HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/16/1968 155 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 2, 1968 CONTINUED 8 Mayor Smith said at the last council meeting it had been requested by the Jefferson Clallam County Cbmmunity Action Council to appoint one electibe official to the council~ He said that he was appointing Councilman Scheyer to that position. ' Mayor Smith said for information on the sewer lUlling, all the billings have been gone through and are issuing this week about fifty additional sewer bills. He said that some would probably come up for negotiation. He s~id that this malf improve our, position with McLean & Co. some. I Mayor Smith said that the City Attorney, the Chief of Police and himselfy met with a represen- ative of the union that has been certified by the state as the union representing the police. patrolmen, he said there was a rough draft porposed and would like to meet wi th the council to go over and prepare our own position. Mayor Smith called for a meeting for July 9th and would send them a card telling them where and what time. ' I Councilman Hoglund said he would like to find out what we were going to do on the Hastings sewer. Mayor Smith said he felt that one way or another we have to get a sewer up to that area, it has been discussed the city doing it themselves but at the present time we do not know for sure just how much money we will have left over from the previous job. It was disucssed by members of the Council and City Attorney on different ways to finance the Hastings sewer such as by Revenue Bonds, Lids, the city putting the trunk line in and the residents of that. area go together-and put the laterials in. No further acti n was taken at this time. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the council at this time, it was m9ved by Council!œn Siebenbaum seconded by Councilman Lindsey that the meeting do now a~gourn. Motion carried. 8 ,v~ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF JULY 16, 1968 July 16,1968 , Por t Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 16th day of July 1968, at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the city Hall. Mayor Protem Siebenbaum prisiding. ROLL CALL I Officers and members present were as follows': Mayor Protem Siebenbaum, City Attorney Abraham City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Scheye'r, Judy, Ruby, Hoglund, Lindsey, Moody. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSI N Minutes of the pr evious session were read in full and it was moved. by Counc.ilman Judy secondeifl. by Councilman Ruby that the minutes be approved as read and the 'Mayor and City Clerk sign same. Motion carried. COMMUNICATIONS The following communications were presented and acted upon as follows: From Port Townsend Library Board, July 12, 1968 to:wit? 8 City Council Por't Townsend, Washington .' - Gentlemen: From a recent survey of property on which the Port Townsend Public Library is located, we note that the City of Port Townsend also has title to Lot 103, a 55'XllO' lot adjoining the library site. I We respectfully request that the council reserve this lot for future development of the library facilities. With the growth of our community we foresee the possibility of such development in any comprehensive plan for the city. I Sincerely, Por t Tovmsend Library Board Neil Potthoff, Chairman Mayor Protem Siebenbaum said that the property mentioned is not for sale, lease or rent, and assured the Library Board that the property would be kept for Library use and nothing more. OLD BUSINESS Ordinance No. 1537 duly recordèd in the minutes of the previous session and had to be held over due to its contents was again brought up for passage or rejection. I§ was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Judy that the first reading of Of Ord. No. 1537 be considered the second reading and the third reading be by title only. MotioB carried. 8 The City Clerk again read Ord. No. 1537 by title only and it was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Counci¡man Judy that the ordinance do now pass. Motion carried. The city clerk informed the lVIayorand council that there was a letter and a resolution from the Puget sound Power & Light Co. for a renewal street lighting contract for the city of Port Townsend, he read the following letter and Resolution. From P. L. Copps. Puget Sound Power & Light Co. July 12,1968 to:witl \ " F156 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SE')SION OF JULY 16, 1~68 CONTINUED ---------, .._--. -- -- -..