HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/16/1970 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 - ;::!!! 26'.~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF .JUNE 16,; .1970 . - -. ," '" - -,- " " , June 16, 1970) Port Townsend, Washington ! The City Council of' the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 16th day of June 1970 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Of'ficers and members present'were as follows: Mayor Smith,. City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Norwood, Lindsey, steve, Camfield, Judy, Scheyer. Councilman Hoglund absent. . , MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION . It was moved by Councilman Scheyer seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the minutes of the prëvious session be dispensed with. Motion carried. COMf':1UNICATIONS The following communications were presented and acted upon as follows: From Cotton Corporation, Port Townsend Wn. June 11, 1970 to;wit. Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Port Townsend City Hall Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Gentlemen: It has been caÌ1ed to our attention'that our Madison Street Franchise which has been in force for the past thirty years has expired. We would therefore like to request an extension of this franchise for until June 1, 1980. We assuem that the terms and conditions will remain the same. . under Ordinance 1115 another ten years, or , . Very truly yours, . . Cotton Corporation ,George J. Cotton President , , Mayor Smitþ referred the above communication ,to3the Street Committee and the Planning Comm- ission for a report at the next regular session. From: Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority, Olympia, Wn. June 15,1970, to:wit. TO: Chairmen, Boards of County Commissioners Mayors, 'Cities and Towns FROM: Joel L. Durnin, Control Officer RE: 1971 Contributions to the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority. The Washington Clean Air Act requires that the Board of' eaèh shall notify each component city~' town, and county, prior to year, of the share of supplemèntal income to be paid by such for the ensuing calendar year. . At its June 3, 1970, meeting, the Olympic Air Pollution Control Auth.ority Board of Directors established the percapita assessment for 1971 at seven cents. The popu1at10n figure will be based on the booklet, "April 1, 1969 Population Counties arid Municipalities State of Washing- ton," published by the Washington State Planning and Community Affairs Agency. Theref'ore, this letter will serve as notification that, f'or the 1971 assessment to the Olympic Air Pollution Control Æuthority, your co'nty or municipality should budget seven cents for each person residing within your area of jurisdiction. Enclosed for your information are copy of-the applicable section of the Washington Clean Air Act and a x erox copy of the booklet page, indicating the population of your entity. Air Po11utio~ Control Authority the fourth Monday in-June of each com:onent city, town, or county , . JLD;m Enclosures cc: County Auditors Clerks, Cities and Towns 'Mayor Smitþ thought that this should be read so that the people know that the city is taxed according to state law. COMMITfEE REPORTS Jack Fields of the Water Department reported that the work on the reservoir had been comp1eteal and that it would be filled this week. , OLD BUSINESS Mayor Smith said that under old business, the Monroe street projeet would now come up first so that the Enp:,inoer would have a chance to get back'to Seattle, }:ie såia '.that..:;lt};lecmon.ròé~_s.:"I1reet prgject~wäsri~_the:h?nds of the consulting englneers, estimates and specifications had been completed, specifications ~vere senm last week to the UAB to be approved. Mr Warrne, consul ting engineer for the city, said theUAB \vould cons ider the app1 ic a tion or the submis s ion of the plans on a reduced scope, estimated monies now would only be to Blaine st. major cost would be the storm drainage, the plan called for a 36 foot asphalt street with curbs, gutters, side- walks on the westerly side only. He said time was a major factor and suggested to the council that the Mayor or City Engineer be authorized to call for bids subject to UAB approval. After some discussion on whether or not the council had been infol'med of the project by Councilman Steve, it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Colmcilman Scheyer that bids be called for with specif'ications subject-to the approval of the UM~. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1590 Emergency Ord. No. 1590 duly incorporated in the min~tes of the p1'evious session was again brought berore the council for passage or rejection. It was moved by Councilman camfie1a. second by Councilman Steve that the first reading be considered the s~êoR~~eading and the third readi~ be ~y ti t1e only. Motion carried. - ìl 268 MINUTES OF TIm REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 16, 1970, CONTINUED - , .-.-.--.--,------ ..---- ,-- -- Ordinance No. 1590 was again read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Councilman Camfield seconded by Councilman Judy that the ordinance do now be adopted. Motion carried. ORDINANCE 1591 AN ORDINANCE VACAT1NG THAT PORTION OF C STR!~ET LYING BETWEEN \VIT,LOVJ STRSET AND ROSZ STREET RESERVING EASEMENTS THEREIN, AND REQUIRING PAYì':IENT OF COSTS. It was moved by Councilman LJndsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1591 was again read for the third time by title only and it was moved by Council~an Camfield seconded by Councilman Lindsey that ordinance No. 1591 now be adopted. Mo tion carried, ORDINANCE NO. 1592 AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OF LANDES STR ~ET LYING BETVrEli.'N THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF 28TH STREET AND THli: SOUTH BOUNDARY OF 29th STR:2ET, RESERVING EASEIJ~NTS TIL~REIN AND REQUIRING PAYMENT OF COSTS. It w~s moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 1592 Was again read for the third time by title only and it was moveg by Councilman JUdy: seconded by Councilman Lindsey that Ord. No. 1592 be now adopted. M tion carried. BID AWARD Bids to repair the city hall were opened at the last regular session, award~ng of' the bid was held over until this regular session to give the City 3ngineer time to look them over so that he could give his recommendation. The City Clerk in~ormed the Mayor and council that the City engineer had approved the low bid of Alleman Mill and Supply Co. of Port An ~e1es ':/ashington the amount of the bid $$2,087.00 plus tax and recommended that the council should accept the bid. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded bY,C)unci1man Norwood that the low bid of Alleman Mill and Supply Co. of iort Angeles, Wn. of $2,087,00 plus tax be accepted and that the deposit checks of the unsuceessfu1 bidders be returned. Motion carried. Councilman Norwood brought up the ~uestion to where the money was co~ing from, the Cumulãtive reserve fund or the City Hall fund. After some discussion of the legal aspects of the cumulative reserve fund it was the opinion the money should come from the City Hall budget fund. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Smith said that scheduled for tonight was a public hearing on a street vacation requested by the Port of Port Townsend Port Commissioners for vacating that certain alley lying in Block 35 of the Railroad Addn. to the City of Port Tovmsend - ~;/e vJÍ11 now declare the public hearing open and is there anyone of the public who~, desires to make f'or or against or ~DY comments concerning the reqle3t of the vacation. There were no comments. l;Iayor Smith said the public hearing is now declared closed and the meeting will now revert to the regular order of business. Mayor Smitþ said the planning co!nmission has recommended the vacation be granted as requested. Mayir Smith asked the City Clerk to read the following ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 1593 A--. ORDINANCE VACATING THAT ALLb-Y LYING VJITIIIN BLOCK 35 OF THE RAILROAD ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TŒ"mSEND, RESERVING EASEr:IENTS THEREIN, AND REQUIRING PAYI'ÆENT OF COSTS. It was moved by Councilman Camfield seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the f'irst reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. MotJon carried. Ordinance No. 1593 was again read for the third time by title only and it WnS moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that Ord. No. 1593 be now adopted. Motion carried. Mayor Smith announced that the Air Ppllition Control Board has granted a one year waiver of no burning at the dump. Mayor Smith said that the last action on the Hensel Addition was to ask for the health clearance on the plat and informat~on as to utilities services and asked ~œ Hensel how it wa~ progressing. Mr Hensel said that the health department report was favorable and as far as the water was concerned he had a discussion with Tl'Ir French and felt he would be contributip..g a great dwa1 to the cause of the city water department if tlley would put watèr out in that area. Mayor S~1Íth suggested to ~œ Hensel to get the health department to sign the plat and all in that area should get together and decide whether to go LID or someway else. Engin~er French asked a question about the county interest in city plats. Mayor Smith said the