HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/1969
Councilman Ruby mention(")d theat there Vlere~'ui te a few caterr.:illars running around the
trees and suggested thnt the city take a hand to see what could be done. Mayor Smith said
he would chock with the coun<ty and others to see what they were doing.
As there vIas not further business to come before the co1,.lncil at this time it was moved by
Councilman Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the meeting do now adjQw-n.
Motion carried. ~
¡'¡Ay8~ /, ~
C l t, 1 e,
June 3, 1969 .
Port Tormsend, Wa shingiØ 11
The City Council of tho C:t ty of Port Townsend, mot :'Ln regular session this 3rd day of June,
1969, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor ;:;mith presiding.
Officers and memo-:.:œs present were as follows: Gayor Smi th, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen
I;~oody, Lindsey, Siebenbaum, Ruby, Judy, Hoglund, Scheyor. City Attm:'noy Abraham a>sent.
The minutes of the previous session wore road in full ~md it was moved by Councilman Lindsey,
seconded by Counc ilman Ruby that the minutes be approved as read and the IÙayor and Ci ty Clark
sign same. Motion carried.
'I'he following bills and claims as audited by tho finnnce COffi1'11Ï ttee were py'esonted nnd ac ted
Ufìon as follows:
CUHR::;NT EXPENSE FUND----------------------Voucher No.
STHEET PUIID-- -----.- - ---- ----------- ------- Voucher No.
VifATER FUND--- -- ----- ------.:.------- ------ -- Vç)uchor No ~
GARBAGE FU~~-----------------------------~Vouchor Ho.
PARK FU}ID---------------------------------Voucher lJo~
LIBRARY FTJND------------------------------Vouchor No.
PIRENEH PEHBG!OH & R3LI?E FUND-------------Vouchcr No.
1967 SEY::m CONS'I'. FUlW----------------:----Voucher No.
through 6:398. ---18'445~35
through 1;311 --- 3:, 353~ Z2
t:b-.rough 2,~70 --- 3,549..:>2
through 1:117 ---Jtl,045~77
through 9.L3 ---~þ 216.16
through 1:303 ---î 956~53
through 277 ---~. 20.00
tm"'ough 1157 ---~9, 967.18.
I t was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy tha~:; the bills and claims be
approved as rend and the Mayor and City Clerk drnw warrants upon the propur funds for payment
of same. Motion cro"'ried.
Ci ty Clerk
'I'he city clerk repol...ted the regular salary warrants for the Month of May 1969.
CURR3NT EXP~NSE FUND----------------------Voucher No~
STREET FlmD-------------------------------Voucher No~
V1ATER FU1'JD-- ---------- --- --- ----- ----- ---- V'JUChOl'" No.
GARBAGE Fülm-- ------ ---- ----- - --- -- - --- ---Vouc'hel'" Ho.
P PiE1\: FT.J1I1D----- --------------- ---------- ---Voucher H o.
LIBRlillY FUND------------------------------Voucher iJ <).
FIREiiI¡~N PENSION & lŒLIilli' FUlID-------------Voucher No.
6327 through 6:347 ---~r6, 897 ~95
1492 thr ough 1497 ---~p2, 242.03
2241 through 2~~ íl6 -~~~fl, 982~ 07
1398. thr ough 1401 ---~1,~24.31
904 ---'i,ê 316.56
1777 thr ough 1'778. ---~~ 435~28
274 throup;h 2'75 ---~? 700.00
The treasurer 1 s report vIas re[\d in full for the J\Ionth of May 1969, Ftnd 1;/['.3 ol'derod filed.
'Iho police report WaS read in full for the Month of May 1969 and W:1S ordered filed.
The follO\ving building permits were presented and actod upon as follows:
James Boggs, Carport, 20'X24', Ii'ranle, 10th & Hendl"'ic1::s, $300.00.
Archie J. Charavlell, Re-roof, Shakes, Taft 8: Adams, $~1,380.00.
It was moved by Colmcilman Ruby seconded by Councilman L:~nc1sey that the build:i_ng permits be
granted. Motion carried.
The follov:ing communications wore presented end acted upon RS follows:
From American Legion, Port To~nsend, Vfu.
?'lay 27, 1969
to: vii t:
Honorable Mayr and
City Council,
City of Port Townsend,
fort Townsend, hashington.
The American Legion Post No. 26, of i~'ort Townsend, Washington, beIng the owners nnd. developGrs
.._--- -
MIlWl'ES OF. THi!: R~GULAH SESSIOlT..__?F'..- ~{..E__~!_~?6~!__~..~'TTI!\TUEI2__..__--------
. .-.-...-.. -.-"..-...... - -.-""""'.---"--" ..-..-....."...-..----------------
of the Roy Carroll I,;Iemoria1 Park, located at the western boundary of the City of Port Townsend,
on State Highway #113, in an open moeting have authorized the undersigned to petition the City
Councl for the following:
(1) To provide a wator line along State lIiC;hway #113, or any alternate route deemed most
feasab1e, to tho propdrty in question; and
(2) Ask ~ha~ the capacity of the water line be of sufficient size to accomodate one and
pollibly two fire hydrants.
