HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/1970 2'11 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 16, 1970,CONTlNUED - I Mayor Smit~ said if he f'elt there W3S going to be 6,000.00 left in the street f'und there would be several things that it could be used f'or. . Councilman Norwood said she heped the mayor would remember at the end of the year, because she WaS going to point out how much money was left in the street fund. The City C 1e rk again said that he woul d grant that there c-quld be that muchsb,Q,Jlingc.ó~,the end of the year but it wouldonot be surplus monies, most of the.monies that w~eft ~ ear- marked for the 1970 budget. Councilman Norwood said to the Mayor - If you are not going to vot9 in the next few minutes, she would have to leave. Mayor Smi~ called f'or a roll call vote, Councilman Norwood, Lindsey, SEteve, 6amfie1d, .Judy voted yae, Councilman Scheyer voted nae, Councilman Hoglund absent. Motion carr led. Councilman Norwood asked to be excuséd. 8 ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the council at this time, it was moved þy Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Judy that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. I Attest.' -d ?F-.' /' ~--:., MkYÖR ~ ~ -=-.-/ " \... MDJUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 7, 1970 July 7, 1970 Port Townsend, Washington 8 The Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Port Tovmsend, met in regular session this 7th day of July, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were pS follows: Mayor Smith, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Lindsey, Norwood, Councilmen Steve, Camfield absent. City Attorney Abraham, abs ent. . MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION I It was mov-ëd by Councilman Scheyer seconded by Councilman Judy thE.t the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS The f'ollowing bills & claims as audited by the finance committèe were presented and acted upon as follows: 8 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-----------------Voucher WATER-SEWER FUND----- ---------- ----.-- Voucher STREET FUW)--------------------------Voucher GARBAGE Fln~D-------------------------Voucher LIBRARY FUND-------------------------Voucher PARK FUND----------------------------Voucher FIP~M~N PENSION & RELIEF FUND--------Voucher SP Er;IAL ARJ?'rERIAL STREET FUND-------- Voucher URBAN ARTERIAL FUND------------------Voucher No. 7297 through 7360 ---$15,514.40 No. 2717 through 2755 ---$12,943.05 No~ 1798 'through 1821 ---$ 4;260~74 ~Jo. 1680 through 16~8 ---~ 2,635~38 Bo. 2115 through 2lã5 ---~ 1,146.40 No. 1054 through 1066 ---$ 514.75 No~-------------------------------- No~ 14 ---~ 460~00 No.1 ---:¡¡> 30.08 It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the bills & claims be approved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of same. Motion carried. OFF'ICERS REPORT CITY CLERK The city clerk presented the following salary_warrants for the Month of Jund 1970. I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-----------------Voucher No. WATER-SEWER FUND----~----------------Voucher No~ STREET FUND----~---------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND-------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY Fm~D-------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND----------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND--------Voucher No. 7276 through 7296 ---~Þ7, 263. 81 271Ø through 2716 ---~2,53l.98 1792 through 1797 ---$2,345.78 1676 through 1679 ---$1,582.90 2113 through 2114 ---1$ 459.00 1053-----------------' 343~92 322 through 323 ---~) 437.50 I TREASURER The treasurers report was read in full for the Month of June 1970, and was ordered f' i1ed. POLICE The police report was read in full for the Montlìof June 1970 and was ordered filed. COMMUNICATIONS The following co~~unications were presented and acted upon as follows: From DoS. Gràham, 1112 F Street Port Townsend, Wn. June 30, 1970 to-wit: 8 Port Townsend City C?~nci1 City Hall' .~ Port Townsend, Wa. 98368~ The street light at the co~ner of Redwood and F streets, an incandescent type light, has been out for àlm:ôst a year now. When it was operational, it gave out such a feeble light one hardly noticed it when it burned out. Would you kindly consider the installation of a mercury vapor light at this location' This ligh~ I 2,,72 ?nNUT~~S OF THE RtEGULAR SESSION OF JULY 7, 1970,CONTINUED is the only light in the area and is .';reat1y needed. Also, a "SLOW!! sign which was installed some where in the vicinity (it was down when we moved here over a year ago and we exhumed it from the weeds at the side of the road) has for the last past several weeks laid at the side of the road, its condition oblivious to the city road crews working in the vicinity. This sign should perhaps be re-instal1ed at its original site, if such is known, in the Dope that it would perform to some degree the function it was intended to perform. Very truly yours, B.S. Graham 1112 F Street ?ort Townsend, -w <tip. Counc i1man Norwood said that she had already cDlled the light company and asked them to r'ep1ace the light. Mayor Smith såid the sign that was found was a contractors sign that had been left, it was not a municipal sign. CO¡'~ì\UTTEE Rj$PORTS Counc51man Norwood said she expected the represenative from Dunsworth Associates to be present, that he had called yesterday and said he vvould 'Je here, whether ~1e had arrived and couldnt find the place she didnt know. Mayor Smi th comented tha t if he ShOYled bef'ore the meeting vms.