HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/1970 . "" '. MINUTES OF TIm REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 6th 1970 237'" January 6, 1970 Port Townsend, Washington The Ci~y Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 6th day of January 1970 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. . . 8 ROLL CALL Officers" and members present were as follows: Mayor"Smith, City ,Attorney Abraham, City ClerK Youngblood, Councilmen M~ody, Lindsey, ~tev~, Camfield, Judy Hoglund, Scheyer. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION I It was moved by Counc ilman Lindsey seconded by Counc ilman Moody that the minute-so of the previous, session be dispensed with. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS The following bills and claims as audited by the finance committee were presented and acted upon as follows: I CU&QENT EXPENSE FUND----------------------Moucher No. STREET FUND-------------------------------Voucher No: WATER-SEVÅ’R FUND--------------------------Voucher No~ GARBAGE FUND---- ---------------------"--- -- Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND------------------------------Voucher No: PARK" FUND--- ---'- - -- - - -- --- - - --- --- -- ------V oucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND-------------Voucher No~ 1967 PORT TOWNSEND CÜNST. FUND------------Jloucher No. 6834 1644 2487 1547 1938 980 299 229 through 6891 through 1660 through 2521 thr ough l66~ through 1972 through 992 through 300 through 237 $7,678.24 3,206~56 5; 011~67" 1í918~8l 1,464~24 655~12 , ' 72~81 5,269.00 8 < It was moved by Councilman Hoelund seconded by Counc~lman Judy that the bills and claims be approved as read and that the Nayor and City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds fo~ paYment of same. Motion carried. ' . . OFFI CERS REPORT Ci t¡.. Clerk . 'lhe city clerk reported the regular salary warrants for the Month' of Dec. 1969,. I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND----------------------¥óucher No:6815 thro~gh 6833 STREET FUND--------------------.-----------Voucher No~ 1638 through 1643 WATER-SEWER FUND----------------------~---Voucher No.2481 through 2486 GARBAGE FUND-------------------~----------Voucher No;1543 through 1546 LIBRARY FUND------------------------------Voucher No~1936 through 1937 PARK FUND---------------------------------Vpucher No~979-------------- FIREMEN PESNION & RELIEF, FUND-------------Voucher No.297 through 298 $6,305~~1 2,282.11 2; 01l~ 09 1,552.37 43l~28 321.42 425.00 Treasurer The treasurer's report was read in full for the Month of Dec. 1969 and was ordered filed. COMMUNICATIONS Under communicati ns, Mayor Smith said that he had received a petition signed by 158 people and would take it up under old busines.s. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Smtt~ said that a Public Hearing had been held at the last council session for a vacation of' a portion of' Baker Street, 'which no action was taken at that time and asked the coUnc il if they had came to a decision. " . Councilman Lindsey said that he and Councilman Steve and Scheyer had ins~cted the street in question and was in the opinion that the street should be vacated. " Mayor Smitp. said that the planning commission had written a 1w:bter against the vacation of tae street but in the letter it stated it wns the po1i.cy of' the planning commission to recommend against the vacation of streets unless some specific purpose is expressed which will be of direct or îridirect benefit to the city. . CouncilrTuln Steve and Councilman Scheyer both spoke in f'avor of vacating the street in questin After some further discussion it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Steve that that portion of Baker Street as requested be vacated. Motion carried., 8 I REQUEST FOR S'l'REET LI GHT A letter Jias read from the Port Townsend Salmon Club requesting that a new vapor light be installed to replace the old type light at the ramp at the end of Monroe Street. Councilman Judy said that at the last council meeting a request had also been received for a vapor light to be installed to replace an old street light at 11th & Sheridan. Ifu said that he had checked both lights and both should be changed 'to vapor lights. Councilman Judy made a motion seconded by Councilman Moody that the two requests be granted. Motion carried. I ORDINANCE NO. 1583 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROVING THE PLA~' OF PEDERSEN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PORT TOVVNSEND Mayor Smith said that this is the ordinance to take care of the Pedersen Plat that the Council had approved at the last regular session. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the first reading be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. Motion carried. 