~Je wish to call attention to the fact that the City Park at the intersection of Higrmay #113
and Discovery Road is in need of botter water facilities, and this should be incorporated in
our requost.
Yours respectfully,
American Legion Post No. 26,
Dennis Sullivan.
Criddle 'il. Partee Sp.
Uo:"'mi ttee
Mayor Smith said that the abovo colTImunicatian would come up under new business.
Port TOimsend, \'111..
June 3, 1969
To tho City Council of Port Townsend;
Dear Sirs:
We the undepsigned to hereby respectfully ask the city coundil to extend to us individully and
collectively the same pights and priveleges unjoyed by tho other citizens of Popt Townsend.
lie ask that the city extend adequate lines to our homes flnd business ~'nd to locate a fire hydrant
at cit~- limits for our fire Pl"otoction.
And that t~ere also be locatod at the city limits crossing a stroot light.
Yours respectfully,
Sam Taylor, Agnes Taylor, Josua N. Hopris,,"Joltha O. lJorl"is, IiHldrod Smith, Erwin Graur,
Virgil L. Soe, ~h."llis A. See, Hopman F. Smith.
Additional familios ape now be:tng served by this same I" water line, rrior to ¡vater coming to the city
limits aroa.
I.1ayor :Smith said that the above conl'l1unication vlOuld come up und er new business.
'J'Jater 'Supt. Minlsh asked the council:,o give their conccn t in nutting a water line at the
fort cemetery. He YiPS "nformed that the council had alloeaq,rc:;ivon their approval. lIe also
said that there was about 350' of 2" water 1 ne to be put in at 14th & Hendricks, the people
¡¡¡ere paying for the pipe and wanted the city to dig and "lay the pipe, he sf'.id at the IT esent
tinle he could not get a digger due to the sower project.
MlW or Smith said at this time there would be a Public Hearing for the vacation of an Alley
in B1øck 32 od tho Railroad Addition that was scheduled for this meeting, he asked the city
clerk to again read the petition. After the reading Mayor Smith asked for comments, anter sam$
discussion it W2.S the opinion of the council that it V{i)uld benefit the city to vacate the alley
for the alley in question was unuseable. Councilman Lindsey made a motion seconded by Councilman
Judy that the petition to vacate the alley be granted. Motion carried.
Under old business Æayor Smith brought up the two building permits that were held over due
to the fire zone and he said that there was a question in his mind that fufuis residential area
should be in the fire zone.
Councilman Siebenbau~ said that the city engineer and the fire chief had got together and ha~
crone up with a plan to eliminate some territory that was originaly included in the fire zone,
and in the plan it would put the two permits in question out of the fire zone. Council~an
Siebenbau~ made a motion seconded by Counci1man :Ruby that the City Attorney be authorized to
ammend the present fire zone ordinance to agree with the plan drawn up by the City Engineer.
Upon tho Question, Eng:i.neer j'arren explained to tho council the map of the present fire
zone boundaries, the proposed new boundro"ies and areas to be considered. After some discussion
it was the opinion of the council that the plan sho"ld be studied further so that a decision
could be reached at the next regular session. Councilman Siebenbaum withdrew his motion,
Co>lllcilman Ruby withdrew his second.
!/Iayor STIli th said who t we are s till left Vii th the two building permits. Councilman Lindsey
said even though we are f'1uite sure that the area in nuestion will be out of the fire zone, he
would make a motion to grant the two pepmits, seconded by Councilman Judy. Upon the question
ColIDcilman Siebenbaum said he could not see how the permits could be granted because they were
refusedci.nt the last meeting, the ordinance is still in effect until changed. Again after.
some further discussion, Councilman Lindsey withdrew his motion, councilman Judy withdrew his
Councilman Siobenbaum said he didnt want to start an argument but in the last issue of the
Leader, a story \vas printed which appeared and gave the impression that the city has more wc:ter
than it actually does. He said due to reduced usage at the CZ mill was aimed to construct ffi1
additional facility, the companys saving has nothing to do with the &~ount of water alloted to
the city under the existèng lease, we are still only alloted four million gallons per day. He
also scid that people weI'e misuse ing v¡ater due to no sprinl~ling regulations. ~,layor Smith så.å.d
that if the citizens cannot exercise voluntary control, the the city would have to turn back
to something w_ich can be enforced.
Harry Deits reported on tho butterfly vãtlve that was ordored last Aughst, say'..ng due to strikes
and etc, they had f:~nally received confirmation that the valve should be here this month, he
stated that the valve would àolve quite a few problems and that it would control the right
level of water at the pesorvoir. .
I,iayor Smith brought up the tvlO requests :for a more adeouate water supply at the city entrance,
Counci'man Ruby stated that the two re uests were hand in hand, that there wwas an inadequate
water pressure and a lack of i'ire hydrants ..n that area.
l~later Supt. Joe Y:I::inish explained that there WaS .""bout ono and one-ha¥ miles on one inch pipe
wfuich was a private line, it wns only intended to provide only three residences but was gradually
hooked into by numerou1s additional users.
