HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/1970 282 M;1NJLT-ES=.OE T-J:1E=REGI11.ÅR::£E ~ ~-ï-Q¡\T G&£EE],.E,r'lffiER~S:, ~9~f)=C-.GN=T~1*WÐ Mayor Smitþ said that on each connc ilmans desk ¡'.fere his rev is ions and reco:nmenda tions of the proposed city zoning ordinance and requested the counc51 to look it over for the time has come to take ac tion. 8 ADJOURNMENT As the:.e was no further Councilman steve seconded business to come before the council at this time it was moved by by Councilman Camfield that the meeting do now adjoupn. Motion carried. ,~ ~;:::..,.-..') ~ ~.-, ","/ /,/' . . ./ - //"} (..'-/j / -- , '" ~t' r'-~""""-;-;,:",' folIA y 0ff~~: ~Z':/c~Þl!::~f;r;v; ¿/'r,vv'ti..>' /j;j}-'_/ Co.-, (' -----. - I A tte s t¿ dr ~ 1~~ C1 ty Ie MINUTES OF THE REGUlAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 6,1970 October 6, 1970 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 6th day of Oct. 197(1), .at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. I ROLL CALL Ofßicers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk, Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Lindsey, Steve, Norwood. Councilman Camfield absent. MINUTES OF THE PREVlimS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the ITlinutes of the previous sessIon be dispensed with. Upon vole colI vote, motion did not 'pass. Minutes of ' the previous session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes be approved as read and the Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion LIarri'3d. 8 BI,LLS & C LAI MS The following bills & claims as audited by the finance commitee were presented and acted upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------------Voucher ~o. WATER-SEWER FUND-----------------------------Voucher No. STREET FUND----------------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FU}m----~----------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND---------------~----------~------Voucher No. PARK FU1ID------------------------------------Voucher No. FIRE~ŒNT PENSION & RELIEF FUND---------------Voucher No. URBAN ARTERIAL STREET FUND-------------------Voucher No. 1967 SEWER CONST. }~ND-----------------------Voucher No. 7532 2837 1880 1747 2202 1090 332 8 244 through 7593 through 2871 through 1900 thr ough through 2230 through 1099 through 10 through 249 ---~8'270.70 --- 10,.262.33 ---.3,834.04 ---~. 3,361.56 ---~iÞl' 074~91 --- 37.0.~~ --- 35.70 $28,734.69 ::::-"'$ 1,939.09 I It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the bills and claims be approved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds f'or payment of same. NIot:ion carried. CITY CL ERK The city clerk reportE3d. the following payroll vouchers for the Ilionth of Sept. 1970 OF'FICEHS REPORT CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------------Voucher No. WATER-SE~~R FU}ID-----------------------------Voucher No. STREET FUND----------------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND---------------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND------- - - ----------- -- - --- - --- -- -Vmcher No. PARK FU1ID------------------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND-----.-----------Voucher No. 7511 2830 1874 1743 2200 1089 330 thróugh 7531 through 2836 through 1879 through 1746 through 2201 through 331 :"~:"17;347~59 ::;..- 2; 969';223 ---~2;284.67 ---*1,224.31 ---~ 462~60 ---.-¡þ 346~72 ---$ 440.50 8 CI'IT TREASURER The city treasurer's report was read in full for the Month of Sept. and Was ordered filed. I POLICE REPORT The police report was read in full for the Month of Sept. and was ordered filed. OLD BUSINESS Under old business the city clerk presented the following ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1596 I AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING 'rEE EXECUTION OF LEASE OF THAT PORTION OF TiIADISON STREET LYING BETWEEN WA'fER STREETAl-TD FRUN'l' STREET, EX.1L'ENDED INTO THE WATERS OF PORT TOWNSEIID BAY, AND PROVIDING FOR RENTAL Mayor Smith commented tha.t the ordinance was drawn up in accordance with previous council action to go ahead with the lease for a period of one year. It was moved by Councilman ~indseý seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1596 was again read for the third time by title only, and it was moved by Counc ilman Lindsey seconded by Counc ilman Hoglund tha t Ord. No. 1596 by no\'! adopted. 