- --,.-,------- -----,-- --- -,--..-----,-.-----.,-,--- ---- ------------ Honorable Mayor Frank M. Smith All City Councilmen City of Port Townsend 8 Dear Gentlemen: Confirming my telephone call to Mr. Mickey younglood on July 12,1968, enclosed is the street lighting contract for renewal. I am sorry that I will not be able to attend the meeting on Tuesday, July 16, but I will not be in town. Please return all copies and then we will return your signed and executed copy. Thanks: I Yours truly, P.L. Copps Loc al Iv; anager RESOLUTI N 68-9 R2S0LUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CONTRACT WITH PUGET SOUND PO':VER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR FURNISHING MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING SERVICE. I WHEREAS, PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY has offered to furnish for a period of 10 years, upon the terms set forth in the following proposed form of contrac~ to-wit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Port Townsend that a contract be entered into with Puget Sound Power & Light Company for th~ furnishing of Mlmicipal Street Lighting Service upon the terms above pr oposed, and that the Mayor be and he hm~eby is authoriz:ed and directed to execute and deliver such contract on behalf and in the name of the City of Port Tovmsend, and the clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to attest such contract and to affix thereto the seal of the City of Port Townsend. 8 Duly adopted this day of , 19 MAYOR ATTEST: Ci ty Clerk Mayor Protem Siebenbaum informed the council that the contract is a continuation fo the present contract with Puget Sound Power and Light Co. I It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Moody Resolution No. 68-9 adopted. Motion carried. be Mrs Floyd Imislund again bro~t the Hastings sewer project up the the council and asked to have GO Bonds for the pro jec t rut on the ballot in the cJmming elec tion. Mayo:r' Protem Siebenbaum said that the council is still seeking methods to gat a sewer in that area, whE~ther to seek GO bonds or finance through LIDs but assured Mrs Imislundthat all would be considered as soon as all the figures are available from the original project. STREET VACATI')N The petitinn to vacate a porti-n 6f Hood street which had been tabled by the council was again brought before the council the following letter was read on the hood street vacation. 8 From George R. Wallace Port Townsend Wn. July 16,1968 to-wit: Members of the City Council Port Townsend Washington. Subject: Request to vacate Hood Street Gentlemen; I Since my 1e tter to you of' December 17, 1967 s ta ting my opposi tion to the requef3t to vacate Hood Street from 35th street in to David's Addition is still under consideration, I submit the following information. ' I, the owner of David's Addition, would be agreeable to this request from Doctor Roger Dickerson to vacate this portion of Hood Street, but not until an acceptable ingress route was constructed into the corner of 39th and Olive Streets in order to provide a suitable route to all of David's Addition. Upon compltion of such a roadway into this intersection I would be willing to eooperate in the request to vacate the said Hood Street but believe you will agree that an access roà.dway sho1.i be completed prior to any vacation. Thank you very much for Y°llir:' consideration and interest in this matter. Yours very truly, I George R. Wallace, owner David's Addition The city clerk said that he had wròtè -.a letter to the planning commission for a report on the vacation of hood street but did not receive a letter in return budJ the cha:Lrman of the planning commission had contacted him and out of the seven members only three had met and were in favor of the vacation if an access road to Mr Wallaces property was put in. Mn Dickerson said that that was agreeable to him but before he did he w:nùd like to have thø co~Jncils aSSllir:'ance that they ~uld vacate the street. 