HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/15/1970 2'~1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF SEPTEMBER 15,1970 8 S~pt. 15, 1970 P~rt Townsend, Wn. The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 15~h day of Sept. 1970, at 7:30 p.m., in the council chambers of the city hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present wer~ as follows: Il'layor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, Ci ty Cler:kj Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Judy, Camfield, Norwood, Lindsey, Steve. Councilman Hoglund absent. I MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION The minutes of the previous session were read in full, and it was moved by Councilman Judy, seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the minutes be approved as read and the Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS I Councilman Scheyer reported on the behalf of the legislative committee for amending the mob.ile home ordinance so as to allow mobile homes to be placed adj.qeent to business establish- ments. He said .the commi ttee recommended two to one not to modify,>," the.;ordd.ñ.ance at .this time. He said it was the consensus of opinion that dificulties would be encountered in defining just what constitutes a business, that it would open most areas of the city to mobile homes. OLD BUSINESS 8 . . . Ordinance No. 1595 duly incorporated in the minutes of the last lession, was again b~ought before the council for passage or rejection. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1595 was again read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that ~rdinance No. 1595 do now pass. Motion carried. Mayor Snlitþ said that there was a Public Hearing scheduled at this time, but due to the absence of some envolved and that tho property had not beèn properly' pÐstèd the public> hearing would be rescheduled at a regular meeting of October 20th. I Cal McCune sP9ke before the counc il s a"jing that he was the a ttorn'3Y for Mr & Mrs Davis, the petitioners to place a mobile home at their place of business for p:~otection of their business, he said that they were being forced to move from Point Hudson due to changes at the point, he felt it would be an asset and service to both the community and tourists if the council would' modifty ~he Qrdinance and allow the placement of this mobile home to be place :! at their place of business.. He. added that the laws were changing that there was a general trend toward acceptanc.e o'f. mobile homes due to the .high cost of building, and al;3o mentioned that there could be.3. challenge in the courts on .city ordinance concerning mobile homes. Mr McCune asked the matt~r tci be.voted upon so it could become part of the record. Mayor ~mith asked r~ McCune if he had stated that the trailor was necessary for of the b-q,siness. Mr McCune said that .the trailor was their home and the property deminsiqns ~hat it would be easier to .put a trailor on the property and certainly than it would be' to build. " Mayor Sni tp also asl{ed 1\1r McCune if they were being forced to move from hudson point. Mr McCune said that they were, they either had to move from the point 'Jr be relocated at the point. the protecti was such less expensiv.e 8 Councilnlan Norwood made a motion seconded by Councilman Camfield that the proposed trailor ordinance again be read for the second time. The Ordinance was again read for the second time. Upon the question, Councilman Camfield said that unless the ordinance is changed, he could not see in any .case should the counc il make special exception for this one indvidual. Counc ilman Lindsey said he could not see it opened up for one par'þy. Councilman J{or.w:ood said that whatt w.e are going to do is force citizens' is to take it to court. .C.O1..mc~ï'lman Norwood read" a paragraph out of a book dealing with the study of mobile homes which q~estioned the legality of municipal restrictions. Col1ncilman Norwood said she thought it was time that we glcve our trailor ordinance a little mor:; attention and thought it was unfair to' our. ci tizens as it now s.tands and in the si tua tion of Mr. & Mrs Davis they have a special problem and this problem if we can solve for them would be an asset to the city. CouncilJllan Lindsey asked if the arc~a was in the fire zone. Mayor Smith it was not in the .fire zone. Attorney Abraham said as known he tries .to avoid getting into debates in the legislative leyel, he pointed out sev.eral types of requests which might be made for the location of mobile homes if the proposed ordinance revision were to be adopted by the Gouncil. He also said that the proposed ordinance in effect waive the provisions of the buildi~g code insofar as these permmited uSvers are cmcerned. , Mayor Smith said that there is an ordinance prohibiting mobile ho¡nes except in an authorized mobile home park, this proposed ordinance is for the protection of a business, it is an ordinance to take care of one situati.on, in turn you are commi tting yourself in having to have ordinance to till{e care Qf each and every situation. Mayor Smit, pointed to standards in the building Gode dealing with fire and the building code, he said that mobile homes with ffew exceptions do not meet these standards and this particular mobile home did not meet the buildir¡:g code standard. He said we have a responsibility to