Mr Smith of the Town & Coun ry Grocery sard-tllñt-at-t-].mes _-~è -O-'JTI-c.omp--." - -- -
water preasure, and Mr See said that he had requested the city for more water a ~ew yea::s ago,
and wer'e told we would get water when mope became availab¡.l1;:. He said he noted tnat durlng the
past fevJ years the city'.'has grown and water has been supplied to a considerable number of
new homes.
Mayor Smith said he felt that the council should not make a decision at this time, that he
would refer it to the water cormni ttGe. '
Counc ilman Hoglund said th3,t while inadequac ies of the 1 ine are the responsibili tfues of its
owners, the city also has'a responsibility to provide its citizens with water. He said in past
situat:Lons of this nature, certain practices have been generally adhered tQ but there has been
no official city policy regarding installations, assessments, etc, and felt an engineor~ng
study would appear to be a logical procedure.
Harry Deits, city planning col~missiQn member, said the situati~n is not unique to this area
and póint~d out the need for an ov0rall comprehensive planning.
Engineer Warren suggested a special study session with the appropriate city committee, the
planning cOlmnission before the next regular session. After some discussion Engineer WarDen
said he would notify the members of the date and place for the meeting.
Councilman Hoglund said before this could be done, Engineer WarrCin would have to be retained
for another month. Councilman Hoglund made a motion seconded by Councilman Moody that Enginee!I'
Warren be retained for another month. Motion carried. I
Engineer vVarren submi tted a proposal from Kramer, Chin & Mayo for Phase 2 services regarding
investigati'cn of the city hall bu'lding. The proposal was for detailed investigation of the
city's space reaU:L,roments for administration, public Horks, police &: fire protection and etc.
It included the rehabilitation of the existing city hall whore the costs would include exterior
repair and trim, interior decoration ffild finish, and mod ern utili ties and also lanc1sca.. ring nndl
also give the cost for new facilities. The study would be a joint effort by tho architectural
and engineering team and the rep<?rt would be completed in 180 days of acceptance of the proposal
He said the total cost would be fr,7,000.. I
After some discussion on federal funding and etc, Mayor Sm:Lth said he did not thirLÌ{ thecitYj
should delay any longer than necessary for tr-/iI¥~ to get it on. the ballot this comming election
woul be running real. .close. He also said that tJ:.lere was 20,000. in this years budget to take I
care of tJn;y'such_expénse as this. '
Councilman Hoglund said that he didnt care to much of the federal funding and he didnt thing¡
it would be any cheaper' two weeks fDDm tonight so he made a motion seconded by Cannci1man
Ruby the proposal presented by Eramer, Chin & Mayo be accepted. Motion carried.
liIr Smith of the Town & Country Grouery said that there had been a request for stree~ lights
along with the petiti,n for water at the city limits crossing. Mayor ~:;mith referred the
request to the light cormnittee.
As there vias no further business to come before the council at this time it was moved by
Councilman Judy seconded by Councilman Hiebenbamll that the meoting do now adjou Motion
ä - f7
Attest: /U.~. ~
'-1 0'1 C-r
June 17, 1969"
Port Townsend, W3shington
'1'he city co\..1ncil of the 6ity of Port Townsend, mot in regular ses~¡ion this 17th day of June
1969" at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. J\íayor Smith presiding.
Officers and members present. ì'v'ere as follmvs: Mayor Smi th, City- Attorney Abraham, Ci ty ClerMi
Youngblood, Cc;uncilmen Scheyer, Hoglund, Ruby, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Moody. Councilman Judy
arrived during 'new business.
It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by C'J1incilman Hoglund that the minutes of the
previous session be dispensed with. Motion carried.
The following building permits were presented and ac ted upon as follo'ws:
Gael Stuart, Office Bldg. 14'X20', Frame, KeaI'ney &W6shingtol1,~;2,~)OO.OO.
Tom Parks~ Canopy; 25'X30'X31', 3toel Post & Eye Beam, Hot-mop'roof), $2,500.00.
Russell C. Cammer, Garage, 24'X30','Frrume, 711- 27th St; $850.00.
James Parker, House, 26'X40', Frame, N & Beech; ~~13;000~00~
Verne Geick, House, 45'X24', Frame, Cherry & 0, J17,OOO.OO.
4th & Hancock.
Enginee Warren said that he had inspected the request for a canopy at the Texaco station,
and that it armlied to the fire code. ;:,Ia70r Smtth said he woUld hold the ro\1uest for'the
canopy, and the request for the office building for discus3ion later on J,n the moeting.
Councilman Hoglund TIlGde a motion seconded by Councilman Ruby that the two house permits and
garage permit be granted. Motion carried.
Councilman V_ndsey said that he had a call from Bud Almneter on the permit for the canopy,
saying that he had neglected to get Öne before leaving but had Mr Par1rs get the ¡:e rmi t for him.
Iilayor Smith again asl<:ed if it applied to the fire code, Engineer Warren again said th3.t it
ar-plied to the .fire code. CouncLLman Lindsey made n motion seconded by Councilman Ruby that
the :re rmit be granted. Motion carried.
The following communica ti on was presented and ac ted upon as follows:
- - -