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this ordinance, viz: A. Individual Sewage Disposal_ System shall mean the house sewer, septic tank, absorption system and appurtenances which are used to conduct sewage in an approved manner from any premise or building to final disposal. D. Sewage shall mean any and all wastes emanating from sanitary fixtures which normally discahrge to a sewerage system and shall include toilet, shower, sink, and laundry wastes. C. Premises shall mean any building, structure or location ut-M-i—ecT as a residence, place of business, place of public assembly, place of employment, or other place where persons live, congregate or are employed. D. Person shall mean any institution, corporation, individual,. partnership or associaetion. E. Commercial Installer shall mean any person engaged in the business of installing and/or repairing individual sewage disposal systems. F. Approved shall mean having been approved in writing by the Health Officer. G. Health Department shall mean the Olympic Health District as legally created under the laws of the State of Washington. it. Permits shall mean a written permit issued by the Health Officer granting permission for the construction or repair of an individual sewage disposal system. I. Fees shall mean those charges made as hereinafter authorized for the issuing of permits and making inspections as found necessary. J. Installers Permit shall mean the written permit issued annually by the Health Officer to a Commercial Installer who has demonstrated his ability to install individual sewage dis- posal systems in the manner hereinafter set forth. K. Priv shall mean a structure located over a fly and rodent tight pit to be used for receiving human wastes. L. Cesspool shall mean an excavation into which raw sewage is introduced for final disposition. Section 2. Health Officer to romul ate re ulations. The Health Officer of the Olympic flea t District, in order to protect the health and safety of the people of Poft Townsdndt,and of: the general public, is hereby authorized and directed, after public hearing, to promulgate, and from time to time amend, regulations establishing minimum standards governing the design, construction, installation, and operation of individual sewage disposal systems, Such regulations shall be based on the commonly accepted standards as set forth in Bulletin E.S. too. 1, "A Septic Tangy. System for Your Home," and U. S. Public Health Service Publication No. 526, "The Manual of Septic Tank Practices", and shall, in the judgment of the Health officer, insure that wastes discharged to various individual sewage disposal systems: 1. Will not contaminate any drinking water supply; 2. Will not become accessible to insects, rodents, or other possible carriers of disease which may come into contact with food or drinking water; 3. Will not pollute rivers, lakes, streams or other bodies of water;' 4. Will not create unpleasant odors or unsightly nuisance conditions; 5. Will not become a health hazard by being accessible to humans or animals. The Health Officer is authorized to promulgate such additional regula- tions as are necessary in his judgment to carry out the provisions of this ordinance. Section 3. General Provisions. From and after the effective date of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person to modify, construct, or reconstruct, an individual sewage disposal system with- out first having obtained a permit from the health Officer. Application for such permit shall be on forms provided and must contain informa- tion as required. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or allow raw sewage to flow upon the surface of the ground or to be discharged into any lake, stream, or body of water or to otherwise pollute waters of the state. A person other than a Commercial Installer may construct, alter or repair an individual sewage disposal system on his own property providing a permit is obtained and provisions of this ordinance are complied with. Cesspools and privies may be constructed only with the written consent and approval of the Health Officer. A Commercial Installer or person must furnish proof if required by the llealth Officer that the land area and soil conditions are ade- quate for receiving and absorbing sewage, such proof to be based on percolation tests and soil logs in accordance with recommendations. When the Health Officer is satisfied that an individual sewage system can be safely installed on the site for which the application is made, he shall issue a permit which shall be posted on the premises during the period of construction. A permit for installation of a sewage disposal system shall be denied wherever the Health Officer determines that ground, ground water, flooding or terrain conditions would render such installation hazardous to public health or would create a nuisance condition. A permit shall be valid for a period of 6 months from the date of issue. A lapsed permit may be renewed by making a re -application to the Health Officer and the payment of a renewal fee. Section 4. Inspection. Prior to covering the sewage dis- posal system with earth the Health Officer shall be notified that the work is ready for inspection. Within 4 working days of such notifi- cation the Health Officer shall make an inspection of the system prior to covering. This requirement may be waived by the health Officer but it is the responsibility of the Person or Commercial Installer to ob- tain this waiver prior to covering the system. If in his judgment, the Health Officer deems that the installation or workmanship of the installation does not meet the requirements of this ordinance he shall order corrections and cause a subsequent inspection to be made. Section 5. Installer's Permit. It shall be unlawful for any Commercial Installer to engage in the business of installing or repairing sewage disposal systems without first having applied for and been issued an Installer's Permit by the Health Officer. Such permit to be issued on the basis of information presented during a written and/or oral examination which would indicate that the applicant has a basic knowledge of the proper design and function of a sewage disposal system and of the provisions of this ordinance. The Health Officer may revoke or deny an Installer's Permit for failure to comply with the terms of this ordinance. The permit may be revoked for incompetency, negligence, misrepresentation, or giving fraudulent information in making application for Installer's Permit or a Permit, or upon can- cellation of the bond as hereinafter required. Any person feeling aggrieved because of the revocation or denial of permit by the Health Officer may, within thirty (30) days of the revocation or denial, appeal to the City Council. The determination by the Council shall be binding upon the applicant, subject always to the right to appeal to the J 0 4� Superior Court of Jefferson County. Prior to the issuance of an Installer's Permit the applicant must, either post a faithful per- formance bond to the City of Port Townsend as obligee, in customary form, approved by the City Attorney in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) executed by a surety company duly authorized to do business in this state, or by two individual sureties not connected in business with the applicant and approved by the City Attorney as to form only, OR be in possession of a bond obtained in accordance with the Specialty Contractor Laws of the State of Washington. Section 6. Authorization. It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to carry out the provisions of this ordinance and he is hereby empowered to enter upon any premise, at any reasonable hour, for the purpose of making sewage disposal system inspections,uP*h skew1b%5 pKepfM Idlh-r �FItA'r/►l+ QMi 10p04. gIv1111 14o,1es. Section 7, Fees. The fee for an Installer's Permit shall be paid annually commencing with January 1, 1972, and each succeeding year hereafter, as follows: One Year ----------------------------------------- $ 25.00 If not renewed by Jan. 10------------------------ $ 50.00 For installation of a sewage system to serve not more than a 2-family residential unit.-:- ----- $ 15.00 For installation of a sewage system for a commercial building, and all others -------------- $ 25.00 For each septic tank OR drainfield OR altera- tion to either ----------------------------------- $ 7.50 For each permit renewal -------------------------- $ 1.00 For each privy ----------------------------------- $ 2.00 Section S. Penalties. Any person who violates any pro- vision of this ordinance, or any provision of any regulation adopted by the Health officer pursuant to authority granted by this ordinance shall be, upon conviction, deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be subject to a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars ($100), or imprisonment in the Common Jail for not more than 10 days, or both by such fine and imprisonment, and each day's failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, shall constitute a separate violation. Section 9. Appeal. Any person aggrieved by the disapproval of plans or construction of the Health officer may within fifteen (15) days appeal in writing to the City Council. The Council may then set a date for hearing the appeal. An adverse decision of the Council shall not preclude further proceedings in the Superior Court of Jefferson County. Section 10, This ordinance shall take effect upon its pass- age, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Section 11. Unconstitutionality Clause. If any sentnece, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance is held to be unconstitu- tional, such holding does not affect the legality of any remaining portion of this ordinance. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Counc and approved by the Mayor on January , 19727' FRANK-M SM•IT,H Mayor - _-- ATTEST: /J GA E I. YO ]Gf3LOOD City Cler f' AP U� ED AS T 012M G A$RAFIA 'Lj� Ci Attorney -3- \� • �`` ORDINANCE NO. ''/ '' / AN ORDINANCE ENACTING AND PROVIDING RULES OF THE ROAD FOR CI`i'Y STREETS, BY THE ADOPTION BY REFER- ENCE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RULES OF THE ROAD THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEt1BLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Pursuant to RCW 35.21.180, authorizing cities to adopt state codes or portions of state codes by reference, the State of Washington Rules of the Road for streets and motor vehicles, as embodied in the Revised Codes of Washington, Chapter 46.61.005 to Chapter 46.61.685 be and they are hereby adopted and by this reference incorporated herein, the same as though a part hereof. Section 2 Wherever in said Rules of the Road the term "Highway" is used, the same shall be construed to mean "city street," and wherever the term "Director" or "State highway Commission" is used, the same shall be construed to mean "City Council." Section 3. Nothing herein shall be deemed a repeal of specific ordinances now in existence governing traffic control or parking, and, in the event of conflict with existing ordinances, the existing ordinance shall control. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect on its pass- age, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on Ja uary 18, 1972. VE ATTEST: (/ � GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GL • ABRAIIAI Cit Attorney 0 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ENACTING AND PROVIDING A CRIMINAL CODE FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, DEFINING OFFENSES AND ENACTING REGULATIONS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF TIIL PRO- TECTION OF THE PUBLIC PLACE, HEALTH, WELFARE AND PROPERTY, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES THEREFOR. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. For the protection of the public health, peace, morals, and welfare, and for the protection of the property of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend, and for the purpose of establishing rules of conduct and regulation thereof, there is here and hereby adopted, the following code for the purpose of defining, pro- hibiting and establishing that conduct and those acts and omissions which shall be punishable in the manner provided in the City Ordi- nances of the City of Port Townsend for violation of said city ordi- nances, upon conviction by the duly constituted court. Section 2. Every person who, with intent to deprive or defraud the owner thereof, shall take, lead or drive away the property of another, or shall obtain from the owner or another the possession or title to any property by color or aid of fraud or misrepresentation, or, who having any property in his possession, custody or control properly, shall wrongfully convert the same to his own use, or any person who, knowing the same to have been so appropriated, shall buy, sell, receive or aid in concealing or withholding any property wrong- fully appropriated, and provided that the value of the property thus involved shall amount to less than Seventy -Five Dollars ($75.00), shall be guilty of the crime of petty theft. Section 3. Every person who shall wilfully or maliciously destroy or injure any real or personal property of another, without permission or justification therefor, shall be guilty of the crime of malicious injury to property. Section 4. Any person or persons, corporation or cor- porations, who shall throw, place or deposit, in any road, street, alley, highway, or upon the property of another, any bottle, bottles, glass, glassware, tacks, nails, cans, garbage, rubbish or discarded matter, shall be guilty of the crime of malicious mischief. Section 5. (a) Every person who, without authority of law, shall wilfully— disturb any assembly or meeting, not unlawful in its character, or by his conduct shall be guilty of disturbing the public peace, and (b) Every person who shall remain present at the place of an unlawful meeting or,after having been warned to disperse by a magi- strate or a public officer, shall remain present at the site of an unlawful disturbance as herein provided, and every person participat- ing therein by his presence, shall be guilty of disturbing the peace. Section 6. (a) Every person who, with intent to prevent or obstruct the extinguishment of any fire, shall remove any apparatus from fire -fighting equipment or shall otherwise prevent or obstruct the extinguishment of any fire, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Every person who, at the burning of any building or other uncontrolled fire, shall be guilty of any disobedience to the lawful orders of a public officer or fireman or resistance to or in- -1- terfering with the lawful efforts of any fireman, or company of fire- men to extinguish the same, or of disorderly conduct likely to inter- fere with'the extinguishment thereof, or who shall forbid, prevent or dissuade others from assisting to extinguish such fire, shall be quilty of a misdemeanor. (c) if any person shall maliciously or wantonly set on fire any field or other grounds, other than his own or those of which he is in lawful possession, or shall willfully or negligently permit or suffer the fire to pass from his own grounds or premises to the injury of another, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 7. Any person who shall cause to be fired or discharged Within the corporate limits of the City of Port Townsend any firearm, explosive charge, bomb, or other explosive device, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, provided, however, that blasting for Purposes of construction and excavation shall not be prohibited. Section 8. Any person who shall deliver a pistol to any person under the age of eighteen (18) y.ears or to one he has reason- able cause to believe has been convicted of a crime of violence, or is a drug addict, an habitual drunkard, or of unsound mind, or is at the time and place under the influence of drugs or intoxicating liquor, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 9. Every person who shall intentionally, and in the absence Z; �a need for self-defense, commit any assault, battery or injury upon any other person, shall be guilty of the crime of assault, and shall be punished in the manner provided in the ordi- nances of this city. Section 