HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/18/1968 15~ MINUTES OF THE REG1J¡,AR SESSION OF JUNE 18, 1968, CONTINUED RESIGNATION Maymr Smi~ said he had a resignation of the sewer treatment plant operation, Mike Swietzer, effectibe the 23rd of June. He said that at the pesent time he had one of the street' department, employees at- the plant, that he also' had a couple of' communications from peopl,e v.lho had a certified treatment plant operatcbDB. license who were interested, but it would be a cut in pay to what they were getting, if it was decided to keep it local the treatment plant operat&r.'1. would be sent to school ]tater ebb. He also stated that the treatment plant would be under be undør Mr Ed Hawley from now on. It was moved by Councilman Ruby seconded by'Councilman 'Lindsey that tœ re::dgnati n of Mike swietzer be accepted. Motion carried. Mayror Smith said that he had another letter requesting him to appoint one eløctive officer from the City of Port Townsend as a member of the Clallam Jefferson County Copnuni ty Ac tion Council and asked if any official was interested he would appoint them. Mayor Smith said that under old business, that last tuesday, Carey & Kramer, engineering consultants and McLean & Co., the bonding company met with the city officials to discuss finan- cial feasibility of the ~ns~ings , Jackman sewer extension project, and it was the opinion of the bonding company that the overall project could not proceed because of the areas population density, that the city is in no financial position to proceed. Mayor Smith said that the'city is now working on the possibility of "constructing a line in the Hastings Ave ar'ea only. at an . estimat4d cost of $110.000. and that also the city is considering the possibility of constructing the Hastings Ave line itself without financing the cost through a bond issue. l\{ayor &nith also stated that Carey and Kramer had talked to the 'low bidder on the sewer extension "to see if the contractor would agree to cut-the job to'Hastings street on the basis of the-pr'ices on the bid submitted, the contractor said that"he co1.Üd not give an answer until he had talked to -his sub- contractors. Carey and Kramer had suggested that the ci~J pass a resolution requesting the low bidder for a thirty day extension on the terms of his bid. Mayor Smith said that with regard with finances in the sewer, he had reviewed the ordinances. New sewer service is furnished really when a sewer goes in front of their place. Whether the property makes a connection or not the service is furnished, when that line goes in the street in front of that house, and that service is never terminated until something happens to the line. He said the ordinance has no provision for discontinuing temporarly the sewer charge made to that house served by that sewer, whether or not they hookup, whether or not they go on vacation, whether or not the house is vacant, there is no provision in the ordinance for turning off that sewer service. He said that there were 25 or 30 houses at the present time not paying the sewer charge, these are the people that the bonding company figured would pay the sewer charge and according to the ordinance should be paying. Mayor Smith said he "fel t the ordinance should be enforced as written, make the char~es on the house as the ordinance provides, make the charges commencing J'u}y.:lst. He said the charge is legally against the owner of the property or his II agent, and a renter is not his agent even though he pays the sewer charge. After some discussiøn Councilman Moody made a motion seconded by Councilman Judy that the charges in the sewer ordinan8e be upheld starting July 1st. Motion carried. CoUncilman Lindsey said that he had been approched by some of the Cape George Colony residents to buy or lease the old Mack Fire Truck that had been returned from Port Ludlow. City Attorney Abraham said that before the City did anything with the truck, Cape George should form a Fire' district. Mr Reno said he would like to petition the council for 1600' of 4" water line in the ßundee Hill district, that the people in that area would pay for the~pipe if the city"would install the line. After some discussion, Mayor-Smith referred the request to-the Water Committee. Mayor Smith asked the counchil if they would like to extend the time 'limit on the low bid of T&E Construction Co. on the sewer extension line. It was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that the City extend the time limit for thirty days. Motion carried. Councilman Moody asked about the lease agreement Ðor the tennis court at Point Hudson, City Attorney Abraham said he would aheck with Mr Culp of Seattle and havå,aolease and also an emergency ordinance at the next regular session. Water Supt. Joe Minish asked the councils approval in enforcing the ordinance on hookups out side the city, he said that mobile homes ,were being moved in along side of permanmt residences and were hooking in to the water line, they were useing more water that ,they should and it was not fair to people who were on a waiting list for taps in the country. Councilman Siebenbaum said that we should stick to the ordinance, one house, one service. After some discussion it was moved by Councilman Hoglund seconded by Councilman Ruby that the water supt. be instructed to uphold the ordinance, one tap to one family, ,:me untit and to take what neCe,3SBrY; steps to enforce the ordinance. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT' As there was no further business to come before the council at this time, it was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the meeting do now adjolli~n. Motion carried. Attest: MAyÔJ~ ~'¿C::JJ7!P 8 I I 8 I 8 1',:"; I I 8 151' 8 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JUNE 18, 1968' June 18,1968 Port Townsend 'Washingtc.n The Ci ty Counc il of the City of Port Townsend, me t in regula:r:' sess ion this '18th day of June 1968 at 7:30 p.m. .in the council chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Smith presiding. ROLL CALL ~ Officers and members present were as follows: -Mayor Smith, City Attorney Abraham, City Clerk Youngblood, Councilmen Moody, Lindsey, Siebenbaum, Judy, Ruby, Hoglund, Scheyer. . I MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS- SESSION . It was moved by Councilman Scheyer seconded by Councilman Moody that the minutes of the previnus session be dispensed with. Motion carried. , BUILDING PERMITS I The following building permits were presented and acted upon as fòllows: MDs R. E. Martin, Fence, l18IX45'X5', wood, 1033 BanNess, $100.00 B.L. Lilly, Garage, 24'X24', Frame, 1243 Hudson, $2,000.00. Henry Decker, Gar, age & Store-room, 26'X3. 61t Frame, 1130 Hastings, $3',000.00. George Ear¡, Car-p~rt, Frame, 835 Pierce, 500.00. Cal McCune, Re-"ffioof, Tar, 1010 Water St~- 4,100.00. Robert Prill, Addn. to home, 20'X24', Frame, 722 S. St. $2,000,.00. Lester H. Hall, Garage, 10'X16', Frame, 5845, Hill St. $300.00. 8 The city clerk read a letter from I~ Criddle Partee who objeeted the ¡:ermit by Mr Martin to bU!bld a fence that he thought was on his property, he stated he would like to have the permit held up until a survey could be taken~ I Councilman Siebenbaum said that Mr Partee had called him and said that he felt where the fence was supposed to go was on his property and wanted to know if the permit could be held up until II the property could be surveyàd. Mayor Smith said he wonld reff~r the permit to the building cornmi ttee for investigation. City A ttorney Abraham stated t~a'l; in any event the man applies for a permit to build on his own property, the city assumes he is going to build on his own pro¡:e rty., the city is not concerned wi th private disputes that people ha'le. , Councilan Ruby made a motion seconded by Councilman Bi1l§'ðenBallm that the building P3 rmit for Mr MaÐtin be held up for further inves tigation and all other building permit s presented be approved. Motion carried. COMMUNICA'I'IONS The folluvdng commund.éation was I:t' esented and ac ted upon as :~ollows: I From Water Pollutinn Control Commission, OlYmpia, Wash. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City Hall Port Townsend, Washington June 11, 1968 to-wit: Re: Federal Grant Application for Sewage Treatment Work~ Construction - WPC-Wn-2ll, City of Port Townsend~ Gentlemen: 8 . Your request for a grant increase under Public Law 660, as amended, for the construc tion of an interceptor system, waste treatment facilities and outfall has been considered. By this letter you are notified that the project has received a priority rating for a federal grant increase of not to exceed $4,000.00. Your request will be certified by the Water Pollution Control Commission and a grant increase offer from the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration will be forthcoming as soon as federal Fiscal Year 1969 funds become available. Please do not hesitate to contact this office should you have any ques tions regarding your project or the construction grants program. I Sincerely your:3, J erne s P. Be hlkE3 Ac ting Dir ec tOJ~ . RESOLUTION NO. 68-8 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING THE SUM OF $100.00 FROM CONTRACTURAL SERVICES TO TEMPORARY AND HOURLY SALARY AND WAGES IN THE GARBAGE COLLECTI ON SERVICE APPROPRIATION OF THE 1968 BUDGET. . I The City Council of the City of Port Townsend in regular sesBi:Jn assembled, does hereby resolve: Section 1. There is here and hereby transferred from contraetural services to temporary and hourly salaries and wages in the appropriation for the garbage col1ection ,service. in the 1968 Budget of the City of Port Townsend the sum of $100.00. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Port Towæsend this _day of June, 1968. 8 Attest: Gale I. Yonngblood City Clerk Frank M. Smith Mayor Approved as to Form Glean Abraham City Attorney It was moved by Councilman Lindsey seconded by Councilman Hoglund that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried. , - -.....