county does have an interest in all plats within the city and informally he has been advised they no objections to this plat but also shoud get the county signature on the plat. have NEW BUSINESS The following resolutions were presented and acted upon as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 70-5 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY CL3RK TO ACCEPT A CIŒCK IN THE SUM 'OF $207.41 IN SETTL~1;MENT OF LITIGATION, AND AUTHORIZDW THE DEPOSIT TIŒREOF IN THE VlATER-SBh'ER DEPARTUENT FUND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOPINSEND, IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED, DOES H~EBY RESOLVE: , ~ffiB~EAS, ,t~e City of Port Townsend h~s entered into litigation with other plaintiffs concer- nlng prlce flxlng under the Federal Antrltrust Statutes with regard to th h d chlorine for the treatment of the public ctty water supply, and e purc asean sale of" J 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 269~ .. - MnJUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 16, 1970, CONTr:NUED - 8 WHEREAS, said suit was supervised by the office of the Attorney General for the State of Washington, and said suit has now been ~ettled and distribution of the settlement h.as been made, and WHEREAS, the City of Port Townsend has been paid the sum of $207. ,~l as its share of said settlement, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to accept the -,¡um of $207.41- in settle- ment of the aforesaid suit agains t Pennsalt Co., and is further authorized and dir ec ted to deposit the same in the Sewer-Water Dept. Fund of the City. Passed this 16th day of June, 1970. I . FRANK M. SMITH Mayor ATTEST: , GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: I GLENN ABRAHAM City Attorney Attorney Abraham explained that this was a, part of an antitrust suit against Pennsa1t Co. rw #Bðdtotal amount of the suit was $30,000.00 for all the state. After' a questiBVi 9BUWflyl~!~ ~ge fuoney from the pipe litigation received did not all go into the water fund apd ater again the, C.ity Attorney exp1ainning why it didnt, Mayor Smitþ called for a motion on the resolution. Councilman Norwood made a motion seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the resolution be adopted I'/lotion carried. 8 RESOLUTION 70-6 , A RESOLU'l'ION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CERTIFICATE ACCEPTING SETTLE~ŒNT OF A LAW SUIT FOR PRICE FIXING OF LIBRARY BODKS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOVmSEND, DOES ,ŒREBY RESOLVE: I WHEREAS, The State of' Washington and the City of Port Townsend, and other Plaintiffs, have initiated action against various'pub1ishers under the Federal Antitrust Statutes for the fixing of' prices on libray books, and' ìVHEREAS, 'l'he Attorney GeneY'al of the State of 'aoshington has accomplished a settlement of said suit in behalf of all of the Plaintiffs, and WI-iER~AS,. it is necessary in order to complete the settlement aforesaid, that a certificate be executed in"beha1f of the City of Port Townsend aùthorizing the settlement in behalf of said City, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute a certificate prepared and submitted by the Attorney General of the State of Washington for the settlement of the aforesaid litigation, which certifiëate shall authorize said Attorney General to act in behalf of the City of' Port Townsend therein. Passed this 16th day of July, 1970. - FRANK M. S MI TH Mayor ATTEST: - GALE I. YOUNGBLOOD CITY CLERK 8 , APPROVED AS TO FORM GLENN ABRAHAM CITY ATTORNEY I Attorney Abraham said it is becomming obvious that anything being sold to a municipality, there is price fixing. An ther antitrust suit and the Attorney General here is representing the State with various cities, counties; schools and etc against book companies. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey secondèd by Councilman Scheyer that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried. . -- Mayor Smith said he would like to have the council and the planning commission to look at propBrties that the city owned such as the Snow Cre~property, property by the Lutherin Church, and the cherry street gravel pit, does the city need the property or could it be sold to put into other improvements. 