10. Every person who shall by word, sign or gesture, wilfully provoke or attempt to provoke, another person to commit an assault, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 11. (a) Every person having the care or custody of any animal known to possess any vicious or dangerous tendencies, who shall allow the same to escape or run at large in any place or manner liable to endanger the safety of any person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Any person who shall wilfully and maliciously abuse, torture, starve or neglect any animal in his care or custody shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 12. Every person who, by color or aid of any trick or slight of hand performance, or by any fraud or fraudulent scheme, cards, dice, or device, shall win for himself or for another any money or property, or representative of either, shall be punished for swindel- ing in the manner provided for misdemeanors. Section 13. Every person who shall wilfully obstruct or resist any police officer who is lawfully in the performance of his duty, or who shall wilfully fail or refuse to abide by the orders and directions of a police officer engaged in directing or controlling vehicular or pedestrian traffic on a public right of way or on public lands, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 14. Every person who shall injure or defraud an- other by using, with knowledge that the same is false, a false weight, -2- measure or other apparatus for determining the quantity of any commodity or article of merchandise, or by knowingly misrepresenting the quantity thereof bought or sold, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 15. Every person who shall open, conduct, carry on or operate, whether as owner,,manager; agent, dealer, clerk or employee, and whether for hire or not, any gambling game or game of chance, played with cards, dice or any other device, or any scheme or device whereby any money or property or any representative of either, may be bet, wagered or hazarded upon any chance, or any uncertain or contingent event, shall be guilty of gambling. Section 16. Every person obstructing the free and un- hindered passage of the public upon any street, sidewalk, alley or road, except where an emergency may exist, or with the prior approval of the City Street Superintendent or Chief of Police, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 17. Any person who shall sell, give or deliver any intoxicating liquor or beverage to any person less than twenty-one (21) years of age, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, provided, that ncthing herein shall prohibit the furnishing of intoxicating beverages to any person for religious or medicinal purposes or as part of meals in the family home of the person consuming said beverage. Section 18. Any person who is less than twenty-one (21) years of age, and who is in possession of or has consumed or is consuming any intoxicating beverage, other than for religious or medicinal purposes or in connection with a meal taken in his family home or under the supervision of his parents, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 19. Every person who enters or remains in or upon premises of another in violation of posted notice not to so enter or remain, or who enters or remains in or upon such premises after notice given to him by the owner or person in rightful possession thereof, shall be guilty of criminal trespass. Section 20. The violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punishable in the manner set forth and pro- vided by Section 2 of Ordinance 1526 (Municipal Code 1.01.020). Section 21. The definitions of terms and usages employed herein shall be determined by the definitions set forth in Title 9 of the Revised Code of Washington, which definitions are by this ref- erence incorporated herein the same as though a part hereof. Sec ion P nalt for iola ion any f eY here' se L th, gall e as rov. ed Sec on 2 of di152 of he ity Po Tow send whic is say tha eacev y a t rein rote' iced steal con itut a m' dem anorcon- y' do t roof . Section 2. This ordinance is here and hereby found and declared to be for the preservation of public peace, health and wel- fare of the citizens of the City of Port Townsend. Section 23. This ordinance shall take effect upon its -3- c, L ,C. 0 0 passage, approval and publication, in,the form and mannerprovided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on January 18, 1972. , 1K OMI 3 4vr'-� ayor ATTEST - GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD fJ ty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GLEN �143711AM Et Attorney -4- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE VACATING EIMIITII STREET BETWEEN WILSON AND GISE, WILSON STREET BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH, AND RL'SERVIDIG EASEMENTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Subject to the reservations of easements therein for construction and maintenance of water, sewer and other utility lines, that portion of Eighth Street lying between Wilson Street i It and Gise Street, and that portion of Wilson Street lying between Seventh Street and Eighth Street, be and they are hereby vacated. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on February 15, 1972., • O P B. STE� • Mayor ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD Citt erk `I c�t Deputy APPRO AS TO FO Cit Attorney"" ORDINANCE: NO. 1636 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE ALLEY LYING Ind BLOCK 26 OF O. C. HASTINGS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOWNISEFD, AND RESERVING EASEMENTS FOR UTILITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. All of the alley lying in hock 26 of 0. C. Hastings Adi!- � n to the City of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington, be and the same is hereby vacated, subject to. the reservation therein in the City of Port Townsend of the right to install water, sewer and other utility lines, and to maintain the same. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. React for the first, second and third times, passed by the council and approved by the Mayor on I -larch 21, 1972. JO PIi }3. STEVE mayor JrAMST: U . G OOD City ClexU APPROVED AS TO FO '4: G L ABRAHAM Cl Attorney \0� • 0 ORDINANCE NO. -3?- A14 ORDINATCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1395. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 1395, passed in 1961,.be and the same is hereby in all respects repealed. Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the Form and manner provided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the council and approved by the Mayor on March 21, 1972. i OS 33 B. STliVE 41 Mayor AT ST E I . U GB OOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: G ABRAHAM Ci Attorney 6 0 Oi7DLiANCE NO.1638 A\ ORDINANCE, AMENDING SECTIO-N 1 OV ORDINANCE NO. 1490, ?1S PJUL,VIOUSLY ARENDED BY SECTION 1 OF ORDINANCE, NO. 1531, REGULATING PARKING. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ME CITY OF PORT TWNSLND, IN RL•;GULAR SESSION ASSE1,MLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 1490, passed in 1966, as amended by Se(stion 1 of Ordinance No. 1531, passed i 1968, be and the same is hereby amended to react as follows: "Section 1. On all streets of the city no motor v hicle will be permitted to stand or park unless the same has been p aced with the right-hand wheels parallel with the curb and within welve inches thereof, excepting for the .following portions of stree s: that on that portion of the Last side of Taylor Street betwee Washington Street and Water Street, and on - the South 100 feet of the West side of Harrison Street between Washingt n Street and Jefferson Street, no vehicle will be permitted to tand or park unless the same has been placed with the longitudinal line of its chassis at an angle of 45 degrees to the curb and with its front wheels -within six inches of the curb, and that on the EISt side of Taylor Street between Water Street and Front Street n vehicle will be permitted to stand or park unless the same ha been placed with the longitudinal line of its chassis at an angle f 90 degrees to the curb and with its front wheels within six inch s of the curb; provided, however, that no standing or parking what ver of motor vehicles will be permitted upon the streets or porti ns of streets of the city within those certain zones which the Chie of Police or city council have caused to be marled with the word "No Parking," whether by lettering on the curb, street, or signs ,rected .for the purpose; and further provided that parking only for s.ecial purposes will be permitted upon streets or portions of street- where the Chief of Police or city council have caused to be placed igns reading "No Parking" except for purposes designated on said signs, as, for example and not in limitation, "No Parking --Ferry Tra fic." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the fora and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passe by the council and approved by the mayor on March-2 1972. OS Ii B. STEVE �T /mayor '--- Att st: �....G .LE 1. 0 !"109LOOD City APPROVED AS TO FORA; GL AID 1 I113 Citk Attorney ■ ORDINANCE NO. 1639-A AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE Sum OF FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS TO SALARIES AND WAGES IN THE 1972 BUDGET OF THE WATER -SEWER DEPARTMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for salaries and wages in the 1972 budget of the Water-Sawar Department the sum of Fifteen Hundred and no/100 ($1,500.00) Dollars. Section 2. The appropriation hereinabove made is for and in response to an emergency, and said emergency is hereby found and declared to exist. Section 3. This ordinance shall take affect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Read for the first time, May 2, 1972. Read for the second and third times, passed by the council and approved by the Mayor an May 16, 1972. Mayor ATTEST: CALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk n / Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ci y torney 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1640 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK AND MAYOR TO REMIT TO THE.TREASURER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, MONTHLY COMMENCING JUNE 1, 1972, TWO PER CENT OF ALL REVENUES RECEIVED BY THE CITY FROM THE STATE OF WASHINGTON LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD, FOR ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants payable to the County Treasurer of Jefferson County, Washington, monthly, commencing June 1, 1972, in an amount equal to two per cent of the city's receipt's . from the State of Washington Liquor Control Board,'commencing with the year 1972, which sum shall be for the support of alcoholic re- habilitation, and to be expended by said Jefferson County Treasurer for the Jefferson County Council on Alcoholism and its functions. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on May 16, 1972. os t STEVE ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD, City Clerk BY ` ��1�(c t c r' ��L—[�.c' ✓ ___ _ Deputy APPROVED AS TO FO GL ABRAHA Cif Attorney Ordinances #L641-1649 c 4 1600 Street vacation (Special) 1601 Amends Ord. 1110, water system (13.12) 1602 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1603 Emergency appropriation (special) 1604 1971 budget (Special) - 1605 1971 tal levy (special) 1606 Building permits, setback standards, minimum tract size (16.04) 1601 Amends §2, Ord. 196, street improvements (12.04) 1608 Emergency appropriation ('Speci�l)) 1609 Emergency appropriation (Special) 1610 Dances for persons under twenty-one (Repealed by 1714) 1611 Budget transfer (Special) ,; 1612 Open space, agricultural and timb}rland use assessment (3.16) 1613 Street vacation (Special) 1 1614 Budget allocation (Special) ) 1615 Loan to Port Townsend garbage collection service (Special) 1616 Emergency appropriation (Special). 1617 Emergency appropriation (Special) 183-1 (Port Townsend 7/80) 1618 Load authorized (Special) 1619 Adopts part of Building Code app-- ix (16.04) 1620 Appropriation (Special) 1621 Street vacation (Special) t 1622 Lease authorized (Special) 1623 Appropriation (Special) 1624 Port Townsend historical district stablished (Repealed by 1779) 1625 Zoning (Title 17) 1626 Street vacation,•variance and cord tional use permit procedure (17.56) 1627 Lease authorized (Special) 1628 Appropriation (Special) 1629 Tax levy for 1972 (Special) 1630 Budget for 1972 (Special) 1631 Amends 53 of Ord. 1370, water utily franchise license fee (Repealed by 1848) 1632 Amends §23 0£ Ord. 1110, water bit (13.12) 1633 Individual sewage disposal systems (13.10) 1634 Adopts State Rules of the Road (1 .24) 1635 Criminal Code (9.02) 1636 Street vacation (Special) 1637 Alley vacation (Special) 1638 Repeals Ord. 1395, bus loading zon (Repealer) 1639 Amends §1 of Ord. 1490, parking 10.04) 1639 Appropriation (Special) 1640 Funding for alcoholic rehabilitati n (2.56) 1641 Appropriation (Special) 1642 Amusement and vending machine lice ses (5.76) 1643 Repeals ords. 1204, 1437, 1465 and 1544, pinball machines- (Repealer) 1644 Amends 5§4 and 6 of Ord. 818, house numbering (12.16) 1645 Appropriation (Special) 1646 Repeals Ord. 571, sale and manufacture of cigarettes (Repealer) 1647 Adds §5 to Ord. 1346, building permit valuation (Not codified) 1648 Amends §1 of Ord. 1640, funding for alcoholic reha- bilitation (2.56) 1649 Appropriation (special) 1643, ORDINANCE' NO. ��X7 f A14 ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND ELEVEN DOLLARS TO THE CITY CLERK BUDGET, FOR SALARIES AND WAGES, FOR TILL YEAR 1972, AND DECLARING AN T;AIPRGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, III REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated "for the salaries and wages appropriation in the City Clerk budget for the year 1972, the sum of Nineteen Hundred Eleven and no/100 ($1',911.00)' Dollars. Section 2. 'There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. React for the first time April A, 1972. Read for the second and third time, passed by the council and approved by the Mayor on 'May' 16,' : , 1972. S ll B. STEVE Mayor Attest: GALL I. YOUN BLOOD Approved as to Form: GL ei City ttorney r ORDINANCE NO. I61e7 AN ORDINANCE•: PROVIDING FOR AND REQUIRING THE LICENSING OF AMUSEMENT AND VENDING MACHINES, SETTING FEES TIIEREFORE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE THEREOF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Each and every person, firm or corporation, having at any place of business within the City, a device or machine which is a mechanical music machine or is for playing of games of amusement, and which is activated by the insertion of any coin or coins, or a machine in which coins may be dropped for the purpose of operating the same, even though the same may be such machine as is attached to a pool table, shuffleboard or other amusement or game device, and which may be legally operated within the state, shall pay for each such amusement machine an annual license fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), which license shall be issued for each such licensed machine or device located on any premises in the City, but provided that a license for such machine or device shall be a license to the premises rather than to the machine, and that machines on the premises may be changed with- out acquisition of an additional license therefore, so long as one license is displayed on the premises for each such machine thereon located. Section 2. Each and every person, having at any place of business within the City, a device or machine in which coins may be dropped for the purpose of activating the same to the end that any article may be dispensed or vended from said machine by reason of the insertion of a coin or coins, shall pay an annual license fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for a license to permit each of such machines on any premises in the City. One of such licenses must be displayed on the premises in which such machine or device is located for each such machine or device therein located. Section 3. Applications for licenses as herein provided shall be made to the Office of the City Clerk, and licenses for said machines shall be issued by the Office of the City Clerk, and shall be in such form as may be appropriate for display on the premises of the licensee. Section 4. The license issued by the City Clerk for amuse- ment and vending machines, as herein provided, must at all times be prominently displayed in the premises upon which said machines or de- vices are located, in order that city police officers, or other proper city personnel, may readily see and view the same in order to determine the proper licensing of such machines at all times. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect an July 1, 1972, and after passage, approval and publication in the manner and form required by law, and for the year of 1972 only, one half of the license fees herein provided shall apply, but shall not thereafter be prorated. Read for the first, second,and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on June G, 972. S.TEVE ayor ORDINANCE NO. 1643 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINAN,:L NO. 1204, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCES NUMBERED 1437, 1465 1544. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIME CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 1204, passed in 1947, as amend- ed by Ordinance No. 1437, passed in 1963, and as further amended by Ordinance No. 1465, passed in 1965, and Ordinance No. 1544, passed in 1968, be and the same is, including all amendments thereto, repealed. Section 2. The repeal herein provided shall include the repeal of any and all license taxes and fees owing under and pursuant to said repealed ordinances for the year 1972. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Read for the first,.second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on June 6, �72. JO PII B . STEVE U Mayor T: GALE I. Y GBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ABRAII C ty Attorney \U ~� 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1644 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4 and 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 81B. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIDE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Sect. 1. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 818, passed in 1912, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 4. The buildings in each block shall be numbered consecutively from the initial number of such block, and each door on all the streets within the district shall be entitled to a number and vacant land or lots between buildings fronting on such streets shall be entitled to one number for every ten feet or fraction thereof, and as to land lying in areas where no platted streets exist, the same rule shall apply as if the platted streets in the City were extended into such unplatted area. A block as used in this ordinance shall consist of two half -blocks, one on each side of the street." Section 2. Section 6 of Ordinance No. 318, passed in 1912, is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 6. It shall be the duty of the City,Engineer to prepare and keep in his office plats of lots and blocks within the districts and to enter thereon in such manner as to enable.all parties interested to readily ascertain the same, the house number of all build- ings or building lots in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and any person or persons desiring to ascertain the number of numbers for house numbering purposes shall, upon applying therefor and paying a fee of $3.00 to the City Treasurer, be informed in writing of the proper number or numbers by the City Engineer; Provided,.however, that every application for a building permit issued by the City after the effective date hereof shall also include an application for house number, and shall be accompanied by the application fee of $3.00 herein provided." Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor an June 6, 1�72. OS Pfi $TEVE layor A T: GALE I�YN' GBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GL J AI3RAIIA Ci Attorney All ORDINANCE NO. 1545 . AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE 5UM OF $1,500.00 TO THE BUDGET OF THE CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR WAGES, PART TIME AND IIOURLY, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the 1972 Budget of the City Police Department,.for wages, part time and hourly, the sum of $1,500.00. Section 2, There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time June 6, 1972. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on June 20, 1972. �m� / Mayor ATTEST: r 1 GLAE I.. Y6UNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ABRAH Cfy Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 164C, AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 571, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 571, passed in 1895, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the. Council and approved by the Mayor on June 6,. 72. �STEVE 's B ayor ATTEST: GALE Z. Y GBLOOD City Clerk .APPROVED AS TO FORM: C1 AB M Ty Attorney 0 4 ORDINANCE NO. 1647 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1346, AS PREVIOUSLY A14ENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1470 AND FIXING STANDARDS FOR BUILDING PERMITS VALUATIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGU R SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 1346, passed on Se tember 16, 1958, and amended by Ordinance No. 1470, passed on May 8, 1965, is here and hereby amended by the addition of a section thereto to be known as "Section 5," and to read as follows: "Section 5. In determining the valuation of buildings constructed pursuant to building permits, as in this or inance set forth, the following standards shall be observed: The um of $12.00 per square foot for home construction shall be deemed n rmal, the sum of $3.00 per square foot for garage construction sh 11 be deemed normal, the sum of $3.00 per square foot for basement a ea in resi- dential construction shall be considered normal; and resi- t sum of $8.00 per square foot for the second floor area of residentia construction shall be considered normal. These sums shall be the st ndard used in determining such valuations, and any variation from he application of such standards shall be made by the determination of the building official or building inspector that such standards are nreasonable for the building for which the permit is requested, and in he absence of a request for such determination said standards shall a ply, and the square footage determination shall be based upon the pl ns submitted with the application for building permit." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its pass- age, approval and publication in the form and manner pr ided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, p ssed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on June 6, 1972. B. yor ATTEST: 4�GALE �1�. �NGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO F M: NN ABRAHA It ty Attorney _e WDIIUQV.7 if0. 1648 AId ORDIPANCE Ai231fDT!1G ORDIId AWE U0. 164Q. THE CITY COUNCIL OF, TIE] CITY OF PORT TO'W11SLiID, III REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOT,LOI'1S : Section 1. Section ono of ordinance 1io. 1640, passed and approved on May 16, 1972, be and it is hereby amended to road as f oflows : "Section 1. Pho City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to remit to the 'Treasurer of Jefferson County, Washington, monthly, in the manner provided by State statute, an amount equal to two per cent of the Cityls receipts from the State of Washington Liquor Control Board, for the support of alcoholic rehabilitation, And to be expended by said County Treasurer for the Jefferson County Council on Alcoholism and its functions." Section 2. 'This ordinance shall take effect upon its pasaage, approval and publication in t he form a nd manner required by laiv. Read for t he first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor tom Ju , 1972. DONALD 11. IiOGL idayor Pro -Tom ATTEST: GALE I. YGIMMBL00D, City Clerh Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORT: CI-r. A ORDINANCE NO.'1649 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM nF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND ELEVEN DOLLARS TO THE CITY TREASURER BUDGET, FOR SALARIES AND WAGES, FOR THE YEAR 1972, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated For thn salaries and wages appropriation in the City Treasuror budget for the year 1972, tho sum of Nineteen Hundred Eleven and no/1DO (31,9.11.00) Dollars. Section 2. There is herR and hereby found and declared to he an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take eFfoct upon .its passage, approval and publication in the form and mnnnor required by low. Read for the First time April 4, 1972. Read for the second and third time, passed by the council and approved by the Mayor an July 18, 1972. h B. Stave MAYOR Attest: �/l=% PPPaLracia J edersen Deputy City Clerk Approved as to Form: GL A raham City •torney a VI 1650 AmendautSO of Ord. 111(, as s�;se iee�con (13.12) - 5 1651 Adds S2.109 to Ord. 1625, zoning (17.08) 1652 Appropriation (Special) 1653 Appropriation (Special) 1654 Appropriation (Special) 1655 Appropriation (Special) 1656 Amends 56 of Ord. 1138, garbage collection rates (6.04) 1657 Amends 53 of Ord. 1508, sewer service rates (13.04) -it 6.3 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 183-2 (Port Townsend 7/80) Amends S8 of Ord. 1110, water service connections (13.12) Street vacation (Special) Tax levy for 1973 (Special) Budget for 1973 (Special) Salaries (Special). Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Amends 52 of Ord. 1642, license fees for vending machines (5.76) Medical insurance for city employees (2.60) Combines office of clerk and treasurer (2.06) Rezone (Special) Subdivisions (18.04--18.36, 18.40--18.52) Street vacation (Special) Employee vacation and sick leave (2.64) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Repeals Ords. 1155, 1353 (Repealer) Street vacation (Special) Street vacation (Special) Authorizes land purchase for gravel pit (Special) Amends Ord.871 S6, dance halls (Repealed by 1714) Amends Ord. 1635 S15, gambling (9.02) Amends Ord. 1635 5517, 18, minor possession of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 1716) Federal shared revenue fund (3.04) Appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 1668 551, 2, employee medical benefits (2.60) Adds 52.110 to Ord. 1625, zoning (17.16) Automotive body disposal charge (6.08) Appropriation (Special) Authorizes land purchase for public works building (Special) Cutting trees in street rights -of -way (12,10) Appropriation (Special) Animals (Repealed by 1969) Salaries (Special) 1974 tax levy (Special) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Repeals Ords. 726, 816, 837, 876, 919, 1301, 1423, 1588 (Repealer) Appropriation (Special) ORDINANCE td0.-1.G4-9- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8 OF ORDINANCE NO. 111.0, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCES NO. 1239, 1341, 1469 and 1601, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 8 of Ordinance No. 1110, passed by the CouncDilo necember 19, 1939, and amended by Ordinances No. 1239, 1341, 1469 and 1601, is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 8. The fees for service connections are as follows: For the installation of pipe up to and including three - fourths inch diameter connection, one hundred ten dollars; for one inch connection, one hundred sixty dollars; and provided that for pipe connection sizes larger than one inch diameter or where it becomes necessary to open pavement or hard surface streets the actual cost of labor and materials in the laying of such service and replacement of pavement or hard surface shall be charged. For services outside the city limits, the cost of such service shall be five hundred'dollars for installation up to three-quarter inch diameter. In the case of installation of service along a city street in which no main exists, the above fees shall apply, and, in addi- tion thereto, the applicant for service shall pay all costs of labor and material for the laying of such service and water lines and the repair of streets, payable in advance by said applicant; Provided, that, upon direction of the city council, by motion duly passed at a regular meeting of the council, water mains may be laid in any city street, alley, easement or road and the cost thereof shall be paid from the water main revolving fund established in this section, and, in such event, the cost of connection for service to any such main shall be the same as those fees provided in this section, and, in addition thereto, three dollars per lineal foot for each foot of frontage of any lot, tract or premises to which such service is connected, and further provided, that the computation of frontage served -shall be made by measurement of all frontage owned or con- trolled by the owner of applicant requesting the connection, whether or not any building or structure shall be located on the property embracing the frontage, and further provided that such frontage charges shall apply to both sides of any street, easement, alley or road in- volved, and further shall be deposited in the water main revolving fund. There is hereby established a "Water Clain Revolving Fund," which shall. -be funded by appropriations made by the city council from time to time, and by the payment thereto of the frontage charges hereinabove provided." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its pans - age, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on July 18, 1972. /`f3. " 5 P1[ S EVE Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: GALE i .. YOUNG13LO ,, C'� ty Clerk B Depu C' y Atto ney iti s ORDINANCE NO. 1651 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1625, BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 2.109 THERETO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO'WNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 1625 passed and approved on August 3, 1971,,be and the same is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the following section, which shall be known as Section 2.los. "Section 2.109 Commercial Air. Compressed air, used in portable tanks or storage tanks, for use by divers, firemen, or other such persons and functions, including the retail sale or such air and containers, as well as the compression thereof and the in- stallation, maintenance and operation of compressing equipment there- for, which shall be'permitted in all zones as a conditional use only." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on August 1972. _�aOSB i 113. STEVE Mayor ATTEST-. GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD, City Clerk by(� Dd uty APPROVED AS TO FORM: City torney N 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1652 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $3000.00 TO CAPITAL OUTLAY IN THE 1972 BUDGET OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Them is here and hereby appropriated to capital outlay, for fire hydrants, in the the 1972 budget of the Fire Department, the sum of $3,000.00. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time August 1, 1972. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on August 15, 1972. rI .� 0 ,PIi B. STEVE May or ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD, City Clerk 13 Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cit ttorne C] 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1653 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1500.00 TO THE 1972 BUDGET OF THE CITY CLERK, FOR PUBLISHING AND CODIFICATION EXPENSE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the 19'72 budget of the City Clerk's Office the sum of $1500.00, for publishing and codification expense. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time August 1, 1972. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on August 15, 1992. P�B- STEVE Mayor ATTEST: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD, City Clerk BYE/r1�G?_crc rputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: Cityr orney 0 1 • ORDINANCE NO. j% -ry AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $1264.00 to the 1972 BUDGET OF TIME CITY ENGINEER, FOR APPRAISAL AND TITLE INSURANCE EXPENSE, AND " DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for the 1972 budget of the City Engineer, the sum of $1264.00, for Appraisal and Title Insurance expenses. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the above and foregoing appropriation. Section 3. .This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time August 16, 1972. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on September 5, 1972. �BS� 0 P Mayor ATTEST: GALE I_ YOUNGBLOOD, City Clerk AS 0 �1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR TO THE 1972 13UDGET OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND DECLARING Ali EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the 1972 budget of the Police Department the sum of Five ffundred and no/100 ($500.00) Dollars, for vehicle maintenance and repair. Section:2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its. passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time on September S, 1972. React for the, second and third times, passed by the council and approved by the Mayor on September 19, 1972. f n. STEVE Mayor ATTEST: c,,2 'CitV Clerk APPROVED AS V'O RM: City ttorney • ORDINANC13 NO. /C.3 4 AN ORDIMANCL As1MMING SECTION G 01' ORDINANCE NO. 1138, AS A,IENDED BY OR- DINANCES NO. 1347 an(1 1.425, AND IN- CRI3ASING CERTAIN GAR13AGL: COLLECTION RATES. CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDMI, AS I•'OLLOWS: Section 1. Section G of Ordinance No. 1138, passed in 19,12, as inende- -icy Ordinance No. 1397 and Ordinance No. 1425, is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section G. Garbage shall be collected not less than once a week i-'n residence districts of the city and daily in the business districts of the city. The rate to be charged for garbage collection shall be Two and 75/100 Dollars ($2.75) per can for the collection of one can of garbage per week, provided, however, that rates for collection of garbage from places in the business district requiring more frequent collection than once per week ,hall be charged monthly based upon the number of cans collected per week: the sum of $.75 for each can collected per week payable monthly, and further provided however that where it is permissible under the terms of this ordinance to keep rubbish in containers other than cans, the charge for collection of such rubbish shall be equal to the charge for collecting garbage, which charge shall be computed by the superintendent of the garbage department on the basis of $.75 per.week or the equivalent of each can, or other container of simi- lar size, of rubbish collected cacti week." Section 2. The rates herein established shall take effect on January 1, 1973. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the council and approved by the mayor on October 3, 1972. r � /ja'141014 B. STEVE Mayor ATTEST: ''GALE I. Y , Irl) Cii:y Cler _ APPROVED AS TO GL ,,M ABRA1(A Ci Attorney 0 /CS i ORDLNANCIi NO. 1:C Ail ORDI'IANCE A1,I1"LADING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE 1508, AND INCREASING CURTAIN MONTHLY SEWAGI. SE'RVICE RATES. TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, TN REGULAR SESSION, ASSEM3I,11D, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 3 of Ordinance Igo. 1503, passed in 19G7, be an—T—Ere same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 3. Rates according to class. The following rates and charges For the various classes of sewage service are hereby established: (1) Class IA - Monthly charge, five dollars. (2) Class 1I3 - Monthly charge, one hundred percent of the amount of the water bill for such month, provided that in no event shall the charge he less than five dollars. (3) Class 2A - Monthly charge, Live dollars. (4) Class 211 - Monthly charge, one hunched twenty-five percent of the amount of the water bill for such month, pro- vided that in no event shall the charge be less than five dollars. (5) Class 3 - Monthly charge, one hundred fifty .percent of the charge that would be applicable if the property was within the city limits. The water and sewer superintendent is hereby authorized to adjust sewage rates and charges based on metered water rates on a pro rata basis where it is established to his satisfaction that a substantial amount of such metered water does not enter the sewage system. In the event any property owner or owners shall require an unusually large use of the sewacle system, special rates for such user may be fixed by agreement with the city without the necessity of amending this chapter." Section 2. The rates herein established shall take effect on January 1, 19731973. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law . Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the council and approved by the Mayor on October 3, 1972. 235 'II I] . STEVE -Iayor AT ST: 2I . P� ' L OD City C1VY;V i APPi 'll AS TO FOR,,'-1: 3 -- 0 OPI)I,:ANCE NO. lc ss AN ORDIIIAWE'' i1:Il:h DINIG SECTION 8 01P ORDINANCE NO. 1110, AS AilI;V1)I-.D 13Y ORUINA:ICI S .40. 1239, 13,11, 1,169, 1.601. and 1G50. '.Cliff] CITY COUNCIL OF 'CllI1 CI`PY OI' PORT TOL-."NSE END, 114 REGULAR SLSSIWI ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS F'OLI,01 S: ;section 1. Section 8 of Ordinance DIo. 1110, passed by the Council on December 19, 1939,'and amendeu by Ordinances No. 1239, 13,11, 1,169, 1601 and 1650 is here and hereby amended to read as follows: "Section B. The fees for scrvice-connections.are as follows: I'or the installation of pipe up to and including three - fourths .inch diameter connection, one hundred ten dollars; for one inch connection, one hundred sixty dollars; and provided that for pipe connection sizes larger than one inch diameter or where it becomes necessary to open pavement or hard surface streets the actual cost of labor and materials in the laying of such service and replacement of pavement or hard surface shall be.charged. For services outside the city limits and not connected to the general water system which serves the area inside the corporate limits of the City, the cost of such service shall -be five hundred dollars for installation up to three-quarter inch diameter. In the case of installation of service along a city street in which no main exists, the above fees shall apply, and, in addition thereto, the applicant for service shall pay all costs of labor and material for the laying of such service and water lines and the repair of streets, payable in advance by said applicant; Provided, that, upon directionof the city council, by motion duly passed at a regular meeting of the council, water mains may be laid in any city street, alley, easement or road and the cost thereof shall. be paid from the water main revolving fund established in this section, and, in such event, the cost of connection for service to any such main shall be the same as those fees provided in this section, and, in addition thereto, three dollars per lineal foot for each foot of frontage of any lot, tract or premises to which such :service is connected, and further provided, that the computation of frontage served shall be made by measurement of all frontage owned or controlled by the owner of applicant requesting the connection, whether or not any builclind or structure shall be located on the property embracing the frontage, and further provided that such frontage charges shall apply to both sides of any street, easement, alley or road involved, and further shall be deposited in the water main revolving fund. There is hereby established a "water rain P.e,volvinU F'urtd, which shall be funded by appropriations made by the city council from time to time, and by the payment thereto of the frontage char(Ies hereinabove provided." N Section 2. This ordinance shall tale effect upon its pass -- age, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. !'1v5,u1 for the first, second incl L-hird times, passed by the Council and approved 1)y the :iayor on October 17, 1972. J - --� OSl, it 13. STEW,' -- 1�:�ynr �. City Clerk'`--- 6 12 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF WEST;ez_' "I "U" STREET LYING BETWEEN THE WEST BOUNp;�RY ... OF SAN 'JUAN AVENUE AND THE EAST BOUNDARY 'b;, V MC NEILL STREET, AND FURTHER VACATING THAT PORTION OF HAINES STREET LYING BETWEEN FORTY- SEVENTH STREET AND FORTY-FIFTH STREET. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That portion of West "U" Street lying between the West boundary of San Juan Avenue and the East boundary of McNeill Street, and that portion of Haines Stree,t'-lying between Forty -Seventh Street and Forty -Fifth Street be and they are each hereby vacated. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by. the council and approved by the mayor on November.71, 1972. /,-,-/JO .1311 B. STEVE Mayor ATTEST: 0 BLOrD A�L -1� YQ -City Clerlj/ V ROVED AS TO FORMt ABRAHA Attorney ORDINANCE NO. J4Z.-r— P44 ORDINANCE MAKING AND FIXING TILL TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND FOR THE YEAR 1973. TIME CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That there is hereby levied upon all the tax- able property in the City of Port Townsend, the following sums of money and rates of tax levy for the different Purposes herein designated, for the year 1973, and the rate of taxation upon the dollar of assessed valuation of said city property for such pur- poses as is follows: FIRST: for the payment of current expenses and for the Current Expense Fund, the sum of $27,921.00 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.68 mills on the dollar. SECOND: for ,the,purpose of maintaining a public library and for the Library Fund, the sum of $27,423.00 and the rate o1' tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 1.65 mills on the do!l ar. THIRD: for the purposes of maintaining a public park and for the park fund, the sum of $10,305.00 and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 0.62 mills on the dollar. FOURTH: for the maintenance and improvement of the public streets of the city and'for the City Street Fund, the sum of $55,678.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 3.35 mills on the dollar. FIFTH: for the hospitalization and medical service of injured paid.firemen and for pensions and for the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, the sum of $3,324.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 0.2 mills on the dollar. SIXTH: for the retirement and debt service of General Obli- gation Bonds 1955, the sum of $4,986.00, and the rate of tax levy for said fund is hereby fixed at 0.3 mills on the dollar. LI Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk of said city are hereby authorized..and directed to certify to the County Auditor and County Assessor of Jefferson County, Washington, the fore- going tax bevy, of said, city. Se Section.3.. .T,hat this ordinance be published once, to be in'force and take effect as provided by law. Passed by thd.City Council and approved by the Mayor on this . t 5th day of~December; 1972. i /J S p�,TEVE - Mayor -- - " ATT ?P %%%%� ./ per! = =GA I. $ UNG OOD city clA APPRO •D AS TO FORM: GLR'! ABRAHAM Cit. Attorney -2- V W' • - `1690 Amends 58 of Ord. Y110; (13.12) 1651 Adds 52.109 to Ord. 1625 1652 Appropriation (Special) 1653 Appropriation (Special) 1654 Appropriation (Special) 1655 Appropriation (Special) 1656 Amends 56 of Ord. 1138, (6.04) 1657 Amends 53 of Ord. 1508, Lf�a Bervsce can zoning (17.08) garbage collection rates sewer service rates (13.04) 183-2 (Port Townsend 7/80) 1658 Amends 58 of Ord. 1110, water service connections (13.12) 1659 Street vacation (Special) 1660 Tax levy for 1973 (Special) 1661 Budget for 1973 (Special) 1662 Salaries (Special). 1663 Appropriation (Special) 1664 Appropriation (Special) 1665 Appropriation (Special) 1666 Appropriation (Special) 1($`� 1667 Amends 52 of Ord. 1642, license fees for vending machines (5.76) 1668 Medical insurance for city employees (2.60) 1669 Combines office of clerk and treasurer (2.06) 1670 Rezone (Special) y1671 Subdivisions (18.04--18.36, 18.40--18.52) 1672 Street vacation (Special) 1673 Employee vacation and sick leave (2.64) 1674 Appropriation (Special) 1675 Appropriation (Special) 1676 Repeals Ords. 1155, 1353 (Repealer) 1677 Street vacation (Special) 1678 Street vacation (Special) 1679 Authorizes land purchase for gravel pit (Special) 1680 Amends Ord. 871 56, dance halls (Repealed by 1714) 1681 Amends Ord. 1635 515, gambling (9.02) 1682 Amends Ord. 1635 5517, 18, minor possession of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 1716) 1683 Federal shared revenue fund (3.04) 1684 Appropriation (Special) 1685 Amends Ord. 1668 951, 2, employee medical benefits (2.60) 1686 Adds §2.110 to Ord. 1625, zoning (17.16) 1687 Automotive body disposal charge (6.08) 1688 Appropriation (Special) 1689 Authorizes land purchase for public works building (Special) 1690 Cutting trees in street rights -of -way (12.10) 1691 Appropriation (Special) 1692 Animals (Repealed by 1969) 1693 Salaries (Special) 1694 1974 tax levy (Special) 1695 Appropriation (Special) 1696 Appropriation (Special) 1697 Appropriation (Special) 1698 Repeals Ords. 726, 816, 837, 876, 919, 1301, 1423, 1588 (Repealer) 1699 Appropriation (Special) i ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE FIXING ADN ADOPTING A 13UDGET FOR THE GENERAL CITY GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND WATER -- SEWER DEPARTMENT, AND FOR THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE FOR THE YEAR 1973. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget for the General City Government of the City of Port Townsend, for the year 1973, divided into the total amount in each of the following classes comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages -------------------------- $212,617.28 Maintenance And Operation ------------------- $145,872.00 Capital Outlay-------- -----------------------$ 24,090.00 Interest and Bond Redemption ---------------- $ 5,356.25 Firemen's Pension & Relief Fund ------------- $ 5,199.84 Cumulative Reserve fund------------- ---------$ 17,000.00 Arterial Highway Fund ----------------------- $ 42,000.00 Section 2. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of .the Port Townsend Water - Sewer Department, for the year 1973, divided into the following classes and comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages -------------------------- $ 46,065.76 Maintenance and Operation------ -----------$ 84,502.24 Capital Outlay ------------------------------ $ 16,401.00 Interest and Bond Redemption ---------------- $ 78,237.50 Section 3. That the following be and the same is hereby fixed and adopted as the official budget of the Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service, for the year 1973, divided into the following classes and comprising the whole of said budget, to -wit: Salaries and Wages -------------------------- $ 29,207.80 •I Maintenance and Operation ------------------- $ .18,752.00 Capital Outlay ------------------------------ $ 1,898.00 . Debt Service -------------------------------- 5,333.65 Section 4. That this ordinance shall be published once, to be enforced and take effect as provided by law. Passed by -the Council and approved by the Mayor this 5th day of December, 1973. ATTZ T: .- - GA T� I . YO B C City Clerk •. APPROVED AS TO FORM:- G ABRAHA�. C� Attorney -2- -- 4ayor E 0 ORDINANCE NO.� AN ORDINANCE FIXING SALARIES FOR CITY OFFICERS AND ATTENDANCE PAY FOR CITY COUNCILMEN FOR THE YEAR 1973, AND SUBSEQUENTLY. THL CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. For the year 1973, and thereafter until modified by ordinance, ssaia`ries for city officers are here and hereby fixed as follows: Mayor, $2,400 per annum; City Treasurer, $8,400 per annum; City Clerk, $8,400 per annum; and City Attorney, $2,400.per annum. Section 2. For the attendance of Council meetings by City Councilman for the year 1973, and thereafter until.modified by ordinance, each qualified councilman shall receive the sum of $20.00 for each regular meeting attended, not to exceed two meetings in any one month. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 5, 1972. DS II ST" EVE ayor ATTEST: 01 -GALE YOU N LO D City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: G 41 ABRA1lAt Ci Attorney J`3 K ORDINANCE NO. 1663 AN ORDINANCE APPROPPIATING THE SUM OF $22,079.94 TO THE CITY STREET DEPARTMENT, FOR THE 1972 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN L:MERGLNCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ,ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and liereby appropriated for the 1972 budget of the City Street Department the sum of $22,079.94, said appropriation,to'.be distributed and appropriated as follows: For salaries and wages, $14,040.00; social security, $730.08; retirement, $056.5G; department equipment, $3,100; telephone, $130; lighting, $2,000; roadways, $700; office supplies, $153.00; and overtime, $370.30. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time December 5, 1972. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 19, 1972. Q�SLEA. ),?PII n . STEVE Mayor ATTEST: } y AG6AI. YOWIy �BLs D City C er} [� APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6iG ABRAI AA� ffiW Attorney • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1664 All ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $8,666 TO THE 1972 BUDGET OF THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED,.DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the 1972 budget Elie Port Townsend Garbage Collection Service the sum of $8 666, to be distributed in said budget for the following purposes: salaries and wages, $2,493; pension, $4,223; equipment reserva, $1,500; office expense, $200; and medical, $250, Section"2. 'There -is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergency requiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form -and manner required by law. Read for the first time December 5, 1972. React for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 19, 1972. i0em I B. STEVE v Mayor ATTEST: 4GA-I. YQCl0 I3LO DD City Clerh APPROVED AS TO FORM: N AB !9 C y Attorney 0 ORDINANCE NO. 1665 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING TO SUM OF $1, 000 FOR SALARIES AND WAGES IN WE 197�_BUDGET DF TIIE CITY CLERK, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated for salaries and wages in the 1970--budget of the City Clerk the sum of $1,000. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared to be an emergencrequiring the foregoing appropriation. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its pass- age, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first time December 5, 1972. Read for the second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on December 19, 1972. �'d 1 B. STEVE _ ATTEST: /- lr I. YO N 'LOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GL ONABRAIIA. Citr Attorney _ ORDINANCE NO, 1666 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIAI�NG THE SUM Or ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS• TO TILE SEWnR DEPARTMENT FOR ELECTRICITY AND SEWER LINE IMPROVBMENTS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY TILE CITY COUNCIL Or TILE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is here and hereby appropriated to the 1972 budget of the Port Townsend Sewer Department the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), to be distributed in the sum of Four.hundrod Dollars ($900.00) to electricity and the sum of Six hundred Dollars ($600.00) to sewer line improvement. Section 2. There is here and hereby found and declared, to be an emergency requiring the aforegoing appropriations. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Read for the first time on December 19, 1972. Read for the second and third times, passed by the council and -approved by the Mayor on January 2, 1973. JOSEPH B . STEVE Mayor ATTEST' >� ✓ C- f�y�,- �G7�L I. Y GB Q7 D City Clerk APPROVED AS Tfl RM:- G ONADRAIIAt CiL<r Attorney 0 F r "),' 1, L 0/ 0 SJ-19 ORDINANC]," No. I G'7 r' % .� r< lu', / _ All ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION _6� 17 17 y ORDINANCE NO. 1642, AND CHANGING LICENST, FEES FOR VENDING MACHINES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF T111: CITY OF 13011T TOWNSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 2 of ordinance No. 16,12, passed in 1972, be and the same is hereby amended to provide as follows: "Section 2: Lach, and every person, having at any place of a -k coins may be business witMift the City, � device or machine in which dropped for the purpose of activating the same to the end that any article of a value of twenty-five cents ($.25), or more, may be dispensed or vended from said machine by reason of the insertion of a coin or coins, shall pay'an annual license fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for a license to permit each of such machines on any premises in the City, One of such licenses must be displayed on the premises in which such machine or device is located for each such machine or device therein located." Section'2. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approvaland publication in the form and manner required by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on February 6, 1973. CY IT B. STEVE Mayor AT' -IS City C 1 0;kj APPROVED AS TO FORM: ulI uINA;ICE r1o. 1668 AN ORDIINA?10E AUT110RI`LIING OO11TRIP,11T ONS FOR M DICAL INSURANCE' PREIIIUIIS TO BE PAID DY THE CITY AND ITS VARIOUS UTILITY DBPARTI1H,•7TS FOR EMPLOYEES N1 T S;JB- .IEC`.1' TO UNION CONT11ACTS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TO NSEND, IN RLGULAR SESSION ASSEr!BLED, DO ORDAIN AS F'OLLOU'S: Section 1. Commencing with the month of March, 1973, medical insurance premiums shall be Maid, in addition to salary and other compensation, for employees of the City and its various departments and utilities, in those cases where said employee is not subject to such contribution by reason of mem- bership in a union, fire or police retirement system, or by some other reason. Section 2. For the year 1973, such contributions shall not exceed the sum of $35.26 per month for each such employee, but such amounts may be changed by budgetary appropriation in subsequent years. Section 3. The Nayor and City Clerk are here and hereby authorized and directed to draw and issue warrants in favor of the appropriate medical insurance companies and medical programs, for the purposes herein mentioned. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner required by law.. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on.i4 11 20, 1973. C %J / /r soII D . STEVE ATTEST: GAL£ I. YOUNGBLOOD, City Clerk Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORTE: Cit} Attorn .,� • :E 0 0 ORDI'ANCr :;0. 1669 AN ORDIC1i":1C1: COME INING TU1', OFI'IC1: OF TREIASUREi, WITH T111; OFFICE' OF CITY CLEI'.1:; DESIGAATIAG ' 11E POWERS ZAND DUTIES OF TIFF OFFICE OF CLl:RI:-TRLA- SURER; PP.OVIDI IG A DATE WHEN T11F, CO;,LB1NA'PIOIN OF SAID OFFICES SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE; PROVIDING FOR THG COMPENSATIO;1 FOR THE OFFICE OF CLERl:-TREA•- SURER; AND RESCINDIAG' EXISTING ORDINANCES TO TEFL I EXTENT THAT THE SANE :IAY BE IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS Section 1. The office of Treasurer -of the City of Port Townsend shall be combined with that of City Clerk of the City of Port Townsend and said Clerk -Treasurer shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Mayor, which appointment shall be subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the City Council. Such appointment must be in writing, signed by the Mayor and filed with the City Clerk. Section 2. The Clerk -Treasurer, in addition to all of the powers and duties set out in RC1 35.24.120, shall exercise all the powers and duties vested in and performed and required to be performed by the Treasurer as set out in RCW 35.24,130 and in cases where the law requires the Treasurer to sign or execute any papers or documents, it shall not be necessary for the Clerk to sign as Treasurer, but shall be sufficient if he signs as Clerk. Section 3. The effective date for the combining of the offices of Clerk and Treasurer shall be January 1, 1974. Section 4. The conpensation for the office of Clerk - Treasurer shall be as set by ordinance. Section 5. To the extent that the same are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, all other ordinances are hereby repealed. PASSED by the Council and approved_the Mayor this 3rd, day of April„ 1973. e-J EPIF B. STEVE 611 Nlayor U, ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO POIZtI: GALF, I. YOUNGBLOOD, City Clark BE ��. ��. ✓� �.�G1�C is C' ty Attorney _--- Deputy City -Clerk \r N�D ORDINANCE NO. 167o AN OIDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REZONE Or VARIOUS AREAS OF THE CITY, AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP. WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Ordinance No. 1625, after notice given and hearing had by the Planning Commission and City Council of the City of Port Townsend, in each case herein- after mentioned, the various areas of the City of Port Townsend herein.below set forth are rezoned in accord with the provisions hereof, and the official zoning map of the City is likewise accord- ingly amended. Section 1. The official zoning map of the City of Port Townsend, as i— t was -constituted at the date of its adoption on August 3, 1971, is here and hereby amended by rezone in the six areas, and in the manner described as follows: (1) Lots 1 and 3 in Block Y of Kuhn's Ranch Addition is here and hereby rezoned and changed from R-1 to R-3 zone, effective June 20, 1972. (2) That area bounded on the North by Sims Way, on the South by the inner harbor line, on the East by Benedict Street and on the West by the abutting M-1 zone, is here and hereby changed and rezoned from F-1 zone to M-1 zone, effective June 20, 1972. (3) Effective August 15, 1972, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 188 of the Eisenbeis Addition to the City of Port Townsend are changed and rezoned from R--1 zone to C-3 zone. (4) That area from Gaines to Scott Street, between Water and Washington Streets are here and hereby rezoned to C-3 zoning, and that area from Front Street to Garfield Street between Kearney Street and GAines Street is here and hereby changed and rezoned to C-2 zoning; and'that area from Garfield Street to Blaine Street, between Kearney Street and Gaines Street, is here and hereby changed and rezoned to P-1 zoning. (5) Effective December 5, 1972, that area from Scott Street to Gaines Street, lying between Water Street and the City limits to the South of Water Street, is here and hereby changed to C-3 zoning; and that area from Gaines Street to Benedict Street, lying between Washington Street and the southerly City limits, is here and hereby changed to C-2 zoning. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner provided by law. Read for the first, second and third times, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on Aprii 3)1 1973. ;! JOSEPII B. STEVE Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD, City Clerk Deputy City Attorney U Ordinance #1671 � \—) K ,. "::n.Ll➢-.�' ...�c.. 7�;n. �.�Sr _.`. �-Yp_:J1��.'.i :0�� ., t/'„'"!!c►jr1 1650 Amends S8 of Ord.1110; wa er;so ice connections" 1651 Adds 52.109 to Ord. 1625, zoning (17.08) 1652 Appropriation (Special) 1653 Appropriation (Special) 1654 Appropriation (Special) 1655 Appropriation (Special) 1656 Amends 96 of Ord. 1138, garbage collection rates (6.04) 1657 Amends S3 of Ord. 1508, sewer service rates (13.04) 183-2 (Port Townsend 7/80) 1658 Amends 58 of Ord. 1110, water service connections (13.12) 1659 Street vacation (special) 1660 Tax levy for 1973 (Special) 1661 Budget for 1973 (Special) 1662 Salaries (Special), 1663 Appropriation (Special) 1664 Appropriation (Special) 1665 Appropriation (Special) 1666 Appropriation (Special) 1667 Amends 52 of Ord. 1642, license fees for vending machines (5.76) 1668 Medical insurance for city employees (2.60) 1669 Combines office of clerk and treasurer (2.06) 1670 Rezone (Special) �'-1671 Subdivisions (18.04--18.36, 18.40--18.52) �( .���.--1672 Street vacation (Special) 1673 Employee vacation and sick leave (2.64) 1674 Appropriation (Special) 1675 Appropriation (Special) 1676 Repeals Ords. 1155, 1353 (Repealer) 1677 Street vacation (Special) 1678 Street vacation (Special) 1679 Authorizes land purchase for gravel pit (Special) 1680 Amends Ord. 871 S6, dance halls (Repealed by 1714) 1681 Amends Ord. 1635 515, gambling (9.02) 1682 Amends Ord. 1635 5517, 18, minor possession of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 1716) 1683 Federal shared revenue fund (3.04) 1684 Appropriation (Special) 1685 Amends Ord. 1668 5§1, 2, employee medical benefits (2.60) 1686 Adds 52.110 to Ord. 1625, zoning (17.16) 1687 Automotive body disposal charge (6.08) 1688 Appropriation (Special) 1689 Authorizes land purchase for public works building (Special) 1690 Cutting trees in street rights -of -way (12.10) 1691 Appropriation (Special) 1692 Animals (Repealed by 1969) 1693 Salaries (Special) 1694 1974 tax levy (Special) 1695 Appropriation (Special) 1696 Appropriation (Special) 1697 Appropriation (Special) 1698 Repeals Ords. 726, 816, 837, 876, 919, 1301, 1423, 1588 (Repealer) 1699 Appropriation (Special) Jul t P TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE 1 Purpose 2 2 Enforcing Authority 3 3 Dofinitiono 4 4 Limitations and Reatrictions B 5 General Procedure 9 6. Proposed Plat Raquirements 10 7 Prop000d Plat Procedure 13 8 Design Principles, Standards and Requirements for the Layout of Subdivisions 16 g Final Plat Requirements 21 10 Final Plat Procedure 24 11 Standards for the Development of Improvements and the Procedure for their Installation 26 12 procedure for Subdivision of First Class Tidelands 26 13 Planned Unit Development and Condominiums 30 14 Variances and Exceptions 30 15 Penalties 33 16 Conflict 34 17 Validity 34 9, 0 AN ORDINANCE providing rules and regulations For the municipal approval of plats, subdivisions, or dedications; prescribing standards For the design, layout and development thereof; providing procodure for the municipal approval or disapproval thereof; providing For the granting of variations and exceptions thereto; to be known as the "Subdivision Ordinance"; providing a penalty for the violation there- of; and repealing all other ordinances to conflict herewith. THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of port Townsend, in regular sassion-assombled, do ordain as follows: CHAPTER 1. PURPOSE Section 1.00 The purpose of this ordinance is to provide rules, regulations and standurdn for the partitioning of land parcels in the City of Part Townuand. It shall promote the public health, safety, conven- ience and general wulfaro by insuring the orderly growth and develop- ment of the municipality, the conservation and proper use of land, and by requiring adequate provision for circulation, utilities, drainage, and services. 