HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/1971
Port Townsend, Wn.
Feb. 16,' 1971
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular sè$.sj~on this 16!th day of Sept.
19r1I, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding.
Off:Lcers' an.d members present were as follows:: Mayor'Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk'.
Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Judy, Camfield, Steve, Lindsey,' ~o:r'wood. Council:nan Hoglund
absent. i
The minutes of the previous session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey
seconded by Councilman Judy that'the minutes be approved as read and that the Mayor and'City
Clerk SightlSame. Motion carried.
Before taking up old business, Mayor Smith'said that there were a group of Girl Scouts,
Troop No. 1355 in the audience, the troop leader was Sally Frazee and asked her to introduce
her officers, after the introduction, she said that the girls had some business that they would
bring up under new business. .
Councilman Judy said that under old business there was a request ror water for the Bishop
Addition, he said that they had been waiting for ailswers'to letters that the cïty engineer
had written to the property owners, and asked Engr. French tò repor'~. Engineer French said he
had sent letters to :rive people and had received five answers. Mr Bishop, Owyen, Gunn WaS for
the project, Mr Taylor and Higdon against.' He' said that there, would be, 1,050 ft of pipe
envolved, the toia1 cost would be around 6,300.00~Engr. French said he would suggest placing
a lean at 6% on the Taylor and Higdon properties and'wculd recommend to the council to take
the money from the water main revolving fund and proceed with this project on a contra~t basis.
Engr. French also stated that there would be an immediate return of 3,400.00 back to tæ funà.
Councilan Judy made a motion seconded by Councilman Norwood that bids be calJÐ d for to start
the B~sh*p project. Motion carried.
Councilman Steve inquired of the city attorney on why it takes justice so long to move, it
has been quite a few months and nothing has been done. Attorney Abraham said 'that it must be
the coin operated station that Councilman Steve had in mind, Attorney Abraham said the probß m
is probably scheduling by an out of town judge, the said that affidavits of predudice had been
filed against local judges and it had been necessary to bring in an outside judge.
Mayor Smith said that under old business the question of the resolution concerning building'
where the old marine hospital is, the qùestion befóre the council is a resolution which is ,
required by the FHA for projects o:r this type, he'sà.id'it had been..r~ferred to the Legislative
Cømmittee and asked the chairman of make a report. Councilman Scheyer'Chairman of the Legisla-
tive Committee said he had been in contact with FHA 'and HUll of'ficials and their feelings was
that it would be a mistake to adltipt'specific legislation for a specific project. What they
want us to do is to adopt a concept, and a concept is that the city' approves a federal sponsored
rent subsidy program. Councilman Scheyer said that the Federal GoV'erment will not come into
the city and does not have the right to come into the city and put low rent subsidy programs
in unless this govermental body says it is all right. Councilman Scheyer alsO stated tHat
the FHA sUrvey showed a need in this area for thirty units for elderly people. The city has
not made a survey and it is not our function, 'it is not our function to get envolved whe~her the
Marine HQspital is the way to go or the pro'ject should-be out on the hill behind the hospital,
all our'function is, is to accept the concept of Federal Góverment participation in low cost
housing, low cost housing is different' eq.tirely, this - is not low CClst, it is loW rent. After
some discussion it was moved by"Councilman Schëyer seéondéd by Cotinéilman Camfield, that Reso1uii
tion71-4 be r6moved from the table and be considered. Motion was carried. Councilman Schey~r
made a motion seconded by CoUncllman'Camfie1d that resolution 71-4 be adopted. CluncilmanS~eve
said he was going to vete against it, that it would give him the pr'ivelege in a future date to
say that he didnt or if it ever comes up whère there are requests 2lnd there would be a desire
to re:ruse,'he could say I was opposed to it. Councilman Norwood said she was going to vote
against it, not fQr the same reason as Councilman Steve, but was not satisfied yet whether this
is the thing that Port Townsend wants to dQ, she said she'hoped that she would get to talk to
a FHA man before she voted, she had gotten all the information that she could get to enlighten
herself and still dont know whether she should be vóting yes 'or no, she said she was not going
to vote she was going to abstain. Coüncilman-Judy said it had beeh recomItlended by the Planning
Commission and could see nothing wròng with it. . Councilman Steve àgain said he felt he didnt
have enough information, if this resolution is passed then everbody through out the 'city can
come in here and build. Councilman Lindsey asked if this resolution WaS pasßed tonight or
any othar time would it throw the city wide open for all.
