HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/1969 226 ---___---m-MT NU'T'F'.LOE_1'HILREß11LAR-_S.E.SS-liRCl)E--HilllEMBF.R 4 ,--19-6.9 ------------------- ----------------- - ----------_._--------------~----, , Novemb er 4, 1969 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, met in regular session this 4th dày of November 1969 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of theCi~ Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. 8 ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Lindsey present, Councilmen Siebenbaum & Moody absent. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION I The minutes of the previous session were presented and it was moved by Councilman Hoglund s seconded by Councilman Judy that the minutes of the previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS The following bills and claims were presented and acted upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND------------------------Voucher No. WATER-SEWER FUND----------------------------Voucher No. STREET FUND---------------------------------Voucher No. GARB~GE FUND--------------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND--------------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND-----------------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSION & RELIEF FUND---------------Voucher No. 1967 SEWER CaNST. FUND----------------------Voucher No. GUMILATIVE RESERVE FUND---------------------Voucher No. 6696 2425 1606 1504 1909 961 294 217 1 thr?ugh 6749 --$5~540.82 through 2449 --$3.355.91 through 1619 -- 1;709.21 through 1523 -- 7,608.43 through 1923 -- 536.39 through 970 406.70 39. 87 963.52 -- 7,000.00 I through 223 It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the bills and claims be approved as read and that the Mayor And City Clerk draw warrants upon the proper funds for payment of same. Motion carried. 8 OEEIBRBS REPORT CITY CLERK The city clerk reported the following payroll vouchers for the Month of Oct. 1969 as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND------------------------Voucher No. WATER-SENER FUND ---------------------------Voucher No. STREET FUND---------------------------------Voucher No. BARBAGE FUND--------------------------------Voucher No. LIBRARY FUND -------------------------------Voucher No. PARK FUND-----------------------------------Voucher No. FIREMEN PENSI~N & RELIEF FUND---------------Voucher No. 6677 2419 1600 1500 1907 960 292 through '6695 -- 6,222.60 through 2424 -- 2;016.91 through 1605 -- 2.273.20 through 1503 -- 1,560.64 through 1908 -- 435.28 326.42 425.00 through 293 I TREASURER REPORT The treasurer's report w~s read in full for the Month of Oct. 1969 and WaS ordered filed. POLICE REPORT The police report was read in full for the Month of Oct. 1969 and w~s ordered filed. COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilman Judy reported on request for street lights, He made a motion seconded by Councilman Hoglund that 7000 Lum street lights be installed at 32nd & Hendricks and 0 & Willow streets and 22nd & Sheridan. That a 20,000 lum light be installed at Blaine & Walker St. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the Resolution do now pass. Motion carried. ~ 8 NEW BUSINESS The following resolution was presented and acted upon as follows: RESOLUTION 69-3 A RßSOLUTIJN AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF THE SUM OF 4100.00 FROM TRAFFIC CONTROL TO SALARIES AN WAGES, AND THE SUM OF $400.00 FROM EQ1ITPMENT RENTAL TO SALARIES AND WAGES IN THE STREET DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION OF THE 1969 BUDGET OF THE CITY OF PORT TOVfflSEND. I THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, in regular sessio~ assembled, does hereby resolve: section 1. The sum of $100.00 is here and hereby transferred from Traffic Control to Salaries and Wages in the appropriations for the City Street Department in the 1969 Budget of the City. Section 2. The sum of $440.00 is here and hereby transferred from the E~uipment Rental, appropriation to the Salaries and Wages appropriation of the City Street Department Budget for' 1969. I Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council on November 1969. - ATTEST GALE I. YOUNGLOOD city Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GLENN ABRAHAM City Attorney FRANK M. SMITH Mayor 8 8 I I 8 I 8 I I 8 ...~._,_."' 227; I , MINUTES' OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF NOVEMBER 4, 1969 CONTINUED The city clerk presented the final Pedersen Addition Plat to the c:l.ty council, Attorney Abraham looked the final plat ove~ and said it needed additional signitures, saying the final had been signed by Jefferson County Treasurer showing that all taxes had been paid but it did require s igmh1llures of the Planning commiss ion, tQhairman. £f the Port. 