-over he would have him speak. OLD BUSINESS Under old business the city clerk read the following letter. Port Townsend, ,iashington June 30, 1970 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Port Townsend, Wash. SUBJECT: LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEI.H!""NT FOR STREET DEPT. LOAD~R Lease Agreement submitted by Air Mac, Inc., which was discussed In my opinion, this lease agreement does not comply with the State of ~ashington with regard to the lease and purchase of I have examined the form of at the last council meeting. statutory requirements of' the equipment. If the Council should desire to enter i~o such an agreement, it would be necessary to call for Bids, setting forth the terms of the lease purchase arrangement, and the specifications for the loader in the bid call. Such bid call would otherwise follow the usual form Bor bidding on purchases and sales by the City. I will be absent from the firs t co\,mc il meeting in July, and am vœi ting this brief memorandum to inform the council of my opinion with regard to the legality of the aforesaid matter. Sincerely, GLENN ABRAHAM City Attorney Ma~Tor Smith said they see:n only to be interested in a straight lease purchase or conditional sales contract and according to the city attorney it cant be done without going out for bids. Councilman Lin~sey said he had talked to the street supt. and thought if they cant get out something that we can handle they can can come and pick it up as far as they were concerned. lID said if it was put out for bids we would have more old machines co~ning in here than carter had liver pills. Mayor Smith said this c1eses the subject for the time being. PUBLIC H~ARING Mayor Smith said he would now declare a Public nearing with the rogard to the street vacation requested by Mr & rlIrs Harms of thoes portions of claremont and Calument Streets lying between Pearl and North Pearl streets, vacation of the 15' utility alleys existing in Blocks 68 and 73 and the Easterly portion of Block 66, all in the Fowler's Addition, f'urtl1er petitions for the vacation of Madrona St. now lying under water and abutted by Block 68. Mayor Smith asked if any member of the public had any comment either for or against the requested vacation, no response from tho public. Mayor Smith hearing 'no comrhent declared the-.",x' Public Hearing closed and reverted the meeting to the regular order of business. Mayor Smit~ said that the Planning Co¡~mission had recommended granting the vacation as requested. Councilman Lindsey said that the city engineer had recommended the vacation along with the planning commissionJand that he would go along with the vacation. Councilman Lindsey made a motion seconded by. Councilman Judy that the vacation be granted as requested including the necessary utility rights. Motion carried. NEVI BUSINESS Mayor Smith said that under new business we have been renuested to submit a six year street plan to the state in order to comply with the time limit that the arterial board had set, he said that we went ahead and sent the plan in with a notation the the council would meet on it at a later dateand it would be revised in accordance with council action. He said there was several thin~s about the plan and later in announcements w~s going to ask for a working session 6f the council next week to cover several different items. He said the engineer had given the street committee a 6þr street plan as it was written now and that it would be on the agenda f'or action at the next meeting. Mayor Smith said that the Blaine street project has been under discussion several times and urn er new business should we or should we not ask i'or bids for the project. Engineer French said that the estirmte on Blaine Street wolÜd be 47, 000. wi thout the sales tax, he said that there would be a hot mix plant here during the Mon~oe street street project and by calling for bids now probably would get a better price by having both projects going at the same time. . Mayor Smith said the nuestion now is whether to go and advertise for bids now or forget about it until next spring, he said it was a combination of weather and the location right by the school, and if the work was not finished by school time it would be a bad situation. i' 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 27'2 - ------ -- -----------"------ MI~~~~_~~- -~li.~_~..gYLAR SESSION ~JU~Y 7, 1970, CONTINUED .