HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/02/1970 ;"r . ~64 MINUTES OF THE R~c.:GULAR SESSIOl1 OF JUNE 2, 1970 June 2, 1970 Port Townsend, Washington 8 The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 2nd day o£,Jyne 1970, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Councilman Mayor Protem pF~~~~ing. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Councilman Lindsey, Scheyer, Steve, Camffield, Judy, Norwood, Councilman Hoglund and Mayor Smith Absent. MINUTES OF ~eHl~ PREVIOUS SESSION I It was moved by Councilman Scheyer seconded by Councilman Camfield that the minutes of the last regular session be dispensed with. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS The following bills and claims as audited by the finance con~ittee were presented and acted upon as follows: I CURR~~T E~PENSE FlmD---------------------Voucher No. 7220 through 7275 --19,501.22 WATER-SEWER FUND-----------:--------------Voucher No~ 2689 through 2709 -- '26,753.40 STREET FUND------------------------------Voucher No. 1777 through 1791 -- 2,516.97 GARBAGE FUND-----------------------------Voucher No~ 1659 through 1675 --13'689.20 LIBRARY FUND-----------------------------VQucher No. 2088 through 2112 -- 682.43 PARK FUND--------------------------------Voucher No. 1044 through 1052 --' 280.90 FIRE~ŒN PENSION & RELIEF FUND------------Voucher No. 320 through 321 --- 160.10 It was moved by Councilman Scheyer seconded by Councilman Camfield that the bills & Claims be approved as read and that the Mayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment sß same. Motion carried. 8 OFFICERS REPORT CITY CLERK The city clerk reported the following salary warrants for the Month of May 1970. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND---------------------Voucher WA TER-SEVr1:R FUND--- - -- - ------ - --- -- ----- -Voucher STREET FUND------------------------------Voucher GARBAGE FUND-----------------------------Voucher LIBRARY FUND-----------------------------Voucher P ARK FUND - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - V (mche r FIREMEN PESNION & RELIEF FUND------------Voucher No.7l99 No~2682 l'Jo:1771 No.1655 No.2087 No~1043 No.3l8 through 7219 thr ough 2688 through 1776 through 1658 through 2088 through 319 --17'244.11 -.. '2,531.98 -- 2,382.37 --11,608.77 -- 459.00 343.82 --$ 437.50 I TREASURER The treasurer's report was read in full for the MQnth of May 1970, and w~s ordered f'i1ed. POLl CE The Police Report was read in full for the r.10nth of May 1970 and was ordered filed. C orJIMUNI C A TI GNS ri'he fol10wJ.ng communications v/ere presented and acted upon as fo', lows: From James ~. Hurd, Enumclaw, Washington, Illay 25, 1970 to-wit:- The Hon. Frank M. Smith Mayor of' Port Townsend City Hall Port Tav nsend, 1Nashing ton 8 Dear Mayor Smith: Be have made application for a television franchise before your City Council, and would appreciate your advising us if the Council has any I"'uesti ns in this regard. lIe viTOu1d be glad to attend the final reading of the franchise if the Council so re~uests. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. I Very truly yours. Great Northern Cable System, Inc. James W. Hurd City Attorney Abraham said he would have a draft ordinance at the next regular session. From Bishop Development Corporation Port Townsend, Wn. June 1, 1970 to-wit: I Hon. City Council City of Port Townsend Gentlemen: Please consider this the petition of Bishop Development Corporation and William F. and Astrid Bishop, husband and wife, for the installation of a water line to serve the Bishop Park Addition to the Ci ty of Port Townse~d. lie are the (JV ners of approximately two-thirds of the prop3 rty on Hancock between 9th Street and Sims Way, and request that the water line be installed in Hancock Street on an assessment basis. We have also discussed this matter with Mr. Roger French, City Engineer, and are aware that the city may also put other improvements in the str3et which will be subject to assessment. 8 Bishop Development Corporation and ~i11iam F. and Astrid Bishop Husband and wife. By William F Bishop Vice .President of Bishop Development Corporation I , j --- - .- 2 () ¡) .- - . -. - . MINUTES OF THE REGUIAR SESSION Œ' JUNE 2, 1970, CONTINUED 8 M~yor Protem Lindsey said that the letter. would have to be held over until a later date. BID Op ¿;rUNG . -. The City Clerk presented the following bids on repairirgthe Cith Hall Roof. . Total Bid Total Bid $2,.t15.00 $2, :560~ 00 $2,087.00 plus tax. Interbay Roofing Co., Inc. Seattle Wn~ Occ~denta1 Roofing & Sheet Metal Co. Inc. Seattle, Washington Alleman Mill and Supply Co. Port Angeles. Wn. Total Bid plus tax. plus tax. I 'rhe biès were turned over to the City Engineer for inspection and his recommendation for his report later in the meeting. . HEARING ON STRiGET VACATIONS The following petitions for street vacations were presenteè for council action, Public hearings on the following petitions were held at the last regular session. That portion of C Street lying between Willow Street and Rose Street. I . . The f'ollowing is the recommendation by the Planning Comm1ssion. The petition for a street vacati n by M. Hufford and L. Trantner, of IICII street between Willow and Rose, be granted, with the contingency that construction of a residency begin within one year after said vacation is granted. - 8 Councilman steve said, why, a time limit for building on a vacation of a street. Councilman Steve made a motion seconded by Councilman Camfield that the street be vacated without the time l~mit specification. Clty Attorney Abraham said he would question the legality of a one year time limit. After some discussion, Mayor Protem Lindsey called for a vote. Motion wa~¡ carried. . The Petiion for str~et vacation of that portion of Landes Street lying between the North boundary of 28th Street and the South Boundary of' 29th Street was presented for council action. The following is the recommendation by the Planning Cormnission. 