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Mr Bonzo Deleo spoke before the council saying that he didnt think he was getti~ a fair shake
on the water and sewer situation, and could not see why he couldnt run a 6" main from Sheridan
to his properties and he also mentioned that he could not see the street project on Monroe.
Mayor Smit~ said that the Monroe Street Project was under the 6yr street program, and the state
would not shift monies from the Monroe project to another.
Engineer French s~id that on the sewer that Mr DeLeo had already put in and if the council
went for a special assessr:1ent district he \"D uld be would be re-embursed, he also what he had
recommended to the council was a 6" line on 10th 11th & 12th between Sheridan and Holcomb and
property owners on both sides of the street would ~y their fair share. He also mentioned to
Mr Deleo that he would be able to get water for his project on a temporary basis.
Attonney Abraham said that he and the Engineer had talked about this at length and IDuld
recomment that the council get some one from a bonding House here either at a regular meeting
or a private get together and talk over the possibility of financing projects that the engineer
has written up, he said if the council would set a time he would be happy to call a bonding
house and have someone to mc;et with the council.
, Counc i1man Scheyer made a motion seconded by Counc i1man Judy that the council in genura1
approve the concept of a special assesment district as means of improvement in the city.
Motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the council at this time, it was moved by
Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Judy that the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried.
l ty er
April 21,1970
Port Townsend, Washington
The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular sessi.on this 21st day of' April,
1970, at .7:30 p.m. in the ,council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding.
Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City J\ttorney Abraham, City Clerk
Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Judy, Camf'ield, Steve, Lindsey, Norwood. Councilman Hoglund
It was moved by Councilman Camf'ield seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the minutes of' the
previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried~
The following communication was presented and acted upon as follows:
From: Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce, April 13, 1970, to-wit:
The Council of the
City of Port Townsend
Port Townsend, Washington
The Port Townsend Chamber of Commerce is vitally interested in the continuation of ambulance
service in this area.
We do not pretend to tell the City how this should be accomplished but we do urge the City to
use whatever efforts may be required to see that ambulance service 1.S continued. This does
not necessarily mean that we want the City to subsidize the'service but we feel the City should
take some type of leadership in connection with this matter.
Rèspectful1y yours,
A. Clemens Grady,
Mayor Smith said he W)uld bring up the letter under old business.
Councilman Steve'said that the police committee upon the advise of the City Attorney recomm-
ended that no action be takèn on the empounding of car keys that was recommended in a letter
at the last regular session.
Co:mcilman Lindsey reported on the ambu1anceservice, saying that he had talked to several
different ones and was trying to get a meeting scheduled, he'mentioned that he was waiting for
a letter from OlYmpia on ambulance service explaining that maybe the state next year would
help the ambulance services along. .
Mayor Smit~ said that he also had requested information from the Washington State City's, and
also said that in regards to the Chamber of Commerce letter, the city is taking what leadership
they can and f'elt that the Hospital District might be a very 10gicia1 orgånization to undertake
something of this nature and hoped that the Chamber saw fit to direct a letter to the Hospital
District on the subject.
Ci ty Attorney Abraham said that he had talked to most of the Counc,i1men saying tha:t IVIr Dowd
of Foster & Marshall Bonding firm had been contacted and they wu1d like to meet with the
council f'or lunch at noon of' next Monday the 27th. He said in gener'al they want to ou\line
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WHAT they expect do do and what they expect the city to do and as he understood, they have
about four financing plans in mind. 4IÞ
Engineer French reported on the Bell Towar inspection, the east side of the tower was completely
shot, one leg has split and slipped and in slipping had completely ruined the siding which would
have to be replaced. Other portions of the structure appear reasonably sound, it certain sections
prove satisfactory during deeper inspection we can probably salvage and restore the tower, he
said he was wating for plugging instrument with which to test portions of the structure. He
said that crane had been offered, that is if the city would provide 1ibi1ity insurance on the
crane while at the site. He said the cost would and shoftld be under 5,000.00 dollars with
qualified supervision to direct a volunteer 1a~or force.
Mayor Smith said the question before the council is whether or not we proceed with the
restoration of the tower by contracting or having appropriate firm or individual to run it and
that the city pay all cost above any donation money or help.
Mr Cal McCune, president of the Historical Society, said that on behalf of the Historical
Society he had been asked to come before the council and with the councils permission or desire
the society would attempt to raise the money for the bell tower and the Historical Society would
also donate money to the project, they would go out in the town and raise funds.
Counci 1'~1an Norwood made a motion seconded by Councilman Judy, that the ci ty spearhead the
reconstruction or rebuild the Be,ll Tower and finance it augmented by donations from various
orginazitions. Motion carried.
. , , -::-the city accept
Councllman Nobwood made a motlon seconded by Councl1man Steve, that the generous offer of the
Historical Society for their help and any other orgization that cares to help. M tion carried.
Mr Charles Wallen said that he wanted to be sure that the council was aware of the fact that
scaf'fo1ding would be donated for thebe1l tower with only the cost of' transport~on from seattle
and back and that there would be ~ insurance charge.
Under old business the city clerk brought back on the agenda the emergency ordinance no.
1589 duly incorporated in the minutes of the previous session for passage or re#ection.
