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,~.rNU!~~_O!:n_,:!,~_!!!q~!~n S~SS!gN _OF MARCH 16, 1971
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March 16, 1971
Port Townsend, Wn.
The City Council of the City of' Port Townsend, met in regular session this 16th day of March
1971 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding.
,Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk
Yourlgblood, Councilmen Steve, Lindsey, Norwood, Judy, Hoglund Scheyer, Councilman Camfield
arrived during the reading of the minutes.
The minutes of the previous session were read in ~ull and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey
seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes be approved as read and the Mayor and City Clerk
sign same. Motion carried.
The f'ollowing commurlications wefe presented and acted upon as follows:
From: Chris Geick, Port Townsend Wn., March 15, 1971
Honorable Mayor
City Councilmen
City of Port Townsend, Wash.
As you may know, it is my desire to sell part of my property, and at the present time I have a
bonafide offer to purchase, with earnest mnney paid on the property known as Lots 35 and 36 of
Tibbals Lake Park Addition, which lies just immediately outside the City Limits. The completion
of the sale is contingent upon the availability of water for the property.
AlAe, as you know there is a water line crossing the property but no tap was put in at time øf
To assist me in the culmination of my sale, I will appreciate your assurance and the making it
of record that water will be available in the near future and a date or appro~imate date specified
if possible.
Most Sincerely,
Chris Geick
Mayor Smith said he knew the water department had discussed this with Mr Geick, and under the
general policy, no more taps outside the city limits, wo would refer the request to the water
commi ttee.
Honorable Maymr & City Council;
I would ~ike to put in a request for a vapor light to replace the present light that is at 3314
San Juan Ave.
The'reason for this is that a lot of Y°urlg people walk by here in the evening from the roller
rink etc. The way the cars come up over the hill going south on San Juan Ave. some innocent
person will get run over.
Many times at night I hear screeching of tires & someone will scream from almost being hit by a
speeding driver.
If we had more lighting at this location I think we would same a life instead of taking one. Thank
you very much for your cooperation on this matter.
Yours truly,
Lawrence Castellano
33:L4 San Juan Ave.
Per t T owns end, Vln.
. Mayor Smith referred the request to the Light Committee. Councilman Norwood said tha area
had been looked at, and a a bëtter light was needeà at that location. After some discussion
Councilman Norwood made a motion seconded by Councilman Hoglund that a 7000 lum light be installe.
in place of the old type light at 3314 San Juan. Motion carried.
Councilman Lindsey said the water committee and sewer committee met with the SeaBDeeze Trailor
Court owner, and after the meeting he was satisfied that he was getting a pretty good deal.
Under 01d,Business, Emergency Ordinances No's 1615,1616 and 1617 that were read in full at
the last regular s~ssion were again brought before the council for passage or rejection.
Councilman Hoglund made a motion seconded by Councilman Judy that the first reading of Ord.
No. 1615 be condidered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion
carried. Ordinance No. 1615 was again reaà for the third time by title only, and it was moved
by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that Ord. No. 1615 be now adopted. Motion
carried. .
Tt was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the first reading be
considered thesecoqd reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 1616 was again read for the third time by title only, and it was moved by
Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Hoglund 'that °rd. No. 1616 be now adopted. Motion carrieà.
It Was moved by Councilman Hoglund' seconded by Councilman Judy that thè.fï1Irstlí;ër¿ding of Ord.
No. 1617 be considered the second reading and the third reading be b;ý' title only. Motion carrie(l.
Ordinance No. 1617 was again read for the third time by titlè only, and it was moved by
Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey that Ord.'No. 1617 be now adopted. Motion
carried. Councilman Norwood said she didnt' hear any provisions in the ordinance for payback
to the water department from the street department for the loader. ~[ayor Smith said the ~oney
definitely had to go back into the water de~rtment.
Councilman Hoglund' said that we have on the lot a grader that has been supplied by NorthWest
Roads on trial basis, at the time we solisited bids from these'respec:tibe companies, NorthWest
roads approched the city with a proposition for a package deal, where, they would provide for us
Ii wheel articulated loader for the street department a track loader for the Garbage Dept. and
they also had a cat 12 grader if we did decide to go with them on the: ot her pieces of equipment
they would make availabel for us at a price that we 'could realize a good saving. He said that
the grader whe have now is quite ancient and is alwaÿs in need of repairs, he said as it üurned
out we didnt accept the' package offer; but we do have the grader still here, the steet dept.
has been using the grader for a month, the price that NorthWest'Roadn has put on the grader is
4,800.00 plus our old adams grader, Th~ rental due now is 840.00 inc:luding tax, he said it was
his understanding North West Roads Co. would apply this rental figure to the purchase ¡r ice.