4. a e 0 9 3 CHAPTER 2. ENFORCING AUTHORITY Section 2.00 The City Planning Commission is designated and assigned the administrative and coordinating responsibilities contained herein, pursuant to the Laws of the State of Washington, Ch. 186, Laws 1937, as hereafter amended (Ch. 5B.16 RCW) for the recommended approval or disapproval of plats, subdivisions, or dedications. The City Council is assigned final authority for approval or disapproval of plats, subdivisions, or dedications. • CHAPTER 3. DEFINITIONS Section 3.00 a). City Planning Commission shall be that Commission established by the City Council of the City of Part Townsend as provided in Ordinance No. 1431 of the City of Port Townsend, pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington, 1935, RCW Ch. 35.63. b). Collector Street shall mean a street which carries traffic From local access streets to the major system of arterial streets and provides access to abutting property; and shall include any street shown as a collector street on the Compre- hensive plan or other official plan. c). Comprehensive plan or portions thereof are those coordinated 4 plans in proporation or which have been prepared by the City Planning Commission for the physical development of the munici- pality; or any plans, being portions of the comprehensive plan, prepared for the physical development of such municipality, that designate, among other things, plans and programs to en- courage the most appropriate use of land, and lessen congestion throughout the municipality, in the interest of public health and welfare. d). Condominium shall moan ownership in common with others of a parcel of land and certain parts of a building thereon, which would not normally be used by all the occupants, such as yards, foundations, basements, Pleors, walls, hallways, stairways, elevators and all other related common elements, together with individual "ownership in fee" of a particular unit or apartment 16T 5 in such a building. It is not confined to ownership of a resi- dential unit, such as an apartment, but its use also extends to offices and other typos of space in commercial buildings. a). Cul-de-sac shall mean a short street having one end open to traffic and being terminated at the other and by a vehicular turnaround. f). Dedication is the deliberate appropriation of land by its owner For any general and public uses, reserving to himself no other rights than such as are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public uses to which the property has been do - voted. g). Final Plat is the plan of the plat, subdivision, or dedication, or any portions thereof prepared for filing for record by the County Auditor, and containing those elements and requirements set forth in this Ordinance. After the'County Auditor has filed for record the Final Plat, it shall thereafter be known as an authorized plat, subdivision, or dedication. h). First Class 5horelands shall mean public lands, once or still belonging to the state, bordering an the shores of a body of water subject to tidal flog, between the line of ordinary high water and the line of navigability, or inner harbor line, if established, and within or in Front of the corporate limits of any City or Town, or within two miles thereof upon either side. i). Inner Harbor Line shall mean the line located and established in navigable waters between the line of ordinary high tide and the 0 outer harbor line and constituting the inner boundary of the harbor area. Bulkheads cannot be erected beyond the Inner Harbor Line. j). Local Access Street shall mean a public way used primarily to provide access,to abutting properties, and designed so as to discourage through traffic. k). major Arterial shall mean a street of exceptional continuity, either existing or proposed, that is intended to carry a heavy portion of through traffic from one distant area to another; and shall include any street designated as a major arterial on the Comprehensive Plan or any official plan. i). official Plans are those official maps or map, or portions thereof, adopted by ordinance by the City Council as provided in Ch. 44, Sec. 6, Laws, State of Washington, 1935, as here- after amended (RCW 35.63.110). m). Planned Unit Development is any development containing one acre, or one block, or more in the case of residential develop- ments or 2 acres or more for commercial or industrial develop- ments and for which consideration is sought for approval of a closely coordinated plan in which yards, parking areas, buil- ding heights, floor areas, primary and accessory uses, utility locations, landscaping and other design and construction ele- ments are specified in detail. n). A Proposed Plat or Subdivision is a preliminary plan of the plat, subdivision, or dedication containing the elements and requirements as set forth in Chapter 6 hereof. i • 7 o). Public Highways include every way, land, road, street, and boulevard, and ovary way or place in the state open as a matter of right to public travel both inside and outside the limits of cities and towns, and shall include community arter- ials, neighborhood streets and residential streets, some of which may or may not be portions of the primary or secondary highway system of the State of Washington. p). Secondary Arterial shall mean a street, either existing or proposed, that is intended to carry heavy amounts of traffic generated within the community; and to provide access to abut- ting property; and shall include any street designated as a secondary arterial on the Comprehensive Flan or other official plan. q). Subdivider is any person, Firm or corporation proposing to make, or have made, a subdivision. r). Subdivision or Plat is an area of land, platted or unplatted,- which has been divided into two or more lots, plots, tracts, or other divisions of land, and may or may not include a map, or maps related thereto, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership, or for building developments, including all designations in street lines, public area bounda- rios, lot line s, easements, rights of way, pavement width, curb lines, location and size of utilities, location and size of land areas to be dedicated; provided that this definition of a sub- division shall not include those divisions of land for agricul- tural purposes, where each parcel is ten acres or more in area • 0 A and which does not include any now streetu, easumunts, rights of way, or other provisions far necessary public areas and Facilities. s). Tentative Approval is the official action taken an the pro- posod plat, subdivision, or dedication by the City Planning Commission, meeting in regular session. t). Final Approval is the final official action taken by the City Council on the proposed plat, subdivision, or dedication or portion thereof that has previously received tentative appro- val. CHAPTER 4. LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS Section 4.00 No person, firm, or corporation, proposing to make, or having made a plat or subdivision of land containing two or more lots, plots, or tracts, or proposing to make or having made a plat or subdivision containing a dedication of any part thereof as a pub- lic'street or highway, shall enter into any contract for the sale or, or shall offer to sell, said subdivision, or plat, or any.part thereof, or shall proceed with any construction work on the pro- posed subdivision, including grading and excavation, relating thereto, until he or it has obtained from the City Planning Commis- sion and the City Council both the tentative and final approval of the proposed plat, subdivision, or dedication in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations contained heroin. No plat of a subdivision of Land within the City of Port Townsend shall be filed with the Auditor of 3efferson County without the approval of the City of Port Townsend as specified herein. 9 CHAPTER S. GENERAL PROCEDURE Section 5.00 Thu procedure for ruviow and approval of a subdivision or Plat consists of throe separato stops. The initial atop shall be the preparation and submission to the City Planning Commission of a Proposed Plat of the area to be subdivided. The second stop shall be the preparation and submission to the City Planning Commission of a Final Plat, together with the required certificates. The final plat cannot be submitted to the City Planning Commission until after the Pronosed Plat has been given tentative approval. The third stop shall be the submission to the City Council of the Final Plat, together with the required certificates, approved by the Planning Commission. Section 5.01 The subdivider, his landscape architect, architect, plunner, engineer, or land surveyor, while the proposed plat, subdivision, or dedication is in sketch form, and before the proposed plat, sub- division, or dedication is prepared, may consult with the City Planning Commission, for the purpose of ascertaining the require- monts of the Official plan, or any portions thereof, and obtaining any explanation of the rules and regulations herein contained as may be necessary and ralated to the proposed plat, subdivision or dedication. Section 5.02 The subdivider and his engineer or land surveyor shall examine all of the available data on soils, water table, slope, land stabil- ity, etc., shall consider all such information in the preparation of the proposed and final plat, subdivision or dedication. 10 CHAPTER 6. PROPOSED PLAT REQUIREMENTS Section 6.00 The proposed plat, subdivision or dudivation shall contain the following: a). A vicinity map showing all adjacent subdivisions, streets and tract lines of acreage parcels with the names of owners of record of such parcels and showing the streets in the pro- posed subdivision and their relationship with the existing and proposed streets in the adjacent subdivision or unplatted acreage. Thu vicinity map shall be drawn at a scale not less than one inch equals four hundred feet. b). A map showing the boundary lines, accurate and to scale, of the tract to be divided, accompanied by the certification of a State of Washington registered land surveyor. c). A map showing contours at vertical intervals of not more than five feet referenced to United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey datum or other datum acceptable to the City Engineer. The contour map shall show existing streets and natural features such as wooded areas, rock outcroppings, unstable areas, swampy areas, streams, lakes and other bodies of water in the area to be subdivided. d). A map showing the proposed street layout of the subdivision with scaled right of way dimensions shown. e). A map showing the proposed lot layout of the subdivision with scaled lot dimensions and lot area shown. f). A map showing the zoning applicable to the land to be platted, subdivided or dedicated, and of the adjacent and contiguous land. l��l g). A map showing the proposed provisions for storm drainage in- cluding the location and approximate sizes of catch basins, culverts and other drainage structures. h). A map showing the proposed water distribution system and can- nection to the municipal water system, or another plan in lieu of a water distribution system plan. i). A map showing the proposed sewage disposal system, including profiles, and the connections to the municipal sewerage sys- tom, or another plan in lieu of such a sewer system. J). Where the proposed sewerage system of the proposed plat, sub- division or dedication will not be connected to the municipal sewage system the following information will be required in order to provide tha City Engineer and the City Planning Com- mission with the information necessary for assuring that adequate provisions will be made to prevent the proposed plat, subdivision or dedication from becoming a health hazard; A map showing the location of percolation tests and a percolation rate log showing the results of each test at every test hold. Percolation test holes must be placed so that the resulting information gives a true analysis of the percolation rate of the soil in which the leaching portion of the sewage disposal system will be placed; and a certificate of approval from the Olympic Health District office. k). A map showing the location of soil test pits, at least one for each acre or block, in the proposed plat, subdivision or dedication, and the logs of each test pit indicating the soil types and the ground water table. 12 1). the total ecreuge of the land to be subdivided, the number of lots in the proposed lot layout and the percentage of total land occupied by the proposed stroot layout. m). A map showing the profile and tentative grade of each street. n). All maps shall show the date, graphic scale and approximate north point. a). Except whore otherwise indicated, all maps shall be drawn to a scale of not more than two hundred Feet to the inch. All street and sewer profiles shall be drawn to a vertical scale of not more than twenty feet to the inch. p). All maps shall indicate the name of the proposed subdivision, plat or .dedication. q). All maps shall show the names of the subdivider and the sur- veyor or engineer. r). Any of the above maps and drawings may be combined so as to show the proposed development clearly and to expedite the planning of the proposed plat, subdivision or dedication. Section 6.01 Any proposed plat, subdivision or dedication of lands contiguous to a body of water in which navigability, inner harbor lines and outer harbor lines have not been determined shall clearly show the following Features and addition to the provisions contained in this Chapter: a). A map showing the proposed meander lines, which line shall be located 20 horizontal feat inland From the line of ordinary high water and shall be referenced to meander lines heretofore located. b). A map showing the names of the owners of all inundated lands, and all uplands lying adjacent or contiguous to the land 101 13 proposed to be platted, subdivided, or dedicated. a). A map showing the.oroposed wharf or dock line beyond which no structures may be erected, together with a statement containing a proposed dedication and the restriction of the use of inun- dated lands and water lying beyond the wharf of dock line. d). A map showing the location of all proposed monuments which shall be of -acted at the intersection of all. .lot lanes and the meander line. a). A map showing tW building line for all structures, and the building line shall be established 40 horizontal feet upland from a median line of the meander line. f). A map showing that portion which will be subject to the Shore- line management Act. CHAPTER 7. PROPOSED PLAT PROCEDURE Section 7.00 The required maps, profiles and documents as required in Chapter 6, together with a written application for tentative approval of the proposed plat and addressed to the City Planning Commission shall be submitted to the City Clerk, who shall affix thereto a file number and the date it is received. Section 7.01 All of the required information must be submitted to the City Cleric before it shall be considered that an application for tentative approval has been made. The City Planning Commission may review and comment on a partial proposed plat and application; however, the sixty-day limitation on approval does not apply until a complete proposed plat and application has boon submitted. Section 7.02 Thu proposed plat and written application must be submitted to the City Clerk not less than fifteen days prior to the meeting of 1 6-1 1 0 . 0 14 the City Planning Comminsi.on, during which time the City Clerk shall transmit the application and the proposed plat to the City planning Commission. Section 7.03 At the time of application, the subdivider shall pay a foe of fifty dollars on any proposal involving ten lots or less; for plats of more than ton lots an additional fee of five dollars per lot in excess of ton shall be paid. Section 7.04 The City Clark shall transmit two copies of the proposed plat to the City Engineer, two copies to the City planning Commission, one copy to the Health Officer, and one copy to the Mayor. The City Clerk shall retain one copy. Section 7.05 The City Engineer and the Health Officer shall make their recom- mandations regarding the proposed subdivision, plat or dedication in writing to the City Planning Commission and to the Mayor not less than five days prior to the date of the public hearing of the Planning Commission. Section 7.06 Not less than fifteen days prior to the public hoaring,notice of such public hearing shall be given in accordance with Ch. 216, Laws, 1953. Notice of public hearing shall consist of not less than three copies of the hearing posted in conspicuous places on or adjacent to the land for subdivision, notice in a local news- paper of general circulation, and announcement of public hearing submitted by certified mail t❑ the owners of record of all con- tiguous proporties within a distance of throe hundred feet From any line of the proposed plat or subdivision. Cost of notification to be borne by subdivider; accomplished by the City Clark. 