8 After some discuss ion it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the portion of Hood streetvbe vacated on the condition that Dr Diderson put in the access road for Mr Wallace and to Mr Wallaces satisfaction. Motion carried. H !i i 15'7 I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSrON' OF JULY'16" 1968 CONTINUED 8 Councilman Lindsey said that he would like to ammend the regular motion to the effect that if Dr Dickerson did not put in the road in six months time it would automacticly cancel the vacatio portion of Hood street. Seconded by Councilman Judy. Motion was carried. Mr Darrel Sisson of Chelan Washington spoke before the council sa~.ing that he had purchased some property in the ci ty which was block L' in the Ei..3enbies Addn. He said the ci ty owns some land in front of his prDperty about 50' wide which tapered down to nothing and asked if he coultl buy it. Mayor Protem Siebenbaum referred the request to the street committee for a report at next regular session. ADJOURNMENT I As there Councilman was no further business to come before the counc il at th1.s time it was moved by Judy seconded by Counc ilman Lindsey that the me eting do now adjourn. Motion carried. MAY~~~ ~ ~ I AtteatJi,~~~ - Ci l' MINUTES OF rrHE REGULAR SESSION OF Augus t 6, 1968 8 August 6,1968 Port Townsend, Washington The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session this 6th day of August 1968 at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL Officers and members present were as follows: Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Hoglund, Judy, Ruby, Siebenbaum, Lindsey, Moody. Councilan Scheyer absent. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS SESSION It was moved by Councilman Lindsey'seconded by Councilman Ruby that the minutes of the previous meeting be dispensed with. Motion carried. BILLS & CLAIMS I The following bills and claims as audited by the finance committee were presented and acted upon as follows: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-------------------Voucher No. 5637through 5686 ..-- 7,407.82 WATER FUND-;..------ ------- --------------Voucher No. 1920through 1945 .._-, 5 , 385.96 STREET FUND-~--------------------------V9ucher No. l266through 1281 ..-- 1,525.22 GARBAGE FUND--~------------------------Voucher No. l2l2through 1223 .--- 1,657.67 LIBRARY FUND---------------------------Voucher No. l540through 1563 .,-- 877.68 PARK FUND------------------------------Voucher No. 804 through 810 294.98 FIREMEN RELIEF & PENSION FUND----~-----Voucher Nol 226 through 229 51.36 ORDINANCE NO. l506---------------------Voucher Nol 69 through 72 .,-- 2,507.05 It was moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by Councilman Lindsey thatX1t~~lMa~g~ ~Hi~~t~ecî1ê~k°v,ed draw warrants UDon the proper funds for paYm~t of same. Motion car1'ied. 8 OFFICERS REPORT City Clerk The City Clerk reported the regular salary warrants for the Month of July 1968. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND-----------~-------Voucher No.56l7 through 5636 .,-- 6,075.47 WATER FUND-------------~---------------Voucher No.1914 through 1919 ..-- 1,83~.43 STREET FUND----------------------------Voucher No.1260 through 1265 ..-- 2,183.67 I GARBAGE FUND---------------------------Voucher No.1207 through 1211 ..-- 1,921.72 LIBRARY FUND---------------------------Voucher No.1538 through 1539 u_- 431.43 PARK FUND------------------------------Uoucher No.803 through 280.53 FIREMEN RELIEF & PENSION FUND----------Voucher No.224 thro4šh 225 300.00 TREASURER The Treasurers Report was read in full for the Month of July 1968 and was ordered filed. I POLICE The Police Report WaS read in ,full for the Month of July 1968 and was ordered filed. BUILDING PERMITS '8 The following building permits were presented and ac ted upon as follows: James H. Tichgelaar, Remodel Home, 1909 Haines, $500.00 H; R. McKee, Addition to Hill Top Taver, 22'X5~, Concfete Blick, Sims Way, $4,000.00. Robert Sahli, House, 24'X42', Frame, Lot No. 5,.Ellis Addn. $17,000..00. Robert Sahli, House, 24!X40!, Frame, Lot No.4, Ellis Addn. $15,000..00. Norman F. Smith, Roof over Gas f'\1Il1Ilis, 16' X36', Frame" City Limi ts "Grovery, $500.00. Vern Geick, Fence, 100'X3', wire, 518 willow, $200.00. Vern Geick, Addition to Home, 25'X30', Frame, 31st & Sheridan, $2 000.00. Gäórge Capriotti, Addn. to building, .10' X20', Water & Sims, Way. $1,000.00. James V. Jensen, Surface Bank Parking Lot, Asþhalt, Quincy & Washington, $4,500.00. Donald J. Yantz, Patio, l6'X32', Frame, 917 Hufford, $120.00. Alfred E. Le,e, Porch, 5'XlO', Frame, 1406 Taylor, $150.00. It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Judy that the building permits be granted. Upon the question, Councilman Siebenbaum asked if the perm;Lts of George Caprio~t:t.tat Wa ter and Sims way was in the fire zone. Ci ty Attorney Abraham chec,k:ed the ordlnance an 1 WaSn ,fO'\lpd_- tb,l?,t; ,i~t_was .0U t of the fire z°r:le'!. MaJ:°r Smith c alleél for 9. vote. Motion was carried.