----.------ -------,. 8 Councilman Hoglund said it seemed to him that we should get going :In it for the road is in such a coI1d:j,.tion that he didnt think it could go through another winter. COljncilman Hogl 'md made a motiqn seconded by counc nman Judy tha tbids be called for on the Blaine Street Project. Motion carried. rilayor Smith asked for a working sessim for the council next Tuesday night at 8: 00 p.m., Councilman Hoglund offered his place of business for the meeting. ADJOURNMENT Attëst. Was nQ further business to come before the counçi1 at this time, it was moved by Judy seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the meeting do now a9journ. Motion carried. I .~ MAð~_/ . --. I As there C Ol,inc i lman I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 21, 1970 July 21, 1970- Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 21st day of July 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the coMncil chambers of', the City Hall. Mayor Smitþ presiding. 8 ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Camfield, Steve, Lindsey Norwood. Councilman Judy absent. MINUT~~:S OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Scheyer seconded by Councilman Camf'ie1d that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. COMMITTEE REPOR~S I Councilman Lindsey reported that the street lease for, Cotton Corpor'a tion had been thrashè.d out pretty well and would like to make a motion that the city extend the lease for one year for the price of $pO.OO. Councilman Hoglund seconded the motion. Upon the question, Councilman Camfield said that it had not been covered to well on another suggestion and that was to, allow the Cotton Corporation the use of the street in return to use the dock as a public dock. He thought it should be investigated before voting on the lease. After some discussion, Councilman Lindsey withdrew his motion, Councilman Hoglund withdrew his second. Mayor Smith asked the Street Committee to continue negotiations with Cotton Corporation on the lease. OLD BUSINESS Under old business, the city clerk presented the following Ordinanc:e: ORDINANCE NO 1594 8 AN ORDINANCE VACATING TmSE PORTIONS OF CLAREMONT STR-;:ET AND CALUMENT STREET LYING BETWEEN PEARY AVE. AND NORTII PEARL STREET IN THE FOWLER PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOVmSEIID, RESERVING EASE1ffiNTS AND REQ.UIRING PA-IMENT OF COST. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only., Motion carried. ..1 Ordinance No. 1594 was again road f'or the third time by ti tle onlYJ' and it was moved by CounciŒL- man Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hoglund that Ord. No. 1594 do now pass. Motion carried. II Councilman Norwood said that under old business she wo,'ld like to ask about the progress of' t e Bell Tower. Mavor Smith said that to the best of his knowledge the project was still waiting for some increased voluntary contributions and possible contmibution of timbers for the legs. Engineer French mentioned that the contributions were a little over (370.00. Councilman Norwood said she hoped something could be done before this winter. I Mayor Smith asked it there was a bid award in connection with the Monroe Street project. Mr. Kei th Grimm of the consulting engineer f'irm of Kramer" Chin and Mayo, said that the low bid for the improvement of Monroe Street was slightly more than the amount of money that we have for construction, the low bid was 141,480.00 and with engineering, inspection and field surveys, would exceed the amount of money that was available .for construction.. He said he had ana1ÿsëdd the bids and had broken down the items that could be deleted from the project and bring it down to within scope of money that is available. Mr Grimm passed copies to each councilman. He said in order to bring the project within the monies that are available it can be done by taking the contractors low bid on schedules A & B and deducting 19,024.00 would l~ave 122,456.00 and when you add the engineering and inspection, field surveys and contingency of 20,544.00 you would come up with a total of 143,000.00. He said he had checked with the Urban Arterial Board, this money can and they are willing to participate in the additional 10% above the original amount of money that they had allowed and also the city participate in the additi nal 10% above the original 130,000.00 there would be the 143,000.00 in the construction project. He said if we do not have any contingecy or any expense beyond the còntractor then we cou1 go back and put the sidewalk that has been recom~ended to be held back. fIr Grimm recommended that the city make the award subject to these deletions and also subject to the approval of the Urban Arterial Board. Councilman Hoglund asked what would be wrong in postponement until we have money job. Engineer French said if we póst~one the project we would be taking would receive any money in three or four yeprs. 8 ~.__.-. -.-- - -. -'. for a complete II a long shot that the ci ty II 1\