0 The petition for a street vacation by J. Merrill, of Landes street between "28th" and 1129thll , be granted, on condition that owners of 'Block 18, Lot9, and Block J.7, Lot 10 agree in writing to guarantee acce s, by deed, to the property presently owned by J. Merrill. I . Councilman S teye mentioned that he hhd also given that some thoughttdue to Mr Merr'il1s hcu se that Was build on Landes St. After some discussion. Councilman Sc:heyer made a motion secondea by Councilman Steve that we accep t the petition providing these general assesments are executed to gurantee acce~s to the house which has been build on Landes Street. Motion carried. The following letter was ~:ead f'rom the Planning Commission and Wa~; acted upon as follows: From Port Tovmsend Planning Commission, I',iay 25, 1970 to-wit: Honorable Mayor City Council Members City of Port Townsend The Port Townsend Planning Commission recommends" to the Port Townnend City Council that a plan be prepared of Existing city streets as built, and that no more street vacations be considered until this plan is complete, and in the hands of the Port Townsend Planning Commission. -8 Port ToWnsend Planning Commission Myron W. . Hillman , Chairman. Engineer French said that thishàd already been complied with and also each official of the city also had a map sBO\Üng-3.tñe~òp,l3ned and unopened streets in the City of Port Townsend. Councilman Judy asked if there was a hearing on the petition of W..E Harms for street vacation!, lie was informed that a public hearing date had not been set as of this time. After 3) me discussion, Mayor Protem Lindsey set a Public Hearing date of July?, 1970. I REQ,UEST FOR STR-_:ET LIGHTS The following request for street lights was presented and acted ~)on as follows: June 2, 1970 To the City Council: I We have had some provv1ing on our homes in the Che:;.'"'ry Pàrk Area and would appreciate a street light on both cedar and Center streets in the 1000 block. Several of' the neighbors have asked me to request this. Thailk you, F.J. Jack Hensel Mayor Protem turned the request over tb the Fire and Light Committee for a report at the next regular session. Councilman Norwood said that in regards to lIghts there would have to be a lot of justification for she felt there was to large a portion of the street budget was going to street lighting. 8 Mayor Protem Lindsey gave the floor to Mr Bishop, a commissioner of PUD~ who in turn gave a lengthy t2.lk before the counc il about the water s i tua tion lri the Tric i ty Ðnd Quilcene areas. He spoke of a $5,000. survey in the (juilcene area and a $1,000. study by Kramer Chin & Mayo in the Tri city area. He announced his own intentions of forging ahead in taking advantage of any government funds available in solving the w~ter problem. NEW BUSINESS Under new business the f'ollow ing Ordinance Was presented and acted upon as follows: 266 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 2,1970, CONTINUED _--Ohm --------------- - - -- ---- -. un - ------.--------------- --"--'---------'------ --'_-h__- -n- --------------- --. _.- --- ----------_..~---_.._------- -- - -. - - - -- - - -- -. - -- - - -- -- - m__--- --- .. - - - --- ORDINANCE NO. 1590 ), AN ORDINA~TCE APPRO" PRIATING THE SUM OF 42,450.00 TO THE MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT APPROPRIA TI N IN THE 1970 BUDG3T OF THE PORT TOWNSEND GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Due to the nature of' the Ordinance it had to be held over until the next regular session. Councilman Norwood said she could not understand what was said, what is it, transferring money Councilman Camfield, chairman of the garbage committee explained that the ordinance was for the repair of the cat. After several other questions by councilman Norwood, City Attorney Abraham said that one of the main reasons for an emergency ordinance must layover is in order to-give everyone a chance to look into the ordinance. or what. Engineer French after checking the bids for the city hall roof, said he would like to do some further checking due to the material of ~ne of' the bids. Councilman Steve made a motion seconded by Councilman Scheyer that the bids be tabled until the next regular session. Motion carried. Councilman Steve said that he had a complaint by a business man on this auction, he said he saw in the window a $10.00 second hand license, he read section 5.36.010 license required and the f'ee f'or I temporary stores where it Quoted 30.00 per day for a temporary business - license. Attorney Abraham said that in this particular situation, the licensee, according to the information he submitted to the city, is renting the building on a m'nth to month basis and is hold ng aut ions there, he is not open every day and if you look over the ordinance you will find it says only temporary, whether a person has a place of busi~ess on a month to month basis, you cant interpet it a temporary business. He said if there is someway f'or the ordinance to be changed then it is up to the council to change it. Mr Wallin contended that the business WaS temporary and that the city should treat it as a temporary business and should enforce its existing ordinance or tear it out of' the books. Councilman Scheyer said you h. ve the councils position, tho councils position is as our attorney gives it to us. . Councilman Norwood said as a member of the legislative committee, she thought it should be looked into and see if we cant come up with something better, certainly we should try and protect the business man in our town. - Conncilman Scheyer said he disagreed, we cant tailor every ordinance to fit evæy situation. After considerable discussion, Councilman Steve made a motion seconded by Councilman Norwood that this piece of Ordinance be referred to the legislative committee. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT As there was no f'urther business to come before the council at this time, it was moved by Councilman Scheyer seconded by Councilman Judy that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. ~~ 8 I 8 I 8 I I 8