Mayor Smith reminded ~hecounncil that the emergency ordinance had been read for the first time
at the last meeting and it was f'or monies for repairing the reservoir.
It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the first reading be
considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried.
Ordinance No. 1589 was aga~n read for the third time by title only and it was moved by
Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the ordinance do now pass. Motion carried.
Councilman No~¡ood said at the time the council worked on the present budget the council discussed
on having a job analysis and a work study done on city employees. She said tha one orgånizàtion
had it done here in the city and recommended it very highly, the name of the company that had
done it was the Dunsworth Associaticn from Seattle and all she would like tonight is permission
from the council to see what it would cost. It was the opinion of the Mayor and Council to go
ahead with the idea.
A representative of' Great Northern Cable Co. presented a proposed television franchise to the
council for review. The copy of the f'ranchise was presented to the city attorney for his
inspection and a report at a later date.
The City Clerk read the following reauest:
City of Port Townsend
Hon Mayor & City Council
I hearby reauest the opening of 11th st from Sheridan Ave to Wilson St. This area is developing
to a point where this street must be opened. It is also the same street the City Engineer
proposes a new water line.
We will cooperate with the installation of' the water line so that the two maybe could be worked on
Thank you
Vern Geick, Builder
James A DeLeo, Property Owner
Mayor Smith said that t.~is comes up and ties into the program of the proposed assessment
improvement program which will be discussed at the meeting with the bonding company. It was
brought up by Councilman Lindsey the possibility that the city would be required to retain a
firm of consulting engineers. City Attorney Abraham there could be that possibility. Engineer
French daid that the city now has a registered professional engineer and felt that he could save
much of the money that would be taken off the top by a consulting firm. He said he has already
f'igured engineering costs including a local survey crew in the proposed assessment improvement
The following letter and petition WaS presented to the council.
Honorable Mayor Smith and
Members Port Townsend City Council
Attached is a formal petition for a street vacation, which is signed by Mr & Mrs Lloyd Tranter
and by Mrs. Hufford and me. The Huf'fords are the owners of lots 2 & 4 and South 12 lots 6 & 8
in Block 20 of' W b -
Ie sters' addition to the City of Port Townsend including an unusable residence
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We have discussed building plans with two local contractors and find we will not be able to
build the type of home we desire without obtaining one-half òf C street between Rose & Willow
streets. The old residence is built bery close to Willow st., and we have been told it is
also on, or very near, C st. We want to build a split-level type home. If ~e were forced to '
use the site of the present building we are certain we could not use the Willow st sewer,
without pumping, since we definitely would build further away from Willow and lots slant q'uite
sharply down toward Rose St. and the Eronimo gravel pit.
Lf the vacation is permitted we will definitely pròceed immediately with the removal of the
old building and preparing for building a new home. The added level ground which C st .wou1d
permit us to use would make it possible to get on a sewer, and without pumping arrangements.
We would, of course, expect the- city to rètain right of way or easement priviledges necessary
for sewe4 or water facilities maintenance.
Respectfully Yours,
Merle G. Hufford.
and MARGARETTE TRANTE,R, -husband and wif'e, cons ti tu ting all of the' --abutting owners on the portiøn
of street hereinafte.r described, here and hereby respectfully request that the City Councl
of the City of' Port ~ownsend, Washington, after due notice give and hearing had, cuae to be
vacated that portion~f City Street lying in ~ebster's Addition to said City and described as:
'I'hat portion of "C" Street lyi-ng between Willow
Street and Rose Street.
Petitioners agree to pay costs of publication of an ordinance for the vacation of said
portion of street.
Lloyd 'Tranter'
Margarette Tranter
Merle C~ Hufford
Doris R. Hufford
Mayor Smith said he would refer the petition to the street committee and Planning Commission
and set a-date for a public hearing on the 19th of May 1970.
Mrs Frieda Iffland informed the counc il that ,she had observed -the s tree-to-department spnnying
around the fire hydrants and found out later .found out that the type of spray being used was
245T which WaS dangerous and that the Government was banning the 24:5T. - Mayor Smi th said he
would check with .the -street department on the type of' spray be ingused.
Mayor Smith said that-if-you wanta new roof on the:-:ity hall building the chair would
we1com a motion that the city clerk be åuthorized to call for bids to re-roof the city hall
according to specs by the city engineer. It was moved by Councilman Judy seconded by
Councilman Lindsey that the city clerk be authorized to call Dor bids to re-roof' the city hall
Motion carried.
Couu,ci1man Judy reported on a f'ield inspec t ion trip of' the water' system and complimented
the automatic control system.that had been installed and felt that CZ should be written a
letter of thanks. Mayor Smith said he would take care of the matter.
mI' Fred Lester of the Up-Town business center said that a police car had driven up to his
place of busineé~s and told him there had been numerous complaints about a sign that had been
put up advertisIting the up-town business center, that it was blocking the view and etc. He
waid the sign was 5' high and 10' long and that it was- on railroad property. He wondered if
there was any real complaints or Was he just getting harassment from the police department.
Mayor Smith assured ~~ Lester that he was not getting any harassnlent from the police, that
he had also had complaints about the sign, he had not had tmme to take a look at the sign Vrnt
would in the near future.
As there was no funther business to come before the council at this time it was moved by
Councilman Steve seconded by Councilman Judy that the meeting do no adjoÿrn. Motion carried.