'Motion carried. Councilman Judy said that he hd a reQuest for a stree litht at 7th & Cleveland the locati~n was by the NIanresa Hall, he comm(mted that it WDS a very dark street and that a light was needeCi. at that location. Councilman Judy made a ~otion seconded by Councilman Hoglund that a 7000 lum light be installed at &th & Clevel~nd. After solne ~iscussion, roll call was taken motion Was carried. ' 8 2S3 8 MINUTES OF THE BEG LAR SESSION OF' OCrrOBER 6, 1970, Cœ¡TINlliD Mayor Smith announced that th, ere would be a Was~"lÌngton Gi ty Assoclation Reginal Meetin hOlT at 7:00 p.m. at Port Angeles on the 27th of Oct. and urged all councilmen and officials to attand if possible. , Mayor Smith ssid at the last meeting he had paJsed out to the councilmen a-marl{ed up COiJY of ¡he proposed zoneing ordinance, and thought another working sessi-m wm ld now be in order. After I some discuss ion it was dec ided to hold another worldng sess ion at 7: 30 p. m Oc tober 13th and als0 to L1.vite the planning commission members.t:::Councilman Hoglund said that the meeting could be held at his place of Business. Councilman Steve suggested that the Planning commission hold their meetings at the city hall not at the Fort. I Mayor Smith said that he had been working on the survey team that they would have some help for h:m study had turned up budget wise. budget, and had been advised by the personnei ~s -k ~ g~ Mm s= i~a ~ .~t ~1 the city, he v/a[:, iTlSormed the the cJB rk thait be looked into. Mayor Smith asked the City Mayor Smith asked about andy delinquent taxes due there was a couple of B & 0 delinquents that should Attorney to check on the delinquents. I ADJOURNMENT As there was n0 further business to come'before the council at this time, it was moved by Councilman J"b1.dy seconded by Councilman Sqheyer that the meeting do no\v' adjourn. Motion carried. 8 Attest~~ . . C rk ß" . -7 -'~..'/ ./,"', -,-"\- ., .---W.. /" ¿--/. ~ "'F7f ' M~i~¿~ - --.. -'-~~ -,-- . ,l- MINUTES OF TH3 REGULAR SESSION OF' OCTOBER 20, 1971 Oc tober 20, 1971 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 20th day of Oct. 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall, Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL I Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Gamfield, Steve, Norwood present. C()un~i~men Judy, Lindsey absent. MINUTES OF' 'THE PREVIOUS SES~:;rON It was moved by Councilman Hoglund sec~)nded by Coùncilman Schcyer that the minut s of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. OLD BUSINE3S Under Old Business, liTrS Jennie Zaccardo spol-.:e before the c'ì1..Lncil, again, to complain that after ,more thaq two years the construction contractor still had not restored the disrupted street by the l1arrison Street Apts. After some discussion, ¡'/Ir W.~tkins of the Street Dept., said he would check the street over. 8 PUBLIC HEARING. I Mayor Smith said that the e was a public hearing scheduled for tonight on the request of Mr and Mrs Roger Dickersonfor the vacation of portions of Hood street. ¡'.'Jayor Smi tn:- declared the meeting open for the Public Hearing and asked if there were any members of the public would desire to make any comment concerning the request. Mayor Smith said that due to the absence of comment, he would now rev)rt back to the regular order of'businoss. Councilman Steve made a motion that the IB titian be tabled, seconded by Councilman Norwøod. Upon the quos tion, Counc ioman Hoglund aslœd if the s tree t and planning commiss ion committees had brought back any recommendation. Councilman Steve said that hE', SCÌlGyer and LinJsey were on the street committee, that chairman Lindsey had not called for a m<:)eting. Mayor Smith said that thel~e had been no recommendatj n from the planning commission. Councllman Scheyer mentIoned that the planning commission wanted a' city wide may of all vacated streets and stre3t tha t ,Ùere opened. Engineer' French said that a màp would be furnished to the planning corrllî1i- ssion. Upon roll call vote. I'IIotion WaS carried. NEW BUSINESS I The City Clerk presented the following Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1597 AN ORDINANCE APFROPRIATING TIL;~ SUM OF ~~2, 900. TO 'l'HE HISCELLANEOUS APPHOPRIATION OF 'TIm' CURRElJ'l' EXPENSE FUND BUDGET FOR TI-IS YEAR 1970, ANa DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. 'rhe Ci ty Clerk explained the ordinance contents, money had to be appropriated for the cost of a city job analysis project being conducted. 8 Due to the nature of the above ordinance it had to be held over until the next regular session. Mayor 3mi th again reminded the C)unc i1 of the WSC meeting being held f1 t,;:' Ðort Angeles the 27th of Oc t. Mayor °mith commented that the Preliminary Budge~ would be available for the public the 1st part of November. ADJOURNMENT co~ßC~~~ln. Bdf,~~~Bfi8eaUßtn~Otlnt~lmRfleSBn~9êr Attest: -;.¿; :t¿=~~,~ . t - ' . -' ly.r; - . ---. -- ~à§tcouncil at this time i~ w the ~~lng dO, . Vol adJO MAYO~~~ carried. II