Councilman 'Hoglund said it was hisfeellng at this time we should c:onsider purchasing this
piecè of' equipment. Councilman Lindsey said the old grader is, in bad shape and felt if we
could possibly scare up the money in anyway shape or form that theg]~ader should be purchased.
After considerable discussion on the exact price 'the grader would c:ost, Mayor Smith said he
'felt the city should get a little more firmer terms and brlngthematter up at the next regular
session. Councilman Hog¡und 'made a motion secondedby'Counci1man Camfield that the street
commltteefirm up the fiqures on this arrangement and have it finali:~ed by the next regul"ar
council meeting. Motion carried.
Mayer Smity said that under new business he had sent a memo to the councilmen on the proposed
contract concerning the firemen, he thought it best for the fire conllÅ’ittee::to have a negotiatin~
session with the union, so would get together and set,a date.
Mayør Smitþ: said he had a letter from the Historical Society conceI'ning the Bell Tower,' 1I1e sa:lJd
he had talked to Mr. Gregory and would appoint the building committee to get together with Mr
Gregory and see what they could come up with in connection with the :3ituation.
. - ".
Mayor Smith said as -a point of information, t'wo represen,atives from HUD were over last week
to discuss a coup:te of appliCations for low inc.ome housing and as to the need in the town, and
they were not going to move real fast and was not going to do anythiilg without Gemming to the
city fir st. ...",
Mayor Smi tþ. said' that he had appointed Mr George Earle to the Civil Service Board, to replace
Mr Lee.
Counc ilman 'Steve said he had a few remarks' to make about the Civ,il ,Service Board" saying that
there was a question in his mind about the useful function of our City Civil Service Board, he
said he would like to see the board function in a meaningbu1 manner, secondly, he would like to
give preference to residence of the city in so far as jobs are conce]>ned, and hoped department
heads would make this their first consideration, if found that qualified applicants are not
avai1ablë in the city and doubt if this is so, then reach out side the city, thirdly, now that
the medic~l ~regram for uniform ~ersonel is known to bè quite rough on the city, he wo~ld like
to see a rigld physical examinatlon.. required flor all- job applicants here on out. .
Mayor Smith sáid he has notgane ~hrough all 'the rules and regulatlons of the civil service
~~äXKXXäKKXlately, but what Councilman Steve'is thinking about,' and knew the word has gotten out
that a .person had been hired for policè -service and immediately' a lot; of people thought he had
been hlred permanent, as known we have had one PGliceman resign, he said he had discussed the
situation with the Chief of Police, W? did not want to' hire anyone perfuanently for ~ while, so
a young ßellow was sent up by the polJ.ce science cource f'rom Olympic J.C. He said he gave a,
very good impression on interview, he wanted-to live here, and he looked like he might be a real
good man for a future police job, so we,'. took h,~m on and hired him for a few week ends he is
still going to school and will be until June, and along about June, there will'haveto be a civil
service examination. After some further discussion by the council and City Attorney, no action
WaS taken, I
Mayør Smith said that at the next council meeting there would problwly be an item on the agenda
concerning sale of property in side the city. Also, he said he had. bEenapproched and was sure II
one or more of the councilmen had been to, on a'program about hiring youngsters during the
summer, the cost to the city would be between 4,000.00 to 4,500.00. Councilman Hoglund said that
Mr steven Loyds who is probational officer for Clall~ & Jefferson Counties, asked whether or
not the city of Port Townsend would be interestëd in participating in the program that they
have going whereby for a' certain sum of money the city wòuld be prov:Lded with ten to fifteen' ,
youths plus a supervisor, they would be assigned to the city for d~ties for what city departments
deemed as necessary. Councilman Hoglund said his personal feelings on it, while it is a worth-
while program,. the dollar and cent figure was kind of distur~ing. Councilman Hoglund said that
the gentleman indicated that if the.co~ncil disired further lnformation on'the subject he would
be most happy to appear before the council. After some further discussion, no definite action
was diaken. '
Mayor Smith said that the Civil Defense Office had an opportunity for more Federal participatio
provided that thêy come back up to the standards where they were before. The reason that they
ar8 not up to standard'as before is that the city has not budgeted anything fGr civil defense
for the past two years. Mr Do~beck, civil defense director for the eity said that the county
commissioners had indicated that they were going to write the city a le'tter urging the city
council to appropriate the amonnt that has not been budgeted for the last two years and deposit
it to the Port TGwnsend Civil Defense Fund. No further action was tl~en.