8 Engineer Fflench said he had received the p1an- ri estimate for the Elaine Street Project, he said this would come out of the half cent gas tax monies the åmmunt of money in the fund was a little over 95,000. the estimate for the project was 45,891. He said he would have copies made of the estimate and they would be available to the councilmen tomorrow. Engineer French said whether or not we should take the balance of the money and go further on Walker st. or another project approved from 14th to 19th street on Sheridan, that would have to be kicked around a bit more and if the council so desired he would see that estimates be made on the Walker Street and Sheridan projects for thele could be a possib.i1ity of doing two and maybe all th~ee. witþ the money that we now have on hand. It was the opinion ør~the council to have estimates rnad~ and a report of thoes estimates at the next regular session. Engineer French also stated that if both projects, the Monroe and the Blaine-could be done at the same time, money could be saved by having on.e hot mix plant in the area. Councilman Lindsey said that there was a 11,500. loader setting down at the garage and asked the Mayor if he had checked anymore on the loader, that whe have to 1mow what 1Henre going to do with it, send it back or try to make arrangements to keep it. Mayor Smith said what this, envolves is a 10Ðder for use on the streets, as near as he could see, it 'involves the decision on which way we are going on the streets and as it looks it will be gravel and oil fop a long time, now can we justify in this case for a good used machine whicfu would have to be on a lease purcha~e base, can we justify the Œ e of it and have we got the money soma where now to start leasing it. He said he recognized the need for a loader,' but was not yet sure where the money was comming~from. I 270 MINUTES OF T~E REGUIA R SESSION OF JUNE 16, J~?Q,- G_Q!'J"TIlirJJ]:D - - ---______h___,_,'__-h--- --.---,----------,---,'--, -- ,--- --'-'-'-"------------------------'------------ , " Councilman steve said that he was in favor of the loader and if the money could be found, purchase it. Councilman Lindsey said that he thought the finance committee would have to get together with the City Clerk, City EDgineer and City Attorney to find where the money would be comming from. Mayor Smith said that it could be possible that some of the money could come from the Blaine Street improvement, if the city takes on a fair share of the project, the cost of equiment could be pro-rated to that. Street Supt. Hawley said that both the street department and sewer department would be paying for the machine and felt very cònfident that neither departments budget would be cut short during the balance of the current year. He said that the lease purchase price would be 551.00 per month plus ~ax over a twenty four month period but c~ld be paid for much sooner as funds were available. He also mentioned that the city had paid half the cost of the loader for equiment rental on thè Hastings Avenue sewer project alone. Councilman Lindsey said he would like to make a'motion to go ahead and purchase the machine if we have the money to get it with on a rental basis. City Atto~ney Abraham said he would like to hake councilman Lindsey modi~his motion before the second, modify the motion to the extent to the subject of the a~proval of the lease that they are gong to submit. Councilman Lindsey made a motion seconded by Councilman Judy that the loader be purchased, subject to approval of' the lease. Upon the question, Councilman Scheyer said he was for the machine but basicly disagree with the method in which the motion arose, he said he felt this WaS being ram-rodded through the council and the function of the council is not to act in an executive capacity, the heads of the departments work through the Mayor and he runi2is the departments, we dont, he said he disagreed us pushing this through without the Mayors recommendati~n or the engineers recommendation, in this case we are acting in an executive capacity, this is not what we are designèd _tò do ours is legislative. Councilman Steve said he disagreed with Councilman Scheyer al1together, we always dont have to agree what the Mayor recommends, thats why we are here, to make up our minds, not someone else to make up our minds, now this machine has been here a week, we need the thing, I am for:it. Councilman Scheyer commented to Councilman steve saying if he thought his job was to run the city t¥ou ~e mistaken, the Mayor runs the city through the heads of the departments. Councilman Steve said this was beside the point, I am not bucking the Mayors authori ty, -my authority is appropriating money, at that Councilman Scheyer said that Councilman Steve didnt know his functions as a city counci~man. Councilman Lindsey said he had met with the Mayor about the machine, the machine is here, was being tried out, he said he was not going over the Mayor's head or even thinking about it, the Mayor had told him - dont sell it down the river, that he would like to give it a little more thought, would like to talk to the engineer. Councilman Lindsey said this has been in the f'ire