Mayer Smith said the resolution covers the needs of FHA' for commltment that the city does
not .object to such. a project in town., The FHA itself does survey' as indicated and will not ok
aproJect with hous~ng beyond what they feel the community needs as far as being open right now
we are just as open right now'as you can' get. ' , II'
After s orne' discussion, Attorney Abraham said tha t the' ci ty receives its revenue on the basis
of population, the council'should not take a' position that would tend to limit the population, I
in this case to see a reduction and pass up an opportunity to offse't that with some influx of
population. He said ~e thou~ht i~ should be considered and assume also that if and when a large
or other apartment bUl1ding lS bUllt there will be a payroll connected such as contractors, sub
contractors would be employed from this community. The rent subsidy program is not entirely
developed as a rent subsidy program it is one of thoes pump finding things and felt the city
cant afford to overlook thoes aspects. Attorney Abraham said he had no opposition to this thing
himself'. ' II
Kay Miner, chairman of' the city planning commission said that the FHA is concerned with publ:iJc
acceptance and with other simi1a~ly projects the FHA would continue to listen to city governmed~.
council,man Steve made a motion seconded by Council,man Norwood that the motio,n'on the floor, ,I
be tabled until the next meeting. Upon roll call'vote Councilman SI~heyer, Judy, Camfield voted!
nae, counc~lmen Steve, Lindsey, Norwood voted yae, tie vote, motion did not pass. I
May~r,Smlth called for a'vote,on the original motion for the pass9.ge or rejection of Resolution
71-4. Upon roll call vote, Counc ilman S~heye::, Judy" Ca.mri~ld voted. yae, Counc ilman Lindsey
Steve, Norwood voted nae. Tie vote, motl0n dld not pass.
Councilman Judy asked if this was the end of the resolution - MaY'1>r Smith said that the
resolution could be re-entered.
MINUTES OF~E REGULAR SESSION OF FJ1:BR~~!__~~~ __~~11!,_,Q<?~T~J:~___~-,-----"-,~---
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Under New Business, Mayor Smith said the Girl Scout Troop have a pro@ect they wanted to bring
out so that people would know what they were doing and asked the Scribe of the troop to explain.
She said they sought for a project city approval to paint the steps between the Orthopedic Thrift
Shppand Washington st and to install a litter barrel in that location. They would like to have
the paint furnished. Mayor ßmitp said it was a very worth while project and sure all was in
favor and would ,get together on the paint needed. Councilman Norwood made a motion seconded
by Councilman Lindsey that the city commend the project and approve the project requested by the
Girl Scouts. Motion carried.
M&yor Smith said that a letter had been received from the Librsy, it was the administrative
type and would be handled as such.
Mayor Smith stated that the chairman or the finance committee ånd himself had met with the
Teamsters Union to discuss a preliminary contract between the city employees who belong tÐ the
union and the city, he said he had copies and would get together with the heads of the depart-
men ts .
Mayor Smith said that bids were now out for city equipment and before any bids are accepteà,
he thought there should be a pretty firm decision where the money was comming from. Attorney
Abraham said that he had called the clerk today anticip~tingthat maybe there would be somethin~
to put together in the way of ordinances in financing that, equipment, who was going to borrow
from what department and etc. He said he would point out that this is going to require at least
one emergency 0rdinance and it could not be paid for this month and in erder to pay for the
month fol:owing, necessary ar4inance will have to be made up and read at the next council meeting,
so would like to knew what the council plans were.
Councilman No~wood suggested a meeting of all the council before next tuesday night, after
some discussion, Wednesday night the 24th was set for a council work session.
As there was no further business to come before the council at
Councimman Steve seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the meeting
this time, it was move. by
do now adjourn. Moti~n carrie..
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