15 Section 7.07 Thu public hrsarinq (ihul] ba huld (luring a regular, Official and duly ndvortiged mnetinq of thu City Planning Commission. Reports of all afficiati; concurnird shall bu roviowed at said hearing. The hearing mny be nd jsurnod to a sube;oquont mooting to hoar additional information. Section 7.O B Thu City Planning Commission will rucommond either approval or disapproval of the propound plat, ;subdivision or dedication within a period of sixty daysafter the City Clerk has received the appli- cation and the compinted propouud plat, ;subdivision or dedication. Before recommending approval the City Planning Commission may re- quire the subdivider to mnko changers l,n the proposed plat, subdivi- sion or dedication in order to comply with the provisions and intent of this ordinance. If tho City Planning Commission recommends dis- approval of the proposed plat, a copy of the plat, subdivision or dedication, togathor with a list of suggested modifications, pre- pared in accordance u;ith the provisions of this ordinance, shall be retained in the files of the City Planning Commission and a copy thereof shall be returned to the subdivider. A certificate recom- mending approval or disapproval shall be forwarded to the Council and to the City Engineer. Section 7.Og Failure of the City Planning Commission to initiate action upon the complete proposed plat, subdivision or dedication within sixty days will be doomed approval of the plat, unless the subdivider agrees in writing to a delay. Section 7.10 The tentative approval of the proposed plat, subdivision or dedi- cation shall be effective for ninety days, unless extended by the 1G City Planning Commission far a period not to exceed six months, or until such time as the final plat has boon approved for the entire area of land covered oy the proposed plat, providing the latter is less than the six months extension period. CHAPTER B. DESIGN PRINCIPLES, STANDARDS, AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE LAYOUT OF SUBDIVISIONS Section 6.00 The design and layout of the subdivision, plat or dedication shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan and official maps, or shall be in harmony with any studies thereof made by the City Planning Commission. Section B.01 Land which is unsuitable for subdivision due to Features likely to be harmful to the safety and general health of the future resi- dents, such as lands adversely affected by flooding, bad drainage, steep slope, unstable soils and rock formations, and which the City Planning Commission considers inappropriate for subdivision, shall not be subdivided unless adequate methods approved by the City Engineer and Health Officer are provided as safeguards against these conditions. Section 8.02 Where residential subdivisions are to be developed adjacent to the business, commercial or industrial land use districts, buffer strips or other protective treatment shall be provided. Section 6.03 Due consideration shell be given by the subdivider to the allo- cation of suitably located and adequately sized area for play- grounds, parks and public service areas for local or neighborhood use. a). There a school, park of recreation area or public access to water frontage, shown on an official map on in a plan adopted by the City Planning Commission is located in whole or in part 17 in the applicant's subdivision, the City Planning Commission may require the dedication or reservation of such open space within the subdivision. Section 8.04 The subdivider shall provide the necessary means to assure sat- isfactory drainage of surface water in and adjacent to his property by establishing proper street grades and connecting with municipal drains, natural water courses, dry wells, or by constructed tribu- taries if it is determined by the City Engineer that the soil re- quires drainage. a). if a drainage way or natural watercourse crosses land intended for use as private lots, the course must be indicated on the proposers plat with the location marked and width described on the plat and.recorded as "Easement Reserved for Surface Drain- age." High water level shall also be noted. b). Wherever possible the subdivision shall be designed to permit brooks, streams and other water courses to be maintained in their natural stream bads. However, if deemed necessary by the City Engineer in order to minimize the possibility of flooding, the subdivider, at his expense, shall make provision for nominal straightening or widening of the stream bed or channel, according to specifications and standards established by the City Engineer; and shall also provide and dedicate ease- ments along the stream of such width as determined by the City for the purpose of widening, improving or protecting the stream and for recreational uses. c). Where a stream, brook or other natural watercourse must cross a roadway, the culvert or pipe shall be of sufficient size to 18 accommodate the stream at its maximum anticipated Flow. The culvert or pipe shall be positioned in alignment with the Flow of the stroam, brook or other watercourse. Section B.05 The size, shape and orientation of lots and blocks shall be appro- priate for the location of the proposad subdivision, the character of the topography, and the type of development anticipated. a). All lots within the subdivision shall be designed to permit conformance with all of the appropriate regulations of the zon- ing ordinance, such as building setback and side yard require- ments, and in the case of commercial and industrial lots, park- ing area requirements. b). Each residential lot shall provide a minimum square of land, sixty Feet on each side, between the building set back line and the rear lot line. c). Every lot shall abut an a public street and shall have at least fifty Feat of frontage at the street line. d). Each lot shall have a minimum depth of one hundred Feet. o). All residential lots shall have a minimum area of 7,200 square Feat. Lots not served by a public sewage disposal system must be a minimum of 10,000 square Feet to insure privato sewage dis- posal that does not present a health hazard. F). Lots, except corner lots, having Frontage on two streets shall not be allowed. g). Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to street lines or radial to curved street lines. h). The width of each block shall provide for two tiers of lots, each having a minimum depth of one hundred Feet. 19 i). The longth of each block shall not exceed one quarter of a mile (1,320 foot) where the average size of lots does not exceed two acres in area. j). In blacks more than one -eighth of a mile (660 root) in length, a public pedestrian tray may be required by the City planning Commission to provide circulation or access to schools, parks, shopping areas, etc. k). At street intersections the property line corners shall be roun- dad by an are which has a minimum radius of twenty foot. In business districts a chord may be substituted for such an arc. Section 8.06 In the design ❑f public streets, alleys and pedestrian ways the following minimum requirements will be adhered to: Might Road pave- Radius of Maximum Sidewalks parking strip Type of Street of Way ment width curvature on allowable width and width and number center line grade number A7ajar Arterial 80' 48' 300' 5% 6' (2) 12' (2) Secondary Artar- .ial 6D' 44' 200' 5% 5' (2) 8' (2) Collector 60, 36' 200' 10% 4' (2) 6' (2) Local Access 5D' 24' 1p0' 10% 4' (2) 5' (2) Cut de Sac 50' 24' 100' 10%% 4' (2) 5' (2) Marginal Access 40' 20' 100' 10% 4' (1) 5' (1) Alley 20' 20' 100, 10% -- -- Pedestrian Way 12' --- -- 121, a a' (1 ) -- a Stairways are excluded from maximum allowable grade. b). In residential areas where the density is not greater than two lots per acre, the requirement for parking strips and sidewalks may be waived at the discretion of the City planning Commission. 20 c). Rovorse curves on all streets shall be separated by tangents of at least one hundred feet in length. d). All changes in street grade shall, be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length of two hundred Foot, unless other- wise specified by the City Planning Commission. a). Street curbs at intersections shall be rounded by radii of at leasttwenty feet. f). Subdivisions that adjoin existing streets shall dedicate addi- tional right of way to meet the above minimum right of way re- quirements. Where any part of the subdivision is an both sides of the street, the right-of-way shall be provided; where it is located on ona side only one-half of the required right of way shall be provided. g). The number of local access streets intersecting with major and secondary arterials shall be hold to the minimum. h). Local access streets shall be designed to discourage their use by other than local traffics:. i). Streets shall generally Follow contour lines. j). Streets shall intersect at right angles, or as nearly as possi- ble. k). Street jogs must have a minimum center line offset of one hun- dred twenty-five feet. 1). Newly platted boundary streets should be avoided, but when platted must be no less than full width. m). The proposed subdivision shall be designed to provide continuity with adjacent developed subdivisions. I b+7 I • 21 n). All permanont dead and and culdosac otroots shall ba no more than six hundrud foot long and ;;hall terminate in a circular turnaround having a minimum right of way diametur of one hundred foot. o). Ulhero, in the opinion of thn City Planning Commission, it is desirable to provide for street access to adjoining property, proposed streets shall be extended by dedication to the boun- dary of such property. Where such a dead end street extends more than one lot Jo pth a temporary turnaround and casement therafor of eighty feet minimum shall be provided. Such ease- ment shall be released upon the extension of said street. Section 8.07 Sidewalks serving primarily commercial land uses shall be at least tan Poet wide. a). Sidewalks serving multiple residential areas shall be at least six fact wide. b). All sidewalks serving residential areas shall be located at least two feet from the property line and in the right of way. Section 8.08 Except where alleys arc permitted for the purpose, the City Plan- ning Commission may require easements not exceeding fifteen feet in width for poles, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas, and water mains. Section 8.09 Alleys are not permitted in residential areas. CHAPTER 9. FINAL PLAT REQUIREMENTS Section 9.00 In addition to other requirements of this chapter, the final plat shall contain or be accompanied by the following certifications: a). Certification showing that the applicant is the land owner and dedicates streets, rights of way and any sites for public use. 6-7I • i 22 b). Certification by the CiLy Engineer that a performance bond equal to one hundred percent of the cost of installing all pub- lic improvoments no required by Chapter 11 of this ordinance tins been furnished by the subdivider to the City of Port Town- send. c). Certification by a licunsed civil engineer or land surveyor that a survey has boon made and that monuments and stakes have been set. d). Certification by the Health Department that the method of sawage disposal and water sorvice are acceptable. a). Certification by the County Treasurer that the taxes have been paid in accordance with Section 1, Chapter 188, Laws of 1927 (RCW 58.08.030), and that a deposit has been made with the County Treasurer in sufficient amount to pay the taxes for the following year. Also, that all taxes and assessments levied and chargeable against the property in the plat, replat or sub- division have boon paid in accordance with Section 1, Chapter No. 188, Laws of 1927 (REW 58.08.030). Section 9.01 Thu final plat shall be drawn to a scale not more than one inch equals two hundred feot, and shall contain tho following information: a) The boundary lines of all rights of way for public streets and alleys, of all parks, playgrounds, and any areas to be dedica- ted to public use; also a statement of dedication of these - rights of way, parks, playgrounds and other public areas.. b). The lines of all lots and building sot back lines and all lots and blocks numbered in numerical order. 23 c). suFFiciont data to determine readily and reproduce on the ground, the location, bearing and length of every street line, lot line, boundary line, block line and building lino, whether curved or straight. This shall include the radius, central angle and tangent distance For tho center line of curved streets and curved property lines that are not the boundary of curved streets. d). The cross sections of each type of proposers street including width of pavement and the location and width of sidewalks, and the street profiles and grades of all streets. e). The final plans and profiles, grades and sizes of the sanitary sower system, or the Final sower plan in lieu of such a system; and where on site sewage disposal is planned the results of all percolation tests performed at the location of the proposed saw - age disposal system on each lot where public sewers are not available. f). The Final plan of the water distribution system, pipe sizes and their grades and the location of valves and Fire hydrants, or another plan in lieu of a water distribution system. g). All dimensions to the nearest one -hundredth of a foot and angles to the nearest Minute. h). The location and description of all monuments. i). The names and locations of adjoining subdivisions and streets and the location and ownership of adjoining unsubdivided proper- ty. j). Date, title name and location of subdivision, graphic scale and true north point. k). Name and address of the subdivider and of the engineer or land surveyor, lb� 24i Section 9.02 Complete Field and computation notes ahowing original or re-estab lishad corner, with description of same; shearing true boarings and distances to established street liner, and monument:;, burning angles, points of curvature, length of tangents, and the actual traverse showing error of closure and method of balancing with sketches show- ing all distances, angles and calculations required to determine corners and distances of the plat, subdivision or dedication. The error of closure on any and all travarcus shall not exceed one foot in Four thousand feet. CHAPTER 10. FINAL PLAT PROCEDURE Section 10.00 The Final plat shall be prepared by a registered professional. engineer or land surveyor. The Final plat shall conform substan- tially to the proposed plat as approved. Section 10.01 The subdivider may choose to submit For Final approval any por- tion of an approved proposed plat, provided that such portion shall conform to all requirements of this ordinance. Section 10.02 The map of the final plat and the other maps, profiles, documents and certiFicates,as required by Chapter 9, together with a written application for final approval addressed to the City Planning Com- mission shall be submitted in the original and Five copies to the City Clark. Section 10.03 The City Clark shall transmit one copy of the Final plat to the City Engineer, one copy to the Health Officer, one copy to the mayor and two copies to the City planning Commission. The City Clerk shall retain the original. Section 10.04 At the time of application For Final approval a fee of Fifty dollars shall be paid For a subdivision involving one through tan 25 Iota; For plats of more than ten lots an additional fiva dollars for each lot in oxcess of tan ;hall be paid. However, in any plat or subdivision the subdivider may elect to dedicate to the City for recreational purposes not lass than Five acres of land or ten per- cent of the gross area of the plat, whichever is smaller, in lieu of any of this fee above fifty dollars, provided that such dedica- tion shall be acceptable to the Park Hoard. Section 10.05 The submission of the final plat and application for Final approv- al shall be made not less than fifteon days prior to the regular scheduled meeting of the City Planning Commission. Section 10.06 Thu City Planning Commission shall either recommend approval of the plat, subdivision or dedication within sixty days of the date of filing with the City Clerk or return the plat, subdivision or dedication to the applicant for modification, unless the applicant in the meantime shall have filed written consent For a longer period of time within which the City Planning Commission is to act thereon. Section 10.07 Recommendation of approval of the final plat by the City Planning Commission shall be made at a public meeting of which public notice has been given in accordance with Ch. 216, Laws, 1953. The Secretary of the City Planning Commission shall advise the City Council of the action taken with respect thereto and shall indicate recommended approval on the original and five copies of the final plat. Section 10.08 Approval of the Final plat by the City Council shall be made at a public meeting of which public notice has been given. The origi. nal and five copies of the approved Final plat shall be signed by the mayor and the City Clark. The City Clerk shall than transmit the signed original to the Auditor of Jefferson County to be duly 26 filed for rucord. The recording fee shall be paid by the subdivi- der to the City Clark. CHAPTER 11. STANDARDS FOR THE DEVELDPMENT OF IMPROVERIC NTS AND THE PROCEDURE FOR THEIR INSTALLATION Section 11.00 The City Engineer shall prepare minimum standards and specifica- tions For design and canutruction of improvements appropriate to the locality, topography, soil conditions and geology in whin the proposed plat, subdivision or dedication is to be developed and improved, and furnish two copies to the City Planning Commission, one copy to applicant, one copy to the Street Superintendent, one copy each to the chairmen of Street and Building Committees, and retain one copy for the files. The cost of the standards and cop- ies shall be borne by the applicant. Section 11.01 The subdivider is required to provide the Following improvements in order to assure the reality of a subdivision For which approval, and recordation will establish legality. Every subdivider shall be required to grade and improve all streets and alleys, install curbs and gutters, sidewalks, monuments, sanitary and storm sewers, and water mains, together will all appurtenances thereto in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and with specifications and standards approved by the City Engineer and the City Planning Com- mission. Soction 11.02 Permanent monuments shall be set at all corners, at all points where the street lines intersect the exterior boundaries of the subdivision, at angle points and points of curve in each street and at all street intersections. All other lot corners shall be staked. All markers shall be erected according t❑ the standards of the City Engineer. 