for a long time and wanted to bring it out in the open tonight, he said most of the councilman have looked at the machine and agreed it was something that was actually needed. Councilman Scheyer then stated - you said you would not go over the iÆayors head and this is exactly what you have done. Councilman Judy said that the Mayor did not make a reco~nendation nor has he heard any dissent about it. Councilman Norwood asked Councilman Scheyer - is what you are saying, is that the ~iayor, the City Engineer and Street Supt. should make this decision whether they buy the leader - no responded Counci1~an Scheyer, they make recommendation to the council, because it is the councils decision, it d~nt come ~rom the street supt. to the council. Councilman Norwood said, then :in order to make this proper, we now re"'uest the ¡.Iayor to give us his recommendation. Councilman Scheyre said it would be unfair to put h"m on the spot here. Councilman Linsey added that the Mayor av'points committees to study and make recommendations. Mayor S'nitþ said the street department, street supt. very str'Jngly recommended getting a new loader which would cost aro'Jnd 23 or 25 thousand dollars, he said he had talked to the city engineer and had looked at the situation of the city, how do y'u justify it, how are you going to get the money. He said the city engineer recommandation.was tthat we~ were in no pOsition to even consider getting a new loader. mayor Smith s: id the subject has been discussed by all for a co,-~ple of months, this particular machine which appears to be a good worthwhile machine costs 11,500 and is available and in discussing the road situation in town and in the meantime the city has come up with good gravel at the dump, I begin to lean towards the fact that we maybe could serve best by gettinr; the loader, it liJOuld be used to good advantage, so with tl:is in mind, I have had an open mind, I wasnt strong either way, I am still open to advise either way. He said he also recognized councilman Shheyer's thinking. Councilman Norwood 3aid she did not understand why we have to make a motion to buy or not to buy a loader, the only time we become concerned in it is if we have ta appropriate more money, now if they can buy it and stay within their budget, why are we involved. City Attorney Abraham said that was a good question, a point well taken, however in this particular instance, a small legal point has been completely ignored, we are talkinG about a lease with an option to buy and the situation is such, is that the company is going to submit a form of lease to us for approval, I think in order to enable the department or the committee or whoever is going to do it, go ahead with the thing~they need to be able to tell this man that the cou~cil is in support of it and then he will submit the lease. He said he would like to look at it before. any final action was taken. In order to authorize the Mayor to execute the lease, the council is ßoing to have to pass a resolution at least,- not an ordinance unless there is in need of additional funds. Councilman Scheyer raised another objection say~ng we have discussed revo1-ring funds and utilizing sales tax monies and etc, for which no priorities have been established and now we have jumped the gun on this when we have successfully held the 1 ¡nee Councilman Steve again took up the issue, sa7ing that sales tax proceed Here not involved, that the revenue source has not "et been determind. Engineer French mentioned a possible illegality in not calling for bids. Councilman Steve nuestioned the engineer's involvement in budgeting ma~ters. Councilman Norwood said she hated to do this, but maybe it will help the council make a decision, she said she spent sometime in the clerks office trYing to estimate how much money the street department would have at the end of the year, she said the city clerks figures there would only be about 845.00 and I figure where will be about 6,000.00, t} is is money in the street fund. She said if 1,500.00 is all that is needed, we will hQve enough in the street fund, she said that there would have to be an emergency ordinance to cover the 1~900.aß. So if the only problem is where we are going to get the money, I dont think we have that problem, she said I dont think we should be making a decision tonight, I think it should be up to the street dept the mayor to go ahead and ~ither buy it or not buy it. ' The City Clerk said he would have to disagree with Councilman Norwood as far as having a1l7H~T surplus money in the street fund, but that would be up to the finance committee. Councilman Norwood asked for the original motion that was made. Mayor Smit~ said that the motion was to purchase the