HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/04/1970 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 275- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF AUGUST 4, 1970 August 4, 1970 Port Tovmsend, Washington The Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Port Townsend" met in regular s eS:3 ion this 4th day of Augus t, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of' the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL , . Officers and members present were as fol10';'s:' 'I'.'Iayor Smith, Cittr Attorney Abraham, City Clerk! Youngblood, Councilmen Camfield, Lindsey Norwood, Judy Hoglund~ Councilman Steve arrived duridg the readmng of the bill's & Claims. Councilman Scheyer absent. j ., MINUTES' OF THE PREVIOTJS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Llndsey seconded by Councl1man Judy that the minutes of the preVl us session be dispensed with. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS The following bills & claims as audited by the finance committee were presented and acted upon as follows: . CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------Voucher No. WATER-SEWER FUND-----------------------Voucher No. S'l'RimT FUND- -- -- -- ---- - ------------ ----Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND---------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND---------------------------Voucher No~ PARK FUND------------------------------Voucher No. FIREMillT PENSION & RELIEF FUND----------Voucher No. 1967 SEWER CaNST. FUND-----------------Voucher No. ARTERIAL STREET FUND-------------------Voucher No~ URBAN ARTERIAL STREET FUIID-------------Voucher No. 7382 2763 1828 1703 2148 1068 326 240 15 2 thr ough 1 7 through 3' through through through through through through through 743'7 278G 1850 1719 2171) 107'7 327 . , , --$8,169.00 --!2,877.09 --Jr2,591.38 --:u:l,420.89 --I 704~18 --, 325~60 --, 45~6l ~h 114.17 - - ~ 82.17 --.jþ -82.67 . It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the bills and claims be approved as read and that the-Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper'f'unds for payment of same. Motion carried. , . OFFICERS REPORT CITY CLERK ' . The city clerk reported the following salary warrants for the Month of July 1970. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------Voucher No~ WATER-SE~ER FU~ID-----------------------Voucher No. STREET FUND----------------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND---------------------------Voucher No~ LIBRARY FU1ID---------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND------------------------------Vouchér No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FU1ID----------Voucher No. 7361 2756 1822 1699 2146 1067 324 through 325 through thr 0 ugh through through thr ough 7381 276:~ 182'7 17œ~ 214'7 --Þ7,360.2l --,,2,549~18 --:2,337~98 -- '1,603.39 :--'f 462~60 --1E 346~72 --$ 440.50 . TREASURER ' 'The treasurer's report was read in full for the Month of July 1970 and was ordered filed. POLICE The police report was read in full for the Month of July 1970 and was ordered filed. COMMUNICATIONS The following communications were presented and acted upon as follows: FROM:Frank J. Hensel, Seattle, Washington to:wit: City Council Port Townsend, Vvashington 98368 Gentlemen: - Please be notified that I would like to participate and expect to be assessed for a water system that could provide an adequate amoun for the proposed Hensel Addition on the Discovery Road, just inside the city limits. . We hope to build some economy type homes 'in that area in the near future. Thank you for your consideration. " YOURS TRULY, Frank J. Hensel From: Frank J. Hensel Seattle, Wn. to-wit: City Council Port Townsend, Wash. 98368 Gentlemen: , - I would hope that you will-soon consider installing a water system in the Evergreen Addition anea of southwest Port Townsend, where I am a property owner. Naturally I would expect to be assessbd for these improvements. I Hope very soon to build some inexpensive homes in that Area. I have found the interest in the Port Tovmsend area co~siderable. Thank you for your consideration., , Yours truly, Frank J. Hensel ~- Mayor Smitþ said he would bring the two comHunication up under new business. From: Neil Potthoff, Chaiman Li~ray Board, Aug. 3, 1970, to-wit: TO: The Honorable Mayor Frank Smith Members of the City Council Subject: Lib~ary Wage Fund 276 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ~SSION OF AUGUST 4, 1970, CONTINUED - - -------------------------------- ----- --- --- ----------- - -- - -- -- - - - - - - The Public Library will be f'acing a serious deficit i~ f'unds available for extra personnel before the end of September. It was known that tfuis would hAPpen with the 1970 budgeted funds $1200 short of' the f'unds allowed for extra help for the year 1969. The hours open to the public have been curtailed to the very li 'it for the community served, - and in behalf of the members of the library board, I am taking this opportunity to ask for your consideration and help to meet this crisis. Thank you. 8 Sincerely yours, Neil Potthoff, Chairman Public Library Board of Trustees Frank Kilham, library board member, stated the need would be around 1,200.00. said he would check with the City Clerk and also the Library Board. REPORTS I,layor Smith I Mayor Smith reported that the UAB had approved ~he reduction in scope and also the cost figures on the Monroe street project. He said that the contracts had came in and had been signed according to action taken by the council at the last meeting and that the project sho Id get under waY in a very few days. I Councilman steve said he would like to make one comment on the opening of bids, ~le said he f'elt that the bids should be opened in the council chambers on a council meeting night and not at someplace e1~e. Councilman Hoglund agreed. BID OP2NING Mayor Smith said that his was the time and place for the bid opening for the Blaine Street project and asked the city clerk read the bids on hand. J. P. Surace Const. Co. Inc. Seattle, Wn. North Kitsap Gravel & Asphalt Co. Pou1sbo, Wn. Ralph Wells, Qui1cene Wn. ' Morris Const. Inc. Tacoma, Wn. 44,929.00 53,746.50 48,938.60 56,866.20 8 Engineer French said that the bid of' J.P. Surace was low, 3,000.00 over the estimated figures, and also the low bidder, he is also the low bidder on the Monroe street project ~nd recommended the council to award the bid to J. P. Surace. Ralph \-Ve11s, of QuilceI:1e,~ one of the bidders asked that all the bids be checked. Mayor S~ith asked the engineer to check the bids and would now go on with the regular order of business. OLD BUSINESS Councilman Norwood made a motion to reconsider a motion of passage of ordinance no. 1594 and further move that the ordinance be read for the first time. Councilman Camfield seconded the motion. Upon the question, City Attorney Abraham explained that this is the or'dinance vacating certain streets in fowler park on the petition of Mr & I~s Harms, two streets and several alleys were left out of the orginal ordinance, the ordinance has not been published and therefore has not taken affect. He said that Counciman Norwoods motion is to reconsider the previous motion and also that the ordinance be read for the first time because the ordinance in this form has not been read at all. Upon roll call vote, moti~n was carried. I ORDINANCE NO. 1594 AN ORDINANCE VACATING T OSE PORTIONS OF CLAREMONT & CALUl':ŒT STREETS LYING BETYŒEN PEARY AVE. & NORTH PEARL STREET, VACATING THE UTILITY ALLSYS EXISTING IN BLOCK 68, 73 & THE EAST ONE-HALF OF BLOCK 66 AND FURTHER VACATING THAT PORTION OF 1ffiDRONA STRZET LYING UNDER WATER AND ABUIJTING BLOCK 68, ALL LYING AND BEING IN FO'."JLER PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TO\fJNSE1'm, RESERVING EASE'l'ftENTS, & PROVIDING FOR PA"MENT OF COSTS. 8 It was moved by counc i1man Lindsey seconded b-_T Coun~ ilman Judy that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1594 was again read for the third time by title only and it was moved b'é Council- man Judy seconded by Councilman Lindsey that Ord. No. 1594 do now pass. Motion carried. I Councilman Norwood said she would like to ask again about the Bell Tower, and sug~Gsted that a cost estimate be made. Councilman Camfield said the donations weÐe now over a thousand dollars. After some discussion, Engineer French said he would try and have an esti~ate at the next regular meeting. CoUncilman Norwood said that she had been approched on whether or not a mobile home could be placed at a.place of business to guard the premises, Sh3 said she understood that in some cities that ordinances made allowances for a caretaker trailor or mobile home to guard the property and wondered if yur ordinance cou1dnt be modified in this way. After considerable discussion Mayor Smith appointed a committee, Councilman Norwood, Camfield and Lindsey to further investigate any proposed ordinance revisions which might be referred to the council for consideration. I ox 8nJDrn:XN~ x :mOtìOOŒJOrnM~~XRIDm nOŒ:UC~~XmDDCmrXm ~~«nnn ~ ~ R'X$ ~D2moorn ÞtX~.IDOOmcR K bOOt]( ~ X ~ ß XKNIDCREXXX~ XNXDnVCX ~~ Jœrn RX m X K NIX vcmwNXED JOOØmR ~MKN7 X MJiJãi(JŒiKXXH~DŒ UXK2C XXXJOOCX U DX aQCjf nK OCX XK6íX V! ~«KX OCKXtOi ~:t(XñOO{ )Q;tt~X ~«roqœMM:n 1C ø:UXX .p 1aWiUXIDiXXK KXn KX 1íX*X KlíXX!'HiXXX Pi XXK1fX][~Pi nijÇ{ QŒXXH~){]iliã ~ n XXXXXXøx ~ :'ßiWC ~ X~Mocn~ KK~ lCID!r~j[GnUiX]ijeXUH iŒ.!XJàOO(XUMKnn .:;aU:IOC DilÐŒ ~nn~ XX ~ ~JOHitXXXMn!: OX« DXD OCX 8 MaCTor Smith said that we have had the subject of approval of a platt of the Hensel addition, the requirements is to provide for utilities and get the necessary other clearances. He said he understood at the present time that the Health Dept. had approved it to date. 277 MINUTES OF THE REG LAR SESSION OF AUGUST 4, 1970,~~ONTINUED I - Engineer French said that the Health Dept.. had signed the plat wh:Lch indicated the authoriza 'on of sceptic tanks. He said that Mr l.iensle had stated he was. willing to participate in an assessnll nt district, this assessment district if it is formed by the.,approval of the abutting property - owners would extend from 14th street to the Red Kettle. He said the cos t of such an :Lns tala tiln would be around 35,000. after which Mr Hensel would have an addit iona1 cost of ~~7, 500. . Engr. French said he had talked to the bonding company about his, they are willing to take a look. with the exception of' Mr. Hensels property, their attitude is they will take care of the prope~ty owners but are not willinp; to have bonding cover any, private developer. He said he had suggested to 1~. Hensel that he contact other property owners to see if there is a desire to have this I water sytem put in, if there is a desire, the council can set a public hearing, order the city engineer to make estimates and if the hearing is favorable, proceed with bonding and construct'on. Mr Hensel said he was surprised by theb:mding companys atti6ude and fe1 t that participation of the Hensel and Evergereen Additions would provide considerable a:3sis tance to the proposed project in that area. Mayor Smity said that we would continue on it and knew that that there was a need in that area. 8 I . Mayor Smitþ said that he had been invited along with other public officials to attend a meet.~ of the Olympic Reginal Planning Council, and was asked to join. He explained nnd described the working of the Council such as it would be a c1eañng house for cases involving federal and sta~e aid programs, it would be actually a clearing house to expedite certain mat:ters and it would be at no cost to thecity. City Attorney Abraham also spoke in favor of the city joining. Councilman Hoglund made a motion seconded by Councilman Steve that the city of Port Townsend join the Olympic Regina1 Planning Council. Motion carried. ACCEPTANCE OF BLAINE STREET BID Engineer French said that he had checked all the bids and found tha t J~ P ~ Surace Cons t. Co. w~§ the low bidder and recommended that the city accept the low bid of J.P. Surace. it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the bid be awarded to J.P. Surace Const. Co. Motion carried. 8 RESOLUTION NO. 70-7 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING THE SUM OF $150.00 FROM WAGES TO SALARIES, THE SUM'OF $500.00 FROM CAPITAL OUTLAY AND THE SUM OF $400.00 FROM EQUIPMENT RENTAL TO MAINTENANCE AND REAPIRS IN THE 1970 BUDGET OF THE PORT TOWNSEND SEWER DEPARTIillNT. Mayor Smi tþ1 explained that we were going to raise the wages of the 1 ast man hired af'ter his proba tionary per iod and the amount wasn t put in the beginning of th'3budget year. I t was moved By Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Camfield that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried. I RESOLUTION ON 70-8 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SIX YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PLAN, AS PRESm1TED FOR T&E YEAR 1970. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the resolution now be adopted. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO. 70-9 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING THE SUM OF $150 FROM OTHER COHTRACTUARL SERVICES TO CHAINMAN AND CLERICAL IN THE 1970 BUDGET OF T}Œ CITY ENGIN~ER. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the resolution now be adopted. Motion carried. 8 ADJOURNMENT As there was no f'urther business to core before the council at this time it was moved by Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Judy that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. I .M I 8 ---'~ -,-- '-- - - -,-