people who have committed themselves to this community under these standards and though we should keep thest3 standards and was against revision or repeal of the ordinance. Councilman Steve said that since the last meeting all he has had is IB rson after pe rson approach him in opposition to the ordinance, not one for the ordinance so would have to vote against. Councilman Judy spoke agå.inst revision of the proposed ordinance. Councilman Norwood made a motion .seconded by Councilman Judy that the proposed ordinance be read for the third time by title only. Motion carried. The proposed ordinance was again read for- the third time by title only. Councilman Norwood made a motion seconded by'Councilman Steve- that the" ordinance be now adopted. :Upon roll call votè, .councilmen, S.teve, Judy, Scheyer, Lindsey, Camfield voted nae, Councilman Norwood voted yae. The proposed ordinance was not adopted. ~ 8 I I. Sam Granberg, of Seattle Northwest Securities Corporation spoke before the council, saying that a large portion of the staff~Foster & Marshall had left and fJrmed the new company of Seattle Northwest Securites Corpœa.tion and asked the council if any future financing by the city they would like to be remembered. / .' / 282 M;1NJLT.ES=.OE T-J:1E=REGI11.ÅR::£E ~ ~-ï-Q¡\T G&£EE],.E,r'lffiER~S:, ~9~f)=C-.GN=T~1*WÐ Mayor Smitþ said that on each col.1nc ilmans desk ¡'.,'ere his rev is ions and reco:nmenda tions of the proposed city zoning ordinance and requested the counc51 to look it over for the time has come to take ac tion. 8 ADJOURNMENT As the:.e was no further Councilman steve seconded business to come before the council at this time it was moved by by Councilman Camfield that the meeting do now adjoupn. Motion carried. ,~ ~;:::..,....') ~ ~.-, ./;/ /,/' . . ./ - ///} (..'-/j / -- , ./ ~t' r'-~""""-;-;,:",' MA y 0ff~~: ~Z':/c~Þl!::~f;r;v; ¿/'r.vv'ti..>' /j;j}-'_/ C..-. (' ----'" - I A tte s t¿ dr ~ 1~~ Cl ty le MINUTES OF THE REGUlAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 6,1970 October 6, 1970 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 6th day of Oct. 197(1), .at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. I ROLL CALL OfßÎcers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk, Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Lindsey, Steve, Norwood. Councilman Camfield absent. MINUTES OF THE PREVIi!DS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the ITlinutes of the previous sessIon be dispensed with. Upon vole coll vote, motion did not 'pass. Minutes of ' the previous session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes be approved as read and the Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion LIarri'3d. 8 BI,LLS & C LAI MS The following bills & claims as audited by the finance conlffiitee were presented and acted upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------------Voucher ~o. WATER-SEWER FUND-----------------------------Voucher No. STREET FUND----------------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FU}m----~----------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND---------------~----------~------Voucher No. PARK FU1ID------------------------------------Voucher No. FIRE~ŒNT PENSION & RELIEF FUND---------------Voucher No. URBAN ARTERIAL STREET FUND-------------------Voucher No. 1967 SEWER CONST. }~nID-----------------------Voucher No. 7532 2837 1880 1747 2202 1090 332 8 244 through 7593 through 2871 through 1900 thr ough through 2230 through 1099 through 10 through 249 ---~8'270.70 --- 10,.262.33 ---.3,834.04 ---~. 3,361.56 ---~iÞl' 074~91 --- 37.0.~~ --- 35.70 $28,734.69 ::::-"'$ 1,939.09 I It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the bills and claims be approved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds f'or payment of same. NIot:ion carried. CITY CL ERK The city clerk reportE3d. the following payroll vouchers for the Ilionth of Sept. 1970 OF'FICEHS REPORT CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------------Voucher No. WATER-SE~~R FU}ID-----------------------------Voucher No. STREET FUND----------------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND---------------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND------- - - ----------- -- - --- - --- -- -Vmcher No. PARK FU1ID------------------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND-----.-----------Voucher No. 7511 2830 1874 1743 2200 1089 330 thróugh 7531 through 2836 through 1879 through 1746 through 2201 through 331 :"~:"17;347~59 ::;..- 2; 969';223 ---~2;284.67 ---*1,224.31 ---~ 462~60 ---;¡þ 346~72 ---$ 440.50 8 CI'IT TREASURER The city treasurer's report was read in full for the Month of Sept. and Was ordered filed. I POLICE REPORT The police report was read in full for the Month of Sept. and was ordered filed. OLD BUSINESS Under old business the city clerk presented the following ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1596 I AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING 'rEE EXECUTION OF LEASE OF THAT PORTION OF TiIADISON STREET LYING BETWEEN WNfER STREETAl-TD FRUN'l' STREET, EX.1L'ENDED INTO THE WATERS OF PORT TOWNSEIID BAY, AND PROVIDING FOR RENTAL Mayor Smith commented tha,t the ordinance was drawn up In accordance with previous council action to go ahead with the lease for a period of one year. It was moved by Councilman ~indseý seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1596 was again read for the third time by title only, and it was moved by Counc ilman Lindsey seconded by Counc ilman Hoglund tha t Ord. No. 1596 by no\'! adopted. 