HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/01/1970 , 8 I I :8 I . I I 8 MINUTES OF THE REGUIAR SESSION OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1970 Sept. 1, 1970 Port Townsend, Washington 2~¡9 ~ , ,- The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 1st day of Sept. 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL , Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor ;;mit1i., City Attorney Abraham, Ctty Clerk Youngblood, Counc ilmen"~Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Camfield, Steve, Lind,sey, Norwood. MINUTES OF TIm PREVIOUS SESSION The minutes of the previQus sessión were read in full and it was moved by Councilman Lindsy seconded by Councilman Camfield that the minutes be approved as read. Motion carried. . BILLS & CLAIMS The following bills & claims as audited oy the finance committee were presented and acted upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-----------------------Voucher No~ STREET FUND-- ----------- --------------'----~ Voucher No. WATER-SEWER FUND--------------------------L.Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND-------------------------------Voucher No~ LIBRARY FU}ID-------------------------------Voucher No~ PARK FUND--,----- -- ----- -- --- -- ----- ----- ---Voucher No. 1967 SE1JVER CONSTRUCTION FUND---------------Voucher No~' URBAN ARTERIAL STREET FUND-----------------Voucher No. + . through through through thr9ugh thr ough thourhg through through '7510 1873 :2829 1742 :2199 1088 :243 '7 7459 1857 2794 1724 2178 1079 241 4 --$5,989.65 --$4,236.80 --1~~4' 756.92 -- 1,709.48 --J 578~ 36 -- 242~73 --$ 479.89 --$44,488.92 . ~ It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Camfield that the bills and claims be approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of samè. OFFICERS REPORT CI TY CLERK The ci ty clerk reported the regular salary warrants for the Mont h of August 1970. CURRENT EXPENSEoFUND-----------------------Voucher No. STREET FUND--------------------------------Voucher No. WATER-SEWER FUND---------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE Fl~ID-------------------------------Voucher No. LIBR~RY FU}ID-------------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND--.--- ------- -- ------------ ----- ---Voucher No.' FIREM~¡ PENSION & RELIEB FUND--------------Voucher No. 7438 1851 2787 1720 2176 1078 328 through through through thr°"\lgh through '7458 1856 :2793 1723 :2177 through .329 --$7,360~2l --$2,:?37.98 --$2;589.27 --11,623.,52 -- 462.60 -- 346~72 -- 440.50 TREASURER The treasurer's report W2S read for the Month of Aug. 1970 and was ordered filed. POLICE 'lhe police report WAS read for the Month of Aug. 1970 and WnS ordeJ'ed filed. CO~~ITTEE REPORTS . . . Councilman Linsey reported that the street èommittee was unable to contact Dr. Dickerson on his proposed street vacation due to the fact that the Doctor was on vacation. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Smithsaid that at the last meeting" the council had taken action indicating that they would receive and consider a proposed contract by the Cascade Ambulance Service, since- that time and as of today several thi ngs has happened, one is that he heard tha t ,the CasGadêc~Ambulance I Service had ceased business, I'iIr Slißht of the Cascade Ambulance Service said that he had receiViod a call from Olympia and it was related to him that in the Attorneys Jeneral Opinion that a contract between city goverment and a provate company to provide ambulance service was in fact not o~ly illegal but also unconstitutional. °l~ said that he had also been informed ~y the City Attorney that the State Auditors Office also ques tion~;d the legality of the cont:ract. Mr Slight said ho wauld now withdraw tho proposed contract for consideration and as previously stated wou1d be unable to continue under the present circumstances. . Mayor Smitu said that this leaves the city without ambulance servi,~e and could not see where the city could buy equipment al}d provide personnel around the clock 'b?sis. The best that could be done now would be to use the fire and po1~ce ~ersonne1 and equipment on emergency basis to to the best of the city's ability. He said that there were seve:ra1 lines open, one a volunteer organization that has been mentioned. Councilman Hoglund reported the attempts of a Port Ludlow ,-,;roup to organize a meeting to thoes j,nterested in maintaining something in the form of ambulance service in the eastern part of J~fferson County. No further action W"S tal{en by the council. , Mayor Smith said that on the agenda toni;c;ht was a discuss:i.on on mobile homes and at this time the floor was open for discussion. ~ Councilman Camfield said that the council had received a proposed ordinance by the attorney representing the property owners of theA&W and asked the city clerk to read the proposed ordinance. AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING USE OF ì\'IOBILE HJMES . WI THIN CITY FOR CARETAKER PURPOSES THE CTT'! COUNCIL OF THE CI'l'Y OF PORT 'l'O;\iNSEND, IN-'REGULAR SESSrOi'-r ASSEMBLED, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ~ŒEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Townsend has been petitioned to allow a mobile 'home to used oy à business owner for living purposes upon his business premises in order to better protect such premises from vandalism; and ' vVHEREAS, petitioner is willing to place such mobile home upon a solid fo ndation and to landscape the premises around the trailer; and WHERAS, the Council finds the purposes of the ~ titioner in desiring to live upon the premises for protective purposes to be sound in fact, now therefore, the Council, having duly considered the matter, does ordain as f'ollows: ~ ,. -- 280 ~ .-- . -_.~.- .,~----_._-_. - ----,. _u~UU'-"~~ ~ ----_.._._-~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF SEPTEMBER 1st, 1970, CONTINUED ~ ~ ~ ..- _._~.... _..u.. - ~-~-""u_'----_" ------~-_..... ,-_.~._~-- --- ..