loader subject to approval of the lease. Mayor Smit~ said that he knew the need and knows the«~is a problem and såid I do disagree strongly that loo]-ing at the street budget that there is going to be 6,000.00 left in the street dept, there was a need for everyting that is budgeted. Councilman Norwood responded - not in the budget but the amount of mDnev in the street fund, I am saying that there will be a ~al.ance left or 6,000.00- at the end or tne ye~~ 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 2'7J' ----- --- MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF J~E 16, 1970,CONTlNUED --- -- Mayor Smit~ said if he felt there was going to be 6,000.00 left in the street fund there would be several things that it could be used f'or. I Councilman Norwood said sheheped the mayor would remember at the end of the year, because she WaS going to point out how much money was left in the street fund. The City Clerk again said that he would grant that there c-ould be that much ,slmwing ~jp~he end of the year but it wouldoBot be surplus monies, most of the monies that w~eft ~ ear- marked for the 19~0 budget. Councilman Norwood said to the Mayor - If you are not going to vote in the next few minutes, she would have to leave. Mayor'Smi~ called for a roll call vote, Councilman Norwood, Lindsey, Stteve, Barnfield, .Judy voted yae, Councilman Scheyer voted nae, Councilman Hoglund absent. Motion carr ied. Councilman Norwood asked to be excùaéd. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the council at this time, it was moved þy Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Judy that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. I 4, Attest. / #: ~:;7d- I lty C1e k MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JULY 7, 1970 July 7, 1970 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 7th day of July, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were ps follows: Mayor Smith, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen I Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Lindsey, Norwood, Councilmen Steve, Camf'ie1d absent. City Attorney Abraham, absent. . MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION It was movèd by Councilman Scheyer seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS The f'ollowing bills & claims as audited by the finance committee were presented and acted upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-----------------Voucher WATER-SE1SER FUND----- ---------- ----.-- Voucher STREET FUW)--------------------------Voucher GARBAGE FlmD-------------------------Voucher LIBRARY FUND-------------------------Voucher PARK FUND----------------------------Voucher FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND--------Voucher SP3CIAL ARETERIAL STREET FUND--------Voucher URBAN ARTERIAL Fm~D------------------Voucher No. 7297 through 7360 ---,$15,5l4~40 No. 2717 through 2755 ---$12,943.05 No: 1798 through 1821 ---$ 4,260.74 No; 1680 through 1698 ---$ 2,635~38 No~ 2115 through 21ã5 ---$ 1,146.40 No. 1054 through 1066 ---$ 514.75 No~-----------------------------~-- No~ 14 ---~ 460~00 No.1 ---:¡p 30.08 It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the bills & claims be approved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of same. Motion carried. OFFI CERS RE POR T CITY CLERK The city clerk presented the following salarY,warrants for the Month of Jund 1970. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-----------------Voucher No. WATER-SEWER FUND----~----------------Voucher No~ STREET FUND----:"---------------------Voucher No. GARBAGE FUND-------------------------Voucher No~ LIBRARY Fm~D-------------------------Voucher No. PAm~ Fm~D----------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND--------Voucher No. 7276 through 7296 ---~7,293.8l 271Ø through 2716 -_-lr2'53l~98 1792 through 1797 ~-- 2,345.78 1676 through 1679 --- 1,582~90 2113 through 2114 ---I 459.00 1053-----------~----- 343~92 322 through 323 ---~ 437.50 TREASURER . The treasurers report was read in full for the Month of June 1970, and was ordered filed. POLICE The police report was read in full for the Monthof June 1970 and was ordered filed. COMMUNICATIONS The following communications were presented and acted upon as follows: From D.S. Gràham, 1112 F Street Port Townsend, Wn. June 30, 1970 to-wit: Port Townsend City Council City Hall' :, Port Townsend, Wa. 98368" The stre'e,t light at the corner of' Redwood and F streets, an incandescent type light, has been out for almõst a year now. When it was operational, it gave out such a feeble light one hardly noticed it when it burned out. Would you kindly consider the installation of a mercury vapor light at this location' This light I