'J'ownsend C it Y Counc il and the City Engineer. Attorney Abraham said th~t HSuÎ8uygt a date for E~ hearing if they so desired. he also mentioned that the final p~at Was in proper form. " Mayor Smith asked the planning commission chairman if the preliminEÅ“y plat had been approved by the planning commission, the answer was yes. Mayor Smith'said it was hard to place something on the agenda before anyone has had a chance to check.it out, h~ wo111d refer the final plat to the Planning commssionvalong with the proper commdttees of the city council and would set a tenative date ßßr a pub:l;ic hearing for the 16th od! December... Attornéy Abraham said he would check the law and would notify the city clerk on whether or not a heEring could be held on that date. The City Clerk inforl1}ed the Council that the Mayor's Preliiriinary Budget for 1970 had been turned in and asked the council to 'accept at this time the'Mayors I Preliminary Budgeet for 1970. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that the Mayor Sl Preliminary Budget for 1970 be accepted. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the council at thi~: time; it was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the meeting do now adjourn. .Motion carried. Attest: -,~ ~~A MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF ~OVEMBER18; 1969 N6vember18, 1969 Port Townsend, Wam ington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend, met ipregular ses~d~on this 18th day of Nov. 1969 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor ~mith presiding. Mayor Smith said that there being three new councilmen elected and one councilman re-elected Councilman Steve, Councilman Camfièld arid Councilman Scheyer have already taken the oath of office, Mrs Norwood who was elected counciøman would not be sworn in until the second monday of January. Mayor Smith asked Councilm-an Steve, Councilman Camfield and Councilman Scheyer to s<t~p forward and again receive the 6ath of the!roffièe so the public wo~ld know that they have been sworn in. ltfter again receivirg their oath of office, Councilmen Steve, Camfield and Councilmàn Scheyer returned to their proper stations as city councilmen of the city of Port Townsend. . ,-- " Ma!Jor Smith said that we also have a new city treasurer that she had received and taken her oath of office and at this time woul~ lik~- to_?ongrat~late Verna Spin~or the new Ci ty Treasureï. Mayor Smith said he ,would like to coIigratuláte the only councilman present tonight for service to the public dUring the time he. was in office' andHhopedhe Could continue his civic interest. Past Councilman ,Ruby thanked the' ~ayorand said at-this - time he vlOuld also like to thank all the councilmen,' city' officials, , and all thedepartments of-the city for their cooperation th~t they'had given him while a councilman for the city ~nd said that he would continue to be around. . ., Mayor Smi th also said that CouncilmanSiebenballnf, Who has been ill of late and it was the reason for not - being here, that counc ilmari Siebenbaum had put. in a J~ot of years as councilman with the good of the city at heart, and ,at all times a good solid contributer to the community. ROLL CALL Officers" and members' present were as" follows ~ 'Mayor Smith,' Ci ty Attorney Abraham, City Clerk) Youngblood, Councilmen, Mòody, Lindsey, Steve, Camfield, Judy, Hoglund & Councilman Scheyer. MINUTES OF THZ PREVIOUS SESSION It was moved by Counciihman Hoglund seconded--by Councilman Lindsey that the minutes o:t: the previous session be dispinsed with. Motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS The following communications were presented and acted upon as fol1ows: From Kramer, Cijmn & Mayo, Seattle, 1¡Vn. November 17,1969, to:wit Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Port Townsend Port Townsend, Washington 98368 Re: Ci ty Hall Study Gen tlemen: Despite a consid.er. a. ble 'e~.fort o~'~h~ p3.~t-of the Council and M.a:yo:-- Sn1..ith an~ ~ not inconSidera'dlle expenditure of funds for the feaSlbllity study conducted by our flrms the cltlzens of Port I Townsend rejected the plan for prôviding impråved public facilities which' you put on the Nov,. 4 ballot. We can imagine yoùr disappointment and probable" confusion as to the best method of proceeding fr~m this point. It would appear to us somewhat as' outsiders that perhaps things movl3d to rapidly for adequate dissemination of- all of the facts, and-consideration of the many questions in the mind~ of the people. If we may, we would like to suggest that an effort now be made to bring more citiz,ens '--~_.__._--