27 Section 11.03 An adOQU ate drainagn systern including nucessary pipes, culverts, intersectional drains, drop inlets, bridgas, otc., shell be provided for the proper drainage of all surface water. CrosD drains shall be provided to accommodate all natural water flow and shall be of suffi- cient length to permit full width roadway and required slopes. Cross drains shall be built on straight line and grade, and shall be laid on a firm base but not rock. drain pipes shall be placed at a sufficient depth below the road bad to avoid dangerous pressure of impact and in no case shall the t•op of the pipe be less than twelve inches below the road bad. Section 11.04 All streets, roads and alloys shall be graded to their full width so that pavement and sidewalks can be constructed on the some plane. Before grading is started the entire right of way shall be cleared of all stumps, roots, brush and other objectionable material. Section 11.05 After grading is completed and before any base is applied, all of the underground utilities such as water mains, sewer mains, power, telephone and gas lines, etc., and all service connections shall be installed, completed and approved throughout the length of the road and across the flat section. Section 11.06 The subdivision shall be provided with a complete sanitary sewer system at no cost to the City, providing a public sewer is located within 1500 feet of the proposed subdivision. The sanitary system shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction. If a public sewer main or other adequate moans of common disposal is not located within fifteen hundred feat ❑f the proposed subdivision, the sub- divider may provide for the installation of approved septic tank and t0 I f 28 disposal fields upon approval of the District Health OFficar and in compliance with all or t[u City's applicabla ordinencos. Section 11.07 The water distribution :system including the locations of fire hydrants shell be designad and installed in accordance with the City's applicable ❑rdinances and the City Enginaor's requirements at no cost to the City. Section 11.08 After preparation of the sub gratin, the road bed shall be sur- Faced to the appropriate full width as required by Chapter 8, Section 8.06 of this ordinance with the materials and methods required by the Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction and UAB specifications for major, secondary and collector arterials. Section 11.09 'The subdivider shall provide curbs and gutters in accordance with the standards and specifications sot F❑rth in the Standard Specificationu for municipal Public Works Construction. CHAPTER 12 PROCEDURE FOR SUBDIVISION OF FIRST CLASS TIDELANDS Section 12.00 The subdivider shall submit a statement (original and Five (5) copies) to the City Planning Commission containing the following information: a). A statement describing the location of the land as recorded in the County Assess❑r's office, together with a vicinity sketch map showing the location of the land. b). A statement relating to the proposed development of the sub- division indicating requirements For land Fill, if any, water- ways, moorage, wharves, or other proposed improvements, to- gether with a map showing the location of the tidelands pro- posed to be subdivided, the inner harbor line, line of naviga- bility, and the line of ordinary high.•water. Ito 71 29 c). ' A staLamanL pr000nt owner ship of tho land to be sub- divided indicating tha time and data of said ownership. d). A statement indicating, and a map showing, the proposed method ❑P providing ingrons and egress to the uplands from the shore - lands. Section 12.01 The City Planning Commission shall retain the original and sub- mit copies of the statement required by Suction 12.00 to the Follow- ing officials: a). One copy submitted to the State Land Commissioner to which is attached a statement suggesting that the Land Commissioner ad- vise the City planning Commission if, upon examination of the proposed subdivision, the Land Commissioner finds it necessary t❑ report of his Findings. b). Two copies submitted to the City Engineer to which is attached the request that he prepare a report indicating the desirable standards for the development of this land. c). One copy to the Health Officer to which is attached a request for a report in which the desirable standards for the develop- ment of this land are indicated. d). Ono copy to the port Authority to which is attached a request for a report in which the desirable standards for the develop- ment of this land are indicated. a).' One copy to the Department of Ecology. Section 12.02 Thu City planning Commission shall prepare a spacial report con- taining a compilation of the desirable standards submitted by the aforesaid officers and officials for the development of said lands, and such report shall be submitted to the subdivider of the proposed subdivision. f �� I • 3❑ Section 12.03 The subdivider shall submit the preposud plat to the City Planning Commission in accordance with the desirable standards sot forth in said report. The proposed plat will be approved or approval withheld as set forth in Chapter 7 of this ordinance. CHAPTER 13. PLANNED UNIT DEVEL❑PMENT AND CONDOMINIUMS Section'13.00 A comprehensive group housing} development, or planned unit develop- ment, including the large scale construction of housing units together with the necessary drives and ways of access may be approved by the City Council al'chough the design of the project does net include stan- dard strflet, lot and subdivision arrangements if departure from the standards contained in this ordinance can be made without destroying their intent. Section 13.01 All condominium projects will be filed as a subdivision in accor- dance with the provisions contained herein and in accordance with the provisions and requirements of RCW 5B.08.❑30. a). Proposed plats shall be filed with the same information as re- quired on any other proposed plat. b). The proposed condominium will be reviewed in the same manner as any other subdivision presented to the City Planning Commission. c). Condominium subdivisions of five or more parcels (units) of real estate or involving any dedication of land will be required to file a final plat with the same certificates and requirements as any other subdivision. CHAPTER 14. VARIANCES AND rXCEPTIONS Section 14.00 The Planning Commission may recommend a variance subject to final approval of the Council from its regulations when in its opinion undue hardship may result from strict compliance. In recommending any vari- ance the Planning Commission shall proscribe only conditions that it dooms necessary to or desirable Far tho public interest. In making 31 its Findings the Planning Commission shall take into account the naturo of the proposed use of land and the existing land use in the vicinity, the expected population density in the proposed subdivi- sion and the probable eFfoct of the proposed subdivision upon traffic conditions and other related matters in th❑ area. No variance shall be recommended unless the Commission finds: a). That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting said property such that the strict application of the provi- sions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. b). That the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoy- ment of a substantial property right of the petitioner. c). That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the terri- tory in which said property is situated. Section 14.01 The Planning Commission may recommend a variance From these regu- lations in case of a planned unit development, or for a plan which involves a complete community or neighborhood, which in the judgment of the Planning Commission provides adequate open public spaces, efficient traffic circulation, light and air, and other needs. In making its findings the planning Commission shall take into account the affect of the proposed subdivision upon traffic conditions and other related matters in the area. The Planning Commission, before recommending a variance shall determine that: a). The proposed project will constitute a desirable and stable com- munity development. b). The proposed project will be in harmony with adjacent areas. • 32 Section 14.02 a). Application for any such variance shall be submitted in writing by the subdivider at thu time the proposed Plat is filed with the City Clerk. The petition shall state fully the grounds for the application and all substantiating facts and evidence per- tinent to the request. b). The City Council shall within thirty (30) days attar receiving the planning Commission's recommendation for any variance or variances review such recommendation and thereupon may concur, modify or reject the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Section 14.03 After the Planning Commission receives the proposed plat, sub- division or dedication From the subdivider, it may recommend oxcep- tions to the provisions contained herein by requiring any or all of the following: a). Greater park and playground space in addition to the area in- cluded in the Official Plan. However, in no case shall such additional areas represent more than twice the amount specified in the Official Plan, except when the official zoning ordinance and map, or the platter or subdivider proposed higher residen- tial land use densities than twice the existing densities. b). A realignment of a major or community arterial or neighborhood collector street as shown on the Official plan so as to permit the subdivider to prepare a butter arrangements of lots, resi- dential streets and other public ways, parks and playgrounds. c). In cases of excessive topographical grades of 15% or more, cross- walk requirements may be omitted. d). In cases where the total of the minimum requirements for side- walk parking strip and pavement widths exceed the minimum • • 33 right of way requiromants, minimum rights or way required shall equal the total minimum roquiraments of the sidewalk, parking strip and pavement widths. a). In cases where the lots of a subdivision face major or secon- dary arterials the roquiramonts for the minimum depth of said lots shall be increased in an amount not to exceed twenty (20) Coat For lots containing lass than 35,000 square feet in area. CHAPTER 15. PENALTIES Section 15.00 Any person or persons, firm or firms, or any one or more corpor- ations at various and successive times or at any one time after adop- tion of the ordinance having platted, subdivided or divided into smaller parts, any parcel of land or property into two or more such lots, plots, tracts, or smaller parts, the area of each of which is five (5) acres or less for purposes of providing building sites, now or at any time hence, held in one ownership, either by contract for purchase, by deed or by both, and who has neglected or failed to com- ply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a Fine in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each of said lots, tracts or smaller parts, or imprisonment in the city jail for a period not to exceed 30 days, or by both such Fine and imprison- ment, and whoever, heing the owner or agent of the owner of any land located within a plat or subdivision containing five or more such lots, plots, tracts, or smaller parts, transfer or sells, or agrees to sell, or option any land by roforence to or exhibition of, or by any other use of a plat or a map of a subdivision, before such plat 34 or map has boon approved by the City of port Townsend and before the same has boon filed For record in tho -office of Lho Jeffur5on County Auditor, shall, in addition to any other punalties provided For here- in, Parfait and pay a penalty of not to exceed one hundred dollars (5100.00) for each lot, or parcel so transfarred, or sold, or agreed or optioned to be sold, and the description of such lot by mates and bounds in tho instrument of transfer, agreeing or aptioninc), shall not exempt the transaction from such penalty. The Planning Commis- sion, the City Council or the City Engincor may initiate an action to enjoin such transfer, sale, agreement, or option by making applica- tion for an injunction in the Superior Court, and/or the planning Commission, the City Council or City Engineer may rocovar said penalty for the City of port Townsend by a civil action in any court of com- petent jurisdiction. CHAPTER 16. CONFLICT Section 16.00 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 17. VALIDITY Section 17.00 Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the re- maining portions of this ordinance. Read For the first, socand and third times, passe the Council and approved by the mayor an April 17, 1973. , /i Attest: CALE I. YOUNGBLODD,__�TY CLERK �,,� /I , Deputy Mayor Approved as to Form: 6:� A '� . /E, ity Attorney 1v 11 Ordinances #1572-1680 1650 Amend- 58 of nOrd. '111Q wa eF: service"connecti (13.12) — 1651 Adds S2.109 to Ord. 1625, zoning (17.08) 1652 Appropriation (Special) 1653 Appropriation (Special) 1654 Appropriation (Special) 1655 Appropriation (Special) 1656 Amends 56 of Ord. 1138, garbage collection rates (6.04) 1657 Amends §3 of Ord. 1508, sewer service rates (13.04) 1 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 /'1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 al �� 1677 1678 1679 680 168I 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 183-2 (Port Townsend 7/80) Amends $8 of Ord. 1110, water service connections (13.12) Street vacation (Special) Tax levy for 1973 (Special) Budget for 1973 (Special) Salaries (Special), Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Amends §2 of Ord. 1642, license fees for vending machines (5.76) Medical insurance for city employees (2.60) Combines office of clerk and treasurer (2.06) Rezone (Special) Subdivisions (18.04--18.36, 18.40--18.52) Street vacation (Special) Employee vacation and sick leave (2.64) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Repeals Ords. 1155, 1353 (Repealer) Street vacation (Special) Street vacation (Special) Authorizes land purchase for gravel pit (Special) Amends Ord. 871 56, dance halls (Repealed by 1714) Amends Ord. 1635 915, gambling (9.02) Amends Ord. 1635 §§17, 18, minor possession of intoxicating liquor (Repealed by 1716) Federal shared revenue fund (3.04) Appropriation (Special) Amends Ord. 1668 §51, 2, employee medical benefits (2.60) Adds 52.110 to Ord. 1625, zoning (17.16) Automotive body disposal charge (6.08) Appropriation (Special) Authorizes land purchase for public works building (Special) Cutting trees in street rights -of -way (12.10) Appropriation (Special) Animals (Repealed by 1969) Salaries (Special) 1974 tax levy (Special) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Appropriation (Special) Repeals Ords. 726, 816, 837, 876, 919, 1301, 1423, 1588 (Repealer) Appropriation (Special)