'Motion carried. Councilman Judy said that he hd a reQuest for a stree litht at 7th & Cleveland the locati~n was by the NIanresa Hall, he comm(mted that it WDS a very dark street and that a light was needeCi. at that location. Councilman Judy made a ~otion seconded by Councilman Hoglund that a 7000 lum light be installed at &th & Clevel~nd. After solne ~iscussion, roll call was taken motion Was carried. ' 8 282 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR S:ZSSION OF SEPI'EMBER 15, 1970 CONTINUED . - -..-.--. ---- "-'-- .."-.-.--- Mayor Smitþ. said that on each col1ncilmans desk ~.Jere his revisions and reco~1TI1endations of the proposed city zoning ordinance and reques ted thè c()unc'l to l')ok it over for the time has come to take ac tion. ADJOURNMENT As the::.e was no further business to come bef'ore the council at this time it was moved by Councilman steve seconded by Councilman Camfield that the meetinG do now adjourn. Motion carried. .-_./-7 A tte s tJ cd(~ f1P Cl ty Ie .-/ 1 7' t/; / '.2~+'Zr,_¿i',<~)" ~'-;¿:--)/?~~?/t{~-;-;o< ,Ìi1AY(~R . v ,/':c""=.. /? ý MINUTES OF THE REGUlAR SESSION OF OCTOBER 6,1970 Oc tober 6, 1970 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 6th day of Oct. 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. lilayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk, Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Lindsey, Steve, Norwood. Councilman Camfield absen t. MINUT:~S OF THE PREVI 'ms ~mss ION It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Upon vole c~ll vote, motion did not pR~S. Hinutes of the previous session were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Co~ncil~an Judy that the minutes be arT-roved as read and the I.la:ror and City Clerk sign same. Mot ion «arri3d. BILLS & CLAIMS The following bills & claims as audited by the finance commitee were presented and acted upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------------Voucher No. WATER-SE~ER FUND------------- ---------------Voucher No. STREET Ft~----------------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND---------------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND---------------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND------------------------------------Voucher No. FIREfJIENT PENSION & RELIEF FUND---------------Voucher No. URBAN AR'I'ERIAL STRERl' FUND-------------------Voucher No. 1967 SE~ER CaNST. FUND-----------------------Voucher No. 7532 2837 1880 1747 2202 1090 332 8 244 through 7593 ---~8,270.70 through 2871 ---1~10,262.33 through 1900 --- 3,834.04 through --- 3,361.56 through 2230 ---~.1,074~91 through 1099 ---~ 370.34 ---:if 35.70 through 10 ---~28,734.69 through 249 ---~ 1,939.09 It was mobed by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the bills and claims be approved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of same. Motion carried. OFFI CERS REPORT CITY CL ERK The city clerk reported the following payroll vouchers for the Month of Sept. 1970 CURRENT EXP3NSE FUND-------------------------Voucher No. WATER-SE',VER FUND------------------------ ------¥oucher No. STREET FUND----------------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND--- ---- -- ------- - --- - - --- ---- ----V ()ucheJ:' No. LIBRARY FUND---------------------------------V'ucher No. PARK FUND------------------------------------Voucher No. FIREUIEN PEI\JSION & RELIEF FUND------- ------ ---Voucher No. ---'7;347.59 ---~2'969;22" -- -,?2, 284.67 ---~1,224.31 ---~ 462.60 ---~ 346.72 ---~; 440.50 7511 2830 1874 1743 2200 1089 330 through 7531 through 2836 through 1879 through 1746 through 2201 through 331 CITY TREASURZR The city treasurer's report was read in full for the Month of Sept. and was ordered filed. POLICE REPORT The police report was read in full for the rhonth of Sept. and was ordered filed. OLD BUS::lm~)S Under old business the city clerk presented the fo~_lowing ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1596 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZInG TIC EXECUTION OF LEASE OF THAT PORTION OF mADISON STRE2T LYING BETWEEN ~AT3R STREET AND FR ;ET STRmT, EXreF,~TDED rTTO THE ~¡ATERS O}' PORT T01:fNSEIID BAY, f.ND PROVIDING FOR RENTAL Mayor S'TIith commented that the ordinance was drawn up in accordance with previous council action to go ahead with the lease for a period of one year. It was moved by Councilman Lindseÿ seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the first ~eading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. IÆotion carried. Ordinance No. 1596 was again read for the third time by title only, and it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hoglund that Ord. No. 1596 by n1W adopted. Motion carried. . Councilman Judy said that he hd a renuGst for a strce litht at 7th & Cleveland the locat~:n was by the I't'Ianresa Hall, he commonted that it 'dqS a very dark street and that a liGht was needed a t that location. Counc -j Iman Judy made a motion seconded by Counc :Uman HoGlund that a 7000 lum liGht be installed at &th & Cleveland. After some discussion, roll call aas taken motion Was carried. ' --.-- . _.. 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8