Mrs Wallin, Librarian, said she had brought up a question about tho library at the last meeting
and noticed it was not included in the minutes, and wondered if any action had been taken. I
-,. -- I
~.- -----"--"--'--'-.'- ---'-,-'--- '----------"-----'---
, --~;;;o;-S~i th- sai-dh~--h~d--;iar~;;'-ed~~-'~~i'~~-a 1 tter a~d had t~-;'ked to the c6un~-ilmen
II but haEi failed to do it so far, but would get the letter up to the library.
I! As there
ii .Counc ilman
. Ii
about it,
Ii Attest:,
, '
WaS nG further business to come before the council at this time, i't was moved by
Linds~y seconded by Councilman Judy that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried.
, 7- '
MA~ ~ j.~~9
r "---~
April 6, 1971'
Port Townsend, Wn.
: The City Council of the City of" Port Townsend, met in regular session this 6th day of Ap'ril"
;: 1971 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the ci ty hall., Mayor Smith presiding.
; Officers and members present-were as follows: Ma~or Smith, City Attorney Abr'ahwn, City Clerk
nYoungblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Camfield, Steve, Norwood. Councilma~ Judy, Li~dsey
;: absent.
Ii It was moved by Councilman Camfied1seconded by Councilman Scheyer, that the minutes of the
¡!previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried..
¡ The following bills & claims as audited by the Finance Committee were presented and acted
;1 upon as follows:
I '
~I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND------------------Voucher No~
WATER-SEWER FUND----------------------Voucher No~
I STREET FUND~--------------------------Voucher No~
GARBAGE FUND-------------'-------------lJoucher No~
LIBRARY FUND--------------------------Voucher No~
PARK FlmD----------------------------~Voucher No~
through 3091---19;541~45
through --- 7il14~70
through --- 31i150~11
through 2428--- 1,869.60
through 1174--- 1,066~55
through 353 ---$ 503.00
It WaS moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Camfield that the bills & Claims be
approved as read and that the i¥J.ayor and Ci ty Clerk draw warrants upon the prope:r funds for pay-
: ment of same. Motion carried.
The treasurer's report WaS read in full for the Month of March 1971 and was o:r-dered filed.
The police report waS read in full for the Month of March 1971 and was ordered filed.
CO MiroN I C A'l' IONS
The following communications were presented and acted upon as follows:
From James A. DeLeo
Port Townsend, Wn. March 15, 1971
Hon. Mayor Frank Smith
and City Council
Port Townsend, Wn.
After lengthy discussions with fellow members of the Fire Department during our March 8,1971
!¡meeting, it was unanimously concluded that rer¡uest be made to terminate the off:Lcial position Gf
I'Volunteer Fire Chief, in conjunction with the retirement of Ed Lindsey.
I¡In my capacity as Assistant Volunteer Fire' Chief, donating twenty years of service and observing
I the mechanics of efficient fire protection, it has become apparent that a prominent change in the
Supervisory position should be- inaugurated. In behalf of my' fellow colleagues in the departmentl~
~ I hereby request the consideration of a full time Fire Chief, in lieu of a part.-time Volunteer
I Fire Chief; thus eliminating one paid employee in the Fire Department under the direction of the
II Port Townsend Ci ty Goverrunent. .
1'1 This change would assure a closer tie betw3en the paid members and the volunteeJ:'s. The Chief.
would be the leading authority over botþ forces, with an Assistant Volunteer FiJ:'e Chief acting
II under the direc tion of the Chief on behalf of the Volunteers.
: This proposal would in no way effect the seniority of' the present paid men. The senior paid
¡member would assume the title of Assistant Fire Chief, and aid and control in the Chief's absence.
'Under this leadership, and, the good Lord willing, the City of Port Townsend wo:~ be assured
full and uninterrupted fire protection for approximately the next fifteen years..
Respectfully submitted,
James A. DeLeo
Mayor Smith said that with the retirement of Mr Lin~sey, he would like to eliminated the !Brt
¡'time fire chief and appóint Bob Jones full time chief, but due to having to pay full salary to
"Mr Lindsey for the next six months it creates a financial problem so would keep this under
advisement until a later date.