8 THIRD READING OF ORD. NO. 1583 Ord. No. 1583 was again read for the third time by ti tIe only and it was moved by Counc ilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that Ord. No. 1583 do now pass.. Motion carried. Call FOR BIDS The City Clerk asked for permission to call for bids for Gasolinø, Fuel Oil, Diesel fuel for the Year 1970. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Moody that the City Clerk be alltho:r>i7.p..lÌ t:..... r><>11 f'r..Y> "h-t,.;¡~ ~~ ~-_..__.L.--' ~ ~238 . ", - -- ~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUA}~¥__~,__J~7QL__Ç_QN:rrIITl~I?____-- ----- -- -...-----.. ------..-- ----.- ..----------.------------------------- -------, (, BID OPENING 8 The following bids for two 1970 Police cars were opened and acti~n taken as follows. Port Townsend Wn. Port Townsend Wn. Port Townsend Wn. $2,539.55 3,658.06 4,549.78 Kruse Car Center lliomas Motors Buh1 er Mo tor Co. Total Bid Arter due consideration of each bid, it was moved by Councilman Jùdy seconded by Councilman Moody that the low bid of Kruse Car Center for 2,539.55 be accepted. Motion carried. MAYOR-PROTEM I Mayor Smith said that he ,Was going to appoint a Mayor-Protem'for the year 1970 but found out that according to law the council appointed a Mayor-Protem, and asked for council action. Councilman Steve moved seconded by Councilman Judy that Councilman Lindsey be appointed Mayor-Protem f'or the year 1970. Motion carried. Mayor Smith said that at the last meeting there was discuss ion upon the garbage department and negotiations concerning it, complaints & etc. He said he was to come before the council' tonight with the basis for request for bids on operating pickup service in Port Townsend. He had included items which should be in it and Ðsked the city clerk to read the following. 10. 11. I 1. 2. City will perf'orm customer billing and co1l~ct on. Customer f'ees will be as established by City Ordinance for residential pickup and by negotiation between customer, contractor nd City for commercial pickup. Schedule for pickup as established by City Ordinance (fees and schedule to be as now establ-ished. ) Contractor: to pick up f'rom receptacles located as mutually agreed between customer and and contractor. Location shall be convenient ftnd readily accessible to contractor and protected from wind and animals. Contractor will acquire equity in present press truck at a rate of $2,000.00 ~er year and will acquire ownership when $ has been paid (f'igure will be about $13,000.00.) Contractor assumes all operating and insurance expenses for truck and must maintain in good condition. ' Contractor to post performance bond of $5,000. Contractor to have free usage of' City Dump f'or disposal of collections from within City Limits. Contractor to operate and maintain dump in accordance with such regulations as may be issued b - Btate and City. City ~o retain ownership of heavy equipment now at dump. Contractor may use but will be re-uired to keep equi:ement in operable cond ition. " City to re,tain first $---------month1y from collections. (This fiqure to be sufficient to cover all necessary city expense such as overhead for bil1inz and collecting, payment of re~ired personnel, payment on truck, etc:) Biders- to indicate: A specified monthly payment to contrac tor. a Percentage of f'unds .in excess of the combined city and contractor monthly funds, wfuich percentage will be payable to the contractor. I 3. " 4. 5. 8 operable 6. 7. 8. 9. Successful bidder will be required to sign a contract on a 3 year basis. Bidders are invited to submit alternate bids, substantially embodying the above, but including such alternates as City operation of the dump and agreement conëerning use and ownership of equipment. Tax liabilities are being looked into and must be included. Mayor Smith commented that there were a couple of items such as the equipment, the garbage dump along with the equipment at the dump, that should be discussed. Councilman Lindsey felt that i~ it was going to be put out on contract, everytling Ehould be included. Councilman Moody mentioned that he could not see if a contractor could make aprofit it looked like the city could also make a profit. - After considerable discussion on the proposed bid or specs, the present ordinance, personel and etc. Mayor Smith directed the garbage "committee to present a f'irm set of detailed specifications at the next regular session. Mayor Smit~ announced that he had appointed Mr Roger French as city engineer for the City of Port Townsend. ' Treasurer Spindor also introduced her New deputy Miss Mable Tjems1and. 8 ADmOURNMENT I As there was no further business to come bei'ore the council at this time, it was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Scheyer tha~ the meeting do now adjourn. Motion carried. (' Attestif ~ C. C erk MA~~~ I 8