---. .. nU. Sectionl. Mobile homes may be used wi thin the City of' Port Tovmsend where ~such use is reasonably necessary to allow protectibe care of business premises; provided, the mobile home is placed upon a solid, non-tire foundation and the surrounding area is landscaped so as to substantially reduce the visibility of such mobile home from comrnon public view. Section 2. This ordinance shall serve as an exception to the existing ordinances restricting the use of mobile homes within the City of Port Townsend. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, approval and publication in the form and manner requiród ny law. . Councilman Norwood said that it seemed like a reasonable re""'uest to her and the5r would probably be other requests, and thought each should be judged on its merit. SElBe said that th: mobile home in ~uestjon and at the location would be an asset to Port Townsend and not a liability, and therefore make a motion to accept the ordinance as proposed. Mayor Smith said the motion was not proper at this time. . Councilman Steve said he would make a motion to have the ordinance submitted to the Legislative Committee for a report at anothe~ meeting. Seconded by Councilman Hoglund. M tion carried. Mayor Smith asked the committee to think of such things as the building cod@, fire limits, fire codes and other things that would effect the city by the ordinance. Mr Morgan of Victorian Village Mobile Park, spòke in favor of Mobile homes and would like at this time to renew his renuest for mobile hJmes on lots in the city of Port Townsend. No further action was taken by the council. Under Old Business, the City Clerk read the following emergency ordinance, he explained that the additional .dlunds was required to fulfill the city's ten~IE";rcènt;'cost obligation on the final 143,000.00 Monre Street Project. ORDINANCE NO. 1595 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $3,764.45 TO THE URBAN ARTERIAL STR~ET FUND IN TI-Œ 1970 BUDGET, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.. Due to the nature of Ord. No. 1595, it had to be held over until the next regular session. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Smith said that under the Monroe Street Project, we have run into a s~tuation concerning one of the manholes that was constructed out of brick in 1903, the depth was aroun~ twenty seven feet, it was completely shot and dangerous to send anyone down into the manhole. He said it had to be repaird~and action by the council would be to go ahead with the repairs, the cost would be around $3,000.00. After some discussion, Councilman Lindsey made a motion seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the city go ahead and repair the manhblë while the contractor on the Monroe Street project was here. Motion carried. The City Clerk presented to the council a letter from Kl'amer, Chin & Mayo, consulting engineers for the city of Port Townsend which stated that Mr Surace, contractor on the Monroe Street project had Quoted a figure of $575.00 to provide the bar screen protection and rock rip rap at the end of the storm sewer outfall, and asked the city councils approval of this change of' expenditure. Mayor Smith explained that to cut expenditures, the designed outfall was cut back a considerable distance, and this expenditure was necessary for protectin at the end of the outfall. He said the money for th~s is not additional money, it would come out of the contingency fund already in the contract. It was moved by Councilman Scheyer seconded by Councilman Steve that the contractor be authorized to proceed with the bar screen and rock rip rap as re~uested for the sum of $575.00, the money to be taken out of the contingency fund. I'.10tion carried. Councilman Norwood again asked about the status of the bell tower. Councilman Camfield reported that public donations now total ~$1, 568. 00. After some discussion, ~,Iayor Smith said that he w::,s sœe the council would not feel right in doing somet~ing to the bell tower to a large extent when we have sewer problems and no ambulance service. Councilman Hoglund asked about the Blaine St. improvement project and if the contractor had defaulted. Engineer French reported that several m~nor difficulties entered by the contractor had been resolved and that work wos expected to move into the area later this week. The City Clerk read the following Correspondence. From CharJes E. 1illa11in Port Townsend, Wn. Sept. 1, 1970 to-vii t: The Honorable Frank M. Smith Members of the City Council Attached find my check no. 2487, dated 8/31/70 in the sum of $30.00 to pay my second hand license for the Loft Anti~ues store to and through Dec. 31, 1970. I am paying this under protest. I am pay ng it becuause I owe same, and it is under protes because I f'eel that the enf'orcement of municipal codes and ordinances should not be on an arbitrary basis. I am referring to my past inquiries during the last three years with regard to municipal code section 5.36.010 covering a license f'ee payable by the day for operation of a temporary store. I do not observe a business license posted in the old Safeway building, so I presu~e that operation was temporary as I contended previously. . A point, which I am taking out of context from a recent letter to the editor of' the local paper, Quote "Difference in decisions depending on who is asking", unquote, 1;vas well taken. As I have maintained in the past, I feel that Iilunicipal codes and City Ordinances should be adhered to and enforced on a fair and equal basis. I believe that the best t::ing to know about a rule is to know when to break it, but an ordinance or law is another matter. Sincerely, Charles E. Wallin No council act'ion was required on the above communication. To: As there Councilman AD JO1JRNliLEN T was no further business to come before the council at this Scheyer seconded by Councilman Lindsey t>at theu!!l~ting do ~-¿{ ~,rAYOR .. 7/ moved by 'on carried. Attest: 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8